#because I don't salt right
tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y’all! Weird question time, and this time it’s a POTS, sunshine, food, and hot temperatures related question:
So the other day, my mom brought milkshakes over and we all sat outside, distanced, to drink them and chat. It was a bright, sunny, very very windy day, but I think it was maybe high 70s at the hottest? Late afternoon, so probably not even that hot. I drank like half the milkshake, then suddenly was extremely nauseous and kinda dizzy. I went back in the house, asked my brother to please go grab a puke bucket, and took my blood pressure. My bp was in my normal range, but my heart rate after I’d already laid down on the floor (to cool down and so I would not fall down) was like 147? Which is very much not the norm for me since I’ve been on meds for the whole POTS/sodium georg thing. It didn’t last super long, I did not throw up, and I was able to go back outside with an ice pack on my neck and a bottle of cold water, but I think it’s the closest I’ve come to like historical-novel-type-swooning in my life (I say that mostly jokingly but also I suspect that’s what swooning feels like). My resting heart rate stayed around 110 after that.  The question: do any of you, especially people with POTS or heart issues, but people without too for comparison, have issues like that when drinking a frozen beverage outside when it is hot? Or when it is windy? Or do other people with flashing light issues* find they sometimes have issues with very bright direct sunlight going directly into their eyes? This is an experience I would very much like to avoid but there are too many variables *I have no diagnosis for my flashing lights issue yet. I don’t think it’s seizures? Sure is some intense vertigo and disorientation though
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canisalbus · 11 months
I realize this might be a slightly odd ask, but… Out of curiosity, what sort of foods do you think Machete would be fond of? And do you think they’d differ noticeably from when he was young vs once he’d grown older?
He's a fussy eater. He rarely eats for pleasure and dislikes being seen dining in company, but attends formal dinners and banquets if invited, since declining without a very good reason would be at best rude and at worst a devastating faux pas. He prefers fowl dishes over red meat and greatly dislikes sea food (which is just peachy since this is the Mediterranean). Pasta seems to be already a well established part of the cuisine at that point, maybe he's into that. For the most of his life he's eaten rather simple foods so he finds bland soups and broths very safe and comforting. Pomegranates are his fruit of choice, he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth but enjoys candied apricots and figs on occasion.
He's exceptionally bad at holding his liquor, and he can't stand the feelings of unpredictability, disorientation, unsafeness and potential loss of control that being intoxicated causes in him. Unfortunately, drinking plain water was very risky and uncommon, it was contaminated and unsanitary more often than not, especially in population centers. Generally the main drinks you'd consume through the day were diluted wine and beer/ale (this was the case for children as well). Machete tends to prefer wine, which he waters down heavily, and sometimes has it flavored with spices, herbs, honey or sugar. Having even a little bit of alcohol in the mix would kill at least a portion of the bacteria (not that the concept was known at the time, people believed many illnesses were caused by tainted air and foul smells, I mean fair enough, if your water is filthy it probably smells bad too).
(Fun fact, apparently Ancient Romans had more or less perfected the art of winemaking but by the Middle Ages a lot of the techniques had been lost. During the Renaissance wine was generally very low quality and the way it was fermented and stored (making the switch from sealed ceramic amphora of the Antiquity to those iconic wooden barrels) meant it would only stay good for a year at best and the taste would start to deteriorate within the first couple of months. Vintage wines weren't a thing, the best stuff was fresh. Apparently European wine was pretty bad for hundreds of years and would only start to improve again around 1800s. Or at least that's what I've gathered, I could be wrong, I'm not a wine expert).
Europe hadn't quite adopted tea yet and he narrowly missed the time coffee began to spread to his corner of the world (I bet he would've loved both of those, with the help of caffeine he could've been twice as much of a jittery sleepless wreck). I've read that people would distill sage and drink the resulting concoction with hot water to create this very tea-like minty drink, that sounds like something he'd like.
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arctic-hands · 10 months
Remember when that post went around by that user who had issues with feeling sick when their blood sodium was low and they felt physically ill from it so they would just sprinkle salt into their hand and lick it until they feel better? And it was reblogged by chronic illness/disability circles until it was picked up by nominally healthy people who were commenting that wow this made me feel so much better after feeling like shit constantly, which PROLLY meant they also had low sodium issues. But then health freaks and normies got ahold of it and were reblogging in embiggened letters "NO NO NO! THIS WILL LITERALLY KILL PEOPLE! AMERICA HAS AN EPIDEMIC OF HYPERTENSION DO NOT LISTEN TO OP THEY ARE SO STUPID"?
