#best pixie haircut manhattan
lifejustgotawkward · 6 years
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365 Day Movie Challenge (2018) - #88: Single White Female (1992) - dir. Barbet Schroeder
Like Fatal Attraction and Basic Instinct before it, Single White Female is one of those dated thrillers about sexual obsession, repeatedly terrible decisions, extreme jealousy and homicidal impulses that was designed to be watched on a sweaty summer night, preferably during the type of New York City heat wave depicted in Schroeder’s film. In short order, we learn that protagonist Allison Jones (Bridget Fonda, sporting a very 90s pixie haircut) has been cheated on by her fiancé, Sam Rawson (Steven Weber), so Allison quickly kicks him out of her Manhattan apartment and puts an ad in the newspaper for a roommate.
Allison’s search for an “SWF” like herself leads Hedra Carlson (Jennifer Jason Leigh), a bookstore clerk, to her door. Hedy initially seems like a nice, shy young woman, but her peculiarities and her need to be best friends with Allison - controlling every possible aspect of Allison’s life, including career choices and interpersonal relationships - soon manifest in sexual and violent acts that unnerve Allison and imply that Hedy has more than a few dark secrets in her past. As in most thrillers, it takes our heroine way too long to figure out just how dangerous the antagonist is, which puts Allison, Sam and Allison’s upstairs neighbor Graham (Peter Friedman) at risk. Most of the acting in Single White Female is merely OK, particularly the always underwhelming Bridget Fonda, but I have to admit that there is something deeply appealing in how Jennifer Jason Leigh embodies her character’s complicated psychotic behaviors. I never used to care much for JJL, but I loved her performances in last year’s “Twin Peaks: The Return” and Good Time so much that my opinion on her has shifted in a markedly more positive direction.
P.S. For all you fans of character actors out there, Stephen Tobolowsky (from too many films and TV shows to list) plays Bridget Fonda’s creepy boss and Frances Bay (Kyle MacLachlan’s aunt in Blue Velvet, Mrs. Tremond in “Twin Peaks” and Fire Walk with Me, the marble rye lady from “Seinfeld”) has a wordless cameo as another tenant in Fonda’s apartment building.
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drcisko · 5 years
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Frank Tashlin - Artists and Models (1955) So... this is a hard film for me to judge and this is mainly because I have great difficulty standing Jerry Lewis... He is insufferable and all the comedy comes precisely from him being insufferable. After a while you do get used to his character and the film becomes more tolerable. On the other hand the film also has the really lovely Shirley MacLaine in one of her first roles. Sporting a trademark short haircut she joins Audrey Hepburn as her contemporary as a new kind of character, the "manic pixie dream girl" which reverberates down to our days. Dean Martin as the co-lead with Lewis is serviceable, and is here for the musical numbers which he is pretty good at (although he's a lousy tap-dancer). Another aspect I quite liked about the film is how it is actually reflecting concerns of its time, the main plot is torn from the front pages and the whole "Seduction of the Innocent" thing around comic-books at the time, when a psychiatrist, Fredric Wertham, blamed violence in comic books for juvenile delinquency and pretty much all the evils in the world, leading to the establishment of the Comics Code Authority. Also you get a plot similar to something which really happened when DC comics attempted to publish a story which included details of an atom bomb while the Manhattan Project was going on, leading to the office being raided by the US government on suspicion of espionage. Other topical jokes include references to Rear Window and Dean Martin's "That's Amore" and these are quite good jokes. Probably one of the best Martin-Lewis collaborations, but ugh Lewis is insufferable. (3/5) #cinema #cinephile #artistsandmodels #franktashlin #musical #movie #moviereview #film #filmreviews #review #dance #1950s #poster #filmposter #movieposter #deanmartin #jerrylewis #shirleymaclaine (at Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwdx7qplcd7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=weyaaltz8ncd
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unfolded73 · 7 years
Homecoming (2/2)
Rated: T, 4500 words total
Thanks to @j-philly-b for the beta and the idea of adding an embarrassing Henry story!
Henry/OC + Captain Swan with a kid. Henry’s never told an outsider about Storybrooke before, but with Ava he decides to take the plunge.
A small elbow poked her in the boob, and Ava winced as Maureen climbed off of her lap and ran to the man who’d just come through the front door. She set aside the book they’d been looking at together, picked up her drink, and turned to take in Henry’s stepfather.
“Hey there,” he greeted his daughter. He reached down and scooped her up, propping her against his hip with practiced ease, his left arm under her bottom and his hand spanning across her back. Ava’s eyes were drawn to the shiny metal of the hook he had in place of a left hand.
The little girl put her arms around her father’s neck. “Ava read my Elsa book to me,” she announced.
