#big uncle energy
flannelepicurean · 1 year
Forget about combat, I want to watch a heist film of Piccolo and Mr. Satan on a caper to get Pan some new ballet shoes after she forgot hers or lost them or something, and the big recital is TONIGHT!
I want them to be escorting that girl to the World Cup of Tiny Dancers or some shit, and her luggage got lost or something, and she'll be the only sugar plum fairy without her sparkly shoes, and they WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN.
I want them to send her off with her tiny teammates and promises that they will Fix This, and then round the next corner and FREAK. OUT. But then spring into action.
I want them to stand outside the last ballet store in a strange city and discuss how they're going to burgle it, and argue about which shoes they need to steal, in the loudest whispers possible. I desperately NEED Mr. Satan to growl, "You know they changed the choreography last week, and she can't run in pointe shoes if something goes down!" and Piccolo to whisper-screech, "SHE DOESN'T NEED TO RUN, SHE CAN JETÉ LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS!"
I need them to have to sneak through part of the onstage production to get backstage.
And then Pan is DELIGHTED that they came through for her, and they feel like total heroes, and they get to watch her be adorable in her dance recital, and they're united in being extremely proud of her.
Okay, y'all gave me Dragon Ball Super, now gimme this.
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holybonesjones · 2 years
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[id in alt!] He's my dad boogie woogie woogie! #005
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Hi can you write a full on pregnancy journey between thenamesh and the eternals find out about it as well and gilgamesh is helping thena through giving birth
By all odds, Eternals cannot reproduce. It's not in their physical makeup--they're not organic beings. But there are timelines, and universes, and powers beyond mortality. The Elemental Eternal is proof of that. With her evolution comes exceptions.
She doesn't turn the Illusionist Eternal human, she returns life to the Strongest. And with his renewed life, came an unprecedented circumstance.
The Warrior Eternal became pregnant.
Without Ajak's guidance, they only had so much insight. Phastos performed every scan and test, Druig assessed what he could at the subconscious level, Sprite even tried constructing an early image of the fetus in a sort of ultrasound. Kingo proclaimed to have knowledge from playing a doctor - once - but was denied acknowledgement.
But none of them knew how to bring an immortal life into the world--or if it would, in fact, be immortal at all.
Sersi had brought her sister's dearest love back to life, forsaking even her own loved one. Thena, upon hearing the news of her new role in life, had grasped Sersi's hand. The Alchemist was confused until she saw the tears in her sister's eyes, whispering, "I'm sorry, I know how much you wanted this."
Sersi burst into tears, wrapping her arms around Thena's shoulders. She had always dreamed of transmuting life in its rawest sense. In this way, she somewhat felt that she had.
So, with the family of Eternals with only themselves, they embarked on raising this new form of 'life'.
Sersi was the only one who even remotely knew what to expect. She told what she knew, did further research. Phastos and Makkari concentrated on reading every material the human world - and beyond - had to offer. Druig was quietly attentive, never admitting to concern but always hovering nearby and commenting on if Thena or the budding consciousness she was harbouring desired something.
Gilgamesh was beside himself.
For all the years upon centuries upon millennia he had spent by Thena's side, they had never had to consider this a possibility for them. And while he usually had the typical minutia to worry about - Thena's general well being, health, Mahd Wy'ry - he now had a whole other set of problems.
He was beside her every second, reluctant to so much as look away from her and their child. Everyone told him he was being excessive, including Thena herself. But he refused to leave her again. He promised her as much, anyway. He stayed close, made sure they both knew he was there.
He cooked nutritious meals, made sure they got their rest. He was a little more insistent with his brothers and sisters than they were used to. Either he was asking Phastos and Makkari for what they had read about pregnancy or he was asking Druig how the baby 'felt'.
He asked Sprite for illusion 'ultrasounds' so often that she eventually stopped obliging him, saying that unless Thena asked, she was no longer their ultrasound machine.
Sersi threw herself into tending to Thena, and their child to whom she would be a second mother if anything happened to Thena. Sersi attempted to forbid her from saying such things, but Thena said that she had heard of such practices before, and if it had to be anyone, it could be no one but Sersi.
Phastos had complained that he had an actual child, and that Jack was even fond of Thena (for some reason) and vice versa! Thena said that yes, she was very fond of Jack too. But he and Ben would have their hands full with their human child, no less whatever immortal creature she spawned (her own words).
"Are you sure about this?" she could remember Gilgamesh asking her about halfway through. It was nowhere near the normal number of months for a human gestation, but they had to assume that their advanced cell strength and regeneration was translating into the growth of the baby.
