#because I know I'm good at patterns! I know I'm good at cohesive themes because of that!
miss-k-lovenikki · 10 months
BTW while we're all bashing the new suits
Can i say i'm incredibly confused by the suit's themes ?
I might be missing stuff and perhaps the lore explains it but rn i don't get it
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First one is simple enough, we got a bishop that can summon flying weapons. Now what's up with the black gooey corrupted looking statue in the background ? Is she like... obeying the words of a false god ?
Personnal interpretation is that she's an important religious person hiding her true nature behind fake benevolence (with her white angelic wings and church like outfit representing her persona and the statue her true nature). However her power will soon be shattered (represented by the broken crystal swords in the back).
I think she's the most cohesive of the bunch. Though i don't like the halo being there bc, i find it distracting. Shouldn't our attention be on the main girl ? My eyes keep returning the halo instead since it has more colors and is darker than the rest
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So we got a Wasteland... goddess ? (Idk she has a halo, so i guess ?) And she's holding a magical golden apple which... summons (?) a...catgirl genie...? Also there are a lot of squares everywhere and some of them are shattered.... for reasons. Also lots of stars.
I honestly don't understand wtf is going on here. I think there's too many things going on at once, and it doesn't feel coherent to me.
I don't know what to think of the color palette. At first glance i thought there was too much going on there too, but i think it's growing on me the longer i look at it. I do really like the hair and our main girl's outfit as well as the pose but that's it.
Personally i would have gotten rid of the catgirl, the sun-flame thing, the broken squares and the stars.
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Shooting star weaver. Nice theme in theory but some of the execution is eeeh. The loom is distinctive enough. Actually is she weaving shooting stars or snowflakes ? Because both of these are there so idk. I don't understand the boats either. Looking at the unposed version i also don't get why she has broken shards on her arms.
I've said it an hour ago and i'll say it again : i hate this hair color. It clashes horribly with everything else. The makeup is uncanny but i like her outfit and the way she waving her finished scarf thing. I don't like its pattern tho, as its strict angles clashes with the rest of the suit which is pretty light and elegant.
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And last but not least the... hmm... the girl. Iiii have no idea what she's supposed to be.
The musical stuff around her spear suggests a musical theme but it doesn't feel really present anywhere else. Although i'm getting choir vibes from the headress and the cape. The head of her spear looks like maybe a lyre ? She's wearing a chestplate so with the spear i guess she's a fighter... And then she's summoning a lily and i don't see the link to the rest. Neither the lily or the music themes appear on her magic circle/square thing so it looks out of place too.
I think her spear has something weird going on with the perspective but i can't quite put my finger on what.
Overall with all of these i think there were good ideas but they were lost in the soup. It's generally confused and if there seem to be a global theme of broken shards and maybe religion to link them together i find it poorly executed everytime. Like it was slapped there as an afterthought.
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spitblaze · 1 year
I haven't played Y6 for myself yet, but I'm a very nosy person, so I need to ask you what exactly happened in the game /lh
uuuugh okay im gonna put the thing that fucked it for me under spoilers
so at the beginning of the game Haruka runs away from home to do. something. she has a kid. and gets hit by a car. shes out cold in the hospital for like 99% of the game. bad start already, yakuza will never beat the misogyny allegations. The game is also EASILY the most racist the series has ever been since yakuza 2 and if you've played yakuza 2 that should ring some fuckin alarm bells
if it doesnt: yakuza 2 had a crooked cop who turned out to be a good guy actually. because he shot every korean he ever saw on sight and it turned out that every single one of them belonged to a secret evil mafia. every. single. korean. in one of the busiest districts of tokyo. you cant fucking make this up
anyway despite all that Yakuza 6's plot is pretty dang solid right up until the end of the final boss. The game was intended to be a send-off for Kiryu, his story was over, and someone else (Ichiban!) would take the reins. It wasn't, like, perfect, none of the characters you'd really WANT to see for a 'Kiryu Dies' ending were there, even though I love the Hirose clan. But still, if it had stopped there and Kiryu died, Yakuza 6 would still be a solid like...7-8 out of ten. Mechanically solid if simpler than its predecessors, a nice cohesive plot (5 was a mess. it was such a mess), and an emotionally satisfying resolution.
And then. The after-credits scenes.
So Haruka woke up from her coma only a little bit before the final boss, and we see her having a good time with her kid and the kid's dad, it's sweet, Kiryu is writing something at the desk but we don't get to see it. But in the after-credits scene, we do! It's a reflection on the themes of the story, of the many fathers in the game who took the familial bonds with their children for granted and how that came back to bite them, how patterns they didn't want to see repeated reared their heads because they didn't put in the effort to stop it, didn't think to speak to their children, didn't think to show them love or care, because to them it was a given that parents and children have a bond. Never mind that any bond requires effort to maintain. And Kiryu talks about that in his letter, how he regrets not spending more time together as a family, speaks about how sorry he is for doing the exact same thing that all of those antagonists did.
The entire time this scene is going, it frequently cuts back to Haruka playing with baby Haruto on the other side of the room as he writes. Haruka, the child that Kiryu took in and raised. He's supported her and all of the kids at Morning Glory since 3, gave his everything for them, sent money and kept leaving and disappearing just to keep them safe. And what does Haruka do the moment that Kiryu can no longer be in charge? She does the same thing. She learned it from him. She disappears, runs away from her responsibilities to sacrifice herself. She's Kiryu's child through and through, even if she only ever calls him 'ojisan'. It cuts to her while Kiryu talks about family. And failing as a father figure. And how he wanted to be so much more. The fact that Kiryu is writing a letter instead of saying it out loud feels a little odd, but not that weird considering his character. He's emotionally constipated, speaking from the heart is something he just can't do on the spot. Being open with his emotions is one of his big weaknesses, and writing this letter for Haruka, knowing he probably won't come out of this final confrontation alive, is still a meaningful gesture from him.
