captain-kiendinh · 1 month
Biobaby Hàn Quốc lọ 100g là loại thuốc được chỉ định trong điều trị rối loạn tiêu hóa và suy dinh dưỡng do kém hấp thu ở trẻ. Hãy cùng VIVITA tìm hiểu về loại thuốc này trong bài viết dưới đây nhé.
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Thuốc Biobaby (lọ 100g) là một loại thuốc không cần kê đơn, được sản xuất bởi thương hiệu Il Dong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd và và được đăng ký bởi công ty Samsung C&T Corporation. Thuốc Biobaby (lọ 100g) hiện đang được lưu hành tại Việt Nam với số đăng ký là VN-9848-10.
Nguồn: https://vivita.vn/review-thuoc-biobaby-co-tot-khong-cach-dung-hieu-qua-nhat.html
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blumenkinder-eu · 1 year
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Seit 2009 verkaufen wir nachhaltige Produkte, die die Umwelt schützen und Geld sparen. Damit waren wir richtig früh dran. Und darauf sind wir stolz. Es ist kein Trend sondern ein Lebensgefühl und die Tatsache, sinnvoll zu handeln. Natürlich, nachhaltig und sinnvoll. Und das für alle Beteiligten. Für die Natur, unser Klima aber auch für dich selbst ! Denn die nachhaltigen Produkte sind gut zu dir und deiner Haut und schenken dir rein rundum gutes Gefühl. Zudem schonen sie deinen Geldbeutel. Das war 2009 relevant, aber heute noch mehr. #spartipps #umwelt #zerowaste #klimawandel #besserleben #wohlfühlen #sanft #und #sicher #ichliebees #wellness #biobaby https://www.instagram.com/p/CnFecKTLXQq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suzukiblu · 5 months
Cassie makes a claybaby please!
“Oh gods,” Cassie says just a little bit hysterically. Did she make an actual Wonder Baby? Please tell her she didn’t make an actual Wonder Baby. How is she supposed to raise a Wonder Baby?! She can’t put a Wonder Baby in daycare! She can’t even ask her mom to watch her! What if she can fly?! She might just take off into the sky and get lost somewhere! She might get kidnapped by a supervillain or crash into a plane or get eaten by a fucking grue! 
“Then genetically speaking, do I need to set up a cover for a biobaby or a foster one?” Tim asks, eyeing Mae assessingly. 
“I still don’t have answers for any of this, Tim!” Cassie hisses at him. “I was very clear about my lack of answers for any of this, Tim!” 
“DNA test it is,” he says, patting at his pockets like he’s looking for an evidence bag. Given it’s Tim, she wouldn’t be surprised if he had a few, but that really doesn’t feel like an immediate priority. This is a crisis and not every crisis can be solved with Bat-prep! “She looks too young for preschool, but I can update my list of local childcare and kids’ programs in Gateway City.” 
“You just said that like you have a list of local childcare and kids’ programs in Gateway City,” Anita says. 
“I do,” Tim says, giving her a puzzled look, like why wouldn't he have a list of local childcare and kids’ programs in Gateway City. 
“. . . why,” Cissie says. 
“De-aging incidents, time travel, unanticipated custody issues or accidental pregnancies, emergency foster situations–” Tim starts ticking off, and Cassie cuts him off while making a note to recommend more therapy to him. Like, just a little bit more. 
“Why do you have one of those for specifically my city?” she says. 
“I don’t,” Tim says. “I have one for all our cities and also San Francisco and Happy Harbor. I update them on a rolling six-month schedule.” 
“. . . Tim,” Cissie says, staring incredulously at him. “You have problems.” 
“Do you want to have a list of capable and not-supervillain-compromised pediatricians on hand the next time the Justice League gets turned into kids or not?” Tim asks, looking mildly annoyed. 
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bonefall · 10 months
Does Bluestar atleast get to have Mosskit as her little one in Starclan..?