Anyway my Crohnsy, vasovagal syncopeic, hypotensive ass is out of Lays ☹️
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dizzying-faust · 4 months
I'll admit Anasui is not my favorite jojo character, but honestly, his haters are more annoying than the character himself.
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greenscreen-dress · 7 months
I wish all Precure seasons that attempt to force a reciprocated romance between young teen magical girls and animal-fairy mascots that turn into Ambiguously Adult Hot Guys™ a very Stop That Immediately Dear Gourd Why. 🫠
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notmoreflippingelves · 6 months
Hi! I just read your post about Mateo recently. If I may, can you give me any specific instances in the narrative of the show where Mateo isn’t called out as heavily as they should have? I’m just curious?
During the Shuriki returns arc in particular, Mateo makes some pretty glaring mistakes that I feel like he should've gotten much more flack for (and based on what we see elsewhere in canon, I feel pretty confident that if Gabe, Naomi, Isa, or Esteban at least --and possibly even Elena-- had made these mistakes, they wouldn't have been swept under the rug nearly as quickly as they were for Mateo).
While it's unfair to completely blame Mateo for Carla's manipulating him during the "Rita" arc, I feel like it's reasonable to hold him a *bit* accountable. He did after all blab highly confidential information (on more than one occasion) to try and impress a pretty girl with how clever and important he was. (Something tells me that if any of the others had done likewise, they would've been called out for it. But because it's "beloved" Mateo, we don't even get "wait, you told Rita how to get into your workshop? And you've known her for only a few weeks? What were you thinking, Mateo?") Moreover, he never even apologizes for this or promises to do better/be more careful with such important, sensitive information in the future.
Even more aggravating is his behavior in "The Scepter of Night." Mateo is so eager to play the hero and claim all the glory for himself that he twice (!) disobeys a direct order/abandons the plan and goes looking for the scepter piece on his own. This directly leads to Fiero and Victor finding the scepter piece and (temporarily) stealing it. And it's really only due to luck and very conveniently-timed infighting amongst Shuriki's allies that Elena and co. are able to get the scepter piece back. While Mateo does receive some (brief) criticism, it's nowhere near the level that it should be.
Also noteworthy Elena doesn't really get particularly "mad" at him (especially considering how angry we see her get at other characters even for more minor things) . She's not truly, actually angry at Mateo (and Gabe and Naomi are only a bit angrier); she's just a little frustrated and disappointed at him in the moment. And apart from a (very short) little "do better next time" speech, Mateo doesn't face any real consequences or lingering resentment unlike other characters who do.
When Isa obeys direct orders in "Sister of Invention," she has to face consequences (Elena grounding her). Similarly, Elena holds a grudge against Esteban for days (if not weeks) after he interfered with the Feast of Friendship (a much lower stakes mistake than Mateo's imo). Moreover, it's possible to interpret Esteban's staying behind in Avalor when the others go to see the Norberg Lights as a punishment (either self-inflicted or imposed by Elena) for his actions in the previous episode.
In contrast, Mateo just gets a brief "I expected better from you" speech from Elena and Gabe jokingly assigning him push-ups as punishment (which he immediately takes back when Mateo tries to do them). I'll give Mateo a little bit of credit for actually apologizing this time (which he doesn't always do). But it's still frustrating that everyone is so ready to forgive and forget Mateo's missteps immediately while this same courtesy is seldom shown to others.
I think it's worth directly comparing a few Mateo-centric episodes with a few more similar ones that focus on other characters so that we can see how there does seem to be a noted narrative bias in his favor compared to the others.
