#bc i also like moon x sliver
maiios · 8 months
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hello lilypad shippers the robot yuri has arrived
designs by @lyss-butterscotch
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nyxrev · 11 months
Tsukuyomi Trilogy
Chapter I: Apollo
Chapter II: Icarus
Chapter III: Hermes
Messages, Escapades, ESPionage, Trickery, Unknowns(x), Psyche.
(skip to conclusion if tl:dr)
You see why I said Moon Craters Highway, right …Earth is literally on its way to become another Moon with how dented it is from various battles as if metaphor for God's salty plan to rid…whom I wonder…
It already looks like an isolated dystopian space city, Mars, or Moon colony, whatever sci-fi likes.
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S'long as road work ahead, get'cha car n bail ay. Not to dwell on logistics, but I must wonder just how they escaped—how Spy managed to sneak near rock takoyaki, how both of them got out of it and to their car, consider last we saw they still were immobilized as heroes arrived on scene. Mb Jr. Spy got to his Sr. Agent while Tatsumaki mangled B13, drilled a hole down to their car, n escaped together. Mb Spy got out first from the larger crack Tatsumaki made while with contact to his Agent still stuck, then when heroes came, he tunnelled out of there n they bail like lab rats.
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“Apollo-san! Are you alright?!”
How nice of you ask about your senior but Boy, does he look alright to you?
He's not daijoubu at all
See, Apollo? Thank your precious junior later for he's nice enough to bail you out so speedy.
Btw I assume their hierarchy as such bc the spy asked him with -san honorific & formal speech. I can somehow hear his voice as a specific type of shounen, usually reserved, but dutifully takes action at an order of his management.
For us, it's not until now we actually learn moon agent's name is Apollo (bit ironic, no?). It makes me wonder why a Sun associated person would work for the Moon, ref to space mission aside. Also makes me wonder if his junior's name is Hermes, consider he was spy (messenger) and now driver for our Agent Apollo… just a thought. Why do I feel like one of them (spy) will defect… also spy's shook face at Tatsumaki is priceless.
Not much to add for Greek mythos bc I feel like it's well-known enough, but apparently “Apollo” can mean “destroy”? Which is curious bc he is a deity often associated with creative attributes, but actually, he can both heal (+) and destroy (—diseases).
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He's named the Sun but is he really the Sun? Or is he just another Shadow of the Moon?
Now as they run for their lives back to base with tails between their legs like disgraced dogs,they pass by the grand sight of a tornado's terror of a tantrum. Tatsumaki is so outraged by Saitama she didn't catch the Tsukuyomis on the run.
Tatsumaki has the lead. Tsukuyomi took the hit. They lost not only their generous sum of money donated to secure Psykos, they also lost Psykos herself and they and their dignity got hurt. They only escaped bc Tatsumaki got distracted n too wild but they barely got out with a sliver of their lives and prides. Big, disgruntled loss, if I say so.
Psychic Sisters: +2
Psykos: secured (seized)
Tsukuyomi spy: exposed
Tsukuyomi: –5
Psykos: lost
Money: lost
Health: at risk
Safety: endangered
Dignity: critically damaged
Gearsper, McCoy, Tsukuyomi, Org.
At the end of it all,Blizzards try to be productive with their number: they make use of their group work & personal expertise to exert pressure on execs to extract information and sort out clues.
Cooperation is a Powerful Tool, isn't it. On both sides of the negotiations, of course.
I wonder if the exec noses get bigger as they lie, it's as if Murata drew them such unique noses on purpose. Except they're so terribly obvious liars you'd be a fool to believe them. McCoy? Oh his shady face at the back is coy as he schemes
Here comes Gearsper at a suspicious moment, who proposes they “must've fallen for tricks.” Well, Whose trickery? What sort of tricks?
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Without an answer to my previous question, he assures them Tsukuyomi is merely a rumour, no more than expired gossip, and so ridiculous a rumour it's not even worth to expand on as conspiracy theory.
