#bigby headcanon
elaboratedbee · 2 years
As a fellow Bigby lover, I must share my latest thought: I’ve been unable to shake the thought of Bigby being super reluctant to discipline his kids as youngsters. It HURTS to be the one to say no or have to send them to time out, especially when they cry about it. 🫠
idk how i didn't see this but you are sO INCREDIBLY CORRECT
everyone expects bigby to keep his kids on a tight leash and be pretty harsh with them (because does he have another setting?) but they're all very very wrong
bigby literally is obsessed with his kids, but he has a lot of insecurities and anxiety about being a father, which he hates talking about because he's repressed as fuck. he sees himself as a monster, and he's terrified the whole time before becoming a dad that he's going to struggle with staying in control around them, or that he's not going to be around for them like his father wasn't. he doesn't want his kids to turn out like him, he wants them to be better
this basically manifests itself in bigby... being a gigantic softie for his babies
he cannot say no to them for the life of him, especially when they get upset or beg or cry, he gives in 9/10 times which is absolutely awful and just causes more problems because they're used to getting their way lmao.
he is very very soft with them, he's the kind of dad who cannot handle his children growing up whatsoever, he literally carries them everywhere and he hates when he has to step in and discipline them, but he does reluctantly do so when they're fighting with one another. even though he knows logically he is in the right, and would be actively letting them down if he didn't parent them, his insecurities play on their mind when they're upset and he feels like a monster. he feels super guilty whenever they're sad or unhappy with him. it’s pretty funny, because he’s the sheriff, so he should be good at handing out punishments, he’s just not when it comes to his little ones
if anyone comments on his parenting or even WORSE?? his kids behaviour, he literally picks them up and puts them on his hip and becomes that 'don't talk to me or my son ever again' meme because his kid did NOTHING wrong you fuckin prick
bonus: bigby has an extra soft spot for the runt of the litter like his mother did for him (darien calls winter the runt a lot), and would be extra extra soft and always pay them special attention, just giving them a little bit of extra love and protection to make sure they know how loved and cared for they are, maybe taking their side a little more often than is justified :')
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riddle-me-ri · 5 months
a/n: I'm sorry…but also not sorry this man has been rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken and I just need to get these thoughts and ideas done and out because hnngg. It’s gonna start off with normal relationship headcanons and then some added nsfw stuff further down the list. There will be a header for when the nsfw stuff starts.
Content Warning: mentions of sexually explicit content (genitalia, sex positions/habits)
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Bigby Wolf - Relationship Headcanons (w/ some NSFW HCS)
- Congratulations! After much perseverance and patience…you've acquired a sheriff werewolf partner! 
- Once Bigby finally comes to terms with his feelings, it will still take time to adjust. 
- He's not used to being vulnerable and open, but if he was going to start…there was no better person than you.
- Bigby trusts you with pretty much everything he is and it means the world to him that you trust him tenfold with your own heart.
- Bigby can be very, very protective of you. He tries not to come off suffocating or controlling, it's just in his nature to protect those he loves. 
- He's not a huge fan of PDA. The most he will do is hold your hand or shoulder and/or maybe kiss your forehead if you guilt trip him enough to do it (poke out your bottom lip and do your best puppy eyes and he'll cave)
- There are many instances where Bigby would have liked to kiss you, but you'll likely have to be the one to initiate it and commit to it in order for it to happen.
- Sarcasm is one of your own love languages you share between each other. 
- Bigby may not be the best at remembering dates for certain things but he does remember the things you like/dislike especially if it has a distinct scent. 
- Speaking of his heightened senses, he's got them practically tuned into you most if not practically all the time. (Albeit again he isn't weird about it. It's just something that naturally occurs)
- If you're someone that has menstrual cycles he picks up on it earlier than you do and tries what he can to make the time of the month less dreadful. 
- Bigby is definitely hot blooded both figuratively and literally. Which makes him great for winter nights and a nightmare for summer nights.
- Speaking of which, he'll always have dibs on being the bigger spoon, you can try but not without Bigby being a smart-ass about it. 
NSFW Relationships Headcanons: 
- His favorite ideas for dates are: going for long walks to nowhere in particular (bonus if it's in the woods) and/or nights in at your place  (or his, but…considering the state it's in he feels more comfortable spending time in your home) with some take out food. 
- At the end of the day, Bigby may still screw up and make things messier than they were at his job but as long as he has you to love him unconditionally and smiling at him...he really couldn't ask for anything more.
- Bigby will primarily be the dominant one in your relationship.
- Even if he lets you take the reins every now and then, in the end he always reminds you he's always in control. 
- I hope you love a hairy man, cause with Bigby it's basically a given. Especially down there.
- Moderate length but very girthy dick that stretches and fills you perfectly to make you see stars.
- Not much of a tease at first but as you grow more comfortable in the newfound relationship he can be a bit of an asshole about teasing you.
- Especially when you know that he knows you're turned on from your scent alone and he does nothing about it. 
- Some encounters can get pretty intense and his eyes have glowed yellow and his claws have come out but he's never scared you or hurt you drastically. (Likely just turned you on more)
- He won't admit to many kinks outright but by all means please praise and validate this man, let him know he's doing something right. 
