#because that's her initial classification in the facility)
void-kissed · 1 year
Your 3d artwork is so nice! What software do you use, and how do you get the models? I'm curious and wanna try it out if my computer can handle it
Ah! Thank you so much!! I’m really glad you like what I make, it means a lot ^-^
I use MMD, MikuMikuDance, to make my renders! There’s.. almost definitely other software that might be better to use, but I am a vocalsynth nerd so I latched onto MMD when I was younger and have since learned its idiosyncrasies somewhat. It's supposed to be used for making videos - you can even import Vocaloid .vsq files and get compatible models to automatically lip-sync to the song's lyrics! - but I use it more for generating static images. I work with models rather than drawing because that means the anatomy, design, and so on are always consistent (since I'm using the exact same physical models each time). In terms of what is needed to run MMD, the website LearnMMD should have that information alongside all the download links. But, since MMD as a program has been around since something like 2008, I don't think it's quite as demanding on computers as you might think, especially if you don't use tons of effects or lots of high-poly models in the same project!
When it comes to finding models, MMD can load the .pmd and .pmx formats (.pmx is generally better since it's more recent). There are lots of these models to be found on places like DeviantArt, and they often come in different sorts of "styles", such as Animasa and Tda and Sour - my self-inserts are based on the Tda style. Many pre-existing models from games have also been converted into this format, so it's not all just vocalsynths. You can edit MMD models, such as to put parts together or add collision physics, using the PMX editor; I probably spend more time in the editor (and an outdated version at that) than in the actual animation software, haha!
Here's an example of what the version of PMXe that I use looks like, with Citri's model as an example:
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And here's an example of how MMD's interface itself looks while working in it (for me, at least! You can move stuff around, and change interface colours, and make sure your model's display panes are actually all translated unlike mine, and all sorts):
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Sorry if this was a bit of a ramble, but, I hope it was alright! Thank you again for the ask!~
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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True Ghost Stories and Tales of the Supernatural
1. A Baby Crying
“When I was in high school, my uncle would throw me a couple bucks to help babysit his kids with my aunt. They lived in a two-story house by the water, nice area. The kids were about 3 and 6, respectively.
One day I was sitting in their den on my phone when I started to hear a baby crying. Thinking it was the three-year-old, I headed to the bottom of the stairs to check and see if my aunt was up there dealing with it. I called for her a couple times with no response. The baby kept crying. I called for her one more time, and when I got no response I started walking up the stairs. Then I heard my cousins and aunt playing outside.
All the hairs on my body stood up and I literally felt a chill run down my spine. I quietly turned around, walked down the stairs, got in my car, and drove away. The ‘baby’ was still crying when I closed the door behind me.
A few years later I was drunk at a family party and told my uncle the story. He told me that he and his wife used to hear the baby too, and apparently, the previous owners had a kid die of SIDS in that room upstairs. He’s uber Catholic and had a Mass said for the baby. He said after that it never happened again. Still gives me the willies when I talk about it though.” – urgehal666
2. The Man with the Suitcase
“I was 13 years old and drinking lemonade with my best friend in my kitchen. We were alone. From where we were seating we could see a corridor that leads from the front door to the backyard. We were talking and something made us shut up. We looked to the corridor and there was the shadow of a man walking by with a suitcase. I know she also saw him because we both described the same thing: a tall shadow with a suitcase
Fast forward to a few years later, I had to do a school project with another girl. Again I was alone at home, working on the computer when she arrived. She then asked me where my dad was. When I told her my dad was away, at work, she asked me, ‘Well, then who’s the man I saw walking downstairs and carrying a suitcase when I came in?’
So far, no one else from my family has seen him. I haven’t seen him again ever since, but for a while it really scared the shit out of me to be home alone.” – rraarraarraasputin
3. The Exorcism
“I work as a paramedic, got a call to a church, the retired nun who still lived at the church was having some issues. The priest was attempting an exorcism when the family got a state order to get her into a psych facility. We got her into the back of our ambulance and all was fine. Then this 92-year-old, 90-pound woman ripped out of her leather restraints and started speaking in a voice no human could produce. She then told me that her commander in the war had burned and buried her alive during the war when defending France against the Germans.
The whole presence was terrifying and gave me nightmares for years to come. I told my partner to use the lights and sirens so I could get out of there as fast as possible. During the whole transport, she was speaking in weird tongues.” – rbilly0001
4. The Morgue Door
“Used to work hospital security and we had video cameras accessible in the office.
During body escorts, we kept finding the morgue door open. That was weird because it was a heavy door that could only be opened with a keycard. Pathologists were blaming security and security was blaming pathologists for leaving it open, as we were the only two groups with access. I did a body escort one day, made sure to close the door behind me and went back to work. Not even a half hour later, the office got a call bitching that the ‘last guard left the door open.’
I swore up and down I didn’t and went to check the cameras. The cameras showed me pulling the door shut, pushing on it and then wiggling the locked handle to ensure it was closed. I wasn’t even out of frame from the camera yet before we could see the door swing ALL the way open, hit the wall and then slowly swing shut until it was slightly ajar.” – LilithImmaculate
5. The Haunted Hotel
“Not me but a friend who is a pilot. She stayed at an older hotel downtown Chicago and was studying for her recurrent class which was in a few weeks. While at the desk, deep in thought, she heard people talking and laughing. When she looked up, it got quiet. She said it sounded like it was in the room with her and went back to studying. The noise started off softly and then again sounded like a party was going on in her room. She got up and looked around and there was silence. There were no sounds coming from any rooms, no televisions on, no radios, no people in the hallway – the noise was definitely in her room.
That night around 2 am, she was in bed and felt someone brush strands of hair from her forehead and tuck it behind her ear. She jumped up and turned on the light and there was no one there. She didn’t get back to sleep and bid around that overnight so she wouldn’t be in that hotel again.” – Sandbargirl
6. Echoes of the Past
“When I was little I saw a recurring ghost. She would appear for a split second and then vanish, but I could always perfectly recreate the image.
She was a short little girl wearing a frilly blue dress and a big red bow, blonde hair, blue eyes, large ears. A couple of notable sightings were her looking through my mom’s jewelry box and one peering through our glass door at me (with her hands over here eyes binocular style)
It never really bothered me and these happened for a while. A few years later at my Grandfathers house and we were helping him unpack his attic and I found a portrait of his long since deceased sister.
Not quite the same dress, slightly different bow, but the face was absolutely her. She had died as a child quite tragically so obviously I had never met her, but I did know of her but had never seen a picture of her before.
So, not a scary supernatural encounter but rather a heartwarming one knowing the great aunt I never met was saying hello.” – Omni_Omega
7. Alone in the Chuch
“I worked for my church for two years. One day, a coworker and I were closing up the church at the end of the day. By this point, doors were locked and we had checked every room to make sure no one was in the building. The church had two lobbies, one in each side of the building. They were connected with a long hallway lined with classrooms. As my coworker and I were turning off lights and double checking the doors in the one lobby, I looked down the hall and could distinctly see a boy (late teens to early 20s) in a blue plaid short sleeve shirt and khaki pants sitting in the chair. He had his hands folded and was looking at the ground as if in deep thought.
Initially, I didn’t think anything of it as this wasn’t an uncommon sight. I turned and in the second it hit me that we were the only ones in the building. I turned again and he there was no one (from the time that I saw him to when he disappeared all happened in about a second or two). I told my coworker what I saw and we both noped out of there quick.
Being that is was our first unexplained, potentially supernatural, experience, we were both pretty freaked out but we never felt threatened nor was the presence malicious in any degree.” – AgentMarks
8. The Escaped Prisoner
“I worked in a maximum security prison for awhile. I was assigned to central control one night, which is where the camera screens were.
One of the cameras was for the classifications room. I glanced at it and there was an inmate in there. This was super odd because it was two in the morning and nobody was supposed to be in there. Everyone that had keys to that room went home at 5.
Anyways, so this inmate is just sitting in there doing nothing. I got the sergeant’s attention and told him someone was in there and gave him the spare key to the room. He went to go check it out with a couple of other people, but by the time they got there, the room was empty. They searched for like 15 minutes but there was definitely no one in there.” – Bb21297
9. Calls From the Old Morgue
“My colleague used to work in a hospital and would often receive phone calls around 3am but no one would speak at the other end of the receiver. The number was from an extension somewhere in the hospital and when they looked it up, it was from an old morgue nobody has used in a while.” – manicpixiechick
10. The Footsteps
“When I was about 12 our family moved into a new house—new to us, actually quite old. It was in our same village but down a different lane.
Part of it used to be a bungalow so my room and my sister’s room were on the ground floor, down a long hallway. All of the ground floor had walnut flooring and there was a Persian rug outside the door to my room to avoid cold toesies in the morning.
Every night, around 11 or so, I would hear footsteps walking at a fairly slow pace right down the hall, from the end guest suite up past our rooms and away down the hall to the living room.
I was always in bed when I heard them, and so was everyone else. You know how you can tell who a family member is by the way they walk up the stairs, or open a specific door? I knew it wasn’t anyone in my family. Plus, it was the sound of outdoor shoes clacking on the wood and everyone in my family wore slippers inside the house.
I would hear the footsteps start, fairly loud on the wooden floor, way down the hall, come up past my sister’s room and then there would be a pause—while whatever it was walked over the rug. You could hear the gap in the footsteps, about three seconds, then they would start again on the other side of the rug and fade out as they walked down the hall away to the living room.
Then they would come back—same footsteps, break across the rug, resumed on the other side.
I don’t remember ever feeling scared, but I never ever went out to see what it was. I would fall asleep to the sound, it would go on for a really long time. It stopped about 3 or 4 weeks after we moved in and I never heard it again. I didn’t really think about it much after it stopped, but I’ve never forgotten it and as an adult it makes me shiver to remember it.” – KE-1930
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Stephen Miller and those who enabled him must be investigated and prosecuted
At the meeting, Miller accused anyone opposing zero tolerance of being a lawbreaker and un-American, according to the two officials present.
For those of you who haven’t seen it, “Conspiracy” is a 2001 BBC/HBO film addressing the infamous 1942 Wannsee Conference in which General Reinhard Heydrich, upon orders of Adolf Hitler, convened a group of fifteen high-ranking German officials to set forth the parameters of what became known as “The Final Solution,” the comprehensive and systematic plan to exterminate all Jews from the continent of Europe. Only one written record of the proceedings at Wannsee, a locality abutting a lakeside in Western Berlin, survived the war, and it is largely from this written summary (prepared from transcripts of the meeting by Adolf Eichmann) that the film is based.
The most chilling aspect of this film is the banal manner in which the subject is discussed, the euphemisms employed (“evacuation” rather than “extermination” being a typical example), the jocular mannerisms of several of the participants and in particular, their susceptibility to the intimidation of Heydrich as well as representatives of the Nazi SS present at the conference, held in a beautiful lakeside villa and catered with liveried servants.
The juxtaposition of fifteen men sitting around an oval-shaped conference table, alternately breaking for refreshments and wine, then returning to discuss the logistical necessities, facts and figures relating to the identification and classification of Jews, the proposed means of transport for their “evacuation” and ultimately the efficiencies of various means of murdering them, is beyond jarring—it’s fairly horrifying. The acting (Heydrich is played by Kenneth Branagh; Wilhelm Stuckart, the author of the Third Reich’s racial laws, is played by Colin Firth, and Adolf Eichmann by Stanley Tucci) is superior and riveting; you forget rather quickly that the entirety of the action revolves around a seemingly dry bureaucratic discussion around a conference table.
But probably the most unnerving thing, chills aside, about the film is the degree to which a group of people can come to a mutual accommodation towards evil, when that evil is presented and explicated as a means to an end that all of them desire.
In the Trump administration we are not, as far as is currently known, dealing with anything anywhere close to the realm of evil that occurred at Wannsee, but as the media fixate obsessively on the aftermath of the 2020 election and the continuing antics of Donald Trump and other Republicans denying the result of that election, certain things done, and certain actions taken by this administration in our name over the past four years, actions which likewise had their genesis in dry, bureaucratic conferences between highly placed American officials, should not be forgotten or allowed to “slip through the cracks.’ Because the evil that they represent—though not on the par with systematic genocide of the Nazis—should be no less unforgivable and intolerable.
In 2018, the current administration held a meeting, doubtlessly around an oblong conference table, in which it was calmly determined to forcibly and permanently separate children, many as young as babies, from their parents after those parents had been stopped following unlawfully crossing– or attempting to cross–over the border into the United States from Mexico.
As reported by NBC News:
WASHINGTON — In early May 2018, after weeks of phone calls and private meetings, 11 of the president’s most senior advisers were called to the White House Situation Room, where they were asked, by a show-of-hands vote, to decide the fate of thousands of migrant parents and their children, according to two officials who were there.
The meeting was held at the instigation of one of Donald Trump’s senior policy advisors, Stephen Miller, who was unquestionably operating to implement the specific policy aims of Donald Trump. Miller’s rabid xenophobia and anti-immigrant rhetoric had by that time (and has still) conferred upon him the unusual distinction of being one of the few members of Trump’s inner circle to have kept his position throughout Trump’s entire tenure.
As the NBC news report explains, the U.S. Justice Department under the orders of Jeff Sessions had already implemented Miller’s preferred “zero tolerance” policy towards prosecuting any undocumented immigrants captured crossing the U.S. border, a radical departure from decades of prior practice covering multiple U.S. administrations. Yet, as Julia Ainsley and Jacob Soboroff of NBC News reported, the forced separation between parents and their young children had not yet been put into place.  According to the report, Miller was “furious at the delay,” and had convened a meeting to emphasize his authority.
Those present at the meeting were Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar, and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen. According to NBC’s sources,  other participants may have included White House counsel Don McGahn, Deputy Chief of Staff Chris Liddell, and representatives of Vice President Pence’s office.
Nielsen, much like several of the participants at Wannsee nearly eighty years ago, had some issues she wanted to air out concerning the logistics. Specifically, she bemoaned the fact that DHS had insufficient resources to implement the separation process, in which children so taken from their parents would be removed to isolated separate facilities. Hers were practical objections, and she noted that the ability of her agency to ultimately return these essentially kidnapped children to their parents was in doubt. She warned that the process could “get messy,” and could end up in children getting “lost” in a system of holding pens, without any recourse.
These complaints did not find a willing audience in Miller, who not only did not perceive any inherent moral issues with separating children from their parents, but in fact wanted to accelerate and expand the process, so that such separated children would ultimately number in the tens of thousands.
The NBC report gives no doubt as to who was in charge of driving the policy:
At the meeting, Miller accused anyone opposing zero tolerance of being a lawbreaker and un-American, according to the two officials present.
“If we don’t enforce this, it is the end of our country as we know it,” Miller said, according to the two officials. It was not unusual for Miller to make claims like that, but this time he was adamant that the policy move forward, regardless of arguments about resources and logistics.