I'm gonna be honest chief, I'm weirded out by canon StarClan's permakits. It is a horror concept to me that children are stuck in the age they died at for eternity, lmao. Brr, ick
So in BB!StarClan, they actually choose their age. When you die, something 'happens' to younger members. It's like their lack of connection to the mortal plane makes them unique in how they become connected to the supernatural one.
All kits and apprentices receive the names they "should have had," and often take on the personalities it would have given to them. Mapleshade’s kittens, for example, are Larchface, Patchpool, and Petalstar. They even have their own jobs up there.
And Mosslight is no exception. They watch over Bluestar like a guardian angel. A particularly powerful one at that, they were destined to dethrone Thistlestar and so they have the strength of a fairytale hero.
So when Bluestar dies, they don't meet their 'little one' unless Moss chooses to greet her as such. They've lived! They walk in stardust and chase the spirits of mice back into the great milky way. Snowfur raised them, like she promised.
You don't have to raise a biobaby to be meaningful to someone. Bluestar was a mentor, an aunt, a leader. She was everything to Firestar, she's greeted by friends in the afterlife, she saved dozens of lives by preventing Thistlestar from taking power.
What matters most to her in that moment is getting through the wild trial she's about to experience.
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giggle-squiggles · 8 months
Gummee teething glove?!
Hello babies! do you chew on your hands when tiny? Are you looking for another tool to help immerse yourself into baby space?!
THEN LET ME INTRODUCE TO YOU!!!!! the Gummee Glove!
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See this? look like an ordinary teething glove for biobabies, right? Well...it comes in adult sizes...
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The two silicone sides are for TOUGH chewers, the heart goes into a pocket into the top to keep chewing away from your fingers, AND the black and white panel is a CRINKLE PANEL....YEAH, IT CRINKLES!!!! SENSORY BABY FUN TIME!!!
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i have two of the extra large, and I've had them for a year now, and let me tell you, they make me SO incredibly baby. I got that size to be able to spread my fingers and stretch my hands inside the glove, and they are a bit big so, if you're ok with balling your fist up, get the large! it still fits adult hands, and you get that baby clutch!
Ok, this is all i wanted to say! I hope this helps some babies on their road to comfort like it did me!
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20 Fic Writer Quesions
First, thank you @singeart and @mytardisisparked for tagging me!. I did a set of these last year and it was fun to see how my answers have changed since then!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
1.6 million and counting!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star Trek Voyager
Star Trek Prodigy
Sailor Moon
Harry Potter
Madam Secretary
Ive debated writing SwanQueen for a long time but by the time I had the energy and time to write, I'd lost interest in the show. I might rewatch and come back to it one day...
I have thought about writing Wynonna Earp or Tamora Pierce universe fanfiction but have yet to get an idea that grabs me. I like to find things i want to fix and it's hard when the source material is perfection.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Parent Trap (305)
Sailor Moon H Order of the Phoenix (289)
Sailor Moon H Half Blood Prince (222)
Eden's Deception (167)
Out of Reach (150)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! although if I'm busy or feeling down it can take me a while. Sometimes I forget.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I still think What Even is 3 Minutes takes the cake. Or I'll be Your First if You'll be my Last
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I Heard the Comm on Christmas Morn and Parent Trap
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Unfortunately I've gotten hate on fics since I started writing them... and it's become just something I expect to happen. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it confuses me. Sometimes it makes me sad. It really depends...
The memorable haters:
There was the delightful Fanfiction.net reviewer who got pissed i was "making everybody gay" (that was funny actually). I forget if they were the same person who flamed me when Mcgonagall and Hooch kissed under some mistletoe. I digress. They thought queering up the canon was like sinful or whatever. I was delighted to disagree and make the story even queerer.
Another person cussed me out for magically restraining Sailor Plutos time travel powers so my plot would work and for making her have feelings about it. aparently mad the senshi were not all powerful deus exmachinas who never feel feelings... That one stung. That was the reason I left FFN.
Hate because in Sailor Moon H, Harry Potter was not the main character.
Hate that I made a magic bio baby for the magical lesbians. (I can't have a biobaby with my wife irl, can't I at least let the fantasy girlies have one!)
