#bariatric sleeve surgery
ahappybeginning · 1 year
I just hit a major milestone: 200 lbs down. In 13 1/2 months.
I’m honestly just…crying with relief and joy and pride and so much love for myself and this journey I decided to take. 🥹🥹
At the beginning of this year, I set a series of goals for myself. Some were weight-related, some were non-scale victories I wanted to achieve. This particular milestone, based on what I was predicting my rate of continued weight loss would look like, I had put as wanting to hit by my birthday, in September. It’s exactly 3 months from my birthday today, and I’m already here.
And this puts me only 10 lbs from the lowest (recorded) weight I got to during my first weight loss attempt in 2018. So soon, I will be in completely uncharted territory with my lowest weight as an adult, and I’m so freaking excited.
I’m going to Disney this weekend to celebrate. Just got a brand new annual pass, so this trip will mark my triumphant return to my happy place that I haven’t been to since 2019. And honestly, that last trip was anything but happy for me due to some unrelated bullshit happening in my personal life at the same time, so I’m very much looking forward to reclaiming my joy and making it magical for me again. I’m gonna get a celebration button, take allllllll the professional photos, ride the new rides that have opened since I was last there…basically I’m gonna celebrate my face off because I FREAKING LOST 200 POUNDS AND I DAMN WELL DESERVE IT!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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jellyroll72 · 6 months
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7/27/23 is the day I started my journey
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eazy-group · 1 year
Mynetria lost 72 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Mynetria lost 72 pounds. This proud mom experienced weight gain due to depression and anxiety. After learning she was pre-diabetic, she began to make lifestyle changes and ultimately decided to have VSG surgery.  Social Media:Instagram: @lovejoneztvTiktok: @mynetria.antwanett What was your motivation? What inspired you to keep going, even when you wanted to give up? My…
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The Woman Who Lost 46 Kgs after Gastric Sleeve Surgery | Weight Loss Results Before and After
Are you considering gastric sleeve surgery because you've tried diets and exercise for years and still have a lot of weight to lose? Gastric sleeve surgery is best for people who have a BMI (body mass index) of at least 40. That means you’re 100 pounds or more over your ideal weight. Some people are too heavy for gastric bypass surgery, so it may be a good alternative. Contact Dr. Sukhvinder Saggu, Weight loss Surgeon in Delhi for weight loss related Queries. 
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drapurvaradiance · 1 year
Understanding Bariatric Surgery for Obesity at the Best Multispeciality Hospital in Ahmedabad
Obesity has become a global epidemic and affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It is a serious health condition that can lead to a range of health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and more. If you are struggling with obesity and have tried various weight loss methods with little or no success, bariatric surgery may be an option for you.
Bariatric surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that helps people with obesity lose weight by altering their digestive system. The surgery is performed by a team of experienced surgeons at the best multispeciality hospital in Ahmedabad, using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques.
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There are several types of bariatric surgery, and your surgeon will recommend the best option for you based on your medical history and overall health. Some of the most common types of bariatric surgery include:
Gastric Sleeve Surgery: This surgery involves removing a portion of the stomach, leaving a smaller sleeve-shaped stomach that helps to reduce hunger and limit the amount of food you can eat.
Gastric Bypass Surgery: This procedure involves creating a small pouch in the stomach and rerouting the small intestine to this pouch. This helps to limit the amount of food you can eat and also limits the number of calories your body absorbs.
Adjustable Gastric Banding: This involves placing a band around the stomach to create a small pouch. The band can be adjusted over time to help limit the amount of food you can eat.
Bariatric surgery is generally considered safe and effective, but it is not a quick fix. It requires a significant lifestyle change, including a healthy diet and regular exercise, to achieve and maintain weight loss. At the best multispeciality hospital in Ahmedabad, a team of experienced doctors, nurses, and dietitians will work with you to develop a comprehensive weight loss plan that meets your unique needs. If you are struggling with obesity and want to learn more about bariatric surgery, contact the best multispeciality hospital in Ahmedabad for a consultation. Our team of experts will work with you to determine the best course of action to help you achieve your weight loss goals and live a healthier, happier life.