- Nothing motivates him more than hearing you moan, beg, and scream his name and how good he feels.
- Bigby has a preference for sex positions that have him above you in some capacity, he wants to have full access to all of you. 
- He can go slow and steady or fast and passionate, given his job it's more likely you guys have to learn to settle for a quickie. 
- Sex has also become a way for Bigby to relieve his stress and of course being the doting partner you are, you're more than willing to help him. 
- He's fairly caring in after care. He'll ask if you're okay (especially during your first encounters, he'll worry about being too rough or carried away please reassure this man) and/or if you need anything.
- He has no qualms about you cuddling up into his side or resting your head on his chest as he likely wraps his arm around you in return as he nods off to sleep soon after the moment is over. 
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starneko123 · 11 months
Making a black oc for Bigby Wolf because he needs somebody who doesn't play about it and will absolutely show out for him.
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flhoarder · 1 year
Headcanon: Bigby’s claws come out when he’s nervous
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wanderingflower111 · 1 year
The boys from Ned's Declassified have a crush on you
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Ned Bigby
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Ned does what he can to spend time with you. Whether that means taking a longer route to class to walk past your locker or switching classes to spend time with you.
He often remembers the little things about you (which is super sweet)
He gets nervous and tongue tied sometimes so tends to bolt the other way when that happens.
He'll change things about him to try to seem like your perfect guy until he learns that being himself would work better lol
He'll try to ask you out with these grand gestures that somehow always seem to get messed up
When one of his grand gestures finally work he almost doesn't believe it when you say yes (assuming you do)
Simon 'Cookie' Cook
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He definitely stalks your social media to find out more about you and what you like
He, like Ned, changes things about himself to try to be your dream guy. You've gotta tell him to be himself because he can be stubborn that he's gotta change for you to like him.
If he can't seem to find enough information about what you like, he definitely dresses in disguise to find out (like that episode in season 3 when he dressed as Simone to find out what Lisa likes)
Cookie definitely gets jealous when you're being pursued by someone else and will try to sabotage their attempts to ask you out.
Cookie tries to impress and will often exaggerate things to look good in your eyes. Until he ultimately gets caught lol
When he asks you out he'll definitely freeze if you say yes. Like, he'll be frozen in the middle of the hallway until someone smacks him out of it lol
Billy Loomer
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Billy would admire you from afar and leave sappy love letters/poems in your locker.
You are definitely the only person he'll show his soft side to and he'd deny it in front of everyone if it was brought up.
I think he'd beat up and threaten to beat up anyone who made you upset or something. He doesn't like seeing you unhappy.
He'd do just about anything for you with no questions asked. He'd get his friends to help too, even if they end up messing things up or make it worse. His heart is in the right place.
He'd try to cut back a little on troublemaking and bullying so he didn't seem like a COMPLETE jerk in your eyes.
When he finally asks you out he's so nervous and almost doesn't you said yes.
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lxstfuleclipse · 2 years
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Dante, Vergil, V, Nero, and Credo.
Nico, Trish, Lady, and Kyrie.
Reboot! Dante, Reboot! Vergil, and Kat.
Vi, Jinx, Sevika, Finn, Ekko, Vander, Silco, and Viktor.
Jayce, Caitlyn, Mel, Ambessa, Local Cuisine/Pretty Boy, Marcus, Grayson.
Bayonetta ( Cereza ), Jeanne, Rosa.
Luka Redgrave, Balder, Rodin.
Heron, Seraphim, Alexia, Kofi, Evios, and Electra
Zeus, Hera, Hermes, Hades, Apollo, Ares, Poseidon.
Trevor, Sypha, Alucard, Lisa, Captain and Greta.
Dracula, Striga, Morana, Hector, and Isaac.
Matt, Karen, Foggy, Wesley, Frank, and Elektra.
Akira, Miki, Miki (o), and Ryo.
Anzai, Ishimaru, Hans Lee, Sawazaki, Juliana.
Markus, Connor, Kara, Gavin, Hank, North, Simon.
Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barret, Jessie, Biggs, Wedge, Yuffie, Sonon, Zack, Vincent, and Roche.
Rufus, Sephiroth, Tseng, Reno, Rude, Weiss, and Nero The Sable.
Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, Gladiolus, and Cor.
Lunafreya, Ravus, Aranea, Ardyn, Regis, Cindy, and Nyx.
Max, Chloe, Rachel, Nathan, Kate, Warren, and Victoria.
Sean, Cassidy, Finn, and Esteban.
Alex, Steph, and Ryan.
Tyler and Alyson.
Leon, Chris, Wesker, Billy, Piers, Carlos, Jake, Ethan, and Luis.
Claire, Jill, Ada, Rebecca, Sherry (RE6, duh), and Sheva.
Jim, Amelia, Sarah, Doppler, and Silver.
Lance, Keith, Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Allura, Matt, Coran.
Lotor, Ulaz.
Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami.
Eddie, Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, and Argyle.
