#because at least Loki until the show wasn't denying any of the things he'd done or blaming others or being a hypocrite
worstloki · 3 years
i don’t really think it’s fair to say or imply that Loki was Mobius’ slave, or even the TVA’s. Mobius is just doin his job for one. And for another, Loki is a criminal, even if he wasn’t in his right mind when he invaded earth, he still invaded it. he does still have to pay for that, and in that light, the TVA went easy on him. Maybe their relationship shouldn’t have been presented as quite so friendly, but I think they were friends by the end of the season and saying all this awful stuff about Mobius being Loki’s jailer captor enslaver torturer and whatever…it’s too far and there’s no real canon basis for it.
ah yes, of course, bad things are fine to do if someone has done bad things. because they deserve it. got it.
Listen. I'm not sure what canon you've been watching but forcing someone to work with you under threat of death is bad, lying to and blaming them for future events is bad, putting someone in intentional distress and knowing they will react bad to their mother's death and leaving the images up is bad, telling them that they were born to cause pain and suffering and death (especially when their father is Odin, their siblings are Hela and Thor) is bad, leaving someone getting beaten up and rubbing salt in their fears (even as part of 'breaking them') is bad, casually dehumanizing people (words like "pet" and "my/your Loki" and "the Variant") and pruning/resetting/killing people en masse or on an individual basis once they're of no use to you is bad, I'm not even going to continue this list because the TVA itself has such BAD vibes it's literally an authority that's enforcing it's own turn of events and calling it 'sacred' with people like Mobius/B-15/Renslayer pushing their agenda forward because they simply believe it's for the greater good while invalidating Loki's questions until the point where they personally find out they were also Variants (and still express no remorse/mention of any moral argument or lives taken, they just comment on how they could've been happy before).
Like, buddy, pal, I don't know how to tell you this but Mobius is very clearly psychologically torturing Loki in episode 1 in order to break him down and get him to join their side, I would even argue that he physically does so in exercising control of where Loki can move or how he reacts with the collar after riling him up. He does the same thing in episode 4 even more explicitly for everyone who missed it.
Arguing he advocates for or sees the best in Loki is something that doesn't have a canon basis. Every "that's not how I see it," "Is that possible? He can change?" "You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good" is surrounded by interrogation tactics and "give my regards to Lady Sif" "What a incredible seismic narcissist" "He's softening in the Time Cell, but while he marinates..." "Just kind of an asshole and a bad friend. Yeah, chew on that for a little bit" "And, hey, if it doesn't work, I'll delete him myself."
There is explicit canon basis of these things, and whether you'd rather not acknowledge them is up to you, and I don't blame you for thinking otherwise since the narrative frames Mobius as some kind of moral pillar of righteous goodness (he ain't) and has he and Loki use the words "friends," but I want it on record I don't use words like slave or torturer or abuser lightly, and don't recall having used slaver/enslaver/captor/jailer for Mobius like you've implied either, though some of the words you've got listed would be accurate descriptions, I'd think, since Loki's only option was work for the TVA or die - until the end of Episode 3, after which he was accused of having 'betrayed' Mobius and been a 'bad friend'.
I'm not even going to address "i don’t really think it’s fair to say or imply that Loki was Mobius’ slave, or even the TVA’s [slave]" "mobius us just doin his job" "the TVA went easy on him" or "maybe their relationship shouldn’t have been presented as quite so friendly" because I don't think I'm capable of doing that without some strong language and a lot of caps lock and this post is already long enough I think.
I also want it noted that Loki's hardly done anything worse than the hero characters. Just because he's been framed as an antagonist doesn't make his own actions worse or theirs better, so do please feel free to apply the same logic you are on what Loki deserves on them too.
