#be quiet bruggle
bruggle · 23 days
Remember me, I ask
Remember me, I sing
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bruggle · 11 days
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Sucks when your older, taller brother finds out he can turn you into a long cat
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bruggle · 3 months
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In which X finds a feral child in the woods and decides to bring her to MHHQ
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It is a mistake
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bruggle · 9 days
The Rip-out-your-heart-inator!
At least, that's the goal. Dunno if I achieved it. Have fun, chilren.
The past is a haunting thing. But what else can it do in the present except try to hurt you?
Words: 3k
"A moon of light reflecting fully
And I guess it would feel like rebirth
Out of some kind of dying
To see yourself
So glowing."
-Glowing, The Oh Hellos
  How much was caused by him?
  Everywhere X looked, that’s all he saw. Omega, within the massive suit Weil had created in order to enhance his ability to control reploids while fused with the Dark Elf, sat prone; too heavily damaged to even move. X glowered; he didn’t even bother trying to fight it back. There were few people X could say he truly hated. Omega had the ‘honor’ of being one of them.
  A part of X wanted to end the doppelganger right then and there. To hell with mercy. To hell with restraint.
  X tore his gaze from the giant reploid. He had to find his brothers. Axl had disappeared early in the fight; swallowed by the sea of controlled reploids that had appeared the second Weil had integrated the Dark Elf. Zero… Zero had faced Omega alone for the first part of the battle as X struggled to beat back Weil’s army of golems. He wasn’t sure where the red clad reploid had gone once the white reploid had set his sights on X. Please don’t let them be dead.
  There were… so many bodies.
  So many.
  None of them deserved it.
  Of the few reploids still standing, none of them were familiar. They all ducked their gaze once they realized X was looking at them. No. He kept moving. Surely, Axl would appear with yet another poorly timed joke, as he was wont to do. Or… or Zero would join his side without a word, silently giving his support. Please. Please.
  As X wandered the battleground, he noticed a group of reploids standing in a circle; their grave expression sent a pulse of panic through his systems. No. He picked up the pace, making a beeline towards them. No. As X grew closer, one of the reploids noticed his presence, a horrified expression making it’s home on his face. No. More took notice of the blue bomber’s appearance; beginning to  whisper amongst themselves. No. “Wait-“ one of them called, but X ignored them; stumbling closer to the object they were encircling. Why did it look familiar?! Pushing a purple clad reploid out of the way, it took everything for X to not break right there and then.
  The figure on the ground was clad in navy armor with grey and red accents.
  The inset blue gem was destroyed.
  The helmet was gone, allowing red hair to hang loosely around his face.
   Sightless green eyes stared back at him.
  X fell to the floor, gathering Axl’s limp body into his arms. “No, no, no,” he repeated softly to himself, over and over and over and over again. It was unnatural to see the normally hyperactive reploid so still. X refused to look at the missing arm and legs, focusing on the prototype’s face. Axl’s body was shaking or was that just his own arms shaking? as X hugged him closer. He was- X shut that thought down, choosing to instead bury his face in Axl’s hair. “You’re okay,” he whispered, clenching his eyes closed. “It’s over. Wake- wake up, Axl. C’mon, this joke isn’t funny anymore.”
  The surrounding reploids looked around at each other, searching for the correct words to say. X didn’t care. Where was Zero? Why wasn’t Axl waking up?! “Sir,” one of the reploids hesitantly spoke up. “I don’t think-“
  “Shut up,” X demanded, snarled, begged.
  Don’t tell me, he silently prayed. He has to be okay.
  Where was Zero?!
  A sudden wetness on his cheeks made X slowly reopen his eyes. Had it started raining? Looking up, the skies were still clear it didn’t fit it didn’t fit it didn’t fit it didn’t fit it didn’t fit causing X to slowly bring a hand to his face. Pulling it away, it was definitely wet; he had almost forgotten he could cry. The reploid that had been brave enough to speak gave him an odd look. They couldn’t. Of course they couldn’t.
  Why was there so much pain?!
  Gently cradling his brother’s body to his chest, X slowly stood up. He knew. Axl was dead. And it was his fault. X never should have allowed him to become a Maverick Hunter. Turning, he made his way back to the center of the battleground; passing the giant, motionless heap yet again.
  He had never wanted to utterly destroy Sigma as much as he wanted to destroy Omega.
  Why not? asked a voice. Why not destroy it now?
  It was there that X noticed a new face, one completely unmarked by the horrors all the other survivors witnessed. Her eyes were darting over the wasted landscape, until they landed on him. Recognition lit up her face, as she hurriedly made her way to him, carefully picking her path in order to avoid the worst of the… viscera.
  “Mister X!” she called. “I was- I was sent by Isaac! You’re needed!” X brushed past her, he didn’t care. Isaac could go to hell for all he cared at the moment. “Mister X, please-“
  “Tell him I’m busy,” X ordered growled, seethed, snapped.
  “Oh, but Mister X, it’s an emergency!” the reploid insisted. “There’s been bombs set off and-“
  “ENOUGH,” X boomed. He didn’t need to hear it. He had heard them going off as Omega had fallen, Weil cackling in the background. The reploid shrank back, fear flickering in her eyes for a second. It was then that she seemingly noticed the limp form he held tightly to his chest. “O-oh…” she whispered, franticly looking around before darting off.
  Why wasn’t Zero here?
  Ventilation system working overtime, X turned back around. He gently laid Axl on the ground, searching his face one last time in a desperate, desperate hope that maybe, just maybe, he’ll blink. Ask X what the long face is for. Laugh. Wink. Punch his arm. Something. Anything. Please.
  But he knew.
  He knew.
  He fucking knew.
  And so, with a heavy heart, X gently closed the prototype’s eyes one
  His tears gently landed on Axl’s face, giving the illusion that it was he who was crying, rather than X.
  What was he supposed to do now?
  The thought of making a grave passed X’s mind, but he didn’t want to entertain it.
  That would mean Weil won.
  That Axl was dead.
  He didn’t want
  He didn’t want to think about it.
  The sound of footsteps alerted him to an approaching figure.
  Too urgent, too heavy, too quick to be Zero.
  Glancing at the figure, X didn’t recognize him; but he very obviously recognized the blue bomber. Making a straight beeline to X’s location, the new figure saluted him. X didn’t respond, causing the figure to falter for a second. “Sir, I’ve been sent with a message,” he said in a clipped manner.
  X didn’t respond.
  The figure hesitated.
  “Sir, Maverick Hunter HQ-“
  “Don’t,” he commanded. He begged. He raged. He pleaded. He cursed. He whispered. He screamed. What was he supposed to do?
   No, no, no, please, no. Weil had already taken so much; please, please, don’t tell him the monster had taken more.
  The messenger stood awkwardly, struggling to figure out what to do next. It was pretty obvious that the poor figure was likely pulled from the streets in order to deliver the message to X. A message he didn’t want to hear.
  He didn’t want to hear.
