#barchie fic
elizacinnamon · 20 days
The Alcott, chapter 11! Betty finally finds some peace in unexpected cirumstances.
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mlle-ritournelle · 3 months
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Hey! I created this blog because I want to talk about fic and motivate myself to write more!
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bossbex · 7 months
This fic is just me making Jughead and Betty actually talk about Archie, which they never did on the show. Everything gets spilled out in the open. Superpowers come in handy. Set in season 6 (6x13, specifically).
Read here on ao3.
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alexihawleys · 1 year
come with me & escape
BARCHIE WEEK 2023 | day five: canon & non-canon AUs
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Fandom: Riverdale
Ship: Betty Cooper/Archie Andrews
Rating: Teen
"It's our first vacation, you know? I want us to remember it.”
or: five memorable vacations Archie and Betty go on - as a new couple, as newlyweds, as new parents, and more.
[Read on AO3]
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sergeantpixie · 6 months
So you know that I need to ask you about Riverdale ships---did you/do you ship Barchie, Bughead, Varchie, Jeronica, Beronica, all or none of the above...?! :)
So I didn't watch enough of the show to get really invested so everything I ship is based off of a) reading the comics as a kid and b) the dynamics that intrigued me in the 7 or so episodes that I watched.
Which is basically Barchie and Cheryl/Betty. I didn't really mind most of the other ships - I will say I was almost comatose levels of bored anytime Veronica and Archie were interacting - but I can't say I was super invested, either, sorry! Maybe things would've changed if I kept watching but as I always say, I was only watching because I thought Cheryl had murdered her brother and I Wanted to See That, but alas, I lost interest once I realized it was probably one of her parents (I never actually looked that up, but I was leaning more towards her dad).
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azzybarjabi · 2 years
Another one short for Jabitha. Hope you like it
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feelslikelalala · 2 years
riverdale should have so much Weird horrorsciencefictionfantasysupernaturalthrillermystery fic out there and yet i’ve read 2 good riverdale fics? give me riverdale fic that embraces chaos PLEASE
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riverdaleedited · 7 days
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wolfofansbach · 1 year
This is a late observation because the fandom is pretty dead these days but one of the things I always found the weirdest about the Riverdale fandom was that people here seemed truly hesitant to ship stuff that wasn’t canon. 
Like after Barchie became canon I noticed a real spike in the number of Barchie fics on ao3 and a drop in Bughead fics. It wasn’t enough to equalize the two because Bughead was/is much bigger, but nevertheless. 
In every other fandom I’ve ever spent any time in, there’s always at least one big non-canon ship with legions of devotees and metric tonnes of fanworks, and usually it’s bigger than any of the canon ships. But for Riverdale there just...wasn’t one. 
Just about the only two ships were Bughead and Choni with Barchie (which eventually became canon) a distant third. The rest were tiny-to-nonexistent. Beronica is/was me and ten or twenty other brave souls. 
People would also use “crack ship” as a synonym for “non-canon ship.” Like, Jeronica is not a crack ship, kids, it’s just not canon. 
You can just ship stuff, you don’t actually need RAS’ permission. 
Especially interesting to me was that in the first couple of weeks after the premier, Beronica actually was the most popular ship as measured by works on ao3 (what could have been...). But as soon as it became clear that it wasn’t going to be canon it just shriveled in record time. 
In any other fandom I would have expected the two big ships to be Bughead and Beronica, but not so here! 
I should write a whole post-mortem on this fandom. 
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elizacinnamon · 3 months
do you ever start writing a fic trying to fit a very specific formula and it simply spirals out of control? the plot takes over. I know I have complete creative freedom but sometimes a story takes over and there is no turning back. can’t tell if this is my masterpiece or an absolute shit show.
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barchiesource · 1 year
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welcome to BARCHIEWEEK 2023!
from march 19th-25th join us in celebrating canon barchie and the lead up to s7! the week will focus on s6 moments! all content is welcome whether it’s gifs, edits, fics, playlists, videos, moodboards, text posts, etc. make sure to tag us in your creations using #barchieweek23 
day 1: s6: episode | scene | moment day 2: barchie + ____ (person, place, thing/theme) day 3: s6 tropes | s6 parallels (can use other seasons) day 4: poem | song lyrics day 5: canon au’s (rivervale, heaven, 50’s, engagement) | non canon au’s (social media, marriage, kids, others) day 6: touches | quotes day 7: free choice
we can’t wait to see your creations! please signal boost this post if you can!
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bossbex · 8 months
Possibly my fave fic so far from my jabitha s5 missing scenes series ❤️ I meant for this to be a quick one and then 6K words came out, oops! all set between 5x18 and 5x19.