“Did she?” The skin at the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled, taking away from the dangerous look he seemed to otherwise have going for him, with the leather jacket and black clothes and eyeliner. And the hook. He carried Maureen back over to the sitting room, depositing her on the sofa.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Killian,” he said, holding his hand out for her to shake.
“Ava,” she responded. “Your daughter’s quite the charmer.”
“Don’t I know it,” he said. “Henry, how are you?” The two men hugged, the kind of back-slapping hug that men considered acceptable, but she could see the affection they had for each other. “How’s Boston?”
“Good, it’s good.”
Killian looked hard at Henry, then at Ava, then at Henry again, but before he could say anything else the front door opened and there was a flurry of activity. Ava stood up, nervous about who else she might be about to meet.
A dramatic-looking dark-haired woman swept in first, and Ava watched as a pie she was levitating rather than carrying was swept into the kitchen and deposited on the counter by magic. No one else seemed to find this the least bit remarkable. Ava swallowed the rest of her drink, squeezing her eyes shut against the burn.
Immediately on this dramatic woman’s dramatic heels followed a short woman with a pixie haircut, a sandy-haired guy, and a boy staring so intently at a Nintendo that he collided with his mother’s back when she stopped to hug Emma.
“Henry, my boy, you should probably make the introductions,” Killian said, prodding him with his hook.
“Um, yeah. Everybody, this is Ava. Ava, this is Regina, my mom, Snow and David, my grandparents, and Neal, who despite being ten is actually my uncle.”
Grandparents, she thought, looking at the couple who looked no older than Emma and Killian did. Henry had explained about the curse, but she’d sort of ignored that part, her brain triaging the information as best it could. Now here was more proof that if these people were really Emma’s parents, there was some kind of magic involved. Her brain whirling, she shook hands and said whatever pleasantries seemed appropriate.
Maureen immediately attached herself to Neal, following him to another part of the house. Ava could still hear Maureen’s constant stream of chatter long after they’d left the room.
Regina gave Henry a hug and a kiss on the forehead, and then started to give Ava a skeptical once-over that brought to mind Henry’s characterization of her fairy tale alter ego as the Evil Queen. Ava wasn’t the only one who noticed the scrutiny.
“Come on, Regina, you’re scaring the lass,” Killian said, stepping in between them. “I got some of that Zinfandel you like; would you like a glass?”
Regina grumbled something to Killian that Ava couldn’t hear, but allowed herself to be led into the kitchen, and Ava let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding.
“Do you want a refill?” Henry asked, taking her glass.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Ava,” Snow said, and the warm smile that enveloped her face instantly made Ava’s shoulders relax. “Henry tells us you started working at the newspaper at the same time?”
“Yeah, we met in one of those interminable orientation meetings they subject you to.” Snow White, she thought, slightly hysterically. I’m talking to the real Snow White. Because if she was going to accept that the people in this town had access to some kind of magical powers, and she’d seen that with her own eyes, why not just accept the rest of it?
Henry returned with her glass and stood beside her, and she suddenly felt so comforted by his presence, so awed that he had trusted her enough to bring her into the close circle of his very unusual family like this.
“I’m glad you came,” Snow was continuing. “I’m sure Storybrooke may seem strange, and we all must seem… it must be hard to believe all of it.”
“Well, I’ve seen both of Henry’s moms doing magic, and apparently Henry has a magical pen he never told me about,” she said with a gentle elbow to his ribs, “so--” A streak of darkness in the sky outside the window caught her eye. “So what the hell was that?” Ava pointed. It certainly hadn't looked like a bird.
Henry went over to the window to look. “Mal’s behaving herself?”
Killian chuckled. “For the most part. Of course, every time a pet or head of livestock goes missing, she or her daughter gets blamed for it.”
“Mal?” Ava asked.
“Maleficent. She’s a dragon sometimes,” he explained.
Ava took another sip of whiskey. “Of course she is.”
“Killian, could you and Henry go get the folding table and extra chairs from the basement?” Emma called. “We’ve got nine people.”
The next few minutes were a flurry of preparations for dinner, as covered dishes brought by the guests were warmed up and Henry’s stepfather put together a salad. Ava kept out of the way, standing by the window, watching a dragon cut figure eights through the sky.
“And then he proceeded to knock over a mailbox with my truck,” David said.
“You did?” Ava asked, elbowing Henry in the ribs as he flushed at the friendly laughter around the table.
“It was my first driving lesson, and I was barely tall enough to reach the pedals and see over the steering wheel,” Henry replied. “Granddad just thought I was spending too much time taking sailing lessons from the local pirate, that’s all. He was jealous.”
David took the laughter at his expense in stride, rolling his eyes. “I could just see the writing on the wall, that I was gonna be stuck with this guy at family holidays for the rest of my life.” He punched Killian good-naturedly in the arm.
“And then it all came full circle when I helped to teach Killian to drive and he almost took out the same mailbox,” Henry said.
