#because he is trans. 2 me. kai also sings out that part with just as much passion. they are shaking hands
writer-room · 10 months
Lloyd’s the kind of person to be completely silent while everyone is horribly singing Bohemian Rhapsody only to belt out the line “I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all” in perfect pitch and then fall dead silent again as he went back to like, reading a book or something. send post
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vocalprinceseokmin · 5 years
Xcalibur summary (Part 1)
SPOILER ALERT: If you are someone who has tickets to go watch Xcalibur, or you intend to go and watch, then I highly suggest that you do not click under the cut. This is my attempt to piece together the musical from whatever is available online for those who have not or will not manage to catch it. My understanding of Korean is at best minimal, so my understanding is from the summaries that have been floating around (including the summary from the program book), and guesswork from watching the musical.
I watched the first two shows that DK performed, namely 19 June and 22 June, which shall be referred to as Day 1 and Day 2 respectively. I also watched the Kai show on the 21 June, which featured pretty much a completely different lineup from Day 1 and Day 2. 
Cast (Arthur / Lancelot / Morgana / Merlin / Guinevere / Ector )
Day 1: DK / Um Ki Joon / Shin Young Sook / Son Jun Ho / Min Kyung Ah / Lee Jong Moon
Day 2: DK / Lee Jee Hoon / Jang Eun Ah  / Son Jun Ho / Min Kyung Ah / Lee Jong Moon
Kai Day: Kai / Park Kang Hyun / Shin Young Sook / Kim Joon Hyun / Kim Sohyang / Cho Won Hee
 As a matter of background, please do note that DK is triple cast in the role of Arthur together with Kai (not the EXO member, musical actor whose real name is Jung Ki Yeol) and Kim Junsu (Xiah Junsu). Both Kai and Junsu happen to be (very) well regarded musical actors, so let’s just say that there is pretty much no way that DK can match up to the two of them given that he has zilch experience, and I don’t think anyone with background expects him to match up. In addition, as a broad generality, the rest of the cast is well regarded, and it is established that he is the youngest of the lot. I suspect every other main cast is at least five years older than him (with the youngest of the rest I think being Min Kyung Ah), and way way more musical experience.
So really, he has his work cut out for him, and I am saying this as someone who runs a DK vocal appreciation account. That said, Arthur is the lead role in a big budget musical “world premiere”, so he really can’t afford to suck. 
I repeat: If you intend to watch the musical, I suggest you do not spoil yourself.
Due to the length of this post, I will not be embedding the videos like I normally do. There exists more videos, but I want to get this out first.
Edit (28 June): to include alternative videos from the press call + new videos from the Sitzprobe (but please note that the quality of the video in the Sitzprobe is not great but there’s no other source)
0 Prologue
Opening of the musical where masked ensemble members come on stage to do some chanting (think in relation to the Xcalibur). Looks quite ritualistic.
 1 A Bond that Cannot be Broken
Arthur / Lancelot / Ensemble
Arthur runs onto stage (for DK fans, the first guy who runs on to stage with the sword is Arthur, because I couldn’t tell until later). Arthur and Lancelot have a duel (not serious). Don’t recall who wins, but in the end after Arthur and Lancelot are done fighting, some ensemble actor (who is a village boy) kicks Arthur in the butt. Arthur gets angry and brandishes his sword at the ensemble actor. There is some further provocation between the ensemble actor and Arthur, but after interference by Ector (Arthur’s adoptive papa), and the other ensemble actors (village boys), the tension is diffused.
Arthur breaks into song, which I think generally introduces his life (as a ordinary village boy), with his friends and his adoptive papa. Generally a merry mood, with him drinking a few times out of his cup. He appears to be great friends with the village boys (including Lancelot).  At some point Lancelot takes over singing the song. The spoilers are right in that he gets kissed once on his cheek (he falls over), and then I believe the same ensemble actress kisses him on the lips. While shocking when watched the first time, it’s really quick (and contrary to the image you are likely imagining, he has both village boy and girl friends).
Arthur ends the scene on the shoulder of two other village boys with the light shining on him.
2 Telling of a Tale
Lightning strikes, and most of the villagers disperse. Arthur asks what is going on, and Ector (adoptive papa) basically knows that it’s Merlin who is coming.
Merlin sings. I believe the song is telling Arthur that he is destined to be king. Merlin is a very composed character, I feel, and makes hand movements wherein basically the fate of Arthur is projected (namely for him to be king etc). Effects were cool.
3 My Flesh, My Blood, My Skin, My Bones (on DK international twitter, I think people translated it to I Am Mine)
Arthur gets angry and does not want to accept what Merlin is saying and gets angry.  
This is the song that DK sang during the mini live (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiQJGPa5ktM).
Trans: https://twitter.com/17_HAMZZI/status/1130284402150240261
Arthur confronts Merlin, points his finger at Merlin. At some point picks up his sword and points that Merlin too.
4 World on Fire
There is a press call for this.
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIivCO6yewQ
Camelot ensemble is living in fear, and then the Saxons end up barging in and finishing them off.
5 Where Are You Now  
Sitzprobe at approximately 4:14 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE
Morgana is Arthur’s half sister, and appears to be a nun. Believe she is mourning her fate, and asking where Merlin is, but I will admit I didn’t get much more than that. From information that I have seen subsequent, it seems that Morgana is Merlin’s former disciple.