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yellowsugarwords · 1 year
Can we get some headcanons for Bigby helping a reader (romantic or not) who has depression? Seasonal depression has been a BITCH to me this Winter. ♡
WORD. it’s dark here from 5:30pm to 8:30am. I never see the sun anymore 😭
Whenever the temperature began to drop, so did Y/N’s spirit.
They started so many days with a warm coffee,
Leaning against one of the window panes,
Watching the snowfall,
Wishing they would be able to see the sun again.
They sky was always a gray haze in the winter,
And they hated it.
“Y/N,” Bigby said,
His gruff voice breaking the morning air.
Y/N snapped out of their trance and turned to him.
They were walking to the office and Y/N was in another world,
Listening to their boots crunch against the snow.
“Hm?” They asked.
Bigby furrowed his brow. “Are you okay?”
Y/N blinked then forced a smile.
“Yeah! Just tired.” They assured.
Bigby didn’t believe them.
When they got to the office, Y/N barely did work.
They sipped on their coffee slowly,
Gaze blankly wandering over the paperwork on their desk.
By the time noon rolled around, they hadn’t finished anything.
They hadn’t /touched/ anything.
“Y/N,” Bigby asked,
Knocking on their door,
Jolting them to reality yet again.
The coffee in their hands had long since gone cold.
Bigby glanced at the mug, then back.
“You good?”
Y/N quickly nodded, taking a sip,
Wincing in displeasure,
And setting it down on their desk.
Bigby sighed, closing their door,
And gingerly wandered up to him.
“What’s going on, Y/N.”
It was a statement more than a question.
Y/N went to protest but Bigby continued.
“I know you. I care about you.”
He chuckled to himself.
“I know when you’re distracted or hurt.”
Watching the panic in their eyes grow, Bigby knelt down,
Placing a hand on their knee.
He caught Y/N’s surprised gaze.
“You can always talk to me, Y/N.”
Y/N frowned at him, feeling guilty,
Then looked at the floor.
“The winter is always so hard on me.”
Bigby didn’t flinch,
His hand still lingering on their knee,
Wanting to show supporting comfort.
“Why didn't you say so sooner?” He asked, heart aching.
He hated seeing them sad.
They were always his rock.
Seeing them break was rare and devastating.
“It’s stupid,” Y/N groaned. “There’s no good reason I should feel this way.”
Bigby frowned.
“That’s not true.”
Y/N sighed, rubbing at their eyes.
“I feel so unmotivated. It’s horrible.”
They slapped their hands into their lap.
“And when I don’t do my work, it’s hard on /you/ too.”
Bigby chuckled.
“Always worried about everyone but yourself,” Bigby noted,
Pushing himself to his feet,
And taking Y/N’s hand in his.
Y/N hummed surprise as they were pulled to their feet,
And Bigby tugged them out of their office.
“Bigby, I--”
“I’m taking you for lunch.”
Y/N stared up at him in awe.
“A /warm/ coffee and a snack might help a little bit.”
Y/N gradually started to smile.
“Because that’s all we can do right now,” he started,
Turning to smile their way,
Admiring the pink in their cheeks.
“Help how you feel a little bit at a time.”
Y/N beamed,
Amazed that he was so attentive and kind.
Leaning up, Y/N pressed their lips to his cheek,
Planting a sweet, warm kiss there.
“Thank you,” they hushed.
Bigby simply smiled,
His ears and neck, burning.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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hey there! you’re like the one of few blogs that still write for bigby! you’re single handedly keeping my obsession alive with him. do you have just any random head cannons about him that you can share!
I'm doing it just for you pookies >:) Ima give you some romance headcanons
If Telltale won't give me more Bigby, I will always deliver
Also FUCK i missed doing headcanons, please send in some ideas
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🌙This man is fucking dedicated to you and only you. As much as he hates the jokes about being a loyal dog or even a lap dog, it's kind of true when you both get serious.
🌙He cuts down on his smoking as much as he can. Bigby often smokes to dull his supernatural senses just to avoid sensory overload. However, when you both got together, Bigby noticed something worked even better than Huff n' Puffs: Your scent. What's the point of smoking upwards of almost two packs a day when he can inhale that sweet sweet scent of yours?
🌙Bigby tries to make himself more presentable at first. He feels like he has to make a good impression despite you both knowing each other for centuries. He shaves more to keep his ever-growing stubble at bay, he keeps himself groomed and washed, he starts to use his cologne more, he even puts more effort into his laundry to get the ash and whiskey stains out of his shirts and pants.
🌙He is a sucker for kisses on his cheek. Whether you have to stand on your toes or bend down, you can find him faintly blushing and looking away sheepishly from the act of romance. If you kiss him on the cheek while he's smoking, the poor cigarette would burn up fast and Bigby would almost choke on the smoke.
🌙Bigby's love language is definitely acts of service. Bigby loves doing things for you, especially the little things that really drive it into him how much he craves a domestic life. Unfortunately, Bigby is sometimes too busy to be there for it to be quality time - but fuck if he doesn't absolutely love every minute he spends with you. He isn't good with words at times which has lead to very awkward moments and even funnier ones. Bigby never had an eye for gifts and has little experience with them, but he fucking loves whatever you get him even if it's a new tie.
