#because i'm a memer
crabsnpersimmons · 2 months
New Do Same You Clip is so huggable looking..
he is! he has four arms! perfect for hugging! he loves giving hugs
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Clip: if my post gets more notes than Moon's, i'll show you all my special trick!
Moon: it's... not a competition, Clip.
Moon: Starlights, come on, don't let me down, he won't ever let me hear the end of it!!
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makuta-tobi · 4 months
VERY interesting to realize that I can reblog a post that has had something added to it by a person who has me blocked as long as I don't try to reblog the addition directly from them
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octowoman2419 · 7 months
this is the most unexpected crossover no one asked for.
so will you have a mysterious destiny or be a snake eater?
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clanoffelidae · 1 year
my predictions for the ice ghost
arakie: -hits foot- OW FUCK-
lynx: this is so sad quancee play despacito
quiller: over two-thirds of the sealion people that you knew are now dead
lynx: NOT poggers :'(
arakie: time for your final exam. what is tik tok?
lynx: a song by ke$ha
arakie: you've done well. there is nothing left for me to teach you. my time has come. -disappears in a flurry of snow-
lynx: -playing a bad recorder version of 'my heart will go on'-
#the rewilding reports#the ice lion#kathleen o neal gear#look arakie literally said 'oh far out man our hare is done' he's a memer and he's going to corrupt lynx and you cant convince me otherwise#i love this swag old man so much#arakie my beloved#everyone else has a Vibe that fits the post-apocalyptic tribal setting and then there's arakie#who's just some old guy you'd run into on the streets#like you can INSTANTLY tell that he's from our time just IMMEDIATELY#i love him so much#also this book made me cry fuck you kathleen#the very last chapter when arakie sees the bodies and is so heartbroken broke MY heart :'(#like i'm happy he got some form of closure after all this time but also OW-#also the imagery of lynx following the pawprints up to arakie on the hill where he's waving to him is SO fucking good#that one seriously had me feeling lowkey emotional from how beautiful it was#i wanna post a proper ramble about this book later bc it's the first book i've finished in literally 8-ish years#which i'm a. so fucking proud of b. so fucking happy about it because it means the meds are WORKING#and c. means im now going feral over this world but ESPECIALLY my swag old scientist man#arakie is my new blorbo i rotate him in my mind like a rotisserie chicken#this book is just. so good. it's all about love. but so little of that is romantic.#the friendship between this 16-year old ice age boy and this thousand year old man from our time is so beautiful#like you can see that although arakie is technically unethically experimenting on him#that he's doing it as a matter of circumstance - and also acknowledges that at the end of the day lynx has free will#and is the one making these choices - and you can tell he loves this boy so fucking much and is SO fucking proud of him#and i just my heart help i love their friendship i sobbing screaming crying throwing up etc.
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mrghostrat · 7 months
Ope hi there i got an idea -
Halloween stream. Aziraphale and Crowley decide to dress up as each other and basically stream swap for a night. Crowley is making up some baking recipe off the top of his head, pretending to follow directions (all doing this while speaking and attempting to act like Aziraphale), and Aziraphale plays like those gun games idk what they’re called like COD or whatever and he’s either an absolute GOD at it or he cannot play at all. He cannot move. How does he shoot? He can’t. Oh and he is also appalled at all the language people are saying.
This is no anon I feel so weird!! Your art is amazing!! Okaythankyoubye✨
i'm in love with aziraphale flustering "oh goodness" and constantly fucking up the controls and walking into his own grenades, more concerned with reprimanding the foul language in the voice chat than securing kills, and standing out in the open for full minutes at a time while he talks to chat because multitasking is hard. but oh my god crowley's chat are memers at heart and can adapt for The Bit, so rather than hating this complete change of pace, it's one new inside joke after another. like everyone spamming a shush or BAN emote whenever anyone swears as much as a "damn" in the chat. they love their new dad.
by the end of the night aziraphale's played several games with a team of randoms who find him unintentionally hilarious and have become quite attached to him, so the How Long Can We Protect Aziraphale From Dying game becomes more important than Get More Kills
crowley walking in with a plate of (terrible) desserts in time to see these online strangers leading aziraphale across the battlefield and all standing around an AFK player to let him get his first kill. aziraphale taking his time lining it up and the voice chat erupting into cheers when it registers. spinning around in his chair to beam at crowley like DID YOU SEE and crowley can't contain his glowing "well done angel"
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cassoliravioli · 8 months
On the TF2 community there are three sides
1- the people who only play TF2 for the gameplay (because TF2 is fucking amazing in gameplay terms) (also this is the youtube side lmfao)
Bonus cuz the gameplay side also has the SFM/Gmod animators and the memers
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2- people who only are on the TF2 fandom because of the characters (the TF2 characters are amazing and so full of personality) (tiktok/tumblr)
Also this is the fanart side
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(Fanfic+fanart side)
(Also some SFM animators make some gay content... YES I'M LOOKING AT YOU WINGLET AND ITALIAN NINJA)
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(Tbh I have all of these sides and I started on the fandom because of the characters)
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 months
here are a few sneak previews of what we’ve got going on (this is really more to organize my thoughts and force myself to come up with titles than anything else)
upcoming rocket raccoon fics behind the cut
1. Window Across the Galaxy
aka long&angsty. hoping to start posting on Sunday or Monday.