God. Okay. That's not even the end of it but that's the part that pissed me off the most. The last part that made me go 'you know what they should've just killed kiryu actually they shouldve put him out of his misery'. is when he gets bribed by a politician to keep his mouth shut about the Plot Boat. And his condition for silence is that he wants to fake his death. And he can never see his family again. So it ends. With Kiryu. Yet again. Running away. From his responsibilities. God. Its so infuriating. Do you see now why the ending retroactively ruined the entire game for me. Do you understand my pain
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taldigi · 2 years
I already asked @officialfanbug, and I thought why not get other opinions on (mostly because I like hearing various opinions on things) so here I am. So on to the questions, I heard someone say it's nearly impossible to make all the miraculous heroes look cohesive since all their suits ha e different themes, patterns, and color schemes. As an artist and character designer, what do you think about that statement? Also, do you think the miraculous heroes' lack of cohesion could work to their advantage? Like maybe it could be used to make them kind of like the justice league, a group of independent heroes that are all capable of working on their own but chose to work together to fight threats they can't handle alone. What's your opinion on this idea?
I'm glad! It's an interesting topic to explore. I'm always glad to share my opinion.
Now, I want to preface by saying that I'm no professional, and this is all from first hand experience.
I heard someone say it's nearly impossible to make all the miraculous heroes look cohesive since all their suits ha e different themes, patterns, and color schemes. As an artist and character designer, what do you think about that statement?
I think that's like.. false- but like, it's too late to change that. A good designer knows that you can have a variety of shapes, sizes, patterns, colors- and have them go to together as a group. Now, what's important is that- when you look at a character. you're able to glean several things: a strong silhouette, their personality, and how their body language expresses themselves.
To be a direct comparison to Miraculous Ladybug, I bring up DC Super Hero Girls. (Regardless of the show's actual quality since I've only seen ep 1 and 2, Lauren Faust is ALWAYS able to make a strong cast of characters-- looks SO INTENTLY at Milky Way and MLP) Even in resting poses, their character designs say SO MUCH about each of them, yet they all fit into the same group super easily.
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Canon ML's issue is that it's trying too hard to emulate other, more popular heroes, then trying to form it's own identity. It's a case of "These heroes wore skintight spandex, so Ladybug should wear skintightspandex. This is how a superhero SHOULD look." while completely ignoring it's own design pitch ("we want to make something uniquely Parisian/french") via trying to emulate already-popular and successful media (Marvel and DC, respectively) when those series THEMSELVES are breaking away from such trends, ignoring it's own in-universe lore (The suits reflect the user's inner self) and shows bias towards sexualizing the young charterers (Marinette alone has so many crotch shots and a focus on her legs, her signature pose has her hips thrust in an unnatural way, her ladybug model has been shown to have inflated "assets") all the while trying to claim girl-power as the reasoning.
it's a lack of cohesion that plagues the whole series (as it all runs on "Rule of Cool" and "rule of funny" instead of trying to form a good narrative) but I'll stick to character design exclusively. So in the end, what they do is "This is cool, lets do this" and fail to actually make characters that match each other, even though those those designs fail to.. reflect the character themselves (Marinette does not match ladybug, sorry to everyone who thinks she does, but you are all wrong) tell their story (Cat Noir's outfit doesn't match his personality very much- it looks very conventional- PV's propped collar worked great in this regard, and the wild hair doesn't translate well since Adrien's hair is fluffy and doesn't look too different. from Cats.) and a LOT of the body language that made the characters interesting in the beginning was LARGELY SAMG's doing, and prolly wasn't thought of much by the original story-boarders. Non-child characters get to have interesting designs (Fu and Mayura, notably. And hawkmoth's design is far more interesting than Ladybugs.) while some child characters have shitty or half-assed designs due to budget reasons (Ladybug herself, Miss Tracker/Hound, Ryuko)
It's like they have too much money, yet not enough at the same time. It's wild.
Also, do you think the miraculous heroes' lack of cohesion could work to their advantage? Like maybe it could be used to make them kind of like the justice league, a group of independent heroes that are all capable of working on their own but chose to work together to fight threats they can't handle alone. What's your opinion on this idea?
No. Not when they come from the same "Set" like the story they want to tell is saying. Characters like Ladybug, Ryuko, Queen Bee, Vipereon and Purple Tigress all wear skintight latex that dosen't match their personalities whatsoever... which works if they are meant to be in a themed set... which is the whole point. LB and CN are supposed to come in a pair- that's not like, fandom talking-- that's how the story presents it, even though they wanted it to be The Ladybug Show. you can't NOT have the characters mirror. But even with the color mirroring, the designs couldn't be more different. and thats bad.
but then that theming is offset by designs like Alyabug, Rooster Bold, Goatboy, Horse Glasses White Dreadlocks and Oxford, which have more complex and interesting designs, and Pigella, Mousegirls 1 and 2, and Catwalker which seem to match personalities better. (Multimouse is actually one of the best designs in the series, ngl. the jump rope tail and the twin buns are so good- and the pink complements Marinette SO GOOD ugh I cry.)
idk I got rambly. If you want more clarification, just go ahead and ask.
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scorchroots · 3 years
Listen, romanticize your writing. Just fucking do it. I don't care how recently you started writing, find the things that you love about your writing and build the foundation of your belief in yourself from there. Even if you put your first words down on paper yesterday, there is something compelling you about a story that came from your own brain that is keeping you here. Find those things and love them. That's the only way you ever get to a place of saying, "I am a great writer and I like what I have written."
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zarla-s · 3 years
yo dawg any thoughts on DR chapter 2 thus far
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I SURE DO because BOY there was a lot to unpack in that chapter. I'm still trying to sort out my thoughts about it, I like literally just finished the alt route a few hours ago which just gave me a whole bunch of new info to try and sort through, haha. I’m going to need to sit down and really think about it for a while before I can start spinning things together effectively.
BUT ANYWAY, FOR QUICK SPOILER-FREE THOUGHTS CHAPTER 2 WAS REALLY GOOD AND I LIKED IT MORE THAN CHAPTER 1 TBH I loved the expanded mechanics and the new sense of depth to everything, it gave a much clearer picture of what Deltarune is going to be than Chapter 1 I think. I think I was also more open to it this time since I was prepared for it going in - I got totally blindsided by Chapter 1 and had no idea what was going on or what it meant or if it was a sequel or what, but this time I knew what the deal was so I could just take Chapter 2 on its own merits. Loved the characters and the enemies and the bullet patterns were all really cute, loved it. It all felt really cohesive.
