#bang christopher chan imagines
Wolf Chan | Bang Chan
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Pairing: Werewolf!Bang Chan x Reader. 
Request: No.
Synopsis: Y/N's suspicions are confirmed on a Halloween night. 
Warnings: Werewolves, fear, wounds, my poor attempt at scary. Fluffy ending. Repost from my now deactivated account.
Word Count: 1,093 
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©️ No one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my fics on here or any other site. Likes, Comments & Reblogs are welcomed and appreciated. 
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"Hey baby," Y/N speaks into her phone as she's greeted by her boyfriend's voicemail for the third time. When he doesn't answer his phone, she becomes concerned and decides to leave a message this time. It wasn't normal for Chan miss her calls, and if he did, he would call her as soon as he could. "Call me as soon as you get this, okay? I'm beginning to worry."  
After ending the call, she checks her text messages before sending a text to Changbin and Han asking if Chan was still with them. They are the two who were likely to be know of what was going on since he spends most of the day with them. They both reply to the text right away, stating they haven't seen him since they took a lunch break.  
Y/N circles back and begins walking towards Chan's apartment building. She is more worried than ever. Being a bit of a workaholic, Chan wouldn't just leave the studio without notifying anybody, especially those who are closest to him.   
Her worry quickly turns to terror as she reaches his apartment and sees that the door is wide open and barely hanging on its hinges. A wolf's cry can be heard out in the distance, sending a shiver down her spine.  
As she goes Chan's apartment, the sky open’s and it starts pouring rain, far in the distance the rumbling of thunder could be heard, adding to the fear she’s already experiencing. Gripping the strap of her shoulder bag tightly, her heart pounding against her chest, she steps through the doorway, crossing the threshold into his apartment.  
 "Channie?" She calls out to him in the pitch-darkness, but her voice comes out weaker and quieter than she expected.  
She finds the light switch and flicks it on. She gasps and jumps as the bulb momentarily flickers before shattering into a million pieces, leaving her once again in darkness. The only light came from the full moon faintly illuminating the living area. Her heart is pounding against her chest so loudly that she can hear it with her own ears. While remaining in place, she clumsily pulls her phone from her bag and drops it on the ground. She picks it up with trembling hands and hastily makes another call to Chan.  
The sound of Chan's phone ringing causes her to look around in fear. It's another strange element of the situation. In the same way that his laptop is an extension of him, Chan never leaves his home without his phone.    
She drops her phone and screams aloud as a huge bang comes from behind her. She turns on her heal and sees Bang Chan, half naked, covered in blood, with enormous, jagged wounds that look like claws larger than a bear have torn through his flesh and appearing to be on the cusp of death's door. Her fear turns to panic as he slumps to the ground and passes out.  
“Chan!” she shouts as she rushes towards him and tries to get him to wake up. “Chris! Christopher!”  
When he doesn’t budge or stir, she moves to check his wounds. Seeing how deep they are, she hurries into the bathroom to find the first aid kit he keeps in there. Finding it under the sink, she grabs it hurries back to the kitchen.   
Arriving back in the kitchen, she’s startled to find Chan missing. Fear creeping back into her veins, she looks around to see where he could have gone. In the dark room it was hard to see where he could be.  
“Bang Chan?” she questions, her voice meek.  
“What are you doing here?” She hears him ask, voice raspy and weak. The pain he’s in is evident in his tone.  
“I’m worried about you,” she answers, looking in the direction his voice came from, but she can’t see a thing until a flash of lightening illuminates the apartment for less than a second. She finds his form leaning against the wall in the living room, slightly hunched over and shivering. “You never came for dinner, you weren’t answering your calls, and no one has seen you since midday.”  
“Something came up,” he tells her. “You need to leave, now.”  
“Let me help you,” she says going to take a step forward only for him to yell at her to stop.  
“Go home, Y/N,” He continues to shout at her, his tone loud and booming over the pouring rain, shocking her. He’s never raised his voice like that at her before.   
“I’m not leaving until I know you’re okay,” she tells him, her voice calm and assertive.   
“I’m fine.”  
“No, you're not.” she argues, and moves towards him.   
Giving in, he allows her to help him into his bedroom. She switches on the light as the enter the room and places him on the bed. After getting a better look at his wounds and ignoring all of Chan’s protests, she heads back into the kitchen to grab the first aid kit she dropped.   
Walking back into the bedroom, she finds Chan missing again. Hearing the running water coming from the bathroom, she walks into the room finding Chan with a damp cloth, wiping the blood from his skin. There are no more wounds littering his perfect body. The only sign of there any, is the blood that now stained the cloth he’s using and the pink water in the sink.  
“When were you going to tell me that you’re a werewolf?” she asks leaning on the bathroom door frame, watching him.   
“I was hoping, never,” he answers honestly. “But that would be impossible. How did you figure it out?”   
“I got suspicious when you would only spend the whole night at the studios when there was a full moon,” she tells him. “Leading up to the full moon, you’re always on edge and a lot snappier and more aggressive. It’s also like you're in heat leading up to it as well.”   
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you and you had to figure it out on your own,” he apologizes unplugging the sink, letting the pink stained water swirl down the drain.  
“Promise me, you’ll let me help you from now on and that we’re in this together,” she asks. “I love you and don’t want to lose you.”  
“I promise,” he answers, moving closer to her, bringing her into his arms. “But as soon as I tell you to leave, you leave. I don’t want to hurt her or worse.”  
She nods and pulls him into a kiss. 
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©️ No one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my fics on here or any other site. Likes, Comments & Reblogs are welcomed and appreciated. 
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BANG CHAN: @staytiny2000 - @dancelikebutterflywings - @kpopmenace143 - @treehouse-mouse - @alexxavicry - @jedi-dreea - @rainydayteacups - @tinyelfperson - @yeonjunnie - @laylasbunbunny - @lixsimp143 - @skz1-4-3
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emithecharmer · 16 days
Marry Me?
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Chan didn't care about anything at the moment, except you that is. The way you fit perfectly in his arms, the mold of you curving perfectly where he held you, like you were the missing puzzle piece.
He hadn't even noticed when he had started crying, but he came to when he felt you move to cup his cheeks.
"What's wrong, baby?" You pout slightly, your brow furrowed, and God, your voice.
"Can I keep you?" He sniffs, chuckling at how pathetic he sounded.
"Hm?" You smile, running your fingers through his hair.
"Like forever, you can't leave." You exhale through your nose and shrug.
"Sounds good to me." He smiles and pulls your head back to lay on his shoulder, his arms tightening around your waist. His hands dip under your shirt, rubbing leisure circles on your hips with his thumbs.
An hour passes by before either of you talk again.
"..I'm gonna marry you." Chan says, making you hum, blissfully.
"I can't wait." He smiles, pressing a kiss to your hair. You close your eyes again, relaxing into his calming presence. You're confused when you feel his hands pushing something onto your finger, lifting your head up to see a ring on your ring finger. You blink a few times before looking at Chan.
"Marry me?"
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eliluvschan · 2 months
Channie’s Room
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 343
warnings: my man is whipped
genre: fluff
a/n: another drabble cause it’s sunday in korea and i miss my channie 🥺
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Chan’s pov.
“hello everyone. welcome to this week’s Channie’s room!” i smile at my phone as i notice the count of viewers go up every second.
the comments on my laptop are flooding in, thousands asking me to say hey, their names and strands of questionable emojis too.
i’m off today and had nothing better to do, so i decided to do a Channie’s room even though it’s not sunday.
“ask me some questions and i’ll try to answer as many as possible.”
Y/n walks into the room with a bowl of fruit and plops herself on the couch across from me. i look up at her and smile.
