#before you pass out or start hysterically crying
grayeyedandroid · 2 years
I have zero idea what I did to my neck but it now feels like somethings angry and I can’t hold my head up anymore (not numb like it gets sometimes, just pain). feels kinda burny, not to the touch but the type of pain. do Not enjoy this. argg
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ms-demeanor · 6 months
So Large Bastard went into the hospital for transplant evaluation on February 13th 2021 and that was one of the major peaks of covid and basically we dropped him off at the hospital and that was it; nobody was allowed to visit him or see him and they pretty much immediately implanted a pump in his shoulder that made it painful and difficult for him to use the phone. At that point the message we were getting was "either he'll qualify for a transplant and you'll see him again when he is released after the transplant (and the waitlist, and the surgery, and the recovery) or we'll allow you to visit him when he's dying OR he won't qualify for transplant and we'll provide his end of life care and we'll allow you to visit him when he's dying" and on like February 16th, before we knew if he'd qualify for a transplant, I got a call from the hospital saying they were putting him on a heart/lung bypass machine because the pump they'd implanted in his shoulder and the pump they'd implanted in his heart weren't doing enough (both are designed to pump blood through about six feet of human, not through about seven feet of human, so they needed a much larger external pump). They asked me if I approved this procedure because he was kind of out of it, and held the phone up to him so I could ask him if he wanted this and say goodbye - I didn't know if that was goodbye until he got woken up by the doctors after stabilizing, or goodbye until he got approved for a transplant, or goodbye until he didn't get approved for a transplant and they'd take him off the machine to say goodbye for real if they couldn't keep him alive any longer.
And then they hung up the phone and I sat at my desk and stared at my computer and went back to work because literally what the hell else could I do? I couldn't drive to the hospital, I couldn't anxiously wait to see if the doctor would come out and tell me the machine had stabilized him. They said they'd call me in three hours with an update. So I took some orders and placed some calls and responded very politely to emails until I got off the clock at 5:30.
I had texted one of Large Bastard's friends who I'd been calling a lot and asked if we could meet up so I could explain what was going on so he could pass that info on to their radio nerd club. We were meeting up in the parking lot of an ihop because it was an easy outdoor location to describe to him when I wasn't actually capable of processing things like "addresses" or "street names" and I drove over to the ihop and at the red light for the left turn to go into the parking lot I fucking lost it. Like. I don't do the "hysterical crying" thing often but when I do, boy do I. I was in my truck with the windows rolled up and music on and I was sobbing so hard that it shook the truck and the crying was audible from outside the car.
I know it was audible from outside the car because a homeless man came up to my window and knocked and when I rolled the window down he told me "you're okay girl, you got this, it's gonna be alright" and I kind of nodded at him and sobbed at him and waved at him as he kept crossing the street and my light changed and I turned into the parking lot.
By the time my friend got there I had calmed down and stopped crying and through the entire rest of the process I never lost it in quite the same way; they took Large Bastard off the lung bypass part of the machine a day later and he was awake when they approved him for the transplant list, and a few days after that they started allowing a single, masked, socially distanced family member to start visiting patients in the transplant ICU for two hours a day, so I was able to come see him and he immediately said "look I have abs" and pulled his gown aside to show me that he'd lost so much weight as his body tried to eat itself to stay alive that he did, in fact, have an eight pack. And we laughed about it. It was uphill from there. It was never as hard for me as it was in the few hours after that phone call.
And in those few hours there was one dude who happened to be walking by who was kind enough to try to offer comfort to a complete stranger and I think about him all the time.
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lucyrose191 · 10 months
Paring Sebastian Vettel x Fem!driver!reader
Summary; Moments that Sebastian Vettel and reader have had throughout their careers together both on and off track.
Warnings; None, fluff.
F1 Master List , Part 2 , Part 3
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Sebastian and Y/N walked into the camera shot, sitting next to each other on the sofa, looking into the camera lens.
"We hereby announce our joint retirement at the end of the 2022 season" they spoke in unison.
📍Italian Grand Prix, 2008
"And Sebastian Vettel passes the checkered flag, taking his first ever win in formula one at the Italian Grand Prix!"
Y/N lifted herself out of her RedBull car after parking in the P2 slot, not wasting any time before running in the direction of her best friend who was getting hugs and pats from the Toro Rosso team.
She jumped into his arms just as he turned around causing him to let out an "Oof!" as he stumbled back into the barriers from the sudden surprise attack.
"I'm so proud of you, Seb! I wouldn't want to come second to anyone else!" Sebastian closed his eyes at her words before tightening his arms around her and lifted her feet from the ground, spinning her around and laughing happily.
"Sebastian, you're going to be joining Y/N at RedBull next year. What do you think she's going to be like as a teammate?"
Sebastian's face upturned into a smile at the mention of Y/N's name, to say he was looking forward to being teammates next year was an understatement. He had a very good feeling about it.
He leant towards the microphone that the interviewer was holding "Well I think it will be great, I've known her for a long time and I'm happy to say I'm at the point where I understand what she's saying, it's taken a while to get used to her accent"
"...You just wait sunshine, you just wait... I just need those two cars... Rosberg P4.... Kubica P5.... DU BIST WELTMEISTER!"
Sebastian immediately started crying, he was world champion! "Thank you boys! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Thank you, I love you"
"Let's not forget, mate. You are the youngest world champion in F1 history, you're allowed to cry mate, you're allowed to cry"
"Y/N L/N you are a formula one World Champion!!!!"
She couldn't believe what she was hearing through her head set as she flashed by the checkered flag, tears streamed down her face underneath her helmet as she raised her fist in victory whilst driving her cool down lap.
She had done it, she had actually gone and done it.
The first ever female formula one world champion!
"Sebastian Vettel you are a two time World Champion!"
"Sebastian Vettel, Three time World Champion!"
"Four time World Champion, Sebastian Vettel everyone!"
Y/N screamed as Sebastian jumped out of the door of her motor home just as she was about to open it, the German himself fell to the floor in hysterical laughter at the look of horror he saw on her face.
"What the fuck, Sebastian!" She yelled, Seb got up and ran away still laughing knowing she'd be out for revenge
Sebastian, Y/N, Fernando and Lewis sat down, strapping their microphones around their head for the press conference to begin.
"Okay, let's begin"
A tall male with balding hair stood up and introduced himself, then started "I want to start with Sebastian, both you and Y/N are leaving RedBull this year, you to Ferrari and Y/N to Mercedes. Do you think you'll be able to have as a good of a relationship with your new teammate as you've had with Y/N"
"You're trying to get me into trouble here" Sebastian laughed nervously, shifting under Y/N's expectant gaze.
"No uhm" he began to answer seriously "Y/N and I have known each other and raced together for years so it was easy to battle each other while also working together, it's important to get along with the person you spend so much time with and I'll be happy if I have half the relationship with Kimi as I do with Y/N"
Y/N smiled brightly "I'm just that great!" She joked causing Seb to roll his eyes.
"And Y/N, how do you feel about joining Lewis at Mercedes?"
Y/N shrugged "I'm excited to be hopefully moving up in my career, Mercedes feels like a right choice for me to continue progressing. Lewis is a great driver and hopefully an even better teammate. I'll enjoy racing beside him whilst battling against him"
Sebastian rested his forehead against Y/N's, closing his eyes as he relished in the comfort that their closeness brought him. "I love you, Schatz" he whispered, not even realising that the words had fallen from his lips until he felt her step away from him.
Y/N looked up at him, her mouth was gaped open, wondering if she had heard him right. She had. She looked into his eyes and could see every emotion as he looked at her and sure enough there was love, so much love as he looked at her. "I love you too, Seb" she told him, laughing at the utter joy that shot through his face.
Sebastian shook his head. She loved him.
She loved him!
"Y/N L/N you officially have two World Championship titles, what a star!"
"Y/N L/N, three time formula one World Champion!!"
Y/N leant her body back against Seb's chest, he stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist with his head resting against her shoulder. She was a three time world champion, that was now seven between them.
Between them they had matched Michael Schumacher. Now if that wasn't an accomplishment, what was?
Sebastian nuzzled his head against hers, she smelt so good. "Will you be mine?" He whispered in her ear, his lips curving into a soft smile as he felt her shiver.
She didn't answer for a while, continuing to look out at the ocean and for a moment Seb thought that she was going to say no, she shook her head and he felt his heart crack.
But she had a smile on her face. "I've been yours for years, Sebastian" she told him, surprised that he hadn't known that but he wasn't the most aware person she had ever met but she wouldn't change him for anything.
"Y/N L/N, four time formula one World Champion!!"
"The rear of the car was getting all loosey goosey in the last sector there"~Sebastian Vettel
"Y/N L/N, five time formula one World Champion!!"
"Y/N L/N, six time formula one World Champion!!"
Sebastian applauded as he looked up at podium with a look of pure pride on his face, that was his girlfriend up there that was making history, not only was she a six time world champion but she was the first ever woman to achieve a world championship title for the sport.
They had shared the track together for the entirety of their Formula One careers and he felt so lucky that he had been there to witness every one of her accomplishments as she had been there for him.
They had 10 world titles between the pair of them, the history of the sport meant so much to the couple and it was overwhelming knowing that they were now a part of it.
"Everybody's a Ferrari fan, even if they say they're not, they are a Ferrari fan" ~Sebastian Vettel
Sebastian looked up at the love of his life from his position knelt on the floor, this moment had been a long time coming but he had finally plucked up the courage to ask the most important question he would ever ask "Will you marry me, liebe?"
Y/N looked down at the man that owned her heart, there was no hesitation in her answer "Yes! Absolutely!" The tears that clouded her eyes had begun to drop down her cheeks.
Sebastian smiled brighter than ever at her answer, he lifted himself off the ground and took the diamond ring out of the velvet box, grabbing hold of her shaking hand and sliding the ring into her finger. He lifted her hand and pressed it to his lips before looking her in the eyes.
He had never been happier in this moment, no number of world titles would match the feeling of having her agree to spend forever with him.
Now he felt like a true champion.
"And the Vettel's are at it!" Crofty shouted as he spotted Y/N's Mercedes get up close to her husband's Ferrari, the battles between the two were something every Formula One fan looked forward too each season.
Sebastian grinned beneath his helmet as he eyed his wife's car through his mirrors. She loved to challenge him and he enjoyed the fight.
She tried to get the inside line going into the first corner but Seb managed to block her causing her to have to lock up, he went slightly wide on the second which left a gap that might be a little too small for most but she took the risk and ended up beside him on the straight.
Side by side they shot along but at the next corner. Y/N took the inside and had managed to pull away from him on the exit, successfully leaving Seb behind her.
He couldn't be mad, his wife did well, just as she always did.
Y/N got into the passenger seat of the Ferrari, her husband shutting the passenger door before making his way round to the drivers side.
She hadn't been told they were doing hot laps for Sky Sports, her PR Officer had suddenly sprung it on her but apparently Seb knew and was very excited about it.
Sebastian settled himself in behind the wheel smiling at the camera's before nudging his wife "Are you excited!?" He asked, a big smile on his face.
Y/N rolled her eyes "I'm so excited for you to kill us" her sarcasm was clear as day, she was only joking, they were both very good drivers and had 100% confidence in each other.
Sebastian's grin widened, he switched the car on after making sure Y/N had her belt on before slamming his foot down on the accelerator sending Y/N shooting back against her seat with a grunt. "Fuck me, a warning would've been nice" she huffed.
"You're meant to be asking me questions" Sebastian told her, trying not to laugh. He couldn't wait to watch this back and see her face.
Y/N picked up the cards she had in her hands as Seb skidded around a corner "Okay, What is it like to have a wife that is a better driver than you?" Her voice wavered from the movement to the car.
Sebastian scoffed "Come off it! That is not a question"
His wife laughed "It is, I mean I have the titles to prove it"
"Yeah and you never let me forget it, ask me a real question" Sebastian said, narrowly missing the track wall as he turned around another corner.
Y/N huffed, he was no fun "Okay fine, when are you going to get Instagram?" She read from the sheet.
"I'm not, I don't need it" he simply replied. Y/N sent him a cheeky smile "yeah that's because you use mine to do all of the stalking"
"Exactly" he replied, a smirk on his face. They both kept their home life private but they did share the rare photo of some of the activities they did away from racing.
Y/N laughed as she read the next question which made Seb a little nervous "Who do you prefer as a teammate, me or Kimi?" She asked.
Sebastian guffawed "I'm not answering that" he replied which earned him an incredulous look "oh so you have to think about it?" She asked.
"You're both good for different reasons" he said.
"Okay so what is Kimi good for that I'm not?" She asked with a look that dared him to answer.
"Some peace and quiet" he muttered under his breath causing Y/N to gasp and slap his arm "That is just rude!" She said, pretending to be offended.
"I'm joking" he told her with a cheeky grin before slamming on the brakes as they reached the pits.
Y/N crept up behind Sebastian who was in the middle of an interview, she looked at the camera and placed her finger to her lips, warning the interviewer and the camera man to be quiet.
Those who saw what she was up to stopped to watch, trying to hide their amused smirks and giggles as Sebastian remained blissfully unaware, too focused on answering questions.
She got up right behind him and before he could sense the presence behind him she raised her arm up and poured the ice cold water over his head.
Sebastian shrieked and spluttered as everyone laughed, turning around he came face to face with the proud smile of his wife. He shook his head like a wet dog causing water to splatter everywhere, he launched himself at her. Y/N screamed, trying to run away but she was too slow, her husband had caught her and had pulled her into his chest, rubbing himself all over her to get her wet as payback.
Everyone in the Formula One world loved the prank wars that occurred in the paddock between the married couple.
"My name is Sebastian Vettel and I'm a Formula One driver for Scuderia Ferrari"
"My name is Y/N Vettel and I'm a Formula One driver for Mercedes AMG Petronas... yes! Fuck you Lewis... that's how you do it!"
"Seb's a four time world champion, and one of the most ruthless, brilliantly effective racing drivers that I've ever seen... You don't lose that ability overnight" ~Will Buxton
"Y/N just has this fire about her when she's on the track, she's one of the most determined and skilled driver's in the whole of formula one, I think her six World titles show that" ~Toto Wolff
Daniel Ricciardo threw his head back and sighed "I think the Vettel's will get those, they're both nerds"
"I have all the time I need?" Sebastian asked the filming crew who nodded in response.
S: "Lewis 2020,
      Y/N 2019,2018,2017,2016,2015, 2014
Y: Seb was 2013,2012,2011 and 2010
     2009 was Jenson Button
     2008 Lewis
S: Kimi 2007
    2006 and 2005 was Fernando
    2004,2003,2002,2001,2000 was Michael
Y: 1999 and 1998 was Hakkinen
     1997.... Villeneuve
Time skip
S: 1953 and 1952 was Ascari
    1951 was Fangio
S&Y: and the first one was Farina
The filming crew couldn't believe it, they clapped for the pair whilst shaking their heads in disbelief. The couple really were a pair made in heaven.
Y/N looked at the crew with a proud, excited smile on her face "Did I do it!?"
The crew nodded, Y/N's mouth dropped open before she smiled at the camera and bowed "I'm so proud of myself right now"
"Sebastian got them all right too" the camera man told her. Y/N laughed "Of course he did, who do you think taught me"
Y/N and Sebastian had just raced their last ever race in formula one, she had managed to get on the podium which was a great way to finish her career, one last trophy.
The drivers had all lined up to give the couple a last send off which was really sweet.
"Y/N! Sebastian! Can I get you for one last interview before you leave? I know you're probably sick of all the questions" Natalie Pinkham asked.
She was right, they were tired of all the questions but everyone had a soft spot for Natalie so it only felt right that she should be their last interviewer of the paddock and so the couple walked up to her.
