#better than any promo pics the show took of her
shessoft · 2 years
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All my #SaveBatwoman posters
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seraphsfire · 2 years
things i did and didn’t like about rings of power (so you don’t have to watch it)
disclaimer: if you do want to watch it for whatever reason, please don’t pay for it, find a way to pirate it, don’t give jeff bezos any of your money. If you did really like it i totally respect that, i hope you enjoy it, these are just my personal opinions.
things i did like: 
the worldbuilding and set design is gorgeous, on par with the movies and i’d tentatively say the cgi is better than the hobbit trilogy. If that’s the kind of thing you’re interested in, i’d say it’s worth a watch. However, you’d probably waste less time by googling screenshots 
the dwarves are DELIGHTFUL. they’re a little different than Hobbit movie or Lotr dwarves, but they feel like Tolkien dwarves and they have a ton of personality and charisma. Disa is gorgeous and hilarious. And while she doesn’t have a beard, she does have sideburns that you couldn’t really see in the promo pics of her. (the dwarves don’t show up until episode 2 tho). They were probably my favorite part of the show so far.
The girl they cast to play Nori is super adorable and cute. The actors in general for the hobbits are very charming even if they look horrifically stinky and filthy. 
Morfydd clark doesn’t exactly feel or look like galadriel, but she does feel like an elf (unlike all the other elves in this show). If you forget she’s supposed to be galadriel she’s cool to watch even though the elves in this show are, in general, absurd. She’s clearly a good actor even though you can tell the directing on her part wasn’t great, there’s a lot of Very Dramatic squinting and Staring on her part and she has some ridiculous lines.
I actually really like the guy playing elrond. He also does feel like an elf and although he looks like a fancy hobbit, he’s the only one in the show i feel like is trying to be the character from the books he was cast as. If they did better stuff with his makeup and hair he could really be great. Idk maybe season 2 they’ll give him better hair or some Fenty diamond veil.
the elves’ (regular) costumes actually look a lot better on screen than they do in promo pics. Not super elfy, but enough of a fancy king-arthur feel for me to give it a pass. Much better than house of the dragon costumes (so far) or most of the non-important costumes in game of thrones.
things i didn’t like: 
hoo boy. 
i Mean i could go on and on about what the HELL were they thinking with the elves. Maybe not all the elves in the hobbit movies or lotr looked super elfy themselves (craig parker ily but you do look like A Dad) but the nasty looking short hair? 
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neo-n@zi style undercuts?
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 If they were going to do short hair they could have tried something. Idk. more romantic looking? or like cherub curls or soft floaty waves? there is so much hairspray in those elves’ hair. The ears are massive, thick and ugly looking. Their Token Diverse Elf guy is, other than galadriel’s brother, the only sort of unusual looking one to be passably cast as an elf but either he is a very bad actor or he was Very badly directed. His lines are awful. He’s supposed to be in love with this human chick but there is nothing about how they met, why they like each other, what they have in common, anything. No chemistry whatsoever. He’s also got a very stupid, plastic-looking costume. 
Also. They cast maybe the strangest oatmeal faced dudes they could find in britain as elves. What is this
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The elves armor is very stupid looking. Plain plate armor that is a matte grey for some reason, which i assume was to give it a softer look but really just ended up looking like it was spray painted, same with the chain mail they have under the armor. 
so much of this show had me going “wait, WHAT? why is that happening?” i knew this was mostly made up and wouldn’t have a lot directly from the silm or appendicies, but just trying to understand it narratively was baffling. They reference all these things they never explain. 
Galadriel talks about all the people she lost that the orcs / morgoth took from her but all you get is a seconds long scene of her looking at her dead brother. None of these other multitudes of people she’s lost are mentioned. A lot of stuff happens like this, just some character being like “oh this happened so thats why i have Emotional Damage,” and just moving on without any explanation. No chance to really get to know the characters, apart from a little bit with galadriel and she has very little backstory other than being Full of Need For Revenge.
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they clearly know how to live off the land and build things, they’re not anywhere far away from water, but they are just COVERED with dirt and their hair is matted and absolutely nasty, their clothes are stained with sweat, their teeth are super yellow. they all look disgusting and i have no clue why. All the hobbits having an irish accent and there being a decent number of brown people among them unlike the elves or humans but them looking so gross feels Bad like a microaggression. but like i said in another post since I’m white and also not irish i feel like this isn’t something that’s my place to break down and discuss. The whole time they looked so gross that i was just cringing. They do act like hobbits tho. 
Just random plot threads and scenes that were so bizarre and cliche that they didn’t need to put in when there’s So much more interesting things to pull from in the appendicies. Sauron apparently leaves this Mark everywhere that looks like a trident and the elves just DON’T KNOW what it means. 
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why is sauron marking his victims like a serial killer? Why are there orcs poisoning cattle? why the hell did bronwyn’s son find that orc sword / morgoth’s sword / sauron’s sword or whatever? These are plot threads that are obviously put in there to make it supposedly interesting, but they’re all overused tropes from other stuff that afaik aren’t related to/established by anything that happens in silm or lotr, while they could have used so many other interesting things from the text instead. It feels VERY geared towards like, 8-12 year olds, but way too slow for them. Some things they rushed through, while other scenes, especially dialogue scenes with the humans, just dragged on without really giving any interesting information or character development.
there was this whole scene with galadriel escaping a sea monster for some reason which didn’t make sense, i don’t see why we could have seen more of her backstory instead, but i mean peter jackson did that kind of thing pretty often in lotr and the hobbit so whatever. It wasn’t actually even that interesting of a fight and they didn’t even show more than a fin either which was kind of disappointing.
galadriel being a Girlboss full of Revenge. I guess there’s ways to do that that i could have believed but it’s just So dramatic i just kept grimacing the whole time. Since she’s the main character pretty much, this doesn’t help. Opening with her as a very dour looking child building a boat out of paper was a really strange choice.
the “diversity” being all talk and no substance. Wild to me that amazon went to all that trouble to toot their own horn about diversity and piss off the racists and then didn’t actually bother. Yeah there’s brown hobbits, and a few brown dwarves. Galadriel’s company that she commands is 100% white and male. I saw maybe one east asian person. The border guards where the love struck elf guy works are all men. The dwarves with speaking roles are men other than Disa.
it’s bizarre, it’s all over the place, the lines sound like generic fantasy rpg #28, only a couple of them were actually taken from the text, it’s a sausage fest, the elves suck. The dwarves are cool and the one thing that really feels like Tolkien in the whole show. The worldbuilding is pretty. The music is kind of nice but not really noticeable. It has very little resemblance to anything middle-earthy, it’s very juvenile, and very boring. anyway. That’s about it. 
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A brief on Harry's public behavior that day
2022 Venice film festival
An answer to this respectful tweet
I am a Larrie, no need to say I love them both but I am also a professional, particularly mkt & branding is my area, I have read & learned a LOT about the industry thanks to them, probably like most of us here have, I am also a grown-up, I know how many unexplainable things from the 1D days have been inherited into our days trying to make sense of current situations & because, particularly, H has been involved in so many complex situations I’ve tried to be objective about it, looking for a better understanding despite I don’t like some. It's fine because I am still here. On the other hand, this showed me the raw reality of what the industry demands to be “successful“ in it and how real issues like pressure, money, power & a large number of people relying on just one man, puts an inappropriate responsibility on him.
First, I’d like to say that there is the larries pov but there is also the “world” or the GP too, I can try to justify whatever by looking at it through the larrie glasses but the truth is he came there for the first time and he acted as he did. I love him and that’s why I don’t want others to point at this behavior as disrespectful or poor when he is having an opportunity (that many actors don’t, for instance) of a lifetime. So, it’s not a matter of what a larrie state of mind “should be” or that st*pid octopus’ morals are, it is a matter of caring about a guy whose reputation is already damaged and dragged by the choices he took, the media, his team, the industry, the stunt… far away from who I think he is.
At this time, we were at one of the worst peaks of the stunt he & his so-called “gf” had just put out there the most controversial articles, we had pap pics almost every day, wrong quotes, etc... They got there and H ignored her under a “professional veil” to quit that attitude once they got into the theatre, to go back to spread kisses once again in NY streets later…and the only chance he got to show a bit of who he really is, how despite everything he was going through he is who we know he is… he puts into display this (alow me to name it) game. Don’t forget Harry has been in the industry for more than 10 years, he knows it's folds perfectly. I am telling you, this wasn’t read into considering his stunting state at the moment or his feeling towards despicable OW, I am a Larrie & I was concerned.
When I mentioned controversies, I didn’t imply his level of freedom, but the obvious DWD promo: based on spreading garbage all over. So it would have been nice if, for once, his circle or his moves weren't related to this kind of approach seeking headlines. However, to the general question: is H capable of choosing? Yes (minding ofc the doubt before the extension and consequences of them). Does this imply easiness, comfort, being happy with what the industry demands of this man or not having to deal with complex contracts (including his & the boys 1D’s)??? No. Don’t take me wrong, I am not saying his position is any lighter than it is or it looks like, there is too much involved and is disgusting.
I get how some see this specific moment as a rebellion and give them comfort, I understand it because I was thought like that too & the loop to see through is a bit complex & doesn’t get any better, as you can tell. It helped me a lot to give it a business pov, separate it from my feelings for them or from who I think they truly are, to understand the extent of the circus they (& us consequently) deal with.
I am not looking for an answer breaking down every step under the stunt, because I know too, believe me; but take this ( if you wish) as a wider scope on how things are seen. There is a larger audience (and intention), I chose my side, but that doesn’t erase the others and I mind how he is perceived. Precisely, being a larrie let us see clearly the incoherencies of the artist out there and walking that line is risky for him first. I wish his lame team could make a better, creative and mature strategy to protect him & give us a much healthier experience.
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mrchalamet-mrstyles · 2 years
Yes to everything you say but some of you won’t believe it at all unless they are making out in pap pics. Taylor hanging out with his sister without him is not promo and isn’t something his other costars have done. Notice how Taylor never posted any of that on her story either. And then he shows up in Paris where she is and is undercover on purpose. He wouldn’t be going out of his way to not be spotted if it was just for a fitting. Sometimes reading between the lines is all that’s needed but clearly that’s too hard for many of you. Also like someone else said he would not come out in a press conference about his relationship with her. In fact I took it as he was referring to the start of their friendship 1.5 years ago. It’s pretty clear they’ve had a close bond since the beginning as friends, the way they are around each other and the fact that both Guillain and Stephane (his besties) have followed her for awhile like since filming began. So it’s not unreasonable to think the relationship has changed based on other evidence.
Anon, why is it so important that anyone says they are together? Does it affect you personally because I truly don't care. Coming to only one conclusion in this way is no better than what Charmies do. If he is in a rs, good for him but I'm not here for that sort of thing anymore. I learned the hard way not to get caught up in his personal life in that way. I'm a fan but that doesn't mean I have to know everything about him when he clearly goes to great lengths to hide that from us.
This is the last post about "are they/aren't they" I will be posting ✌️
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Wed 9 June ‘21
Multiple pictures and video of Louis from out by the recording studio a few days ago were posted, HAPPY DAYS! This (the fans gathered getting pics with him) would be the fuss the man saw out his window (that we saw in his out the window pics) before he popped out to get in on the picture-taking action, it’s no wonder he recognized Louis; I’m guessing the fan crew followed the usual strategy of waiting until he wasn’t going to be at whatever location every day anymore to publish and that’s why we got them now rather than when they were taken. Anyway; pictures and video of Louis! He’s cute, he’s Louis, it’s wonderful to see him and even better to hear him! And there were pictures of him in red from a different day as well that win for cutest probably, him and the fan flipping off the camera together is excellent, and she got to tell him her story of how Just Hold On saved her life and show him the JHO tattoo she got to commemorate, also wonderful. LT Tour added a festival show for September 22 in Italy, presale starting today
Niall said if he gets bumped up 185 slots in his spotify ranking he’ll do a dance half naked (haha is the ‘half’ because he’s hedging his bets in case it actually happens?) on tiktok, and he and Anne Marie posted more behind the scenes pics from the music video shoot, but where’s the bts video? I don’t know, but I do know where Niall is-- LA! I mean we already knew that but it was confirmed when a fan took video of him out for a hike today.
Liam’s Lonely Bug promo is really kicking into high gear with all the creators posting talking about it and clearly press releases went out cause there were a bunch of articles- Lonely Bug is of course his semi-autobiographical animated NFT, or to quote the press, “the artwork... is aiming to reflect the childlike state that many people returned to during the pandemic, [and] is multimedia with music from DJ Zedd, animation from Gabe Damast and spoken word from Gary Vee.” Also it is apparently actually a series of NFTs rather than just one, so yeah, that clears it all right up for anyone who’s still confused right?! Haha. Anyway we got a first look at the title character based on Liam’s art today. And there’s more! Steven Bartlett (entrepreneur, guy Liam flirted with for 90 minutes while spilling his guts the other day) says that as part of the NFT launch there will be a dinner in Las Vegas with him and “crypto celebrities” Mike Novogratz (another entrepreneur), Brendan Blumer (this guy’s wikipedia genuinely just says ‘entrepreneur’), 3LAU (DJ! And also entrepreneur), Christian Angermayer (‘entrepreneur investor’), NFT dealers Duncan and Griffin Cockfoster (...can you guess? Yep they are also entrepreneurs), Paris Hilton (she is selling NFTs of her own, so yes indeed; she’s an entrepreneur now too), and Liam, so if Liam is enough to make that actually sound appealing to you rather than like the seventh circle of actual hell, all you have to do is be a winning bidder for one of Liam’s NFTs and you will get to not only “own” the digital artwork but also attend that dinner.