Hate for including C/7 in a story
...I wouldn't call it hate for the fic but I have had an uncomfortable amount of commenters who hate on Chakotay any time I have him involved with Seven / don't have him grovel to Kathryn / really any time I let him advocate for how he's been hurt... at first comments like this stressed me out because i worried i had not written the character sufficiently sympathetic. But then Parent Trap breached containment and I got enough comments to be able to see I had definitely written the character fine... it was just that some people were always just rooting for a "Chakotay falls over himself to apologize to Janeway for not immediately dating her" storyline that... I'm not sorry 😅 I'm never going to write that. The older I get the more I feel like both of J/C just need therapy! They've been through so much trauma. Their feelings are valid (yes, even for other people).
Parent Trap breaching containment also meant that when I hit an irl rut and couldnt get in the writing headspace for a bit, a bunch of - sincerely, well meaning - fans got into their heads to start a commenting campaign to get me to update. I heard about it and panicked (i had bad experiences that year of getting people who only commented "update soon" and those conversely stressed me out and made me not want to write - I love fic writing for the conversations and community... so it made me feel like readers thought i was just a content vending machine). so just the thought of potentially getting an avalanche of guests, well meaning or not, begging me to update made me lock commenting until the fic was done. I wound up deciding after that that since "update soon" requests were becoming a lot more frequent that I'd consider before posting whether getting them would hurt my ability to finish. So most of the time now if I know a fic is going to reach a bigger potential community, I don't start posting it until it's almost done. That has had some upsides! (Im less dependent on positive feedback for motivation now!) and some downsides (no one comments on my fics with their theories anymore) but on a whole, a good decision.
Immediately after finishing Parent Trap I wrote Fever and got this amazing guest comment from someone who said (paraphrasing cuz i'm too busy to go find it) "Youre better than this. how dare you write this filth. J/C are better than this" that one had me laughing for days. But the comment did prompt me to create a second account later when I wrote a tentacle fic. At the time I worried i'd get a ton of similar flame comments from people who were subscribed to my main for other types of fic... but I am even feeling like that's unnecessary now. I write what I write! Yes, some of it is really dirty, weird smut. I'm not sorry.
Currently any time I post a Threshold AU fic an anon drops into my comments section in order to call me "Sick" and "Deranged"... they make me so sad I don't even make a quippy reply. I just delete them. I write that universe for my own wish fulfillment... Someday (soon, hopefully) I'm gonna have kids. And I am going to have to have conversations with them about who their biological dad is. Why they look like one mom and not the other, whether their non bio family love them even if theyre not blood related. I might have a kid who feels different from everyone else because they're queer or they're neurodivergent or they're some new alienating feeling I am totally unprepared for. and I'll need to help them navigate that.. Writing about hybrid salamander kids getting raised in a blended family is FUN. But more importantly... it helps me practice those situations. It comforts me to know that if the characters can figure this out in the AU then I can figure this out in real life! What the hell is sick and deranged about that!?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write all sorts of smut. I post the stuff that doesn't totally mortify me once i've gotten out of whatever mood had me writing the smut in the first place.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have exactly two crossovers to my name: Sailor Delta and Sailor Moon H. I think on the basis of word count alone Sailor Moon H (>500,000) is definitely the craziest.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I consider the unlicensed use of the AO3 archive for ChatGPT and similar LLMs theft. (and there are several court cases pending that are also seeking to address whether it is legally theft as it pertains to published fiction and newspapers). The canon creators of the fandoms I write for aren't allowed to make money by using uncredited ideas pulled from my fanfiction (just like I am not allowed to make money from writing fic with their copyrighted settings and characters) and i continue to be apalled that ChatGPT and other LLMs think they can get away with using others copyrighted ideas without permission. Especially that they can take advantage of people who cant profit off their own work.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
No but i would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Once with @magdalenejaneway, once with @jellybeansarecool and once with @trekflower and all three were fantastic!
