#before/after surgery pics 🙃🙃
kurp-stuff · 1 year
#it's so fucking tiring that NO picrew that i try no matter how diverse has a nose that looks like mine#(slightly crooked /roman nose idk what it's called in english without being derogatory)#and they rarely have eyebrows like mine that are thicker on the outside#but yeah the nose thing is UUUUGH#it's already enough that everytime i search for this kind of nose on the internet no matter which words i use to describe it; all I get is#before/after surgery pics 🙃🙃#now there's even ads for nose surgery on instagram...................which i signaled cause pettiness#anyway .the worse part is when there are like 15 choices for noses and they all are variations of pretty much the same 3 noses.#or when there is one hooked nose ...it's not very well drawn compared to the others#or it's not well placed on the face but they won't let you move it#i mean it's not that important. i dont think a lot of people manage to make picrew that LOOKS like them for real.#i was just getting angry on a pricrew i just tried that had like 15 noses and not one hooked except maybe one but it's so slight i cant#tell if it's on purpose or not#i also did one yesterday which was VERY diverse in terms of skin colors; disabilities; scars; etc it even had diff animal ears#horns#wings#BUT A HOOKED NOSE ????????? EWW NOOOO why would it need that#and yes it is 3/4 view one.#it had one nose that was probably what the author thinks as a hooked nose but honestly it's just a straight nose where they drew the bridge#i dont even look special#or anything#I exaggerate a bit#i actually manage sometimes to do somthg that looks like me ish. like that has my energy#but it would be nice to have more hooked noses you know :3333
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amiwritesthings · 4 days
🍓🧃🪐🌸 (i know you have pets i want everyone to see the beasts)
thanks for the ask rae!!
🍓 how did you get into fanfiction writing?
okay, settle in. the year was... I wanna say 2001? and yours truly was
okay look, it was more than half a lifetime ago. the internet was just becoming a thing, and i'm pretty sure it was in some way music fandom related but i legit can't remember what I had for lunch last week sooooo... i'm guessing I read some fic on some obscure forum or highly specific fanfic site and my overactive imagination was like, heyyyyy, we can do that too!!!
🧃 - share some personal lore you never posted about before
i had breast reduction surgery when i was 18 because them big naturals were too big and ruining my back 🙃
🪐 - name three good things going on in your life right now
woof. okay. i'm mostly existing atm due to several external factors and some health issues but well.
1) i finally get to see my fave band live next week
2) after a lot of trial and error I have finally started to figure out which foods I am sensitive to and cutting them out of my diet is making me feel so much better
3) I currently have some time off work and it's glorious and I have finished two fics and one edit that I will be posting later for dadfuckerfest
sorry if these were super boring but my life is also super boring atm sooooo
🌸 do you have pets?
yes I do, three kitties that simultaneously are the light of my life and the bane of my existence, pic under the cut
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revengeromance · 1 year
What’s it like to talk MCR with your mom?
Okay, I’m a few days late to this ask but that’s because I was busy moving her 900 miles away to colorado and setting up her apartment 😫!
I love talking to her about MCR because she really genuinely is a fan too and it’s just so sweet to hear what she thinks about things. For my birthday she designed my cake and said she studied the TBP font and watched the music videos and watched a video explaining the lore behind the black parade and also fell in love with little silver hair Gerard 😝.
The thing that really made her a fan was when we watched life on the murder scene together and she got to learn more about the band, she really liked that. When we watched the black parade is dead after my surgery she’d say “look there’s our people!!!” when it would show the audience :) and she stayed up to watch the beginning of LA night 5 with me and was sooo tired but she let me stay home the next day because she truly understood what the whole tour was like for me 🙃.
I’ll send her pictures of Gerard because she’s a Gerard girl through and through and she’ll like put her glasses on and zoom in and be like Leo why are you doing this to me!!! She was an art student before she changed her major too so I like to show her my MCR drawings and she critiques them and it’s so cute.
She was sad today about having to live alone without us so I sent her these pics before my plane took off 🥲💖
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oksullen · 2 years
hello kale! how are ya? thought i'd drop by to check in on you :D
hi! sorry for not answering so soon I've been busy. but things have been well and I hope all ks well for you too!! I just got a new piercing (my septum) and omg it's the best thing ever. I got like 100x more attractive LMAO.