  He didn’t
  He didn’t want
  He didn’t want to hear.
  “He needs to pay for his crimes!”
  “But there’s so few left! Are we really going to throw away a brilliant mind?!”
  “Are you out of your mind?! He’s the reason everything went to shit in the first place!”
  It was all so… meaningless.
  The squabbling, the yelling, the arguments, meaningless.
  He wanted to kill him. He wanted to kill them both.
  Isaac glanced over to X, concern written on his face. X didn’t care. It was all meaningless.
  After a handful of reploids none of them familiar. Why were none of them familiar? were finally able to tear X away from his position kneeling over Axl’s body, Isaac had carefully, gently explained that Zero had sealed himself away; claiming fault for everything that happened. After all, he had been the source of the virus. The Dark Elf. Omega himself. It was all his fault.
  X should hate him.
  He really should.
  But he had already lost one brother.
  Why did he have to lose both.
    And now, here he was. The last dregs of society demanding him to figure out what to do with Omega. With Weil. X couldn’t bring himself to even look at them. He just wanted them out of his sight. The large, white reploid still sat prone, completely worthless without its’ master to command it. Pathetic. He could almost bring up pity for the thing.
  But not quite.
  Weil, on the other hand, had a smug look despite half his face being covered. Prevented from speaking, he was completely at the mercy of X.
  He wasn’t feeling very merciful.
  It scared him.
  Why, that voice asked. He’s taken everything from you.
  “Enough,” X called, his patience growing thin. He just wanted them out of his sight. “There is no way to remove Omega from the suit. Not without destroying it, but there is no way to know for sure if… Weil has any sort of backup plans for that.” He had certainly had a plan to make sure nobody won if he didn’t. The doctor narrowing his eyes told X he was right on the money. He glowered down at the human. “Launch it into space,” he ordered. “It won’t be of any use where Weil cannot reach it.” The people officiating the trial glanced at each other, whispering amongst themselves. The moon had served as an adequate prison for Sigma; X hoped the same would be true of the doppelganger.
  “What of Weil?” asked one brave individual.
  “Toss him out of Neo Arcadia,” X demanded snarled. “I don’t care how.” He had to leave. He would do something he’d regret if he didn’t. Turning, X made his way off the podium. Isaac followed after, trying desperately to speak to him.
  X ignored him.
  It was all so meaningless.
Ciel helped.
But not by much.
  It still hurt.
  The Dark Elf’s reappearance had made him panic.
  Was Weil back?
  If he is, kill him.
  The thoughts were getting louder.
  He was slowly becoming a danger.
  It scared him.
  Thus, he had come to the conclusion that for the sake of everyone, he needed to seal himself away. Just as Zero did all those years ago. The Dark Elf… She had rejected the notion of fusing with X. Quite violently, in fact. But alas, his will, his anger, his agony, it was greater than her rejection. She had fallen silent once fully fused.
  But it had taken it’s toll.
  He was so tired.
  He let himself rest.
  It wasn’t so bad, simply existing in a void…
  X awoke in a panic.
  Greedily gulping down oxygen, he put a hand to his head. Hair. Real hair. Not the synthetic hair he was used to. He pulled it away, studying his fingers. Scars littered the hand; not from fights, not from war, not from weapons. These were all from forgetting where they were while cutting vegetables. That touching hot pans was not a good idea. A misplaced needle while fixing up a garment. Peaceful scars.
  He had never been so relieved to see a scar before.
  He had to take a moment to remind himself that he was no longer back there.
  He was no longer a leader. Well, outside of being head of his little mishmash of a family.
  He was just X.
  Just as he always wished he could be.
  Just as he always should have been.
  The cry of a gull pulled him from his musings, causing him to glance at the clock by his bed. It was quite early; he still had an hour or so before the sun even began to rise. But the thought of trying to sleep after… that made his stomach turn. He was awake, whether he liked it or not. It was far too early to start breakfast, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t go out into the kitchen.
  Barrell had gotten him addicted to coffee, after all.
  Quietly making his way out of the kitchen, he turned on one of the lamps rather than the overhead lights. Levi was rather sensitive to light and had the habit of leaving her door open while she slept. The last thing he wanted to do was wake up any of the inhabitants. (Could you blame him for wanting at least a little bit of peace to himself? Eight people in a single house boat was quite the number, after all!) X made his way to the cabinet he knew held the caffeinated drink he craved; making sure to open it just right. (The darn thing squeaked if opened too quickly; he and Barrell were still trying to figure out why.)
  Just as he grabbed the bag of grounds, the sound of footsteps caught his attention. X inwardly groaned; he had been so careful not to wake anyone…
  “What are you doing up, dad?” asked Volnutt, his youngest. The younger carbon was rubbing at his eyes, telling X he had indeed just woken up.
  “Couldn’t sleep,” X quietly sighed. “Now why are you up, young man?”
  “Bathroom,” Volnutt yawned. “But I heard something, so I came to check it out.” X chuckled quietly to himself. “It’s just me,” he assured the brunette. “No need to worry. Go take care of business and get back to bed.” Volnutt blinked blearily at him, before turning to do as he was told.
  Shaking his head, X prepared his coffee as quietly as he could. Filling the pot with water to pour into the chamber, placing a filter into its place, filling said filter with grounds, now all that was left was for the machine to warm up. The older carbon looked around for something to occupy the time.
  Unfortunately, there wasn’t much in the kitchen. And he didn’t want to go walking around in fear of waking any more of the inhabitants.
  The flush of the toilet grabbed X’s attention; he waited for the sound of running water to accompany it.
  It did not occur.
  That boy…
  As Volnutt opened the door, X glared at him. “What?” he sleepily asked.
  “You did not wash your hands, young man,” X accused, crossing his arms.
  “Ah, crap,” Volnutt muttered. “Forgot.” He made the decision to walk back to his room regardless. X stared after him incredulously. “Excuse me,” the older carbon huffed. “Go wash your hands, Volnutt!”
  “But daaaaaad!” Volnutt winged. “’M tired! And you said go back to bed!”
  “You can go back to bed after you wash your hands!” Honestly, this boy…
  Volnutt let out a scoff, but obediently turned and did as he was told. X shook his head as he chuckled at the boy’s dramatics.
  He would rather have to get onto this child about washing his hands every time than spend one more second back there.
  Now why wasn’t the coffee maker heating up?
  As X studied the machine in an effort to figure out the reason (surely he wouldn’t be bested by a silly little machine like this!), Volnutt walked into the kitchen. X was tempted to tease him about no longer being tired, but he was far more interested in figuring out why the blasted mechanism wouldn’t give him his caffeine.
  “Uh, dad?” Volnutt quietly called. X turned to him, seeing him point to a spot on the wall. The older carbon turned to see that he was pointing at an outlet.
  An empty outlet.
  Meaning the coffee maker wasn’t plugged in.
  Well that explained it.
  Huh. He was more tired than he thought.
