#before it was ohhhh I should have done that better ... this isn't so good ...
breitzbachbea · 1 month
I often think about how it makes little sense that Harry and Charlie call Paddy 'old man', especially since he is far younger than their parents are and were. But it's also another testament to how no one GETS to be old in this fucking business, so congrats Paddy, you're 44 and the most senior member standing, how does that make you feel about the future.
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ducktracy · 9 days
What are some of your favorite blog reviews you've done?
OHHHH THIS IS A GOOD QUESTION!!! i actually have more of an objective answer this time around. "there "any short covering my favorite" is the short, broad answer, but i have to say that my reviews for Porky's Last Stand (unsubtle plug), You Ought to be in Pictures (unsubtle plug), and Notes to You (unsubtle plug) are some of the ones i take the most pride in
these are all shorts i love to the moon and back and back again and am very very intimate with, so i'm able to present a more passionate and interesting analysis for that reason. Pictures is a pretty well known short, but i really enjoyed carving into the Porky and Daffy dynamic in that one and presenting what about this super well known short i think works so well. especially because i think.. in regarding character development with that short, Daffy gets talked about the most because it's the first short where he's substantially greedy and how that's pretty prophetic, but i think it's actually a short much better advocated for Porky's characterization instead! he has a really grounded and mature presence in this one that is really the first time we've seen him like this. the short has his sympathy the entire way through. and i think most people don't realize that, which is why i'm fond of my review for that one in that i feel i was able to demonstrate that POV
Last Stand and Notes hit similar success points. i've seen Notes outright get called a bad cartoon and i don't think most people even know Last Stand exists, which should both be criminal offenses. Last Stand especially was very fun to do because, outside of it being one of my favorite shorts ever made, i was able to really dive deep and demonstrate why i love that so much and that it offers so much more than what seems to be on the surface. i haven't seen many people give that short the time of day, and so it was refreshing to give that little "sales pitch"
same with Notes. Back Alley Oproar has rendered it obsolete, but i think Notes has so many things in it that make it a worthwhile cartoon, and there are a lot of things i like that it does BETTER than Oproar (that isn't just my pig bias speaking. but Sylvester's one of my absolute favorites too so the competition is relatively fair!) i felt like i was actually able to present a new point of view with my Notes review, that i was able to give an argument as to why i feel the way i do about it
SO I GUESS REALLY all my favorites are the ones i feel i really had something to say about them and could use them as a manifesto of sorts HAHA. analyses that i think could convincingly convince (convincingly) people to give those shorts a taste for themselves and see it in a new light if they didn't like it/had a preconceived notion before, or just introduce the short to them entirely
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justallihere · 2 months
Alli this chapter was such a nice surprise !!
Violet is a sarcastic queen "we can hold hands" she says to Liam as if the only person she wants to hold hands with is not her husband. Liam and Violet are very special to me and the way you write them is very unique. He's so protective of her but she's also very strict on her boundaries in the friendship which I love for her.
Oh so the panflet did make its rounds in this fic. Devera u sneaky bitch I know what u are (a traitor). This is a perfect opportunity to reveal some truths but because our Violet is indeed the queen of a whole ass country I doubt she's gonna do that, there's just too much at stake, but I do wish she had done something in canon. I wonder if she's gonna talk to Devera here? If she even suspects it was her?
“Be logical, riders,” Markham said as he collected the last of the leaflets. “When has Navarre ever sent a riot of only Blue dragons? I expect better from you all. More critical thinking. It will be imperative once you’re out of Basgiath and on the battlefield.” oh this is pure gold the way propaganda is discussed here is just so good. i love these conflicts.
Jack is back ?? creating chaos for sure. maybe trying to murder violet? omg imagine violet being able to see that he's a venin way earlier bc she's sees the sage way too often in her dreams and when she sees jack she goes "umm that's weird, that's suspicious" Also I've always thought Baide was sus for keeping it hidden i hope the damn dragon dies. maybe tairn can actually kill a dragon this time.
Oh Xaden is just so miserable my poor baby "I know you're awake" ohhhh u wanna talk to her so bad. Violet acknowledging they have a routine is very special to me and an improvement. As much as it hurt me them sleeping in separate beds it's very much needed bc they need to TALK I'm just waiting for the chapter in which they will fight so bad they both break and then they'll make up.
their conversations in the dark !! they need each other so badly, the weight of ruling is heavy and while xaden may try to play it off he doesn't handle it well either.
“Yes and no. Eventually you get used to it. You stop feeling the weight. You do the best you can with what you have, and you make so many horrible choices that it’s all you know, and you have to make yourself stop second-guessing. It’ll drive you mad if you don’t.” Sir what u need is therapy.
