#been BUSY with musician verse liam
arachnidiots-a · 9 months
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what doesn't kill you makes you paranoid . liam kaz's debut single ! codependency . liam kaz's second single !
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terreisa · 3 years
Love Down the Line: Chapter 6
The last thing Indie musician Emma Swan needs is a gigantic wrench thrown in the workings of her biggest tour to date weeks before its launch.  When her backing guitarist that caused the problem says she has the perfect solution Emma is skeptical but left with little choice but to accept.  Unfortunately she isn't really prepared for said solution to be former Rock Star and leading man of Emma's teenage fantasies, Killian Jones.  With no other options and a month of performing across the country ahead of her Emma just hopes she doesn't come to regret letting Killian onto her stage and into her life.
Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4, Ch 5, AO3
Chicago, May 15th
Emma could feel a headache starting to bloom at the base of her skull.  She hadn’t gotten enough sleep, which wasn’t unusual, and she’d only had the chance to drink one cup of coffee since the day started, which was.  To make matters worse the sound check had been going wrong since the beginning and she had been forced to play the first verse of Bite of Iron four times, never making it past the first line of the chorus before having to start again.
“Alright, Emma, let’s see if that fixed it.  Whenever you’re ready.”
She nodded, biting her cheek against the tirade she wanted to let loose.  Barely a minute in the sound tech interrupted her again.  Flexing her hands into fists over the keys of the piano she counted to ten, then did it backwards before speaking into her mike.
“Can we take a break?”
“They’ve almost got it, Emma.  Right gentleman?” Regina broke in from the side of the stage where she was standing with the others since they weren’t needed for the song.  She had barely looked up from her phone and was still typing away as she continued, “You do want it to sound right, don’t you?  Let them do their job and then you can move past this one.”
At Regina’s words something in Emma snapped.  She stood abruptly from her piano, a loud buzzing in her ears.  Someone, she wasn’t entirely sure who, started saying something to her but she barely heard what they were saying as she practically ran offstage.  All she wanted was to get a lungful of fresh air, anything to ease the clawing at her throat.
In her rush to find an exit that led outside she ended up getting turned around and completely confused as to where she was.  The clawing feeling had traveled down to her chest, compressing her lungs so it was getting hard for her to breathe.  Before she could lose her shit completely a warm hand wrapped around her wrist and tugged gently.
“Follow me, love.”
She let Killian lead her through the labyrinth like corridors, barely paying attention to the turns they were taking or the doors they were going through.  However, when they entered a stairwell she paused.
He looked back at her, giving her an encouraging smile, “Trust me?”
It wasn’t even a question to her.  Somehow, in the month since they’d been thrown together he had become someone she trusted completely.  She nodded and his smile widened as he squeezed her hand and began their ascent.  Though she found she was distracted from their progress again at the sight of her hand in his, not to mention the way his jeans hugged his ass as he climbed.
All too quickly Killian opened a door that had sunshine streaming into the stairwell and the heat of the day rolling over them.  He had taken her to the roof of the auditorium.  It was dotted with air conditioning units and not much else but she noticed that it did have a pretty good view of the city that was sprawled out all around them.
“It’s not much but it’ll give you some time to yourself-” he held out a slim silver can that she hadn’t noticed before, “I hadn’t seen your ubiquitous starbucks cup today so I thought you might want this.  Come back down when you’re ready and don’t worry about Regina, I’ll handle it.”
Taking the can of coffee, the one that was on her rider for the days exactly like the one she’d been having, a brand that could only be found in the corner of Maine that Storybrooke inhabited and that Killian had clearly gone to the green room to get before finding her, she was suddenly overwhelmed in a different way than before.  No one, not even Mary Margaret and David had known exactly what she needed when things got overwhelming and provided it without question or needing an explanation.  He made to leave but she gripped his hand in hers, holding him in place.
“Stay?” She asked softly, “Please?”
His eyes searched hers before he seemed to find what he was looking for.  With a nod he walked them over to a small strip of shade provided by the stairwell housing and sat with his back against it.  Once he settled he patted the spot next to him, wordlessly inviting her to join him.
The surface of the roof was warm when she sat but not uncomfortably so.  There was a slight breeze, not enough to dry the sweat that was gathering at her temples but enough to break the heat of the day.  Emma could hear the traffic moving along and through the city, a not so unpleasant hum that matched the air conditioning units kicking on and off to make a bit of a song.  She felt herself smile at the thought of putting lyrics to the sounds and then snorted in amusement at the fact that it was easier to make up a song on the fly than to play one she’d intentionally written.
“Something funny, Swan?” Killian asked, his own voice laced with humor.
“Only if you’re me,” she said wryly, snapping open the coffee and drinking near half of it one one go.  She tipped her head back and stared up at the cloudless blue sky, “Did you know?”
“Hmm?  Know what?”
She kept her gaze trained upwards but could imagine his eyebrow ticked up in slight confusion and intrigue, “When you said to play Bite of Iron, did you know that I’d never played it live before?”
“Not once?” She shook her head and he gave a low hum, “No, love, I didn’t.  It is a beautiful song, it’s a shame the sound guys did it such an injustice.  No wonder you stormed off.”
For a moment she almost didn’t want to correct him.  There really was no reason to explain or even justify her behavior.  She was sure that he’d seen worse from others in the business, she’d seen it herself.  The thing was she wanted to tell him the truth of what had upset her.  It was like the words were pressing against her lips, ready to spill out into her lap.  Just as she made up her mind to go through with it, absolutely certain that he wouldn’t judge or condemn her, he began to speak.
“Everyone assumed Milah was the diva of the group and she could be, if the occasion called for it, as could I.  But Liam-” he chuckled and then sighed, “Liam never gave into theatrics but if things weren’t going exactly how he wanted it he could, and would, let his displeasure be known.  He once refused to board our tour bus one evening because the driver had decided to take a nap and got to the venue nearly an hour late.  We had to charter a plane to make it to our next stop on the tour because Liam’s obstinance caused an even bigger delay to our departure.  The label made him pay for the cost of the plane from his own pocket.  Served the git right.”
Emma sat completely still, entranced.  He hadn’t talked to her about Liam since Cincinnati and she’d noticed that he’d been writing in his notebooks more since then.  She had a feeling that maybe, just maybe, he was feeling the same push that she was to share the painful parts of his past.  To trust her with them.
“You miss him,” she said softly but surely.  It was easy to hear the longing in his voice.
“Aye, I miss them both.  It’ll be twelve years and I still expect Liam to come walking into my apartment calling me ‘little brother’ or I’ll wake and reach for Milah across the empty bed-” his hand clenched on his thigh before he sighed again, “There’s a constant ache in my chest for missing them.”
She didn’t know what to say, what he would want to hear.  There had been precious few people in her life that she felt that strongly about and she had never lost any of them.  Just thought of either of the Nolans or Ruby being taken from her as Killian’s brother and fiance had been had her breath backing up in her throat.
“This probably wasn’t what you had in mind when you escaped, was it?” he asked, nudging her shoulder with his. “Apologies.”
“Don’t,” she said quickly, grabbing onto the hand that was still clenched on his thigh. “You don’t need to apologize for talking about them.  I get the feeling you don’t do it very often.”
“That I don’t-” he unclenched his hand and she let hers settle in his open palm, her heart threatening to jump out of her chest as she did. “It was too hard at first, I’d lash out or dive deeper into the bottle, most times both, and then people just stopped asking.  Decent people that is, the gossip rags and paps are the soulless exception.
“Milah hated them from the start.  They followed her around more than the rest of us seeing as she was the lead singer and a beautiful woman to boot.  Once they got it in their minds we’d been romantically involved for longer than we had been they were relentless.”
Emma tried to hide her surprise at learning that nugget of information but with her hand in his he appeared to have felt it.  He grinned, his eyebrow raising in an unasked question.
“It’s just, uh, I thought that you guys were, um, high school sweethearts,” she meant to make it sound like a statement yet it came out like a question.
He laughed, a small but genuine thing, his free hand scratching at the back of his neck, “Our publicist spun it like that and we went along with it for interviews and such.  More romantic he liked to say.  Truth was even though we’d gone to the same secondary school she was in Liam and Robin’s year and I’d hardly spoken to her then.  It was only when they started playing together after they’d left that I got to know her.  She seemed so sophisticated and worldly to my scrawny teenage ass, even though she was only three years older than me and had never left our tiny village either.
“It wasn’t until during our first real tour that we gave into the attraction that’d been growing between us.  From then on it was like throwing a match at a puddle of petrol.  It was us against the crazy world we’d been thrust into and we thrived on it,” he said with a frown. “We partied a little too hard, fought a little too meanly, and were dependent on each other in ways I know now weren’t healthy.  I loved her deeply, I always will, and I know she loved me but sometimes I wonder if we would have made it had she lived.”
“I think…” Emma paused, wanting to get the words right and not completely destroy whatever it was that was growing between them at the same time, “You kinda seem like a guy that wouldn’t let something like that slip through your fingers.  The way you were talking about her just now?  I think you would have fought like hell to stay together.”
“I’d like to think so,” he said, ducking his head. “Liam would say the same thing when I voiced my doubts.  He’d been dead set against it at first and wasn’t too pleased with how we behaved most days but he always said he understood how much we loved each other.  Of course he also understood that we wrote some of our best songs once we got together.”
“Some of your best songs,” she said thoughtfully, drawn back to the reason she’d fled the stage, “You were right about Bite of Iron, you know.  When you suggested it I was trying to figure out why the set didn’t seem right.  The Boston crowd was so surprised when I started playing it.”
“It’s an exceptional song, Swan.”
“Yeah,” she said quietly. “Do you know what it’s about?  I mean, you’ve obviously listened to it a lot since you knew it would work out.”
The tips of his ears tinged pink, “I’ve listened to it a time or two.  It’s a love song is it not?  Or rather, a love lost song?”
She snorted, only half in amusement, “Something like that.  Everyone knows that I’m an orphan and all that jazz, I’ve never hid it and Regina says that it’s my ‘thing’.  You know, the thing that makes me unique.”
“Bollocks, you make yourself unique,” Killian said heatedly, squeezing her hand in emphasis, “Your songwriting, your playing, everything about you sets you apart from the chaff.”
It was her turn to blush, “I mean, obviously, but, you know, it’s Regina.”
“Aye, she’s not one prone to mincing her words,” he scoffed.
“No, but she has my back and knows how to bury things.  Like how I went to juvie and had a baby.”
Her attempt at nonchalance fell flat as Killian stiffened beside her.  She steeled herself, ready for him to pull away from her both physically and emotionally.  While she absolutely believed he wouldn’t think less of her or go to the press with the information she had no idea what his reaction could be.
“Did you- was it-” he huffed out a breath through his nose, clearly frustrated.  A muscle in his jaw was ticking but when he looked at her his gaze was soft, “I’m sorry that happened to you, love.”
The sincerity in his voice caught her off guard.  Coming from anyone else she would have brushed it off as a platitude or pitying.  Killian sounded like he was the one who had caused it all and was apologizing for it.  She felt a glowing warmth expanding inside her, giving her the courage to continue.
“I didn’t do it, in case you were wondering.  I was young, stupid, and in love, not the greatest combination-” she deadpanned, shrugging one shoulder.  Taking a deep breath she forged on, “I had just turned seventeen and was on my own since I’d had the bright idea of running away from the Nolan’s.  I don’t even remember why now, probably some fucking teenage angst or something.  Doesn’t matter.  So I met this guy, Neal.  And he was older and knew how to survive on the streets and he got me.  Just… understood all the shit I’d gone through with the whole orphan thing and didn’t judge me for it.  We had this whole outlaw life, living in the back of this car I’m pretty sure was stolen, sneaking into motel rooms when people checked out for a few hours, and stealing but only food.  Well, I thought it was only the food.
“A few months after we got together he comes up to me in a panic, telling me how the cops are after him because of some watches he’d stolen and left at the bus depot and how he’s gotta go to Canada and I couldn’t go with him-” she gave Killian a rueful smile, “You probably know how well that went over.”
“Like a lead balloon I’m guessing,” he murmured with a somewhat pained chuckle.
“Yeah,” she sighed, “So I come up with this brilliant plan, yeah?  Why don’t I go get the watches?  Prove to him that he needed me and obviously the cops wouldn’t be looking for a teenage girl, right?  He just lit up when I told him, said I was a genius and gave me the key to the locker he’d stashed the watches in.  It worked, I got those damn watches.
“When I got back to where Neal was hiding out he gave me some song and dance about fencing the watches to get the money we need to go to Canada.  How I couldn’t go with him because the guy he had to deal with doesn’t like strangers or whatever.  Before he leaves, though, he gives me one of the watches, a giant clunky thing covered in diamonds that was worth a hell of a lot more than anything I had ever owned in my life.  He tells me-” she scoffs and scowls at the memory, “tells me he doesn’t want me to be late for when we were supposed to meet back up.  I swallowed every word, spent the whole day dreaming up all sorts of plans of what our life was going to be like in Canada while I waited for it to be the time we’d agreed on.  I wasn’t late but neither were the cops who’d been tipped off that I’d be there holding stolen property.  The fucking, lying, sneaky asshole had left a couple of the watches in my backpack along with the one he’d put on my wrist.  Got a year in juvie for being his goddamn scapegoat.”
“But you were innocent,” Killian spluttered, moving to stand until she grabbed his arm and forced him to stay next to her.
“Which is part of the reason why I went to juvie instead of prison,” she said calmly, even though she was amazed he was indignant on her behalf. “They couldn’t prove I had anything to do with actually stealing the watches, just that I had some of them on me.  The other part was being closer to seventeen than eighteen.  Another month older and I think they would have tried me as an adult.”
“They caught him at least?  This Neal?” Killian spat out the name, his lips curling back in disdain.
“I don’t know and I don’t really care anymore,” she answered honestly.
He nodded as if it made sense before lowering his eyes and asking hesitantly, “And the… erm… the babe?”
She sighed and felt as if she had dredged it up from deep in her soul.  Her hand was still on Killian’s arm and he placed his other on hers, squeezing her fingers gently.  Somehow she knew if she said she didn’t want to talk about it he’d understand and wouldn’t push and that more than anything gave her the courage to keep going.
“I found out I was pregnant about a month into my sentence and the first person to congratulate me was a guard passing by my cell.  I think that more than anything made me realize how much I’d fucked up.  The next time I had phone privileges I called Mary Margaret and David.  Back then I told myself that it was because they were the only number I had memorized but I think deep down I knew they wouldn’t judge me or just brush me off as a runaway they had no obligation to help anymore.  Mary Margaret took the next flight out to Phoenix and David came a few days later.  It was the first time I’d ever felt really, truly loved.  They could only stay for a week but we became a family in that week.”
She could feel her throat tightening but kept talking, “The Nolans were there for me the whole time, as much as they could be with their jobs and the group home.  They even said they would help me raise the baby, if that’s what I wanted.  I couldn’t do it though, I wasn’t ready to be a mom.”
“Did you know that they handcuff you to the bed when you’re in custody of the state and in labor?” She plowed on, determined to finish, “Like I’d make a run for it while a human being came tearing out of me.  The cuffs were steel but it doesn’t sound as poetic.  I didn’t even hold him.  I knew I wouldn’t let him go if I did.”
She had managed to keep the tears that had gathered in her eyes from falling until that moment.  It was something she’d only admitted once before, to Mary Margaret on her son’s first birthday.  Before she could think to wipe the tears away Killian was doing so with a warm and gentle touch.
“You’re incredibly brave, Emma, did you know that?” He asked, his voice full of awe.
“I wasn’t ready to be a mom,” she repeated shakily, “I knew that giving him up was the best thing for the both of us.”
“Would you want to find him?  Now?”
She shook her head before his questions were finished, “I already did, or a private investigator did.  He’s happy with his adopted family, he’s got a brother and friends and a good life.  He doesn’t need me coming in and making a mess of it.”
“You wouldn’t make a mess of it,” Killian said vehemently.
“Yeah, I would,” she said patiently.  She gave him a sad smile, “Let’s for a second forget the fact that we’re sitting on the roof of a venue that in six hours will have forty-five hundred people waiting to hear me play.  Just the fact that his birth mom would come out of nowhere and decide to insert herself into his life is bad enough.  With all this shit on top of it?  No, he’s happy and that’s all I need to know.  If someday he decides to find me then I’ll be ready to be a part of his life, but only when he’s ready not before.
“Anyway-” she plowed on, “playing Bite of Iron brings all that shit up again.  It’s why I’ve never put it in the lineup before.”
“And then my ignorant ass goes and pushes you to do just that,” Killian spat out bitterly.
He pulled his arm out from under hers but she immediately grabbed his hand, unwilling to part with the comfort his touch had given her.
“It was more like a gentle nudge,” she said teasingly, glad to see his mouth tick up for a moment in amusement.  She sobered, “I wouldn’t have put it in if I didn’t want to play it.  It’s been eleven years and I can’t heal or whatever if I keep it all bottled up inside.  It actually hasn’t been that bad, playing it every night, today was just… a little too much with the constant interruptions and then having to half play it over and over.”
“Well, your diva fit was well justified, I’d say.”