Let's start with two "feeling kind of insecure" episodes: "Spellbound" for Mateo vs. "Naomi Knows Best" for Naomi. In the former, Mateo expresses doubt that he's capable of rising to the occasion as royal wizard. No one (except Gabe and he gets over it by the end of the episode) blames him for not having reached his full level of confidence and potential right away and not being able to immediately solve the problem. And Elena in particular (and by extension the narrative) gives him so much validation and support. Whereas in "Naomi Knows Best" (and to a lesser extent "Finders Leapers" and the "Carla-as-Rita" arc as well) the narrative "punishes" Naomi for her feelings of self-doubt. We're told that *if only* Naomi had trusted her gut instincts and stood her ground right away, Elena and co would not fallen right into the trap and that Naomi needs to screw her head back on straight and embrace confidence ASAP to fix her mistake.
When Mateo feels insecure, the narrative gives him every reassurance about how capable and special he is, that he can learn at his own pace, and his insecurity isn't really such a problem after all. When Naomi feels insecure, the narrative encourages her to get over her doubts as quickly as possible because unlike with Mateo, there's "no time" for her to wallow in self-doubt and actually the fact that she even had said doubt in the first place is what "caused" the disaster.
On a slightly different note, Naomi is also called out for taking a little free, fun time for herself in "The Last Laugh" when the group needs her, and yet somehow I have a feeling that Mateo would've been allowed to take a day off if he wanted without any protest. He complains about long hours in "Movin' on Up" and Elena gives him the big royal wizard's chambers for him to relax and unwind in. Naomi asks for one (1) day off to spend with her childhood friend for her birthday , and suddenly it's big drama. (And at the time, Naomi asked for said day off, all Elena needed from her was help doing paperwork. The Team Ash stuff came up unexpectedly.)
Similarly whenever Gabe and Mateo get their little rivalry on ("Spellbound," "Party of a Lifetime," "Captain Mateo" and a few other examples) , the narrative either presents them as equally at fault or Mateo as the only one in the right.
When Gabe brings in Bronzino to train the Royal Guards in magic, it's specifically because Mateo failed to explain how and why he was training the guards in the way he was. If he'd just explained how they were going apply the seemingly basic exercise they were doing to real magic, Gabe likely would've allowed Mateo to continue the training at his own pace.
(Also like. it's super hypocritical imo for Mateo to get annoyed at Gabe feeling impatient/impulsive about their apparent-lack-of progress when Mateo himself is easily the second most impulsive character in the show after Elena.) Mateo feels entitled to keep important information to himself (or blab it to a cute girl he barely knows) even when its no one else's best interest. He's only okay with being "cautious and patient" when he specifically is the one setting the pace. And yet, Gabe is the only one who is called out for his behavior in this episode--even though he might not have acted as he did if only Mateo had trusted him and the guards with an explanation in the first place.
And then there's just a few other "dude not cool" little moments that never really get acknowledged/Mateo never apologizes for. For instance, there a two low-key terrifying Mateo moments in "Captain Mateo" that are not only not acknowledged but are also framed in context as Mateo being just "so funny and quirky". Near the end of "Should be in Charge," Mateo magically gags Gabe so he can't protest anymore about Mateo taking over as leader of the mission. And this is after having already enchanted one of the stationary suits of armor to come to life and fight Gabe. (Gabe admittedly does lightly shove Mateo out of the way during his parts of the song, but that's still a far cry from literally drawing a sword on Mateo as Mateo does via magic to Gabe.)
It's played for laughs (The Grand Council is just smiling happily in the background throughout the scene which is so yikes), so it's easy to overlook what's actually happening. Frankly, it's pretty horrifying that Mateo's natural instinct upon his experience/authority being questioned is to literally attack and then silence. (And attack and silence someone who is supposed to be one of his best friends and closest allies at that!)
Rather than the narrative acknowledging that maybe it's a bad idea to immediately grant power to someone to someone who is so retaliatory against fairly minor criticism, the Grand Council just gives Mateo exactly what he wants and doesn't even offer a "maybe next time, let's not gag or attack our friends, okay?" alongside it. I mean sure Mateo does step down as captain at the end of the episode, but it's very specifically presented as his and Gabe's voluntary choice and not an order from Elena/the Council.