“Yeah, I took over the driving lessons after that,” Emma commented, leaning over and kissing her husband on the cheek.
“Will you marry Henry?” Maureen whispered loudly in Ava’s ear.
“Mo, sit down please,” Killian called from the other end of the table. The child quickly plopped back down in her seat, but she kept her eyes trained on Ava, expecting an answer. Around them, the buzz of dinner table conversation carried on.
Ava blinked and set her wine glass down, wondering what the protocol was for carrying on a conversation with a preschooler while drunk. Because she was definitely well on her way to drunk.
“I haven’t known Henry long enough to think about marrying him,” Ava whispered back, aware that the man himself was sitting on her other side and possibly listening with one ear while he laughed at another one of his grandfather’s stories.
“Daddy says when you have a True Love, you get married.”
“You should probably eat some more of your beans,” Ava said, pointing to Maureen’s plate. One of the adults had painstakingly put a little bit of each food on the dish, far enough apart that none of the foods touched.
“I don’t like beans. And then after you get married, you have a baby,” she continued, undeterred. “Mommy said she doesn’t want more babies, so I can’t have a sister.”
Ava smirked. “Sorry about that, kid. I didn’t have any sisters either.”
“But if you make a baby with Henry, that would be almost as good.”
Taking a drink of her wine, Ava shuddered. “Don’t hold your breath, okay?”
“Maureen, if you don’t eat your beans, you won’t get any of my apple pie. Ava, are you from Boston originally?” Regina asked from across the table. Ava wasn’t sure if Regina’s intent was to rescue her from Maureen’s attempts to plan out the rest of her life, but she appreciated it all the same. Maureen put a single bean in her mouth and made a face.
“No, I grew up in Brooklyn, actually.”
“Oh, Emma and Henry lived a year in New York,” Snow piped up. “How old were you then Henry, eleven? Twelve?”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“You could have run into each other and never known it,” Snow said with a dreamy look in her eyes.
“It’s a big city, Grandma.”
“Well, if you were in Manhattan around that time and saw a guy wandering the city in full pirate regalia, it was this guy,” Emma said, pointing a thumb at her husband.
“Aye, rescuing you from a curse and an ill-fated engagement to a flying monkey.”
“I didn’t say yes to the proposal, Killian.”
“No, but you were thinking about it.”
It sounded like well-worn banter, and everyone around the table had the look of people who’d heard it a hundred times before. “Flying monkey?” Ava asked. “I assume that’s not just a figure of speech?”
“My sister is the Wicked Witch of the West,” Regina clarified.
These proclamations weren’t even startling anymore. “Got it,” Ava said, and started to giggle. She clapped a hand over her own mouth to stop the laughter from bubbling out further, but the more she tried not to laugh, the more the laughter seemed to want to overtake her. “Sorry, it’s just…” Ava dabbed at the tears that had sprung up in her eyes, trying not to smudge her mascara. “This place is bonkers.”
“You’re dealing with it way better than I did,” Emma said, standing up and starting to clear plates from the table. Killian intercepted her hand as she reached for his plate and kissed the back of it before moving to help her.
“She’s probably not as infuriatingly stubborn as you are, Emma,” Regina commented.
“Oh, I don’t know about that. She’s pretty stubborn.” Henry squeezed her hand under the table.
Henry found her later in the room Killian called “the study,” a warmly lit room paneled in dark wood and lined with bookcases. Ava sipped from a glass of water, perusing the spines of the books, as Henry stole up behind her and kissed the back of her neck.
“Hey,” he said, his eyes both hopeful and wary. “You okay?”
She held up the water. “Figured I’d better stop drinking alcohol before I did something even more embarrassing.”
“As long as you don’t try to jump my stepfather, we’re good,” Henry said. At her raised eyebrows, he added. “He came to pick me up from college alone a couple of times, and some of my friends were… not subtle.”
She grimaced. “I mean, he’s good looking, but not really my type.”
Henry smirked at her. “No? What’s your type?”
Ava set her water down on a table and put her arms around him. “I don’t know… I guess I’d say the bookish intellectual type? Likes scarves, wears glasses, has a secret fairy tale family that no one knows about? Ring any bells?”
“It sounds like you want to date Harry Potter.”
She made like she was pulling away from him. “Is he real too? Do you think he’s on Tinder?”
He grinned and pulled her back against his chest. “He’s not real, but I can think of maybe one guy I could set you up with who fits that description.” She stretched up and kissed him briefly on the lips before dropping back down to her heels. “Everyone loves you,” he said. “Thanks for coming here with me, I know it’s…”
She looked up into his familiar face. “Your family is nice. I don’t really even care who they are. All that matters is that they love you and they love each other. The rest of it is… okay, mind-numbingly weird, but it sort of doesn’t matter, you know?” She kissed him again, and then stepped back to put some space between them. “Your little sister already has plans for us getting married and having babies together, by the way.”
