#bambam project
mstinglez · 1 year
There once was 7 brothers... 💚💚💚
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plutonotes · 1 year
Hellooo so I decided to open up commissions! If you want any examples you can find them here (you can only see it if you’re a register user!) :
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bengiyo · 2 months
23.5 Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
Last time, the gang decided to gussy up Ongsa for a school event, and we got to see her in traditional Thai clothing. Ton decided to help by stirring up Sun’s jealousy for some reason, as if Sun’s reticence were somehow the issue of the first half of the season. I enjoyed the few moments between Aylin and Luna. Sun eventually publicly declared that she wanted to be with Ongsa, so they are now girlfriends.
I’m with Aylin. She does look like a panda.
It’s taken us eight episodes to get to open mutual flirtation.
Episode 8: The Starry Night
Girl, Sun confessed to you in public. How are we supposed to keep this secret now? Did you talk to Sun about this?
Thank you, youths, for telling her off for this line of thinking.
I was chatting with @ginnymoonbeam earlier and do like that the drama of this week is “What even is dating?”
I am so invested in this teachers’ romance, you don’t even know.
Ongsa, we have ridden with you for two months. She asked for the kiss. Do not let me down this week.
I love that Sun loves action films.
At least one GMMTV show isn’t pushing its pro-mosquito agenda.
Milk is very good at facial expressions.
This show is making me hope for my boy Mawin again.
Okay, Aylin, this was very cute. I like her calling back to the balled paper message.
I real like LOL’d at Mawin and Ton sliding in and out of this window.
Oh, Mawin, I feel for you. I wanted you to ask, but I get it.
All this bonding with Ton is not cutting down on my “Here’s How Euro Can Still Win” agenda.
Wow, Aylin, you got me, too.
That’s right, Luna. Teach her human things.
Chaoren’s rejection was great.
How is it cold in Bangkok? Isn’t it like 80 F at night there?
Kissing with the glasses on? Huge win for lesbians and those who share their beliefs.
That chin grab? I see you, Ongsa.
Whyy are we introducing a separation next week with a study abroad program?
I like Milk and Love, but I don’t know that Love is being served well by this project. It feels like they don’t trust her as an actor and are leaning on Milk a lot. However, View and June are doing a great job together, and I loved the way AJ and Earn played their scenes. I am so invested in the Bambam and Nida story that I sit up every time they’re on screen. I feel like this show really struggled at building to the moments it wants to hit, but knows exactly when it wants us to hit them. It’s not bad, but it’s left me feeling rather unmoored along the way.
Alright, let’s talk about how Euro can still win! He didn’t get to kiss JJ in Dangerous Romance because JJ doesn’t kiss boys, he just teases about it. AJ, however, does! I am side-eyeing Tinh for always checking out athletic boys to the point that his friend finds it sinful, but being totally obvious about Mawin pining for him right next to him. It’s giving…no…I shan’t say…
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
Grace's Relationships outside of BTS (Male)
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While not close to individual members, Grace adores and loves GOT7 as a whole. She loves the relationship between Jackson and RM, as well as BamBam & Yugyeom with Jungkook.
The boys in return are very protective of Grace and would step in if the rest of BTS weren't there, especially at award shows if Grace was on her own for whatever reason - one of the GOT7 boys would be there at her side or behind her
Depending on solo projects or group projects, she often sends her support by sending food or coffee trucks
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Grace is one of their biggest fans and she can see the similarities between BTS and Seventeen. From small companies, self-produced, climbing the ranks without much support.
Often has their songs on her playlist on repeat. Lately, it's been Super because she's obsessed with the song
Got dragged into doing the Super dance challenge with S.Coups, Woozi and Hoshi
She has admitted if she was younger than Jungkook, her bias probably would be Mingyu
Has become somewhat a second mother to them as well
They often do dance challenges to her songs as well
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While you won't find many interactions between the group as a whole and Grace, you will find interactions between Lee Know and Bangchan with Grace.
Lee Know was obviously one of BTS back up dancers and Grace remembers him from that time, so she often makes a beeline to see him at award shows to say hello.
Bangchan because of his friendship with Jungkook - he's another one of her sons. She knows how dedicated and hardworking he is as a leader and as one of the producers.
She's also gone on record to say she loves Seungmin's vocals and Han's rapping and singing abilities - that it's rare to find someone who has that talent.
She has appeared at their tour to watch them and is often caught on camera singing along
Calls them the baby group of K-Pop
Became good friends with MAX & LAUV via them writing songs with or for BTS. She has also doing background vocals for them and has helped on some of their songs
Same goes for ED SHEERAN - she has done the same for him. It's more a business relationship than it is a friendship
Grace adores STEVE AOKI and often interacts with him on Twitter, trying to attend some of his concerts if she can.
Same for BRUNO MARS and ANDERSON .PAAK - loves all their music and she often speaks to Anderson .Paak's wife as she is Korean. He often asks her for translations of some lyrics
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the-selfish-goddess · 10 months
╭──────────.★..─╮ 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕟𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝔹𝕦𝕕𝕒𝕡𝕖𝕤𝕥 ╰─..★.──────────
A/N: I was in a bad place mentally and had to prove to myself that I could follow through and finish SOMETHING. So I'm shamelessly posting Lovesick Agent Yoongi with just a smidge of GOT7 thnx. (Agent! Yoongi x Reader) (Ft. Agent! BamBam for a split second)
Summary: (Angst and Slight Fluff) Yoongi is given a new job, as an expert in stealth and assassination, he has seen and done many things in the field. Although, he knows every dog has its days. It seems he's met his match in more ways than one.
(TW: Mentions of Drugs, Mentions of weapons, Mentions of Death, Mentions of killing and Assassination, Graphic descriptions of death.)
Drabble 1:
He was simple, he always was.
Like clockwork: 
“Tick Tock” 
He moved his fingers over the pistol, gliding them over the knicks and scrapes in the metal. He thumbed the edge of the holster it was snuggled into, thinking of how many skirmishes he has been in with his trusty, MK23.
He noted how rare it was for him to just sit and reflect like this; it was a strange, yet, welcome feeling. His instincts told him that there wouldn’t be too many more days spent with it in his hands, he just had a feeling about it. 
“Tick Tock” 
He breathed in deeply, inhaling the smell of the earth around his body. As he had always done, he removed the last of the dirt from the deep pit he had dug. Carefully making sure to dig vertically so as to not draw attention to the plot of earth he had just upturned. 
“Tick Tock” 
He looked up above him, wiping the beads of sweat from above his eyebrows as he did so. The circle of trees around him rustled in the wind, the sound of the leaves scraping across the forest floor comforted him in a way he couldn’t quite describe. He watched on, the stars shining above him unbothered by useless mortal affairs, twinkling in unison.  
Somehow, they reminded him of the fairy lights you had hung up on his patio a few weeks ago. He remembers pitching a fit about them, grumbling about them being a waste of electricity.  Though, secretly, he enjoyed the personal touches you added to his space, it made him feel alive.
 You, made him feel alive.
“Tick Tock” 
He pulled the letter from his jacket pocket, the one that had been dropped in the mail for him a few weeks ago by his agency. It was crumpled and worn; A small wallet-sized picture of a woman was paper clipped onto the outside of it. Its condition was pristine in comparison to the paper.
He still remembered opening it for the first time.
He had just woken up to the sound of his text messages going off, a lone number ‘7’ in the message bubble let him know that his next assignment had been delivered to him. He pulled himself from his sleep-filled stupor, his body aching from his previous assignment.
“Tick Tock” 
He pulled himself back to reality and unraveled the paper. Trying his best to stay focused on the task at hand, your photo had fallen into the soft earth beneath his feet. He did not move to pick it up, instead, he stared at the words on the paper. Despite his best efforts, the contents took him back to that first day. 
He had placed his long, black hair into a messy bun atop his head that morning, thinking nothing of it as he put his mug into the coffee dispenser. Ripping open the package he had retrieved from his mailbox, he was greeted with a cover letter of sorts it read: 
Good Morning AGENT 7, HYBE HQ has asked for your full cooperation on a new project. 
By opening this seal and reading beyond this point, HYBE HQ will take it as your acceptance of this operation, and MIN YOONGI A.K.A “AGENT 7” will be placed under constant surveillance for the next month, and must report back to HQ weekly. 
Yoongi sighed, “Enough with the fucking dramatics.” He groaned in annoyance. 
Breaking open the seal of the black manila envelope, he pulled a stack of papers free. His groggy form took in the envelope's contents; His eyes clocked the small, wallet-sized, photo paper clipped to the front of it. His interest was immediately peaked, you were breathtakingly beautiful. In his hands was page after page filled to the brim with crucial life details, he held your death warrant.
 TARGET: Y/N, Y/L/N  KNOWN ALIAS(ES): MIDNIGHT OR BLUE THIS TARGET IS CONSIDERED EXTREMELY DANGEROUS THREAT LEVEL : 0 (LOW NUMBERS INDICATE INCREASED DIFFICULTY TO AGENTS WHEN RANKED ON A 1-10 SCALE) PLEASE EXHIBIT EXTREME CAUTION WHEN IN CLOSE PROXIMITY.  SKILL SET: A comprehensive list of known skills is included below. However, It is important to note that: HYBE does not possess full knowledge of MIDNIGHT's capabilities. MIDNIGHT is known to fight with an unregistered form of combat. Y/N is speculated to have created a martial arts technique unique to their fighting style. Through careful analysis, HYBE experts have concluded that it contains mixed forms of martial arts that MIDNIGHT is speculated to have mastered. MIDNIGHT IS LETHAL IN HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT MIDNIGHT is said to have ample knowledge of poisons and medicinal remedies. MIDNIGHT often uses this knowledge in close combat against enemies; They have been known to create lethal combinations of incurable and fast-acting poisons to dip their bullets and knives into.  MIDNIGHT has extensive knowledge of various weapons and their uses. They possess the ability to dismantle and use their opponent's weapons against them mid-combat. TARGET HAS BEEN KNOWN TO ATTACK WITH A PERSONALIZED MK23 PISTOL DECORATED WITH A DARK BLUE COLOR AND HAND-PAINTED STARS.  Avoid direct contact with the Target when possible, Stealth is essential. ABOVE ALL ELSE Agent MIDNIGHT is a threat that MUST BE ELIMINATED.
“I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me.” He mumbled softly, into his favorite mug. A small smirk spread over his face as he took a sip of the black coffee.
 “A burn notice, huh?” He thought to himself, he wondered just how detrimental your death was to his agency for them to assign him to you.
 They had not only called one of the top seven agents, but they had also risked threatening his life with a Burn Notice. Something they rarely resorted to unless an agent had gone rogue or broken code. He wondered if they had the other top six agents on standby just in case he failed. He wondered if they would be the ones to carry out the hit on him, he had hoped so.  This assignment was turning into an interesting one rather quickly. 
