#bc its so Not Like Other Girls of her to not treat barbie like a feminist product ig
latenightsinpemberley · 10 months
barbie movie press really gonna make me go on an amy schumer defence spree huh
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goth-oatmilk-latte · 3 months
this is gonna be a long rant but it's bothered me for a while
(non-ed related)
and any thoughts are welcome but it's mostly a rant
so basically i dont have a lot of girlfriends. i never have, all the ones i got close to generally either betrayed me in the worst ways or we moved and lost touch. (betrayal backstories is a whole other rant, but it's nauseating the way ive been treated by women who claimed to love me) so most of my friends are dudes, in fact, both of my true besties are.
anyway, i have really one solid girlfriend and shes a good bit younger than me. she also dont have a lot of friends in general, she has me and a small handful of others. she regards me as her bestie, i kind of guess shes mine but like...idk. i view her more like a younger sister, i guess.
so basically, she copies EVERYTHING i fucking do, within her means. like, before her and i were close, she just dressed pretty normal, no notable flavor or style. but now shes trying so hard to be goth bc i am. she cut her hair how mine used to be, dyed it black bc mine is, got all of the same piercings as me, yall get it. i wish i was exaggerating but im really not. even her mom messaged me to tell me she bases her style off me and shes glad im not a "greasy goth" (lol??)
but it's infuriating. i know i didnt invent goth. im not the first to have the piercings, hair, outfits, and interests i do...but it's really annoying to have someone base their entire style and interests off of me bc i have worked hard to curate myself as a person. i work hard for my aesthetic, im pretty thoughtful in my planning for outfits, how i decorated my home, everything, but especially bc these are genuine interests ive had since i was a preteen...and it's just so irksome to have someone try to imitate it as closely as possible every single day without any real, concrete interest in any of it, outside of prob just tryna be relatable to me
and a few weeks ago we got on the topic of sexuality and how im pan and have had gfs etc now shes magically also bisexual. she told me she got "tricked" by a straight girl recently but caught an attitude with me bc i told her if there wasnt clear intentions by both parties, she wasnt tricked, bc there was no flirting/romantic intent and that being bi/pan talking to straight women (or even other bi/pan wonen) doesn't automatically garner a romantic response. she didnt like that and got really snappy with me, but im not wrong. she tried to say she thought she was going on a date, but she was literally going to another friend's house to watch rupaul, and the other girl was also coming over, she sent me screenshots of the convo and like.....yeah, no, 1000% on her for thinking anything of it. she just picked said girl bc she was friends with her other friend and I guess it was an easy shot, but she also overlooked homegirl having a whole man too so like????? bro hello.
and i dont necessarily wanna be super confrontational about the aesthetic thing bc that just feels so middle school drama sToP cOpYiNg Me energy but it grates my skin...especially too bc like she also gets a little grumpy when she asks where my clothes are from and a lot of places i shop dont carry her size (shes a 3X or a 4X; ive never really looked or cared to see who carries what size bc im an xs so why would i??) and thats somehow my fault bc she cant buy the same shit i wear...or she complains she cant afford the docs or demonias etc like i have and its like okay curate your own damn style that you can afford bc like???? im not your fucking barbie doll mannequin?????
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spiked-mall-goth · 8 months
can we hear your barbie thoughts?
okay heres just the copy paste from my letterboxd. (whew wee is it LONG)
i was so excited. that one is on me.
movie so so confusing. i thought i was in for like an absurdist comedy, but it was like forced feminist political commentary?? do NOT get me wrong on this one okay, i have seen so many people get torn to SHREDS for saying that they didn't like this movie bc they hate #girlpower. i am not one of those people. but idk abt u guys but i feel like its not that hard a concept to have a good female empowerment movie without just telling us straight in our faces that its female empowerment ALL. THE. TIME.. felt like i was being spoon fed with a forklift. theres this really cool special tactic called… subtlety.. wow its a crazy thing. they spent so much time shoving a message down my throat they.. forgot what it was.??? like they lost track of what they wanted to say like a million times over it was annoying. they said so much to mean so little. messaging so muddled the barbies literally interfered with a fucking government election and got away with it. they didn't want the kens to have any power so they took them away from the pink house and voted without them to put themselves back as the only leaders. the fuck barbie. i feel like the solution in barbieland was not to just fucking reinstall the matriarchy but instead work together as one to create an idyllic society where the barbies and the kens can live side by side without one towering over the other. the kens were not being horridly mistreated b4, but i understand wanting to be treated better. and i could have some mild sympathy for them, but as soon as they took over barbieland they just treated women like shit making them doing everything for them. and yes that is no good, but its interesting to me that the barbies did not take this as a lesson at all?? like they did not look back and really go, 'huh,, maybe you should ALSO have rights bc being seen and treated as inferior is not okay.' no they took it as an opportunity to shove more fucking glitter coated instagram infographic #positivity down my throat. i understand that this was kinda the point, to be like look! this is what its like and the 'just be yourself' solution means nothing in the end! just like the real world! but why would i want that? why would i want a backwards version of a fucking corrupt system that doesn't work? it doesn't work this way; flipping it, well guess what it still doesn't work. this is fucking barbieland, i WANT them to all be happy and equal in the end! i don't want to think about how awful everything is! its a fantasy world, why would you want to model it after the horrible deep sucking never ending vacuum into the black hole that is the real world? its my barbies and kens (and allen) and damnit i think that they should be happy. also side note, how tf did the kens brainwash the barbies??? like the fuck was that? to me that implies that the barbies also had the kens brain washed to be only accessories. like whoevers in power just has control over the other group? this movie makes everyone like a fucking monster.
can u believe i have more to say? turn back now bc i will never stop typing.
ummm kinda hated that random ass woman and her child? and i hate even more that i can refer to them as that. they were horridly bland fucking ONE dimensional characters. no personality, no real development, nothing. just a forced under-devloped mother daughter sub-plot that if my mother had seen would've cried and made me feel like it was my fault for growing up. (normal mom behavior or just me….??)
mattel, you fucking sleazy greased up wet RAT. you canOT,,, okay listen to me… CAN. NOT. make a movie like 'corporations bad! they dont hire women! rampant consumerism bad!!'. baby girl look in the mirror, its not funny, its not being 'self-aware', it makes me feel,, bad. like you can get away with anything bc you actually can. making literal cartoon goons of yourself as some sort of distraction from all of the very real major issues that are happening in the real world corporate mattel company is rancid. you can to be as 'self-aware' as you want but the bottom line is that you just flat out dont care. you won't change anything. trying to be funny about it makes me feel sick. you can't make capitalist consumerism the movie and try to be like 'yeah thats so bad right guys? you guys also hate corporations?! great!'. you cant have your cake and eat it too.
i liked allen. allen sweetheart baby girl darling dear honeybun beloved i'm so sorry the filmmakers hate you. dude literally had like 6 lines. justice for allen.
out of all the 'shameful' barbies i was actually most excited to see the inclusion of video cam barbie!!! i wanted that bitch soooo bad.
laughed a handful of times, as fucking painful as the depression barbie ad was i laughed really loud at the bbc pride and prejudice joke. i thought the godfather joke was also very funny. some of the doll jokes were funny, but its like okay guys this was low hanging fruit to begin with lets not repeat them like ten times over. the n-sync allen joke also got me. i know i laughed a bit in the theater… but as of right now i'm drawing a blank on standout jokes. that says smth huh?
i like the big ken dance number when they went to like abstract reality zone. that was good. now just remake this movie but like that. it needed to be more loose and fun, alter reality for a dance number! do that!! i want some goddamn old hollywood type of just nonsense sequences. the song was not good tho tbh.