SPOILER THOUGHTS UNDER THE CUT for both the main route and the alt route (I like the name Snowgrave for it but in my head I just keep calling it the alt route, haha)
I’ll just do this as a list because I don’t have the energy to really get in-depth with a lot of it at the moment.
I’m really suspicious of Ralsei. I was suspicious of him before but I’m really suspicious of him now. It’s weird he can walk around in other dark worlds without turning to stone, that there’s a room for Asriel in the Queen’s mansion and not one for him, and VERY weird that he knew exactly what Kris had to do in the real world to bring the other darkners back into the dark world. How did he know that. Also he looked cuter with his hat.
Spamton is great and creepy, I was able to do his battle first try! Which was way better luck than I had with Jevil lol. Although, today I went to try and do it again just to check, and I spared Jevil my first try. :O So maybe Jevil got rebalanced? I dunno, it just seemed a lot easier all of a sudden. ANYWAY, SPAMTON IS GREAT
Spamton has to be ghost related but i’m not sure how yet, I assume Mettaton due to the form and the wings and the name and the recurring Neo motif in his theme, but there was also general ghost motifs in his theme as well and some things don’t add up. It did look like you find the disk in Mettaton Neo’s discarded body, and Seam says it might have belonged to an old Lightner. A lot of ghost connections. What if Spamton is Dess’s ghost
Love Queen and the Tasques, goes without saying I’m sure, all the enemies were so cute. Loved checking on Lancer in my items.
Hugely pleased with the ramped up gay and also Noelle is precious
Kris opening the fountains is an interesting twist. I wonder if they opened the first castle town fountain or not (also, no one else seems to see the castle town door?). It’s weird because there was a door connecting castle town to the card world, and there was no door to the cyberworld. But somehow Ralsei knew how to get there anyway? How did he get there? How could he tell. Ralsei’s up to something. I do not trust him.
Susie’s the best
The Snowgrave route is really creepy in a different way than the murder run in Undertale which I’m very intrigued by, I want to see where that’s going. There are interesting parallels you could draw between Kris controlling Noelle and the player controlling Kris, but again it’s something I’ll have to think more about before it becomes something more coherent. Something something “strength” being achieved by giving up control to someone else, blocking out what they do, just doing whatever they tell you, something something
lol berdly died lol kris just shoving his body in a closet
The Flowey TV at the end is also intriguing, I wonder if Flowey is the one forcing Kris to remove their SOUL and do stuff. I wonder. Kris moves so jerkily without your control and also it seems like it takes a lot of time for Kris to get enough strength or control to move to pull the soul out in the first place. There’s the puppet/string connection that Spamton highlights, but also when he says that even when all the strings were cut, he wasn’t free. It could be that taking out YOUR soul just leaves Kris open to Flowey’s control instead. I dunno. Lot of questions.
Also strange that Kris deliberately opened the front door and turned on the TV before opening the fountain. And that they take their SOUL out pretty regularly, apparently? Toriel doesn’t seem that bothered by Kris spending a ton of time in the bathroom with the water on, anyway.
So Kris opened the fountain in the library at the end of chapter 1, then also went and ate all the pie. Then Kris went out and slashed Toriel’s tires (presumably) and possibly ate all the sugar in her car before opening the fountains. I wonder if there’s a connection between sugar and Kris pulling your soul out to do whatever.
 Ralsei says darkners turn to stone when they’re in a world that’s not their own, Onion says they hear a song from the ocean they can’t remember but they’re sure they’ve heard it before (Mother 1 nod, I see you!):
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Just gonna throw this out there.
I spent a bunch of time getting the egg and putting it in Asgore’s fridge and NOTHING, DANG IT
Noelle seems able to hear your voice as the player, or at least a strange terrifying voice that doesn’t seem to be Kris’s. My guess is the player, but if the TV really is Flowey, then maybe it’s him? Questions.
lol throughout the snowgrave route i called noelle my murder girlfriend
By the way you can do the Snowgrave route even if you’ve spared everyone up to that point. You can also start sparing people again right after Noelle leaves. Thus names like Murder run or Genocide run don’t really fit to me. Neither does weird run, weird implies something a lot less... dark? I think Snowgrave is the way to go here. Or alt I guess but that’s pretty vague, although people will probably know what you’re talking about.
I CAN’T BELIEVE I GOT ROBBED OF PAPYRUS AGAIN well no I can believe that, part of me thought that might happen BUT I WAS HOPING
The difficulty level was nice throughout, not too hard and not too easy. Close shaves, but nothing frustrating. I think I actually only died to Berdly and Spamton on the Snowgrave route, come to think of it. NO WAIT I died a lot to the teacups leading up to Spamton’s battle lol but that doesn’t count.
There’s a lot you can make out of Spamton’s dialogue and I don’t have the energy to stitch it all together right now though, haha. What he says in the store about, what was it... a call for you, asking if anyone was there? And then in the Snowgrave route where he says you can call for friends all you want and they won’t answer? An Earthbound nod of course, but still. It makes me wonder where things are going.
(There’s a second thing I want to tie to that but I’ll probably make that a separate post)
Given that Toby said there’d only be one ending and there are routes where Berdly is alive or DEAD, I get the feeling we’re heading for a “rocks fall, everyone dies” ending more than ever. Or an ending where the world of Deltarune is destroyed and becomes Undertale, or something. idk. I’m just speculating.
There’s an explanation for Kris’s saves now! Theories I had about it before are off-base now with new information, haha. So Kris has been saving in every dark world they create, which includes Castle Town. Well, if not them though, they saved over SOMEone’s file when they showed up there. I do wonder why the spade king and Queen didn’t recognize Kris though if they were the one convincing them to create chaos in their kingdoms. Although the video of the fountain being created DID say that there was so much smoke, you couldn’t see who was doing it. Maybe Kris was in disguise.
Spamton says something very weird when he talks about the knight at his store, which makes sense if Kris was actually the knight. I can’t remember it exactly though right now.