“Tick Tock” 
He watched you for days, waiting for the most organic moment to approach. It just so happened, you had given him an opening at a concert. He was dressed casually, an oversized black shirt and ripped blue jeans adorned his slender body.
 He had paired his attire with his favorite pair of black Converse and silver jewelry. A small silver chain hung around his neck, with silver rings adorning each hand. He made sure to have his tattoo sleeves on full display, intricate artwork trailed up his arms, hiding the harsh secrets of his trade beneath them.
Your file described men with an “Alternative”  style as your type and he wanted to stand out in all the ways that would have mattered to you; He still remembers the moment you locked eyes from across the dingy little dive bar.
 He’d be lying if he said his heart hadn't skipped a few beats. 
There you stood beneath the shitty lighting, a drink in one hand and your middle finger sticking out at the man in front of you. You stuck out your tongue at him, the sliver piercing on it glinting in the light. He was more than interested, the dude in front of you stomped away in anger. He knew his chance was now or never. 
He wished that he had told himself to stop before you had gotten a chance to disrupt his life. 
“Tick Tock” 
 You came into his life like a whirlwind, at first it was strictly business. He sweet-talked you, making you listen to sweet nothings as he spoke about fake adventures and very real feelings.
You spoke to him of your “Adventures” as well. When he would ask questions to deepen his understanding of your psyche, you would grow tense. Over and over again, he received the same responses that were delivered with a practiced ease.
You'd tell him that you had lived a million different lives, but you were sure this one had brought you to him for a reason. Each time you said that, you’d offer him a stunning smile that never quite reached your eyes. If he had been a “normal man”, he wasn't sure if he would have caught it. 
Still, he thinks of the night it all changed for him. 
You had just gotten home from another rave, one that you had forced him to accompany you to. He had been annoyed at first but figured that it would help give him an opening to kill you without having to fight you. He had gone with a hopeful mind, his knives concealed in a holster strapped around his ankle. He barely remembers the night, a drug-fueled haze clouds his vision when he tries.
You had just taken something, and he watched as you placed another small pill on your tongue. Pulling it back into your mouth and you smiled, your face filled with mirth…and something else he couldn’t quite place his finger on. It was a split second of vulnerability, then your carefully crafted mask was back up.
You reached out and pulled him in by the lapels of his leather jacket. He stumbled forward, his chest meeting yours halfway, and before he could protest, you had locked your lips with his. Your tongues clashed as the beat of the music pulsed in the background, the cold metal of your piercing against his tongue made him shiver.
You made sure to make him swallow whatever you had taken, and when you pulled away, your faces were flushed. You were both out of breath, and the tension was thick between you. There were hundreds of people around you, though, it felt as if you were the only two there.
He felt you shift under his intense gaze. In a brief moment of clarity, it dawned on him...you had planned this from the start.
You had picked the perfect place to test your theory, there was no way for him to throw up the unknown drug. The Rave was held in an abandoned warehouse with hundreds of other people, and he couldn’t risk leaving your side and losing the opportunity to strike. He also couldn't risk proving your suspicions of him correct.
The way you effortlessly played mind games served as a reminder of how dangerous you were. He couldn't afford to be inebriated around you.
The effect was almost immediate, things were amplified on this particular drug. He could feel the beat pulsing through his body. He watched the people around him become blurred, sweaty bodies danced against each other, and he could feel the sweat against his skin.
It was too much, too overwhelming. 
He reached his hand out for yours, searching for some kind of familiarity, in hopes that it would ground him. The feeling of vulnerability made his heart race and processing this emotion was far beyond his capabilities. He was fighting to stay sane among the sea of people. 
He felt weightless as he moved towards you. Somehow amid the drug taking effect and his subsequent disorientation, You had maneuvered your way to another part of the building. He stumbled towards your body, reaching for your hand and missing you by mere seconds.
He blinked and you slipped away from him in the crowd.
He tried to remain calm, but he couldn’t seem to get ahold of himself. Time seemed to stall, there he stood in the middle of hundreds of strangers. His body was trembling against his better judgment.
 He had to find you and get out, quickly, but you were gone. He had failed his mission and The Burn notice would be issued for him after he told the director of his Failure to execute MIDNIGHT. If the Top Six didn’t kill him first, he was sure that he was going to die of a panic attack right there. 
It was at that moment that he felt the gentle touch of a warm palm on his shoulder. He flipped around quickly, grabbing the hand that landed on him with an iron grip. He pulled the owner of the palm in close and there you stood, a look of confusion on your face. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, a look of mild concern lacing your delicate features. 
“No, please don’t do that. Don’t give me that look.” He begged internally. He doesn’t remember how long he stood there with your wrist in his hand, taking in each detail of your face. He only remembers pulling you, his savior, into a tight embrace. His racing heart slowly calmed itself, and he felt his shoulders sag in relief.
“You came back.” He whispered. 
“Of course I did, I never left.” You mumbled back. 
He doesn't remember much from that night, like where his Knives had gone or who bought whom tacos later that night, but he remembers the passionate love affair that followed. 
 He thought of those long nights and early mornings with you. 
The lovemaking and the long-winded, 3 am talks, with no real point other than to hear each other speak. Those moments had made him giddy, butterflies would rise in his stomach at the thought of you. Something he had never had happen before. He was learning a lot about you, things that had not been mentioned in the papers he was given. 
You told him personal things, knowledge that seemed detrimental to who you were as a person. You told him about how your favorite pass time was to chart the stars and map constellations. How, when you were a kid, the only way to find your father’s secluded home was by using the Andromeda Constellation, which was only visible an hour before dawn.
How you only felt comfortable moving and living by the moonlight, because in your words, “the stars raised you.”  He even loved hearing useless facts, like how your favorite shirt was a thrift find that read “BUSH DID 9/11.” In bold black lettering.
 He remembers you caressing his tattoos, touching the raised skin with a tenderness he had long forgotten. He had gotten them years ago to cover the countless visible scars he had gotten from his extreme training and harsh missions. It was easier to try and forget them when there was nice art on his body, he could pretend to be somewhat normal.
You kissed each scar littering his arms, complimenting them with a fervor he wasn’t sure he deserved. Your delicate touch and sweet words made him feel like a person again. A talent he was sure only you possessed and like the simple man he was, he had fallen deeply in love. 
It was almost as if you had seen right through his shitty little charade all along. He wasn’t “Agent 7” around you; He was, and always had been, Min Yoongi. 
You had brought color into his dull and monotonous routine. A routine he hadn't even realized he was trapped in until you had come rushing in. It was as if he blinked and suddenly, weeks had gone by.  The Month was drawing to a close, like a moth to a flame,  he hadn't even realized when he had started to seek out your warm presence. 
It wasn’t until his assignment director slapped him with a dose of reality. 
“Contact with the Target, codename  MIDNIGHT has been established. How will you proceed Agent 7?” The cold monotone voice had droned on. He had heard that voice many a time, though, something about it unsettled him this time. 
Yoongi stared at the screen listlessly, the silence deafening as the harrowing realization dawned on him. He had forgotten his mission, he had forgotten that you were the enemy. How could a fool like him allow that to happen? 
“Agent 7, How will you proceed moving forward?” The director asked again, her flat tone slightly aggravated and impatient this time. 
Yoongi snapped his head up, making eye contact with the director. “Accordingly.” He grumbled before abruptly ending the video call.  
“Tick Tock” 
You were incapable of love, he could see how detached you were from him, from your reality. Though, he had hoped the 4 short weeks had spent with you was enough to change your mind. He couldn't bring himself to harm the only woman he would ever love.
 He laughed to himself, he liked to think that you had left him hints about how you truly felt. He’d like to believe that some part of you had tried to leave him room to judge who you were. He still feels as though he had become a fool. A simple little fool blinded by his love for you, that much was clear from the way he allowed you to slip past his defenses so easily…so quickly. 
He loved You; He needed You…Not the other way around.
Silently, he hoped that what little courage he had to say it to you would manifest itself tonight. 
“Tick Tock” 
He shook his head, removing those thoughts from his brain. Pulling his phone out of his back pocket, he checked the time. 
“11:55 p.m., July 31st.” He mumbled. Though there was no real sense of urgency in his voice, death loomed over him, like a mother watching her baby in its cradle. He had known it was time, he and death were old friends at this point.
 “They’ll be coming for me soon.” He thought to himself. Digging his hands into the soft earth around him, he gathered his strength to hoist himself up onto the surface. Right before he launched himself up, he saw a hand reach itself into the deep pit, the mysterious hand was outstretched towards him. 
He jumped back, no one should have known where he was, it was a secluded forest area owned by HYBE, and no one could know…unless..they were a field Agent. 
He had braced himself for impact, “A burn notice this early?” He thought to himself, he was confused since they usually went into effect 30 minutes after being issued. He quickly fumbled for his gun. He wasn’t going to go down without a fight, not yet. He prepared for the worst until he heard your soft timbre. The sound of your voice graced his ears and a flood of goosebumps erupted over his entire body. 
“Y/n.” He said softly, his shoulders sagging in relief, though the alarm bells that had set in still lingered.  
“Yoongi, pass me the shovel, it’ll be easier to climb out if you grab onto it and I pull you up.” You whispered. Wriggling your fingers at him, your face peeked over the edge of the hole. 
He wanted to ask you a million questions, but he couldn’t seem to find the words when he needed them. He knew it was an awful idea to pass you the shovel. Every part of his instincts shouted at him to listen, but he obliges anyway, unable to express his reservations about your plan. He launched it up, your hand gripping onto it and pulling it over the ledge. 
You backed away from the ledge and he feels a familiar shift in the air. He swallowed the lump in the back of his throat, tamping down the unpleasant feelings beginning to surface. He knew what came next, though he had vehemently hoped that it wasn’t the case. 
You were the one he wanted to love, he hoped you would give him the chance to say that, but,  from the looks of it, he didn’t believe that lady luck was on his side today.
“Tick Tock” 
The sound of a gun clicking filled the air. 
His vision of the moon and stars was obscured by the barrel of a suppressor. The dark blue gun attached to it stood out even in the darkness and the hand-painted stars glinted in the moonlight. He sighed, making eye contact with you. There was no hesitation, no fear in his eyes as he watched your movements. 
“You’re so smart Min, and it makes me fucking sick.” You said, your voice cold and calculated. “You knew this whole time, didn’t you?-” you whispered. Yoongi registered the slight tremble in your hand, “Who I was and what I was after…” 
He smiled one of those bright, gummy, smiles that made your heart skip a beat every time. You swallowed hard. “Agent Midnight, let's not play stupid.” He said, his deep timbre ringing out into the night air.
