#bing bang bong
mothafishas · 3 months
I’m sorry but is sister sister kidding with denying inspo on the chips look ? ?
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saltycryptid · 8 months
Saw you wanted drawing requests so I have a few ideas for you!
Wyll taking over the cooking from Gale for once then immediately regretting it when he sees that what they have to work with is 23 heads of garlic, 5 bottles of cheap wine, a single lemon, 15 stale baguettes, and a fish head. Now he sees why Gale complains about cooking duty yet always insists on doing it so no one else has to.
(Inspired by a fanfic) Shadowheart using a detect thoughts potion and deciding to see what her party members are thinking and Gale and Karlach and Wyll are all thinking about food, Astarion is thinking about what Wyll tastes like, tav/Durge is thinking of stabbing people interspersed with 'wait no that's bad don't do that', and Lae'Zel is having extremely gay thoughts about Shadowheart but is trying to resist acting on them.
Gale figuring out how to enchant some gloves and a coat to be heat resistant for Karlach to wear so she can hug everyone even with the burning engine. Karlach pulling him and Shart into a crushing hug ready to cry.
Shadowheart holding up imp bing bong saying 'look at him, how can you resist such a cute face?' And the imp in question is hideous and snarling at Lae'Zel.
Take your pic!
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Are you surprised I chose the last one on the list? I hope not XD The High Rollers D&D streams forever altered my life path, I will admit it 😳🙏 JUSTICE FOR BING BONG !!
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grootficguy · 8 months
i know the big bang theory isn't made for geeks and most of the scientific information presented in the show is incorrect but the big one that really prodded my gallbladder until bile ejected itself forcefully and violently from the nostrils is the episode where they're playing world of warcraft. as a wow player of 16 years, here's everything wrong below the readmore. idc if this gets notes im autistic and needed to vomit this out of my brain.
howard (i think) is lured by a troll woman under a bridge and gets mugged for all his gold. due to the language barriers in-game, this would be inter-faction PvP which can only happen by accepting a duel. also, players cannot be looted when they die. you can't even die in a duel. this shakily implies that he traded her all his gold, then followed her to a bridge and got ganked. if that is the case, he would be an alliance player with pvp flagging on. also, alliance can't trade with or speak with horde. (unless he was playing a demon hunter, in which case the troll would also have to be a demon hunter, and trolls cannot be demon hunters.)
raj says he's talking to an orc under a bridge in thunder bluff. the bridges in thunder bluff do not have ground beneath them. if you're "under a bridge in thunder bluff", you're about 50 feet beneath thunder bluff, in mulgore.
sheldon mourns the loss of his "battle ostrich" named "glen", implying that his level 85 blood elf was a hunter, and had a pet ostrich. these don't exist in the game. pets cannot be stolen, either.
howard says he found a tavern where black market weapon trades happen. the black market is a real thing, but it's never in any taverns. also, weapons that can be traded can just be put on the auction house. meeting someone in a tavern to give them the gold for a weapon is just way more difficult for everyone involved for no reason?
raj says other players are undressing his (female) character with their eyes, and howard tells him to stop dropping her sword and bending over to pick it up. if you "drop" (i.e., trail the weapon off your character screen and into the world) your weapon, you'd be asked if you're sure you want to delete it, and then it gets deleted. /bend isn't even an emote. raj also says he'll have sex with the goblin that raided sheldon's account. this is also something you cannot do. again, goblins are a horde race, and it seems they play horde. a goblin can't kill you if you're both players in the horde.
the main four arrive at "the gates of elzebub". not a place.
leonard tells everyone not to panic as this is what the last 97 hours of gameplay have been about. it takes 10 minutes maximum to travel anywhere in the game. unless he's referring to raid prep time. if this is the case, they would be wiped instantly. 4 players isn't enough for one dungeon, let alone a raid. also, you'd need to be really sucky at farming for potions, gems, vantus runes etc., if it takes you four days to prep. i raided with a high tier mythic guild EU and i prepped for like half an hour every raid night?