I think at the end of this scene, the Saxons crash into Morgana’s room, kill the other person who was in her room, and Morgana manages to save herself by saying that her father is Uther Pendragon. Not sure if they believe her, but the Saxons spare her life and take her prisoner.
 6  Telling of the Tale Reprise
Arthur runs to the forest and prays. Probably asks why his fate is this, can’t believe it etc. Ector shows up, and I believe confirms that he is not Arthur’s biological father (giving credence to what Merlin says that he is destined to be king, and he is Uther Pendragon’s son). Arthur is angry. I am also being led to believe that Ector tries to convince Arthur to listen to what Merlin has to say.  
Merlin is singing the song, probably showing Arthur his fate. I think there is some suggestion that Arthur has some “dragon blood” and “dragon rage” in him. Many animations of parts of a dragon appear, in which Arthur swings his sword at the animations that appear. In the end he falls on the floor when the animation of the dragon eye appears.
Merlin probably tells Arthur about how the Saxons are threatening Camelot or something. Merlin takes away Arthur’s sword and I think tells Arthur to go pull the xcalibur out of the stone.
 7 The Man You’d Have Me Be
The first song from this clip of press call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbzWMHbszjk
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm0DC5gHyrA
At some point, it seems that Arthur is buying what Merlin is saying. Then the rock formation with the xcalibur sword in it appears.
Arthur scales the rock (while singing) with the intention of trying to pull the sword out of the stone. Villagers are starting to gather below the rock formation.
Arthur fails to pull the xcalibur out of the sword twice (to giggles and then more giggles from the onlooking villagers below).
8 Let the Sword Make This Man
Lancelot / Ensemble
Merlin tells Arthur something, and then the xcalibur slides out easily without Arthur needing to exert force at all.
Second song from this clip of the press call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbzWMHbszjk
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tm0DC5gHyrA
Arthur is in awe of the sword, but Lancelot doesn’t seem to be very happy (and Lancelot is the one singing the song mostly). Villagers seem to be in awe of the sword too, and have fallen to their knees to pay respect to the king (except Lancelot). 
There is a moment of suspense when 5 or 6 ensemble actors (to be knights) sing, and then there’s a pause and everyone looks at Lancelot who hasn’t sung yet. And then Lancelot breaks into song, gets on his knees. And then the joker asks to be knighted right away – and Arthur does. Arthur and Lancelot hug. Then Arthur goes to Ector and they hug too. 
Arthur celebrates with Ector, and then Merlin. Believe Arthur hands the xcalibur to Ector.
9 If He Were Standing Here
Guinevere / Arthur
Last 30 seconds of this clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbzWMHbszjk is the background to the song. Song itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pv6OLpbsnBA
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcYAjOAIVZI
Sitzprobe at approximately 7:05: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE
Guinevere shows up and is in awe that someone managed to pull the xcalibur out of the stone.
I believe Arthur asks Guinevere what she would say to the person who managed to pull the xcalibur from the sword if he were standing here. Guinevere doesn’t know that Arthur was the one who managed to pull the xcalibur from the stone.
Guinevere is excited that someone managed to pull it out of the stone, that is clear enough.
Towards the end of the song, Ector comes and gives the xcalibur back to Arthur, to the shock and horror of Guinevere. Who makes an excuse to run away, but Arthur manages to get her name. Arthur looks smitten anyway, and I have been subsequently informed that Merlin asks Arthur if he likes Guinevere, and he answers yes. Merlin tells Arthur that ok, he’ll make Guinevere his wife, and Arthur answers yes, without paying too much attention to what Merlin is saying, then realizes that Merlin is saying, and pretty much goes “really” or something along those lines and chases Merlin excitedly off stage.
10 The Mark of the Wolf
Wolfgang / Ensemble
Sitzprobe at approximately 12 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE
Ensemble (Saxons) get on stage and demonstrate their power.
Lee Sang Jun (Wolfgang), I think, has more to do than his 7th billing suggests, and I think he sings well. I think he has more to do than Ector for sure.
 11 Where Are You Now Reprise
I think in 10 there might’ve been some Morgana bullying (notably, it seems like Wolfgang’s son (who is a important ensemble member) likes to pull her hair).
So I guess Morgana is again, not very happy.
 12 In Troubled Times Like These
Arthur / Guinevere
Guinevere is with a group of girls. It seems like she’s holding some fighting classes or something. Lancelot and Arthur come along (for what purpose isn’t exactly clear to me). Think Lancelot might have said or done something to piss Guinevere off, so Lancelot and Guinevere get into a (not serious) fight. Guinevere wins.
Lancelot wants to like chase girls, and I think the girls want to see the xcalibur. Arthur moves closer to offer the xcalibur to Lancelot to take to chase the girls, and all the girls save Guinevere flock to Lancelot who leads the girls away.
It’s only at this point that the song starts. Unlike If He Was Standing Here, this song is probably even. It seems like some love song, and it seems like at the end there was an intention to kiss, but they get interrupted by the Saxons. Arthur pushes Guinevere away and fights the Saxons (without the xcalibur, or any other kind of proper sword), but soon after Lancelot comes back, hands Arthur his xcalibur, then Arthur, Lancelot and Guinevere (with the bow and arrow) manage to fend off the Saxons. However, Arthur is injured in the process. Wolfgang’s son is seriously injured in this battle, and I think Arthur tells Wolfgang’s son that he is the son of Uther Pendragon.