 Goosebumps erupted all over your body. His face showed no signs of distress, just a tinge of sadness and something akin to disappointment. The knowledge that you put that emotion on his face was causing a reaction of sorts in your mind.
It pissed you off to no end that he was the sole cause of your wavering emotions. There wasn’t a moment you could remember feeling like this. You don't remember feeling at all really; You hadn’t been given the chance to understand what love was…You weren’t capable of it, that's what made you such a wonderful field agent. 
“Agent 7, it's wonderful to finally meet you. I’m Agent 0.” You said, voice slightly trembling as you revealed your true identity.
Yoongi's mask of indifference broke as the realization that his mission was doomed from the start dawned on him. 
“The ever-elusive rogue, Agent 0, huh?”  He chuckled. “Humbled, truly.” He said, his tone devoid of all emotion as he realized just how powerful of an enemy you were. 
You were a legend of sorts at HYBE HQ. When “the numbers” were initially recruited, There were 10 total. They were all ranging from 0-10 based on their skill set. The lower the number, the higher the rank in the agency. He knows this because he had been recruited as one. Numbers rarely met each other in the field unless it was needed.
Of course, you had been seen as an all-star of sorts. Your knowledge was endless; Rumors of you being the "Angel of Death" had circulated during your stay at HYBE. No one knew what you looked like, only that you worked the most dangerous missions, and if you were assigned to a group mission, success rates skyrocketed.  
You were an important and valuable asset…a dangerous and volatile one to possess for any agency.
 It's said that after one particularly harsh mission, your psyche broke. After your stint in Budapest on a solo mission, you had come back changed. During your few weeks there, they lost contact with you, and with no way of finding out what happened to you, they had branded your mission compromised, and you were given the title MIA. 
They sent search parties in an attempt to recover your remains. However, every party they sent returned gravely injured, If they returned at all.
HYBE was at a loss. During this time, they had done their best to cover up the largest fuck-up they had ever had. Any records of your existence were wiped from their systems. The few who remembered you were forced to sign NDAs and anyone who did not cooperate with HYBE was branded a rogue and executed on sight. 
Eventually, they stopped sending search parties and assigned the other “numbers” to the mission instead. These were people you had trained with at some point or another, and they had the futile hope that maybe you would be receptive to their mind games. They started with 10, the least valuable asset HYBE had in their top agents, still deadly and capable.
 His body was recovered only hours after entering Budapest, he was beheaded and burned to a crisp, and nothing but his charred remains were found. The only thing left to identify him was a single tooth lodged into the back of his throat from blunt force trauma.
His skull was fractured from what they were certain was a kick to the face, and the tooth was left on purpose; It was a warning. Despite this, they sent 2 more agents. 9 stood no chance, his remains were never recovered, and it's still unknown what happened to him.  8… well, you eventually did come back with her. 
You had crashed into the front of the agency with your Black 1974 Chevelle SS, it's also said that the car was your one and only prized possession. You had mowed down almost everyone in your path, leaving a wake of blood and destruction from driving it through the front gates. 
Everyone who lived to see it said you walked out of the wreckage gracefully; your body unscathed. In tow, you had the newly deceased Agent 8, her body was almost unrecognizable.
You had dragged her twisted and mangled frame through the halls of HYBE. Her body flailing about behind you like a child holding her ragdoll. You paraded her around like a grotesque trophy, to serve as a grim reminder of who you were and what you were capable of.  Those who didn’t know of you or your infamy were running around to find weapons to retaliate. Those who knew better were hiding, praying for a swift death.
 It's said that you dragged her all the way up to the Head Office and kicked open the door. You launched her body in, throwing it onto the desk of HYBE’s CEO before slamming what remained of the door shut.
It's still unknown what happened behind that door to this day, but minutes later you came barreling out, exchanging gunshots with the best of the best throughout the corridors of HQ. 
Everyone in that room was maimed, everyone except for you. Those who had worked closely with you since your initial recruitment said that you were different... almost deranged. Any traces of humanity left were gone and your once aloof and easygoing demeanor had simply, vanished. No one in that room knew where you had been, what you had seen, or endured.
As quickly as the assault on HQ had begun, it ended, and You had disappeared once more without a trace. Yoongi had been next to go up against you, though he had never actually met you in person. The day he was to be briefed about his mission, you had attacked. 7 Agents remained, and HYBE refused to take any more casualties. 
“Tick Tock” 
“Y/N, you’re the one killing agents right?” You were quiet, your eyes zeroed in on his. He then heard another rustle in the distance. “You’re being watched, aren’t you?” He mouthed. Your eyes shifted in response. You stood there, the silence tense and filled with unsaid words, you were waiting for midnight, you were mere seconds away from finishing your mission. 
“Midnight, finish the job so I can report back to HQ.” A man's voice sounded from the trees. 
“It’s 11:59, hold your fucking horses BamBam, I have a reputation to uphold.” You snap back, your voice was even and calm. 
“Right, right, you only kill at midnight." He said, nodding his head. "Well, IT'S FUCKING MIDNIGHT, MIDNIGHT.” He whisper shouted. "And I don't feel like being caught in enemy territory over your reputation."  You flicked him off, never turning around to gauge his reaction.
“Tick Tock” 
You looked away from where yoongi stood, his pleading gaze was hurting your heart. Without any more hesitation, you pulled the trigger. A small “fwip” noise filled the air as you did so.
A burning pain shot through Yoongi’s body, it was unlike anything he had ever felt before, it was excruciating. It was then, that he remembered the papers he was given. You dipped all your bullets in poison, his death would be quick but agonizing. He bit his tongue, not wanting to show weakness in his last moments. He never moved to reach for his gun, he would allow you to hurt him, but he couldn’t bring himself to hurt you. 
He slumped down in the hole, his vision was going blurry, and he could feel his heart rate slowing. His gaze never wavered, making sure to keep you in his sight. He watched as your figure doubled and he mouthed out three of the last words he would ever say before he allowed death’s embrace to swallow him whole.
“I love you.” He choked out. 
He watched your blurry visage mouth out five distinct words. “I love you too, yoongi.”  and just like that his world faded to black, with a sad smile spread across his face. 
“It's done.” You grumbled, looking away from the hole.
It made you visibly ill to watch him writhe in agony, something that was never an issue before; You would have nightmares about this for sure. You pulled a small barely visible paper from your pocket and tossed it into the hole, and it landed with a small thud on his chest. 
“Good Job Midnight lets's report back to HQ and get you that promotion.” with that, you left the only man you would ever love behind, his body cramped into a grave he had dug himself. 
 “Tick Tock” 
Shortly after, a group of men found his body. Shaking their heads at their fallen comrade. 
“Midnight took another one,” Agent 1 mumbled, he was used to cleaning up after Agent 0 by now, he just didn’t expect Agent 7 to fall so easily. After checking the body for a pulse he confirmed Agent 7’s death. He let out a ‘tsk’ noise, the frustration setting in since he had kind of looked forward to the thrill of hunting Agent 7.  “Come on, let's report to HQ about his failure and collect the Burn Notice reward.” They all moved quickly, racing to get back to HYBE to collect the reward. 
 “Tick Tock” 
An hour later, Yoongi’s body shifted. He woke up with a strangled gasp. Groaning as he touched his body with a panicked fervor. It felt like a massive bus had landed on top of him, and his chest was burning from how quickly his heart was pumping. The paper on his chest was the first thing he grasped as his confusion set in, he should be dead. He felt you kill him, he. should. be. dead. 
He fumbled with the small folded note, yanking it open in hopes it would have answers. Your distinct handwriting was on it, it read as follows:
“I hope you can forgive me for hurting you. I shot you at a non-vital point with a bullet coated in a poison I designed myself, I named it “Lover’s Paradise.” It's meant to paralyze you for several hours and place you in a sleep so deep that your heart rate is essentially undetectable. Anyone who sees you would classify your body as deceased. 
Min yoongi, you’ve been dramatic since I met you. I have tried countless times to kill you since we met. I knew who had sent you and why. I knew who you were from the moment we met at the Dive bar. Still, I couldn't bring myself to hurt you. (despite my best efforts) Instead, I tried to make myself hard to love, I tried to keep you at arm's length. Though, somehow, you broke through my defenses. Your effortless way of loving me despite my flaws is what made me love you. I never lied to you, I showed you parts of me I thought had been killed and buried long ago. So, If you know what’s good for you, you won’t accept my invitation. 
You make me believe in love Min Yoongi, I'd like to explore that part of myself with you, in hopes that it won't backfire. I’ll wait for you in Budapest, I’m leaving a nondescript code I hope you’ll be smart enough to decipher on your own. I’ll wait as long as it takes, If you decline,  hope you’ll allow me to love you freely in our next life together. 
Yours and yours only, Y/N Y/L/N
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haechannabelle · 1 year
i am an adult who likes new jeans and what bambam said was NOT okay !!!!
okay y'all....i am 27 and my fiancé is 34, and we are both fans of new jeans. they had just debuted the week we started diving into kpop, their songs were some of the first kpop songs we heard and loved, so they hold a special place in both our hearts. we have their albums, we think they're adorable, we support them and talk a lot about how we're worried for them being so young in an industry that often sexualizes young people and puts them through SO much.
but we !! have standards !! and boundaries !!! we don't have biases, we don't put up their posters (on our 2 whole walls of kpop posters in our kitchen...LOL). if we watch their video content we're like, look at these cute kids hanging out and playing games, adorable ! never ONCE have we had a conversation about their appearances beyond "oh she cut her hair, i like it !" or "i love their outfits in this video !". i also do not post any new jeans content, because it makes me uncomfortable to do so.
i've been hesitant to post about them/their music in the past because i'm open about my age on here, and i didn't want anyone to think i was one of Those People. but i want to say something AS an adult who is a fan: it is possible !!! to consume media made by/featuring young people !!! AS LONG AS you are viewing it through the lens of, "these are children. they do not have the same agency as adults," and you REMAIN critical of your own interaction with that media and DO NOT perceive them or criticize them in the same way you would an adult.
if you can't handle that responsibility, then DO NOT INTERACT. if you look at the new jeans girls and see anything other than a bunch of children (who ARE extremely talented, and deserve healthy happy lives), then you need to back off and examine your own shit. they are NOT adults. you CANNOT project your fantasies on them. that's disgusting. they're KIDS, they should be PROTECTED, not sexualized.
idk, i'm sure there are people who would think that my/my fiancé's interaction with their content is problematic, but i am literally 1000% sure that neither of us perceive them or think of them as anything other than cute kids who we support. we are both constantly examining the way we/other people talk about them, and are very much aware of the struggles they will face/are facing being so young in such a ruthless industry.
tl;dr you can be an adult and a new jeans fan, you just have to make sure you're viewing them as CHILDREN and be conscientious of how you interact with their content. you CANNOT treat them as adults with full agency or project your fantasies onto them. ESPECIALLY !!!! if you are their senior in the industry, meant to be seen as a mentor and a guide !!! THAT'S FUCKING GROSS, DUDE. bambam deserves all the backlash he gets. protect those girls !!!