costumes and set were… objectively very good! do NOT get me wrong. the team behind it is very talented and they did an awesome job! however. they went for more of a 'generic barbie' look for the barbies costumes and for barbieland. which to me ended up looking more haunting..? idk WHY but the lack of actual dolls just chilling around made the few real dolls stand out like sore thumbs. that and also it felt like edward scissorhands type of suburbia. complete pastel hellscape. the thought of living in a 'perfect' pink pastel world where everything is the same everyday forever and if ur slightly different you literally get banished forever is horrifying. wheres all the girl power huh?? what happened to women helping women??? nope, you look kind odd?? sorry we hate you forever.
the ending was also just a hot hot garbage fire. whhyyyy did barbie decide she no longer wanted to be a barbie……? i feel like i missed that part since we were so focused on ken. oh so its bc she saw just a fuckinh home video slideshow?? yeah okay whatever just roll credits so i can leave now pls. a gynecology joke. really?
feminist movies do need to be made. but why with barbie? she has never been a feminist icon. this isn't her domain. she's just barbie. and trying to attach real life feminist issues to a fucking plastic doll to be bought and sold, to be commodified doesn't sit right with me. shes not meant to be this complex guys, and i feel like they just completely fumbled on that. to me barbie is just there. you play dress up with her, take her on fun adventures, play with your friends, you don't pick up a barbie doll and go 'wow i would just love to have this woman be groped and then come to terms with the real world and its many problems'. thats stupid. i was in for a fun little roadtrip adventure movie with barbie and her friends. and this was just too much.
this movie was not fun and whimsical to me. it was drab, it was horrifying, it was depressing. i wanted to have a brief escape from reality, but instead i was faced with the same atrocities of everyday life but hot pink and glitter coated. which only added to the awful feeling of 'it will be this way forever.' it wasn't a silly movie about being a woman and what that means, it was a faux women power movie made by massive corporations trying to tell us that they are hip and relatable and that you should buy so much merchandise. it was just one big reminder that capitalism will live forever and it will only get worse because everyone just eats it up if its brightly colored.
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commsroom · 7 months
Hi more barbie stuff different anon sorry for continuing to make you talk about a movie you haven't seen. I disagree I think hera would probably enjoy barbie but I don't think it would resonate with her own life experiences particularly. Barbie is kind of messy but it's at its best when it's about learning to accept being a real woman. Barbie WANTS to go back to being a perfect plastic doll, but she NEEDS to embrace the struggles and imperfections that come with the rewards of being a person. It kind of reads as a metaphor for the transition from girlhood to womanhood to me but only when they're actually following this thread bc again it is a muddled film. Hera certainly grows and changes lot as a character but she has always been a real woman, she doesn't want to be otherwise, and her continuing struggle is getting people to acknowledge that and treat her as such. Plus Hera is both less and more "real" than barbie, bc unlike barbie she has always been a human in every way that matters, but she will also never be completely human the way barbie is at the end of the movie. There's surface similarities, like the other anon pointed out, but they're very different characters and arcs I think
oh, interesting! i'm trying not to weigh in too much just based on assumptions, since... i haven't seen the movie... but that makes sense to me, and i kinda suspect i'd feel a similar way. as a sort of adjacent thing, i think that's broadly the issue hera would have with a lot of AI characters / narratives, and similar things. there are a lot of stories about 'becoming real' or 'learning how to be human', either via literal transformation or internal change / growth, and i think that could easily feel patronizing to her. like you said, her struggle is in resisting dehumanization, needing the respect and recognition of the people around her, so - even if some of that is definitely internalized, too - a character who is learning to accept their humanity is coming at it from a very different angle.
the thing about girlhood is also very interesting to me, because one of the things that i find resonates about hera as a trans woman is the particular experience of navigating social situations as a woman who was never a girl, so i wonder how those themes would read to her. but that's another topic, too.
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codename-adler · 3 years
foxes + onesies (1/9)
based off of that one post i saw and don’t remember, where people once caught Allison wandering around Fox Tower in a giraffe onesie, and i absolutely melted for her. here is the Foxes’ journey to getting a onesie each!
in the aftermath of the “mob war”, Allison still sees Betsy for counselling, mostly to cope with Seth’s death still, her ED and to process her childhood and teenage trauma
Betsy teaches her a lot about self-care (and not in Allison’s traditionnal definitions of self-care, which are: bottle it up, act out, burn through 500$ in clothes, repeat)
all in all, Allison has a lot to come to terms with by the end of the semester, and Betsy won’t be there as much in the summer, so she leaves her with a little list of self-care tips to look at when Ally feels overwhelmed
- pick a time to make yourself some tea, or try out some new ones and tell me about it next time
- try drawing with those wonderful pencils of yours, but in different art styles (because yes, Allison does have a fashion sketchbook. but silly doodles? abstract drawings? anatomy sketches? she never tried)
- watch movies by yourself, and for yourself, Allison
- since you love shopping and spending so much, find yourself a cozy thing, a soft thing that will only be for yourself, when you need to be reminded to love yourself and be gentle with yourself
those were the suggestions that stuck to Ally the most
so the next time she goes out to the mall with Dan and Renee, she doesn’t expect to find anything like Betsy suggested
she does look for some herbal tea at David’s Tea, and ends up getting some hibiscus + rose water green tea
but then they go to Walmart (she wants to gag)
fucking Walmart
the girls need some pads and tampons, and the gatorades are on sale (because all the Foxes, as a treat for winning the Championship and bc they all want to stay close after the hard year they endured, got to stay on campus for the whole summer (idc if it’s unrealistic, sue me, that’s how i roll))
for once, Allison follows Dan and Renee, without looking at anything, without touching anything (what if she catches it??)
then Renee wants to look for socks
that’s when Ally passes a rack of colorful onesies
one brushes the tip of her elbow, and wow it’s so soft
not at all the quality material she expected
she stops in her tracks, lets the girls go on to the underwear section, and really looks at the pajamas
there are lots of unicorns, and pandas, a few mouses, and two giraffes
bright yellow, light-spotted giraffes, with their little ears and antlers and all
the sewn-on eyes are closed and have cute little lashes details
Allison imagines herself wearing it and feels utterly stupid
but- she keeps running her fingers through the synthetic velvety material, mesmerized by its softness
she thinks back on Betsy’s list
the folks would absolutely loathe it. the high school bitches too. God, even Seth would say it’s fucking stupid. Nobody should ever be seen wearing that…
But I wouldn’t have to worry about my man-shoulders in it… or my stomach… or my thighs… I could even go braless, or wear just that cute little bralette I haven’t got the courage to wear yet… and I think Renee would agree it’s cute…
then she hears Betsy’s soothing voice in her head
But do you like it?