I'll probably get back to working this summer before classes start again but that'll be after I have to get surgery 🙁 (don't worry it's only dental surgery)
I also just celebrated my yearly birthday because that's how those work 😱 and my family actually cared about me this year and like everyone wished me a happy birthday and gave me a gift (which I was not expecting at all) but let's just say I can buy groceries for one like 6 times (in American prices 😒) also if you haven't heard America is kinda messy right now and I'm debating whether or not to move to another damn country.
Although I got to tell you, some parts of America are breathtaking. I went to Nevada which is near California on the west coat and holy cow the mountains out there 😳🤩 I went for a week and ended up going to Vegas aka 'Sin City' and im sure you can sum it up from there. I actually got 'proposed to' in Vegas by some street performer. he was cute so its okay. I also spent a lot of money.. 🙃 I'm poor now!! But it's whatever I had fun I can recover from this because OMG there was a hello kitty cafe and it was so worth it- (here's some pics from the trip)
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definitely an awesome trip and if you ever find yourself in America, Vegas is definitely a go to stop as well as all the National Parks within California and Nevada. (would not recommend Death Valley though- it's just dessert for miles and about 116°F or about 47°C)
ALSO- Willow. where do I begin. She's about 6 months now and is a lot of trouble but it's okay because she's cute. I think she has really bad anxiety and she won't stop jumping and nipping but yknow it's a puppy whatever. BUT HOLY MOLY did she get big- I mean look at her..
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she's so goofy oml- but I'm so happy to see you in my inbox!! How have you been? Anything interesting happen? What's been going on with your pet(s)? How's the weather? (LOL) but I do hope you're well and getting out there and having fun while also taking care of yourself!!
bonus : a pic of my dads dog bc she needs some love too (her name is Chloe)
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basicgrayson · 2 years
I'm 11 months on T! Here's the face pics:
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I've been trying out Differin for acne, and have actually been seeing results, but it looks like my face just entered the purging stage so excuse the zits lol
Anyway, my sideburns filled in A LOT, especially over the last few weeks. I don't know if they've finally connected to my head hair, but I'm thinking I'm probably gonna cut my hair after all, so I guess I'll find out.
Mustache is still peach fuzz. I shaved my cheek hair off about two weeks ago since it doesn't really connect to my beard yet. Also, the beard is a little funky:
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It's more like two beards lol I'm hoping that middle bit fills in soon, cos it's been looking like this too long lol
As for other hair changes, I have a bit more stomach hair now, and what looks like the beginning of some chest hair. Also, a lot more butt hair.
In other news, I still don't feel like I get any hungrier than I did before T, but when I do eat, I can take down a lot more than I used to before I feel full. I have to be extra mindful about not overdoing it.
My stamina has increased recently. A few months ago, I could only handle 5mph on the treadmill for maybe like 5 minutes before I'd have to slow it down and catch my breath. Now I can go for 20+ minutes. I even go to 6mph for a few minutes here and there, which is the max setting on my treadmill. So that's fun.
I think my voice dropped a teeny bit, but I'll wait until I hit my 1 year mark before I do another comparison.
My weight has been stable, but I've started up my cardio again and have been slowly getting back into lifting, so I'm sure I've gained some muscle and lost some fat, even if I can't see it. I really REALLY need fat redistribution to hurry the F up because I can't stand looking at my hips rn 🙃
I think that's about it for T changes.
Let's talk a little about top surgery! I'm a bit over 6 weeks post-op, and here's how things are looking:
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As you can see in the flexing pics, skin has tightened up quite a bit over the last 3 weeks! It no longer looks as foldy as it did the last time I posted pics.
Swelling has reduced on the left side, but there's still some asymmetry. At this point it isn't clear whether it's swelling, tissue or my weird af ribcage. Either way, it's very slight, and as no part of my body is symmetrical anyway, it's probably not worth the bother of a revision, but time will tell.
Everything is still mostly numb, but I think some sensation is coming back. I can brush something against my skin, and it feels like light pressure. Still no sensation in the nips, but they definitely react to touch, so I'm holding out hope I'll get it back eventually.
Overall, I am extremely happy with my results! I have zero regrets and if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't change a thing. I finally feel like this is my chest.
I'm now working on correcting my posture, since I don't have to do "the lean" anymore. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be.
Anyway, that's the update! Thanks for reading this far, and I hope you're all doing well!
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