Hold on boy, care to explain your forehead scar? And Why do you seem to smirk as you speak?
Suddenly, the button on his helmet looks a little too much like the dented Moon God resides on. And his well fit suit looks too neat for hero work …He hides Tsukuyomi's existence, for whom?
He proceeds to list the reason for his logic, with known presence of psychic members at MA, he makes a fair argument, yet his suggestion raises my subconscious alarm.
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Needle Star doesn't say a word but you can tell he's got some thoughts about Gearsper.
Next panel McCoy exhales his obnoxious fumes with a sleazy smile and you just know he's up to no good. Mb he's let Gearsper cover Tsukuyomi, or he's got more schemes to execute.
Eloquent Evil
Remember I said Apollo gives me the creeps. I figured out exactly why he destabilizes every atom of my existence. His speech unsettles me so.It has no particular abnormality but I noticed he tends to not only speak with long (aka polite) conjugation (desu-masu), but also often uses a form used for suggestion, like let's & shall we, or …right? (deshou-mashou). Both are much used as standard formality, totally normal for real life, and expected politeness to strangers, senior, at work, etc. types of non-familiar speech. Except, bc manga & anime tend to use short conjg., and often super casual speech, esp, action shounen or seinen, courteous articulation can feel out of place with boisterous shouts all around you. It's like when smb is excessively civil it feels uneasy rather than relaxed, bc you feel like they're onto some nefarious schemes, down to exact details.
Best example without evil is Forte's 180° switch from fight me to would you mb like to hang out sometime which creeped Saitama out royally.
And right now, the way Gearsper speaks with all his polite desu-masu & deshou gives me prickly hairs on my neck. An uncanny recall to Apollo's courteous exchanges while he tries to KO ppl. Like, do all mad hatters & smiley mask suit-man present themselves so nobly? Sweet words drip poison from an executioner's tongue. Civil mask hides monstrosity without heart.
Gearsper, Without the Gear, Who are you?
I really don't want to doubt his prior merit, or for him to turn out as spy, bc he seemed to actually enjoy work with others like we saw with support team and they seem to get along well too, but if he is a spy, and it was all a ruse to pretend to be loyal to HA then he's damn good sneaky spy.
See, his humble rank makes him perfect for spy work. A little man with little presence. Nobody would suspect him if he is smart and discreet.
He is timid, not loud or keen to show off, helpful when needed & eager to help, nor likes to flaunt his accomplishments.
His mild manners, low rank, and small presence overall mean he's not easily noticed, no doubt a lament for heroes who want recognition, but an excellent way to conceal among crowd & gather precious intel.
Of course he could just be soft spoken, psychic, met the wrong people at the wrong place at the wrong time and felt the need to conceal himself and his past to keep his job, mb he was deemed a failed experiment, who escaped and wants no contact whatsoever with his past, sort of like Zombieman, although he did pursue Genus for clues about the limiter and God.
But for him to step out right now, to basically say: I know Tsukuyomi, but you need not know, bc it is non-existent… It would have been better for him (personally), to not speak at all, than to draw suspicion to himself, spark more curiosity about Tsukuyomi, and essentially expose the existence of the organization even more.
He could be manipulated, who knows. It's hard to read people without their full expression, eyes and brows are very subtle but honest indicators of truth emotions after all.
I was about cite his “weak” psychic power as part of why he's not easy to notice, but we only saw so much of him and he's really not half bad. I just feel like there's more to what his hero rank dictates about his ability. We all know ranks are BS often times.
I rambled about Gearsper's potential psychic capacity before, over here. It's just an old idea but bc his Gear is part of his hero identity, I do want to know what it does and how it works.
Thus concludes my Tsukuyomi arc.
It has been an unforgettable experience, fellow highway adventurers, see you next ride.