Most of what I write for Threshold AU is also increasingly collaborated on a great deal by the AU creators and a few other folks. It's been going for over 2 years now and doing that more and more has enabled us all to drop more references to previous fics and to create a more cohesive body of fic for the AU. in general its just been so fun and fulfilling to make these stories with other people who are as invested in the characters as me and it just fills me with joy. I'm really grateful for you guys.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
On the one hand J/C have inspired over 50 fics, But on the other I have also been loving Sailor Moon and those ships since before I knew what fandom or shipping were. And really the only reason J/C inspire more fic is that all the sailor moon characters got a happy ending.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never want to give up on a WIP...
but I am in knots about what all to do with Out of Reach.
Out of Reach is a St:Prodigy S1 AU where Chakotay has amnesia and doesn't remember anything from his time on Voyager, all the while he and Kathryn are in a situationship with a baby.
There's two questions I never figured out how to answer: 1. Does he get his memories back. If so, how much and what enables it. and 2: Do he and Kathryn stay together?
On the memories front. saying he never recovers seems unfair to the character. But saying he magically does thanks to 24th century science feels cheap and disrespectful - to the reality of real memory loss and to the plot that built up so much tension around this. Saying he gets back some or more over time is more realistic, but left me uncertain of where exactly to end the story. Tying his retrieval of memories to Kathryn also tied me up in knots. On the one hand they're in love and thats romantic. on the other hand the optics of his recovery totally dependent on one person is icky.
I also found the baby really annoying to have there by the end - I still think he's cuteeee i really do!!! - it's just... he makes the "we should stay together and try to figure this out" answer a bit too convenient 😅. and he complicates Kathryns reluctance to restart their relationship. The more she resists, the more callous she seems (deliberately not trying to patch things up with her kid's father) when i really just want to focus on her fears that Chakotay would be happier without her and that even if they restart their romance, she might lose him again on a future mission. It's ironic because i originally created the baby to ensure she wouldnt just run away from her fears. And now hes contributing to my difficulty ending the fic...
Actually the more I think on it, my real problem is I could write my way out of this, but I cant do it in only one or two chapters and that makes me feel tired. i was sorta hoping to wrap that fic up. 😅🙈
16. What are your writing strengths?
Imagery has always been a strength for me. But i think I'm also getting really good at action scenes too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Only if it was information i wanted the reader to understand but not the POV character.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H way back when I was 15.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Universe to Mend - I even have a few sequel or companion novel ideas to come after it.
This has gone on a while... 😅 - thank you for tagging me and letting me ramble! i'll tag anyone else who wants to answer! have at it.
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the-owl-tree · 10 months
i need you to know your blog converted me into a dotc hater. or like. okay i read dotc at a certain point in my life and will always have nostalgia from when i was a dumb little kid who didnt understand themes and bad writing. but also im a dotc hater now. worth noting tho that dotcs fridging problem is SO bad that even as an autistic child who couldnt read between the lines of book and extract its messages, i could see there was a problem
you're not dumb for not understanding/seeing it!! i was the same when i read warriors, bummed out that they were killing off all the girls (because as a kid i always latched onto the girlies of anything) but still not really getting why it was bad. i still hold a lot of nostalgia for the first arc but on rereads i can see a lot of the thematic issues. reading comprehension is something that's taught for a reason and it requires refining, nothing wrong with not seeing stuff on the first go.
but yes holy SHIT dotc's treatment of women made me so uncomfortable on the first read. like it's insanely gross how many she-cats are just straight up brutalized for the plot to the point that they just had to keep making new ones appear because god forbid the male leads NOT have more biobabies.