"It is far too late to ask that," she answered, her hands on her stomach, swollen to accommodate their child.
"I mean," he shifted, taking hold of her hand next to the bed she nearly constantly occupied. Although she denied it, she had to all but be on bed rest, supplying the baby with not only her Cosmic Energy but much of her physical energy as well. "We don't have any experience in this--none of us. Are we sure we can get through this?"
Thena looked up at the ceiling, seriously considering the reality of their situation, and the question related. She patted her stomach, a subconscious motion she had taken on in the last two weeks. "Yes."
Gilgamesh chuckled, kissing her hand, "that easy, huh?"
"Hm," she smiled, relishing the small but heavy affection. "It will in no way be easy. But we can do this, is what I'm saying."
He sighed, tilting his head at her, "you'll be doing the hard part. I can be here as much as I can, but there's nothing I can do for the pain of what you'll go through."
None of them had any concept of what it would mean to give birth.
Thena let him moved the back of her hand to his cheek, always cooler to the cheek than his warmer skin. "I have no fear."
"I know you don't," he lamented more than complimented, "but maybe, just this once-"
"Gilgamesh," she said softly, pulling his eyes to hers. Her still and unwavering eyes, "I do not fear this. I will endure anything to bring this being to life."
Gil's eyes watered, "I don't want you to have to."
"Be that as it may," she soothed, moving her palm to his cheek, "I choose to allow this life shelter within me, and I have already decided that it is this life that takes precedence now--over my own, over anything else."
He shook his head, "Thena-"
"I'm sorry."
He blinked through his tears, although Thena's always became glassy.
"I have experienced living without you," she admitted, her throat tight with the difficulty of such words, "no matter how brief. I know that I am asking something unbearable of you."
Gilgamesh buried his burning eyes within the warmth of her palm.
"But the young one comes first, before all else," she insisted. She brushed his tears away and forced his eyes back to hers, "swear to me."
He nodded, unable to say it just yet. To speak such an unthinkable thing was too much for him. He had only just died and come back to life within the same twelve months. And now life threatened to both give him the greatest gift and take away his greatest treasure?
"I will be with you," she promised, rubbing her belly with her free hand again, "in a way."
That was the last they had spoken of the potential worst possibility.
The birth was hard. It took all their resources to keep everyone calm, let alone actually help with the process. Makkari and Sersi did their best, Sprite insisting that she couldn't possibly stomach the reality of what was happening. She could be heard whispering to Kingo the fear that they would lose Thena this time.
Phastos kept an eye on Thena's health, although the actual act of birth had taken more strength from the Warrior Eternal than they ever could have anticipated. All the equipment at their disposal was just barely keeping her conscious as her body prepared to, in a way, deliver its own form of Celestial.
"Thena, come on, just stay with me," Gilgamesh would whisper, his lips always close to her skin, her hair, something. He held her hand, which would have broken with her efforts were it not for his exoskeleton.
She stared upward, delirious from her efforts, her pulse thready and her skin covered in a cold sweat. "When?"
"Almost there, Thena," Sersi promised on her sister's other side, dabbing her flushed skin, "I promise, just a little more."
Makkari waved, it's time!
"Come on, Thena, one more deep breath," Sersi pleaded, squeezing her shoulders as Makkari got into position.
"Almost there," Gil whispered to her, "then you can hold our baby."
Thena's pupils widened. The baby.
A shrill cry broke the air. Breath was held as Makkari held the tiny life, washing it off and wrapping it up as Sersi had told her. There was no 'cord', like Sersi had told her, but she watched as a golden thread of energy dissolved into the air. She tilted her head.
There's no belly button, Makkari shrugged, as if that were all that significant a detail. But other than that, she's beautiful.
Sersi's eyes lit, "she?"
Makkari shrugged again but smiled as she handed the baby over to Sersi first, I guess--looks an awful lot like Thena not to be.
Sersi blinked through her tears; it was true, the little bundle looked like a tiny Thena, even with wisps of the same sun glow hair.
"Sersi," Thena struggled just to lift her arms, "please."
"Here," she whispered, leaning down carefully and depositing the baby into Thena's arms and over her lap. "Look at her, Thena, she's perfect."
"Perfect," Gilgamesh whispered, gazing upon a child of his own. He had always gotten along with human kids, maybe even gotten attached to a select few, like Jack, or Odin's little pup once upon a time. But this--this was entirely different.
"Oh," Thena blinked, her voice unmistakably melted and sweet. She smiled, "she has your eyes."