Guest commentary brought to you by Apollo's poison pill, with great relief we can tell you the poison has dissolved and he is now asleep :DD
_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
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moefongo · 1 year
PLEASE write some builder/Fang angst, PLEASE write for him at all. There are only 6 Ao3 fics and I have NEEDS
I totally get it, and to be honest I was waiting for Fang to be romanceable so I could write for him and now the update is out I will (i haven't romanced him yet tho bc i can't bring myself to break up with Arvio)
Anyways I was trying to find in his dialogues when the builder breaks up with him and I swear i had seen it before but it's basically him saying how everyone always leave him or something like that so that's with what I'm going with
The builder breaks up with Fang
In Fang's mind their relationship had been going well, and he was trying his absolute best to be the perfect boyfriend. They had been together now for almost a year. And Fang felt truly happy for the first time since he could remember. To him they were the most important thing in the world and in his own way he'd always let them know that.
He also knew that due to them being a builder they would be busy for most of the day. However in the beginning of their relationship they would always come by and spend some time with him even if it were just a few minutes, but as of lately he saw them less and less, and it was making him worry.
Another thing that Fang had noticed was a change in their behavior, in the rare occasions that they met up, the builder either refused or hesitated to hold his hand, other times they would be cold towards him. He would be constantly tormented with fears of them leaving him or even worse, cheating on someone better than him.
Besides there were other people in Sandrock that could do a better job at it than him, though this terrified him greatly and couldn't bear to be alone all over again, he didn't want to have to go through the grief of losing someone as dear to him as the Builder, and if it were to happen he would never love anyone else ever again.
So to calm his mind he went over to the Builder's house, he noticed they weren't there. Under normal circumstances he would've comeback later, but he needed to be absolutely sure that it was just his mind playing tricks on him and that they actually loved him. So instead Fang went looking for them all over town. And the first place he went to was The Blue Moon, and there they were enjoying a meal with none other than Arvio. At first glance it could have been just two friends hanging out, but that wasn't the case. Arvio was holding their hand as they chatted without a care in the world. The builder looking at Arvio the way they used to look at him when they were starting out, and Fang hated it the feelings brewing up inside of him. He wanted scream, shout and cry but he also didn't want to make a scene so he quietly left choking back sobs.
He had never felt so betrayed in his entire life and deep down he had a sliver of hope that it was just a misunderstanding and that Arvio and the builder were only friends. He knew he had to confront the builder about this, because now there was no way that he wouldn't continue to overthink things. As his mind raced, he made his way again to the builder's house and he sat down on the elegant swing on their yard close to the gate and simply waited. It was just him and his thoughts, he had left X back at the clinic insisting that he needed to do this alone, leaving the poor bird worried sick. But now X's worries weren't important all that mattered to Fang wanted was to confront the builder and hope that all of this was just a simple misunderstanding.
The hours went on, and Fang was still waiting for the builder to come back to their home, and now the sun was starting to set when returned to their house, and found it odd to see Fang waiting for them.
So they went over to him, and asked him if everything was okay, maybe for them they were, but Fang was barely keeping it together now that they were there with him. He didn't reply to them, Fang simply stood up and asked them for the truth, that's all he could say. At first the builder didn't understand what he meant but Fang just kept begging to know the truth, and then he mentioned what he saw.
Now the builder was in deep, and knew that they had to come clean and confess everything to Fang. They began explaining that after some time, they realized they only saw Fang as a friend, but they couldn't bring themselves to break up with him, and that's around the same time Arvio came into the picture. Arvio was the builder's closest friend and they eventually grew closer until they began to have a secret relationship and the worst part was that Arvio knew that sooner or later the builder would leave Fang for him.
Fang was absolutely devastated upon hearing this, but what truly broke him was when they finally broke up with him. That was even worse than having to deal with grief, it was a new pain that Fang wasn't ready to handle, or let alone anybody. But he knew though that the people he loves always leave him. But he never wanted them to leave, he wanted to live the rest of his life with the builder. He had new hopes and dreams and looked forward to so many things, but all of those dreams were shattered.