He laughed. “That figures. Another budding romantic, just like my grandmother.”
“Living in a town full of fairy tale characters will probably do that to a person.”
“Or it could just make them horribly jaded, with no hope of ever living up to the epic love stories of their forebearers. Destined to always be the one to document the dramatic romances, but never to live them.” He scratched at his cheek. “Just for example.”
“I don’t know, if epic love stories automatically come with sleeping curses and dying and rescuing your significant other from Hell and all that, I might just take a pass. Boring, everyday stories are more my speed.”
Henry’s resulting grin lit up his face. “Mine too.”
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hairstyle1453-blog · 7 years
30 Of The Most Famous Celebrity Hair Stylists
New Post has been published on http://girlsbesthairstyle.com/30-famous-celebrity-hair-stylists/
30 Of The Most Famous Celebrity Hair Stylists
30 Of The Most Famous Celebrity Hair Stylists
Do you ever wonder how celebrities get that perfect hair? Celebrity hair stylists are responsible for everything from creating the perfect cut to coaxing out the ideal texture. The best stylists work with the stars’ personal fashion sense and individual style to develop color and cuts that become part of their signature look.
We’ve all taken notice when stars have dramatically altered their look by chopping their locks or going from black to blond to red. These are the most famous celebrity hair stylists behind those genius moves.
David Mallett
Although originally from Australia, David Mallet works out of the Salon de Coiffeur in Paris. His clients include Diane Kruger, Liv Tyler, Julianne Moore and Marion Cotillard. He is known for creating the light, bouncy styles embodied by many actresses and supermodels. Mallett has created his own line of styling products, including Volume Powder, a lightweight, concentrated product that makes hair look thicker and gives it more height.
Ted Gibson
Based out of New York, David Gibson works with Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie, Mila Kunis and Zoe Saldana, among others. His work has appeared in major publications as well as New York Fashion Week. Gibson contributes regularly to “Good Morning America” and “The Today Show.
Serge Normant
Serge Normant styles the tresses of Christy Turlington, Reese Witherspoon and Gisele Bundchen. However, he may be best known for his longstanding relationship with Julia Roberts’ hair. He plays with his own line of products and the celebrity’s individual fashion sense to create long, sweeping looks and sophisticated updos.
Hiro Haraguchi
Hiro Haraguchi provides styling and hair care products for celebrities such as Vera Wang and Lisa Kudrow. He is considered one of the top ten hairstylists in the world by The Richest. According to his website, Hiro Haraguchi prides himself on creating a comprehensive personal look for each of his clients. He began his career in Japan and now works out of a salon in New York City.
Tracey Cunningham
Do you covet the vivid perfection of the hair of celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Drew Barrymore and Jessica Biel? Tracey Cunningham is an expert colorist behind their light-reflecting locks. Based out of Los Angeles, Cunningham carefully crafts the ginger tones of Emma Stone’s hair and Gwyneth Paltrow’s lemon tresses.
Marie Robinson
Are you familiar with Michelle Williams’ perfect blond hue? The color is the genius of Marie Robinson at work. Robinson’s infatuation with hair color stems from her artistic interests. She felt that coloring hair delivered a more immediate result than drawing or painting on paper. She’s a fan of maintaining your natural tone, but she loves playing it up to its full potential. Robinson’s other celebrity clients include Kristen Stewart and Natalie Portman.
Andy LeCompte
Madonna, Chloe Moretz, Katie Holmes and Megan Fox go to Andy LeCompte in West Hollywood for world-class styling. LeCompte’s first salon was opened in 2008, and it quickly became a hotspot for celebrities. The one-of-a-kind artwork and furniture make the salon feel like a private gallery. Personalized treatments help transform clients’ hair into works of art.
Mark Townsend
The guru behind Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen’s beach hair, Mark Townsend gives clients effortless style. In a town where fashion tends to be over the top, Townsend is down to earth. He is all about working with the clients’ natural style to deliver texture, interest and movement. He gets his inspiration from vintage fashion shows and clients’ own personalities.
Harry Josh
In 2013, Harry Josh came out with the Pro Tools Blow Dryer, which got tons of attention from other celebrity stylists. The 80-mph wind speed created by this dryer blows thick, frizzy strands into absolute perfection. Josh is notorious for blowing out Gisele Bundchen’s long layered hairstyle. He has also worked on the ‘dos of celebrities like Amanda Seyfried, Rose Byrne and Cindy Crawford.
Oribe Canales
Oribe Canales has been responsible for designing the locks of high-profile divas like Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista and Rihanna for more than 30 years. Many other hairstylists use Oribe professional hair products. The dry texture spray is one of his trendiest products to date. Oribe may be best known for his famous relationship with Jennifer Lopez or his bold fearlessness when it comes to being his true self.