"I was wondering if you could tell us a bit about your decision to retire together, I know you already explained a lot when it was announced but is there anything else that you have to add?" She asked, holding out the microphone between the couple.
Sebastian's hand settled on Y/N's back, his thumb stoking up and down, encouraging her to speak first.
"It wasn't an easy decision and we know that we definitely had the opportunity to continue racing but we have goals outside of formula one that we want to accomplish together and feel now is the time to work towards those goals, Seb and I entered formula one together and it feels right to leave it together too, it's great knowing that we quite literally went through the entire thing with each other"
Sebastian smiled lovingly down at his wife, she had described it perfectly. He knew she still loved racing just as she had when she first started and truly she had only agreed to retire because he had chosen to and she didn't want to race without him on the grid with her but he had lost his spark, he has tried to persuade her to continue but she was adamant.
"How about you, Sebastian?" Natalie asked, tilting the microphone closer to him.
"I think she worded it perfectly, I couldn't think of anyone better to spend my career with, formula one has given us both a lot of special memories but it's time for us to move onto the next step and you'll probably still see us around at some point"
Natalie nodded with a smile and thanked them before letting them get on their way.
Sebastian brought Y/N into a hug, holding her tight against his chest. "This is it, it's over now." He mumbled.
Y/N hummed into his race suit "Maybe. But it's the start of something better"
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Shot Through The Heart II
Alexia Putellas x Archer!Reader
Summary: The story of your love
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A camera pans down from the treeline to focus on an unassuming house on an unassuming street in an unassuming part of Barcelona. It zooms in to the front door, swinging open and investigates the hallway - passing by a collection of family photos, a World Cup medal framed along with a bow and arrow mounted above a doorway.
It turns sharply to the left to an open plan lounge that borders a kitchen.
An interviewer is sitting in an armchair facing you and Alexia, snuggled on the sofa.
"You caused quite a stir," The interviewer says," When you both posted on Instagram. I guess my first question is, how did it begin?"
Alexia chuckles. "We shared a garden. It was one of those old gardens where the end of it shared a fence with the neighbour behind you. I kicked my football over it."
"And I shot it, pinned it to the fence and everything."
"I climbed that same fence to get it back. And we just stared at each other. Then, I burst into tears."
The girl who just climbed over your fence stared at you.
You stared back, brows pulled together in confusion.
Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she pointed an accusing finger at you. "What did you do to my ball?!"
You pointed to where your arrow had pinned it to the fence. "I shot it." You put your hands on your hips. "You shouldn't kick balls over my fence if you don't want them shot!"
The girl burst into tears, sobbing hysterically and you jolted in shock. You glanced back at your house in worry before you frantically unpinned the ball from the fence.
"Sorry! Sorry!" You said, holding the ball out to her," Stop crying! Look! Here! Take your stupid ball!" You threw it at her.
She caught it, turning it over in her hand as it began to very slightly deflate. She pointed at your bow. "What's that?"
"It's my bow," You replied, before puffing out your chest," I'm an archer."
"I'm a footballer."
"You bow's kind of cool too."
"I'm y/n."
"So not the best first meeting," The interviewer jokes.
You shake you head. "Not the best but we ended up getting on after that. Our Papas had to knock down the fence and replace it with a door so we didn't have to keep climbing to see each other."
"I think your dad still has the scar," Alexia replies and you roll your eyes.
"It all worked out though. We attended the same schools, sat together in class, ate together at lunch. We walked home together too."
"And was it difficult to find time to hang out together while you were both training?"
Alexia thinks back to it and shakes her head. "We would walk home together after school and our mamas would take it in turns to drive each of us to practice."
"La Masia was closer so Alexia always got out first but I finished earlier so we would get driven back home with each other too."
"Sometimes we'd have sleepovers."
The interviewer smiles. "And when did your romantic relationship start?"
"We were sixteen. Alexia asked me."
Alexia was late. You weren't entirely sure why but she was. You glanced at the clock, tapping your foot impatiently. You couldn't stay long, you had a competition that your Papa was taking you to - you had gotten the rest of the day off school.
The canteen was filling up with students and you glanced at the clock again. You sighed, checking your phone. No messages from Alexia.
It wasn't like her to ghost you like this but you just assumed she had been asked to stay back after class.
You shouldered your bag, ready to make your way to reception to sign out and wait for your father to pull up, when a body crashed into yours.
Alexia curled around you, head in your neck. You felt her grinning.
"You're late," You informed her," I have to get going."
She retreated from your embrace, lacing your fingers together and walked with you to reception. She waited as you signed out and joined you outside when you went for your Papa to arrive.
You could feel her staring at your side profile, not looking away.
"You're so pretty."
You rolled your eyes. "You're pretty too, Alexia."
She shook her head in annoyance as if trying to gather her thoughts. Her mouth opened and closed repeatedly. "Date me."
The interviewer laughs. "So, not much of a question then."
You laugh too. "I knew what she meant. It was a no brainer to say yes."
"I wanted to take her to the movies," Alexia says," But my Mama told me that if I wanted to go, I had to take Alba so we just ended up in the park."
"We spent hours there, though," You continue," And we ended up at this cute little café that we always go back to. It was run by this cute old couple that had been together for years. They're gone now but their son took over."
"We used to sit there all the time and do our homework when we didn't have practice. He watched us grow up. We get free doughnuts when we go there now."
Your hands draw circles on Alexia's arms as you hum, watching the interviewer lap up all the information.
"And, obviously, Alexia you ended up at Barca but y/n...You went to South Korea?"
You laugh at her shock. "Yeah, Korea's pretty damned good at archery. In fact, my trainer when I was younger came from there originally so he recommended I head over. I mean, I've trained all around the world for archery but the Koreans are dedicated. They're extremely good and I'm honoured that I got the chance to try and keep up with them."
"And how did the long distance work? Was it difficult?"
Alexia's offseason never lasts really long. Between club duties and country duties, she was always on the pitch.
Your schedule was a bit more lenient, allowing you to train anywhere you wanted although you mainly stayed in Korea. You flew to France a few times a year, a brief two-month stay in the US, a couple of weeks in Spain and then back to Korea again.
It was rare that she had this kind of time off so, there you were, waiting at Incheon airport for the love of your life to get through the doors.
She crashed into you as soon as she spotted you. You held her tight, nose buried into her hair as you breathed her in.
"I missed you, amor," She said.
"Not as much as I missed you," You replied.
You pulled back, taking her cheeks in your hands and pulling her in for a long, sweet kiss - trying to put all of your longing and love into it.
"I missed you," You said again as you took Alexia's hand in your own while your other grabbed her bags.
You brought her back to your apartment, dumping the suitcase in the lounge before turning to look at Alexia. It wasn't the first time she had been in your apartment but she still marvelled over it like it was.
Her hands ghosted over the pictures of her mantelpiece - particularly the one with you and her at school, grinning at the camera like two crazy people. Your bow leaned up against the tv and a medal hung from a hook attached to a magnet on your fridge.
"I watched this competition," She said as she poked the medal," I couldn't understand anything the commentators were saying but you looked really good in your uniform."
You sent her a lopsided smile. "You think I looked good?"
"Hmm." She sauntered over, her hands coming to rest in your back pockets. "Very good. Made me a little upset that I wasn't there to congratulate you." She raised a brow and your throat bobbed.
"Well..." You said, glancing at the clock - you had a reservation at your favourite barbeque place soon," You scored a fantastic goal last week. I...I think I'd like to congratulate you too."
Alexia gave you a wolfish smile. "Good..." She turned around. "Bedroom still in the same place?"
"We made it work," Alexia says.
"I earned a lot of air miles," You boast," I'm still cashing them in." You grin lazily. "Our trip to Greece was bought off those miles."
Alexia rolls her eyes. "She'll tell anyone who listens about that but it's true. We spent a lot of time flying out to see each other whenever we could. I think we saw each other more than we saw our parents."
You laugh, resting your head on Alexia's shoulder. "I think I once told my parents not to fly out to see me because you were already on the plane."
"And, obviously, one of you proposed. How did that happen?"
"I proposed."
It was a beautiful night. Not too hot. Not too cold. You'd made sure of it, comparing the weather forecast for days before selecting the one you wanted.
You took her out on a walk. You bought her lunch.
Every time she smiled at you, your heart fluttered and you had to look away. You wanted to spring the question each time but you had planned this. You didn't want to ruin it.
"Not that I'm complaining," Alexia said as she followed you onto the balcony of the fancy hotel room you had rented," But what gives? Was there something special today? Something I've forgotten about?"
"Can't I just do something nice for you?"
"You've been doing a lot of nice things. A walk. Lunch. A shopping spree. Dinner and now a hotel room. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to seduce me."
You grinned at her. "Is it working?"
"You don't need to seduce me," She said," I don't keep you around for just the sex."
You scoff in jest, a dramatic hand on your heart. "But you keep me around partly for the sex? Alexia!"
She laughed, shaking her head. "You know I keep you around because I love you."
"I should hope so," You said. Your hand dipped into your pocket and dropped to one knee. "Because otherwise, this would be really embarrassing."
"We got married within the month," Alexia says," We eloped. I don't even think we told our parents we even got engaged."
"Your Mama grabbed me by the ear and yelled at me for hours," You laugh, rubbing your ear in phantom pain," I think she thought that I could have stopped you from dragging me to that courthouse."
"I..." Alexia's face glows red as she speaks. "I just didn't want to wait. In all honesty, for us, it already felt like we were married, we'd been together for so many years that getting the marriage certificate signed seemed like just the final checkbox. I didn't need a big wedding or anything. We love each other. What more needed to be done?"
"Her mother still holds it against me."
"Mama is being dramatic." Alexia rolls her eyes. "She got to hold her little party for us."
"We snuck a way for that too," You say to the interviewer," For someone that didn't want a wedding, she was very eager to get to the honeymoon."
"We bought that on her air miles too."
Everyone in the room laughs at that.
"So, childhood sweethearts," The interviewer summarises.
"Childhood sweethearts," You confirm. Alexia moves a bit closer to you, leaning her head on your shoulder after pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
"And, now you're living together in Barcelona. Is it a big adjustment after so many years of long distance?"
"It's a good adjustment," Alexia says," It feels good to finally be in the same place as each other, permanently."
"She likes that I get the groceries," You joke.
"Oh, yes," She says with a grin," It's what I keep her around for."
You stick your tongue out.
So does she.
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janeyseymour · 3 months
Love Thy Neighbor- pt 8
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
Summary: Melissa is worth it. You know that now.
WC: ~2.2k
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“You sleeped without me?!” your daughter looks absolutely enraged, and her voice cracks as she screeches out her question.
“Slept,” the two of you correct quietly.
“I don’t care about your stupid grammar, Momma!” she stomps her foot. “You cuddled with Miss Mel all night while I didn’t! That’s so rude of you, Momma!” She storms out of the room before you can get another word in.
You exhale deeply before throwing the blankets off of you. “I guess I should go talk to her.”
“How’re you feeling?” the redhead asks you quietly. She presses a gentle kiss to your hairline.
“Better,” you tell her honestly. “Not one hundred percent, but I can work today I think.”
She nods before letting you get out of bed. While you expect her to also get out of bed and head for her own apartment to get ready for the school day ahead of all three of you, she follows you into Ellie’s room. Your little girl has thrown herself dramatically on her bed and is sobbing hysterically.
“Oh, good lord,” you grumble to yourself before making your way over to her bed. You pull her into your lap and start rocking back and forth slightly in attempts to soothe her. “Sweet girl, Miss Mel was just helping to take care of me while I was sick. That’s all it was.”
She looks up at you with those big, sweet eyes of hers, tears still streaming down her face. “But you were snuggling without me while I was all alone!”
“Because you were already asleep in bed, hun,” Melissa lays a gentle hand on her back and starts rubbing in small slow circles. “And I was just trying to make sure that your momma was okay after being sick all day.”
Ellie starts crying even harder at that. The two of you look at each other, beyond confused. You thought telling her that Melissa was just taking care of you would help to placate those big feelings she’s having right now.
“Sweetness,” you whisper as you press a kiss to her head. “What’s the matter, my little love?”
Your daughter hiccups out a sob as she looks to her bedside table. You immediately see where her eyes land: on the framed picture of your now broken family. “Daddy used to take care of you when you were sick!”
Your heart breaks in your chest- you know how hard this has been on her, even if she usually is such a happy-go-lucky kind of kid. 
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, also trying not to get too upset at her words- because she’s right. Jared used to be so good at taking care of you when you weren’t feeling yourself. You’re quickly brought back to the times when you were pregnant with Ellie, and he was the most doting man that you had ever seen when it came to making sure you were as comfortable as you could be. He had bought various teas to help with the morning sickness, sat with you while you did succumb to the morning sickness, held you during times where you just didn’t feel like you anymore because of your growing and changing body, massaged away a lot of the pain you felt in the later months, and then… when you were in labor with Ellie, the nurses had told him that he was one of the most supportive fathers they had ever seen. But now that was gone. You shake your head and also your thoughts. 
“I know, baby,” you whisper, voice cracking just barely. A tear falls down your own cheek. “I know.”
You feel the bed dip under Melissa as she sits down too, and then there’s a warm arm around your waist and the gentlest thumb brushing away your tear. “I’ll leave the two of you, but let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”
“Stay,” Ellie whimpers. “Please. Please, Miss Mel. Momma and I need you.”
Today, both of you take a half day. Ellie needs all of the love and care that she can get in this fragile state of hers. So you two simply just hold her as the world slowly passes around you. The morning is spent with all of you making a deliciously sleepy breakfast, basking in the warm spring sunlight and air on your back porch. You and Melissa let the warmth of your tea soothe your souls while Ellie quietly sips from her cup of milk before relaxing back into your hold. You let her blow bubbles and dance around through them without a care in the world as you watch. You even go and grab your guitar from the living room before beginning to strum it softly as you let the music take you to another world. You quietly sing the song that your little girl owns- ‘You Are My Sunshine- before shifting to ‘Here Comes The Sun’.
You remember the many times that Jared would sit there and blow as many bubbles as your little girl wanted while she danced through them and popped them, the sweetest little baby giggles erupting from her sweet, sweet soul while music passed through your own. You remember the way that Jared used to watch you and Ellie with such wonder.
But now, you think that those times might be replaced with the warm, soft mornings and days filled with you and the redhead sitting with you hip to hip and just letting the world pass by as you watch the many bubbles fly through the air in such a carefree way. Those old times might be replaced with a beautiful woman who is looking at the two of you like you’re hanging the stars, the sun, and the moon as the sunlight hits her face and hair perfectly to make her look like an angel.
When you walk into the staffroom, Ellie on your hip and clutching a stuffed animal, your coworkers smile at the three of you softly.
“Feelin’ better?” Janine asks Ellie gently. Your little girl nods before tucking her chin into your neck.
“We needed the morning to collect ourselves,” you sigh as you sit down. You thank God that your half-day coincided with lunch, so you have an extra thirty minutes to ground yourself before walking into your classroom. Ellie clearly needs it too as she clings to you for most of the lunch period.
“Alright, little girl,” you whisper when it’s time to go collect your kids. “Time to go spend the afternoon with Mrs. Howard.”
Ellie eyes her teacher before shaking her head and trying to bury herself in your jacket.
“My love, I have to go pick up my kids and teach,” you tell her. “I’m sure Mrs. Howard has a fun afternoon planned, and she wants you to join her.”
Barbara nods and smiles at the six year old, but she still continues to cling.
“Why don’t you walk her down, and I can pick up our kids?” Melissa suggests. Ellie quite likes that idea, so you nod.
