#before the King's birthday
Happy birthday to my blog !
Exactly ONE YEAR of Madara ultrafixation, and I'm still not tired of him. So let’s recap what we achieve this year and what is coming for in future?
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thank you @elenaditgoia for your lovely illustration🥰
377 of you are following me. I'm so grateful and I have no idea why there is so many of you since I have no talent in drawing, I don’t talk about any top 5 main character from Naruto, I love an old 90 years grumpy guy with unkempt hair and eyes bags, I have ZERO interest in ship, fandom drama makes me sleep... but here you are, thank you so much ! A lot of amazing people from literally the 5 continents with so many talents, I enjoy every conversations in public, in private or anon. Let’s carry on for an other year. We can double that number, let’s reach 800 people for december 2023 !
321 posts I’ve written in a year. Mostly analysis. Solely focus on Madara’s canon, the Warring state Era period, the cultural background, Kishimoto’s possible source of inspirations. You know the most funny part, last year when I started this blog from scratches, I thought that considering the small amount of informations about the founders, I won’t make more that two or three posts, 5 MAXIMUM. How delusional I was...
31K words. 6 chapters. That’s where I am now with my fanfic Madara golden age. It’s a personal pride to have gone so far considering english is not my mother tongue. It still asks me tremendous efforts to be able to convey ideas in my head into a grammatically readable plot. But I’m passionate about it, I love what I did so far, and I want to do even better next year.
43 members in our discords Madara Protection Squad that we've created just a month ago. I didn’t expected people to be so dynamic, fun and creative. If you’re not a member yet, you should come here !
What's coming next?
More fanfictions! I've realised this year that writing story is what I love the most. Madara Golden age is my top priority in 2023. You know by now that it takes me a month or two to write a chapter. It's a slow machine but don't worry I'm hell-bent determinate to finish it. And also I can already announce that I have in mind a trilogy. MGA is the seinen, the second book will be a shojo/romance, the third one a shonen. So I'll be busy writing for some years ahead !
More fanart. I know I talk about it often, but I really want to draw. that's a new challenge because I have no idea where to start but I'm seeing so much beautiful fanart of Madara I'm curious if I'm able to do something. Wish me luck !
Fictional astrology birth chart. You remember I did it first to Madara? I would like to do it for the founders Hashirama and Tobirama and some important Uchiha members like Sasuke, Obito and Itachi.
Less analysis of the canon. I think so far I've analysed in details most of Madara's life and plot holes. I might add some stuff about tiny details now and there but most of what I needed to say are here in my Madarapedia page. So 2023 is less blabla on tumblr, more silent creative content!
More discord events. If you want to chit chat with me in daily basis, you gotta come in the Madara protection squad. It's like entering a pub with other drunk Madara addicts talking about the same stuff over and over again and never being bored. We also have a writing club, where everyone is invited if you need a place to share your fanfic, having some feedback and some advices. And also we will do more stream live in future, btw the next one is for the eve of Madara's birthday the 23rd, don't miss it !
Thank you again for following me and let's thrive an other year together 😘💖
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 18
Danny raced through the ghost zone in a panic, how had he missed this? Appearently vlad had released Pariah Dark from his coffin again and got smeared into a paste. The mad king had then went into another dimension, hoping to conquer it and gain more power and skeleton soldiers only to be met in battle by a group of powerful warriors calling themselves the Justice League. Vlad had somehow survived the initial butt kicking and tried to use ghost tech to finally take the king down.
Unfortunately for him, pariah saw him coming in the reflection of a lady warriors blade and killed him.
Somehow the fight dragged on halfway across the US until they got to New Jersey where some billionaire guy was hosting one of his kids 18th birthday bash at his mansion. Pariah appearently crashed threw the roof, a hero dropped the weapon they had taken from Vlad and, in an effort to save his family, Brucie Wayne took the weapon and warned Pariah not to come any closer to his kids.
Pariah mocked him and raised his weapon to a young man with a white streak in his hair they was spayed across the floor in a daze.
Next thing anyone knew the King was dead.
Bruce Wayne had killed the previous king in single combat.
Bruce Wayne was the new Ghost King
Bruce Wayne was sitting on the throne in Pariahs keep looking very unsettled.
Crud. Danny needs to keep this guy and his kids safe doesn't he?
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luffys · 1 year
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want me to tell you why I was keeping my hands tucked away until now? I thought that if I ever felt like I was about to lose, that feeling might give me a reason to be fond of my humanity.
happy birthday nakahara chūya | 04.29
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wingedfable · 3 months
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Sanji jokingly: Thank you for saving me, my hero. If only I knew how to repay you.
Usopp also joking: Helping me down and a kiss won't hurt.~
Sanji *blushes*: *Gives him a kiss*
Usopp aggressively knocks the mask off while blushing: Wha-WHAT!? :0
Sanji: U-Usopp!?? It was yo-
Usopp: Don't even!!
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blmpff · 4 months
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coockie8 · 1 year
I headcanon that B is actually just half Shinigami (his mom was a hardcore monster fucker obviously) and his conception is what lost the Shinigami their fuck rights
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i-am-blue15 · 2 years
Happy Birthday to Henry Selick!!!
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(relistening) can't believe I forgot that Normal is canonically 5 foot 3
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crzyimp · 2 months
Wander and Monkey: Dragon Boat Festival
Prompt: The duo at the dragon boat festival making Zongzi and Monkey(Wukong) missing his family
Warning: Angst, but with comfort
Author's Note: A day late, but this is for my friend @sparrow-in-boots request and birthday gift! Feel free to send an ask or prompt if you liked my story. Inbox is open!
