🎬 bellarke + "you think the world is ending and i’ve decided to live everyday like it’s my last and now we’re just crossing things off our bucket lists” (no tomorrow)
Thank you for this amazing request! I admit this one kind of got out of hand and I could totally see myself writing this out as a multi-chaptered fic at one point (not now though lol) Anyways, I’m sorry if there are any errors. I did do a spell check but it’s not beta’d. This is just pure Modern AU fluff, enjoy! :) also i have only seen 30 minutes of No Tomorrow’s pilot so it’s probs not like it
Clarke Griffin knew the world was ending. She just couldn’t explain it.Well, she could actually but whenever she went into the details of City of Light, and space miners and the nuclear death wave, also known as “Primfaya” people looked at her like she was saying “The world will end in 2012 because Mayans said so”. So she gave up on explaining. She just knew. And she struggled with that knowledge for a while. She was a pre-med student with great research skills and rich enough parents to put her through a well known research school and nothing more. The night she put all the pieces together was the worst night of her life. The world was ending in approximately 8 months and 4 days. Her first instinct was to save everyone. At the very least, to tell people and she started with her best friend but Raven just laughed. Again, Clarke was just a pre-med student who had read too many articles and accidentally stumbled upon some classified documents and now she knew all about hypersleep and plans to colonize the space and Bill Cadogan.
Well, that was roughly 4 months ago.
Clarke, being a pretty rational person, had told herself that she would try to convince people for 4 months and after that, she was on her own. She didn’t know what that meant exactly but she wasn’t going to waste the rest of her life trying to convince people she was right. She looked at the calender above her desk, the date was circled in red marker and she had scribbled: “Figure out what to do with the rest.”. She meant, the rest of her life. Literally.She didn’t know yet what she was going to do with “the rest of her life” but she knew she had to go to the hospital to see Bellamy. He had been in a traumatic car accident two months ago and he was being released today. They had been friends since her freshman year, so for 2 and a half years now and while they weren’t the closest, they shared an inexplicable bond. But there was a simpler reason for why she was the one that had to pick him up from the hospital, his sister was busy. When she got to his hospital room, Bellamy was sitting in a wheel chair.“Bellamy, you okay?” She asked, failing to mask her concern. She expected to see him up on his feet.
“Yeah, it’s just protocol. They’re wheeling me out of the hospital, I can walk with crutches just fine.” He shrugged lightly. There was a microscopic smile on his face, he couldn’t help but feel special whenever she worried about him.
Clarke sighed with relief in response,
“Okay, good. Are you done with all the paper work?”
“I am. Let’s go.”
“Can you pull over here?” Bellamy asked casually. Even though it was a strange request, seeing as they were in the middle of nowhere with just a small gas station near, Clarke pulled over.
“We’re fine on the gas, Bell.” She looked down to double check it.
“Yeah, I know. I just want to grab something real quick.” He grabbed his crutches and slid out the front seat.
Clarke should have followed him but being alone with him after two months of only seeing him for 15 minutes and never alone was overwhelming. She could use a break. She had forgotten how drawn to him she felt and how the air seemed to thicken whenever they were alone. Just before he got into the accident, she had told him about her discovery and they had a huge fight. Of course, seeing him in the ICU, half concious, made Clarke forget all about him calling her “crazy” and her calling him “irresponsibly stubborn”. It was difficult to explain that to her friends, of course. Raven for one could not understand why Clarke cared so much about what Bellamy thought and how she could seem to forgive him instantly. Clarke had acknowledged that she had been attracted to Bellamy from day one but she repressed her feelings for so long (because she had a boyfriend at thetime and he was straight up unpleasant to her) that once they had resurfaced, it was way beyond being a “crush”. She was in this limbo of having feelings for Bellamy that were too deep to be a crush and too platonic to be love. No one seemed to understand that. She sometimes thought maybe Bellamy knew. She pushed those thoughts away.
“Bellamy should be back by now” she murmured to herself as she leaned to look out the car window, after 15 minutes of waiting for him in the car.
Worried that he might have fallen down or hurt himself somehow, she got out of the car and walked towards the gas station. Right as she was about to enter it, she saw his silloute by a tree near the back of the building.“Bellamy!” she yelled out and walked towards him “Where the hell have you been?”