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drmichaelchoido · 2 years
Best Bariatric Surgeons in Florida - Dr. Michael Choi
Assuming that you've at any point attempted to get fitter, you realise how disappointing and troublesome the cycle can be. An ever increasing number of individuals are going to weight loss medical procedures to assist them with carrying on with better lives, but the excessive cost tag actually holds up traffic for some. If weight loss medical procedure costs are an obstruction for you, figure out how you can pay for the operation so you can start zeroing in on a better future.
Click Here: Effects of Overeating on the Stomach
In reality, how much does a weight loss medical procedure cost?
In the event that you're exploring how to bear the cost of a weight loss medical procedure, health insurance coverage inclusion is presumably quite possibly the earliest inquiry at the forefront of your thoughts. Anyway, does protection cover weight loss medical procedures? It depends upon the conditions. However, even with inclusion, you might wind up paying a few personal clinical costs. Gastric detour medical procedure costs without protection can run impressively, contingent upon the kind of method you pick as well as your area. The following are appraisals of what you can hope to pay for various sorts of medical procedures, regardless of inclusion.
Gastric detour is a medical procedure, gastric sleeves scars 6 Without protection, the typical expense is $24,300.
Gastric sleeve medical procedure: Without protection, the expense is generally somewhere in the range of $17,000 and $26,000.
The lap-band is a medical procedure: The expense goes from $8,800 to $22,500 without inclusion.
The cost is between $20,000 and $25,000.
3 methods for getting help paying for bariatric medical procedures
While the costs of bariatric surgery can be high, even with insurance, a large number of people find ways to pay for them on a regular basis. When you consider what feeling amazing can mean for your way of life and future, the medical procedure frequently winds up paying for itself. Try not to allow expenses to remain between you and a sound future. The following are three assets you can use to get help paying for a bariatric medical procedure:
Government help for weight loss medical procedure costs.
The national government can help pay for systems for qualified patients under the Medicaid and federal health care programs. The two projects have qualification limitations, notwithstanding an application cycle and a holding period.
Medicaid gives health care coverage to low-income people and will cover gastric detour as a medical procedure in specific outrageous cases. Numerous prerequisites should be met for Medicaid to cover get-healthy plans and medical procedures, including clinical verification that you meet specific weight capabilities and have attempted different strategies to get in shape.
Government health care covers bariatric medical procedures for people who meet explicit models connected with horrible corpulence. You will, in any case, need to meet your deductibles before federal health care will pay, and you might be liable for copays for follow-up visits after your system.
Web-based fundraising for bariatric surgery costs
Sorting out some way to pay for a weight loss medical procedure without protection can be upsetting. By crowdfunding on GoFundMe, you can support your system in a place of refuge while lessening the disgrace of bariatric medical procedures for other people who need them. With dedicated client assistance and the security of the GoFundMe Assurance, you can typically receive your assets within 2-5 working days.
Noble Cause support for bariatric medical procedures
The weight loss medical procedure Groundwork of America is the leading non-profit organisation dedicated to assisting individuals in bearing the cost of their methodology. The establishment raises assets to give a medical procedure help that will conceal up to 90% of a certified weight reduction system. The following are a portion of the requirements to apply:
You should have a reference from your specialist.
You are either uninsured or denied inclusion, or the methodology isn't covered by your protection.
You should agree to fund-raise for 10% of the cost of the financial help for weight loss surgery.
For more info click here: Lap Band Surgery Miami
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nerkierantsagain · 10 days
All of my boys have stayed close by after the surgery.
Feeling a bit useless because all my projects are on hold until I recover but having the fluffy babies with me at all times makes it bearable
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medicalprocare · 13 days
Best Weight Loss Surgery Centre
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Why Choose Weightlose Clinic?
Expertise: The clinic is home to the best bariatric surgeon in Delhi, known for their extensive experience and successful track record in weight loss surgeries.
Advanced Techniques: Weightlose Clinic utilizes the latest surgical techniques and state-of-the-art technology to ensure the best outcomes for patients.