Liam also liked a tweet wondering whether the reason he liked the Ron’s Gone Wrong movie page was that it was the movie he had mentioned last year writing a song for, ALL RIGHT THEN. Confirmed, I guess! And he posted a video (with his newly shaved eyebrow slash and diamond necklaces on) where he said he rolled his knee in jujitsu today, oh nooo. Meanwhile his discord broke out into ugly arguing over new fandom names (the long list of rules forbid mention of so many hot topics, such as shipping of any kind, but you just can’t stop fans from fighting); Liam commenting on the thread being shut down, “too much passion.” Well, he’s not wrong! Paynedora’s Box indeed- I told ya, full of demons.
Today in MP filming, there were cupcakes with the director’s face on them (this shoot is really into little cakes huh, love that for them), plus someone from the set said blurry tiny pics they posted and said were Harry waving weren’t Harry they were just fucking with people. Wow you...really showed us? I guess?? The yellow shorts pics were really him though! Gucci posted some old pics from the fragrance campaign.
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
🍷Thurs 29 Oct ‘20🚙
Cam’s song Changes (written by Harry along with country singer-songwriter Lori McKenna and producers Kid Harpoon and Tyler Johnson) dropped in some parts of the world this morning, and it is LOVELY! It is a twangy country song about growing up and getting out of your hometown and seeing the world change and you with it. I really think Cam buried the lead when advertising this song, as the best lyric is clearly, “I was falling in love in a back seat, giving it away like my heart won’t ever break. Had such a young heart drinking cheap wine…”. Hmmm...does this sound familiar to anyone? Of course it does! Fans had a great time comparing this song to Fearless and We Made It (and, honestly, yes. I agree). But that is not enough music news for Harry: SiriusXM started releasing videos of Harry’s New York performance in February (whoa a lifetime ago), including Kiwi, Golden, and Lights Up. The performances are, as always, ELECTRIC, and I can’t wait to be able to see them live, eventually.  
Zayn is back and he’s posting Better promotion on instagram (the song, not like...he’s doing a better job...oh, you know what I mean). He hasn’t blessed us with any more covers since yesterday, but he’s active, so I think we’ll be hearing more from him very soon….Maybe some of those songs he registered last month? Please???
All I want for Christmas is...for Liam to branch out and add Tech Expert to his resume alongside ‘YouTuber’ and ‘Tik Tok sensation’? Well, maybe that’s a hyperspecific demand, but it seems like I’m in luck! Liam will be joining the speaker line up of Web Summit 2020, which is a program which “brings together the people and companies redefining the global tech industry”. Liam *is* a recording tech expert, but that’s probably not what they tapped him - this is likely to do with the way he is putting on consistent and quality virtual concerts in a way that has massively transformed the potential for fan engagement in socially distant times. Congrats, Liam, because you’ve worked really hard! And he’s not done working! Liam took to instagram to call fans “detectives” for figuring out that his Christmas collaboration was Dixie D’Amelio, and promising “fun” leading up to the Holidays with “Dixie and her family” (uh, do you think that her parents are gonna be involved or just her super successful 16 year old Tik Tokker sister Charlie?). Anyways, as much as I would LOVE to say that we are indeed detectives (because we are!) , the credit for letting the cat out of the bag this time goes to Dixie herself, who posted a Tik Tok of her singing the song. This, on top of the speculation that already existed, was all the confirmation we needed to know what was happening. Liam also filmed a few episodes of a podcast Happy Hour with veteran YouTuber JaackMaate on his show, where he and his friends chat with people about their jobs and their lives in a relaxed way. And! If you bought tickets to LP Act 3, check your inbox - Liam has sent information on how to access the concert, and also some pre-emptive tech support links. I don’t know if that’s a good sign or a bad one.
Niall was, again, very busy with promo, appearing on Live with Ryan Secrest and hitting all of the Royal Albert Hall talking points we’ve been hearing, but he also took the time to interact with fans on Twitter! He tells us that he’s not going to be doing anything for Halloween (“can’t go anywhere in big groups”), that he loves Bruce Springsteen, and that he’ll do a live striptease if “Slow Hands” passes a billion streams by next week. Look, I know I keep saying this, but, uh #PLEASEdontstripitdownNiall. BUT! Do show us more of your skincare routine, which is what he did on insta: he posted a pic of himself in a facemask saying, “You’ll all be saying after RAH, ‘Niall you were glowing!’ and I’ll say… ‘I know’”. 
And, Louis showed us how quickly he works when he has a goal in mind: after the unfortunate matter of merch shipping only to certain regions of the world yesterday, Backstreet Merch (the company in charge of his stuff) quickly took to twitter to say that, “We will be expanding our shipping zones to all of South America and India...within the next 48 hours.” And that’s exactly what happened! Not only that, Central America and Singapore are also on the list (catch ALL OF MY FAMILY rocking their Walls merch), although Mexico is not, and Backstreet Merch has said they have no current plans to ship to Mexico, which, hmmm. But look, I just gotta say that in 48 hours, Louis listened to his fans who have supported him (he sold out TWO stadiums in Argentina!) and quickly made his merch more accessible. Honestly, I love this man. And those countries certainly deserve it – can your country say Walls was its best selling album last week? Argentina can! Both Harry albums and Heartbreak Weather were also in the top ten.
However, I may have said good riddance to Celebtm too soon ( :{( ). TMZ has picked up their second mess of an article and is now distributing that. On top of this, Michael Straus has contacted both Judge Judy and the People’s Court to see if they can get some cable airtime and settle the small claim on TV - which, to be clear, Briana has to agree to, but it seems likely. Celebtm (despite saying yesterday they weren’t going to report on this until January when the court case happened, okaaaay) made a statement telling Briana to take the TV offers seriously so that Louis’ “child support” (quotes theirs, not mine) wouldn’t go to her legal fees. They went on to say, “We only see #onedirection here. To #EndIt on television and win your freedom to love ❤️ again with the next victim. Thank you #1DFamily for supporting #louistomlinson during these chaotic #1D times”. We DO support Louis, which is more than I can say for celebtm. It might bring a little thrill to see a media outlet proclaiming End It, but is it a good thing for Louis? No. This is happening because of the response they're getting and unless someone makes them (mark this down cause you won't see me saying this usually but omg LTHQ will you please get in here and shut this talk down?) they won't stop with this nonsense (see: yesterday's Larry Stylinson article) until the fans stop cheering them on. Speaking of nonsense on Instagram, Lou the golden retriever, the influencer dog fans headcanon-ed was the one HSHQ posted, decided he wanted a piece of the pie and has joined the swollen ranks of accounts falsely claiming a connection to Harry. There are many, including deuxmoi who post an endless stream of made up stories, but also the occasional credible sounding fan report such as yesterday's of Harry at a gym in the UK, and, um, WOW! It’s one of those fitness classes where you alternate your running pace to accelerate your heart rate, and the fan account claimed that Harry’s base pace (that is, comfortable running pace) is 10 mph, which is a 6 minute mile, or a 5k in 18 minutes. Uh, WHAT?? Guys, that’s it: I’m officially a stan, I love this man, and I want to go on a run with him.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
The Orange Backpack Symbol
So, we’ve been batting around the symbol of the orange backpack for a LONG time. We first saw it on a hitch hiker in 3x10, Clear, when Rick and Michonne went and found Morgan. We’ve seen it and things like it many times since. We still aren’t entirely sure what it means, but these are some ideas we’re batting around.
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(Not my edit but just thought it was funny. It shows the fandom picks up on these symbols, even if they often don’t know what to do with them.  😊) I’ll give you my fellow theorist’s observations, first. They are excellent and most likely correct, even if we can’t say for sure, yet. Then I’ll chime in with a few of my own.
I’m still uncertain about the Orange backpack symbolism versus regular backpacks. It sort of depends on the Dutch angles from Coda. If the term “Dutch angles” was something that came from TPTB, then I can make a strong case about Orange being tied to Beth. If it didn’t come from the horse’s mouth then it’s a much weaker connection. It could still be a thing, but it’s just not a case I can argue very convincingly.
@twdmusicboxmystery: For the record, though we haven’t heard tptb specifically mention “dutch angles” in any particular interview that we know of, I do believe we can safely say this came from them. It was talked about in the fandom a LOT and I believe the writers themselves leaked the first idea for it. It’s also part of the “on screen notes” in the Amazon digital version of the episode. Amazon has no involvement in the show other than carrying it and wouldn’t know what to put in the on-screen notes. Which means they come from the production itself. So I DO believe the “dutch angles” idea can be seen as something confirmed by the writers. Back to @frangipanilove:
@frangipanilove​: But either way, I believe the “back” in backpack is a reference to “come back” or “return”, “resurrection”, Sirius symbolism. Same with “back pocket”, as well as the torsos we’ve seen sometimes. My reasoning behind that is from season 3 when Merle returned to the show, and Michonne wrote a “biter gram” where she used a walker’s back to symbolize “go back” to Merle.
The original Orange backpack in 3x10, Clear, can be tied to return symbolism in many ways. They initially ignored the guy, then later saw him dead. They passed him, but returned to grab the backpack. 
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And we’ve seen the backpack numerous times since, and it’s easy to tie it to reunions and returns to one’s family etc. We saw it in Michonne’s trippy vision with Virgil as well. Basically, it’s more return symbolism, because she’s going after Rick. She’ll find him, but even if she doesn’t, the return symbolism has already happened in that she found his boots and the iPhone (apple symbol) with the etching. That’s return symbolism.
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(To her, Rick is dead, but these told her he might still be alive, so he’s just been resurrected in her mind.)
So, I view the backpack symbolism as return symbolism, and then the question is if Orange is a symbol that adds something different to the symbolism, or if it just enhances the return symbolism.
It's funny that we're having a discussion about the brownish orange or rust color backpack because I wanted us to discuss it, haha. I've been thinking of it quite a bit in the last few weeks and I agree with you to a certain point, @Frangi, about it possibly being a reunions symbol.
I guess the difference for me is that I believe it also represents a journey. Some journeys are shorter than others, but a journey that reunites you to a person you have not seen for a long time, or even possibly thought were dead. In my head, that's for the rusty orange color.
In the Clear episode, team Rick passes the guy with the backpack, they journey to his hometown where he reunited with Morgan, someone who he was not expecting to see and may even believed was dead. The difference is, he picks up the backpack on his return home.
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With Glenn, his rusty orange backpack journey was longer, but he ultimately reunited with Maggie who he hoped was alive but was not certain.
Daryl wore the rusty colored backpack when he, Rosita, and Denise took a short journey to a nearby community. On their way back home, they encounter Dwight. It was a reunion, but not a good one. And although Dwight was alive, the last Daryl had seen him, I'm sure Daryl hoped Dwight was dead.
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It occurred to me while I was doing my research about the red rag that Daryl is wearing a rusty orange with brown legging on his right leg when he is on a journey to find/reunite the body of Rick. I need to go back and check but at the D.C. capital, there was a banner of an eye that we believe to be Emily's/Beth's. I believe that banner was a rusty orange, which would mean that there would be a reunion with someone that would require a journey to be reunited with someone believed to be dead.
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I believe a regular or bright orange could possibly also be a journey color, but not necessarily a reunion with someone the person believed to be dead. Virgil had a bright or regular orange backpack when he found Connie. And yes, Connie was believed to possibly be dead but we are not led to believe that Virgil knew Connie, so the reunions part of it does not apply. Only the journey he had taken from his Island.
I do not know if tptb actually mentioned Dutch angles but I have seen several interviews of movie directors over the years that have used Dutch angle and have commented that it is something taught in film school that could represent something being somewhat out of tilt, something that is not quite right. I do want to mention that in the episode Stalker that has Daryl and Alpha in the garage there was Dutch angles around Alpha which ties it to the episode, Coda.
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I think there were better images of the eye in the promo pictures for that season. The second shot is in the entry hall where they showed all of the different exhibits, banners in different colors, etc. What I want to point out is that chevron at the bottom. The banner looks like it reads, “Natural History,” and maybe the word “Living.”
Regarding the Orange cover on Daryl’s leg, I interpret it as boot symbolism (it covers his leg = boot = trunk), which is synonymous with trunk symbolism IMO. That’s also what we see after Michonne has had her hallucination, including the orange backpack; she finds Rick’s boots in the boat. Boots = trunk and boat = vessel = vehicle.
So, I interpret in a way that ultimately points to the story of survival by way of trunk (three/tree/trunk symbolism). In Michonne’s case, it points towards Rick’s survival story, but because of the blue heron painting (among other things) we know that Rick’s story and Beth’s story are two versions of the same story.
So, when I interpret the symbolism around Michonne in that episode as pointing towards a reunion with Rick (or return to Rick), it means I also interpret the same symbolism as pointing towards Beth’s survival.
The banner in the museum in 9x1 IMO is eye = Sirius symbolism. This is because of Sirius as the “heavenly dog with a star in its eye” from the Robert Frost poem, and therefore also a reference to the one-eyed dog from Alone, among other things.
And in 9x1, the eye banner is orange, and Daryl’s leg wrap is orange. Which ties orange symbolism, eye symbolism and boot (Daryl’s leg) symbolism into Sirius symbolism. The orange backpack = return/resurrection. Daryl’s leg wrapping = boot = trunk = return/resurrection. The orange eye banner = Sirius = return/resurrection.