Violet talking about her dying before seeing her future and Xaden saying she'll live and then Violet calling him a liar … THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT !! and followed by her calling Aretia home and Xaden having a mini breakdown over it ? oh he's very screwed indeed but she isn't much better. i wonder when will she realize its him that's home and not Aretia the place.
also xaden suffering the consequences (violet putting herself in danger for the good of Tyrrendor) of his own actions?? we love to see it but also omg the angst !! he's just like "pls sit down don't do anything dangerous"
"We’re married. We’re supposed to be a team." she knew she had him with that, the only thing he wants more than for her to live its for them to be a team. the cant live without u line is very on brand for violet denial sorrengail to misinterpret love that !!
love the bodhi and violet crumbs !! they're family they need to interact more i also think they'd be a formidable pair against xaden just to annoy him lmao. but for now bodhi will rat her out to xaden !! he's part of the "violet and xaden should talk like rational adults" club. also they're so married bickering so so married they're disgusting actually. (him not missing the opportunity to call her beautiful, sir you are not that sneaky i see u)
xaden agreeing to go with violet on her suicide mission is very supportive partner coded gottalove that !! cant wait to see him go ballistic when shes tortured.
once again you've delivered such a good chapter thank u so much <3
My favorite thing about Violet is that she’s kind of a bitch because so am I and we deserve that representation. She loves Liam so very much but my girl likes her space
Violet and Devera talk soon-ish. I love Devera so much, I need more of her
Xaden and Violet are in their married couple era for SURE, there’s more communication from them in the coming chapters and it’s gonna hurt and it’s gonna be so good I can’t wait
“what u need is therapy” that’s what Garrick and Bodhi are for 😭😭
Listen like it’s so important to me that they follow through on the things they agreed to. They talked and they decided no more secrets and they would do everything together from now on and they took that shit SERIOUSLY!! It’s part of their married dynamic, I love them
Thank you so much for reading 🩷🩷🩷
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pancake-breakfast · 9 months
Now that Bluesummers is back on the playing field, I'm a bit scared of what's to come. He better not hurt my precious Livio.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 11, Chapters 5-6 below.
Chapter 5: Get Ready, Get Set
HAhahahahahaha, Knives is double-D's....
Chronicaaaaaaa!!! I've been waiting to meet her since I heard about her in Stampede! Look at her, sitting there all pretty with her hot tea.
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"This kind of problem"? This suggests they've dealt with it before, or at least have taken the possibility of it into consideration.
Well, if fusing with other plants gets around the black hair phenomenon, then Knives should be fine. That's... a... good thing....?
Yeah, I'm beginning to think the dependent Plants are legit trying to overwhelm Knives with their own consciousnesses to sort of save him without killing him. Kind of like what he's doing, except there's a LOT more of them, and they're a LOT less violent.
Uhhhh... did this guy just lob a coin at them and then... die??
LOL, Vash is being way too dramatic about this. You can't tell me that, in all his years on a planet with a decreasing population, he never learned to recognize a dead body.
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LOL, random question about clams vs. fish. Where are they getting either of those on this planet? From Plants??
Ohhhh, Zazie. That explains a lot. Zazie's done with Knives right now. And since Zazie's worms, being shredded up by Legato isn't exactly gonna stop them.
I like the little worm halo. You know, so we know it's dead.
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LOL, panic and descending chaos. I approve.
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LOL, EVERYONE is crying. Worm panic causes tears.
I wonder if Stampede will introduce control worms or if they'll just stick with the extensive spy network.
Dude, Meryl and Milly did a thorough search of the device and didn't realize it has an audio playing function embedded in it??
Wait, he's connected to Legato now?? That's so impractical. What if Legato was still in a coma? Or taking a leak? Or had his mouth full of beef that he was slurping up??
Also, whyyyy does he have a new weird iron maiden puppet thing?? Do I want to know? I feel like I don't want to know.
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Man, I get Vash's depression over this. But Livio is here to cheer him on!
Oh, gosh, Livio.... You aren't a monster, my friend. You're just a person.
"That bitch"? Strong words. Does he mean Elandira?
Ah, yeah, he does.
I... do not know if Livio can actually handle Elandira. She's pretty unhandle-able.
Ok, this right here is a good moment for Livio.
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LOL, did Vash hurt his hand giving Livio a friendly pat?
Vash is the resident Plant expert here.
DIY explosives. Not concerning at all. Luida looks ready to smack him if he gives the wrong answer here.
Wait, Luida hears the voices of the Plants? What does that mean??
Ohhh, NM, that was Vash speaking.