 13 Pagan Dance & Ritual
I think basically what it suggests. A lavish number of ensemble (the female Saxons(??) who like entertain instead of fight, are not as good as the male Saxons). They are celebrating and then engaging in some ritual, which seems to result in perhaps crowning Wolfgang as king? (Morgana is still Saxons’ prisoner).
Wolfgang’s son runs in, and I think is quite injured. Understand that he reveals that he met Uther Pendragon’s son. Wolfgang is angry. Morgana is angry and shocked that Arthur is alive/exists/in the way.
 14 Sins of Father
Press call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijpz7GqTAaI
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xWQgN7VOoE
Sitzprobe at approximately 15:50 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE (sung by Jang Eun-Ah instead of Shin Young Sook at the press call)
Understand that Morgana is angry/jealous of Arthur for taking away what she believes is rightfully hers, and is angry at her father.
The edges of the dragon in the background shine more brightly as the song goes on, and at the climax, a dragon projection roars out (this does not show up in the press call). Cool stuff but Morgana is definitely the highlight still.
15 The Tempest
Recall that Arthur got injured due to the clash with the Saxons. At the start Arthur didn’t have a weapon because Lancelot took it away to go and chase girls (though to be fair, Arthur offered the xcalibur). Still, Arthur is the one who got injured.
At the start of the scene, some of the knights are angry at Lancelot. Lancelot breaks into song. If you believe the summary, it’s probably Lancelot regretting and vowing to be a better person or something along those lines.
 16 In Troubled Times Like This Reprise
Merlin does some singing at the start (understand that he’s backed by ensemble). Arthur is in Merlin’s cave, and Merlin is trying to save him.
Guinevere comes along, and Merlin is quite exhausted from trying to rescue Arthur. Not sure what Merlin tells Guinevere. But at the end of the scene, Guinevere told Arthur that she loves him. Arthur is already awake (or wakes up) and tells her that he loves her too. They embrace.
 17 Hundred Years From Now
Scene starts with many villagers who are all out and about building things. There is a fair bit of construction equipment. Ensemble starts out singing a short number.
As you can guess Arthur survives, and walks in (with Guinevere and Merlin supporting him) to a crowd of villagers chanting his name.
 18 Why Am I Here
Morgana / Merlin / Arthur
Lightning strikes, and Morgana (somehow) is on the floor (for avoidance of doubt, this is a direct continuation from the previous scene with the villagers still all around them with the construction equipment, though as the scene goes on the villagers start to retreat). I think Arthur and Guinevere check if Morgana is ok,  and then Arthur asks Morgana who she is to which Morgana says that she is Morgana Pendragon, and that she is Arthur’s older sister.
Morgana and Merlin have a confrontation, and this is where Morgana breaks into song.  Merlin joins in.  There is a lot of back and forth between Morgana and Merlin. Then Arthur joins in. And there’s a lot of back and forth. At the end it seems like Merlin is on the other side from Morgana and Arthur.
After the song (I think, but no promises, might have been before), Arthur embraces Morgana. Arthur seems genuinely happy to meet her. It seems like Arthur is not happy that Merlin kept this fact from him.
 19 The Mark of The Wolf Reprise
Wolfgang / Ensemble
Saxons display their power. As before, they have a very cool routine in which the Saxons ensemble bang their weapons on their shields. If you sit near the front it’s really quite scary.
 20 Sins of Father Reprise Chant
As the title suggests, Morgana is angry about the sins of her father.
 21 Remember This Night
Arthur / Merlin / Ensemble
Press call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZySqHmL3qc
Alternative link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-Fzaj6NYFg
Sitzprobe at approximately 20:30 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvg5_pFKDPE (with Kim Joon Hyun as Merlin instead of Son Jun Ho)
Crowning of Arthur atop the rock formation. All key casts are present (Merlin, Ector, Guinevere, Lancelot). The knights have now their knight outfits, and well, now knights around the round table. Villagers are also present.
I think the press call is quite accurate, except at the end, the light on Arthur intensifies and gets really bright and then Arthur thrusts his sword into the air to bring an end to Act 1.
I have thoughts, and initially thought of including them, but I have left them out, and have decided this to be a skeletal of the musical instead. I will share my thoughts eventually (probably in a separate post). On DK, let me just say that when I decided to fly in to watch him (I have never flown to watch a concert before), I knew that if he did not meet expectations (whatever that means, to be clear expectations is not to be as good as Junsu or Kai because that’s simply unrealistic), I would likely drop him and leave kpop altogether. That got messed with because the rehearsal reviews were quite positive (which I saw), and I guess, despite that I’m still writing this to piece together the musical so.
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me a message, and to the people who have reblogged this, thanks alot!!
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erydiel-art · 6 years
(ENDED)CASTING CALL FOR: Voice Actors/Music Artists!!! Multiple Roles Available!
Hello everyone! I’m Erydiel, and I need your help! This is a long post, so beware!