“Relax, princess, I cracked a window open, didn’t I?” Bellamy’s witty comment could not distract Clarke from the cigaratte he was holding between his fingers.
“What the hell, Bellamy?!” She launched herself at him to grab the lit cigarette from his hands but he put his hands higher so she couldn’t reach.
“I’ve always wanted to try one.” He said somewhat nonchalant.
“And?” Clarke asked bewildered.
“They’re horrible.” He coughed, the tobbaco residue in his throat still bothering him. He put the cigarette out and they walked back to the car in silence.
Clarke threw her car keys on his kitchen counter, her thoughts about “what to do with her life” creeping back into her mind. She looked at the clock hanging above his couch, it was almost afternoon. Great, she thought to herself, another day closer to Primfaya.
“Clarke…” The familiar hoarse voice pulled her back from her thoughts. Bellamy was sitting on the couch, gesturing her to join him.
“There’s something I want to talk to you about.”
With a concerned look on her face, she sat next to him. Without her encouragement, he went on with what sounded like a speech he had prepared a while ago.
“I almost died. Clarke, I almost died and I can’t –“ He shook his head, “I can’t keep living the way I have been living.”
Clarke looked down to her hands, biting her words, trying her best not to say, Yeah, Bell, it’s not just you. None of us can keep living the way we’ve been living.
“And I’m sorry I called you crazy when you said the world was ending.” He sounded sincere but still unconvinced.
“The world is ending, Bellamy. 120 days left.” Clarke interrupted him.
He sighed and gently placed his hands on her shoulders.
“The world is ending for all of us everyday, Clarke.”
“Yes, that’s what I’ve been—“
“No, no. What I’m saying is, we’re all dying every second we’re alive anyway. You don’t need a dooming apocalypse to remind you to live.” The was he emphasized the last word draw Clarke in. That’s what’s been missing from her life, “living”. She had “researched” and “planned” and “hoped” for so long, when instead she should have lived. Her eyes shined as an idea formed in her mind.
“So, we make a ‘bucket list’.” Clarke asserted.
“No, that’s against the whole point. The minute you put these on a list, they’ll become tasks.” Bellamy shook his head in disagreement.
“So what do we do? Just wake up and do what we always do?” Clarke sounded disappointent, she hadn’t realized how appealing this ‘doing what we’ve always wanted to do’ idea was actually.
“We do whatever the hell we want.” A smug smile appeared on his lips.
“Whatever the hell we want?” Clarke asked lifting an eyebrow.
“Whatever the hell we want.”
She texted him that night when she couldn’t sleep, his words haunting her.
Clarke: What if making a bucket list is something I’ve always wanted to do??Read, 2:08 AM.
It took Bellamy nearly 30 seconds to reply.
Bellamy: You can’t use semantics to make me plan spontanity, Griffin.Read, 2:09 AM.
Clarke chuckled at his response and put her phone away. For the first time in many nights, she didn’t toss and turn in her bed, her brain riddled with questions and worries. The lightness of just doing what you’ve always wanted to, even the thought of it as a valid option, made her feel at peace.
Next morning, when Clarke was fixing herself her usual breakfast, scrabbled eggs and toast, her phone buzzed.
Bellamy: So what’s the plan for today, Princess?Clarke: Ha ha, very funny Blake. No plans, remember?Bellamy: Yeah but you still need to do something with your day… What’s something you’ve always wanted to do?
Clarke sighed, she wasn’t sure this was the most responsible way to deal with mortality but she was so tired of being the responsible one all the time. A smile played on her lips as she pondered her response. Bellamy must have realized she was taking her time,
Bellamy: No thinking. Quick. What have you ALWAYS wanted to do?
Clarke: Have my art showcased in a gallery. I’ve always wanted my painting to be hung on a gallery wall, framed and everything.Read, 10:48 AM.
When Bellamy didn’t respond for two hours, she got discouraged. Had she said something stupid? Yeah, painting was just a hobby for her but was it so outrageous that she wanted something of hers that she poured her soul into to be feautured on a gallery wall where everyone could see? She made herself a cup of coffe and sat on her couch, her instincts screaming at her to continue her research, find a way to survive this. Find a bunker, or something. Her binder of rationing plans, her map of where the radiation would be the least severe, the book Second Dawn were scattered on her coffee table. She leaned down and grabbed a piece of paper. On top she scribbed, “Bucket List”. Bellamy was right, just writing the words down made her tense up in her shoulders. Her phone buzzed again.