Dan Sharp
Dan Sharp has styled the mermaid-like waves on A-listers like Liv Tyler, Hillary Swank, Kate Winslet and Charlize Theron. He often uses the T3 Bodywaver to create large, curling waves. He and his wife, fashion photographer Dana Menussi, own Danka Panka salon in Brooklyn, New York. They opened the salon next to their apartment so they can work close to home and maximize their time with their family. It’s a modern space with a backyard that invites clients to gather, relax and connect.
Oscar Blandi
Oscar Blandi’s celebrity clientele list includes Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Alba, Naomi Watts, Robin Wright, Ivanka Trump and Jimmy Fallon. Blandi is a fan of medium-length hair because he believes it works on almost everyone. He was responsible for chopping off Nicole Richie’s long locks in 2006 to give her the wispy bob that so many women still request today. His first salon was inside the Plaza Hotel on Fifth Avenue in New York City. He now works out of an 11,000-square-foot salon on Madison Avenue. It’s the largest salon in the city.
Kyle White
Speaking of Nicole Richie, Kyle White, the colorist at Oscar Blandi’s salon, has talked about how to create the perfect blue hue, like the one Richie sported recently. His trick is to get the hair as white as possible before transforming it into a brighter tone. Any yellow or orange tones that appear when the hair is bleached will make blue-toned hair look green once it has been colored.
Sally Hershberger
Perhaps most famous for giving Meg Ryan her adorable shag haircut in 1996, Sally Hershberger was one of the first celebrity hair stylist to offer her pricey services to the public. Although the shag haircut was hugely popular in the ‘90s, it will probably never go out of style. Hershberger believes hair should have movement, and she cuts dramatic layers into women’s hair to give it the perfect texture and shape.
Edward Tricomi
Tim Burton was inspired to create his famous Edward Scissorhands movie after having his hair artfully snipped by Edward Tricomi. Tricomi considers himself an artist who sketches a haircut in much the same way that an illustrator designs a drawing. He typically works out of his Plaza Hotel salon in Manhattan. However, Tricomi also has salons across the United States.
Garren has created iconic hairstyles on superstars such as Taylor Swift, Gigi Hadid, Karlie Kloss and Victoria Beckham. Many of his signature styles have graced the cover of Vogue Magazine. Garren was the stylist who straightened Farrah Fawcett’s signature waves in the ‘70s, giving her a new look. Fawcett’s transformation launched Garren’s career.
Frédéric Fekkai
Frédéric Fekkai operates several salons in the United States and one in the Caribbean. Unlike many celebrity hairdressers, Fekkai eschews layers in favor of one-length hair. He has created elegant looks on Kim Basinger, Claudia Schiffer, Debra Messing, Renee Zellweger, Hillary Clinton and Dianna Agron.
Adir Abergel
Adir Abergel has styled the tresses of Kirsten Dunst, Anne Hathaway, Kristen Stewart and Jessica Biel. In 2017, he partnered with hair accessory company Lelet NY to create a collection of sculptural and artistic hair accessories. Bling is in, and the mixed-metal collection of accessories is designed to be worn on the red carpet and in everyday life.
José Eber
José Eber’s hair is as long and flowing as that of a Victoria’s Secret model. He has been a favorite in the world of celebrity hair since the 1970s and has authored two books about beauty. Eber excels at creating sexy, unstructured styles and has famously styled the hair of Farrah Fawcett, Cher and Elizabeth Taylor. Eber has helped define feminine beauty for more than four decades.
Chris McMillan
One of the most notorious hairstyles of all time was “The Rachael,” Jennifer Aniston’s famous layered cut that she revealed on the TV show Friends in 1995. Chris McMillan crafted that soft, blended style. He still tends to Aniston’s mane, although she favors a less structured, beachier look nowadays. McMillan is also the brainchild behind Michelle Williams’ effortless pixie cut.
Sherron Baylock
Based in Chicago, Sherron Baylock has styled Ta’Rhonda Jones’ hair since before she landed the part on Empire. The two have collaborated on many of Jones’ sculpted looks.
Nicky Clarke
British Nicky Clarke has been a hair stylist for Cindy Crawford, David Bowie, Princess Diana, Helen Mirren, Mischa Barton and Sienna Miller. He has famously commented on Dutchess Kate’s hair, saying that she could be more adventurous with it and criticizing her grey roots, as reported in a Daily Mail article.
Orlando Pita
Orlando Pita is known for permeating his runway model clientele’s hair with volume. He has also coiffed Sarah Jessica Parker and Madonna His line of products, Orlando Pita PLAY, allows everyday people to get the same kind of volume and shine that most people only see in fashion shows.
Frank Galasso
Frank Galasso builds up women’s hair with massive, sexy volume. He is responsible for Kim Kardashian’s signature style. In order to get that signature look, he has designed a collection of hair extensions that blends easily with any hair color.