  X couldn’t help but laugh at himself, causing Volnutt to chuckle alongside him. The older brunette shook his head as he quickly plugged in the machine. Now it was making the familiar sounds of heating up. “Are you okay, dad?” Volnutt asked, genuine concern lacing every word. X gazed at his youngest, soft sigh escaping him. “Just a nightmare,” he assured the fourteen year-old. Volnutt tilted his head. “You want to talk about it?” he asked. “You always tell me that it helps.”
  The former blue bomber gave his youngest a fond smile.
  What had he done to deserve this child? He didn’t deserve him.
  “I’ll be okay,” X insisted. “Maybe when your older, we can talk about it.” Volnutt’s face fell; X hated doing this to him, but the child had no business knowing the horrors he had been through.
  He will be dead in the ground before he lets even an ounce of his past touch this child.
  “What’s all the noise about?” yawned Leviathan as she blearily entered the room. “I’m trying to get my beauty sleep.”
  Oops. X supposed they had been a bit too loud.
  “Sorry Levi,” said Volnutt, a cheeky grin forming on his face.
  Oh no.
  “You definitely need it.”
  Oh no.
  “WHY YOU-“
  “Children!” X hissed. “It is still early! Do not wake the house!”
  “Is that coffee I smell?” asked Barrell, slowly making his way out of the room. X let out a defeated sigh. So much for his peaceful morning…
  “HEY!” Roll called from her room. “Some people are trying to sleep!”
  “Take your own advice!” Fefnir yelled from down the hall.
  “Why don’t you?” argued Harpuia.
  “Man, you’re all so noisy,” chuckled Phantom, slinking into the kitchen from an open window. “Couldn’t be me.”
  “As if!” Volnutt argued. “You were stomping on the roof of my room all night!”
  “Prove it,” Phantom smirked.
  Watching the chaos unfold, X poured himself and Barrell a cup of coffee.
  He wouldn’t trade this for anything.
The past was the past.
And it would stay that way.
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bruggle · 4 months
Ok so I'm going to go on a rant about a niche megaman character so if you're not here for that, plz skip followers/mutuals :)
Sooooo the general consensus of Omega is that he's a bloodthirsty monster with little to no agency of his own. I don't necessarily disagree with that given... well... as far as character development goes, we have little to none. Like... the most we get is him calling himself a messiah before fighting. But I don't know... feels a little flat to me. So allow me to go on an unhinged analysis that is most likely 90-99% wrong :•D
So we know that Wile created him as a way to control all reploids because he made the argument that people would get complacent, and eventually, the Mother Elf's miracle cure would no longer work. (Not necessarily wrong, very plausible. But unfortunately, you became the very thing you hate Wile) He instilled Omega with a savior complex, most likely as a way to control him from deviating from the path Wile wanted. Wouldn't do to have your world saving solution to the problem you created go awol, now would it? And I fully believe that he has at least a form of the Maverick virus.
Not the same kind we're used to seeing, tho. I'd argue it's within the same kind of Maverick virus we see within Copy X. Rather than a hatred aimed at humanity, it's a hatred aimed at other Reploids. I mean, the Maverick viruses we saw in X 1-8 were fully aimed at hating humanity. All reploid casualties were unintentional for the most part. But... we see a Copy X that is on a witch hunt against a vast majority of reploids just because he wants what he feels is best for humanity in Zero 1. If Wile is the progenitor of a Maverick virus that does something similar to that as a means of controlling his weapon, it'd make sense that something like that is still floating around.
"But he's called the God of Destruction!" I hear you say. "He's the devil reploid!" Ah but dear reader, are these titles Omega claims himself, or are they given to him by others? It wouldn't suprise me if people called him that after the destruction the Elf Wars caused. I mean, what else would you call something that did that much damage? Regardless of whether it was on the orders of someone else or not. Once he was put in the Omega Armor (or whatever that thing is called), he lost any and all agency. He's literally just a tool for Wile at that point. I just... I don't know. I don't think he hates humans as much as most fics portray him as doing so. Wile 100% hates all that is left of humanity because his own sh*tty actions had some sh*tty consequences, but I don't know how much I would put that onto Omega.
I mean, getting sent to space for 100 years probably wasn't fun; but if he had time to process it, would he understand and just view it as children rebelling against what is best for them? He would still view Wile's methods as what is best for humanity because, again, a little bit of brainwashing savior complex is still there, even if he is unaware of Wile's motives doing a complete 180.
Idk, I am unhinged and have too many thoughts. Hopefully I made it clear enough, but if you were interested enough to read and have questions I'll try to elaborate
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bruggle · 2 months
Alia: Oh hey, you guys are back early.
X: Moon's haunted.
Alia: ...What?
X, putting on the Icarus Armor: Moon's haunted.
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bruggle · 8 days
In light of a recent meme @absolutely-normal-about-x shared... have this
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bruggle · 1 month
Another rant about my favoritest psychotic idiot
I'm sure yall are sick of my bs, but TOO BAD. HERE IT IS AGAIN.
So I've mentioned in the past that I really don't think Omega is this purely violent monster bent on destruction, and I'm going to elaborate on that
Because holy frick you want to talk about playing with fire? Having something like that walking around is the DEFINITION of that. Even IF you preprogrammed loyalty into it. Programming that could possibly fail, as reploids have a lot more agency and free will than your average robot. Plus, if you add in the Maverick virus (even the kind I've mentioned before) that would make your situation even MORE unstable.
And I don't think Weil is that much of an idiot.
Honestly, I see Omega as a DERIVATIVE of Zero rather than an antithesis.
Even at his worst, we know Willy is absolutely dog shit at programming pure evil. Even Duo mentions to Bass/Forte that "Hey man you've got a strong sense of justice, why you listening to that loser?" Plus, we see Zero choosing to defy his original intent over and over and over again. He MASTERS his "evil" forms rather than giving into them. So I don't think anything made from his code would be truly evil either. Just doesn't make sense.
No, I think Weil just instilled a god complex and a savior complex into him as a form of control. Less chance of your weapon turning against you that way.
Check reblogs for part 2
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bruggle · 1 month
Behold, another One-shot for @absolutely-normal-about-x 's Legends Reborn AU. So uh... enjoy!
X marks the spot, right? At least, that's how it usually works in the movies. Volnutt had noticed strange markings on the wall within a random set of ruins last time he had been there, now it was time to see if the saying was true!
...Hopefully he doesn't regret it...
Words: 4,736
"Breathe, it's over now, over now
We can love, we can love
We can love, we can love
And the birds will sing our song in Halcyon"
Roll had not been happy.
-Halcyon, The Paper Kites
  She had been set up to leave for the next prospective dig site when Volnutt returned from the ruins, but… he had been… reluctant to leave. There was something off about this set; something that had tugged at him. While he had been exploring, he had come across a strange set of markings on one of the walls. It… well, it had looked like a series of ‘x’s. None of the other walls had looked like that. And it wasn’t so decorative that Volnutt could just pass it off as just the previous owners weird design choice. No, it looked… deliberate. Intentional. So he had begged and begged his adoptive sister to let him have just one more day to look through the ruins.
