sabo-pon · 2 years
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「都市に棲む ― 池田修の夢と仕事」
会期: 2022年 6月19日[日] まで。
展示にPH HOUSE時代の活動の記録もあり、それがBankARTに結実していった流れがよくわかる。滅多に公開されない初期のPHの作品やスペインでの制作映像などを観ることができたのがとても良かった。池田さんの顔が輝いている。白いカーネーションを献花してきたけど、帰り道『池田修の夢十夜』(遺稿と追悼文と年譜など)を読みながらまだ生きてる気がして仕方なかった。『食と現代美術』展ではvoid chicken でお世話になりました。心よりご冥福をお祈り申し上げます。雲の上から見てる気がするけど・・・
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mayonoenoe · 2 years
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過去の展示です 2017年7月 Bankart1929 観光 。 惑星ザムザのこと考えてたら思い出しました。 。 思えば私は倉庫ロケーションな展示がすごく好きでした。 惑星ザムザは廃ビルでしたが ロケーションが似てると思います。 。 丸山純子さんの買い物袋で作られた花畑をさまよい 高橋啓祐さんの映像の波を感じるのがとてもとても気持ちよかったです。 。 滝沢達史さんのミニチュア作品はBankartの展示で度々見かけるのですがとても好きです。 。 2017年のトリエンナーレと会期が同時でしたね、 懐かしいです。 。 Bankartの代表の池田修さんの訃報はとてもびっくりしてしまって 言葉が出ませんでした。 直接的な関わりはほとんど全然ありませんでしたが アーティストトークで厳しめな意見をアーティストさんたちにビシビシいう姿や 船、山にのぼるを解説してくださったアーティストトークや スクールのあとに、このあとみなとみらいがすごいことになる。 というお話をしてくださったことをよく覚えています。 もういらっしゃらないなんて信じられないです…。 ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 。 これからもまた隙を見てBankartの展示見に行きたいです。 。 #art #artist #exihibition #bankart #bankart1929 #横浜トリエンナーレ2017 #2017 #観光 #bankart1929観光 #現代アート #現代美術 #過去の展示 #丸山純子 #高橋啓祐 #滝沢達史 #2017年 #インスタレーション  https://www.instagram.com/p/CdUiP8ArPBt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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orthopedicsurgeon2 · 1 year
Rehabilitation after Bankart procedure
The Bankart procedure is performed to increase anterior stability of the shoulder. The following is a guideline for progression of post-operative treatment. The program may however be modified based on your situation and operative findings.
Time required for full recovery is between 4-6 months.
General Information
There may be a loss of external rotation when compared to the other side, but the motion is usually adequate for most activities.
Capsular repair becomes stressed with external rotation. Since the repair is made with the arm in neutral rotation, external rotation must be limited during early rehabilitation.
Sling should be worn most of the times for 6 weeks, especially in uncontrolled environments (around dogs, kids, in crowds, Immobilization etc.).
Sling should be worn while sleeping for 6 weeks.
Sling may be removed in controlled environments for light activities like movement of the elbow and wrist.
It takes roughly 6 weeks to discontinue the sling.
Personal hygeine and clothing:
To wash under the operated arm, bend over at the waist and let the arm passively swing away from the body. It is safe to wash under the arm in this position. Keep your elbow slightly in front of your body; do not reach behind your body. When putting on clothing, lean forward. and pull the shirt up and over the operated arm first. Then put the other arm into the opposite sleeve. To remove the shirt, take the unoperated arm out of the sleeve first, and then slip the shirt off of the operated arm.
0-6 weeks after surgery:
Rehabilitation Goals:
Protect the post-surgical shoulder
Activate the stabilizing muscles of the gleno-humeral and scapulo-thoracic joints
Full active and passive range of motion for shoulder flexion, abduction, internal rotation and external rotation to neutral.