howard says a horde of goblins are guarding the sword of azeroth. weapon doesn't exist. virtually all goblins in the game are neutral and only attack you if you attack them. (venture co. and horde guards upon aggroing to an alliance player being notable exceptions.)
howard tells raj to "blow up the gates". nowhere in the game requires you to blow up gates to gain access, except uldum. raj then presses CTRL + Shift + B to cast whatever his gate blowing up spell (doesn't exist) is. not saying you can't do this, but STRL + Shift + B is such an awkward and clunky keybind. you'd use Q, E, R, F, V, Z, X and sometimes S before using B.
they're pulling off a highly challenging and intense raid with four players on laptops without mice. no.
raj begins spamming a cast key at a speed MUCH quicker than the cooldown for ANY spell in this game.
leonard says "my tail is prehensile, i'll swat him off". there are only four races in the game with tails: draenei, tauren, lightforged draenei, highmountain tauren, dracthyr, and vulpera. none of them have prehensile tails. in fact, nothing in this game has a prehensile tail that i can think of. there's like one hozen in pandaria that swings from a tree.
"tonight i spice my meat with goblin blood" you don't need to eat in wow for any reason other than gaining a stat buff, or to regain health. also, goblin blood isn't a reagent for cooking.
Sheldon gets the sword of azeroth, which isn't a thing. Also, Leonard tells him to use a "sleath spell". (reading from a transcript here.) i have no idea what this is. he also describes himself as a "rogue night elf". aside from putting the class before the race which is icky, rogues can't cast spells. also, above, sheldon was a night elf, not a blood elf. he also had a pet, making him a hunter, not a rogue. if he was a night elf, he wouldn't be able to play with the others as they seem to have horde characters.
15. sheldon couldn't just take the sword. the game would ask everyone to roll need before greed. or else it would be personal loot, where there is a small chance of the sword dropping for any player. he then sells the sword on ebay, which wouldn't be possible, as the only people he could trade a soulbound item to would be the others in his party at the time, within a 2 hour window. to be fair, howard buys it immediately so like, whatever. but it's still weird that he put it on ebay.
so yeah i hate this show for being so distinctly not made for geeks, but this stabbed me right in the autism.
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pesoprima · 6 months
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iiigris · 1 year
I feel like I should have known something was not right in my brain when I was 15 and laid in bed listening to Ramalama (Bang Bang) on repeat for close to six hours instead of sleeping at night
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leatherbookmark · 11 months
when kpop stans say something "is deep" or "has depth" it is recommended you imagine a puddle to start with, then adjust accordingly
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gayfck · 2 years
i can not stop listening to pop off ate… the performance of flexbomb girls made me fucking have itttttt i never got so hyped up from a girl group before
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qilinkisser · 2 years
aaa my mom finally left,,, gonna get back to it now
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lionblaze03-2 · 1 year
Sheldon cooper has done immeasurable damage for autistic society honestly
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the-casbah-way · 2 years
i want to tag my posts so i can find them again and look through my blog properly but it’s so annoying that tagging it means other people will actually see it ,, girly this is not for you
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morganmackerel · 1 month
Bing Bang Bong! (Buckshot Roulette sketch from last week)
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breeloveschris · 2 months
So wtf is it gonna take for Bing, Bang, and Bong to notice me??