#elena of avalor#eoa salt#it's not mateo that bothers me so much; it's the double standard that nearly every other character is held to while he is not#gabe is the only one who ever seems to call mateo out on his shit regularly#and most of the time; it's framed as petty jealousy and/or gabe being unreasonable#even when gabe is the one talking sense#i feel like i've heard that mateo is one of the writers' faves and dang does it SHOW!#we were owed a dark mateo arc tbh#mateo thinks he's the next alacazar but I don' think it would be all that hard to turn him into the next fiero instead#it writes itself and honestly i would've liked him more that way#instead of just presenting him is as the specialest; cutest; quirkiest magical boy instead#let him go dark for a short time before realizing his mistakes and then have to work hard for everyone's forgiveness#esteban has to sacrifice his life in order to earn forgiveness for an (admittedly huge) mistake he made 40+ years ago#yet it's apparently too much for mateo to get more than the mildest rebuke over a (also big) mistake he made less than an hour ago?#also like whenever esteban or gabe are really proud/cocky or naomi gets single-episode acquired situational narcissism in “my fair naomi”#the narrative absolutely punishes them for it#whereas mateo is free to be as over-confident and braggy and vain as he wants and seldom gets called out on it#because i guess he's genuinely as 'cool and special' as he claims so he deserves the right to brag?#whereas the others' apparently aren't and don't?#anti mateo de alva
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xhanisai · 6 months
#Delete later#Don't read this if you're a fan of kagami cos today I'm feeling livid about her behaviour and actions in s5#Everything that salters claimed alya would be is exactly what kagami was#I feel like the reason I'm so pissed is cos I've had bitches do that to me in my school days too#Marinette gave her so much and this is what she got in return#She had her important secrets told to the person who helped the enemy and whose morals didn't align with hers#She made this girl a fucking superhero and brought her into her friendship group#AND THIS IS WHAT SHE GOT IN RETURN LOL#And the worst thing for me is that I don't see anyone talking about it and being like#Uwu kagami is such a helpless lonely girl uwu#FUCK HER#Don't get me started with the way she bitched at adrien for not standing up to gabriel at the end of s4#She was terrible to both adrinette!!!#Alya and nino deserve a better fanbase#Adrinette deserves a better fanbase#If you're a fan of kagami that's completely fine and you're well within your rights to love her no matter what#But I will forever be pissed at her for this so don't expect any fanart or fics about her from me#I won't draw or write her unless she's needed for a plot or whatever#And don't worry I'm not gonna write salt about her or anything like that#And any of my work that involves her will stay in a positive or neutral light because we don't need more negativity in this fandom#I know this is a long rant but I'm just so annoyed#It just hits close to home for me#Cos I've been in Marinette's position#Lol
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me whenever someone gives me unsolicited opinions about myself:
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#thinking about the time a friend of mine did this#and she does this a lot bc she's older and ofc sees herself as 'more knowledgeable' or w/e#which hey sometimes she is#mostly i take her opinions with a grain of salt but she said something to me recently that just#idk it rubbed me the wrong way. and i keep thinking about it.#ider what we were talking about but somehow we got on the subject of romantic relationships#and i basically said i'm not opposed to one but i'm NOT looking. like at ALL. not even a little bit.#but if something happens someday great!#she proceeds to tell me literally right after i say this#that i should work on my appearance then because i'm 'a little plain'. not ugly or anything just...plain.#which hey i know already btw and it doesn't really bother me#i wear make up and am not against it at all. i think it's amazing to see what people can do with it tbh.#and if people wanna wear it i'm all for it#i personally don't like the way it feels on my skin so i use as little as possible#just enough to cover things like my acne scars or other imperfections that i feel self conscious about#i'd love to get to a point where i feel comfortable NOT wearing make up actually#and that's not even to say that i'd NEVER get dolled up or whatever#it's just not something i enjoy doing on a regular basis ya know?#and honestly? any future partner i have should be aware of that bc you're gonna get plain ol' non-makeup-wearing me 99% of the time#and if that's a problem with them then i don't even wanna waste my time on them#so yeah when she said this to me i was annoyed#bc fr wtf does that have to do with me not looking for a partner??? lol#*sigh* ik she was probably just trying to help in her own way but like#just don't k? k.#/rant#sorry i had to get that out somewhere lmao#it's been driving me crazy#ignore me
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softquietsteadylove · 9 months
Can we have some more- uh- *cough* *chokes*- spice for the mermaid AU?
once again I live for your entire account 🫶🏼
Thena crunched her sardine snacks, seated next to Gil on the beach that was around the backside of the island. There was a little actual tree cover over this 'beach', and it was even less out of the way than the dock for Titania.