“Thank you,” you whisper, setting a gentle hand on her shoulder and squeezing it. You head out with Ellie while the others begin to make their way down to the cafeteria to collect the students.
“So… you had a half day the same day as Y/N?” Barbara raises a brow.
Melissa shrugs. “Ellie needed some extra love this morning.”
“Are you sure nothin’s going on between you and Y/N?” the kindergarten teacher asks.
Melissa smirks. “I won’t say there isn’t nothin’, but there isn’t somethin’ yet either. You know?”
“She’s worth it?” Barbara asks gently.
Without hesitation, the second grade teacher nods. “She’s worth the world, Barb. I plan on giving it to her if she’ll let me.”
“Good,” the kindergarten teacher smiles. “It’s about time you put yourself out there again. And she’s a good one.”
“Her and Ellie have me wrapped around their fingers,” Melissa sighs with a soft shake of her head. The two enter the cafeteria and collect the kids before parting ways for the afternoon.
Your afternoon is easy. Your kids are glad to have you back, claiming that their morning sub was the most boring person they’ve ever met. Before you know it, dismissal is upon you, and you’re leading the kids outside to see them off until tomorrow.
Melissa stands next to you the entire time while you hold your daughter tightly to your body. She helps you gather up all of your things before you head towards her car.
That night, you finish off the soup that Melissa had made, and then you’re curling up on the couch like you usually do. Ellie grips your shirt in her fist as she falls asleep on you, and then you set her in her bed before making your way back out to the living room. Melissa is waiting for you.
“I guess we should talk,” you say softly as you settle in next to her. Your bodies melt together like they were made for each other- something that you had only felt with Jared before.
“Yeah,” she whispers. “Are you okay? After this morning?”
You nod, although the sad look in your eyes tells the redhead differently. “Just… lots of feelings.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You tell her all about your marriage- how it had been like a fairytale; how Jared was a handsome and loving man who practically worshipped you. How he doted on you like crazy while you were pregnant with Ellie, and how you were so sure that he was going to be the one you were going to grow old and senile with. 
“And then… it wasn’t so magical anymore,” you whisper as you look down at your hands in your lap. “He started coming home later, smelling like other women’s perfume. He stopped kissing me, stopped hugging me. Stopped telling me that he loved me. I found him fucking our babysitter in our own bed while Ellie was down for her nap one day when I came home to grab my lunch.”
“Oh, hun,” Melissa gasps softly.
“I- I was willing to forgive him,” you whisper. “If only for our daughter. But he… he wanted out. Told me that it just wasn’t working for him. He didn’t want to be a father anymore. He left the next week. It’s only been about half a year, and while I hate him more than anything… he was all I knew for a really long time. We started dating when we were in high school. I grew up with him, and it’s taken a lot of time to adjust to life without him.”
“I’m so sorry hun,” the redhead says softly.
You give her a sad smile. “But then we came here, and that all changed.”
“You… came into our lives so easily and effortlessly. It’s like you were made to be in our lives,” you admit quietly as you wrap an arm around her waist. “And I- I want to give this a shot if you want to.”
“Nothing would make me happier,” she tells you quietly as she kisses your head again. “Having you and Ellie is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“I just ask that we keep things on the low for a bit… nothing is really going to change other than the fact that we’ll ‘officially’ be dating, but I want to have El warm up to it, and if everyone at work knows… good lord.”
“You know I’m a private person,” she chuckles softly as she tightens her hold on you. “That’s just fine with me… although Barbara has already been asking, so we should probably tell her.”
“That’s okay,” you laugh quietly. “I know she’s your best friend. Will she be okay with it though- Mrs. Barbara Howard, woman of God?”
“You know that woman has practically adopted Jacob at this point,” the redhead rolls her eyes. “She actually told me to go for it with you- that you’re good for me.”
Your jaw drops open slightly. You knew Barbara thought you were a good teacher, and a relatively decent single mother, but to be good enough for her best friend; her work wife? Wow.
“Don’t act like Barb doesn’t love having you and Ellie around- she’ll be Aunt Barb by the end of the summer if she can help it,” Melissa chuckles.
“You think we’ll still be together by the end of the summer?” you ask quietly, nervously.
She shrugs. “We’ve practically been dating since I started making you dinner anyway… you’ve always been my girl, even if you didn’t know it.”
“Melissa Schemmenti’s girl,” you whisper, a shy grin dancing across your lips.
That night, Melissa spends the night again, although Ellie is sandwiched between the two of you. She presses a soft kiss to your daughter’s hairline before pecking your lips sweetly.
You know the two of you have a long way to go… but this one love story just might be worth all the risks in the world, and you were willing to take the leap for Melissa.
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syrupgirl · 1 year
descriptions of blood(like fr), mentions of death, i call neteyam’s injury ‘a hole in the chest’, my very limited knowledge of medical procedures(both human and na’vi), me changing the severity of his injury probably, that’s it methinks?
a/n: this one just fell out of me. a fix it fic if you will.
Lie si oe Neteyamur -Neteyam
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“You cannot rush this, daughter.” Your mother says as she strokes your head.
It has been days since the battle. Many lives were lost, even more injured. And as selfish as it is, you mind would not drift away from one person.
You had been in charge on taking care of the injured that were brought back to the village. Being a Tsahik in training, you mother deemed it essential to have experience in real conditions to feel the pressure you would be carrying until you passed on the status to the best Tsahik.
After countless gruelling hours of tending to the wounded, you heard your name being called from the shore. After passing of your patient off to your partner, you down ran to the beach, only to be greeted by a sight you never thought you would have to see.
Sand kicked out from under your hurried feet as you approached Tsireya who had a bleeding Neteyam attached to her side.
“H-he..He was shot! It went straight through h-him.” The poor girl was hysterical. The blood of her friend covered her hands and even some of her stomach.
Neteyam himself looked terrible. His complexion was blanched and his eyes could barely stay open. Across his chest, he looked to be wrapped in seaweed, probably to stop the bleeding. You guessed that once you undid the bindings you would also find sea moss plugged in the wound as well. Curtesy of your sister, you guessed.
As much as you wanted to curl up and cry until you couldn’t anymore, Neteyam didn’t have that time. Right now, you weren’t Neteyam’s…friend..You were the one in charge of saving his life, in charge of his healing, and, if all went well, his recovery.
“Here, give him to me, I will take him to our marui.” You shouldered his body and he groaned. “Yes, yes, I know and I’m sorry.”
Neteyam didn’t seem to be capable of conversation but keeping him conscious was your top priority until you could get your remedies.
It was a struggle up the shore but you made it, with Tsireya stumbling behind. You lay him down as gently as you could.
“Neteyam? Neteyam, can you hear me? It’s yn.”
You spoke to him as you checked his body for any other injuries. Anything that would make it more difficult to deal with the hole in his chest. Nothing turned up so you continued to speak to him.
“Neteyam? I’m going to unwrap your chest now, it will hurt but I need to to stay with me, okay?”
He was awake but you had no idea if he was actually hearing anything you were saying. With a deep breath, you slowly started to unwrap his chest.
You weren’t ready for what greeted you.
The tight wrappings had slowed down the bleeding but there was still so much. It covered your palms and wove itself between your fingers. You heart was beating out of your chest and you got closer and closer to his naked chest.
Neteyam was moaning and muttering above you but you didn’t want to take your eyes off his injury.
“Tsireya? Is he still awake?” You asked your sisters, fingers still working on the makeshift bandages.
“Uh..uhm.” She knelt down closer to his face. “Yes, I think h-he is.”
“We need to keep him with us, as much as it will hurt him, we cannot risk him slipping away.”
Tsireya nodded and started to try make conversation with him. “Your brother still needs you, he is lost but he needs you to bring him back.”
You felt yourself tear up at her words. It was not just his brother who still needed him.
After discarding the seaweed in a pile, you came face to face with the bloody mess. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to be bleeding as much as it was before and just like you thought, there was a large clump of sea moss packed around the wound. You picked it up as gently as possible and the boy above you jerked.
“It- it hurts!” He whined and you put a hand gently on his shoulder.
“I know and i’m sorry but it is what needs to be done.”
He didn’t respond after that but kept whining in pain and wriggling slightly.
“Tsireya-” your sister looked up and you handed her a tightly woven basket, “-fill this with water.”
She nodded and takes it from your hands hurriedly. You use the sea moss to clean up the sight as much as you can before putting is next to the seaweed.
In record time, Tsireya ran back to your side, handing you the basket now filled to the rim.
“Thank you, sister.” You said. You brings your hands up to her face and she closed her eyes. “Be calm, he will live, i’m sure of it.” She meets your gaze again and sniffs. You try to give her a reassuring smile before turning back to Neteyam.
With the basket in hand, you shuffle up next to his shoulder. As slowly as you can, you tip the container forward and watch the water wash into the hole in his chest. The blood melts off of him as the water takes its place.
Neteyam sounded like he was downright sobbing and you hear Tsireya whisper to him, “Be still, Neteyam. You are in good hands.”
You hoped she was right.
It had taken many hours of tears and screams but you had managed to bring Neteyam back to where he was stable. He now rests in his family’s marui like he has been for days, surrounded by the love of his family.
And as much as you want to see him, you know better than anyone how important family is in times like these. They need space.
“You did a great thing, without you, my love, the loses would have been so much greater.” Your mother is known for her stone cold resolve and tough exterior but you wouldn’t have it any other way. She loves you and your siblings in her own way. “I feel so proud knowing I chose you to take my place as Tsahik of this village once I return to our great mother.”
“Thank you, mother. It is a great honour.” She smiles down and you and holds you closer.
That night you cannot sleep, opting you go for a swim, a now common occurrence since the battle. You lie of your back, floating on the surface and looking up to the sky. You remember your father telling you that Jake Sully was from one of the distance stars. How fascinating.
Small waves lap underneath you. A small light shoots across the sky. Everything is still.
Well it is until someone dives in next to you.
You’re so surprised, you slowly a mouthful of water.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” It’s Lo’ak’s voice you hear while dying cough out all of the water from your mouth.
“It is okay,” You splutter, turning to face him. “Why do you come to me, Lo’ak?”
He looks down into the water and it is silent for a beat. “To thank you. I should have done it sooner and I apologise, but I just couldn’t..couldn’t-”
“Leave him?” You interrupt him and he nods. “I understand. After something so major, your family needs to heal. That includes you.” The sound of lapping water fills the silence between you.
“That’s not the only reason i’m here.” He continues. You look up to him again, slightly confused. “Neteyam, he has been asking for you.” Your eyes widen a little. “While our parents aren’t around, he asks us where you are and how he still has to thank you.”
It’s a bit sill, but you can feel small tears well up in your eyes; he’s been asking for you?
“Since his..injury, he has been moved into a separate marui to heal and he asked if I would bring you there.”
Now you feel like laughing; this whole time while you have been aching to see him, he has been feeling the same.
“I would like that, Lo’ak.” You sniffed and Lo’ak grins.
“I had a feeling you would.”
Before you reach Neteyam’s marui, Lo’ak decides to go back to his family’s marui. You try to insist that he joins you but he flat out denies and just grins while he walks away.
When you arrive to the doorway and look inside, you see Neteyam sitting up against the side of the dwelling.
“Neteyam?” His head immediately spins your way and there is a big smile on his face. It is contagious.
“yn, it’s so good to see you!” He whispers as you kneel next to him.
“How are you feeling? Should you be sitting u-”
“I knew that would be the first thing you ask me.” His smile gets even bigger and again, you match it.
“I’m sorry, force of habit.” You both chuckle. “Was there any reason you wanted to see me?”
“I want to thank you, for saving me.” You are about to tell him that you were just doing your job but he keeps going, “I was..I was so scared. I felt like a little kid again. But when Tsireya brought me here, to you…I knew that I would be okay.”
“Oh Neteyam…” Your eyes well up with tears and Neteyam out his hands on your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, i didn’t mean to make you cry.” His thumbs caught the tears that rolled down your cheeks.
You suddenly wrap your arms around his neck. “I have been so worried for you Neteyam…” Your words are muffled against his skin and he can feel the vibrations echoing up his neck. Neteyam hesitates, before wrapping you up into his embrace. Silence blanketed the two of you, interrupted only by the sound of your occasional sniffles and the waves breaking against the beach.
Neteyam is the one to finally shatter it.
“While I was out there, I fought as hard as I could…To defeat our enemies, yes, but also…I knew that, whatever happened, I had to get back here,” He brings a hand up to your face that is still planted in his shoulder and lifts it gently. “I was so scared…”
Your eyes flutter close and another tear slips down your cheek, down past your quivering lips.
“But when Tsireya brought me here, to you.” A smile weaved itself into his voice and you looked up to him. “I knew that I was going to be okay.”
Neteyam looks like he is crying now and you can’t bear it.
“Oh Neteyam..I’m so happy that you’re okay.” You lean forward and rest your forehead again his.
“The great mother is not ready to meet me yet.” He chuckles and you let out a watery laughter with him.
In this moment, all is well, all is calm. He is here. With you.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
Your dear Neteyam.
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maybankswhore · 10 months
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader
summary: it was just a silly , childhood game of truth or dare— until it wasn’t.
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Getting high at 12am with JJ had become a normal occurrence now. Both of you had trouble sleeping most nights , and mindless conversation and joints were always the remedy.
The first night he had caught you outside , sitting on the back porch with your eyes lower than anything he’d ever seen before— just staring , he had burst out into laughter , demanding you scoot over and share so he could join you.
Ever since then , it had become habitual.
Tonight was no different. Though this time , the two of you were side by side on the hammock. It swung the both of you back and forth gently , smoke circling around you and keeping the mosquitoes at bay. Your head grazed his shoulder , leaning on it but not by much.
“I’m bored.” JJ sighed , breaking the comfortable silence. JJ was a chatterbox when he was high , but so were you so you didn’t mind too much.
“Well what do you want to do about it?” You challenged.
JJ hummed before scooting to sit up , forcing you to copy his actions so the both of you wouldn’t be folding over in the net. “Let’s play a game.”
You groaned.
“Hey! We never play games anymore.” JJ defended. He had a boyish grin on his face as he nudged you. “It’ll be fun. Like old times.”
Old times. Those times seemed for far away now. Everything had changed so fast and you grew up before you even realized that you were seventeen now with your last year of high school approaching.
The memory of playing little light hearted games with John B and JJ when the three of you were all so much smaller and naive crossed your mind for the first time in a long time , and you smiled back warmly. “Okay fine. What game?”
JJ tapped his cheek as he thought. His mind was still hazy , taking one last puff of the joint before passing it to you to finish it off. “Truth or dare.”
The thought of having to get up and complete some dare made you groan loudly and throw your head back. “Ugh , but that’s like so much work.”
“You’re so fucking lazy and annoying!” JJ shoved at you again making you giggle at his tone of voice.
You put your hands up in defense. “But! Okay.”
JJ flashed you his infamous smirk. The one you’d seen millions of times , in millions of situations. And yet , it still made your cheeks dust pink.
You were thankful it was night time and it couldn’t be picked up by the moonlight. “You first.” Clearing your throat to change the subject and distract yourself. Something you had become a pro at. “Truth or dare , JJ?”
Pretending to think , he looked over at you with wild eyes. “Dare.”
Inwardly groaning and complaining to yourself , you tried to think of what to get him to do. There wasn’t much you could think of with your mind in the clouds and your anxiety scratching the back of your neck with JJ’s eyes directly on you.
“Um— I dare you to take Pope’s textbook over there and hide it somewhere.” You motioned over the book Pope had forgotten about earlier.
JJ started giggling as he got up to do it. The image of Pope’s face and how worried he was going to be in the morning gave him that mischievous feeling he was itching for. You watched him in your own laughter as he grabbed it , pacing around back and forth for a solild two minutes before stashing it behind a random bush. “You better remember where you put that tomorrow morning.” You reminded him.