Indeed, the little one blinked and had massive, warm brown eyes, like the Strongest Eternal himself. She looked up at Thena, and then over at her father, who only dissolved further.
"Hello little one," Gilgamesh whispered, as if even his voice would be too much for his new treasure to bear. He offered his finger to her itty-bitty hand.
She was already capable of a strong grip.
"She incredible," Sersi whispered to her sister, pressing her lips to Thena's hair. "What will you name her?"
Thena gazed at her child.
Makkari and Phastos also looked over amidst the work of making sure Thena was stable and going to fetch the others.
"Olympia has always been home in our minds," Thena spoke gently, "even though there is no such thing. And yet when I say it, I still think of home--the same feeling I get when I think of Australia."
Gilgamesh leaned over, pressing a kiss to her temple.
"There shall be an Olympia," Thena declared, her eyes meeting that of her child, already so wise. "You shall be the meaning of home now, little one."
"Olympia!" Sersi gasped.
Thena looked up at her, "you are crying even more than Gilgamesh."
"So?" Sersi sniffled, barely able to see through her tears at all.
Thena let Gilgamesh take Olympia from her arms, just enough for her to recline in the bed more. "Let them in, they should meet her."
"Oi Sis!--you-"
Gil glared at the doorway, "keep your voice down."
Druig clapped his jaw shut, his teeth clacking loudly.
Kingo chuckled, for once, the most tactful of their chaotic little family. He strode in, Sprite clinging to him nervously. He smiled at Thena, "you made it."
She smiled back at her most opposite but undeniably dear brother. "You did too."
Gilgamesh tilted the bundle in his arms, although he obviously wouldn't be letting anyone else try holding her just yet. "This is Olympia."
Kingo smiled still, as if having anticipated the name that was preinstalled in all their heads. "She's beautiful, you guys."
"Gilgamesh," Thena spoke up from the bed, but he shook his head, already knowing what she was going to ask of him. He turned away, leaning over his bundle of joy. She let out a faint laugh as Kingo made his way to her bedside, "you'll have to hold her later."
He allowed the selfishness, "I think he's earned the right to hog her for a little."
"Oi sis," Druig greeted all the same, although in a whisper as he scurried over to her other wide with Makkari and Sersi. "How you doin'?"
She was still smiling, elated to be on the other side of her trauma, no matter how beautiful. She let her brother pat her shoulder, "I have experienced worse...I think."
Druig snorted, "well, for what it's worth, I've never considered you tougher."
Thena looked over to where Gilgamesh was protectively huddling over Olympia, protecting her from her own Uncles and Aunts. She puffed through her nose faintly, "if you can get close enough, take a look at her. See what she's thinking."
Druig regarded the baby curiously. Even after heading a commune for two hundred years, he had never met a baby quite like this. He waved his hand vaguely in her direction.
Makkari rubbed his back as he swiped at his eyes. Different, huh?
He nodded, slinging his arm lazily around her shoulders. They deserve this.
Makkari watched as Gilgamesh returned to Thena's side, still refusing to let Kingo and Phastos so much as tickle Olympia's cheeks. They do.
"Come on," Sprite grumbled, choosing instead to go over to Thena's side instead of crowding the baby and baby holder.
Thena looked at her youngest - most tentative - sister. "So?--what do you think?"
Sprite pursed her lips petulantly. She eyed Olympia, and her crowd of admirers. She tilted her head, "she's prettier than I imagined."
Thena took neither offense nor humour, but smiled. "You can meet her when you're ready."
And she did. Sprite warmed to the little life, just as she did to rejoining Kingo and even the human Karun instead of the isolation of secrecy.
Kingo and Phastos easily became the most eager to dote on their new little Eternal, although Gilgamesh insisted that he be the only apple of her eye. Druig managed to sneak into her good graces, with Thena's help getting past Gilgamesh's defenses.
Gilgamesh still barely leaves her side, even months after her birth. Despite her short gestation, she seems to age according to the Earth's rotation, as far as Phastos can test.
"Ajak would have loved you," Thena whispers down to the child sleeping in her arms. Whenever she lacks sleep, she does this--walks the halls of the Domo with Olympia for comfort. Her grey robes swish around her as she takes a seat in the awakening chamber. "She would still be crying even now, I'm sure."
Olympia sleeps as soundly as her father does. Apparently this is odd for a baby, which Thena doesn't think makes sense; they need sleep, so why would they be unable to achieve it?
Thena looks up at the looming statue of Arishem. "He has done me no kindnesses. If anything, he has cursed me in many ways."