‘live?’ she mouths and i nod, turning my attention back to the screen.
“let’s see…” i try to catch one of the questions.
“what’s your favourite colour? pink and blue.”
“favourite movie? all marvel ones.” i laugh.
“how tall are you? i’m an average 1.71 cm.” i continue answering the questions, taking in the adoration of stays and what they want to know.
some questions catch me off guard.
“where’s your girlfriend? how’s your girlfriend?” i read aloud and Y/n looks up at me, almost choking on a piece of fruit.
we haven’t made our relationship official online yet. we’ve gotten coffee out in public before, but nothing more than just that. we love the private life and want to keep it that way.
but that time’s up i guess. i turn to my phone and shrug. “let me ask her.” i look at Y/n.
“how are you doing, baby?” i ask in english.
her mouth drops open, unsure of whether she should speak or not. she gives an awkward thumbs up, making me laugh.
‘he’s blushing.’ ‘aw, he looks so cute.’ ‘he’s so in love with her. i can just tell.’ i read in my mind.
laughing of low key embarrassment, i smile, looking back at Y/n.
“i am definitely in love.”
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baby-yongbok · 2 months
Texts w/ your Secret Boyfriend
Idol!Bang Chan x Idol!Afab!Reader
Genre: Fluffy [Still MDNI] Content Count: 14 Screenshots, 9 Conversations ✧ Masterlist ✧
Secret Boyfriend Series: Chan , Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix , Seungmin , I.N
Note: If you want to be tagged in any updates for this series you must have an age indicator on your account.
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milkteabinniechan · 2 months
you're my baby, say it to me
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warnings: mentions of menstruation, panty grinding, aftercare <33
a/n: I just needed a soft chan for when I am going through it during that time of the month. This is purely self indulgent :((
Soft Channie who sings your favorite songs while you rest. The strumming of the guitar like soft kisses. Soft Channie who makes your favorite drink, perfect amount of cream and sugar, to ease your cramps.
Soft Channie who massages your feet while you talk about your latest TV show, all the drama happening between your favorite characters. Soft Channie who listens intently, pressing his palms into the palm of your feet, telling you how cute you look when you talk about your interests.
Soft Channie who cautiously grinds on top of your panties, knowing even the slightest stimulation will help your menstrual pain. Holding his shirt between his teeth, he slowly thrusts his hips into your soft, clothes cunt.
Soft Channie who lets small, pathetic whimpers leave his lips, careful not to push you too far or thrust too quickly. Soft Channie who is desperate to cum, his tip swollen and red against your fabric. Your clit poking through ever so slightly, to brush against it.
Soft Channie with impatient beads of cum forming at the tip. The shaft of his cock pulsating faster. You grab his face and force him to make eye contact, knowing it will be the end of him
Soft Channie who pours himself on top of you. Covering and coating you entirely. Soft Channie who apologizes again and again for making such a mess, kissing and cleaning you profusely.
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desi2go · 3 months
Head Nuzzles
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This morning, I found the cutest video of Chan nuzzling his head into some plushies on social media and it immediatly gave me inspo for this fic!
pairing: Chan x reader
warnings: fluff
You can't change my opinion that Chan loves physicl touch and expressed his love that way.
He can't help it. He just loves being near you. Even in public, he will gently take your hand or just lay a hand on your lower back.
When he is working on new tracks for the upcoming album, he didn't have so much time to spend with you. Instead, you often visit him in the studio and sit beside him.
Sometimes you bring a book with you and just enjoy each other's presence. But most of the time, it won't take him long to pull you of the seat beside him and place you on his lap. He would hug your waist and then turn back to his work.
Enjoying his warmth, you will let your head fall back against his chest and watch him working on the current song. Sometimes he even catches you falling asleep.
On other days, you like to lay your hands around his neck and pull hime even closer, one of Chan's hands will resting on your back to keep you from falling back.
But one thing stays the same. Whether it is in the studio, in your apartment or outside.
He loves head nuzzles.
It's Chan's way to express his love.
He defenitly press his head further into your hair during a cuddle session, burrying his nose even deeper to catch the great scent of yours.
On late mornings, you long awake as an early riser, felt your sweet and tired boyfriend stirring in his sleep. You figured that he must be awake by now. But when you tried to move even the slightest bit, his arms that are thrown over you just like a sloth, will hold you even tighter. And his head that was tucked under your chin, nuzzled more into you.
When you surprised him at a concert where you had said that you couldn't make it, he will run towards you, giggling like a child that was offered a big tasty candy. His eyes will sparkle and the biggest smile would dance over his face. You catch him as he spun you around and pressed his face into yours. Chan will defenitly have a lip stick stain on his face as he kept nuzzling into you.
You even catched him doing that when you went to Australia with him to meet his family. And his beloved Berry. That sweet dog had you instantly wrapped around her finger within seconds. Just like she had with your boyfriend. She would give him big wet kisses, wagging her fluffy tail, as he nuzzled his face into her fur.
He even does that sometimes with his other members. Just like the time where he stood behind Felix and sniffed the hair and pressed a feather like kiss onto his scalp. It is truly his love language.
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bahablastplz · 3 months
Roommate: Chan x Reader
Roommate Chan who wants to help you destress with a massage after a long day... Content: Just straight-up smut Warnings: Fingering, praise, degradation, a little humiliation WC: 1100
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You were laying on the couch with Chan. 
Chan has been your roommate for some time and your friend for longer than you could remember, so to be sprawled across the couch, limbs somewhat intertwined and a movie to be played in the background was nothing unfamiliar. Especially after a long day at work, taking the time to unwind together was nothing new. 
But today you were just so tense. Stiff all over, muscles tense and sore, you were unable to find relief. You suppose that your gym workout from yesterday had been a little intense, and you were certainly feeling it now. 
Subconsciously as you watched, you started to punch your legs a little bit, trying to get the tightened muscles to relax. 
Chan’s hands shot out and grabbed your own, making you freeze. 
“What are you doing, babygirl?” He sounded concerned but the nickname made sparks fly through your body. 
“Nothing,” you say, trying to explain it away. Of course, Chan would never let that happen. 
He doesn’t let go of his grasp on your hand. “You call punching your legs ‘nothing?’” He inquires. 
“My legs are just a little sore,” you sigh. “It was leg day yesterday.” 
“Ahhh,” he says, as if that explains everything. Maybe it did. His eyes are back on the screen, but his hands are grabbing your legs to place them over his lap, pulling you even closer to him.  
“What are you–” 
“Shhh, helping,” he says. His big, strong hands are on your legs now, his dexterous fingers working into your muscles. You let out a sigh of relief as you feel him working away the tension, his thumbs moving over your thighs to rub deep yet gentle circles into your skin.  You’re aware of every movement, however, and you hate how flustered his actions have you. Chan never shied away from physical touch, and he’s even given you a brief platonic shoulder massage before. As your roommate, of course he’s seen you in more vulnerable scenarios, seeing into the more casual or intimate aspects of your life, but this… you couldn’t help but stare at the man who seemed so unfazed. 
As he rubs into a particularly sore area, you let out a tiny groan. 
“Feels good?” he asks, a small smirk splaying across his features but his eyes glued to the screen. 
You nod your head. The tone of his voice has arousal running through your entire body and your breath hitches as he moves higher, still only mid-thigh. You hope he doesn’t catch your reaction–surely he won’t, he’s not even watching you.  
Lightly he slaps the inside of your thigh, causing you to gasp. “Use your words,” he scolds. 
“Yes,” you answer, too fast. “Feels good, Chan.” 