Spamton is really insistent on talking to Kris alone.
It could be that Kris is exploring the nature of freedom/control with Noelle during the Snowgrave route since they’re struggling with that themselves. Although the closer glimpses of the player during that route (when she seems to hear you, the player’s voice) make that a bit fuzzy.
It’s interesting that Noelle’s description says she freezes the enemy right off the bat before you do anything. Also she’s really hesitant and resistant about going to Spamton’s shop specifically it seems, and when she’s there she says something that implies “why did you bring me HERE” along with the odd line “there’s no one here, no one at all” and that it’s creepy and weird, but also nostalgic for her. I almost wonder if Noelle had something to do with Dess’s death (I assume Dess is dead from how everyone talks about her). Or if she believes she did, anyway. She could just be nostalgic for the scared feeling like she says to Kris later on a normal route, but I dunno. It’s weirdly specific.
When you fight enemies down with Noelle, it always says “Noelle got stronger” even if Noelle doesn’t kill the enemy with her magic, even though I’m pretty sure her stats don’t change unless you get the ice kill.
I remember when I played the first chapter I wanted to do a murder run immediately afterwards (that’s me! I’m still doing that!) and then as I went through I noticed I wasn’t killing anyone, no matter how hard I tried. They’d always heal themselves or run away until the game went the way it wanted me to, with only minor differences. To be honest, I found it kind of frustrating. It really did feel like control was being taken away from me, particularly because it presented the option and then did nothing with it. Why let me fight if it doesn’t do anything? Why harp so much on making good choices if I can’t make any other ones? What’s the point?
Then in chapter 2, it turns out oh hey, fighting will make you lose recruits, and it’s like alright, that makes more sense. But still I felt railroaded into this sort of fluffy, feel-good kind of path. Even when I fought everyone off on a normal route, it mostly went the same except with a few different bits of dialogue. Again, it was weirdly frustrating. It felt like something was missing.
And then, you get Noelle. And then it turns out you DO have a way to kill people, after all this time. NOW you have a chance to take control and stop doing what the game clearly wants you to do, and what everyone is telling you to do. You’ve found a loophole! YOU can’t kill anyone, but NOELLE can. There was a definite kind of contrary rebelliousness during that run for me, a kind of “you can’t stop me from doing this or ruining what you wanted me to do” kind of feeling, which I assume is meant to mirror how Kris feels all the time when your soul is in them. I didn’t see it as a need or instinct to level Noelle (no one in the game can even get levels through exp! There’s no point! No one’s important stats ever change except through equipment!), just a realization that you found a loophole in what you’re supposed to do - or who you’re supposed to be. Noelle’s just a tool for that, which Spamton even calls you out about in his final battle by asking if you want to “use” her again when you call for her.
Also interesting: when you call for your friends in that route to help you, they don’t come/can’t hear you, and Spamton says it’s your fault. If you call for your weapon though (Noelle) she comes almost immediately. You don’t even have to call her, you whisper her name once and she’s there.
There’s a lot going on in the route is the jist, haha.
I also noticed that when Sans is like “oh you keep your flowers under glass huh, like that movie” Asgore is like “yes it’s... very similar to that movie” with a shifty look. The flower in Beauty and the Beast symbolized the prince’s life. Asgore what are you up to. Did you get up to murdering antics again. He DOES say he talks to the flowers a lot.
I think the dark worlds are getting stronger, since in Chapter 1 everyone went home mostly fine, but in Chapter 2 injuries seem to carry over. Berdly freaking dies lol in the Snowgrave route, but also if you fight the Queen during that battle where Berdly has a wire in his face, he’ll eventually pull off the wire himself and in the process burn up his arm all crispy. Then in the real world, his arm is paralyzed! So things are definitely carrying over from one to the other.
Queen has to be related to Susie’s mom issues. Ralsei says darkners are meant to serve Lightners and follow them and bring them happiness - darkners might be a kind of Silent Hill thing where they reflect what Lightners want or fear (Noelle wants her mom to love and prioritize her happiness over everything, perhaps, or is just afraid of how smothering and controlling she can be). Also sad that the Ambulance enemies show up right after you get Noelle. :( And Queen mentions Noelle making a lot of sad and strange searches - I assume searches about whatever illness her dad has or how to deal with grief or guilt.
I thought maybe Spade King was Susie related thusly because he talks a lot about being a Bad Guy, but on second thought, his main motivation is resentment about being discarded and forgotten by Lightners and the people who used to give him purpose. Maybe he’s a reflection of Kris’s issues about Asriel leaving. Just speculating.
For some reason I pictured Asriel as a like football bro due to all his trophies but it sounds like he’s just a wussy as Ralsei is lol. Which makes sense. Ralsei was always kind of worryingly accepting of the abuse you dish out to him, he’ll forgive Kris of practically anything (I gave him an S. Poison and he was like OW! I mean, uh, thanks Kris! Haha!), he’s so desperate for Kris’s validation and affection. Asriel seems to have a sort of similar tendency in constantly going to confession for KRIS’S sins and sobbing about them FOR you. I wonder if Ralsei is just Asriel’s dark world form in disguise, thus why he hid his face for so long from you and changed his name.
(If Ralsei is Asriel in disguise then that makes his behavior towards his sibling PRETTY WEIRD tbh)
Kris is such a weird edgy kid. I worry about them, haha. I don’t think it’s as simple as Kris being an antagonist to the player or the player being an antagonist to Kris. It’s definitely interesting that Kris is making the fountains and the player is the one sealing them (it specifically says its your soul doing it). At first glance, making more fountains does seem like it’ll plunge the world into darkness and chaos, but then again... Ralsei’s the one telling you that, and who knows. Maybe he has his own agenda. There was a lot in this chapter about how the dark world is better than the light one.
If the dark world versions are meant to reflect the lightner’s souls or innermost desires or idealized visions of themselves, then Kris’s soul/desire/vision of themselves is... a corpse-blue dead knight. Bit worrying.
Awful lot of scarves in chapter 2 that pushed for Ralsei to attack people. A lot of attack uppers for him. Even Spamton’s item is a weapon for him that mentions abandoning healing. I know Jevil dropped a weapon for Susie too, but I dunno.