  She hadn’t been happy, of course. Time was money in this business, after all. There were only so many relics that could be uncovered. And they all had to eat somehow! But… something about those markings on the wall… he just… he couldn’t stop thinking about them. What did they mean? Sure, ‘x’ had often marked the spot of treasure in stories and movies, but this was real life! Surely nobody did that of their own volition, right? It’d be too easy for people to figure out where you kept your valuables. So… why would anyone do that?
  In any case, Volnutt would be figuring that out today. As he geared up to head back into the ruins, Roll had called out to him. “Hey, if you’re going to go,” she started. “I suggest you hurry up. I can see the Bonne’s ship coming in.” Volnutt froze for a second. “What?!” he exclaimed. “Yeah, I guess they were following us or something,” replied Roll. “’Cuz they’re heading this way.” Volnutt groaned as he rolled his eyes. This was definitely something he didn’t need.
  “You got this?” he checked with Roll.
  “Oh please,” she grinned. “If they try boarding the Flutter, they’re going to have a hard time even catching her. I’ve been putting a lot of work into this baby!”
  Volnutt chuckled as he slipped on the last of his Digger gear. “Just be careful,” he cautioned. “Hey, you too,” Roll said, clapping him on the shoulder. “Go and find your weird thing.” And with that, Volnutt made his way back into the depths of the ruins.
  Upon making his way back to the room that had the strange walls, Volnutt noticed this time there were… well… lots of floating lights hanging around. They hadn’t been here yesterday… He was immediately cautious, remembering tales from other Diggers talking about these things. ‘Spirits’, they had called them. There were a lot of conflicting information about them; some Diggers claimed that they were a life-saver, helping lost people find their way out of ruins. Others claimed that they were a death sentence; trickster beings that would destroy anything remotely electronic however it suited them, leaving Diggers lost and with no way to contact for help. Perhaps it just depended on the Spirit themselves.
  Either way, Volnutt didn’t want to have to contend with them as well as the Bonne’s. But.. they were swarming all over the wall! Right where he needed to be! Well, if anything, this proved that there had to be something of value here. …Hopefully. While Volnutt was struggling to figure out how exactly to either slip past or… lure the Spirits away, he didn’t notice a couple of the orbs of light slowly beginning to dance around his head. The sudden crackle of static from his coms quickly made him aware of his situation, however. Letting out a yelp of surprise, he quickly backed up. “H-hey,” he nervously greeted. “Uh… I don’t know if you can understand me, but uh… c-could you please go somewhere else?” The Spirits either couldn’t understand him, or were simply choosing to ignore him, as they continued to dance around him. This… probably wasn’t good. Suddenly, Volnutt noticed a much larger orb of light slowly beginning to drift towards him. Ah. Great. Just what he needed.
  Much to his surprise, however, the smaller Spirits began to drift away from him. Maybe there was a hierarchy? Who knew. Spirits were weird from what he understood. As Volnutt watched it, trying to figure out what it wanted, he noticed that it was slowly moving in a pattern. A sort of ‘come here’ movement. Did it think he was lost? While Volnutt appreciated the gesture, he knew exactly where he was. “Oh, I’m not lost,” he assured the Spirit. “Just… trying to figure out what’s with this wall.” With that, he moved closer to the ‘x’s, gently putting his hand to one of them. Looking closer, he noticed that there was a barely noticeable gap. Was.. was this a door? Volnutt looked around for a way to open it, but… there was… nothing. A couple of the smaller orbs began dancing around him again, but he really wasn’t worried about the Spirits anymore; all of the smaller ones seemed to be less inclined to mess with him now that the larger one was nearby.
  The orb didn’t seem too happy with being ignored, however. As now, it was repeating it’s movements much faster. Volnutt watched it curiously; it didn’t seem to be trying to lead him out, he realized. If anything, it seemed to be trying to lead him further in. That… could probably be dangerous. Again, these things weren’t always the most benevolent.
  A sudden crash made Volnutt aware that he was no longer alone.
  Sighing, he really didn’t want to deal with all three Bonne’s right now. One was enough of a handful, thank you very much. Turning his attention back to the large orb, he made up his mind. This was most likely a bad decision, but hey. He had made plenty of those. And it had turned out alright so far! Volnutt just had to hope his luck lasted just a little longer. “Please don’t lead me into a trap,” he quietly pleaded to the Spirit as he carefully began to follow it. The orb seemed to glow just a little brighter, as if pleased by his decision.
  Following the orb, Volnutt was lead to a corridor he hadn’t noticed on his first go through. Granted, he had solely been focused on finding Relics; but it still made him slightly embarrassed to have realized exactly how much of the ruins he had missed. Oh well. Oddly enough, there was a low hum of electricity running through this area. That was… strange. Very few ruins ever had any sort of energy running through them. Volnutt briefly wondered about the reason; in his experience, any sort of electricity meant there would be a bunch of reaverbots. But, there would also be a much better Relic to take home.
  He hoped he wouldn’t have to fight a bunch…
  Was that what this Spirit was leading him to?
  In any case, the ball of light seemed to get more and more excited as they made their way through the hallway; zipping around his head, it would dance around further in front of him then return as though to make sure he was still following. It was rather funny, but Volnutt still wasn’t sure how much he could trust it. Eventually, they came upon a large room. In the center, was a large monitor. The Spirit lead him further inside, right up to the device.
  It seemed old (what else was new), and a good layer of dust covered everything. Volnutt wasn’t super familiar with Old World technology, but the few computers he had come across certainly didn’t look anything like this. For one, it didn’t look like there was any sort of keyboard. Is… is this what the Spirit wanted him to see? “Do you… want me to turn it on?” Volnutt hesitantly asked. He still didn’t know if they understood people; and even if they did, how would he understand it back? Well, now he felt a little silly for asking it. The orb didn’t seem too bothered though, as it danced around a spot under the monitor. It then moved back over to his right hand, enveloping it within it’s light. “…You want me to touch it?” Volnutt questioned. The Spirit glowed brighter. Huh. Guess that answers that.
  Shrugging, Volnutt hesitantly reached out to the spot the Spirit had been dancing around. He still wasn’t entirely sure about this, (for all he knew, this could be activating a ton of reaverbots!) but… something compelled him to listen to it. His instincts hadn’t lead him wrong so far, so… he’d probably be fine, right? Carefully, slowly, Volnutt gently placed his hand against the place pointed out to him.
  And his hand was sucked into the machinery.
  And… now the Spirit was abandoning him. Great.
  “Hey, get back here!” Volnutt exclaimed, slightly panicking. The orb merely ignored him as the monitor came to life.
  Wait, what?
  A sudden pain in his stuck hand made Volnutt cry out. What was going on?! The machine then let go of his hand, allowing Volnutt to pull it back as quickly as he could. He looked over the damage; it wasn’t as bad as it had felt, thank goodness. Just a small cut that had somehow made it past all of his armor (he really did not want to see what was able to cause that!) Glancing back up at the monitor, Volnutt noticed that it now read something else.
