#best psych episodes
francesderwent · 2 months
I figured it out. actually only the first two seasons of Greys are good.
#after season two the show starts BELIEVING the mcdreamy propaganda#and forgets that derek is actually and has always been. at best! a morally ambiguous little creep#and once they forget that? it's sort of the kiss of death#the nuance is just gone#and they throw characters together and break them up wayyyy too fast#in a way that it's clear it's for the drama! it's supposed to be salacious!#it's not HONEST anymore#the derek meredith relationship in season 1 & 2? was HONEST#they were like 'here's this beautiful sexy man! he's so mysterious!! he's her boss but there's no way he's using her!#pSYCH!! the reason he's mysterious is that he's mARRIED#and the way that hurts meredith is real!!#her reaction is real!!!#derek making the effort to fix things with his wife is real and makes him a more interesting character!!#izzie's relationship with alex is honest!!!!#(denny is a little dramatic but i'll give it to him!)#george's crush on meredith? totally real!#all the shit in season three with izzie and george and callie? not real!!!!! it's not!!!!!!!!!#burke and christina getting engaged after not speaking to each other for days/weeks and then him leaving her at the altar? not real!!!!!#derek telling meredith he wants to marry her but be warned: he might fall in love with someone else in the meantime while she heals?#it's real but it's SHITTY and the show doesn't seem to know that!!!#there are good episodes. but the SHOW isn't Great anymore. it's not terrible yet! but it's no longer Shockingly Good#cate liveblogs!
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golden--doodler · 8 months
Okay, so @br1ghtestlight made a post recently (you don’t understand how long I spent trying to find it actually losing my mind that I couldn’t) proposing an idea for a Christmas ep It’s A Wonderful Life parody centering around Teddy, and how it could even reveal how Bob and Linda met Teddy in the first place.
And I adore that idea so much. I’ve never even seen the og film, but I know people will automatically say an It’s A Wonderful Life parody is cliché, which is true, but I think that idea is lovely and could absolutely work. Also, sometimes there’s just something comforting about clichés.
That being said, I’d like to propose that same idea, but…
With Gene :D
Yup, that’s right, I have to bring everything back to Gene all over again. I can’t stop thinking about him.
It’s actually an issue.
But just imagine the absolute angst potential. And then the absolute joy when he realizes how much his family truly cares about him and does need him.
Also want this in retaliation for all of the Gene nay-sayers (looking at you, Reddit). Look, having your own opinion is valid. And if someone doesn’t like Gene for valid reasons and isn’t mean about it, that’s totally fine. He doesn’t gel with everyone.
But just saying, completely out of nowhere and unprovoked, that he adds nothing and should be killed off?? (Yes, I am never letting that go). I also saw a video just earlier tonight where someone (won’t say who for privacy’s sake) compared him to Chris Griffin?? I mean, I haven’t really seen any Family Guy, but I assume that’s not a good thing based on people’s reactions (thankfully, most people in the comments defended Gene). And, even though this was clearly meant to be a joke this still bothered me a ton, said “No one likes Gene. If you like Gene, I don’t like you. I actually dislike you as a person.”
Not the worst part, though. They also made jokes about killing off Gene and muting him and just editing him out of the video and other things like that, like COME ON. I understand if you don’t gel with him as a character and that these were all just jokes for the video, but just—those comments just made me ☹️
Anyway, I want to make that episode happen to help some people soften up towards Gene. He’s so baby he doesn’t deserve the slander 😭
I did see another reaction video where “Gene is my early favorite” was in the title, and that healed me a bit.
I need to put in a cute Gene screenshot to make me feel happier:
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mikkaeus · 1 year
So I just finished season 4 and just. wow. Wilson knew that House would do the DBS if he asked him. House, who was already feeling guilty, who’s a step away from borderline suicidal on a good day. The tragedy of House spelling it out, that Wilson wants him to trade his life for hers, and getting his confirmation that he's worth less than Amber. I mean, he's known all along, but it's a different kind of hurt to have that hanging in the air in front of you instead of being shoved down into a corner of your brain. And don't even get me started on the last dream scene with fake-Amber on the bus where House is convinced Wilson's going to hate him and convinced that he deserves it, and that just fucking kills him. He very nearly dies because of it.
