#blankets and a hot drink
Healing Dream
For @amonthofwhump March Trope-a-thon Day 5.
You are traveling in the woods when you stumble upon a strange abode.  As you approach, you see the house is built of so many tissue boxes.  Brightly colored, multi-patterned boxes like painted bricks. 
Curious, you walk around. 
The doorway and windows are covered with thick blankets.  Tissue paper peeks out from the cardboard chimney, a white flame.
A tabby cat relaxes by the side of the building.
Around the back, an old woman stokes a fire under a large black cauldron.  She beckons you over to sit in one of the plush chairs ringing the fire.  Once she’s satisfied with your comfort, she passes you a bowl of clear liquid from the cauldron.  It tastes of salt and herbs and sends a revitalizing warmth through you.
The cat emerges and lays by your feet. 
You drift off into a peaceful sleep.
When you wake, you are bundled deep in the comforter of your bed.  The cat rolls over where it sleeps in your lap.  A near empty box of Kleenex rests by your head.
You stretch out and inhale deeply.
The scent of warming chicken broth wafts in from downstairs. You’ll get up soon, but for now, you bask in warm afternoon sun and good feelings.
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here-comes-the-moose · 11 hours
Crosshair: I’m mean and cold-hearted. I don’t need anyone or any comforts.
Echo: Shut the fuck up Crosshair, you get hurt if one of us doesn’t tuck you in and cry every time you watch Lilo & Stitch.
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mercisnm · 5 months
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Sweater weather shenanigans
Plus the lines, before I throw colours on it like an excitable squirrel:
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muzzleroars · 8 months
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their birthdays look different now, but it's not so bad
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vriah · 10 months
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My artwork for the @endlessbigbang 2023!
Sunrise in Chocolate Ink by @aquilathefighter
Dream Endlaez is newly living on his own and trying to make it as a poet. He starts going to work at a nearby coffee shop known for supporting local artists, where he meets a handsome and charming barista named Hob. Dream learns the business is not doing well, so he decides to host a poetry reading night to attract customers (and boost his career at the same time!), all the while falling for the barista.
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beeguillotine · 4 months
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Happy Miriam Monday!!
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thoselovelythings · 5 months
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Imagine v1 and ferryman forcing Gabriel to get some rest by tucking him into bed with a nice hot drink and dragging him back every time he tries to escape
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hpowellsmith · 1 year
the number of people who have told me they've stayed up all night playing Royal Affairs fills my author side with overwhelming delight but my parental/over-30 side with the hope that they're exaggerating because sleep is Serious Business
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Hello!!! Or rather, hello officially, I think I've finally gathered enough courage to start sending off anon now!! Because why not this is so much fun askjkbskbsnsosjksjsksnz <3
Since winter is coming if not practically here already tbh
Bonus points if this is in Snezhnaya!!! Because I'm not sure Liyue is capable of sending down that much snow.
Like,,, for a few days being unable to leave the house because snow has literally covered everything and opening the door means being met with a wall of solid ice. But of course in Snezhnaya that's to be expected so the house is fully stocked in supplies – so there's no need to panic! It's just that you just can't leave. (Cue mental image of Legacy attempting to burrow out before giving up because it's too much trouble.)
But sir mothman? Sir mothman is delighted he can keep you all to himself for a few days, without having to wait for you to return home from work.
Yes this does mean cuddle time under lots of fluffy blankets. :3
I'm so sorry lmao I'm literally freezing over here I need warmth and comfortttttttttttttt
you are so right about winter practically being here already because it has been FREEZING this past week!!! what on earth!!!
Snezhnaya was stuck in a particularly bad set of snowstorms at the moment, so it wasn't much of a surprise when you woke up one morning to the front door completely frozen. it's covered in a sheet of ice, and the windows are much the same- they won't budge no matter how hard you try- so you not-so-reluctantly put down your work bag and return to your bed, carefully sliding back under the covers. Foul Legacy, still asleep, stirs a little, letting out a drowsy, questioning trill, and you simply kiss his forehead and snuggle into his chest, happy to be under the warm covers again
Legacy is ecstatic when he fully wakes up a few hours later, nudging you gently and chirping happily- normally you'd be at work by now! but you're here with him! he glances out the window at the snow, falling without pause, and nuzzles his face against the crook of your neck with a purr. if snow means that you'll stay home with him, then he's more than happy to watch the snow fall for weeks on end. he only gets up when you get up, following you to the kitchen and plonking his chin on your shoulder as you make hot chocolate, rumbling in delight when you reach up to scratch behind his horns
oh and he DOES try to burrow out through the snow, less to actually get outside and more just to make you laugh- but he forgot how biting the cold can be, and hastily crawls back into the house covered in snow and ice crystals. Legacy whines, shivering as you attempt to brush the snow off his armor before wrapping him in a blanket and guiding him to the fireplace. he curls around you, his claws wrapped around your wrist as you bundle him in more quilts and covers until he's an Abyssal moth blanket burrito, toasty and sleepy and letting out soft snores
Legacy's a little sad when the snow finally melts and you can go to work, but he knows that it'll happen again- you're in Snezhnaya, and the next snowstorm is always just around the corner
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sensoryeen · 7 months
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✦ | Cozy Luke Skywalker Stimboard
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augustinewrites · 5 months
happy holidays to you and yours 🩵 (even if you don’t celebrate, this message is still for you!)
my most treasured gift this year was all of your wonderful interactions - asks you sent, replies you shared, all your likes and reblogs, everything. i love and cherish this blog and all of you with all my heart. this was a really good year for me, and i hope it was good for you too!
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ukegeek · 7 months
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Today is a hot choccy day 😤
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oliveroctavius · 1 year
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Billy Batson week day 5: The Marvel Family ft. my 70s no-time-bubble AU :)
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inquisitor-julia · 1 year
Question for my Dragon Age mage oc people: what does your oc's magic feel like in general?
I like to imagine that the kind of magic they favor + their specialization + a bit of their personality gives their magic a unique feel
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