🌙Bigby loves dates where it takes place in nature, especially at night when there are less people out and about. Walks through Central Park, night treks through botanical gardens, going down the boardwalks in Staten Island, resting on the cold sand of the beaches. There was one date you both went on at the beach at night where it was just the two of you along the balmly coast. You and Bigby were messing around near the waves when you both somehow ended up knee-deep in the waves. Bigby had you in his strong arms, holding you close as you both laughed and kissed before you playfully splashed water on him. It was safe to say you both ended up at his apartment soggy.
🌙If you ever wanna make this man blush heavily: Compliment him. And do not let up. Bigby likes the act annoyed at first, hiding his face by turning away and playfully scoffing only for him to break and flush at your sweet words. He loves it especially if you compliment him on the things that normally make people uneasy. His gaze, his strength, his wolf.
🌙Bigby, at first, was uneasy turning with you around. He was worried that you would be terrified of him, and that was something he couldn't handle at the time. Despite the fact that you knew what he was before and now after the Homelands and even seeing all of him, he still wasn't excited to show them at first.
🌙You're the only one who can say things that someone would say to their pet pooch, but only to a limit. Saying stuff like 'Good boy' however is a good way to rile him up, especially if you say it all sultry.
🌙When you hang around his office, he likes it when you put on a true crime podcast for Mundies. He had somehow crammed a couch into his office for you to lounge on as you both listened to how fucking crazy those Mundies could be, especially from the state of Florida. Some of the stories you both listened to were so outrageous, that Bigby stopped what he was doing and completely forgot about it because he couldn't believe what he heard as you cackled at his expression.
🌙Ever since you two started dating, Bigby finally started to use his bed again. His poor chair was left abandoned at night when you both would go to bed unless Colin passed out on it. There were times where you would pop in and see Bigby passed the fuck out on it still. He definitely sleeps like a victorian boy with the plague.
🌙Bigby loves going over to your apartment just to drown in your scent. He often doesn't want to leave your bed at times just so he can bury his head in your neck or in your pillow if you had gotten up. If he could, he would want to spend all day in the sheets just lying with you.
🌙Another one of your favorite dates to do if the weather is shitty out is snuggling up together on your couch and watch Mundy cop shows, especially the ones with bad acting and writing. You like to ask him what he would do in the cases shown and Bigby's usual answers have to do with punching the crook or sarcasm.
🌙If Bigby wolfmans out, he loves it when you stroke his fur and scratch at the raw skin beneath, especially around his neck. He can't really speak like this but he's sure to groan and growl in pleasure. He loves how your hands roam freely, without a trace of fear, around his hulking body. He loves it when you compare the size of your hand to his clawed one.
🌙When it's a full moon, Bigby gets a little weird. He's not forced to turn thanks to whatever spells the witches on the thirteenth floor put on him, but he does act differently. He needs to be around you, needs to have you in his sights and he needs to smell you or else he feels the beast inside of him go crazy. Don't be surprised if Bigby gets excited that night.
🌙He loves it when you look into his eyes when they're all wolfy and yellow. He can see the faint glow reflecting off of your eyes and it makes his chest feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
🌙If you're a fable that can change forms, you both often turn behind closed doors and drawn curtains for both fun and comfort. Sometimes keeping the beast pent up for too long can drive Bigby crazy and he knows it's the same for you. There have been times where you both would wrestle for fun.
🌙There have been times where Bigby would come home bloodied and bruised. He hates seeing you so worried for him and he hates it even more that you always clean and patch him up. You shouldn't have to do this, you shouldn't have to take care of him like this but you do. Bigby would sit on the toilet seat silently and watched as you worried over him. He hates making you worry.
🌙Bigby sometimes gets into these moods where he feels like you could do so much better than him. He doesn't even tell you at first when you gently ask him if he was alright, but he eventually breaks. He feels like you shouldn't be with a monster like him. You get shit for being with him and he hates that. His thoughts get shut down quickly by you pressing a firm kiss to his cheek and tell him how much you love him and how you'll always love him.
🌙Bigby loves it when you compliment his strength. He never thought about it before until he had to hoist up a truck to help Flycatcher with no problem. Just hearing you compliment his strength made him almost drop the truck on the poor frog prince below. Ever since then, Bigby likes to show off here and there just for you to coo and oogle over him.
🌙When you both sit together on the couch, he loves it when you either sit in his lap or have your legs stretch over his own with his hands stroking them. If you're in his chair, he loves it when you straddle him, pinning him back against his chair with the tv forgotten about behind you.
🌙Play with his hair. Play with his hair. Just do it, trust me. He will be putty in your hands if you play with his hair, especially as you're kissing. Scratch your nails gently against his scalp, twist his thick locks between your fingers, tug on it. You won't be sorry.
🌙Bigby loves it when you wear his clothing, especially his button-ups even if they don't close up. It started one fall when the temperature dipped below what was originally forecasted. Bigby saw you shiver once from a gust of wind and off came his coat. And that's when it started. He claims it's another scent thing, but just seeing you wearing his clothes really stirs something inside of him.
