#best part of the filme
elinbean · 6 months
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a win for tortured writers and haunted artists everywhere
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baxterbella24 · 2 months
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"As long as I breathe"
"I'm no Messiah, I'm a Fedaykin of Sietch Tabr"
Paul Usul Muad'Dib Atreides, Dune: Part 2 (2024) dir. Denis Villeneuve
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John & Paul rehearsing "Two of Us" in LET IT BE
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Joe Taslim as Bi-Han/Sub-Zero in Mortal Kombat (2021)
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idlesuperstar · 1 year
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- As far back as I can remember, I had a passion for dressing up and playing games of 'Let's Pretend', which are, of course, the basic principles of acting, and if you are lucky enough, you get paid for so doing, hard work though it may be.
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taliesin-the-bored · 2 months
This may be the greatest Wikipedia page I’ve ever encountered.
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First, there’s the content. This is from the page on Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders, a movie which is probably best known as the last episode of the original Mystery Science Theater 3000 to air. The synopsis is enough to make this a distinctive page. After all, it’s not in every film that a lady suddenly gets both freedom from her jerk husband and the baby she always wanted when he accidentally turns himself into a baby using dark magic.
Then there are the links. In addition to the clearly relevant links to “Merlin”, “Ernest Borgnine”, and “The Monkey” by Stephen King, there are links on “benign”, “infancy”, “birthday”, “cat”, “goldfish”, “dog”, “car”, “storm”, etc. “{C}ymbal-banging monkey toy” is divided into two links: “cymbal-banging monkey” directs to “cymbal-banging monkey toy” and “toy” directs to “toy”.
Whoever wrote it had a sense of humor: the part describing the ending, when Merlin “suddenly appears” to save the day, directs to “Deus ex machina”.
Long live obscure Wikipedia pages and terrible movies.
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tabbi-mysteries · 8 months
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Episodes 1-250 Mouri Ran's Wardrobe
+ Films 1-5 & OVA1
Thanks for all the support! I wasn't expecting this project to get so popular. For this update I've made things much neater, they're organised by date first shown (hopefully) to see how her wardrobe has changed over time. There's also a key to show if the outfit was from an episode, opening, ending, film, next Conan's hint or OVA! Lemme know if you have any other organisation suggestions for future updates! And as before if you spot any mistakes or any outfits I missed pls let me know!
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sequenceofmind · 3 months
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denis directing timothee and rebecca
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otto-wood · 1 year
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@maggnetic00: "I could've picked your body in a lineup" with the fucking neck grab combo. why don't you pull an otto wood and just kill me
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unityrain24 · 16 days
the problem with loki is that i would love there to be a series/movie (so sad that he was such a popular character and then they just killed him and never mentioned him again -_-) of him but he's the sort of character that so much about him is internal and you get a better look at his character via writing rather than film bc so much of him is his thoughts but i like film more whyy
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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Yes please. The first scene of The Mario Brothers sets the tone for their relationship so well, and I’m so glad it carries through the entire film.  Most of the screenshots taken from this posted clip: X
I ADORE THAT THE FIRST SHOT OF THEM IN THE MOVIE IS THEM SIDE HUGGING EACH OTHER. They’re just standing there in front of the television, watching their commercial, two goobers barely able to contain the excitement of what they’ve accomplished together.
The commercial ends, and immediately they start showering each other with complements while teasing each other. “Wow! You were great!” Mario shouts while slapping Luigi’s cap over his eyes.  “I was great? Are you kidding me!? You were great!” Luigi shouts back as he playfully jabs at his brother’s stomach. 
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While they’re both proud of the commercial, Mario expresses some minor worries. He says “I’m so glad we spent our life savings on this commercial” as though he was having doubts before, and wonders if the goofy Italian accent was too over the top. But Luigi is fully optimistic, describing their ad as not just some commercial, but true “cinema.” He is about to reassure Mario about the accents too, when the Giuseppe... who naturally has that same goofy over-the-top accent... chimes in to voice his support.
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“Well well well...” Then a new voice joins the conversation, and the moment Mario and Luigi hear it the mood changes. Both brothers tense up and turn to look.
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In an instant, their instinctual reaction is “Ah fuck, not this guy.” “...If it isn’t Brooklyn’s favorite failures, The Stupid Mario Brothers.”
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“Oh great, Spike’s here.” Luigi’s comment is one of passive annoyance. He stays behind his brother, his body language anxious and anticipatory, his expression looking more and more worried the closer he gets to Spike.
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“Hey, Spike.” Mario, on the other hand, is assertive. He immediately walks over and stands confrontationally in front of his old boss, arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Yeah. IT’S-A ME!” Spike retorts with an imitation of Mario’s put-on Italian accent and aggressively laughs in his face. He isn’t “annoying but well-meaning” the way Mario’s uncles are, he’s deliberately trying to get under his skin. Mario squints when Spike laughs a little too close for comfort, but otherwise holds his ground and maintains his composure.