Comprehensive Care: From initial consultation to post-operative support, the clinic provides a full spectrum of care tailored to each patient’s needs.
High Success Rates: Known as the best weight loss surgery centre, the clinic boasts high success rates and numerous satisfied patients.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Each patient receives a customized treatment plan, ensuring the most effective approach to weight loss.
Success Stories from Dr Tarun Mittal’s Practice
Aarti’s New Beginning
Aarti, a 32-year-old software developer, had battled with her weight for nearly a decade, severely affecting her mobility and overall health. After her weight peaked at 140 kg, she consulted Dr. Mittal. Post gastric sleeve surgery, Aarti lost an incredible 60 kg over the next year. Today, she leads a healthier, more active lifestyle and has regained confidence in both her personal and professional life.
Rohan’s Victory Over Diabetes and Obesity
Rohan, a 45-year-old businessman, suffered from type 2 diabetes due to obesity. Weighing 130 kg, he struggled with daily activities and managing his diabetes. Dr. Mittal recommended gastric bypass surgery, known for its effectiveness in treating obesity-related diabetes. The results were phenomenal. Rohan lost 55 kg, and his diabetes went into remission. He no longer needs insulin and has embraced a healthier lifestyle with renewed vigor.
Meera’s Journey to Motherhood
Meera, a 29-year-old who had been trying to conceive for years due to complications from her weight, turned to Dr. Mittal for help. Weighing 118 kg, her obesity was a barrier to her dream of becoming a mother. Six months after laparoscopic bariatric surgery, Meera lost 40 kg and soon conceived naturally. Today, she is a proud mother to a healthy baby girl.
Treatment Options at Weightlose Clinic
Here are some of the treatment options provided by Weightlose Clinic:
Gastric Bypass Surgery: This procedure alters the stomach and digestive system to limit food intake and nutrient absorption, leading to significant weight loss.
Sleeve Gastrectomy: Performed by expert sleeve gastrectomy surgeon in Delhi, this surgery involves removing a portion of the stomach, resulting in a smaller, sleeve-shaped stomach that restricts food intake.
Adjustable Gastric Banding: In this procedure, a band is placed around the upper part of the stomach to create a small pouch, limiting food intake and promoting weight loss.
Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS): This complex surgery combines a sleeve gastrectomy with a bypass of the majority of the intestine, significantly limiting calorie absorption and promoting substantial weight loss.
Revisional Bariatric Surgery: These procedures are designed to correct or modify previous bariatric surgeries, enhancing outcomes and addressing any complications.
Choosing Weightlose Clinic means opting for the best weight loss surgery centre with the most qualified professionals, including the best bariatric surgeon in Delhi and leading sleeve gastrectomy surgeon in Delhi. The clinic’s dedication to patient care, advanced surgical options, and high success rates make it the top choice for individuals seeking effective and lasting weight loss solutions.
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samparoy · 14 days
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VSG Diet Support
Find your perfect VSG Diet support! Get tailored meal plans, expert guidance, and a supportive community to help you thrive post-surgery. https://www.vsgdietsupport.com/
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obesity-reduction · 1 month
Advancements in Single-Incision Sleeve Gastrectomy: Minimally Invasive Solutions
Sleeve gastrectomy, a surgical procedure that reduces the size of the stomach, has emerged as a highly effective treatment for obesity and related health conditions. Traditionally performed using multiple incisions, advancements in surgical techniques have led to the development of single-incision sleeve gastrectomy — a minimally invasive approach that offers several benefits for patients. In this blog, we’ll explore the advancements in single-incision sleeve gastrectomy, its benefits, considerations, and its role as a transformative solution in the management of obesity.
Understanding Sleeve Gastrectomy: Sleeve gastrectomy, also known as gastric sleeve surgery, involves removing a large portion of the stomach to create a smaller, banana-shaped “sleeve.” This reduction in stomach size limits the amount of food that can be consumed, resulting in significant weight loss and improvement or resolution of obesity-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea.