Hypersensitivity in axillary nerve distribution is a common occurrence
No shoulder external rotation with abduction for 8 weeks to protect repaired tissues
Begin week 5,
Gentle shoulder isometrics for internal rotation and external rotation, flexion, extension, adduction and abduction
Active assisted and passive range of motion for shoulder flexion, abduction, internal rotation and external rotation to neutral, progressing to active range of motion at week 7
Hand gripping
Elbow, forearm, and wrist active range of motion
Cervical spine and scapular active range of motion
Desensitization techniques for axillary nerve distribution
Postural exercises
6-12 weeks after surgery: Goals:
Full shoulder active range of motion in all cardinal planes
Progress shoulder external rotation range of motion gradually to prevent overstressing the repaired anterior tissues of the shoulder
Strengthen shoulder and scapular stabilizers in protected position (0° – 45° abduction)
Begin proprioceptive and dynamic neuromuscular control retraining
Avoid passive and forceful movements into shoulder external rotation, extension and horizontal abduction.
Active assisted and active range of motion in all cardinal planes – assessing scapular rhythm (gradually progress external rotation to full range at the end of 12 weeks)
Gentle shoulder mobilizations as needed
Rotator cuff strengthening in non-provocative positions (0° – 45° abduction)
Scapular strengthening and dynamic neuromuscular control
Cervical spine and scapular active range of motion
12-18 weeks after surgery: Goals:
Full shoulder active range of motion in all cardinal planes with normal scapulohumeral movement.
5/5 rotator cuff strength at 90° abduction in the scapular plane
5/5 peri-scapular strength
All exercises and activities to remain non-provocative and low to medium velocity
Avoid activities where there is a higher risk for falling or outside forces to be applied to the arm
No swimming, throwing or sports
Posterior glides if posterior capsule tightness is present. More aggressive ROM if limitations are still present
Strength and Stabilization
Flexion in prone, horizontal abduction in prone, full can exercises, D1 and D2 diagonals in standing
Theraband/cable column/ dumbell (light resistance/high rep) internal and external rotation in 90° abduction and rowing
18-24 weeks after surgery: Goals:
Stability with higher velocity movements and change of direction movements.
5/5 rotator cuff strength with multiple repetition testing at 90° abduction in the scapular plane
Full multi-plane shoulder active range of motion
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a-adachi · 2 years
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本日最終日!11時より在廊しております! よろしくお願いします! ★開催中!★ BankART Under35 2022 第3期 ナカバヤシアリサ  足立篤史   会期:第3期 6月10日(金)〜6月26日(日) 11:00~19:00 会場:BankART KAIKO    横浜市中区北仲通5-57-2 KITANAKA BRICK & WHITE 1F    みなとみらい線「馬車道」駅 2a 出口直結徒歩1分 入場料: 一般200円(カタログ1種類1部進呈)     ※中学生以下、及び 障がい者手帳をお持ちの方と付き添い1名は無料 本展覧会に併せて、各作家の個人カタログを刊行、販売いたします。 1冊200円[税込]A4変形判 /24ページ WEB:http://www.bankart1929.com   #contemporaryart #paper #paperart #古新聞 #BankARTUnder35 #artist #papersculpture #當代藝術 #ohka #artwork #newspaper #新聞紙 #現代アート #美術 #conceptualart #足立篤史 #atsushiadachi #bankart #newspaperart #japaneseartist  #bankartkaiko #newspaper #当代艺术 #桜花 #新聞 #under35 (BankART KAIKO) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfQCpdzrAJc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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raficomedina97 · 2 years
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🏥 CIRUGIAS DE 2019 🏥 Comenzare AQUI publicando fotos antiguas. En 2019, mientras me hacía atender de una Gastritis con displasia y metaplasia, me encontraron una Neoplasia Benigna de Hipofaringe (un tumorcito) de aprox 2cm de diámetro por lo que me sometí a una cirugía en marzo de ese año (3 fotos). Luego de esta, sufrí una Lesión de Bankart en mi hombro derecho, no me podía ni colocar ropa porque me dolia demasiado mi hombro, y nuevamente me sometí a cirugía en julio de ese mismo año. Gracias a Dios hasta ahora ninguna lesión o enfermedad se ha complicado. Agradezco a las personitas que estuvieron conmigo en esos momentos ♥️ . . . #2019 #Cirugia #Bankart #Neoplasia #Quito (en Quito, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cec5VUNu_6V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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agelessphotography · 2 years
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Entrance to Dove Dale, Derbyshire, George Bankart, 1880s
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globalorthopaedics · 2 years
Best Bankart Repair Doctors in Noida
The recurring partial dislocations of the shoulder joint lead to a medical condition called a bankart lesion. It occurs when the labrum and the capsule get torn off the glenoid. The condition was named after British surgeon Arthur Blundell Bankart, who first defined it in the British Medical Journal in 1923.