I am currently working on my own anime called “Changing Fate.” To not give away too many spoilers, the anime is in a modern setting with fantasy-like elements, and involves romance, action, angst, etc. You can think of something like Naruto/Bleach, but closer to a Sailor Moon-type style. It’s a little weird of an explanation, but I hope that I’ve grabbed your attention! If you’re interested, read more below!
Now, here’s the deal: this project of mine is a one-man team. I make the story, the script, and do all of the artwork and putting everything together. Since I’m the only person doing this, it takes time to finish all of it. At this point, I will most likely release 1 episode at a time, OR finish all of the episodes and release them once a week. I’m still not sure what to decide yet, which is why I’m doing a casting call now.
Right now, this casting call is for both voice actors and music artists! To prepare you on what you’re getting into, Changing Fate will have:
- 15 episodes of various lengths
- 2 OVAs
- a trailer for the anime
- an anime intro/outro song
- a character reveal trailer
All episodes will be released on Youtube (and Vimeo, possibly). Now, I am a college student on a very limited budget, so I cannot pay you for your hard work. However, you will receive credit on every episode/video that’s released that you’re on, and you can absolutely add this series to your resume. (I’m sure that employers would love to see that you’ve worked on a long-term project, right? I know I would!) I WILL attempt at making a kickstarter to raise funds, so if it is at all successful I will be able to pay you then depending on the work you’ve done. Of course, this is something that will be discussed when we get closer to that time.
So, are you still interested? Wonderful! Here are the requirements in order to apply:
1) Must have a good microphone, and/or be able to remove any background noise/static/etc. from the file before sending it to me.
2) Send files in either a .mp3 or .WAV file format
3) Be able to work with me in making sure that voice files are correct, and if needed re-do a line if the tone of a scene needs to change.
4) You will also need to be okay with scenes that either include or imply: torture, blood, death, pain, etc. Torture scenes will only be for 1 episode or so, but the situation is implied multiple times in the anime. DO NOT apply if you are NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THIS. I do not want to accidentally hurt you. I may not know you personally, but I always try to make sure that everyone is okay before moving forward.
1) Be able to create several tracks (if needed) to fit various scenes in the anime.
2) If you can sing, or know someone who can sing, and be able to get them to sing the intro/outro song for you in the music file.
3) Send the files in a .mp3 or .WAV file
4) Be okay with certain scenes as stated in the Voice Actors Section above.
5) If you can do an intro/outro song but can’t create certain tracks, etc. (and vice versa) that’s OKAY. I don’t expect for only 1 person to do everything: I know different artists can create different genres of songs/tracks, so I’ll be expecting to hire more than 1 person. Just be you when applying!
6) Be okay and patient enough to be able to make any tweaks or changes to a song/track if needed. This may happen multiple times.
1) When applying, send all applications to [email protected]
2) The email subject heading should have either VA or MA, the character or track/song you wish to do, and what lines (for VAs only)
Voice Actors:
VA (Accalia) Lines 1-5 Sample
VA (Accalia + more) Line Sample (Use this if applying for more than 1 character)
Music Artists:
MA (intro song) Sample
What I will be looking for in the emails:
Voice Actors: What character(s) you wish to apply for, plus the files that have the sample lines. EACH line (given below) MUST HAVE it’s own file, and named! For example, if you are doing Accalia’s sample lines, you would do: Accalia-Line 1 for the 1st sample, Accalia-Line 2 for the second sample, etc. Please make sure that you do this when sending emails!
Music Artists: Tell me what you wish to do: intro song, outro song, or background music. Then, I want you to include either a demo reel or examples of your work that either fit or are similar to the music that you wish to do for Changing Fate.
Okay, now that all of that is done, time for the fun part! Voice Actors, this section is for you! Here are the Characters that you can apply for:
Accalia Enelya (Ah-Kay-Lee-Ah Ee-Nel-Yah)
Gender: Female
Race: Nashoba (werewolf)
Accalia is one of THE main characters of the show. She will be one of the main focus in the anime, which also means she will have many, many lines. She is Tsundere to most people, but is heartwarming/acts normal to those that are the closest to her. She is a fierce protector who does not like Humans for the most part, but also knows that she is just a tool for their protection.
1) “Humans…they disgust me.”
2) “Hey, get back here you scum!”
3) “It’s time to change.” (The line that’s spoken before a transformation scene occurs)
4) “I’m sorry…but I can’t. Not now, not ever.”
5) a file of a *sound of disgust* or a sound of “disapproval” (Similar to Cassandra from Dragon Age Inquisition)
Natsuki Arai (Naht-Su-Kee Ah-Rye)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Natsuki is a soft-hearted man who is the love interest of Accalia. His voice is softer/feminine than most males, but NOT too feminine. You can clearly tell that he is a male, especially if his voice is raised in anger (which is quite rare). He is a gentleman at heart and tends to be the peacemaker in arguments.
1) “Hello, my Lady.”
2) “I assure you that this must be wrong. Can we not resolve this another way?”
3) “Accalia, please, let me help you! You don’t have to do this alone!”
4) “All of this pain that you went through…I’m so sorry, my Love.”
5) a file or track of a *gasp* sound.
Paula Kisurugi (Paul-Ah Kiss-oo-ru-gee)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Paula is Accalia’s best friend and closest ally. They have known each other for years, and will depend on each other if everyone else is against them. Paula is known to be a klutz, but she makes up for it with her sarcastic remarks and jokes. She will defend anyone who she is close with, although Accalia is most likely to protect her first.