Cervando Maldonato
Felicity Jones, Kirsten Dunst and Elizabeth Moss are all clients of Cervando Maldonato. Sally Hershberger was one of Maldonato’s mentors. He now works out of Los Angeles and is passionate about the world of fashion.
Brant Mayfield
Brant Mayfield works at the Chris McMillan salon. One of his most of-the-moment clients is Ruby Rose. He has also worked with Miley Cyrus and Courtney Cox.
Robert Ramos
If you want to know where Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling get their hair done, it’s at Robert Ramos’ Estilo Salon. Jessica Alba is another one of Ramos’ famous clients.
Jon Reyman
Some celebs are just too busy to spend a lot of time at the salon. Jon Reyman is renowned for giving 15-minute haircuts. He’s all about cutting the hair while it’s dry to give it optimal texture. He has worked with Christina Milian and Sienna Miller and styles models’ hair for runway shows.
Chaz Dean
Chaz Dean is legendary for creating the Wen line of hair care products. He has helped deliver healthy hair to clients like Tori Spelling, Lisa Rinna, Alyssa Milano and Brooke Shields. Celebrity hair takes a lot of abuse, and it’s Dean’s mission to give women a straightforward hair care system that makes the most of their natural beauty.
Vidal Sassoon
Vidal Sassoon is something of a legend in the celebrity hair industry. He was born in 1928 and infused the modern woman’s haircut with effortlessness in the ‘60s. He cropped the pixie cut that Mia Farrow wore in Rosemary’s Baby. He ended up building an empire of beauty schools, salons and hair care products. Sassoon died of Leukemia in 2012.
You may not be a celebrity. However, you can copy many stars’ hairstyles just by visiting their stylists. Many own salons that are open to the public. You’ll definitely have to shell over more than what you pay at Supercuts, but many celebrity hair stylists offer reasonable options. Some work with a team that can mimic celebrity cuts and color. Don’t be afraid to have your 15 minutes of fame. Learn celebrity hairstyle secrets directly from the people who know the best.
Find and save ideas about Hair ideas on girlsbesthairstyle.com | See more ideas about Hair dos, Easy prom hairstyles and Easy winter hairstyles.
Celebrity Hairstyles, Curly Hairstyles, Hair Trends, Hairstyles for Black Women, Short Hairstyles,Hairstyles for Black Women, Hairstyles, Haircuts and Hair Colors
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seagullhair · 6 years
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Loving this messy platinum pixie by Shaun!
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hairstyle1453-blog · 7 years
30 Of The Most Famous Celebrity Hair Stylists
New Post has been published on http://girlsbesthairstyle.com/30-famous-celebrity-hair-stylists/
30 Of The Most Famous Celebrity Hair Stylists
30 Of The Most Famous Celebrity Hair Stylists
Do you ever wonder how celebrities get that perfect hair? Celebrity hair stylists are responsible for everything from creating the perfect cut to coaxing out the ideal texture. The best stylists work with the stars’ personal fashion sense and individual style to develop color and cuts that become part of their signature look.
We’ve all taken notice when stars have dramatically altered their look by chopping their locks or going from black to blond to red. These are the most famous celebrity hair stylists behind those genius moves.
David Mallett
Although originally from Australia, David Mallet works out of the Salon de Coiffeur in Paris. His clients include Diane Kruger, Liv Tyler, Julianne Moore and Marion Cotillard. He is known for creating the light, bouncy styles embodied by many actresses and supermodels. Mallett has created his own line of styling products, including Volume Powder, a lightweight, concentrated product that makes hair look thicker and gives it more height.
Ted Gibson
Based out of New York, David Gibson works with Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie, Mila Kunis and Zoe Saldana, among others. His work has appeared in major publications as well as New York Fashion Week. Gibson contributes regularly to “Good Morning America” and “The Today Show.
Serge Normant
Serge Normant styles the tresses of Christy Turlington, Reese Witherspoon and Gisele Bundchen. However, he may be best known for his longstanding relationship with Julia Roberts’ hair. He plays with his own line of products and the celebrity’s individual fashion sense to create long, sweeping looks and sophisticated updos.
Hiro Haraguchi
Hiro Haraguchi provides styling and hair care products for celebrities such as Vera Wang and Lisa Kudrow. He is considered one of the top ten hairstylists in the world by The Richest. According to his website, Hiro Haraguchi prides himself on creating a comprehensive personal look for each of his clients. He began his career in Japan and now works out of a salon in New York City.
Tracey Cunningham
Do you covet the vivid perfection of the hair of celebrities like Jennifer Lopez, Drew Barrymore and Jessica Biel? Tracey Cunningham is an expert colorist behind their light-reflecting locks. Based out of Los Angeles, Cunningham carefully crafts the ginger tones of Emma Stone’s hair and Gwyneth Paltrow’s lemon tresses.