  …Positive match for what?
  Oh no. Oh no no no no. Volnutt began to panic. Anything being released in any sort of ruins was never a good sign. Well, worse comes to worse, he could always lead whatever it is to the Bonne’s…
  No, that’d be too mean.
  Oh thank goodness. Volnutt let out a sigh of relief. He was done with this place. Whatever kind of secrets this place held, it was not worth the heart attack he just went through. As he turned to leave, however, the monitor showed one more message:
  Oh crap.
  The room went completely dark; Volnutt couldn’t see anything. He was pretty sure that if he tried waving his hand in front of his face, he wouldn’t even be able to see that. As he raked his brain to try and figure out how the heck he was going to get out of here with no way to see, a sudden light stung his eyes. Oh, his Spirit friend hadn’t abandoned him. “Well now look what you did,” Volnutt grumbled at it. The orb seemed to dim itself in something of an apology, before slowly moving towards the exit. Muttering to himself, Volnutt quickly followed after it. He really did not feel like being stuck here, thank you very much. While following the Spirit is what lead him into this mess in the first place, it was also his only source of light at the moment.
  Whatever the ruins were trying to release, he did not want to be caught by it in the dark.
  The Spirit quickly led Volnutt back through the ruins, where holes in the roof were more plentiful. This set his nerves more at ease; he’d really rather not have to fight something by the pitiful light of the Spirit. As they re-entered the room that held the ‘x’s, Volnutt was met by a sight that made his heart sink.
  The Bonne’s were currently bickering amongst themselves. Well, Tiesel and Tron were. Bon was currently sitting off in the corner, playing with some of the rubble. As he watched them, he noticed his Spirit slowly fade out of sight. Huh. Maybe it figured it was done here? Guess he was going to be dealing with the Bonne’s alone. “I’m telling you,” Tiesel was objecting. “I didn’t touch anything!”
  “Then why did that wall start glowing?!” Tron argued. Volnutt glanced over to the aforementioned wall, seeing that all the markings were, in fact, glowing. “I don’t know!” Tiesel exclaimed. “Why don’t you ask him?” Tron turned in her mech, finally noticing Volnutt standing in the doorway. Great. “YOU,” she fumed. “What did you do, Mega-dork?!” Sighing, Volnutt debated on how much (if any) he should tell them. “Well,” he started. “I uh… I followed a Spirit-“
  “You followed a Spirit?!” Tiesel interjected. “Are you an idiot?!”
  Volnutt let out an audible gulp, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. “I know, I know,” he said. “But… It was pretty persistent!”
  “Well yeah,” deadpanned Tron. “They like causing trouble! Geez, what is this, your first dig?”
  Volnutt let out a groan. He really shouldn’t have said anything. “Look, it lead me to this room with a computer,” he explained. “And… It like… took a blood sample or something. Said I was a match.”
  “A match for what?” Tiesel asked, quirking a brow. Volnutt shrugged. “No idea,” he grumbled. “It just… said ‘activating release protocol’.” The two Bonne’s let out a loud, exaggerated groan. “Are you kidding me, Mega-dork?!” the middle Bonne exasperated. “Again, is this your first dig?” Volnutt rolled his eyes. “Shut up,” he muttered. Tron let a loud sigh, before turning to the wall. “Well, if it’s a ‘you’ thing,” she said, gesturing to the markings. “Then you deal with it. But we get half the loot just for dealing with your dumbness.”
  “What?!” Volnutt exclaimed. “No way! You chose to come into these ruins on your own!”
  “Yeah, and it’s a good thing we did,” Tiesel retorted. “You could have easily gotten yourself killed!”
  “Babuu!” Bon interjected. Volnutt gave him a withering glare. “Not helping,” he grumbled. Whatever. Letting out a long sigh, Volnutt made his way to the closest ‘x’. There wasn’t anything that gave away what could possibly be behind the door; but the low, red light was promising. While he still had no real idea on how to open it (there wasn’t any sort of handle!), Volnutt gently let his hand rest against it.
  And with that, the door opened.
  Volnutt stepped back with a yelp, he certainly hadn’t been expecting that! He heard Tron snickering behind him, and turned to give her a slight glare. All four carbons curiously looked into the now opened compartment. It was hard to make out what was inside for a second due to the lighting, but as their eyes adjusted, Volnutt could make out the form of a person.
  An incredibly tall person, but a person nonetheless. He was dressed in a bulky sort of red armor, and seemed to have red scales littering his body from what exposed skin Volnutt could see, and were… were those horns? “…What the heck?” Tiesel muttered. With that, the sealed carbon slowly opened his eyes. “…The heck are you?” the unknown figure demanded. “Could ask you the same thing,” Tron snorted. The strangers’ eyes narrowed. “I suggest you watch your tone,” he growled. The middle Bonne scoffed as she rolled her eyes. “Oh please,” she sniffed. “Is that any way to talk to the people who woke you up? Who knows how long you’ve been in there! Talk about ungrateful!”
  “Tron!” Volnutt hissed. “Would you please stop?” The strangers eyes settled on him, making him freeze up a bit. (Cut him some slack! This guy is intimidating!) There was a perplexed look to him; but he quickly shook his head, refocusing on Tron yet again. “You think I couldn’t bust myself out of here?” the stranger snarled, stepping out of the container that had sealed him in. “If you could, then why didn’t you?” she challenged. Oh. Oh no. Volnutt had a feeling this was going to end in a fight. With a roar, the tall figure leapt at the middle Bonne.
 Bon intercepted the figure, punching him in the gut. Whatever inertia the guy had, was now sending him hurtling off to the side. “Take care of him Bon,” Tron ordered, a bored tone to her voice. “I’m gonna see if there’s anything interesting in the rest of these.”
  Part of Volnutt wanted to try to defuse the situation, there really was no need for any of this! And what if Bon got hurt?! This guy seemed like a real threat! “C’mon, Mega-dork,” Tron called to him. “I’m pretty sure you gotta be the one to open these if it needed your blood. Tiesel will make sure nothing happens.” He hesitated, but… he was curious about what was in the rest of these… What if it was more people? They needed to get them out of there, if that were the case!
  Reluctantly, Volnutt followed after the girl. Making their way to the second ‘x’, Tron made a grand gesture at it. “After you, Mega-dweeb,” she teased. Volnutt gave her a disparaging glance, but obediently pressed his hand against it. This one too, opened up; and inside was yet another person. This one was much shorter than the previous guy, and was sporting a sort of loose, green tunic. The most noticeable feature about him, however, was the fact that he had wings instead of arms. What were these people?! Volnutt started to have some doubts; what if these guys were sealed for a reason?