"Is it possible for something created by humanity to completely break away from their creators?" Let me direct you to Exhibit A: Vash the Stampede, and perhaps more convincing Exhibit B: Millions Knives. Yes, I realize there's room for debate on how much either of them have "broken away," but they definitely have a will that is independent of the will of those who created them.
Ohhh, these are Plant thoughts. That makes them a LOT more significant.
Aww, Vash calling the Plants in the arc "the girls."
How the hell is Vash gonna keep both Knives and Legato in check? That didn't work out so well for him last time.
OMG everything about this. Thank God these two are finally hugging it out. They need this.
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Milly telling Vash that Meryl can still get sad. Good on her. Anyone can still get sad. Being able to get sad isn't a sign of weakness.
Ugh, them kissing their fists and then bumping them. This is why people ship these two.
"Who's that helping us? Vash the Stampede, you say? Hmm, sounds familiar, but I just can't place it." Something something social strata. This guy's never been low enough on the totem poles to keep abreast of bounty hunter knowledge.
FYI, the untranslated Japanese across the top here is basically, "What the hell?!" or "What was that?!"
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Ohhhh, that stupid-ass military general doesn't look like he's prepared to comply.
The Earth forces are not happy about Knives. Including Chronica.
Aaaand Livio's hunted down Elandira. I'm sure this will go smoothly.
Chapter 6: That Which Can Be Protected
Why do I feel like this volume is gonna end on a major cliffhanger?
Oh, hey! Baby Livio!
That's right! You've protected others before, and you can do it again!
What, you guys just gonna stare at each other all day? I mean, that's not necessarily bad. I'm just asking.
She looks kinda sad.
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That... is one giant nail.
Yeah, she's pretty scary. The only thing that gives Livio a chance here is how crazy his regenerative ability is.
How did she know where he would stand so her nail landed in the right spot?
TBH, Elandira doesn't seem to like most people, regardless of gender. Have we met anyone she likes? She tolerates Zazie and Wolfwood, and didn't seem any more positively inclined than that toward any of the other Gung-Ho Guns. She hates Legato. She's dedicated to Knives, but she doesn't seem to like him. He's her boss and is gonna take her to Armageddon. It seems more transactional than anything else.
Ooh, low blow, Elandira. Very in character for her, but... but... I, the reader, don't want to hear people insulting Wolfwood like that.
Mmmmm, this is not a secluded fighting spot. That's... problematic.
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"I was going to let you go because we're all going to die anyway." Hahaha, she's such a nihilist. I would have loved to have seen her in a more casual, less murder-ful setting. She would LOVE running her own drag bar, I think.
Hahahaha, all the random civilians being like, "You guys are too rowdy! Get out!" Good for them. Also, they clearly don't know who they're talking to.
Noooooo! Stop hurting my Livio! He needs to be protected, not FILLED WITH GIANT NAILS!!!
Ok, this is interesting. It sounds like some part of her wants to hope, or maybe did hope at some point in time, but the world beat it out of her a long time ago. She sounds... like Livio in the Before Times.
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Man, I thought that looked like a nuke, but I didn't want to assume something about this world's tech like that.
How did she get the key for the bomb??
Hey! I recognize that hat!
Awww, of course he was protecting kids! And now these kids are gonna have the kind of trauma one gets from seeing someone who was trying to protect you brutally stabbed through with a bunch of nails.
Aww, Livio's decided kids are cute. Good for him.
They just met him and they're so worried about him! Oh, I think I should probably be worried about him, too, but for some reason I'm not? IDK, I just think he'll pull through.
See? He's fine. And apparently about to try to adopt half a dozen kids.
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Oh, they have a mother-type person. Good. Livio's life's a bit dangerous right now to be looking after a bunch of kids. Maybe when things settle down.
He seems hesitant to accept this gift, but he also knows this act of gratitude is important to her.
Hahahaha, this little hat kid is determined. Scared, but determined.
Oh, man. When do you think Livio last felt his heart soar? This is giving me the feels.
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Ohhhh shit, it's his old crush! Also, six years my ass.
Hmm, not so cliffhanger after all. Nice.
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus || Vol. 9: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 10: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-8 || Vol. 11: Covers + 1-2, 3-4
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt. 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack || Vol. 9: Justice, Punishment, and Mercy, The Tolling of an Iron Bell || Vol. 10: Crucifixion Symbology (pt. 2 of post), Merging of Families, Being Childlike (And Why God Hates Chapel)
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candy-red-river · 7 months
My thoughts on the amazing digital circus
its kinda "meh". Not bad by any means and good enough for me to watch later episodes but it's portrayal of mental/psychological horror is pretty shallow.
Ohhhh noooo, character that we haven't gotten to know before they entered is stuck in a McDonald's play place while all of their needs are met, whatever shall we doooooo!!!!!