Olympia doesn't mind. She has no awareness of her mother's ailment, and with the presence of their family to help, she will never witness the uglier consequences either.
Thena smiles down at the little one, though, "but I have you. And I will endure any curse for that."
She looks up at Arishem again. "Not that he had any part in that. If anyone game me you, besides your father, it is in fact godmother Sersi."
Olympia remains unbothered.
Thena presses a kiss to her tiny head, growing more white-blonde hair by the day. "You will learn in time. I will make sure you know of Ajak. And that you never know of Ikaris."
She dislikes even uttering his name in her child's presence.
Not that Olympia minds that either.
"Shouldn't you be in bed?"
She smiles as Gilgamesh rounds the corner, his grey robes also swaying in the ambient air of the ship. "I wanted to walk."
He comes over to her, checking on their little sunburst and then her. "Come back to bed. I'll hold her if want to look at her while you fall asleep."
She lays her head against his shoulder, "perfect."
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incorrectsmosh · 2 months
shayne and trevor? big uncle/nephew energy
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fishyartist · 4 months
Tumblrina 2 me btw. Would ride up and say some shit like “I’m not trans but I believe in their beliefs” or maybe say some shit about leaving to “steal some shoelaces” then kicking Joe Biden in the sack or something
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#I’m thinking about their families. Danny’s r easy the fandom is ripe w Fenton opinions#less about mansons or foleys pr grays#like there’s some stuff but there’s a lot more room to explore the space#I also wanna give them uncles and aunts and cousins and extended families but I’ll worry about that if/when relevant.#but the family units they actually live with matter more so that’s where my thoughts lie#anyways! so#mansons give me big ‘’coparenting after a divorce must be rough’’ ‘’…we aren’t divorced’’ energy#like get divorced 10 years ago. they make each other worse and no one enjoys it#ida had a huge life where she was poor but moved around a lot+learned+did alot and I think whichever of sams parents she parented resent it#and rebeled from that by leaning super into the hussle culture capitalism tar pit#then maybe ​one of tuckers parents is technically a step parent… bio parents had a healthy divorce/breakup to friends coparenting arc#but like written in a way that doesn’t think of either parent as worse or weird shit like that#like ‘’technically’’ as in legally but tucker considers all three equally his parents#idk. I have some worried about writing that well but I’ll look into it on my own later#Valerie’s other parents probably gonna be a ghost. lots of potential for angst and/or a sweet reunion there#probably the latter I love that sappy shit#but bc that parent’s gone Val+her dad became super super close+trusting#they for sure have shared hobbies but I haven’t decided what yet#thinking something related to athletics or photography?#that’s probably closest to fanon based on my understanding of fanon tropes#where like. lying to their dad about hunting ghosts it is a major struggle for Val emotionally.
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seahdalune · 2 years
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i want them to make stuff together
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lady-phasma · 2 years
bde appreciation post...
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opens-up-4-nobody · 9 months
#aaaand that's 2 doctors that think i have bipolar ii 🙃#so the conceptualize rn would b that my mood is fucked but im using ocd to keep myself contained withing sorta normal parameters#which. i mean. that does kinda fit with observationally. i would create rules around: u arent allowed to get excited abt things u arent#allowed to enjoy things bc u cant handle it. u cant b normal abt how u enjoy things. or bc when i go to enjoy a thing#my mood is caped at being lightly miserable so its like well fuck being around ppl it makes me feel nothing#bc my focus and energy swing around like the light on a lighthouse. and in between that im miserable or feel nothing#and if its true that i am bipolar the reason i never noticed would b bc i very rarely experience euphoria. mostly i have high energy and#dont feel good. just fucking out of control. so mixed episodes i guess. but like idk. i guess i just think of bipolar as being extremely#destructive. and i mean r my mood issues a problem? yes. sometimes a really big problem. but idk. im still resistant to thr idea#lots of ppl get misdiagnosed as bipolar even tho the presentation is so specific. i guess i just doesn't wanna accept it and then have to#have been wrong if i was misdiagnosed. but i mean 2 doctors independently listened to me and thought hm sounds like bipolar so maybe im#just being stubborn. also no one else in my family thst i kno of is bipolar. ive got 2 uncles with adhd but not bipolar relatives#i dunno. i guess it doesn't matter so long as i can get it under control. im good at control. destructively good at control#unrelated#i guess its more that ive never done anything life ruining bc of my moods#mostly i just dont sleep much and make myself crazy. so ill probably die an early death or whatever lack og sleep causes rio#i meant rip lol
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fenharel · 9 months
nooo i didnt make ysi/astarions dhampir kids in the cc aha i swear-
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donationwayne · 13 days
not me retroactively adding the new Bobby lore to my fic I’m working on rn to make his and bucks father/son relationship hit harder 😇😇😇 I love found family so much
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skippiefritz · 10 months
Hello! I gotta say I love the way you draw Lips, I just wanna hug him!!!