She surprised herself with a burst of laughter.  Killian was clearly trying to lighten the mood, she could still see tension in the way he held his shoulders and the slight furrow of his brow, but he was making the effort for her.  The glowing warmth from earlier expanded and morphed into butterflies.  Leaning into him she pressed a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“Thank you, for helping me escape.”
Killian looked dumbfounded, his mouth dropped open in surprise.  She grinned at his stupor.  Rising to her feet she felt like she could play Bite of Iron twenty times in a row if he was the one listening, watching her with that same soft look on his face.  Just as she was about to say as much or something even more ridiculously sappy the door leading to the roof opened.
“Oh, thank God, you are up here!” Tink breathed out as soon as she caught sight of them, sounding immensely relieved. “Regina’s either going to murder you or make you pay out of pocket for the time she says you’ve wasted.  Why haven’t you answered your phone?”
“I-” Emma patted her back pocket and winced when she hit nothing but her ass, “Shit, I think I left it on the piano.”
“Do not tell Regina that,” Tink said horrified. “Tell her it died or spontaneously combusted or whatever, anything that will keep her from blowing another gasket.  She’s already muttering about breach of contract.”
“It’s only a breach of contract if I don’t play tonight, not the goddamn soundcheck from hell,” she rolled her eyes.
Killian stood and Emma winced again as Tink’s eyes widened as she noticed him.  Tink turned her bewildered gaze to her and Emma knew she would be facing a full inquisition at some point.  Not wanting to give away anything more than she already had she avoided both Tink and Killian’s gazes as she marched to the door.
“Come on, let’s get Regina’s tantrum and the rest of soundcheck out of the way and then go find some deep dish pizza.  My treat.”
As she stepped back into the air conditioned stairwell she breathed a sigh of relief that Tink had interrupted them when she did.  She wasn’t entirely sure she was ready for whatever leap she’d just taken when it came to Killian.  She also wasn’t entirely sure she shouldn’t have leaped further.
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Of Cars and Bars Chapter 13/14
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As always, thank you Krystal @kmomof4​ for all of your amazing beta work and for just being a lovely person. This story exists because of and is dedicated to you! (Thanks for the support even though I keep making you angry with all the angst!)
Tagging @teamhook​ because you asked :D
Here’s the last chapter before the epilogue! I can’t believe it’s almost over! 
Rated E
When Emma Swan is offered the chance to go on tour as an opener for one of the most popular up and coming bands of the decade, the last thing she expects is to find that the lead guitarist is the stranger she had a one night stand with five years ago.
This started out as a smutty two shot about Emma Ruby and Mary Margaret going on a road trip and has evolved into a slow-burn mutual pining angst-fest.
Read it from the beginning on Ao3 and Ffn because tumblr eats all my italics.
Chapter 13 - New York
If you were here beside me, instead of in New York / If the curve of you was curved on me / I'd tell you that I loved you, before I even knew you / 'Cause I loved the simple thought of you
The tour was over. They were back. Everything was over. 
Things had happened really quickly after that night. They cancelled the show and then every show after that for the rest of the summer. They’d refunded everyone, lost the income - she didn’t really know the semantics of how that had happened, Belle had handled all of that. 
There had been rumors of course - rumors about why the tour was called off so suddenly. They ranged from one ridiculous explanation to another. The boys had fallen out, broken up, a drug scandal, the band wanting more money, someone was sick… 
Emma ignored them for the most part - as much as she could anyway. It was hard to ignore them when she was constantly being reminded of everything she’d lost whenever she stepped outside and saw a magazine with his face on it. He was always hiding it in those pictures, looking away, his shoulders hunched, looking annoyed or exhausted. She didn’t recognize him half the time. There was none of the joy and excitement that had originally attracted her to him. 
She’d gone back to Boston, back to her old apartment… like nothing had happened. But it had. Her life was different now. Now she had people recognizing her on the street, reporters and paparazzi hounding her with questions about why she’d left, if it had been because of her and Killian’s supposed romance. She told them to fuck off most of the time. She didn’t like fame, she found. Not the darker side of it she was seeing now, anyway. 
The worst part was the social media. Angry, vicious people who hounded her online, angry because they thought she was dating Killian, angrier because they thought she had dumped him, angriest because they thought she was the reason the tour had ended. They called her names. They called her awful, worthless. Told her that she didn’t deserve Killian, that he deserved better, that her music was terrible. All thoughts she’d already had in the back of her mind, thoughts that she thought she’d finally overcome but that were slowly making themselves heard again. She’d had to delete her accounts eventually. 
She’d had to quit her job too. It was hard to set a honey trap when everyone knew your face. It was hard to tail a skip when you were being tailed by cameramen. It wasn’t just cameramen and fans that were after her though. Since she’d gotten home, she’d been approached by seven producers, all of whom wanted to sign her and her band. Ruby and Mary Margaret were thrilled, they couldn’t understand why she was so hesitant. Well, actually, they probably could, but they were letting her believe they didn’t know. 
It felt wrong, wrong to make music without him. It was ridiculous. She’d done it before him, she’d done it since him. But one of her favorite parts of writing had become the look that appeared on his face whenever she played something new for him, that proud, awed expression he would give her. And she missed him putting in his two cents. Missed the way he would casually pick at his guitar and create a verse that perfectly captured how she was feeling. She missed… she missed him. 
But he was gone. He’d left. He’d told her he would in the bar and she’d walked away, abandoned once again, and then the same night he was on a plane. He hadn’t even come back to the room for his luggage - hadn’t come to say goodbye. You didn’t say goodbye either. It was true. She hadn’t said goodbye. She’d been the one to walk out of that bar. But he hadn’t followed, hadn’t asked her to come with him. It didn’t matter. He left, not her. Everyone left. 
“You about ready to go?” Ruby asked, her voice holding that tone of sympathy so close to pity that it irked her. Emma looked once more at her apartment, the place she’d lived since leaving Storybrooke over six years ago. It was empty now. 
She’d thought coming back to her old life would have made things easier, would have made it easier to move on, forget him, forget how he made her feel and how he’d broken her heart. But it hadn’t. The whole place just felt wrong now. Like it wasn’t home anymore. Home had become something else, not a place but people and now… that was gone too. She missed it. There was nothing left for her here anymore.
“Yeah,” she said, throwing her bag over her shoulder. “Let’s go.” 
They were on their way to New York. They were going there to - Emma could hardly believe it, hardly say the words - record an album. Emma had turned down most of the offers, hadn’t wanted anything to do with it. But it wasn’t just her decision. It was Ruby’s and Mary Margaret’s too. It was their life as well, their dream, their career. She didn’t know if she would ever want to be in the spotlight again - but she would try, for her friends.
But every producer that she met just reminded her of Neal - someone who was out to take what they could from her, use her for their own gain regardless of what she wanted. They didn’t care about music. They cared about profit. Only about profit.
But then Graham and David had introduced them to Robin, the man who had recorded their first album, the one who liked to set insanely high bars when it came to music. He was a man with standards and who insisted on hard work and dedication but at the same time… he got it. He was a musician himself and he understood the artistic side of it. 
Not all of his artists were well known. Of course he cared about that to an extent - it was his livelihood - but he also had a few indie bands under his wing. He liked good music. That was it. He liked good music and wanted to share good music with the world and he wanted to share her music with the world. 
He was sweet, Emma learned as well. A nice guy, funny and upbeat and charismatic. She’d never seen him get angry but she assumed he probably did a good fatherly ‘I’m disappointed in you’ thing that was way more effective than anger. She was looking forward to working with him. She just worried she wouldn’t live up to his standards - not anymore, not with how she was feeling. 
When they’d agreed to sign on, Emma had a condition. She was tired of just being Emma Swan and her band. She was tired of all the bad things associated with her name now. She was tired of being front and center when her friends were just as much a part of this as she was. There was no way she could have done this alone. And her name drew too much attention too, something Robin thought they should use but Emma didn’t want to. They named themselves The Ugly Ducklings after a favorite childhood storybook. Her friends liked it. Liked that they felt more like a group now, like what they’d always been. 
They settled into their new apartment pretty quickly. David and Graham already lived in New York most of the time so they had helped them find a place and did most of the heavy lifting during the move. It was strange to see them all the time, without the others. Belle and Liam had gone back to London with Killian. When he left for England. When he left her to go back to England. 
She hadn’t heard from him. Not a word since that night in the bar. It had been two months. She’d now been away from him nearly as long as they’d been together. Who was she kidding, they’d been together all of five minutes before he left. That was a new record. Usually they stuck around for a little while after she decided to let herself lo- no. she didn’t want to think about it. 
She’d given him space at first, hoped that he might reach out if he wanted her, if he needed her - her support or her presence or someone’s shoulder to cry on. But he hadn’t. And it hurt. He hadn’t asked her to come with him. He’d decided she didn’t matter enough and he’d left her behind. Maybe he’d decided he didn’t want to have someone so broken hanging around, being a burden while the case went on.
She knew a lot more about it than she wanted to. The story was all over the tabloids, all over the papers too. And maybe, she’d looked it up a few times online, worried about him, despite everything. The case was dragging on, more and more witnesses being called in, new evidence being ‘found’. It wasn’t just a decision about letting him out anymore. Gold had pushed for a mistrial, insisting he was innocent, wrongly convicted and that he should be acquitted of all charges. She couldn’t imagine what it was doing to Killian, to go through all of this again. But that wasn’t her place. If he’d wanted it to be her business he’d have asked her to go with him. 
But something still irked her, more than all the hurt and the loss and the abandonment she felt… guilt. Guilt because she knew, on some level she knew what she’d done. She’d done what she always did. She ran from him, ran away from the possibility of love and of happiness because she’d been so afraid to lose it. The barest hint that he could walk away and she’d walked away first. 
But he would have left eventually, she tried to convince herself. Maybe he wouldn’t have. But it was too late now. Now he was in London, regardless of who had run from whom, who had abandoned whom, he was gone now. He was thousands of miles away and he likely hated her - or worse, didn’t even think of her at all. It was broken. She’d broken it. She’d gotten scared and she’d fallen victim to those fears and she broke them. 
But he hadn’t tried to fix it. She’d started counting on him trying to fix it and this time he hadn’t. He’d given up. One time too many. She’d messed it up one time too many and hurt him once too many and this was the consequence. It didn’t matter how much she wanted to run to him, to be with him, to be there for him. His silence spoke volumes. He was done with her. 
“That was lovely, Emma,” Robin said as they finished recording the vocals for one of the tracks. “Can we try it again with a bit more energy?” he suggested. Emma wanted to laugh. She hadn’t had energy in over two months. Her life had been a blur, a sad, heavy cycle of empty day after empty day. 
But she didn’t say that, instead she said “Yeah, sure,” and tried it again. She could tell from his face that it wasn’t much better. 
“Perhaps we should move on to one of the ballads,” he suggested. “Let’s do the one you played at the last show - the one that went viral.”
“No,” Emma said quickly. Not that one. She couldn’t do that one. She couldn’t sing that one again - ever probably. She couldn’t sit here in a booth and sing about how she’d fallen in love with someone, had finally believed that she deserved to be loved. Not when that someone had ripped her heart out hours later, reminding her that she didn’t. 
“I just mean…” she tried when Robin looked at her in surprise. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m not feeling well today. Maybe we could just work on the music for now? Try the vocals again tomorrow?” 
He looked at her like he didn’t believe her and she didn’t blame him - the lie had sounded shit to her own ears. But he nodded, giving her that same, sympathetic smile that Ruby had. 
“Sure,” he said. “Let’s call the others and see if they can get over here. Why don’t we work on the chorus to this one while we wait.” Emma agreed, thankful, and went to grab her guitar. She flinched when he spoke again. “It’s alright to miss him, you know,” he said. 
Anger was her first emotion, her first after heartbreak but that was always there so it didn’t count. “Excuse me? You don’t know me,” she snapped. Robin only nodded, he didn’t flinch back at her bite like most did. 
“I don’t,” he admitted. “But I know Killian. I know him pretty well actually and I know that he’s hurting now - more than I’ve ever seen him hurt before. I can hear it in his voice.”
Emma felt her eyes tearing but she fought it. She would not cry over Killian Jones, she’d done that enough already. Enough for a lifetime. She’d heard that he was struggling, that he was always anxious now, always quiet - that he missed her. Belle had said so on the phone. ‘How do you know?’ she’d asked and Belle had said she just did. Emma didn’t believe her. You didn’t just leave someone that you could miss like that. Unless she heard it from him she couldn’t believe any of it, it was just their friends trying to save something that was already broken. And she hadn’t heard anything from him. 
“What does that have to do with me?” she demanded, not thrilled with the audacity of this guy she barely knew assuming he knew anything about her life. 
He gave a sad smile. “When I produced Abandon Ship!’s first album, Killian had written a hit. Liam had shown it to me, I remember because he called at seven in the bloody morning to play it over the phone. When they came in to record it though… it was different. It was sadder, it was slower… he sounded like you when he sang it.” Emma’s breath caught. You left him first, a voice taunted. 
“It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out,” he continued. “I’ve heard enough bits and pieces from the guys and Ruby and Mary Margaret to piece together where that song came from, who it’s about.”
“What’s your point?” Emma asked, still angry but some of the venom gone from her voice, some of the fire dying out. 
“My point is, perhaps it's time to stop writing sad songs about one another and to just… try.”
Emma’s eyes dropped to the floor. “I did try.” Robin smiled sadly again.
“My apologies,” he said. “It’s not my place.” 
Graham and David had tagged along with Ruby and Mary Margaret, they were always tagging along now. It was hard. It felt almost like it should, all of them together, but they were missing a few crucial pieces. Having half of the whole there just made the missing half hurt more, made it more obvious that it was missing. She loved David and Graham, they’d become like brothers - but they were a reminder now. Whenever they walked in the room she’d catch herself looking behind them, looking for him to follow them in, only to be reminded that he wouldn’t. 
Halfway through their session, when they were taking a break to have some lunch, David received a call. It was Belle on the other end and David put her on speaker. She updated them on their lives, on how the trial was proceeding - they’d hired a lawyer - a high power one that they hadn’t been able to afford when they were young and broke and the first trial happened. She thanked the guys for staying behind, for doing damage control while they were in London. Graham and David had done a hell of a lot of free shows to try and appease some of the bad press. Turned out David could sing. They’d also done a lot of press and appearances and charity events and she knew they were a little exhausted from all of it. Both Graham and David dismissed her thanks as unnecessary. 
Emma was sitting awkwardly a few feet away, as far as she could get in the tiny back room of the recording studio, actively trying not to listen - actively failing. She could see that the others were trying to avoid drawing the conversation to him. But when Belle started to say that she was worried about Killian, and David awkwardly tried to hint that now wasn’t a good time, she heard Liam on the other end of the line.
“Is Emma there?” he asked and she felt her heart race. She hadn’t spoken to Liam since that night in the bar. She’d been too afraid to. Afraid he hated her now. With some reluctance, David said she was. “Put her on the phone,” Liam demanded and everyone looked at her uncomfortably. She could hear Belle begging her husband to leave it alone but he wouldn’t listen. “Emma, are you there?” he asked. 
Her voice cracked the first time she tried to answer. She cleared her throat, tried again. “Yeah. I’m here.” 
“Pick up the phone.” His tone left little room for discussion, even from hundreds of miles away. 
Her palms were sweating as she walked over to the table where the phone rested, right there in the middle of all of her friends who were still staring at her with trepidation. They knew whatever was coming wasn’t good either. Liam was a force. She knew that. And he was angry. She nearly turned it off, touched the little red button and ran. But she didn’t. She was an adult. She could talk to another adult. She picked it up and took it off speakerphone.
There was a long weighted silence before Liam finally spoke. “You promised me, Emma.” he said.
“Liam, I-”
“No. All those months ago, I begged you, I begged you not to let him love you if you were going to leave. I told you what it would do to him. You promised me.” 
Her words caught in her throat, trapped in the lump there as her eyes burned with tears. “I’m not the one who left,” she said and while she wasn’t looking at them she could feel the way the tension in the room grew at her words, everyone waiting on bated breath. 
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” he snapped. “He needed you Emma. He loves you. He still needs you. Why aren’t you here?” 
“I-” She didn’t know what to say. His anger was terrifying, his words cut deep and hurt. She knew he was right. She’d promised. But he’d left and he… the excuse felt weak even as she thought it now. He loves you. He still needs you, the words played over and over in her head. She struggled for something to say, some way to work through the pain and the self-preservation that were warring inside of her when she heard Belle's voice, muffled and far away. “Killian, you’re  back. We-”
Emma hung up the phone. She hung it up and put it back on the table and grabbed her stuff and ran out of the room. Liam was right. She’d left. She kept leaving and she was going to do it again now. Because that’s what she did best. It’s what she’d always done. It kept her safe and it kept her from getting hurt… only this time, this time it hadn’t worked so well. 
Ruby and Mary Margaret found her a few hours later on the couch in their living room where she’d been sitting since she got home. Wallowing. In guilt and heartbreak and fear and doubt. They approached her cautiously, feeling out the mood in the room before sitting down across from her on the coffee table. She could feel another ‘mom and mom’ speech coming on. 