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svt-yexi · 2 years
Other Relationships
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Jackson Wang (Cousin)
They see each other more as siblings than cousins
Were always close growing up even when they lived on opposite sides of the world
Helped him talk his parents into letting him go to Korea
Would consider him the one person who probably knows her best outside of herself
Fiercely protective over one another
He was the main reason she even tried out for the JYP Global audition in 2011
He was hesitant about her training at another company but knew she wouldn't be happy if she stayed at JYP
Was supposed to show up in place of her mom at the end of 17 Project but was scheduled for something last minute and was unable to go, but he made up for it by showing up back stage at her first music show
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Jeon Jungkook (Best Friend)
The true Tom and Jerry of kpop
Met when put in the same class at SOPA
Went on a vacation together once
When they drink together they bicker
If she ever hears anyone say anything bad about him (which is rare) she's ready to square up on sight and vice versa
Will never admit out loud how much they care about each other
It's customary to clown on each other HARD whenever pictorials come out
Everything ends up being a competition between them, but always in good fun
People think their bickering is because they have crushes but really its because they see each other as true siblings and will take any chance to raise hell on each other
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'97 Liners: Jaehyun, Eunwoo, Yugyeom, Bambam (Best Friends)
Was brought into the group after Mingyu brought her to one of their dinners
She's the one that's always taking the photos that end up on Social Media
Outside of her members she is probably closer to Jungkook (BTS) outside of Yugyeom and Bambam from Got7
Brought Eunwoo to the group after having a campaign with him for Lotte Duty Free
Is treated as just one of the boys when they all meet up
They are so fucking soft for Yexi
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NCT Dream China Line: Renjun, Chenle (Friends)
Became close through Junhui and Minghao
Visits Chenle's house with Junhui or Minghao when they go...shes only there for the dog she swears
She knows their surnames
Hot pot dates
Teams up against her own Chinese members when in their presence
They really respect her for being the only girl in a large boy group
Defend her whenever necessary
They call her sometimes when they're on vlive
Have a habit of dropping into each other's vlives in the comments
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NCT 127 Foreigner Line: Johnny, Yuta, Mark (Friends)
Became friends with them through Jaehyun
Outside of her own members they are the ones that she goes to when she needs a break from speaking Korean
They text more than they hang out
She has a tiny crush on Yuta because he shamelessly flirts with her
Johnny is her bro, he treats her like one of the guys and she loves that about him
She is the BIGGEST Mark fan when it comes to his rapping. Everyone knows Mark is her favorite rapper in Kpop
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WayV (Friends)
Became close with them through the other China Line members
Yangyang and her become a duo of chaotic evil when they hang out
She became a fan of Ten when he performed on Hit the Stage
Winwin is her precious child who she will fiercely protect
She isn't really close with Hendry but it's never awkward between them
Lucas is like a brother to her. They became really close while filming the Chinese version of Running Man.
Despite Lucas best attempts she has made it clear to him that she doesn't see him as anything more than a brother but he's still a shameless flirt
She goes to Kun for life advice sometimes, she definitely looks up to him and his patience because God knows she'd never be able to handle WayV.
She has heart eyes for Xiaojun and his voice. She's the only member she really gets shy around. Might have a mild crush.
Taglist: @multiplums @giverosespls
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AOMG Profiles
Hey everyone! So, I finally wrote the AOMG profiles. If I missed anyone, it’s because I don’t know much about them yet. I only really know about Sogumm from Sign Here and I’ve seen her live. We went to the AOMG tour in Dallas, so we saw Wonjae, Coogie, DeVita, and Sogumm. As always, send me a request of whatever you wanna see! Also, be forewarned, these are just bullet points of dumb shit, tbh.
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1. Jay Park
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-        Fukboi Extraordinaire
-        Workaholic
-        Probably addicted to sex, tbh
-        Definitely projects his sex life to the world
-        Has some big name friends, he literally works for Jay-Z and that’s weird
-        Probably has a secret softboi side but is mostly fukboi
-        Has so many freaking tattoos
2. Simon Dominic
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-        The world’s softest Uncle
-        Used to sleep in his studio
-        Is in the weirdest group when you consider people like The Quiett and Yumdda. Great song but a concerning group of individuals. He also literally had a broken leg in the video. Why? What did he do?
-        Loves to harass Jay
-        When listening to the song Simon Dominic, you can stop spelling his last name and just spell Simon Dom
3. Gray (He’s so hot)
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-        Incredible producer and rapper. The originally 119 is fire and I will take no criticism
-        A soft boi who sometimes gets really awkward
-        Somehow way more pretty than most women that exist
-        Has threatened to take We Are back from Wonjae on more than one occasion
-        Listen to his album, it’s fire
4. Loco
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-        The most awkward boi
-        If you haven’t watched It’s Dangerous Beyond the Blankets, please do. He’s ridiculous and his mom likes to buy him As Seen on Tv products
-        The cutest bean and must be protected at all costs
-        Was not here for Sign Here but they did have a large cardboard cutout of him
5. Woo Wonjae
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-        A small, soft bean who is also depressed
-        I’m not sure he leaves his house that much
-        Definitely a drink at home kind of guy
-        Is best friends with Cokun, for some reason?
-        Is glad he’s no the youngest anymore
-        Is as tiny live as he appears on tv but he’s freaking amazing live. I have video evidence after seeing him in concert
6. Code Kunst
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-        Dedicated Cat Mom
-        Kind of looks like a drunk aunt
-        Has now gotten super buff and I’m concerned about it
-        Wakes up and chooses violence most days
Likes to be an asshole for absolutely no reason
7. punchnello
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-        Is a giggly little baby. My source is SMTM 8
-        At one point, his shaved head with bright yellow hair looked like a tennis ball
-        He’s really just a tiny e-boi and I mean, tiny
-        Is proof that violent rap comes in all sizes
-        Disappeared off the face of the planet for a while
8. sogumm
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-        Tiny, weird, and pretty. She’s quite confusing
-        I’m concerned by the existence of Balming Tiger
-        She sings like she’s been drunk her entire life but her live vocals are freaking insane
-        All I ever think of is her versus Sokodomo and them being labeled as Psycho versus Pyscho
-        Her fashion sense is strange and I don’t understand it
9. Yugyeom
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-        Hey, look, Got7!
-        Has transformed into a large fukboi under the tutelage of Jay Park
-        Has some of the most concerning friends. Especially if you consider that he is friends with both BamBam and Jungkook and Jaehyun from NCT. The 97 line is concerning
-        I think Jay wanted another dancer since he spends all of his time forcing other members of AOMG to dance. He then just hired Yugyeom
-        I think he might be the tallest person in AOMG
10. Coogie
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-        Look at that soft boi go
-        I think The Quiett might be jealous that AOMG got him. He was obsessed with him in SMTM 777
-        He’s super excitable and listening to him try to speak English makes me giggle
-        He’s also phenomenal live and is ridiculously pretty
-        His music is fun and he is adorable
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Send me any requests you might have!
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inter-stellar-jyp · 2 years
⌗ ✫ 𓂃 ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ ᜔ ۪۫ ࣪ ˚₊✩‧₊  … 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫-𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 predebut !
november 2016 jyp announced they would be starting a brand new debut project for their upcoming girl group in which each member was revealed by a solo song and music video. each music video and song showcased each members strengths and individual charms. a new member was revealed every month on the 10th until their pre-debut track FREEZE was released on the 10th of august 2017 with a music video , dance practice, and special stage on mcountdown. the debut project allowed for jyp to create a strong pre-debut following as well as keep a buzz around their new girl group all year to create anticipation for INTER-STELLAR’s official debut on the 10th of october 2017 !
⌗ ✫ 𓂃 ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ ᜔ ۪۫ ࣪ ˚₊✩‧₊  … 01. 𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐮𝐧 !
on the 10th of december 2016 jyp kick started their debut project with the release of GLASSY and introduction of their first member HAEUN. because of her previous time on sixteen and the fact that she was a fan favourite everyone had been waiting in anticipation for her debut. GLASSY highlighted not only her incredible vocal skills and her dancing skills shining throughout the mv but also her all rounded talent as she co-wrote the song ! fans noted how much she improved since sixteen and her mv got a lot of attention and news spread quickly about her upcoming debut. GLASSY created a perfect opening to what INTER-STELLAR was set to be and the public was excited to see it !
⌗ ✫ 𓂃 ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ ᜔ ۪۫ ࣪ ˚₊✩‧₊  … 02 . 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢 !
the second member to be announced with a solo mv was TAEJI with JELLY on the 10th of january 2017. the track was very bubbly and fun with bright colours and a fun storyline that showcased TAEJI’s big and bright personality. in the mv many jyp idols made cameos such as twice’s JIHYO- who is actually her sister -SUZY , BAMBAM and JINYOUNG of got7 , predebut BANG CHAN , and HAEUN. netizens praised her rapping skills and were impressed by the way her charisma, charm and stage presence managed to shine through the music video. news broke out that she is jihyo's little sister and her music video got a lot more attention after that. in the music video there was a girl with a mask and in the end of the video she removed her mask and revealed to be the next member : JIMIN aka YOONJI !
⌗ ✫ 𓂃 ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ ᜔ ۪۫ ࣪ ˚₊✩‧₊  … 03 . 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐣𝐢 !
YOONJI’s announcement came just after the disbandment of i.o.i on the 10th of february 2017. many were excited to see her already back and her track BIRTHDAY was the perfect song for her. it was a fun and bubbly dance track that highlighted her sweet and fun charms as well as her vocals and rap skills. following HAEUN and TAEJI’s mvs YOONJI’s got almost twice the amount of views as both combined due to her own popularity as well as the popularity INTER-STELLAR were garnering through the project. throughout her music video the other 2 members were partying with her at her birthday but in the last scene , the camera panned over to the corner where NOVA walked in with a cake revealing her as the next member .
⌗ ✫ 𓂃 ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ ᜔ ۪۫ ࣪ ˚₊✩‧₊  … 04 . 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚 !
the news of NOVA’s upcoming debut garnered even more attention as she was a fan favorite not only on produce but ioi with her final rank being 3rd. it was also a secret that she had moved to jyp during her time in ioi so the announcement was a huge shock. to this day NOVA’s ONE SHOT TWO SHOT is the most viewed mv of all the members with her views being significantly higher than YOONJI who is second. her music video was very much dance centered and her dance skills were praised along with her undeniable stage presence. NOVA’s vocals were highly praised with her high note going viral and gaining her a lot of respect. her former i.o.i members all posted about her mv and spoke about how proud they were and how their fans should support her and her upcoming group activities.