She called it her little cove, where she could slip into the water for a nice little swim and emerge without drawing attention. Gil called it her secret oasis, sometimes.
"This is nice, huh?"
She smiled at him next to her, fishing lazily just for the sake of relaxing. She nodded with another fistful of her favorite snack in her mouth. The water moved and she nudged his arm.
"Ooh!" Gil jumped to grip his fishing rod tighter, reeling and letting out slack in strategic intervals. "Come on, little fella."
Thena tilted her head a few times, trying to deduce the catch from the sounds and smells she could pick up, as well as its behaviour on the hook. "I think it's a snapper."
"You think so?" Gil murmured, although he wrestled with his catch a little.
She nodded, leaning against his shoulder, "don't let it go completely slack, but let it think it's winning a little. Then reel it in all at once."
Gil chuckled, following her instructions. "Is that how you'd hunt it, Angelfish?"
She laughed as well, licking the salt from her snack off her lips. "Exactly. You let it think it can get away and then-!"
Gil beamed as he reeled in the red snapper, letting it soar through the air.
Thena instinctively reached to catch it, but withdrew her hand so Gil could toss his catch aside in his catch basket properly.
He kissed her cheek, "I'm lucky I have the expert with me."
She grinned, always happy to receive affection from him. She would be flipping her tail if she could. But there were certain things her tail couldn't do for her.
Gil sighed as she kissed his lips more purposefully. She set her snacks aside and moved her legs so she could crawl into his lap. Her legs were much better at this kind of thing.
Thena moaned as she tasted his beer on him. She didn't mind the taste of it so much, although that was possibly just because she associated it with Gil so much now. He said she never tasted like sardine snacks even though she ate them all the time.
According to Gil, she tasted the way the ocean smelled. She didn't quite understand that, but it was nicer than hearing that she tasted of dried fish.
"Sweetie," he sighed as she slipped her hand to his belt. He caught her hand gently, "we should go inside."
"Should we?" she asked with no intention of waiting to hear the answer. She moved closer, tugging at one end of the contraption. Something she would never, ever admit to Gil was that when he was at work she practised things like untying his shoes and getting his belts clasped and unclasped.
It was good practise for her! And also she wanted to be better at getting him undressed before he could start arguing about whether it was 'the right time' or not.
"Angelfish," Gil attempted to sound more stern, although she pressed a hand to his chest and found that funny bump called the nipple again. Its many purposes and pleasures still amazed her.
Thena pulled back and pouted at him, "why?"
"Well," her sweet human blushed, holding her gently between his outstretched legs. "We're...outside."
She blinked, "and?"
"Well," he urged, only more embarrassed. "We don't do...this...outside. What if someone heard us?--what if someone saw you?!"
"Hm," Thena pursed her lips. She supposed that mating was more something done with a certain modicum of privacy. No one wanted to stumble upon a mating couple among the coral reefs. She looked around them. "But-"
"Thena-" Gil tried to continue but moaned as she kissed him again.
"You seem excited by the idea," she pointed out, pressing against him and the increasingly firm bulge between his legs. "There is no one around, for how concerned you are of it."
Gil sighed, looking at her. "No one?"
"No one," she assured with a smile, tracing her thumb along his hairline. "I can't hear a single human, or boat. I can't smell anything but the sea."
Gil seemed ready to concede. He have a great respect for the fact that her senses far exceeded his own capabilities. He frowned, "are you comfortable with this, Angelfish?"
She tilted her head at him. "Are you?"
Gil smiled, tilting his head up and kissing her again, "If you're sure no one is around to listen to my girlfriend like this, then I'm fine with it."
She purred as she leaned in for another kiss. Ever since their first time mating it seemed her body hungered for it. She sat around thinking about him--about it. They slept together regularly now but when they didn't mate before sleeping she would sleep lightly, hoping to wake up and find that he was awake too.
Humans needed so much sleep--poor creatures.
Gil rolled them over on the blanket he had laid out over the large and coarse sand of the side beach. It wasn't the very light silica that was likely to get all over and stick everywhere, but sand was still sand. He grunted, "wrap your legs around me, Angelfish."
Thena sighed, melting against him as he purred that pet name in her ear. It reverberated through her, reducing her hard earned bones to jelly status.