“Was Robin really mad?” she asked, realising the very serious possible consequences of walking out on a recording session when they were new and unknown and completely dependent on him wanting to keep them. Ruby waved a hand dismissively.
“He’ll get over it. He’s used to working with moody artists.” Emma glared but it had no heat behind it. 
“Emma,” Mary Margaret started. 
“Don’t,” Emma said. She didn’t want to hear it. She’d heard it from Liam already today, she’d heard it from people on the street and online. She got it. She was an asshole. But she didn’t know what to do about it. She was so so scared. Mary Margaret, always the sweeter of her sisters hesitated, but Ruby inhaled deeply and Emma prepared herself for the storm.
“No. Enough is enough. You’re being an idiot.”
“Ruby!” Mary Margaret was cut off. 
“She is. You are. Look, we let you get away with it this long, we babied you and let you lick your wounds but really - We’re done. These aren’t even your wounds to lick.”
“He left!” she tried.
“Emma, grow up,” Ruby snapped and Emma reeled back like she’d been slapped. 
“You’re being so selfish. Yes, he left. But he left because the psycho that killed his girlfriend was possibly going to walk free. He left because he had to. Where did you find him?”
“A bar…” she said weakly.
“That’s right. Doesn’t that give you a little sense of where his head might have been at?” Ruby’s words were harsh, her tone harsher and Emma wanted to run but she had nowhere to go. She was trapped, listening to her, letting herself be reamed out. She didn’t even have the energy to defend herself, didn’t have the leg to stand on either. 
“He was hurting, rock bottom, as bad as you were when you saw Neal again - I’m gonna go ahead and say maybe worse. And yeah, his first thought wasn’t about you. So what did you do? You left him. He needed you and you left him there to go through it alone.”
“He’s not alone,” she tried.
“That’s not the same and you know it. Emma, I know you’re scared and you try to protect yourself and you have good reason to. And because of that we let you get away with a lot, because we love you. But this? You being this selfish because you’re afraid that you might get hurt? Making this about you and your fears when it should have been about supporting the man you love? I just…” She shook her head and Emma could feel the disappointment and even the shame radiating off of her. “He’s not Neal,” she said, looking at her with an expression Emma had never seen directed at her. “But right now… you are.” 
The tears burned hot in her eyes. Ruby’s words were harsh, cruel even. But… they were right. Emma looked at Mary Margaret. She looked nervous but not like she had any intention of defending her and so Emma knew she agreed. And she should. Maybe she’d just needed it to be laid out like that, to be called out on it… but Ruby was right. 
She’d let Killian in, let him care for her, maybe even love her. She’d encouraged him, let him think it was safe to give her his heart, to trust her with it. And then the moment he’d needed her, the first time he hadn’t only thought about her wellbeing and her fears and had fallen victim to his own… she’d left him. She’d run out of that bar like a bat out of hell because… what? He hadn’t asked her to come to London with him? He hadn’t outright told her he needed her? She was an idiot. She should have stayed, should have gone with him. 
She thought about the night before, how she’d tried to push him away, gotten wasted at that bar on cheap whiskey and he’d stayed. Not because she’d asked him to but because he knew she needed him too, even when she was saying the opposite. And when it had been her turn to do the same… she’d run. She’d only thought of herself, let her insecurities take over, let herself be blinded. She’d been selfish. She’d abandoned him. He’d never have done that to her. 
“What if it’s too late?” she asked, the first of her tears making their way down her cheeks. Ruby scowled at her for a moment but it stopped when she spoke again. “What if I hurt him too much, too many times, used up all my chances. What if I ruined it and I can’t fix it.” 
“You can always fix it, Emma,” Mary Margaret spoke, putting her hand on Emma’s knee. “Love, true love can always be mended. It might not be the same after, but it can be stronger.” She must have seen the look Emma was giving her because she spoke again. “Don’t. I know you like to make fun of me for believing in true love but I’m not talking about some fairytale, predestined, meant to be garbage because that’s crap. If it’s really love then you have to work for it and fight for it and you have to go and admit that you fucked up and make things better, make amends. That’s love.” 
“You just have to decide if you’re gonna fight for it or not,” Ruby said. Emma watched them both. She wanted to go. She did. Killian was the best thing that had ever happened to her and she had screwed it all up and she wanted it back, she wanted him back. How she felt about him, how he made her feel, how he made her laugh and smile, his weird obsessions and his stupid quirks and his constance and his baggage... she wanted it all back. But still, years, decades, a lifetime of letdowns wouldn’t let her, froze up with fear that she was wrong. With that last little doubt.
“What if he doesn’t want me anymore. What if he can’t forgive me?”
Ruby and Mary Margaret exchanged a look, eyes wide. “What if he doesn’t -” Ruby started in disbelief. “Show her the video, Snow.” 
Mary Margaret took her phone out and fiddled with it for a moment. She turned it over then and handed it to Emma. The video was dated only two days ago. It was Killian, sitting on a little stage in a bar somewhere during what looked like an open mic. She could hear people in the back of the video whispering, wondering if that was him, what he was doing there. But she ignored them, focused on him. 
He looked… sad. Sad and lonely and heartbroken and everything else she was feeling right now. His playing was still immaculate, his voice was still breathtaking, but he had none of the stage presence he usually did. It was like all the fun, all the carefree confidence and charisma had been drained out of him. He still held her attention though as he sang. Sang about a woman he missed, longed for, who wasn’t here with him… a woman who was in New York. 
“Is that enough proof for you?” Ruby demanded. 
Emma stood, walking past them and out of the room, adrenaline running through her veins, making her heart race and her fingers tremble. She headed straight for her room, could hear her friends following her as she grabbed clothes haphazardly out of her closet and some of the boxes she had yet to unpack. Where was her bag? She huffed and she searched for it. She knew she should have unpacked when Mary Margaret told her to. 
“What are you doing?” Mary Margaret asked from the doorway. 
“I’m going to London.”  
Killian was tired. He was so tired. It had been months now of talking with lawyers, of turning down Gold’s lawyers offers to strike a deal. No. There were no deals. Gold would spend the rest of his life in prison for what he’d done. He’d taken the rest of Milah’s life away from her and Killian would be damned if the monster didn’t meet the same fate. 
He was headed back to the flat he’d rented with Belle and his brother when they arrived. It was strange to be back. After nearly a decade of living in the States, of living in Boston and New York and even LA for a little while. It was strange to be home. Although it wasn’t really home was it? 
He’d learned long ago that home wasn’t a place. It was the people that were around him. He had his brother, his sister-in-law, he spoke to Graham and David regularly on the phone, even to Ruby and Mary Margaret sometimes… but not to her. He thought he’d found one, a new home, one they all could have made for themselves, one he could have made with her. But then it had been ripped away from him. No, not ripped. She’d taken it, walked away with it and left him behind, empty and alone to suffer through all of this. Not alone technically but… it wasn’t the same. 
Today had been the first day of the actual trial. After months of preparation he had finally gotten to sit in that witness box and tell the world what a terrible, inhuman being that man was. He told them how Milah had planned to tell her husband she was leaving him that night, how she’d gone home to do so. 
After not hearing from her for nearly 24 hours, he’d gone to her home, somewhere he’d never been before out of fear of her husband finding out. He hadn't truly understood her fear when they were happy and together. But he understood it then, when he found her. He told the jury about the blood, about the way she’d just been left there, tossed aside while Gold left the city. This wasn’t manslaughter, he told the jury though he knew he couldn’t change the verdict now, was reminded of it by the judge. But he said it anyway. It hadn’t been a crime of passion. It had been the cold-blooded act of a man who refused to lose something he believed belonged to him, believed he owned. 
The cross-examination had been worse. Horrible, cruel questions that you shouldn’t  ask someone who had lost the love of their life. Maybe not of their whole life, a little voice had piped up, but he shut it down. He couldn’t think of that. He was already spending his days reliving losing his first love. He didn’t want to be reminded that he’d lost his second, the woman that he thought might be his true love - all sappiness be damned. But she’d walked away, she’d decided not to choose him. Killian had only loved two women in his life, and both had left him. It just hurt all the more that Emma left by choice. 
He’d replayed that night over and over in his head. Remembered how close he’d come to opening that bottle. He’d walked there in a daze, the recall to that time bringing back memories of the man he’d once been and he let himself step back into that man’s shoes. That man had led him straight to a bar. He’d warred with himself, he’d won. But he didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. Not when with every passing day he was reminded of how Milah had been taken from him. Not when with every passing moment he saw Emma again, walking out of that bar and out of his life… again. 
He’d believed her. Believed her when she'd said that she wanted to be with him, that she’d wanted to stay. But then, after one look at the darker side of him, the moment they’d faced a challenge, the moment he’d needed her most, she’d run. It felt like someone was ripping out his heart every time he thought of it. He hadn’t been enough. He’d let himself believe he was and then she’d proven him wrong.
The pain and the heartbreak turned to anger more often than he’d have liked to admit. And he was angry with her. Angry with her for giving up on him, for giving up on them so easily. But also for disappearing from his life so completely. He could understand that she didn’t want his love anymore. But they had been friends hadn't they? Why hadn’t she reached out? Why hadn’t she called him? Why was she never around when he called Graham or David? Ruby and Mary Margaret sure seemed to be around all the damn time. 
She’d disappeared, cut herself out of his life completely, and it hurt. Yes, he loved her, but he’d also grown to count on her, on her being there, on the way she made him laugh and the way she challenged him.  He needed her support. But she wasn’t there. She hadn’t just left him - she’d abandoned him and that thought hurt more than any. She knew what it meant to be abandoned. She knew what she was doing to him, how it would break him, especially now when he needed her so much. She'd done it anyway.
That was the worst part. The fact that despite all his anger and her abandonment and the fact that sometimes he wanted to curse her name… he still needed her. He missed her. He loved her. He tried to stop but he couldn’t and that made it worse. She’d let him fall in love with her, had led him to believe that she could love him too and then she’d changed her mind - and he couldn’t. 
He still wrote about her. But as angry and hurt as he was, he couldn’t put it into words, something stopped him every time. Instead all of his songs came out longing and heartbroken and full of love and loss - but never anger, never hate. And he knew it was because no matter what he did, his heart wouldn’t stop wanting her, missing her. And so he was left here to mourn her and hate her while the ever growing ache in his chest reminded him that he would probably never stop loving her. 
That was the thought that was itching at the back of his mind as he walked up the last step to their fourth floor flat - the lift was somehow always broken. He rounded the corner towards his front door as he dug his keys out of his pocket. He looked up and froze, the keys falling through his fingers and onto the ground at his feet. 
Emma. Emma was standing outside his door, a bag in her hands and bags under her eyes. She looked nervous. She saw him and her breath hitched, her fingers tightening around the strap of her duffle. His thoughts were reeling. What was she doing here? Why now? After all this time? Why hadn’t she come sooner? What could she possibly want from him now? But he didn’t voice any of them. His mouth had forgotten how to form words and so he stood there, slack jawed and dumbfounded like an idiot. 
“Hi,” she said after a long, tense moment.
“Hi,” he answered because it was the only word his stupid bloody mouth seemed to be able to form. She didn’t say or do anything else, just stood there, waiting. He didn’t know what for. Someone walked by then, cast them both a strange look and it snapped him out of his thoughts a little. He picked up his keys and stepped up to the lock. 
“We should probably go inside,” he told her. The walls had ears here and he didn’t want this - whatever it was - to end up on the front page of the Sun in the morning. She nodded but didn’t say anything as he fiddled with the key. She was so close. He could feel her next to him and it affected him the way it always did. He wanted to touch her, to pull her into his arms, to kiss her, to ask her to hold him and let him cry over all that had happened. 
But he couldn’t. That wasn’t who she was to him anymore. He didn’t know why she was here. And seeing her again felt like having his heart broken all over again. He couldn’t handle it anymore. It had been too much pain. Between her and Milah's memory he'd suffered more pain than any man should have to take in a lifetime, let alone in a few months. So he took a page out of her book - he got angry, he put his own walls up. Angry was safe and it hurt a hell of a lot less to look at her from behind the glass around his heart. 
She followed him wordlessly into the flat, into the kitchen where she dropped her bag on the floor. He opened the fridge, really wishing he could have a beer right now - or some rum, rum was always best. He clenched his fist and tried to calm it before pulling out two water bottles - a poor substitute - and handing one to her. She took it hesitantly, standing on the opposite side of the island from him. She only stared at him as they both didn’t drink and finally he couldn’t take it anymore and he spread his hands on the counter, hung his head as his knuckles turned white.
“Why are you here?” he asked, not able to look at her, not wanting to see the expressions play out on the face that he loved, the one that drew him in so easily. She left. She left, he repeated to himself. She didn’t answer at first and he was forced to look at her. 
“I came for you,” she said and he wanted to laugh. Now? Now she came for him? 
“Why?” he asked again and he saw it this time when the doubt flashed in her eyes. She took a deep, steadying breath and reached out her hand, placing it over his own. His own breath caught in his throat, her touch feeling like it was searing through his skin. 
“You know why,” she said and it made his blood boil. He ripped his hand away.
“No, Emma, I don’t,” he snapped and saw the shock on her face. “I don’t bloody know why you’re here. You left me in that bar two months ago. You just left and then I never saw you again. You ignored me for weeks. After -” the words got stuck. “After everything that happened between us. You changed your mind and you just - god, you just fucking abandoned me there, didn’t you?” He saw the hurt in her eyes and it egged him on. Good. It was about time she hurt too, after everything she’d put him through. “My life has been hell, Emma, and right now I’m too tired to try and figure out what you’re doing here so please tell me or just leave.” 
“I -” she started and he fought the guilt he felt at the way her eyes cast down, the way her shoulders slumped. She’d made this decision. Not him. Yes, he’d come back to London, but she’d chosen not to come with him, had walked away the second he told her his plans. She’d ignored him. That hurt the most. “I’m sorry,” was all she said. 
“Well, that’s great, you’re sorry. You didn’t have to fly all the way across the world just to tell me that.” He saw her hesitate and it made him stop. There was something in her expression that made him think that wasn’t all she’d come to say. 
She was looking at him like… like she’d looked at him that morning in his hotel room, the morning she said she wanted to try. He hated the way his heart raced in his chest, the way hope swelled there even after all she’d done. 
“What did you come here to say, Emma?” he asked, his tone softer now than it had been a moment ago, but his shoulders were still tense, he still held himself back from her, on edge and afraid of the havoc he knew she could reap on his heart. 
“That I-” she started quickly, rashly but she stopped and he saw the way her walls slammed up, holding her back. He hung his head. She couldn’t say it. She’d never been able to say it and she probably never would. What did she want from him? To come back and let him be her dirty little secret again? Because that’s what he’d been. She’d used him and he’d let her and then the second they even thought about being more, she’d looked for an excuse to run and she’d found one. 
“Just go,” he said, his tone defeated. “Please.”
“Please,” he repeated. “I appreciate you coming here and saying you’re sorry. But Emma, I can’t sit here and wait for you to be able to tell me how you feel, for you to decide that you want this to be real. Because I don’t even think you know if you do. I waited for you while you protected yourself, but I think now it’s time for me to protect myself. So please, just go,” he said. 
He couldn’t look at her so he didn’t see the look on her face when she stepped back, when she picked up her bag and she walked out of the flat. He stood there for a long time after she’d left. And the longer he did the angrier he became. But not at her. At himself.
He’d accused her of not being able to admit how she felt, and maybe she hadn’t but he’d forgotten one, fundamental thing about Emma… She didn’t use words to express her feelings - she never had. Even with Ruby and Mary Margaret he rarely heard her admit how much she cared about them but she showed it with gestures, with thoughtful gifts and physical touch and by going out of her way sometimes or doing things she didn’t like just to make them happy. 
He thought about the first time she’d showed him she cared, when they’d made love in that hotel room the night of Liam’s birthday, when she’d smiled at him at breakfast. He remembered how she’d struggled to tell him she liked him in the dressing room but he’d believed her because he knew already - because she showed him in her own way, by kissing him in front of their friends and holding his hand as they walked into a crowded party - and then again when they walked into the breakfast room to meet their friends. She’d written music with him, had helped him with his own songs, had let herself be vulnerable with him, let him see her fears and let him in as he helped her write… Even before all of that, she'd held his hand on the plane when he'd been scared, she'd taken him on the ferris wheel and won him that stupid giant bear. All this time, she'd been showing him and he'd been blind to it.
He was an idiot. Emma had flown to London. Yes, it had taken her a while to get here. Yes, she’d doubted him and she’d gotten scared. But she’d flown thousands of miles to come find him, to be with him. Maybe she hadn’t been able to tell him how she felt but in Emma’s language… he was a goddamn idiot. She’d flown to London for him. He didn’t need her to make a confession of love. She already had. 
He rushed to the door but he knew it was too late. He ran down the hallway, down the stairs and out onto the street. But she was gone. Fuck. Fuck! He called her phone. It went straight to voicemail. He called Belle, called Liam, neither of them even knew she was coming. He called Ruby and Mary Margaret and David and Graham. Nobody knew where she was staying. The trip hadn’t exactly been planned ahead of time, Ruby pointed out. They promised to try to reach her but that she’d told them her phone was dying when she called to tell them she landed an hour ago. 