welcome to the dotc haterisms club. first rule of it is to always be yourself. second rule is to beat gray wing with metal pipes
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erwinpapa · 5 years
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New zine called OPEN. #open #zine #drawing #illustration #organism #biohorror #biobaby #nightmarebaby #horrorbaby #biohorrornightmarebaby (at Lakewood, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByHS-U-nGbM/?igshid=i0scc3csf8sm
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libertykids · 4 years
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Wie seht ihr es mit der Nachhaltigkeit? Wie wichtig ist Euch dieses Thema? Unsere Mulltücher aus Australien sind nun noch weicher! Sie sind jetzt aus Bambusfaser & Baumwolle hergestellt! Bambus ist ein super nachhaltiger Rohstoff und hat sogar eine antibakterielle Wirkung! #biobaby #nachhaltigmama #mulltuch #mulltücher #babyshop #baldmama #geburt #geburtsbericht (hier: Trossingen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBRtA9FFG-/?igshid=13ll5h42vxjbr
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yateshq · 4 years
hey, i just don't think this rp is for me <3
Please unfollow!
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tragelotti · 4 years
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Adieu wunderschöner Sommervogel 💚 Wir finden es ist die hübscheste Wollüberhose ever 😍 #stoffwindeln #überhose #wollüberhose #waschenstattwegwerfen #babyladen #babyshop #kinderladen #kolbermoor #rosenheim #miesbach #kufstein #momtobe #momlife #momtobe2020 #babytrage #biokleidungfürskind #biobaby (hier: Tragelotti) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDa7cQHlzZA/?igshid=aja9j5go6m38
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blumenkinder-eu · 2 years
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Hast du schon gesehen... ALLES im Shop ist um mindestens 10% reduziert ! Alle Produkte solange der Vorrat reicht... Sichere dir dein nachhaltiges Schnäppchen aus dem Bereich #Stoffwindeln #waschbare #Monatshygiene und #plastikfrei Leben Wundervolle #ökologische Artikel, die #Geld #sparen ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Komm vorbei unter www.blumenkinder.eu ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ #mama #baby #lebenmitkindern #spartipp #biobaby https://www.instagram.com/p/CgFV3L3OLuv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tatams · 5 years
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Brrr langsam wird es kalt! 🙈🥶 bei uns gibt es viele tolle Wollanzüge, damit eure Kleinen es nicht nur warm, sondern auch noch kuschelig haben. Vorhanden sind welche von Engel, Reiff, pure pure, Mikkline und Lilano🥰 Feinen Montag euch 🤗 @engelnatur @mikkline @bubblekid @reiffstrick @purepurebybauer #wollanzug#walkoverall #wolle#schneeanzug #kidsfashion#ecofashion#eco#nachhaltig#kids#shop#bremen#tatams#engelnatur #reiffstrick #mikkline #lilano #purepurebybauer #nachhaltiginbremen #ökologisch#biobaby#schurwolle#waldorf# https://www.instagram.com/p/B4upJrvICNj/?igshid=1arsy0ie69301
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suzukiblu · 4 months
... thinking about an au crossover where the various versions of YJ and all the children they accidentally acquired get stuck in a room together.
How many babies is that? Including at least two baby Kons, I think?
. . . if we count EVERY time I've made babies happen to a member/members of YJ in a WIP . . .
fake cryptid Tim and brand-new Superboy's adorable eldritch eggbaby
baby clone Tobias and alllll his trauma
claybaby Mae and all her CUTENESS
( do we count the WIP where Kon force-adopted Match from the Agenda because we probably COULD, just saying )
( and Not-Kon/Not-Match IS technically your responsibility, Tim )
the one where Tim interdimensionally kidnapped a kid!Kon
Kon is getting a biobaby out of Knockout getting knocked up
Kon being too trans for this pregnancy shit is another biobaby
[ SPOILER ] is resulting in a TimKon biobaby
Kyra is Tim's biobaby and Kon's "biobaby"
[ SPOILER ] also involves a biobaby and a "biobaby" happening to Kon
clone baby Kenley happening to everyone BUT Kon but ESPECIALLY to Kon
YJ packs up and gets pupped obvi is resulting in, you know, pups
( SHOULD we count the one where Kon interdimensionally imprints on tiny interdimensional kid!Jon?? beats me!! )
And this isn't including, like, assorted implied/intended pregnancies and nanny-duties and the concepts I haven't written any actual prose for, haha, good looooord, self.