1) “Hey, get back here you jerk!”
2) “You know we gotta get them together, right?”
3) “Lia, you know you can trust me, right?”
4) *crying* “I can’t believe this…why did you have to suffer so much?!”
5) a file or clip of giggling or laughter. Be creative and feel free to send more than 1 file of this!
Cain Kazuhaya (Kayn Kah-zu-ha-yah)
Gender: Male
Race: Natissa (Vampire)
Cain is similar to Accalia in being Tsundere, but it’s not as strong. Instead, he’s almost like the classical annoying Jock that gets on everyone’s nerves. However, despite that persona he is a protector of his friends above all else, and is especially kind to Accalia because he owes her for saving his life long ago. He is also the love interest of Paula.
1) “Yo.”
2) “Heh, hey Shortie. Did ya lose on the bet already?”
3) “Hey, back off!”
4) “They’re going to pay for this.”
5) a sound file of anger or yelling (like a battle-cry for a fight)
Damerick Bennett (Dah-Mer-Ick Ben-nett)
Gender: Male
Race: Nashoba
Damerick is known to be a Jack-of-all-Trades and makes constant jokes to make others laugh and be happy. He is an old friend of Accalia and Cain, and looks out for them often in times of need. Like Cain, he also is close with Accalia due to saving his life long ago, and wishes to pay her back for her sacrifice. If you ever feel down and need a pick-me-up, Damerick is the guy to go to.
1) “Yo!”
2) “Dude, you gotta be kidding me!”
3) “Looks like it’s time to dance, yeah?”
4) “I don’t understand…why do we have to suffer like this?”
5) a sound file of a “WOO!!” or a yell of joy. Take your pick and be creative!
Sasha Anderson (Sah-sha An-der-son)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
1) “Hey, what’s up?”
2) “…Really?”
Hampton Yamazaki (Hamp-ton Yah-Ma-Za-Kee)
Gender: Male
Race: Natissa
1) “Huh?”
2) “…I don’t think we should be doing this…?”
DeAndre Parker (Dee-Ahn-Dre Par-ker)
Gender: Male
Race: Human
1) “So…what do we do now?”
2) “Uh…what?”
Tran (Tr-Ann)
Gender: Female
Race: Human
*Vietnamese accent preferred, if able*
1) “Hi.”
2) “…Thank you.”
Jordan Roan (Jor-dan Row-Ann)
Gender: Male
Race: Nashoba
1) “Are we going to do this or not?”
2) “…Really?”
Various Female/Male Random voices/roles
*There are no lines here, just let me know if you can provide a voice for these smaller roles! They are of different ages, from children to old.
Zaman (Zah-Mahn)
Gender: Male
God of Time & Knowledge
1) “Hello, my children.”
2) “My child, I’m afraid that it will only get worse from here.”
Xantara (Xan-Tear-Rah)
Gender: Female
Goddess of Earth
1) “I have failed you, my children. I…am sorry.”
2) “Do you think it was mere chance that you two are together? You two are together by fate!”
Araceli (Ah-Rah-Cel-Lee)
Gender: Female
Goddess of the Heavens
1) “My child, do not look so down upon yourself. Your soul is too pure for such a sad look.”
2) “…I see. I have not thought of that before. You surprise me, my child.”
Asar (Ah-Sar)
Gender: Male
God of the Underworld
Aznil (Az-Nill)
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
1) “Just give up already, Nashoba. We WILL rule over this world!“
2) “You don’t know what it is truly like to suffer. So, I will show you what it’s like myself!”
Aaaand that’s everything! Quite a long post, but it was necessary. If you all have any questions about this, please send in an ask! I will be happy to answer any questions or concerns.
Also, if you have no interest in this, please still reblog this! I need to get this reblogged everywhere so that others can see. Thank you SO MUCH if you do!!
So please apply before it’s too late!