“Oh I know.” JJ cackled and returned back to his place at the hammock. “He’ll start crying if I don’t.”
“Hey now! Pope’s just a sensitive person.” You defended your friend with a pout.
“Yeah like you.”
“I’m not sensitive!” You gasped.
JJ scoffed. “Oh please! You cried yesterday because I stomped on a sand crab.”
Your eye’s turned into slits remembering it. Your heart had hurt so badly for the little crab and JJ and John B were laughing hysterically about it. Fortunately , JJ had done barely any damage and you could watch it scurry away and bury itself back into the sand. Now you were just irritated about it. “That was actually so evil of you.”
“It was fine!” JJ sighed heavily and dropped back onto the hammock beside you. Lazily dropping his head onto your shoulder , the high relaxing him. “Anyways , truth or dare?”
Trying to focus on the game and not your heart beating crazily out of your chest by JJ’s hair brushing against your cheeks , you cleared your throat. “Um— truth.”
“Why won’t you tell me you like me already?” JJ’s voice was just above a whisper. His own palms getting nervous. He could hear your heart beat whilst leaning on your shoulder , he could see the blush on your cheeks when he’d grab at your hair and tug it or when his fingers intertwined with yours. As much as Kiara tried telling him you had feelings for him , he could never be sure. But JJ loved being around you. He loved staying up all night , laughing and talking about absolutely nothing but everything at the same time. He adored you and tonight was just another night of him loving you. It was a mix of the weed’s ability to calm his nerves , and the burning in his chest that would make him errupt into flames if he didn’t say anything.
Your mouth became dry at his question. You blinked trying to sober up a complete thought , thrown off by the sudden change in the atmosphere. It was no longer light hearted , but dense. Nothing was said but there was still so much to say and talk about. JJ sat up straight to look at you. His eyes studied your face that was now burning pink , unable to look up and make eye contact.
“I— uh , I don’t know—” you nervously stumbled over your words. Swirls in your tummy as you picked at your fingernails.
“Do you?” JJ asked again. Daring his hand to lightly grab your shoulder , thumbs rubbing the blade comfortingly. “Because I like you , Y/N. I like you alot and I want to know if you feel the same way.”
You said nothing , trying to keep up with the hundreds of things running in your head. The feeling of JJ’s hands on you eased some of the nerves making you seem sick. Pursing your lips , you took a deep breath before looking at him , finally.
“Truth or dare.” You asked him lowly. You scooted closer to him , snaking an arm forward.
“Kiss me.” You breathed , trying to shake off the nerves. You felt as though you were going to burst , suddenly feeling hot.
JJ grinned. “We are so going to be that cheesy , annoying couple everyone hates.” He told you giggling to himself before cupping your cheek and connecting his lips with yours. Eye’s fluttering closed as he melted into your kiss. A satisfied sigh leaving your mouth.
“Definitely will be.”
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humanpurposes · 11 months
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(1950s AU) A housewife reaches breaking point and seeks medical advice at her husband's request // Main Masterlist
Aemond x nameless female character
Warnings: 18+, smut, period typical sexism, dub-con,
Words: 5400
A/n: inspired by this ask on @lightningandfireinmybones 's blog, shout out to @b-vvitched for the prompt, I couldn't stop thinking about it :) Also available to read on AO3.
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She reads over the gold painted letters on the door to make sure she has the right room.
Dr A. Targaryen
General Practitioner
She brings her hand up to the door, hesitating for a moment before she softly taps her knuckles against the wood, thrice.
She holds her breath, unsure if a moment passes or a minute.
His voice comes soft and distant from the other side. “Enter.”
The room is simply four white walls, a dark wood desk and cabinets and an examination table with black leather upholstery. The harsh afternoon sun and a slight breeze bleed in from the open windows, floating through thin, white curtains. It’s surprisingly serene but still plain and inoffensive.
Dr Targaryen– Aemond as he insists as he shakes her hand– has harsh blue eyes, the left framed by a long scar slicing down his face, a pointed nose, curved lips, a sharp jaw and pale blond hair, stylishly gelled like some movie star. Something about him is unsettling despite the small smile and the impeccable manners as he offers her a seat in the green leather chair on the other side of his desk.
She contracts her hand slightly once he lets go of her. His grip had been rather firm.
He opens a brown leather notebook and flicks through a clipboard on the desk, frowning and tapping a pen against it as he goes over some paperwork and basic information she had given the nurse, as instructed.
She holds her hands together in her lap and winces at how damp her palms are. She’s sure it’s just the weather, and smooths them over her pale blue, rayon skirt. She checks her nails while she’s at it too. She had painted them red the night before, but they are already starting to chip from where she’d started her day with washing the dishes and doing a deep clean of the kitchen.
“You said your husband recommended you seek medical advice, is that right?” he asks, his head tilted down and his eyes meeting hers, expecting a prompt answer, she realises.
She swallows through the scratchy feeling in her throat, wishing she had accepted the receptionist’s offer of water. “Yes, that’s right.”
His eyes move over the page again and he gives a cryptic “hmm.”
The specifics often change but lately she’s realised that each day of her life feels the same. Wake up before her husband, make his coffee and his breakfast, make sure he wants for nothing and see him off to work. Help the mother-in-law with her shopping and her laundry. Bake a cake for the village fundraiser and drop it off at the the Church. Make polite conversation with the vicar and the other women helping out, compliment their babies, ask about the older children. Try not to cry when she’s bombarded with the dreaded question. “How soon can we expect little ones from you?”
Two weeks ago her husband had come home from work and found her on the sofa, staring into space, too tired to even reach for a book or a magazine. Everything had seemed to be going wrong for her that day, evidenced by the broken washing machine, the broken heel on her shoe, the cuts and blisters on her feet, the shopping left unceremoniously on the kitchen counter. She was absolutely exhausted, but when his dinner wasn't ready and waiting for him, her husband hit the roof.
Something snapped. Before she knew it, she was screaming, eyes hot and streaming with tears as she choked on her own sobs. She had never been so loud in her life. She can hardly even remember what she said.
Her husband’s voice screams inside her head. “Emotional… irrational… hysterical…”
“And you went to the nurse first?” Aemond asks. 
He looks back at the notes. “What did she tell you?”
She shifts in her chair. It should all be right there in front of him, why does she have to say it?
She takes a deep breath, as subtly as she can. “She suggested it could be a hormonal imbalance, or a symptom of…”
Aemond raises a brow, expectantly.
She feels a warmth rushing to her cheeks “... monthly courses,” she says quietly.
“And have you had issues with those?” he asks.
“They can be irregular.”
He hums again and writes something in his notebook.
She clenches her fist around her skirt and notices the soft ticking of the clock on the wall over the desk. It’s not too obtrusive, and the rhythm gives her something to focus on while neither of them are speaking.
Aemond shifts back in his chair, crossing a leg over the other, absentmindedly pressing the lid of his pen to his lips like he’s trying to solve a crossword in the morning paper. “What exactly was your husband’s main concern?”
There comes a familiar feeling, an emptiness in her chest like her body might concave, and a swelling in her eyes. She bites down on her lip to dispel the urge to cry.
Everyone around her loves to comment on how happy she is, how blessed she is to have such a happy marriage and a loving husband.
“He says I’ve been too emotional.”
“Emotional in what way?”
She tells him about the outburst two weeks ago, expecting him to tut and shake his head and chide her for her behaviour. Instead he watches her and listens.
“He says he doesn’t know what else to do with me. He says he does everything he can to make me happy, but that it’ll never be enough for me,” she says.
“And does he make you happy?” he asks.
Her answer hitches in her throat. The obvious response would be of course. He does what any good husband does, works, brings home a salary, sweet talks her mother and smokes cigars with her father when they visit every other Sunday. 
Happiness seems to be an external factor, something people comment on and praise her. When other people say she is happy she wears it with pride, like a medal or a precious piece of jewellery.
She loves her husband, as well as any self respecting woman does. She reminds herself that’s the whole reason why she’s here.
At her silence Aemond smiles to himself and begins to write. She follows how his fingertips grip the pen and how the tendons in his hands flex.
“Wait!” she says, shuffling forward in her seat.
He pauses and looks at her like he did before, with his chin tilted down.
“No– I meant to say yes. Yes, he makes me happy.”
His eyes move around her face and briefly down, over the pearl charm hanging from her neck, her white blouse and her hands bunched in her blue skirt. She releases them when she realises he’s looking and rests them on the arms of the chair instead.
This feels like a test, one in which every word and gesture will be put to scrutiny, earning either a curious “hmm” or a scratching of the pen against the paper. She wonders which is worse.
“How long have you been married?” he asks.
“A year in July.”
“No children?”
“Why not?”
His question leaves a tight feeling in her chest and in her gut. 
Aemond sets the pen down on the desk without making a sound. “Sorry, I know these questions can be obtrusive. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but it would be useful to know what I’m working with.”
That’s an odd way to phrase it, she thinks.
“No it’s alright,” she says, her fingers moving anxiously over each other. “It’s not for lack of trying. We… try a few times a week. Usually on the weekends or when he’s not tired– he’s often tired after work.”
“And how is it?”
“Oh, um–” without thinking her hands move back into her lap and she starts to pick at the red nail polish. “He says there’s something wrong with me.”
Aemond tilts his head. “Wrong with you?”
She squeezes her thighs together at the familiar memory of her husband’s downright painful attempts to make love to her. He practically has to force his way inside of her and she can never stand it for more than a few thrusts before she pushes him off. 
He was understanding for the first few months, but she can tell it’s starting to irritate him now. She doesn’t understand why it doesn’t work, what she could possibly be doing wrong.
“Does he prepare you?” 
She looks up with a knitted brow. “Prepare me?”
He tuts and mutters something that sounds like “poor thing,” before scrawling another quick note. 
Then he stands, rolling up the sleeves of his white coat and the black shirt underneath. “I want to check a few things,” he says, cocking his head towards the examination table on the other side of the room.
She follows dutifully, propping her hands against the leather upholstery and pushing herself up to sit on it. Her black heels don’t reach the floor. She crosses them at the ankle and lets them swing a little. 
Once Aemond has washed his hands he approaches her. He’s tall, she realises as he stands before her. His hips are level with her knees and the edge of the table and while he’s not quite close enough to touch her, her legs twitch at the proximity.
She tries to avert her gaze from the somewhat intense expression in his eyes as he simply looks at her. Her eyes don’t stop moving, looking past his shoulder or down at her sides, but there’s not anything interesting to look at.
She focuses on the steady ticking of the clock, counting ten long seconds before she realises she’s holding her breath.
When she finally releases she finds herself focusing instead on the gentle sounds of Aemond’s breath through his nose, the smell of his hair gel, musky aftershave and the lingering scent of smoke. 
Warm fingertips brush against her jaw as he brings her to look at him. She can feel the slight roughness of the pads of his fingers, but he’s gentle when he touches her, almost cautious. 
He leans in a little closer until he’s touching her knees. She doesn’t let herself react but her heart is drumming furiously, more so when his thumb strokes over her cheek. He moves back and forth, grazing the corner of her mouth, before he swipes it over her lower lip. 
She relaxes her mouth as he presses and tugs on the soft flesh. It’s somehow both terrifying and oddly reassuring.
And then he settles, pressing both of her lips into a slight pout while his fingertips rest against her jaw and the top of her neck.
“Open your mouth for me,” he says.
She stares back at him with wide eyes. Had she heard that correctly?
The corners of his mouth curl politely, waiting for her compliance.
So she does as he asks.
With his fingers holding her chin, Aemond inches his thumb into her mouth, settling on her tongue. His skin tastes clean and faintly medicinal from the amber soap.
“You can close your mouth,” he says.
She keeps her eyes on his as she closes her lips around him, careful not to touch him with her teeth.
He hums again, low and contentedly. “Good girl.”
She shudders at the sudden weightlessness in her belly.
“Are you alright?” he asks.
She gives him a small nod.
"Good," he utters, "just breathe."
She loses count of the seconds on the clock as he simply settles inside of her. She does as he says, breathing deeply through her nose, looking up at him through her eyelashes, trying to read if he's pleased or not.
When he starts to withdraw and she instinctively drags her tongue along his thumb. She looks down at his hand, the imprint of her mauve lipstick on his skin, the glistening digit and the small line of spit that trails from her mouth, which he wipes away with his fingers.
“How did that feel?” he asks.
She thinks for a moment. “Good.”
He glances down and her eyes follow, to the fabric of her skirt. When she stands it falls to her shin, but seated, the hem rides up to just below her knees. He places a wide hand on her left knee, their skin separated only by a thin layer of nylon stockings.
“These outbursts of yours,” he mutters, “are they a regular occurrence?”
“Not really,” she says.
“What do you think caused it?”
She presses her teeth together and looks away from him to think. “Lots of things I suppose. It all piles up.”
“How did it feel, to shout at your husband?”
She huffs a laugh at the instinct that appears in her head, it’s not something she should ever admit, but there’s something about Aemond’s eyes and the feeling of his hands that make her want to tell him the truth,
“I liked it, I was just so…” she shakes her head looking for the right word, but she supposes there’s a simpler explanation. “I was so angry, angrier than I’ve ever been in my life.”
“What were you angry at?” Aemond asks, his thumb starting to stroke against her thigh. 
Would it be too much to list every aspect of her life that irritates her?
She hates a lot of things. She hates tidying the house just for it to get messy again. She hates it when her new shoes dig into her skin and make her bleed. She hates that she seems incapable of interacting with another person without suffering their scrutiny. She hates it when people tell her that her life is perfect.
Everything races around in her head, screaming and shouting at her until the noise becomes silent, just a throbbing pain in her head.
“Just… everything,” she groans, rubbing her fingertips against her temple. “I don’t understand it, everyone says our life together is so perfect, but I don’t feel perfect.”
His hand moves away from her and she looks up at the absence.
Aemond takes a slow breath. “Are you familiar with hysteria?”
Her heart sinks and he seems to see it in her face.
He purses his lips for a moment before he explains, “it’s essentially an excess of ill-managed emotions. It can lead to irrational behaviour and quite severe distress.”
She’s heard of the condition before, sparse stories here and there of men who had no choice but to seek proper treatment for their wives when they are too emotional… irrational… hysterical.
She’s not like those women, surely, and her husband knows that, right?
“Is that what's wrong with me?” she asks.
His mouth quirks. “Quite possibly.”
“But I’ve heard of women with this condition before. I’ve heard what their husbands do to them, I—” she can feel her eyes beginning to well with hot, stinging tears. “That’s not going to happen to me, is it?”
She hangs her head, dread pooling in her belly, until his hands cup the sides of her face. Aemond brings her gaze up into his eyes.
“Don’t send me away,” she whispers, blinking the tears from her eyes so they roll down her cheeks. “Please, there must be something you can do–”
“There there, pet,” he says, tracing his thumbs along her teartracks, “everything is going to be alright, hmm? We can sort you out.”
She nods at his reassurance and the feeling of his hands against her skin. It must be entirely improper to be so close to another man, even more so when she starts to realise just how much she likes it, a sweet sort of unease. Perhaps that’s just his nature, perhaps he’s just good at this part of his job.
For a moment he presses his lips together in a strange way, like he’s holding something back. “There is one treatment I’m keen to suggest,” he says.
“What treatment?” she asks.
He tilts his head slightly. “Hysteria is an instability of emotion. You need a release.”
“Like when I shouted at my husband?”
He smiles at that. “It felt good, didn’t it?”
She nods.
“We can undergo controlled releases,” he says, “you’ll be much happier for it.”