Like there's no other threat than obstruction which is pretty easy to avoid since there isn't any obvious thing that would make them go crazy in the first place (besides jax) and how the "crazy" characters are portrayed doesn't seem crazy at all, not realistically or even cartoony.
There's not much to be negative about and I wish that either the environment was more dangerous or the characters start out more happy but get messed up later as the system falls apart.
I kinda like the humor (nothing with jax) and it was better than what I thought. I like the idea of ai generated and digital horror and I think the writers should lean more into that.
I like the aesthetics but sometimes their a bit too same-y or unparticular for me to feel for them.
When the teaser came out I honestly had no interest due to the character design. I've watched other gooseworx stuff and compared to tadc I prefer the character design a lot more. I think it's caine, ragatha, and pomni that didn't really do much for me.
They don't look very distinct design wise but their animation is REALLY expressive and I wish their designs fit both their personalities as well as variations of the toys that inspired them. A lot of kids stuff had patches, spots and swirls on them but it's probably too late for me to suggest design stuff.
Anyways here's my thoughts on the characters:
Jax: my least favorite, is an asshole for no reason in a supposed "dire" situation. I have to deal with and avoid these kinds of disrespect and needlessly rude people irl constantly. He has 0 redeeming qualities that make him funny or loveable besides his design.
I'd like to see him a bit more unhinged or nonchalant about what he does, but that's just how I personally like mean spirited humor.
gangle: a bit forgettable but a sweetheart overall, maybe a bit more mood shifts or dramaticness needed. As for her design (hypothetical I know it won't be changed this late into production) I'd like to see a bit more detail, as pocelain dolls, old Greek play masks, and even masquerades had more detail. Doesn't need to be too complicated. Maybe black ribbon as well?
Zooble: the best character and is just done with everything. I feel like I'd like Jax more if their traits were mix but this isn't about him.
I like her design especially because of the variety of shapes and colors.
Pomni: her personality is anxiety. That's it. I think her design is pretty meh as she doesn't resemble Jack in the box jesters or even toy jesters you see for sale. No makeup, no funny nose, even her costume seems kinda empty, and the patterns kinda blur together.
I don't get why people simp for her so much.
ragatha: also not too interesting. I kinda like her personality but her gestures feel hallow as well. If there's nothing bad going on she'd probably just be normal happy instead of fake happy or maybe even concerned for her abstracted friends, but the lack of a threat (other than abstraction) makes her backhanded feel weird and unneeded, like is she trying to make people paranoid????
Also she looks really plasticy. I know that it's supposed to take place in a video game but I feel like she'd at least have more textures to indicate what she is. I'd also recommend adding some flowers or more soft items for her, since it'd compliment her personality more.
Kinger: best boi but I feel like there could be more done with him. He just seems like a normal guy with ADHD and anxiety rather than someone who's gone through so much that he's lost himself or a cartoonist crazy person. But honestly that's not much of a problem for me, the surprise was a welcome one.
His design is neat and is something that I haven't seen done before.
Caine: I like that he's not obviously sinister and is just a confused robot trying to meet the needs of the players but fails in one way or another. I kinda wish he gave of more of the blank vibes(??) Of being a robot and that his design maybe had some different colors or even was a different kind of suit/outfit but overall he's pretty good.
Bubble: the the the they the the the the thetyetgeht the the the
Wawawawawwa wa wawawawawwa aw
Overall I'd give this show a 6/10 or a 7/10, not too bad but more could be done.
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Hidan And Kakuzu Clean The House
A typical day at the hideout
Pain: Ok this house is a literal mess. Since Hidan kindly trashed the place he can kindly do all the chores along with Kakuzu.
Sasori: You still have to help me with my art project.
Deidara: But, danna I don't waaannnnaaa
Sasori: You. Promised.
Deidara: Finnnnneeeeee
Hidan: Goddamnit
Kakuzu: Why the hell do I have to?
Pain: Your his partner you should have made sure he didn't make a mess
Kakuzu: What the fuck do I look like to you? A babysitter? A maid? A mom? I have my own shit I'm doing
Pain: Just do as I said and you'll be fine. Start with the trash. Besides your a team work together. Maybe this will build up your teamwork.
Hidam: Fuck that bullshit.
Kakuzu: This is why he Almighty Pushes you
Itachi: Then they should start with themselves because they look and smell like trash.
Konan: How long has it been since you two took a bath?
Kakuzu: I don't know
Hidan: Since last month
Zetsu appears out of the nether.
Zetsu: Might want to start with the bathroom
Pain: When we get back this place better be spotless
Pain and Konan leave.
Kisame: Wow so they're maids for a day
Deidara: Ohhhh time to abuse this power
Sasori: Nope art project now.