Yes. Yes I do.
and that’s how Allison takes down the onesie, cashes out and waits for the two other girls outside the Walmart entrance, feeling silly, and jitty, yet quite happy with herself
back at Fox Tower, she washes it immediately, only to stuff it back under her bed
it stays there for quite a few weeks, until it’s almost time for school to start again, her last year at PSU
the boys are out at the beach, Andrew and Neil are God-knows-where, Renee is meeting a friend, and Dan is out shopping with her Sisters
Ally is alone, and lonely
she’s craving something, something that feels close to how one of her nanny used to take care of her hair before bedtime, telling her stories of folklore around the world
guessing that nobody will be back before sundown, she reaches underneath her bed and takes out the giraffe onesie
she gets rid of her high-waisted skinny jeans, her silky cropped blouse and her high-heeled sandals in favor of Seth’s old Marvel boxer shorts, her baby blue bralette she still hasn’t worn, and the infamous onesie
and wow, it’s so baggy
as she buttons up the front, it almost feels like being wrapped up in a giant, fluffy pancake
she giggles to herself, like a little girl
until she goes to look at herself in the mirror, where she straight-up bursts out laughing
she feels so, so light
she puts on a pair of Renee’s fuzzy socks with the sticky soles and leaves her bedhair as it is
she spends the rest of the day on the couch, watching Barbie movies from the hidden collection she has in her closet while painting her real nails in rainbow colors
she makes herself a big cup of the tea she bought, and lights an ocean-breeze candle
between Barbie as the Island Princess and Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus, she even goes so far as going at the end of the hallway to buy some sugar-free gummy bears from the vending machine, completely forgetting herself…
of course, this is when the boys, including Andrew and Neil, are coming back from their day outdoors
she stops dead in her tracks when she turns around and sees them, a *giraffe* caught in the headlights
the boys only notice her because she stops moving so abruptly
she’s speechless
the boys, not so much
Kevin: *oblivious to the onesie situation* So you’re the one hoarding the healthy gummies. Dude give back some.
Matt: Oh, hi Ally… *raises his pointer finger, opens and closes his mouth in awe, lowers his arm back down* Cute?
Andrew: *his face says he doesn’t give a shit, but he’ll let the image make its way to his heart eventually* *very sneakily snaps an adorable pic for the group chat*
Neil: *whispering to Andrew, genuinely confused*  I thought these were for babies? Do we qualify as babies? Why is Ally dressed like a baby, Andrew?
Nicky: BITCHHHHHH I shoulda made a bet on THAT!
Aaron: Well fuck. 60 points to Hufflepuff for cuteness.  Ugh. I can’t believe I said “cute”. Jesus, I wanna vomit. Eurk.
Allison slowly makes her way back to her dorm room without a word, her cheeks flushed and her eyes to the ground, clutching her bag of gummies
she hasn’t felt this vulnerable since Seth’s passing
an hour later, she’s still hiding under her blankets as Renee and Dan file in
of course, they saw the photo posted to their group chat, and they heard everything from Matt and Nicky
Renee gets under the covers with Ally, and Dan proceeds to show off the goods she got with a very silly runway walk
they don’t say anything, until Neil sends a new picture on the GC
it’s a printed version of Andrew’s picture, pinned to the locker room wall with all the other photos they’ve accumulated
and everybody in the chat is dying of cuteness overload
Ally’s got that look of a toddler caught red handed, so open and genuine and surprised; her mouth is slighlty opened in an “o” shape; her mismatched fuzzy socks are peeking from underneath the bunched up fabric at her ankles; the hood is pulled up and slouching over her head…
but nobody, nobody, is making fun of her
we’re talking about the Foxes here. they never pull their punches.
so this? unexpected. shocking. astounding.
and right at the bottom of the picture, in shaky black marker: Baby Ally
with a poorly drawn heart next to it
in Neil’s unmistakeable handwriting
she cries
and never again is she ashamed of wandering around in her giraffe onesie
and if from then on, many Foxes gifts are soft things for her, well, that is called character development
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falcqns · 3 years
partner in crime ll
pairing: August Walker x OFC (Maeve)
summary: August and Maeve get acquainted.
warnings: fluff! dad!august.
a/n: this will eventually be a august x reader story, but that won't happen for a few more chapters, sorry! hope you enjoy! I also would like to say I hated writing him building her crib bc it brought back memories of me trying to assemble Lavenders while in labor bc im a dumb ass and left it to her due date LMAO.
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August was in way over his head.
he'd been trying for the better part of an hour to get Maeve down for a nap so he could put her crib together. he had tried a bottle, and a pacifier, but nothing was working. he refused to call Anais, he had just gotten the little girl, and he didn't want to lose her.
he may not be the best thing for her, but he was all she had left, and he was determined to do better than his mother at this single parent thing.
it startled him slightly just how similar his life and Maeve's were. both were either raised or being raised by a single parent, and both had a dead parent. for him it was his father, for her it was her mother.
that thought worried him. who would she go to when she got her first period? when she had boy trouble? when she needed someone who wasn't him for something he couldn't help with? is he limiting her possibilities by just being raised by him?
he didn't have any brothers or sisters. his parents were older when they had him; late 40's, and his fathers parents were dead as well, and his mom stopped talking to her family when she was 18. he never knew why, but based on the way she treated him, he could only guess it was abuse.
he didn't want that for Maeve. he wanted her to grow up happy and healthy, the way he was before his father was killed.
he glanced back down at the little girl who wouldn't settle, and had absolutely no idea what to do. he laid her on his bed, and that's when he noticed her shorts were sagging slightly, and he finally clued in to the issue.
he walked over to the bag that Anais had brought, and headed back to the bedroom. he dropped it as he walked in when he saw Maeve about to fall off the bed face first. he caught her in time, and was about to scold her, when he realized he was at fault.
that's right. he thought. can't leave babies alone.
he sighed, and laid her back on the bed, before opening up her bag.
he was shocked at what he found. she only had one other outfit, and those were pyjamas. she had 3 diapers, a small package of wipes, and one stuffed animal.
August still didn't fully know what she needed, but he knew she needed more than just one stuffed animal.
he took her shorts off, and his mind blanked. he had absolutely no idea how to change a diaper.
he grabbed his phone and made a quick google search of 'how to change a diaper'
he clicked on the first link he found, and followed the instructions carefully.
Unfasten the diaper tabs.
August grasped the diaper tabes, and pulled them away from the diaper. the diaper came undone, and he looked back at his phone.
Slide the diaper away.
He slid the diaper away, wrapped it up as best as he could, and placed it onto the ground next to him, so Maeve couldn't reach it. something inside of him told him that the dirty diaper was something she shouldn't touch.
he glanced up at her, and saw she was watching him intently, as she sucked on her pacifier. she wasn't crying, so he must be doing it right.
Wipe the baby clean.
he used one of the very few wipes to clean her up, before tossing that on top of the dirty diaper next to him.
Slide a clean diaper under your baby's bottom.
he grabbed one of the three diapers from the bag, making a mental note to order more diapers once she was asleep. he may not know much, but he knew that two diapers wouldn't last the rest of the afternoon and the night.
Close the new diaper.
he pulled the tabs away from where they were, and pulled them around to the front, mimicking the way he found the diaper in the first place.
he placed her shorts back on, and stood up. he lifted her up, and carried her into the living room, where he sat her on the ground in front of the tv.
"stay." he told her, and walked back into the bedroom to dispose of the diaper.
his heart dropped into his stomach when he walked back, however. Maeve wasn't where he left her. he thought if she was on the floor, she'd have less of a chance of getting hurt when he wasn't right there.
he glanced around the open concept area of his apartment, and saw a burgundy bum disappear around the corner, towards the laundry room.
he raced after her, and scooped her up just before she entered the room.
"lets not go in there, its not safe." he said, sternly, but immediately knew it was the wrong decision when she burst into tears.
"shit." he said. he turned her around, and held her the way he'd seen Anais hold her earlier. "its okay. i'm sorry."
she settled down slightly after his apology, and laid her head on his shoulder. he saw her eyes flutter closed, and made his way back through his apartment to the bedroom. he shut the door softly, attempting not to wake her, and placed her now sleeping body on his bed.
he'd done some research last night, and knew he should move the pillows from around her. she was only 7 months, and he knew she was still in the SIDS risk category. he didn't want to risk it, so he moved the pillows and placed them around her as a makeshift crib. he turned around, and faced the actual crib, which was only half assembled.
he sighed and got to work.