He walked around town aimlessly, his heart racing every time he saw a blonde woman only to be dismayed when it wasn’t her. How many goddamn blondes were there in this city? He got a call from Ruby a little later telling him she’d spoken to her and that she was staying in a hostel in the city. She gave him the name. Said she’d told Emma he was looking for her.
He ran there. Not caring about the weird looks he got for running through the streets of London in jeans and a leather jacket. He was an idiot. He just had to hope that he hadn’t screwed it up so badly that he couldn’t fix it. 
He got to the hostel and asked about her. The guy at the counter refused to tell him anything, something about customer safety which, yes, he understood that made sense but it really didn’t help him in his current predicament. He tried to bargain with the guy, tried to plead his case, but he wouldn’t budge. 
He sighed, finding an armchair in the lounge and collapsing in it, his head falling into his hands.
“Hey, man,” a woman said and he turned to look at her. She was a young Asian woman, probably a few years younger than him with her hair in boxing braids. She had an American accent and a giant backpack at her feet. He raised a brow at her. “That girl you’re looking for. She about yea-high, blonde, total knockout?” she asked, holding her hand up beside her. 
“Aye,” he said, hesitant but hope sparking in his chest. “Have you seen her?” he asked almost desperately. 
“That depends,” the woman crossed her arms, looking impressively threatening for her age and size. “Did you hurt her?” 
“No!” he answered quickly, then hesitated. “Well, not physically. But I did hurt her - that’s why I’m looking for her.” 
“Are you gonna hurt her again?” she asked, raising a brow in a way that mirrored his signature move. 
“I bloody hope not,” he said with a sigh. “Please, I’m just trying to make amends. I was an idiot and a tosser and I’m hoping she’ll forgive me, but I can’t ask her to if I never see her again.” The woman looked him over once with a little more judgement in her expression than Killian was really comfortable with. Then she smiled slightly, more of a smirk really. 
“I always like a man who can admit he’s an idiot,” she said. “She was looking for some bar,” she continued, pulling out her phone. “The one from this video,” she turned the screen so he could see it and his heart pounded against his ribs. “I told her it’s-”
“That’s okay,” he said, standing. “I know where it is.”
She looked at him strangely before glancing down at the video again. “Oh hey, is that you?” she asked with genuine surprise. 
“Aye,” he said. “Thank you…”
“Mulan,” she supplied. “I hope you find her.” 
“Me too,” he admitted. As he left he heard her call out behind him. 
“When you find her, tell her the whole you’re an idiot thing! You’d be surprised! It goes a long way!” He felt the smile tugging at his lips. 
He walked into the bar. He knew it well, it was familiar territory for him. It was a little dingy, the drinks were cheap and carding wasn’t really a thing. Neither was cutting people off which was why it had been one of his favorite places when he was younger, and when he was a drunk. But he’d come back to it recently because it was familiar, because it was one of the first places he and Liam and Graham had played in (before they’d met David). And, because it had open mic nearly every night which meant he could just go up there when he needed a break from the real world, when he needed to let himself get lost in music for a bit. 
He’d been on that stage most nights this week. The owner hadn’t complained, he’d actually brought in business now that word had gotten out that one of the Jones brothers was playing there. He was starting to think he’d have to find a new place soon. The point was to blow off steam and feel like a human being again, not to be hounded by people who wanted pictures with him and women who wanted to take him home. 
He’d almost accepted a few of those offers in the first few weeks after he got here, after the preparation for the trial started and missing Emma became unbearable. But he hadn’t. One vice just led to another and it wasn’t a path he wanted to go down. And he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He might have thought that Emma had left him but he couldn’t even imagine sleeping with another woman now that he’d known her. It felt wrong. Like a betrayal, despite everything. And he knew it would only leave him empty.
He made his way inside, finding a table near the door so that he could see her if she walked in. He cast a glance around the room but she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. That was alright. He would wait. He would wait here until she came in, and if she didn’t come in then he would go back to her hostel and wait there, and if he didn’t find her there then he would bloody fly back to New York and tell her he was an idiot in America. 
He had only been sitting there for a little while, drinking a rumless coke when he saw her, not at the door, but getting up on stage, borrowed guitar in hand by the looks of it. He sat up straighter, his heart racing in his chest as she settled on the stool and looked up, right at him. She didn’t look surprised. A small, hesitant smile crossed her face, despite the anxiety and the fear on it. 
His heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his body at this point. Had she known he would come here? Ruby had told her he was looking for her, she’d come to the bar he played in. She’d gone on stage just minutes after he arrived. She’d expected him. Only now he had no idea what to expect. Would she be angry, hurt, had he broken this beyond repair?
“Hi,” she said into the mic and a couple of heads glanced up to look at her. He was fixated. She wasn’t looking at him, her gaze moving around the room uncomfortably. “Um, so,” she hesitated in that way she always did when she was nervous, when she had to voice her feelings. “Someone accused me today of not being able to admit how I feel... And that’s actually pretty true. I’m really shitty at talking about feelings - I’m shitty at feeling them honestly. But, this person helped me with that, with a lot of stuff.”
Killian heard a whispered “Is that Emma Swan?” as more people gave her their attention. 
“I was always really afraid of love because it’s only ever hurt. So I put up some walls to keep it out. But I don’t want to keep it out anymore.” She finally looked at him and he felt her gaze in his chest, in his gut, in his heart. He smiled at her, a little, nervous, hopeful thing, and she continued. “I fucked up. I really fucked up and I’m just hoping that you can forgive me and that some part of you still feels the way you did two months ago in that hotel room because…” she hesitated, looking down before lifting her eyes back to his. “Because I love you.” 
Killian sat there, awestruck and slack jawed. She loved him. She loved him and she’d said it - in front of all these people, in front of all the cameras that had come out when she’d started speaking. His whole body felt numb, like he had no control of his limbs or his fingers. But then she started playing and the song, the lyrics, the memories rushed into his bones and his skin and his blood, filling him and bringing him back to life, to her. To Emma.
“Oh don’t you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me. I said you’re holding back. She said shut up and dance with me.”
He stood, walking across the bar like a sailor drawn to a siren. He didn’t care about the whispers in the room, people recognizing him, the people filming and taking pictures and gossiping. All he could think of was her and the stupid, ecstatic smile on his face, making his cheeks hurt. As he got closer her own smile grew, doubt melting away in her eyes and replaced with an expression he’d seen there so many times before but hadn’t recognized, love. She loved him. 
He hopped up on stage, not caring that he was cutting off her song and she barely had time to stand before he caught her face in his hands and kissed her hard and long to the soundtrack of cheers from the bar patrons. He felt her arms slide up his chest, felt her hands grab hold of the lapels of his jacket as her lips curled against his own, laughter bubbling out of her as he kissed her the way he’d wanted to for months. He’d missed her so damn much and now she was here in his arms and she loved him and he was never going to let her go again. 
They pulled apart when a wolf whistle cut through the air, making them laugh. Killian looked down at her, into her eyes that were shiny with happiness and with tears. 
“I’m sorry,” she said and he shook his head.
“I’m sorry. I was an idiot.” 
She shook her head this time. “I love you,” she said again and he felt it fill his entire body. 
“I know,” he smiled at her, at the way she rolled her eyes and smacked his chest in annoyance, trying to pull away despite the way her lips turned up. He held her fast, bringing those rolling eyes back to his. “I love you,” he told her and it felt like heaven to finally get to say those words, to finally say it out loud. She smiled, took hold of his hand that was still cupping her cheek, kissed his palm and he felt her love, words or not. 
“I know,” she teased and he smiled. Because she did know. She’d known for a long time, she’d been able to read him like an open book from the beginning. He’d just taken a little longer to understand that she’d been right there with him all along. 
He glanced around the room, hearing the people who were still excitedly going on about them, some of them knowing who they were, some not but caught up in the moment. He looked back at her, a little worried, knowing she liked her private life private, that that wouldn’t be an option with him. 
“You sure about this, Swan?” he questioned. “I don’t think we’ll be able to hide this from the rest of the world.” 
She didn’t say anything, she just kissed him again in front of a couple dozen screaming fans. He pulled her into his arms. Trial be damned, distance and time be damned, five years and running and pain and whatever else was to come be damned. He loved her and she loved him and finally, after all this time, he didn’t need to doubt it anymore. He didn’t need to doubt anything anymore. Because he knew now that he would be okay. He had her. Everything else just faded away. 
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bookloveravenue · 3 years
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Vino & Veritas Books 9-13 Cover Reveal!
Pre - Order → https://geni.us/AmazonTurnabout Add to Goodreads → https://bit.ly/35VpOWG Series Page → https://hearteyespress.com/wotn#/vino-and-veritas/ Shorby  → https://shor.by/vino-and-veritas
About the Book:
I don’t have time for an unplanned visit home to help out in my father’s struggling letterpress shop. My stint in Vermont will have to be short, for a couple of reasons:
One, I’m a busy executive trying to climb the corporate ladder.
Two, my ex is still my dad’s right-hand man in the shop. And I am not over him.
Nothing has changed at the Burlington shop. Auden still has his infuriatingly sexy Scottish accent. He’s still hot, and still stubborn. Between operating the antique press with his shirtsleeves rolled up, and moonlighting at Burlington’s hottest inclusive wine bar, he pushes every one of my attraction buttons.
My falling-in-love-again buttons, too. Except I’m his polar opposite. I love change, and taking chances. Everything he avoids in life.
So why am I trying to convince him to reach for more than we’ve ever dreamed of—the possibility of forever?
Turnabout is a second-chance romance with interfering family, groveling, and a large helping of artisan stationery geekery.
Pre - Order → https://geni.us/AmazonUnguarded Add to Goodreads → https://bit.ly/2M3qdiU Series Page → https://hearteyespress.com/wotn#/vino-and-veritas/ Shorby  → https://shor.by/vino-and-veritas
About the Book:
I fled Boston and my cheating jerk of an ex with three hundred dollars and a lip gloss in my pocket. Waking up the next day in Burlington, Vermont, with a crick in my back and a frozen ass wasn’t exactly in the plan. If there was one. Which there wasn’t. Story of my life.
Three hours later and I’ve been hired as temporary help in the local veterinary and grooming clinic, which is kind of impressive since I know zip about animals and even less about grooming. But one thing I do know—I’m crushing hard on the sexy, absent-minded vet I work for.
My life is a hot mess. The last thing I need is another relationship. Emmett pushes all my buttons, but he isn’t out. He's overwhelmed with a business to run and a son to look after and the kind of domestic life I never thought I wanted.
I should walk away.
But Emmett believes in me, and I might just be starting to believe in myself. As different as we are, is it possible we're exactly what the other needs?  
Pre-Order → https://geni.us/AmazonInsatiable Add to Goodreads → https://bit.ly/35VqhrX Series Page → https://hearteyespress.com/wotn#/vino-and-veritas/ Shorby  → https://shor.by/vino-and-veritas
About the Book:
It was just a bet . . . until feelings got involved.
This job sucks but someone’s got to do it. My readers expect me to chronicle my very real, very steamy encounters in my novels. I’d never want to disappoint my fans, but the creative well has run a bit dry. Burlington, Vermont, seems like a good place to fill it up. This town offers a tempting array of artists, craftsmen, farmers, lumbersexuals . . . and so many beards.
But no one prepared me for Brody. He’s young. He’s hot. He’s definitely a grump. And he's getting under my skin. Where I want him is under my bedsheets.
When my friend bets I’ll never be able to get Brody there, I make winning my mission. Turns out being with Brody is more than a plot device. He’s so very wrong for my life . . .  but is he right for my heart?
Insatiable is a standalone book in the Vino & Veritas series by Heart Eyes Press and contains a big/small, grumpy/sunshine pairing, a bed-hopping author, a jilted sugarmaker and a reluctant fake relationship.
Pre-Order → https://geni.us/AmazonDaybreak Add to Goodreads → https://bit.ly/38YImHR Series Page → https://hearteyespress.com/wotn#/vino-and-veritas/ Shorby  → https://shor.by/vino-and-veritas
About the Book:
When a sunny young musician gets stranded with a grumpy mechanic during a snowstorm, a lack of heat is the least of their problems…
Liam Luckett is on an adventure. He's dropped out of his Master's program without telling his overbearing parents and set off on a road trip across the country. Armed with little more than his guitar, he’s looking for his best life. He never expected his car to break down in the middle of nowhere Vermont with a huge storm pending, leaving him stranded and at the mercy of a hunky local mechanic.
Jasper Cunningham is in a holding pattern. Three years after the death of his husband, he still hasn’t moved on. A hot, younger, stranded tourist is exactly the sort of complication this mechanic has been avoiding. But he also can’t leave him in the snow. He brings Liam home and lets him sleep on the couch. The air is heavy with more than snow, and when the power goes out, the two men become closer than either of them expects.
Every silken note Liam sings on that guitar thaws Jasper’s heart a little.  Suddenly, Liam’s itchy feet aren’t so eager to move on. When their feelings get too big to ignore, the bond they’ve formed is tested. Will daybreak leave them going their separate ways?
This opposites-attract, hurt/comfort romance features a grumpy widower who is only soft for one specific blue-eyed musician, a remote farmhouse, a friendly dog, and enough snow to knock the power out until love catches fire.
Pre-Order → https://geni.us/AmazonHeartsong Add to Goodreads → https://bit.ly/3bRqTTq Series Page → https://hearteyespress.com/wotn#/vino-and-veritas/ Shorby  → https://shor.by/vino-and-veritas
About the Book:
The best music comes from the heart.
Sean Anderson has spent his life waiting to get the hell out of West Virginia. His plans got derailed when his dad shipped him off to “pray the gay away,” but he’s over it, ready to prove that he’s a grown-ass man who can take care of himself. Of course, he’d have a better chance convincing himself if he could stop lusting after his grumpy roommate.
Army veteran Cooper Hill returned to Vermont minus one leg and one career, but determined to build a new life. When an army buddy asks Cooper to keep an eye on his nephew, a junior at the local college, Cooper can’t say no. He’s expecting a sheltered kid. What he gets is a gorgeous young man whose brilliant poetry gives voice to everything Cooper’s been trying to express. He wants Sean more than he’s ever wanted anything. And somehow, miraculously, Sean wants him too.
But wanting each other isn’t the same as being good for each other . . . especially when past pain threatens to write its own verse in their song.
A stand-alone novel in Sarina Bowen’s True North world, HEARTSONG contains first love, found family, kisses around the campfire, and two caring men who discover they make beautiful music together.
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allwaswell16 · 7 years
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>>>My Favorite Fics<<<
In honor of Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day, this is a fic rec of my personal favorite fan fics in no particular order. Happy reading and thanks to all the writers!
Just Tell Me the Song and I’ll Sing It by @myownsparknow
Louis is an architecture student who can only think about the future. Harry is a baseball player who can only think about right now. Both are lonely for different reasons. Boybands bring them together.
Why Can’t It Be Like That by @taggiecb
A fashion AU with a royal twist, where Louis doesn't need a stylist, Harry's thrilled to have a real life Barbie doll, and they're both very wrong about each other.
Feels Like Coming Home by @phd-mama
This is a story about love and the power of forgiveness, and how the hard choices we make define us, and change our lives.
I Had Rather (series) by @magicalrocketships (Tomlinshaw)
The first time Louis Tomlinson kisses him, Nick is three sheets to the wind, wearing a pirate hat, and so fucking tired of Louis being a complete and utter knobhead that he's spent the last ten minutes snapping at him. The kiss takes him rather by surprise, all things considered. Or: Nick and Louis don't like each other, not even a little bit, not even at all.
Take My Breath Away by @realitybetterthanfiction
Lt. Harry Styles, call sign Sparrow, is a prodigy when it comes to flying. The owner of an unrivaled Naval pedigree, being a pilot was always written in the stars for Harry. With his trusty RIO, Lt. Niall Horan, Harry has made an unprecedented ascension in the ranks of the Naval aerial combat elite, and has been recruited to the esteemed Premier Delta flight school, carrying on his family’s legacy. What he finds there are unexpected friendships, perilous challenges, and something beyond what he ever thought possible. Because as his father had always told him, before the great Captain Styles went tragically missing in combat, you don’t fall in love with the sky, you fall in love with what keeps you on the ground.
I Walk the Line by @a-writerwrites
Professor Louis Tomlinson is the leading researcher in his field. Harry Styles is Louis’ recently hired grad assistant. Sparks fly between them but something doesn’t add up when it comes to Harry, and Louis is determined to find out what.
Ain’t My Fault by @afirethatcannotdie
Liam posts an ad on the wrong section of Craigslist, Louis is pretty sure they’re gonna get murdered as a result, and Harry’s missing an avocado.
This Ain’t Just a Thing That You Give Up by @lululawrence
The one where Harry is a baker in addition to being a college student who just happens to meet the crazy famous Louis Tomlinson while on spring break. Featuring personal assistant!niall, roommate and best friend!liam, and costar/model!zayn.
Midnight Dancers by @alveronian (Larry/Tomlinshaw)
Nearly a year after One Direction ends, Louis finds himself with a choice to make: go back and fix the mistakes of the past, or take a risk on something new? A tale of three men, two love stories...and two endings.