Also, I don’t think they will ever comment on whose eye it is on the banner, but you cannot convince me that it’s not Emily’s eye unless they specifically deny it.
This is a very short explanation of the symbolism pathway that leads me to think back = return. It’s a way to explain it that fits into my system. But basically, I believe what you say about a journey is just a different aspect of it. They’re slightly different ways of ending up at more or less the same spot. But in order to have a return, there kind of has to be a journey involved, otherwise it’s not much of a return, right?
Actually, I don’t know where you guys stand on this now, but I remember when the Michonne episode aired, @twdmusicboxmystery interpreted the apple symbolism as “separation.” I interpreted it as kind of the opposite: apples as a symbol of “bringing your family back, as Virgil said after poisoning Michonne. She said it took her family away from her, but I believe tptb use the apple symbolism as pointing towards reunion/return/resurrection.
My point is, we’re both right because they are two sides to the same story. There can’t be reunion unless there has been some sort of separation first. So, it could seem like I interpret the apple symbolism opposite to what @twdmusicboxmystery said after the episode, but I actually don’t think about it that way. I think we’re both picking up on what’s important about the apple symbolism, and then we use slightly different word to describe it.
I focus on the return/resurrection part, but in order to have that, there has to be some kind of separation or journey preceding it. You can’t reunite with someone you haven’t been separated from, and most likely, there’s a journey involved. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make much sense, right?
We first saw the eye banner when spoiler pictures from filming 9x1 emerged. They made no attempt to prevent the spoiler pics from coming out, they actually made quite the spectacle of it instead. I actually find that very interesting, because if it really is Emily’s eye, which I’m fully convinced it is, then it was a very loud announcement to TD about Beth, the eye/Sirius symbolism and also the orange symbolism.
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We first saw Daryl’s leg wrapping in Stradivarius, right? We see the orange leg wrapping (IMO a boot/trunk reference) in Stradivarius, which is kind of the first we see of Daryl after the time skip, if you don’t count the small clip from the opening minutes of 9x6, which is an interesting clip. But you actually don’t see the orange leg wrapping there.
Which, if you don’t count the clip from 9x6 is kind of the first chronological appearance by Daryl after FM. You see him transitioning into the orange leg wrapping in FM, but chronologically that’s set in the time between 9x5 and 9x7. I love the little clip from 9x6, so packed with symbolism. But I do find it interesting that it doesn’t show the orange leg wrapping. It’s like they went out of their way to NOT show it. No idea if that’s significant or not, but certainly interesting.
You're right Frangi at the core we pretty much all believe the same thing. I agree totally with the eye banner being symbolism of Sirius the one-eyed dog but I also was very excited about seeing the Chevron symbol at the end of the entry hall banners, all in colors that can be tied to Beth. To me it speaks that there will be some type of military tie between the Sirius symbol (Beth) and the Chevron symbol (Commonwealth/CRM)
@frangipanilove: Yeah, agree on the chevron. They really like to pile on the symbols, don’t they. It’s symbolism on top of symbolism.
@wdway: We did actually see a quick glimpse of Daryl's orange legging in Who Are You Now, immediately following the reveal of the X on Michonne's back.
@frangipanilove: That’s awesome. Because that means that when we see it in Find Me, it’s the first time in the chronology he wears it. Assuming he had the orange leg cover during the entirety of 9x6, it means the very first time we see Daryl wearing it is when he’s standing waist-deep in the water spear fishing. Obviously, we don’t see it, but I’m going to assume we’re meant to believe he’s wearing it in the water while spear fishing.
Spear fishing is something we saw with both Leah and Carol in FM. He threw a fish at the front door with the X. In 9x6 we saw him catch a fish on the spear, then immediately a walker emerges from the water. All very strong symbols. Michonne has a very poignant voiceover, lots of symbolism there as well. He sees a walker representing himself grown into the tree trunks (three I believe). It reaches out for him, or something. Then the blue bird comes, grabs the ear worm, we see the nest, the bird babies. More poignant monologue from Michonne, tiny beacons of light etc.
What actually kicked off this conversation not long after Fear, 6x12, In Dreams aired, was that I noticed in Grace’s dream, when she met her daughter Athena, Athena was wearing an orange backpack. Not THE orange backpack, but another one.
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I don’t have tons to add except to say that I totally agree with these two ladies. Another, slightly different (though not really) way you could look at it is that backpack always appears before someone dies, but there’s always a return as on the horizon as well.
In Clear, as @wdway mentioned, Morgan qualifies as a resurrection and return, but the hitchhiker carrying the backpack also died. In this case, Morgan also disappeared again, not to reappear until 5x01. So it was also the beginning of another separation between Rick and Morgan.
I seem to remember Carl having the backpack in 3x16, just before TF finally kicked the Governor’s butt. I’ve often wondered if it was a death omen for Carl. And it may have been, given that this is the episode where Gimple took over and probably planned Carl’s arc. But that wouldn’t come for a long time. 
It’s more likely that it meant other things. Many of the Gov’s people actually did die, but that also kicked off the Gov’s arc where he disappeared and didn’t return until 4x08 when he bulldozed the prison. And there were HEAVY Beth parallels during those two episodes (4x06-07) about him. There were also smaller returns here, such as Karen returning to Tyreese at Woodbury, and them finding Andrea. Though she, too, actually died.
Michonne’s vision with Virgil has been covered pretty well here. Clearly it’s leading toward her finding Rick (reunion) but also kicks off her separation from her kids, Daryl and the rest of TF. We didn’t see obvious death around her, but I’m sure there will be some in her coming arc. The fact that she keeps ending up with Negan’s bat in her hands is proof enough of that.
I’m sure you can also see how the orange backpack ties into the left/right/back pocket symbolism as well.
So yeah. I think you get the idea. It’s a fascinating symbol, isn’t it? And one we’ll definitely keep an eye on moving forward. Thoughts?
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whencallstheheart · 3 years
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We’ll find out tonight if our predictions are correct! 
Responses to the written questions are under the cut.
Where is Ned and what is he doing?
No idea
Business trip
Dealing with some financial issues.
Doing business in UC or Hamilton. Nothing major
He stayed behind next episode and will be back in the finale.
I think planning something for Florence, maybe expansion for the mercantile?
I don't know
I have no idea, wth!?!?
Yo i have no idea. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he's trying to contact Florence's daughter who wasnt there for the wedding
Maybe he's visiting his daughter? Or expanding the Mercantile somehow
With Mike. Oil pipeline
It sure
I have no clue honestly, maybe planning a surprise for Florence?
Perhaps...expanding his store? Or ordering something new to begin to be shipped to his.
something related to factory
Sussing out suppliers
Maybe something to do with the Wyman guy?
visiting his daughter
Buying a new house or a surprise for Florence
Visiting Abigail
Planning something special for Florence
He is doing something with his daughter
No clue
With his daughter
Planning to expand the mercantile to include deliveries (Hope Valley Amazon) lol
Not sure
I really dont know!
Made out a Will since he now is married to Florence
Business in Union City
Business, but he’ll be back
I don’t Know
I dont know. This one threw me!
Literally have no idea
maybe he will come back with his daughter who will come to live at HP
some sweet surprise/gift for Florence
He is involved im some growth in HV.
Taking care of business.
He's making a business deal somewhere
I have no idea. I think it was a weird to put in o.O
Making purchases for the store.
Business stuff somewhere
I don't know
i don't know
ned things
He just took the long way home...
Adopting Flo's son
He is picking up a surprise order gift for Florence, and it’s taking longer than expected.
Fighting attempt to take over mercantile
Talking to a divorce lawyer. Or putting a pillow over Abigail's mom's face so she can bury her already and come back to Hope Valley for his buddy Henry's sake.
Honestly I’m not sure but interested to find out!
Idk honestly. Probably actually doing something sweet for Florence but she doesn't know it.
What's up with the Pinkertons?
Not sure
A storyline to bring a change of pace to the show.
I really Don’t know
Not sure, but I don’t think it will be resolved this season, maybe it’s the cliffhanger?
I don't know
They’re hired thugs like they were in S1, just there to show Walden is a bad guy despite appearances
Factory related
Up to no good! Don’t trust them.
Yo i dont even know. They look totally sketch but they are probably the good guys actually. I'm predicting they are after someone who's been wanted for a long time. I think it may be too easy to link them with the guy who took Jesse and Clara's money
Not sure yet
Working for Waldon
Sneakily buying land
I couldn't care less about them
Perhaps something is in the cabin/someone they don't want found.
No idea
Something to do with the mine disaster (even though it's been ages).
we will see in season 9
Setting up a good storyline for season 9
Not sure maybe something to do with the new factory that might be built
Maybe it has to do with Henry
I have no idea, but I do not like them!
No good
Buying all the land
They have Jesse. Someone wants to reopen the mine and seek revenge on Elizabeth for his son going to jail (Spurlock).
Looking for some kind of hidden good
Shady dealings going on
Guarding the future factory site. But something extra at the cabin connected with Spurlock.
An even bigger I dont know on this one. Like, what in the world???
Holding Jesse captive
I think they kidnapped Jesse because he found out what they were up to but I have no idea what that is
stumped on this one
That is difficult. He is apparently connected to S1 Spurlock. Is he there for revenge? Or, just a heavy hand like his relative?
Revenge? They want to take over Hope Valley.
Something sketchy, probably bigger than just whatever is going on with the cabin though.
Land grab
No clue but they'll be one of the big bads next season
They are probably the goons of the Industry dude
They are working for somebody bigger.
They want to take over the town
I don't know
i'm worried about Nathan
idk they are the bad daddys of the season
they can only be there to cover up a crime, or some valuable find
No clue
They’re wanting to uproot Hope Valley for better business by destroying the town.
Keeping identity of mastermind safe from townspeople.
Maybe looking for Ned, who alternatively is a serial killer and now on the run. Possibly for the murder of Abigail's mother?
I’m so confused lol
Creating a monopoly & doing some villain nonsense (as it would seem the show is hinting).
Any other thoughts going into the finale?
There will be at least one surprise- not sure what
There are too many loose ends to tie up in one episode and I just want Elizabeth and Nathan together (and perhaps quickly married in this episode!)
I’m honestly really nervous, I’m rooting for Nathan but I have a feeling she’ll go for Lucas, I really don’t mind Lucas as a character but like what storylines can they do with them as a couple? The manuscript is finished, they’ve gone on every sort of date at this stage and she’s been in his office. What else can they do? With Nathan they can do the being scared because of his job again but making it different, there’s children involved now, it’s not just Elizabeth. Jack won’t understand but Allie will 100% feel worried for him. Also Allie having a mother figure, especially at this stage in her life, how could you not want it! The blended family as the main family would be so nice for this show, I know it’s been done before but they will be fairly front and centre in the show. Sorry for the rant, I love your blog so much! I don’t have tumblr so I can’t leave comments or like your gifs but I thoroughly enjoy all your theories and opinions!!
Just ready for this stupid love triangle to be over!
I’d love to actually see Henry meet up with Abigail, but doubt it. I hope they have Clara do something heroic for Jesse, but also doubt it. Henry will definitely be putting Hickam in charge at least temporarily. I think Ned will return but we won’t get a full explanation yet. And the dramatic ending won’t be the triangle choice, it’ll be Elizabeth losing the school.
Allie’s adoption finalized and reaction to Elizabeth choosing Nathan is something we should see.
Glad the triangle will be DONE!!
I hope that Elizabeth follows her heart and not pick someone who is a safe option.
I wish Faith were leaving instead of Carson. Also, I think there will be lots of set up for problems with the school board and Elizabeth. Also, I want more little Jack scenes but i don't think we'll get much since child acting laws and covid combined make that difficult
Excited for Elizabeth to move on from her past and enter a new adventure with either of the two men and really just everything else (Rosie and Lee, Fiona, Henry.)
I hope Faith doesn’t end up with whoever doesn’t get chosen by Elizabeth.
hopefully the finale will clear up the drawn out love triangle
The triangle was waaaaay drawn out. Be done and choose.
Nathan and Faith......would be great......
No matter who Elizabeth chooses I'm SOOOO READY to get this over with!
Kindness matters - no matter who she chooses. Isn't that why most of us watch the show
I am so over the love triangle and just want to know who Elizabeth picks.
Worried about the fandom more than anything
Elizabeth please pick Nathan
It's just a TV show and no matter what , it's there for our entertainment. I do think they're setting things up for the return of Abigail in some way.
The must be a Season 9!!!
I hope Fiona does not get involved with Mike.
Hopefully things get back to normal for Elizabeth and Rosemary
Interested to see the other storylines. I want Elizabeth to choose Nathan but I think JT will throw us off. From the promo pic, it looks like they will try to put Faith with Nathan.
- I just want Elizabeth to chose so that this storyline can come to an end and we can finally get to see her marriage and functioning has a wife. - Wonder what will become of Lucas once her choice is made. - I would like Lucas to have a proper storyline that doesn't involve Elizabeth or the love triangle. - I would love to see Rosemary and Lee finally become parents however that may happen. I feel like the writer just left them in limbo about it and keep teasing but never delivering on anything.
Hopefully will end with Nathan but the very last minute. I would prefer more romance before the finale
Elizabeth will have to decide on what’s important with school.
Jack might make an appearance in a dream scene?
So excited! I hope I don't wake up my kids while watching.
I hope they don’t pick Lucas
Just excited for this to be over. I know we needed it and I think overall it was handled decent enough, but I'm glad to finally move on.