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Maeve stayed asleep for a few hours, which according to her file, was normal for her.
he headed into the kitchen, and looked at the box that held her highchair. it was almost 3 pm, so she'd most likely be hungry by the time she awoke.
August found that the highchair was much easier to assemble. it took him only 15 minutes rather than a few hours.
next, he scoured his cabinets for something suitable for her to eat while he ordered dinner.
he rarely bought groceries any more, since he was barely home due to missions, which was something he needed to talk to Sloane about. would she still let him on missions? would he be stuck on desk duty? who would watch Maeve? if he did find someone to watch her, would they be suitable to his taste for watching her?
he shook those questions out of his head briefly, and found Cheerios.
he loved Cheerios, and hoped that Maeve would too. her file said that she could eat most foods, and decided to order Chinese food for dinner. wasn't the healthiest for her, but it would do. he also ordered a few more things for Maeve, such as diapers, baby food and snacks, and few toys. he didn't know if she had other toys when she was living with her mother, but she needed some.
while he waited for her to wake up, and the food and baby items to arrive, he looked up some toys that he could get for her. he thought about what he played with, but the memory was fuzzy, and he didn't think Legos were suitable for a 7 month old.
he ended up buying a Children's Factory 5 Piece Ball Pit, a Melissa and Doug play kitchen, an iPad, a few Barbies, big Lego blocks, a few books and puzzles. he knew it wouldn't be everything he needed, but it was a start. he glanced around the apartment, and decided to start looking for a bigger one.
the one he lived in, while small, was rather expensive. it was only. one bedroom, but had a full laundry, two full bathrooms, a large terrace, and even an outdoor entertaining area upstairs. he knew Maeve would need a playroom, and a bedroom, and he'd need an office so he could keep Maeve and work separate.
he was about to look at apartments when he heard Maeve crying, he little sobs tugging on his heart strings already.
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dinner time went rather well, August thought. he gave her small cut up bits of everything, and the only thing she didn't like was the fortune cookie. she ate up all the noodles, and the lemon chicken, as well as the Cheerios.
he decided to skip bath time for today, he was way to nervous to handle a wet slippery baby by himself right now.
he put a sheet on her mattress, and laid her down with her stuffy, and her pacifier, and she drifted off to sleep rather easily.
August laid in his bed and watched his daughters chest move up and down while she slept.
that wasn't too bad, he thought to himself.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
lol i hope you dont mind me placing it utc bc my reply got really, really long... so long i can just hear people in bg telling me to stfu... love you tho babes <3
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OMG BBY AHAHAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY I FORGOT ABT THE RINGS— dw tho cuz i alr got them marriage papers so just sign right over here 🖋 also, you dk how big my smile is while reading through your ask im— my heart is so soft 4 u 🥺
all barbie movies were made on crack but istg princess charm school was made w ten times more crack than usual. harry potter boo’s dance break carried the whole movie, sorry i dont make the rules. and also, PORTIA. that’s the tweet. her entire existence is a mood and a blessing no wonder you kin her.
the only thing i liked abt nutcracker was the ending and the fact that im not even kidding—
mm yeah bbyg u know imma treat you like that— asjajkdakdakjdhka PLS im busting a lung. ngl tho fashion fairy tale ken is the only ken that i didn’t immediately want to punch out of reflex. that ken? *chefs kiss* majestic, monumental, a freaking miracle. give me a man like ken who would intrude on a fashion runway to express his undying love for me. can i also mention that this movie is my second pick so i would like to return the compliment and say u have SUPERB taste.
valid response. the first movie i watched w stacy in it made me walk out. dont remember which one tho. i dont think i watched rock n royals so maybe that came after the 12 princesses thing? i remember skipping that movie and all the others that followed it.
YESSS. RAQUELLE. girl crush omg and mhmm very good taste in music too btw!
childe to your stinky feet comment: “just to set the record straight, i do wash my clothes.” (its a line from that movie if u dont remember ajsdak). honestly the whole movie feels like a fever dream. it’s like... mean girls turned... something. but thats what makes it so memorable tho
imagine: you catch fatui bf childe singing the twins’ hits. your face morphs into confusion as you eat your mashed potato. your dog rolls its eyes in utter disgust. congrats. you unintentionally role played one of the most iconic scenes in the movie. 
awwwww bby thats so sweet of u to say!! im glad i was able to make you happy :))) i shall honorably take the position you kindly offer me and wear it w pride. speaking of which, i should probs rewatch too. and yes!! the bloopers made the movies sm better!! im actually surprised some people didnt know abt them or how barbie was actually an actress.
oooooooh!! genshin band au 😏 do send.
my day is going relatively well? i didnt do much today aside from doing my carrd and stuff. my proper main team is diluc, zhongli, mona, venti BUT! the one that i’ve been running is composed of xiao, mona, xiangling and diona bc im tryna get their namecards. im pulling for childe, yes but i only have 49? pulls i think (its making me so sad oml). i rlly like the windblume festival. it’s like checking up on old friends and stuff. i enjoyed the very chill atmosphere and yknow... seeing hot bby boy kaeya once again. i feel rejuvenated. also the cutscenes!! i love em. uhh i simp for everyone ngl. but at the top of that list are teyvat’s boygroup, teyvat’s big mommas, xiao and albedo. yknow,,, like any sane person. 
man,, anon, you and i share one braincell im cackling— i dont think i laughed this hard in a while,, did u see that childe au! preminger pic an anon sent me? pls i need a therapist.
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chipchopclipclop · 4 years
Any ships for the Witcher?
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this WAS under a readmore BC TUMBLR LIKES TO BREAK WHEN YOU EDIT ASKS I GUESS bc it started to get embarrassingly long but im pretty much a multi shipper in any fandom or thing im into but also especially with geralt if hes involved bc i like to hc him as being in love with like…80 percent of the people he knows and is a hashtag #openrelationship king bc the way this game treats him being weirdly exclusive annoys the fuck out of me we, live in our city now.
geralt is involved
Geralt/Dandelion - ouch my dick ouch my balls the original brain dick pounding. I pretty much like any iteration of them with each other but no show geralt bc game geralt is superior in every way 2 me (PERSONAL PREF PLS NO FLAME (him with no beard is fucked up also)) i usually dont like the pair though if people depict dandy as some… naive pure waif or some such…. this man is a hoe and stupid through and through dont overlook this. its important.
I am also actually am a sucker for geralt singing his praises quietly fr no goddamn reason aside from hes infatuated with him and getting weirdly defensive about him and everyone else around him is just like. Christ. this is influenced by me never being able to pick the bully options when i was playing w3 ( i am whipped)
Geralt/Eskel/Lambert - soon as i knew they were more wolf witchers my brain entered a state of superflux. which means i followed them around making mooney eyes constantly, Im more fond of Geralt/Eskel leg of this ot3 bc they have such. old married couple energy and i am in love with Eskel but i love and respect our king lambert as well and he deserves a good ramming, DONT WE ALL? I REST MY CASE.
i also like to think like geralt, the two are pretty open relationship wise by nature tho i could say this about any of these characters bc i like poly hawhaw but something about witchers being seen as unemotional and unfeeling but these guys just having alot of love to give to each other and with others…poetry 😔
Geralt/Yennefer - i have complicated feelings on this pairing bc the show confounded me in how it happened and then it felt so faking weird in w3 bc of all the weird jealousy love triangle stuff i was forced to sit through as well as yen p much just calling me a dumbass donkey every hour before being like alright. time to fuck randomly. and it was executed bad. i didn’t like it and it was bad.