🌙When you two kiss, he loves it when your hands paw at his body. He loves it when they travel along his brawny limbs and dance across his broad chest and shoulders and crawling down his trim stomach. It drives him crazy as he snarls into the kiss. Oh, and if you sink your nails into his skin? Nip at his bottom lip? You're tipping him over the edge.
🌙He rests so much easier now with you by his side. He's never felt like this before with anyone, his little crush on Snow doesn't even come close to the love this man feels for you. The ring hidden away in his desk was proof of that.
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elaboratedbee · 2 years
Love at first fight? Just a funny and cute thought for a Bigby x S/O 🥺
hi! this is probably going to be short instead of a fully fledged x reader but i have a lil muse left tonight and this idea is so cute :)
Imprinting was a funny thing.
Bigby's mother had described it to him when he was just a cub, but the concept was always vague. A bedtime story. A fantasy. Some would even call it a fairytale. He would curl up next to her, fidgeting and kicking until he wasn't being crushed by his brothers and sisters, listening to her sweet voice as she lulled him to sleep. Imprinting, when a wolf found their perfect mate. When your eyes locked together, and the world stopped turning, when your heart rearranged itself to make room for somebody else. One singular moment, that changed your entire life's trajectory.
Bigby wasn't a cub anymore, and he had bigger things to worry about than finding a mate. Unlike certain delusional individuals, Bigby was able to accept reality, and accept the shittiness of that reality. He didn't need to coddle himself with religion, or bedtime stories, or some fantasy of true love that didn't exist. Nobody who had seen the things that he had would believe in any of that.
He shoved his free hand into his pocket, taking a long drag of the cigarette perched in the other. He felt the smoke crawl into his lungs, fill up the hole in his chest for the briefest of moments. He held it there for a second, clinging to the feeling before he blew the smoke out. It rolled over his lip, spilling into the night air as he leaned against a lamp post. Even as he took the moment to relax, his eyes were roving the street, searching up and down.
The scream that cut through the air didn't surprise him, but he straightened up immediately. The cigarette fell from his hand, the end glowing orange as he abandoned it on the tarmac below, sprinting toward one of the numerous dark alleyways. He knew something was off -- or maybe something was just always off in Fabletown. He rounded the corner and screeched to a halt, immediately taking in the scene.
"Hey!" He growled, drawing the attention of the mugger who was trying to wrench the bag from your hands. Bigby ran forward and drew his arm back, but before he could even make contact, you beat him to the punch, literally. Your knuckles crashed into the petty criminal's nose with a satisfying crunch, which turned into a fountain of blood.
"Ugh!" You grunted, following it up by grabbing both of his shoulders and driving your knee upward with all your strength, straight into his groin. The man collapsed like oragami in the rain, crumpling to the ground with a choked off noise. He curled in on himself, his eyes practically rolling into the back of his head. You readjusted your bag onto your back, scowling down at the figure.
Bigby stared, looking remarkably awkward. He had charged forward, adrenaline pumping, prepared for a fight, and now the energy had nowhere to go. It thrummed in his veins, his blood hot, his eyes a little wild. Sometimes, he felt like an addict. "You alri--?" He began to ask gruffly, but he was quickly cut off by you.
"I had that," you snapped at him, brushing yourself off and glaring in his general direction, "I had it handled, I didn't need you to get involved."
Bigby's face soured, and he clenched his fist. He was no stranger to ingratitude for his work around Fabletown though. "Looked like it," he muttered sarcastically, bending down to drag the whimpering criminal's hands together behind his back and cuff them tightly.
"Excuse me?" You stepped closer, putting your hands on your hips and staring down at him.
"Nothing," Bigby said. And then, after a beat, "just that if I hadn't have distracted him, he would have snapped your damn neck. But sure, you had it."
"Oh, and you charging in here like that was smart? It was a robbery! If he hurt me, it would've been because you stormed in here and spooked him," you accused huffily, "do you even fucking think?"
"I'll tell you what I fuckin' think--" Bigby growled, his eyes flashing yellow at being provoked and he stood, dropping the perpetrator flat on his face and standing up straight. He glared at you, this time looking directly into your eyes.
It hit him like a punch, at first. It was nothing like his mother had described, so much so that he didn't recognise what was happening to him. For a second, he wondered if he had taken a silver bullet to the heart. There was a dull pain in his chest that spread outward, as if his heart was cramping, or twisting. He clutched his chest, almost tearing the buttons of his shirt. The feeling spread, becoming nausea in his stomach, like hundreds of butterflies were trying to escape. His legs felt weak, his arms felt shaky, and before he knew it, he was leaning forward. Like a magnet, unable to resist the pull, he found himself drawn in and in and...
"What the fuck are you doing?"
The question snapped him out of it, and he jerked back. He could feel prickly heat from shame and embarrassment crawl down his neck, and he felt vaguely dizzy. How could he even explain himself? How could he tell you that he wanted to pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and take you somewhere safe for the rest of your life? To wrap you up in his arms and breathe in your scent. To experience the press of your lips on his. To consume you whole, until you were one.