Deidara: Awwww danna
Sasori drags him off.
Itachi: Hey Hidan and Kakuzu might wanna buy maid outfits to get in the cleaning mood.
Kisame: Hah good one
Hidan: Oi shut the hell up you two and leave us alone
Kakuzu: Their is no "us" in it. You take one side of the house I'll take another.
Hidan: Arrr fine but, if I see you I'll kill you
Kakuzu: Sure you will
As they clean they keep running into each other so they decide to clean together. (Wonder how long that'll last)
Hidan: Oi Kakuzu your not doing it right!
Kakuzu: How?
Hidan: Your suppose to put that on a towel and wipe the counters not the damn tub!
Kakuzu: I didn't know
Hidan: Have you never cleaned before?
Kakuzu: It's shocking you have
Hidan: This one with the jokes
Kakuzu: I love you too
Hidan: Screw you. Now time for the living room.
Itachi and Kisame chilling in the living room watching tv.
Kisame: Hello there boys. How's the cleaning?
Hidan: Fucking splendid
Kisame: Good to hear
Itachi: Make sure you dust under the tv stand
Kakuzu: Shut up Uchiha
Kisame: He mad
Hidan: Not as mad as you two are gonna be when I shove this duster up your ass and pour glass cleaner in your damn eyes!|
Itachi: He mad af
Kisame: Oh no so scared
Hidan proceeds to throw stuff at him causing them to leave.
Kakuzu: You dumbass now we have to do more shit
Hidan: Ugghhhs I know sorry
Kakuzu: Let's just finish
They finish and head to the kitchen to clean
Tobi is talking to Jack on the phone and eating a sandwich.
Tobi: And what's the last thing your mom said to you Jack as the disease travelled to her heart. Oh yeah that's right nothing. It was funny to me. (Does anyone get this reference?)
Tobi: Hold on Jack call you back
Tobi: Hello guys I heard your on chore duty
Kakuzu: Yeah now move
Tobi: Don't be mean to Tobi
Hidan: Shut up you talking orange
Tobi: Hey that's mean
Kakuzu: Istg Tobi if you do not move I will and it won't be pleasant.
Tobi: Fine but, Itachi told me to give you something
Kakuzu: What?
He holds up two maid outfits.
Kakuzu yeets Tobi out of the kitchen.
Tobi: I'm gonna tell senpai!!!
Hidan: Yeah go cry about it you big man baby
Kakuzu: Can't stand him
Hidan: Glad he's not my partner
After awhile
Hidan: Hey Kakuzu where do I put these bags?
He holds up a cartoon full of bags that was labelled trash.
Kakuzu: Throw it away duh
Hidan: But, theres tons of them
Kakuzu: Then dump them in a huge dumpster
Hidan: But, it's full.
Kakuzu: Then dump them in the forest or lake
Hidan: Wouldn't it hurt the animals?
Kakuzu: Look at my face. Does it look like I give a fuck?
Hidan: Just saying. I'm gonna put it in the incinerator
Kakuzu: Then why the fuck ask me about it?
Hidan: I don't know
Kakuzu: Ughs do what you want
Hidan incinerates the bags
They walks to the living room where Tobi was in Deidara's lap holding onto him as Sasori tried to pull him off.
Tobi: But, senpai they hurt me!
Deidara: And your hurting me now get the hell off
Tobi: :c
Sasori: TOBI!
Tobi stomps off.
Sasori: I'm half sure Jack is just an imaginary friend
Deidara: I don't care if he is as long as he's off me
Hidan: Trouble in paradise boys?
Sasori: No not at all
Kakuzu: You two done with that big art project?
Sasori: No Deidara blew it to bits after Tobi came running in like an idiot.
Kakuzu: As always
Pain and Konan come home.
Pain: Zetsu did they do it?
Zetsu: All the rooms are cleaned thought I can't seem to find the boxes with our stuff in it.
Pain: Hidan! Kakuzu!
They both come into his room?
Hidan: Yeah what is it?
Pain: Did you see some boxes today with bags in them?
Kakuzu: Yes we did what about them?
Pain: What did you do to them?
Hidan: Incinerated them
Konan: Why?
Hidan: There wasn't any room in the dumpster.
Zetsu: Those boxes contained information that took months to get. Books, records, plans, everything. Why did you do it?
Hidan: All the labels said trash I swear
Pain: Either your blind or stupid
Kakuzu: Dumbass
Konan: Someone must have switched the labels trying to pull a prank.
Tobi walks in.
Tobi: I saw Sasori with the labels they're in his room
Kakuzu: That doesn't sound like him at all
Pain: We shall soon see
They all walk into his room where Sasori and Deidara are sitting in a questionable pose.