Bellamy: Meet me at 42nd and Locust. In 15.
When Clarke got there, exacty 15 minutes after she got the text, she saw him waiting by a cute coffee shop with a mid-sized canvas tucked under his right arm.
“Hey!” She waved as she walked towards him. “What’s with the canvas?”
Bellamy showed the painting to her. It was one of hers.
“You kept it?” she asked in disbelief. Bellamy never mentioned her art much and when she had given him the painting as a house warming gift, he had curtly thanked her and she assumed it was too much.
“It’s a gift from you, of course I did.” He smiled. He suddenly grabbed her hand,
“There’s an exhibit I’ve been wanting to see, let’s go.”
He lead her to an underground art gallery. Clarke knew this one, it was a really hipster art gallery. The last stop before making it “big” for many artists.
“No…” she gasped. “Bellamy, no, not here.”
“Why not? It’s not like it’s MoMa or something.”
“Yeah but—“ Clarke gestured to all the art surrounding them “I’m not –“
“Relax, Clarke. I’ve got this.” He walked confidently towards the end of the corridor. He turned left onto a small nook.
“Ah, yes. It’ll go great here.” He sounded pleased with himself.
“Are we really doing this?” Clarke asked, her exciment shining through her eyes. “I mean, Alexander Piquet, that’s one of my favorites.” She gestured to the painting next to the empty wall space Bellamy was sizing for the canvas.
“Yes. We are. Just go be my look out.” Bellamy sounded exaspareted but she could tell he was having a good time too. It was strange for Clarke to see him so lighthearted, he was usually always worrying over his little sister.
“What’s taking so long?” She looked at him over her shoulder. He was trying to balance himself on one leg as he used two of his hands to stick a piece of paper on the wall under the canvas.
“You wrote a description?” She asked in a hushed tone but amused.
“Of course, it’s gotta blend in, right?” Bellamy looked up at her. “It’s hard to do this with a broken leg, though.”
Clarke walked over to him and gently placed her hands on his waist, to help him stay balanced. When they were done hanging the framed canvas on the wall, Bellamy took a step back and looked at her.
“There’s a guided tour in 40 minutes, you in?”
Clarke laughed at the thought of her painting being featured on a tour. That she could not miss.
“I cannot believe, the tour guide just improvised.” Clarke kept chuckling at the memory of the baffled tour guide when he got to her painting. She was driving Bellamy home but she was so amped up on adrenaline that she couldn’t stop smiling.
“He was going to ignore it, go past it at first but –“ Bellamy was almost as giddy as she was.
“Yeah, you asked him stupid questions he couldn’t ignore.” Clarke slowly pulled up at his house.
“Well, I paid good money for that tour and I’m getting every pennies’ worth.”
Clarke tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled.
“I had fun. Thank you for today.”
“So did I.” He smiled back and manuvered to get out of her car.
“I want to do something you want to do tomorrow.” She blurted out. After a day like this, going back to her doomsday plans seemed so boring.
“Gun range, 2 pm. I’ll pick you up.” Bellamy winked.
“No, I’ll pick you up.” She gestured to his broken leg.
“Oh, right. You pick me up.” He lightly touched her shoulder, “Get some rest, “rising artist Griffin”, tomorrow’s going to be a long one.”
And it was. But not in a bad way. Days with Bellamy were never long in a bad way. He was so excited to be at a gun range. His eyes shinning with a sense of glee Clarke had never recognized in Bellamy before. At first, Clarke only watched him with her ear muffs and protective glasses on.
“Come on, Clarke!” He kept asking for her to join in on the fun. Clarke had never pictured herself with guns before.
“No, I’ll just watch.” She kept refusing, besides she was having more fun watching Bellamy beam at the guns and fist bump the air every time he hit his mark.
After a good 45 minutes, Bellamy put the gun down and turned to face her.
“Are you just afraid you’re going to suck at it?” He was making that thing where he slightly crooked his head and smiled at her with the corner of his lips.
She suddenly found herself flustered. Blood rushing to her cheeks, she crossed her arms in front of her and tried to match his smug tone.