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scarletttries · 1 year
Roman Roy x Reader Headcanons from Succession Episode 4.09 Church and State
Roman Roy x Reader Headcanons Part Three: Funeral Episode
Pairing: Roman Roy (Succession) x Reader
Word count: 1.8k (warnings: spoilers for the new season/episode of Succession, mentions of Logany child abuse and a violent crowd)
Author’s Note: Oh Roman Roy, you lost me with your dedication to a right-wing president, then drew me right back in by whimpering through the better part of an hour in the last episode. Thank you for all the messages asking for some headcanons from the Funeral episode, because it was a doozy! I hope you enjoy and thank you for every request that's come in during this season of Succession, I know it's going to keep me busy for a long time and I love that! Roman Roy masterlist here 😊
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Roman Roy Headcanons from Logan's Funeral:
- When you stood straightening Roman's tie that morning, hearing that same rehearsed speech for the hundredth time, you felt like you were loading up an aircraft carrier with too many passengers and not enough fuel; it was an impending disaster that could only be of the most mammoth proportions. Since the day he said that strangled goodbye down the phone to his father, Roman had been stoic, blasé even, in his grief. Or his pre-grief as he proudly called it. But you knew him and you knew grief better than that, watching over the course of days as each of the threads holding his grinning mask in place slowly seemed to unravel, leaving his upbeat façade hanging on by a thread.
- As you tugged at your own black outfit, never a comfortable occasion to dress for, you watched him pace behind you, unable to take his eyes off his own reflection, smoothing out his eyebrows with a flourish.
"I'm kind of the man today right?" The question was rhetorical and the tone was smug as he turned on his heels to race over to you, wrapping his arms around you in a way you know he would have never dreamed of a year ago. You were so proud of how comfortable he had become with you, but you wished it extended to his feelings about his father's death.
"Oh definitely, and you look the part too." You retorted with a matching, albeit false, smile leaning in to steal a kiss before tenderly picking up his hand. " How are you feeling?"
He shrugged and sighed loudly at the question, tired of everyone asking him, even if he knew you were the only person who genuinely cared.
"I feel great! I'm going to absolutely kill this thing, and Menken's going to eat it up with his little silver spoon, and then we're one step closer to stopping the GoJo deal and then bing-bang-bong me and you rule the world." He said it so matter-of-factly it was almost like you'd asked him if he'd been to pick up his dry cleaning, clearly not quite facing the reality of the day. You just hoped that would last past the funeral and until he was safely home again.
- Unfortunately we know that was never meant to be. The moment you see him gingerly walking up to the microphone, all eyes on him, you know he's not okay. His hands are shaking as he picks up the familiar flashcards you helped him write, his voice cracks on the first line and then he glances up and finds your eyes in the crowd, with a desperate pleading look that has you and the Roy siblings quickly on your feet and approaching him like he's a wounded animal, scared it will dart away and do itself more damage.
- He breaks into uncontrollable sobs the minute Shiv's hand lands on his arm, and you feel just awful for letting it get to this stage, the whole world watching a beaten dog unable to defend itself even after its cruel master has long died. As his siblings comfort him, their own grief welling up in their eyes as his tiny frame seems to shrink in on itself, unable to support the weight of its own suffering, he mumbles out, "Can you do it?" It takes you a moment to realise he's looking at you, and Ken and Shiv don't seem happy with the idea, but Roman's eyes are pleading and his whole body is trembling and you've heard the speech enough times and it might salvage something for Roman so you reluctantly nod, walking up to the microphone before your brain can kick in enough to stop you or think about just how high the stakes are here.
- You don't apologise or acknowledge Roman's tears as you start, launching straight into "Logan Roy was a great man," to the relief of everyone in the church. You're careful to deliver it with the gravitas it deserves, sticking to his professional accomplishments and forcing yourself to stare dead ahead, not daring to glance at the shivering child of a man sniffling into a tissue in the front row. As the well-rehearsed lines come to an end you can't help but try to damage control for Roman, with a line about the "overwhelming love Logan's children felt from him, today and every day of their lives" hoping desperately people will show some small mercy to the man you've grown to love. As you carefully descend the stairs to the polite applause, Ken gives you an approving nod, shuffling to microphone himself, unable to let the day pass without making a performance of his own. But you don't hear a word he says as you sit stiffly next to Roman, shoulder to shoulder like you used to do in work meetings before he knew how to ask to hold your hand. You use every ounce of restraint to keep him upright, knowing he's desperate to collapse in a heap on your lap, but knowing you can't let that happen until you two are safely back in the privacy of your home, knowing Roman will thank you for your resolve another day.