Why is everyone so scared?
The whole season has been about getting over your fear. Elizabeth doesn’t have to deal with her emotions or real life with Lucas because school is out for the summer and she is working on her book. She needs to make up with Rosemary and get over the loss of Jack and fear to be with Nathan.
this season has been totally not what I expected...I thought the hug at end of season 7 was definitive and we'd get at least some Nathan courtship, not a complete U-turn to Lucas (with hopefully a turn to Nathan at the very end). I now think Season 9 will be what I expected season 8 to be, and I am very much looking forward to that.
Something sudden will allow Elizabeth to bring her feelings to light for everyone...Nathan. I think she will have decided by the time she takes of the rings, but will not have the opportunity to share with the man until later. Until she faces the prospect of him being in danger again? Full circle from the end of S7.
I need Elizabeth to really apologize to Rosemary. Rosemary has always been there for Elizabeth.
I’m so afraid :(
Hated the triangle
I am so ready to finally move on from this triangle!
They put waaaay too many storyline in the last 2 episodes, they will never manage to conclude them all and we'll have another weird random cliffhanger which will not tie in with the Christmas episode (If we're getting one ?)
I hope the guy who loses, has a good life in later seasons
The annoying love triangle will finally end. Elizabeth/Nathan are endgame, unless Jack suddenly comes back from the dead. But, I doubt it. I hope Lee/Rosemary are pregnant, or decide to adopt children. I just want Lee/Rosemary to have children. Can't wait to see how this season ends. Hopefully, it won't be a cliffhanger.
Nervous as hell
Elizabeth and Nathan get married
i kinda hope someone dies tbh it would make everything more interesting
Elizabeth was so tiresome this season, they could have told her story of overcoming grief in a much more relatable way. Why did they not just have her talking to Rosemary about how sad or exhausted or numb or angry she feels all the time? You know, something a widow would actually go through. At the very least she could have been stoic, instead she was just kinda bitchy.
Faith and Nathan will have some sparks; Elizabeth will choose Lucas and they will kiss twice one being at bridge one being at her home inside with baby jack present.Carson will leave; Jessie will be found; Ned will come back safely.
Lucas endgame, Nathan and faith have sparks, Rosemary paper, Jessie and Clara make up.
I think Henry will take his own advice and leave to find Abigail to see if there is still any hope for them. Though I like his character, I want him to finally be happy, and if that means staying with Abigail, then that’s what it means. I don’t think TPTB will bring back Lori soooo.... that means Henry would be the one possibly leaving. I also think some scare will happen with Nathan between him and the Pinkertons. Then it may come full circle at the end where Elizabeth runs to him like she did last season, but instead of hugging him, she’ll kiss him instead.
Hallmark execs dictated ending and will cut salaries to bring back Abigail, hence Paul leaving.
My condolences to whichever guy gets to look forward to being bored by Elizabeth for the rest of his life. Are we sure Jack's death wasn't a suicide?
Ready to see how it ends and already looking forward to next season!
I will be really disappointed if she chooses Lucas but I’m afraid that’s where it’s headed. Either way I don’t understand how they’ll end in “the healthy place” they’ve said it will be with so much left for one episode.
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balkanballad · 3 years
Eurovision 2021 ranking
hello, hello and welcome to my eurovision 2021 ranking. the songs are ranked with numbers but I also put them into categories (from 💐 to 🥀) and added a short comment. so, if you are interested in my personal opinion about the songs, have fun:
Switzerland: I was rooting for him last year and it’s the one returner in my top that didn’t disappoint me that much. what a start, huh? I love the song, I love the feeling it gives me when I listen to it, the clip is very pretty too. did I like his last entry better? yes, but I will say it already here at the very top of this list: I liked last year’s choices in general a lot more. nevertheless, this is a beautiful entry! and it is my personal winner this year
Australia: I loved her last song. It was there for me when I needed it. Technicolour does not touch me in that way but it is fun!! it’s catchy to me and I really like Montaigne. I adore her style and how she sings. I am excitingly looking forward to this performance :)
France: beautiful song, amazing singer, the national final performance was wonderful. however, I listened to it so much that back in March I already needed a break form it. now as I am finishing this it’s April and I can slowly listen to it again. it’s me though, it’s not her. that’s really a me problem. she’s wonderful and I love the French touch to this
Albania: a ballad from the Balkans <3 hello, of course I like it and I love that they kept it in Albanian this year. I heard similar songs before, but I like the sound of it still.and overall it’s a song that gives me familiar vibes in a cozy way with a bit of drama
Russia: interesting!! I was relived to see that Little Big didn’t return because, as I explained in my ranking for last year, I was not feeling them. absolutely nothing about them, but I love her! I think it’s catchy, it’s something different and I like the message she supports. it took me a few times to fully decide how I feel about the song, but now it’s in my top for sure 
Denmark: fun! a fun song in Danish. I really like the good mood it puts me in. I even see this in the context of the Umbrella Academy or Stranger Things or something like that when they go to Europe to party a bit. I also really enjoy the old school vibe this has to it. I miss that vibe. I’m also a bit old school
Cyprus: I absolutely do not relate to anything said in this song but it’s catchy! it is a bit fuego and a bit replay but I liked those entries as well, so yeah fire. I have not heard a single live performance by her but I am not exactly sure that vocals will be the aspect that she will try to win votes with anyway. I am amused by the fact that apparently people were offended by this song when it clearly makes no sense whatsoever. it’s simply a bop, move on and dance a bit
(8.) Greece: fun as well! a ‘dream team’ entry for sure. I say this a bit sarcastically, but they do well a lot of the times and I am lured in by a lot of their entries myself. Kontopoulos is a big name in the esc industry, it’s a fact. the song is a bit more mature than Superg!rl, which I also listened to more often that I thought I would. It still reminds me of a theme song for a superhero show for kids and I am a bit worried that the ‘dReAM TeAm’ is a bit too outdated for Stefania because I think she could have done something cooler than both of those songs
(9.) Sweden: it took me a few times listening to this song, but I like the song now. I don’t think it’s too special and “a million voices” reminds me of Polina immediately because those are her words for me, but this is a good song too. I like how it makes me feel empowered and like everything will be okay. thank you for that, Tusse, I need that 
(10.) Israel: Eden deserved a better song. I like this song less than last year’s entry because I think it’s less interesting and I loved some instrumental parts from last year’s entry, but this is not bad either. I am rooting more for her than for the song, but I guess that’s this year’s motto for me. I also can’t say that I love the revamp because it made it sound even more generic for me  
(11.) Belgium: I saw the promo pics for them and was very confused how different the singer looks this year, but it turns out that it’s not the same woman. I like this entry a lot better. I like her voice and I really like the vibe. It sounds a bit like it could play in the background of a classic American tv show when a character is going a bit through it and pouring a drink while it’s dark outside. I have the same problem that I mentioned already while talking about the French entry, but that’s still a me problem. I just need a break
(12.) Ireland: this entry is a lot less annoying to me than the song that she had last year. I like the lyrics and whole aesthetic of this one a lot more. it’s another one that I can’t listen to too often, but I still think it’s a very good choice imo
(13.) The Netherlands: Jeangu!! I think he for example will give a wonderful vocal performance. Growth felt way more personal to me, but that’s a repeating motive this year and also a me problem because obviously this is his song and he does it well
(14.) San Marino: I’m still confused by this feature and I can’t really say that I’m ‘living’ for it, but I already made a post about how I don’t think she needed Flo Rida. minus the feature it’s a catchy party song, but it reminds me of one song that I simply can’t remember anymore. something that I heard from the Greek music industry, maybe even Eleni, if you know which one I mean, pls let me know
(15.) Estonia: just like last year: this song doesn’t make much sense and I don’t want to, but I still catch myself listening to it frequently... I am sorry, I can’t help it, but it puts me in a eurovision mood and yes, I am blaming Kontopoulos again. I am a weak person when it comes to his melodies
(16.) Ukraine: first I had it lower in my ranking, but I like SHUM better now and I like it a lot more now than last years entry. I really like the part when it gets faster, that’s really fun and makes me want to jump! jump! jump!
(17.) Spain: it’s a lot less repetitive than the last entry, but I would be lying if I said that I listen to this very often. it’s alright, not bad at all actually, but I just wasn’t in the mood for this (yet?)
(18.) Romania: this is for me still the same type of style as Bulgaria. European Billie Eilish type. last year I ranked her higher than Bulgaria as well, but they are pretty much the same to me. I can’t comment on whether I like her song less or more this year. it’s not bad either but I simply don’t think about it much
(19.) Bulgaria: I think I like this entry better than her last one. the message is cute, the melody too and yeah, but I don’t care about it too much
(20.) Croatia: it’s a faster pop song without a real meaning. ground-breaking. the title makes me think of Ukraine 2014. which I like better, but we’ll see, maybe the performance will have something cool too. I will say though, I would have prefered the whole song to be in Croatian, it doesn’t make it much deeper, but I like that part the most
(21.) Malta: another faster pop song. I think she will give an amazing vocal performance and it will be cool and powerful, but the message and lyrics are a bit confusing to me. I am not the lyrics police, but I am confused by them a bit
(22.) Iceland: I think I like it better than last year’s song, but it’s still not LOVE that I feel for the song. I can listen to it though
(23.) Lithuania: it’s there. I am not a fan of them and it’s not a song I love too much, but I can listen to it
(24.) North Macedonia: sigh. I liked last year’s entry a lot and Vasil seems like someone who cares a lot about the contest, but I don’t feel this ballad. I think I know what they were going for and what it’s trying to be, dramatic and meaningful, but I don’t feel it that much. it’s okay? but it doesn’t do much for me
(25.) Czech Republic: this was a surprise because I think the overall quality of his entry got a lot better, this time though I have the problem that I do not like the lyrics. they don’t make me as uncomfortable as Germany last year but they are in that area of uhm, I don’t love the feeling this gives me
(26.) UK: hm :/ I can’t say that I’m a fan. this sounds like the type of song that the boring straight men in my area put in their tinder bio as their song, but it’s every third guy that says this is his song. those Calvin Harris remix type-ish songs and I am sooo bored. I swipe left because it’s no match, I delete tinder. breath was a lot more my thing and a lot more exciting and interesting
(27.) Poland: as soon as this stops, the exact same second, I forget everything about it. I don’t remember a single word, barely the title and singer and not the melody. what is this about? I can’t tell you. it’s not exactly bad, but it is so forgettable
(28.) Moldova: oh faster pop song? wow.. so.. original. I am starting to sound like those weird people that hate ballads. I don’t feel it and I don’t relate to it, but I also don’t hate it. the video though.. no thanks.
(29.) Italy: as so often: I see a lot of Italy fans on here and I can’t relate. it’s not for me, but it’s there and I can listen to it when I can’t reach the skip button for some reason
(30.) Austria: hm. Austria and Slovenia are going there. this is the better Amen song for me, but I don’t love it. it’s better than what Ana is trying to sell even though it’s super repetitive
(31.) Serbia: I can’t tell you if it’s worse than last year but it’s less catchy. the lyrics are still bad. actually, maybe I am the lyrics police
(32.) Finland: this not my genre and I don’t really listen to it
(33.) Slovenia: nop. not for me in any way. I already said last year that I don’t like her voice and it didn’t change but now I also don’t love the message or weird vibe of this entry. I had it even lower, but I can’t push it up more. this is as high as I can rank it
(34.) Norway: I don’t like it. I don’t like the lyrics or melody or performance that was in the nf actually. I have a hard time understanding the concept even with the explanation it makes no sense to me
(35.) Portugal: I don’t like it. a lot of the parts of the melody are really not for me and borderline annoying, but definitely boring
(36.) Georgia: it’s boring. the last entry was at least something interesting, but this one is boring, which makes me a bit sad because his voice sounds and he seems like the guy that could make something cooler. I know I am not the person that can judge rock because I don’t listen to it too much, but I feel like he could have done something cooler and ‘rock’ it more
(37.) Latvia: again: I can’t even say if it’s worse or better than last year. maybe a bit better actually but, just as last time, I can’t listen to this. it annoys me and gives me a bit of a headache. I don’t think her style and voice is for me
(38.) Germany: I wouldn’t necessarily call it hate that I feel when I have to listen to this, even though that’s a funny play with the words of this title, but I definitely feel very annoyed by this song, so I simply don’t listen to it
(39.) Azerbaijan: the song sounds just like the last one, which I had placed on the 14. place in my own 2020 ranking, however, I can’t bring myself to support someone who posts war propaganda on their socials. it’s eurovision and about the songs, I know, but this is my blog and my ranking. so it’s a no for me this time and my last place in this ranking
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beardedniall · 5 years
Let me treat ya
Author’s note: Calling the numbers from the NTMY video inspired me to write some phone sex smut with Niall. This is seriously 80% filth and 90% dialogue.
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: NSFW, lots of dialogue
He leaned against the headboard of the welcoming bed, his eyes wandering through the hotel room as the familiar sound of the dial tone hit his ear. It was 1.30am in Los Angeles right now, meaning it was 9.30am in London where you were hopefully already awake and willing to pick up your phone.
“Hey handsome”, your soft voice greeted him at the other end of the line, followed by an audible yawn.
“Did I wake you up?”
“Nah, don’t worry. I’m in bed playing with my phone.”
“It’s my day off, let me. Shouldn’t you be fast asleep by now though?”
“I should… but I wanted to talk to you before I go to bed.”