She takes a sharp breath when one of his hands moves down from her cheek to rest casually at her waist.
“I can start the treatment today, if you’d like?”
His face is close to hers now, She feels every flutter of his breath, the heat of his body separated by inches of empty space.
“Yes please,” she says quietly, like she might disturb the peacefulness in the room if she speaks any louder. “If it’s not too much trouble?”
“Don’t worry, pet, we’ve still got plenty of time left,” he says, stepping away. “Take your skirt off, and lie back.”
Suddenly her skin feels tight. “My skirt?”
“If you don’t mind?” he says over his shoulder as he walks towards his desk. “It just makes things a little easier, maybe the blouse too.”
She hops down from the table, heels clicking against the floor.  While Aemond’s pen scratches against paper, she turns her back and starts to pick at the buttons on the top of her blouse. She pulls it over her head and folds it, setting it down on the table, where her head will go. Then she pulls down the zip on her skirt and lets it fall around her. For the slightly mortifying prospect of standing there in her stockings and undergarments, the breeze from the window washes over the bare skin of her arms and torso. It’s quite nice, a welcome relief.
She waits with her heels close together and her hands clasped in front of her. Aemond has his back to her and she watches the way the sunlight catches in the silvery streaks of his hair. He tears a sheet from the pad of prescription papers and leaves it on his desk before he moves to the sink to wash his hands. It’s methodical, like before, well rehearsed and memorised for efficiency. Does he even have to think about what he’s doing, she wonders?
Once his hands are dried he reaches into a drawer under his desk. He keeps his eyes on the small object in his hands as he walks towards her.
She straightens her back and puts her hands on the table behind her, testing her weight so she can shuffle on top of it. 
Aemond looks up and she pauses.
His eyes dart up and down her body. “Shoes and stockings off too.”
Blood rushes to her cheeks but she complies, reaching down to undo the small buckles on each shoe. Once they’re under the table she stands straight and curls her thumbs around her stockings.
She looks up to Aemond. He gives her a small nod.
She starts to pull the thin material down her legs, so thin it should hardly make a difference. She shivers as the breeze meets a new part of her body. She straightens again, dutifully awaiting her next instruction. 
The corners of Aemond’s mouth curl. “Perfect,” he mutters. 
He steps closer to her, until she can make out the object in his hands. It’s a coppery colour, gleaming like metal, and no smaller than a tube of lipstick. He slips it into his coat pocket.
She follows Aemond’s hand as he reaches out and runs a slender finger under the strap of her brassiere. “I think we’ll keep this on,” he says.
She nods, though she doesn’t really know why.
A hum sounds in his throat and his eyes look over her face. “Lie back.”
She does as he says and fiddles with her hands, unsure of where to put them until she decides to keep them by her sides. Anticipation sets her nerves alight. She listens to every breath, each taunting footstep as Aemond comes to stand at the foot of the bed.
He moves slowly so as not to agitate her, but her whole body tenses when his hands clasp around her ankles. It’s obvious he’s trying to be gentle, but even when softly spoken his voice leaves a restless feeling in her gut. “Shh, try to relax, and just let me…” he lifts her legs up along her body until her knees are by her hips. His hands go to her thighs next and she lets out a short whimper of surprise when he pulls her closer to him.
“There we go,” he muses to himself, one hand on her thigh while he gently rests the other on her navel, over the hem of her panties.
Her hands are restless, fists clenching and nails digging into her palms.
Aemond looks down at her with a hint of concern. “You can tell me if you want to stop, at any point.”
“No it’s alright,” she breathes, suppressing the urge to arch her back.
His brows raise as he looks down, grazing his fingertips over her skin. Each movement has her breath hitching or her body squirming, no matter how hard she tries to relax, just as he’d instructed.
He brings both hands to her knees, closing them together before he reaches for her panties and slides them from her legs. She doesn’t see where he drops them. Her hands come into fists again as he gradually spreads her legs. 
She’s not sure what to expect or how this is supposed to help her control her emotions, but she tries to concentrate on staying still, keeping whatever dignity she has left.
“Look at that,” Aemond hums, circling his thumbs against her inner thighs, “you’re already getting wet.”
She can feel it, the warmth pooling between her legs. No one has ever told her it’s bad, but it’s one of those things she wonders if she should be ashamed of. She tries to shift but there’s nowhere for her body to go, nowhere she can hide from him.
“I’m sorry,” she mutters, “it’s not bad, is it?”
Aemond frowns. “You mean you don’t…” he trails off as his face melts into an amused sort of sympathy, like he’s piecing together a puzzle. “Bad news for your husband maybe. It means you’re aroused.”
Aroused. She repeats the word to herself a few times. 
Surely it is a bad thing to find herself in such a state, only she finds herself turning her attention to Aemond. Her gaze trails shamelessly over the veins and tendons of his hands and forearms as he kneads at her thighs, the curve of his upper lip and the tip of his tongue swiping between his teeth. If only she could read his mind, figure out what he’s thinking behind those pretty blue eyes, what hypothesis he’s playing around with inside his head. 
And then he reaches into his pocket. She lifts her head to try and get a better look. The coppery object looks more like an oversized bullet, with a slightly pointed head and a black button at its base. When Aemond presses the button it starts to hum. Even the noise of it sparks a reaction from her. She feels something strange, like a shockwave flashing through her body.
“Relax,” Aemond says, bringing his other hand to her hip. “I don’t want to have to tie you down.”
“No,” she utters, “sorry.” She lets her head fall against the upholstery and stares up at the ceiling, determined not to react.
Until something presses to her centre, humming against her. Pleasure pulses through her, unfamiliar but hot and bright. Her eyes snap shut and her hips try to buck but Aemond’s hand holds her down. 
“How does it feel?” he says.
Her first attempt to speak comes out as a broken whimper. “Good,” she manages, stilling her hips from trying to rock against the bullet. “Fuck…”
Something inside of her feels tight, tensing and tensing until she’s sure she can’t take any more. But he keeps it against her, making small, rhythmic movements through her folds, edging her closer to that rising feeling only to relieve her of it.
Her nails start to drag along the leather, clawing at it for purchase. She tries to stay still, to keep her hips steady but something has to give. She turns her head to the side, whimpering and groaning into her shoulder.
“There you go,” Aemond hums, as he finds a truly torturous pattern, slowly swiping upwards from her entrance to the sweet spot of her pearl, only to start over. 
“Please,” she whimpers as he tears her away from that feeling again. Blissful tears blur her vision and she feels utterly weightless. “I can’t stand it…”
He lingers the bullet just below her pearl. She’s so close to something. She can feel it. 
“Do you want to stop?” Aemond asks.
“No!” she cries.
He starts to move in small circles now and her body feels like it’s burning. “Just take it,” he says, “you can take it, just be a good girl for me, hmm?”
“Yes… yes…” she utters like a dreamy chant. 
The button clicks and the vibrations increase. She hardly registers the wanton noises she makes, but she’s all too aware of wet sounds of her arousal and Aemond’s short hums when her hips start to buck again.
“You’re so close, aren’t you?” Aemond says. “Come on, pet, you can do it, you’re almost there…”
She feels the hum of her throat as she groans his name and suddenly the tight feeling snaps. Her whole body releases, just as Aemond promised, and she feels herself come undone. He guides her through it, the bullet whirring against her and his hand steady on her hip.
When he finally withdraws, her limbs don’t feel like her own. She listens to her own breath and feels the rise and fall of her chest as she wills herself into a state of awareness. She props herself onto her elbows and her eyes meet Aemond’s.
He smirks, and looks down again, gently drawing a thumb through her folds. 
Her back arches and her breath hitches, though not as intensely as before. She can feel how slick she is now, how easily he moves against her. She eases under his touch and just lets it feel good.
“You did so well,” he says, “fuck, the way your cunt twitches when you come…”
She gazes at him with a bewildered kind of awe, at his parted lips, the golden glow of sunlight trailing down his jaw and his neck, and now the dark, almost hungry look in his eyes. She can already feel the desire rising again, the wanting for more.
“There’s something else I want to try,” he says. His thumb slips further down, teasing her entrance. “If you’ll let me?”
She holds her bottom lip between her teeth and nods.
“Good girl,” he hums.
That alone has her trying to roll her hips against him, but then he’s gone. She wants to groan in protest but keeps her mouth shut as she watches him remove his white coat and black shirt, both of which he drapes over his chair. For his seemingly slender frame, he’s surprisingly muscular. 
With his back still turned to her she watches his hands move to his trousers. She hears the clinking of his belt buckle and the sound of his fly coming undone. He reaches back into the same drawer, tears something between his teeth and discards a small, white packet on the desk. 
As he comes to stand before her once more she can’t help the small smile that graces her lips, unashamedly appreciating the muscles of his torso, his pectorals and the lines of his abdominals, and his now freed cock, already hard, and certainly larger than her husband’s.
He stands before her once again, bringing her knees down so he can slot himself between her legs.
She can already feel herself twitching and her heart racing. 
He doesn’t waste much time on preamble. “You’re fucking soaked,” he mutters, lining the his cock to her entrance and taking a hold of her thigh, “be a shame to waste it.”
She expects it to hurt when he pushes inside of her, and for a moment it does. She feels the way he stretches her out with just the tip. He moves slowly, dragging in and out of her, each time pushing in a little more. She can take the pain, at least until it starts to melt away. After a few strokes it feels effortless.
Aemond lets out a sharp grunt as he comes close to bottoming out. “How does it feel?” he asks with a small amount of strain.
It’s a different kind of pleasure, it’s duller and deeper, less frantic but it still burns in the best way.
“Good,” she breathes.
Aemond’s hands take hold of her waist as he increases his pace, dragging her into him to match his thrusts.
The air feels hot and thick now, the ticking of the clock drowned out by laboured panting, breathless moans and the soft sounds of skin meeting skin.
“Fuck you’re tight,” he hisses, sinking his fingertips deeper into her flesh.
“I don’t suppose that’s a medical term?” she says with a dazed grin.
Aemond huffs a laugh but it seems to spur him on, his jaw slack and his brow furrowed in determination. 
She wraps her legs around his hips and reaches up for him, but all she manages is to graze her fingertips over his torso. He snatches her wrists, leaning over to pin them on either side of her head as he brutally starts to snap her hips into hers. Like this he fucks her deeper and harder against the leather.
She feels her release building slowly, his cock brushing against a spot that has her eyes watering again.
“Going to come for me?” Aemond grits out, pressing his forehead to hers. 
“I want to,” she whimpers, arching her back to get closer to him, “fuck–”
He releases one of her wrists and slips his hand between them, circling her pearl with the pads of his fingers. 
He brings his lips to the shell of her ear. “You’re squeezing me so good,” he whispers harshly, “nearly there, nearly there sweetheart…”
Her legs start to shake as her pleasure peaks and her climax washes over her. Every part of her body tenses and moulds itself into him. Aemond doesn’t relent, he keeps fucking her until she’s whining and squirming, until finally he lets out a guttural groan into her neck. His hips still and she feels him throbbing inside of her, spilling himself into the condom.
For a moment she’s content to lie there, no matter how uncomfortable the surface of the bed is. She likes Aemond’s weight on top of her, his breath on her neck, the scent of him, the sweat from his brow against her skin. But they don’t stay like that for long. He pulls away from her and makes quick work of disposing of the condom and tucking himself back into his trousers.
“Nothing wrong in that regard,” he says, reaching for her hand to help her sit up. “If you’re having trouble it’s the fault of your husband. He needs to prepare you before he tries to fuck you.”
She flicks her hair from her neck to relieve some of the heat. “Oh, right.” She can feel herself trembling, but she feels light, like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. 
“How are you feeling now?” he asks, placing a reassuring hold to her arm.
“Good,” she says.
Aemond carefully helps her back into her panties, stockings, shoes, blouse and skirt. He rights her necklace, wipes the dried tears from her cheeks, drags his thumb around her mouth where her lipstick has smudged and helps her down from the bed, keeping a firm hand on her until she nods to let him know she’s alright. 
He tears off a prescription paper and hands it to her. She quickly skims over it. He’s not prescribed any medication or recommended a lobotomy, thank God. 
“Contraction therapy?” she reads, looking up at him with a raised brow.
“I want to see you twice weekly,” he says, buttoning up his shirt. “Maybe we can go for three times a week, if you feel it would be beneficial.”
She tries her best to hide her smile. “Well I’m sure you know best, doctor.”
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General Taglist (comment if you wanna be added): @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy
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mattmurdocksscars · 4 months
Best Friend Blues
Hi guys! Have my word vomit from today lmao I spat this out over a couple of hours at work and I'm kind of happy with it? So, I hope you enjoy! It starts out angsty and ends happily.
Word Count: 3323
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
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Your best friend was getting married. You should be happy. Elated, even. And instead, you're crying into a bowl of ice cream and doing your best not to think about it. 
Your best friend was getting married and you couldn't be sadder. 
You knew this would happen eventually. That he would find someone and fall in love with them and you would be left to pick up the pieces of your heart. 
You see, you've been in love with your best friend for years. You were always afraid to say anything for fear of losing him. But now it was too late. Far too late. The wedding was in two days. Tomorrow you would have to go to the reception and put your fake smile on and pretend to be happy. But for tonight you were allowing yourself a moment of weakness.
You should have known better.
There was a light tapping at your window and you jumped at the sound. Horrified, you looked to the window to see Matt standing outside of it with a frown on his face. You quickly set the bowl down on your coffee table, wiped your face, and ran to open the window. 
“What are you doing out here?!” You hissed, leaning through the window to look him over. 
“Will you let me in? Please? We need to talk.” Your heart sunk at his words but you backed away and let him fold himself into your living room. It was silent as he turned and closed the window behind him, staying with his back facing you. You took the silence for a few minutes before you couldn't take it anymore.
“Matt, what is-”
“Did you really think I wouldn't notice?” Your heart stopped before resuming at double time. Still, you tried for nonchalance.
“Notice what? What is going on, Matt? Shouldn't you be at home with Veronica?” Matt stiffens then growls and rounds on you. He steps til he's practically towering over you.
“That. That is what I'm talking about. You keep pushing me away anytime I try to spend time with you. So you tell me. What is going on?” You flinch at his words and open your mouth to reply but no words come out. Which is apparently fine because Matt keeps talking. 
“For the last week, every time I pass by your apartment you're either crying or have just finished crying. You're pushing me and the others away. Please. Just tell me what is going on with you. We're all worried and I just want to help you.” He says your name as a plea and it just breaks your heart all over again. Because the way he speaks makes it sound like maybe he could love you too and you know that's not true. You harden your heart and cross your arms over your chest.
“I just don't want to talk about it. I'm fine, Matt. Really.”
He pulls his mask from his head and lets his gaze settle in your direction. His face is desperate and you hate that you've caused him distress.
“Don't. Don't do this to me. You're not fine, I know you aren't. Even if I couldn't tell you were lying to me, I would know that wasn't true. Please, just let me help you.”
Hysterical laughter bubbled up out of you at his words and confusion passed over his face.
“You can't help me, Matt. Not this time.” 
“Why not? What is so wrong that you won't even consider letting me help you?”
You don't even get a chance to consider it, the words just slip out.
“I love you, Matt.” A sound of frustration slips out of his lips.
“I love you too. Now will you please let me help you?”
“You aren't understanding me, Matt. I love you. I'm in love with you. You are my favorite what if.” Matt is speechless in front of you, shock written all over his face. You continue on.
“I have been in love with you since college. But I've always been too scared to say anything for fear of losing you. You wanna know why I'm crying? That's why!”
“Why- why are you telling me this now?”
“Because you asked and I am weak when it comes to you.”
“I'm getting married in two days! What do you want me to do? Cancel on Veronica on her wedding day?”