Having no other choice, Fang went back to his clinic and X knowing him better than anyone was beyond worried for Fang, since all he did was lock himself in his room and cry. And Fang cried like had never done in his life, and X was at the other side of the door unable to do anything to comfort Fang.
And now the only thing Fang had left to do was to focus as much as possible on his work and pretend that it had all been a terrible nightmare and nothing more.
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mikwrites-archive · 4 years
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   ☾ ➵  “honey you're familiar like my mirror years ago / idealism sits prison, chivalry fell on it's sword / innocence died screaming, honey ask me I should know / i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door...” 
          ☾ ➵ vampire!daishou suguru x reader
   ☾ ➵ horror themes, blood, suggestive themes, kind of angst
         ☾ ➵ happy birthday io @writeiolite !! i love u so much 💞💓💖💘💗 my bestie/mother/twin 😌 i hope u like this hehe !! also i doubt anyone will do this but pls don’t take my header pic bc i drew it 😭😭
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You’d met him completely on the night of a full moon, the pale light of the lonely goddess diminished in the warm orange torches that illuminated the hall, filled with masked men and women alike, all pursuing the prospect of finding a lover in the secrecy of the night and anonymity. 
It was a festival held yearly in your village, a chance for youths to ultimately match with one another, taking away the aspect of beauty in attraction until dawn struck, everyone revealing their true selves. It was an eager event for many families as well, an opportune way to flaunt their riches or marry off their children traditionally.
You couldn’t care less, donned in your best robes and jewels, the wooden wolfish mask smooth and cool against your features, the earthy, reassuring scent putting your discomfort at ease as you sat in solitude, observing. 
“Not participating in the festivities?”
A voice you don’t recognize seeps smoothly through your consciousness, despite not having heard anyone approach, and you turn to meet hooded chartreuse eyes under a winding mask of carved scales, flickering with mirth. 
“Don’t tell my mother.” Your jest is light and airy, and the man snorts, situating himself next to you on the bench.
“A traditional girl, I see.” 
You hum, gaze roving curiously over the golden chains that were draped along his shoulders and chest, an elegant fur adorning his right shoulder, a brooch resting on his collar.
“Do I know you?”
“I don’t know, do you?” His sardonic response makes you exhale a laugh through your nose; an expected answer for an event where secrecy was key.
“You seem familiar.” 
He doesn’t respond, bowing his head, and you suppose you didn’t leave much room for him to give an eloquent answer, yet you’re spared from providing another compelling conversation topic as the maroon ribbon around his head fell loose, the serpentine fanged creature clattering to the ground, and you catch a glance of his face before he quickly picks it back up, a sly curve to his lips. 
“A bit too early for the reveal.” He murmurs in amusement, and you swallow.
You’d always had a penchant for seeing things you weren’t supposed to, and something screams at you, deep down, echoing throughout your soul that you were never supposed to see him, even once dawn bled into the skies. 
“It was nice speaking with you. I should get going.” He nods at you once he finished tying on his mask once more, eyes glimmering, and you stammer the same, too unnerved to question why he’d be leaving so early.
His gaze lies behind your eyelids as you sleep that night, and you get dreams of a desecrated temple, weeping willows swaying in the breeze, the flash of ivory enamel, deep red wine that ran down skin in rivulets, and a name.
The gods seem to grace you that night with knowledge you’re not sure you searched for in the first place, waking in a cold sweat as you kick off your covers, striding steps flying against the black earth that stuck between your toes, nightgown flowing with the chill air. 
You’re not entirely aware of where you’re running, your body functioning without conscious thought, a hand of the gods that graced you with heavenly dark knowledge leading you on until you reached a forest glade, obscured to the common eye by curtains of willow trees, no path visible, only clawing roots to stumble across.
Two figures lay in the middle of the opening, in the seeming embrace of one another, yet you knew better. 