How on earth in all their centuries of living did they end up here, here making sticky rice balls, what's the word again? Zongzi, that was the name, wrapped in bamboo leaves to eat later or to toss it into the river. Wander didn't want to linger in the village during what seems to be a festival just around the corner, honoring a beloved poet or worshiping gods and dragons alike; several scents overwhelmed their nose as children and women walked by with silk sachets or the wormwood and calamus. Something about the smell irritated them and the last time they asked someone, they got strange looks and the logic behind it all was to ward away evil spirits. Their eyes drift over to Monkey, too absorbed in noticing he's being watched.
Their once tattered clothes and furs were finally replaced after enough complaints from Monkey about ‘scaring the locals more than him’ or ‘You look more beastly than man’; now most of their wardrobe matched the locals, all but their furry cloak and their walking staff. Over the long journey since they left home, there are still some things they can't let go, at least a keepsake of their homeland; how they long to return, but know deep in their hearts they can't. Wander shift their thoughts at how they got into this mess, well the one Monkey dragged them in.
Monkey, the same stubborn fool, asked Wander to stay and observe the upcoming festival. When he heard a quick and harsh no, all hell broke loose; the tiny bastard kept pulling and yanking their hair back to the village, the colorful words he used (certainly picked that up from Wander), to biting and kicking, normally the harassment or abuse they can easily ignored or brush off, but it had more power and gruffness that Monkey never had before. Wander soon relented and agreed to stay longer, just to get him to stop, their eyes still linger on him.
“Hey Monkey, why did you want to observe this festival so badly? It's not like we never encountered this before.” Wander’s ears twitch as the melodious hum, Monkey still focus on his zongzi. They continue as they shift back to their own zongzi, “Didn't we see this five years ago? Weren't the people there worshiping a god or a dragon? I recall seeing those folks on decorated boats.” They laughed at the memory, “And I happened to remember you jumping on one boat with a family close to the river's edge.” Monkey stopped, his eyes locked on the zongzi and the edge of his lips tugs downwards. “Oh, didn't they offer to invite us for dinner after we cleared the air? That's right,...” They nod to themselves in thought, “...the entire family was visiting as a reunion, it was certainly a sight to see; some seeing each other for the first time in years, or bringing new additions to the family like a spouse or a child. Must be nice for everyone to see each other again.”
Their body jerks and the table shook, Monkey stared long and hard at his smashed zongzi splattered on the wooden table with some of the rice sticking on his callous hands. “Monkey's going to get more rice.” he said abruptly with an unrecognizable tone, Wander didn't had the chance to object that the two still had a full bowl of rice left when he marched off. Their eyes watched him head towards the direction of their camp; most people refused to lodge them due to the duo’s appearance, but neither of them minded as they were both at home beneath the stars. Still though, it concerns them that Monkey left like that, but it's also clear as day to them that he needs time to be alone. So they give him time to himself and wait for his return.
They waited for nearly two hours before their stomach twisted itself into a knot and a frown on their lips. Rolled up sleeves, sticky hands stained with fruits and nuts, and a completed batch of zongzi for the intended goal later on. And yet, Monkey hasn't arrived back with a better mood or a smile; instead Wander stands alone with knitted brows, hastily grabbing everything and marching back to camp. Normally he's back in ten minutes, thirty at most, but it's rare, too rare, that he's gone for this long.
Wander pays no mind when people move to the other side of the road or the whispered stares as they briskly walk past. Walk past the village’ outskirt and into the trees, close to the river, but just a little over at the edge of its rocky banks, and finally next to a fallen tree is where camp was set up. Their eyes wide at the sight of the only bedroll thrown half-hazardly over the ashy firepit and supplies scattered everywhere with Monkey's back towards them.
“Monkey!” everything falling from their hands, their vision blur, and the sudden burning friction on their knees as they rush to his side. Ignoring the mess, the potential culprit, the future clean up, the only thing that concerns them was their beloved friend. Their hands on him as fingers touch and feel for anything out of place, his body slumps into Wander's body before he climbs into their lap.
“Wander” his voice quiet and soft, small hands clasp tightly against their robes as Monkey buries his face and body into their chest. “I…I miss'em, I miss my family…” His body shakes and his tail curls in. The reason for his departure earlier. “I miss them so much and yet I can't remember what they sound like or their faces. It's been fifteen years and I'm scare Wander, I'm scared I'm going to die alone!”
Arms, arms bigger and stronger than his encase him, a hand nudges him to the sound of a beating heart and the other gently grooming him as he sobs. He feels his friend, his sole companion in his lonely journey, press their lips on the crown of his head, and in a warm whisper: “You have me.”
His arms, his gangly and hairy arms clasp behind their back, embracing them tightly and takes a deep breath. Taking in the comforting scent, their scent, a scent that reminisce of home and happy times. “Thank you, my beloved friend. Thank you.”
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ignify-caligo · 2 years
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birthday memes i got from curator’s stash ✨
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achilleanwizard · 1 year
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Template by Niceguar and art by Mihqorio!
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goalkepa · 2 years
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HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY KAI HAVERTZ 👑💙 | june 11, 1999
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7-7-cherry · 10 months
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evil monk :)
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angelswim64 · 7 days
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happy birthday kyley-b!! (and matt stone!!)
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o-wyrmlight · 10 months
Guess who unintentionally boiled some crab before sitting down and listening to an analysis of Donald Trump's indictment charges like I'm fucking royalty and didn't even connect the dots until after the crab was already cooked
That's right. It's your buddy Wyrm. Eating like royalty at 4-5am today
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Someone’s gonna have to put me in Talking About Moose The Cat Jail bc I’m literally trying to write Stan being angsty about turning 30 and I’m having to stop myself from turning it into Moose Headcanon Hour. Dogs are a man’s best friend? Nah fam Moose is Style’s best friend that intuitive ass Kitty I love him
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