sirius-cobic · 3 years
If they’d been elsewhere she’d have turned her head and caught his lips but she resisted. “I understand, though I was rather looking forward to it. Maybe we can get dinner alone tonight instead?” Nat leaned forward resting her arms on her desk, “My assistant recommended a place round the corner that does some interesting sandwich fillings,”
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“Dinner sounds good. Sandwich fillings? Like Subways and Jimmy Johns?“ Sirius asked, making himself comfortable on one of her plush seats. “When will you be leaving?“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“Well, I mean this year hasn’t really gotten off to the best start. Even some moderately decent news would probably impress you.”
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“Wanna put your money where your mouth is?“ Sirius asked, not stopping as he continued towards the door. 
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“I think could be a strong case for some kind of serial activity. These crimes happened in five different locations, months apart.” She followed after him, holding the files out to him. 
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Sirius sighed, removing his coat again, taking the files away from Greta and gesturing to Greta to join him in his office. “Tell me what you got.”
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
@ The Police Station
“No. It's almost midnight and my shift ended hours ago. That means I’m going to continue headed towards the door unless it's something that’s going to make my year. Ask yourself, is this going to make my year?“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
There it was - confirmation. He knew and what’s more it appeared he had connections within this world. That meant it was perhaps more of an official operation, not just a few people sweeping things under the rug. But of course it would be. This world might be new to her but it had likely existed for most of human history. Things would have naturally been put in place to keep the secret. Looking at him now she wondered if he was a supernatural too. And he mentioned Inez, so she knew too. That also meant that her suspicions about that call out were right too and Inez had clearly been trying to convince her otherwise. “I see,” she said eventually. “It’s true, I was not completely honest in my report of what happened with Dan. I didn’t know that you knew, he mentioned no one by name,” there was something else that she had to ask then, “If Inez turned in two reports that means that what happened wasn’t what it seemed, that animal wasn’t what it seemed was it?”
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“There’s a few people that have been begging me to come up with a better introduction to the supernatural world but I personally feel as if nothing beats telling someone the truth, especially when they have enough correct evidence themselves.“ Sirius started, “Bess what you witnessed was multiple supernatural occurrences that I, myself, have spent centuries keeping a secret. Our police force is made up of a large majority of people like me that are here in Chicago keeping the supernatural population safe. Dan is a young vampire that will be facing conqueuse with his guardian but the hyena shifter that attacked has been a constant problem for us, and I apologize on their behalf.“
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“Before we continue,“ Sirius removed a few documents from his desk. “I have a nondisclosure agreement here that I need you to sign. Its a basic confidentiality agreement. There’s a few other docs in here. I understand if you want to take it home and read it yourself before signing. Inside is an updated insurance policy, protocols for supernatural encounters, new emergency contacts, etcetera.” Sirius locked eyes with Bess before continuing, “If the NDA is broken, we have people who can remove memories of this ever happening. Excuse my bluntness but dectective is already a dangerous line of work. Having supernatural knowledge is only going to make it more difficult. You can walk out that door right now and I promise you the only thing you’ll remember before reaching your desk about the past couple of days is a regular robbery gone bad and me calling you into my office to discuss minor errors in your report. If not I would like to set up a few private meetings to better explain what I am and to reintroduce you to the supernatural world.“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“Well if you would like to focus on the sleep side of things I would visit them while they were sleeping and enhance the sleep process. Bring them into REM and push any bad dreams away. If we were focusing on therapy, we might have some sessions in my office and begin working through trauma there. I’d be able to talk to them while they’re in their subconscious and it would be similar to having a session, but without the barriers that some patients bring in. If I feel there needs to be more actions taken, I might also help calm and relax them while they’re going to sleep.”
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“What I’m assuming is that one is for short term help getting and staying asleep and the other is long term? Combating their inner problems that may or may not be disturbing their sleep? I would rather the second option completely with only the first as a added measure if you see it fit.“
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“I don’t want to take up much of your time, Doctor. I can have my people contact you directly for our trial run while I get my people to draw up a contract. Does that sound agreeable?“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“Sorry, I had to rescheduled. What did you end up having?“ Sirius said, walking into her office. He only hesitated for a second before kisses her cheeks and taking a seat.
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In her office
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“I’m just finishing my lunch but please do come in,” she said to the person hovering in the doorway.
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
For what felt like a long moment Bess looked at him as she turned his words over in her mind. She couldn’t be sure but something told her that he already knew about the supernatural and that somehow he knew she now did too. Still she felt hesitate about saying it all out loud to him. “You mean tell you about them with the details I didn’t feel I could put in my official reports?” she paused. When she spoke again instead of starting with her reports she asked another question, “Before I start, how do you know?” How do you know there was more to what happened that night? How do you know I know?
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Sirius stared at Bess wishing he could read her mind. It wasn’t everyday that he had to share their secret. He was more use to hiding it. “Yes. I spoke with Dan’s guardian. I was told a different story compared to your report. Inez also turned in a complete report and one off the record as well.”
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
Bess sat, crossing one leg over the other as she did. She could see her file on his desk, which set he mind racing even more and giving her more questions. If this was simply about the reports would he be looking at her personnel file? It was possible she supposed but with everything that had happened she couldn’t help but be suspicious. After all Dan had said there were people who helped clear up messes like his. Who better positioned to help than those in the police department. His questions only added to her suspicions and she knew she now had to be very careful about what she said. “Which one do you want me to tell you about? I ended up on three call outs that night,” If she could avoid talking about the one she’d had to falsify to avoid saying she’d disturbed a vampire kill then she would. 