The roots twist at your ankle as you venture closer, and you yelp, catching his attention as you bite the inside of your cheek to subdue your qualms. 
Bitter cherry red dripped from his lips, tongue darting out at the tips of his fangs, as he grinned at you, and you found yourself frozen in the venomous eyes that held you like a deer in the sights of its predator.
“Can I help you?” He drawls, swiping his mouth with his hand, reminding you of the rouge your mother had put on your lips so delicately that night you first saw him. 
“Are… are you Daishou?” 
“Depends. Who’s asking?”
He places the body in his arms down on the soft grass with surprising care, and squints at you, to which you hurriedly step from the shadows, shivering as the weeping branches brush against you like fluttering hands, begging you to not venture into the monster’s clutches.
“We met that night.” You explain breathlessly. “The festival.”
“The wolf.” Daishou’s voice and expression floods with recognition as he stands, and you nod anxiously while he sighs, sauntering closer to you. “So, you’ve figured out who I am. Or should I say, what I am.”
Your vocal cords are tight, wound up like an instrument’s strings, being played exactly to Daishou Suguru’s tune as he grips your jaw amusedly. His fingertips are still sticky with rusty red, and the coppery scent makes you exhale sharply as he studies you curiously.
“Why did you come here? Did you tell anyone?”
“N-No. I didn’t. I just… wanted to know if I was right about seeing you before.”
The purred word makes you gasp, and Daishou laughs at the soft sound.
“You’re a smart one. So you should know you can’t lie to me. I know what you want. But you have seen me before if it satiates your curiosity. I’ll admit, I was surprised when you asked.”
“The abandoned temple.” You breathe, and Daishou nods. It was a few years back, at the death of your grandmother, wanting to spread her ashes at the deserted place of worship as her last wish. You’d caught a glimpse of Daishou in the foliage, but as you turned to show your mother, he’d disappeared. It had unnerved you, clutching onto your mother’s skirt as you viewed one of the crumbling murals that depicted a face exactly like the one you saw prior. 
“I stayed there frequently once it was forsaken. Your arrival was a surprise. I was caught off guard. It’s rare that ever happens, I hope you know, and with you it’s happened twice.” 
You don’t respond, and Daishou finds great delight in the meekness of your character as his lips brush against your racing pulse point, thrumming under his gentle caress as he bares his fangs experimentally, grinning as you shudder.
“So I hope you understand the… interest I hold for you.”
The clouds shroud the slivered moon, as if hiding her pale, yearning eyes as the wolf submits to the serpent.
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dar-manda-rjct · 4 years
A Ginger and Some Ale (Molly O'Shea x Reader)
Pairings: Molly O'Shea x GN!Reader
A/N: *slams fists on table* MOLLY O'SHEA DESERVES THE WORLD AND A COOL GIRLFRIEND TO WISK HER AWAY FROM DUTCH'S STINKY BUTT! THATS ALL. I also listened to "Molly's Lips" by Nirvana because all i wanna do is smooch her-- god she deserves the world and now im rambling SORRY.
Warnings: Manipulation, mental abuse?
BTW: this is gender neutral, i was just thinking about a woman when writing this bc molly needs a loving gf-- OH and fluff, tons of fluff. also, there mite be typos, i only proofread like twice :P
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There he was again. Ignoring his beautiful Irish sweetheart for his ex-lover, Susan, as they danced to the blaring gramophone. It could have been a platonic dance for all their audience knew, but that didn't matter. His girlfriend sat on their shared bed with aristocratic class, one pale hand cupped around her bright pocket mirror, fighting to keep her gaze on herself, while the other bit into the various cattle, buck and rabbit pelts that scattered the thin canvas mattress.
The damsel deserved better no doubt. The sophistication in her wardrobe, posture and appearance stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the motley crew of outlaws, assassins and thieves. It was something of a relief to you that she didn't go out on jobs, not in fear she would break a nail or anything. There was a sort of possessive side you had with the refined ginger, the blood always rushing to your face and fists every time Dutch spat something cruel to her.