You weren’t sure how to take that. It wasn’t like Niall and you were dating. You had been seeing each other for a few weeks now, got along well, hooked up a few times and maybe you were on the road to properly dating but for now, it was pretty much just a lot of texting and chilling at his house with a pinch of sex. It hadn’t occurred to you that he would keep up the regular phone calls even while he was busy doing promo in the States.
“Want me to sing you a lullaby?”, you suggested in a teasing tone to ease the awkward tension, getting a light chuckle from him in return.
“I think your speaking voice is enough, but thank ya.”
“How was your day?”
“Busy. Had interviews for magazines pretty much all day. They’re kinda exhausting because you gotta be careful with your words. Never know what they’re making out of it, ya know?”
“And did you say anything controversial?”
“Don’t think so. But some of them pull the wildest shit out of their arse.”
“You’ll wrap them all around your little finger with the promo pics alone though. I saw the black and white ones you posted earlier and you’re looking hot as fuck.”
“Oh ya think so?”
The smug smile on his face was almost audible through the phone.
“I dig the glasses. Gotta wear them more often here.”
“You should really go to bed, Niall. Dark circles are not a good look on you.”
“Okay first, ouch. Second, I’m not tired and I’d rather talk to you.”
A big grin spread over your lips as you buried the side of your face into your pillow. He shouldn’t have been allowed to be sweet while he was five thousand miles away and you wouldn’t be able to see him for at least another week.
“You’re still in bed, right?”, his raspy voice brought you back to the phone call. Was he speaking deeper on purpose now?
“I am.”
"And when do you have to get up?" 
"Not any time soon."
Just the thought of you in bed, probably wearing a pair of panties and an old t-shirt like you always did, made his blood rush downwards.
“Wish you were with me right now.”
He set up one of his legs and cupped his growing cock through his boxers, exhaling louder than he intended to.
“Are you jerking off to this?”, you giggled.
“I’m not a creep. But I can't help but think about lying next to you in bed. What ya wearing?" 
"Yeah not creepy at all."
There was a rustling sound coming from your end as you put him on speaker and got in position on the bed so your leg was peeking out from underneath the blanket and in the bottom right corner of the photo you were taking, you could see a pair of black panties hugging your hips.
Wish you were here with me too was the message you added before pressing send.
The little ringtone let him know that he just received a text. After tapping on the photo, he bit his lower lip and adjusted his cock between his legs.
“Is that all you’re wearing?”, he asked. There was a little bit of amusement in his voice but the lust outweighed it.
“Sorry, gotta disappoint you.”
The next picture you sent him was of your t-shirt that you had pulled up to your chest to tease him with a little bit of underboob while your free hand lied on top of the fabric.
“Can I see more of those, darling? If you’re fine with it.”
“Wait, let me get up.”
You crawled out of bed and sat down in front of your big mirror, fixing your hair even though you would make sure that your face wasn’t on any of those pictures. When you felt confident in your appearance, you exposed your boobs just to cover the middle with your arm before you took another photo and sent it to him.
“Just don’t send me anything back, yeah? Don’t wanna be the reason why your nudes get leaked.”
He smiled to himself at you words. Usually, everything between him and a woman was fifty-fifty. If she did something for him, he would do the same for her and more. But this was a different situation and it warmed his heart more than he wanted to admit that you acknowledged that he wouldn’t be able to take part in this little game. Not because he expected you to send him photos of your body for nothing in return, but because certain photos of him could get him into a lot of trouble.
“What about you though? Don’t want these to be seen by anyone else either.”
“I doubt that hackers are interested in the thirst trap of a random chick.”
“You’re not random.”
“They don’t know that.”
His worries were washed away by the next picture. You had taken it over your shoulder, capturing your back and the curve of your ass, your panties showing off more than Niall would have expected.
“Shit babe, you’re making me fucking hard.”
“That’s what I was going for”, you grinned and took one last photo where you slipped three of your fingertips under the waistband of your panties as if you were about to touch yourself. Then you got back into bed because you felt like lying down was a good idea with what was about to happen.
“Are you jerking off now?”
“‘m not. Doesn’t feel right without your consent.”
“Well, Mister Niall Horan, I hereby allow you to jerk off to my photos.”
“You’re too good to me. Gonna put those fingers to good use too?”
You bit your lip and murmured in agreement before setting up your legs, spreading them and sliding a hand down your center.
“Yours feel so much better though.”
“I bet they do, love. Are you wet for me?”
“Hmm so wet.”
It was true. The teasing, the images in your mind of Niall touching himself and how sexy you had felt while taking those pictures for him had made you desperate for some touching. You could easily slide two fingers in while the inside of your palm put some friction against your clit.
“Would love to taste that pretty pussy.”
An uncontrolled moan left your lips. You weren’t expecting him to be so straightforward but it was hotter than you would have thought.
“You’re so good with your mouth always.”
“Yeah? You like it when I eat your sweet little cunt?”
“Niall”, you whimpered while you kept fingering yourself, your pussy making some filthy sounds that you were sure Niall could hear too.
“I bet you look breathtaking right now with your fingers on your wet cunt and your tits out and your pink cheeks.”
His words reminded you that you should probably take off your t-shirt and give your boobs some attention so you put down the phone next to you and peeled the piece of clothing over your head with one hand before throwing it away. Now you could talk to Niall as if he was lying right next to you while playing with your pussy and your tits at the same time.
“What do you look like right now? Are you naked?”, you whispered as you pinched one of your nipples and closed your eyes, imagining it was him.
“I am now. Touching my cock to the the thought of your body. Would love to kiss you right now.”
You blushed and you were glad he couldn’t see it.
“Me too. Making out with you and wrapping my fingers around your thick dick. With your thigh between my legs so I can ride it.”
“Fuck, babe”, he groaned at your words and you could hear the sound of him pumping himself.
While he talked about what he would do to your body, how he would kiss you, how he would press you down on his thigh, you had rolled over and digged through the drawer of your bedside table. When you had found what you were looking for, you gave your full attention back to Niall and his moans while he was jerking off to the thought of fucking you. The toy you had grabbed was on a low setting as you pressed it against your dripping pussy.
“Is that a fucking vibrator?”, he gasped as he recognized the quiet buzzing sound on the other end of the phone.
Instead of replying, you sent him a photo of the toy inside of your panties.
“Fuck, such a naughty girl. I’d tease you to no end with that thing if I was there.”
“Tease me? I think you should make me come as quickly as possible with it.”
“Nah, you’d have to earn that.”
“Earn that how?”
“By sucking me off like a good girl would.”
You closed your eyes again and imagined kneeling between his legs, wrapping your lips around his cock while looking at him. He would stroke your cheek, call you his good girl before throwing his head back and enjoying the blowjob. 
“Yes I’d be so good for you, Niall. I’d lick your tip, then take as much of you in my mouth has I can.”
“Damn right you would.”
“And you’d make me gag on it, wouldn’t you?”
“Fuck yes, darling. You’d take my cock so well.”
“Such a good girl for you.”
Niall zoned out for a second. His mind was flooded with images of you sucking his dick, of your big eyes looking up at him, how you hollowed your cheeks and closed your lips around the base of his shaft while deepthroating him. His cock was twitching in his hand and he knew he couldn’t hold himself back much longer.
“‘m close, pet. Fuck, I’m gonna come so hard.”
“Where would you wanna come if I was with you?”
“Would make you swallow all of it. Like the good girl you are.”
You hesitated for a second but then you decided to just go for it, hoping it would push him over the edge and not make him cringe. As you opened your front camera again, you parted your lips and stuck out your tongue to take a photo that showed you from the bottom half of your face to the swell of your breasts, careful that it wouldn’t give you away but still let him get the hint. After pressing send, you whispered “Please come for me”.
He didn’t know what happened to him as he heard the ringtone of a text. While he was still lost in thought about you, he grabbed his phone with his free hand and hastily opened the picture. His hips bucked up at the sight and the quick back to back moans told you that he was coming. In his mind, he spurted all of his cum into your mouth, making you swallow it while he cupped your cheek and called you his good girl again. As he came down from his high, his breathing steadied and he blinked a few times to get back to reality.
“Fuck” was all you got to hear from him at first.
“Now you should be tired enough, hm?”
“Not enough to leave you high and dry.”
“It’s alright, babe, you should go to sleep.”
“Forget it, Y/N. You still got that vibrator going?”
“Put it on a higher setting. And let it go. You’re still wearing your panties, right? So it’s not going anywhere?”
“No it’s… oh shit, no they’re keeping it there.”
“Good. How does it feel?”
“It’s… different. It’s makes my whole pussy vibrate… but I need more.”
“You’ll get more, pet. Now what about your tits? Give them some love.”
You did as you were told. While the toy was buzzing freely inside of your panties, you had both hands to cup your boobs and squeeze them. Your thumbs were brushing over the hard nipples, making you bite your lower lip.
“Wish I could see you right now. And be there to play with your tits and suck on your nipples.”
“Niall please”, you whimpered, still occupied with your chest as your pussy was craving for more.
“What do you want, darling?”
“Please let me touch my clit. Need to come.”
“Oh you need to come?”
“Yes please. I’m so wet for you and I’ve been such a good girl.”
“You have, haven’t ya? Alright, pet. Take the vibrator and hold it against your clit.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice as you grabbed the end of the toy and positioned it at an angle that the part the vibrated the most was right where you needed it the most. Your whole body jerked by the feeling that rushed through your veins, spreading goosebumps over your skin and clouding your mind. A desperate moan left your lips.
“Feels good, yeah? God, I bet your pretty cunt is throbbing.”
“Can’t take it much longer, Niall, please. I’m gonna come.”
“Oh no, you can. I’m gonna count down from ten and when I’m at one, you can come. Sounds good?”
You weren’t sure if you could stick to this deal but you agreed anyway because if there was one thing that made your orgasm even more intense and exciting, it was your sexual partner telling you when to have it.
“10… 9.... 8…”
The pauses within his countdown were draining. You could have made it easier for yourself by easing the pressure that you put on your pussy with the toy but you knew Niall wouldn’t if he was in physical control of this so you suffered through his painfully slow counting.
“7… 6… so close, darling.”
Your hips twitched and all that kept you from coming was whining and biting your lip to scrape up the last bit of self-control that you had in you.
“5… 4… 3…”
That was it. 
There was no way you could hold back your orgasm any longer so even though you weren’t allowed to come yet, the knot in your lower stomach exploded. You moved your hips up and down, back and forth against the vibrator, riding yourself through your high and pinching one of your nipples to give yourself the extra bit of pleasure while flashes shot through your throbbing clit. Your pussy clenched around nothing, missing Niall’s fingers, or his cock, or whatever he would have been willing to give you. The orgasm was long and intense, a result of the teasing and the build-up. You only came down from it slowly as the overstimulation hit you and you had to turn off the toy. Your other hand was caressing your boobs, making you shiver whenever you brushed over a sensitive nipple. When you realized that you had come too soon, you were brought right back to Niall on the other end of the phone who had been quiet for the past few seconds or minutes, you weren’t sure anymore.
“I’m… sorry?”
“Don’t be, love. Enjoyed yourself there, huh?”
“Y-yeah… yeah it was… wow, it was pretty intense.”
“‘m glad. But I gotta think about what I’m gonna do with you when I get back.”
You weren’t sure if that was a threat or a promise.
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laveritaswoman · 4 years
Reflections on WizCon and why “It’s better to not be cast than to be cast and ruin someone’s favorite character.”
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This past weekend, I attended the Wizard World Con with my 11-year old daughter and her best friend. The girls have a favorite anime show called “My Hero Academia,” and they wanted to dress up in cosplay anime costumes and get photos/autographs with/from the voice actors from the show and attend their Q&A session. When I was registering, I saw CB was going to be there as well. Her photo/autograph packages ranged from $650+ to $850, with no lower-priced a la carte options (not that I had any interest in an autograph from CB, but that seems like highway robbery to me. But I have never attended a con before so I don’t know if that’s typical or not).
Apparently, and IMO likely due to the decline in quality/interest in OL as well as interest in CB, she apparently sold so few of these pricey packages for Saturday that a few days before the show, she added an option for general attendees to purchase an autograph from her for $100 each. 
As my girls and I were strolling through the expo hall looking at all the great anime art booths on Saturday, we noticed a lineup of about 100 people and walked past to see who they were in line for ... lo and behold, it was CB. My girls and I were in one of the crowded general expo aisle walkways, and the only thing separating CB’s autograph area from the busy walkway was a stanchion and rope (she was not in a private area). Because my daughter had been freely taking photos throughout the day with her camera phone, she stopped and took the pic above of CB just as she was sitting down (it even appears to me that CB was looking at my daughter, which is understandable because my tiny 11-year old looked so darn cute in her anime costume!). But as soon as she took the picture (and there were others in the aisle behind us doing the same), a staffer from the autograph area immediately ran over, scolded my daughter, and told us that we were not allowed to take any pictures unless we paid to have one taken with CB! My daughter immediately became distressed because she thought CB’s minders were going to come after her and take her phone away! I assured her that she was fine and we moved away from that section of the aisle post-haste! 
It’s pretty sad to me that the greed of some of the talent at these shows is apparently so great that a child walking down a busy public aisle at a show can’t stop to take a candid pic of a celebrity guest. We were able to do that with many others, including my husband’s favorite actor, Wallace Shawn, from the “Princess Bride,” and Wallace smiled and waved to us from a distance. We were even told by event staff on Friday night that if any of the guest celebrities weren’t signing autographs in the autograph area, we were allowed to go up and briefly say hello (the show staffer actually said, “shake their hand,” but in our current coronavirus environment, I told the girls that was a hard “no”).