Slooowww burn + eventual smut. elements of hurt/comfort because rocket is the saddest-angriest boy. Slight AU starting pre-GOTG volume 1 (but will hit most of the same major plot points).
Rocket is captured by a Ravager crew hoping to get rich off the excessively large bounty on his head. Throwing a wrench in everyone’s plans is the Terran girl they hired to do some freelance assessing on a recent haul of goods they’ve seized from a Xandaran luxury liner. Oops.
She looks at the rusted bars, and back to her brute of a tour guide, and sighs heavily. Slowly, she turns back to the cage, swaying toward the bars so she can peer in at eye-level. She’s immediately face-to-face with the creature. His ears are still pressed flat against his head, fur bristling, and he’s gazing back, clearly suspicious and probably - justifiably - feeling more than a little bit mean. She’s suddenly certain that if she got close enough, he’d take out her eyes. There’s no helping herself, is there? One corner of her mouth twists up in exhausted resignation and she nods. “Welp,” she says solemnly to the raccoon, “fuck me, my dude.”
2. Blackmail Material
(codename: pwp???). will probably post part 1 in a week or two.
just pure fucking smut. this was gonna be two parts but I'm leaning toward three now (smut // fuff // smut). probably takes place sometime after endgame but before volume 3? not that it really matters tbh because there is NO FUCKIN PLOT HERE. ur girl's got a praise kink so that'll definitely be featured per usual.
basically: rocket finds your vibrator.
“I’ll tell you what,” he offers up, still grinning that shit-eating grin. “I won’t say a word and I’ll give it back to you. You can even keep whatever batteries are in it.” That sounds too good to be true. You raise a brow and cross your arms in front of your breasts. “If?" “If you let me watch you use it,” he challenges, eyes daring you. “For science.”
3. Domestic Scenes in Space Travel
(codename: ok sweatshirt girl.) i dunno -maybe post the first one by mid-august?
Comics-inspired but not exclusive - just a buncha feel-good fuffy one-shots and equally feel-good smutty one-shots. Series of slice-of-life readerxrocket one-shots following The Very Boring Adventures of Space Pilot & Sweatshirt Girl.
“Just try not to push any buttons or pull any levers till you know what they do.” You snort. “I fully intend to keep my hands completely to myself unless I have your explicit permission to touch.” Rocket leers. “That could be fun.” Your eyes narrow. “Space Pilot, I’m gonna need you to focus on the task at hand so I don’t end up accidentally jettisoning us.”
4. Other Duties As Assigned
(codename: schemers, dreamers, & multicalendar memers) i don't have an intended outcome for this fic yet so while i am VERY much enjoying it, i first need to grapple with whether or not i'm okay posting something that may be unfinished. i usually try to avoid that.
I have no idea whether this will get smutty or not (probably, knowing me?). Begins five months after The Snap.
Natasha Romanoff is an administrative nightmare - a fact that does not go unnoticed by the (interim) captain of the Milano. First she demands that the remaining two Guardians of the Galaxy be reachable via a primitive Terran messaging system, and then she can't be bothered to read the frickin' emails.
Thank fuck she's hired a new assistant.
**THIS MESSAGE IS ENCRYPTED** To: <[email protected]> From: &lt;[email protected]> Subj: re: WHAT THE FUCK RED Date: Monday, September 24, 2018 7:34am well that’s probably the nicest message I’ve gotten since I hacked the internet I’m gonna have to kill your boss though
(a super-secret spoiler sidenote - i have a formula and I shamelessly overuse it, so there are no surprises here: girl falls first, raccoons falls harder. every fuckin time friends.)
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shadowbrightshine · 5 months
My new Mickey who is free to use, just please tag me.
I wanted to draw my own version of a mickey mouse so here is Mick4y! 4 because he has four arms. Feel free to draw him and use him but if you do please let me know so I can reblog it and share it with others!
I have several versions for preferences. Colored and not! And of course you can change colors and whatever you want.
I'm gonna tag a few people in case they want to. Do not feel pressured I just know I have artist friends and also memers and just random people. Sorry for all of the @ but I'm also not too sorry because I'd like to share my funny four armed mouse and his polka dot tie. If I at you and you don't know me sorry I probably thought we knew each other and we don't. I also may have just @ ed you out of habit. Or I missread your name. Sorry!