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As noted above, repeated partial dislocations of the shoulder joint cause it to occur. The shoulder is the body's most flexible joint, which makes it more likely to dislocate than the other joints.
Symptoms of Bankart Lesions
Symptoms of Bankart Lesions include pain, swelling, numbness, and shakiness in the concerned area. Additional symptoms include difficulty moving the joint, visible deformity in the shoulder, etc.
Bankart Repair in Noida
There exist several bankart repair doctors in Noida. Treating bankart lesions may involve non-surgical methods such as rest, restriction of movement, and physical therapy. However, attaching a torn labrum to the shoulder socket is necessary.
Bankart lesion procedure involves fixing repeated dislocations of the shoulder joint to restore it by joining the torn ligaments to the joint of the shoulders. The goal of the process is to reconnect and constrict the torn labrum and ligaments of the shoulder. An unhealed Bankart Lesion may cause shoulder instability. Multiple dislocations lower the chances of healing without surgery.
Bankart repair surgery may be arthroscopic (with the use of a camera) or an open bankart repair operation. Physiotherapy services are essential after a bankart lesion surgery and must be availed.
The department of orthopaedics at Global Orthopaedic and Sports injury Centre specialises in the surgical and medical management of the disorders of the Foot and Ankle, General Orthopaedics, Hand and Upper extremities, Paediatric Orthopaedics, Podiatry, Shoulder disorders, Spine-Back and neck and paediatric spine, Hip and Knee Joint Replacement, Hip Scope Surgery, Knee disorders, Sports Medicine (Non-Surgical), Sports Concussions, Sports Medicine (Surgical), and Trauma and Fractures.
Here, you are under the care of the best sports medicine physicians and physiotherapists as we have advanced training certifications. We also house one of the best bankart repair doctors in Noida, Dr A K Sharma, an extremely devoted orthopaedic surgeon.
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crimsonpublishers · 2 years
Bankart Lesion: Comparison between Open and Arthroscopic Techniques _ Crimson Publishers
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Bankart Lesion: Comparison between Open and Arthroscopic Techniques by Osvandré L* in Crimson Publishers: Peer Reviewed Orthopedic Research Journals 
Purpose: To compare the results from open and arthroscopic Bankart lesion repair.
Methods: Retrospective study of clinical records review and telephone contact of results after one year follow up of Bankart lesion surgery in a total of 56patients, 38 with arthroscopic repair and 18 with open repair We evaluated the epidemiology as mean and frequency, the results were compared with instability Carter - Rowe score and submitted to independent analysis groups.
Results: Prevalence of Bankart lesions was higher in men (87%), dominant side (59%) and more frequent in patients less than 30 years (73.2%). There was surgical failure in 5.3% of cases. There was no statistical significative difference result in Carter - Rowe score. ROM results were better in arthroscopic repair group. Conclusion: Both techniques have good functionality results, with a better gain of mobility for the arthroscopic technique but with an increase rate of recurrence than the open repair.
Conclusion: (1) Both the techniques have good results, even though few studies in the literature comparing homogeneous groups of Patients (2) The possibility of further episodes of dislocation is apparently greater in the arthroscopic technique (3) The arthroscopic technique seems to have a better result when compared to mobility (4) It is important to be able to correctly indicate the surgery and correctly perform the adopted technique.