“Good girl,” he praises, though the way he coos the words makes it feel less like a compliment. Your eyes stay glued to him and the way he stays unaffected; his words make you squeeze your thighs together lightly, searching for a little relief. What you weren’t expecting was for him to grab the flesh of your thigh hard between his fingers, causing you to let out a moan. 
“Such a filthy girl,” he says. “Here I am trying to give you a massage and make you feel good but you’re over here having dirty thoughts, aren’t you?” His hand stays between your legs, rubbing your inner thigh but not making its way higher. You squeeze your legs harder, trapping his hand between your legs. 
“Need you, Chan. Touch me, please?” You decide to just say it, just needing to get past the hurdle knowing it will be worth it. He doesn’t let up as easily as you think though. 
“Oh? But I am touching you, sweet girl,” he says, pinching your inner thigh and causing you to spread them open for him. “Or are you talking about your needy pussy?” He trails his hand up, resting it against your clothed core. You nod your head unabashedly and he laughs at your excitement. His eyes are on you now, finally, and you burn under his gaze. You watch as he pushes the fabric to the side and dips his fingers shallowly into your entrance, gathering your arousal on his fingers. He pulls out to show you how soaked his fingers are. 
“Look how wet you are for me, baby,” he praises. “My sweet, dirty girl is so needy for me, all from a little touching.” 
“Just for you,” you confirm, and you watch him take a deep breath, affected by your words. Sliding his hands back down to your center, he gathers more of your arousal and spreads it around your clit, circling slowly around the area with his fingers. It’s obvious from his stare that he is more than alright with taking his time with you, relishing in the way that you fall apart on his fingers. He hisses when you spread your legs open wide for him, giving him full access. He moves fast, grabbing your shorts and ripping them off of your body. When you close your legs again he tuts, grabbing them and forcing them wide open for him, slotting his body in between your legs. 
“Such a pretty pussy,” he says. He slides two fingers into your entrance now, shallowly fucking his fingers in and out of you. “Such a slutty pussy, for me.” You relinquish control and let him take over, submitting to the urge to arch your back and let out a loud moan. He continues to babble about how he can’t believe he’s waited for so long to have you like this, how he’s been thinking of touching your pussy for so long, and you start to tremble beneath him. 
“Chan,” you say, trying to warn the man, but he shushes you. 
“I got you,” he says. He shoves his fingers into you deeper but doesn’t change his pace, curling his fingers. “Let go for me.” That’s all you need to find your release, completely coming apart for him on his fingers. He sweet talks you right through your orgasm, slowing his movements. 
You watch as he pulls his fingers out of you, looking deep into your eyes as he puts his fingers into his mouth and sucks. “So sweet,” he says, more to himself than to you. He reaches over your body for the remote, clicking the power button and turning off the device. The action makes you laugh. 
“What?” he laughs with you. “Don’t act like you were actually watching that, I definitely wasn’t.” You scoff at his words and screech as he picks you up, cradling you into his chest. 
“Your room or mine?”  ***
Author's note: Sorry not sorry for the double Chan post, he is my bias though so don't be surprised...
Masterlist Recs
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torialefay · 4 months
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Do You Want to Try?
daddy!chan x virgin!reader smut 🔞
✨synopsis: chan makes sure you feel comfortable during your first time <3
✨request from: @whatudowhennooneseesyou
✨ word count: ~3.4k
✨warnings: this is literally just smut, so minors dni; uses nicknames like daddy and babygirl, but this is NOT meant to in any way mirror a DD/LG scenario… absolutely no age play here
• “Do you want to try?” Chan asked, watching you wiggle on the bed, his eyes growing big.
• The two of you had been together for a couple of months. With Chan being the gentleman he is, he never explicitly brought up sex, although you could tell he wanted to.
• You weren’t oblivious to the way he would creep his hand up your thigh and hold it there, right on the inside. Sometimes he would lightly squeeze and pretend he wasn’t watching you to gage your reaction.
• Sometimes he would go as far as to walk up behind you while you were in the kitchen cooking, holding onto you from behind and pressing his growing boner against you.
• You knew what he wanted, but you also knew he’d never explicitly bring it up unless you gave him some sort of a signal.
• What Chan didn’t know is that you were a virgin.
• Were you embarrassed? Maybe a little. You knew you didn’t need to be. Chan would never judge you for something like that… And it wasn’t like he didn’t have his sneaking suspicions about it.
• He knew he made you red and nervous when he would act up around you. He thought it was way too cute. It honestly made him want to get you flustered even more. Teasing you and making subtle remarks with the tiniest hints of want in them.
• But you’d still never said it aloud. Until one day, you couldn’t help it.
• STAYs thirsted over Channie like none other. You didn’t mind it much because… hey, he’s the hottest thing ever. But after reading one post in particular, you got a bit of inspiration. It started to make you think… What if Chan really didn’t mind? What if he could show you the ropes.
• The thread was talking about Chan being into the “daddy” kink, and how he’d be very dominant but loving. It got you thinking if it was really true. And the more you thought about it, the more you wanted to test it. You couldn’t help but get a little wet thinking about him getting horny for you anyways.
• So you decided to try your best to push the nerves beside you and let yourself try something new.
• When Chan came home, you’d been waiting for him in the bedroom. Normally, you’d have been in the kitchen or the living room, so he didn’t expect to find you here. He especially didn’t expect you to be sitting on the bed as soon as he stepped in the door, pulling for his hand to bring him closer to you.
• “Channie, can you sit with me for a second?” you asked as you pulled him right to you. A look of worry spread across his face. Instead of sitting on the bed next to you, he opted to kneel right in front of you on the floor so his face could be right in front of yours.
• “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He asked.
• “I need to tell you something. It’s something I should have talked to you about a long time ago, but I was embarrassed.”
• “Alright, what is it?”
• “Well, I… Well you probably already figured it out, but I’ve never really had sex before…” you looked toward the corner of the room, too nervous to make eye contact with him. “And I just want you to know that I’ve been picking up on your signals, but I’ve just never done anything like that before and I really don’t know what I’m doing. Or even where to start.”
• Chan squeezed your hand, and stroked around it with his thumb, signaling for you to look back at him.
• “Do you want to try?” Chan asked, watching you wiggle on the bed, his eyes growing big.
• “I think so… I think you’d make me feel comfortable. If you’ll walk me through it?” you got the courage to say.
• Chan took your face in his hands. “Of course I will, sweetheart.” He planted a kiss to your cheek.
• As he backed his face up, he grinned.
• “And Channie, one more thing?”
• “Yes?” He leaned back until he was situated again kneeling on the ground.
• “Would you like it if I called you Daddy?”
• He smiled for a split second, not believing what he’d just heard.
• “Oh baby girl,” he said, lifting himself to his feet. He gently pushed you down so you were laying on the bed. “You don’t even know,” he smiled and threw his body down next to you. He moved himself closer into you so he could kiss your neck.
• This, you were used to. Things had gotten steamy before, but it never led past kissing. This you knew you could do well. You laid back and enjoyed the sensation of his lips connected to your neck.
• “Alright baby, I’m gonna move my hands around you a little bit. If there’s something you don’t like, you let me know and we’ll stop, okay?” He breathed out.
• Getting bolder now, knowing he was thoroughly enjoying giving this new experience to you, you replied back. “Yes daddy.”
• Chan must have really liked that, responding by biting down into your neck. The pain was there, but it was more pleasure than anything. You loved the way it felt.
• Chan slowly moved his hands along your body. Starting at your waist, he traced up and down your hips as he leaned up to join his lips with yours. He crept his hands slowly along the outline of your body until they were resting lightly over your boobs. He gave one a light squeeze and waited for your response.