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Spike wipes a tear from his eye and switches gears from obnoxious mockery to cold belittling. “Tell me, have you even gotten one call since you left me to start your dumb company?”
So right off the bat we learn two things: 1. The Mario Brothers quit Spike’s business, and he’s bitter enough about it that he’s tracked their future endeavors and goes out of his way to make fun of them for it. Clearly there’s an issue of pride here– two little nothings quitting his business to try and make it on their own? Who do they think they are? 2. Mario, in return, is bitter enough about whatever happened while they worked for Spike that he takes the bait and gives Spike the time of day. Luigi looks like he would prefer to dip out of the situation altogether, but he does his best to support Mario when he thinks he’s got a leg up…
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While Mario is still taking a breath to form his reply, Luigi summons the courage to step out from behind his brother, looking smug as he waves his cellphone around. “Actually, Spike, we have!”
Mario is excited for a moment until it’s revealed the phone call is from their mom. Luigi is proud enough of her support that he sincerely considers it a bragging point, happily clinging to his sibling all the while Mario is internally begging his brother to stfu.
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Then, Luigi mic-drops the phone. It audibly shatters. Instant regret. Mario looks like he’s going to implode from embarrassment.
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Spike, naturally, finds this hilarious. Giggling, he grabs a napkin, wipes the pizza grease off of his beard, and lobs the crumpled napkin at Luigi. “Good luck running a business with this idiot.”
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With lightning-fast reflexes, Mario reaches out and catches the napkin before it hits its target. The music takes a dramatic shift as the mood of the conversation gets more serious.
“Say that again about my brother, and you’re gonna regret it.” At that point, it might have been smarter for Mario to just throw the napkin in the nearest bin and walk away, but Spike just made the mistake of going at Luigi. Nobody is allowed to treat him like that, not while Mario’s around.
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Mario retaliates by throwing the napkin back in Spike’s face, hitting him square in the forehead. Spike does not take this lightly. Where Mario has a sense of basic dignity, Spike has an overinflated ego, and he won’t take even the smallest offense lying down. He rises to his feet, fists clenched, chest puffed, ready for a fight. “Oh yeah?”
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Mario also looks ready to throw down, but rather than raise his fists his first priority is to press Luigi out of harm’s way. Luigi, in the meantime, looks terrified, stepping back and bracing himself, his already anxious body language tensing further. Both Mario and Luigi are startled when Spike actually follows through with getting physical, snatching Mario by the overall straps and lifting him up off the ground.
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“Get this through your tiny brain Mario: You’re a joke! and you always will be.” Mario doesn’t fight or argue, he just squints as Spike talks uncomfortably close to his face like he’s trying to goad him into throwing the first punch. Mario does not take the bait, and does not give Spike the satisfaction of any reaction at all. When it comes to petty insults like this, he can take them like a champ.
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Luigi is shocked into a standstill. His gaze rapidly flicks back and forth between Spike and Mario. He has no idea what to do, he’s just worried about his brother in every sense of the word, taken aback by both the vitriolic comment and threat of an actual fight.
Spike, after getting the final word in, throws Mario to the ground. Luigi drops to his knees and holds out his hands to help his older brother up, but Mario recovers himself before Luigi can assist.
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Luigi looks far more hurt by Spike’s insult than Mario, and seems to be calculating what their options are if things escalate any further. Mario holds what little ground he has, staring defiantly up with his hands clenched, as if he’s daring Spike to try something.
Luckily, things simmer down. Spike proudly dusts off his hands and heads toward the door, taking a moment to leave money on the table. He’s an asshat and a blowhard, but he still plays by society’s rules. He doesn’t dine and dash, and he’s not going to carry a confrontation further than he feels he needs to, especially not in a public restaurant. Spike has the potential to win this fight, but at the end of the day he has a business to run.
Despite having been dropped flat on his back, Mario is the first to get up. He straightens his cap and dusts himself off, staring daggers at his old employer’s back while Luigi rises to his feet and begins questioning his brother’s decision. “Are you insane!? He’s three times your size!”
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Spike’s insult was cruel, but it clearly didn’t effect Mario too much. It’s more of the same ole same ole from him, and can’t be taken too seriously. Luigi is more concerned about the physical risks involved.
“Luigi, c’mon! I mean, you can’t be scared all the time.” To me, this comment doesn’t feel like Mario criticizing Luigi as much as it feels like Mario defending his own approach to life. Both him and Luigi are young (probably early 20s), little guys working in manual labor. They’re at the bottom of the totem pole, but Mario maintains his sense of pride. He’s eager to fight back against adversity and prove himself to the world, even if it means taking serious risks.