Around the same time, the Justice Department was given a similar mandate by Attorney General Sessions, one which was echoed and embellished by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. As reported in October, 2020, by the New York Times:
“We need to take away children,” Mr. Sessions told the prosecutors, according to participants’ notes. One added in shorthand: “If care about kids, don’t bring them in. Won’t give amnesty to people with kids.”
Rod J. Rosenstein, then the deputy attorney general, went even further in a second call about a week later, telling the five prosecutors that it did not matter how young the children were. He said that government lawyers should not have refused to prosecute two cases simply because the children were barely more than infants.
Back at the Cabinet meeting, a frustrated and angry Miller accused Nielsen of “stalling” and demanded that all present demonstrate their loyalty to the policy by a show of hands. Incidentally, the participants at Wannsee were also required to voice their assent for “the policy,” which they dutifully affirmed with varying degrees of enthusiasm (this is one of the more gut-churning events in the film).
With the exception of Nielsen, who still clung to her logistical objections, all hands went up.
Spokesmen for both the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services have denied this “vote” actually occurred. NBC stands by its story. DHS and the State Department have referred all inquiries about the meeting to the White House, and the key Cabinet officials involved, Nielsen and Sessions have refused comment.
In other words, they can’t or won’t confirm one simple point—was there, in fact, such a vote?
Thus did our lawfully elected government enter on a course that at this count, has left over 600 children permanently separated from their parents, trapped in holding cells at locations scattered throughout the United States.
As reported by the NBC, that number is even higher than Trump administration officials previously acknowledged.
Lawyers working to reunite migrant families separated by the Trump administration before and during its “zero tolerance” policy at the border now believe the number of separated children for whom they have not been able to find parents is 666, higher than they told a federal judge last month, according to an email obtained by NBC News.
Nearly 20 percent, or 129, of those children were under 5 at the time of the separation, according to a source familiar with the data.
The issue of immigration has been the touchstone of this administration’s domestic policy since the days of the 2016 campaign. It has been used as both a weapon, an excuse and a bludgeon against Trump’s political opponents. The evidence clearly indicates that the policy of forcibly separating children from their parents was instituted and ordered by persons at the highest levels of this administration. They are therefore—in theory at the very least—amenable to prosecution, possibly for crimes against humanity.
At the very minimum, immediately upon the inauguration of Joseph Biden as President, the Congress should instigate hearings and the Justice Department should initiate an investigation for potential prosecution and criminal or civil liability of those responsible for this inhumane and abhorrent policy decision and its implementation.
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ASU RECEIVES THE FIRST EXTRATERRESTRIAL MUD BALL IN 50 YEARS ** Synopsis: Arizona State University’s Center for Meteorite Studies is leading the international classification of the April 23 meteorite fall in Aguas Zarcas, Costa Rica. The meteorites from this fall are carbonaceous chondrites, rich in organic compounds and full of water, which may provide new insights about water extraction from meteorites and the origins of the solar system. ** On April 23 at 9:09 p.m. local time, residents of Aguas Zarcas, a small town in Costa Rica, saw a large ‘fireball’ in the sky. The reported fireball was a meteor about the size of a washing machine. As it entered Earth’s atmosphere, it broke apart and rained hundreds of meteorites in and around the small Costa Rican town, including a two-pound rock that crashed through the roof of a local house, smashing the dining room table below. While meteorite falls happen around the world on a regular basis, early reports indicated that this meteorite belongs to a special group called ‘carbonaceous chondrites’ that are rich in organic compounds and full of water. “Many carbonaceous chondrites are mud balls that are between 80 and 95% clay,” says Laurence Garvie, who is a research professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration (http://sese.asu.edu) and a curator for ASU’s Center for Meteorite Studies. “Clays are important because water is an integral part of their structure.” From these early reports, the race was on to collect samples and bring them back to labs around the world for scientific analysis. “These had to be collected quickly and before they got rained on,” explains Garvie. “Because they are mostly clay, as soon as these types of meteorites get wet, they fall apart.” Fortunately, meteorite collectors had five rain-free days in the region to collect samples from the fall. About 55 pounds of meteorites (collectively the size of a large beach ball) have been recovered so far. As of last week, ASU has acquired several meteorite samples from the Aguas Zarcas fall, which were donated by meteorite collector Michael Farmer. Farmer traveled to Costa Rica immediately after the meteorite fall to purchase and collect the meteorites from residents of Aguas Zarcas. A private donor has also provided funds for ASU to purchase additional meteorite samples from this fall. ASU Leads the Classification of the Aguas Zarcas Meteorite Fall Once Garvie had the donated samples, he rushed back to the lab on ASU’s Tempe Campus to run the analyses needed to determine the classification of the meteorites. He is now leading an international classification effort. “I was in the lab by five a.m. the next morning after picking up the samples to get them ready for the initial analyses” said Garvie. “Classification of new meteorites can be like a race with other institutions, and I needed ASU to be first so that we’ll have the recognition of being the collection that holds and curates the type specimen material.” ASU’s Center for Meteorite Studies has a specialized curatorial facility for meteorites, one that rivals many other international facilities. In particular, ASU has nitrogen cabinets for storage of particularly air-sensitive meteorites where the nitrogen atmosphere preserves the meteorites and stops their degradation. “If you left this carbonaceous chondrite in the air, it would lose some of its extraterrestrial affinities,” explains Garvie. “These meteorites have to be curated in a way that they can be used for current and future research, and we have that ability here at ASU.” For the meteorite classification process, Garvie is working with Karen Ziegler from the Institute of Meteoritics at the University of New Mexico. In her lab, Ziegler analyzed the samples for their oxygen isotopes, which helps determine what characteristics this meteorite shares with other carbonaceous chondrites. Garvie is also working with ASU School of Molecular Sciences’ professor emerita Sandra Pizzarello, an organic chemist known for her work with carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Pizzarello’s analysis is helping to determine the organic inventory of the sample, which may provide insights into whether these types of meteorites provided the ingredients for the origins of life on Earth. Ultimately, the meteorites will be approved, classified, and named by the Meteoritical Society’s nomenclature committee, an international team of 12 scientists who approve all new classified meteorites. This approval is the first and most important step of an in-depth scientific analysis. Nature Has Said, “Here You Are!” Because of their water-rich composition, carbonaceous chondrites can provide insights into how we may be able to extract water from asteroids in space as a resource beyond Earth. “Having this meteorite in our lab gives us the ability, with further analysis, to ultimately develop technologies to extract water from asteroids in space,” says Garvie. Garvie and his team, as well as scientists around the world, will be analyzing these meteorites, for years to come, for new insights about water extraction from meteorites as well as insights into the origins of the solar system and the organic process. “Nature has said ‘here you are’ and now we have to be smart enough to tease apart the individual components and understand what they are telling us,” says Garvie. Carbonaceous Chondrites The Costa Rican meteorite comes from an asteroid that was an early planet (planetesimal) that had water and organic materials. “It formed in an environment free of life, then was preserved in the cold and vacuum of space for 4.56 billion years, and then dropped in Costa Rica last week,” explains Garvie. By happenstance, the last carbonaceous chondrites meteorite fall of this significance happened 50 years ago in 1969, and was curated by another ASU professor and founding director of ASU’s Center for Meteorite Studies Carleton Moore, who is now an ASU emeritus Regents’ Professor. The meteorite fell to Earth near Murchison, Australia, in 1969 and is one of the most studied meteorites in the world. “Carbonaceous chondrites are relatively rare among meteorites, but are some of the most sought-after by researchers because they contain the best-preserved clues to the origin of the solar system,” says Center director, Meenakshi Wadhwa. “This new meteorite represents one of the most scientifically significant additions to our wonderful collection in recent years.” The other ASU connection with this recent Costa Rican meteorite fall is that the samples closely resemble what scientists are discovering on the OSIRIS-REx mission to the asteroid Bennu, on which ASU has the Phil Christensen-designed Thermal Emissions Spectrometer (OTES). This instrument is making mineral and temperature maps of the asteroid Bennu, which is thought to be composed of a remnant carbonaceous chondrite planetesimal. Sample on Display and Open to the Public at ASU Samples from this meteorite fall, and many others, are on display for the public on the ASU Tempe Campus in the Center for Meteorite Studies collection on the second floor of the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building IV. ASU’s Center for Meteorite Studies is home to the world’s largest university-based meteorite collection, with over 40,000 individual specimens representing more the 2,100 distinct meteorite falls and finds. The collection is actively used for geological, planetary, and space science research at ASU and throughout the world. TOP IMAGE....An unusual arrowhead-shaped meteorite from the Aguas Zarcas fall, weighing 146.2 grams. This sample belongs to private collector, Michael Farmer. Photo courtesy of ASU LOWER IMAGE....An unusual arrowhead-shaped meteorite from the Aguas Zarcas fall, weighing 146.2 grams. This sample belongs to private collector, Michael Farmer. Photo courtesy of ASU
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researchupdates · 3 years
Global Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Facilities Market Growth Statistics to Make Multi-Billion Dollar Market during 2021-2028
Overview of Global Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Facilities Market:
Today’s businesses choose the market research report solution such as Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Facilities Market report because it lends a hand with the improved decision making and more revenue generation. The report also aids in prioritizing Market goals and attain profitable business. Industry tendencies, the growth proportion of major producers, and production analysis are the segments included in the chapter of global growth trends of Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Facilities business report. While studying Market size by application it covers Market consumption analysis by application whereas studying Market size by type includes analysis of value, product utility, Market percentage, and production Market share by type.
The persuasive Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Facilities Market report is all-embracing of the data which covers Market definition, classifications, applications, engagements, Market drivers, and Market restraints that are based on the SWOT analysis. Analysis of profiles of manufacturers or commanding players of the global Market is performed based on sales area, key products, gross margin, revenue, price, and production. The chapter of Market value chain and sales channel analysis of this Market document includes details of customer, distributor, Market value chain, and sales channel analysis. An excellent Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Facilities report consists of most recent Market information with which companies can attain in depth analysis of Healthcare industry and future trends.
Get Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-nursing-homes-and-long-term-care-facilities-market .
The Global Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Facilities Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.80% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027.
According to the market report analysis, Long term care software is the type of technological service/solution that is used for meeting the non-clinical and clinical needs of patients and healthcare providers in home care, hospitals, nursing facilities and several other healthcare providing areas. These services provide better effectiveness and ease of operations in providing the healthcare facilities, thereby reducing healthcare costs and achieving efficiency.
The most significant key factors driving the growth of the Global Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Facilities Market are rising venture capital investments, shortage of nursing staff and doctors, healthcare reforms, government initiatives, rising adoption of long-term care software among nursing homes, hospice care facilities provider, among others all over the globe and escalating awareness about numerous features associated with software such as compliance and safety, centralized database, staff management, marketing and customer relationship management.
Top Leading Key Manufacturers are: Allscripts, LTCG, Cerner Corporation, Intellitec Solutions, Sunrise Senior Living, Atria Senior Living, Inc., ADL Data Systems, Inc., CVS Health, Omnicell, Inc., Netsmart Technologies, Inc., ResMed, McKesson Corporation, Optimus EMR, PointClickCare, MatrixCare, BlueStrata HER, Kronos Incorporated and others. New product launches and continuous technological innovations are the key strategies adopted by the major players.
In terms of the geographic analysis, APAC dominates the nursing homes & long-term care facilities market due to increasing awareness, rapidly improving healthcare infrastructure and massive investments being done by some major players in countries such as India and China in this region. North America and Europe are the expected regions in terms of growth in nursing homes & long-term care facilities.
Access Complete Report Here: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/reports/global-nursing-homes-and-long-term-care-facilities-market .
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cliftonsteen · 3 years
Exploring Zambia as a coffee origin
As is common in many producing countries in Africa, coffee was first introduced to Zambia by missionaries. Here, however, it arrived comparatively late, in the 1950s.
Zambian coffee production has risen steadily since then, especially after the country first started exporting internationally in 1985. However, the modern Zambian coffee industry faces many challenges, including many related to a lack of accessible finance and investment.
This, among other issues, is why Zambia produces comparatively small volumes of coffee. At present, it ranks 51st in the world for coffee production, having grown an average of around 1,500 tonnes a year since the turn of the 21st century.
To learn more about the challenges the sector faces, I spoke with a local industry expert. Read on to learn more.
You may also like our article exploring the DRC as a coffee origin.
Zambian coffee: A profile
Most Zambian coffee comes from the country’s mountainous Northern Province, and is grown at elevations between 1,300 and 1,600 m.a.s.l. Coffee is also grown around the country’s capital, Lusaka. Zambian coffee is generally washed, with a sweet, bright acidity, 
As Zambia is located on the plateau of central Africa, most of the country is 1,000 m.a.s.l. above sea level or higher, meaning that it provides the minimum suitable altitude for growing arabica coffee. This means that it is not just capable of growing high-quality washed arabica, but actually that it exclusively grows arabica – including some specialty-grade plants.
Common varieties include SL-28 from Kenya, as well as some Catimor, which is largely grown because of its disease and pest resistance.
According to the African Fine Coffee Association, Zambian coffees are generally full-bodied with sweet, mild acidity and pleasant flavours. Olam Specialty Coffee’s website describes its Zambian coffee as being “dominated by fruit notes, predominantly citrus fruits with berry and melon accents”.
Some Zambian SL-28 micro lots have scored as high as 89, albeit in small quantities.  These are mainly specially-grown coffees which have been experimentally processed.
A history of coffee production in Zambia
Before the introduction of coffee to Northern Rhodesia (as Zambia was known until 1964), most of the country’s exports were from its rich copper deposits. In 2020, copper still accounted for 73% of all Zambian exports, showing that it remains a huge part of the country’s economy.
Zambia was also comparatively slow to start cultivating coffee, with missionaries only introducing the crop in the latter half of the 20th century. 
This meant, compared to other African coffee-growing nations, that there was little expertise about coffee production in the country. Most of the knowledge about how to grow the crop came from British colonists.
Once farmers did start growing coffee, however, they encountered a challenge almost immediately: disease. 
The plants introduced to Zambia struggled in its subtropical climate, despite the fact that it offered relatively good elevations for growing coffee. This meant small yields, and harvests were largely insufficient for any kind of export.
The World Bank’s plan to revive Zambian coffee
In its quest to help the Zambian government diversify its economy away from copper exports, the World Bank established a number of coffee projects throughout the country in the 1970s. These all aimed at finding the most suitable and productive varieties for Zambia’s coffee farms.
It was later joined by the UN’s FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation), which worked with the Zambian government and the United Nations Development Programme to assist smallholder farmers across the country.
The project used Kenyan coffee as a framework, as Kenya was already a well-established coffee origin at the time. The country started by adopting the Kenyan green coffee grading and classification system as the first real method of quality assessment.
The project’s aim was to encourage the cultivation of high-quality coffee at the lowest possible costs. The bulk of production was concentrated in large and well-organised coffee estates in the Northern Province. 
However, the project did also seek to encourage smallholder coffee production, helping thousands of Zambians in rural poverty make a living through coffee growing. 