Kakuzu: What the hell are you two doing? Jacking off?
Sasori: This isn't what it looks like
Konan: Never mind that Tobi
Tobi searches the room and finds the labels
Pain: I can't belive you Sasori switching the labels
Sasori: But, I didn't
Zetsu: The evidence points to you
Sasori: But,-
Pain: No more missions for you
Tobi: Tee hee
Hidan: Better them then us
Kakuzu: Something we can agree on
Tobi is a bad boy
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
*Goofy and Launchpad are hanging a banner*
Huey: Excellent work guys.. and it only took three hours, four broken lamps.. several jabs in the eyes.. some bloodloss but you did it.
Dewey and Louie: (Walk in)
Louie: So what's all this?
Huey: A party for violet.. I thought she deserved a celebration.. I mean her parents took her out after but you can't get enough and I got one even though I turned it down because I did a terrible thing to try and get it.
Della: And i'm proud of you sweetie... (Has been there thewhole time with boyd, both in uniform)
Huey: I also thought I should bring some of our fellow woodchucks.. but most were small children and our house is a deathtrap on a normal day so for obvious reasons I invited the nigh indescrutable robot who my best friend can repair and my mom who lives here. I mean mom still counts. She's also going to try and start corunning meetings since .. how do I put this nicely.
Della: Launchpad your a terrible Chuckleader
Launchpad: Entirely accurate. And you look hot in that uniform
Della: Also entirely accurate. And while throwing a party for the person who defeated you in compettition isn't MY style, I prefer to sulk and swear vengance, I am PROUD of you for being the bigger duck. Metaphorically she's not a duck and her hair gives her a slight advantage.
Boyd: I"m just happy to be invited. As was my brother.
Huey: "A woodchuck always invites another woodchuck"..though thankfully the guidebook also says "A woodchuck always obeys restraining orders" so the most he can do is creepily lurk outside.
Doofus:(Breathing heavily and creepily into the closest window from outside)
Louie: Eugh... but we're not going outside for this? Please say no.
Huey: We were but for obvious reasons I cancled the outside portion. I also laid out the solicitor traps with picutres of goldie so HOPEFULLy he'll evnetually end up in one of those. Your my brother, I take your eneimies as seriously as I do my oath as a junior woodchuck. Plus he scares me too.
BOYD: Oh he's not so bad. He stopped holding a knife to my throat while I was powered down after mama and poppa told him to only three times!
Webby: (Riding in on a cartload of snacks and books ) I got the suplies for your party! Almonds like she likes, some salmon and some light reading. You are such a good friend.
Louie: Sure that's ALLL he wants to be.
Huey: (panicked) yeah of COURSE I do... why would you say that?
Dewey: Ohhh Huey's got a girlfriend, huey's got a girlfriend, come on eveyrbody!
Dewey and Della: Huey's got a girlfriend, huey's got a girlfriend!
Dewey: Your learning buddy
Boyd: We have never met before.
Dewey: We haven't have we? ... why haven't we? I always wanted a robot buddy to laugh at my jokes and do wacky hyjinks with.
Boyd: And I always wanted a third friend!
Della: Sorry son force of habit.
Huey: I do not like violet.. just because she's pretty.. and smarter than me.. and she smells nice.. which I only know because she flew me out of danger after I didn't do the same in a moment of weakness... and she's also awwkawrd with people... and fine I do.
Huey: I have one it's called be nice and hope she notices.
Della: Oh baby child no. You have to actually make a move. Don't be like your uncle donald
Donald: (Burts in from the back) Stop telling the boys that! I mean it's probably true but it hurts.
Della: I was telling dewey to actually MAKE a move and not just wait for her to notice.
Donald: Oh... then your mother is absolutley right.
Huey: You taught me that!
Donald: And I was very wrong and i'm very much alone and i'll probably die alone aside from you guys. I'm okay with that.
Della: Okay i'm going to put a pin in that because your going to die alone over my dead body.
Donald: We talked scrooge out of us sharing a casket though.
Della: Again pin my baby needs me, Huey just be honest, be yourself... and just don't corner her.. just ask her nicely to go to a movie, or a library or an abandoned condo built on an native american buiral ground.
Webby: Thanks again for the date spot suggestion by the way. Lena loved it.
Della: your welcome. I have enoguh mom for all of you.. includingt he tiny robot and the grown man who misses his child.
Goofy: Awwww...
Louie: Wait why IS goofy here?
Donald: He's rooming with me. I still had the spare room and he has empty nest.. plus he needs a new house after the old one burned down.
Goofy: It's just like college!
Huey: But I"m.. scared okay? besides her being objectivley better than me, I had BOYD run the satstics.