- As the Roy siblings approach the showy mausoleum you hang back by the car, letting them have their moment of privacy alone. You receive a few words of praise from the old guard for stepping up today, and have to apologise again to Willa that Connor didn't get to say his piece, but mostly you just brace yourself for the inevitable, ready to fling open the car door as Roman stomps away from the ceremony just moments after it begins. Following him into the car and pulling the door shut behind you, you finally pull him into your arms, grateful for the dark tinted windows as he starts to fall apart, splitting along every crack that Logan Roy carved into his fragile skin. His chest heaves against your legs as he begs you not to let them put him in that cold, stone crypt, that wants to stay with you, he wants to be wherever you are. You stroke his hair and make him a promise that you'll always be by each other's sides, whatever this or the next life brings, reassuring him just enough that he can lift his tear-stained face and press his lips to yours, wanting so desperately to feel that familiar rush of life as reminders of mortality close in around him.
- You're not exactly sure what Roman did to deserve any help from Gerri, but by the time you get to the evening soiree, she's already got Hugo spinning the narrative that Roman's tears were planned and rehearsed, an act of sympathy to show that Waystar is no longer under the control of a cold tyrant. There are a few doubtful looks from Lucas and his posse but the president seems half-convinced, commending you on 'your whole stand-by-your-man act' commenting that he's sure it will play well with voters in the Midwest, whatever that means. You just have to politely smile and nod, almost grateful he's the kind of man that doesn't think women should be heard considering the venom you're sure would pour from your mouth the second it opened in his direction.
- Despite the best efforts at damage control Kendall still finds a video of his brother sobbing trending on twitter, and the moment you leave his side, Ken's there to tell Roman that's he fucked everything, that can't do anything right, that's he lucky Ken still needs him or he'd be out of Waystar, and then you'd been done with him too. By the time you return from an extended trip to the bathroom, having hidden in a stall for five minutes rather than face interrupting a bizarre interaction between Shiv and her mother happening at the sinks, Roman's nowhere to be found. You can feel your stomach acid rising up and eating at the back of your throat as you try and ask his staff if they saw which way he'd gone, a deep pang of panic rushing through your system when a waiter tells you he's gone to see the protests outside.
- Formal black heels cast aside you sprint down the street, praying he hasn't done anything to get himself killed, knowing more than anything Roman will be craving a taste of violence to fill the void his father left. Over the deafening sound of your own frantic pulse, you heard him before you saw him, chastising the crowd as he leaps over the fencing, shoving a man twice his size and crumbling to the ground as he pushes him right back. By the time you get through the gap between guard rails Roman is on the floor, curled in the foetal position, exactly where he'd found himself whenever he'd let his father down. Every stomping foot and aching bruise made him feel close to Logan again, like he was finally playing his part, until a pair of hands dragged him back to his feet.
- Preparing to lash out again he snatched his hands away from his good Samaritan, only to be met with you, sobbing at him, looking as downtrodden as he had all afternoon. Roman was taken aback - he'd always been the one reduced to tears, trying to disguise his sobs with echoing laughs and rubbing his eyes a little too hard, but he didn't think he'd ever made someone cry before, certainly not over him. His stomach dropped as you tried to call out his name, choking on your shaky breath and tears, looking half-broken as you brought your hands up to his grazed face, wiping a trickle of blood from a cut over his eye. Your eyes looked almost frightened as you waited for him to push your hands away again, but instead his arms closed in around squeezing you tightly again his chest as he dragged you both back behind the barricade.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm okay, we're okay." Was all Roman could bring himself to repeat, new to reassurance but desperate to stop you feeling the way he usually did, hoping for once to be the cure to tears, rather than the one left spilling them. He just stood there, holding you in his arms as the line of armoured police went past, feeling you shake against his chest, so relieved that he was okay, and so exhausted with the fact that you both always had to be, despite everything. But as he clutched you tight, resting his cheek on the top of your head, chanting endless 'it's going to be okays', feeling every ounce of the concern and love shared between you, at some point he started to really believe it.