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fychen · 6 years
【TRANS】 EXO’rDIUM[dot] Live Album – Chen Q&A
Please say something in regards to safely finishing EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]. I’m happy that we could finish the concert without any EXO members or EXO-L’s getting hurt. This was also true for EXO PLANET #2 - The EXO’luXion[dot], but whenever we finish a tour’s encore concert, it feels like “we’ve finally come home.” We start our concert tour in Seoul, and tour around the world for one year. As we perform dozens of times, we develop skill and expertise, and the greed of “wanting to quickly show the fans in Korea” forms. Although it might not be fresh to watch the encore concert in the same format as a past concert, it’s a concert to see how much EXO has grown, so there is more meaning. EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot] was held at Jamsil Olympic Stadium. Jamsil Olympic Stadium is a large concert venue, so the stage was bigger than usual. It seems that you’d feel alone onstage since there’s so many audience seats to face, how was it? I have never felt that I was alone. The members are always beside me, and I go onstage thinking about how EXO-L is always behind EXO. The only thing was that since Jamsil Olympic Stadium is such a large space, I did use more strength while singing. I stick to something like a principle when I sing at a venue - whether it is a gymnasium, Jamsil Olympic Stadium, or a dome, to fill that venue with my voice. It must’ve been hard this time, since Jamsil Olympic Stadium is so big. Jamsil Olympic Stadium is big as a venue, but the fact that it was an outdoor venue made it more difficult to sing. It’s difficult to keep the sound inside the venue. In indoor venues, since the sound of the fans’ cheering stays inside the venue, even small reactions can be heard loudly, but in outdoor venues, reactions all blow away. So I worked harder in order to let my voice be heard more loudly, and in order to draw out the fans’ cheering more. Starting from the opening stage ‘Wolf’ through ‘Drop That’, you show amazing stages with high notes, and it seems that the catharsis must be extraordinary. How is it? I almost died! Haha. Catharsis? It’s definitely there. I think the opening stage is half of the concert. So I care a lot about the opening, and I get a lot of satisfaction when I sing high parts without mistakes. It’s definitely physically hard. It’s not easy to sing high notes from the beginning of the concert. The stage becomes a spotlight for your vocals when you sing high parts. Do you think that about yourself? Yes, sometimes I do think that way. I’m thankful that Director Shim Jaewon gave me a place to show myself to the fans through high notes in the opening and the EDM section. In this concert, the chemistry formed between you and Baekhyun when singing ‘Wolf’ was impressive. How is your vocal chemistry with Baekhyun? There’s a lot of times when I follow Baekhyun when singing together. Since Baekhyun carries a lot of emotion in his voice, when I sing after listening to Baekhyun singing, I become more absorbed into the song. How is your vocal chemistry with vocalist members Suho and D.O? Since Suho’s voice and mine have a lot of similar sides, such as in vocal tone and pronunciation, our chemistry matches well. So we give and take opinions about our singing methods. D.O’s voice is very pop-like [T/N: pop genre]. In one word, it’s sophisticated. Like his personality, D.O sings cleanly, neither overflowing nor lacking emotion. So I tend to follow D.O when singing with him. What do you think your strong point as a vocalist is? I really don’t know. I have a higher register, but I haven’t been able to find my personality as a vocalist yet. So it was difficult for a while. There were a lot of attempts to try to prepare a more diverse capability as a vocalist. While doing so, it became more difficult to know what my strong point as a vocalist is. If I had to point one thing out, my voice is strong, and I sing high notes refreshingly. So I try not to make my voice very ornate. When I don’t need technique, I tend to sing as [what my voice produces]. I think my voice fits rhythmical songs better than ballads. And I can’t leave out rock songs. I’m someone who lives with rock music in his heart. Haha. But there’s a lot of fans who are waiting for your dance break. Should they anticipate your dance break in the next concert? I don’t have the greed for a dance performance. I want to focus more on vocals than dance. I still have a lot of stages I want to show as a vocalist. Please give a hint for a vocal stage you’ve been thinking about. I want to make a collaboration stage as a vocalist. My vocal style can accept a lot of different vocal influences from whoever I sing with, so I think a collaboration would be fun. I have a lot of hope that I’ll be able to reveal a new side of myself. If you were to do a vocal collaboration with someone for the next concert, who would you want it to be? I want to do an R&B song with Kai. I think Kai’s voice fits the groove of the R&B genre more than ballads. EXO showed a new acoustic stage at EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]. As a vocalist, you must’ve really welcomed an acoustic stage. How was it? I had a lot of fun as a vocalist, since it was a stage we were able to shape as we wanted. But this acoustic stage was fresh because it featured Sehun and Kai singing, and Chanyeol playing the guitar, rather than the existing vocalist members. The fans felt more moved when Sehun sang one more line than when I sang well. It was that way in reality, too. Maybe it was because he gained more interest while practicing for the acoustic stage, but Sehun said, “I want to sing a little more” during the encore performance. I advised Sehun, “You’re doing well, so don’t be scared.” Kai sings well too. Kai listens to more music than I do, and his sense of rhythm from dancing crosses over to singing, too. During the introduction of ‘Thunder’, you played around with D.O’s cheek. Was that planned? Of course not. D.O is brusque, so I played around with him. Haha. Since I wanted to express a more entertaining stage. He was flustered at first, but then accepted my teasing. That’s the fun of concerts. Sometimes showing a playful side outside of appearing cool on camera, isn’t that the charm of concerts? Is D.O brusque off-camera, too? Yes. D.O is consistently brusque on and offstage. But D.O sometimes jokes around once in a while. He’s funnier than anyone else when he does. During the concert, you said, “I receive strength when I hear the fans cheering. Your voices are the warmest and really lovable.” Do you really receive a warm feeling? Of course. People who haven’t stood onstage probably won’t know this. That cheering pushes one’s condition to the top, and charges the energy. For artists who have stood onstage at a concert, probably nothing is more important than the fans’ cheering. We did EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM 6 times at the Olympics Gymnastics Arena. The thing that gave us the most strength then was the huge cheers of the audience members. Did you ever tear up during EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]? Not this time. I was just happy and having fun. I think that that has the meaning of EXO and EXO-L becoming closer and more friendly. It was really fun to show EXO’s growth through this concert. Which stage of EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot] did you like the most? Personally, I liked singing ‘For Life’ the most. It feels special to me when EXO and the audience members sing together for the ending of every concert. EXO and EXO-L all enjoy the ending stage together. That moment is really touching to me. You greeted the staff members at the end of the concert, but please say any words of thanks you have ever wanted to say to the staff members through this opportunity. I think there is a huge difference between what I know and what I see. We have done a lot of concerts, but there were things we overlooked while preparing for EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]. We went to rehearse at Jamsil Olympic Stadium the day before EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]. There were a lot of people making the rows of seats inside the venue, and I felt again, “It’s because of all these people’s hard work behind us that we’re able to make one concert” while watching the staff move heavy things. So my gratitude towards the staff has become much bigger than before. As much applause as EXO receives onstage, I want to applaud the staff with a truly thankful heart. I am always thankful. trans: @gudechena ϟ please take out with full credit!