BUT. the potential here is still good and i like a cagey yennefer who finds it hard to trust opening up more slowly to geralt bc hes just like. straightforward…. i think their convo on the boat was kind of cute too… i think i just am really not into the THEY’RE TIED BY DESTINY TO EACH OTHER. LIKE. LITERALLY. aspect of their relationship especially when they seem to clash to hard against it. when she broke the wish with the djinn though and they were acting sweet with each other it made me kinda 🥺 uhu…. my goth wife….
i also dont mind these two deciding they work better together platonically as well though and being like, chummy exes lolol the ribbing that would entail…
Geralt/Yennefer/Dandelion - i think aqua gave me the idea for this but i am tickled by the thought of Dandelion landing himself TWO powerful beau’s who will step in to defend him from the stupid shite he gets himself into 24/7. Yennefer walking in front of him while he gets cussed out by someone just saying “Is there a problem?” smiling menacingly… does that not fuck…. i say it does !
i think her and dandelion’s relationship is just…..very funny and not dramatic so its very fun to think about even romantically. and also geralt is there and plays the beleaguered straight man.
Geralt/Regis - i am putting this here even if i have not finished blood and wine yet bc oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddddddd [smacks head with rock] also my first interaction with w3 was watching a friend play one of his quests with another friend and and all three of us go mad bc we were like IS THIS MEANT TO BE DRIPPING WITH SEXUAL TENSION AND INNUENDO. WHAT IS GOING ON. ARE WE LOSING IT. HELLO. we all deserve a big word speaking vampire boyfriend
Keira/Geralt - they are cute…. i dont need to defend myself….her being so pompous around him is so funny 2 me
Geralt/Zoltan - i like zoltan okay, actually these two have similar retired dad energy but zoltan is the one who makes them go out for date night still
Geralt/Zoltan/Dandelion - i am thinking about it i am thinking about it
edit: Yennefer/Eskel/Geralt/Lambert - poki put this idea in my head just now GEE YENNEFER HOW COME YOUR MOM LETS YOU SMASH THREE WITCHERS?
not geralt centric
Triss/Yennefer - oh my god they were schoolmates.png and yenn calling triss her best friend made me go hmmmghhh 🥺 also im sick of this series being like oh no my best friend slept with my boyfriend, DRAMA! they are also dating okay shut up #lovewins, i need to intake more witcher content to further solidify these two as a pair in my head but its on the agenda. i am looking. i am watching. WAITING.
Eskel/Dandelion - take my faves and smack them together like barbie dolls also dandelion having a type thats just - witcher is comedy gold on top of that? eskel being flattered a pretty dude like this is into him…cute
Ciri/That One Readhead Girl Whose Name I Forgot - you know in the quest where ciri asks you to come around with her in novigrad and help thank the people who helped her and one was the cute barmaid with freckles, they were so cute what the fuck it lasted all of 5 minutes and i cant stop thinking about it, ciri’s government assigned girlfriend (i am the government)
Regis/Dandelion - when i was walking around his sick basement in w3 he had a book that dandelion has written about him in there… and all it said was nice things… and regis kept it in clear view? much to consider… thinking on this….
Priscilla/Dandelion - these two…surprisingly wholesome… also god i love bards. i dont think about the end of the quest where she gets owned for no reason they’re just faking chilling in novigrad making bank. ALSO i still cant believe these two dont come with you when you’re forming the avengers crew to defend kaer morhen how r they gonna write about it if they arent there !!!!!!! let them sit in the rafters and throw bombs conspiratorially !!!!! smh !!!!!
Priscilla/Yennefer - think pris having a hero crush on yennefer is very cute… she meets her for the first time and her thoughts r just oh god shes even prettier than the song said she was [brain explodes into mush] also her singing about her when geralt rocks up dare i say gay activity ?
Keira/Lambert - find it very funny w3 was like ‘and then keira decided to pick up lambert to roam around with her like he’s some weird fucking stray cat whos hair she likes to fuss over’ also lambert being forced to behave around her scholarly friends lmfao
Dandelion/Everyone okay - this man be fucking
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lasteverafter · 4 years
i made joy and i had to pull through for the daughter of odette.
i suffer from barbie brainrot btw.
anyways anneliese where do i begin.
the daughter of the swan queen / white swan / odette.
she and joy are the same age but she’s a year under her.
her full name is anneliese hu!!!
nicknames include annie but basically no one calls her that aside from her mother.
an ever. the best of the best. the goodest of all good. the blueprint. the model student. you and your mom and your grandmother wishes they could be her.
she’s basically the perfect school for good kid.
despite that it’s pretty much the only personality she has. her mother had raised her up as this uber good and sensible kid.
as a kid her mother was always very strict with presenting good and being beautiful and all that jazz.
also going through a mid-life identity crisis.
also an only child, the princess of a kingdom called the crystal lake, housing the swan lake and many castles (although mostly old and crumbling) and some mountains and more lakes & forests. very magical and fairytale-esque.
has blonde hair and really startling bright blue eyes.
OR DOES SHE *dun dun dun*.
she doesn’t because i love giving my characters drama and issues to wade through.
she was actually born with dark hair, like a straight never-coloured black.
her mother was like nUh Uh MiSsY *danny gonzalez finger waggle* only blondes in this household.
breaking news the hu family believes in blonde supremacy.
anyways she forces anneliese to dye her hair blonde constantly with some kind of unicorn hair, lemon, sugar concoction because somehow good is always connected to blond hair.
(also odette also totally had similar hair and was ridiculed for it before turning her blonde hair permanent through some sus ways)
also of asian descent. very similar build to joy, but just a teeny bit shorter.
her hair is always tied up into a ponytail, braid or bun.
she actually didn’t like joy much at first, kind of looked down at her.
if anything she just felt pity for the girl. which is like really really annoying because anneliese talks like she’s talking to a baby kitten.
as a kid as she always taught to look down on nevers because good always defends and prevails, she was always raised to believe that good is superior to evil. because obviously! if they’re not why are they always the one to triumph in the end?
but joy is actually!!! ok with being friends.
and anneliese is like what.
we’re supposed to be mortal enemies
joy: not when i’m alive we’re not.
she meets joy at the school and actually starts becoming friends with her she’s like. well shit. mom’s going to kill me.
anneliese goes through this entire character arc that i’m NOT going to describe because i might write this or something but YES in the end she’s like
wow was i wrong.
they write letters to each other btw.
she actually really admires joy’s [REDACTED]
(also joy [REDACTED])
sorry lads i might write this haha so i’m going to keep the arcs a bit of a secret.
she’s AGGRESSIVELY good. like chaotic good. anneliese radiates ben and jerry’s energy.
ever: omg that joy kid is so evil :( anneliese: SAY HELLO TO MY GRANDFATHER FOR ME *throws the kid across the classroom*
anneliese throws coin bag at poor peasant ‘now do whatever you want with it! I don’t care!’
also conveniently and unironically good at combat magic and thus has a habit of throwing kids across classrooms or out windows when they say something that rubs her the wrong way.
anneliese having breakfast or something and thinking about peasants and then she just abruptly gets up, tells the head chef to make as much food as he can and set up free food stalls in the village square
she’s just so aggressively GOOD like it’s hilarious.
although sometimes it might come off as her seemingly treating someone like a charity case.
also a ballerina.
doesn’t waddle like joy because that u n s i g h t l y for a princess but she is stretching everywhere and cracking bones 24/7 and most of the time a puddle on the floor.
evergirls: walks into bathroom anneliese, with a toothbrush in hand and leg propped up against the wall: good morning.
joy recognises anneliese through the sound she makes when she walks.
anneliese wears these heels and she walks around like CLICK CLACK and they are really really loud.