Originally, the World Bank had set out to establish around 600 new smallholder farmers in the Northern Province, providing seedlings and technical support. The project was an overwhelming success: by the mid-80s, this number had nearly doubled.
In the years that followed, total annual production rose from 70 to almost 400 metric tonnes. Zambia was given an annual quota of 350 metric tonnes by the ICO, and started commercially exporting coffee in 1985.
The Zambian coffee sector today
The Zambian coffee industry is divided between smallholders growing on fewer than 10ha of land, and five large-scale farming groups.
Four of these five estates are located in Mazabuka (Southern Province), Lusaka (Lusaka Province), Serenje (Central Province), and the city of Kasama. However, the fifth (and largest, responsible for around 97% of all exportable Zambian coffee) is the Northern Coffee Corporation, with three estates in Kasama and two in Mbala.
Two of the Northern Coffee Corporation’s three Kasama estates can actually be traced back to a 1978 project by the World Bank. This then became a government-owned company, known as the Northern Coffee Company.
However, in 2012, the company was acquired by Olam International and renamed. Its five estates presently cultivate slightly over 3,500ha of coffee-growing land. It is the only entity producing coffee in Zambia that is both Rainforest Alliance and UTZ certified.
Teija Lublinkhof is the owner of Peaberry Coffee Roasters and the Chairperson of the Zambia Coffee Growers Association (ZCGA).
“The Coffee Board of Zambia is the highest government policy making body for the Zambian coffee sector,” she explains. “However, on its board there are representatives from the private sector coffee farming and roasting sectors.
“The ZCGA is a wing of the Coffee Board of Zambia. It is wholly run by Zambian coffee growers, providing services on behalf of its members to the government and international organisations. These include marketing, quality assessment, milling, export documentation and shipping.”
Teija says that Zambian coffee exports reached a peak in the 2004/05 crop year, at 6,654 tonnes of green coffee. However, since then, these figures have largely fallen year-on-year.
In 2015, the country reached a low of just 180 metric tonnes; this crash was brought about by a combination of poor weather and a lack of accessible finance for coffee producers.
However, Teija says that in 2019, the country exported almost 2,000 metric tonnes of green coffee, representing a significant recovery.
“For the first time in a very long time, we are producing more [coffee] than Malawi,” she says. “This is a good indicator that we are getting back to our best.” 
Quality control and local stakeholders
In Zambia, Teija says that 90% of all coffee production comes from estates. The ZCGA can facilitate coffee processing for estate farmers, as it has access to all the necessary equipment as well as trained personnel.
The association handles quality control on behalf of the estates, although some opt to do it themselves. It also handles the export process by sending samples around the world, managing documentation, and agreeing sales. The major buyers of Zambian coffee are Europe, South Africa, Asia (specifically Japan), and the US.
“Some farmers leave marketing to the association, while others contact the buyers directly,” Teija explains. “Even in this case, the association will handle the quality control. These farmers determine their own price, however.”
She also notes that the association uses cup quality and the C price to determine pricing. However, according to her, the farmer retains total control of their coffee, and makes the final decision on all sales.
After milling, Zambian coffee is graded and stored in a central warehouse in Lusaka. Large estates may have their own warehouses and use trucks to transport their coffee.
Outside of estates, Teija says that most smallholder farmers grow coffee like they would do maize or other short-term crops. She says that the ZCGA is trying to encourage co-operatives to form, but notes that it is a long-term initiative. 
The goal, she says, is to increase production and raise the number of coffee producers in Zambia. 
Processing facilities and methods
The Zambian coffee harvest runs from May to August. Some farmers have their own wet mills where they manage their own washed processing.
This is the most prominent processing method in the country, but there are also some high-quality naturals, pulped naturals, and anaerobic coffees being processed on some of the farms.
“There are some producers doing pulped naturals, and they tend to produce the best Zambian coffee,” she says. “Usually, it’s the dry season when we do the processing, so the sun tends to provide good conditions for drying. 
“In the north, the farmers actually do some very nice anaerobic processing.”
Teija says that the major reason for the pulped naturals is to add some sweetness to the high acidity of the coffees. This makes them more marketable for espresso. 
“Many of the farms have good quality wet processing equipment,” she adds. “The large estates have fermentation tanks and demucilagers from Tanzania.”
She also notes that the ZCGA owns its own dry mills, as do some farms around Lusaka. The ZCGA mills are open to smallholder farmers, who can take their coffee as parchment directly to the association.
Challenges in Zambian coffee
Although yields are increasing, Zambia’s location is an issue. It’s landlocked, meaning there’s no easy access to ports.
Coffee from the north of the country is shipped via Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, while coffee from the south is shipped through either South Africa or Namibia.
Zambia also faces another unusual problem: a lack of production capacity. Teija says there is no shortage of land or farm owners, but instead says that there is a high cost of coffee production in the company, which is only compounded by a labour shortage. Farmers then turn to “easier” crops, such as maize.
In addition, the project started by the World Bank has not been sustained by the Zambian government. In response, Teija says the industry has come to rely on private companies like Olam Specialty Coffee to step in and support farmers.
Zambia’s coffee sector is indeed a unique one. Its late entry to the international coffee industry means it is only really getting started, and has a long way yet before it will truly compete with major African coffee producers.
However, the sector is on an upward trend, and forecasts show that production is set to increase. Teija concludes by saying that with more investment from multinational companies and the government on the horizon, she thinks the outlook is bright.
Enjoyed this? Then read our article exploring Malawi as a coffee origin.
Photo credits: Pexels
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The Future Of The Indian Child Welfare Act
By Kiersten Wood, Fordham College at Lincoln Center Class of 2021
October 2, 2021
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Over four decades ago, Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 (ICWA), which offers a framework for the placement of Native children seeking adoption or in need of foster care.[1] The statute was first enacted in response to the high prevalence of forceful removal of Native children from their families and tribal community. In 1976, a groundbreaking study by the Association on American Indian Affairs revealed that between 25% and 35% of Native children were placed out of their family homes, and relocated into the system of adoptive care, foster care, and various institutions.[2] The vast majority (85%) of those children were placed in non-Indian homes.[3] Without citing legitimate grounds for removal, most allegations drew on vaguely defined “social deprivation” as cause for non-Indian placement.[4]
News of this widespread phenomenon shifted from the regional to the national level, and endless legislative testimonies were presented to Congress, confirming the joint effort among social service agencies, as well as county- and state-government officials systematically generating the continuous expulsion of Indian youth from their families. Two years later, Congress enacted the ICWA, establishing substantive legal criteria and procedural standards to alleviate the “wholesale separation of Indian children from their families.”[5] Specifically, ICWA increased the authorities power of Tribal Courts in determining custody cases, and granted placement preferences for facilities and homes inside the Native community.[6] The statute stipulates the following:
In any foster care or preadoptive placement, a preference shall be given, in the absence of good cause to the contrary, to a placement with—
(i)                 a member of the Indian child’s extended family;
(ii)               a foster home licensed, approved, or specified by the Indian child’s tribe;
(iii)             an Indian foster home licensed or approved by an authorized non-Indian licensing authority; or
(iv)             an institution for children approved by an Indian tribe or operated by an Indian organization which has a program suitable to meet the Indian child’s needs.[7]
For decades, this assertion helped navigate the intricate web of custody battles and familial separation within Native communities.
However, as the 2021 term approaches, Supreme Court has been asked to review several cert petitions challenging the constitutionality of ICWA, stemming from a ruling in Brackeen v. Haaland by the en banc U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.[8] The Plaintiffs included three states (Texas, Louisiana, and Indiana), as well as several non-Indian couples interested in taking care of Indian children, and one mother requesting her Indian child be adopted outside of the community. Collectively, they brought suit against relevant federal agencies implementing the act and the intervening Indian tribes, alleging that ICWA violates the Fifth Amendment and 10th Amendment.
The per curiam decision reversed several components of the 2018 district court’s ruling that favored the Plaintiffs in question. For example, the district court’s claim that provisions of ICWA violated the Constitution because they “incorporate the ‘Indian child’ classification” was reversed. However, the 5th Circuit agreed that §1915 (a) and (b) violated equal protection guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment. In other words, this means that foster care and adoptive placement policy giving preference to “other Indian families” and Indian programs was deemed unconstitutional. The court also determined that the district court’s holdings on anticommandeering claims were affirmed. Effectively, the en banc majority held that ICWA’s “active efforts” (§ 1912(d)), expert witness (§ 1912(e) and (f)), and recordkeeping requirements (§ 1915(e)) “unconstitutionally commandeer state actors.”[9] More precisely, these provisions require any parties—including the State—seeking to place a Native child in foster care or terminate any parental rights must first prove that any provided rehabilitative services to prevent the unnecessary breakup of a family were unsuccessful (§ 1912(d)). They also require the State to cover the cost of testimonies from qualified expert witnesses, determining whether separation will inflict psychological, emotional, or physical harm to the child.
In response to the 5th Circuit’s ruling, a myriad of petitioners have approached the Supreme Court, demanding Judicial action, including Haaland v. Brackeen (whereby the government will defend its initial position),[10] Texas v. Haaland (whereby Texas implores the Court to overturn the 5th Circuit’s partial defense of ICWA), and Cherokee Nation v. Brackeen (whereby tribes defend ICWA).[11] Many eagerly await the Court’s decisions of whether to hear the cases, noting that nullifying the ICWA could unravel the legitimacy of the Native community and legal system, and regress to the pre-1978 removal phenomenon.
[1] 25 U.S.C. §§ 1901-1963 (1978), https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/25/1915.
[2] William Byler, The Destruction of American Indian Families, 1 (1977).
[3] Id.
[4] Evelyn Lance Blanchard & Steven Unger, Editorial Notes, 58 The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 312 (1977), https://doi.org/10.1177/104438947705800507.
[5] Establishing Standards for the Placement of Indian Children in Foster or Adoptive Homes, to Prevent the Breakup of Indian Families, and for Other Purposes, H R Rep 95-1386, at 9 (July 24, 1978) (“1978 House Report”).
[6] 25 U.S.C. §§ 1901-1963 (1978), https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/25/1915.
[7] Id., at §1915(b).
[8] Brackeen v. Haaland, 994 F.3d 249 (5th Cir. 2021), https://casetext.com/case/brackeen-v-haaland.
[9]  Brackeen v. Haaland, 994 F.3d 249, 391 (5th Cir. 2021), https://casetext.com/case/brackeen-v-haaland/?PHONE_NUMBER_GROUP=P.
[10] Haaland v. Brackeen: Pending Petition, SCOTUSBLOG (Sept. 24, 2021), https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/haaland-v-brackeen/.
Andrew Hamm,
Four petitions on the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act
(Sept. 24, 2021),
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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True Ghost Stories and Tales of the Supernatural
1. A Baby Crying
“When I was in high school, my uncle would throw me a couple bucks to help babysit his kids with my aunt. They lived in a two-story house by the water, nice area. The kids were about 3 and 6, respectively.
One day I was sitting in their den on my phone when I started to hear a baby crying. Thinking it was the three-year-old, I headed to the bottom of the stairs to check and see if my aunt was up there dealing with it. I called for her a couple times with no response. The baby kept crying. I called for her one more time, and when I got no response I started walking up the stairs. Then I heard my cousins and aunt playing outside.
All the hairs on my body stood up and I literally felt a chill run down my spine. I quietly turned around, walked down the stairs, got in my car, and drove away. The ‘baby’ was still crying when I closed the door behind me.
A few years later I was drunk at a family party and told my uncle the story. He told me that he and his wife used to hear the baby too, and apparently, the previous owners had a kid die of SIDS in that room upstairs. He’s uber Catholic and had a Mass said for the baby. He said after that it never happened again. Still gives me the willies when I talk about it though.” – urgehal666
2. The Man with the Suitcase
“I was 13 years old and drinking lemonade with my best friend in my kitchen. We were alone. From where we were seating we could see a corridor that leads from the front door to the backyard. We were talking and something made us shut up. We looked to the corridor and there was the shadow of a man walking by with a suitcase. I know she also saw him because we both described the same thing: a tall shadow with a suitcase
Fast forward to a few years later, I had to do a school project with another girl. Again I was alone at home, working on the computer when she arrived. She then asked me where my dad was. When I told her my dad was away, at work, she asked me, ‘Well, then who’s the man I saw walking downstairs and carrying a suitcase when I came in?’
So far, no one else from my family has seen him. I haven’t seen him again ever since, but for a while it really scared the shit out of me to be home alone.” – rraarraarraasputin
3. The Exorcism
“I work as a paramedic, got a call to a church, the retired nun who still lived at the church was having some issues. The priest was attempting an exorcism when the family got a state order to get her into a psych facility. We got her into the back of our ambulance and all was fine. Then this 92-year-old, 90-pound woman ripped out of her leather restraints and started speaking in a voice no human could produce. She then told me that her commander in the war had burned and buried her alive during the war when defending France against the Germans.
The whole presence was terrifying and gave me nightmares for years to come. I told my partner to use the lights and sirens so I could get out of there as fast as possible. During the whole transport, she was speaking in weird tongues.” – rbilly0001
4. The Morgue Door
“Used to work hospital security and we had video cameras accessible in the office.
During body escorts, we kept finding the morgue door open. That was weird because it was a heavy door that could only be opened with a keycard. Pathologists were blaming security and security was blaming pathologists for leaving it open, as we were the only two groups with access. I did a body escort one day, made sure to close the door behind me and went back to work. Not even a half hour later, the office got a call bitching that the ‘last guard left the door open.’
I swore up and down I didn’t and went to check the cameras. The cameras showed me pulling the door shut, pushing on it and then wiggling the locked handle to ensure it was closed. I wasn’t even out of frame from the camera yet before we could see the door swing ALL the way open, hit the wall and then slowly swing shut until it was slightly ajar.” – LilithImmaculate
5. The Haunted Hotel
“Not me but a friend who is a pilot. She stayed at an older hotel downtown Chicago and was studying for her recurrent class which was in a few weeks. While at the desk, deep in thought, she heard people talking and laughing. When she looked up, it got quiet. She said it sounded like it was in the room with her and went back to studying. The noise started off softly and then again sounded like a party was going on in her room. She got up and looked around and there was silence. There were no sounds coming from any rooms, no televisions on, no radios, no people in the hallway – the noise was definitely in her room.
That night around 2 am, she was in bed and felt someone brush strands of hair from her forehead and tuck it behind her ear. She jumped up and turned on the light and there was no one there. She didn’t get back to sleep and bid around that overnight so she wouldn’t be in that hotel again.” – Sandbargirl
6. Echoes of the Past
“When I was little I saw a recurring ghost. She would appear for a split second and then vanish, but I could always perfectly recreate the image.
She was a short little girl wearing a frilly blue dress and a big red bow, blonde hair, blue eyes, large ears. A couple of notable sightings were her looking through my mom’s jewelry box and one peering through our glass door at me (with her hands over here eyes binocular style)
It never really bothered me and these happened for a while. A few years later at my Grandfathers house and we were helping him unpack his attic and I found a portrait of his long since deceased sister.