The fact you can fuse the Thorn Ring with a Pure Crystal (wherever that is) to make a creepy sword makes me think Noelle is going to come back again. Unless you’re supposed to get the thorn ring and then take it off her and abort the run at Berdly, which you could do I suppose. Still, it makes me think you and Noelle are going to keep going down that path together.
(What if the Pure Crystal is frozen Berdly? D: Or even an item you get off of Noelle if you kill her?)
Also very interesting that the ending credit theme is a glitchy version of the first chapter end theme. Don’t Forget was reprising constantly through the first chapter, but only showed up rarely in the second one. I only remember hearing a snip of it once, come to think of it, and I can’t remember where.
Boy there was a lot of shipteasing in pretty much every direction, wasn’t there?
ANYWAY THAT’S ALL I GOT RIGHT NOW I’m going to keep thinking about it though.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
So, what's your opinion on the lake trio? Could Gamefreak do anything to fix them, or are they good the way they are?
I like the lake trio the way they are, yeah. It's just that I honestly want to hear someone else's opinion on them.
(Screw posting anonymously, btw)
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I will start off by saying that I love these guys from a conceptual standpoint. The idea of Pokemon representing various aspects of humanity (knowledge, emotions, and willpower) is legitimately fascinating and a great concept for legendaries. There's also some neat mythology in the 'dex as well, such as them all hatching from the same egg.
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While I have issues with the designs, which I'll get into momentarily, I don't particularly dislike these guys; the core design is fine enough, if not a little Mew-derivative. My big thing is that the legs look tacked on and the tails are weirdly detailed, with a shape that doesn't connect back to anything else. Also, the forehead gems are very overused in psychic types and probably could've been dropped completely here.
(Uxie's my favorite of these three, as the yellow works well with the grey and red, and the shape of the hat(?) flows really nicely with the shape of the head. Plus, as I'll get into later, it's really the only one that leans into its theme in any notable way.)
But the main problem with these guys is this: They are way too similar to each other.
To me, the best way to do a trio of legendaries is to have them share some similarities while mostly being different designs. For example, the legendary birds may be a bit bland, but they all have different designs; the only similarity is that they're birds.
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Likewise, the legendary beasts are quadrupeds, the musketeers are ungulates, ect ect. Alternatively, a trio can have different body shapes while sharing some patterns for cohesion, like Rayquaza and co. do.
But with these three? They all have the exact same body; the only thing that changes are the colors and shapes of the heads. This makes them feel both bland and repetitive, as it feels like these all could've just been different forms for one Pokemon.
And because of this similarity, they don't represent their themes that well. Which one is knowledge? Which one is willpower? I only know right now because I'm looking at the 'dex entries for them, but you could swap them around and nothing would really be impacted. The only one who comes close to representing its theme is Uxie, with its perpetual Abra-style sleeping, and even then it's vague enough to still be swappable. Why not give Azelf a fiercer expression, or Mesprit a chest gem because the heart also plays a role in emotions?
Additionally, the way they all have the same typing also doesn't help with this. They live in a lake, so you couldn't toss some water typing in there? Or retcon in some fairy? If Palkia can be half water type for no reason surely one of these guys could've.
With that said though, you don't even have to add secondary typings or change the designs all that drastically to make them more individualized. Change the body colors, change the shape and number of the tails, give the body markings that match the head colors, move the placement of the gems! Very minor things, all of which would've helped them stand out individually.
One way to add in these kind of changes would be to give them different forms. I don't think they need a power boost or anything, but it would provide a chance to redesign them in a way that emphasizes their unique traits.
So overall, the core design for the lake trio is fine, and the concepts behind them are fantastic. It's just that once you've seen that same design three times, it kind of loses its punch.
Also, please tell me I'm not the only one who finds their entries on Bulbapedia funny solely for the whiplash:
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
The 5 best and worst dressed islanders in S2
To begin, these are all just my opinions.
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Starting off with a spicey take, I think Bobby’s the fifth most poorly dressed islander.  I say all of that tentatively because the individual pieces are good, I just think the pairings should’ve been better.
I like the shape of his clothes- the unbuttoned short sleeve patterned shirt is really hot right now, the short shorts for his swimsuit, patterned blazer- but I think a lot of the colors and pairings don’t look great.  His iconic button up shirt is fine, but the pastel pants, purple shorts, and hawaiian blazer could look better with different colors. 
The styling on the statement pieces could be better too. I wish he had a buttoned shirt underneath the hawaiian print blazer. I wish his swim trunks were patterned. I wish they had paired the unbuttoned shirt with some cigarette pants. 
He’s got the idea, but lacks the polish that some of the other male islanders have. Even Felix’s outfits seem to match better and have more cohesion.
But his kilt outfits goes off though. For his kilt and his button up short sleeve, I’ll put him head of the rest of them. 
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My issues with Elisa’s outfits are much the same as Bobby’s- she has some unique ideas but I don’t like how the execution ended up.
I like her in the y2k silhouette- low rise swimsuits and pants, halter tops, and empire waist belts. But the fringe is a weird element, and it mixes a lot of modern stuff like the athletic straps and chains with those elements. 
As I’ve said before I think Elisa would be more of a silver and rich jewel tones kind of girl. 
Her sleepwear is... Tragic. I like the high waist with hip cut outs as an idea, but the top looks bad with it. The way the two athletic straps cut her body and the top looks to big... Not a fan. It’d be cute with a long/baggy shirt. 
Clothing made out of chains is super in right now- but the belt on the outside of the chains is Not It (TM) and the chains should be bigger (because as it is  I can’t tell if it’s thread/fabric or proper metal chain). 
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I get that Henrik has a cohesive theme of granola, but that doesn’t make it not bad
I hate both of his tunic-style shirts. They’re too long and they don’t look good with his pants. Just crop them.
Wearing a carabiner on your pants? In the villa? Jail.
Those shoes are INEXCUSABLE you are not a 58 year old lesbian going kayaking stop it. 
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This isn’t super suprising, but ugh I hate Blake’s styling.