Gil kissed from below her ear down her throat, dragging his teeth along where she had sealed away her gills under extra skin. She shivered. "You like that?"
She did. Very much.
Thena arched her back as he unbuttoned the shirt of his she was wearing, revealing her breasts. He found those very special, very sensitive nipples and began working his magic with his firm, calloused fingertips.
Even though he and Sersi had both taken her shopping, she simply preferred wearing Gil's clothes, unless they were going somewhere new.
Gil ran his tongue over one nipple then the other, teasing them until they were at peak sensitivity. She could feel the wind against them. He unbuttoned the shirt all the way, revealing her hips and between her legs.
She mewled as he stroked there, "Gil, yes, more."
He nudged her necklace up with his nose so he could nip her collar bone lightly with his teeth. Such blunt teeth, such gentle nibbles. "That's it, sweetheart."
Thena panted as he moved his fingers in waves, the way she would move her own tail. She wasn't sure if this was just the technique but by all seas and oceans it was good. "Yes, yes, Gil, please!"
He always made her finish first ('come' first). Something about it being good for her. And it made it easier for him to enter her afterwards? She hadn't paid much attention, too gripped by the pleasure of imagining it while he was explaining it so calmly.
She laid facing up, blinking at the sun just barely peeking through the leaves over them, tingling her skin. She gripped Gil's shoulders as he kissed her, pulling his fingers from her gently.
She sighed and purred, her head lilting this way and that lazily, her legs wound around Gil's hips. "Please, Gil? I want you inside of me again."
He blushed; something about mating instilled such shyness in her sweet man. It was very endearing.
He kissed her as they both got his belt undone and tossed away. He did most of the work until he was at her entrance again. "Ready?"
Thena moaned as loud as she wanted to as he pushed into her. This was the feeling that consumed her mind day and night. It was driving her to insanity. Makkari wouldn't recognise her anymore if she knew how much she craved Gil's naked flesh against her fingertips.
Gil moved gently at first, his body laid out and close to hers, her arms wound around his ribs and her legs over his hip and around his leg. Truly a beast with two backs, they made.
Thena whimpered as she dug her heel into his tailbone. It was a difficult angle for her leg - or maybe it was her hip doing the work - but it could make him go faster.
Gil thrust harder, hitting deeper. Their pelvises met loudly, and Thena could hear the fluids allowing their mating to happen smoothly. She groaned. He nipped at her neck again, "feel good, Angelfish?"
"So good," she responded, digging her nails into his back a little and dragging them over his skin. His muscles clenched and she would have asked if she had hurt him, if he didn't pick up pace even more.
"Fuck," he cursed, pushing himself up on his palms beside her so he could move more intensely. She liked the way it sounded when he cursed. It was different from her own usual curses, like oil spill or clownfish or barnacle.
Thena let out another moan as he scraped against the front of her, "there, Gil, I want more right there!"
He grinned, his breath coming out differently when he was smiling. He gripped the side of her butt and then her thigh, "okay then!"
"Gil, more, there, yes!" Sometimes word ceased to find her when they were mating. Like now. "Fuck!"
Ooh, it did feel good to say 'fuck'.
"Thena," he grunted, sweat beading on his forehead. He was close to finishing too.
"Yes, right there, almost," she panted, staring up at the sky as if she could physically reach out for the point of her release. "Gil!"
It felt like waves against the rocks. Like letting her body go and riding the ebb and flow of the storm safely within a warm pocket. She felt like a jelly listing lazily through the current, or a great turtle swimming as slowly as it desired.
Gil's finish was always loud, sometimes painful sounding. But he said it felt good, and the feeling of his finish releasing in her certainly felt good for her. So she hoped it felt better for him.
Gil stayed close to her body, as if a bird flying overhead would be spying on them mating and he was greedily keeping her human body to himself.
Not that she wanted to share his human body with anyone.
He kissed her gently, as he always did after mating. He looked down at her with warm eyes, always with this extra soft expression after their release. "You okay?"
She smiled at him, purring for lack of any better words. He seemed to understand, burying his face against her breast and kissing over her happy little heart.
"You're amazing, Angelfish."
By the seven seas did she love him. She didn't know if love always accompanied mating but it certainly did for her. She would never need - or take - another mate so long as she lived. "I could say the same of you."