BOYD: But your still great.
Huey: Thank you, what if she dosen't want that or dosen't feel that way?
Louie: Then you'll be awkard around each other for a while.. you were going to be ANYWAY if you don't tell her and either way the awkward goes away. You got this man. She's a nerd, your a nerd, your all nerds.
Launchpad: (Happily) hey!
Louie: You got this. We're all in your corner.
Doofus: (from outside still) Even me... though if you fail i'm going for that.
Webby: (cheerfully) If you even THINK about hitting on my best friend again I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and bury you where no will ever find you.
Doofus: Ohhhh I won't.. your much more intresting.
Webby: Ewwwww.. I have a girlfriend. Also your objectivley disgusting in every way shape or form.
Doofus: Well I (gun cocks) Am being threatned by your help. Good day to you. (Runs off)
Louie: MRs. b, did you ever know that your my hero?
Beakly: (beams proudly and then goes back to her gardening)
Dewey: Louie's right, while I will mock you constnatly you got this. Plus you got her best friend in her corner.
Webby: Yeah.. though if you ever hurt her i'll do to you what i'll probably have to do to doofus one day
Huey: That is entirely fair and I will accept my death without a struggle.
Webby: See you are good boyfriend material!
Huey: Though I doubt I mean she couldn't possibly...
MEANWHILE: not far from the house, Lena and Violet are walking
Violet: Feel the same way. I mean... for one your around.
Lena: I appricate the compliment but i'm dating his sister. And i'm also VERY gay. Like our dad's gay. Like huey's mom is turbo bi.
Violet: Yes i've read the "Bi as explitive" t-shirt she wore when we first met her. But besides a lack of better options why me? I'm stilted, I do not get people, and until a few months ago my only friend was learning.
Lena: Take out stilted and you just described him too. Your similar enough to really click but just diffrent enough it won't get boring.
Violet: But you nad webby
Lena: Are opposites. Yes this is true. But it's not ALL relationships. Sometimes you date someone just like you, sometimes you don't.. I mean our dad's aren't exactly the same either, but their amazing. And so are you. I may not belivie in most people, But I belivie in you. (they arrive at the gates, violet has been in uniform naturally) Now get in there and get that nerd, Nerd.
Violet: (has been tearing up slightly and hugs her sister) You are the best sibling I never asked for.
Lena: (Hugs her back) right back atcha
Dewey: (holding a cake shaped like violet's head and eating it directly with his mouth) I got the cake
Huey: This isa why I set up a decoy.. three of htem.
(Della and launchpad are also holding hteir own cakes)
Della: But i'd never...
Huey: You would if this wasn't so important to me, so I feel your behavior deserves to be rewarded. Now if you'll excuse me I need to hide my emotions. (Waves hand over face.. and still looks like a nervous mess) There no one will notice
Louie: Huey she's a nerd not blind. Look man, your amazing, you are a catch.. I mean not at our age or even in highschool but eventually scrooge will die and you'll be richer because you'll probably invent something that makes you rich before that. As I said just go for it man, just find an opportunity and cease it.. we're all backing you up. And if it fails, we'll be there to pick you up. Now go get that nerd.
Huey: Right.. i'm just going to pen the door and
Duckworth: Masters violet and lena... (Leads them into the foyer) Also nicely done.. and thank you for asking my permission though in the future as long as your uncle is uninvolved you need only give me a heads up so he can hide from it.
Huey: Thank you duckworth.. ahme... ta-da!
Violet: (blushes) It's wonderful... and is that a bookshelf? And.. is that terry pratchetts complete works? And a cake shaped like my head.. may I?
Huey: (Hands her a knife)
Violet: (Cuts in) And it's an exact repleica of my interior cranimum. I knew you wanted those x-rays for a reason b esides curosity you rascal
Huey: (Blushes) I uh.. thanks
Violet: (Blushes bakc) Uh any time)
Della: Awwww
Huey: Hey violet I was uh wondering,, I uh..
Violet: ... okay so he does feel the same wya tha'ts a relief. You were right Lena
Huey: Wait what?
Louie: You had to give her the pep talk too huh?
Lena: Yup.. I mean she is usuually confident
Louie: Not so true here...
Dewey: I"m fine with that.. it's what makes him loveable.. that and it means i'm not 100% teh donald
Della: Nah you got too much of my genetics for that.
Huey: Okay I can handle this okay..
Violet: Oh god you really aren't intrested
Huey: No I am I am but why me? I"m not even a senior woodchuck.
Violet: no but when given the easy out you didn't take it, you took the honorable path. YOu also are smart, adorable, and do not mind the fact I speak more roboticaly than our actual robot friend.
BOYD: 4 friends!