• You let out a tiny moan, encouraging him to give you more. It felt good to have him massage you so gently. You always thought of sex as something to be nervous about, but maybe with Chan’s it would just be something to focus on making you feel taken care of.
• You felt as Chan started massaging harder and squeezing around, moving to the other breast.
• “Is it okay if I go under your shirt baby?” He asked.
• You nodded in response, not sure if you could really form sentences during this yet.
• He snaked his hand underneath the fabric and let it slide up your stomach until he reached the top of your bra. Scooping his hand around the top and under your boob, he gently moved the fabric of the bra to the side, exposing your breast slightly.
• Not daring to move his lips off of yours again, he slowly moved his fingers around your nipple, letting it get hard from the sensation. And you had to admit, it felt damn good. Slowly, he worked his way up to rubbing harder before taking it in between his fingers and rolling it around. You moaned at how good the pressure felt. You felt Chan smile, breaking the kiss.
• As he moved his hand to begin on the other breast, he moved his head to rest beside yours.
• “Daddy wants to watch you now, okay? I need to see your pretty face to make sure you like it.”
• “Okay,” you got out sheepishly. Suddenly, you felt a bit self-conscious knowing that Chan was going to be watching your every move. You tried to sink down into the mattress to ignore it and instead focus on the feeling of Chan on your other breast. He rubbed and pinched and rolled his fingers around under you were writhing underneath him.
• He let out a small chuckle at how cute you looked. “Feel good baby?”
• “Yes daddy.”
• “How about we get these clothes off of you? I’ll be careful and we’ll go slow, okay?”
• You nodded in agreeance. Chan took that as his cue to raise himself up off the bed and take his time with lifting your shirt off of you. He took special care as he reached around you to unclasp your bra at the back, digging his hands into the mattress to get there and pressing a kiss to your forehead. He didn’t want you to have to lift a finger.
• He slid your pants down and off of you, hooking your underwear as well so that they went with the rest.
• You felt so exposed like this. Completely naked in front of someone for the first time. It was scary, and Chan could pick up on that feeling.
• “Don’t be nervous baby, you are so so beautiful,” he said, sliding his body back to lie down next to yours. One arm held him propped up on an elbow, leaving the other to rub up and down your body.
• “Can daddy move down lower now?” He asked, once he’d settled in right next to your ear, planting small kisses to the outside of it.
• “Mmhmm,” you managed to get out.
• Chan walked his hand down to your pussy, making sure to massage all around the area before focusing in on your middle. Once he got there, he stopped himself. “This is going to make you feel good, okay? I need you to tell me when it starts feeling good, and I’ll keep doing that. Got it?”
• You writhed underneath him in anticipation. “Got it.”
• “Good girl,” he whispered, planting another kiss to your earlobe. He let a couple of fingers work themselves between your folds, admiring quickly how wet you were for him.
• “Do you feel how wet you are? That’s so good honey. I’m so proud of you.”
• You blushed in response, focusing on the feeling of his finger tips.
• He worked them slowly to where he felt your clit. You jumped a little at the sudden sensitive feeling, not knowing how to respond.
• Chan chuckled. “That’s supposed to be the part that makes you feel good. Daddy’s gonna go slow, and you should start to feel it.” He didn’t ask for permission now.
• He slowly started to move his fingers up and down over your clit. You felt your breath hitch. He continued for a little while before beginning to rub small circles around it, sending you into overdrive. Your breath started to quicken.
• “Oh good girl,” he cooed down at you. “So that’s what you like, huh?” He beamed. “Does that feel good? Tell me how it feels.”
• “It feels so good Channie.”
• “Perfect,” he smiled into you. “Daddy’s gonna move down there to get a taste, okay? I promise I won’t stop making it feel good.”
• Chan continued to rub you in just the same way until he slid himself down to where his face was hovering just over your pussy. With his tongue stuck out, he made his way in, licking up and down the folds at first. He then moved to your clit, taking over his previous motions to begin with his tongue. He felt you jolt up slightly at the new feeling, letting out a slight moan in the process.
• He hummed into you in response, the vibrations making you feel a new sensation. You suddenly didn’t know why you’d been scared to tell him for so long. Feeling him wrap his tongue up in you was the most loving, erotic sensation you’d ever felt. And god, if it didn’t make you feel like the most special person in the world.
• “Keep your eyes on daddy,” Chan said. He wasn’t mean, but you knew better than to argue him. As you looked down, you almost came immediately at the sight. His curls were tousled in every direction as his hands splayed across your hips, holding you down into him.
• When his eyes came up to connect with yours, you wanted to jump out of your skin. The look on his face of watching you, knowing how good he was making you feel was overstimulating. He kept circling your clit at just the right pace. You were sure you were going to go over the edge any second.
• Your breathing started to pick up and you felt a twitch down your leg.
• Chan brought a finger up to push inside of you slowly, wanting to give you a tiny bit more stimulation. You could feel the small extra pressure it gave to you, and coupled with how sensitive you were, you were doing everything you could to hold on. It just felt too fucking good. You felt yourself lose all thoughts and begin to drift off.
• Chan disconnected his lips from your cunt for a single moment. “Cum for daddy, baby,” he instructed before going right back to his tiny circles on your clit. Looking at his face and hearing his demand was the last thing you needed to reach your climax. Your hands flew down to his hair to hold onto his head as your legs began to twitch around him and the warm feeling spread out from your clit to the rest of your body. You suddenly started to convulse around him, moaning out for him with every last breath. You couldn’t control yourself as Chan kept lapping at you, holding your hips down to make sure you didn’t miss out on any feeling of the pleasure he could give you.
• Once he was satisfied that you were done, he lifted his face from you and raised his body up until he was resting on his knees. He smiled down at you and how out of it you looked.
• “Mmm did that make you feel good, sweetheart?” He smiled, rubbing and massaging along your thighs. You didn’t even know how to respond to that considering the way he just made you feel. You just nodded your head and smiled, moving your arms to stretch them out over your head and then cover your face in slight embarrassment.
• “How about you let daddy stretch you out a little now?” He asked, already bringing his dick to your entrance to move it around against the wetness of your lips. “Come on, don’t cover that beautiful face. Let me see you.”
• You moved your hands and arms away from your face and brought them together, clasping to each other on your chest. Chan just smiled down, admiring how cute you looked for him.
• “That’s more like it… Now, I’m gonna start slow okay? You’ll let me know if it starts to hurt or if I’m going to fast?”
• “Yes…” you whispered out, not knowing if you were really ready or not.
• “Yes what?” he peered down, stern look now on his face.
• “Yes daddy.”
• With that, he slowly began to inch himself into you. One hand resting on your thigh, the other rested just at the underside of his dick to stabilize himself as he entered. He watched intently as your pussy slowly started to open up for him, making sure to go as slowly as he possibly could. Then he made sure to go back and fixate on your face, now with furrowed brows and lips parted open.
• He continued in silence until he was all the way in, letting himself rest inside for just a moment. “Fuck baby, you’re so tight,” he huffed out, throwing his head back. “I feel like if I start moving, I’m going to tear you apart.”
• He slowly moved himself back, centimeter by centimeter until he was pulled out of you, then slowly pushing back in. He continued this a couple more times until he could tell you were more comfortable. The look on your face had changed from uncertainty to one of actual pleasure. He could tell.
• “You’re taking me so well baby. I knew you’d be a good girl for me.” He finally let himself pull all the way back before ramming into you.
• You let out a loud moan in response, which only agged Chan on more.
• He started to thrust again, faster this time. “Oh, is that how my girl likes it? You like it like that, huh?”