He blushed, her sweet, sweet human.
Gil pulled her up into his lap, him hanging loosely now that the mating was over. He held her delicately, buttoning up his shirt again.
According to him, having her breasts out in the open flustered him.
Thena bent her head to sneak in little kisses as he did up the buttons, blocking his view of them at every opportunity. She liked kissing him, and she liked kissing him far more than she liked being dressed.
"Come on, Cuddlefish," he chuckled, giving her another kiss before stuffing himself away into his pants again. Doing up that damned belt. "I have dinner to make."
Thena nodded and sighed, letting him stand up and pull her with him. Mating was far better, but Gil's food was a close second for the best feeling in the world.
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miraculouscontent · 2 years
Oh God, I just thought of the possibility of love square stans trying to say, “Marinette couldn’t have been in love with Luka because she’s not showing trauma signs!” and them genuinely thinking that this is an okay argument without any sense of awareness as to how that sounds.
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acoyote · 9 months
the most annoying people on earth are the ones who act you’re completely obliterating any nutritional value of vegetables by cooking them with something “too fatty” like cheese or “too much” oil. fuck you. part of the reason i still struggle with motivation to improve my shitty diet is because so many people even my own damn doctors make it sound futile like ok i might as well just continue eating nothing but chicken nuggets if making a veggie palatable to me is going to sap all of its nutritional value and it's not any different
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hippo-pot · 5 days
Btw, re: my opinion that computers are not gonna be able to translate sign languages in our lifetime, it's not that sign languages are necessarily More complicated than spoken/written languages (I truly don't know how you'd measure that but I'd assume they're equally complicated). But video is, in terms of sheer data, much bigger and presumably harder to process than audio. I cannot imagine this happening without *astounding* computational resources which would take far more energy, water, and money than a human interpreter (and, more importantly, wouldn't work as well, at least for the foreseeable future). I assume the computation would happen off site in most cases if it did work, meaning the Internet connection is gonna need to be phenomenal (there is already widespread dissatisfaction with VRS human interpreters used in medical settings because half the time the connection drops). Speech to text, with all the issues it still has, seems like a breeze in comparison to 'understanding' a video.
I also cannot wrap my mind around how a machine would handle depictions. Like, with some practice behind me, my human mind is now able to understand (some) depictions I've never seen before (thank goodness, because there will ALWAYS be new depictions I haven't seen before, bc Deaf people are resourceful and creative), but I don't see how a machine would. That's pure sci fi to me. I also wouldn't expect a machine to do a good job translating stuff it's never heard before in a spoken language (e.g. wordplay, or the way you can sometimes tell the meaning of a new slang word from context, or an uncommon name even), but the thing is I think depiction is a much bigger part of daily life than wordplay is?
#Just wanted to clarify I wasn't like being weird and elevating signed languages above spoken#or i mean. if i still am let me know. it's true that ASL seems more complicated to me than English#but i try to recognize and work around that bias#like of course my native language doesn't seem complicated *to me*. i get that#anyway. I also don't know anything about the tech involved so by all means take me with a grain of salt#But this truly feels like common sense to me#If you time traveled me to the year 2080 and I saw a machine accurately translating ASL into English#My first thought would be 'which ocean is being drained for this right now'#And then 'wtf is the sheer size of this program + the database it's working off of'#I think it's cool to study this stuff. Don't get me wrong. But I don't think we should kid ourselves#It's not gonna be practical anytime soon#All that's without even considering the reverse of translating a spoken language back into a signed language#i think because human interpreters aren't perfect (because the job is hard!!) there could certainly be a temptation#to think that machines could be better than humans one day#but man. do you know what would be a better use of resources for the time being?#supporting hearing and especially Deaf interpreters in their studies and jobs#turns out a great way to improve a human's performance is to give them a teammate#we don't have to jump straight to replacing them with a machine#for anyone who doesn't know: if a particular job requires deep understanding of Deaf culture & deafness & the Deaf community#a hearing interpreter can team up with a Deaf interpreter for much better results#like the Deaf interpreter can interpret the hearing interpreter's signing into signing the Deaf client can understand better#and vice versa#anyway. it makes sense people are excited about machines. but can we stop going around saying 'hey AI is gonna take your job'#for jobs that we don't even understand 🙃#this is where y'all find out that this whole wall of text is directed at a guy who said that to my husband
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
You know when you see a thing that’s like ‘my favorite version of <ship that you like> is <every single fanon take on this ship that you don’t like condensed in one paragraph> and you’re like oh, excuse me, I seem to have wandered into the wrong house-
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sherlock-is-ace · 10 months
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A book rec perhaps?