I'm not claiming to be a master at art. I'm better with shapes. But I like to draw. And I would love to see how others draw him or change him.
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@perramore @notanerdyprude @marriedtobigfoot @marvelmaniac715 @doktorgirlfriend @froggeultra @fazgoo-connoiseur-1987 @emeraldwhale @emmaperkinsatbeanies @rubybug @queersnakeenjoyer @l3monbunny @riverboop @jimjamjomjum @spaciebabie @hearts4ggy @lordgodkingnokizaru @agileo-101 @zoevint @nartothelar @nachosforfree @itsyouitsmeorpheuseurydice @askthelordsinblack @energysoda @errorchildsc @guiltipanda @curtmega @donutsquishy @unnecessary-feelings @prophet-tim-houston @tibbycaps @artemisapollo97 @teabotsstuff @teaboot
(Please don't block me I'm sorry if you didn't want to be @ ed)
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To The Shadows,
I don't usually make posts like this, but it's just something that's been on my mind for a while and I thought I'd share. If for no other reason then to give my gratitude properly to my followers, lurkers and shadowlings.
I wanted to give my thanks to all the Artists, Writers, Memers, Animators and so on out there. Everyone is putting their passion and love into their works, and while not everyone is as fortunate to have gathered a noisy little community like the one I've been blessed with, I want to let you know you are all appreciated.
I can't speak for everyone, and goodness knows I'm not exactly an expert or veteran of our little community's culture, but every contribution I scroll pass by on my feed adds a little more inspiration to my own interests and imagination. I may not personally enjoy everything I come across, but just the color and liveliness and devotion of it all reminds me that there's still so much we all have to give.
I also want to thank all the quiet shadows hiding in the back too. You may not always feel confident or strong enough yet to come forward with your thoughts and passion and own contributions, but you are still part of this community. Whether you prefer to just hit the like button or silently cheer on your favorite content creators, you are just as important to the continuation of our little home away from the world as anyone else. Because you are all bottled up potential wrapped up in human form, growing stronger with each new work what lights up that quiet wonder in your hearts.
We all started out as little lurkers in the background after all. Even the seemingly untouchable content creators who first ignited in us the sparks that may one day lead to our own first works.
So, I just wanted to thank you all, because I probably don't say it enough and so many of our members certainly don't hear it enough. So, while I can't reach everyone, I wanted to let those I can reach know my feelings regarding this.
Thank you for reading through my rant. I'm going to hide in a corner for a bit while I contemplate my life and regain my bearings.
PS I'm actually really embarrassed, so be easy on me.
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cloudydays69 · 1 month
I'm sending you this doodle instead of posting it because it needs a fuck ton of context
So basically in Kiznaiver the whole group are part of an experiment where they all feel eachothers pain. If one gets slapped, then their pain would get split equally between everyone
Anyway so this is how the guys react to when one of the girlies is on their period and have to feel her cramps >:3
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Hajime is sobbing, Yuya is on the ground writhing in pain, Hisomo is having the time of his life, and the other boi that I can't memer the name of at the moment doesn't feel pain :3
ALSO That's a HELLA interesting plot :0!! Ofc you gotta have one guy that can't feel pain and the other one that LOVES it BAHAHA (I think his name was Katsuhira? The one that can't feel pain, I've been scrolling on wiki sites awwawa)
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kiwibirdlafayette · 10 months
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you heard of the kites and nightingales, kestrels and herons... but little do you know, another faction hides in the caves and unseen crevices of the faction isles...
I've been brainrotting about a Krimson Krakens (+ mianite pirates and Tom because I do what I want) cameo in Pirates SMP, so have some worldbuilding and lore ideas! Of course, all for fun, moreso an AU/Headcanon than anything, not meant to be taken seriously at all :] If it turns into anything more, cool beans, but for now! I'm just vibing
(Made in collaboration with @kaye-memer-kurrentvertz who helped with the Dave, Krinios and Krakens dynamic stuffs :D)
Little prologue and ficlet below the cut; Enjoy!
Meet the Krimson Krakens.
Comprised of mystical and mysterious individuals- some of more human in appearance than others- no one is sure when this faction formed. Unlike the others, it holds no precedence over the many generations of pirates in these Isles, nor is their presence heard of other then in whispers between pirates across the land.
Carrying with them an infamous reputation of a crew like a Kraken; in search of breaking curses, solving the mysteries of the Isles. Who would find their target and take it over like tentacles wrapping around a ship reaching into its deepest corners until they've found what they're looking for, no stone left unturned in their wake.