Anyway, my favorable opinion of CB has been declining quite steadily since 2016, due to the IFH (which SH has said was CB’s idea), the constant gaslighting, “horny granny” comments, CB’s continual mockery of SH (”My Jamie would be a stud!”), and shoving a nobody civilian “music producer” in our faces by making a “private” non-show-related relationship part of OL promo (even though she won’t even say the name of the “husband” she likes to talk about so much, as if we care). But I’ve become most disillusioned by the way CB/OL writers have taken one of my favorite book characters -- Claire Fraser -- and completely diminished that character by making her a shrewish shadow of herself, and the way they’ve completely abandoned the central JC love story that is the focal point of the entire book series.
I found it ironic that a voice actor from my daughter’s favorite show, “My Hero Academia,” pretty much summed up my feelings toward CB. At a Q&A session on Saturday, the voice actor and theater actor Aaron Roberts was talking about why he has turned down some acting jobs in his career. He said would not audition for a role if he didn’t feel he could do justice to the character and this was his comment that struck me as so relevant to CB’s/the writers’ destruction of book Claire: 
“It’s better to not be cast than to be cast and ruin someone’s favorite character.”  
That, to me, says everything about my current mood toward CB and OL and why I haven’t watched it since midway through S3. So why am I still here? I’m here because of the many wonderful, entertaining, talented, and insightful women whose blogs I follow. And curiosity as to how and when this gaslighting train wreck will derail.       
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aspiestvmusings · 3 years
This is part of my ZEP: S1 Thoughts Master Post
Here’s the new & updated long analysis post for ZEP S1. This one features the whole season, all 12 episodes.
Just me...dissecting & analyzing the storyline...with focus on Zoey & Team Max. But since the stories are so intertwined, there’s Zoey/dad & Zoey/Simon talk, too. Among other things...relevant to it all...
I hear the showrunner & the characters talk about a “love triangle”, yet I don’t see one (just confused, grieving people). I hear them talk about a deep emotional bond between Z&S, and yet I don’t see it on screen. I see a pretty shallow connection due to their dads - “grief bond” with no actual deeper connection. And though I personally don’t “feel” that they actually feel attraction to the other, I’m willing to admit that perhaps each truly thinks they do…and actually find the other attractive. But nonetheless the story, to me, has clearly been told in a way that showcases the differences of the two men in her life.
One thing that kinda supports my theories is that while we & Zoey have heard Max sing her actual “love songs” (revealing that the connection they have is love, friendship, romance), then Simon’s “heart songs” have been mostly related to his grief (”Should I stay or should I go” is kinda an exception here). Meaning their connection is based on that, and his grief is what she’s supposed to help him with. All S’s songs have been about his inability to deal with the loss of his dad, and the problems in his life & relationship that have come from this. Which is why I’m still a bit confused why the show is calling it a love triangle, when it doesn’t really seem to be.
Since they all sing their innermost thoughts, and the songs are related to the feelings they have, and connected to the “problem” Zoey is supposed to help them with, then for Simon that seems to be “everything grief related” (he’s still not dealing with the loss, and it affected his relationship with Jessica..etc)…and I don’t understand why Zoey isn’t more actively helping him with that…instead focusing on “do I possibly have romantic feelings for the man?”, when she & Mo established that if she doesn’t help the person who she hears sing with their problem… that’s not good. I think THIS is the thing that has “confused” me. (but we all know network shows love their love triangles and such drama, so they have to play it like that..). So I really hope that in the coming eps we will see Z. help S. deal with his grief (she has her family, Mo & Max…who help her, but S. doesn’t seem to have any support system…) and “fix him”.
Good news for one team, perhaps not so good for the other team.
Based on everything we’ve seen on the show (the storytelling, the promotional materials, the spoilers)… everything points to Max/Zoey being the endgame. I’ve seen many fans (both those who support Team M & those who support Team S), say that they get the same message from the storytelling. It does seem to be the clear message from the show…no matter how they get there..or when…
The “proof”:
First: The actor who portrayes Max is billed higher (probably mostly cause he’s done more well-known musical projects before than the other actor), and he’s featured in much more promotional materials (promo pics, posters, promo videos…) and in more central role, than the other actor. The promotion is vastly focused on M/Z. They use those characters & actors… a lot…for promotion. That suggests only one thing.
Second: They told us the premise of Zoey’s future relationships in the Pilot already via this Max/Zoey conversation:
Zoey: I have a long history of — what do you call my past relationships again? –
Max: – “Unnecessarily complicated, exhausting for everybody, the opposite of good”?
Zoey: Yeah. Those things. Which is why this time I’m just gonna take things slow, and wait for the right “in”
And with Zoey/Simon thing has been just a repeat of her past experiences which she claims she doesn’t want to re-live again, and this show is all about her growth as a character/person, this cannot be the endgame. Even if they’d reveal that S/J have broken up… all that’s already happened has followed this exact description (see Max’s quote)
Third: While Zoey sang her heart song to Max and they had a moment for themselves (though..let’s be honest…they get interrupted so much that others in the office must’ve overheard a lot by now…), the heartsong to Simon seemed to be more like a setup for having Max see it. And while both songs are about her deepest, secret feelings/desires… and there’s truth in both, then the way the scenes were set up makes it seem like she sang to her best friend to make him aware of how she really feels (what he said in the previous ep: he needs to know/get a respose from her…and this gave him that). But the other song was meant to be overheard by her best friend…and that was the goal of the song/scene (not the song itself, but that he saw). Again pointing to the show going for Max as the endgame.
Fourth: The triangle is as follows: Both Max & Simon like Zoey, but she only really likes one of them. Both men sang heart songs to her (Max = I think I love you, Sucker, If I can’t have you, 500 miles), and she sang to both…but different songs. Simon sang “If you say that you are mine, I’ll be here ‘til the end of time” in 1x05, so it’s coming from his side. Zoey in 1x08 sang “I’m Yours” to Max (that her heart is his), but she sang “I want you to want me” to Simon (not that she wants him, but she wants him to want her). As her best friend explained it - one is about love, the other physical attraction. But… if you listen to the lyrics more closely then based on them she’s singing about how she saw S. crying & all alone (1x01) and how that affected her, compared to singing to M. how she’s “caught feelings”. So she’s only actually interested in Max, as her feelings for Simon are not mutual (beyond the grief bond). One is one-sided and more “superficial”, the other is mutual and more “serious”.
Fifth: While we’ve seen that Zoey thinks she’s caught feelings for Simon (what she told her mom at the engagement party), and she hasn’t really admitted this to anyone besides her mom, she seems to not see it as a good thing. She also claims to both Max & Simon that she doesn’t really have feelings for Simon/wasn’t aware of her feelings and/or that she’s basically over it… so kinda “little white lies”. She seems to think they have a sort of connection and/or she seems to find him attractive…despite realizing that it cannot happen because he’s engaged. (and before Simon went and took the wrong step, he said the right thing - they leaned too much on each other about their grief, and they should just go back to co-workers, and that’s all. Sadly…that was changed because of the “glitch” that mislead…people). But… we also saw that she is fighting against having feelings for the morally questionable engaged man, cause she probably realizes it’s a bad idea.
Sixth: All this time, but especially in the last episode, the show has tried to show the two men in her life differently, and show the differences in their “relationships” with Zoey. It’s a very classic “fairytale story” that follows often-used “clichees”. They’ve shown how the two are different, and how the connection between both “ships” is different. And everything points to them starting to make the difference even more clear. By now they all are aware of each others feelings…to some point… and both men are aware that they’re both competing for her interest.
And she’s aware that she is interested in both… but in different ways, and for different reasons. And again they used Max to vocalize the choice before her - will she choose physical attraction without deeper connection or love and deeper emotional connection…AKA “new attractive co-worker who went through what shes going through VS her best friend, who is always there for her…no matter what. The options were made clear, now it’s her decision. And it’ll depend a lot on how each man will act from now on…at the most difficult time in her life (she’s now really going to lose her dad).
If Simon will try to make advances based on the heart song she sang, which gave outmixed signals AND at the same time Max will continue being a good friend (as we saw in 1x08…despite their dispute) then that’ll make Z/S grow furher apart and Z/M grow closer. And since it’s all become too complicated and messy for everyone… then it’s very possible all this will get to Jessica, and break those two apart. But… that’s IMO gonna be the opposite from making the path clear for S/Z. To have Simon as a character grow they need to have him deal with his grief, and all that. The Simon vs Max thing is a lot like Leif/Tobin thing… where the peer reviews made one become sketchy and start playing games, and the other start working on bettering themselves. I expect similar differences of paths taken for S & M. Especially because we’ve not only seen Tobin 2.0, but also Max 2.0 (and we’ll see more of that..in coming eps)
Seventh: We ve heard spoilers than in the S1 finale there will be a “heart song” for/from/with one of the two and Zoey. From how the scene is decribed it sound more like something fitting to Max (Max/Zoey). Which fits with how the season and story has been built so far. That seems to also confirm where they’re taking it. Cause…they’ve established that just like on most shows the main character HAS TO have a love interest, and so far they’ve only introduced two  options.
Other reasons why Zoey will most likely choose “love” over “physical attraction” (in the end, even if she’ll choose differently for now):
We saw Zoey’s reaction when she found out that S. had a SO/was engaged - she ran. And though she might find him attractive (physically)…as she found out via her heart song in 1x08, and she might feel a connection to him (because of the heart song she heard him sing in 1x01), she hasn’t shown interest in actually being with him… because she knows he’s taken. And also because she’s not really in the right place to start a relationship. She/They may not realize it, but they don’t have much more in common than grief - that’s the center of their bond (for now). Despite her interest/attraction to him & her thinking she “likes” him…
This is also why it’s easier for her to admit she has/had feelings for Simon, but she’s having trouble admitting…to herself (and Mo) & to Max that she may have feelings for her best friend. There’s nothing to lose with the first, but a lot to lose with the second. She’s afraid (and she varbalized it at the end of 1x07) that something could not go well… etc
While Max was not at all ready to meet his dates (Autumn) parents, because it’s a huge step and he just wan’t ready for it, he has met his best friends parents, and is welcome at their home. And there’s no feelings of meeting the parents being such “next level step”. We saw this when he brough her dad pudding to eat & when he helped carry the bed downstairs. It was also mentioned that he’s been part of the extended family for a while - welcome to family events (Christmas, barbeques..). Zoey’s father - the most important person in her life until now - is definitely on the man’s side, who brings him pudding (cause he’s paid attention that he can only eat soft food) and visits him & helps out. And her dad’s opinion is very important to Zoey, so…
She is completely at easy with Max seeing her with a facemask on, eating take-out, alone, at home, but she hides it (the true self) from Simon. She wears “a mask” with Simon, but doesn’t with Max. Same with how she didn’t tell Simon about her dad in 1x08 (brushing it off: hospital = lollipop), while telling Max that her dad had an apointment that morning. And though it did take her time to find the courage to tell him about it all in detail, she did..in the end. But from the start she shared the main info even if she didn’t tell what exactly happened and how she feels about it. She didn’t completely brush it off with him…even if the news made her unable to process and share it…right away.
We saw how she resisted her personal heart songs to Leif/Joan & to Simon, while being completely at ease with singing them to her best friend (Max) and her dad (Mitch). Cause if we leave out the big dance numbers (Crazy, Pressure), then she tried stopping herself  from singing the others…the personal songs… and/or apologized for what’s to come…with Simon, too. But with Max (and her dad) the song just came to her…without the need to apologize or resist it. And afterwards she just tried to claim it didn’t mean as much, because she’s just in denial (and not really ready to start a relationship…because right now she is going through stages of grief). There’s a huge difference in both the heart songs she sang & HOW she sang them.
And we’ve seen that she really appreciates him as a friend, and as she told him - she can’t lose him as a friend…she needs him in her life. She cares about his feelings. She is afraid she gave him the wrong impression, she runs after him to explain things to him, because she knows that he got hurt. She actually cares about him…and is feelings (as a friend). And they’ve not shown the same reaction with Simon. And though the friends to one-sided to more-than-friends trope is “an overused clichee”, it isn’t necessarily bad. It can work well. Examples: Mondler on Friends, Peraltiago on B99…
Max may have the advantage of having known her longer, and knowing her better (because they’ve been friends for 5 years), and hence she’s more comfortable around him. And…that’s the reason why she let him in on her superpower secret, and why she tells him about…things. But… that’s precisely why she should and will choose Max over Simon. (He’s been there for her…always…and he continues to be there for her…through this hard time in her life.)
We saw how even though he was upset with her (for keeping secrets from him, from setting him up with someone  else when she knew about his feelings for her…just because she didn’t dare to be honest with him & communicate…and hearing her sing to another person, too…) he was still there for her. A shoulder to lean on…literally and figuratively. He came to her rescue when she put her job at risk (singing Pressure), he gave her her mom’s message and supportive advice regarding her dad… And though there’s a hint of competitiveness that he seems to feel after the 1x07 elevator end scene (where we saw that both men seem to think they’ll be the end choice), and him wanting some kind of response from her, the 1x07 end scene and other moments have shown us that he’s willing to wait til she’s ready.