And. AND! If THAT wasn't enough, we get the actual last scene with Cuddy asleep, curled up bare-foot in a chair holding his hand. juxtaposed against Wilson meeting his eyes then walking away. im fuckigg devastated dont @ me
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Like I’m never not a sucker for the Disappointing Son - Straight Laced Dad dynamic but also very into the
“I’m never helping you with your scam >:(“ and then…. Always helping
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lilithsaga · 11 months
While waiting for my upload to finish, I watched the new Helluva Boss episode.
I was already gay for Millie since Day 1, but I'm super gay for her as she stole the spotlight and even got to sing her own song! Millerd/Millie, I love it all! 😍
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internetaddict104 · 2 years
Why does James Roday Rodriguez write the saddest episodes of Psych
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humanmorph · 1 year
i just finished millenium break. i am fucking Obsessed with clementine kesh
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planet4546b · 2 years
an important thing to know about samira is that shes been trapped in a tower for [an indeterminate amount of time] like 7 years and shes spent most of her time there literally just watching sitcoms. samira hashemi is walking around a post apocalyptic world trying to stop a second apocalypse and also she would go on a 45 minute rant if someone were to ask her about the ending of how i met your mother. unfortunately no one will on account of it being the post apocalypse
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rustystars · 2 years
man. as much as i love the yin yang episodes as they are. & as much as i love woody as a character & the dynamic he brings to the psych universe. still wish that woody had been mr yin
#rusty speaks#psych#wouldve been SUCH a good twist. admittably too dark for the show but still#like. yang being someone realtively unknown to shawn vs yang being someone he's relatively close too#yang being an outsider vs yin being IN THE DEPARTMENT.#LITERALLY. yang being technically innocent (dont remember the ep that well so dont quote me) vs yang being complicit controlled chaos#it would provide all the necessary emotional gravity the third ep lacked!!!#the layers of. How could our friend do this. How could we have missed this. How could we have underestimated him that severely#LIKE. IT WOULD BE SCARY IN THE WAY THAT EPISODE SHOULDVE BEEN. because that ep attacks GUS#like gus is the emotional center of the show! hes rhe one that keeps shawn grounded! their love for each other literally DRIVES THE PLOT.#but i dont remember feeling any sense of urgency at all. But. if woody was the villain?#hoooo boy it would Fuck Shawn Up. worse than anything else#WHEN SHAWN LOSES IT WHEN HENRYS DYING. where was that with gus. where was gus walks into a bank shaw#or maybe he was tbere i havent seen the epjsode in lkke two years. BUT I REMEMBER DISAPPOINTMENT!#i was so so so convinced yin was woody the introduction of two random new characters threw me off#also why i didnt ljke the first movie much. didnt like the jigsaw apprentices character#also didnt like that they married without lassie being jules best man but. to be fair. the man did have a stroke </3#AND ANOTHER THING. woodys comments abt his family would be so haunting in retrospect if he had been hinting his identity the whole time#he looks old enough to be yangs father. all im saying#psych woody#psych show
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I am laughing so hard, I’m CRYING. Like, actual real tears. Had to get a tissue and take off my glasses levels of actual real crying. SHAWN AND LASSIE CANOODLING TO MAINTAIN JULIET’S COVER HAS ME IN LITERAL TEARS
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writingwoe · 1 year
darcy is the buzzcut jock bf and lockie is the long haired glam rock bf and together they share a secret and unironic love of romcoms and soap opera's
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spaceacerat · 19 days
Getting out of the hypomania like Ah yes... I will rant in the Tumblr tags a little too much about everything on my mind regarding the topic... Which I will later be super embarrassed about and go back and delete... Because my impulse control is still shot...
