cassmartin · 1 month
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Cass Martin
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supercodi · 2 years
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Shoutout to my client @meridiannnnnnn___ who is competing today at the @iatbp.official bodybuilding show today!💪 - This is Dion’s first show, but I’m hoping it is not his last 😁 he is a natural in this sport (along with hard work of course ) excited to see him walk across the stage tonight! - Everyone wish Dion good luck today! - #bdoybuilding #iatbp #fitness #health #ftmbodybuilding #ftmfitness #teamcoachcody https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLL8aBrTBz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hg-pharm · 2 years
RAD 140 half life
The half-life of a drug refers to the time it takes for half of the drug to be eliminated from the body, and it is also the time it takes for the blood drug concentration to drop by half. It is commonly expressed as T1/2, and the half-life of a drug can reflect the speed of drug elimination in the body. All drugs in the world have half-lives, and SARMs are no exception. RAD140 is one of the most popular SARMs for bodybuilders, RAD 140 half life is 24 hours, go through this article to learn more about RAD 140 half life.
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RAD 140 half life function
RAD 140 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that selectively binds to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, thereby promoting muscle growth and improving bone mass. More and more bodybuilders started using the RAD 140 in bodybuilding. It is therefore crucial to understand the role of RAD 140 half-life.
1. Determine the dosing interval
As we all know, in order for Bodybuilders to achieve the best effect of RAD, it is necessary to maintain a high concentration of RAD 140 in the body, and after the drug enters the human body, it will slowly metabolize the drug out of the body through the body's metabolism. Drug half-life is the time it takes for half of a drug to be eliminated from the body. The half-life of RAD 140 is 24 hours, which means that after taking RAD140 for 24 hours, the RAD 140 content in the body will be reduced to half of the highest value, and to exert the best effect of RAD 140, it is necessary to maintain the RAD 140 content in the body . Therefore, it can be seen that the interval between the use of RAD140 is 24 hours, which means that after taking the first dose of RAD140, bodybuilders take the next dose of RAD140 at the same time 24 hours later. RAD 140 half life provides strong guidance for bodybuilders on the time interval between taking RAD 140.
2. Determine the Best RAD PCT
After Bodybuilders use RAD 140 for a cycle, PCT is often required to bring the testosterone content in the body to a normal level, so how long after RAD 140 Cycle is the best time to start PCT? We can calculate the start time of PCT according to RAD 140 half life. RAD 140 Half life is 24 hours, which means that 24 hours after the last dose of RAD 140 by Bodybuilders, the amount of RAD 140 in the body will be reduced to half of the maximum value, and after 48 hours, it will be reduced to a quarter of the maximum value one. Therefore, the Best RAD PCT time can be determined according to its half-life.
RAD 140 half life conclusion
Through the understanding of the role of RAD half life, Bdoybuilders has a detailed understanding of RAD 140 dosing interval and PCT time, and can avoid unnecessary misunderstandings in the process of using RAD 140, so as to exert the best effect of SARMs RAD 140.
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massivemusclestuds · 5 years
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Stanislav Lindover
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supercodi · 4 years
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Motivation vs. Discipline. I have spoken on this topic a lot but I think it is one of those things that is always good to revisit 😁 - People often ask me “how do you stay motivated?” Or “where do you find the discipline?” Well. - I am not always motivated. No one is. If you think you are someone who can escape a case of the “ I don’t wanna’s” you are in for an unpleasant surprise. 🤪 - Everyone goes through periods of highs and lows with motivation. That is just how it works. Period. So if you are struggling with feeling motivated right now, just know it’s normal. There isn’t something wrong with you. You are not less than, and you are not weak. 💪 - When motivation is low, this is where discipline comes into play. - I’m going to be real with you: Sometimes you have to do shit you don’t want to do. Life is full of shit we don’t want to do. 😤 - So how do you find the discipline? How do you get yourself to do shit you don’t want to? - Stop giving yourself options. - Those days where you end up missing a workout— you might recall trying to bargain with yourself or offer yourself multiple options out of your workout. - “I’ll do it in the evening.” “I’ll make it up tomorrow.” “I’ll just skip one day.” - Believe it or not, it is a lot less stressful when you 100% commit and make things non-optional. 😬 - You no longer have to bargain or compromise with yourself. All you have to do is do what you had originally committed to do. 👌 - This might sound like some tough love bullshit... but sticking with the commitments you made to yourself is 100% self care. - Commit to yourself because: you matter, you want to be a better version of yourself, you want to find out what else you are capable of. 💪 - So on that note: Yes there are times where taking a rest day is the better form of self care, just don’t bullshit yourself. I say this with love ❤️🤗 - #motivation #discipline #workout #physique #prep #weightloss #fatloss #ftm #ftmfitness #ftmbodybuilding #bdoybuilding #gym #workout #strength #legday #hardwork #selfcare #comittment #health https://www.instagram.com/p/CFDN7S_Mwbr/?igshid=p3up1c4y453g
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