Not quite the same dress, slightly different bow, but the face was absolutely her. She had died as a child quite tragically so obviously I had never met her, but I did know of her but had never seen a picture of her before.
So, not a scary supernatural encounter but rather a heartwarming one knowing the great aunt I never met was saying hello.” – Omni_Omega
7. Alone in the Chuch
“I worked for my church for two years. One day, a coworker and I were closing up the church at the end of the day. By this point, doors were locked and we had checked every room to make sure no one was in the building. The church had two lobbies, one in each side of the building. They were connected with a long hallway lined with classrooms. As my coworker and I were turning off lights and double checking the doors in the one lobby, I looked down the hall and could distinctly see a boy (late teens to early 20s) in a blue plaid short sleeve shirt and khaki pants sitting in the chair. He had his hands folded and was looking at the ground as if in deep thought.
Initially, I didn’t think anything of it as this wasn’t an uncommon sight. I turned and in the second it hit me that we were the only ones in the building. I turned again and he there was no one (from the time that I saw him to when he disappeared all happened in about a second or two). I told my coworker what I saw and we both noped out of there quick.
Being that is was our first unexplained, potentially supernatural, experience, we were both pretty freaked out but we never felt threatened nor was the presence malicious in any degree.” – AgentMarks
8. The Escaped Prisoner
“I worked in a maximum security prison for awhile. I was assigned to central control one night, which is where the camera screens were.
One of the cameras was for the classifications room. I glanced at it and there was an inmate in there. This was super odd because it was two in the morning and nobody was supposed to be in there. Everyone that had keys to that room went home at 5.
Anyways, so this inmate is just sitting in there doing nothing. I got the sergeant’s attention and told him someone was in there and gave him the spare key to the room. He went to go check it out with a couple of other people, but by the time they got there, the room was empty. They searched for like 15 minutes but there was definitely no one in there.” – Bb21297
9. Calls From the Old Morgue
“My colleague used to work in a hospital and would often receive phone calls around 3am but no one would speak at the other end of the receiver. The number was from an extension somewhere in the hospital and when they looked it up, it was from an old morgue nobody has used in a while.” – manicpixiechick
10. The Footsteps
“When I was about 12 our family moved into a new house—new to us, actually quite old. It was in our same village but down a different lane.
Part of it used to be a bungalow so my room and my sister’s room were on the ground floor, down a long hallway. All of the ground floor had walnut flooring and there was a Persian rug outside the door to my room to avoid cold toesies in the morning.
Every night, around 11 or so, I would hear footsteps walking at a fairly slow pace right down the hall, from the end guest suite up past our rooms and away down the hall to the living room.
I was always in bed when I heard them, and so was everyone else. You know how you can tell who a family member is by the way they walk up the stairs, or open a specific door? I knew it wasn’t anyone in my family. Plus, it was the sound of outdoor shoes clacking on the wood and everyone in my family wore slippers inside the house.
I would hear the footsteps start, fairly loud on the wooden floor, way down the hall, come up past my sister’s room and then there would be a pause—while whatever it was walked over the rug. You could hear the gap in the footsteps, about three seconds, then they would start again on the other side of the rug and fade out as they walked down the hall away to the living room.
Then they would come back—same footsteps, break across the rug, resumed on the other side.
I don’t remember ever feeling scared, but I never ever went out to see what it was. I would fall asleep to the sound, it would go on for a really long time. It stopped about 3 or 4 weeks after we moved in and I never heard it again. I didn’t really think about it much after it stopped, but I’ve never forgotten it and as an adult it makes me shiver to remember it.” – KE-1930
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ancientbrit · 3 years
Natter #8   9/8/2020
Tue, Sep 8, 2020, 11:14 PM A lovely day today - sunny with a very attractive breeze and I was able to complete the electrical conduit work in the greenhouse without breaking much of a sweat. When I returned indoors for my well-deserved cup of tea I started to read the New York Times and then there was this fantastic article! I don't know how many of you are familiar with the story of the Methuselah Date Palm, but if you have attended any of my Propagation lectures you would know. But just in case you were sufficiently ill-advised to stay home I will run a brief resume. 2000 years ago the Romans were flexing their muscle in the middle east and had captured Judea. Some members of the Jewish community rebelled against the Centurions but they were small in number and untrained compared to the Romans and the last of the zealots retired to the heights of Masada where the Romans besieged them. The Romans gradually erected an earthen ramp up to the summit and the rebels chose to commit suicide by jumping from the peak, rather than be enslaved by the Romans. Jump forward to the 1960s when there was an architectural excavation made at Masada and one of the things discovered was an old pot containing date seeds thought to have probably been left by the Zealots. These were taken and stored in a lab storage cupboard where they were later found again by a Doctor from the Israeli Natural Medicine Research Center. She treated them to gradual hydration, warmth, plant hormone and enzymatic fertilizer without expecting much. She was therefore delighted when she noticed a green shoot spearing through the soil surface a wee time later. The seedling was cosseted and eventually planted outside the facility in a fenced plot to keep it safe. In the meantime, the hard parts remaining of the date seed were subjected to carbon dating and found to be 2000 years old.     It was thought that the seedling, now named Methuselah, might eventually be the progenitor of a returning breed of Judean dates, which had been justly famous in their time, but had been extinct now for years and years They had been somewhat larger than most, delicious and very nutritious, In addition, they had been known to have medicinal properties such as being a laxative and an aphrodisiac. Obviously one would need to be a little circumspect in eating them! Unfortunately, Methuselah turned out to be a male plant and so the good Doctor went searching again and chose more than 30 seeds from archeological sites in the Jordan Desert including Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. They were planted between 2011 and 2014 and six of the seeds germinated. One of the ultimately female seedlings came from an ancient burial cave in Wadi el-Makkukh near Jericho, now in the west bank, and was carbon-dated to between the first and fourth centuries BCE, becoming one of the oldest known seeds to have ever been germinated. This seedling was crossed with Methuselah and this year one of these progeny produced her first crop of dates which were pronounced to be delicious, but there was no mention of their more dubious qualities - the testers probably want to keep that information rather quiet. Proof might prove to be embarrassing!                                           After that initial tasting, the remaining dates were rushed away for testing but I expect to see much more of these before too long. Something like this, able to produce what is an almost perfect food in such desolate conditions is obviously invaluable. My ideal sort of plant has beautiful foliage which is fragrant. It produces beautiful fragrant flowers that ultimately merge into delicious fruit. To date, I haven't found such a paragon but I do get partway with fragrant beautiful plants in my front garden which flower in phases, starting with two different Daphnes in December and running the gamut of Viburnum carlesii, Azalea "Gold Rush," Styrax japonica and Lavender continuing until around July. I am always on the lookout for similar fragrances to extend the year as I know that some of you are too. I have a giant Brugmansia in the back garden which has just finished it's first flush of fragrant blooms. It usually continues until first frost and this year I am afraid it will have to die - it is just way too big to be overwintered in the greenhouse, but I have taken cuttings so it won't be gone forever.                                                                                                                In the vegetable garden Broad Beans (Favas)  add their fragrance to the mix and when you think about it fragrance is one of the most evocative of experiences. Lilac takes me right back to an old Farm that I used to visit with my mother and sister where we picked Gooseberries and Blackcurrants. Their faces and presence are there almost within touching distance.  Scent makes connections with people in so many different ways - it switches on lights from your past, drawing forward little memories. Christopher Lloyd of Great Dixter fame separated odors into moral and the immoral - the perfect division. Every scent seems to fall beautifully into that simple dichotomy: Day Lily flowers even switch from the former at noon to the latter when the end of the day crumples their blooms. There is a relatively newly revised book named "RHS Companion to Scented Plants" written by Stephen Lacey - a long-standing contributor to Telegraph Gardening. Stephan says “   that the best reason to grow a plant is it's smell and I could never consider buying a rose if it was not scented; I don't see the point.”                                                                                                  Early winter is a tricky time to find scents, but there are some. Buddleja auriculata flowers in November through Christmas in a suitable position. It might not be the most fascinating plant to look at, but the flowers smell of lemon peel and make perfect scented bunches for the Christmas table.  Winter Sweet (Chimonanthus praecox) has the most amazing scent for midwinter - lemon lipstick!   A couple of stems cut for the house will fill every room with perfume.  And for a little later, there's Oemleria, hugely popular in Edwardian gardens. It flowers before it's leaves appear, bringing the fragrance of almonds in February and March. Shrubs and climbers are often highly scented, possibly because many woodland plants have less opportunity to lure in pollinators in shady positions. Shrubs are out of fashion at the moment, whereas perennials and naturalistic plantings are everywhere, but involve few scents. To make matters worse, many beautifully scented plants are sold only for their looks. Stephen's book uses a rather more scientific, yet understandable classification than Mr Lloyd's. Rose scents, honey scents, spicy scents, and pea scents among them to help readers navigate.As well as being a guide to understanding scent and offering suggestions for the inquisitive, Stephen's book gets into the nitty-gritty of planning a garden around scent and getting the best from it. Building scent into your garden is one thing, but to get the best from it, you have to make it easy to enjoy. At Alderley Grange in Gloucestershire in England - one of the few gardens built around scent - lemon verbenas used to be grown as standards in containers and placed at path junctions, at the right height for the passer-by. Similarly, planning scent around windows and doors, at heights to suit, fills both garden and your life with magic. House plants, too - why would you have a house plant that wasn't scented? Consider a Meyer Lemon with it's superb thin-skinned fruit and wonderful perfume. Gardening with scent makes life more evocative and keeps your nose alert, but perhaps more importantly, it's more fun! A few more scented plants to consider are Rhododendron fragrantissimum with it's white flowers in late winter through Spring. The fragrance is wonderful - complex and lily-like. A good one for growing in containers as it is slightly tender. Philadelphus are very good performers. "Mexican Jewel" which hasn't been around for long, is a small-leaved philadelphus with a sophisticated floral pineapple scent. Another is P. Minnesota Snowflake, with a larger bloom very double looking as if the petals had been slashed with scissors with a lovely scent. Lilium regale with its wonderful scent is hard to beat and then, of course, there is my favorite Cardiocrinum giganteum. The Moss rose William Lobb with it's complex French perfume and the bonus of the resinous scent of the sticky buds. Magnolia yunnanensis is a newish shrub, like a small-flowered grandiflora. Compact, with small leaves and small creamy flowers. it has the same fruit cocktail/lemon perfume of grandiflora. Enjoy the sun and don't burn. Stay safe and we'll come through this.Your fearless leader,Gordon -
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vignaniasacademy · 4 years
01-05-2020 Current Affairs & Daily News Analysis
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Delhi police Commissioner launched Ayuraksha- ‘Corona se jung - Delhi Police ke sang’, a joint initiative by Delhi Police and All India Institute of Ayurveda, Ministry of AYUSH
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About: The Ayurveda institute will maintain the health of front line COVID warriors like Delhi Police personnel through Ayurveda Immunity boosting measures. It will be implemented in a phase wise manner. The distribution will take place for nearly 80 thousand personnel of Delhi Police across 15 districts.  The recommended formulations like Chyawanaprasha (Amla as main content), Anu Taila and SanshamaniVati (prepared from Guduchi) have simple herbs which are time tested and scientifically proven for enhancing the immunity.  Source : All India Radio ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Coaching Institute in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Union Minister of MSME launched Bank of Schemes, Ideas, Innovation and Research portal (http://ideas.msme.gov.in/) on MSMEs.
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About: The Portal gives access to all Schemes of Union, State and UT Governments. It has the provision for uploading Ideas, Innovations & Researches in the sector. The portal has unique features of not only crowd sourcing of Ideas, but also evaluation and rating the ideas by crowd sourcing. It can also facilitate inflow of venture capital, foreign collaboration etc. Users who have idea, innovation or Research with him/her can share it on this platform which will be reviewed by the concerned Officer and publish them for public view. Registered users can rate these ideas (Crowd sourcing) and venture capitalist can connect with user having idea, innovation and research. The portal has the facility to indicate the stage of Idea (Concept, Prototype or Commercialized) to make more user friendly. Papers and photo related to Idea and Video and Social Media links can also be uploaded.  Source : PIB ( Economy ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Coaching Institute in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) extended regulatory benefits to all banks including those deploying their own resources to extend liquidity support to the mutual funds under the Special Liquidity Facility for Mutual Funds (SLF-MF) scheme.
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About: Earlier in the week, the RBI had announced Rs 50,000-crore SLF-MF scheme to bailout the mutual funds facing redemption pressure. The scheme was announced in the backdrop of Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund deciding to shut several schemes. RBI said in a release that based on requests received from banks, it has now been decided that The regulatory benefits announced under the SLF-MF scheme will now be extended to all banks, irrespective of whether they avail funding from the Reserve Bank or deploy their own resources under the SLF-MF scheme. Banks meeting the liquidity requirements of MFs by extending loans and undertaking outright purchase of and/or repos against the collateral of investment grade corporate bonds, commercial paper , debentures and certificates of deposit held by MFs, will be eligible to claim all the regulatory benefits available under the scheme.  Source : All India Radio ( Economy ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Coaching Institute in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy MAY DAY International Labour Day is being celebrated across the world on May 1.
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About: Name: International Labour Day/international Workers Day is often referred to as May Day. What is it? The day is celebrated to honour the contribution of working men and women and to pay tribute to workers sacrifices in achieving economic and social rights all over the world. Date of observance: It is observed on May Day (1st May), an ancient European spring festival. The date was chosen by a pan-national organization of socialist and communist political parties to commemorate the Haymarket affair, which occurred in Chicago on 4 May 1886. Indian scenario: In India, the first Labour day or May Day was celebrated in 1923 in Chennai.  Important Info : Haymarket affair? During industrialization at the beginning of the 19th Century, the industrialists used to exploit the labour class and made them work up to 15 hours a day.The workers at Haymarket affair, in Chicago rose against this exploitation and demanded paid leaves, proper wages and breaks for the workforce.The day marks the victory of the workers' movement for eight hours of work.  Source : Hindustan Times ( Economy) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Coaching Institute in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy RISHI KAPOOR/LEUKEMIA Rishi Kapoor (1952 – 2020), an Indian actor known for his work in Hindi-language cinema passed away from leukemia on 30 April 2020.