“No, I’m just not a “gun girl”, you know?”
He must not have bought her response because he just gazed at her with his smile fixed on his lips.
“C’mon! I’ll show you.” He insisted.
“You know what? Fine. I can be a bit of a ‘badass’.” She walked towards the shooting point.
He chuckled at her response.
“There you go! Alright.” He sounded excited. He cleared his throat and proceeded to show her how she should hold the gun. Placing her index finger on the trigger, adjusting her posture. He gently placed his hand on her elbow and she swore she could feel her heartbeat getting faster.
“And now, shoot.” He spoke softly to her ear and slowly stepped away.
She pulled the trigger and stubbled a little after the gun fired. She couldn’t help the laughter escaping her lips.
“Is it bad that, that felt good?” she asked incredulous.
“No, just adrenalin.” He shook his head and encourged her to take another shot.
Two weeks went by like this. It was either her or him texting the other with spur of the moment “plans” to fill their days and check things off from their “not written out” bucket list. Clarke still worried though. She tried her best to hide away her doomsday plans but her calender still haunted her. She was also afraid that Bellamy would realize this wasn’t a sustainable way to live. Clarke didn’t mind as much, because she knew the world would be swallowed up in a nuclear wave pretty soon but he was just doing this because he didn’t want to be 70 and never have been to a firework show. She knew they wouldn’t make it to 70, which made everything they did bitter sweet. Some days were more bitter than sweet though. Like the day Bellamy texted her out of the blue with just one word.
Bellamy: Pie.Read, 3:16 PM
Clarke: Okay?Bellamy: Apple pie. I really want apple pie today.Bellamy: No, I want to find the BEST apple pie in the city.Clarke: Let me get this straight, you want to go bakery hopping?Bellamy: I’ll be there in 20. Wear your sweatpants.
So they went bakery hopping. The first few they just went into bakeries and tried their apple pies like normal customers but after the 4th one, eating apple pie and writing down notes weren’t as fun anymore so Clarke started making up stories. To her utter pleasure, Bellamy followed her lead. At one, they were shopping for a friend’s surprise birthday who hated cake, the other they were looking for catering for a dog contest with the theme “Fall”, another they pretended to be an engaged couple and Clarke tried to talk him out of having pie at their “wedding”. It was a fun, sugar crazed day over all so it caught Bellamy off guard when she started crying as they walked to her apartment. His leg was better and he was walking with a cane now.
“Clarke…” His was voice hoarse with thousand worries, he cupped her face and wiped away a stray tear from her cheek with his tumb. Clarke leaned into his touch.
“The world is ending, Bellamy.” Her voice cracked as she said his name.
“I know you believe that but –“ He took a step back.
“I can’t even convince you. I have the research, I have the maps. Primfaya is coming. We shouldn’t be doing whatever the hell we want, we should be trying to find a bunker, talk to the authorities.” She sounded so determined and focused.
“You don’t have to carry this on your shoulders Clarke. Even if you’re right, with only a few weeks left, there’s nothing you can do.”Clarke sighed.
“So what do we do now?”
“This.” He lift his hands up. “This is what we do now.”
Clarke looked at her feet and felt a rain drop land on her head.
“What’s something else you’ve always wanted to do?” As the words left his mouth, they heard a loud thunder. The rain started pouring down on them. Clarke laughed lifting her face up. She closed her eyes and let the rain wash over her for a second.
“As cheesy as it sounds, I’ve always –“ she started her sentence but she couldn’t get the words out. “Nevermind.” She shook her head. “Let’s go inside.” She started to walk towards her building’s door.
“No!” He gently pulled her back. “Tell me. Is it “Gene Kelly”ing?” he asked, teasing her.
She shook her head, mildly amused.
“No, I’ve always, oh this sounds so cheesy, I’ve always wanted to kiss under the rain.” Her words hung on air for a few seconds and before she could realize what was happening, she found Bellamy’s lips on hers. “This” made sense now. She pulled him closer to her, pressing their bodies together. He tightened his grip on her waist. When their lips parted after a while, Clarke’s lips burned with the urge to keep kissing his but he placed his forehead on hers, still holding onto her waist. His hands found their way to her hair.
“And I’ve always wanted to kiss you.”