“Veronica doesn't even know you're Daredevil! How long do you think that relationship, that marriage, is going to last when you can't even be your true self with her!”
“It's my choice not to tell her!”
“Yeah, because you know she'll leave if you do! She doesn't love you, Matt. She loves the carefully curated person you've presented her.” Matt steps back, looking like you slapped him.
“That's not true.”
“It is, and you know it! Veronica is not who you think she is either. Some of the things she's said when we've been out have rubbed me the wrong way.” Matt scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Really? You're going to resort to this?”
“It's true. She talked about making you stop working with Foggy and start working at a big name firm so you could make money. She doesn't understand why you work for the ‘rifraff’ of Hell's Kitchen.” 
“Why would she tell you this and not me?”
“You don't have to believe me, but ask Karen. She heard it too. We both didn't say anything at the time because you seemed really happy with her and because we knew she wouldn't succeed.”
“This is unbelievable. You're supposed to be happy for me!”
“I tried! I really did try! Why do you think I never said anything?!”
“You never should have said anything!”
“You asked!! And I can't exactly lie to you so what did you want me to do?”
“I can't believe this. I can't believe you.” Matt pulled his mask back on and turned towards the window. Fear immediately creeped up your throat and you reached for him.
“Matt, wait-”
“Don't touch me!” You recoiled instantly and your heart shattered. You watched as he climbed out your window and paused outside of it. It looked like he wanted to say something but instead, after a moment, he disappeared. 
Surrounded by the broken pieces of your heart, you fell to your knees and sobbed.
Your phone's obnoxious vibrating woke you from your deep slumber. It took a minute to find it and answer it, not even looking at the caller ID.
“‘Lo?” Your voice was hoarse and sounded scratchy and you winced as the events of the night before came rushing back to you. You teared up at the memories but forced them back as the person on the other line started talking.
“Wow, you sound awful! Is that why you aren't here yet?” It was Foggy's cheerful voice on the other end of the line and you were instantly confused. Foggy was obviously referring to the lunch everyone in the bridal and groom party was supposed to be meeting at today but surely after last night, Matt didn't want you there.
“I, uh, don't think it's a good idea for me to come. Matt probably doesn't want me there.”
“What are you talking about, silly goose? Matt's the one who asked me to call you.” Your eyes widened and you froze, at a loss for words. Foggy picked up on it immediately and you heard the background noise dim as he walked away from the others.
“Are you okay? Matt's been kind of weird all day and now you're acting weird. Did something happen between you two? Is everything okay?”
“I- no, Foggy, everything is not okay.” You felt tears start to fall again and sniffled, trying to get yourself together. “We got into a fight last night. Like the worst we've ever had and I- I screwed up, okay?” 
“Hey, hey, it's okay. Whatever you did can't be that bad if he's still asking about you. You wanna tell me what happened?” You hesitated before slowly telling him about the fight from the night before. He was silent the whole time and for a good few minutes afterwards. You winced when he didn't say anything. 
“See? I told you. I screwed everything up and I don't even know why he wants me there.”
“Because he wants his best friends around him when he gets married, whether he's mad at them or not. Honestly, he's probably feeling guilty for forcing an answer out of you.”
“I don't know what to do, Foggy. How can I stand there and watch him do something I know he'll regret?” Foggy was quiet for a moment before he sighed. 
“You and me both. Look, I haven't wanted to say anything because I thought I was the only one having doubts about this relationship. But Matt's made up his mind and you and I both know he can't be convinced otherwise.”
“But Foggy, his religion doesn't exactly condone divorce. What are we supposed to do, just let him marry someone who he's gonna hate in six months?”
“I don't know. But the wedding is tomorrow and they're looking for you and I to both be there. Hang on.” You heard him cover the phone but it still didn't completely muffle his words. You heard someone asking what was taking so long and him telling them he would be right there. The next moment he was back.
“Listen, I can't tell you what to do. I can tell you that if you want me to tell Matt you're sick and can't make it, I will. Or if you want me to tell him you're just running late, I can do that too. Whatever you decide, I support you 100%.”
You sat there and thought about it for a moment before sighing.
“I suppose I can't let my best friend make stupid decisions on his own. Tell him I'll be there soon.”
“Attagirl. You'll be okay, I'll keep you distracted.”
“Thank you, Foggy. You're the best.”
The two of you hung up and you dragged yourself out of bed and over to the closet. You looked at the outfit you had originally planned to wear and put it aside. If you were going to get over Matt, you needed to catch someone else's attention. So you picked out a black dress that still fit the occasion and slipped it on. It fit you perfectly and you forced a smile at yourself in the mirror. With that out of the way, you grabbed your purse and left the house, heading for the brunch spot. You could do this, you told yourself. How bad could it be?
If it weren't for Foggy doing his best to distract you, you would've broken down after 5 minutes. Matt barely greeted you when you walked in, something Karen picked up on easily. She shot you a look and you just shrugged before shaking your head and taking your spot next to Foggy. Then it was like every time Veronica laughed at something Matt said or did, you would feel like a knife was in your heart. You wanted that to be you so badly, but it wasn't and you had to accept that. You were lucky Matt hadn't kicked you out of his life after the night before and you counted your blessings where you could. Midway through lunch, you realized you'd caught the eye of a guy across the outdoor space. When he noticed you caught him staring, he winked at you and raised his glass. You forced a smile back and dipped your head in acknowledgement. All the girls cooed, finding it the cutest thing. They urged you to go talk to him and you finally did as they said. But you couldn't help but notice the way Matt white knuckled his cane as you went by.
After exchanging numbers with the guy, you returned to your table. That was when it got really bad.
“What's the matter? Couldn't seal the deal?” Veronica snipped from her spot. You forced a smile and held up your phone. 
“I actually got his number and we agreed to meet up sometime next week.” You said back, a false sugary coating to your voice. Matt cleared his throat and sat up straighter.
“I think it's time we finish up here.” His voice was deep, and you could tell he was pissed off about something but what could it be? You and Foggy shared a look before helping wrap up the last minute preparations. Veronica continued to snip at all of you the whole time and you tried not to snap. The only people she was civil to were her own friends and you, Foggy, and Karen tried not to take it too personally. As lunch finished, you all stood outside the restaurant. Veronica stood with her friends, talking animatedly while the four of you stood back a ways. 
“Thanks for coming out, you guys. I'll see you tomorrow?” The lilt he had on the end of his voice made it sound like a question and he was gazing in your direction so you took a deep breath, forced a grin on your face, and assured him you wouldn't miss it for the world.
“Matt, let's goooo! You can talk to your friends later!” You clenched your fists but let it go as Matt smiled, a forced one if you'd ever seen it, and tapped his way over to her. She took his arm and they made their way down the sidewalk. The three of you waited until they were long gone before any of you spoke. Surprisingly, it was Karen who spoke first.
“Are we really letting this happen?” She asked, biting her lip. 
“I think we kind of have to at this point.” Foggy murmured.
“You guys wanna get drunk at my place?”
There was a resounding yes and the three of you began the trek to the liquor store and then your home. 
Your best friend was marrying someone he shouldn't be, and none of you could do a damn thing about it.
“So I just told him the truth! What else was I s'posed to do? He's a human lie detector!” You were explaining to Karen, and Foggy in more detail, what had happened the previous night. They were sympathetic to your plight and it made you feel a little bit better. 
“I can't believe he didn't confess to loving you back.” Foggy slurred out. You immediately whipped your head around to face him, wide eyed.
“Yeah. He's been in love with you for like forever. He only ever dated to keep his mind off of it. No offense Karen.”
“None taken.” She piped up.
“So then why…?”
“I guess he just figured it was time to settle down and neither of you were admitting your feelings to the other so maybe he thought it best if he found someone.”
“That idiot!” Foggy snorted at your outburst and Karen laughed too. “What?”
“You didn't come forth either. This is just as much your fault as it is his.”
Foggy pointed out. You hung your head.
“Yeah, I know.” You sighed. “Let's just get tomorrow over with and hope for the best for our friend. Sound good?”
“Sounds good!”
You bid the two of them farewell and cleaned your space up once they left. You checked your phone before going to bed, seeing a text from the guy at the restaurant. You hesitated before texting back and then putting your phone away. You checked to make sure all of your windows were locked, even the one you kept open for Matt usually. Then you finally laid down. 
Tomorrow, you would get your best friend married and then you would find a way to get over him.
“Oh, Matt…” You whispered as you walked up to him. He was dressed to the nines in a fancy tux that was tailored to him and looked amazing. 
“What? Does it look terrible?” He fidgeted with his bowtie, skewing it in the process, and you couldn't help but chuckle. Being around Matt hurt, but you could never deny his presence. You stepped forward and carefully fixed his bowtie back into place.
“You look amazing. Handsome as ever. Veronica is going to go crazy.” You told him. You were standing too close to him, you knew you were, yet you couldn't find it in you to back away.
“Thanks. I'm glad you could make it. Foggy said it sounded like you weren't feeling well yesterday so I was worried.” Ah, so this was his play. Pretend nothing ever happened. Well, you could play that game as well. 
“Yeah, sorry. I woke up feeling rough yesterday cause I didn't get much sleep but I feel better today.” You took a step back and missed the way Matt flinched. You turned from him and looked in the mirror at your dress. It was a simple sheath dress but it was bright pink. All the bridesmaids were in bright colors because of what Veronica wanted and you tried not to cringe at the way it looked on you. Not many people could pull off neon pink and you were certainly no Barbie. But you grinned and bared it because this was what your best friend's future wife wanted. 
“Are you ready? We should take our places in about 15 minutes.” You told him. You heard him take in a sharp breath and it caused you to turn and look at him. Instantly your heart dropped at the look on his face.
“Matt? What's wrong?”
“I can't do this…”
“What? What is it? Are you feeling sick? Should I get Foggy?” 
“I- I'm sorry, I'll be right back.” Matt turned and hurried out of the room. You heard his footsteps, the sound of a door opening, several gasps, his muted voice, followed by a shrieked ‘what did you just say.’ Your eyebrows rose and you heard the sound of a slap which got you moving towards the door. You almost got to it when it was flung open and there stood Matt. His cheek was bright red but he had never looked more proud of himself.
“Matt… what did you do?”
“What I should have done a long time ago.”
“I don't understand, did you just call off your marriage?” 
“Yes, I did.” He said it with such confidence that you could do nothing but gape at him.
“Matthew Murdock it is your wedding day and you called it off?!” You whisper-yelled. 
“Shut up.” He said, starting to walk towards you.
“Excuse me?”
“I said, shut up.” And then he was cupping your face and kissing you and oh, this must be what heaven feels like. He kissed you for several moments before pulling back.
“I have loved you since the first day we spoke. I never should have let myself get caught up in anyone else. You are who I want.” You felt tears well up.
“Shhh, you don't have to say anything. Just… nod your head if you want to give this a go.” With your forehead pressed to his, he could feel the way you immediately nodded and he grinned. He pulled you in for another kiss.
“Hey, buddy, what's this I hear about a canceled wedding- whoa!”
Matt and you pulled away from each other guiltily and looked towards Foggy who had his hands on his hips. 
“Well it's about time!” 
All of you laughed as Foggy rushed forward and hugged you both close.
“So, does this mean no more evil fiance? Cause I was getting worried, buddy.”
Matt groaned, “Not you too!”
You laughed and smiled. A marriage may have been stopped but you couldn't be happier.
After all, you were in love with your best friend and he loved you too. What more could you ask for?
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writingoddess1125 · 5 months
How does buggy and Shanks handle their daughters s first period?
Oh Honey- it was a fucking disaster 🤣
I have the Shanks one right here if your interested but I'll do a Buggy one as a quick story!
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Press Here if you Love Buggy <-
Old Man Series Masterlist <-
• Buggy didn't really grow up around girls- So he is inexperienced with periods and such till he started dating you.
• "Where is Bubbles?-" Buggy muttered to himself, noticing immediately that Ari was missing. He looked to see you were with Ali and disapeared to the back to find his missing daughter.
• But since he knew the time would come, he had the conversation with you ahead of time about what to do when that day comes.
• It was Ari and Ali 11th birthday party. Of course he threw a big party, like he did for both sets of twins-
• Buying them all matching nice clothes, stocking up on the best of everything and even going as far as the dock in a place with lots of kids so there were plenty of playmates.
• This was no different from the other parties, the sun just starting to set and the live music was blaring as his ship was packed with people.
• However one thing was off'
• "Ari?...Bubbles?...." Buggy called out, looking around the lower deck to see if he could spot her. After a moment he stepped towards the bedroom that the twin girls shared and heard it-
• Rushing in quickly at hearing his daughter crying he came in to see her face buried in her knees and sobbing.
• Crying?
• "Uhhhhhh Shit"
• "Bubs?-" He stared at her, Her looking up up at him with wide eyes. That's when Buggy sees it- Blood. Staining her pale pink dress to high hell and some on her exposed legs
• Which ment...
• "No No! its fine! It's actually normal!" He said loudly.
• "Get out!" She cried, Lunging forward and slamming the door on his face.
• "B-Bubbles it's alright! Sorry I didn't knock uh-" Buggy stuttered trying to figure out his course of action now.
• "Go away! Im sick!?" She sobbed from behind the door- Buggy panicking himself as he tried to think.
• "W-What?!- How is this normal!?" She sobbed hysterically.
"It means-" Buggy sighed as he sat on the floor with his back against the wall. "It means your growing up Bubby-" He said softly, Ari sniffled and wiped her cherry nose.
• Buggy stood there for a second, Hearing her cry. Before sighing heavily himself to calm himself- "Can I come in Ari?" He said softly, sending his hand off to get the supplies he knew you kept in your bathroom.
• After a second the door cracked open and Buggy stepped in slowly, Seeing Ari now seated again still in tears.
• Buggy entered a bit awkwardly but leaned against the wall as he daughter cried.
- "What does this mean?" Ari whimpered, sniffling into her knees.
"I dont like it-"
"Ahh noone does. But thats just part of life" He said a bit sadly. His hand returning with a bag which he tucked to his side at the moment.
"It is your period Ari, it means. That your a woman, like your mother" He started, internally cringing at having to have this talk with her. She looked up to him, as he started to explain- Clearly both of them embarrassed about the situation as Buggy tried to be as mature of an adult about it.
"Oi! The party is just starting Whats going on?" Bee yelled out, Banging on the door. Buggy opening his mouth to yell at his sons to fuck off- but he was beat to him.
"So this is gonna happen for the rest of my life?-" She clarified, Buggy nodding calmly knowing damn well she didn't like that answer.
"Yep until your old and wrinkled like me-"
Ari sighed irritated at this- Groaning in frustration. Buggy could only nod at her reaction-
"Yep. Once a month.. That is why we got these-" He said calmly as he brought the bag out and passed it to her.
"There are instructions inside and I can go get your mother to run down how some of that shit is u-"
"Hey!" Bee called out, smacking the door making father and daughter duo snap back from the conversation. Buggy hand quickly flying up to lock it so the boys didn't barge in- He knew this was already a sensitive situation for Ari and she didn't need her brothers getting in.
Dee starting to argue with Bee about leaving the two- clearly more socially aware.
"GO AWAY!" Ari screamed, making even Buggy jump a bit. Clearly having his lungs it seemed even if she was typically very resevered. He heard the boys scramble away pretty quickly after that. Buggy sighing at this-
"Come on Princess- Let's get you all washed up and we can get you a new dress okay?" He said sincerely, his little girl nodding as he helped her up and escorted her to go use the shower in the master bedroom.
• Buggy quickly gets you to come down from the party, giving a quick run down of the situation to you and sends you off to the bathroom with Ari.