odette: you gotta wear all these fancy pure beautiful shoes to show how good and beautiful and amazing and light and graceful you are annie: ok click clacks aggressively
her mom waking up every morning to really really loud click clacks ‘oh my fucking god it’s her again’
my godforsaken daughter’s existence was not just a bad dream
annie: OH MOTHER *raps aggressively on door* OUR BREAKFAST IS READY.
has the most EXTRAVAGANT shoe collection. sophie would be jealous.
her prized possession and the one she wears the most are these heels that make literal fire.
shhh i know its fake (i’m heartbroken btw) but its totally real in their world
maybe half of her shoes can do that so.. u never know which... keepin em on their toes...
someone: says something stupid annie: friendly reminder that i am, in fact, a fire hazard.
also the type of girl to say “no ❤️”
her mother probably only wants the best for annie but she’s just doing so in a very unorthodox way.
odette: i've been bullied bc i made friends with an never i don't want u to do the same annie: its the 21st century mom. maybe people getting bullied for what they can’t help and don’t wanna be is the problem :)
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hcrsegirl · 4 years
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╰☆╮MUSE 46 — wait, is that cerise “reese” du pont? is it just me or does the twenty-one year-old look exactly like abigail cowen? last i heard, they still weren’t over being exposed by the sentinel. according to the app, they can be credulous & turbulent, but i’ve also heard they're intrepid & audacious. can’t be too sure, people have a way of surprising you. all i know is that they remind me of vape scented smoke appearing in the middle of lecture , filming viral tik tok’s in public , the brushing down of a horse , forgetting a pencil but remembering to bring the juul to class & drinking homemade moonshine for barbie movie drinking games. honestly, the broadcast communications major should try to keep their head down. after the events of last semester, i wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. ╰☆╮
wow hey hi hello!! i’m kaya and this is my lil crackhead, reese!! this got really long because i never know when to shut up but if you want to plot pls hit me up here on tumblr or on discord at medieval 4loko gang#5402
gigi ( booksmart ) , keanu reeves ( always be my maybe ) , serena van der woodsen ( gossip girl ) , kirby anders ( dynasty )
hard-drinking party girl , cloudcuckoolander , the trickster , upper-class equestrian , fleeting passionate hobbies , naive animal lover , fearless fool , playing with fire , parental neglect , fantasy-forbidding father
born and raised in wilmington, delaware on the du pont family ranch, reese learned how to ride and compete on her family’s thoroughbreds. she’s a seasoned equestrian who typically competed in eventing and throughout the years had accumulated a series of ribbons and trophies between dressage, cross-country, and show jumping. definitely was a horse girl growing up and tbh still is???? definitely not the type to eat grass anymore BUT if given the chance she will not shut up about them.
a veterinarian before marrying into the du pont family, reese’s mother had their ranch doubling as both a home and veterinary clinic where the kids would help with the animals and keep them company. this caused reese to develop a soft spot for them, one that contributed to her going vegetarian at the age of 12 and eventually vegan at 15. it was also this love of animals that led her to wanting to help the environment they lived in and so her parents put her in girl scouts and eventually her love for the outdoors would cause her to join steinhardt’s outing club.
while her mother, eleanor, also helps out with the du pont family business of breeding thoroughbreds as well as run her clinic, her father, pierre, is a chairman of dupont, a conglomerate who got its start in the black powder market before expanding into chemicals for agriculture, materials science, and specialty products.
he was the type to have HIGH expectations for his family, expectations that reese never met. not that she cared to. definitely not a daddy’s girl, she’ll be the first one to call her father out for being a pompous douche straight to his face. probably quoted this to her father during a thanksgiving toast of “what are we thankful for this year”.
the black sheep of her family, even at a young age she could be found stirring up some trouble and almost always dragging one of her siblings or cousins along with her. a rebellious child who didn’t like being put into a box, she lived in a fantasy world of whimsy, often playing make-believe much to her father’s chagrin. she believed in all things fantastical from fairies to mermaids and while pierre tried to stifle those thoughts, they stubbornly remained.
even through her teenage years she’s held onto the firm belief that barbie lore is real. no one knows if she actually believes that or if it’s all of the drugs and her love for the movies getting to her head, but when confronted about it she will always be adamant that it’s a legitimate form of history.
speaking of history, her concept of it is slightly skewed?? def has weird beliefs of what communists are?? like you’re an android user??? suddenly she thinks you’re a communist????
tbh you could probably tell her something about anything and she’ll believe you without a hint of doubt. research?? she dunno her!! you could say the moon is a government con-job and she’d think it’s a fact??? super gullible and it’s a mess
i guess now would be a good time to preface that she’s dumb. stupid. an idiot. the list goes on but when i say she’s lacking brain cells… i mean it. the definition of head empty, she probably has a bunch of rocks where her brain should be sdfgh. but really, she can be innovative when she wants to be but academically she just doesn’t care to do well. in high school she ditched classes more often than not and was probably the kid smoking under the bleachers.
but where she lacks in intelligence she makes up for in brawn??? def the brawn over brains type who was a jock in high school. competed for her school’s equestrian team but also was on the fencing and archery teams. she once begged to be put into archery lessons after seeing the princess diaries 2 and fencing just came along not too soon after. she also used to run track and play soccer but those two sports ended after her senior year of high school although she probably still plays for the steinhardt’s intermurral league as well as any athletic competitions her sorority, tri-zeta ( zeta zeta zeta ) enters.
definitely the jack of all trades type except she’s passable at a whole bunch of things but good at none of them. probably can change a tire but it’ll need to be changed again soon. can bake a cake but it’ll be a little dry. the list goes on. she’s just very curious and picks up a lot of things but gets bored of them easily so she changes to the next thing.
okay i know i said she could bake a cake but she really…can’t. like with supervision she probably could but she’s impulsive and following directions for that many ingredients??? impossible. she just gets tempted to toss everything into a bowl and wing it and she does that every time. she can however make rice krispy treats. especially if they’re suppose to be edibles dfghj. but ya, don’t ask her to cook bc she can. not.
a stoner and overall drug connoisseur, she’s probably most known for being that kid who forgets to bring their backpack to class but don’t worry!! she remembered her juul!! has a collection of juuls on her person at all times. definitely that party girl who shows up hungover to class whenever she did bother to show up.
calls herself an entrepreneur because she used to sell edibles and other drug-related things and definitely was that tweet where she would give discounts if you signed an environmental petition or went to a protest.
has never said no to a dare EVER. you name it and she’ll do it. and if you dare her to drink cow titty milk or eat a piece of meat she’ll do it but it just makes you a dick dfghj
gets bored easily and tends to lash out and do something chaotic because of it?? the type to spontaneously light a couch on fire because she felt like it. a mild pyromaniac who once learned how to make a molotov cocktail. she can’t do it well. at all. but the one time she did try was also the same day she realized what a dumpster fire looked like.
i’m also not saying she’s out here to ruin your life for her own whims but like home girl has ZERO boundaries for anything. if you want to say she was a homewrecker in a past relationship??? honestly full send because it probably was her. morally she’s chaotic neutral and doesn’t care to be good or evil, she just wants to live her life of chaos and whatever happens happens. it should also be noted that she’s selfish. she puts herself first and others second always.
god someone pls try to start a fight with her. she’d either pat you on the head and ignore you OR go feral and just…foam at the mouth and bite you. probably claims to have gingervitis which is where she like…sprays vegan whip cream into her mouth and just… attacks you. for fun.