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macperalta · 4 years
The 100
Nah | haven’t seen yet | didn’t like/gave up | like it | love it | highly recommend
a reason why: i don’t really watch sci-fi shows although i know this show is super popular and a lot of my mutuals watch it🥰 it’s just not really my thing (also just looked on imbd it has 100 episodes?! are they gonna stop there??? because that’s really cool lol)
send me a tv series or movie!
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bellarkewrites · 6 years
PSA to bellarkewrites followers:
I haven’t made a personal post on here in a while, but it’s come to my attention that Clarke Griffin/Lexa works have increasingly slipped through the cracks and made their way onto this blog.
I would like my followers to know that this is not intentional, and I appreciate and encourage the messages that alert me to this activity. As soon as I read these messages, I comb through the blog myself no matter how far back it goes, and I delete the posts right away. I’ve just done a purge where I’ve taken every message I’ve gotten and done just that.
That being said, over the years I’ve become busier and busier, and I’m currently in my senior year of undergrad. I have large chunks of times where I can’t check on the blog, or even Tumblr itself. This blog is, at its core, set up as an automated AO3 feed, and any new work tagged with the “Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin” tag on AO3 will trigger this feed. That means that any time anyone tags anything as Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin, it automatically ends up on this blog.
It’s not a perfect system, which is why I used to manually go through the blog quite often to root out any non-Bellarke works that would slip through. I can’t do that as often anymore, which is why I would love your help in keeping this blog a safe, happy Bellarke environment. If you notice any works that don’t fit this community, please let me know right away via PM and I will delete it.
I can’t check my computer as much anymore, which is why asks in my askbox and especially anonymous asks end up being unseen for months at a time--but if you message me via the message system, it notifies my phone and I see it right away. I don’t discourage one or the other because I know sometimes people prefer anonymity, but messages do reach me better than asks.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding. I hope you continue to enjoy this blog and all the wonderful Bellarke works posted by our outstanding authors in the community.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
July 11: Jasper/Monty, Recluse
Jasper & Monty or Jasper/Monty (you decide); ~550 words
Same ‘verse as my previous scenes Bootlegger and The Lavender Viper.
Tag list: @ciewill @dealingdreams @shadowheron2013 @julyrubyrose @wonderland-promises @hanav @rycewritestrash @thelittlefanpire @musicnote902 @stonybnatural @earthgay2052   @fabianapvec @bellarkehastakenovermylife , @bellarkewriting @failing-at-being-an-angel @jasprjordamn
I know it’s been a long time since I bothered people with a writing tag so please let me know if you want to be added or deleted!
Jasper calls him a recluse and Monty has to laugh. He says it like, "I wish I could be a recluse like you. I'm tired of the city and all the noise and the smell of the pavement this summer. Makes me sick."
But all Monty hears is recluse like you.
"I wouldn't say that," he answers, and grinds down the butt of the joint in the ash tray, an old, cracked petri dish balanced on the arm of his chair. What a smell of smoke there must be wafting through the city like he sees it in his dreams, fog haze from the grates and the storm drains; the taste of smoke on his tongue. He only smokes with Jasper now because the smell of weed reminds him too much of his lanky, fast-talking city friend. Recreating their habits all alone just hollows out an empty cave right in the center of his chest.
He stands up. Jasper tilts his head back, lazy, and follows Monty with his eyes.
"Yeah? Then what would you say?"
Monty hesitates. He still has visitors. Jasper comes to take the moonshine away and sell it to the Viper and who knows what other unseemly establishments down in the city, and Harper comes to trade for his vegetables and his fruits and for baskets of fresh cut flowers that he sells her on the cheap. And Raven rides up sometimes in that monstrous black truck of hers, and they sit on his front porch and talk shop, and she tries to get him to return to engineering, even though she knows he won't. That life wore him down. Every morning with the clean, fresh air of the trees, the thin air of the mountaintop, the soft dirt of his garden and the whine of radio song feels like renewal. Like oil in rusty joints.
"I'd say I like my solitude," he says. He might add, I'd say I'm recovering. But Jasper's face has taken on that gaunt look again, like he knows too well about recovery, and Monty doesn't know how he'd take it if he heard the word used in some other way.
"Not a lot of that in Arkadia," Jasper says, half-tilted smile on his face. "Though you'd be amazed what my apartment feels like some mornings. Like at dawn."