Traditional Sleeve Gastrectomy: Traditional sleeve gastrectomy is typically performed using laparoscopic techniques, which involve making several small incisions in the abdomen to insert surgical instruments and a camera (laparoscope). While effective, this approach requires multiple incisions and ports, which may result in additional scarring and discomfort for patients.
Advancements in Single-Incision Sleeve Gastrectomy: Single-incision sleeve gastrectomy represents a significant advancement in minimally invasive bariatric surgery. Instead of making multiple incisions, this technique involves creating a single small incision, usually in the navel (umbilicus), through which all surgical instruments and the laparoscope are inserted. This approach offers several advantages, including:
Reduced Scarring: By utilizing a single incision hidden in the natural crease of the belly button, single-incision sleeve gastrectomy minimizes visible scarring and enhances cosmetic outcomes.
Decreased Pain: With fewer incisions, patients may experience less postoperative pain and discomfort compared to traditional laparoscopic surgery.
Faster Recovery: Single-incision surgery may lead to quicker recovery times and shorter hospital stays, allowing patients to return to normal activities sooner.
Improved Patient Satisfaction: The aesthetic appeal of a single hidden scar and the perception of a less invasive procedure can contribute to higher patient satisfaction rates.
Considerations for Single-Incision Sleeve Gastrectomy: While single-incision sleeve gastrectomy offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to consider certain factors before undergoing the procedure, including:
Patient Suitability: Not all patients may be suitable candidates for single-incision surgery. Factors such as body mass index (BMI), previous abdominal surgeries, and underlying health conditions may influence eligibility.
Surgeon Experience: The success of single-incision sleeve gastrectomy relies heavily on the skill and experience of the surgeon. Patients should seek out a surgeon with expertise in minimally invasive bariatric procedures for optimal outcomes.
Potential Complications: As with any surgical procedure, single-incision sleeve gastrectomy carries risks, including infection, bleeding, and complications related to anesthesia. Patients should thoroughly discuss the procedure’s potential risks and benefits with their healthcare provider before making a decision.
The Role of Dr. Shashank Shah: Dr. Shashank Shah, a distinguished expert in bariatric surgery and director of the Laparo-Obeso Centre, is at the forefront of advancements in single-incision sleeve gastrectomy. With a wealth of experience and a commitment to patient-centered care, Dr. Shah offers personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs and goals. His expertise in minimally invasive techniques ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care and achieve successful outcomes.
Conclusion: Single-incision sleeve gastrectomy represents a significant advancement in the field of bariatric surgery, offering patients a minimally invasive solution for weight loss and improved health. With reduced scarring, decreased pain, faster recovery times, and enhanced patient satisfaction, this innovative approach holds promise for individuals seeking transformative solutions in the management of obesity. If you’re considering sleeve gastrectomy as a treatment option, consult with a qualified healthcare provider like Dr. Shashank Shah to explore whether single-incision surgery is right for you. With expert guidance and comprehensive support, you can embark on a journey towards a healthier, more fulfilling life with confidence.
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cookiraw · 1 month
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The Gastric Sleeve Bariatric Cookbook: Easy Meal Plans and Recipes to Eat Well & Keep the Weight Off
Buy now
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ahappybeginning · 11 months
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Copying this from my IG (sorry to those who’ve already read it) :
That feeling when you strike the final, deadly blow to the last of the demons of the past, crossing into the future with the knowledge that it’s YOURS, finally. After years of struggling to regain everything that was lost, today I have officially stopped catching up, stopped retreading the same path I’d taken many times before, and have finally broken into the new and exciting ground of being at my official lowest weight as an adult. I’m finally free from the memories and parallels to what I tried five years ago, and I can bask in the peace of knowing no one else gets *this* victory. It’s all mine.
I have this image in my mind, of past Laurel sitting in the middle of a road, stuck, waiting, a dark shadow looming over her. And then me now, walking up behind her, stopping as I reach her, leaning down and giving her a long, tight hug and a grateful smile, and then turning to face the brightest, warmest ray of sunshine and continuing to walk forward, swallowed by light.