The crew is headed by the elusive Captain Kara Corvus, adorned by many snakes upon her shoulders, and Captain Jordan Sparklez of draconic origins; the latter said to have begun life in the End, given humanity by a deity and brought into the Overworld as a curse. While they bicker a lot sometimes, they are a powerhouse of a duo who know each other very well, being a force to reckoned with especially while wielding their respective weapons- Kara's ruby-adorned Leviathan Blade and Jordan's unbreakable enchanted prismarine trident with a name in Enderian spoken only once ever by the deity that crafted it
But they by no means hold any sort of superiority over the others, for like Nightingales, they value friendship and comradery over power over one another. By their side is the former Kestrel cyclops Krinios- a man with a keen eye for treasure and an ability to loot a ship in the heat of battle which has been considered unmatched, only having been caught a few times. - and Dave Krtzy, a fighter from a bloodline stretching generations in the Kites who broke it to join the Krakens. A master with any melee weapon he can get his hands on, he's usually the first to jump into battle, and if someone's in danger, his waterman abilities come into play.
However, while these four make up the core of the Krakens they are not alone in their adventures, and have picked up other friends along the way
Joining them are the Dulahann siblings, Katherine "Capsize" and Redbeard (his birth name has been all but forgotten by the others) and family friend Rupert, a skeleton reborn from an island of purple goo who gained sentience thanks to Capsize's mother. The Dine-at-Night is their family's tavern-BnB that was expanded into a base of operations after the trio met Jordan, who one day washed up on the beach with little memory of where he came from- and sort of became his family. While not a Captain in this universe, she still takes up a leadership role of her own right in being rather good with a sword, solving mysteries, collecting evidence and giving the realest advice to both friends and passing bar patrons. Red's a little more loose headed but alongside Rupert is a skilled ship engineer, and the guy to go to if the boat's got a leak or a steering system has gone awry. Not much is known about Rupert besides him being known to be a jack of all trades, a powerful asset to have onboard. He has said to have had said he has a claim to fame in his past life before dying on the taint-covered island, but has yet to share it with anyone..
The most recent member to join them is the undead Tom Syndicate, a blue-haired zombie with an explosive personality and fighting style, who had been known to frequent taverns across the Isle. Having once belonged to a rival independent crew of the Krakens, rumor has it that he betrayed them after years of mistreatment, turning instead to choose to join Cpt. Sparklez out of admiration and perhaps a kind of affection that turned romantic over the years (to the point of claiming to be married to the captain, no one knows for sure how true this is). Despite coming from a very different background than the others, including a lost memory of who he was before he had been zombified he fits in quite well, his willingness to jump into battle like a cannonball flying through the air and explode on enemies without second thought brings a certain chaos to the Krakens that they have accepted wholeheartedly.
While their ship is stored away in a sea cliff hidden behind a waterfall somewhere on the island, the tunnel system leading there from beneath the Dine-at-Night, the Krakens enjoy a relaxing life on land, chilling at their tavern base of operations, or being a living legend amongst the other inhabitants, familiar but unfamiliar faces in the crowd. Some have started to believe that their swashbuckling days are few far between in the lack of comings and goings since the new recruits have arrived, but contrary to that they still have been traversing under cover of night to seek out what darkness could be brewing just around the corner. From the growing amount of purple in Rupert's hair to a sudden glow of the rusted coin around Dave's neck the Krakens have had their suspicions for a while....
"Oi! Ye heard what happened?"
Jordan jolts awake off the bar when the bottom of a mug hits against his shoulder. He glares at the Scottish accented, freckled face that passes him, an eyebrow raised.
"No... Heard what Kat?" He grovels, and sits up a little straighter, turning to check the time. 1am. He rests his hand under his chin, hoping that propping it up would keep him awake for the time being. "It better be important, I was having a nice dream for once in my life."
Capsize rolls her eyes. "I don't think that's all gonna matter all that much one ye hear about what I heard today."
He eyes her cautiously as sets the mug she was drying down on the bar. There were a number of things that she could be alluding to, from their own personal affairs, to Tom causing trouble at the Heron's base to something as drastic as their ship had been stolen, or worse burnt to the ground. He hoped it wasn't the last one, but even if it was, he and Kara had a contingency plan.
He murmurs. "I mean maybe... what'd you hear?"
She sits down on a stool across from him, folding her hands together. "The Factioning was a few days ago, right?" She waits for him to nod in response, ensuring that she had the dragon's full attention. "Turns out, that's not the only thing that happened that day. Something calls them out to the Isle to the north, spoken through the recruitment officer."
"The fox man? He told them to go?"
"From the looks of it, yeah." She fiddled with her bracelet, the clacking of the beads breaking through the ambient sound of distant ocean waves and the crackle of torchlight. "I mean, I wasn't there so what would I know. for sure, but they listened."
Jordan shrugs. "I mean PK's a trustworthy guy, I'd probably go if he told me to."