  The second figure slowly began opening his eyes, an absolutely bewildered look forming on his face as he took in the sight of Volnutt. “Master… X?” he whispered. “No… it couldn’t be… you’re too young…” That… didn’t make Volnutt feel any better. “HEY HARPUIA!” the first stranger yelled out. “GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR AND HELP ME OUT!” ‘Harpuia’, as he had been introduced, immediately turned to the first. “Fefnir, what the hell did you get yourself into now?!” he snapped. “JUST HELP ME ALREADY!” ‘Fefnir’ argued. With a groan, the green clad carbon jumped out of his container and made his way to where the two were fighting. “Should we help Bon?” asked Volnutt. “Nah,” Tron stated nonchalantly. “He’s got it.”
  With that, a sudden explosion rocked the ruins.
  Ah. He had bombs. Of course he did.
  “Well, onto the next one,” stated Tron, turning her mech to the next door. “Wait, Tron!” Volnutt pleaded. "Are you sure this is a good idea?! What if these guys are dangerous?!” She glanced down at him. “If they can’t even take Bon, they can’t be that dangerous,” the middle Bonne insisted. “Besides, didn’t you hear that guy? You look like someone they know. Aren’t you curious?” He was, but… Volnutt also knew better than to just blindly open things! Anyone called ‘master’ probably wasn’t a good guy if all the stories he read were to be believed, after all!
  “Look, do you want to see what’s behind the doors or not?”
  Volnutt looked down at the ground, but slowly walked closer to the third door. “That’s what I thought,” Tron smugly said. “Now open it!” Sighing, Volnutt slowly pressed his hand against the third door. This one also revealed a person; surprisingly a girl! She had long, grey hair with blue streaks, and a sleek, blue set of armor. This one looked by far the most normal, but… Volnutt wasn’t holding his breath. As the blue clad stranger opened her eyes, she let out an enormous yawn and- ope. Yep. There it is. She had shark-like teeth. "Dang, how long have I been out?” she muttered, wiping at her eyes. “Oh hello, who are you two?” Volnutt opened his mouth to reply, but was cut short by a squawk from the side. Harpuia had been tossed back into the container he had come out of. “Holy shit, was that Harpuia?” the third stranger chuckled as she leaned out in order to get a better look. “Leviathan, if you ever bring this up again, I am going to kill you,” the green clad carbon hissed, stepping out of the door again. ‘Leviathan’ merely let out a laugh at that. “What did you boys get yourself into?” she teased. “JUST HELP US, WOULD YOU?!” Fefnir roared, before he was easily chucked halfway across the room by Bon. “Babuu!” the toddler happily cried.
  “Men,” Leviathan sighed, sending a wink at Tron. “What would they do without us?” And with that, she joined the fray. Volnutt watched as she effortlessly began dodging around Bon’s punches. It was almost as if she were dancing, rather than fighting. “Hey, Mega-dork,” Tron called, pulling him from his musing. “We still got two more doors to go.” Right. Volnutt let out short breath as he followed Tron to the second to last door. Upon opening it, they were greeted by yet another carbon. He was clad in sleek, purple armor, and had pitch black hair. As he opened his eyes, Volnutt noticed they were rather cat like in appearance. The stranger gave them a skeptical look, before looking out to see the other three fighting with Bon. He merely raised a brow at that. “So uh… who are you?” Volnutt tentatively asked. “Phantom,” the fourth stranger replied. “Gonna join the party?” Tron smirked. ‘Phantom’ as he called himself, gave her a smug look. “Nah,” he said, waving his hand (wait, why did they look like cat paws?!) “But I should have brought popcorn.”
  “PHANTOM, YOU BITCH,” Fefnir yelled, taking yet another hit from Bon. The purple clad carbon simply laughed.
  In any case, there was one more door left. Volnutt quickly dodged around Tron, pressing his hand against it.
  Inside was a much older man.
  His hair was long. Like, ridiculously long. It was a similar shade of brown to Volnutt’s own, although there were a couple of white streaks here and there. There was also an ‘x’ shaped scar on his cheek. What had he gone through? His armor looked oddly similar to Volnutt’s… That was weird… As the man slowly opened his eyes, they fell upon Volnutt.
  The intensity of his stare made Volnutt nervous. Did… did he have something on his face? No, that couldn’t be it. That wouldn’t cause anyone to make that sort of expression. The man looked like he had seen a ghost. Maybe he had? Were the Spirits back? Volnutt looked behind him to check and see if they had or not. Nope, not a single orb in sight. He turned back to the last stranger. That bewildered look was still there, and were… were those tears? Volnutt was about to speak when the man suddenly fell to his knees, clasping his hands onto the younger carbon’s shoulders. “Hey, are you okay mister?” Volnutt asked, alarmed. The man shook his head, a smile forming onto his face. “You…” he spoke (And wow, there was something about his voice that resonated with Volnutt. That was weird.) Whatever he was going to say was cut off by a choked sob. Well now Volnutt was really worried. Who was this guy? And why was he so affected by him? The man placed a gentle hand against Volnutt’s cheek.
  “You’re my son,” he said.
  Volnutt froze. Surely he heard wrong? “I uh… I think you’ve got the wrong person,” he insisted. The man vehemently shook his head. “There is no way I’m wrong,” the older carbon maintained. “You are my son. You… you look just like I did… Just… younger…” Oh, okay yeah. There were definitely tears coming from this guy now. Volnutt had zero idea what to do. What did you do in this sort of situation?! As he was about to protest, another loud explosion occurred; saving Volnutt from the awkward situation he had found himself in. The man looked past the younger blue clad carbon, seeing the chaos that involved the three newly awakened carbons and Bon as they fought each other.
  “FEFNIR, HARPUIA, AND LEVIATHAN LIGHT!” he barked, leaving Volnutt where he stood in order to get closer to the three. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!”
  “Hah, you guys got full named,” Phantom chuckled, causing the older stranger to give him a look. The purple clad carbon immediately muttered an apology. “Master X!” Harpuia called out, quickly untangling himself from the mess of limbs Fefnir and Leviathan had him caught up in. “Forgive us, we-“
  “Harpuia, I am your father,” ‘X’ (as he had apparently been introduced) cut him off, a hurt tone to his voice. “You do not have to call me that.” Harpuia stood stunned for a second, before looking away; he had a conflicted expression on his face. The other three carbons quickly joined him, looking back at X. Volnutt quickly looked between all five of the carbons, trying to figure out all the similarities between them. After all, X claimed to be Harpuia’s father, he at least shared a last name with Fefnir and Leviathan, and Phantom seemed to refer to X as an authority figure. That lead to the logical conclusion that they were family.
  A family X seemed convinced he was apart of.
  (Did he let himself hope…? No, X had to be wrong.)
  “Good job, Bon,” Tiesel chuckled from behind. Volnutt turned to see the Tron and Tiesel congratulating their youngest sibling; Bon visibly preening from their words and attention. It made his heart sink. What was that like? Heck, turning back to X and his clan, he could see that even as X was admonishing his children, the siblings were still nudging and winking at each other. They all… belonged. Somewhere. Unlike him. He turned away. It hurt way too much to let himself think about any of that. Volnutt was tempted to leave all together, but… No. That’d be rude. Plus, he still needed to clear up the whole misunderstanding with X.