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“All of them,“ Sirius answered with hesitation. He already knew the answer. Getta had reached out to him personally in the middle of the night to tell him what happened and Inez official unedited version was waiting for him when he got in that morning. “You’re not in any trouble and anything shared between us will not leave this room if you don’t want it to. What I’m trying to figure out, Bess, is if I need to shed light on anything that may have confused you or caught you off guard.“ Sirius said slowly hoping she would catch on to his double mean or that she would trust him enough to be truthful. “So please, tell me, unedited, what happened at all three calls.“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“No, that should do fine. I only ask because I can fully use my powers on those who know about magic. It takes longer to suggest my presence in my human patients’ minds is normal and all apart of the normal therapeutic process.”
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“How does your process work? I would like to tell them what to expect.“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“No, that should do fine. I only ask because I can fully use my powers on those who know about magic. It takes longer to suggest my presence in my human patients’ minds is normal and all apart of the normal therapeutic process.”
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“Will you be able to work on them all at once or will it need to be staggered? If it helps I think I can get three of them that stay in the same place and all can be in the same complex too if that’s helpful.“
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“And this is all tied into your powers as a...“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“Would you mind telling my family that?” that really was a joke, half her family were even worse at taking it easy than she was. However she was couldn’t quite be sure how he had meant it. Locking her bag away in one of her desk draws Bess followed after him. She felt on edge, especially because she didn’t know to which of her reports he was referring to. Automatically she went to discreetly take a deeper breath and regretted it instantly. She was just thankful he was in front of her and everyone else didn’t seem to be paying them any attention. Bess nodded her head in thanks and stepped inside his office, waiting to be invited to sit down. 
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“Have a seat, Bess.“ Sirius said as he shut the door behind them and made way to his own seat. He had her personnel file and both of her reports on top of his desk. Before he walked out to greet her Sirius had viewed her personnel file which contained Bess’s job application, performance evaluations, transfer forms, training records, and copies of her pervious promotions. It was impressive for a human. “These were well written and very detailed. I hate to do this but can you please tell me about that night? Did anything strange happen? Did you noticed anything out of place? No matter how small or ridiculous it may seem every bit of information helps.“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
She found herself nodding slightly. Of course he’d have already been told, he was the Chief after all. “Taking it easy doesn’t exactly come easily to me,” Bess admitted, hoping it sounded like a joke. “Thanks,” she added as she did her bag up for his help with the files.
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Bess considered him for a moment, her mind trying to judge which way this was going to go, and exactly what the things he wanted to go over were. “I can make the time now if that works for you Sir?”
“That’s one of your best qualities, detective,“ Sirius meant it as a joke to keep her calm and unsuspecting but it also had a serious tone to it. “Now works perfectly. Follow me.“ Sirius stood and started making his way to his office. He had already had Vincent, Lillian, Church, and Douglas speared the news about a possible exposure. Everyone kept their heads down and hands busy as they made their way to his office. Holding the door open her turned back to Bess, “After you.“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
Talia nodded, a little surprised, but happy to go along with that. “That sounds very ambitious. And I do believe it’ll benefit you. How many patients were you looking to try out initially, and would they all be supernaturals?”
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“Human shifters are typically a very ambitious group. I have 4 to 5 people in mind and they are all human shifters. Would you rather a larger test group?“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“I know,“ Sirius replied, helping her get the pile of files into her bag. “The point of having desk duty is to take it easy.“
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“I’ve read your report but there’s a few things I would like to go over with you. Do you think you can make it over to my office before the end of your shift?“
@her desk
“I haven’t been cleared for duty,” she said, trying not to wince as she momentarily forgot her injuries and chose the wrong arm to pick up the files she was planning to take home with her. “I have to report back after I’ve had my follow up appointment in a few days,” 
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“I’ve found that people with that much responsibility can only get the help they need when their guards are down. Nothing seen in their mind would ever break the confidentiality of the two of us, unless I see a potential of danger for themselves of others.”
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“I think hypnotherapy would definitely work on your officers, but this requires a lot more trust than many are willing to give, I find. I would never say a word of what I see in people’s mind but that is a level of openness that people I consider family can have difficulty giving to me.”
“I like the sound of hypnotherapy. I also think it could benefit us in the long run.“ Sirius replied. “We’re not just talking about cops, doctor. I plan on building this into our networks insurance policy and possibly making it mandatory for those under internal investigations. That’ll include officers, dispatchers, detectives, forensics, IT, lawyers, victim advocate, judges, and more.“
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“How would you feel if I assign a few of my members to you? As a trail period.“
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sirius-cobic · 3 years
“The idea is that our brains are much easier to condition when we aren’t thinking. So if someone is having trouble with kicking a bad habit or struggling with an addiction, hypnotherapy might be useful as an aid in the beginning of their journey. It’s also excellent when dealing with repressed emotions or trauma. Instead of fighting against the machinations that people create to protect that vulnerable side of themselves I can negotiate with the trauma itself.” Talia cleared her throat and took a sip of her tea. “That is of course what many human therapists can do. I have the ability to take our treatments farther by entering the brains of my patients. Those who have trouble sleeping, or whose trauma impacts them so deeply I can aid with sleep. I can also progress the healing through constantly enforcing it as they are in REM sleep.”
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“And you would recommend this for people with high profile jobs such as law enforcement?“
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“HR and Internal Affairs are looking to impalement another system of therapy for both our human and human shifter officers. The other Dr. Cleirigh already sees a handful of my clan... Do you think this is something they can honestly benefit from?“
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