He had never experienced something like this, and he felt terrified. Vulnerable. With one look, you had ripped him open and examined him, had rearranged his anatomy and made room for yourself. Not just in his heart, but in every part of his body. In every cell, in every atom, you were part of him. You were his mate.
Bigby cleared his throat, "nothing. Do you want to come by the Sheriff's Office tomorrow and make a statement?" He asked flatly, "uh...?" He raised an eyebrow questioningly and gestured vaguely, searching for your name.
"(Y/N)," you supplied with a nod.
Bigby felt like if he didn't know he would see you again, his body might spontaneously combust. "So?" He asked, sounding impatient and bored of the interchange.
"I'll stop by in the morning," you agreed, "and I'll give you a statement telling you exactly how I had it handled..." You winked at him and turned, walking off. Bigby watched you go until you were out of sight.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 months
a/n: don't mind me, still on my Bigby bullshit but struggling super hard with a smut one shot with him that I've been slowly chipping away at for the past few weeks 🙃 so have some jealousy headcanons
Content Warning: none that I can really think of?
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Bigby Wolf - Jealousy Headcanons
- Bigby thinks he's above jealousy.
- He definitely doesn't want to hover over you or suffocate you.
- Plus he trusts you more than anyone else, he has no reason to be jealous.
- It's never you that's an issue…it's other people and Fables that choose to disrespect your boundaries.
- Like Jack may get a little too close to you, and Bigby has to refrain from biting his head off…
- Bigby will come to your rescue, though, especially when he can tell you're trying to politely turn Jack or anyone else away that's invading your personal space.
- He'll place a hand on your shoulder and squeeze it reassuringly or wrap an arm behind your back and pull you closer to him.
- Bigby does take some satisfaction from seeing you immediately relax next to him.
- However there's also the instance where you seem to be enjoying yourself more with someone else than with him.
- This frustrates him most because he knows it's just him being his worst enemy.
- But when you've been heavily disliked if not straight up hated or feared…
- It's easy to be worried someone would leave you for someone else who…isn't seen in that light.
- Bigby may grow a little distant or act short around you, but he catches himself and regrets acting shitty.
- You are always there to reassure him, however, that there's no one else you'd rather be with than him.
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Hello! Could I possibly get headcanons for with Sebastian and Ominis with a reader that has a big Great Horned owl as a pet, but it literally hates everyone and everything except for them. Like it will peck, hoot angrily, and stare judgmentally at anyone who gets to close to their human. Thank you!
P.s. The Owl’s name is Bigby.
Reader has a Temperamental Owl
Ominis Gaunt x reader; Sebastian Sallow x reader
Warnings - none
he found out your owl had a personality problem when he heard you showing Garreth and the following sounds where angry hoots and a yelp from the red-head as he had been bitten
from then on he was very skeptical and honestly wanted to be nowhere near the owl
you spoke so highly of the owl though, as if it was your best friend
how sweet the owl was with you, letting you pet them whenever you wanted to
finally Ominis hesitantly let you introduce him, but he still wanted his distance
he scrunched his face up and held his hand out for you to guide it, putting all his trust in you
he was astonished to hear a pleasant coo from the creature as he touched the soft feathers
you would be overjoyed as he warmed up to the bird and walked closer to it in fascination
you would hand him treats to feed the bird and it would happily eat them right out of his palm
he would spend the rest of the day bragging to everyone who knew your menace of a bird about how it preferred him so it must be wise
he first saw your bird flapping about in anger on the Hogwarts express at Poppy of all people
if she couldn't even touch the bird, he had no idea how you did
he would tease you about how he must be lying that the bird ever calmed down for you
one day you would catch him off guard and back him into a corner with the bird, insistent to show how sweet he was with you
Sebastian would turn as pale as a ghost when your owl flies directly over to him and seats itself on his shoulder
he would be terrified as much as you would be shocked when you started petting them, coaxing Sebastian to do the same
"he would've already taken your ear off if he didn't like you" "thank you that's very reassuring"
slowly he would lift his arm up to scratch gently under the birds chin and in response the bird would nuzzle against his hair, not pecking at it but nibbling curiously
Sebastian would show everyone his new party trick of "controlling" your bird and be treating the new experience almost like a sideshow
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rosieaurora · 1 year
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The sheriff of Fabletown was in love with you for the longest time without you suspecting a thing.
And if he had his way, you’d never know.
He was supposed to be your friend - it was wrong for him to feel this way.
Bigby could hide from his feelings with work and drink all he liked, but he couldn't deny that yours was the face he looked forward to seeing every day.
Or how many times he had put his hand on the seat next to yours during a taxi ride, hoping for just the slightest touch of your hand, or how he would smile just a little bit more easily when you were around.
He thinks he's done a good job hiding his feelings so far, but to everybody else, it’s obvious he’s softer with you.
You couldn’t tell the difference because he’s always been that way around you.
He’s very protective for just a “friend” but you thought he was like that with everyone close to him.
Which is true. But you dial his protectiveness up to an eleven.