"Yeah, well you'd trust Tom if he told you to walk the plank, I'm not surprised." Despite her little quip, Capsize's face becomes more serious solemn in expression and her voice lowers. "I don't think they were meant to because turns out, twenty-four of them went over there, two of them didn't come back. Kestrels and Kites apparently both lost a member of their faction."
"... Like they stayed? Why would anyone wanna hang out at the wasteland, there's nothing there but-"
"Jordan. They died."
A gust of wind howls outside through the barely cracked windows, the flame within the lantern beside her flickering briefly twice.
The wings on the captain's back droop slowly downward as he lowers his hand onto the bar crouching over ever so slightly. "Died? From what, the island?"
"I don't know, but from what it sounds like. Yeah." She gulps. "One get taken away on a boat.. of sorts? The other follows and lands onto the island probably to chase after their friend, and never comes back."
Jordan feels his heart drop further down into his chest. He finds himself fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, already a million possibilities running through his head "Did they get a look at who took the first one away, at least? So there's somewhere to start?"
"All that I was told is that they were dressed in robes. Could've been a cult, bandits in disguise, ghosts for all I know- Not much to go off of." She solemnly runs her hand through her hair, reaching to untie her bandana allowing her bangs to fall into her face. "It's a feckin' shame really... after all these years. I didn't think anything of that damn accursed land would ever come back. Because here I thought they'd be able to recover properly this time, not let whatever still lingers take back over."
A glaze falls over Jordan's expression. Memories of dried violet entrails wrapping around buildings, skeletons not unlike in appearance to Rupert buried in the masses of warped wood and sunken docks. Wind howled over the tops of the valleys and mountains carved out, through temples that had been thought to be abandoned for centuries. The time he, Kara, Red and Dave travelled there in search of another medallion there was a certain eerie silence, the sign of a land that no longer had any visible, breathing life to it, but remained haunted by all that came before, and all that was yet to come.
Jordan furrowed his eyebrows together. "That means… the island's alive again?"
Capsize nodded. "Aye. The island is alive again."
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demonstars · 2 months
godd 'little star prince of nothing' is such a good description i love it i love u cnunkitoooo 😭🫶 DO U HAVE A DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAPPENS IN THEIR FIRST CANON DEATH?? also do u have a tag for himmm??? i wanna CONSUME it and Chew it And
BRO the best tag i have is #dsmpsona and u can look up cnunki to find some more I'M SO BAD AT TAGGING SORRY. ok so to set the mood we have this this and this+tags MY STUPID BOY.
anyway so the premise is genuinely me being bad at minecraft so... it's like still the first week's since cnunki has fallen down the sky he doesn't know SHIT and his two closests* friends** are memers for nature so it's kind of hard for them to tell what's genuine advice and what's them joking about/at them. also, they're not sure what everything IS. so there's the canon beach episode tm where they're trying to introduce cnunki to different parts of the server and they happen to approach what (is? will become?) tommy's exile . so. that's fun! Good vibes!
they both enter the water and tell cnunki that its safe and that it won't do anything to them. cnunki hesitates because they've said this about berry bushes & sand & gunpowder so he's Not Quite sure... but clulu insists so much and ckissu isnt laughing too meanly so surely it'll go right... and st first it is! the water is Too Cold but he's trying to accept new sensations without freaking out. Hes feeling drowsy, thought. Too tired all fo the sudden. It's too cold. Before they realize it's too late and theyre so deep into the water and too far away from ckisslux to even scream. He's a prince and he doesn't scream and he doesn't cry, but nobody said he couldn't be scared.
(yknow how little flames will take a bit to disappear, as if fighting for their own right to exist? Being bright is what justifies it being alive. They still disappear.)
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cuiizhu · 2 months
Helios Rising Heroes - Sing in the Darkness 3
Chapter 41: 
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Nico: The data records…indicate this was taken right after the last time everyone gathered together. 
Nico: It was originally wiped alongside the other data, but I’m sure Robin wanted all of us to see it, so I’ll share it here now. 
Sage: ……….
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Robin [hologram]: [……….]
Bianchi & Jude: ……!
Robin: [Um…… is this recording properly?]
Robin: [Recording yourself feels really weird, doesn’t it….]
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Sage: Sensei……
Robin: [Nico, Bianchi, Jude, and Sage. Sorry for not contacting sooner.]
Robin: [This recording will soon be deleted, so if you’re watching this, Nico probably did his best.]
Nico: …….
Robin: [....I guess you’ve probably learned a lot by now? I won’t go into details here, but sorry for surprising you.] 
Bianchi & Jude: ……….
Robin: [Among you….Sage. You may have ended up discovering things you didn’t want to know.] 
Sage: ……….
Robin: [I should’ve taken that secret to the grave but…. It doesn’t seem likely that will happen, so I don’t think it’s worth hiding anymore.] 
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Robin: [But, Sage… you have Nico, Bianchi, and Jude, now, right?] 