For more Open access journals in Crimson Publishers please click on below link https://crimsonpublishersresearch.com/
For more article in Peer Reviewed Orthopedic Research Journals please click on below link https://crimsonpublishers.com/oproj/
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Orthopedics Bangalore is the best clinic for Total knee replacement in Bangalore, India Having many years experience of in orthopedic surgery. Total Knee replacement is a surgical process that helps repair the knee's normal functioning; in this surgical procedure an unhealthy, damaged, or worn-out knee joint is replaced with a non-natural one.
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sabo-pon · 8 months
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Tokyo, 2017
Bank ARTの写真ワークショップで提出した写真などから組み合わせ。涼しい感じのやつ!鷹野隆大先生のときは自分は果敢にもヌードを撮りました。組み写真って合うのがあれば良いけど、ないのが多いから難しいが、雰囲気合うと楽しい。このとき暗い部屋の露出合わせに苦労して格闘したのだがやはり粗く。でもそれも良いかなと今見ると思ってます。 (モデルになってくれた人たち、ありがとうございました)sabo
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mayonoenoe · 2 years
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馬車道駅のBankArt KAIKOさんで 小野田藍さんの個展をみました . SNSなどのニュースを手書きで描いた作品が散らばる . 踏んでも良いそう . うっかりしてると 錘の石につまづくので注意して . 巷のニュースの本当の雰囲気みたいなものが曝け出されているのかも . ひとつだけ鉛筆のニュースがなんだか優しい . ほかにも 手榴弾でキャッチボールする動画や アーティストを100人評論?手書きで評論しているペーパーとかありました。 評論の中にすきなアーティストさんの評論を見つけられて嬉しかったです。 。 #bankart1929 #bankartkaikounder35 #bankartkaiko #bankart #小野田藍 #展覧会 #アート #現代美術 #インスタレーション #art #exhibition #yokohana #横浜 #みなとみらい線馬車道駅 #みなとみらい駅 #馬車道 #under35 (at BankART KAIKO) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdf3_c2Lbz8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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a-adachi · 2 years
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本日最終日!11時より在廊しております! よろしくお願いします! ★開催中!★ BankART Under35 2022 第3期 ナカバヤシアリサ  足立篤史   会期:第3期 6月10日(金)〜6月26日(日) 11:00~19:00 会場:BankART KAIKO    横浜市中区北仲通5-57-2 KITANAKA BRICK & WHITE 1F    みなとみらい線「馬車道」駅 2a 出口直結徒歩1分 入場料: 一般200円(カタログ1種類1部進呈)     ※中学生以下、及び 障がい者手帳をお持ちの方と付き添い1名は無料 本展覧会に併せて、各作家の個人カタログを刊行、販売いたします。 1冊200円[税込]A4変形判 /24ページ WEB:http://www.bankart1929.com   #contemporaryart #paper #paperart #古新聞 #BankARTUnder35 #artist #papersculpture #當代藝術 #ohka #artwork #newspaper #新聞紙 #現代アート #美術 #conceptualart #足立篤史 #atsushiadachi #bankart #newspaperart #japaneseartist  #bankartkaiko #newspaper #当代艺术 #桜花 #新聞 #under35 (BankART KAIKO) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfQCn2mLAyf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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milkystorage · 9 months
記録|Platform || Pause - rest+restore 休日のプラットフォーム「休養と回復」
「Platform || Pause rest+restore 休日のプラットフォーム『休養と回復』」展(2023年4月−5月、BankART KAIKO)の記録ページを公開しました。
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photo © BankART1929、撮影:中川達彦
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orthotv · 5 days
🔶 Welcome to the Inaugural Edition of ArthroShoulder 2024! 🎉 Join us for a 1.5-day comprehensive exploration of the latest in Shoulder Arthroplasty and Arthroscopy
*📅 Date: April 26-27, 2024 📍 Venue: Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai*
🔅 Click to Register : https://tinyurl.com/OrthoTV-ArthroShoulder-2024
🔹 DAY 1: Arthroplasty Focus (April 26, 2024, 2:00pm-7:00pm)
- Live Surgery: Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement using VIP system at 2:00 PM - Virtual Implant Positioning Planning for Shoulder Arthroplasty by Dr Dirk Petre - Case Based Symposium on Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty - Case Based Symposium & Panel Discussion on Young Arthritic Shoulder - Key Note on Optimizing Complications in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty by Dr Dirk Petre’