• “Yes, Channie,” you moaned.
• “Ah ah ah,” he stopped pumping for a second.
• “I mean, yes daddy!” you breathed out again.
• With that, Chan picked back up, bringing himself in and out of you with a steadily quickening pace. You could tell he was getting worked up the more he pumped.
• He started to hump into it, more than just strokes now. He was getting deeper into you. You let out a rattling sigh at how good it felt.
• Something almost animalistic came over Chan. He almost looked like he wanted to consume you. His jaw locked and his eyes fixated on your face before spitting out at you every last thought he had in his mind.
• "You like it when your daddy fucks you like this, don’t you? You like letting daddy ruin you for anyone else. Being my good little perfect girl. So good for me, letting me fuck you however I want. You don’t want daddy to stop, do you?”
• At that, Chan started to pound into you, getting relentless now. His face was focused, almost looking mad. He hit the spot that you now knew would be the end of you. He kept hitting it and hitting it until you knew you weren’t going to be able to take it anymore.
• “No, don’t stop. Don’t stop,” you panted out. “Please don’t stop. It feels so good,” you were about to cry at this point, not recognizing this feeling. The feeling of breathlessness and pressure, building up, slowly working you to a point you weren’t yet familiar with.
• Chan began to moan violently, forcing himself into you with no remorse. He violently held onto your hips, slamming them down into him as he fucked you. He was going to make sure you felt all of them.
• “So good and tight… God.. FUCK,” he yelled, throwing his head back. He slammed himself in. “Fuck baby, you’re gonna make me cum.. Don’t give into me yet. You can take it. Keep fucking taking it.” He fucked himself into your as hard and fast as he could, bottoming out every time. He hit way up into your cervix and for a moment, you thought you might pass out.
• “Fucking take it, princess. Fucking take me,” he yelled, not able to stop himself.
• “Yes daddy,” you replied back, borderline crying now. He was just too good. It was all way too good.
• Hearing your new name for him was the last thing he needed. “I’m cumming... Fuck I’m cumming. Holy shit,” Chan quickly pulled himself out of you, quickly jerking his dick back and forth as cum shot out of him and onto your stomach. "Fuckkkkkkk." He couldn’t help but moan the entire time, looking at how pretty you looked with his cum all over you.
• You winced underneath him, never having seen this sight before. This was the hottest you’d ever seen him. And to think, he was doing all of this over you.
• He stroked himself up and down until every last drop of cum was out, growling at the last few drops.
• “Shit baby, hold on just a second,” he said, once he’d finally caught his breath.
• He took a few steps to the bathroom, coming back with a wet cloth to clean you off with.
• As you also had finished catching your breath, he came back up to lay himself beside you, bringing the covers up with him. He raised your head up to extend his arm underneath, and then rested it back on top of him so that you were propped up into him.
• “I’m sorry baby, I should have asked you before doing all of that at the end. I don’t know what came over me. Was it okay? Did it feel okay?”
• You took a few seconds to look into his eyes, suddenly full of love and worry.
• “It was perfect Channie. You were perfect.” You smiled at him. He shot you a huge smile back, nuzzling his head into yours and placing a soft kiss on your lips.
• “I’m so glad. You were perfect for me too. I’m so honored I could be your first.”
• You thought your heart would explode from how much love you felt for this man.
• After giving you another kiss on the cheek and lying his head down to rest on top of yours, he whispered into you. “And hopefully I’m going to be your last too.”
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Strange, Weird & Wonderful | Bang Chan
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Pairing: Vampire!Bang Chan x Fem!Reader 
Request: from @escapetheshark. Repost from my deactivated account.
Summary: Vampire!Chan has found friendship in an undertaker. 
Warnings: banter. 
Word Count: 603 
A/N: Werewolf!Bang Chan coming tomorrow.
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“Jesus Christ!” Y/N exclaims, almost jumping out of her skin, getting the fright of her life as she enters the funeral home.  
“Not Jesus, only Christopher,” the vampire smiles smugly, proud that he managed to scare her, as he makes his way out of the shadows. “I thought you said you weren’t easily frightened?”  
“Have you seen my crucifix? I could really use it right now,” she huffs, pretending to search for the intricately designed cross she wears daily around her neck. It's only then that she realizes it's missing.  
“You mean this crucifix? The one I told you many times, doesn’t work?” he asks holding up the pendant that hangs on a matching silver chain.  
“I have holy water too,” you say snatching the necklace, an heirloom that’s been in your family for centuries, back.  
“I’m not a demon,” he says looking disgusted.  
“Might as well be,” she retorts, in annoyance. “"Now that you've successfully scared the crap out of me, don’t you have someone else to bother?”  
His smug look becomes somber and she feels guilt for what she said. The lack of people in his life is a bit of a touchy subject. He’d watched from the shadows as his seven closest friends, people he considered brothers, live their human lives, creating families of their own, and grow old as he remained the same. He would occasionally show himself to let them know he’s okay and still there but now they are all gone and the only company he has is the pretty undertaker with extremely good tastes in music.  
“I’m sorry,” Y/N quickly apologies, scolding herself for not thinking before she spoke. Despite their differences, her being alive and him being both dead and alive, Chan is someone she genuinely enjoys spending time with. Even if it’s in the middle of the night, in a funeral home, while she’s doing her job.  
“You didn’t mean it,” he shrugs it off, his beautiful smile on display again.   
Y/N can see in his eyes that it still bothered him. She gives him a quick hug. As she goes to pull away, he pulls her back, tightening his arms around her. At first, she’s unsure but under his cool but somehow warm touch, she melts against him.  
"It's been a while since I last hugged someone," he confesses, his voice filled with a mix of longing and vulnerability. Y/N's heart aches as she thinks about him having to be alone for so long. She comes to an understanding that their strange, weird and wonderful friendship is not a mere coincidence, but rather an opportunity for them find comfort in each other's presence  
“So, you’re a hugger,” she tries to joke to lighten the mood.  
“You have no idea,” his chuckle vibrates in his chest.  
 “I learn something new about you every day,” she says as he lets go of her. She’s a little sad about not having his arms around her. In that moment, she makes a silent promise to him. She’ll make sure to hug him more often.  
“What’s on the playlist tonight?” he asks as she starts walking to the back of the room, where a Bluetooth speaker is set up.  
“Just a little group called Stray Kids,” she says turning the speaker on and pulls out her phone. “Have you heard of them?”  
“They sound familiar,” he smiles, playing along. He thought his attempts to convince her to listen to them were futile.   
“A friend recommended them to me,” she pulls up her playlist and presses play. “He also promised to tell me all about the members.” 
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collisvng · 4 months
BF!bangchan — "Are You Okay?" Texts 🌻✨️
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—cw: kinda angsty, slight swearing, chan is lowkey a simp lol
—an: i may or may not have wrote this for a friend... (ily bestie)
💙: one screenshot is technically a video.
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hanjsquokka · 2 months
Slow Down - [ Bang Chan ]
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🎸 SYNOPSIS : There was something about the way he looked at you that made you squeeze your thighs together, your focus faltering as you did his eye makeup. However, your predicament might get a solution when you overhear a conversation you weren't supposed to.