He walks you home if you’ve stayed out unusually late to make sure you’re safe.
If you’ve got a date with someone else, he won’t stop you from going, but he will ask around to find out if they’re an asshole or not so he can warn you.
He knows he wouldn’t be able to control himself if he found out you were being treated poorly and he would rather you didn’t see that side of him.
When you look at him, you don’t see a monster and he doesn’t want to lose that.
He doesn’t want to lose you.
You make his life so much better just by being in it and that’s what makes it all the more difficult for him.
Bigby knew people judged you for being his friend. He also knew you didn't care - he finally got the message the hundredth time you insisted you didn't care what other people thought.
But he did.
You don’t deserve to be shunned by every other fable just so he can be selfish and keep you in his life.
Bigby can’t imagine you ever returning his feelings so whenever an “I love you” almost slips out of him, he would imagine the betrayal in your eyes if you knew your best friend was in love with you and the words die in his throat.
Bigby can take a lot of punishment, but rejection from you would completely shatter him.
But, if you could learn to love the big bad wolf, maybe he could allow himself to dream a little.
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mourningmaybells · 7 months
whenever I see posts that are like "dont just headanon characters as transmen because they're younger thin white men" and "you need to draw transmen that aren't just buff roman statues with top surgery scars", I think "they're completely right" but then I realize how differently my online experience is in viewing fan art.
a bunch of trans art and trans headcanons Ive seen this year are [checks notes]
Frankenstein's Creature (book and movie iterations), Kim Kitsuragi, Harry du Bois, a werewolf, another werewolf, Bigby Wolf, older Simon Petrikov, Damien Karras, Columbo, and finally, The entire cast of Seinfeld
also, last year, a lot of trans men I followed got into and headcanoned the slasher from James Wan's Malignant.
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mirroredmemoriez · 4 months
Werewolves designs and other shit
Got bored- Remembered I have free choice to make posts on anything I want... So here I am with opinions no one asked for. As the title suggests, it's about werewolves. Starting off, I don't believe I need to explain what a werewolf is. However, I'll put it out there that in most descriptions and depictions it's meant to be a humanoid wolf. I say this because you'll find that in some movies or books it's just a person turning into a giant wolf with no human features or movement such as standing on two legs. (Or like a minotaur situation where the body is a human, but the head is a wolf.)
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Here I've collected just human references and anatomy- This is so I can make comparisons and such. Humans vary heavily in the way that we look, due to things such as lifestyle and genetics. At base level, of course we're HUMAN. However, things like our body types, hair texture, eye colour or shape and yada yada all can change the way we look and create differences between us and somebody else.
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This is the same for wolves, though maybe not as noticeable compared to humans? Mostly things like their size, coat colour or thickness and etc is what separates them from one another. Looking at their head shapes also can show what species they may be. Generally, they're a pretty lean animal seeing as wolves are known for their running endurance to hunt prey. Being too big would slow them down... I mention this because some depictions of werewolves people make them too muscular in my opinion? It's like they're hairy body builders. Speaking of werewolves- Let me try draw this post back to where I started it! First I wanna look at almost shifted werewolves, so not fully transformed.
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(Also I will be using depictions and characters which aren't labelled necessarily as a ''werewolf'' but share many features or similarities. For example, Bigby from The Wolf Among Us.) The common things we usually see is an increase in hairiness, canine growth and eyes becoming highlighted- Usually yellow, though sometimes the werewolf maintains their natural eye colour. We also have ears becoming pointed and the area around the eyebrows and forehead starting to protrude more. All of these things when done right I enjoy in a werewolf design! Though, it's a given that some do it better than others... One of my favourite werewolf designs and transformations has to go to the movie An American Werewolf In London.
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This to me is one of the PEAKS of werewolves in media. I could probably make a full post on just this movie... It's one of the most iconic designs and for good reason. Not to mention, I love practical effects, especially in horror. One of my dreams is to make a movie with them. Enough gushing though. What do I like? Well, it's grotesque nature really. A transformation shouldn't just be BAM you're a ball of fur in my eyes. The amount of change is crazy and so glossed over.
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The transformation literally has bones extending along with all the muscles and tissues alongside. Don't even get me started on what the organs may have to be doing? A human heart could not support a werewolf body, it just wouldn't be big enough... That muscle would literally have to increase in size to be able to deal with the power behind the body of a wolf. Yes, I'm aware they're supernatural and I shouldn't try heavily to apply science to them... However, I don't care? A TRANSFORMATION WOULD BE HORRFIC AND PAINFUL, SO IT SHOULD BE SHOWN AS SUCH! It's also why I headcanon that turned werewolves have the chance of just dying straight up with their first transformation, compared to ones just born as a werewolf because of how extreme the change is. Anyway! Some more designs.
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I think what some suffer from, is leaning either too close to a human and or leaning too close to a wolf? They can't find a balance and at times it's like a worse rendition of the Cats movie.