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About: Leukemia is a type of cancer found in your blood and bone marrow and is caused by the rapid production of abnormal white blood cells. These abnormal white blood cells are not able to fight infection and impair the ability of the bone marrow to produce red blood cells and platelets. Leukemia can be either acute or chronic. Chronic leukemia progresses more slowly than acute leukemia, which requires immediate treatment. Leukemia is also classified as lymphocytic or myelogenous.Lymphocytic leukemia refers to abnormal cell growth in the marrow cells that become lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that plays a role in the immune system. In myelogenous leukemia, abnormal cell growth occurs in the marrow cells that mature into red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. There are four broad classifications of leukemia:Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) Leukemia occurs in both adults and children. Because the cause of leukemia remains unknown, there is no certain way to prevent it. However, avoiding exposure to solvents, such as benzene and toluene, and unnecessary exposure to x-rays is generally good practice. Treatment may involve some combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and bone marrow transplant, in addition to supportive care and palliative care as needed.  Source : Times of India ( Health ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Coaching Institute in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy
Mekong River Commission for Sustainable Development (MRC)
A new study released by the Mekong River Commission, highlighting the impact of China’s dams on the Mekong river has raised fresh questions on whether dams being built on other rivers that originate in China, such as the Brahmaputra, may similarly impact countries downstream.
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About: The Mekong, or Mekong River, is a trans-boundary river in Southeast Asia. It is the world's twelfth longest river and the seventh longest in Asia. The Mekong flows from China to Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Mekong River Commission (MRC): Mandate: It is inter-governmental organisation to jointly manage the shared water resources and the sustainable development of the Mekong River. Membership: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam. Headquarters: Vientiane, Laos. Established in: 1995.  Source : The Hindu ( International ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Coaching Institute in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy
Global Report on Internal Displacement 2019
According to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) annual report, a record 50.8 million people worldwide were internally displaced in 2019 due to conflict or disaster, with coronavirus posing a new threat.
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About: More than 45 million have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict and violence. A further five million have been displaced by natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. Around 33.4 million new displacements were recorded in 2019, the highest annual figure since 2012. The IDMC calls on governments to work towards solving conflicts like the civil war in Syria, where about a million people have fled their homes since December to escape a government offensive in a conflict that began nine years ago. It also highlights conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen, and Afghanistan.  Important Info : Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)? The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), based in Geneva, Switzerland, is the world's authoritative source  of data and analysis on internal displacement.It was established in 1998 as part of the Norwegian Refugee Council, a humanitarian, non-governmental organisation.The Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the annual flagship report of IDMC.  Source : GraphicNews ( Social Issues ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Coaching Institute in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy T. S. TIRUMURTI T. S. Tirumurti has been appointed as the next Ambassador or Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations.
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About: Tirumurti is an Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer of 1985 batch. He is currently the Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs. He replaces Sayyad Akbaruddin. His appointment to the UN will come at an important time when India will be in the UN Security Council for a two-year term in 2021-22.  Source : The Hindu ( International ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Coaching Institute in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN The year 2020 marks the 250th birth anniversary of Ludwig van Beethoven.
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About: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827), German composer and pianist, is a defining figure in the history of Western music, whose work marks the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras. His personal life was marked by a heroic struggle against encroaching deafness, and some of his most important works were composed during the last 10 years of his life when he had lost his hearing entirely. His best-known compositions include 9 symphonies, 5 concertos for piano, 32 piano sonatas, and 16 string quartets. His Moonlight Sonata for the piano and dramatic four-note opening to his Fifth Symphony are among the best known pieces of classical music ever written. His Ode to Joy, part of the Ninth Symphony, has been adopted by the European Union as the Anthem of Europe.  Source : GraphicNews ( Culture ) Read UPSC Current affairs and Daily News Analysis from Top IAS Coaching Institute in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Daily Current affairs and News Analysis Best IAS Coaching institutes in Bangalore Vignan IAS Academy Contact Vignan IAS Academy Enroll For IAS Foundation Course from Best IFS Academy in Bangalore Read the full article
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raymondlqmk009-blog · 4 years
How To Find A Competent Medical Malpractice Attorney? Can Be Fun For Anyone
Most of the time when an individual experiences a not successful arise from clinical treatment it is not since the clinical service provider made an error. Many of the moment when there is a poor medical result it is regardless of good, quality treatment not because of sub-standard treatment. When discussing a case with a client it is necessary that the customer have the ability to claim why they believe there was clinical oversight.
However, we without effort recognize that individuals typically do not pass away from knee surgical treatment, appendix elimination, hernia fixing or "minor" surgical treatments. When something unexpected like that happens it deserves exploring whether there was a clinical blunder that is worth submitting a medical negligence tort. When in question a San Diego clinical negligence lawyer will review your case with you informally.
We have actually obtained considerable amounts for those damaged as a result of negligent healthcare and also therapy. Although 80 percent of medical malpractice trials lead to a defense decision, we have dominated in 80 percent of the cases we have taken to test in behalf of complainants. In enhancement, we have actually had the ability to work out numerous clinical oversight instances over the last 25 years.
He educated his medical professional of an individual background of lack of breath as well as tightness in his upper body, as well as a family history of hypertension and stroke. The physician supplied no treatment various other than aspirin and also water pills. As the symptoms continued and progressed in complying with months, the doctor got 2 separate upper body X-rays, disregarding the results on both although they suggested added assessment and also follow-up.
Three days later on, the client broke down from a stroke inevitably resulting in his fatality. Result: Significant Six-Figure Negotiation Our client, now a young adult, was left a quadriplegic and psychologically deferred after a West Covina obstetrician delayed purchasing an emergency situation C-section during her birth. A nurse suggested to the supplying medical professional that the mom was in distressed labor, showing indicators of a partially removed placenta reducing oxygen to the fetus.
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The medical professional's failure to respond swiftly and also suitably led to our client's serious birth issues. Outcome: $7,100,000 (Future worth of $24,000,000) Judgment Following a dual body organ transplant, our client, a 40-year-old insulin-dependent diabetic, created an infection that caused a myriad of clinical troubles needing numerous surgeries and also an abnormally lengthy health center stay.
We succeeded within a worked out negotiation with the Regents of the College of California. It is one of the largest negotiations of its kind. Outcome: $3,000,000 Negotiation Our client's desire was to be a fire fighter. Due to a fall, he suffered a severe injury to his ankle. A noticeable orthopedic cosmetic surgeon recommended surgical procedure.
We had the ability to verify that the surgeon stopped working to offer ideal care, which his foot might have been fixed with prompt intervention. Our client was incapable to go into the fire academy as well as accomplish his dream. Outcome: $1,100,000 Court Decision (decreased to $805,000 because of MICRA law) - the biggest clinical negligence verdict in that court.
Because of the delayed medical diagnosis and postponed surgery, his leg needed to be truncated. Result: Confidential Significant Negotiation Our customer, a married 46-year-old technician for the government of Guam, required cardio-thoracic bypass surgery. Throughout the surgery, the cosmetic surgeon harmed a significant nerve, creating paralysis to our customer's best arm. He shed substantial use his ideal arm as well as was incapable to continue to function in his former occupation.
The The golden state Supreme Court published its opinion when it comes to Bonds vs. Roy. The situation is often pointed out with respect to classification of expert witnesses. Our client, a solitary man, went to a surgical facility for routine occupational shoulder surgical procedure and also sustained severe brain injury during the treatment.
We were able to prove that the anesthesiologist was negligent in lugging out his anesthetic duties during the shoulder treatment. Result: $765,000 Settlement (furthermore, there was a substantial recuperation consisting of lifetime care) Our client, a single retired female, presented to a local healthcare facility's emergency situation space with neck discomfort. She was confessed to the health center for more care.
She ended up permanently disabled as well as limited to sedentary tasks. Outcome: $675,000 Jury Judgment Our client, a 55-year-old pharmacist and also daddy of 4, offered to a vascular doctor with agonizing leg signs and symptoms. His first issues were overlooked. Subsequently, he returned and also was identified with an occluded popliteal artery. Surgical intervention was not effective and he lost his leg.
The solitary mommy of a 12-year-old girl collapsed at job and also was required to Centinela Medical facility's emergency area. Although the 30-year-old woman remained in the emergency clinic for about 10 hours, no initiative was made to detect or treat her while her problem remained to weaken. Instead, the emergency situation room management was concentrating on locating a method to carry her to a Find a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in San Diego Kaiser center where she was a participant.
In an effort to cover up the negligent care, a health center registered nurse changed the person's documents. Outcome: Confidential Considerable Settlement.
In case of a severe injury or death brought on by the negligence of a clinical professional or health care center, you should have the finest legal representation offered. You require a lawful advocate who not only recognizes the ins and outs of clinical negligence lawsuits-- you require an attorney that understands the clinical industry.
Fagel is an attorney who is also a medical doctor. Dr. Fagel specifically represents injured individuals and their enjoyed ones in situations versus doctors and hospitals. Generally, The Law Offices of Bruce G. Fagel & Associates has actually efficiently fixed greater than 700 clinical negligence and also negligence cases. Dr. Fagel has likewise: Gotten among the top 100 jury verdicts in the nation (2002, 2005) Attempted as well as resolved more of these cases than any type of various other California law practice Been elected among the "Top 10 Test Lawyer in the Country" (National Law Journal) Been chosen 8 times for "Trial Attorney of the Year" (Consumer Lawyer Association) If you or your enjoyed one was hurt by the neglect, recklessness, or misdeed of a medical facility, doctor, or various other clinical specialist, call Bruce G.
As a medical professional, Lawyer Fagel recognizes what need to as well as must not be happening in a medical center. As a result of his considerable training and experience in this area, he can quickly find neglect and also wrongdoing. Medical professionals and hospitals have a duty to care for their clients, and when they stop working to uphold that requirement of treatment, individuals typically endure serious injuries and also fatality.
Fagel today to find out if you have a clinical malpractice situation. Dr. Fagel is an attorney as well as a certified medical professional, and also will certainly have the ability to evaluate your situation as well as provide the advice you require to learn your civil liberties as well as lawful choices. Dr. Fagel has actually taken care of many instances for clients in and also near San Diego, and overall, his company has actually won more than $1 billion in judgments and settlements for clients.
Fagel & Associates today. Call us to discuss your instance, and also if you do have an insurance claim, there will be no charge unless we win your instance.
Lead Advise's unbiased process separately validates lawyer records, giving with state bars across the country and also conducting yearly testimonials to verify that the attorney methods in the lawful groups as indicated, has a valid bar certificate, and also is eligible to exercise in the certain territory.
Click listed below to share this short article: In times of vulnerability, we put our complete count on our medical experts. But when the neglect of your nurse or doctor leads to physical, financial, as well as emotional repercussions, that do you rely on? If you have ended up being target of clinical errors, negligence laws exist to secure your legal rights to declare payment from the injuries you have actually suffered.
Haffner Regulation is well positioned to battle for you in a medical negligence situation. Through personal focus, extensive legal experience, and hostile depiction, we assist you obtain the compensation you need as well as should have. Medical negligence happens as a result of a negligent act or omission by a healthcare company: a doctor, nurse, therapist, medical facility, or other specific or entity accredited to provide clinical treatment.
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myhauntedsalem · 5 years
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True Ghost Stories and Tales of the Supernatural
1. A Baby Crying
“When I was in high school, my uncle would throw me a couple bucks to help babysit his kids with my aunt. They lived in a two-story house by the water, nice area. The kids were about 3 and 6, respectively.
One day I was sitting in their den on my phone when I started to hear a baby crying. Thinking it was the three-year-old, I headed to the bottom of the stairs to check and see if my aunt was up there dealing with it. I called for her a couple times with no response. The baby kept crying. I called for her one more time, and when I got no response I started walking up the stairs. Then I heard my cousins and aunt playing outside.
All the hairs on my body stood up and I literally felt a chill run down my spine. I quietly turned around, walked down the stairs, got in my car, and drove away. The ‘baby’ was still crying when I closed the door behind me.
A few years later I was drunk at a family party and told my uncle the story. He told me that he and his wife used to hear the baby too, and apparently, the previous owners had a kid die of SIDS in that room upstairs. He’s uber Catholic and had a Mass said for the baby. He said after that it never happened again. Still gives me the willies when I talk about it though.” – urgehal666
2. The Man with the Suitcase
“I was 13 years old and drinking lemonade with my best friend in my kitchen. We were alone. From where we were seating we could see a corridor that leads from the front door to the backyard. We were talking and something made us shut up. We looked to the corridor and there was the shadow of a man walking by with a suitcase. I know she also saw him because we both described the same thing: a tall shadow with a suitcase
Fast forward to a few years later, I had to do a school project with another girl. Again I was alone at home, working on the computer when she arrived. She then asked me where my dad was. When I told her my dad was away, at work, she asked me, ‘Well, then who’s the man I saw walking downstairs and carrying a suitcase when I came in?’
So far, no one else from my family has seen him. I haven’t seen him again ever since, but for a while it really scared the shit out of me to be home alone.” – rraarraarraasputin
3. The Exorcism
“I work as a paramedic, got a call to a church, the retired nun who still lived at the church was having some issues. The priest was attempting an exorcism when the family got a state order to get her into a psych facility. We got her into the back of our ambulance and all was fine. Then this 92-year-old, 90-pound woman ripped out of her leather restraints and started speaking in a voice no human could produce. She then told me that her commander in the war had burned and buried her alive during the war when defending France against the Germans.
The whole presence was terrifying and gave me nightmares for years to come. I told my partner to use the lights and sirens so I could get out of there as fast as possible. During the whole transport, she was speaking in weird tongues.” – rbilly0001
4. The Morgue Door
“Used to work hospital security and we had video cameras accessible in the office.
During body escorts, we kept finding the morgue door open. That was weird because it was a heavy door that could only be opened with a keycard. Pathologists were blaming security and security was blaming pathologists for leaving it open, as we were the only two groups with access. I did a body escort one day, made sure to close the door behind me and went back to work. Not even a half hour later, the office got a call bitching that the ‘last guard left the door open.’
I swore up and down I didn’t and went to check the cameras. The cameras showed me pulling the door shut, pushing on it and then wiggling the locked handle to ensure it was closed. I wasn’t even out of frame from the camera yet before we could see the door swing ALL the way open, hit the wall and then slowly swing shut until it was slightly ajar.” – LilithImmaculate
5. The Haunted Hotel
“Not me but a friend who is a pilot. She stayed at an older hotel downtown Chicago and was studying for her recurrent class which was in a few weeks. While at the desk, deep in thought, she heard people talking and laughing. When she looked up, it got quiet. She said it sounded like it was in the room with her and went back to studying. The noise started off softly and then again sounded like a party was going on in her room. She got up and looked around and there was silence. There were no sounds coming from any rooms, no televisions on, no radios, no people in the hallway – the noise was definitely in her room.
That night around 2 am, she was in bed and felt someone brush strands of hair from her forehead and tuck it behind her ear. She jumped up and turned on the light and there was no one there. She didn’t get back to sleep and bid around that overnight so she wouldn’t be in that hotel again.” – Sandbargirl
6. Echoes of the Past
“When I was little I saw a recurring ghost. She would appear for a split second and then vanish, but I could always perfectly recreate the image.
She was a short little girl wearing a frilly blue dress and a big red bow, blonde hair, blue eyes, large ears. A couple of notable sightings were her looking through my mom’s jewelry box and one peering through our glass door at me (with her hands over here eyes binocular style)
It never really bothered me and these happened for a while. A few years later at my Grandfathers house and we were helping him unpack his attic and I found a portrait of his long since deceased sister.