GENRE : smut, strangers to potential lovers
PAIRING : bang chan × fem!reader
CONTENT WARNING : smut (warnings under the cut!), mature language, 3RACHA (yes that is a warning)
AUTHOR'S NOTE : (Part of my Stray Kids × Chase Atlantic series special for their 6th anniversary) Bang Chan!!! I still remember the first time I freaked out over his look in the Thunderous MV (my first one) and I was like holy shit 😭. He soon became one of my biases since I started with 3RACHA first before I learnt about the other members. Despite not watching his lives when they were live, Chan's room holds a special place in my heart. The best leader ♡.
minors dni. if you click read, you agree to nsfw content
SMUT WARNING : no clear dom/sub dynamics, protected sex, piv, fingering, light oral (f receiving), big dick chan agenda, mirror sex, nicknames (baby girl, baby, good girl), reader calls chan as channie, semi public sex? (they're in a changing room but no one else is there), light hair pulling, orgasm denial
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The bass was booming outside of the changing room you were currently in, doing makeup for your favorite band. People were so hyped up for the upcoming 3RACHA performance and you weren't any better.
“Y/n, that's purple — !” Han Jisung yelped, moving away from the cushion pad you were holding in your hand, now dabbed with purple powder.
“Oh my — I'm so sorry Jisung. I'm so out of it today.” You blushed out of embarrassment, fumbling with your things as you got the correct cosmetic product and applied it on him. Your jitters were most certainly caused by the other male in the room, who was currently watching you with a glinting his eyes. Changbin was busy on his phone so you knew to whom the gaze belonged to without even turning around.
Bang Chan.
Or Chris. That was how he introduced himself to you the very first time you met him almost a year ago. Hi, my name's Chris, are you our new makeup artist? Those words played in your head a lot. His voice was so melodic, and his accent only made the feelings inside you intensify. And that was all before you saw what he meant by Chris. He was a completely different man on stage. The first time you saw him perform, you had to excuse yourself to the restroom because your face instantly burned red.
Ever since then, your imagination only grew worse. You dreamed endless nights of him, of how wonderful it would be if he were with you, how he would be in bed. God, just thinking about how his hands could make you see more stars than in the night sky was enough to almost make you drop the brush in your hand.
For this particular performance, held in the elusive 5-STAR club, they were going all out. Which meant Chan dressed in a way that nearly made you faint when you walked into the room an hour ago. Ever since then, he had his sight locked on you as you tried to focus on Jisung, who wasn't making things any easier with how hyper he could get before a show. You swallowed as the man in front of you got up and left, allowing the last of their trio to take a seat in front of you.
“Excited?” You asked him as you started his makeup, trying to make small talk so you could make yourself believe that was the reason he was looking at you like that. Sometimes, you felt as if Chan could read your thoughts, as if a speech bubble hung over your head, dictating your most unholy secrets to him.
“Yeah.” He smiled, dimples on full display that nearly made you swoon. How could he be so charming and cute and then switch to hot and sexy the next minute? “There's so many people who came to see us. I never thought that it would happen.”
You smiled. Another thing about Chan. He was so humble, it had to be illegal. You cupped his jaw so would stay still. “You three are crazy good. You should be proud of yourself.”
“I am.” He replied cheekily, making you chuckle. “Will you stay and watch the show?”
“As always.”
He cracked a wide grin again. “Great. I need my number one watching me.”
His words made your heart stutter, making you almost mess up (again). You avoided the fact that your face was as red as a tomato and continued your job, still talking with him although the intrusive thoughts inside you were screaming to kiss him. Your sane side, however, took over and made sure you didn't attack him and ruin the makeup you had just put on him. He continued to look at you, making you squeeze your thighs together as you tried to play placate the thought of him bending you over the vanity and fucking you.
You were done quicker than you hoped and excused yourself to wash your hands. After spending an abnormal amount of soap to get rid of the purple you accidently almost used, you walked back to their changing room, only to stop in your tracks at the door because of the ongoing conversation on the other side.
“It's driving me crazy!”
“Chan, you've been saying that for a year now.”
“Does she not realize what she's doing? —”
“Her job?”
“Shut up Han. The only thing I want to do to her is bend her over in front of that fucking mirror and —”
“Geez, you're hornier than me.”
You heard footsteps coming closer to the door, so you panicked and ran down the corridor and went into the main club. Your heart was racing along with your mind. Did he want the same thing as you? Goosebumps covered your skin when you thought of the possibility of Chan having the same thoughts as you. You were probably hallucinating (could you hallucinate hearing a person?) and way over your head but a ridiculous idea started to form in your head as the trio took the stage, eliciting roars of excitement through the audience that were awaiting their performance.
They played a few of their own songs as well as your personal favorites — Chase Atlantic covers. Their vibes suited well with the songs and you were addicted to the way Chan sang — you're buried in the pillow yeah you're so loud — from Slow Down. The way he held the mic, sweat glistening on his face and sometimes how it would seem like he looked around for someone and then settled his focus on you made you squirm in the place you were standing.
After the performance, you quickly ducked back into their changing rooms, under the pretense of packing away your stuff but in actuality, you were hoping for a small miracle. Said miracle walked into the room moments later, his presence created an aura you've never felt before.
“Nice work out there.” You said with a smile, putting the makeup brushes in your bag.
“You think so?” Chan came closer to you, you felt his warm breath hitting your shoulder, the heat emitting from his skin sent shivers down your spine. You looked at him through the mirror in front of you, his signature smile was on his face but there was something else you couldn't quite distinguish. Something akin to a blaze burning beneath the kindness of his words. “The crowd was amazing.”
“They were.” You smiled again, heart thudding in your chest when you felt him brush against you. “Where's Jisung and Changbin?”
“Them? Oh, they disappeared after the performance. Probably getting some drinks.”
“So why are you here?”
“I have something much more interesting to do than drinks.”
You chuckled. “Is that so?” You turned around, chest flush against his as you looked him in the eyes, “would that something have to do with me bent over the vanity?”
Your teasing worked perfectly, a red hue spreading across his cheeks, his smile dropped and morphed into surprise. “You —”
“I'm not opposed to it.”
He blinked. “You're… not?” He shifted, moving closer to you. His tone was in stark juxtaposition to the way his hands were clenched in a fist, like he was controlling himself. “Y/n… don't play with me.”
“I'm not playing.” He let out a shaky exhale. “I want this, Channie, please?”
The nickname was his breaking point. He brushed aside the hair falling into your jaws before he cupped your cheek and sealed your lips together in a searing kiss, full of passion and a need to be as close together as possible. Your hands gripped the edge of the vanity as he pushed you onto further, his tongue pushing against your mouth for entrance, which you gladly granted, allowing him to explore your mouth. His free hand moved up and down your back a couple times before stopping at the side of your breast. He had a moment of hesitation before he rolled his thumb over your hardening nipple, making you moan into his mouth. He seemed to have liked that response because he did it again, a little more harshly. He pulled away from your lips when you squeezed your thighs together.
He tutted. “Spread those legs for me, baby girl.” You swallowed and did as he said, parting your legs for his hand to dive between them and rub your core over the fabric of your jeans. You bit your lip, eyes fluttering close at the sensation.
“Touch me Channie, please.”
Moments later, your pants were on the floor and your head was thrown back as his fingers reached deep inside you. “Feel good baby?”
“S-So good, Channie, don't stop —” You moaned, back arching as another digit entered you, scissoring you open.
“Gotta stretch you properly. Such a tight little pussy. So wet.” He curled his fingers at that one spit that made you see stars. Your reaction only made him brush his fingers against that spot again and again, making the band in your belly tighten.
Hearing those filthy words come from his mouth turned you on even more. “All for you.”
“All for me?” He smirked, pumping his fingers a few more times before pulling them out and popping them into his mouth. “So sweet.” You whined at the emptiness and your ruined orgasm. He moved away slightly. “Turn over baby. Wanna see that ass.” You obliged, turning around so you were bent over the vanity, facing the mirror. You could see him in the reflection, pupils blown with lust. He dropped to his knees, his warm breath hitting your core. He licked a stripe along your folds before diving in with his tongue, pulling away yet again when you were close.