All she did was love him.
He didn't deserve her.
There was a bit of beer in your system that night, two bottles. An "easy" little job with Bill earlier that day quickly went south, the two of you barely making it out with your lives. You, miraculously made it out with both your life and the money, desperate to get home and drink the adrenaline away.
Molly sighed, biting her scarlet lip and looked away to the lake before getting up and walking to the wet bank. It wasn't a sigh of exasperation, it was quivering, as if tears were threatening to break from a tight knot in her throat.
That did it.
You practically launched off of the chair you sat in, away from the table you acquainted, speed-walking between Strauss and Dutch's tent towards the lake where Molly stood, rocking in place with her arms crossed. Slowing as you approached, you cleared your throat to announce your presence, the Irishwoman whipping around to meet your warm, welcoming gaze.
If anyone else caught her tearing herself up she would usually shuffle away, but not with you. It gave you hope. She stayed at your side wiping at the tears that distorted her vision before they could stream trails down her cheeks and disturb her delicately powdered cheeks. Your fingers played with your gun belt, fumbling idly against the worn leather to try and think of something to say before looking up past the brim of your hat to the lake.
"See how the moon bounces off the water? It doesn't swim in it despite its powerful light. The water's impenetrable," you murmured, kicking at the damp clay with your boot heel, heat migrating to your cheeks as you realized how stupid you sounded.
Molly scoffed, "What'sat got to do with me?" Her shaking tone betrayed her attempt at an inconsolable one, her arms retreating to cross over her chest.
You smiled bittersweetly, the right corner dominating the other, "I'm saying you shouldn't let him walk all over you, miss O'Shea."
She hissed, "Call me Molly. And he isn't walking over me, he's just stressed out recently."
"Please," you spat, "how many times has he promised you, 'Let me get this rope off my neck first,' or 'How could you be so selfish to think about yourself when I got people gunnin' for me!' It's bullshit, Molly."
The woman with copper locks fell silent at your livid snarl, her tongue swiping over her front teeth before swallowing, "He'll change."
"Stop making excuses for him, 'cause he won't." You turned to her, ducking more to her level, your eyes full of urgent sympathy, "He's a grown ass man, sweetpea. If he can't realize the wonderful woman at his side right now then he never will."
Her emerald gaze snapped to you, her brows furrowed, "You think I'm a wonderful woman?"
You scoffed, as if the thought of her thinking otherwise was physically impossible, "Are you kidding? You stay at his side through the thick and thin-- he's got bounty hunters, lawmen and Pinkertons so far up his ass you can see them when he yawns. Yet you risk your life to stay at his side-- and when you ask for something in return he tells you to screw off."
Molly was silent, staring up at you with her painted lips gaped in wonder as her deep green eyes searched your features. It was as if she was sifting your own for a sliver of doubt, there wasn't the smallest grain of it anywhere in your eyes. Your brows were furrowed and your gaze hardened with weighty insistence, your knuckles getting whiter as they coiled tighter around your gun belt. The thought of that greasy chainsmoker looking at Molly as if she were less of a human being made that rage tower higher and higher.
"I don't know what to say," she mumbled, her arms uncrossing, hands falling to play with themselves, green pools retreating to the writhing reflection of the moons light on the lake.
Your eyes danced over her soft features, a warm smile returning across your face at the soft blush over her cheeks, you offered your right hand, "Will you dance with me?"
Molly looked back to you, before glancing back at Dutch, dancing with Susan, a grin falling over his lips underneath his dark moustache, his brown eyes sparkling with amusement. Oh, how it made her insides boil. Finally, she looked back to you, looking down at your hand, her gaped lips melting into a warm smile, green eyes sparkling. It brought a smile to yourself, the fiery hatred for Dutch's behavior immediately snuffed. She was all that mattered right now.