Especially…since in 1x07 he felt like it’s unfair that she can see into his heart and knows how he feels about her, he doesn’t. But in 1x08 he got to see into her heart (because even though she’d promised to always be honest with him from now on… she wasn’t fully… for a bit… and the “glitch” made her break her promise…til the evening), and it’s more “fair”. He now isn’t as in the dark, and less uncertain. I think the glitch was good for him, because he now knows how she really feels. All he wanted was an honest answer. And though it’s undertandable that he’s a bit hurt by what he’s heard & seen lately… but in the end it was beneficial. As Mo put it… he deserves an answer…no matter what it is…
I get the feeling that by now Zoey’s actually aware that she has feelings for her best friend. She might’ve not been aware of it all until he sang the first heart song to her, but after that we’ve clearly seen that she has either started to realize she actually has feelings for him or that she’s started to have feelings for him. She showed signs of jealousy when he was with Autumn (seeing them talking at the coffee shop, dancing at the club…). She couldn’t stop staring at him when she walked in during the Mo’ Makeover…indicating clearly that she finds him also physically attractive. Not to mention the emotional connection, and friendship. All the looks she gives him, her song & dance during “I’m Yours”… all for him…
And she cares about his feelings & not hurting him (running after him when he sees her heart song to Simon…) The look she has, when he brings her dad pudding & when she sees him with her dad or when  she hears him sing “500 miles”, or the looks and giggles when she sings her heart song to him…. While she’s in no place in a relationship at this time, I think she’s realized that despite her grief and emotional state she’s developing feelings for her best friend. And that… just like what’s going on with her dad, seems to scare her.
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reilly310 · 5 years
The Rule of Coincidences
Kona wasn’t their first rodeo, kids.
     I’ve seen a few posts recently that talk about coincidences as they relate to Sam and Cait’s whereabouts and relationships.  Is it a coincidence that they both made Los Angeles their home base during the last few months of the hiatus after Sam finished his filming duties? Is it a coincidence that, after leaving LA, both ended up in NYC?  Is it a coincidence that they both vacationed in Kona or that the resort Cait thanked followed both of them?  Is it a coincidence that they posted pictures with pretty much every current and former OL costar/production team member they saw while in LA but, oops, forgot to take a picture with each other?  Is it a coincidence that Sam makes pancakes in Cait’s kitchen on Valentine’s Day or watches her run a marathon from her bedroom (and bed) with Eddie in his lap?
     I was reminded of something I read a while back from Seth Abramson, who is an attorney, professor and author that I follow on twitter.  He posted a simple “rule of coincidences” that he used in his criminal investigations. Obviously we’re not talking about something as serious as a criminal investigation here, but the general principle of this rule can apply to any set of coincidences, including those surrounding SC.  When looked at individually, some of the things we’ve witnessed might be viewed as mere chance, but when these individual occurrences pile up one after the other, can they truly still be considered coincidental? 
 The rule is:
     1 coincidence?   Yes
     2 coincidences?  Yes, maybe
     3 coincidences? Likely not
     4 coincidences?  No
“Yes” means a coincidence may be just that.   “No” means what you think is a coincidence isn't.
Through the years, we’ve amassed a plethora of “receipts” and observed a multitude of things that some choose to dismiss as coincidences.  How many?  Well that’s up for debate.
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Sorry, Sam, you need a better source.  It’s way more than 4 total.  In fact, sometimes, even looking only at an individual event, there can be 3 or 4 coincidences surrounding it which, according to the theory above, would mean they’re likely not coincidences at all.  Let’s try it out on Sam’s trip to Big Sur in June 2016.  Were Sam and Cait actually there together?
The Beauty of Big Sur (June 2016)
1 coincidence (Yes):  After finishing their Season 2 promotion is Los Angeles, they both more or less “disappear” for about a week.
Yes, they posted a bit on twitter (less than what would be considered normal for them at the time) and once each on IG during this period, but after June 9th for Sam and June 16th for Cait, we don’t see either again real-time until the LA Dodgers baseball game on June 22nd.  ( Of course, we weren’t  supposed to see one of them there and we most definitely weren’t supposed to see them together.)
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2 coincidences (Yes, maybe):  Cait follows Audi’s Tonya Meli in mid-June 2016.   Sam posts his first Audi promotion in the US (in Big Sur, CA) later that same month.
On June 14th Cait did a web interview with Gold Derby.  The interview was posted on twitter the next day (June 15th) by Robert Licuria.  He tagged Cait, who then began to follow him on twitter.  Her follow list also showed that, right before Robert, she followed Tonya Meli from Audi UK. At this point in time, Sam had endorsed Audi but Cait had not (and wouldn’t until January 2017) so the follow was curious.
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3 coincidences (Likely not):  Cait’s favorite vacation destination (per a 2014 interview) is the Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur.  Sam takes his June Audi picture in Big Sur...just a few miles from Post Ranch Inn.
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Although Big Sur stretches for 75 miles along the California coast, Sam’s Audi  pics are taken just 4 miles from Post Ranch and 2 miles from one of Cait’s favorite restaurants in Big Sur. (Deetjen’s)
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Closer view of that 4 mile stretch.
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Views from Post Ranch Inn, looking south.
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View from Deetjen’s  (correction:  This is Nepenthe), looking south.
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Notice the familiar land mass jutting out into the ocean in all of these pictures?   It’s the same one that is in Sam’s Instagram pictures.
And here is the lookout spot with both that familiar land mass and the large rocks we see in his pictures.
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Closeup of the narrower pull-off spot just in front of where Sam took his pictures.
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Before we move to coincidence #4, let’s talk about latergrams. We know they both post them and, of course, it’s a smart thing for them to do, especially in their industry.  I always assume that any picture posted by Sam or Cait that includes their images (unless tied to official promo events) is a latergram.
On August 3, 2016, for example, Sam posted a picture of himself thanking MPC members for that year’s campaign but didn’t reveal the location of the picture in his post.
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By August 3rd, Cait had posted pictures at least insinuating that she was vacationing on the Amalfi Coast and, if memory serves, there was at least a bit of speculation that this August 3rd picture of Sam could possibly be from there. 
But a close look at both Sam’s June 27th Audi posts and this August 3rd picture reveals that they were actually taken in the same place…and at the same time (likely within minutes of each other)… in Big Sur.
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So Sam simply took off his jacket and sunglasses, rolled up his sweats and sat on one of the rocks for the MPC picture, but he didn’t post it for several weeks.  With that in mind, it’s also likely that his Audi pics were held for a bit before posting.  He’s not going to want to announce his stay in Big Sur in real-time and risk fans coming in search of him.  (Remember that fan who, after Sam posted his picture in front of the sign in North Carolina later this same year, drove 4 hours just in the hope of finding him there?) 
On to coincidence #4...
4 coincidences (No):  The person who took his pictures in Big Sur is a woman who resembles Cait.
Yes, I base this observation on a reflection (I can hear some of you groaning now.) but, as reflections go, this one is pretty clear.  I just adjusted the picture’s lighting a bit and then highlighted the reflection in sepia so it’s easier to see.
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 Here is just the reflection as it’s further lightened/enhanced.
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So we have a woman with long, dark hair and a long neck who is wearing comfy-looking clothes in her downtime.  Hmm, who do we...and Sam...know that matches that description?
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So, in summary, (1) Sam and Cait are both in California in June 2016, but their whereabouts are unknown for several days after their promotional duties end mid-month.  (2) For no apparent reason, Cait follows Tonya Meli just before completing her final promo interview on June 16th.  Sam posts an Audi pic, tagging Tonya, later that same month. We know he posts latergrams, so he likely took the picture earlier than it was posted.  (3) Sam’s Audi pic is taken in BIg Sur and just a few miles from Cait’s all-time favorite vacation destination. (4) The person who took the picture is reflected on the side of the car and she resembles Cait.  
Conclusion:  4 coincidences = No coincidence.
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aceofwhump · 4 years
Okay I think enough time has passed that I can post this now. Here are my thoughts on Outlander 5x08
So I am both disappointed by and incredibly happy with Outlander 5x08. Mostly pretty happy. It’s a weird contradiction but I'll try to explain.
The Disappointments:
We only got like a minute of them saving Roger and that was it. PLUS it was told via silent film style. Which mean it was quick, in black and white, and SILENT. 
I’m so utterly pissed off over the fact that they included my favorite Jamie/Roger line BUT IT WAS SILENT!!! Jamie told Roger, with a hand over his heart, “You’re alive. You’re whole. All is well” BUT IT WAS SILENT! I DIDN’T GET TO HEAR JAMIE SAY IT TO HIM!!!! I’M SO MAD ABOUT THAT!!! I WANTED TO HEAR IT SAID OUT LOUD SO BADLY!! I LOVE THAT LINE!!!!
I also really wanted to see the life saving surgery Claire performs on Roger and it was all shown via silent film style and I did not like that at all. I feel like it really took me away from the moment and as a whump lover I desperately wanted to see this moment in all of its brutal glory.
We didn’t see any of the 3 months of recovery!!!!!! Absolutely none of it!!! Not one second!!! I'm SO pissed!!!
Honestly that was pretty much it. I was so severely disappointed as a whump fan that those scenes didn’t happen and that we cut straight to 3 months later. So fucking pissed we never saw Claire take care of him or how afraid Bree was to leave his side for fear he’d die. That we never saw Roger want to tell them what happened to him but be unable to because of his voice and his hands. Jamie talking to him or how his words were an anchor for him when he woke up. I’m so mad we got none of that. UGH!
Oh I with there had been more moments with him and Jemmy because the book had Jemmy has a big reason why he works on his voice and begins to heal and in this episode Jemmy was kinda nothing to him.
The Happy:
This episode was entirely focused on Roger!!!!! I was so worried it wouldn't be because his story is often set aside for other stupid things but this episode was all Roger baby!!! THE FOCUS WAS ON ROGER FOR A MAJORITY IF NOT ALL OF THE EPISODE!!!!!!!! That’s what he deserved and I am beyond thrilled about it!!! 
Roger teaching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE SAW OXFORD PROFESSOR ROGER WAKEFIELD AND I DIED!!! He’s an amazing teacher and I loved seeing him as a professor.
Richard Rankin portrayed Roger’s trauma and ptsd so incredibly perfect I have no words. The way that man is able to portray Roger’s fear, sadness, loneliness, and despair without saying a single word is a true testament to his acting abilities. His eyes spoke volumes
I got so emotional every time we saw Roger alone because that’s how he feels. He’s lost and scared and alone and I just wanted to hug him. I think the most poignant moment for this, for me was the dinner scene where there was an empty chair, Roger being conspicuously absent during that scene only for us to see that he's actually alone in the cabin trying to sing again and having flashbacks. It's so freaking heartbreaking!!!
Each flashback Roger had throughout the episode. I loved that not only were these moments throughout the whole episode but they were shown through Roger's eyes. I loved that the feel of the burlap bag sent him into a ptsd induced flashback, how Marsali kept pulling the Hanged Man card for his tarot reading and it gave him flashbacks, the nightmare and the flashback he had by the cliff. All so emotional and all wonderfully showed how deeply scarred Roger is by this trauma.
Roger crying. Look I love whump and emotional whump is my favorite thing in the world so every time Roger let some tears loose I loved it. When he cried hearing Brianna sing Clementine to Jemmy and then when he let one tear drop while Bree told him to fight I LOST IT OKAY I LOST IT AND I CRIED BOTH TIMES RIGHT WITH HIM
The astrolabe. I absolutely loved how it was included in the episode and how Ian used it to calm Roger after he had a nightmare. Amazing. "Wherever you thought you were, we're both still here" UGH MY HEART
Lord John Grey and Bree. I love their friendship and how at ease they are with each other and their scene was so cute and perfect. 
The scene of Marsali playing with the tarot cards with Roger was cute until it was sad. I thought it was cute that she was taking time out of her day to sit with Roger and play cards with him and just be with him. She thought about how alone he must be and decided to keep him company. And then it all went to shit when she pulled the Hanged Man card twice and Roger had a flashback and then I cried a lot. 
The paper airplane. That was a wonderful way for Bree to connect with Roger. It wasn’t demanding or aggressive. It was sweet and open and full of meaning for him. I loved it.
Claire worrying that Roger plans on killing himself and voicing those concerns to Jamie. Any time we get Claire worrying about Roger makes me happy and now we got Jamie worried too and yes! LOVE IT! 
This episode was a great discussion of how Bree and Jamie and Roger all deal/dealt with trauma differently. Jamie got lost for a while like Roger. Brianna had to fight and act normal and be normal. Roger is lost and broken. People respond to trauma differently. 
Sophie’s singing!! She sings so beautifully! It was so nice to see her singing to Jemmy but then I got sad because Roger could hear it and he started fucking sobbing because he’ll never be able to sing to his son again and I thought about the promise he made and now i’m gonna cry
The moment when Roger returns from the surveying trip and finally speaks to Bree and tells her what he’s been going through. God it was hard to watch but so so good!!
Honestly the whole trip with Ian to survey the land was perfection. 
I liked that this episode really showed how Roger’s voice is his identity, his strength, and how lost and afraid he is without it. This whole season has been trying to show how Roger fights not with his hands or with a weapon but with his words. He talks to people, he sings to them and we’ve seen the effect it has. Without his voice Roger is utterly lost. His whole identity is shaken and hes afraid. What will he do now?
Was Disappointed by At First but Came To Love by the End:
The silent film flashbacks.