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garlic-sauc3 · 2 months
what if I think so hard I fall over
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mytardisisparked · 9 months
The reason Psych is the Important Show of All Time is because it said "friendship is the MOST important thing." Like, yes, the romances were good but the show spends even more time emphasizing and developing the friendships and that's why it rocks. Lassiter and Juliet love and support each other unconditionally without even the slightest whiff of romance and it is SO. REFRESHING. When Juliet almost dies, Lassie sacrifices his favorite gun to save her without any hesitation. He's the one there to hold her while she cries. She's his confidant. She leaves everything she knows behind so he can chase his dream of being chief without reprocussion. That's a deep, wholesome kind of platonic love. They also never had Shawn be jealous of how close Jules and Lassie are - instead, in the final episode, we see Shawn thanking Lassie for loving and supporting Juliet. We simply don't do that jealousy crap here. Lassie and Jules are best friends and that's an excellent thing. And then there's Shawn and Gus. Those characters are narratively and physically inseperable. The show makes it VERY clear that, without the other, neither one is complete. They balance each other and exacerbate each other's hijinks at the same time. They're closer than close and everyone around them just accepts it. It's just the way those two dumb boys are and no one is going to try to get between that. And then, of course, SO many friendships develop over the course of the show. Lassie and Shawn form a begrudging friendship eventually. Juliet and Karen end up bonding more than I think either expected. Friendship is the beating heart of this series and it's presented in a way that is unique and fun and I just don't see a lot of other shows that do it like Psych did.
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reiderwriter · 2 months
I’ve watching the episode where Reid kisses the actress. Could you write a fic where the reader is in the BAU and is best friends with Reid but has a secret crush on Reid which is obvious to everyone on the team but Reid and she is so jealous of the actress and the teams teases her about it?
A/N: Hello! Thanks for the request, I hope you enjoy it~♡
Warnings: none, hints of bi-reader, but like...come on.
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Your “too obvious, plain as day, nearly embarrassing” schoolgirl crush on Spencer Reid was taking too long to fizzle out naturally. 
When you'd met the man, and your heart fluttered, you knew you'd have to go through the motions: you'd hope, grow fonder of the man, dream about him, then cringe, get ick, and ultimately you'd achieve the ultimate crush death. 
You were stuck somewhere between hope and dream, still, and had taken a wrong turn somewhere leading to nearly Hozier-levels of desperate longing. 
5 months assisting the BAU as a press liaison, working as JJ's assistant on more public facing cases had landed you here. 
And what better case for you to spread your wings on than one in Los Angeles itself, starring the famous Lila Archer. 
When Gideon and Reid had called the case in, you'd been eager not to seem too eager. You'd never been out of Quantico on a case before, usually shacking up in an office to shout down phone lines as reporters on the press room floor telling them they were scum of the earth for sensationalizing murder. JJ had obviously taught you to have a more nuanced conversation that that, but your inner thoughts were still allowed. 
But LA was a different kettle of fish, and Hotch appreciated that. It didn't quite help that you visibly perked up when you heard Reid himself had a hand in calling it into the team. A high-school classmate and a jet ride later, you were excited and ready to greet Spencer Reid. And Lila Archer. 
She was so pretty it was intimidating to even breathe the same air as her, a magnetism that drew everyone in the room closer to her just as Spencer drew you towards him. 
You tried not to see the obvious attraction the two had to each other, but the bile rose in your throat every time you thought about the case. The sour twinge of jealousy became a constant on the case, as your efforts to save Lila from her stalker also pushed her closer and closer to Spencer. 
And that wasn't even accounting for the fact that you'd suddenly become tongue-tied around them.
Spencer had asked you multiple times how you were enjoying your first time out in the field, and the most you could muster was a nod and a stammered “it's been good, I guess.”
With Lila, it was worse. You couldn't even tell her your name, and had overheard her politely asking Reid for it a few times every time you'd dropped coffee off in their vicinity. 
Your school girl crush was hitting the first heartbreak road bump at full speed, and dear god, you were not ready for the car crash. 
You tried to psych yourself out of it, to clear your mind and remain professional, but one tabloid cover after wrapping the case ended that for you completely. 
“Whooo, Spencer, my man! I knew you were a pretty boy, I didn't know you had game like that!” 
The tabloid had been dropped on his desk by Derek loudly and had quickly drawn a crowd when they'd seen the resulting red flush from the man of the hour. 
He'd snatched up the gossip rag pretty quickly, but not before you'd gotten a glimpse of the cover. You recognised Lila’s pool, then Lila herself, then the man she was passionately making out with as you felt your heart crack in two. 
You'd stuck like a fly on the wall and quietly joined in the teasing as you swallowed all of your ugly emotions at once. 