The metallic fabric of her dress reminds me of that metallic stretch fabric that was really popular in the 2010s? Like the stuff that every other skirt in Forever 21 was made of? And the shape of it is super dated as well
In general, the shoes and buckles and design really give me 2012 Seventeen Magazine vibes
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46 year old accountant motherfucker. I know he only has to wear vests and khakis to work, but this is his idea of what looks nice? 
The button up shirt isn’t bad but why that shade. Why the nastiest, dingiest shade possible.
None!!! Of his jackets!! Match his pants!!!! They’re not the same shade where it’s a full suit and they’re not complimentary colors they just look bad together. 
There’s something to be said for different blazer styles (I love Elijah’s double breasted jackets, you don’t see that very often) but ugh I hate Carl’s. The pockets are too big, there’s too many auxiliary buttons, it just looks like an old man’s suit jacket.
All of his pants are belted and I hate the belts. I hate the belts they chose so much.
I didn't finish making this post, but it was going to be
5. Rahim. He and Noah are tied for this position but Rahim gets it because Noah's casual denim jacket with nothing underneath is a miss. But they both have really nicely paired evening wear, swim trunks that suit them, and a defined identity within their wardrobe.
4. Arjun- his clothes are so well matched, he plays around with colors that all look stunning on him, he has a clear identity, and his wardrobe is a bit more unique than the other boys. Felix could be here with his florals, but that sleeveless hoodie is a crime. Elijah could also be here, I love his pairing a suit jacket and shorts and also his double breasted jackets, but I feel like the colors/fabrics clash.
3. Hope- she and Marisol both have really distinct, curated looks. I was leaning towards Marisol, but she kind of does the same thing over and over again- plain fabric in black or white with classic cuts. Hope is more creative, she has a clear theme and style but uses different patterns and all of her clothing creates different silhouettes. My only complaint with Hope's look is that she doesn't really have an identifiable color motif, but I love it anyways because the animal print is tasteful and distinct. Her prom dress is my favorite outfit in the show.
2. Lottie. Obviously. She has the most different outfits out of anyone, they all match her very distinct aesthetic but are different from each other enough to be interesting. Her prom dress is to die for.
1. KASSAM. The perfect balance of having a unique style but finding pieces that bridged the style and what would be typically worn on a reality show. I'm willing to bet Kassam has crazier looks but the looks he chose look polished, have a clear identity, are well paired, and have awesome finishings that make him and his clothes fun to look at.
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sageblogsthings · 3 years
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to celebrate The Crimson Moon reaching 30k as of this morning, i thought that i would share the progression of the opening lines of the book, and talk a bit about how the book has grown and changed in the last year! on july 27th it will be exactly a year since i first started writing this and wow i’m not getting emotional you are aha whaaaat
*cough* anywayyysss!!
draft one: please oh god don't judge me
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ok i'm not going to talk negatively about my past writing because it got me to where i am today but. [marge i am looking away meme] if you can't tell, i wrote this when i was going through the existential crisis phase of uni and just wanted to live in the woods, i say like i would not currently move to the woods in a heartbeat asdklfja
at the time that i wrote this i was really happy with it because the writing was fun and, as a result, easy! at this point i was just writing in my down time from uni, and i didn't know what the plot was or what my plans were for the book as a whole. because this was just something i did in my down time, i think my writing took on more of a conversational, stream-of-consciousness tone, and that's part of what made this draft (or start of a draft, i only got like 12k in i think) so easy to write. but eventually, as the plot started to come together and i started to gain more inspiration from sff writers as a whole, i realized that this book wasn't heading in the direction i wanted it to. it wasn't just something to do in my free time at that point, it had taken on a life of it's own. and thus, draft two began.
draft two: electric boogaloo
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ngl these lines still slap and i love them. there are definitely things i would change, but these lines will be in the current draft of the book, albeit not in the first chapter and altered slightly. when i started this draft, i didn't have an outline but i had a very clear, cinematic image of how i wanted this chapter to go. i think having that before i started writing helped a looooot, both in terms of prose and just being able to convey aspects of the setting/character in the first paragraph. as i continued writing this draft though, i realized that some of the character arcs didn't make sense or were getting a bit messy, and that, based on the story i wanted to tell, it didn't make sense to start with Xalia. while there are six main pov characters in this book, Vanna really is the main character and i wanted that to be clear.
draft three: this time it's personal actually good
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these are the current first lines of the book, and honestly my favorite so far! starting off with Vanna rather than Xalia definitely gives the book a different feel, and it's one that's more true to the vision i have for it. in my opinion, this opening does a much better job of setting up some of the book's themes, which admittedly i'm still figuring out lol. grief and loss are major components of all the character arcs, and are integral to the plot itself. switching to present tense has also been a LIFE CHANGER for me. it's funny because, on the second stab at this book, i kept slipping into present tense, but forcing myself back to past tense because i thought present tense sounded weird. turns out it only sounded weird because it was surrounded by past tense, and now that i've written 3 chapters in present tense i can solidly say that this is the way the book was meant to be written. it just feels like my book now, and i'm so happy with where it's headed!
i also made an outline for this draft of the book, and while i've already deviated from it somewhat to work out plot holes or increase ~foreshadowing~ in certain scenes, getting all of the events out of my head and onto paper has really allowed me to just write because i know that i have a document to refer back to if i get stuck on where the story is headed. making the outline also really pushed me to think about character backstories, most of which i had previously established, but now they've changed a lot to fit together more cohesively and integrate with the plot more clearly. i've also changed a lot of the character designs, and as a result of changing the appearances and backstories of a lot of the characters, i feel a lot closer to them and the story itself. the characters have well and truly taken on a life of their own, and now i'm kind of just along for the ride, telling their stories and loving every second of it!