Read on ao3.
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mot-hesbian · 18 days
***Updated version***
I'm opening shop for fic requests, once again!
Send me a sentence prompt (e.g. "Why are you like this?"), a short (1 or 2 sentence) story idea, longer if you are up for a bit of a wait for me to write it, or a trope for a certain character, duo, or ship and I'll write a fic for it!
Specialties are just what I write about most often or characters I'm confident about writing, same goes for relationships. If there is an 'and' that means it's platonic.
Fandoms include:
Gossip Girl (my specialties are (in order) JENNY, LILY, Blair, Dan, and Eric, these are just the ones I write about most frequently. Ships I specialize in are Jenny x Agnes, rufly, Lily x William (I don't ship them, but I am fascinated by the toxicity), dair, blairena, blenny, etc.)
Gilmore Girls (specialities: Luke, Lorelai, Jess, Rory, Paris, Emily, and Richard probably, ships include Rory x Paris, Luke x Lorelai, Richard x Emily, and maybe some background Rory x Jess. I would like to explore possible Jess x male characters tho ngl.)
Riverdale (specialties: Alice, Fp, Hermione, Betty (my Betty is either a rep of how toxic she is on the show or an ooc version of her cuz I'm salty about bad mental illness rep), Jughead (no whump or woobifying him, he is a regular character who deals with less bs bc I don't feel like writing over the top bs in my stories...at least not to the extent of the show), VERONICA, Archie, Josie, TONI, and Cheryl. Ships I'm good at are Beronica, Falice, Barchie, Veggie, Jarchie, Jeronica, I'd be willing to watch season 5 to learn about Jabitha so I could write that, Choni, etc.)
Bridgerton, books in particular, but I can work with the show (specialties: Penelope, Colin, Lady Danbury, Violet, Eloise, Benedict, Sophie, Hyacinth, Felicity. Most characters tbh. Polin, whatever Daphne and Simon's ship name is, Benedict x Sophie, Hyacinth and/x Felicity, Lady Danbury and Penelope, Kanthony, (preferably one-sided) Eloise x Penelope, etc.)
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likemereckless · 1 year
What Lili said in that interview kind of tracks with what you told those Barchies. Just enjoy the show for what it is. I’m not sure I can do that but I guess it’s good if you can.
Hey anon,
It’s fine if you can’t. We can’t tell anyone else how to enjoy something. For me, I appreciate the Riverdale chaos- men in fringed jackets on rockets, Archie fighting bears and bear men, Penelope living in walls, dead Jason Blossom chilling in a wheelchair, Betty being the Whore of Babylon and Cheryl vs. Comet… I could go on. Bughead was a huge part for me, but not what got me hooked. I’ll always love those first four seasons, and tolerate (strong word even) the last few, but I still tune in for the eccentric and eclectic storylines, ridiculous wording and the cast. If you don’t feel like it’s for you, step away! Ships can exist for you in fic, edits, old episodes, etc. Life is short so do what brings you joy.
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cherryliqueurkinks · 11 months
Wait so does this mean you’re scrapping the Beggie/Barchie fics you’ve been working on 🫣😭
I still want to write those ideas I shared! I’m just being frustrating because I don’t really know what I’m in the mood to write, because all those ideas sound exciting but when I go to actually write them, sometimes something else feels more enticing in the moment.
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anon. my thoughts have been consumed all week by notions of returning to RCOALS and writing again because the Community tag has been essentially dead for months. I've been planning out a return for four whole days, rereading portions of my own fic when I have a spare moment, getting in touch with my versions of the characters again, hoping that the community Community isn't too dead and that someone will still be around to see me conclude what is, at this point in time, my fanfic opus. and then THEY STEAL MY THUNDER AND ANNOUNCE A FUCKING MOVIE BEFORE I CAN EVEN OPEN UP MY GOOGLE DOC ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? my mind must have picked up on some kind of supernatural brain wave. Community fever must be in the air. after all this time. we're getting a fucking movie. I don't even care if it's terrible. I don't care if it canonizes everything that I've vocally hated. I'll be there the night it goes up on Peacock, cross legged in front of my TV, telling my roommates to ignore the loud and ugly sobbing that will be happening when my screen is graced with older Jeff and Britta and Annie and Abed and Troy and Shirley and Dean and (hopefully) Frankie and Elroy. I even got a Peacock subscription earlier this week, before the news was announced. I must've known. some part of me knew, deep down inside, that this would be happening. and yet, I'm still in shock. six seasons and a motherfucking movie. jesus christ. barchie engagement and Community movie all in one week. I never lose.
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