Fall At My Door by @fullonlarrie
A-list actor Harry Styles and award-winning musician Louis Tomlinson have an acquaintances-with-benefits relationship, so whenever their busy professional lives happen to land them in the same city, they meet up. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement. And that’s all it is. Until it isn’t.
Yet in Thy Dark Streets Shineth by @juliusschmidt
Louis’ life has become the very thing he’s always dreaded: routine. His job is steady, his bills are paid, his friends are preoccupied, his siblings are mostly old enough not to need him, and his mom keeps pestering him about attending church. Apparently, the new minister pulls rainbows and unicorns out of his robes. Advent arrives three months into Harry’s first call as associate pastor at St. Andrews. Life is… not perfect. He’s still figuring out how do his job and the holidays bring a whole bundle of extra stress. On top of which, he has no friends or family nearby with whom he can decompress. Louis Tomlinson shows up to worship in the nick of time.
Love Is A Rebellious Bird by @100percentsassy & @gloriaandrews
AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who "has made Mozart cool again" according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too. Don't hum Bolero.
blend into my favourite colour by @rainbowninja
Harry is a barista with a secret Werewolf High fan blog, a desperate crush on a customer named Louis, and a best friend on Tumblr who always makes him laugh. Louis can't figure out why the barista at his favorite coffee shop keeps creepily staring at him, and to make matters worse, he may be slightly in love with a friend he met online. A love square involving two boys, one TV fandom, and one food fight.
Far Away. by @dimpled-halo
Harry returns to London after five years. Stuck in the past with "what ifs" and "what might have beens", he sees that his friends and ex (and possible love of his life) Louis have all moved on with their lives while he finds himself questioning his own life choices, past and present.
And Then a Bit by @infinitelymint
Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.
Twelfth Night by @becomeawendybird
Queen Anne holds a masquerade ball to try and find matches for both her children on Twelfth Night. While anonymity reigns, Prince Harry spends the ball getting to know a handsome stranger.
Naked & Proud by @icanhazzalou
In which Harry runs an organic store, not a nudist colony, and Louis doesn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed.
Coming Home Through the Dark to You by @londonfoginacup
Harry Styles works at the Fox in the Snow, the most hipster coffee joint around. He's got too many roommates and a best friend he met his first day of university who he might very well be head-over-heels for.
Then We Talk Slow by @letsjustsee
A famous/non-famous AU in which Louis banters back and forth with his new record company on Twitter, only to find out that Harry is the man behind the tweets.
kiss me on the mouth and set me free by @suspendrs 
Louis is a gamer and Harry is a beauty guru, and VidCon is a good place to fall in love.
You’re Writing Verses About Me by @all-these-larrythings
Everybody knows that Louis has never been one for serious boyfriends. His reputation around campus precedes him, which is why he doesn't think twice before proudly telling his mother about his new and completely fabricated relationship with his oddly quiet and completely gorgeous new roommate Harry to shut her up about his lack of commitment. It's the perfect lie; a flawless plan, or at least it was until Louis' ordered to bring his fabulous new boyfriend home.
A Match Made in Aisle Three (Everybody Cut Footloose) by @flamboyantommo
The one where Louis is a drama student/cashier who assists Harry in buying a bottle of lube, and is also the only guy that frat boy Harry has trouble talking to. Also featuring Sophia as stubborn matchmaker and Liam as accidental wingman.
If Tomorrow Never Comes (We Had Last Night) by @suddenclarityharry & @all-these-larrythings
Based on this Tumblr prompt: "Accidentally called your number while drunk asking for a ride and you actually came au"
driving me crazy, but i’m into it (series) by @jaerie
Harry is a camboy trying out something new and Louis ends up on the other end of the line.
You You You by @isthatyoularry
The one where Harry and Louis meet at a club and Louis takes Harry home, only for him to realize that the boy who just made him breakfast half naked is Harry Styles from One Direction.
Unbelievers by @isthatyoularry
It’s Louis’ senior year, and he’s dead set on doing it right. However, along with his pair of cleats, a healthy dose of sarcasm and his ridiculous best friend, he’s also got a complicated family, a terrifyingly uncertain future, and a mortal enemy making his life just that much worse. Mortal enemies “with benefits” was not exactly the plan.
Fall Into Your Gravity by @zarah5undercover
AU. In which Harry is an overnight pop sensation and Louis steals plants, Zayn pulls Liam's proverbial pigtails and Niall's really just pleased there are more girls for him.
burn to ash by @bethaboolou
The fic where Harry spirals out of control, the band breaks up, and then he shows back up, five years later.
Have You Coming Back Again by @crazyupsetter
It’s five o’clock in the morning. Louis has a lecture at half eight. He could be using this time to study or to do his readings or to go to the gym, but - well. He doesn’t have any exams coming up, he’s not going to his seminar today anyway and he hates the gym. Instead he’s using this time to fuck with Harry Styles’ poor little brain.
The One Where Harry Really Doesn’t Have Ten Cats by @loaded-gunn
The AU where Harry is a pet-sitter for the rich and famous, and Louis is rich and famous.
After Hours by @mizzwilde
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are the bane of each other's existences. Unfortunately, they're already in love--even if they aren't completely aware of this minor detail. [A "You've Got Mail" AU]
Want You More Than A by @donotdialnine
Falling in love with your step-brother’s best friend is a disaster enough. When he happens to be the boy everyone loves and you’re a nerd who wears sweater vests and cries during rom-coms, it takes it to a whole new level.
Rise up like the sun by @tommosgun
“I wasn't taking a sneaky pic.” Louis blurted out, the guy stood at one of the urinals taking a piss. “You were.” The guy answered coolly. “I would've taken a pic with you if you'd just asked.” “No I didn't want a pic with you.” The guy turned his head, quirking his eyebrow sardonically. “No you're far too cool for that, you just wanted to violate my privacy.” Louis squeezed his eyes shut.
let me make a thing of cream and stars by @missandrogyny
It doesn't explain why he's lying on the floor, with Harry Styles, of all people, planking on top of him.As in, seventeenth most influential person in London, pop-star-turned-rock-star Harry Styles. The same Harry Styles who has had countless model girlfriends, left, right and centre. Also the same Harry Styles who has been the subject of Louis' wet dreams since he was about eighteen.(Or: Louis is a Radio 1 DJ and Harry is a pop-star he interviews.)
no pressure, no diamonds by @karamelised
Louis is a thief, Harry a grifter. They are thrown together for a huge diamond heist in Paris, where their past soon catches up to them.
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h-styles-babes · 7 years
No Control | Chapter Two
Micky Bennett: college student, loyal friend, aspiring nurse, One Direction fan, Harry Styles enthusiast. Her best friend, Trevor, wins tickets to a show in New Jersey with meet and greet passes. Micky expects a quick photo op with the boys and a great night at the concert with her best friend. What she gets a whole lot more than she bargained for.
*Please feel free to reblog and send me feedback. It’s much appreciated :)*
To read previous chapters, you can go here.
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*Gif is not mine.*
When Trevor and I established months ago that our seats were really close to the stage, I don’t think either of us really understood how close they were. We get to our seats about twenty minutes before the opener came on, pushing our way through tittering fangirls and their disgruntled parents. We get a few odd looks from the parents as we pass by, since we’re so much older than the general populace in the stadium.
Trev is diligently looking at the rows and trying to determine seat numbers. We’re searing for a while before he stops right at the edge of the stage, about a foot from the security gate that’s been put up to keep the fans off the stage during the show. I run into his back, since I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to where we were going, too busy thinking back over our time at the meet and greet. 
“Oi, why’d you stop?” I ask, rubbing my head where it collided with his shoulder blade.
“These are our seats,” he says, gesturing to the two right in front of us.
“No fucking way,” I breathe out. I look around and notice how close we are to the stage. “Jesus Christ.”
“No kidding.”
We settle into our seats, making ourselves comfortable. The lights have gone down for the opening act to take the stage, so I sit back and relax while they put the finishing touches on the platform. Trev asks if I’d like anything to drink, and I ask him to get me a beer of some sort—I’m hoping there’s some Guinness or something. Trevor knows my taste in alcohol, so he goes off without another word.
The opener starts before Trevor gets back, and it’s an act that I’m not much into. It’s a bit too electronic for my taste, but I kindly dance along to it while I wait. They’re music is pretty good and they perform wonderfully, so I dance along with the girls next to me. Trev gets back about twenty minutes into the set, complaining about the lines, even though most of the people in here are underage. I joke that it’s probably all their parents, getting pissed so they can make it through the concert. Honestly, as an older person—compared to One Direction’s typical fanbase—I don’t quite get while the older generations are so against their music. It’s a little pop-y and they’re a boyband, but the music is good, especially this latest album, which sounds much more mature than anything they’ve done previously. Older people are always so quick to shut down something before they even give it a listen, which is sad, honestly.
When the opener is finished, Trev and I clap along with the rest of the venue. Trevor makes a quick dash for the bathroom and promises to bring more beer back before One Direction comes on. Thankfully, the venue sells stuff in bottles and cans instead of plastic cups, so I toss money at him to get a few for each of us for the rest of the show. 
While he’s gone, I check my phone and see I have an email from the venue. It’s attached images of the photos that were taken during the meet and greet. I’m excited to see that they’ve included the one that Harry messed up. His head is thrown back, his eyes squinted closed, and his mouth open in a wide smile. His hand is halfway to his mouth, ready to smack over it to quell his outburst. My smile is wide next to him, my head tilted up to look at him. Louis is next to me, looking at Harry like he’s the biggest dork he’s ever met, and Niall’s on the other side, his mouth open in a laugh at Harry. Liam just looks confused and Trevor is smiling, his finger pressed to the bridge of his nose, like he was pushing his glasses up at the time the photo was taken. I remind myself to make sure to print that out later and share both of the photos on Instagram.
The second picture is good, but it looks more put on. I like the first one since it seems so genuine and relaxed. We’re all smiling at the camera, looking happy and excited for the concert, but it’s nothing compared to the first one. Trevor rushes back as soon as the lights go down again and some music starts playing. The crowd starts to get louder, getting excited to see the bad come out. I see the musicians start coming out from backstage and taking up residence at their instruments. Trevor hands me a beer and then curses at our lack of bottle opener. I shrug him off and prop the cap on the edge of the barricade in front of us and bang my hand down on the top, effectively opening it.
“I forgot about that little party trick,” Trev says.
“I haven’t had to use it in a while. Turning twenty-one ensured that we always had a bottle opener around,” I shrug. I pass him the bottle and signal for him to hand me another. I open this one the same and keep it for myself.
“When’d you learn that?”
“I think I was fifteen. Mates and I always got ahold of alcohol somehow, but we never had a bloody bottle opener. I just taught myself how to do it one day.”
Trevor goes to respond, but I shush him as the lights go out and the screens on stage start up, playing the introductory video before the boys come out. I can feel my heart beat picking up with the anticipation. I drink way more of my beer than I mean to as I anxiously await their presence on stage. My love for Harry Styles is at an all time high at the moment, with the memories of what happened at the meet and greet and the thought of seeing him in his element. The fluttery feeling I get in my chest any time I see a particularly amazing photo of him online is amplified ten fold with the thought of actually being in his presence. 
When the band starts up and the boys appear on stage, I feel like the air is sucked from my lungs. They’ve changed outfits since the meet and greet—well, mostly everyone, except for Harry, who just changed his plain white shirt into a plain black one. He looks even better, if that’s possible. All black is a good look for him, along with the smile that’s splitting his face as they open up with Clouds. Harry is on the part of the stage closest to us, and he looks out in the crowd as he begins the song. His eyes skim over me before darting back and catching my eye. I smile warmly before tilting my beer back. My eyes are still on his as he smiles at me when his verse is over.
“What the fuck did I tell you?” Trev asks, speaking in my ear to be heard over the music.
I roll my eyes at him. “He smiled. He’s always smiling.”
Trevor just presses his lips together and raises one eyebrow at me to show that he’s disagreeing with me. I just laugh and shake my head before taking another sip from my drink.
I don’t know the verses of this song very well, but I sing along to the chorus. I keep my eyes mainly trained on Harry, while I can see Trevor’s view bouncing back and forth between Liam and Harry. I think he’s trying to catch Harry looking our way again so he can make a point, but I have a feeling he’s going to be very let down throughout this concert.
They go straight into Steal My Girl afterwards, all four boys going down the walkway to perform there, although Harry stays closer to the main stage, close to where Trev and I are set up. After the song, they take a break to address the crowd and thank them for coming, Harry being goofy and cracking stupid jokes that I can’t help but shake my head at. They spend the next fifteen minutes or so at the end of the walkway, towards the middle of the arena, so I watch from the screens in front of me. 
During the end of Kiss You, the come back up toward the main stage, and Harry’s eyes find mine again as he sings the last words. He winks at me and I’m pretty sure my heart stops for a split second. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and bite on it to keep myself from smiling like an idiot, but Harry notices my reaction and grins at me, pressing his tongue to the front of his teeth. He turns away with a parting blown kiss to start in on the next song.
“I know we’re in a room with, like, thirty thousand other people, but I can feel the sexual tension,” Trev says into my ear. I try to ignore him and continue to sing along, but he keeps pestering me. “How much you want to bet he’ll send security over here to get you after the show?”
“Shut up!” I growl. “You’re ridiculous.” But I’m starting to believe Trev as Harry passes by again, looking right at me and doing that thing where he bits his tongue at the side of his mouth, his lips pulled up into a smirk. I groan loud enough for Trevor to hear me and laugh at me. I’ve always had a weakness for that tongue thing and my body can’t handle seeing it in person.
I get a reprieve when they go back to the end of the stage and perform for a song and then Liam takes some time to read some of the signs in the crowd. My ovaries are shot again, though, when they set up for Ready to Run, and Harry sits on the edge of the stage, right in front of us. I reach out to grip onto the hem of Trevor’s shirt, squeezing it tightly in my fist. My lip is back between my teeth as I look up at Harry as he begins the song. He’s looking back at me again through his whole verse, his eyes flicking down to where I have a death grip on Trev. Harry gives a little nod to me and I think I squeak, because Trevor is suddenly cackling with laughter next to me. I smack him in the chest with the back of my hand as Harry laughs before hopping up to go dance around the stage.
The whole rest of the concert is like this: Harry coming over to our area in between skipping and prancing around and locking eyes with me, smirking, blowing kisses, all while making it look like he’s doing it to all the people around us. His eyes are very much meeting mine, though, grinning slyly every time I bite my bottom lip. During the introduction to Don’t Forget Where You Belong, Harry pulls Louis aside and speaks in his ear, gesturing to opposite sides of the stage. Louis nods with a cheeky grin and slaps Harry on the shoulder before switching places with him. Harry plops himself back on the stage right in front of us. 
It’s getting a bit ridiculous at this point, honestly. With Harry constantly looking at me and Trevor joking and telling me ‘I told you so,’ my nerves are shot. I thought I could handle this concert as a grown woman, but I wasn’t anticipating having Harry Styles flirt with me the whole time. 
And don’t even get me started on the pointed looks during Little Things. I just about melted into the damn floor during that song.
For what it’s worth, he does spend a lot of time interacting with other fans and prancing around the stage during their set, but he’s constantly coming back and looking at me with those damn green eyes and his beautiful voice and his amazing hair and his dazzling smiles. I can’t fucking take it.
During Little White Lies, which I know is about their second to last song, Harry kneels on stage and gets the attention of a security guy and speaks in his ear. I’m trying my hardest to pay attention to the other guys singing, but his eyes flick up and meet mine, and he grins as he keeps speaking to the security. I see his head tilt toward me, and the security’s eyes land on me as Harry nods. I gulp at the look in his eyes. I think Trevor just might be right.
Harry pops back up on stage as the security man heads in our direction. I tug on Trev’s hand frantically.
He looks down at me and then the direction I nod before his eyes light up and he starts bouncing on his toes.
“I fucking told you!”
“Micky?” the big burly guy asks, leaning in close to me to be heard over the music.
“That’s me,” I agree with a nod.
“Mr. Styles has requested your company in his dressing room after he gets off stage. He hopes you’ll say yes.”
I know I shouldn’t really be surprised, but I feel my stomach drop at the confirmation that our interactions all night weren’t just in my head. 
I’m quiet for too long, because Trev nudges me with his elbow and nods. “She’d love to,” he answers for me. He turns to me and leans down to talk in my ear. “Text me when you get there safely and let me know if you’re coming back to the hotel tonight.”
I look at him pointedly. “I’m not sleeping with Harry Styles. I’ll be back tonight.” He smirks at me. “If you say so, babe. I feel like you might be eating your words in a few hours, though.”
I roll my eyes at him as the security guy opens up the barrier gate to let me through. I don’t look back to see if any of the people are around me are looking as I’m escorted off, or, if they are, they think I’m having, like, a medical emergency or something. 
“Go get ‘em, tiger!” I hear Trev yell over the crashing of the music on stage. I just flip him off over my shoulder. I can hear his laughter faintly as I walk away.