Here's relevant posts in the event you wish to read up: (on Mobius' inherent goodness and his job) (on Mobius' take on Frigga) (the holy grail of Loki (2021) meta masterposts) (on Loki supposedly learning to care in the show) (thor 1 loki doesn't deserve bad treatment)
#look#you're free to interpret things how you will#but there's no way episode 1 wasn't psychological torture and there's no way episode 4 wasn't at LEAST physical torture#just because it's presented as 'oh he deserves it tho bc he's a narcissist and he's in love and is a bad person owo'#doesn't mean im not going to refer to it that way#like how maybe someone interprets Frigga as a good caring motherly mother#that's well and good but i'm still going to call her a hypocrite who was gaslighting because that's literally what's happening#torturing someone makes them a torturer but even then I only use the words when specifically referring to a moment or in summary#and i'm counting the Sif thing as torture even if it's funny#even WITH the retconned backstory that's still torture#even if someone deserved it that's STILL torture#even if that's someone's job! that's! still! torture!#the act doesn't change because of context because someone is getting hurt#it's like saying ''well it's unfair to say loki attempted genocide because he was just doing what he'd been raised to do''#WHICH by the way has more supporting evidence for being morally okay to do within context than the TVA's killing#because at least Loki until the show wasn't denying any of the things he'd done or blaming others or being a hypocrite#while the TVA very much IS built on terrible concepts AND sees Loki's role as an evil scourge for not doing 0.001% of the stuff they do#AND PLEASE TAKE INTO ACCOUNT MOBIUS' TONE WHEN HE SAYS THINGS LIKE ''maybe loki can change? mix it up? is that possible?''#because not only is his voice loaded with doubt or 'eh he's useful so keep him' but he has Loki's whole life on file#he saw Loki do good before Thor 1 and in TDW and Ragnarok and Infinity War#so the entire thing just has me going AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#YEAH loki ''betrays'' people and you LOOK AT THE LIST OF PEOPLE AND IT'S ALL VILLAINS (with the exception of Thor)#so AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA is apt methinks#the Loki show
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mimisempai · 3 years
There's always a calm before the storm
Mobius is extremely frustrated because they have to wait to go catch the Variant in 2050 Alabama. Loki decides that this time it's his turn to take care of Mobius.
I'm still exploring their relationship as I await the next episode. Think of it as a little interlude before they leave for Alabama.
1646 words - rating G
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Mobius was frustrated.
For whatever reason, logistical, administrative, they would not be able to leave to catch the variant in Alabama for another twenty-four hours. He didn't even listen to Revonna's explanation until the end and left her office, furious.
Loki, sitting in the corner of Mobius' open desk, was watching him with amusement.
He had noticed that Mobius was generally very controlled in his emotions, but there were two emotions that made him act unpredictably.
Joy and anger.
Loki blushed as he remembered how he had been on the receiving end of these unpredictable reactions, whether it was when he had pissed Mobius off in the elevator or just now when Mobius had been happy to finally have a solution thanks to Loki.
Unconsciously Loki brought his hand to his lips, as he wondered if he would be able to elicit a similar reaction now that Mobius was frustrated again.
A little embarrassed at where his thoughts were leading him when it was not time for jokes, Loki coughed discreetly.
"Time Variance, Time Keepers, Sacred fucking Timeline... for fuck's sake, they're the masters of time, and we have to wait to catch the fucking Variant! "Mobius, pissed off, kicked his desk, causing his precious jet ski magazine to fall to the floor without him noticing.
He continued to pace around the office, railing a thousand times against all those who he thought were preventing him from doing his job.
Loki stood up, picked up the magazine and looked at Mobius fondly.
There was something strangely charming about the man, though Loki couldn't quite figure out what it was. But there was no denying that something about Mobius drew Loki to him like a moth to a flame.
Loki was both curious and cautious. Something compelled him to expose himself to Mobius more than he had with anyone else.However, while the feeling was incredible, Loki also knew that rarely had anything good happened when he had allowed himself to trust.
Either way, this wasn't the time, and unless Loki tried to hit Mobius with the magazine like he had done with Miss Minutes, Mobius wasn't going to stop circling until they got the approval they needed.
Loki thought that maybe this time he was the one who could do something for Mobius.
He called him several times, but Mobius was so consumed with anger that he did not hear Loki.
So he tried another way, "Mo!"
Mobius stopped immediately, only the slight flush on the tops of his ears betraying his embarrassment.
"Mo? Loki, I'll have you know that my name is Mobius! Not Mo, Mobi, Bibi or any other such idea that comes to mind. Okay?"
Loki smiled with indulgence before replying, "That had the merit of getting your attention at least."
Mobius grumbled before snapping at Loki, "What is it that deserves my attention?"
Loki turned to him, spreading his arms in the manner of Loki when he was acting out.
"Lokiii...." sighed Mobius, "I don't have the time or the heart for this."
It was Loki's turn to be annoyed, but he didn't show it, after all the short time he'd been there, he had surely frustrated Mobius more than his share.
"Mobius, please sit down." said Loki softly as he turned Mobius' desk chair towards him.
Mobius let out a sigh of annoyance, but sat down nonetheless.
Good boy, Loki thought as he stood behind him. Then he asked Mobius, "Do you mind if I touch you?"
Mobius put his head back to look at Loki and said with a sigh, "Lokiii we said we would continue this later."
Loki gave him a small flick on the forehead, before replying with a slightly annoyed tone and eyes raised to the sky, " You idiot, I just want to help you relax.I'm probably not going to try anything while it's an open desk, even if there's no one else there but us."Then handing him the magazine, he added, "Here, flip through your magazine and admire your famous Jetskis."