ALSO!! the last big change with this draft, which i just implemented literally this morning and am so so sooooo excited about, is having first person referral, present tense mini-chapters/interludes! it gives the book a really unique sound and ties into the plot really nicely i think! i feel like the structure and form of the story are finally tying into the story itself and it's driving me insane a little bit askdfjka
as of right now i'm not ready to reveal who the pov and referral characters are in these chapters, because i'm debating between a couple ways of doing things and if i go one way that would end up being a pretty big spoiler! that being said, i got really hyped up about it earlier today and rambled in the spoilers section of my server so if you do want that sweet sweet spoilers content....join my server! ;)
also. i hope u all know that i almost deleted that first snippet about ten different times but transparency in writing and all that, i really do want to show how much this book has grown and changed! even if it's going to cause me immense psychic damage to type up the image description for this but i digress
i think that's all for now, and thank you so so much if you read all of that! the love and support this project has received and continues to receive absolutely blow me away, and i can't thank you enough for being part of the journey! <3
the crimson moon taglist (ask to be +/-)
@dallonswords | @isherwoodj | @florraisons | @aetherwrites | @childhoodlovers | @bijouxs | @ziyin | @moonhungers | @piyawrites | @avi-why | @svpphicwrites | @alicewestwater | @ladywithalamp | @spencers-tomes | @discreet-writer | @sunwornpages | @abalonetea | @the-bard-writes | @x-writes | @morganwriteblr​ ​| @aphaimaniis | @stephwriteswords | @ninazeniks ​| @araliensmagica | @fuyugomori | @ryns-ramblings | @greyjaywrites | @marimos
image descriptions below the cut
[header image description]
the background is a dark castle with a checkerboard-patterned marble floor. the hallway fades into black, with the hint of a figure standing in the doorway. white text across the image reads "The Crimson Moon" in a large, all-caps font, and below that reads "wip update post" in thin, lowercase text.
[image description for excerpt one]
I lay on my back, gazing up at the sky. The weather was absolutely perfect. I could hear the crickets singing, the birds chirping, the brook babbling, all that good poetic shit.
I came out here often, just to get away and pretend like I wasn't a part of the fuck-all society I lived in. How could humans be so ignorant? We live in a world with this, I gestured expansively in my mind at the field around me, how can we not see how beautiful it is? How perfect it is? How imperfect we are by comparison?
[image description for excerpt two]
Xalia strode down the marble halls, the soft leather of her shoes meeting each tile with a cacophony of echoes. This was not the first, second, hundredth time that she had walked these passageways, and yet the chill she felt when contained within their depths never seemed to subside. The looming corridors and billowing curtains always seemed to hide sinister whispers that breathed down her neck and pricked at the tips of her ears. Perhaps it was the High Council, with their unnerving masks and owlish eyes, seeming to know and perceive all — or perhaps it was the knowledge that every time she stalked back towards the exit, she would carry the weight of another’s life on her shoulders, a life that she had to take.
[image description for excerpt three]
Vanna’s mother always tells them that grief is a sharp, biting thing; something that latches its teeth around your stomach until you double over with the weight of it. But for Vanna, that’s not quite right. There isn’t something hidden and tucked away behind the confines of their gut because there isn’t anything there at all. As they walk towards the town well — a spell book in one hand and emptiness in the other — they think that their mother got it wrong trying to describe grief in terms of presence. Grief, to them, can only be absence. The absence of light, the absence of a smile, and the absence of a palm which had curled so perfectly into theirs.
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jcisthebestfightme · 4 years
Hi! Could you please explain the "blue sky white clouds" motif? I've been accompanying these two from the sidelines since I watched their interactions in the bts and interviews ( and trust me I'm too old to fall for queerbait or fanservice) and i saw some posts in reference to this but I think I'm missing the whole picture. Btw I really like your bjyx song series 😊
I know what you mean about queer-baiting. I was also wary of this cp at first because it was just too convenient, especially since I know many bl drama leads like to promote with cp. However, many of the clues I feel like are too subtle to be faked. Also once you understand their personalities and the timeline more, a lot of things fit together logically and cohesively to the point that it’s probably not just queerbaiting. But if you ever feel insecure like I do sometimes, I just tell myself that I should watch this like I do with any fictional tv show. The plot, the characters, the music are all good so why not. And try not to overly believe in others’ overinterpretation because those are easy to be proven wrong. It doesn’t mean the entire story falls apart but I know that still makes you create doubt. That being said, to answer your question, I feel like I have to cite some maybe far-reaching conclusions reached by fans. But even if these interpretations are all wrong, I think we can still fall back on rainbowsky’s explanation that it just reminds them of that beautiful summer.
I’ve seen @rainbowsky answer this question before and I’ll link it here. I really like their interpretation of it being “nod to that summer.”
I would say the first time that “blue sky white cloud” became a bjyx thing is when gg posted on his Oasis 6/5/2020 at 13:28, blue sky what cloud what did you see?
Warning: I will talk about kadian. Since ggdd are posting this on Oasis, a place where they post more personal things, I think it’s okay to think about some of the kadian here. Ignore it if you don’t like kadian.
The significance of the kadian can mean “1328 = yi san er ba = yi sheng ai bo = love you whole life bo”. However, xz solo fans say that 1328 is the name of the planet in Stephanie Sun’s “Kepler” and that gg promised the song to them so it’s a secret code between them. If you’ve read my “Kepler” analysis, you will know that I talked about gg can be giving a message to both his fans and also wyb. So I think that can also be the case here. I personally lean towards it’s more for his fans actually.
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Then the next day on 6/6/2020 at 17:03, dd posted a pair of shoes, one white and one red. Apparently the name of the shoes by Nike are call “blue sky white cloud” in Chinese, it’s call “Heaven” in English. The patterns of cloud inside the shoes.
The kadian here is a time ending in 3, which sounds like “zhan.” Also the abbreviation for shoes in Chinese is “xz.”
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Edit: I forgot to add that after dd posted the shoe picture, Youku, the company made a joke “Embarrassed, using shoes to represent me?” since the arrangement of shoes and color look like the Youku logo. Dd responded to it “You are over-imagining.” This tells us that dd has his intentional for posting the shoes and doesn’t like to be misinterpreted. What that intention is, we don’t know.
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On 6/12/20 13:45, gg posted on Oasis again “Look at blue sky white cloud....my hair is so long.” The kadian here is “45″, which apparently the 45s of the song “銀泰 Yin Tai” in the Kepler album, the line “Beijing’s wind have blue sky white cloud” appears. This fortify to me that the 1328 and 1345 gg posted are for his fans but I stand open to be corrected.