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years
Lauren Gilbert: why. [0]
Will Rivitz: "Feels" is a nice, if unexciting, bit of pop-reggae, featuring nice, if unexciting, features from Pharrell and Katy Perry, and at the very least everything is pleasant enough OH GOODY HERE COMES BIG SEAN LUMBERING IN TO TRAINWRECK THE SONG. [2]
Thomas Inskeep: "Feels" isn't even a word, goddammit. And heaven knows I do not wanna catch anything Katy Perry's singing about. But Pharrell is perfect for this poppy, summery cod-reggae groove of Harris's, and Big Sean does what he's paid to do, ably. This is one of the lesser tracks on Harris's wonderful Funk Wav Bounces, Volume 1, but a great palate-cleanser on top 40 radio from the flood of trop-house. [6]
Cassy Gress: Sounds like Calvin stole the synth line from someone's 1994 Sandals Resort home video. In this analogy, Pharrell is the sweaty customer whose Aloha shirt is buttoned down just one button too far, Katy works at the gift shop and left her feels on the kitchen counter at home while rushing out the door in the morning, and Big Sean is the lifeguard who signed up for this because of all the hot chicks in bikinis but is honestly getting kinda tired of the whole thing. [3]
Alfred Soto: Pharrell should've been the director of a health and wellness center at a local public university, where his admonitory chants would've had spinning classes in stitches. Think of Big Sean as the local comic relief, a riot at bar mitzvahs and Sundays in the park. And Katy Perry? The star making the entrance. [3]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: The feature list is enough to crown this the worst of the four singles, but at this point, Harris's new shtick has also become exceedingly tedious. Like being on vacation for a bit too long, the novelty has worn off and I'm ready for this all to end. I already had Funk Wav fatigue when "Rollin" dropped, so it's appropriate that "Feels" gives off unsavory tourist trap vibes. [4]
Will Adams: What started off as a promising exploration of sleek, summery disco has resulted in a truly boring album in which Harris reprints the same template ten times. Now all the fun has died, so I'm left to find my own fun in "Feels": Katy Perry's terrible diction causing me to hear "don't be afraid to catch fish," the prospect of retroactive crediting due to the bass line's strong resemblance to "Let's Groove," or Big Sean turning out to be the best part of the song. Eh, I suppose none of those are really that fun. Never mind. [5]
Katherine St Asaph: Pharrell loses the good parts of "Get Lucky" and makes the substitute of gallons of oil and smarm, Calvin Harris contributes JezzBall sound effects, Katy Perry contributes 5 per cent of her voice (a small number indeed), Big Sean is present; the feels I feel are horrifyingly close to Donald Trump watching Daft Punk. [2]
Jonathan Bradley: Atavistic Brits with a taste for trans-Atlantic funk: Calvin Harris has A-list guests, but in retrospect, Jay Kay's hats were a lot more fun. Pharrell Williams, a soul presence who needs a reason other than vocal chops to justify his appearance on a track, doesn't improve on "Get Lucky" by having him over a ghosted Jamiroquai beat rather than Daft Punk. "Slide" coasted on easygoing charm, which is the exact opposite of Katy Perry's pouted "don't be afraid to catch feels." And Big Sean's a suitable addition to the playbill in that he combines Pharrell's enervated presence with Perry's aggravating one: oleaginous and awkward simultaneously, he's Julius Kelp and Buddy Love at the same time. [3]
Maxwell Cavaseno: I'd say "Go figure that the least funky of the recent Calvin Harris singles has Katy Perry on it," but frankly I imagine a great amount of the fault is old Half-Pipe P. 2017 Pharrell is a giant case of "yo why the fuck are you here" as Pharrell refuses to actually provide hip-hop beats and only sporadically raps, pretending to instead be some pseudo-muso-soulman with a perpetually trash singing voice that shouldn't have been allowed to expand beyond hooks and novelty songs. More and more, Chad Hugo's tenure behind Williams's best work seems to define the hollowness of his former collaborator in the 2010s. That shouldn't be what defines this song, except Katy Perry's spot is essentially transparent and the idea that Big Sean could demonstrate a personality for staying power in listeners seems laughable. Ultimately the weakest result out of a fine period for Harris. [3]
Austin Brown: "Slide" and "Rollin," the two gems thus far from Calvin Harris's Funk Wav rebrand, work for how they ride the line between the party and the afterparty, the flirting and the second guessing that follows. "Feels," on the other hand, works because it's cockily oblivious to introspection, but not in a braggadocious way. Instead it's transparently dorky, from the parakeet single cover, to Katy Perry somehow selling the line "don't be afraid to catch feels" in the year of our Lord 2017, to one of the Big Sean-est Big Sean verses in years. With the fizzy bass and overwhelming sense of perk, it's superficial and crass -- but it's also undeniably self-aware in the way the best Judd Apatow films are. [7]
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letshavepunsoffun · 7 years
Hey, if it's alright can I please get a match up? I'm a trans guy (and really scared of being judged for it), I really like music (I sing and play guitar) and I really enjoy photography, for he most part I'm pretty quiet and keep to myself, I'm nice to basically everyone except myself (cause honestly I treat myself like crap), I also have this obsession with anything sweet and I cant sleep at night so I'm constantly tired (naps are my best friend) (pt. 1/2)