Marie Robinson
Are you familiar with Michelle Williams’ perfect blond hue? The color is the genius of Marie Robinson at work. Robinson’s infatuation with hair color stems from her artistic interests. She felt that coloring hair delivered a more immediate result than drawing or painting on paper. She’s a fan of maintaining your natural tone, but she loves playing it up to its full potential. Robinson’s other celebrity clients include Kristen Stewart and Natalie Portman.
Andy LeCompte
Madonna, Chloe Moretz, Katie Holmes and Megan Fox go to Andy LeCompte in West Hollywood for world-class styling. LeCompte’s first salon was opened in 2008, and it quickly became a hotspot for celebrities. The one-of-a-kind artwork and furniture make the salon feel like a private gallery. Personalized treatments help transform clients’ hair into works of art.
Mark Townsend
The guru behind Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen’s beach hair, Mark Townsend gives clients effortless style. In a town where fashion tends to be over the top, Townsend is down to earth. He is all about working with the clients’ natural style to deliver texture, interest and movement. He gets his inspiration from vintage fashion shows and clients’ own personalities.
Harry Josh
In 2013, Harry Josh came out with the Pro Tools Blow Dryer, which got tons of attention from other celebrity stylists. The 80-mph wind speed created by this dryer blows thick, frizzy strands into absolute perfection. Josh is notorious for blowing out Gisele Bundchen’s long layered hairstyle. He has also worked on the ‘dos of celebrities like Amanda Seyfried, Rose Byrne and Cindy Crawford.
Oribe Canales
Oribe Canales has been responsible for designing the locks of high-profile divas like Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista and Rihanna for more than 30 years. Many other hairstylists use Oribe professional hair products. The dry texture spray is one of his trendiest products to date. Oribe may be best known for his famous relationship with Jennifer Lopez or his bold fearlessness when it comes to being his true self.
Dan Sharp
Dan Sharp has styled the mermaid-like waves on A-listers like Liv Tyler, Hillary Swank, Kate Winslet and Charlize Theron. He often uses the T3 Bodywaver to create large, curling waves. He and his wife, fashion photographer Dana Menussi, own Danka Panka salon in Brooklyn, New York. They opened the salon next to their apartment so they can work close to home and maximize their time with their family. It’s a modern space with a backyard that invites clients to gather, relax and connect.
Oscar Blandi
Oscar Blandi’s celebrity clientele list includes Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Alba, Naomi Watts, Robin Wright, Ivanka Trump and Jimmy Fallon. Blandi is a fan of medium-length hair because he believes it works on almost everyone. He was responsible for chopping off Nicole Richie’s long locks in 2006 to give her the wispy bob that so many women still request today. His first salon was inside the Plaza Hotel on Fifth Avenue in New York City. He now works out of an 11,000-square-foot salon on Madison Avenue. It’s the largest salon in the city.
Kyle White
Speaking of Nicole Richie, Kyle White, the colorist at Oscar Blandi’s salon, has talked about how to create the perfect blue hue, like the one Richie sported recently. His trick is to get the hair as white as possible before transforming it into a brighter tone. Any yellow or orange tones that appear when the hair is bleached will make blue-toned hair look green once it has been colored.
Sally Hershberger
Perhaps most famous for giving Meg Ryan her adorable shag haircut in 1996, Sally Hershberger was one of the first celebrity hair stylist to offer her pricey services to the public. Although the shag haircut was hugely popular in the ‘90s, it will probably never go out of style. Hershberger believes hair should have movement, and she cuts dramatic layers into women’s hair to give it the perfect texture and shape.
Edward Tricomi
Tim Burton was inspired to create his famous Edward Scissorhands movie after having his hair artfully snipped by Edward Tricomi. Tricomi considers himself an artist who sketches a haircut in much the same way that an illustrator designs a drawing. He typically works out of his Plaza Hotel salon in Manhattan. However, Tricomi also has salons across the United States.
Garren has created iconic hairstyles on superstars such as Taylor Swift, Gigi Hadid, Karlie Kloss and Victoria Beckham. Many of his signature styles have graced the cover of Vogue Magazine. Garren was the stylist who straightened Farrah Fawcett’s signature waves in the ‘70s, giving her a new look. Fawcett’s transformation launched Garren’s career.
Frédéric Fekkai
Frédéric Fekkai operates several salons in the United States and one in the Caribbean. Unlike many celebrity hairdressers, Fekkai eschews layers in favor of one-length hair. He has created elegant looks on Kim Basinger, Claudia Schiffer, Debra Messing, Renee Zellweger, Hillary Clinton and Dianna Agron.