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Like here, the werewolves from The Quarry almost lean into some classic vampire depictions. The teeth I like! But the lack of hair and flatter snout just means it's not really screaming WEREWOLF at me.. More so a general mutant. (QUICK ADD! A flatter snout doesn't always break a design. It's just when other features such as hair are also lacking that it starts becoming less wolf in nature to me.) We've also got a more recent werewolf to look at... Which is Enid from the Wednesday show. Because fucking hell, that was a disappointment? She ended up looking like a mix between the Ice Age baby and Diego the saber tooth tiger.
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They did her so fucking dirty... And it would actually be very simple to fix! This could be salvaged- It just wasn't. Somebody saw that design and green lit it and whoever you are, why? I think I'll end this here now because I've reached the image limit... If anyone has any questions about certain things I've mentioned, feel free. I also want to state that this is pure opinion and by no means supposed to spread hate towards anything? It's your world, if you wanna draw your werewolves like the Sims 4, who am I to stop you? THIS IS MAL OUT! AND IF YOU'VE READ ALL OF THIS YOU'RE SOMEHOW MORE UNHINGED THAN I AM CURRENTLY. (I MAY MAKE A PT 2 AS I DO HAVE MORE THOUGHTS AND MENTIONS TO MAKE.)
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Headcanons of how would Vox Machina react when they accidentally saw their shy crush practising to confess to THEM?
Awww!!! They’re going to be so touched!! The feels of it all
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You had woken up early, nerves building up within your heart. And stomach. Or maybe that was just hunger? As you made your way to the kitchen, whether to actually eat or distract from your feelings, you feel your mind wander. Before you know it, the scenario in your head becomes words. I love you. “No, too simple for them.” I adore you. “No! No, that sounds more like a lead off than a confession.” You mutter back and forth until you give a resigning groan with your head in hands. “Ugh, I give up! No matter…we’re facing the odds and it would be selfish to burden them with it.” Unbeknownst to you, the heart of the one you love has been listening intently, yearning to burst through the door to you.
Grog - humming along his way to the kitchen, the barbarian can hear you muttering to yourself. Naturally curious, his mischievous side compels him to listen in on you. So when he hears your “confession” and true feelings, the next thing you know is two large arms barreling to you in a bear hug. “Awww! I love you too!”
Pike - Quietly makes her way over, and when she hears you taking she intensely listens. Oh she’s touched! It’s sweet and the words you say have her yearning! Next thing you know, you feel a warm glowing hug on your leg. “I love you too!”
Scanlan - shockingly he’s up early too, and when he’s hearing you talk to yourself there’s a part of him that wants to hear for snooping reasons. But is he ever thrown for a whirlwind when the most heartfelt and genuine confession is overheard. Cue a small version of Bigby’s hand pulling him to you for a surprise kiss! “I knew you loved me!”
Vex’ahlia - waking up early to sneak a treat for Trinket 🐻 had its perks, but hearing you speak leads to a revelation. When she hears your “I love you” along with all the good you see in her, she pauses. It’s so touching and moving for her that she bursts through to pull you into the tightest hug
Keyleth - hides in the hallway when she hears you say the first “I love you”, and as she listens more to what you’re saying, the heat only rises more to her cheeks. The fluttering in her chest only grows with every word you say and when she sheepishly comes out from her hiding spot, she has that sweet bashful smile. “I-uh, I love you too”
Vax’ildan - stealth benefits the rogue as you and him have a prank streak with each other. That is, all tricks go out the window when he hears you muttering and then the “I love you” follows. Listening more to your words, the mask of his mirth and demeanor falls into vulnerability as each word spills. He thought the same too, at the Sun Tree, so it’s healing to know you think the same too. Creaking the door open to your wide eyed stare, he confesses too. “Your face is the first I want to see in the morning, and if you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
Percy - just an early riser by nature but being the gentleman he is, he doesn’t want to disrupt you either. That is until he hears the “I love you”, and it opens the floodgates. All the genuine and profound things you say about him, he just listens with heart hammering in his chest. When you’re done, he sneaks in, hands shaking and nerves galore as he asks you in a shuddering tone. “Would you have me still? As I love you too”
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multi-fandom-imagine · 11 months
Wondering if you could write some nsfw headcanons for Snow White x Female reader If you want too
I have no idea how to write a request lol
A/n: I am very sorry that I did not see this!
Prompts used:
26:as an apology.
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It was a bit of shock to the rest of the fables that a woman like Snow White would ever be in a relationship with someone as sweet as you though you really didn’t know what they were talking about nor did you care.
But know matter how much Snow loved you, it was not going to stop her from being pissed off about the fact that you helped Bigby slip away when she was scolding the man.
Pouting, you stepped closer to Snow hoping to at least calm your lover.
“Those puppy dog eyes will not work on me!”
“Snow! I’m sorry.” Bating your eyelashes at her, you wrapped your arms around her neck as you gave her a gentle kiss. “Do you forgive me.”
Shoulders sagging, Snow pressed her forehead to yours. She knew it was no use, she knew how close you and Bigby were. “Yes…yes I forgive you.” She then cupped your cheeks as she gave you another kiss.
Grinning you pulled back then grabbed her hand giving it a squeeze. “Great! Now let’s get some food! I am starving.”
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