I just love your art style in general, it reminds me of chocolate covered marshmallows with sprinkles!!
Anyway, I wondered if you think of the Electric Mayhem as mentors of sorts to Scooter.
Thank you!!! :]
hii omg thank you sm!! Lips is such a fun design he is a delight to draw and it makes me so !! happy you like that !!!!
also thank you for the comparison,,, mm now Im hungry lol
and to answer your question, yes! I like to think of the electric mayhem as Scooter's weird hippie family (Scooter and Animal are sort of like brothers in my head? like I can see them wrestling before Animal goes to far and bites his head off or something lol, yk typical sib things)
I feel like Janice would be very protective over Scooter especially, like she'd relate to him bein a twin n wanna make sure he's always keeping in regular contact with her
Teeth probably would see his younger self in Scooter, yk young dorky gay kid with a rough home life
ahh Im rambling lol
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soulsxng · 1 year
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"Uh-oh. Looks like we might have to kick San off the team. It must've heard the way you coo at the hellhounds all the time." He says, as though he himself doesn't get all soft and sweet toward literally any kid in his vicinity. Either way, this is still accurate for him.
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bunnyb34r · 6 months
Well glad to know I'm not the only one not feeling the Christmas season this year. Mom isnt either
Now we dont know why, but here are my guesses. Feel free to place your bets.
Is it:
Bc our aunt/great-aunt died and essentially dissolved the family
|_> Bc of this we've faced so much bullshit from the surviving family we have left.
Bc the only remaining family we have are major assholes aside from like 4 people.
Long covid?
Work stress/ working under a tyrant piece of shit.
Bc I'm an adult now so the *magic* is gone?
All of the above??
#marquilla#we still havent made cookies and are like i want the cookies but i dont want to make the cookies...#so we agreed we can do it after christmas if need be#i really think it's all of that combined. like my g-aunt dying really tore this family apart. we weren't like close close before but i mean#everyone started taking sides (the executors (my mom) vs my cousins. like listen you motherfuckers she left you [insert number bc i also#got this amount and am not disclosing]. you little freaks need to get over the fact that she loved me as much as if not more than you.#maybe bc i wasn't a fucking entitled brat and was always a polite well behaved child (for her) and didnt take my mommy/daddy issues out on#her. you already got: 2 free cars. 3 fully paid for weddings. 4 college degrees (one that you're not even using bc you havent worked since#college bc you became a tradwife. (not dissing stay at home moms im dissing her making college a BIG DEAL for her and then just#essentially saying haha thanks for the 100k in tuition but no ❤). COUNTLESS hours and money poured#into your lives from her and our g-uncle. amongst the 4 of you. (only 1 is not a brat but thats bc they pretend she doesnt exist bc shes#annoying and autistic so a drain on them they were ever so happy to dump on their dad)#you aren't entitled to any of that. that was a GIFT. your inheritance was well thought out. it is an insult for you to suggest otherwise#anyway so theyre being whiny brats and oh boo hoo you exects are SO MEAN to poor Ally who didnt sign the fucking will and thus held up#$50k FROM A CHURCH. and my uncle (not their dad. their moms brother) is taking their side. his wife is a massive piece of shit ab it too.#dont know whose side dog cousin is on bc shes close to my mom but very close to them. and i know lesbian cousin is on moms side to some#degree. and idgaf what Murderer cousin thinks bc that bitch can and will rot in hell.#so anyway any one we could possibly spend time with this season is either dead or hates us. or lives states away and won't be in til after#and only for a day anyway. and we just dont have the fucking energy to deal with anything
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biggayenergypod · 2 years
Lea shares some sage words about the renewal status of A League of Their Own
Full audio podcast:
Full video interview:
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finned-fish · 8 months
"Don't try to change people; try to love people. 'Cause you can't change people. But love can. And even if they don't change, at least they're loved."
- Spencer Smilanick
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sunnixsunshine · 9 months
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Official Scotland design, I love you, but i love me a scrunkly 30 year old whos been around for so long hes given up on professional appearances around other nations that he just wears casual graphic tees and worn out jeans instead way more
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