"Yes," her lips parted in a wide smile as she took your hand, the right one moving to your shoulder as your left gently gripped her hip, your eyes never leaving hers.
That smile was sweeter than ale.
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mcalhenwrites · 4 years
I typed up a huge google doc about who I thought might be the traitor, who I suspect is Strelitzia’s killer, and who is the imposter. (And if the imposter or the traitor is responsible for the murder.) Every new update or reread of the KH3 secret reports has forced me to rewrite huge sections. Anyway, thanks to the update yesterday, we can narrow down the imposter between one of two people. I tagged this, but another caution: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR JP KHUX BELOW
A Swedish friend who (as far as I know) isn’t into the series mentioned off-hand to me when I was posting screenshots, “Did you know Skuld means ‘guilt’ in Swedish?” I’d been spending all my time assuming her name came from being a Norn. It opened up a new possibility for me.  This is a list of things I discovered and possibly connected. 1. There’s a dark figure that approaches Ephemer when he first stands up Player and goes back into the passageways alone. He first asks who they are and then says, “You..?!” The figure looks like “Darkness”, but I mean... He would’ve recognized a Foreteller! But part of me doesn’t wonder if the hint is about Skuld. The scene itself is painted to us, the players, as hostile. The music, the dark form... I’m not sure if this was meant as a distraction since later, since iirc, Ephemer and Ava hold a conversation here? But most theories about Ava being Darkness have it happening much later in the story... But it also crossed my mind that Ephemer would also recognize Skuld. (Still, I’m pretty iffy that this isn’t Ava.) If anyone is curious about rewatching the scene, I’ll link to Everglow’s timeline, specifically this video at 16:18!  2. I realized Ava recruited Skuld as a Dandelion, but not as a Union leader. I have no idea if that came after, ofc, somewhere in the background. Just that it didn’t happen on-screen. I started seeing more people say this online in the last month or so, which has been validating. Doesn’t mean she’s truly guilty as her name claims, so... moving on. 3. The next one ties heavily into whether or not Skuld is Subject X. Specifically, Secret Report 5 from Saix in KH3, that has had me curious for a while: On the day we finally secured our entry, we descended the long spiral stair at the heart of the castle to find a dark space below it, lined with cages. There wasn't light enough to see if they were inhabited, and we were in no position to call out to any occupants within. Yet we could feel it. A definite presence, there in the black. Terror washed over us, and we immediately regretted coming. But just as we turned to flee, we heard the faintest of voices. The urge to run was nigh overpowering, but someone or something beckoned us on. There, framed by a tenuous sliver of light, we found her. While she has light, there’s also a dark presence. Part of me wondered if it might not be Braig lingering around (and admittedly that’s what I mostly believe), but maybe it’s not dissimilar to Ven, where she actually has a lot of darkness and very little (”tenuous”) light?  4. And Skuld’s name already came up once in Lauriam’s investigation, but it didn’t seem to turn up much. 5. This one is a huuuuge reach, but it’s KH so I’ll list it anyway. Isa and Lea both became nobodies and did some less-than-great things in their futures... perhaps the “Celestial Trio” (I keep calling them that in my head, bc of the Sun/Moon/Star motifs) are perhaps going to be a group of good people who don’t have great pasts. This is more “we’ll find out in a future game” I think, tho, and it might be total coincidence or entirely inapplicable. :’D ...It’s kind of a thin theory, and this doesn’t mean I think Skuld is the imposter and Ven isn’t. It’s just stuff that made me wonder about her over the past few months. 
Anyway, I have gone over this so often, so I can’t wait for the next bits of story to ENTIRELY TOSS EVERYTHING OUT THE WINDOW AND MAKE ME REWRITE AGAIN :D I welcome any new revelations from various interviews, novels, and more accurate translations from Japanese. It’s always good to have new information or even gentle corrections to keep this all on the right path.
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