Monty can't even imagine. He holds out his hand, and Jasper grasps him palm to palm, and lets himself be pulled to his feet. The bugs are chirping so loudly in the grass that Monty cannot hear himself think. Even after sunset, the air is thick with summer heat, and the center of Jasper's palm is sweaty and warm.
"You still want to take me down to the city?" he asks, because it's easier than asking the other thing, if Jasper himself want to stay.
Jasper lets go of his hand and rests his palms on Monty's cheeks instead. His eyes shine bright like fireflies flicking in the dark, bright like campfires in the distance, shooting sparks. Makes Monty feel dizzy, and he grabs at Jasper's wrists to keep himself from falling.
"Someday, yeah," Jasper answers. "Lot of people down there. All kinds. You'd blend right in, you hermit." Then he leans in and presses a soft kiss right to the center of Monty's forehead, which is quite the last thing that Monty thought he would do.
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brimay · 5 years
no more hiatus. 
but please tell me, what in the world happened to the bellarkewrites account? does anyone know?
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ellaalyse · 6 years
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Yes I know! UBER LATE!
But! Better late than never right?
Anyways I was tagged here is the results. My hair changes...A lot... All the time. I pretty much look the same in my face to be honest. Also 2011 I didn't take that many pictures, I had a self-esteem issue so that was the best one I could find and I'm staring down at the table... Yep, me and that girl went through it. 2015 me though? Thick as theives! I was my best self then. Now? Well, still working on it. Anywho...
Tagged by; @bettsfic
@misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @selflessbellamy @octannibal-blake @clarkegriffinblake @clarkegriffinfrostedtitties @bellamynochillblake @bellarkewrites @bellarkefanfiction
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galaxyblake · 6 years
Hey so I'm new on tumblr and your has just become one of my favourites. Could you suggest me some similiar blogs that post good content?? Oh and I've never read a fanfic before so, again, could you suggest some good bellarke fan fics? (If thats how they are called (':)
Thank you so much, hun!!! That means a lot that you like mi trash blog 🤗 and welcome to the family 🖤🖤🖤 For blogs, some of my favs are @perhalta @nathanmillers @pillowprincesslexa @malecbellarke @nerdiestblake @tracylorde @niylah @abbygrifffin @bellamynochillblake @atlasbellamy @head-and-heart @commander-anya @commxnder-octavia @istilldothiseveryday @vintage-bellarke and so many more! Some post only Bellarke/the 100 and some post a variety of stuff. The 100 is on hiatus right now so most blogs are full of other fandoms until it comes back ☺️ As for fan fiction I really haven’t read much as of late :(( but when I do read them I go to @bellarkewrites or @bellarkefanfiction because they take requests and post amazing fics. Also @asroarke has some damn good fics :)
A personal favorite fic of mine is “Friends (With Benefits)” written by dreamofinception on fanfiction.net but it hasn’t been updated since the beginning of January so we’ll have to see if it gets finished.
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time is the fire in which we burn
“No, Bellamy.“ Clarke is shaking her head vehemently now, and he can see the tears in her eyes. “We’re not saying goodbye.”
The one where Bellamy says what he has to say.
Read on AO3
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youleftme-clarke · 6 years
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To all the blogs that made my 2017 wonderful <3
Mutuals are bolded. If I forgot to bold your url and we’re mutuals, send me a message! Same if you don’t want to be included in this list!