⌗ ✫ 𓂃 ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ ᜔ ۪۫ ࣪ ˚₊✩‧₊  … 05 . 𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐢 !
on the 10th of april 2017 jyp released DONT SAY NO revealing their 5th member KELSI. having already garnered some fame from her time in sm oh smrookies KELSI’s debut came as a big shock,many didn’t know she had left and were waiting for her debut under sm. her video was very luxurious with a cute vintage aesthetic. the video followed a high school prom theme with many scenes feeling as if they came straight out of a 2000s romcom. throughout the video the previous announced girls all played her best friends helping her get with her crush played by HYUNJIN who was still a trainee at the time. her strong yet sultry vocals also caught viewers attention with the comment section being flooded with comments of how sm was missing out. the final scene being kelsey picking a girl from the side lines to dance with her. this was the reveal of the next member CLEO.
⌗ ✫ 𓂃 ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ ᜔ ۪۫ ࣪ ˚₊✩‧₊  … 06 . 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐨 !
HEART ATTACK aka the most “CONTROVERSIAL” of the mvs was released on the 10th of may 2017 revealing the 6th member CLEO. CLEO had also been apart of smrookies as YUNHEE. her powerhouse vocals making her a fan and company favorite during her time. her departure from sm was a huge shock. HEART ATTACK is centered around CLEO trying to impress and befriend HAEUN. she buys her gifts , watching her in class and spying on her to try dance and act like her. in the end the two become friends with HAEUN showing that she likes CLEO the way she is. theories around the relationship between the two spread across all social media with many noting that it is a love song and CLEO clearly appears to have some type of crush on HAEUN. the music video quickly became a favourite and remains an unofficial lgbtq+ anthem to this day. the video continues to draw new fans in. the song itself was praised for its uniqueness of sound and how her voice managed to capture emotion despite the bubblegum pop sound . her high notes were also acknowledged as the highest and her legendary vocals were praised.
⌗ ✫ 𓂃 ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ ᜔ ۪۫ ࣪ ˚₊✩‧₊  … 07 . 𝐦𝐢𝐦𝐢 !
the 10th of june 2017 the 7th and final member MIMI was announced with her track LOVE CHERRY MOTION. the music video and song highlighted her sweetness not only in looks but vocals too. despite the cute visuals the break down completely changed the atmosphere and showcased her duality and her fierce stage presence. her dance break during the breakdown was praised for its difficulty and g flawless execution and it was highlighted straight away that she was the best dancer. . the final scene of LOVE CHERRY MOTION music video showed MIMI staring up at a sparking night filled with stars. as the scene went on each girl joined her one by one in their main look from their individual mvs. all the girls turned back to the camera now all wearing matching outfits showing their unity. the camera panned up showing the sky with the official group name“INTER-STELLAR” being highlighted as a constellation.
✫ 𓂃 ⋆ ₊ ゚ ☽ * ₊ ⋆ ᜔ ۪۫ ࣪ ˚₊✩‧₊  … introducing … 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 !
because of the constant music videos throughout the year their predebut track FREEZE had a lot of buzz before it was even released. the music video was the perfect intro the inter-stellar not only showcasing how charming and cute the group was buying t also adding whimsical , glamorous and dreamlike elements which all come together to create the INTER-STELLAR look and sound. FREEZE was insanely catchy and was received well by the general public and their fandom kept growing. the group performed FREEZE twice ; once at a special predebut showcase where they preformed all of their solo song as well and another time on MCOUNTDOWN ! their unique and fun choreography was another point that was praised along with their strength across all boards : vocals , rap , dance and stage presence. especially considering that at this point they were still trainees they were a smash hit already.
each girl got to shine and showcase what they have to offer as individuals and as a unit in the new official jyp girl group INTER-STELLAR ! by the end of their predebut project everyone knew their names and couldn’t wait to see what the future held for JYP’s next biggest stars !
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kpopmultifan · 1 year
Scheduled New Releases: March 2023 - Week 5
This list will continually be updated when MVs, iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, & YouTube Music links & additional new release information becomes available.
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Jimin (of BTS) - Like Crazy (Remix) (Remix Package) Release Date: March 26th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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IVE - Kitsch (Pre-Release Single) [MV] Release Date: March 27th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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BamBam (of GOT7) - Sour & Sweet (1st Full Album) Title Track: Sour & Sweet [MV] Track: Take It Easy [Lyric Video] [highlight medley] Release Date: March 28th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Billlie- The Billage of Perception: chapter three (4th Mini-Album) Title Track: Eunoia [MV] Track: nevertheless [Track Video] Track: lionheart (the real me) [Track Video] Track: Extra-Ordinary [Track Video] Track: enchanted night ~ 白夜 [Track Video] Track: various and precious (moment of inertia) [Lyric Video] Release Date: March 28th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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KARD - Remix Project (Remix Single) Release Date: March 28th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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ENJIN - Merry Go Round (4th Single) [MV] Release Date: March 29th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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TREASURE - Here I Stand (1st Japanese Single) [Lyric Video] Release Date: March 29th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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WE:A - 24/7 (Japanese Debut Digital Single) Title Track: DAY&NIGHT [Performance Video] Release Date: March 29th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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MAMAMOO+ - Act 1, Scene 1 (1st Single Album) Title Track: GGBB [MV] Pre-Release: Chico malo [MV] Release Date: March 29th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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CSR - Delight (2nd Mini-Album) Title Track: Shining Bright [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: March 29th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Nogizaka46 - Hito wa Yume wo Nido (32nd Single) [MV] Release Date: March 29th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Xikers - House of Tricky: Doorbell Ringing (Debut Mini-Album) Title Track: Tricky House [MV] Title Track: Rockstar [highlight medley] Release Date: March 30th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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HOLLAND - Number Boy (Single) [MV] Release Date: March 30th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Ryu Sujeong - Love or Hate (Pre-Release Single) [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: March 30th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Mark Tuan (of GOT7) - Carry Me Out (Single) Release Date: March 31st [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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JISOO (of BLACKPINK) - ME (Solo Debut Single Album) Title Track: Flower [MV] Release Date: March 31st [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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aespa - Hold on Tight (Digital Single) [Visualizer] “TETRIS” OST Release Date: March 31st [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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fallinnflower · 2 years
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woozi x reader (fluff, neighbors to lovers)
dialogue prompts: “have you come to laugh at me?” / “today isn’t your day, is it?”
wc: 2.5k
a/n: hello!!! it’s been a while, huh? i’m still working on those bigger projects (like vampire!bambam and vampire!ian), but here’s a little writing exercise i did recently. i don’t have nearly enough woozi content out here, right? thank you all for being patient with me and supporting the blog, love you all, uwu
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The forecast did not call for rain, you think, grimacing. You know it didn’t because you had checked over and over again before getting dressed this morning, but here you were, walking through the icy cold, pelting rain, without anything more than your usual lightweight jacket.
You’re shivering by the time you finally make it back into your apartment, having tracked water into the elevator and down the hall. Your hair is dripping wet, and you trudge to the bathroom, barely peeling your soaked jacket off before you hear your door buzzer going off. Taking a glance in your bathroom mirror at your miserable appearance, you frown and snatch a towel before heading to the door, wrapping it around your shoulders as though that’s going to help.
It may be a bad idea, given your current state, but you open the door without looking to find none other than Lee Jihoon, your neighbor-turned-best-friend of the past year, standing at an awkward diagonal from your door to avoid the puddles you’d left while unlocking your apartment. You huff and pull the towel tighter around you.
“Have you come to laugh at me?” you grumble, narrowing your eyes at him. There’s no doubt in your mind that Jihoon had heard you coming home, considering he lives right next door, and that he might just be here to say ‘I told you so’ after you had ignored his nagging about keeping an umbrella on you. You still stand by your statement that always carrying an umbrella is impractical and annoying, but you have to concede that he has a point. Not that you want to.
“No,” he replies, looking you up and down. “But I might now that I’m here. Why didn’t you stop and buy an umbrella?” As he speaks, you step aside to let him in, wondering how long it will take until you regret that decision.
“I have one, so it seemed like a waste of money,” you reply, keeping your voice low as though Jihoon won’t be able to hear you. He lets out a sigh and gives you a witheringly ‘disappointed but not surprised’ look that rivals your mother’s in how badly it makes you want to melt into the floor.
“Have you eaten? Go shower and I’ll make you something,” he says, not even waiting for your reply. You had not, in fact, eaten anything since breakfast that morning — when you had noticed the rainclouds, you’d chosen to skip lunch in hopes that leaving a little early would let you avoid the storm. Ha.
Jihoon pushes you towards your bathroom, and you pout exaggeratedly at him before the door closes, trying to look extra pitiful.
“Thanks, Jihoonie,” you simper, and he cringes. 
“Shower,” is all he says before he shuts the door in your face. You can’t help but laugh.
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Your shower may as well be a miracle, with how rejuvenated you feel afterward. You carefully lift your soaked clothing and the towel you had set them on into your arms, now wrapped in your comfy, fluffy robe, and carry them out to the dryer. After stopping in your room to apply lotions and serums to your skin and throw pajamas on under your robe, you make your way into the kitchen to see what Jihoon is making. Still slowly towel-drying your hair, you pause in the entryway of your kitchen, observing Jihoon. 
It would be a lie to say you weren’t attracted to your neighbor, despite his bouts of grumpiness, so you take the rare moment to admire his figure before he notices. His workout regimen must be working, you think, biting the inside of your cheek. His waist is enviously tiny now, in contrast with his broadening shoulders, and you struggle to tamp down the urge to wrap your arms around that waist as he stands in front of your stove. It’s all cloyingly sweet and domestic, and you let yourself imagine that he feels the same way you do, just for a moment, savoring the fantasy.
“What's for dinner?” you ask, and he glances over his shoulder at you. You slip around him to your fridge and pull out a can of Coke Zero for him, filling a glass with water for yourself as you watch him out of the corner of your eye. 
“You'd better not be putting ice in that,” he nags, without even looking. You frown and close your freezer. 
“How'd you know,” you whine, though it isn't much of a question. You and Jihoon practically lived together during quarantine, only socializing with each other, so he knows all your habits — and is exactly the type to tell you not to drink an iced drink when you just came in soaked from the rain. He doesn't even respond to that, skipping over it completely. 
“Anyways, I used the leftovers I found in your fridge for bibimbap. It’s almost ready; go sit down.” You watch as he cracks two eggs into your pan to poach them, glad for your tiny apartment’s relatively open floor plan. Jihoon used to gripe about you using your coffee table in the living room as a dinner table, but gave up after realizing you weren't going to buy a new table any time soon. Instead of sitting, like he asked, you start moving everything off of said table to make room for the food and drinks. 