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“Mmmm, you’d be surprised.” Luigi, in the meantime, has complete opposite approach when facing life’s challenges. He is not as good at rolling with the punches as Mario, and being very anxious and sensitive by nature, his way of getting along is by avoiding confrontation altogether. 
CONCLUSION: Mario’s strong drive pulls Luigi into situations that go against his instincts, but that’s for the better. If Mario hadn’t been there, Luigi definitely wouldn’t have attempted to talk back to Spike like that. Is he skilled at backtalk? Not in the least, but it’s the spirit of attempting to stand up for himself that counts. Mario gives Luigi room to be vaguely adventurous and assertive by providing protection, clearing the path, and making things easier for him whenever he can.  As a result, Luigi would follow Mario anywhere– and does, supporting him in all of his endeavors with full confidence. There is a reason why Charlie Day described Luigi as “die-hard loyal,” and for someone like Mario, who has gumption, big dreams, and a lot going against him, having someone at his side who sincerely supports and believes in him with all his heart is indispensable.
The beginning shows us a good example right off the bat of Luigi’s confidence regarding Mario’s dreams, and anxiety regarding outside threats. Meanwhile, we see glimpses of Mario’s anxiety regarding his own dreams, and confidence when facing outside threats. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: they really do balance each other out. 
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okurrroye · 5 months
The wait for percabeth to finally happen is going to be excruciating and I might as well kill myself now because I can’t wait that long
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baxterbella24 · 2 months
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"We're Harkonnens. So this is how we'll survive... By being Harkonnens"
Paul Usul Muad'Dib Atreides, Dune: Part 2 (2024) dir. Denis Villeneuve
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strangesickness · 2 months
i think my favorite part of IT chapter two is when eddie crashes his car. like it kind of has everything. eddie insane road rage <3. eddie being a bit of a dick "it's my job to assess risks", it has "i love you mommy" which makes me want to jump off a bridge. eddie gesturing wildly instead of holding onto the wheel. his stupid fucking "edward kaspbrak speaking" <3 the face he makes when he's talking to mike lol. like he's expecting the car display to change. "EDDIE! are you okay?" "yeah! i'm pretty good."
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accio-victuuri · 8 months
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screenwriter for yibo’s asian games breakdance promo shared stories during the shoot:
There were only two points of information at that time: 1. Promotional videos related to the Asian Games; 2. Cooperation with Wang laoshi
I really thought they were kidding me, but then I learned the news that Mr. Wang participated in the filming for free, it was a complete shock at that time. At that time, and until now, my thoughts have always been that if I don’t participate in this project I will regret it for the rest of my life. It's fun to join, but the process of creation and preparation is painful. But just like Feng, the instructor expressed before, in this process, Wang laoshi provided us with a very, very big help, and it really showed that as an artist, his professional standards. Including but not limited to:
1. Introduce us to choreographers who have extensive experience working with Wang laoshi. Work with the director team on choreography.
2. Familiarize yourself with the storyboards in advance. The director only needs to talk about the scene once. Then the shots of the ancient scenes were shot very quickly. Responding to scenes in ancient times, He should have practiced, otherwise based on past shooting experience, it would be impossible.
3. No complaints about the special forces-style shooting. Ancient style scenes need to be combined and shot in natural light, especially large scene shots, there is no way to use sunshade (I tried to do it for the close shot, but I still couldn’t withstand the high temperature), so as a result, Wang laoshi had to endure the high temperature of the sun near noon to perform.
During the filming, Wang laoshi not only had no complaints, but also cared about the quality of the shots and the and filming progress.
4. During the stage dance part, Wang laoshi actively communicated with the director and cooperated with the camera and made design adjustment actions. When the director thinks that the scene has passed, Wang laoshi mentioned more than once that he wanted to do it again and he should be able to dance better.
Wang laoshi not only respects and is enthusiastic about creation, but also expresses his enthusiasm during the shooting process.
PS. During the post-production process, I watched Mr. Wang in each original material, putting his handsome face in the editing sequence, and you will really sigh, he is really handsome.
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theinfinitedivides · 8 months
there is nothing more beautiful than seeing the full montage of Jun Mo going absolutely batsh*t insane crazy unhinged when he steps foot in that hallway and sees what's going on. just completely gloriously feral out of it kill count going up by the dozens bathed in blood like a kind of baptism or wine of pseudo-Eucharist this is My body and My blood eat (drink) this in remembrance of Me etc etc bc as from his own mouth he says that there is someone he needs to protect. forget acting like the rent was due he acted like it was mortgage backdated student loans credit card bill car payments hospital fees alimony child support you name it he had his bank details ready holy f*ck
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