“And in the pool, too, Spencer, that's crazy. Look at Y/N. She can't believe it herself!” You forced a small giggle past your lips and hoped the others couldn't tell how fake it was. You stuck out a few more minutes of conversation before nearly running back to JJ's, thankfully empty office. 
The tears were silent. 
You berated yourself for even letting them fall. An unrequited love wasn't the end of the world - especially considering you had to work with Reid, see him every day. 
It took you months to get over it. Not that you ever fully managed it.
You simply told yourself that you'd never felt that way in the first place, gaslighting yourself into believing there was no feelings and thus no heartbreak. 
After a month of haunting the office with your general gloom, you got into the flow of it and truly convinced yourself you were over it. 
And you were until everyone started talking about it all over again. 
“Spencer, I heard your lady friend is going to be in a real blockbuster soon. Congrats!” Morgan clapped the man on the shoulder as he walked past, discarding his coat at his desk as he arrived for work. 
You gripped your coffee mug slightly tighter as you wished the conversation would blow over. 
“Reid has a lady friend? Oh, please do not spare the details,” Emily jumped in, eager to integrate herself into the team now that she was in it. 
“You know that actress, Lila Archer? We babysat her on a case a couple of months back, and she took quite the liking to our little genius-” 
“Morgan, stop-” Reid groaned, flushing yet again at the mention of the whole scenario. 
“Okay, I'll back off,” the older man said quickly. “If you can tell me honestly, you don't still have that tabloid cover in the second draw of your desk.”
You tried to stand and walk away from the conversation without drawing any attention to yourself, but the tension in your body left you stiff and less than graceful. You tripped on the corner of your desk on your way out but didn't pause to even listen to the others' call after you in your haste to clear the venom burning in your throat. 
You were fine and happy to ignore your emotions, but you realized then that kind of tactics would only work if everybody else managed to avoid them, too. 
You calmed your pace to a wall and took a series of deep breaths, trying to rationalize your departure to yourself. 
“I'm busy. There's some files I need to pull anyway, so I'm just going to file storage. That's why I left my desk. That's all, I'm fine.” 
Your small pep talk didn't rewrite history, though, and you still felt a cloud of envy following you around.
He kept her picture. In his drawer. 
Truth be told, you weren't expecting it to hurt this bad. 
You heard footsteps come up behind you, so you quickly ducked into the empty elevator, not quite ready to face anyone yet. A hand caught it just as you were about to be left alone, though, and Spencer joined you in the elevator. 
You weren't exactly shocked to see him. He'd been just as uncomfortable with the topic of conversation as you had, if not more so. You just wished you hadn't been in the same place now. 
“Sorry, I need some files.” 
Great, you were going to the same place as well. You just nodded slightly and gave him a tight-lipped smile as you travelled down to the place you'd both chosen as an escape. 
“Back there, you left…” Spencer started, fidgeting awkwardly next to you in the elevator.
“You left pretty abruptly.”
“I remembered I needed some files.’
“Right, right…”
The silence that stretched between you was thick and suffocating, and you begged the elevator to move faster. 
“I don't, by the way.” He spoke up again, awkwardly clearing his throat before continuing. “I don't still have that tabloid. There is a picture in that drawer, but it's not…that one.” 
“A different picture of Lila, then?’ You tried to keep your tone light, but even while trying your hardest, you couldn't keep the bitterness out of your tone.
The elevator reached its destination, but you both held back for a few seconds, and neither of you was quite sure what to say anymore. 
“She kissed me, you know.” Spencer said, facing you now, pinning you in place with his attention. 
“Yes, Spencer. Well aware, I saw the photo, too.” 
“No.. no, I mean, she kissed me.” 
“Loud…loud and clear,” you said, raking a hand through your hair as you tried to drown out all of the noise. 
“Y/N, I don't think you're hearing me.” 
“Oh, and I should be paying attention to you recounting the time an actress decided you were worthy of your time and tried to mount you in a swimming pool? I need to hear about how her tongue felt being pushed down your throat?” 
The words jumped out of you, and you had no way to stop them once they started. Instead, you simply shoulder checked your way out of the still elevator and marched your way to the file room. 
“Y/N, I'm sorry, please just hear me out,” you heard Spencer calling out to you, but you didn't stop or turn around. 