Robin: [I’m sure the three of you will accept Sage, even if you do learn his secret.] 
Bianchi: Yes….of course… 
Robin: [It’s a little nostalgic to remember three years ago… back then, I was a little worried about what kind of rookies would come in.] 
Robin: [I was often told that you were a bunch of lone wolves, and that you couldn’t cooperate, ….. but I think we made a good team.]
Robin: [The four of you were meant to meet….] 
Jude: Haha, that’s quite a thing to say. 
Robin: [It’s a bit disappointing to think that I won’t be able to see what paths you take or what kind of heroes you become, but….] 
Robin: [Even if you all go your separate ways, I believe you’ll all have one home to return to.] 
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Sage: A home to return to….? 
Robin: [Sage. Do you still love New Million and its heroes?] 
Robin: [Are you continuing to sparkle, without losing your shine……]
Robin: [The same Sage that I and everyone else love so much…. Please, never change that part of you.] 
Robin: [Please remain a home for others to return to.]
Robin: [That will probably become Sage’s place as well.] 
Robin: [Even at the very end, I ended up saying something vague again….]
Robin: [But, this isn’t fortune telling. These are the things I truly want to convey…] 
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Robin: [Nico, Bianchi, Jude, Sage….. the days I spent with you all were the brightest days of my life.] 
Robin: [Thank you very much for that momentary joy. More than anyone else, I wish for your happiness—] 
[recording ends]
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Sage: ……….
Jude: ………
Bianchi: ………
Nico: ………
Jude: Sure left some unusual words at the very end for a sly kitsune bastard. 
Bianchi: Robin was a great mentor…..no matter what anyone says. 
Nico: Yes. For us, he will always be a good person. 
Sage: ……….
Bianchi: Sei-chan. Don’t forget what Robin said. 
Bianchi: Please always remain our home. 
Nico: The only reason our team, disjointed as it was when rookie training began, ever came together so well was because of Sage. 
Nico: Sage connected us. 
Bianchi: Yes, that’s definitely true. 
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Jude: I have no objections either. You’re nowhere near as good as Bianchi, but you’ve left quite an impression on me. 
Bianchi: Don’t sound so arrogant. Be grateful for what you've been able to accomplish with this team and these members. 
Jude: Haha, thank you, Sage. 
Sage: You guys…..
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Sage: (That’s right. I’m walking forwards.) 
Sage: (Connecting Sensei’s feelings….) 
Sage: (Connecting everyone’s feelings….) 
Sage: Thank you, guys.
Sage (whispered): Thank you, Sensei….. 
Sage: ( —Sensei was my hero, after all.)
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TL Note:
I've had to reread this scene like thrice now for the sake of the translation and I'm STILL crying about it. Thanks Robin. It's my first time taking on a translation project this big. This really isn't my forte; I'm usually just an artist and shitty memer, but to all of you who've stuck around for the full thing, thanks for taking the journey with me. Special thanks to Dajaregambler, Mana, Ida, and other discord friends and tumblr anons for encouraging me, and to my brother for all his help in proofreading and answering my language-related questions. I'll see you all on the next project!
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localtransvamp · 11 months
how did that post imply that trans men have privilege over trans women? also, i'm really confused by the idea that terfs- radical feminists, who say that trans women are men and are privileged oppressors- believe that trans men have privilege over trans women. how does that work?
TERF belief is centered around "men are inherently evil and women are inherently good" gender essentialism - and those kinds of beliefs can sometimes get interpreted in a """trans inclusive""" way (heavy on the air quotes) which paints trans men as inherently evil for being men but graciously allows trans women to be free from persecution (and sometimes its trans women that hold these beliefs too) but it's all based in worshipping the patriarchal definition of femininity, and if a trans woman (or any trans person) isn't perfectly conforming to feminine beauty standards in a patriarchal, white supremacist way then they're a man and inherently evil. That answers the second question.
The first question has a more insidious answer.
You see, there's this weird interpretation by many that trans men are somehow free of transphobic harassment and that we should only care about supporting trans women in times of crisis like this. Of course, speaking from experience, this isn't the case - trans men are constantly infantilized, harassed, and verbally and physically abused by terfs and transphobes of all stripes. I literally had my sister call me a misogynist and physically beat me simply because I didn't bring her the fast food she wanted.
But people will always go out of their way to leave trans men out of conversations about transphobia. The OP of that post didn't have to go "especially trans women" when it fundamentally wasn't true - there are most likely just as many trans men being censored on tumblr, they just don't have as far of a reach as the popular transfem blogs that everyone knows about.
But I'm not upset at the OP, I simply think they were misinformed. But that doesn't mean they shouldn't BE informed. I took time to inform them, and now you.