Twenty minutes later, after I’ve been set up in what looks to be the boys’ dressing room, given all the clothes, towels, and knick knacks lying around, there’s a light knock on the door. I’m sitting on the couch, legs crossed over each other, facing the door. I expect the guys and their stylists to walk in to celebrate the end of a show, but only Harry walks in, instead. He’s gloriously sweaty, his shirt sticking to him and accentuating his chest. His hair is pretty mussed up from flipping it around for two hours and running his hands through it repeatedly. His skin in sheen with a layer of sweat and where his chest peaks through his collar is tinged pink from his exertion. He’s got a dopey smile on his face, though, that has me biting on my lip again. The poor thing is going to be swollen tomorrow with all the abuse.
“You came,” he states excitedly, but slightly out of breath.
I grin back and nod. “I did.” He grins back before whipping his shirt off over his head and taking up a towel. I feel my eyes widen, but school my face when before he looks at me again. He’s incredibly toned, and I quickly skim my eyes over all his lovely tattoos. The fig leaves at his hips are the newest additions, and I want so badly to run my tongue over them. 
“You guys were amazing,” I say, shaking myself out of my stupor over his shirtless body. Thankfully, I don’t think he caught me staring at him, because he just fully beams at me, his dimples as deep as I’ve ever seen them. “I’ve been to a few different concerts, and you guys by far are the most interactive with fans.”
He runs the towel over his damp skin as he answers. “Thanks. The energy was really high tonight. We kind of feed off it, ya know? Makes us perform better. Makes us more eager to interact.”
“Makes you more likely to torture the poor, innocent girl in the front row?” I add cheekily. I’m normally not a shy person when it comes to talking to and interacting with men, despite the way I was acting during the show. As I sat and waited by myself earlier, I determined that Harry Styles was not going to turn me into someone I’m not. I am a strong, independent, self-assured adult, not some sniveling, fluttery teenager. I am determined to act the same way with him as I would any other man our age. Just because he’s a celebrity doesn’t make him any different from any other twenty-one year old lad.
“I don’t know about innocent, love,” he smirks at me. “You biting your lip the whole time is anything but innocent.”
“At least I wasn’t the one winking and blowing kisses and doing that damned thing with your tongue the entire time. Driving me fucking mad.”
He walks over and sits himself down on the coffee table in front of me. Our knees knock together, and I can feel the heat of him through both of our jeans. “You don’t know how glad I was to see you standing so close when we got out there. I was hoping you weren’t seated somewhere I couldn’t see you.”
“And why’s that?” I ask boldly.
He leans forward, propping his elbows on his knees. One of his large, ringed hands rests itself on my thigh, searing my skin. I don’t know if he naturally runs so hot or if his body is still keyed up from his performance, but it’s slowly burning me in the most pleasurable way.
“Because my heart nearly jumped out of my chest when you first walked into the room earlier. Because you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Because I couldn’t stop thinking of you at all before the concert. Or during, for that matter.”
My heart jumps into my throat at his words. I watch as his hand slowly moves up my thigh to rest on my hip, his thumb making small circles on the flesh there. “What do you want from me, Harry?” My eyes flash up to his, and I’m slightly startled to find him so close to me. I can feel the puff of his breath against my chest, making my nipples harden. I’m sure they can be seen through the silk of my shirt, and by the way Harry’s eyes dart down for a second, my suspicions are confirmed. 
When he looks back up to my eyes, he says, “Whatever you want to give me, love.”
I shake my head and see his eyes flash with some sort of emotion I can’t identify. “You have to tell me what you want. I don’t play games.”
His eyes darken with the widening of his pupils, and his nostrils flare slightly. His grip on my hip tightens, and his other hand comes up to rest on the back of my neck, under my hair. “I’m not gonna lie to you—I want you. Very much. But, I also want to get to know you. I spoke to you for all of five minutes, and you fascinate me. I can’t explain it. I just have this pull to you.”
I nod slightly. “I feel it, too. And I’ll give you what you want. I want it, too.”
The edges of his lips curl up into a smile that’s slightly cocky but in a weirdly endearing way. “Yeah?”
He leans forward and lightly grazes his lips over mine. My lips tingle at the contact, something I’ve never experienced before while kissing someone. I feel his breath against my lips and I can smell the peppermint of the gum he must have been chewing. His hand cradles the back of my neck as his tongue peaks out to trace my lips before pressing his own more firmly against mine. We move together for a few moments, his tongue sweeping lightly every so often. His kisses are intoxicating, with the way that he smells and the taste of him left behind. There’s the peppermint, but there’s also a hint of sweetness underneath it. 
Harry pulls back first, and his eyes are slightly hooded as he looks at me. “I need to have a shower real quick, then we can leave.”
I nod and watch as he stands. He toes off his boots and grabs a larger towel from a nearby chair. “Five minutes, love. Then, you’re all mine.”
The words send a shiver down my spine.
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the-hindu-times · 5 years
April 2019 reviews roundup
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Ricky Gervais at Guildford's G Live was followed the week by a trip to Edinburgh. Whilst there, after John Hunt’s ‘After Work Blues’ at The Jazz Barr, we headed to the Usher Hall for DMA's where the floor was a riot of 14 - 18 year olds making the most of their youth and the school break; lifting the music just from their mass attendance.
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The day after, we past Isabel Caswell coming out of M&S in Sheffield, realising ‘Calendar Girls’ was in town, whilst heading over to the other end of town for an intimate performance from Chloë Foy and her band at Cafe No.9. Stood around one microphone, the perfect acoustic sound detailed her delicate songs in the highest, audible quality. It was clear there were a few returning regulars filling up the venue but we managed to find the perfect position to hear the mix as, due to the nature of the set-up, sitting on the left hand side may have been too piano heavy. 
Mixing folk with classical, the dynamic performance showcased some great melodic writing, whilst using her voice as a true instrument, rapidly putting herself in line with Phoebe Bridgers and Lisa Hannigan.
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We were back in London on Monday for the first of Glen Hansard’s 2 nights at The Barbican. Like when I'd seen him with The Frames at the Scala, neither evening was sold out. Since the success of the film and musical 'Once', from around that time, featuring the Oscar winning 'Falling Slowly' and the equally popular 'When Your Mind's Made Up', his two LPs solo, which came either side of 'Didn't He Ramble', expectedly followed on from that style of writing and production The Swell Season (his duo with film co-star and former flame, Markéta Irglová) possessed. Now touring his fantastic fourth full length under his own name 'The Wild Willing', this record seems to be as important to him as 'Didn't He Ramble' in comparison to his other two solo efforts 'Rhythm & Repose' and 'A Season On The Line', which were not featured at all in the first night's setlist. In fact, this new album happened from moments of inspiration and improvisation that took place in between takes from pre-penned songs - eventually casting aside the original plan altogether as the musicians involved propelled Glen's threads of ideas into songs; disrupting the flow if songs were heading in a certain area. 
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Having been sent the new record’s audio in advance, before I was able to buy the vinyl, it arrived with a strong feeling of weather - like a storm was coming in; as featured at the end of the first night's opener 'Wait Of The World', which eventually became subsumed in wind; emerging like a fog. Balanced on a stall, just for this opener, Glen asked for a set list or possibly a lyric sheet during this new composition? 
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For the last few years, Glen Hansard had been travelling as a 13-piece, soul revue, big band. Tonight the horn section had been disbanded but had the addition of acoustic guitarist, Javier Mass, (making them 11 on stage) joining them from the second song 'I'll Be You Be Me' - a studio improvisation in France; connecting with the idea of intimacy, surrendering to someone until you become each other. You can hear a split second of Bowie's vocal rasp on the loop (from a cassette demo of the Queen and Bowie session for ‘Under Pressure’) that David Cleary added to the track as the beat.
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The end mantra of the third song played 'Don't Settle' built on the advice Liam Clancy gave to Bob Dylan, before the theatre went pitch black for a pre-recorded vocal performance from Aida Shahghasemi at the end of following new number 'Fool's Game' - a song they opened with the next night.
After 4 songs from 'The Wild Willing', a sigh of relief met the plucked intro chords to 'Didn't He Ramble''s 'My Little Ruin, which soon lead onto 'Once' film soundtrack favourite 'When Your Mind's Made Up', which Glen halted momentarily on night 1 just as the drums and bass came in. The 5/4 time signature seemed fine to me – especially with one of the best drummers in the business. On night 2, the Irish singer teased the title lyric about the UK having not made up their mind about Brexit before he showed how his solo/acoustic Swell Season song 'Leave' took on a whole new meaning. Joking aside, the band leant into the shift in dynamic even more so; covering the particular tones of the album’s Iranian musicians, who were absent, along with Aida, after being refused visas into the UK.
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After 'Winning Streak' from 'DHR', another 4 songs (including 'Mary', 'Brother's Keeper' and 'The Closing Door') from 'The Wild Willing' were aired, mixing in The Specials' 'Ghost Town' (night 1 only) with 'Race To The Bottom' - a title which is already a play on AC/DC's 'It's A Long Way To The Top...', whilst the lyrics are diary entries of rhyming couplets from day to day occurrences from his writing sessions in Paris. Night 2 saw the only outing for a ‘Between Two Shores’ track with ‘Roll On Slow’ which lead on to a cover from Van Morrison’s former band, Them, in the shape of ‘Gloria’, with help from an audience member on lead vocals.
'Didn't He Ramble' (recorded for the 'Season On The Line' ep and not for the LP of the same name) saw Glen pass his electric guitar down to Javier to improvise a solo, which was better on night 1 but night 2 lead to an extra chorus at the end. 
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With Glen coming to the front of the stage to sing 'Grace Beneath The Pines', he strummed a few of the chords on guitar for it on night 2 before putting it down. Despite having his string section with him, Glen decided to sing the fiddle part at the end of his 'DHR' solo, piano song 'McCormack's Wall', clapping along with the audience. This song was traded for a completely unplugged (like ‘Grace Beneath…’) version of 'Falling Slowly' on the second night, with the strings and keys watching closely for the changes. Maybe he was about to perform it on night one too before Javier Mas returned to the stage a song too early. Glen asked him to stay to duet one from his former boss: Leonard Cohen's 'Famous Blue Raincoat'. Night 2 saw the band go into Cohen's 'Bird On The Wire' after DHR's 'Her Mercy', Night 1, instead saw a snippet of 'Wedding Ring', from the same album, thrown in at the end, which wouldn't have been right now that Curtis Sonny Fowlkes is no longer in the band to come to the centre stage to sing a verse. After an old Frames rock number ('Revelate' on night 1, switched for 'Fitzcarralado' on night 2) the whole band did get an opportunity to take turns to sing a part of Pete Seeger's 'Passing Through' as the last song on the opening night, and Brendan Benhan's 'The Auld Triangle' at the end of the second.
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As intended, he's certainly uncomfortable again and both nights proved how beauty exists outside of comfort. Don't settle. 
On night 2 we had gone to Rough Trade East beforehand for 'Idlewild: in conversation'. With no live performance, I went down to Southampton Engine Rooms to see them the following Tuesday. 
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photo by Nic Bennett
The next day, we caught a bit of Lauren Aquilina's [mostly] solo performance at the House of St Barnabas private bar in Soho, where we’d previously been taken to by Starsailor, before catching the second half of Newton Faulkner’s set at the London Palladium – a place he deserves to be after the career he’s had so far.
After Ed Byrne at Kingston’s Outside The Box, we headed over the road for a sleepy Peter Doherty & The Puta Madres New Slang gig. We were back at Outside The Box for Tom Rosenthal & Ian Stirling as the month came to a close.
Nic Bennett
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Credit to Café Astrology entirely. The normal font is them, the italicized are my thoughts. Thank you.
              Sun in Virgo
              It is rare to find the stereotypical nitpicky, exacting, “clean freak” in modern-day Virgo. Have you met Niall? He said in a recent interview that he was very orderly something about Louis’ mess on the bus during tour that drove him up the wall, and I believe it. In all the shots he shares of his house his place is always so tidy. He’s a Clorox toting, rubber glove wearing, “clean freak” and no one can tell me otherwise.
`Virgo people are generally respectable, hard-working individuals who have a love of knowledge and know-how. Niall likes to know things. His little adventure at N.A.S.A. How long do you think he studied for that? Watching movies so that he can get conversation material. He likes to be well-informed in his subject matter of choice, entertainment. He knows musicians, he stays up to date on pop culture, and in the fandom, though not as much as Louis, even if tries to deny it. Niall just likes to know stuff. It’s easy to connect with people if you have something to talk about, and he’s really good at that.
            Virgos symbol, the Virgin, shows itself in the lives of Virgos through a love of all that is “natural” and a certain purity of spirit that keeps Virgos self-sufficient and self-contained, at least on the surface. He looks very clean, pure, and young. Every Virgo has this sort of youthful, pure look about them.
            They are generally reticent when faced with anything or anyone new. It looks like he’s had his friends for years, or are family. Although he is friendly, it seems like he would have trouble truly accepting new people into his group unless he’s thoroughly vetted them and found them worthy. He prefers the tried and true method of doing something verses trying to find new paths.
            Many Virgo Suns are not too comfortable with the limelight. These types are just fine living in the background, as long as they feel useful and appreciated. We’ve all heard that sometimes musicians use their instruments as buffers, and I think that could be the case here with Niall’s guitar, at least in the beginning. I think he’s grown more comfortable with the limelight over the years. But I think he may sometimes still feel this way.
            Solar Virgos have a strong sense of responsibility. Even when they’ve convinced themselves to be irresponsible about something or other, they worry about it. Everything is planned. Everything is calculated. Niall just doesn’t put a step out of order because he’s thought about it. He can see several moves down the game board, and that’s brilliant. A little intimidating if you were with him, but it would be comforting to know that if you needed something or needed something to get done, that he’s probably already taken care of it. Like he can sense or keep track of things like when you need your oil changed and he’d already have it serviced for you before you even noticed it. Very on top of things. Very responsible.
            Not all Virgos are workaholics. Niall is though in a sense. He works hard and plays hard. However, when Solar Virgos are not involved in some kind of project, there is generally a vague feeling of discontent. He’s not happy unless it’s perfect, then probably still not happy after that. Even when their lives are filled up with work, they are restless and somewhat nervous creatures. He definitely has a nervous excited energy about him.
            The fear of under-performing is often strong. He wants to be perfect. Some are exacting and thorough and those Virgos who have convinced themselves to do a less-than-perfect job will generally feel incomplete. His album could get number one, which t deserves, and he still would be thinking about how it could have been better. There’s an odd combination of the intellectual and the practical in Virgo that is sometimes mistaken for coolness. He rationalizes his emotions. I see him being more passive aggressive when angry verses blowing up.
            In fact, Virgos are often self-effacing and shy. He’s very apt to poke fun at himself or to try to put himself down. Add plenty of worthwhile projects to keep them busy. He needs to be doing something or working towards something at all times to feel even remotely at peace, even if that something is relaxing or taking time off. It will be scheduled in even if he doesn’t realize he’s doing it.
            He’s analytical. He is very observant and future thinking. He is intelligent. Niall is super smart and introspective. In that one interview with him, Niall, and Liam when they’re in Australia or New Zealand, I think, and the interviewer asks him what he would do if he were Mayor or something and he just spits out this brilliant answer about improving public transport and this and that, and yeah, Niall is smart. Just because he comes off as easy going and carefree doesn’t mean that he doesn’t think.
He is reserved. Now, I wouldn’t normally say that Niall is reserved, but I think there is a difference in his public persona, “work mode” and his personal life. Would he be someone to try and dance with you at a club? No. He isn’t forward like that. He might buy you a drink if he was sure that you would be okay with that and if he was really wanting some that night, but I don’t think he’s overly confident or forward in things like this. Business is different, because he already has an established base with those people. Business people appreciate talent and even more than that money. Would he have been able to go and introduce himself to big suit types at the beginning of the band? Maybe, but not with as much confidence or gusto or surety as he would now. He is critical. Oh yes, my friend, and it’s a Virgo thing. They just want to help really by telling you that your hair looks horrible like that so that you’re not dumb enough to do it again. Or he’s being an arsehole because he’s had a bad day, and is being critical of your every move for no good reason other than he’s feeling crappy and has no place to put his anger than on you.
He is helpful. One hundred percent the kind of person who would help an old lady cross the street, or would stop and give you really detailed directions if you were lost some place. The boys a sweetie. He is conscientious. I think we can say this considering just the sheer amount of charity work that he has been involved in. He cares about more than just himself. And he is appreciative of the fans, not just because he loves them, but because he is so smart. He know that no one buys a horrible persons album. He knows that if he is horrible and unappreciative of his fans and the role they have had on his life that they aren’t going to buy concert tickets. He knows that fame is fleeting. He’s said it more than once through the years, and in their last book, and he knows that he has to take care of what he has both physically and professionally. He has a good name right now, and he knows that he needs to hold onto that because he is conscious enough to realize that the future is still uncertain and that things can change on a dime.
    Sun in 12th
                        You have a tendency to be introspective and need some space and seclusion in order to pull up your strength. He thinks a lot, maybe over thinks sometimes, unless he’s thinking with another part of his anatomy then he doesn’t think enough. You may avoid the spotlight, and if you do find yourself in a public role, you tend to hide your true self behind that role. Is happy, friendly Niall just a front?????? I think it’s just the part that we readily see, but I also think that he’s doing a good job of showing us more of his real self as time goes on.