| (pt. 2/2) and I try my best to be there for other people (even though im in a bad place myself) and I seem to hide the fact my life sucks behind jokes and for some reason my thought process will go from a bad pun/joke to "oh god I'm an idiot I hate myself why am I still here" to thinking about our place in the universe or something and apparently I'm pretty intimidating (I don't see why tho, I'm an insecure 5'4 ball of depression and anxiety who is scared of not belonging)
‘Kay, first of all. I want to pinch your cheeks, give you a hug, and then make you drink hot cocoa in front of a warm fire. Secondly, I know how hard it can be to feel judged for being transgender. First hand experience, actually. I used to identify as a Transgender guy as well. However, after learning about the incredibly large repertoire of gender classifications that exist on Tumblr, and especially the “they” pronoun made popular by Undertale, I’ve settled for Pangender. I can’t comfortably identify as one gender or another, so I kind of just flip flop between them, and what ever pronoun someone calls me, I go with it. As long as they don’t expect me to act either “feminine” or “masculine” 100% of the time.In Junior year, I actually gave my English speech about Acceptance In The World of The LGBTA Community. In which, I told my class that I was transgender. I actually made a lot of people cry, including myself. It was great. That was the most confidence I’ve probably ever had in my life. xDAnyway, sorry for going off topic. And if you ever need a dose of love in the form of a song, take this.
I match you with Undertale Sans!Surprise? Not so sure it is. xD You fit each other perfectly.Sans is probably the most accepting of your gender preference of anyone you’ll ever meet. Not that the other monsters aren’t welcoming and open to the concept. But Sans often reassures you about it because he knows you have a tough time with your anxiety about being judged for it.Sans plays the trombone. Well... Not exactly plays it. More like learns a few notes to make some silly sounds, and then plays those repeatedly. Over and over again... and over... and over... Tell him to stop. It’s 3 AM.Despite his persistent need to bother people (especially his brother) with his trombone, he does enjoy music. Specifically your music. Your voice and your skills at playing the guitar are things he could sit and listen to for hours. He doesn’t do much anyway. So having some music to go with that not doing much is highly welcomed.When Sans sees you taking pictures, he starts doing the same thing. Just... he takes pictures of socks. And nice cream. And Papyrus chasing the dog (and vise versa). Most of his pictures end up blurry and his fingers are usually in the shot. He takes this as an opportunity to tell you how good you are at what you do. If you show him how to take better pictures, he’ll proceed to take pictures of the same exact thing. Over, and over, and over again. Until he’s used all the film, or filled the digital camera up to capacity. If he did it with his phone, he’ll text you each photo. And when you say, “Stop sending me that photo!” He’ll drop the bomb and say, “They’re all different photos.”Sans is an introvert. So he knows a thing or two about being quiet and staying to himself. The fact that you do the same is relieving to him. He loves his brother and all, but sometimes that energy and highly extrovertiveness is tiresome and he just needs a break. Preferably with someone as calm as himself. AKA: You.He appreciates your kindness. Keep in mind. He’s a judge. Even if he doesn’t actually judge people very often. (Ain’t that surprising. Sans not doing his job? Unheard of.) So you being nice to everyone around you does a lot to make him trust you. He trusts you with the emotions of everyone he cares about... including himself. And that’s a big deal. Because he’s not very nice to himself either...Actually, it took Sans quite a while to realize you bullied yourself just as much as he did to himself. But rest assured. As soon as he discovered this, he took it upon himself to shower you in compliments at any given opportunity. Complimenting others is his specialty, after all.Sans doesn’t have a sweet tooth. He prefers salt. With the added taste of ketchup, or course. But he does remember your love of sugar, and will most likely buy you something sweet whenever he’s out and about and has money on hand.Also, both of you need melatonin pills. Just don’t overdose. Because they’re depressants, and can make you feel even worse the next day. Just take the recommended amount and you both should be fine.You both have a very similar ability to hide your honest emotions, and can easily shield yourself with humor. However, it takes one to know one. So you both detect emotional distress within each other like nobody’s business. Though, if you don’t want to talk about it, Sans won’t pry. He respects your need for privacy of thought.PUNS. NEED I SAY MORE? Well... Yes. In fact, I probably should comment that Sans usually just rattles puns off without thinking about them. It leaves his mind to wander while he talks. And his thought typically go in the direction of “Haha... Holy heck, I want to die.” Or “Oh boy! I’m super depressed!” So... just realize that he knows exactly when you’re doing something similar. He can see it in your eyes, mate.Deep conversations is another thing you and Sans can thoroughly get into together. Philosophy is a pretty cool subject to him. Be warned, though. He will throw in a lot of science.Have fun with your grinning potato!
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