True to his word, just as you're finishing, Jihoon walks out with a bowl in each hand. He's barely at the bowls down before he's frowning at you again. 
“Yah,” he gripes, dropping down onto your couch. “You just came in from the rain, and you’re leaving your hair wet again? Seriously. Come here.” You acquiesce, sitting beside him on the couch but with your back to him, handing him the towel you'd been using. You’ll never admit that you had hoped he would do this, though you never imagined he actually would. How totally unfair, you think, pouting, melting into his warm touch as he gently dries your hair. How could you ever resist falling for him, when he’s like this? The universe had truly set you up to be at the butt end of a cruel joke.
But you’ll laugh along, if it’s for him. For your Jihoon, whom nobody but you knows is yours. Maybe he's oblivious, or maybe he's ignoring it on purpose, the (sometimes hungry, always fond) way you look at him, your little flirtations, the devotion you can't hold back. Maybe he knows and chooses not to know. You don't know which would hurt most, so you shove the thoughts aside when they arise, contenting yourself with the closeness he allows already. 
If Jihoon minds that you're leaning into him just a bit more, like a cat asking for more pets, he doesn't say anything about it. He merely continues to carefully dry your hair, his touch light, as though he's afraid he'll hurt you. Frankly, you wouldn't mind even if he did. 
You don't know how long it's been that you've been sitting, eyes closed, turning blissfully to putty in Jihoon’s hands. From an outside perspective, the level of whipped you are for him is pathetic — but you don't feel like chastising yourself over it right now. You can't understand anyone not being whipped for your brilliant, talented, often cat-like neighbor – your Jihoon. 
“There,” he says, resting the towel around your shoulders atop your robe. “Eat before it gets cold.” 
“Thanks, Jihoonie,” you croon again, wrapping your arms around his bicep and leaning into him, pressing the top of your head into the junction between his neck and shoulder. He shivers from the cold of your still-damp hair, shrugging you off half-heartedly. 
“You always take such good care of me.” Your overly cutesy voice and act helps you mask the truth behind your words, because as much as you would like to scream from the rooftops that Lee Jihoon is your ideal man and should be everyone else's, too, you're too terrified of losing him to make the first move. So all your flirtations occur behind the thinly veiled excuse of ‘play,’ never crossing the invisible line you'd drawn yourself. 
Jihoon chuckles, shaking his head. You finally lift your head from his shoulder, letting your hands linger just a moment longer than they should on his bicep. 
“Someone has to,” he teases, and you pout while he ignores you in favor of eating his dinner. Overeager, and a bit flustered by your own actions, you move to scarf down some yourself—
And immediately burn your tongue, becoming an irritated mess in seconds. Jihoon tries his best not to laugh as you guzzle down water. 
“You should've let me have ice,” you whine. 
“That wouldn't have prevented anything,” he says. You frown because you know he's right, but you don't like admitting that to him, even though his smug grin is unfairly attractive. Your heart can only take so much at a time. 
You're glaring down at your food, as if it's the vegetables’s fault you forgot to slow down and blow on it first, when Jihoon’s hand suddenly rests gently between your shoulder blades. He rubs small circles there with the palm of his hand, the warmth radiating through your chest. 
“Today isn't your day, is it?” he asks, teasingly but not unkindly. His gaze is gentle when you turn your face to look at him. 
“No,” you sigh, letting out a defeated laugh. “I guess it isn't.” 
“I'm sorry.” It's such a genuine apology, despite there being no reason for him to be sorry, that you do truly feel better hearing it. You smile. 
“It's okay,” you reply, leaning your head on his shoulder. You close your eyes, content once again, warm and fluttery in the way only Jihoon can make you. “You make all my days better. It's not so bad.” 
All is quiet and warm and pleasant. You think you could fall into a perfect sleep right then, into a dream where this moment never ends, but then Jihoon quietly pipes up,
“Me too.” You blink your eyes open, wondering if you had just hallucinated. 
“What?” you ask. You sit up. Jihoon’s gaze is fixed on your table, ears the faintest bit pink — you feel your own face warming up because of it. 
“Me too,” he repeats, more loudly. He turns to look at you and notice his cheeks are pink, too. “You make my days better too.”
“Jihoon…” Your heart is beating so loudly you can’t think of anything else to say but his name, your entire focus on him, everything behind the two of you a mere blur. Neither of you speak for what feels like too long, and maybe you don't need to, but it somehow feels like it's now or never as your heart is racing and racing and racing,
“I like you.” You want the floor to swallow you up, you want to disappear, because you're scared and it's all happening so fast all of a sudden. Jihoon’s eyes widen and his face flares redder and he stiffens, for a moment that feels like eternity but also a blink and then he's reaching for you very slowly. His hand gently brushes some of your hair behind your ear, feather light and spine-tingling as his fingertips brush against the shell of your ear, and you hold your breath. His hand comes to rest along your jaw, fingers at the nape of your neck, and he stares so intently into your eyes that you think he can see right past them into your thoughts. 
“Can I kiss you?” His voice is a little rough. Your chest is about to explode, and it's a wonder you can speak at all, though your reply is barely more than a sigh,
“Yes, please.”
You taste the spices on his lips, and his gentle kiss burns hotter than the dinner he'd cooked for you, and you're certain that this moment and whatever comes after will scar you forever, no matter how many years pass and skin supposedly replaces itself – you think you will always feel the searing, sweet crush of his lips against yours, and the white-hot trace of his tongue as he parts your lips. He tastes like bibimbap and Coke Zero, sweet and savory, and he feels like home as you wrap your arms around his neck and lean into him, his body heat melting and molding you against him. You want to devour him, you think, eat him whole.
You sigh when he chooses to part from you, hands still lingering on each other. His lips are bitten red, his face flushed. You reach a hand up to smooth out the disheveled hair — hair you had disheveled, you think, with almost devilish glee — and somehow gather up the courage to speak. 
“So, what now?” you ask. You hope he doesn't notice the trembling in your voice as you meet his eyes with faux confidence. Jihoon smiles. 
“Can we call this a date?” 
You're stunned. All you do is blink at him a few times trying to confirm this is real. 
“You want this to be our first date?” you ask, incredulous and more than anything else embarrassed because of all the ways you could have imagined having a first date with Jihoon, him seeing you soaked as a drowned rat from the rain was absolutely not on the list. Jihoon, likely seeing the way you're getting more flustered by the minute, only laughs and gently pinches your cheek, snapping you out of your spiral. 
“Cute,” he says. You drop your face into your hands and lean your head against his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you like it's the most natural thing in the world. His laugh reverberates from his chest and into you. 
“Unfair,” you whine. “You are so unfair, Lee Jihoon, seriously.”
“Then I'll make it up to you,” he says, a teasing edge to his voice. “However long it takes.” You slowly lift your head, and he readjusts, still keeping you in his arms. You rest your hands against his shoulders, and, too nervous to look at him directly, look up at him through your lashes. 
“What if I say it'll take forever?” 
Jihoon replies without missing a beat, still smiling,
“Then forever it is.” 
“I'll hold you to that,” you threaten, tightening your grip on his shoulders. He pulls you closer,
“I'm a man of my word.”
He kisses you again, or maybe you kiss him — does it matter? Your mind is spinning but in his arms you feel more grounded than ever before, like all is right in the world. You never want it to end. 
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“This can be our first date if you'll be my boyfriend,” you negotiate, later, eating your (now very cooled) dinner with Jihoon’s arm looped around your shoulders. 
“Deal,” he replies, using his other hand to push some of your wayward hair out of your face once again. Your heart wants to burst—
“I'm gonna remind you to take an umbrella on every anniversary.”
But just like the rain, your anger at him quickly evaporates under the warmth of his kiss, and you think maybe you were both wrong before – no day has ever been so much yours as this, and nobody more yours than Jihoon. 
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theninthdoor · 1 year
please could you do the same for GOT7?
Mark || page of wands, six of swords: People who never follow through with their commitments or projects - eg.: they come up with an idea, take the first step, but then give up right after. Being on social media 24/7; sharing everything on social media. Taking trends too seriously or depending on trends to have a personality/identity. Lack of seriousness. Avoiding difficult conversations at all costs.
Jay B || ace of wands rx, two of swords rx: When someone speaks badly of his work or passions. Mocking his interests or work. Not showing him any support or ignoring him when he's excited about something that's important to him. Blowing hot and cold. Not giving him a chance to talk about his side of things - by that I mean, making your perspective the whole truth and running with it, without giving him the opportunity to speak on his own perspective of the situation. (does that make sense??)
Jackson || ace of wands rx, five of cups rx: Never showing any excitement or care when it comes to his projects, interests, ideas, etc. Looking down on his creativity or creative pursuits. Looking down on his efforts to make things work or to make things exciting. Downplaying his feelings, specially sadness, pain, etc; not taking his feelings seriously and "forcing" him to get over them.
Jinyoung || ace of wands rx, emperor rx: (3rd one in a row! my goodness…) Like the ones before, mocking or looking down on his interests, work, creative pursuits, etc. Not showing him any support or never expressing any excitement to see/hear what he has been working on. Also, there's something here about making him feel like he's not "man enough"? Comparing him to other men; telling him to go learn from other men how to do things. Finding fault with everything he does. Being too domineering and strict.
Youngjae || four of swords, four of pentacles rx: Being too aloof. Being indifferent to most things; never having an opinion or never wanting to be involved in discussions (even when they're asked). Not wanting to spend time with him; taking too long to answer his calls or text messages. Never being able to hold onto anything, be it money (after receiving a paycheck, for example), friends or relationships. Protecting themselves at the cost of others.
BamBam || page of pentacles, four of pentacles rx: Superficial people in general. Caring more about appearances than substance. Being immature and thoughtless when it comes to money - spending or saving. Always asking him for gifts, but never giving him anything in return. People who are always looking for the "next best thing" and forget to value what they currently have or who they're currently with.
Yugyeom || ten of pentacles rx, queen of swords rx: People who look down on their family, friends or culture. Nepo babies who keep denying they're nepo babies lol; or people who spend their families money without consideration or appreciation for their hard work and kindness. Bitchy, arrogant people. Bringing others down to make themselves feel/look better. Also, looking down on his family/friends/culture!
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lgcmedia · 10 months
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Kang Butter and Yang Aeri show off their adorable chemistry in the latest song, 'Shower Dance'
On August 12, Kang Butter dropped his latest music video, 'Shower Dance', which features one of LGC's actresses, YANG AERI. The song is rather catchy and sweet as the two of them sing about meeting each other for the first time all while using the analogy of a shower to convey the positive feelings. When the two meet at the playground, they end up dancing, matching to the upbeat melodies of the song.