0-9 @100yearsofbellarke
abc @abazethe100@bellamyblakebby @bellamyblakepositivity  @bellamyblakeprotectionsquad2k17 @bellamyinred @bellamysjaw @bellarkekomlovekru@bellarkesquad @bellarketrashaf @bellsgirl @bringbackwellsjaha @bunker-boyfriends @clorkegriffin @cupcakeblake @blakeperalta @craterhead @bellamystery @cosmicbell @bellamyslaugh @bl-ake @bellamynochillblake @clrkesbellamy @badassclarke @as-inevitable-as-morning @alderaann @bellarkefandom @bellamylovedlincoln @bellameblake @clarketoearth @clarkeisinlovewithbellamy @bobmorlee @bellarkesurvivestogether @bellarkelifestyle @a-bellamyblake @boberly @bel-ami-blake @bellinquents @clarkegryphus @chancellor-bell @chancellor-reyes @boob-morley @bringyourflowerhat @bellarkefanfictions @bellamybb @clarkescrusade @cthulhu-with-a-fez @bellamyblake @bellamyplake @bobmorleyisking @bentylercooks @blakeesgriffin @alphaclarke @bellarkaven @brave-clarke @bellarkewrites @bellarkeshipsitself @bellarkefanfiction @braveprincessrebelking @bellarke @bellarke-always @attackofthemegatron
def @dailybobmorleygifs @everything-bellarke @fa-ndom @drelllassassinn @em-ori @deadshotbellamy @frecklessbellamy @frankxkaren @funfanfin @feysandsmut @failing-at-being-an-angel @fyeahjohnmurphy @electricbluebutterflies @fyeahbellarke
ghi @hedajohnmurphy  @hereforbobmorley @hiddenpolkadots @iambellarketrashh @insideimfeelinpurrdy @ilovethisship @galaxybellamy @hisstericallypawesomesleepurr @grumpybell @iamkstewteam @highladyofdreamcourt @ginnyeweasley @halstuds @hawthornewhisperer @griffinpuff
jkl @luisadoliveira @jingle-bellamy @lindseysfandoms @katchyalater @janepuf
mno @margotrobbi @morleybell @murphamylife @oh-haseena @misswitsandsarcasm @oaktavia @montyggreen @olliequeen @mrsbellamy-blake @nancybvers @outlawsandcircles @oftheskyepeople
pqr @platonic-bellarke @raincityruckus @ravensreyes @parapluiepliant @queens-clarke @preciousbellamy @ponyregrets @pamshalpurt @probably-pride-related @rebelprincebell
stu @sassybellamyblake @sat-star-one @scottmcgivemeacall @sweetheartsandsweetdreams @tasyas @thebellarkes @thehundredbellarke @sometimesrosy @the-goodluckcharm @thehundredbellarke @skairaven @sapphicoctavia @starkdelinquents @stardust-blake @skai--ripa @the100trashcan @starboybellamy @sherlockvowsontheriverstyx @stargirlclarke @scottmcblake @thesnowblakes @thescalexwrites @the-center-will-hold @spacecleavage @thisisonyouprincessclarke
@wellamyblake @wellsjahasghost @wonkru @xxcomanderhedaxx @verbam @we-are-bellarke @zoemonroe
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bellarkewrites · 7 years
The fic "Sweat" is tagged as Clexa endgame.
Thank you!
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
Writing Tag List
I used to have a tag list for my writing but I haven’t been using it much recently--in part because I haven’t been posting much writing! But also because the list itself is somewhat of a mess. I think I have two for some reason? I’m not sure all the blogs on it still exist or exist with the same URL. And I know a lot of people have moved on to other fandoms and might be less interested in the stuff I write--which is totally cool, but something I do think about when I tag people and bother them.
So I am going to start again!
If you’d like to be tagged on future writing posts, please like / reply to / reblog / interact with this post in some way!
You can also let me know if you’d only like to be tagged in only certain types of works, for example, fic for certain pairings etc.
I’m tagging everyone I can find from my prior tag list. In the future, only people who have interacted with this post will be tagged.
@ciewill @dealingdreams @shadowheron2013 @rosethevoid @wonderland-promises @hanav @rycewritestrash @thelittlefanpire @musicnote902 @stonybnatural @earthgay2052 , @bellarkehastakenovermylife , @bellarkewriting, @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @hopskipaway, @alyssawritesss @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @jasprjordamn.
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verbam · 6 years
I'm looking for a modern au fic that I wasn't finished reading and I've lost it now :( Clarke is a surgeon and Octavia comes in after a motorbike accident and Clarke hasn't seen Bellamy in years because she had to leave him over a blackmail thing about Mount Weather testing. Do you know it?
@bellarkefanfictions or @bellarkewrites can you help this anon out?
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acenancy · 7 years
there's 'the quiet hours/turn into years' by storyskein. it may not be for everyone though. they're not staunchly monogamous and i think other relationships feature too. from the author's note: Just a fair warning that this is a long-term, separated Bellarke fic in which their relationship is fluid. I'll be exploring that through the course of the story. Heed the tags, friends :)
Yeeees, thank you! I actually started reading this and lost it forever when my phone died so bless you
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