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racewinnerlandonorris · 5 months
bing bang bong, sing sang song, ding dang dong
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swampstew · 6 months
KIᒪᒪEᖇᑕOOK - ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 9
Welcome to Raven’s Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Join us in the family room as we sit around and browse our phones, and eat some Girl Scout cookies as we begin tonight’s story. Rated Mature for language. Minors DNI
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*Phone app notification goes bing bong*
TikTok – KillerCook has uploaded a new video. Check out their page and make sure you turn on notification so you don’t miss any content!
Title: Countless Cupcakes Description: It’s Heat’s birthday! Enjoy this compilation video of us smashing cupcakes in his face. 4 minute, 30 second video. The thumbnail is Heat’s face, covered with a healthy amount of colorful frosting, someone made a smiley face over where his lips would be, his eyes are blazing red.
*Press Play*
“Hello everyone! KillerCook here with some exciting news – one of my best buddies, FlamingHot420, is celebrating his {redacted} years on this planet. So how else can we show him we love him? By smashing cupcakes in his face when he least expects it. Everyone on the crew made a different flavor, some might be boozy, some might have a surprise inside, and some might be edibles. Let’s see how fucked up we can get him! Make sure you wish him a happy birthday in the comments – and only happy birthday – OR ELSE!” Killer’s finger wagged at the camera before he picked up a cupcake. It was wrapped in a metallic blue foil, topped with blue frosting and vertical white chocolate stripes.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUCKER!!” the blonde suddenly screamed as he threw his cupcake across the room. The camera panned to follow the baked confection’s trajectory. Flying through the air until it splattered hilariously into the tall, blue haired cutie. His suit and tie t-shirt was immediately covered as frosting dripped from Heat’s face.
With closed eyes, Heat poked his tongue out and licked the ruined treat hanging off his lip. “Hmmm, blueberry with toasted coconut? Damn that’s RICH. What’s the aftertaste I’m getting, white chocolate?”
“You’re not wrong,” Killer mused, pulling a long spoon from the hole in his helmet, licking up frosting from the bowl. “The white chocolate was to mask the weed taste. I forgot how many grams I put in it.”
“Jesus Christ Killer.”
“I’m lying,” Killer whispered to the camera when it panned back to his face. “I know exactly how much I put in it.”
Kid burst into the background wearing several pointed party hats on his head that resembled a spiky bike helmet, bulky stereo perched on his shoulder that was on but not playing anything.
Before Heat could move, more of the crew began filtering into the kitchen space, each one holding a different cupcake in hand, all wearing party hats and mischievous smirks on their faces.
“Ah shit,” Heat’s shoulders slumped, “You’re really gonna make me run on my birthday?”
“Only if you don’t want to get {redacted} {redacted} to {redacted} and {redacted} gang-bang style,” Kid roared with laughter as his own comment.
“KID YOU CAN’T SAY THAT ON CAMERA!” Killer whipped a spatula full of blue frosting at the Captain.
The redhead dodged the creamy frosting and pressed play on the stereo, blaring a popular birthday rap song that made the speakers boom.
“ATTACK!” The redhead grabbed the second cupcake Wire held in his hand, smushing it into Heat’s gaping jaw. The piped red frosting smeared over Heat’s lips, the cake itself crumbling and squeezing through Kid’s hand as he crushed it for maximum mess.
Heat jumped back for space, pushing aside Killer and Jaguar as he raced for the door to the yard, half choking and half going mmmmmmm at the flavor.
“Was that real Fireball whiskey?!” Heat hoarsely cried out as he stumbled through the threshold.
“You guys are gonna kill me!”
With the same rap song laid over the rest of video, the remaining minutes were a compilation of short clips of each member of the crew smashing their cupcake wherever they could reach on the tattooed bluette. Heat would eat whatever remains he could gobble up and call out the flavors as the camera chased behind him, the rest of the crew coming in and out view as they creatively tried to dive bomb and trip the birthday boy so they could throw cake in his face.