Okay so that is . . . at LEAST fifteen various flavors and fashions of YJ-related kids, depending on if we count "Kon adopts another literal teenager" and "Kon gets attached to interdimensional kid!Jon" or not, hahahaha, GOSH GUYS DO U THINK I HAVE A GENRE?? DO U THINK????
We're gonna need a bigger room, gang.
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bonefall · 1 year
What if the whole 'infertility WHOOPS nvm' situation was caused by the DF? Maybe all the DF knew was that one of Firestar's children was to birth three warriors who could destroy them, and they obviously thought squilf was the one to do that, so they either tricked her or starclan into thinking she was infertile. What they DIDNT plan for was Leafpool breaking the code and getting pregnant, still fulfilling the mini prophecy.
Also my knowledge on things post first arc is really fuzzy but could mudclaw's death be from the DF? That put Onestar in power who iirc REALLLYYY hates TC bc he doesnt want to seem too friendly with them, thus dividing the clans more. Could work the other way around with them sparking Mudclaw's rebellion, amd Starclan stepping in to send the tree down.
Good suggestions! But I think I've got these two situations down pat already
Squilf's Infertility
I just kinda prefer the idea that sometimes people are infertile, y'know? Especially Squilf. I also don't want the Dark Forest to go away and have to open up the question of, "If they're not cursing her anymore, can she have babies now?"
No biobabies for Squilf. She raises the Three, and is the mentor of Jessy's and Bramble's daughter, Sparkpelt. She's just infertile because that's how things are sometimes.
Mudclaw's Rebellion
For this one, the Dark Forest's only involved insofar as Tigerstar is training Hawkfrost.
I want to make sure that Mudclaw's rebellion stays Mudclaw's idea primarily; I don't want to fall into the trap of canon material where they keep blaming the actions of their villains on Born Evil Cats without whom there would be no problems.
Mudclaw accepts Hawkfrost's reinforcements, and promises him power in exchange for help... but it wasn't the Dark Forest, or Hawkfrost, that suggested killing Onewhisker. Mudclaw did that.
And for that Mudclaw is actually going to the Dark Forest! He will not be in StarClan for my rewrite, likely becoming one of the cats who ends up defending Ashfur's Tunnel post-TBC along with Juniperclaw.
#I also don't think Onewhisker hated ThunderClan from the offset#or even when he first became leader#The way I'm approaching him is as a person who was deeply affected by the fact his Clanmates wanted to KILL him#I see that as the most important moment for how I understand this character#I don't agree with the idea he hated it from the moment he got the power tbh#and I didn't like how Onestar's Concussion was like ''Wow ruling looks hard im so glad im normal and will never be deputy''#He seemed... Fine. With that power. Just using it to be friendly and seeking people to balance him out#Like it's super interesting he picks Mudclaw as deputy even though he ALWAYS fought with him. Even as far back as TPB#It struck me as him wanting to rule with a casual fairness. To not really approach being a -Star as being above others but using power in -#-the way Tallstar assumed he would.#But... Clan culture is at the root of many problems and Onewhisker to OneSTAR is no different#Rejecting Smoke and becoming a hardened Star comes down to how the xenophobic#and brutal battle culture isolates people who live within it#He can't live with disgrace. He's a coward. He wanted to do the right thing his whole life but what IS the right thing in a culture that -#values strength so hard?#I'll tell you; the right thing is becoming hardened. Rejecting your mate and son and becoming the assertive leader that WindClan was expect#ing#Idk. I have thoughts about him#Very different from general fandom consensus tho I think#Bonefall Rewrite
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Repost from @totoverien using @RepostRegramApp - Because babies need more attention 🍼👶❤️🎍 Organic babies kit : blanket, hat, mittens In organic Bambù fiber #biobaby #babyborn #babyshower #babyfashion #ecodeababy #ecodea #naturelovers #biomum https://www.instagram.com/gogreengiveback/p/Bw0esNFnrdC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8a3aymh6o3fc
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