Adir Abergel
Adir Abergel has styled the tresses of Kirsten Dunst, Anne Hathaway, Kristen Stewart and Jessica Biel. In 2017, he partnered with hair accessory company Lelet NY to create a collection of sculptural and artistic hair accessories. Bling is in, and the mixed-metal collection of accessories is designed to be worn on the red carpet and in everyday life.
José Eber
José Eber’s hair is as long and flowing as that of a Victoria’s Secret model. He has been a favorite in the world of celebrity hair since the 1970s and has authored two books about beauty. Eber excels at creating sexy, unstructured styles and has famously styled the hair of Farrah Fawcett, Cher and Elizabeth Taylor. Eber has helped define feminine beauty for more than four decades.
Chris McMillan
One of the most notorious hairstyles of all time was “The Rachael,” Jennifer Aniston’s famous layered cut that she revealed on the TV show Friends in 1995. Chris McMillan crafted that soft, blended style. He still tends to Aniston’s mane, although she favors a less structured, beachier look nowadays. McMillan is also the brainchild behind Michelle Williams’ effortless pixie cut.
Sherron Baylock
Based in Chicago, Sherron Baylock has styled Ta’Rhonda Jones’ hair since before she landed the part on Empire. The two have collaborated on many of Jones’ sculpted looks.
Nicky Clarke
British Nicky Clarke has been a hair stylist for Cindy Crawford, David Bowie, Princess Diana, Helen Mirren, Mischa Barton and Sienna Miller. He has famously commented on Dutchess Kate’s hair, saying that she could be more adventurous with it and criticizing her grey roots, as reported in a Daily Mail article.
Orlando Pita
Orlando Pita is known for permeating his runway model clientele’s hair with volume. He has also coiffed Sarah Jessica Parker and Madonna His line of products, Orlando Pita PLAY, allows everyday people to get the same kind of volume and shine that most people only see in fashion shows.
Frank Galasso
Frank Galasso builds up women’s hair with massive, sexy volume. He is responsible for Kim Kardashian’s signature style. In order to get that signature look, he has designed a collection of hair extensions that blends easily with any hair color.
Cervando Maldonato
Felicity Jones, Kirsten Dunst and Elizabeth Moss are all clients of Cervando Maldonato. Sally Hershberger was one of Maldonato’s mentors. He now works out of Los Angeles and is passionate about the world of fashion.
Brant Mayfield
Brant Mayfield works at the Chris McMillan salon. One of his most of-the-moment clients is Ruby Rose. He has also worked with Miley Cyrus and Courtney Cox.
Robert Ramos
If you want to know where Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling get their hair done, it’s at Robert Ramos’ Estilo Salon. Jessica Alba is another one of Ramos’ famous clients.
Jon Reyman
Some celebs are just too busy to spend a lot of time at the salon. Jon Reyman is renowned for giving 15-minute haircuts. He’s all about cutting the hair while it’s dry to give it optimal texture. He has worked with Christina Milian and Sienna Miller and styles models’ hair for runway shows.
Chaz Dean
Chaz Dean is legendary for creating the Wen line of hair care products. He has helped deliver healthy hair to clients like Tori Spelling, Lisa Rinna, Alyssa Milano and Brooke Shields. Celebrity hair takes a lot of abuse, and it’s Dean’s mission to give women a straightforward hair care system that makes the most of their natural beauty.
Vidal Sassoon
Vidal Sassoon is something of a legend in the celebrity hair industry. He was born in 1928 and infused the modern woman’s haircut with effortlessness in the ‘60s. He cropped the pixie cut that Mia Farrow wore in Rosemary’s Baby. He ended up building an empire of beauty schools, salons and hair care products. Sassoon died of Leukemia in 2012.
You may not be a celebrity. However, you can copy many stars’ hairstyles just by visiting their stylists. Many own salons that are open to the public. You’ll definitely have to shell over more than what you pay at Supercuts, but many celebrity hair stylists offer reasonable options. Some work with a team that can mimic celebrity cuts and color. Don’t be afraid to have your 15 minutes of fame. Learn celebrity hairstyle secrets directly from the people who know the best.
Find and save ideas about Hair ideas on girlsbesthairstyle.com | See more ideas about Hair dos, Easy prom hairstyles and Easy winter hairstyles.
Celebrity Hairstyles, Curly Hairstyles, Hair Trends, Hairstyles for Black Women, Short Hairstyles,Hairstyles for Black Women, Hairstyles, Haircuts and Hair Colors
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seagullhair · 8 years
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Edgy pixie cut by Kristin at the #NewSeagullSalon!
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seagullhair · 9 years
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Seagull VIP Lizzy Goodman, NYC's finest music journalist who's covered Kim Gordon for Elle Magazine among other things, stopped by for a super chic pixie cut from Seagull lead stylist Shaun! 
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seagullhair · 10 years
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Before and After:  New year, new hair! Kristin trims these long curly locks down to a cute pixie cut, and it looks great!
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