“Chocolate Peppermint!”
“Matcha and Cinnamon!”
“Purple…velvet? You can make red velvet purple? Is there a blue velvet?!”
“Death by Chocolate!”
“Pistachio Rosebud? Didn’t expect that from you Pomp.”
“Pink Lemonade? Do I look like a bitch?”
“Margarita alright that’s more like it!”
“Plain vanilla? Really? Are you basic?”
“Caramel Latte? I feel fancy.”
“Carrot cake!”  
“Boston Crème! That is decadent!”
“Bro I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch!!”
“Mimosa? Is it bottomless? No really is there more?”
“CANNOLI?! Mama Mia…”
“You know I’m a sucker for Kahlua, Wire. Easy win you bastard.”
“Cheesecake center? Well damn!”
“It looks like the Grinch. Is it the Grinch? Is that would the Grinch would taste like? He tastes like weed…ooohhhh.”
“Rumchata? Look at you, fancy as fuck, House.”
“Bro the cookie dough presentation, cookie dough frosting, and cookie dough cake flavor is fucking me up. Was that all cooked – none of it was raw right????”
“Is that real marshmallow fluff? Oh it’s s’mores I love that!”
“Is that supposed to be brains? Jesus Christ I don’t wan— oh! It’s raspberry!”
“…That crème brulee frosting looks sus…”
“Pumpkin Spice, hell yeah.”
“Lemon custard!”
“Caramelized Pear? Oh shit that’s divine!”
“Aw it’s my face!” – SPLAT – “Mmm, yes I do feel like if I was a cupcake flavor, I would be Guiness Chocolate. Exquisite.”
The video ends with a repeat of the chorus fading and a still frame of the Kid Pirates laying down on the floor looking drunk and covered in frosting and cake. Heat is in the center, completely passed out. As the video fades to black, KillerCook’s logo floats to the center before the video ends.
Read on Wattpad | Read on AO3
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poppyandzena · 27 days
Whenever Zena accuses Spawn of being 'lazy' and 'incompetent', I fully believe that they and Poppy have convinced themselves that that's the case because they'd otherwise have to admit that Spawn was in a bad place mentally from their abuse.
I'm sure there are nuggets of truth to what they've said, like I'm sure Spawn did have trouble with their sleep schedule and with adhering to other schedules. This is discussed in Spawn's doc too because Spawn mentions in their discord messages why they have missed the scheduled meal times, such as because of chores, someone hogging the kitchen, or because they were doing errands. Last I checked, someone having trouble adhering to a schedule, even a sleep schedule, does not an abuser make. Plus, like... I'm a grown ass adult and I don't even have a fucking schedule for meal times. When I shared a house with my dad, cousin, and my cousin's son we didn't have a fucking scheduled meal time. We just would ask each other like "hey, you hungry? I'm hungry, I'm gonna make dinner". And that was it. Same for the bathroom!! Someone needed it, they used it, bing bang bong! Magic!
Not only is trying to press the idea that "Spawn was so incompetent we considered guardianship and also HAD to do these schedules to make them independent" very infantilizing, it is honestly just a terrible idea. If Spawn really needed assistance with scheduling things, they should have made it a teamwork thing with Spawn rather than dictating what they do and giving them homework when they were in their early 20s. When my cousin's son had a hard time doing his school homework (because like any teenager he wanted to play video games instead), I talked it out with him and listened when he told me that he really wanted some downtime to decompress from being in school. I then suggested, to both him and his mom, that when he comes home from school he should get to have a 45 minute break where he can have a snack, decompress with a bit of video games, THEN he does his homework and after that, he can do whatever he wants. They could have talked to Spawn, really listened to see what Spawn needed out of a schedule, help them to figure out a nice timeframe for themselves, and go from there. Instead, their schedule being "do a shit ton of chores" and the number one thing they complain about when Spawn leaves being "now we have to do chores" makes it clear that they never wanted Spawn to be independent, they wanted someone to clean for them.
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