            Honor your need to be alone with yourself, but avoid over-identifying with your inner world to the point that you truly feel alone in a crowd. I think he has a good balance here. You shine when you serve others in some way. Performing could count as serving here I’d say.
  94 Trine Sun-Uranus
              You easily embrace new ways of doing things, you stick up for the underdog, and you express yourself in unique and inspiring ways. Mr. You don’t pay my bills, they do. You are far from pretentious. I hope. You value honesty and truth, and you avoid putting on airs. Most of the time, but I think he’s mostly no B.S. You possess an unmistakable enthusiasm about life, and generally your life is interesting because you invite unusual or adventurous experiences into your life. He loves life. He knows he’s got it good and he’s enjoying it. There’s no shame in that. You are generally appreciated by others. Yes, everyone loves Niall.
            Nothing really seems to faze you! You take things in stride, and are rarely shocked or taken aback by human behavior. You get the vibe that he’s pretty easy going, but in that, you also get the feeling that he doesn’t really care about a lot of stuff, not deeply anyways. In their last book he spoke some about not feeling homesick ever like some of the other boys, and I thought that was interesting. You never hear about his relationships good or bad, he’s never giddy like Liam and he may talk about stuff that frustrates him, but nothing that’s sad, nothing that really upsets him. He’s very composed. 
              89 Trine Sun-Neptune
              He has a marked appreciation for music, and the arts. Yes. You are naturally compassionate. How many charitable causes does he champion? Niall does more for charity than all the other boys combined, with maybe the exception of Believe in Magic, and definitely more than any popstar I ever hear of.
            Your attraction to spiritually and metaphysical subjects is usually marked. Interesting. These aspects favor writers, artists, and musicians. Writer, musician, yes. You are sensitive to those who are suffering, although you are not usually taken advantage of. He’s too smart for that, I think. You are a humanitarian. Here’s this again. You are not one to dominate others or assert yourself to the point of brashness. I think he gets what he wants though that’s for sure. You have a fertile imagination, full of inspiration, and very emotional, all qualities that you may use on the professional level. Like writing a future number one album. He’s so talented. If people don’t get it they’re nuts. I highly expect him to out sell all of them.
              150 Sextile Sun-Pluto
              It is easy and natural for you to find a passion and pursue it, and to focus on a goal. Yup. You are not much scared of anything. I agree. He doesn’t have much to fear yet because I don’t think he has anything really that he’d be truly frightened to lose. You love a good mystery, and you are adept at solving it. He likes to know how people and things tick. The physical vitality is generally strong, and the body is usually ale to heal quickly. Bionic knee, baby. You are not afraid to get your hands dirty, and you are usually quick to help others, not only with mundane tasks, but also on a spiritual or psychological level. Okay.
            Your insight is sharp and sometimes awe-inspiring. He doesn’t look like he’s a deep thinker or very introspective, but he pays attention and remembers things and people. There was that interview with Louis, Zayn, and Niall at something for Midnight Memories, and Louis said that Niall is the one who always remembers people’s names and stuff about them. He is very sharp and is constantly cataloguing everything.
            You are perceptive and not easily rattled or surprised in life. Because he’s already thought of every possible scenario for any situation more than a few times. He’s ran through all the possibilities and knows he can handle whatever because of that. You are not fond of superficiality, and are generally the first to spot pretense of any kind. In personality at least, but he seems to like rather done up partners. There are two types Niall seems to go for. 1.) Petite, tan, Hispanic looking brunettes or 2.) Tall, too much makeup, fake boobs, fake eyelashes, fake hair, skimpy clothes, and fake blonde hair. Some people with this aspect are perfectionists, demanding much from themselves and reasonable amounts of effort and honesty from others.
    Moon in Leo
              When he feels comfortable, he does like being the center of attention. Even then, I think he’s more comfortable letting someone else fill that role to be honest. That is, they like being in the “spotlight” in the comfort of their own homes and with family and friends. They enjoy entertaining others, and often take on the role of comic. I feel like his house is like a hub, always full of people and friends, always loud and fun. There is always something going on. Lunar Leos often feel a need to organize, and generally like to oversee the goings-on in their inner circle. Micromanaged to within an inch of your life. “What have you eaten?” “Where are you going?” “Call me when you get there.” Is he your mom or your partner?
            This is a rather creative position of the Moon. At the very least, Moon in Leo people want to create and entertain. You can say that again. And they can be a little bossy too. There would be temper tantrums if he didn’t get his way, eight thousand percent.
            When they feel slighted, these people can be dramatic in their emotional displays. More fake tears and throwing himself down on the floor. When their pride has been hurt, they are given to big scenes and sulking. But, but….it’s not fair. Lunar Leos are far too concerned about their image to make splashy scenes outside the comfort of their own homes. He doesn’t want to seem out of control or uncool in any way. Lunar Leos are often personally popular folk. He’s very popular. Generally, it is easy to reason with a Lunar Lion. Appealing to their well-developed sense of fairness usually works well. Unless he feels like huffing and puffing. He can probably be a bit stubborn, but not as much as like Liam or Harry could probably be.
            He is sharp. Very smart. Very witty. He has a great sense of, and respect for, justice. I love it when he rants about politics on Twitter. Fucking sexy. Organizational sense. Mr. Neat Freak. Selectivity in friends, but it not overly influenced by them. He does what he wants. He’s the type who would go to the movies alone if none of his friends wanted to see movie, but he wanted to. Taste for splendor. He seems pretty simple to me, but that might have been his upbringing.
            He is changing and has numerous affections. Is the grass greener on the other side or not? Am I settling? Panic would ensue at every turn. He is emotionally demanding and proud. He won’t let others talk him out of what he wants or what he believes in.
  Moon in 11th
              Lots of friends, relationships. He makes friends easily and uses his relationships to further professional success. Feelings of friendship are sometimes superficial. A lot of his friends are in the industry. I don’t think it’s intentional though, just happenstance.
            This position of the Moon indicated an emotional need for a feeling of belonging with, and support from, friends and associations and groups. He’d be a little lost, but I think he’d manage. You look to acquaintances for support, and offers the same in return. I don’t think he looks for it, but I think he gives a lot of support, help to people. Waxing and waning feelings for others can cause problems in your relationships. This is another staple in his chart. Maybe because he’s got such high expectations. He is never satisfied with anyone. You are a person who is filled with many dreams, wishes, and hope for your future, and most of these are altruistic and good-hearted desires. I hope so. However, you might change your aspirations frequently, with your changing moods, and have a hard time settling on goals to work towards as a result. How long has this album taken, exactly? Just kidding.
    57 Conjunction Moon-Venus
              You are generally amiable and project a soft and yielding manner. You possess natural charm and you are highly imaginative and sympathetic. You can make an excellent mediator and go-between. Yes. You are keenly aware of your need for relationships and for intimacy. He may want someone, but not enough to take them as they are. He wants someone who fits in with his independence, someone whose there, but only when he wants them to be. And people just don’t work like that.
            People appreciate you for your tender heart and friendly, diplomatic disposition. You should enjoy a good measure of personal popularity and success in your life. Yup. At times you can be complacent, downright lazy, and over-indulgent in the “pleasures” of life. He likes to take it easy when it’s time to take it easy.
            You are gracious and warm. I agree. Gracious, definitely. Warm? Maybe lukewarm on a good day.
  Mercury in Libra
              Usually quite diplomatic and tactful, he evaluates and weighs things up endlessly, often to the point of indecisiveness. He has trouble pulling the trigger on some things. He expresses himself clearly. He’s never been “misquoted” or issued a statement and he won’t be because he says what he means. The end.
            Before coming to an opinion on a subject, he listens to the opinions offered by various people and can compare them before making up his own mind.
            Mental affinity in his relationships is paramount. They have to click personality wise if it’s going to last any time at all. And I don’t think he’s had that yet. Insert awkward photo of Niall and Australian girl at café. Gosh he looked constipated.
  Mercury in 1st
              Lively, alert, penetrating and ingenious mind. Ingenious, I’m sure he’d love that. He expresses himself easily, is a born orator. He’s a great storyteller. He always looks on the bright side. Because he’s already went the other direction and knows that if things go badly that he can handle that just as well. He has a plan for everything. Very adaptable. For sure.
            You are mercurial in appearance or manner. He always looks perfectly put together even in sweats. You are adaptable, changeable, easily distracted, versatile, and nimble. He has a precocious manner. Which is how I’ll be describing Niall from here on out.
            Lively and interesting, you quickly adapt to new situations. He takes on different roles in different groups or settings to be who he needs to be at that time, but it never comes off fake though. In fact, you treat most new endeavors with curiosity and great interest. Your first reaction to new stimuli is logical and curious rather than emotional. Logic over emotion again. Logical is another great word to describe Niall.
              242 Conjunction Mercury-Ascendant
                        He is intelligent, with quick and lively reflexes. He is preoccupied by his circle; likes to exchange ideas with his friends, but also with strangers. Of an open nature, he goes out to others.
  Venus in Leo
              This position of Venus can turn humble Virgo Suns into somewhat demanding lovers. He would demand a lot of his significant other, perfection on top of perfection. Enough to give anyone a nervous breakdown. It would be a different story if you tried to tell him that someone flirted with you. He would go full on nuclear meltdown if someone else hit on his partner. That’s when you’ll hear the lion roar…and, no doubt, you’ll want to keep these cats purring. Venus in Leo wants to appear experienced in love, even if they have little or no experience whatsoever. I can see this.
            Venus in Leo people have high expectations. To the point you may feel like nothing you do is right, that you can’t please him no matter what you do. He would need a really confident, outspoken person to combat that. They are really quite big-hearted about most everything else. He would be very generous in love, that’s for sure.
            They are threatened by a relationship that appears to have settled too much or one that’s lost it’s spark. I feel like once he was well and truly interested in someone that he would be stunned by the fear that they may leave him. Old insecurities might creep up and make him feel unworthy so then he’d pull back and lose them before realizing what he did wrong, but it would be too late. “This Town” makes me think of something like this.
            Pleasing Venus in Leo involves paying loads of attention to them. It would mean being someone he and others want to pay attention to. There’s a reason he has been linked to so many celebrities, because he wants people to want what he’s got, to be jealous of him for this, to have the hottest, best girl out there and he won’t settle for anything less. Maybe with time though this will change. The Virgo wants to nipick at partners to make them better for the partner’s sake, but the Leo nitpicks for Leo’s own good.
            Respect and appreciate them always. As you should in every relationship with anyone. They want to be seen as attractive by you, so avoid at all costs putting them down in this area. Fragile ego. You can expect that any letdown will be acted out in a dramatic fashion. He would have bad dramatic breakups. You probably wouldn’t be friends afterward.
            Remind them, in a gentle way, that your emotions count too. He might forget this. If you are feeling a little jealous, let them know. He is one flighty heifer, but he doesn’t come off as unfaithful though a little flattery might push the boundaries. Clearly defined relationship boundaries would be helpful here. Saying you can’t see your ex is not saying that you can’t like their posts or you can’t hug them when you run into them in public even if you meant that it that way. Men don’t understand generalities. You have to be very specific. Always.
            Let them decide where to go on a date, and let them pay too. Bossy little thing. When Venus in Leo feels loved and appreciated, they reward you with loyalty, a big sense of fun, and plenty of physical expressions of their love. Everyone says that when Niall falls that he’ll fall hard, and I believe it.
            Sincere, frank, and warm affections. He is full of tenderness. High hopes in love. He likes to live and satisfy his passions to the fullest. When he is in love I think yes, but I don’t think we’ve seen this part of him yet with anyone.
  Venus in 11th
              Successful professional life in great part due to good relationships, friends, or patrons. One Dream, One Band, One Direction.
            The friendship level of your relationship needs to be genuine in order for him to sustain romantic interest. It would almost have to be this way because he has such trouble truly trusting people, but if his friends like you then you’re automatically have that much more acceptance by association. Thumbs up from the friends is always a big deal anyway, but huge if you wanted get something real started with someone like Niall.
            You tend to focus on a partner’s unique qualities, what makes them the most attractive. The most attractive is important here, what makes them the best there is? Is what this means.
            You may meet lovers through group activities. Friends again. Although you value friendships and group affiliations highly, you might jump into friendships without considering the responsibilities they might entail. They would be level headed to be avoid this in a romantic sense. They would have to be the one to put the breakers on to make sure that he was being one hundred percent earnest and to make sure that he really wanted what he says he does, because he might just think he does.
  150 Sextile Venus-Mars
              He is amorous, not a peaceful and calm lover, but a passionate one with a strong temperament. He is demonstrative in love, and likes healthy pleasures. He enjoys life to the full.
              127 Sextile Venus-Jupiter
              He is good-hearted, generous and has a good character. Definitely a good character, a good person. He likes well-being, comfort, a life without problems. He has to learn how to deal with problems productively or he’ll blow up on someone he really doesn’t want to lose, but it would be too late. He has good relations with his circle. Yes. He is easy to approach. Seems friendly, and very open most of the time. All the same, he falls in love easily. He falls into lust easily, but more of a one and done kind of guy so he doesn’t get attached. He has a successful married and professional life. Hopefully.
            He is hard and does not know how to express his emotions. He seems so put together that expressing how he feels might truly frighten him. He is frightened of showing his love and this leads to disappointment, break-ups, lack of satisfaction. Like I just said. He doesn’t want to put himself out there because he feels like he won’t truly be enough for someone. He has a very relatable mindset here to a lot of insecure people. He doubts, is suspicious and jealous. He is until you get close, probably, yes. He will learn how to be happy in love. If he can find someone who likes all his bad habits, someone he can put on a pedestal not because they’re the best of the best or because they’re perfect, but because they’re them, and they’re the one.
  54 Square Venus-Pluto
              In an attempt to control the outcome of a love relationship, or the loved one’s feelings, you can turn to manipulative games. I can see this. Your feelings are intense, and even extreme, when it comes to love. You easily put pressure on your partner, as you expect much loyalty and honesty in your intimate relationships. To be perfect. To match his high expectations.
            Certainly, you will learn much about yourself through your relationships, and you may not always like what you see. You will meet yourself through your relationships, and you may not always like what you see.
You will meet the darker side of yourself through your relationships, and it will be critical that you recognize it as your own “material” and not project it onto your partner. Hopefully, he has or will realize his pitfalls and fix his own insecurities in regards to others. He sees other couples and they are happy. He doubts his own self then automatically doubts the quality of person he’s with because they wanted to be with him in the first place therefore they automatically must have bad judgement or be using him or something. Letting go of a relationship can be hard for you to do, especially if your Venus is in a fix sign like Leo. Which it is. I’ll never have that again or feel that way again. He’d be plagued by what ifs and would try to “fix” what went wrong, stopping himself from moving forward. He’d try to get back together with someone, but they won’t want that making him feel even more insecure and obsessive. He might romanticize his past relationships even if at the time he was miserable.
  Mars in Libra
              Decisiveness is not their strong point, but they do, eventually, get things done. Here is this indecisiveness again.
            They always play innocent when challenged, and can generally charm the birds out of the trees to win your favor. He does look very innocent. Passive-aggressiveness is practically the hallmark of this position. Big time, I think. On the other hand, some Mars in Libra people turn the Mars energy into action, and they fight for Libran justice and fairness in the world. He might do something here in the future.
            Mars in Libra people are adept at predicting when problems and discord will occur well in advance. So he can get the heck out of dodge. They know how to compromise and are excellent at conflict management. He would be a good mediator because he can see all the sides of something.
  Mars in 1st
              He gets carried away a lot. By a lot. Great spirit of enterprise. He has a lot of ingenuity.    
He tends to begin new endeavors with gusto, although follow-through is not necessarily indicated by this position alone. He can be fiercely independent, and he is usually direct and straightforward. Very independent. Likes to do things alone. Genuinely believes he can do anything he needs to do on his own, he can accomplish whatever he needs to without help from anyone.    
            Some might stir up trouble, whether consciously or unconsciously, when he is bored.
  209 Conjunction Mars-Jupiter
              He has a good sense of organization, he is jovial, frank, and sincere. He is full of dynamism and over-abundant energy. He loves life and takes all it has to offer. He likes sports and the outdoor life. Golfing. Soccer. He likes being active. Don’t see him wanting to go like camping or anything though. He is successful professionally and emotionally.         
            He is honest and forthright in his dealing with others, and he tends to trust others readily.
              47 Trine Mars-Saturn
              He is energetic and determined. He has strength and resistance, ability and patience. He does seem very patient and cool headed. He puts all his energy and talents into overcoming all the obstacles to his success. He has the proper drive to achieve his ambitions which is why he makes it.
            He is obstinate, calculating, does not take on anything without having thought of all the possible consqequences, he can take all the time in the world and never loses patience to achieve his objectives. He is literally going to take over the world one day. Y’all wait and see. He is not particularly popular in this circle, but he is feared and respected. Smack talk café astrology style.
  37 Square Mars-Uranus
              He is full of contradictions. What he wants verses what he needs. He fights to the bitter end to overcome hurdles, and has the strength to overcome them.