I don't know...but to the ORV fandom and those who like books and media with heavy meta themes and philosophical musings, I recommend Sophie's World.
What is that you ask?
Well, my friends...it's a book by Norwegian author Jostein Gaarder (I read the translated to English version, of course) that follows a 14 yr old girl named Sophie as she randomly starts receiving letters in a philosophy course and finds herself semi-adopted as a student under an old philosopher.
The book gives Sophie and the readers a sort of intro course into western philosophy and worldviews from Biblical mythos to Plato to the scientific eras whilst also incorporating a seriously wild metafictional plot that explores the relationship of fiction to the real world.
I can't say much without giving spoilers but the book is WILD and absurd in ways that will eventually make sense(ish). It makes you really think about the things that can be done with writing and the awareness that knowing philosophies/worldviews/etc. can bring into a "created" being.
It's been a hot while (years, I think) since I've read the book but I was suddenly reminded of it randomly (don't know how) and thought, "Huh. I think ORV fans who enjoyed the meta of the story and some of the philosophies it introduced would like this!"
In short, if you like takes on the relations of fiction to the real world and Thought(tm) that relies on Weird Twists, as well as a cleverly and easy to follow introduction to western philosophy/worldview, not to mention a pretty engaging plot with fascinating characters you will want to study under a microscope....Sophie's World does it really well.
Content warning? Like I said, it's been a few years since I read it, and nothing in particular struck younger me as problematic enough to remember. The book was written in 1991, so there could be some slight sexism (don't quote me on that). It also deals with a buuuunch of philosophies that discuss heavy themes and I recall references to sex and some slight psychological twistiness, but I think it's safe to rate it as PG-13. (If anyone who has read the book recently and knows better please feel free to add/correct any discrepancies in my recommendation)
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xhanisai · 11 months
I do kind of feel a bit spoilt with how the fandom pre-pandemic would share my work easily (fics getting hundreds and even thousands of notes on tumblr and on AO3 immediately and arts getting thousands of notes too). Back then, my work was so eUGH compared to the work I create now which is so much more polished and well thought out.
And now? It’s such a struggle for my art to reach even a hundred notes on this app alone and my fics take a long time to accumulate some attention on ao3. At first I thought it was because my creations have gotten WORSE lol but then I realised it’s been happening to all my friends too online.
Kinda sad tbh.
#delete later#i know that X amount of likes or notes on work doesn't necessarily mean that it's great quality#but i like seeing and knowing that people out there on the internet are enjoying what i put out#and i want more people to see what i can do if that makes sense?#my mentality is a little fucked right now because in the past i created mainly for me and i enjoyed what i did to an extent#but now i'm at that stupid stage where i hate everything i draw and get bored of my own writing and i don't like that#so validation online sort of helps with that mentality to go away#i can't keep up with internet art trends to get the attention on my work that i want that is not a realistic and healthy way of life#and i refuse to touch any salt or negativity in the ml fandom just to get the hivemind to find my work#my most popular work on ao3 is only popular because of lila karma and that makes me so mad because i write 100000x better than that LMAO#but people just wanna see a 14 yr old italian nightmare girl get expelled from school over and over again and i'm just tired af of it#as for art with twitter it's a bit of a russian roulette#you don't know what will be a banger and what won't unless you pay special attention or have a decent following or are always grinding#i don't think my art is for tumblr#i do appreciate the few people who always love and reblog it but i've always known from the start that my art isn't what would be popular#on this hellsite#oh well it is what it is#also don't worry i'm never gonna stop drawing nor am i ever gonna stop writing those two are literally my only outlets of my life#and the only way i can get emotions and feelings out of my body without exploding#and i am still madly in love with ML and will always be obsessed with it#i just miss how the prepandemic fandom would interact with my work and let me know what they thought and all the asks they sent about the#aus i created#it was a good period on this hellsite for me
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