(Will edit with link to the post in question and an @ for the OP once I find them; )
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yaboirezzy · 4 months
Some Terramy content I made in the Erma Discord, because I love them both so much even though zero people would understand
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The Obligatory Terramy Panel (ft. A Live Erma Reaction)
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Playing pretend in an Ikea gone too real... (Sidney is the one recording, for YT shippers memers)
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This definitely happened during their Teen/Young Adult Years (Please don't smite me for this Lord Brandon)
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Can't go wrong with the Barbie meme (even though it's old bc I'm always late to trends :( )
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Some incorrect quotes because that is the highest honor I could bestow upon a beloved ship of mine
And finally an Ice Age: The Meltdown shit I made for like 10 minutes
I am not slowly dying on the inside...
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yuseirra · 4 months
Hello, I just wanted to tell you that your work had inspired me to make my own animatics (the first "proper" one is almost ready!), and your art style was the primary influence for my storyboarding. I still remember the first time I watched one of the animatics of yours, and was absolutely blown away by it. Fast forward a year, and I am making my own fan art for another niche, indie game. So, I wanted to thank you personally, and I hope I can share what I did with that inspiration!
I still recall when I first started really imagining animation as it relates to characters in a setting and plot. The animatic of yours is like a knitted blanket, all of the characters go together despite the colour scheme being very different. I was memerized by the coordination - it was like a dance, almost!
So, I started wondering about other games I played, and I thought "Maybe I can try something like that too". It wasn't easy, I suck at art, but I learnt quite a lot. For example, how to blend two different scenes with different rooms in a fluid manner. Or how to protray a character with only a few sketches, as I cannot make every frame colourful.
I deeply recall going back to the"Road Less Taken" video, as well as so many others, and slowing down the speed to 0.5, so I could see every single frame slowly, and trying to figure out how to add movements that won't be too "noisy". In that time, I tried experimenting with art styles, and sort of mixed up a lot of brushes together.
One particular moment was when I tried to make a "dramatic" moment in my badly drawn sketch. I remember seeing that you would take a black and white frame, and then, the next frame would be the same thing but in colour. I thought it was so cool! So, I tried it.
It didn't work out as I hoped (my colouring was messy and poor). The technique I am currently using is by using a black and white sketch, and then the same frame with 3 colours. But I learnt that I could adjust the layers with filters, until the lightening had enough contrast. This way, it would seem "dramatic".
Sorry, that was super long of an ask. My first proper animatic won't be good, but that is another learning experience! If I have the courage, I may post it on Tumblr. Honestly, I really am glad I stumbled upon your videos, else I would not have done all of that drawing and creativity.
So, thank you for everything!
I came across this message first thing in the morning and it's made me have so many different feelings.. before I say anything further, I'd like to tell you that I feel this message is wonderful! I'm glad to have you had stumbled upon my videos, too.
Ah, my Road Less Taken fanvideo.. and my other videos too. Being reminded of it really hurts me because I loved everything I put into it, I put in a lot of passion, I put in a lot of love, I bought the artbook, played the game it was based on and went through to do a full analysis, went back and forth through the plot, I just couldn't bear upholding it though, I just couldn't. I'm sad it turned out to be the way it is now since I was really sure I did a great job with it with the skills I had, and I love what I did with it, but I don't regret having it taken down. It took me some time to muster the courage to do it, and I feel lucky that people were very accepting about it too. ^^ It existed and it was able to give a lot of people fun as it did for me, and I'm very happy that was the case. I know that work of mine was really loved, and I'm glad I could create something that could do something like that. I hope I can do that again and I'd probably have a chance to, since I have a life ahead of me.
Enough about me and let's talk about you and your message! Aaaah wow, this is really incredible! Have you seen my channel though? My early videos (and I may still would draw that way) aren't so colorful and proper you know! A lot of them are consisted of sketches of what I want to see in that certain segment. It's very interesting and exciting to hear from your perspective, because I hadn't considered my movies to be so "proper" enough either!! That's why, I can say for a fact, that "Oh you'll do well and do a wonderful job" with 100% sincerity. You came to the right person. I mean look at me! I posted videos like that all the time and just because I thought it'd be fun! If you went to some other talented artist who has these bizarre techniques and astounding professionalism who could create full-fledged CLEAN animations it may not sound so convincing. But i'm someone who starts from scratches and lines and posts those without shame. Drawing colored movies was a huge challenge in my part as well and it took me awhile to feel I'll be skilled enough to do it- perhaps you're already getting a huge head-start compared to how I started out because moving up that one step for me took years to do.
You can do it!! You can!