  “Dang, and here I thought I was imagining it,” Fefnir’s voice pulled Volnutt out of his thoughts. He spun around, seeing X and his children giving him curious looks. A slight blush began forming on his cheeks; why were they staring at him? “Uh…” he started, but was quickly interrupted by Leviathan. “Oh my gosh, he’s ADORABLE!” she squeaked, running up to Volnutt and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. “Seriously, Levi?” Harpuia sighed, walking up to the two of them in order to try and pry her off of the poor child. “Let him process it before you smother him!” As Leviathan let go of Volnutt, he quickly stepped back in order to put some distance between them. “It’ll be nice to not be the youngest anymore,” Phantom smirked as he walked up.
  “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Volnutt spluttered. “You… you’ve got the wrong idea! I don’t- I’m not-“
  “You are,” X cut him off, a smile on his face. “You are the spitting image of me; you have to be related in some way.” Volnutt started at him for a minute, did he hope?
  “Are you kidding me, Mega-dork?!” Tron interrupted.
  Volnutt blinked, turning to look at her with an owlish look. “Dude, how are you not putting together the pieces?” she exasperated. “You said that machine took your blood, right?” The younger blue clad carbon nodded. “Then it said you were some kind of match, right?” He nodded again. “And as far as you’re aware, you don’t have anyone related to you. So all these people could have only been released by you. And you look just like that old man.” X let out a slight protest at that, but Tron ignored him. “Volnutt, you found your family.”
  He… he found his family?
    Volnutt stared at the floor for a minute. He… he just.. he could not believe it. He found his family?! Tears began forming in the corners of his eyes. After all this time… They’ve been here? His breathing picked up. He didn’t want to cry. He really didn’t! But… he couldn’t hold it back anymore. Bringing one of his arms up to his face, he tried hiding it behind trying to wipe sweat off his forehead; but apparently X wasn’t buying it. Volnutt felt his hands gently grab onto his shoulders again. “I am so sorry,” X murmured, running one of his hands through Volnutt’s hair. “But we’re here now. And I am never going to leave you alone again.”
  Volnutt finally gave into his feelings, falling into X’s arms with a wail.
  He was home.
  “Sooo… when do we discuss payment?”
Side note: The cyber elf/spirit can be whoever or whatever you want it to be. Is it Zero? Sure. Axl? That works. The Mother heckin Elf herself? Yee. Heck it can be the last vestiges of cyber elf X if you want (since data is never truly destroyed or lost) I mean hey. if you want, as a fun little game, leave in the notes who you think the cyber elf is.
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bruggle · 29 days
Tumblr media
Really hoping I have enough yarn to make a matching beanie for this sweater
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bruggle · 10 days
Just a heads up
Yall ain't ready for this one-shot I'm cooking.
Pretty sure I'm going to make myself cry.
9 notes · View notes
bruggle · 4 months
Currently listening to the Oh Hellos 2 Christmas albums back to back over and over :)
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bruggle · 1 month
Maybe it's because I don't watch a lot of stuff, but I can't think of a single time I've ever heard someone who is asked the Ship of Theseus question ask their own:
Is something worth getting rid of because of one bad/broken part?
Because yeah, ultimately, if you replace the rotten boards of a ship little by little over time, it honestly isn't the same ship anymore. But...
Why would you want it to be?
That's honestly why I love Theseus so much; because it does ask that question.
And it says no. It isn't worth getting rid of.
Mend it
And it acknowledges that it's not going to be easy.
But its worth it to be better.
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bruggle · 13 days
I wish pattern sites would have an option where you can specify how many yards of each color you have when looking. Because small businesses like doing limited runs of colors! So you can maybe only get one skein! And ravelry is showing me all these patterns where you are for sure going to need 2-3 skeins of one color with small amounts of an accent color!
Like please no! I want at least somewhat even color distribution so I can use these two skeins in something pretty!
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bruggle · 7 days
Heck it, people are putting out sneak peaks, (looking at you @waythroughtheice) so here. The entirety of a self endulgent bs piece I'm slowly writing through. Not done, but I got a beginning, a small middle, and an end.
Because I like hurting people.
And idk if I'll fully finish this thing.
So here
Guilt ate at Brook as she made her way to the ruins. What was she doing? She knew better than to even attempt something this stupid! And yet...
Omega had disappeared; X had proven far too much for the crimson Cyber Elf, forcing him to retreat in order to avoid a true death. Brook was hovering over Volnutt; there wasn't much she could do. (Dang, even in death, she was still a weak link.) But after revealing herself, Omega had been... reluctant, almost, to get too close to her. She had used that to her advantage to help Volnutt avoid the worst of his blows, but even then. The poor boy had barely survived the ordeal.
Luckily, she had managed to use some of her energy in order to send a distress signal over Volnutt's communication device. The one that was linked directly to their father; hence his (very pissed off) presence. X turned to his children, a panicked look growing on his face as he noticed that Volnutt was unconscious. "He's okay," Brook assured him. "Just... wasn't... prepared for that." X let out a long sigh of relief as he looked to the ceiling of the ruins before fixing her with a hard look. "You knew," he accused. "That’s why you tried to talk him out of it." Brook looked away. What was she supposed to say at that? She couldn't deny it, but...
X let out a disappointed sigh, leaning down to gently pick up his youngest. "We will discuss this later," he told her, that hard look taking on an edge of anger. Brook had messed up in the past, but this? This was by far the worst one. What had she been thinking? As X turned to leave the ruins, Brook slowly began to float after him. However, the sudden appearance of a familiar presence behind her made Brook freeze. Fear forced her to look straight ahead. She almost called out to X, but before she could, Omega whispered in her ear. "Meet me tonight,"
And in all her infinite wisdom, she had nodded.
So here she was, after having just gone through an hour long lecture about exactly how dumb she had been for keeping Omega's existence a secret, going out to meet him in the middle of the night.
Was wrong.
With her?
She had been trying desperately to talk herself out of it, but it wasn't working. What if it's a trap? Then... it wouldn't make sense for him to let her go in that instance if he wanted a hostage. What if he just wants to kill her? Again, it didn't make sense for him to have let her go when
he did. X would have had no time to notice, let alone stop it, if that's what Omega had wanted. So it wasn't even a matter of avoiding another fight.
There just... wasn't any way to figure what it was that he wanted other than to speak to him face to face. Which left Brook a mess. The last time they had spoken like this, it had ended in a fight. Omega far too sure that Weil had humanity's best interest at heart, while Brook had been adamant that he was just using Omega for his own gain. (She wishes she had been wrong.)
Upon reaching the entrance of the ruins, Brook took in a deep breath she did not need. Being a Cyber Elf was weird. There was no need for air, but Brook found it comforting to make the movements anyway; reminded her of her humanity. Something she refused to lose even now. In any case, the time for musing was not now. She had a psychopath to meet.