Then handing him the magazine, he added, "Here, flip through your magazine and admire your famous Jetskis."
Mobius bowed his head and with a sigh gave his consent.
Loki began to massage his shoulders, looking for any strain to relieve.
Mobius grunted in response, "Hmmm Loki, where did a god learn to massage like that? I would have thought you were more of a massage receiver than a massage giver."
"Thank you!I thought you were one of the few who didn't have preconceived ideas about me, after all I understand very well, my exceptional and divine personality is so vast that it's hard to go around it in a human lifetime and-"
"Lokiii..." sighed Mobius
"Shut up."
Loki quivered slightly as he remembered the last time Mobius had said that to him and the way he had shut Loki up. He replied in a playful tone, "I'd tell you to shut me up, but then again this is a public place."
Loki didn't need to see Mobius' face to know that he was rolling his eyes. He continued his massage, while explaining, "To answer your question, let's just say that DB Cooper wasn't the only bet I lost with Thor and I won't go into further explanation."
Mobius chuckled before replying, "In any case, I am delighted to be the lucky beneficiary of your talents, no matter how you acquired them."
Loki simply smiled and continued his ministrations, as Mobius flipped through his magazine while groaning his appreciation every time the god loosened a sensitive muscle.
"Mobius..." he murmured softly.
"I'd like to do something more for you, but it requires that you trust me." Loki's tone had become uncertain.
"Well I let you take me to Pompeii and you didn't stab me in the back, so I guess that means I trust you right?"
A bit of a twisted way of reasoning Loki thought, but it would be enough for what he wanted to do.
"Second, do you trust me enough to take off my necklace for a few moments so I can use my magic?" He knew Mobius' answer would be slower in coming, after all, two kisses exchanged didn't mean unlimited trust.
Mobius surprised him once again though, he tilted his head back and looked at Loki with a smile, reaching into his pocket to activate the command that opened the inhibitor collar. Loki's throat tightened at this display of trust.
He pulled himself together and said, "Okay, then I want you to think of your favorite jetski model and close your eyes."
Mobius chuckled again, but complied.
Loki placed his fingers on the man's temples, without applying pressure. He concentrated and a faint green flash passed between his fingers and Mobius' skin.
With his eyes closed because he was concentrating, Loki did not see Mobius' expressions, but he heard his exclamations of glee and laughter.
They stayed like that for a few minutes. Then Loki slowly opened his eyes and gradually took his hands off Mobius' head. The man slowly came back to reality. He leaned his head back again and murmured a thank you, while squeezing one of Loki's hands that had lingered on his shoulder.
"So was it as good as you thought it would be?" asked Loki.
"Better even. I really felt like I was on a jet ski, out on the ocean, the wind whipping by, the spray, everything." He touched his cheek, "I still feel like I can feel all of that even though I know it wasn't real. Thank you again."
Loki awkwardly replied, "I know it's probably not as good as the real thing, but I hope it took your mind off it a bit."
"Don't underestimate what you did Loki, it was exactly what I needed."
"Good for you then," Loki muttered as he picked up the collar to put it back on.
Mobius' hand stopped him.
"Wait, don't put it back on just yet. Are you able to create an illusion where we both would be, if I project to you what I want?"
Loki simply opened his arms and said, "Hey you forget who I am."
Loki replied, "Alright, it's going to be just like before, just gather what you want us to see in your mind. Are you ready?"
"Yes." replied Mobius firmly.
Loki repeated the same gestures as before and closed his eyes.
Anyone who entered at that moment would have seen the scene of one man sitting at his desk while another stood behind him with his hands on his temples. Both men sporting bright smiles.
A few minutes later, they opened their eyes at the same time and Loki moved back a little.
Mobius caught his hand before he could pull it away.
"Are you okay?"
Loki nodded but said nothing. He gently withdrew his hand and put his collar back on. Seeing that he was reluctant to speak, Mobius turned fully toward him and pulled him by the sleeve until he was standing between Mobius' knees.
Looking at him from below, he asked gently, "Loki, speak to me."
Loki replied just as softly, "Is this the kind of thing you like, the kind of thing you'd like to do...with me?"
"We could start with that after this whole thing is over, what do you say? Ah unless there's a rule that says gods don't date?" asked Mobius, raising an eyebrow.
Spreading his arms, a mischievous smile on his face, Loki said with his trademark emphasis, "Hey, I'm Loki, the god of mischief, since when do I follow rules?
Quickly checking behind his shoulder that no one was there, Mobius pulled Loki's head to his own with a gentle tug on his tie and proceeded to wipe the arrogant smile from Loki's lips in the only way he knew to be effective.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
Thanks for all the support, this fandom is incredibly motivating. Love you all!🥰
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