WOW ALMOST FORGOT but she’s a big larper!!! loves to go to the ones that are historical-esque where she can be an elf ( because she has a collection of elf ear tips dfghjk ) and acts as a knight/ranger by using her ACTUAL fencing, archery, and equestrian skills. she learned sindarin ( elvish ) for this but also she’s a big lord of the rings fan in general so it just worked out. her character’s storyline is her acting as her cousin, taay’s, protector but she has been known to enroll in a few competitions regarding any of her three skills.
currently selling moonshine alongside her roommates of trap zeta ( also known as the residents of the moonshine & roses subplot ) and so if you saw her running around with stolen pressure cookers, that is why !! making your own alcohol is illegal, but selling it??? even worse so they only sell it to trusted customers and anyone vetted by their usual customers. they probably have secret passwords and shit just like the prohibition period.
speaking of trap zeta, with the exception of fraternities on greek row, they throw the biggest parties. their jungle juice??? fire AND strong but also, they keep it in like....these dispensing chugs with a key so the only ones with access to fill them up or trap zeta themselves. they also have a stripper pole ( or two ) around their living room so like...ya get lit, get twisted, go off ig.
let it be known that their sorority, tri-zeta, is actually known for their stellar amount of community service but after the residents of trap zeta moved in together their sophomore year, the rep for partying started to increase and that’s why the home of muse 46-50 is nicknamed trap zeta. reese has probably been sent to standards way too many times and only got in and is still in bc her mother is a very generous alumni of steinhardt’s chapter of tri-zeta. 
a broadcast communications major, she’s a social media intern for steinhardt’s barstool page but most importantly has a whole tik tok account alongside her roommates dedicated to their college antics. think the hype house except it’s not pg-13 dancing and rly just their crackhead, drunk antics. might eventually make a playlist of tik tok’s that are probably posted on their account, we’ll see.
okay so you know the whole exposing of secrets from last semester??? reese doesn’t usually get mad but rn she Big Mad. like not only are they be scrutinized by the dean but their sorority is too and suddenly tensions are high between tri-zeta bc if trap zeta gets caught they all suffer and their chapter will be shut down and it’ll be a whole ass mess. atm she suspects their customers and even their somewhat rivals, the drug dealers of the ludes plot, but does she suspect anyone from the house??? no not rly
you can find her  stats page here and a wc page here
you can also find her pinterest board here
i also have a reese playlist here and a trap zeta playlist here
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wrecktify · 6 years
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barbie ferreira, 23, she/her | oh, them? that’s kayla alves. they’ve lived in carina bay for, like, their whole life. last time i spoke to them they were working at the pier, and if i remember correctly, they’re a leo. seeing them around always makes me think of a wind-up toy, stained silk, and not just double texting, but triple (quadruple if you drive her to it).
kayla was born on august 7 in carina. she’s the youngest of three, her two elder sisters ten and twelve years her senior. she’s the baby through and through, from the way her siblings have always treated her, to her standing in her parent’s eyes, and, frankly, she doesn’t mind it. she doesn’t abuse it, by any means, but she appreciates the extra leeway she’s gotten from them through her life.
because while her sisters were high achievers in the classroom, kayla’s focus was often somewhere else. it was on the peewee cheer team, or her gymnastics classes, or speech and debate, or the other plethora of clubs and teams she spent her time on. and that, for the baby, was enough. they supported her endeavors, and it became a family joke. kayla, who somehow manages to move on before things even start.
but that was before she found theatre. since she was nineteen, she’s been deadset on finding a place on the stage. she got her first role, jan in the local community production of grease, and she loved the feeling of being a part of the show.
but no matter how many vocal lessons or camping intensives or nights spent running monologues on their back porch, to her parents, theatre was just another fleeing whimsy of the baby’s.
so since then, she’s hyperfocused. she’s dedicated to proving her passion and proving that she can achieve this on her own, staying consistently involved but sometimes, especially when it comes to a career in the arts, that just isn’t enough.
her parents are still waiting for the day she comes to her senses and finds something real to do with her life, or, at the very least, marries in a way that will sustain all her fickle daydreaming.
she grew up in the dorado road area right across the street from the actual beach front property. her family still rents out the home in the summer, so she’s currently staying in the tucana apartments while her parents vacation in charlotte, visiting her sisters.
she’s dramatic as hell but like . not in a drama queen mean girl way just literally such a hyperbolic speaker and everything seems like life or death w her but its really not . she needs a nap or some milk or something .
she works at the pier she’s a ride attendant but shes been frequenting the community theatre trying to get some kiddie camp in place that she can have under her belt to put on resumes and stuff she wants to spread ART and CULTURE to the kiddos but they’re like hey kayla maybe don’t make the kids watch cabaret yet
speaking of which catch her down at the community theatre trying 2 run that shit. the director probably hates her by now 2b frank but shes got thick skin try and stop her once she’s got her mind set on something
disaster bi just getting by
shes got money and she knows shes been spoiled by her parents but she genuinely tries 2 be conscious about it there’s just moments where if ur character mentions having a hard time with money she just hard blinks disconnects for a minute trying 2 figure out how she can help fix it but thats just . not her skillset . but shes trying living in tucana and working as hard as she has been is the closest she’s had 2 working 4 stuff herself and shes getting better
the more excited i am for a muse and the longer i’ve spent conceptualizing them the shorter their intro is bc i personally have less 2 figure out and more 2 just articulate which . im obvs stuggling at so feel free 2 ask any probey questions 2 get 2 the bottom of this one
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stozzierr · 6 years
can you write some trans! richie hcs?? thanks!
a/n: alright so this bad boy has been swimming around my ask box for maybe two weeks and i’ve been debating on posting it or not. i’m not trans myself, though i have a couple friends who are, and i just want to do them justice. my heart goes out to all those who are transitioning, those who are stuck in the closet space out of fear, or those who just don’t know what your gender is. if this makes any of you special babes uncomfortable, please tell me!! i will take it down immediately. and if any of you want to talk to me about your struggles via message, i’m glad to be an ear to you!! my messages are open to all the people of tumblr. alright, i’ll stop rambling, enjoy if you’re comfortable with it!
ship: none in particular. its more of the losers club loving richie and vice versa.
warnings: again, as i restated, i’m going through some topics about transgender babies (i love you homies) that some may find inaccurate or distasteful, and i swear i’m trying my best to be good at this.
under the cut bc its long
rachel was never one of the normal girls in her school
ever since she was young, she wanted to participate in boy-related activities. wear boy clothes. play with action figures rather than barbie dolls
wentworth and maggie just thought it was a phase, their little girl would come to enjoy dresses rather than jeans
(they would come to find out that no, they were wrong)
in kindergarten, rachel didn’t want to be called rachel. she’d rather be called “richie” instead. her teachers just thought it was a silly nickname, but in reality, she loved it
in this year she met stanley uris, a sweet boy with a funny hat and the need for everything to be in the right place
they got along okay, but it was a rocky start, especially with how bluntly stan spoke to rachel
“richie’s a boy name.”
richie’s eyebrows scrunched up, and she shrugged and looked back to the painting she was working on (it was a tree for mama!), “i am a boy.”
and stan seemed to catch on quickly that rachel… wasn’t like the other girls fairly quickly. so he didn’t call her rachel, only richie.
fast forward a few years, they meet bill and eddie. and eddie, sweet and stupid as usual, just scrunches his nose up a little when rachel wants to be richie
“that’s not normal.”