Not quite the same dress, slightly different bow, but the face was absolutely her. She had died as a child quite tragically so obviously I had never met her, but I did know of her but had never seen a picture of her before.
So, not a scary supernatural encounter but rather a heartwarming one knowing the great aunt I never met was saying hello.” – Omni_Omega
7. Alone in the Chuch
“I worked for my church for two years. One day, a coworker and I were closing up the church at the end of the day. By this point, doors were locked and we had checked every room to make sure no one was in the building. The church had two lobbies, one in each side of the building. They were connected with a long hallway lined with classrooms. As my coworker and I were turning off lights and double checking the doors in the one lobby, I looked down the hall and could distinctly see a boy (late teens to early 20s) in a blue plaid short sleeve shirt and khaki pants sitting in the chair. He had his hands folded and was looking at the ground as if in deep thought.
Initially, I didn’t think anything of it as this wasn’t an uncommon sight. I turned and in the second it hit me that we were the only ones in the building. I turned again and he there was no one (from the time that I saw him to when he disappeared all happened in about a second or two). I told my coworker what I saw and we both noped out of there quick.
Being that is was our first unexplainable, potentially supernatural, experience, we were both pretty freaked out but we never felt threatened nor was the presence malicious in any degree.” – AgentMarks
8. The Escaped Prisoner
“I worked in a maximum security prison for awhile. I was assigned to central control one night, which is where the camera screens were.
One of the cameras was for the classifications room. I glanced at it and there was an inmate in there. This was super odd because it was two in the morning and nobody was supposed to be in there. Everyone that had keys to that room went home at 5.
Anyways, so this inmate is just sitting in there doing nothing. I got the sergeant’s attention and told him someone was in there and gave him the spare key to the room. He went to go check it out with a couple of other people, but by the time they got there, the room was empty. They searched for like 15 minutes but there was definitely no one in there.” – Bb21297
9. Calls From the Old Morgue
“My colleague used to work in a hospital and would often receive phone calls around 3am but no one would speak at the other end of the receiver. The number was from an extension somewhere in the hospital and when they looked it up, it was from an old morgue nobody has used in a while.” – manicpixiechick
10. The Footsteps
“When I was about 12 our family moved into a new house—new to us, actually quite old. It was in our same village but down a different lane.
Part of it used to be a bungalow so my room and my sister’s room were on the ground floor, down a long hallway. All of the ground floor had walnut flooring and there was a Persian rug outside the door to my room to avoid cold toesies in the morning.
Every night, around 11 or so, I would hear footsteps walking at a fairly slow pace right down the hall, from the end guest suite up past our rooms and away down the hall to the living room.
I was always in bed when I heard them, and so was everyone else. You know how you can tell who a family member is by the way they walk up the stairs, or open a specific door? I knew it wasn’t anyone in my family. Plus, it was the sound of outdoor shoes clacking on the wood and everyone in my family wore slippers inside the house.
I would hear the footsteps start, fairly loud on the wooden floor, way down the hall, come up past my sister’s room and then there would be a pause—while whatever it was walked over the rug. You could hear the gap in the footsteps, about three seconds, then they would start again on the other side of the rug and fade out as they walked down the hall away to the living room.
Then they would come back—same footsteps, break across the rug, resumed on the other side.
I don’t remember ever feeling scared, but I never ever went out to see what it was. I would fall asleep to the sound, it would go on for a really long time. It stopped about 3 or 4 weeks after we moved in and I never heard it again. I didn’t really think about it much after it stopped, but I’ve never forgotten it and as an adult it makes me shiver to remember it.” – KE-1930
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Remembering Matthew Shepard in Today’s Climate of Hate by Megan Garber
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In October 1998, Reggie Fluty, a police officer responding to a phoned-in tip, came across a limp figure strung up on a fence in a desolate field on the outskirts of Laramie, Wyoming. There had been, initially, confusion about what Fluty was responding to: The teen boy who had called in the tip had initially assumed, riding his bike across the field, that he’d seen a scarecrow. He had not. The figure was the body of Matthew Shepard, 21 years old and a freshman at the University of Wyoming, who had been tied to the fence by two men he’d met in a bar in Laramie. They had robbed Shepard of the money in his wallet—$20—and then struck him across the head, repeatedly, with the butt of a large Smith & Wesson revolver. (The blows were so severe, a sheriff would later conclude, that Shepard’s injuries, including a fractured skull and a crushed brain stem, were less consistent with a beating than with a high-speed traffic collision.) The men then left Shepard, bloodied and swollen and barely alive, in the biting cold of the prairie night. It would be 18 hours before the bike-riding boy would find him.
The New York Times would later see in Shepard’s body, strung to that fence in the shadow of the snow-dusted Rockies, echoes of the Western custom of nailing dead coyotes to boundary markers—a warning to those who might consider intruding on private property. A message meant to foment fear, and also to make a statement about who belongs in a given space and who, in the assessment of the owners of the barriers, does not.
The state of Wyoming did not, in October 1998, have legislation against hate crimes. Despite everything that has taken place there, and in the country at large, since, it is one of five states that still lack such laws. The men who met and robbed and beat Shepard—who left him to die of his injuries nearly a week later in a hospital room in Colorado—were instead convicted of kidnapping and murder. They are each currently serving multiple life sentences for a killing that was a hate crime in practice if not in legal classification: The men beat Matthew Shepard, who was gay, because he was gay.
Because of that, Shepard, in his death, became an instant symbol: of bigotry, of violence, of hatred that is at once senseless and tragically consequential. His murder made national news those 20 years ago, horrifying a nation that reliably assumes itself to be better than it is. Lingering outrage about the murder inspired Congress to pass legislation against hate crimes: the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act—Byrd, a black man, had been chained to a truck and dragged to his death by white supremacists in July 1998—signed by President Barack Obama in 2009. Her son had always wanted his life to be meaningful, Shepard’s mother, Judy, would later comment; his horrific death brought a tragic fulfillment to that desire.
Twenty years later, Matthew Shepard remains a symbol of the tragic consequences of bigotry. His family, however, is hoping that he’ll live on in the American historical memory as much more than a martyr. To mark the anniversary of his death, Shepard’s family recently donated a collection of his belongings to the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, which houses an extensive collection of LGBTQ-focused objects and documents. The items are currently not being exhibited in the museum’s public halls but are available to researchers; I was given an introduction to them by Katherine Ott, the museum’s curator for medicine and science, and Franklin Robinson Jr., the archivist at the Smithsonian who manages Shepard’s papers.
Shepard had been struggling. He’d been trying. He’d been hoping that things would get better. His papers, now filed and stored in a temperature-controlled facility that protects history for the future, testify to all that. Seen through the prism of the documents, Robinson, the archivist, put it to me, no longer is Shepard merely an image or an icon or “a symbol for the LGBT community and for hate crimes.” Instead, the objects encourage their viewers to ask, Robinson said, “If he had lived, what could he have accomplished?”
They ask other questions, as well, about the profound contingency of historical memory—the way some people are converted into icons, remembered and celebrated; the way others recede from view. The Shepard collection, evocative in its ordinariness, serves as a reminder that for every Matthew Shepard, enshrined in a museum—and for every James Byrd Jr., and for every Emmett Till, and for every other person whose name has been inscribed, in bold type, into the texts of American history—there are so many more. People who were robbed of their life by those who were fueled by hatred. People who are anonymous in their victimhood and silent in their suffering—people whose life has been made harder and sadder and worse than it might have been because there is a significant portion of people who look out on the American landscape and, gazing at all the rugged beauty, focus on the fences.
On October 26, in an event planned to coincide with the 20th anniversary of his murder, Matthew Shepard was interred at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. His family, in the past, had been reluctant to make such a move, fearing that his resting place might be vandalized by bigots; finally, however, they agreed to it, and Shepard’s cremated remains were placed in the soaring structure’s crypt, near those of Helen Keller and Woodrow Wilson. As part of the interment ceremony, a service celebrating Shepard’s life was held in the cathedral. It featured readings that sought light in times of darkness, and songs that emphasized love as a weapon against hatred. It was profoundly hopeful.
The day after the ceremony, a man driven by anti-Semitism burst into another such service, this one being conducted at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. With three pistols and an AR-15, he slaughtered 11 worshippers and injured seven more. It was the deadliest act of violence against the Jewish community in the nation’s history. It was also one more reminder of how normal hatred remains in a country that prides itself, despite so much evidence to the contrary, on its enlightenment. One more piece of evidence that violence, in America, is another thing that remains ordinary.
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meltcalories · 7 years
How To Track Progress and Avoid Newbie Mistakes!
Virtually every health and fitness authority with an eye for muscular advancement agrees that the secret to developing your body is to regularly be making progress.
This nearly seems like something Yogi Berra would certainly say: "you feel better at something mostly by boosting at it." Well, muscular advancement depends upon making certain types of improvements. I have actually seen way too many young lifters hamstring their outcomes because they think that "much more is always much better" whatever kind of "more" they're speaking about: weights lifted, collections or reps, exercises each workout, workouts weekly, et cetera.
It's true, these things do have to be boosted, but it can't occur at one time, neither should it be done haphazardly.
When we assume of the phrase, "going spheres to the wall," we have the tendency to consider a little craziness, a little insanity, "shedding it" simply a little bit to accomplish a particular job. Think of it this way: a stunt bicycle rider prepares for a ridiculously long dive off a ramp. He will go "rounds to the wall." Do you think it's his initial dive? Do you think he just decided to do this out of no place due to the fact that he desired to be "amazing" and also be appreciated by his friends?
No! He's doing it since he knows what he's doing. He's developed to this point, gradually raising the degree of challenge with time till he has the ability to do something amazing.
That's what tracking your personal development should resemble. Gradual, incremental, person, with a higher objective constantly in sight.
Just visiting the health club seven times a week just to exercise more, or harder, or much longer, or with more exercises, but with no technique for making concrete progression beyond "beginner gains" causes one of 2 things: stunted outcomes without clear concept regarding why, or injury.
The factors are easy as well as usual. I'm reallying going to call them "newbie blunders," not due to the fact that being a beginner misbehaves, however since virtually every lifter makes them early in his or her training job. I'm going to go over four main rookie mistakes.
The major newbie error that leads to inadequate results is expecting them as well fast. Other than those with ideal genetics and/or chemical enhancement, muscular tissue is built extremely gradually with time. It's very easy to neglect this when you've been "breaking your butt" for 3 WHOLE MONTHS at the fitness center and also your severe effort and also devotion doesn't appear to be repaying. As well as what is a typical human actions when a certain action does not seem to be paying off any longer? Cessation.
The body builders, health and fitness designs, and also stars that we planning to for our fitness goals really did not get by doing this in three months and even 3 years. Once again, unless you have unusual genes or take steroids, the time needed to look like Schwarzenegger, Ava Cowan, Tom Hardy, Terry Crews, or Gerard Butler is longer compared to you assume. Do NOT forget that.
Another beginner mistake is bad type. If your form is bad, not only are the muscular tissues that are meant to be obtaining boosted NOT getting boosted, however you're placing on your own on a roadway to injury.
This roadway starts with a little neck and back pain, or a little knee discomfort. You tell yourself, "well, I presume deadlifts create back pain," or "I presume squatting reasons knee pain." A couple of more weeks or months down the line, you're still overdoing the weight, your form is getting even worse and worse, then, BINGO. Slipped disc. Torn ACL. No health club, 6 months. That requires that?
Good kind takes time to attain. Furthermore, it makes the workout really feel more difficult at initially since you're doing it right. The results you apparently want are reliant on, A) knowing just how to in fact exercise the muscle mass you're attempting to establish, and also B) not putting yourself in the medical facility. Simple. So calling in your kind is absolutely 100% needed for long-lasting success in the gym.
Research great type and also placed just what you find out right into practice. Attempt to excellent 1 or 2 substance activities (squat, deadlift, bench press, above press, row, lunge, dip, plank) weekly, or each month. Keep the weights reduced as well as keep duplicating to on your own words of Dr Duke: "anything worth doing is worth doing right." Making good form a concern means making results a priority.
The following rookie blunder I'll talk about is being disorganized in tracking your progress. A lot of workout web sites and also publications and also books tell you, "obtain a note pad and also track your progress in it." Do you? Possibly you scribble down the last collection and representative system you made use of. Perhaps you make a note regarding "my preworkout provided me a stomachache."
But are you merely recording your activities, or actually tracking your progress? The distinction depends on whether you are adhering to a strategy as well as seeking a goal. Are you doing the same exact regular you did last time? Exactly what regarding it has boosted? Sets? Representatives? Weights? And so on. Are these boosts deliberate, or haphazard? Are you adding some Pec-Deck Flyes to your chest routine since today's the day to add them, or simply due to the fact that you seemed like it?
This leads me to the fourth beginner error I'll state: being generally inconsistent, doing various workouts weekly with no rhyme or factor. Doing this could get you your "newbie gains," however eventually you'll discover that the secret to advancing is doing the same thing for a while, only a little more so each time to make sure that you feel better at it. Arbitrarily altering what you do regularly makes it impossible to truly track progress.
I'll inform you a little personal story. I utilized to assume my mind was as well "innovative" to do the exact same exercises every week for two or more months at a time. I later on recognized I really did not count on myself as well as was looking for justifications. I wasn't concentrated on seeing outcomes, however rather on the entertaining interruption of a variety of workouts (which can be pleasurable however, like enjoying series on TV, doesn't truly aid you develop towards anything).
I appreciated workout to a factor, however lacked the self-control and faith in myself needed to turn it from a pastime that made me really feel sort of great concerning myself (but additionally like an underachiever) right into something I intended to truly work at and also derive true fulfillment from. It took time to recognize that as soon as you have actually worked at weightlifting for some time and began to see outcomes based on your objectives, that's where the satisfaction and also sensation of desiring much more comes from, not from the range. Not from fooling around and telling yourself you just weren't "suggested" to reach for the same elevations as various other, much more regimented people.
So, possibly you're questioning, how did I start tracking my progression appropriately and also turn my situation around? I got arranged. Originally, I recruited to create my exercises in a Google file and track my progression on my phone during the workout. But I discovered that had not been excellent. To me, it seemed much less considerable or purposeful to videotape my results as little bits and bytes in a computer system. And also, you spend even more time considering your phone, which has plenty of distractions.
Eventually, I got a notebook specifically to tape exercises in: small, sturdy, distinct. I recruited it, and also still do, at every exercise. Every one.
Each page has 3 columns: Date, Variant, as well as Weight/Reps/Sets, and each exercise in my workouts obtains its own page for tape-recording results.
Currently, these workouts include the Squat, Bench, Overhead Press, Row, Deadlift, Flye, Resting Leg Press, Lateral Raising, Grind Movement (suggesting any kind of crisis variant like a hanging leg raise), Slab Movement (once more, including any kind of variation like Mix the Pot or Side Plank), and Bicep Curl. These are the major workouts my exercises concentrate on, and I track my progress with each one.