Huey: An dyou.. dont' seem bothered that I kinda sorta a little am nervous.
Violet: If you mean extremley yes but I find it cute.
Huey: I.. uh (Blushes0 uhhhhh... youralsobrillantandcuteandIlikeyourhairandthewayyousmellandIknowthat'sweirdbutIwasupwindofyousoicouldn'thelpitandiwnattobeyourboyfriendeventually
Louie:Wow just.. wow.. I mean I expected it to be bad but that is art
Violet: I accept (Smooches his cheek) Now let's dig into my head shall we? I call frontal lobe
Lena: I want a large portion of skull
Webby: I get the eyes.
(The two nerds hold hands and head for the cake)
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anewarise · 4 years
HDM final episode (8) commentary + things I love.
Spoilers from series and book ahead. Doing because I need to share my crazy emotions.
• That's a Gun. Uh.
• Stelmaria please, don't spoil things for the non-readers.
• Little Lyra...that smile so sweet. My Lyra, deserves better.
• "You don't want me here?" It sounds so little. As little as she is. As she feel. Lyra's relationship with Asriel is one of fear respect and...
• Proud ok they just say it.
• Oh Asriel be careful feels are dangerous uhuh. Really Asriel and Marisa were a couple for Strong Reasons. He's thinkkng about what could have been. He's not there. He has a mission and don't includes Lyra.
• OH MY HEARTH LYRA. "I didn't call myself a father?" YOU ASHOOLE you should have think first in that instead of getting someone PREGNANT. REALLY. UGH. *more angry noises*
• *angry noises as Marisa's daemon*
• Oh. She's scared of Asriel, the encounter, the highs?
• Low strike míster but he got her there. And defences are activated. Yes, look at that woman OWNS everyone.
• Fray Pavel you poor thing. Really? Not even a thank you? Dammit Boreal.
• THE enemy...Asriel, I still don't know how you reach that idea in the first place. You don't just...uuuff this men is so frjstrating sometimes (ALL THE TIME)
• Roger you beutiful being. You're the best. I love you. You are Smart and brillant. And lovely. And so good to Lyra...
• Boreal ohhhh snap.
• Omg Roger... "because we change each others lifes"
• And Im crying. Is oficial now. GREAT.
• Oh, NOW you want to talk.
• Oh....I remember Lyra's clases in Lyra's Jordan episode. Beutiful paraller.
• Asriel is surprised by Marisa caring. Well there is a long ride for that one surprise.
• He is so nervous talking to her. That's why he keep talking about dust. You don't fool me. Comfortable zone isn't it.
• "Nobody comes from nothing" Good one. You tried at best. Well done.
• Will is running on stress and anxiety. Run boy run.
• This family dont stop lying do they????!
• Marisa you're feels are showing again.
• But I have to say it: Marisa Coulter has become one of the best characters even. I love her a lot now. She has own the show from start to end.
• I KNOW WHERE WILL IS GOING. I have never...I don't know how I recognised a place I have just imagined from book but I did.
• Marisa personal army.
• The music is killing me.
• The Ice bridge. A goodbye. Nothing will be the same.
• This imagery always makes me shivers. And the music and silence fit. Is perfect. Once she has cross it. There's no going back. For anything.
• NononoNO Ay NO!
I blaked out throught the rest of the episode but I express my thoughts:
• Marisa and Asriel scene is still surrealist for me. It has just the same dream feel as in the books. A child just died. Roger just died. But what do they care about that? They're adults. In a mission who they think is more important than one's little boy's life.....the most important and special boy in Lyra's life.
• Lyra deserves to watch that encounter but somehow I think is better this way. She is already traumatized and she doesn,t even know.
• Roger mourning somehow reveals how little Lyra really is. She doesn't know what to do. Where to go. Somehow, even if Pan is right about dust, the truth is that she is going to follow that path, lost and with fear, because she is so in shock that the better lie or the most surprising turnos of events sounds more rational that what just happen before her. She will catch the dream just formed and use it has a rock. Because she doesn't have anywhere to turn.
• Will coming throught the window was expected for me. Good paraller.
Anddddd thats it! There are so many many things I would like to say, but it's almost 3 a.m. and need my mund cleary for it.
This journey has been...short somehow, bit totally worth it. It hasn't been perfect but you know? It has been good, and good enough for me. I think it have been treted carefull and made with love for the readers and love for the characters even! Im satisfied in a general scheme and I LOVE the actors and the characters management. I am really happy to have this unexpected gift that HDM is and to have share it with a lot of people who is around here, even if Im more the quite silent person who reblogs everything.
I can see the love everybody has, the emotions almost all share. Its wonderful. Its beutiful. Now its time to make it last just a little more ;)
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