• He knew he couldn't find an exact match and that Ari really liked this dress it being matching to Ali who was still partying upstairs.
• Buggy now tasked with figuring out what to do about the damn dress! He searched through his daughters closet to find something similar for her to wear but failing-
• "You dyed it?" She questioned gently taking it from his hands- feeling the fabric was still ever so slightly damp as well. Knowing he must has used all his strength to dry it as quickly as possible after his quick dye.
• "Think damn it!" He hisses, Looking around at what to do. Before it clicker and he runs to the supply room of the ship-
• You and Ari stepping out into the hall after a while. Ari freshly showered and in comforble clothes- clearly upset and not wanting to go out in her long pajamas for everyone to see and question.
• "It's okay honey-" You try to reassure but Ari face was sour and clearly uncomforble. You sighing and rubbing her back to comfort her.
• In moments Buggy rushed towards you two, you raising an eyebrow at your husband who haf splatters of black over his face and clothes.
• Buggy smiled down at his grumpy daughter-
• "Feeling better?" He asked, getting a shrug in response. He expected as much.
• "Well, if you're still in the partying mood since it is your birthday afterall- I fixed your dress!" He said cheerfully. You and Ari looking surprised at this since their was no way to completely remove such a heavy blood stain-
• Grinning as he pulled from behind his back the dress, now a deep dyed Purple color.
• "Well, Dark dye covers red stains so- Yeah" He said with a grin.
• Ali didn't her own period till a year later 2 weeks before their 12th birthday and at this point Buggy was prepared and mentally almost ready.
• Ari eyes well up with tears and she hugs him tightly. "Thank you Dad!"
• Buggy smiled at this and hugged her back. "Of course Princess, Now go get dressed. Your missing your party!"
• Ari smiled, now clearly happy as she rushed off to her room to change out of the provided PJs and into her new dress.
• You smile at Buggy, Proud of him for handling this so well. Kissing his cheek that didn't have the dye on it "Great Job Honey"
• After that Ari returns to her sister, The two going about eating, Opening presents and more.
• The rest of the party goes off without a hitch-
•Much to Buggy's relief-
• However sends you to handle it anyway-
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Young reader x Miguel
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Warnings : Abuse, neglect
Miguel came home from 'work' and came in to see you watching TV.
"Did you get anything done that I asked?" He asked as you sat up and looked around.
"I'm sorry... I got distracted. I'm really sorry." You muttered as he groaned and rubbed his head in annoyance.
"Sweetheart, I was gone for eight hours. Did you really sit here for eight hours?" He asked as you rubbed your eyes.
"I'm sorry, I didn't feel well today and I couldn't do it..." You replied, looking away from him.
"Hey! Eyes on me when I'm talking." He demanded, snapping his fingers as you instantly looked up.
"Some days are just hard! Some days it's hard to do what you ask!" You shouted at him as he glares at you.
"Gabriella nunca fue así." He muttered as your eyes widened.
You stood up and hit his chest.
"I'm not her! I never will be!" You screamed as he grabbed your upper arm and pulled you towards your room.
"Clean your fucking room! And you're not coming out until it's done!" He shouted throwing you inside and slamming the door.
"I hate you!" You screamed as you threw stuff at the locked door.
"Keep going and I'll fucking sell everything in that room and we'll see how you go sleeping on the floor!" He shouted back as you curled up and began to hysterically sob your eyes out.
Miguel couldn't handle listening to you, he made sure your door was locked before he head out again.
Four hours passed and you'd cleaned up your room.
"Daddy? Can I come out? Please?" You called out, not hearing anyone response.
You felt tears in your eyes and climbed into bed.
You woke up hearing a noise around 3am, you rubbed your eyes and could hear Miguel mumbling to himself.
"Daddy? Can you let me out?" You asked tapping on the door.
Suddenly it opened and you could tell he had been drinking.
"I did what you asked..." You muttered as he smiled a little.
"Look at that. Good job, little one." He said as you crossed your arms and looked down.
"Can I have something to eat?" You asked as he yawned and opened the fridge.
He grabbed out leftover pizza and chucked a piece on the table like he was feeding a stray dog.
"There." He said before grabbing a piece for himself.
You sat at the table and began eating.
"I'm sorry, daddy..." You muttered as he looked down at you.
"Don't start with that shit." He said as you felt tears in your eyes.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have talked back to you and I should've listened." You said as he chuckled and shook his head.
"You say that everytime, baby. But you're still a disappointment, aren't you?" He said as you stood up and backed away, no longer feeling safe.
"I've had enough pizza... I'm going to go back to bed." You said before running into your room and closing the door.
You ran into your closet and hid inside while you cried.
After a while you eventually fell unconscious from complete exhaustion.
Miguel woke up the next morning seeing half eaten pizza on the table and everything came rushing back to him.
"Oh, God. Fuck, what the fuck did I do?" He muttered as he cautiously entered your room and panicked when he didn't see you.
He quickly opened your closet to see you clutching a teddy and fast asleep.
He knelt down and began to cry.
"Y/N... Oh, sweetheart. What did I do?" He whispered as he brushed a piece of hair away from your face.
You woke up and looked at him in fear.
"I'm sorry, daddy. I'm sorry." You whispered with tears in your eyes.
"No, no, sweetheart. I'm the one who's sorry. Daddy was stupid and very mean last night and I shouldn't have been. What I said and did is completely unacceptable. I'm so sorry." He whispered as you jumped forward and wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you tightly.
"I don't like when you drink." You whispered as you began to cry into his shirt.
"I know, baby. I won't do it anymore, I'll get help, darling. I won't be so harsh on you anymore, I promise. I love you so much... I'll never hurt you again."
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ax-y10 · 6 months
✮ knock ✮
in which- you have a fear of showing too much of your own skin due to past dreams and coincidences, but wilbur is there to help.
chapter info- mentions of private areas, mentions of fears, descriptions of nudity, descriptions of past situations, just a vent fic essentially
a/n- i made this as a sort of vent/coping mechanism because i needed to get this out somewhere to make myself feel better so here you go
pronouns- none (you/yours)
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you're sat in your boyfriend's bedroom, a frown present on your face and hot tears running down your face. maybe this wasn't worth getting so worked up about but it reminded you too much of years ago.
when you were in grade five, you'd had a dream where you were naked at school, beginning your fear of being judged by everyone. a year later in grade six, you had another dream about being naked at school, and that heightened your fear, if not hatched your fear of showing skin.
to make things worse, you've had multiple occasions where someone you know, whether it be family or close friends, has walked in on you changing, ultimately making your fear of showing skin ten times worse.
you'd swear that you would rather die than show skin to anyone in close relation to you. if you had to do one thing before you died, showing skin was the last on that list. it was your last resort, barely that. showing skin was never an option for you.
you'd been pressured by beauty standards, peer pressure, and wanting to seem more confident that once you did finally show a tiny bit of skin, it all went haywire, and every girl you walked past gave you weird stares or even just laughed at you as you walked past. you were never and never will be known for showing skin. you'll always be known as the girl who has self-esteem issues, hates showing skin. the amount of times you've been called a pick-me for the way you dress has you fuming at the statement.
and now, your boyfriend accidentally walking in on you showering has sent you back into a horrible spiral of worries and concerns and fears, breaking down into hysterics on his bed.
did wilbur know you were sobbing in his bedroom? no. he was in the kitchen cooking dinner for you both. were you desperately trying to calm yourself down without wilbur's help? yes, and it sure as hell wouldn't work with him not there.
"darling?" his voice from the other side of the door startled you enough to break you out of whatever bad thoughts were strangling your head.
"i have dinner," he'd state, before the handle of the door slowly starts turning.
"no! not yet. give me a second!" you yelled from his bed, scurrying into his bathroom and throwing on one of his sweaters he'd left in there for you.
it was silent. at least on the outside of his room. inside however? your mental rambling had started back up again and was attacking you.
a minute passed. two minutes passed. three minutes passed. five minutes passe-
"sweetheart, i'm gonna come in. something's wrong,"
his large figure in the doorway was inching it's way towards you, causing you to move back with each of his steps.
"oh, my love, what's wrong?" fuck. he'd caught on.
you were silent. all your communication skills were out the window.
"c'mere" his voice soft, calm, and collected rang through your ears.
and before you could blink, your head was nuzzled in his neck, your arms tightening around his shoulders as you clung to him, you legs bent uncomfortably underneath you, and your tears soaking into his shoulder.
he was happy to stay there all night if you needed, happy to let you cry it out, happy to listen, happy to talk. as long as you were okay.
"knock before you walk into the bathroom if i'm in there, please?"
"no problem, darling. have some pasta and rest easy and you can talk about it more if needed when you wake up, alright?" he paused, took a deep breath, and continued., "i'm right here, always. i'll stay with you tonight, okay? i love you,"
and all you can remember was the warmth of his arms before you fell asleep.
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yorshie · 1 month
Bayverse Mikey x GN reader
Summary/warnings: SFW but mentions of sex, Mikey turns violent waking up from a nightmare. - hurt no comfort, violence, reader in peril, unhappy ending
The jostle of a heavy limb against your stomach woke you, and at first you didn’t understand what was happening. 
The room was still familiar, lit up enough by the little nightlight on the dresser across the room for you to know you were still in Mikey’s room, still in a safe place, even if your brain was slow to process anything else. You were about to drift off again, certain it was just a fluke sensation that had pulled you from your dream, when a quiet little snuffle grabbed your attention once more.
Mikey was still curled up next to you, between you and the edge of the bed, half on his stomach and half draped over you. If you craned your neck, you could just just make out his expression, just see the way his brow ridge was furrowed low over his eyes, the way his beak was scrunched up tight. 
He was having a nightmare. The stilted way his arm tightened over your waist confirmed it, the motion sharp and jerky and not at all like how he usually handled you.
You rolled in his grip, letting him pull you closer, hands raising to tap along his cheekbones in the little dance you’d picked up from him in the months dating. The first time you’d fluttered your fingers at him, he’d all but dropped what he was doing to pounce on you and fuck you flat on the nearest surface with a low chance of getting caught, but over time it seemed to have morphed into a sweeter gesture to him, and was one you used to your advantage instead of trying to out puppy dog eye him.
Mikey rumbled in his sleep, the sound pained and low. You frowned, not expecting that reaction, slowing your tapping in favor of running your hands soothingly over the planes of his face, down his neck to push against the upper scutes of his plastron. “Angelo? Baby?” 
Mikey hissed, starting to roll away, and without thinking you followed him, reaching across his chest, intending to shake him again in hopes of waking him up.
Your fingers grazed the line of raised scales along his side, some age old scar whose story you had yet to hear, when Mikey let out another low growl, hand snapping to your own in a grip that had you crying out in surprise.
You were pushed to your back in a flash, no time to kick out or process the fact that a very angry Michelangelo was now straddling you, knees tucked in tight over your hips and one strong arm pressed under your chin.
Your head was forced back, and though you reflexively took a breath, the air never made it passed your throat, choked off as his arm pressed you further into the mattress.
His eyes were wide open, unseeing, his pupils tiny pinpricks swimming in the baby blue you loved so much. 
You blinked, and realized half the swimming was you, trying to wheeze in oxygen and failing as your vision started to wobble and grey out. Your free hand feebly tried to scrabble along his shoulder to no avail...
you blinked, trying to clear your vision, trying to think of a way to get through to him before you passed out.
You were slipping…. Sliding… all you could see was blue, your heart thundering in your chest, diaphragm heaving even though there was no air escaping past Mikey’s choke hold…
If there was noise, if he was saying anything, you weren’t aware, but suddenly the light was on, and Mikey was pulled off you. 
Your throat expanded, your voice gasped, but it was like hearing it from another body. That couldn’t be you, crying and sobbing hysterically. That couldn’t be you, trying to drag yourself through the various blankets and pillows strewn on the bed, desperate for the grounding touch of rough concrete walls instead of all this plush comfort.
Someone hovered over you again, blocking out the orange toned lamp on the dresser by the door, and you reacted violently, too scared to realize it wasn’t Mikey coming to finish what he’d started, the outline too tall, too lanky. 
Donnie took a closed fist to the snout. Another time, you might have been proud to get past his lightning fast reflexes, but here and now you were still crying, tears blocking your vision, throat starting to burn.
Voices, aimed at you, aimed at Mikey, you didn’t care. You’d found the concrete wall, and you were now pressed against it, content to hide from whoever else was in the room. Your throat burned.
Voices filtered through your ringing ears:
“Need to check her out-”
“I’m working on it, give me some space!”
“Goddamn, Mike, snap out of it-”
And beyond that, another gasp, this one cutting through the noise in the room like a knife. The next word question had tears of a different flavor slipping down your cheeks.
The bed dipped, before you heard a low growl and the sound of a shell hitting the floor, a solid thump that caused a hitch in your chest.
“Stay down for a moment, Mikey. Give her space.”
“Fuck you, Leo, let me up!”
Hearing the anger, the crack in his voice, had you moving, hands slapping away the proffered arms trying to keep you contained. Your feet were shaky, soles hurting from how bone cold the floor was.
The cold stabbed into your inflamed airways, making every breath painful, making you gasp with every step, but nothing compared to the pain in your heart at the way your name cracked from Mikey’s mouth when he saw you were leaving the room.
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a-i-ngels · 6 months
sukuna x reader, implied geto x reader (major character deaths from shibuya arc mentioned!) This was an emotional Rollercoaster that just kept crashing so be warned!
I didn't proof read.
You stood there hiding in shock.
The scene before you making you tremble as you tried not to be seen by the man who stood there. Your face in absolute horror, eyes beginning to water as you gasped at the events that folded infront of you.
Your adopted girls, the ones you raised with the man you stood by since his death some years ago. Your precious girls, now lay dead infront of you. You stifled a cry for them as the man who did it just stood there, looking at their bodies as he held the device in his hand. You slowly trying to regain strength to carry yourself as he walked away. Not coming out until you didn't hear any movement anymore.
You carefully walked towards your girls, knees and body shaking as you approached them in a heap infront of you as you moved towards them. Shoes eventually stepping in their blood as you dropped, just a few inches away. Body shaking as your anguish finally let out. You sobbed and sobbed as you cried out their names, totally hysteric as you did. The feeling all to familiar to you when you did the same those years ago. Your husband was gone and now your girls, you have almost no one left. You continued crying there, not caring about anything or your surroundings anymore.
After some time you just sat there silent save for the occasional sniffle as you stayed there with your babies. Every memory passing through you as you looked at them, hoping now that atleast they got to see their father and be with him now knowing it's what they wanted. Numbness taking over you before it turned to fear as you felt a sudden presence behind you. Quickly turning to see the man who killed them looming over you. Red eyes staring emotionless down at you as you stared up at him. Eyes wide like a doe caught by its predator, not making a move as to not trigger an attack.
His face stoic, your heavy breaths from your grief, the only thing filling the space before he squated down to your level. You sat there until you two became eye level, his face still not moving almost looking bored as he stared into your reddened glossy eyes, observing your tear stained cheeks as he reached to wipe a stray one as it slid down your right cheek. Looking at the dampness between his thumb and pointer before looking at you. A wicked smirk slowly creeping onto his features before he suddenly grabbed your neck, lifting himself to stand up.
You holding onto his wrist as he held you up, struggling against him and his iron grip as you flailed, choking before he threw you across the station floor away from the area you were in. You struggled, gasping for air in your burning lungs as you tried crawling away from him as he walked towards you. That sinister grin never wavering, like if he was enjoying your fear, soaking it in when he grabbed your ankle and dragged you until he completely subdued you. You began to scream as you felt your clothes tear. Both hands being held behind your back as he tore away your garments, your body trying with all its might to escape but failing miserably.