I developed every one of my exercises to be based around one primary compound lift with accessory their job included, making use of set and also representative ranges that work for me. I do one Press Day concentrating on Slope Bench (since I want to bring up my upper chest), one Pull Day concentrating on independent back work (because I wish to bring up my delaying right erector and reduced lats), as well as one Leg Day per week focusing on back crouches (because squats). I do these three exercises every week without fail. In some cases I fit in a 2nd Press, concentrating on shoulders, and a 2nd Leg, concentrating on Resting Leg Press.
You could be wondering regarding my rep varieties. Well, my rep varieties are just what their job most ideal for me. For legs, sets of 5-8 associates function well for size as well as stamina gains. For chest, the 10-12 associate array works ideal. You might locate another thing functions a lot better for you. As well as here exists the aspect of trial-and-error inherent to long-lasting lifting.
This is one more thing that frequently frightens novice lifters, as well as type of suit the "expecting outcomes as well quickly" classification. They desire something that is ensured to work. They do not realize that, yes, there are general standards regarding what will more than likely work, and these guidelines could be valuable areas to start, however at the end of the day, individuals are different and also different things function for various individuals and also for different goals.
Don' t let this prevent you. Do study and try different things. Offer them a REAL try, not simply one week. Don't go with a particular exercise or rep scheme based on just how you feel regarding it, or whether it's fun or satisfying. Rather, base your decision to persevere on whether it WORKS (as well as make sure you're doing it right). The enjoyable, the enjoyment, the fulfillment, the outcomes, will come.
If you're much more apt to use your computer or phone than a notebook, all you need to do is create a file that enables you to track your weight, associates, and also sets, from week to week and from exercise to exercise ...
...Such as this spread sheet, which I developed for that purpose. You could download it, open it in Google Sheets or Excel (conserve it as a CSV documents then you could open that data in Excel), and also recruit it on your phone at the health club. Or you can print it out (select "Fit to Width" and "Portrait" at the Publish discussion) and have one for every workout you do.
And if you wish to modify it, choose 'Save a Copy' from the File me and also go to town. Secure just what you do not need as well as include what you do require. To puts it simply, discover your very own way.
Now that you recognize the significance of tracking development, you'll have the ability to avoid these novice mistakes and start recognizing your goals, whatever they are, that a lot earlier. Pleased lifting!
The following write-up was made use of as a resource concerning modern overload and I strongly recommend it.
http:// www.kingofthegym.com/progressive-overload/
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acraftynerd · 7 years
If you’re a regular reader here, you’ll remember that a while ago I read and reviewed ‘The Wheel Mages’ by Aimee Davis – and if you didn’t see that, you can go read it here -and I was so stoked about the book that I asked the author herself if she would be interested in doing an author interview for here.
She said yes, and we had quite an interesting discussion – just a few of the things that came up throughout were how difficult it is to kill your own characters, the wonderful delight that is ‘Malec’, and possible spin-offs.
Lets begin!
(all headings are mine, but the gifs and other images are sourced from Google Images)
What was the initial inspiration behind ‘The Wheel Mages?’ What was the one thing which got you started on the writing and planning of the book?
Innocuous as it may seem, this is a doozy of question to start out with. The Wheel Mages came to life in a behavioral health facility (which is really a euphemism for a mental hospital). I’d self-committed for a host of reasons, but I’m pretty confident the intake paperwork read ‘suicidal ideation’. I was in an incredibly dark place, but while I was in the hospital, I had time to clear my head. I wouldn’t say that environment is particularly therapeutic, but it certainly shakes things up and makes you confront the truth of yourself. In a hospital like that there isn’t a ton to do to occupy your time. They take away your electronics – cell phones, Kindle, tablets, iPads, whatever. There is one TV shared by all the patients (I think there were maybe 15 people in my unit). You’re only allowed to use the phone for short periods of time. You can only have visitors on certain days for about an hour. There are therapy sessions and meetings with doctors, of course, but you find yourself with a lot of free time. That environment also stirs up a lot of emotion. For me, reconnecting with my emotions was what I needed, and that’s how The Wheel Mages came into existence. When the book came to life in my head, it wasn’t as much a series of events as it was a series of emotions. Alena started to take shape in my mind as a symbol of determination, of strength. She sort of helped drag me through this very difficult time in my life. In my first draft of the manuscript, the first sentence literally reads, “I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.” Obviously, during the editing process this was revised because wow – what a terrible hook, but at the time I wrote it, that’s exactly what I needed to do. Breathe, in and out. I was in a terribly vulnerable place, where I needed strength from somewhere – anywhere, and my brain responded by giving me this vision of Alena, standing tall, chin lifted, breathing slowly. She was afraid, but she was strong. That’s what I needed to be.
  As for planning… I wish I could tell you there was a plan, but there really wasn’t. I have never been a plotter (this used to drive my writing professors crazy!)
  How hard was it to give Nikolai that ending that you did? I know when I write, I can’t bear to do anything bad to my favourite characters. I just can’t.
Ugh… it was terrible. I think every writer (with maybe the exception of George R R Martin and perhaps Shakespeare) struggles with hurting his/her characters. When I first started writing, I couldn’t bear hurting any of my characters, not even the bad guys. Everyone in my early manuscripts is not only redeemable but also redeemed. I avoided having to truly hurt anyone that way, but that’s just not reality. I had a professor in college who used to challenge me to dig deep into my characters’ heads, I mean DEEP, she’d ask me to figure out what they ate for breakfast, what kind of shoes they liked to wear, really learn to love them, then kill them. As silly as it may sound, it helped me learn to “do what needs to be done” so to speak.
It was still extremely difficult though. Actually, in my first draft, the ending is a lot more detatched. When you read it you can tell I was avoiding the inevitable. It sort of reads… and then some stuff happened, the end! That made the editing harder than the writing, because it wasn’t until the editing that I really dove into the details and the emotion and forced myself to experience that right along with Alena. It really was not fun. Nor was the backlash from my beta readers! I think I told you this, but I have one beta reader who still hasn’t forgiven me and will just randomly yell at me over that ending in the middle of a critique.
  Do you have a writing process? Like, certain things you do when you’re writing, or things you eat/drink during? I want to hear all about the process, because I know it’s different for everyone. Do you write any of it by hand, or is it all on the computer?
  Ah yes – process – the mystical thing. So much ink has been spilled on this topic, but you’re absolutely right, process is different for every writer. My process is probably considered somewhat unhealthy, to be perfectly frank. I definitely don’t have writing habits that would make one of those “10 healthy writing habits” articles I see all the time. First of all, I don’t write every day. That’s something you hear frequently in writing circles – you must write every day. I don’t. I write a lot, but some days I just don’t feel like it, and I don’t force myself. I also don’t adhere to those “word count goals”. For me, they’re silly. If I don’t have 3,000 words in me, then I don’t have 3,000 words in me that day. I hate to sound trite, but I really do consider writing art, and art isn’t quantifiable. I’m not pumping out words to be the next big thing or publish all the books as quickly as possible, I’m writing to be the best version of myself. If I’m forcing myself to do it to fit into some box, then I’m not being authentic and it’s not enjoyable. If writing wasn’t enjoyable to me anymore… what a terrible thought. So I don’t force it. I write when I’m inspired, as cliche as it sounds. I’m fortunate to be inspired quite a bit, so it works out.
When I’m writing, I also tend to write until I can’t think straight anymore. That’s another traditionally unhealthy habit. Hemingway famously said to stop when you know what will happen next, that way you’re never stuck. It’s good advice, but I don’t take it. I write until I’m completely drained. My process is very “binge-y”. And when I’m “in the zone” I basically tune out the rest of the world. Sometimes I’ll go days without eating, though I never go without coffee. Coffee is my lifeblood when I’m writing. Those two things – not eating and drinking way too much coffee are unhealthy in general. I’m not kind to my body most of the time, so if you can write another way, I recommend doing that. My process is definitely not a model to follow.
  One thing I do recommend, however, is writing by hand. I write absolutely everything by hand. My entire first draft is written by hand, then transcribed onto the computer. My edits are done by hand after I’ve printed drafts. Writing by hand is out of fashion, but it comes highly recommended from me. I tend to be long-winded (I bet you couldn’t tell), and writing by hand helps me curb that tendency, because it slows me down. I have to think more about each letter, each word. I also like to write by hand because I do a ton of writing in the bathtub (also cliche, I know), and it’s easier to have a legal pad in the bath than a laptop. Sometimes I listen to music, but it depends on my mood and what kind of scene I’m writing. Sometimes I need complete silence. The one thing I can’t do, though, is write with a TV on in the background. The sound of people speaking is incredibly jarring to me when I’m writing, to the point it’s almost painful. I also have a terrible habit of becoming incredibly cranky when people interrupt me when I’m writing, so it’s probably good I live alone!
How long would you say it takes you to write your first draft out – before you transcribe it onto the computer?
I swear one of these drafts I’m going to keep track of that, because I get asked this often enough to wonder myself! I would estimate it’s about 3 months of work, and I have no idea how many hours. Lots. Lots and lots of hours. Hundreds.
Would you class Changing Tides as a young adult novel, or more middle grade, or leaning towards adult? In other words, will you ever include some slightly more explicit scenes in your books? I’m thinking somewhere along the line of Sarah J Maas’ books where sex is heavily implied, and beautifully described, but it’s not erotica or pornographic.
Ah, this is another really great question, and one that will require a few confessions on my part. First, I was extremely late to the Maas train. I hadn’t actually read any of her work until after The Wheel Mages came out and a couple people compared it to her. Obviously, I was intrigued, so I picked up the first book of each series and proceeded to consume every one of her books within about 6 days. Love her. She lives in the county over from mine, too, so maybe there’s something in the water, I don’t know.
The other thing I have to confess is I didn’t actually realize there was this newish subcategory of YA called “New Adult” until my editor suggested I consider reclassifying The Wheel Mages as YA/NA. That said, the way she described it to me, is basically the classification has less to do with the content (although content can push you over the edge) than it does to do with the voice of the character and the character’s age. Alena is 18 in The Wheel Mages. At the start of The Blood Mage, three years have gone by, so she’s 21. This puts me firmly in the older YA/NA classification all by itself, without regard to content.
With regard to content, sexually explicit/suggestive content is something I’ve been researching a lot lately. This subject is rapidly developing in YA, and I’m excited to develop with it. Like we were just discussing when it comes to labels though, I think the thought behind content goes back to remaining true to your world and your characters. There can’t be sex just for the sake of sex, it has to be authentic to your characters. At the same time, there can’t not be sex just because you don’t want to “go for it” in your writing. I think an author’s job is to be unafraid when it comes to displaying truth, but every character’s truth is different. Without revealing too much, I will say that readers will see this discussion play out in The Blood Mage. Something else they’ll see is an issue I feel is extremely critical not just to the audience, but to this period in history, and that’s the issue of consent. I’ll also just go ahead and tease the fact that my editor is a member of the Romance Writers of America, and I’m really looking forward to working with her on this book.
Going now to the LGBTQ+ characters, are you planning on having any same-sex relationships take central stage in future books? Two characters with a relationship that fans can really, really ship – like Cassandra Clare’s Magnus and Alec?
I just have to say, I love Magnus and Alec. What a great coupling, seriously well done on Clare’s part. Magnus especially is such a well-developed personality, I adore him. That aside, the answer is absolutely yes. Readers will see a same-sex coupling in The Blood Mage front and center, in the first few paragraphs of the book, actually. They’re a pair I’m super excited about, and I hope readers will be excited about them too. They literally came to me in a dream. I sprung out of bed at 3 o’clock in the morning and ran to the other room to jot down notes because I didn’t want to forget anything.
Speaking of Magnus though, in the books he specifically says that he’s bisexual – he actually uses the word, which is rare since a lot of authors (and people) avoid that particular label/term. Do you think this is an important thing, and do you think you’ll have any canon bisexual characters in your books that use the word bisexual to describe themselves?
That’s a really interesting question, and it’s one I haven’t put a ton of thought into, to be completely honest. Because the Changing Tides series is set in a time and place that’s sort of modeled after the Victorian period (loosely, at least), labels aren’t something I’ve had to put a ton of thought into. Obviously, the exploration of relationships and sexuality is something that appears throughout my work, but I’ve largely been able to avoid label issues due to the nature of the world. The Trade Nations aren’t exactly enlightened, nor is the Sanctum.
I do think though, that if it’s authentic to your world, you shouldn’t skirt around an issue just because you might be afraid it’ll turn someone off or scare away readers or whatever other reason authors might have for shying away from particular issues or terms. You need to be true to your characters and your world. Otherwise, why are you writing? For Clare, I think Magnus calling himself bisexual is extremely authentic. Clare’s Shadowhunter world is essentially present day, and labels are part of our world. For the word bisexual to be dodged would be kind of strange, I’d think, because here, in the present day, we have a word for Magnus’ sexuality, but that’s a somewhat recent development in terms of history. The term bisexual wasn’t used in its modern sense until the early 1890s. And even then it wasn’t used colloquially, but was primarily relegated to academia, so for it to appear in a world like the world of the Trade Nations would be almost anachronistic. Anachronisms are particularly jarring for me as a reader and a lover of history, so I try to avoid them in my writing as much as possible. You’ll also notice I don’t use labels like “girlfriend” and “boyfriend” either, because they didn’t come about until after WWI. Instead, I default to the older “lover”. I think the main thing to remember is that when you’re writing, you’re not ticking off boxes, you’re creating a world, and that world has rules, and social norms, and customs, and cultures, and you have to always have those in the back of your mind.
Hm…I realize I haven’t really answered your question precisely, but it made me think so I might have gone a bit off tangent. Straight answer: I think it’s important to call a character what he or she would call him or herself, regardless of how it might be received or how it might make you feel. Also, there will be (are) characters in my upcoming books who are bisexual (look for the third book and the new series for them), but based on the world, they probably won’t use that label to describe themselves. I actually almost wish it was true to my world, because it would be easier to use our more precise modern language. The word bisexual doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all, but the word lover sure does!
Did you ever have your own version of Nikolai? Someone who took you and helped you for the better, someone you look up to?
You know that saying that women tend to fall for men like their fathers? I think that’s at least a little true for me, and Nikolai is a bit of a reflection of that. I’m not saying Nikolai is in any way based off my father – weird – but he does have some qualities I admire in a man which I’m sure I admire because I see them in my dad. Nikolai is, in my mind, a consummate protector, and that’s something my dad is too. I’m my dad’s only child, and he’s incredibly protective of me. In a dad, that’s great, but in a partner, I think it’s much more complicated, and I try to touch on that a little bit in the book.
  Have you any plans for a sequel at the moment? What’s happening on that front?