Floating her way through the ruins, Brook yet again chose to keep herself hidden. She still wasn't sure how effective it was, as Omega's full attention had been on Volnutt the last time she had tried it. But hey, anything was better than nothing. She still didn't have a backup plan in the offhand chance things went wrong. (Why was she so sure it wouldn't?)
The sudden feeling of arms wrapping around her middle made Brook give out a shriek. As she attempted to fight them off, a familiar chuckle was heard from behind. "Seems that I've caught a fish," Omega said in a smug tone; and despite the 'heart attack' Brook just suffered, she couldn't help the winded laugh that escaped her lips. Well, there was the answer to that question.
"Fuckin' asshole," Brook breathlessly grinned. "Let me go." The former reploid seemed to hesitate for a moment, before loosening the grip he had around her. Brook quickly stepped out of his grasp and turned to look at him. While she had, of course, seen him as he had been beating down her poor baby brother (and when X was handing the red clad Cyber Elf's ass to him); the amount of changes he had gone through still... suprised her, to say the least.
He didn't look as... human as he used to. No, the only thing Brook could compare him to was a dragon. Even as they were closed, Brook could tell his wings were massive. They were made of the same cybernetic fibers her own were, but linked in such a way as to remind her of a bat. He was still clad in the same crimson armor she remembered; but it was seemingly fused with what she remembered of Weil's Omega Armor. Especially in his helmet, she realized with a shudder. God, that brought up some unpleasant nightmares.
She hated not being able to see his face fully.
Omega knew she was appraising his appearance; he seemed to be preening at it even. (Asshole.) "Like what you see?" he teased. Brook gave him an exaggerated scoff. "Not really," she snarked. "Can you take off that stupid helmet?" Omega cocked his head at the request, a smirk making its way onto his face. "Oh?" he mused, stepping towards her. "Now, why would you want that? Is there something you're missing?" Brook fought to keep the blush off her face; it was strictly because she did not like being reminded of her near death experience. Thank you very much! She did not miss anything about him!
Brook gave the draconian Cyber Elf a half-hearted glare. "As if," she muttered, taking a step back. "Just, not a big fan of the stupid thing." Omega regarded her for a minute before letting out a chuckle as he reached up,
And slowly removed the white helm.
It surprised Brook how much seeing his blood-red eyes set her at ease. (Damn, she didn't think she was that unnerved at the reminder of Weil.) They looked exactly as they had all those years ago, just now accompanied by lizard-like pupils. "There," the former reploid said, an amused glint in his gaze. "Better now?"
Brook gave him a glare. "No," she lied. "I've changed my mind. Put it back on." Omega gave her a bewildered look, causing her facade to crack. As she began snickering, the white clad cyber elf gave her his own glare. "I had forgotten how indecisive human females are," he grumbled.
"Pretty sure that's just me," Brook grinned. "Given that I'm not... you know... human anymore."
Omega gave her a hard look. Slowly, he reached out to her; gently cupping her face. How long had it been since she felt anything? Nothing but other cyber elves could touch her. "How?" he demanded.
Brook gave a hard swallow. "We're not - We're not entirely sure," she stammered. "X has theories, but... nothing concrete." Omega gave a sort of thinking hum, beginning to pull his hand away. Without thinking, Brook covered his hand with her own; keeping it against her face. She stood stock still. Had she really just done that? Omega had a slight look of surprise; but slowly, his expression softened as he stepped closer.
"Where have you been?" he asked softly. How did she explain it? "Around," she whispered. "Home. Becoming a cyber elf... didn't exactly... agree with me. I uh... I couldn't remember much of anything for a damn good while. But I knew home was important. Kept people from ransacking the place."
"And after that?" he asked, a slight accusory tone to his voice. "After you began to remember?"
Brook took a deep breath. She knew what he was asking. "I didn't know how much you remembered," she breathed. "It'd been... so long and -"
"You think I'd forget?" Omega snarled, his grasp tightening a fair amount. Not enough to hurt her, never. Never her. but enough to make her wince. "Not you," Brook assured the white clad cyber elf. "But... I didn't know what Weil did to you. That suit... I had no idea how it worked. Did it just suppress you? Did it delete your personality? I couldn't -"
Omega's grip loosened. Slowly, he brought his second hand up to her face, cradling it as he pulled her closer. Gently, he rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. "I've missed you," Omega whispered. Brook nodded, her grasp tightening on his hand. "I'm sorry," she breathed. "I just - I didn't -"
His lip curled. "You want me," he snarled. "To forgive X? After everything he's done?" Brook let out a sigh. She knew this was a touchy subject. "Omega -"
"He exiled me into space," Omega interjected; pacing the floor, anger evident on his face. "For one hundred years. And I was aware the entire time. Do you understand what that did to me?!"
"No," she admitted. "But... Omega, he lost everything thanks to Weil. Thanks to you. And I know. I know. You were in that fucking suit. It wasn't entirely you but...
"He lost Zero. He lost Axl. He lost me. You lost me thanks to that asshole. You were just... easier to blame. And it wasn't right, I'm not saying it was, but..." Brook let out another sigh. "If the roles were reversed, you would have killed him."
"Don't ask me to choose," Brook begged. "You know what I'm going to choose."
As Brook entered the houseboat, her heart sank at the sight of X in the kitchen. Nursing a mug of coffee in his hands, he looked like he hadn't slept much. Why did she do this to him? "You were out late," he noted. Brook hesitated. "I was," she agreed. X slowly nodded. "See anything?" He asked, taking a hard swallow.
And she knew.
She knew what he was asking.
She wanted to cry.
She wanted to yell. Scream. Tell him he isn't her father. Anything she would have done at sixteen. But she couldn't. It wasn't fair to him. It wasn't fair to her.
"No," she lied instead. Why.
If X knew she was lying, he didn't give any indication of it. That made it worse. Rather, he just let out whatever breath he had been holding. And not for the first time, she wished she could hug him. Grab his hand. Something. She hated this existence. It barely counted as one. "Alright," X replied simply, gathering his dish as he stood from the table. Brook watched as he emptied out its contents and placed it in the sink. Why does she do this.
But she knows why. Her heart wants two things at once. It always has.
As X passed her on his way back to his room, he paused. "Brook," he said, although it sounded a lot more like pleading. "You know I love you, right?"
She nodded.
She was going to cry.
"And you know you can talk to me about anything, right?"
Not this.
Not now.
She nodded.
He opened his mouth as if to say more, but thought better of it.
Instead, X continues on his way to his room.
She can't leave it at that.
"X?" Brook called, causing him to immediately stop. He turned to her, a hopeful glance in his eyes.
A lump forms in her throat.
"I love you, too," she honestly tells him. He's just not ready.
A look of relief washes over his face, although they both know that's not what the problem is. What it has been. She's done nothing but hurt him since they met. She wonders why he bothers.
But what else can she do?
Curse her stubbornness.
Damn her heart.
She hates being a Cyber Elf.
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bruggle · 3 months
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Brook doodles
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