“Y/N, I'm trying to explain, please just-” You heard him groan in frustration as you kept up your pace and felt slightly satisfied that he was having such a hard time. A solid hand on your wrist pulling you back wiped any smile you had on your face clean off, especially as you were pulled into a somewhat solid chest and a hand tipped your head up to meet his own. 
To say you hadn't imagined the moment that Spencer Reid kissed you for the first time would be a lie. You thought it would be sweet and small, an awkward peck if nothing else that led to giggles and more innocent chaste kisses and possibly an illusive hug. 
Instead, you were pushed back against the nearest wall, pinned up by your wrists, and robbed of all of your breath as Spencer kissed you until you were seconds from passing out. 
Even after you both came up from air, he released your wrists so he could angle your head back up to him, allowing him to deepen the kiss the second time around. 
Stunned was not the word. 
And though you were completely taken unaware by the kiss, that didn't mean you weren't eagerly reciprocating. 
You kept your wits about you as his tongue parted your lips, leaning into him as you savored the moment. 
It didn't stop the confusion after you finally broke apart, though. 
“What…the…fuck, Spencer?” You said between gasps, chest heaving. He let your wrists go awkwardly, hands trailing down to your waist as you rested yours on his shoulders.
“You weren't…listening. Needed a different strategy.” 
“Well, I'm all ears now.” 
He nodded and then took another moment to catch his breath before relinquishing you from his hold and putting a bit of space between you. 
“I didn't kiss Lila Archer. I didn't particularly want..to?” He cleared his throat and continued. 
“She kinda just grabbed me? And did it? There was a pool too, so I was trying not to choke on water and chlorine and hair everywhere. Like, she just grabbed me-” 
“Like you just did?” 
“Like I just… did, yeah, like that.” 
You weren't sure what to do or say anymore. So you just nodded and stood there, and so did he. 
“That's not to say that I didn't enjoy this kiss. It wasn't just to illustrate the point. It kind of was, in the sense that it helped you understand what happened before, and that I hope it will help you realize the point of this conversation-” 
“Which is?” 
“I like you.” He said, finally pausing his rambling to look you in the eyes. 
“I like you, and I didn't want you to misunderstand.” 
“Oh. Oh right.” 
You both stood there looking at each other and looking away in a loop, neither talking or breaking the silence until you both tried to. 
“What about y-” 
“Kiss me again.” 
Reid blinked at you a few more times, trying to work through your words. 
“Kiss me again” you repeated, stepping away from the wall and closer to Reid as he still just stared at you. 
“We're still working, what if someone walks past?” 
“Didn't stop you the first time.”
You cut him off quickly, grabbing his tie and pulling him down to your level, locking lips with him again. 
When you again came up for breath, possibly much longer after the time a second kiss should last, both of you just laughed again. 
“I was jealous.” You said, looking up at him, ready to bare yourself to him now that he'd given a confession of his own. “Of Lila. Of you for being adored like that by someone so cool. But mostly of Lila.”
“Because I like you, too,” you said, rolling your eyes at him. 
“Nice. Cool, that's great. I like that you like me, too. I like you, hey, I like us,” you cut off his rambling quickly with another small kiss and pulled away.
“So the picture?" You asked, backing away down the hall as he stood and watched you.
"The one in your desk."
"Oh," he said, scratching the back of his neck as the tips of his ears turned bright pink.
"Penelope gave me this picture from the Christmas party. It's, uh, me and you."
You smiled brightly before turning to leave, the bile of jealousy that had been consuming you turned magically to butterflies in the space of two kisses.
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itshype · 2 months
I love it in Psych episodes when Shawn realises Gus' life is in danger. He gets real serious and real violent and I love it.
There's Something About Mira when Shawn keeps demanding a gun.
Gus Walks Into a Bank when Shawn hurls himself through police officers with 0 plan just to get to him.
Yang 3 in 2D when Shawn says "You kill him, I kill you, you got it?"
I'm sure there are moments I missed as well. A fair bit of the show does play Shawn taking advantage of Gus for laughs (Gus pays all his bills) but the show never goes too far imo. And part of the beautiful mosaic of their best-friendship is these kinds of moments.
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