  34 Square Mars-Neptune
              This is a challenging position, as you have difficulty trusting in your ability to go after things that you want in a direct manner. Professional life. It may also be that you have difficulty pinpointing what it is that you want, or that part of you doesn’t feel you deserve it due to a basic lack of self-confidence. You fear rejection as well as criticism, and often use roundabout means to go after what you want. Friends to source information on if someone is interested in him or not. He relies on others to promote him because he doesn’t feel like he could or should toot his own horn.
            You easily imagine things going wrong, just as you easily fantasize about good things. Although you can be very creative at keeping your motives and personal agenda hidden, in fact, many of you seem on the surface of things to be quite gentle and yielding. He seems like a bit of a push over, but if you’ve ever listened to Niall talk you know he’s not.
            You are often passive-aggressive in your approach to others. Passive-aggressive again. You are usually found of chasing a dream. Is the solo career his dream or is it something else altogether. Adopting a more direct and assertive approach to life is something that you should be working towards. Without being an arsehole.
            Learning to take responsibility for your actions, and to avoid blaming others for failures, is important. To say or do this is how I feel. It isn’t someone else making me feel this way, it’s my choice to feel this way. No one can make you feel anything that isn’t in you already.
            At your worst you can be disorganized in your approach to life, easily procrastinating and lacking follow-through when you do begin a task. I can see this. Some of the most important lessons you need to learn in life are self-control, self-assertion, and trust in yourself. I think he’s working toward this. At your best, you are a creative person with a powerful imagination and great stores of compassion. Niall Horan is a good man I’m tellin ya.
  Jupiter in Libra
              He attracts the most good fortune when he is fair-minded, treats others with equality, is bending without being a doormat, is gracious, and uses his talents at promoting and mediating. Politics are a possible avenue for success. Ohhh,,,,
            Jupiter in 1st
              He is jovial, expansive, dynamic, kindly, and altruistic. He has good judgement, is tolerant and likes food. He has a good education and a prosperous life. He’s very bright despite not finishing school. Intelligence isn’t gained by simply going to school, but by having the will to learn, curiosity.
  6 Trinue Jupiter-Saturn
              He is serious, patient, honest, hard-working, and orderly. He’s very orderly, very pulled together. His judgment is good and he thinks things over. Maybe too much. He pursues his objectives to the bitter end, usually knowing when to choose the right moment. Very determine again. He is upright and respects the law. I bet he doesn’t even speed. He probably drives like an old lady.
  70 Square Jupiter-Uranus
              He is too independent and his liberty is all-important. Even though he wants someone, he only wants them on his terms. He wants someone some of the time, but not all of the time, and that causes conflict. He has a number of internal tensions. He battles with himself.
  60 Square Jupiter-Neptune
              He is easily influenced. He is a dreamer, who lets himself be seduced by fine words, which are not always sincere. He does not see wickedness and is often fooled by people. He could be fooled or tricked by people, but he really does seem to be too smart for this. I hope so anyways.
  Saturn in Aquarius
              Long-term studies, and if family circumstances do not allow this, he will teach himself. The guitar? He is serious and methodical in work. Like recording in his underwear at every available opportunity, yes, he is very serious.
  Saturn in 5th
              He likes method, calculation, concentration. He is not drawn towards amusements, or please in general. He likes a list. He likes having something to do, to accomplish. He has few friends, but has deep and sincere feelings. He has deep feelings for a very select few, even his family could be shunted here, I think. He is serious in everything. Most things. You’ll want to laugh and have fun, and he won’t. When he’s being goofy though its only okay for him. He expects others to maintain their composure at all times.
  78 Square Saturn-Pluto
              He is not open for other’s ideas, especially if they are free-thinking. He is an egoist and has a narrow mind. He does in some things for sure.
  Uranus in Capricorn
 His mission in society, in the world means everything to him. He wants to affect change, to use his position to really help and that’s admirable.
  Uranus in 4th
              He does not like bureaucracy, administration, and has problems as a result. Politics. He doesn’t like people who only see things one way. He has avant-garde ideas, he is original and does not tolerate constraints on his freedom. I see him as being very left wing, very liberal.
  2 Sextile Uranus- Pluto
              He fights to improve his daily life, he is persevering. He constantly wants to improve.
  Neptune in Capricorn
              He is discerning, wise, and sensible. True.
  Neptune in 4th
              He succeeds thanks to brilliant and unusual ideas. This album should be a reflection of that. Slow Hands and This Town are already so different, I think he’s album should be quite different.
            Ascendant in Libra
              Everybody seems to like Libra Ascendant natives. They just come across as nice, pleasant, and fair. Him, for sure. Look a little closer at their lives, and these nice people may have had quite a few problems in their relationship. Some of them have had a string of relationships, and it can be hard to imagine why! He’s too picky. He’s standards are too high. He’s nitpicky. And the sheer number of partners would put some people off.
            Libra rising generally appear to be smoothing everything over. They have charming smiles, a gentle approach with others, an easygoing image. Most pay a lot attention to their personal appearance, the colors they wear, their hair, the way they walk. Very meticulous, to be honest.
            Libra rising people can be enormously persuasive, although they will almost always use a “soft sell” approach when they want to win others over, which is all the time. It’s never him, it’s anyone’s fault, but Niall’s fault. A tendency to pass the buck and keep up that “nice guy” image are their worst qualities. However, they can make excellent mediators and will generally be the first to accommodate you. Very friendly and open. Libra rising natives are usually attracted to competent, active partners. He wants someone busy with their own lives, not entirely dependent on him. Their relationships are characterized by bickering or competitiveness until they learn to drop their sweet image once in a while and to stop blaming their partners for everything that goes wrong.
  House 2 in Libra
              Income may come through artistic expression. Café astrology predicts the future once again. Partnerships can help further financial goals. Success in a collab song, maybe?
  House 3 in Scorpio
              Makes a good investigator because he is very curious, likes researching and does this with a lot of patience, likes to solve mysteries. Knows how to take risks, while being aware of the dangers. This is about everything. EVERYTHING.
  House 4 in Capricorn
              After working all his life to obtain his objectives and finally having reached that goal, he wants to retire in peace and quiet and to have a retirement full of contemplation, with few tasks, close to nature. As he was very careful with money all his life, he will administer the properties he has acquired. Niall is ready to retire now, play golf all day and watch his grandkids. He would have been retired at 35 even without the stardom.
  House 5 in Aquarius
              He is also a friend one can count on.
  House 6 in Pisces
              Job in commerce. Making money, honey.
  House 7 in Aries
              Doesn’t want to change his habits, so domestic quarrels to be foreseen. Cause he’s a stubborn piece of poo.
  House 8 in Aries
  House 9 in Taurus
              Doesn’t change principles, practically never changes his mind. On anything
  House 10 in Cancer
              Likes contact with the public, the crowd. Profession that involves meeting a lot of people. Professional success thanks to sense of duty and application to work. This is his actual fortune.
  House 11 in Leo
              Friends are not always chosen by chance. Even if the feelings of friendship are sincere, these friends must automatically bring something, professional help for example. A lot of his friends are professionals in the industry.
  House 12 in Virgo
              Work in a research lab. Fan fic meticulous lab tech Niall who is finicky about his beakers, please and thank you.
  This is totally credited to café astrology. I am not an astrologer just a fan. So, keep that in mind.
I used 8:04 a.m. birthtime and his birthday 9/13/1993.
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Exclusive interview with Scottish alternative band, Neon Waltz
The Sacellum welcomes Neon Waltz, a rising alternative group from the farthest corner of scotland. From humble beginnings, the band have made a name for themselves with the help of music sharing websites such as Soundcloud and YouTube, and co-managers Howie Payne and Marcus Russel; Noel Gallagher’s manager and the guy who saw Oasis through to success.
From the small village of John o' Groats in the North of Scotland, come Jordan Shearer, Jamie Swanson, Kevin Swanson, Calvin Wilson, Liam Whittles and Darren Coghil; the humans behind the fantastical music entity that is Neon Waltz. Responsible for some pretty impressive music in 2016, the band have continued writing their legacy in the new year and are looking to release their debut album in the not-too-distant future. The band aren’t in any hurry, however. True to their namesake-- the waltz, a slow and tranquil dance-- the band are taking things slow and moving towards their future with an easy-going attitude. Influences such as The Beatles and Grizzly Bear are readily apparent in the band’s aesthetic. Suppose the alternative movement needs new life breathed into its rolling, provocative sound... Could Neon Waltz be the up and coming group fans are looking for? Small beginnings, and all that. Regardless, the Sacellum is always happy to engage with the rising artists of the 21st century. What better way to kick off 2017 than with a look into rock’s potential future? So, without futher ado...
First of all, thank you for your time. I’d love to start off with your opinion of music in 2017... Is there anything you’re anticipating, musically, in the new year?
“If you’re looking in the right places there’s so much good music around just now. The new Timber Timbre album is just around the corner and what I’ve heard from it so far is class. So that to start with. Then I’m open to anything.”
Coming from a remote place-- not associated with big names in music-- what is it that drove you to start producing music? And do you continue to make music for the same reason?
“There’s not a hell of a lot to do where we’re from and I suppose that helped us focus on the music but in all honesty we would have done it anyway. It’s something that all 6 of us have done for as long as we can remember and we do it because we love it.”
Who are your biggest musical influences? If you had to choose one artist or group that has had the most influence on your sound, who would that be?
“Collectively we all love the The Band; The National & The Walkmen. There’s plenty others but those are the most important. What I mean is all 6 of us love everything about those bands. We can all agree on them. But really I think it’s all the other bands that we don't agree on that make us sound the way we do. Each of us are in to different things that the others don’t like. That keeps it interesting.”
You’re mostly billed as an indie or alternative rock band. Are you happy with these labels, or is that something you’re looking to shrug off altogether? How would YOU describe your sound?
“I think on the surface that might seem like the answer but I don’t think it would be a fair assessment. If you get a little deeper into the songs that are already out there you can hear a lot more than alternative rock. Those few songs cover quite a lot of ground. It’s never an easy question to answer but I once heard Jordan describe it to an interviewer as Big & Ballsy but beautiful – thought it was pretty accurate. As for Indie...it’s hard to know what that really means these days.”
On the subject of sound... What are you currently working on? And what sort of direction are you heading in musically?
“The album is finished and ready for release so we’re already looking towards what we’ll do after that. We’ve never really stopped writing since we started and I think we’ll always sound like us but recently I’ve heard some darker tones coming through. Whether we explore that further right away or not remains to be seen.”
Can we expect an album from you anytime soon?
“Yea, very soon actually. I think that’s about all I can say right now but it is finished and ready to be released. We’re just finalising artwork.”
What is it, in your opinion, that makes a song worth listening to-- what gives it power? Is there a formula you keep in mind when writing/ producing music, or does the end result come naturally?
“There’s no definite answer to this one for me. When I trawl Spotify looking for something new then it’s usually an interesting or fresh sound that’ll grab me and keep me listening. And sometimes I won’t particularly like the song in the end but will listen again for that sound. But I think ultimately, the ones that stick with me for a long time are the ones that are great songs. When someone perfectly lines up the right melody and lyrics. The ones that tip me over the edge then are the ones delivered with that something I’ll never be able to put my finger on. That’s what gives it power for me.”
Do you find inspiration in other areas of life that translates into your music?
“Yea, absolutely anything. Songs can spark from personal experiences or by stories totally unrelated to us. It’s always worth noting down someone else’s story. I think we do a lot of that actually – putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes. We quite like getting historical too. Like I say, anything. Whatever tells the best story.”
Where would you like your music careers to take you? Anywhere in the world you’d especially like to perform?
“I think we’d all love to go over to Japan. It sounds other-worldly! They seem to take their music very seriously and shower the bands with love. We like love. Closer to home we’d like to tick off more countries in Europe but to be honest, any place you can visit because of the band your in is cool with us. We’re in the van on our way to St Albans right now for the first time and we’re looking forward to it.”
What are the biggest challenges, if any, that you’ve had to overcome during your careers as musicians?
“The worst thing that can happen to a band is to have people with money on their mind telling you the guitar sound isn’t right or the verse and chorus are the wrong way round. We’ve endured that kind of shit along the way already. We also seem to be having a bout of bad luck with vans just now which isn’t easy living so far north. But I’d much rather that challenge than the previous one.”
You of course have involvement with Marcus Russell, the manager of some big names such as Oasis and Noel Gallagher and co-owner of Ignition Management. How has this involvement impacted your career as a band?
“Yea, he co-manages us with Howie Payne. We’re better at making music than we are at running a band so it’s been pretty helpful so far. The people in that Ignition office are great & sharing management with some of the bands they have there & on the label is a fairly exciting place to be.”
Last of all... The music industry is, of course, a very competitive business. Have you got any advice for aspiring artists looking for success?
“I think success has no scale, it’s an endless goal. We’ve always taken it step-by-step and will continue to. So appreciate the small successes like making music you’re happy with or even just getting the band together-- then aim a little higher. If you want to get more out of it the best I can say is work hard; don't take anything for granted & always be writing more music.”
Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing more of your work in the future, and wish you the best of luck in your musical pursuits.
Neon Waltz are currently on tour, tour dates and available tickets can be found here.
Text and interview by Klaus H, 2017.
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rexpearson · 6 years
"For You" Rita Ora & Liam Payne STUNNING Live Acoustic Cover feat Hannah Trigwell & Callum Hannah Trigwell Callum and I got together in a beautiful drawing room to perform an acoustic cover of Rita Ora and Liam Payne's "For You". It's a one take shot, recorded LIVE with no lip syncing. Just us, you and the room. Let me know what you think to our live acoustic cover in the comments section, I read every single one! Like raw, live covers?! Join the crew! Subscribe! http://j.mp/SubToRex Don't forget to hit the little bell so you get notified on new uploads! This is the music for the film Fifty Shades Freed soundtrack and has an amazing chord progression that I twisted around a little. Hope you enjoyed "For You" Rita Ora & Liam Payne Live Acoustic Cover feat Hannah Trigwell & Callum SUPPORTED BY HURTWOOD HOUSE SCHOOL _ This video was only made possible thanks to the incredible support of Hurtwood House School and their talented creative arts community of students. This is filmed as part of an educational project for students here and you can help by sharing the incredible work they do to make videos like this happen. If you a performing arts student and would like to study here. Check them out here: https://ift.tt/2x8pMHE FEATURED MUSICIAN: _ Vocals Hannah Trigwell covers: Hannah Trigwell on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/HannahTrigwell Instagram: https://ift.tt/2GmtGRY Facebook: https://ift.tt/2pNyxVQ Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hannahtrigwell Vocals Callum Henderson Instagram: https://ift.tt/2Idg8c2 Keys: Ray Bagdai (Hurtwood Student) Acoustic Guitar: Rex Pearson CREW _ Co Directed & Filmed By Philipp Raskin Audio Capture: Jenny Shen Lyrics "For You" Rita Ora & Liam Payne [Verse 1: Rita Ora] In your eyes, I'm alive Inside you're beautiful Something so unusual in your eyes I know I'm home (yeah) Every tear, every fear Gone with the thought of you Changing what I thought I knew I'll be yours for a thousand lives [Pre-Chorus: Rita Ora] I'm free as a bird when I'm flying in your cage I'm diving in deep and I'm riding with no brakes And I'm bleeding in love, you're swimming in my veins You've got me now [Chorus: Rita Ora] Been waiting for a lifetime for ya Been breaking for a lifetime for ya Wasn't lookin' for love till I found you (oh na-na, yea) For love, 'til I found you (oh) [Verse 2: Liam Payne] Skin to skin Breathe me in Feel with your kiss on me Lips are made of ecstasy I'll be yours for a thousand lives (for a thousand lives) [Pre-Chorus: Liam Payne & Rita Ora] I'm free as a bird when I'm flying in your cage (so lost) I'm diving in deep and I'm riding with no brakes (no no) And I'm bleeding in love, you're swimming in my veins You've got me now (now now) [Chorus: Rita Ora] Been waiting for a lifetime for ya Been breaking for a lifetime for ya Wasn't lookin' for love 'til I found you (oh na-na, yea) For love, 'til I found you (oh) Been waiting for a lifetime for ya Been breaking for a lifetime for ya Wasn't lookin' for love till I found you (oh na-na, yea) For love, 'til I found you (oh) [Pre-Chorus: Rita Ora] I'm free as a bird when I'm flying in your cage I'm diving in deep and I'm riding with no brakes And I'm bleeding in love, you're swimming in my veins You've got me now [Chorus: Liam Payne & Rita Ora & Both] Been waiting for a lifetime for ya Been breaking for a lifetime for ya Wasn't looking for love 'til I found you (Ooh na-na, yea) For love, 'til I found you (oh) Been waiting for a lifetime for ya (oh yeah) Been breaking for a lifetime for ya Wasn't looking for love 'til I found you (Ooh na-na, yea) For love, 'til I found you (oh) JOIN REX BEHIND THE SCENES WITH THESE LINKS _ See My Pics First On Instagram: http://j.mp/RexPics Facebook Friend Me: http://j.mp/RexFB (limit 5000) Facebook "Like" Page: http://j.mp/LikeRex Shall We Tweet?!: http://j.mp/TwitRex My iTunes Music Here!: http://j.mp/RexTunes Want to collaborate? Business email on my channel description!
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