Your breath heaving for a moment, body burning with strain as you still did your best to try and fight any way it could. Feeling his free hand adjusting you before hearing more ruffling, you didnt dare look at him from your side as you still struggled. Body slumping for a moment before you felt something hard against your core. Your brain going fully into flight mode now as you started up again. A sharp cry coming out of you as the man sheathed himself into you with no remorse. Legs trembling as he stayed there for a moment, hearing him groan as you screamed dryly at the burning sensation wracking through you.
He moved your hands to hold them down at each side of your head as he gripped your wrists tight. Moving his body to be completely on you as he began to move at a relentless pace. Body scraping against the tile with each thrust as you cried for him to stop. Feeling him slow a bit before he turned you over, now facing him as he regrouped your hands to hold them above your head with one hand as the other tore at your shirt to expose more of you. As sick as it sounds you were glad the girls atleast couldn't witness your defiling at the hands of thier killer.
Tears stinging your eyes as you noticed he stopped before he finally spoke instead of just hearing his deep grunts.
"You're taking me so well, maybe you can take me better if I was at my full form yeah?"
Your eyes widening as the man seemed to literally grow infront of you. His cock stretching you to your limit as you screamed in pain at the feeling. His free hand fondling your pearl as he hissed at your newfound tightness to try and relax your body abit as you clenched down on him. Finally relaxing abit enough for him to start up at a medium speed. Hitting your spot as he began grunting again, getting more vicious with each thrust. His form caging you in as he fucked you, your body limp, taking each thrust. The man kissing your forehead then making his way to your neck as he bit down. Earning a sob from you as you were being taken as he continued his assault. Telling you his name as he leaned up to admire his cock slamming into you, demanding you say his name as he rubbed your pearl as he felt you nearing your orgasm.
You tried not to but it was feeling all too much for you as his large thumb rubbed you, his cock print noticeable in your lower abdomen as he went in and out. A pink ring of your arousal and blood beginning to coat his cock as he continued to slam himself into your cunt. His larg hands holding on to your hips as his began to sputter. He sped up a little before you let go against your will. A sharp inhale before you yelled his name, signaling your finish as sparks filled your vision, his hips fucking you through your high before his load filled you. A deep primal groan sounding from the larg man above you.
You layed there, whining when his cock slipped out of you. Coated in a mixture of pink and white , eventually just rolling to the side and hugging into yourself as the man stared at you. Watching his seed spill out of you at the action. You began crying again, in your head, you were apologizing to Geto, to your girls, for what just happened. Hoping you'd maybe be able to join them as you heard the man move at your feet. He pulled you to face him as he shuffled to where you were facing.
"You took me so well, haven't fucked like that in a millennium. You would've made a great concubine, perhaps in the future. I must finish my mission first, however, if you survive after this. I shall come back for you, for you will become my first to take."
With that, he left you to challenge the one named Jogo, whom he deemed worthy for an apponent for feeding him the ten fingers. You stayed there on the cold floor, unmoving, tired and feeling your body fade as soreness began to take over you. Your body shaking as you cried there on the tile, eventually passing out, hoping death took you.
Waking up, you felt yourself covered, your body being carried by someone in robes as you stirred. Lights blinding you as the man who carried you finally came into focus. Your eyes widening, breath hitching as you looked up at the person who was carrying you so gently. A stitching pattern adorning his forehead, a familiar smile on his lips as he spoke.
"You're awake! hello love. It's been a while."
Thank you! Hope you enjoyed!
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weebsinstash · 5 months
I have some more ideas, observations, and thoughts to drop before Hazbin is officially here tomorrow!
-Vox's blue fingertips are sharp metal claws and they make audible clinking noises when he touches certain things with them. It makes me curious about the composition of his body but... nice detail
-oh so you're telling me Vox can enter security cameras and warp around and also teleport short distances like he's Tracer, ok, ok, he definitely is primo stalker material, you could literally have this man warp to your location if he really really wanted to find you
-seeing Vox handle Valentino and know how to calm him down (which was kinda sexy ngl) gives me big BIG "Vox would want to keep you for himself but if you ever run away or threaten to leave him he'll threaten to bring Val into the mix to intimidate you into obedience" vibes. You're halfway down the block from like escaping out a window and suddenly your phone turns itself on and you hear Vox say "Valentino is still asleep. If i dont see you don't turn around in 5 seconds I'm gonna wake him up and he's going to be REAL hungover while I tell him you left" and you do a u-turn on the sidewalk right then and there because, Vox might take away privileges and confine you, but Val is the one who's more likely to get physically violent or at the very least yell and scream at you
-ughhhh I just really like the idea of Reader actually getting to be like his platonic friend or secret crush and you're running around as like either his own PA or even his co-host and, you're just a positive influence in his life, he likes you, spending time with you, like you guys hang out outside of work, and eventually having you hang around so much catches Val's eye. He sees Vox talk casually to you and suddenly is overwhelmed with curiosity on who tf you are and is maybe a little jealous his man seems more than comfortable around you
honestly just platonic/genuinely cares for you yandere Vox who hides you away from Valentino when our favorite moth starts being a creep. You tell Vox ONE TIME that Val cracked a joke about you throwing neck for him when your boss left the room and Vox is sure never to leave you alone with Val ever again
-I just see like in some noncon poly scenario where you get passed between them like a blunt that there would still be hard lines Vox hopefullyyy wouldn't let Val cross? Like you start hysterically crying one day, "do YOU think I'm ugly Vox?!" "What the fuck are you talking about?" "Val wants me to have cosmetic surgery! He gave me a list of all the work he wants to have done!" and you hand him like a literal actual list in very familiar pink handwriting and here's Vox, forcing a smile, "hm! Gonna be right back!" and he leaves the room and like in 10 seconds flat you hear them roaring at each other from the other side of the house and Vox zooms back, "hey, great news! You aren't having surgery" and it's never brought up again
-also as an end note. Reader who winds up having the same body type as one of Velvet's models and she snags you from Vox or Valentino one day to have you try on something and you become her like. Her new favorite little pincushion she likes to try new ideas on. You're just minding your own business and she's barging into the room with sudden inspiration and she's, doing her little finger waggle and changing your clothes without your consent, potentially making you half naked or explicitly dressed in front of your male companions or anyone else around
I'm just definitely looking to watching the show and seeing more of everyone in full ^^
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sellawrites · 1 year
word count: 2k
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
swearing, angst (somehow)
the fame and pressure hitting caitlin a bit differently one day that she leaves practice early which she never does. her worried teammates all text you about it when you’re in the library and you quickly leave and you eventually find her shooting shots alone in an outside court off campus
best friends to lovers (i had to)
you and caitlin’s first kiss being outside in the rain
You woke up to your phone ringing, realizing with a start that you’d fallen asleep studying in the library. Seeing who it was, you immediately answered. “Hey Mon, what’s up?” you asked groggily.
“Did you not get any of my texts?” Monika practically screamed into the phone. “We’re really worried about Caitlin! Do you know where she is?”
“What happened?” you asked worriedly. Frantically, you opened your messages to see 16 different texts from Monika, Kate, and some more of Caitlin’s teammates that you barely knew.
Monika sighed. “I don’t know. She seemed fine most of practice, but near the end she missed a 3 and just ran out. That’s never happened before, and it was a really tough shot anyway. Please tell me you found her!” Monika’s voice broke and a pit settled in your stomach.
“I’m so sorry, Mon, I was studying and fell asleep. I’m just seeing all this now, but I promise I’ll go find her,” you attempted to reassure her.
“Thank you so much! I’ll let you know if she comes back, but I have to get back to practice,” Monika said regretfully.
“It’s alright, you’ve done what you can. I’m sure she’s fine,” you said brightly, hoping Monika couldn’t see through the fake positivity.
You packed up your books in record time and sprinted to the dorm you shared with Caitlin. You knocked before entering in case she needed privacy, but you knew that it didn’t matter the second you stepped inside. Everything was exactly how you’d left it. She hadn’t even come here and definitely wasn’t here now.
Dumping your books on the table, you tried to call Caitlin again and again, but everything went to voicemail. You started to panic. This wasn’t like her at all.
You rushed around campus looking everywhere that you’d ever gone with Caitlin, but had no luck. It was getting dark and the tears that you’d been fighting back were starting to spill down your cheeks. You realized that it had started raining at some point, but you were so focused on finding Caitlin that you hadn’t noticed.
Resolving to call the police if she wasn’t in your dorm when you got back, you turned to go home, crying openly now. Suddenly, you remembered the hidden basketball court in a park 5 minutes away from campus.
It didn’t make a lot of sense, but you decided that it was worth a shot. When you and Caitlin had passed it months ago, it hadn’t seemed like anything special to you, but Caitlin had been ecstatic. “It’s purple! Have you ever seen a purple basketball court? And the bushes on all the sides? It’s so awesome!” she’d gushed as you’d rolled your eyes. Nevertheless, you’d stayed with her for another half hour as she ran around and shot imaginary baskets before you’d both collapsed onto the ground and laughed hysterically.
You were so lost in the memory that you were surprised to already see the four tall hedges that surrounded the court looming in front of you. You took a deep breath and brushed the wet hair out of your face. You knew you needed to go in, but you hesitated at the gate. If she wasn’t there, what would you do with yourself?
Concern for Caitlin outweighed your worst-case scenario thoughts, and you opened the gate and stepped onto familiar purple court. The gate was close to the bleachers, so you couldn’t see if anyone was there in the fading light. You took a few tentative steps forward before hearing the clang of a ball bouncing off the rim followed by cursing in a voice that you immediately recognized as Caitlin’s.
You wanted to run over to her, but realized that she maybe still needed some space if she had gone to all this trouble not to let anyone know where she was. You were already drenched, so you sat down on the bleachers with a sigh. You watched Caitlin shoot over and over and over again, making perfect shot after perfect shot. She shot from everywhere, and when you thought to start counting, she made 37 shots in a row. Finally, the ball rolled around the rim and out, and Caitlin sank to the ground with her head in her hands.
You cautiously walked over to her. “Linnie, it’s me. Everyone is so worried about you. Mon, Kate, your whole team. What’s wrong?” you asked, keeping your voice calm. You hoped that using your childhood nickname for her would be comforting somehow.
Caitlin looked up at you in confusion and you could see the tear tracks on her face even in the rain. “How did you find me? And Linnie? Really? It’s been years. Please just leave me alone… I have to fix my shot and I can’t deal with other people watching. I’m fine.” Her words were firm but her voice caught on the last declaration.
You didn’t know exactly why, but you were suddenly angry. “No, you’re clearly not fine! And don’t lie to me, I don’t deserve that! We all called and texted, you should’ve answered someone. Do you know how scary that was for all of us? For me? You’re the most important person in my life and I couldn’t get to you! Caitlin, I was just about to call the police for fuck’s sake!”
Caitlin took a shaky breath before blurting out an explanation. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone would mind. I just needed to get away and I couldn’t bring myself to go back. You’re making this so much harder, please just go,” she whispered, looking up at you with glistening eyes. “I’ll come back tonight, I promise.”
“Caitlin Elizabeth Clark, I’ve never left you before and I’m not leaving you now,” you declared. “If you want to stay here and shoot for some reason, I’ll stay with you. But I don’t think that’s going to fix whatever is up with you. You and I both know that your shot is perfect, so it has to be something else. Please, just talk to me.” Caitlin opened her mouth like she was going to speak, but closed it again. Shrinking under your determined gaze, she sat down and stared at the ground.
“No matter what I do, I know that it’s never going to be good enough. I’m never going to be good enough! How can I be what they say I should be if I can’t even hit 50 shots in a row? All those times my dad yelled at me to try harder, and it didn’t even matter!” Caitlin shook as sobs wracked her body and you swore that you felt your heart shatter. “I just- I just don’t want to let anyone down! There’s so many peoples’ hopes riding on me and I don’t want to disappoint them,” she sniffled, still refusing to look at you. You sat down beside her and tentatively placed your hand on her back.
“It’s okay… it’s not your fault if people care that much about what you do, and you’re amazing already. This is proof that you care so much, which will make you fantastic,” you praised her. “You’ve won so many awards already, and through it all you’re the same wonderful person that you’ve been since I met you.” You realized you were crying now, too. Caitlin buried her head in your shoulder, clearly crying again. You gently tilted her chin up so you could look at her.
“Listen to me, okay Linnie? If it’s too much, you can always stop or take a break and no one will fault you for it or if they do I’ll punch them. No one wants to see you work so hard that you stop having fun! 50 shots in a row is insane, and somehow you still almost made it on a non-regulation outdoor court that you’ve never played on, in the pouring rain, in a terrible mental state, while crying your eyes out! Do you understand how actually crazy that is?” You couldn’t help but be a bit in awe of her, even given the circumstances.
“I only made 44 in a row, that’s not even that close,” Caitlin pouted. “And I don’t want to take a break, I think today was just weird or something because I promise I’m not usually like this,” she rambled as you moved her hair away from her face. “And how is this crazy? I know it’s not the easiest solution, but it’s not my fault that it started raining, and-” You cut her off with a kiss, not knowing how else to express all of your emotions that had just surfaced.
“Shit Caitlin, I’m sorry! That was so wrong, I should’ve asked first, or just not done it… I’m so sorry please forget about that,” you apologized instantly. To your surprise, Caitlin was smiling for the first time since you’d found her.
“Don’t worry, it’s okay,” she said quietly, looking into your eyes. You watched her gaze shift briefly to your lips and were sure that you had to be imagining it. There was no way that your best friend could possibly feel the same way, was there?
Still smiling, Caitlin laid down on her back and pulled you on top of her. You barely had time to notice how beautiful she looked with her wet hair fanned out around her head before she was grabbing your face and pressing your lips together.
Caitlin pulled away just enough to speak, keeping your foreheads pressed together. “Do you know how many years I’ve been waiting for you to do that?” she said almost reverently.
“Years?” you exclaimed in shock. “I literally realized I was in love with you like a minute ago!”
“You’re in love with me?” Caitlin asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.
You thought back to all your years of friendship. You’d done everything for her. You weren’t sure if best friends followed each other to university, but you were sure that they didn’t look at each other the way you’d been looking at Caitlin since you were 15.
“I think I always have been,” you smiled. “I think there’s just always been so much going on that I didn’t notice until now somehow.”
“Oh. my. god. You love me!” Caitlin was grinning like a maniac. “I love you too, by the way,” she smirked, kissing your forehead. Her joy was contagious. Soon, you couldn’t stop smiling either.
“I don’t really want to ask you this while I’m sitting on top of you, but would you, Caitlin Clark, the greatest basketball player ever, who is allowed to take breaks, like to be my girlfriend?” you asked, throwing a pointed look in her direction when you mentioned taking breaks.
“I would love to… as long as the breaks are time to hang out with you,” Caitlin agreed enthusiastically. You smiled down at her. Tangling your hands in her hair, you leaned in for a passionate kiss. You made out on the court until the crack of lightning made you both jump away from each other.
“I think we should get home,” you said, offering Caitlin your hand. She accepted it, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug once she was on her feet.
“Thank you for finding me,” she mumbled into your neck. You felt her say something else as she pulled away, but didn’t know what it was.
“You’re welcome, I’d do it every time,” you replied. “What did you say after that, though?”
Caitlin smiled evilly. “I suggested that we have a hot shower together when we get home,” she said casually as she went to pick up her basketball.
“What the fuck, Caitlin? We haven’t even been dating for an hour!” you yelled after her, trying to keep the smile out of your voice.
“I guess that’s something I have to look forward to, then,” she tossed over her shoulder. You ran to catch up with her, rolling your eyes.
You left the park hand in hand, warmed by the sun that had miraculously broken through the storm clouds.
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