“Wanna cum.”
“You will cum baby girl.” He stood up again. “Around my cock.” You heard his pants drop, the buckle hitting the floor with a clank and the sound of a foil being torn open. You couldn't exactly see his dick as he slid the condom on, but you moaned loudly as he rubbed the tip against your folds.
“Don't tease.” You whined as he prodded his cock at your entrance.
“Whatever you say.” He laughed and pushed the tip in. Your mouth dropped open, sounds of pleasure freely spilling from your mouth as he kept inching in.
“You're so b-big.” You felt impossibly full as he bottomed out, a grunt coming from behind you as he waited for both of you to adjust to the feeling. His cock was kissing your cervix already, you felt like you could come just like that. “M-Move, please —”
He nodded and slowly pulled back and snapped his hips forward. “So tight.” He groaned as he repeated the motion again and again. You were long gone already, his dick brushing against all the sweet spots inside you that made your toes curl. “Eyes up. I want you to watch.” He pulled your head up by your hair, lightly tugging at it so you could see your reflection in the mirror. You clenched around him the moment he did that, making him groan and move faster.
“Chan — fuck, so big —” You whimpered, watching yourself get fucked in the changing room, where anyone could walk in and see yourself getting split open by Chan.
“You have — no idea, how long I've been waiting for this.” He pulled out completely before slamming back inside, making you scream out his name. “Fucking you over the the next surface. God, you've been driving me crazy. Swinging that ass around. It's mine, got it?”
“Good girl.” He let go of your hair and instead reached between your legs to find your clit, rubbing harsh circles over it.
“T-Too much. Channie — please, ‘m gonna cum —”
“Cum for me baby.” His harsh thrusts, the stimulation on your clit and you watching everything from the mirror — it all became too much. Fireworks lit up inside you as you came all over his cock, clenching hard as he still moved inside you. Overstimulation sent jolts throughout your body. “Like a fucking vice.” He grunted, before you felt his seed fill the condom. He pulled out and discarded the condom, helping you stand up properly and handed you a water bottle from a nearby table. “I hope that was okay.” Goddamn he really did have a switch inside him.
“Okay? Fuck, Chan that was amazing.”
“Amazing enough to let me fuck you after all my shows?”
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©hanjsquokka | copying, translating or republishing my work is strictly prohibited
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baby-yongbok · 18 days
Husband!911 Operator!Bang Chan 𝗑 Afab!Reader
♡ Genre - Angst ♡ Word Count - 1.3k ♡ Summary - Chan has heard a lot of calls being a 911 operator but this is one that he never wanted to experience. ♡ Warnings - Themes of home invasion, Mention of guns [Please read responsibly. This is an emotional fic.] ♡ a/n - I wrote this after watching an episode of S.W.A.T 😭This fic is not proof read.
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He hasn’t been on the night shift since your daughter was born. He liked to spend the nights with Nara when she was first born. He liked to come home to her drooling smiles and gleeful giggles after answering calls all day. He never knew what he’d get when he answered the phone. It could be something small like a cat being stuck in a tree but it rarely ever was. He was on a never ending loop of talking people down during one of their most anxious moments. Something that he hoped he would never have to do. 
“Ma’am, please try to stay calm. Can you repeat your address please?” Chan was laughing with Changbin, dimples on full display until he heard his co-worker repeat the address she was given. He dropped the water bottle in his hand, immediately turning on his heels and making his way behind her to look at the screen.
“Is there anyone else in the home?” It’s his address on the screen. You on the phone. There’s someone in the house with you and his daughter. Changbin comes up behind Chan, peering at the screen with curious eyes that widen quickly. “Is your daughter with you?”
“Chan.” His friend lays a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to pull him out of his shock but it’s no use. He’s too busy trying to hear your voice over the noisy office. Too busy trying to find out if you’re okay. 
“There are officers on the way ma’am just stay put okay?” Chan is tapping his co-worker before he can even process the action. She looks back at him with furrowed brows but her features soften once she realizes who it is. She knows that address, she knows it’s his.
“Give me the headset.” His voice betrays him as it wavers towards the end of the final word but the woman in front of him knew better than to question his request. She hands it over quickly and Chan puts it on with shaky hands. “Ma’am? My name is Chan and I’m going to stay with you through this, okay?”
“Chan?” He can hear the fear in your voice, the timbre shakes like glass windows in a storm and he swears that in that moment he could shatter. “Baby, please tell me it’s you. Please.”
“It’s me. I’m here.” Changbin takes it upon himself to coordinate with the call operator to track the units. He sprints through the office to his desk in hopes that his inquiry will speed up the process. In hopes that it’ll help save you. “Where’s Nara?”
“She’s in her hiding spot.” You mumble through tears, hushed sobs puffing past your trembling lips. “He has a gun, Channie.”
Chan’s eyes squeeze shut, brows furrowed as he tries his best to keep his cool. He wants to run to you, he wants to kill the guy who had the gall to break into his house. He wants to hold you and Nara and tell you that it’ll all be okay. “So do you.”
“His is bigger.” You quip, hopelessness tingeing the corners of your words. “How long until someone gets -” You’re cut off by the sound of heavy footsteps creaking against the hardwood of the main hallway. 
“Baby, please talk to me. I need to know that you’re okay.” He’s squeezing the edge of the desk as he waits for you to reply but all he hears are the shallow breaths that you’re desperately trying to hold. “Eta?” He asks over to his co-worker sitting below him.
“Three.” Chan’s eyes scan the screen with the call transcript, he’s staring. Waiting for your words to pop up. 
“Is he in the room with you?” His jaw is clenched and his tongue feels heavy with every word but the silence on your end speaks louder than any words that could come out of your mouth. “Baby, listen to me. I need you to stay as still as possible, okay? Don’t move unless you have to.”
You’re quiet, heaving breaths are the only sign that you haven’t been disconnected. The only sign that you’re alive. Chan runs a hand through his hair as his next sentence weighs on the heavy muscle in his mouth. “I love you, okay? I love you and I love Nara with -” 
His voice cracks as tears threaten to fall. He breathes them back, standing up straighter and trying his best to not let the damn behind his eyes break. “I love both of you with every ounce of my being. You’re going to be okay, the police are right around the corner but I need you to put down the phone.”
A sob catches in your throat and the heavy boots roaming your bedroom stop for a second. You watch the shadow from under the closet door with wide eyes. “I need you to hold the gun with two hands, just like I taught you okay? I need you to be ready in case -”
He’s interrupted by a sudden thud followed by frantic rustling. “Hello?” He can hear you, he can hear you breathing. He can hear your frantic movements then he can hear your screaming, your struggling.
“Y/n?” He’s panicking, shattering into a million pieces as he listens in on the other line. “Where the fuck are they?” Changbin runs up behind Chan, his hand returns to its earlier spot as he reports what he knows. 
“They’re outside, they’re there.” Chan’s gaze falls back to the screen, the green glowing transcript is unmoving on your part. It’s empty apart from the sound of your screaming. 
“Baby, I need you to fucking fight.” Tears are falling from his eyes, he’s redder than hot iron and his heart is shaking like a leaf in his chest. 
“Chan!” You’re screaming. Screaming his name, begging him for help and he’s not there. Your sobs are loud, rippling through the receiver accompanied by more rustling. He can hear the grunts of the assailant as he fights you but they’re easily drowned out by the sound of police sirens echoing through the air. 