Absolutely! The Wheel Mages is the first book in a trilogy. The whole trilogy is already drafted, and Book Two, The Blood Mage, is due to my editor on Monday actually. The editing process is longer than the writing process or has been for me thus far. My content editor, Katie, will see the entire book at least twice and certain scenes more than that before it’s passed off to my copy editor. So that process goes something like:  Katie reads it and provides “big picture” feedback. She’ll look for plot holes and character development issues, she’ll tell me what’s paced funny, what needs development, what is too developed, things of that nature. Then she’ll send it back to me to make changes. I’ll make changes based on her suggestions, and she’ll see it again and provide additional feedback and let me know if I’m on the right track, so to speak. That will go on back and forth for a few months, then when it’s at a point we’re both happy with, I’ll send it to the copy editor, who will look at it for the minutia. The copy editor is the one with the red pen. She’ll fix grammar and redundancy, tell me if certain phrases don’t make sense or seem to be out of character for the voice of the character, the kind of line by line finishing touches stuff. After that, the book will be ready for formatting, which is a nightmare of a process I dread.
Anyway, while the book is with the editors, I’ll work with my graphic designer on cover art and new promo material and eventually, many months down the road, these pieces will all fall into my lap (or really, my hard drive) and I’ll fit them together to create a book. I’m hoping this will happen sometime in late June or early July. Then we’ll start all over again!
I’m also currently working on a completely different series still in the Sanctum universe but set several centuries before Alena’s time, which I’m really excited about as well. I don’t want to reveal too much about it, but I’ll tell you it’s written in third person close (which is actually my preferred POV), not first person, and there’s a princess.
Is there any characters in particular from ‘The Wheel Mages’ that you think would do good in their own spin off series? Like how Maria V Snyder has spin off series’ for smaller characters from her original Study series. I know I’d love to see a series about Celine in particular.
Yeah, actually, I was recently contemplating what a spinoff might look like for Celine. She’ll be back for The Blood Mage, but there’s this three-year gap between the books in which she has quite an interesting back story that I know and is hinted at in the next book but I would love to explore more, maybe even in standalone or novella form. Genevieve, too, has a crazy three years in between books which one of my betas is extremely insistent I explore further, and may happen in long-short form.
The one thing I will tell you you won’t see though, that has been requested, and I’m sort of opposed to, is Nikolai pre-Alena. I don’t know if my heart could bear it, nor do I think there’s enough conflict in his past to make for a very interesting spinoff.
What do you see for yourself in say, ten years time? What do you imagine you’ll be doing then? Will you be like J.K Rowling or Cassandra Clare, and still be releasing material for this world you’ve created in Changing Tides, or will you have wrapped up this series and into a new one?
If I ever become like J.K. Rowling or Cassandra Clare in terms of success… I’m grinning like an idiot. That’s quite a big dream.
Oh, sorry, you meant in terms of what world I’ll be working in, right? In that case, I have two more series in the works for the world of the Sanctum right now, so I’ll be there for awhile. That doesn’t mean that will be the only world I’ll be set in though, because there are plenty of other ideas running around in the attic.
Now, let’s let everyone else have a chance to get to know you a little better – I’m going to ask you a string of random questions (like, really random) and you just answer them, okay?
The last three shows on your Netflix watched list?
“The Propaganda Game”, “Winter on Fire”, “WWII and the Man of Steel” (I might have mentioned I’m a bit of a history nerd)
Your favourite song at the moment?
This one is tough because it depends on my mood what genre of music I even listen to, but at this exact moment I’m super into Sia’s “The Greatest”. It’s like my girl power anthem helping me through this last push of edits. Katy Perry’s “Rise” gets credit for this same period during the process for The Wheel Mages.
Main celebrity crush of the moment?
Hands down Trevor Noah. I have not crushed on a celebrity so hard since I was 18 and in love with Shannon Leto from 30 Seconds to Mars.
Favourite colour?
Blue, specifically Carolina blue.
What would your last meal alive be?
Probably some combination of battered cheese fries and Panera broccoli cheddar soup. I’m not ashamed to admit I have a love affair with cheese.
Guilty pleasures?
Eating copious amounts of cheese.
If you could trade places with one of your own characters, who would it be?
Yikes, that’s tough because I’m not particularly kind to my characters. This question feels a bit like karma! Probably Lukas though, you’ll meet him in the next book.
Early bird or night owl?
Night owl for sure, although I don’t sleep much at all to be honest
Cake or pie?
Pie, definitely. I don’t actually like cake, which apparently makes me weird.
Ross or Rachel?
Ross. I’m a total geek. I relate.
America or UK?
Well, I AM American, but things are kinda crazy here right now, and I like being able to reach Europe so easily, so I feel like I have to go with U.K. Plus, the accent is lovely.
Books or movies?
Books, obvi.
Washing dishes, or doing laundry?
These are both equally terrible and go in the “put off as long as humanly possible” category. But because I hate folding more than most everything, I will say dishes.
Personal chef or personal fitness trainer?
Chef, definitely. Working out is something I also put in the “put off as long as humanly possible” category.
Spicy or mild?
Spicy!!! All the hot sauce and peppers please!
Kittens or puppies?
I love both but I’ve fostered both and kittens are vastly easier to take care of,  so kittens.
Favourite Disney movie?
So hard to choose, but probably Frozen. “Let it Go” is another anthem song for me.
Thank you so much, Aimee, for this interview – I love how much of an insight I got into you, and your writing, and the whole Changing Tides series.
If you want to see more of Aimee, you can follow her on any of her social media:
Twitter | Goodreads | Blog
And if you want to read ‘The Wheel Mages’ for yourself, you can click on either of these links here:
Goodreads | Amazon UK
Happy reading!
I got to interview @writingwaimee! Eeee! #bookblogging #authorinterview #fantasy If you're a regular reader here, you'll remember that a while ago I read and reviewed 'The Wheel Mages' by Aimee Davis - and if you didn't see that, you can go read it…
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onblogs · 3 years
Trendsza Music > Latest South African Amapiano Songs.
At Trendsza, we preserve an amazing reference to our Fans via means of moving each antique and new South African song of numerous sorts like Afro House, DJ blends, Hip Hop, Gqom, Amapiano, Soulful House, Deep House, Maskandi and Kwaito tunes. Advancing South African song artistes like Black Coffee, Kabza De Small, DJ Maphorisa, Mr JazziQ, Prince Kaybee and different Upcoming artistes has been our pride.
Trendsza.com has been situated to assume control over the South African Entertainment space with a perspective on bringing to you exceptional E-News, Music and other moving occasions inside South Africa and past. TRENDSZA is a South African music site that was born in the year 2020 after the development of the South African music industry. At Trendsza.com, we distribute most recent metropolitan deliveries from South African performers across a few classes including Amapiano, Deep House, Hip Hop, Gqom, Kwaito and Afro House music.
Afrikaans Music
Afrikaans song become basically impacted through Dutch society styles, along French and German impacts, withinside the mid twentieth century. Zydeco-kind string organizations drove through a concertina have been mainstream, as have been additives of American down domestic song, especially Jim Reeves. The maximum effective authors of "tiekie draai" Afrikaans song have been lyricist Anton De Waal who composed many hit tunes with musicians, piano participant Charles Segal ("Hey Babareeba Se Ding Is Vim", "Kalkoentjie", "Sy Kom Van Kommetjie" and several others) and accordionist, Nico Carstens. Bushveld song depending on the Zulu have been reconsidered through such artists as Marais and Miranda. Sensational and wistful melodies referred to as trane adventurers (tragedies) have been especially normal. In 1973, a down domestic song music gained the pined for SARI Award (South African Music Industry) for the Song of the Year – "My Children, My Wife" become composed through prestigious South African writer Charles Segal and lyricist Arthur Roos. In 1979 the South African Music scene converted from the Train Trekkers to all of the greater vivacious sounds and the presentation of latest names withinside the marketplace with any semblance of Anton Goosen, David Kramer (vocalist), Koos du Plessis, Fanie de Jager, Flaming Victory and Laurika Rauch. Afrikaans song is at gift pretty probably the maximum widely known and pinnacle rated organizations at the South African song scene. Waptrendz is a first-rate collection of the Afrikaans song. After World War I, Afrikaner patriotism developed and such artists as Jewish musician and creator Charles Segal and accordionist Nico Carstens have been famous.
Modern Day African Music
The South African tune scene has stored on prospering at some stage in the 2000s. The decade has visible the ascent of Xhosa vocalist Simphiwe Dana, whose fulfillment has visible her hailed as the "new Miriam Makeba", together along with her high-quality blend of jazz, pop, and normal tune. Another similar younger artist is Thandiswa Mazwai, first of all a kwaito artist with Bongo Maffin. Thandiswa joined community hip-bounce rhythms with traditional Xhosa sounds, creating a wealthy completed style. 2006 noticed the ascent of Shwi Nomtekhala, a pair becoming a member of mbaqanga rhythms and maskandi sounds. The pair has gotten possibly the maximum persuasive new follows up at the tune scene today, beating even kwaito craftsmen. Their 1/3 series Wangisiza Baba become a full-size hit withinside the country. Cape Town-primarily based totally lady craftsman Verity has been perceived globally for development withinside the tune commercial enterprise for promoting 2000 duplicates of her series Journey earlier than it become truly recorded. Rap bunch "2 and a Half Secondz" has found acknowledgment in Cape Town suburb, Delft due to the fact that 2009. Cape Town primarily based totally band Crimson House Blues has prompted a ripple impact at some point of the stay circuit being hailed as one of the satisfactory stay demonstrations withinside the country. Likewise Willim Welsyn, a chunk of the Afrikaans musical gang Willim Welsyn en Sunrise Toffees become assigned and received numerous honors withinside the Afrikaans Alternative classifications. Nianell, the South African hotshot, is also every other globally perceived craftsman in cutting-edge South African tune, brushing Folk, Classical, Pop, Country, and Celtic tune that make her very own certainly considered one among a type sound. She has brought seven collections with tunes that transfer backward and forward amongst Afrikaans and English. Her first platinum hit that brought in extra two million duplicates became "Who Painted The Moon" that became likewise protected via the means of worldwide hotshot Hayley Westenra. In mid 2011, she made her underlying presentation withinside the U.S. together along with her accumulation series Who Painted The Moon. Ladysmith Black Mambazo live one of the world's maximum mainstream choral gatherings and nonetheless preserve notoriety in South Africa, with their maximum latest contribution being the profoundly adulated Ilembe (2007/2008). The outstanding accumulating flaunts 3 grammy wins. The Mahotella Queens moreover live high-promoting, and – with the death of long-time period groaner Mahlathini in 1999 – have recorded some new collections, such as their 2007 transport Siyadumisa (Songs of Praise). 2008 has likewise visible the advent of a preceding artist with the Mahotella Queens, Irene Mawela. Mawela confirmed up on huge variety of mbaqanga and mgqashiyo recording conferences properly at some point of the Sixties and the 1970s, recording in general for Gallo Record Company, often as a element of the line-ups of the Mahotella Queens, the Mgababa Queens, Izintombi Zomgqashiyo, and moreover beneath neath her very own name (but from time to time as Irene and The Sweet Melodians, or Irene and The Zebra In 1983 she left the corporation to document as an unbiased craftsman, with a fruitful Venda-normal transport Khanani Yanga. Mawela left the tune commercial enterprise withinside the final a part of the 1980s, but back in November 2007 with a spic and span series known as Tlhokomela Sera, which consolidates cutting-edge modern sounds with unadulterated gospel tune, selecting what Mawela decisions "gospel jive". The tune scene in South Africa is engaged around 4 full-size regions, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban and Bloemfontein. One of the features of the scene is the stable feeling of neighborhood vicinity which sees craftsmen, advertisers and settings all successfully engaged with fostering the close by ability. Bloemfontein's tune middle is revolved overwhelmingly across the steel and Afrikaans sorts. Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban are
undeniably extra wide-strolling withinside the magnificence of tune protected via way of means of corporations and professionals. Cape Town is a hotbed for the underground tune scene, via way of means of and huge held to be extra trial than the tune created in extraordinary focuses. Potchefstroom is by way of all debts the maximum modern development floor for Afrikaans interesting tunes, with extraordinary corporations like Straatligkinders making their starting here. The presentation of the South African Music Awards (SAMA), deliberate to understand fulfillment withinside the South African chronicle enterprise has raised the familiarity with community professionals and corporations. The honors are given in extraordinary classes, such as series of the year, satisfactory novice, satisfactory craftsmen (male and lady) and the satisfactory group or accumulating. South African Music Award winners contain Karen Zoid, Freshlyground, Tasha Baxter and Seether. Particularly African tune to the side, the South African tune scene has, generally, been defined via the means of corporations seeking to reproduce mainstream sorts abroad. Be that because it may, ongoing years have seen South African tunes begin to foster a truly particular sound. South Africa has some every year performances such as Woodstock South Africa, MotherFudd, Oppikoppi, Rocking the Daisies and Splashy Fen. The performances keep in mind numerous kinds and sorts of tunes. Motherfudd is a best steel birthday party held properly off the bat withinside the year. The 2008 Motherfudd birthday party had a line-up of 30 corporations with 2 stages and came about near Hartbeespoort. The Oppikoppi birthday party started out in 1994 and is held withinside the Limpopo Province of South Africa, near the mining city of Northam. Initially a stone birthday party, Oppikoppi has prolonged to contain extraordinary types. Splashy Fen is an annual Easter birthday party held on a domicile near Underberg in KwaZulu-Natal, with an emphasis on rock and reggae tunes. Since 2016, The Legend level at Splashy, met via the means of Don Clarke and Dicky Roberts has taken top notch community legends returned to the birthday party, remembering P J Powers for 2019. Shaking the Daisies is an every year live performance that is held outside Cape Town in Darling at the Cloof wine bequest. It became an installation in 2005 with an attention upon interesting tune and is a "green" birthday party for which it has gathered honors. Skouspel is a widely known broadcast every year, supported via means of the Afrikaans family-mag Huisgenoot, facilitated on the Sun City resort. Skouspel (translates as "exhibition") facilities essentially round Afrikaans tune and mechanically consists of absolutely the finest names withinside the Afrikaans tune scene along new professionals. There is moreover a younger improvement of neighborhood vicinity rap known as Tzaneen Rap, growing modern rappers which can be as of now developing and staying aware about the rap game. It is a first rate combo of vernacular Xitsonga, Sepedi, Xhosa, Zulu, Sesotho and English lyricism. It was formed at some stage in the Nineties and simply was given well-known rounds in 2015. There are vernacular rappers like DNP, Dj Snake and English verses from Ironic, Savanna and Gratitude Moruti. Everything began out in Limpopo, Tzaneen. South Africa has encountered every other inflow of professionals withinside the route of the maximum latest couple of years, some craftsmen contain Nasty C, Timo ODV, AKA, YoungstaCPT, K. O, Anatii, and Maloon The Boom. Albeit the close-by tune scene has been growing dramatically because the 2000s, an exquisite deal of South Africans in reality eat surprising tune substance over community substance.
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