If there's something I learned from posting my drawings and works out here, it's that you just do what you wanna do. Not everyone will notice you, and your works may not be blown up out there as you wish it to be, yeah, but there's always going to be someone that comes along and appreciates it, which is a miracle on its own. For me, one of those people is you. You'll have someone who comes up to you and does the same thing for you, too if you keep sticking out there. Until then, just continue doing what you love and have fun, without having recognition being your only motive. I made my works for myself (to share, of course, but there were things I was so passionate about I felt I HAD to put this out there and let everyone notice how GOOD and FITTING it is) and although having thousands of people love my works, and tens of hundreds of thousands watch 'em together with me was wonderful.. it all feels like a dream now, the number doesn't matter as much for me. If numbers mattered, I'd have given up a long time ago because there's always people who are so much better than you. However, there's something that only you can do and think of.
See? You're already telling me about your unique style and is thinking of what you could do to make it more effective. That approach you're using is something that I'm unfamiliar of doing. Even if we had the same ideas, I wouldn't be able to create the same things you do and that's what makes yours special! Good luck with that, never did I think what I drew would be able to inspire you to create your own, I should work harder myself to make sure I don't get beaten by you so fast XD, You see, I'm a slow improver. I have artist friends who've gone places and make incredible art. But I can still be one too, as long as I keep drawing. I hope you do that too, as well as keep having fun in the way. And please remember about me if you become famous one day, okay? 'v')9
"The animatic of yours is like a knitted blanket, all of the characters go together despite the colour scheme being very different. I was memerized by the coordination - it was like a dance, almost!"< Ah, I really liked this part of your ask, too. The coordination part is something I really tried hard on when I make an animatic! I sit down and listen to music one day and then something hits me. 'Huh? Isn't this that? And that part works with that and can't this be used to convey this?' Very vague expressions but that's actually how it works in my head. The inspirations come very fast, and when that happens, I sit down and write up a memo to see if the whole song really fits along with the stories I know. And when I'm convinced that it works, I start weaving the two different stories together, the lyrics and the story of the material I wish to make a video out of. That process really makes my heart race because yes, like how you've described it, it feels like a dance, or a knit. Like 90% of the animatics I've made happen like this, so I have no idea when I'll get another inspiration. Till then, I just keep having fun with the fandoms I'm in! Having a good understanding of the source material helps. If you know it well, then everything folds together as one. The song and the story does it for you, and you just follow through its flow.
"slowing down the speed to 0.5, so I could see every single frame slowly, and trying to figure out how to add movements that won't be too "noisy". <this part ;v;...hnngh I have no words.. goodness I had NO idea someone would look at my videos with such intense care.. I don't consider my videos to have the most..how do you put it, creative effects out there, a lot of the effects I put in are something that's built in in the base program or something really simple! You'll be able to learn it in a jiffy no problem. I really look up to vids that have these wacky, shiny and fast-paced effects myself.. One thing I think I could do a pretty good job on, on the other hand, would be the pacing! And that has a lot to relate with the songs you're using. Where the instruments come in, the beat, parts where the vocal stresses, I use the songs I really like, so it makes me think oh, a panel could be added there, and there! and let's make this one drawing show up longer than the others! All that. If you understand the materials you're using (the song, the story, your art) you'll be able to coordinate them well within the limits of your abilities. As I said earlier, that's going to be something only you could do, and what's unique. They say creativity isn't about making entirely new stuff, you know! It's more about putting two different things together in a way no one else has. So movies and fanarts are a great way to show yours :)
I've had others who inspired me to create a video. I've seen lots of fanvids and there were amazing ones, (the fact I was in the kagepro fandom when it was still releasing new songs explains a lot, doesn't it? That surely was a huge inspiration) but I think what's given me the final push to start was seeing my artist friend make a short 6 second one on her tumblr a few years ago. There it hit me that I might be able to do it too, so I asked them what program they were using and made mine right away.
I still have it in fact, it's this video, and I made this one too shortly after. And then I realized that although it wouldn't be perfect, making a video itself isn't something too much of a big deal. You make one and that's it! Because I enjoyed it,(I loved the idea of seeing my own drawings move) I made more.. and I won't be so afraid to, either, because I could always go back to making those simple ones if I wished. Make colored and detailed ones if I wish to push myself further. I'm happy I was able to inspire you to make yours. I hope your experience making stuff would be as enjoyable and exciting as mine!
I'll be happy if you can show me your first video, too!// Whether if you do, or if you don't, I will cheer for you~ Thank you so much for telling me all this. I'm honored to know I was able to give you such a positive impact, because you never know what influence you're giving to someone unless they tell you.. and this, IS SO TOUCHING. You're doing all these things because you were able to find the good, you had it in you always! I'm glad I played a part somewhere on the road. 'v')9
Good luck with your videos~ I'll.. keep making mine in the future too! ;v; GOD I found a song for persona but I gotta finish P3R to get a better understanding for this plot once again, I'm going to do an even better job than I ever did, in the long run. So you too, I know you'll keep improving, so take your time and have fun on the way!
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