“… i’m not normal.”
and that was that, bill easily agreed to it
in third grade, richie finds out she doesn’t like being called a “she”. just a “he” would do fine. so he asks stan, bill, and eddie to stop calling her a her
the boys, none the wiser, did as they were told
and so life went on, and terms were realized as they grew up. “transgender” was tossed around and richie realized, hey, i must be trans! and so, that’s when the lashing out began
he was having so many struggles in his heart because of it. he didn’t want to disappoint his wonderful family, but he just wasn’t a girl. he never truly was, and he hated what was in his pants. so his trash mouth developed as a way to cope with it
stan was the first, as always, to catch onto what was going on with him. but he helped richie through it opposed to call him out for it, as did bill and eventually eddie. they just molded around his trashmouth, and that was good enough
richie’s hair was long, and it made him upset. it went down to his blossoming tiddies (another thing he wished he could chop off) and god it looked too girly. so, one day before school, he called bill over to his house to help him cut it
who best to ask for hair advice than the one with really nice hair?
so bill made quick work of making richie’s hair short, and more boyish, but still under the radar of the elder toziers. richie was so happy he began to cry, to which bill hugged him tightly and escorted him off to school
stan’s and eddie’s faces flushed a bright red when richie showed up with short hair, finding him to be the most handsome boy in school (not that they’d admit it)
they did compliment him on it though, because the boy needs it
in eighth grade, they met beverly marsh, a beautiful girl that immediately could tell that rachel and richie were the same person. she never, ever judged him on it, and called him by his preferred pronouns
ben and mike came in as well, and they only knew richie as richie and called him that, and richie nearly cried. they eventually had to tell them, but they accepted right away
on his 14th birthday, the losers club got him a binder, and that really made him start crying. he just loves his friends
(his friends love him too)
when he started wearing it, everyone quickly caught on to what was “wrong” with him
living in derry wasn’t good for my transgender boy
the bullying really began picking up, everyone calling him “queer” and tranny”, as well as dead-naming him all the time
that’s when richie’s parents caught on and had a talk with him, and that gave the whole losers club anxiety
richie came out of the room crying, but smiling because maggie said, “I’ve always wanted a beautiful baby girl… but i’d love a son even more”
so yeah thank god for good parents
maggie had a little bit of trouble understanding him, but she did her best, and wentworth treated richie just the same as always (using his pronouns of course)
he was 16 when he began taking T-shots, and while it was painful at first, he got through it successfully with eddie’s help
richie’s voice began to lower, and he only really noticed when his voice cracked in the middle of doing an impression (cue the waterworks from everyone)
richie’s face got a little fuzzier, his muscles shaping when he went to the gym with mike, ben, and bill, his acne spiked up, and his weight was distributed a little more differently
he still got bullied, but less and less people started calling him rachel, and instead richie
he was 18 when he legally changed his name from “rachel marissa tozier” to “richard mason tozier”, and all his supporters were so proud
richie was 24 when he got top surgery. he was tired of wearing his binder, and with his parents’ blessings, he got the surgery. 
the losers cried a lot more than richie did that day
richie never got his bottom surgery, and while he was a little upset, he was ultimately okay because it scared him anyways
because he was a boy, he knew he was a boy. everyone knew he was a boy. and that’s all he wanted
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zevri · 7 years
My friends, today i encountered a time traveler from the year 2006
This girl came up to me and commented on a comic I was buying and I was like “oh u read it too??” and she was like “yeah” and we started talking about manga and stuff and she was like giving me recs lol and I was like “haha cool” cos I was trying to be nice cos u know I always wanted to be able to just start talking to ppl too and she seemed p young anyway (I later find out she is almost 20 goddamn years old).
The first warning sign was her taste in manga....she loved romance manga she said but was definitely not into the new kase-san vol i was getting so i was like lol a straightie, but I didn't realize the extent of this yet. what she did like was “romance” manga that glorifies sexual assault, so theres red flag number one but still i was like “Well shes clearly young, maybe she’s still into that kind of thing.”
2nd warning sign came in the form of her saying “I basically treat this place as a library, but I read a lot online too.” Manga cows and scanlations, in the year 2017? Odd, but not unheard of for younger people I suppose; we were all like that once after all. 
But after her recs, she starts talking about her love for death note. “ah yes, nostalgia” i thought, as she talks about it as if its still airing... her L cosplay, for which she practiced for two months to get his mannerisms right.”maybe shes just a really big fan. i know how that is,” i thought. ...and how much she HATES misa for “being stupid” and how the only thing she had going for her was her looks which, as she said, “will fade.” there it was, the first true indication I was talking to a time traveler. People still think this way about female characters in 2017????
the conversation moved on. I ask if shes into haikyuu since its popular, i like it, and i figure most otaku at least know about it. i gestured to the books on the shelf next to us. her response, which was said in complete sincerity: “I’m not that into poetry.” I laugh, because i thought she was making a joke. she was completely straight faced. she thought i asked out of nowhere if she was into haiku. i was too taken aback and confused to correct her or say anything, in fact my brain initially processed her response as “i’m not that into sports manga” bc 1.) fair and 2.) makes sense. It was at that point my soul was torn from my body, but we’re not done.
She mentions FMA and i was like “finally, some good taste!” but no, what she had to say about it was that its “too hard to follow.” I say its one of my all time faves, and she backpedals by saying “i’m not a very science-minded person haha.” Earlier in the conversation when I asked if she was in school she informed me she tried to study to be a vet tech for awhile but it didn’t work out. Things started becoming clearer to me, including the trajectory of this person’s life.
conversation moves on. somehow shes telling me about how her younger brother is nicknamed yuri but, haha, “i prefer yaoi.” yaoi yuri and normal. indication #2 we arent in 2017 anymore. i gave a weak “haha” in return, and she mentioned her enjoyment of drarry or some other HP pairing and i was like “ah, when it comes to m/m i’ve always been more of a james/sirius person” cos like, ok i can at least try to be relatable, right?? wrong. 
She asks, “have you ever read fem!Harry/Sirius??” and I’m taken aback once again because the very mention of a ship like that on here would get you put on several bad people lists. She talks about how in this fic harry is “actually really badass” as compared to other female HP characters I assume, and how she ends up with Draco in this AU too. I didn’t think this kind of fic was being written, let alone read, after the year 2009. I become more convinced this girl is not from the current time. I just say “haha yeah i never really got into that kind of fic.” 
on the subject of fic, she talked about how she sometimes reads ~lemons~. I havent heard that name in 80 years. And how she was a “total virgin” before reading lemons. I’m disturbed that a complete stranger is telling me about her sexual history. she continues to talk about her yaoi fic and indicating that it makes her both squee, drool, and cream herself when two boys kiss in fanfictions. I’m 85% convinced she’s not from this time. We’re beyond that, aren’t we???? I want to explain fetishization of gay men, internalized misogyny, all of these things to her, but i refrain. 
subjects change to other anime, ends up on inuyasha. Another point where i think “ah, childhood anime.” And it was for her too, she said - but she kept talking about it, again as if it was the Hot New Thing. At this point, I was 100% convinced that I was speaking to a time traveler. She tells me about how much she loves Sesshomaru and Sessh/Rin, but hates inuyasha/kagome. She makes sure I know the English Dub Sucks, especially bc one of the voice actresses in it also voices barbie (of Barbie Doll fame). I said that was really cool, but she didn’t seem to think so. 
She tells me her theories about the series, how she could spend hours debating the subject of Kagome and reincarnation that can mostly be explained by “takahashi can only draw 4 characters.” She talks about how she had a crush on Naraku, and how she in general likes “super strong guys that aren’t too muscly, they have to be trim.” The physiques of every single male character I want to bone down with flash through my mind, and I keep my mouth shut. 
The conversation comes to a close, and she’s the one who ends it, saying she should let me get to my reading. I say “haha yeah” and say I have a skype date to get to with my gf. We shook hands, and said it was nice to meet each other. I turn to go to the counter pay for my things, still reeling from the encounter with a time traveling otaku; my apparent deep dive into a pocket of time stuck ten years in the past. 
The only thing remaining in my head is the sentence “I’m not that into poetry” repeating again and again and again. 
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