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This post is significant though because the way the pictures are laid is very deja vu of a post that dd posted in 5/30/2017, which looks very similar to a post gg posted in 5/29/2017. Also in dd’s post in 2017, his last line is “Should I grow out my long hair?” Fans think that gg’s post in 2020 about the long hair correspond to this. This could all be a coincidence of course.
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And then on ttxs episode aired 7/26/2020, dd wore a shirt with “blue sky white cloud” on it.
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I mention “blue sky white cloud” in my song analysis because I feel like I see that motif a lot in the songs gg pick. There are other instances where “blue sky white cloud” show up, for example outside thee plane window in gg’s recent vlog but I’m not including it here because isn’t that what all views outside an airplane window look like? LOL
The more I’m writing this, the more I feel like I’m pushing a conspiracy theory on you. I’m really not trying to, I just want to gather all the time this theme as showed up. I see this as a cute theme to follow, but definitely not a make or break piece of evidence. 
Hope this is helpful!
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finalhxaven · 4 years
It's time we have this Talk. You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
Let's talk about why I don't like the ending to FFVIIR. But FIRST:
A Preface
When you are a squeenix savant, and by that I mean if you have played like three of their games, you will see a pattern forming in the writing. In particular when it comes to final fantasy as a franchise, this is nothing new or surprising. Back when FF VIII came out, people were saying all the characters were rehash of FF VII. Square has felt backlash from the beginning for many things, but they've always been known for their innovative graphics and dramatic storytelling that compels people to feel something.
Why else would I rp FF VII so much? Why else would I actively dissect and consume this media regularly? I love it. I adore these games. That doesn't mean I can't complain. In fact I feel personally I HAVE TO complain because I demand a better quality. Especially when I see there is lack of effort. And that comes from when they rehash the same story telling tactics, themes, and plot twists we now just come to ASSUME will be there.
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That's not what I felt during the whole of this game, by the way. I felt pure effort and love coming from this game through the character interactions AFTER CHAPTER 2. Between the middle of chapter 2 all the way through until chapter 18, there is absolute hard work and dedication from the game developers. They worked at it, changed and improved the original script, made innovative decisions on gameplay. I LOVED PLAYING THIS GAME.
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The environmental and character designs were on point, the characters were properly characterized, storyline was for the most part cohesive and understandable. For a good part, this game was exactly what I wanted. Maybe that might be why I was so disappointed at the ending? I'm not saying the majority was PERFECT. I'll talk about certain other issues in other posts. But the disappointment comes from the real effort and time and patience taken to make this as original and beautiful as they could, to then copping out at the end? Ugh.
Yeah OK there's too much to talk about in a single post. This is the one spoiler free post, the rest will be a ONE HUNDRED SPOILERIFFIC
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thosemintcookies · 5 years
In the absence of Rihanna can we take a moment to appreciate my (me) personal favourite MET gala looks because why the fuck not
So this this year's theme is 'Camp: Notes on Fashion' and as such, I want to say that some people look great but really miss what camp is about. Camp is one of my favourite things in the world. Its performativity, extravagance, decadence, colour, irreverence and sensuality. Its deconstructed theatrics. (Essentially, I must say, its drag). Its visible strings holding up a gaudy angel on stage. It's running, cakey makeup by intermission. Its feather boas and trailing glitter as the lights hit the stage and illuminates constructed bodies moving like no one does in real life. Fuck, I love camp.
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I mean I know its overstated but billy porter leisurely riding in on the shoulders of six shirtless men is just that. Head to toe glimmering gold. Fucking wings. That head piece. 100000% love.
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Janelle monae really playing up the aspects of deconstructed theatricality. It's on such another level and none of the other Half-and-half looks even come close because they play it so straight. That wayward lapel, that burlesque tit lash. 4 entire hats. This outfit is an entire show by itself, she doesnt even have to start dancing.
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I mean yeah the vogue guy. Hamish bowles, of course he gets it. But every last fucking detail is so good. Hes got on like 5 different textures, clashing patterns, a train behind him, cut out culottes, and patterned neon stockings but it's still cohesive enough that it doesnt make me want to scream. Along with that bowtie and that dance-ready heel? It's the feeling of being backstage, you can practically smell the rancid knock off chanel perfume. But elevated. Oh my God I'm crying.
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Gaga's four entire looks this evening! Because nothing is more heartstopping than a surprise quick change!
Some notable mentions that I liked, even though they weren't quite as extra:
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Darren criss and that immaculate coat, paired with that huge velvet (?) bow. I've been watching his work since he was harry freaking potter so I know he can feel this theme. and I so appreciate creative make up. The rest of the look is kind of subdued tho.
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Serena Williams isnt even known primarily as an entertainer. But she went ham with this neon. Shes present and demands attention. And shes in fucking nikes! I dont know if she wanted me to read into it so much but that's so fucking camp right there. The extravagance as illusory. The normalcy behind the mystique. Like suspending disbelief when stage royalty dons plastic jewelry and converse. A mixing of the low and high brow. Beautiful work, but the neon yellow is a little much for me.
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Lena Waithe. The outfit isnt particularly camp itself (but those shoulder pads...unf) but you just know she knows. Love a bold statement piece.
Some looks that are kinda shit:
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Kimye. What the fuck is this? I cannot do another fucking nude dress and black suit. The suit isnt even fancy. You have one chance to elevate and choose colours and textures and absolute, unattainable kitsch and you come up with normal ass bead dress and a track suit?? Clowns.
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Harry styles. I'm sorry my man, but I dont think you understand camp. This is just kinda boring androgynous goth. Black absorbs light, the sheer fabric is the opposite of loud. Wheres the noise? The cacophony? The sweaty, kinky sexuality? Next.
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Benedict Cumberbatch and sophie hunter. Where is the camp?? The artistic use of contrast? Colour?? Horny energy??? You choose the year with the camp theme to wear full white and soft lavender? To straight up dress as the bourgeoisie??where is the fucking intrigue??? This isnt fucking prom or dinner with the queen!!! Please exit the premises until you at least get fun pants or a headpiece that doesnt remind me of, like colonization
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