This is the second time YANG AERI has been featured in another artist's song, with Bambam's 'Who Are You' being the first. If you want to watch the music video, you can click over here!
[ + / - ] everytime yang aeri sings, i feel like i'm hearing a choir of angels... i love it when she sings and this music video really captures a cuter side to her that we don't normally see from her previous acting projects! [ + / - ] gosh, this was such a boooooring song... i wouldn't be surprised if this song didn't chart well even if they got someone like yang aeri to be featured on the song...
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Oracle-Scope for October 2022
I have decided to try a new thing. Oracle-Scope will tell you what you can look for in the month of October. I have decided to use the Celtic Tree Signs this month and they don’t perfectly align with the classic zodiac, so check the chart below to find your date of birth and your sign there.
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The Oracle cards used are Green Witch Oracle by Cheralyn Darcey.
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Birch – The Achiever
(December 24 – January 20)
V/Taehyung (BTS), Kai, D.O (EXO), Jay B (GOT7), Hyungwon (Monsta X), Kun (NCT), Joshua, Seungkwan (Seventeen), Lee Min-Ki (Actor)
Chilli - Stimulation - Take responsibility and step up to the challenge to gain positive income this month, work on your passion and make sure you are true to yourself, not a mirrored picture of what others want you to be.
Rowan – Thinker
(January 21 – February 17)
Moonbin (ASTRO), Rosé (BlackPink), Choi In (E’LAST), I.M (Monsta X), Johnny, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Lucas, Jisung (NCT), Dino (Seventeen), I.N (Stray Kids), Taehyun (TXT), Kim Jaejoong (Solo), Hong Jong Hyun (Actort)
Watermelon - Fertility - You will reap what you have sown this month. Plan well, stick with your intentions and look after those you love.
Ash – The Enchanter
(February 18 – March 17)
JinJin, MJ, Rocky (ASTRO), Suga, J-Hope (BTS), Won Hyuk, Wonjun (E’LAST), Wonho (Solo), Ten, Jungwoo (NCT), DK, Vernon (Seventeen), Beomgyu (TXT), Nam Joo Hyuk (Actor), Simon Dominic (Solo), Mew Suppasit (Thai Actor)
Onion - Protection - You are on the right path, keep going this month because you are protected. Don’t give up. Believe in yourself and listen to your inner voice.
Alder – The Trailblazer
(March 18 – April 14)
Cha Eunwoo, Sanha (ASTRO), Seonghwa, Yunho (Ateez), Lisa (BlackPink), Xiumin, Sehun (EXO), Jackson (GOT7), Renjun (NCT), Mingyu (Seventeen), Hyunjin (Stray Kids), Sunwoo (The Boyz), Takeru Satoh (Japanese Actor)
Stock - Focus - It’s time for you to slow down and focus this month. Your personal truth needs your attention, beware of losing yourself amid behaviours of others.
Willow – The Observer
(April 15 – May 12)
Bae Jinyoung (CIX), Seungyeop, Romin (E’LAST), Baekhyun, Luhan, Tao (EXO), BamBam (GOT7), Jeno (NCT), Eunhyuk, Siwon (Super Junior), Jay Park (Solo), Lee Joon Gi (Actor), Lee Jae Wook (Actor), KLEO! :-)
Lemon - Cleansing - It’s time for physical and mental cleansing this month. Sell or donate things you no longer need, drop old bad habits, end toxic relationships, make changes towards a better life. 
Hawthorn – The Illusionist
(May 13 – June 9)
Suho (EXO), Haechan (NCT), Seoho (ONEUS), Lee Soo Hyuk (Actor)
Bay - Wisdom - You might lack some important information this month. Make sure to first inquire before you speak and hurt somebody’s feelings. Seek for facts and wisdom.
Oak – The Stabiliser
(June 10 – July 7)
Yeosang (Ateez), Shownu (Monsta X), Taeyong, Taeil (NCT), Jun, Hoshi (Seventeen), Leeteuk, Ryeowook (Super Junior), Ji Chang Wook, Lee Min Ho (Actor)
Pea - Communication - Now is the time to move ahead with your projects, plans and ideas. There are new ways of thinking and approaching challenges for you this month. Be open to alternative ways of communication and sharing information as you will benefit from the knowledge gained.
Holly – The Ruler
(July 8 – August 4)
Mark (NCT), Leedo (ONEUS), Wonwoo (Seventeen), Inseong, Dawon (SF9), Heechul (Super Junior), Kim Woo Bin, Lee Do Hwan, Gong Yoo (Actor), Kentaro Sakaguchi (Japanese Actor), Luo Yunxi (Chinese Actor)
Fennel - Strength - You will find yourself spending more time with those you align closely with this month. Friendships are going to become stronger. You might want to undertake a new life path but make sure you don’t overwork yourself.
Hazel – The Knower
(August 5 – September 1)
Mingi (Ateez), G-Dragon (BigBang), Jungkook (BTS), Yejun (E’LAST), Xiaojun, Jaemin (NCT), S.Coups (Seventeen), Changbin (Stray Kids), Yesung (Super Junior), Huening Kai (TXT), Wi Ha Joon (Actor), Xu Kaicheng (Chinese Actor)
Grape - Abundance - Stay where you are and grow what you need there because you’re in a fertile time and place this month. Find peace and happiness in the garden (or your plant pot) and in your family circle. Don’t cancel appointments this month.
Vine – The Equaliser
(September 2 – September 29)
RM (BTS), Chen (EXO), Mark, Jinyoung, Youngjae (GOT7), Hendery, Sungchan (NCT), Ravn (ONEUS), Han, Felix, Seungmin (Stray Kids), Do Ji Han, Lee Jong Suk, Jung Il Woo (Actor)
Lime - Luck - If you were stuck with some situation in the past, things will start moving for you this month. Don’t overplan, let the complexities happen on their time. Be ready for the ups and downs but don’t worry because luck is in your favour.
Ivy – The Survivor
(September 30 – October 27)
Jongho (Ateez), Jimin (BTS), Lay (Solo / EXO), Joohoney (Monsta X), Yuta, Yangyang (NCT), Jeonghan (Seventeen), Bang Chan, Lee Know (Stray Kids), Donghae (Super Junior)
Pink Rose - Gratitude - You have a reason to be thankful and help is on its way to balance energies this month. Something of great value for you is in focus. Make sure you don’t interfere where you are not welcome, though.
Reed – The Inquisitor
(October 28 – November 24)
Hongjoong (Ateez), T.O.P (BigBang), Yugyeom (GOT7), Minhyuk, Kihyun (Monsta X), Winwin, Chenle (NCT), Woozi, The8 (Seventeen), Eric Nam, Lee Dong Wook, Park Hyung Sik (Actor)
Chives - Divination - You are the master of your own free will and you are able to meet all challenges head on and powerfully. Believe in your abilities, listen to your intuition. You’re well aligned with divine energies this month.
Elder – The Seeker
(November 25 – December 23)
Wooyoung (Ateez), Jin (BTS), Rano, Baekgyeul (E’LAST), Chanyeol (EXO), Shotaro (NCT), Onew, Minho (SHINee), Soobin (TXT), Park Seo-joon (Actor), Kang Daniel (Solo)
Violet - Tranquillity - You might have felt like being tested in the past but the period of advancement and breaking free is ahead of you this month. You might need to adapt to the situation but you will still gain a deeper understanding. Make sure to be sensitive to other people’s feelings.
As you see, you can also check which celebrities share your Celtic Tree Sign with you.
Let me know your opinions!
I'm grateful for any feedback!
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Just right was just such a bright era I feel like even those fans who were there back then wish they could relive it.
The styling during DYE was truly impeccable, and the sound of that album really just worked so well, I really like your taste!
Here's another question: Which of the members' solo projects have you been enjoying the most? Which one sticks out to you as really unique or maybe really different from what you expected of them?
I hope you're having a great weekend!
-Your AA <3
Thank you, thank you! I am proud of my era taste. It comes and goes like the rain but so far it hasn’t let me down 😂 I am having a good weekend. Just catching up on my reading list.
You are asking such great questions. I really have to take my time while answering them.
Out of all the member’s solo projects, I have been enjoying Bambam’s the most. His songs are just so catchy plus the music videos are always on point.
Bambam’s performance of Pandora to this day still has me screaming. The whole stage was wild and the colored contacts he wore? It was one of my favorite stages. That song for whatever reason just clicked with me and I listen to it a lot.
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Thank you for asking such different questions about the guys and I hope you’re enjoying your weekend as well!
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deijiyong · 19 days
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Chapter Six: Glitter Bomb
Navigation Previous chapter | Story Masterlist | Next chapter Chapter word count 4,625 words. Chapter warnings/tags glitter explosion, a derogatory nickname for jimin (fairy), jungkook makes jimin nervous, library date
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< Dancers Anonymous > Jimin's Friend: Jungkook, right? Jimin's Friend: He said you would help me with recording my practice Beautiful: He said he would, Hobi lol Jimin's Friend: Do you think he'd be ok with Friday? Jimin's Friend: That's my only available day right now JK: Yeah, Friday is good JK: my last class is around 6, should I meet you somewhere? Beautiful: I can walk you to the practice rooms? JK: I would have to pick up my camera from the dorm Beautiful: I can meet you there Jimin's Friend: Yeah, that time is good Jimin's Friend: This is a big help, so thanks man JK: No worries
< Jimin's Friend > JK: Hey Hoseok, would it be cool if I used some of the films from your practice for my semester project? Jimin's Friend: Oh, that's right, Jimin mentioned you're a cinematography major Jimin's Friend: Yeah, that's fine Jimin's Friend: Just make this old dancer look cool, okay? JK: I'll do my best!
Jungkook is watching Hoseok quietly as he pulls out his equipment. It was mostly the stabilizer since his Nikon was fairly small even with its weight. He had been pulled to the practice rooms for the dance majors by Jimin as soon as he had walked into Itaewon and set down his messenger bag. Now, his RA is pressed up against the mirror next to the bench Jungkook's got his camera bag on top of - his full attention on the dance Hoseok has been working on since they arrived. Jimin had told him only once, on their way over, that it was rude to interrupt a dancer while they were practicing. That is the only reason why Jungkook had not yet properly introduced himself to Jimin's friend.
When the song stutters and cycles back around, Hoseok rounds on the two of them with a bright smile on his face before he lifts his shirt and runs it down the front of his face. Jimin stands to approach his friend while Jungkook turns to face the hip-hop dancer, his camera in hand as he leans the top of his back against the mirror behind the bench. He watches with mild interest as Jimin and Hoseok exchange their greetings before both turn to look at him.
"This is Jungkook," Jimin smiles, using his hand to call JK to his side. "He'll be your cameraman while Tae is busy."