🔹 DAY 2: Arthroscopy Focus (April 27, 2024, 9:00am-600pm) - Live Surgery: Knotless Bankart repair with Remplissage at 9AM - Case Based Symposium and Discussions on Managing Instability with and without Bone Loss - Live Surgery: Rotator Cuff Repair at 12:15PM - Case Based Symposium and Discussions on Irreparable/ Massive/ Partial/Small Rotator Cuffs - Case Based Symposium and Discussions on Challenging Cases - Case Based Symposium and Discussions on AC Joint Management
💡 Event Highlights: - Dedicated Sessions for Shoulder Arthroplasty, Rotator Cuff Tears, Instability, and Stiff Shoulders - Interactive Live Surgery Demonstrations - Renowned National and International Faculty - MMC Credit Points Applied
📺 Media Partner: OrthoTV
♦️ Join OrthoTV : https://linktr.ee/OrthoTV
#ArthroShoulder2024 #ShoulderArthroplasty #Arthroscopy #Orthopedics #LiveSurgery #MedicalConference #Mumbai #orthotv
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globalorthopaedics · 2 years
Bankart Shoulders Repair Procedure And Recovery
A Bankart Shoulder Repair is a surgical procedure for the treatment of repeated dislocations of the shoulder joint. In the surgery, worn-out ligaments are reattached to their appropriate position in the shoulder joint to restore normal function.
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The shoulder is the primary joint most frequently dislocated following significant trauma, such as a car accident or a fall onto an extended arm. Approximately 96 percent of shoulder dislocations occur in the front (anterior), with 1-3 percent happening in the back (posterior) (posterior).
 Falls and automobile accidents are major causes of first-time dislocations. Still, in many cases, recurring dislocations are caused by seemingly harmless actions such as extending the arm above the head or combing hair. Shoulder dislocations are more prevalent in males than females and adolescents. If you are looking for Bankart repair doctors in Noida, then you are in the right spot!
 Bankart Shoulder Repair Procedure
Small incisions are made around the shoulder area for the Bankart Shoulder Repair operation. The orthopedic doctor can then implant a little camera to see the structures on a television screen.
Using tiny devices, the labrum is secured to the glenoid bone. The surgeon puts tiny anchors into the bone and sutures the labrum in place to retain the tissue in place.
The Bankart lesion is treated, and the shoulder's stability is restored with the open shoulder stabilization operation. This procedure necessitates a big incision across the front of the shoulder joint for the surgeon to realign the labrum and ligaments. This procedure is ideal for patients with a fully separated labrum due to a severe dislocation.
Both procedures are conducted under general anesthesia and might last between 1 12 and 2 12 hours. The arm nerves are muted with a local anesthetic to provide up to 24 hours of pain relief (called a regional block). Additionally, a thick dressing is put on the surgical sites after any of the two surgeries.
  Recovery after the Bankart Shoulder Repair
The Bankart Shoulder Repair operation may necessitate an overnight hospital stay. The sutures will remain in place for 10 to 14 days. Anticipate that your arm will be placed in a cumbersome immobilizer sling. Following surgery, most surgeons provide painkillers and antibiotics to reduce pain and reduce infection.
A physical therapist will meet with you one week following surgery to teach you exercises and home maintenance. Expect to use just your non-surgical hand for the first four weeks following the Bankart Shoulder Repair in Noida.
You will be permitted to drive a car in around six weeks, and you should be utilizing the shoulder by week ten.
Typically, contact sports are not permitted until six months after surgery, although activities like swimming are permitted within three months. Dr. AK Sharma is the best doctor for bankart repair in Noida. So, go and contact him now for bankart shoulder repair!
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