I'm really very conflicted about the flashbacks. I hate it because it took away from my whump but I also thought, by the end, that it was the PERFECT way to show Roger's flashback episodes because when you have a trauma related flashback like that it really can be just specific scenes playing over and over in your mind. And for Roger this is just how it happens. Silent, jarring, and disjointed. Silent film style was kind of the perfect way to encapsulate that feeling inside of Roger for the audience. 
As I thought on it more and more I think showing it to us only as silent film only to show the whole hanging scene in all of its technicolor glory was fucking brilliant because not only were the silent film parts showing us how its seen in Rogers head but when we see it in full is the moment Roger is able to take a step forward in his recovery. He sees it all clearly for the first time and is able to accept it and begin to move forward and I think that amazing. 
So even though I still wish the saving wasn't in b&w silent film style I do love the use of it throughout the rest of the episode. They could have done the Claire surgery part in normal and throw in the silent film flashbacks between moments and the continue to use it for the rest of the episode like they did. It would have made Roger seem to be coming in and out if consciousness, seeing his hanging and then jumping into the tracheotomy and back to silent film hanging and then bam its Brianna whispering for him to open his eyes then bam hanging silent film and zap Jamie is speaking and end with a fade out and then fade into the 3 months later. That's how I'd have done it i guess. 
The changing of the first time Roger speak
I was so pissed that they didn’t have Roger say Brianna’s name after he shouted at Jemmy to not touch the hot stove but it made the moment when he does say her name after returning from the surveying trip so much sweeter. And at the time, he was still really broken and scared to speak so saying her name at the time wouldn’t have been right. I liked that even though he said something he was still broken and not ready. It was the right time for it in the books but not for this episode.
Ian coming back early
I had a feeling Ian was returning when I saw that promo pic of Claire and Jamie smiling with Jemmy and I was soooooooo worried he was going to overshadow Roger but he didn’t! Even when he arrived and killed the boar I was like oh god was that all of Roger we're gonna see now that hes back!? But that didnt happen at all!! In fact, they were great parallels to each other and helped each other heal in a way that was so much better than the book. And I loved that Roger was the first to hug Ian and he tried to thank him and speak but couldn’t and sort of ran away. It was great. the actors worked so well together
Roger's surveying trip
I was mad at first that they shoved Ian in with Roger on his what is supposed to be a personal healing journey because I was worried this would take away from how healing this job becomes for him. He uses this surveying job to find his way again and I didn’t want putting Ian with him to disrupt that. Roger’s story hasn’t been treated well so I get worried a lot that his time is gonna be taken by someone else. But this was an amazing idea and the whole trip was remarkably better than the books. I hated the whole fire and seeing Fanny Beardsley thing that went on in the books so I’m very glad it happened like this. This was way better. Ian and Roger were able to help each other and I loved that Ian was kind of looking after Roger during the trip. I wonder if Jamie or Claire asked him to do that. It must have been really hard to film those scene with only Ian being able to talk but the two of them were amazing together. I loved it.
So even though I didn’t get a lot of what I wanted to see I think I'm really happy with this episode. We got some incredible ptsd related emotional whump from Roger, everyone worrying about and trying to help him, and Richard is so amazing I think I can be okay with not seeing some of those book scenes I wanted to see. Still gonna be disappointed by it cause that's quality whump I not getting but god this episode was so damn good it's okay. I love the changes they made and the acting was phenomenal. There were some really heartbreaking moments and I love it. Really, it was a great episode. 
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Thurs 18 March ‘21
The Zayn/ Zach Sang interview is happening, for real this time (fingers crossed)! It’s scheduled for tomorrow!! Zach promises to ask lots of NIL questions. And I really believe it’ll happen this time, Zayn OUT THERE doing promo-- he did multiple radio spots yesterday and answered every question thrown his way however stupid, even throwing caution to the wind and taking on the one they’re all always trying to avoid (though not so far to the wind as to choose any of the other options each of which would be a scandal in a different way- you can take the boy out of the media training but...)- “I’ll tell you what,” he said, “Niall is my favorite. How about that? There you go. Niall makes the best music. Yeah I will say that he makes better music than me. Yeah, I’m a Niall fan." About the grammys he said, “It's nothing to do with my own personal gain because even if they nominated me at this stage, I wouldn't even go and accept the award because it doesn't mean anything to me.”
Zayn talked about how he just wanted to do a song with Ingrid, he didn’t know what, “I didn’t expect it to be anything less than great but it was better than that… it hit the nail on the head” and “the fact that it’s an important message in the song makes it better.” He also said that he listens to a lot of country music and would really like to collab with Chris Stapleton. OKAY! TBH I can hear how that makes sense- amazing, I am manifesting this, come on universe! He also said that he will have new music this year in an old school R&B style though and that he would like to do live shows after the pandemic!! If I didn’t think he was just saying things I would be LOSING MY MIND right now but omg WHAT IF?? He said Khai is an easy baby, a good sleeper and eater, that he likes singing to her, and that Gigi is a “wicked mom” and “a big help,” LMAO (RIP Zayn, strangled by his baby mama). RCA posted a couple more gorgeous new Zayn pics, and Ingrid raves about how Zayn’s fans are “the sweetest most supportive people” and she feels “like I’ve been hugged by a million stars today.” Am I to understand that it’s possible for stans to treat a woman working with their fave with kindness?? My mind is REELING!
Hopefully Harry has had enough time to process having achieved a great industry honor, because yesterday brought another- he was on Beyonce’s insta! She included a picture of the two of them talking backstage in her big grammys wrap up post (plus he’s visible behind her in a shot of her winning- say what you will about the orange jacket it’s great for visibility!) And Lil NasX, perfect as always, has something to say about Harry too- he says “stop using me as a bait against harry styles. I love harry, if y’all fw what I wear say it without mentioning him,” and posts a couple examples of the types of tweets he means such as “we have GOT to stop acting like Harry Styles is a male fashion icon when lil nas x is right there.” Stop pitting girls against each other2k21! Nas gets it, bless him. Oh yeah and an old pap video from DWD set of Harry going into Olivia’s trailer posted which I ignored because it was so completely uninteresting but apparently that’s a BIG DEAL to some people. My bad! You’re so right, the only reason someone would possibly go into a room with a coworker is obviously that they’re fucking! They probably had sex right there while the paps were outside! I mean there were a bunch of other people visibly in the trailer too but whatever. Oh and as long as we’re doing nonsense catch up- he was seen with a FEMALE in Malibu the other night omgggg they’re clearly dating. Oh but actually it might have been Mitch! LMAO, but that’s okay we can have discourse about how they’re obviously fucking anyway cause like… dinner! TOGETHER!! The scandal.
Anyway Louis has a message for us, can you guess what it is? Yes that’s right-- “Hope everyone's doing alright!!” No matter how many times he says it, I still love the hello, thanks love (even if it was an afterthought and he was actually there to follow a crypto currency trading account). A bunch of old videos of him were posted today, including one from 2019 where Louis says about acting in his music videos “I wasn’t acting it’s who I am hahahaha” (ahhhhh I miss that laugh) and he’s on the wall of a THIRD MUSEUM! Louis is Art pt lll-- A Doncaster history timeline at the local museum has a big entry for Doncaster’s finest export, labeled “Louis Tomlinson Achieves Super Stardom”! Earlier entries were his face (hung up high) in the National Portrait Gallery and the science museum employee who saw their chance and took it by crediting a mushroom joke to him, a deep Video Diaries reference in the year of 2019; whoever that unknown louie is I hope they are having a very nice day every day, what a hero.
And a photodump from Zayn’s favorite member of OT4! Labeled DUMP (charming thank you) Niall posts an assortment of selfies (that sunglasses one! Ashe agrees, commenting “photo number four thank you very much”) and aesthetic pics and one tiny snippet of a piano tune, and speaking of photodumps from favorites of Zayn’s, a BUNCH of outtakes from Liam’s Grinder Tetu photoshoot just got posted and if I were a gay man I’m pretty sure I would have just had a heart attack, view with care they should probably be PG13.
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richukisbb · 5 years
Girl you know good & well we wanna know more!!
Haha okay! A continuation from this post!!
Please feel free to stop by my inbox! Thank you for letting me relive this day ❤️💕❣️
So I was sitting fourth row from the court and then these five boys came in but they didn’t know who should sit where and then richard took the initiative to sit first then chris. At the time I didn’t know that they were CNCO (please don’t come for me 😔)
But I knew they were somebody by the way that they dressed and came in together. Surprisingly their managers weren’t there like frfr who let them do these things alone?
So my dad and I were talking and he didn’t know who they were, just thought maybe they were the next Menudo… I realized I left my bag at the venue restaurant and I was freaking out. That meant I had to pass them in order to exit the row. 
I passed Richard then Chris and here’s how you know Chris be a fucking friendly flirt because as I’m passing him, he looks up at me and is like, “Hi mami.” 
Again I didn’t know who I was talking to so I just waved at him and said hi back lmaoo.
I come back to the seats (I GOT MY BAG BACK BTW!!) and my dad is like “You should say hi to them now because they might not come back for half time.” But I didn’t wanna say “hi who are you?” 
So when they were doing their IG stories, I was fucking squealing to my dad about JOhn Mulaney bc he walked in with Pete Davidson and you can hear me on richard’s story like “OMFGGG ITS JOHN MULANEY” whom I dont really care for but I wasn’t aboutta fan girl over pete.
I kept peeping Richard’s phone and it lit up with CNCO updates from twitter then I was like 😱😱😱😱😱
Also their WhatsApp groupchat is a very real thing lmaoo 
I texted a friend who was a fan “bro i think im sitting next to cnco” and i seent her those pics of Chris and Joel. 
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I sent her this photo so she could tell me who I’m sat with.
Then my dad was like “you really need to say something now if you want a picture.”
With any ounce of confidence i had, I was like “Are you guys CNCO?”
And they all collectively, ten eyes and five heads turn to me like “YEAH!”
I told them “you all dressed like one unit and I figured that you looked familiar” PLEASE DONT EXPOSE ME TO THEM THAT I ONLY KNEW REGGAETON LENTO AT THE TIME 😩
No one had come up to them yet so I guess they were really excited that someone recognized them. 
Then I asked for a picture and my dad took it.
SO THIS IS HOW AND WHY IM IN RICHARD’S LANE! It just happened that i talked to him the most because we sat next to each other. 
Rich and I talked about being from New York and if he misses home. Then we talked about how they were doing promo things but after the NY trip they were headed, I think, for a short vacation. We talked about basketball and this game is our first game so he high fives me. 
Then we stopped talking for a little bit but yall this man’s leg was 
P R E S S E D against mine the whole time!!!
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I was like “am I dreaming this or is he really not gonna move his leg off me??”
But also I hadn’t seen my ex in five months because we were doing “long distance” so any amount of physical touch from a guy i was aboutta 🥵🥵🥵
Then half time rolls around and they all leave. When the break is over, they actualluy don’t return and my dad was like “at least you got the picture.”
bc most celebs don’t stay past half time, it’s mostly to show their faces and then bounce.
bUT OUR BOYS COME BACK Richard and Chris are drinking beer I think. So I jokingly said to richard, “Oh, you're legal?”
And hes like “Yeah shortie!”
So they’re also doing their IG live at this time (I have videos I took while they were Ig-ing live but tumblrwont let me publish onto this doc) You can kind of see me in my blue shirt in some frames. 
I know word gets out that CNCO is at the game so the venue asks if they could be on the jumbotron and of course they say yes. The song they play to introduce them was reggaeton lento. CHECK OUT THIS LINK! I TOOK THIS VIDEO OF THEM!!
Im fucking laughing bc my dad kept pushing my back to get me into the frame of the jumbotron, which again you could see my blue shirt on it. 
Anyway it’s time for them to go and they leave the game a little early because they dont wanna be caught with the crowds. They’re all super nice and turn to say bye to me.
But real quick I ask richard if I could get a hug
and he says “Of course, baby.”
So another man calling me baby, I’m like: damn I’ll be your baby any day of the week.
Which in all seriousness, even though he’s richardcamacho, there was a gut feeling of “this stranger (okay so hes a celeb but so what) shouldn’t have such an impact on me if I’m getting enough love from my boyfriend.”
ANYWAY we hug and I accidentally tip off his hat. 
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They come behind our seats and I shake Erick’s hand which is where I told him that he had pretty eyes and he’s like “oh! thank u!!”
And that’s pretty much my story with how I met them 🥰🥰🥰
I told my ex that I hugged Richard Camacho and HE BLEW UP ON ME lmaooo.
HE was like: how would you like it if I hugged a random B list celebrity? 
YA KNOW I’m at fault for hugging a fucking billion+ streamed latin artist but he can go and fuck around with six other women during our whole relationship???
So we broke up and it started because he was jealous of Richard, which is so fucking dumb. But I’m glad it happened yk? Otherwise, I’d still be in the relationship. 
But at the time I didn’t know he was cheating until a week later I was thinking “There’s no way we broke up because you got jealous over a celebrity” and sure enough he was fucking with 6 other women. I have screenshots, pics, voicemails... the hardest part is he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. 
To his deathbed, he believes that he was a devoted and true boyfriend. 
I’m clearly still hurt and angry, healing too. But healing isn’t linear. Some days are better than others. 
When I first found out about the cheating, all I listened to were the CNCO albums and drowned myself in interviews.  I read imagines, blurbs, and fell for witty comments that y’all be posting on their photos. 
I’m truly so thankful for my CNCOwner family.
I hope we all get to meet our boys. I’d tell them how thankful I was that they went to that game and how much their music has impacted my life; for it lead me to all of you 💕💕💕
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