“Fight, do you hear me?” He’s practically yelling into the headset. Eyes shut tight as he focuses on every single sound until he hears the one that he was dreading. It echoes louder than any scream he’s ever heard. He’s cold as soon as he registers the gun fire, his eyes fly open as he’s swallowed by the silence on the other line. It’s loud, once again louder than any words could be.
“Y/n?” His mind is running wild. His thoughts are swallowing him whole, wrapping him up in a darkness that he never knew could exist. Who fired that shot? “Baby?” His shaky voice is nearly a whisper, a desperate whisper with a hidden plea that you’ll answer him. 
Everything is still around him, time seems to evaporate as he counts the seconds without hearing your voice. Selfishly, he finds himself missing the screams. At least then he was sure that you’re alive, at least then he -
“Channie.” Your trembling voice rings through the receiver and Chan straightens up like a flower towards sunlight. “He’s dead.” 
Chan unravels in an instant. Tears run down his blushed cheeks like a free flowing river and the shards of his heart decorating his insides glisten in the hope of being put back together. “I fought for you.” His hands form fists in his hair as Changbin soothes his friend that best that he can. 
“You did great, baby.” He chokes out through sobs, trying his best to sound strong for you. Trying to be as strong as you’re being now. He listens as your daughter runs to you with tear stained cheeks and quivering lips that you kiss over and over again as you hold her close to your shaking frame. 
“Chan.” You mumble. “Please come home.”
He does his best to collect himself. He wipes his tears and tries to breathe normally. He blinks away the heartache lingering in his stomach and the anger multiplying in his chest. He fights it all away for you. He fights it all away just so you can hear him say this.
 “I’m coming to you, right now. I'm coming.” 
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Thank you for reading! I hope that you enjoyed!
Likes, Reblogs and Comments make my day! Thank you for all support, it keeps me going!
ALSO, please follow my back-up acct. @minniee-verse 💕
Tag List: @teddy-stay , @baconcupcakes123, @moonchild9350 ,
@krayzieestay, @soulsbbg , @stay-bi , @yzsqu , @gho-ster , @lghtdarling, @lixiluvs , @pastellbunno (Reply to this post if you'd like to be added to the perm. taglist.)
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faunandfloraas · 2 months
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milkteabinniechan · 5 months
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Hard thought
Chan wears grey sweatpants when he's with you because he knows how much you love it.
Chan lets his pants fall for his boxers poke through when he reaches for something
Chan stands in front of you whenever you're sitting and not paying attention so he can grab your face and force you to look at him
Chan lifts his shirt and guides your had exactly where he wants it
Chan who's already hard, a clear bulge taunting and teasing you through his sweatpants
Chan smiling wildly at the desperate look at your face as you attempt to swallow him whole, gagging and choking, eyes watering just for him
Chan pressing the spongey tip again your wet, hot mouth
Chan pulls his cock out while you stare dumbfounded at the length of him
Chan strokes himself slowly while his other hand props your mouth open for him
Chan's tip already red and angry, veins pulsing up and down the shaft
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starlostseungmin · 1 month
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✰ notes: the second entry of husband!skz series!! this is just for the meantime since my brain is still not ready to write a lot. i hope you guys enjoy!! not proofread. DO NOT FORGET TO REBLOG, COMMENT AND LEAVE TAGS! thank you <33
( chan ) lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
Husband Chan who got down on one knee and asked, “Will you marry me?” on a private beach—just the two of you—because it was his ideal proposal and you gladly said yes. 
Husband Chan who took you to (name of country) for your honeymoon. 
Husband Chan who would take you to Sydney for a vacation and meet his family. 
Husband Chan who suggested to make Berry as your child while you were still thinking about having literal kids. It doesn’t matter how long, he only needs you and Berry to make him happy.
Husband Chan who has seven children to feed and declare you as his wife. 
Husband Chan who puts you first before everything. 
Husband Chan who loves to send pictures with the caption “For your eyes only,” and giggles to himself while reading your replies saying how much he looks cute or handsomeーhe can imagine your reactions. 
Husband Chan who loves movie nights and lets you decide which one you’d be watching so you better wear the most comfortable clothes and prepare a bucket of popcorn. 
Husband Chan who cooks you a lot of food and loves spoon-feeding you because you are his precious baby. 
Husband Chan who pretends he doesn’t know about you stealing his hoodies. He doesn’t mind and gets all giddy when you wear them since they look cute on you. “I’m not giving them back,” You said. “What’s mine is yours, baby,” He smiled. 
Husband Chan who invites you out on a dinner date on a casual weekend because he knows you would enjoy it. After dinner you would stroll around the city, holding hands. 
Husband Chan who carries you to your shared bed when he finds you sleeping on the couch while waiting for him to come home from work. 
Husband Chan who writes love songs about you and gets teased by Han and Changbin. 
Husband Chan who gives you the silent treatment but can’t put up with it for hours so he just pretends nothing happened and cuddles you. 
Husband Chan who knows what exactly you want when you’re upset and would gladly take you in his arms. He never leaves your side unless you want some space but you can’t be away from him for too long. 
Husband Chan who scolds you when you are not resting enough when he’s out there overworking himself. You decided that both of you should take a few days off which he willingly agreed to so he can spend more time with you. 
Husband Chan who lets himself be vulnerable when he’s with you because you’re the only one with whom he could let it all out. 
Husband Chan who loves to spoil you with hugs whenever you need them. 
Husband Chan who listens and understands whatever situation and dilemmas you have without any judgments rather he reassures you that everything will be okay. He gives you his full support for your decisions. 
Husband Chan who knows everyone in the industry so he knows a lot of controversies. He would share them with you on a random Sunday to gossip and giggle. 
Husband Chan who loves to make dad jokes and relays pick-up lines just to make you laugh. He gets embarrassed when it’s not funny so he hides in the bathroom until you get over it.
Husband Chan whose love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation, and acts of service. 
Husband Chan who has the most precious smile and laughs adorably makes your heart leap. 
Husband Chan whom you love the most in the world and will not let anything hurt him. 
Husband Chan whom you want to spend the rest of your life with, forever and always. 
Husband Chan who will never leave, never lets you go, and never allow you to divorce him because there’s no reason to begin with. He loves you, you love him, same story. 
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✰ taglist: @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly , @sleepyleeji , @starseungs , @midsoulz , @oddracha , @armystay89
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bamnamuu · 8 months
things bangchan would do as your boyfriend
w.count 250 | warnings mentions kissing | em’s note it’s been a weird couple days, and the only way to get through them is with boyfriend channie : D oh also not proof read !!!
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boyf!Chan who teases you about stealing his hoodies, even though he leaves them out on purpose because he likes seeing you wearing his clothes.
boyf!Chan who always sends you messages and selfies every hour or so just so you don’t forget how much he loves you. (not that you could forget, he's on your mind 24/7 365)
boyf!Chan who learns to cook your favourite food, so that when you get home you do not have to worry about cooking.
boyf!Chan who has a polaroid of you two in the back of his phone so everywhere he goes he has you with him.
boyf!Chan who lets you listen to skz's new songs before the rest of the members because he wants your approval, he admires your thoughts.
boyf!chan who would set up ‘sleepovers’ at your shared apartment every weekend just because he wants to do something special for you. (he would also let you help build a pillow fort)
boyf!Chan who always gives your forehead a little kiss whenever he leaves the room you're in, even if he leaves for a second he’s gonna smooch your head.
boyf!Chan who when sleeping next to each other, drags you closer to him if you roll away because he's missing your warmth, he just likes having you close knowing you're with him makes him sleep better.
boyf!Chan who doesn't know what he's doing, but tries his hardest to be the best boyfriend for you.
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