I couldn’t have gotten here without that past version of myself. She taught me so much, even though I spent so much of my life hating her and being ashamed. I don’t feel either of those things anymore. I feel strength, I feel compassion, I feel gratitude, and I feel love. For all of the past versions of myself that worked together to bring me to this place. Onwards and upwards, no more looking back now.
This truly is my happy beginning now. ✨
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cwlsmelbourne · 1 month
Understanding Bariatric Surgery: A Life-Changing Journey Towards Health
In a world where obesity rates are soaring and health complications related to excessive weight gain are becoming increasingly prevalent, bariatric surgery emerges as a beacon of hope for many individuals struggling with severe obesity.
This transformative procedure offers not only significant weight loss but also a chance at reclaiming one's health and quality of life. In this blog, let’s delve into the realm of best bariatric surgery Melbourne, exploring its intricacies, benefits, and considerations for those contemplating this life-changing journey.
What is Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, encompasses a variety of procedures designed to facilitate weight loss by altering the digestive system's anatomy. These procedures aim to restrict food intake, reduce nutrient absorption, or a combination of both, ultimately leading to significant weight loss and improvement in obesity-related health conditions.
Types of Bariatric Surgery
There are several types of bariatric surgery, each with its unique approach and mechanism of action. Some of the most common procedures include
Gastric bypass surgery: This procedure involves creating a small pouch at the top of the stomach and rerouting the digestive tract to bypass a portion of the small intestine.
Sleeve gastrectomy: In this surgery by best gastric sleeve surgeon in Melbourne, a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving behind a smaller, banana-shaped sleeve.
Adjustable gastric banding: A band is placed around the upper part of the stomach, creating a small pouch and limiting the amount of food that can be consumed.
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Benefits of Bariatric Surgery
The benefits of bariatric surgery Melbourne extend far beyond mere weight loss. For many individuals, undergoing this procedure can lead to
Significant and sustainable weight loss: Bariatric surgery often results in dramatic weight loss, which can have a profound impact on overall health and well-being.
Improvement or resolution of obesity-related health conditions: Many obesity-related health conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea, show remarkable improvement or even resolution following bariatric surgery.
Enhanced quality of life: Bariatric surgery can improve mobility, self-esteem, and mental health, allowing individuals to lead more fulfilling lives.
Considerations Before Undergoing Bariatric Surgery
While bariatric surgery from best gastric sleeve surgeon Melbourne offers numerous benefits, it is not without risks and considerations. Before deciding to undergo this procedure, individuals should
Understand the potential risks and complications associated with surgery, such as infection, bleeding, and nutritional deficiencies.
Commit to making significant lifestyle changes, including adopting a healthy diet and incorporating regular physical activity, to ensure long-term success.
Consult with healthcare professionals, including bariatric surgeons, dietitians, and psychologists, to assess candidacy and address any concerns.
Final Words
Bariatric surgery represents a powerful tool in the fight against obesity, offering hope and transformation to those struggling with severe weight-related issues. While the decision to undergo bariatric surgery is not one to be taken lightly, for many individuals, it marks the beginning of a journey towards improved health, vitality, and longevity. By understanding the intricacies of bariatric surgery Melbourne and making informed choices, individuals can embark on a path towards a healthier, happier future.
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anshobecure · 1 month
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Today, we’ll delve into the transformative power of weight loss surgery (WLS), also known as bariatric surgery or Obesity Surgery, for those struggling with both weight loss and type 2 diabetes.
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drapurvaradiance · 1 year
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dreams-in-blxck · 2 months
TW: bariatric surgery, obesity, nausea, etc.
so I never come here for advice but, I’m almost 3 weeks post op, for a gastric pouch/ gastric bypass and every post I see is always optimistic and I been feeling like shit. I need to know if everything I’m going through it’s normal. One of the biggest issues I have is I cannot drink water, it hurts so much and I need to drink like 1 liter per day. I’ve tried baby water, purified water, alkaline water and nothing works. All my doctors said it’s completely normal but Im honestly loosing my mind and this point. If anyone has any recommendation, advices or just want to say something, or share your experience feel free. Thanks you all and I’ll be reading. :)
I just really needed to write it down so I can feel a little better.
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