Hoseok adjusts his bright red windbreaker pants with strange rubber band ties up and down the legs as he steps forward and tosses out his hand, "I'm Hoseok, officially. Most freshmen call me Hobi."
The name does ring a bell, Gangnam's RA is considered one of the most promising dance majors in the whole school with numerous titles under his belt. Yugyeom and Bambam happen to live in Gangnam, so Hoseok would be their RA - well, this was awkward. He takes the dancer's hand and offers a smile, "Nice to meet you."
Hobi stretches his arms over his head, the long-sleeved crop top finally catching Jungkook's attention as he's greeted by the caramel skin of the dancer's abdomen. He watches quietly as Hobi lowers his arms and starts rotating his legs in a circular motion to the sides; was this a form of stretching? His voice breaks the moment, "Let me know when you're ready, Jungkook."
"R-ready," he stumbles over his word, lifting his camera level with the ground and walks forward so Hobi hits the top and bottom of the screen - flaws, if he had any, would be noticed this close up.
Jimin takes his spot back by the mirror, eyes watching the two closely as Hoseok runs through his dance. He's impressed by how easily Jungkook falls into his role as a cameraman, but he exceeds that when JK even points out things as he's recording. Directing Hoseok to lift his hands just a bit more, put more power behind a kick - even those small adjustments has Jimin enthralled just that much more watching them feed off of each other. Jungkook even tosses the remote to the audio system at Jimin when they pause at a part Jungkook wants to discuss with Hobi more in-depth. He questions the feeling that Hoseok wants to accomplish for that part and offers some pointers before shyly muttering, "I mean if you want to try that."
Hoseok claps him on the back, a smile firmly in place as he falls back a few seconds in his dance, "I can always change it back if I don't like it."
Jungkook lifts his hand and spins it around in the air, his way of telling Jimin to start the music up again. Jimin skips it back a little bit and presses play, his eyes falling on Jungkook instead of his friend. The intensity with which the freshmen works has chills running up Jimin's spine. The hard focus of his eyes, how he licks his lips before he leans down to get a shot from a different angle, and even the smile on his lips when the shot turns out as he had hoped. Jimin finds himself in love with this side of Jungkook.
Hoseok calls it quits close to 8 PM, hands on his hips as he breathes heavily. He had been following Jungkook's direction for two hours and he felt more worn out than he would have if he just practiced by himself alone. It's a great feeling.
"I'll send you the file tomorrow, Hobi," Jungkook grins as he starts wiping down his camera. It was covered in sweat from how long he had been holding it and how the heat in the room had only increased the longer they stayed inside. His eyes stray to Jimin, he's been sitting against the mirror quietly since they began recording and operating the music as he had been told. "You ready to go, Jimin?"
His RA nods, placing the remote on the bench next to JK's camera bag as he struggles to stand up. Jimin's legs had fallen asleep within the two hours he had been sitting against the mirror. He feels numb below his waist, but he bounces his legs a few times to speed up the process before he tries to move around the room. His ankle refuses to lock when he steps forward, sending him flailing towards the hardwood floor of the practice room. Only strong arms around his waist stop him from becoming acquainted with the ground even better than he already was.
"You need to be careful," Jungkook's voice whispers into his ear before he pulls away completely.
Jimin's first thought is to see if Hoseok had caught that, finding the hip-hop dancer in the middle of changing shirts. It gave him room to marvel at how strong Jungkook actually was. His gains in the gym were leaps from when he had first started his weightlifting class and it showed since he was the only freshman who took the class seriously. When he turned, Jungkook had already situated his camera bag on his shoulder; maybe Jimin had been staring at him for a while.
"Shall we head back?"
Jimin nods, turning to wave at Hoseok, "I'll text you later, Hobi."
"See you," he laughs.
Jungkook pops his neck as they clear the dance studio, lifting his hand to yawn into as he walks. He sighs, his eyes sliding to the very quiet Jimin which is not how he was used to his RA behaving. "Is there something on your mind?"
"Hm?" Jimin sucks his bottom lip as his gray eyes find Jungkook staring at him, "I was trying to think of where I should start. I haven't been very nice to you lately and I even requested a favor from you."
Jungkook laughs, it's full and distracting, "Hobi is kind of helping me as well, so it's not really that big of a deal. You don't owe me anything, Jimin."
"I do," the RA counters. "I shouldn't treat you like you're a little kid still."
JK rolls his shoulders, when he had first come to university, there was still a lot of things that he felt would keep him labeled as a kid. That's why he had never corrected Taehyung or Jimin when they treated him that way. By definition, in comparison to the two RAs, he would always be a kid. He had come to terms with that the month he had spent away from them. His eyes fall on Itaewon, they were probably hitting close to curfew, so he was surprised that Jimin wasn't running for the door - well, it was really only him that was under curfew. "Don't worry about it, Jimin, it's already forgotten."
They grow quiet as they enter Itaewon, Jimin flicking the lock behind him to lock out any late freshmen. He follows quietly behind Jungkook, barely paying attention to his surroundings as he ascends the stairs behind the freshman. It's only when JK stops in front of him, causing Jimin to walk directly into his back that he breaks out of his mind and realizes he's been stopped at his room. His eyes read the bubble letters on the door that had his and Taehyung's name in the school's colors alongside a box for students to put messages in if they had any problems.
Jungkook turns and watches Jimin for a moment. He leans forward, his hand rising at the same time as he stares at the RA's cheek. Jimin pushes him back.
"What are you doing?"
He laughs and picks a fallen eyelash off his cheek, "You lost a friend," he comments, showing the eyelash to Jimin. "Why?"
"Nothing," Jimin laughs at himself as he opens the door to his room. "Thanks again for helping Hoseok. Remember I owe you one."
Jungkook smiles as he shakes his head, "Goodnight, Jimin."
Jungkook and Hoseok easily mesh together, the two of them setting up a finite schedule on when they meet so that Jungkook can record the hip-hop dancer and so Hobi can practice. Just as he originally promised, he sends the files to Hobi the next day early in the morning. It's after their sixth meet-up that he pulls Hoseok aside, "I think that the song I sent you alongside the practice video yesterday would be better suited for this performance."
Hoseok grins, hands holding the hem of his purple sweatshirt, "I was going to ask you about that."
Jungkook always feels shy in front of Hobi when he offers suggestions to change something the dancer has been working on for two months now. He didn't want to be pushy since it wasn't his project, but he really felt the song he had sent the day before would match the feel of the choreography better.
"I think you're going to owe my roommate penance since I practiced in my room to that song for a few hours yesterday."
Jungkook ducks his head, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," the dancer grins, "I really like the feeling of the new song better."
The smile that graces his face after Hobi's compliment could blind even the sun itself. Jungkook's gripping his camera hard as he tries to get back into the mood to film his new friend, "Tell your roommate I'm sorry."
"I will."
This session was one of their shorter ones as Hoseok had to run to the other side of campus right afterward to make his next class. Jungkook, on the other hand, presses his back into the mirror as he reviews the video he had recorded from today. The new song really did wonders for Hoseok's performance; giving it a sharper edge. He could feel it in the energy that Hoseok brought to this practice compared to their previous ones.
"Is that Hoseok?"
Jungkook turns his head towards the door, Jimin slipping inside in black spandex shorts and a cream sweater over his bare torso. He has to close his mouth before he drools all over himself. "Yeah, Hobi." It's only when his RA sits next to him that he realizes Jimin doesn't have shoes on either. Jungkook lets his camera fall to his lap, "Were you practicing?"
"Hm?" Jimin looks down at his attire, far too used to his partially naked state. "Oh, yeah. The classical portion of the dance department is going to have a recital before winter break."
"Ah," Jungkook hums as his eyes trace over Jimin's thighs. There was so much muscle definition in them that he wondered just how much the RA could dead-lift. A second, very important question was whether the dancer would let him lick or bite them. He wasn't picky. The third would be, "Is that open for the whole school to watch?"
Jimin nods, reaching up to tie his long blue hair into a bun on top of his head. His eyes finally make their way to Jungkook instead of the forgotten camera in his lap, "Will you come to watch it?"
"Is that a personal invitation?"
"You might like it," Jimin suggests.
"When is it?" Jungkook asks as he pulls the camera bag off the bench to load his camera back into it. "Will you save me a seat in the front row?"
Jimin shuffles his legs and Jungkook cannot look away from how they flex as they're moved.
"Will I be able to smell the sweat?"
Jungkook shakes himself, "I honestly don't have a way to fix that question."
The dancer pulls away from the mirror to stand, or try to, as his laughing has kept him grounded since he began.
Jungkook stands once he's made sure his camera is safely put away. He straddles Jimin, who is on all fours, and wraps his arms around his waist, pulling the dancer up to stand - it's to save himself more than Jimin. He turns away right after helping his RA stand, grabbing his bag from the bench to see Jimin with his sweater loosely wrapped over him, hiding his shorts completely. He notices it but keeps his thoughts to himself. "I have to go drop my bag off then head to class. Are you going to stay and practice?"
"Oh? Oh, yeah," Jimin answers albeit a bit distracted. "Practice."
< Babe Squad > Gyeom: Kook, how far are you on your project? Bam: He's probably already done unlike you Gyeom: I've been working on it! Bam: Not enough JK: I'm actually working on transitions right now JK: I was going to ask my friend if I could get a song for background music JK: But I think I like the one I already have Bam: See Gyeomie, he's already basically finished Bam: You slacker Gyeom: You try putting together a video on such a vague topic then! JK: What part are you stuck on Gyeom? Bam: the beginning, middle, and end Gyeom: The direction I want it to go, I guess Gyeom: I've filmed most of the stuff I want Gyeom: I just haven't decided where to go from there JK: I can help you look at it on Sunday if you want Bam: He'd love that Gyeom: Shut up bam JK: Uhm JK: We can meet at the library JK: Gyeomie? Gyeom: yeah, that's perfect Gyeom: Thanks Kook
Jungkook is grabbing at his pants, there's a distinct feeling that he's forgotten something important. He runs over his checklist: phone, got it. Keys, got it. Daniel seems to catch the action from his top bunk and leans over to inspect what is wrong with him. Watching as he makes another round on the items he needs to have with him in order to leave the room.
"Do you have your phone?"
Jungkook looks up at his roommate, "Yeah."
Jungkook slaps his left butt cheek," Yeah."
"Do you need your camera?"
He shakes his head, "no."
"Then I have no idea," Daniel sighs, plopping back on his bed.
Jungkook pouts, patting his hands against his ass as he looks around the room, "Me too." The feeling that something is off will keep him rooted to this spot until he can figure out what's wrong. He almost missed his own graduation because he forgot to brush his hair before he was ready to go; which shouldn't have mattered as long as his uniform looked good. He looks himself over in Minghao's mirror, his hair is laying flat, his jeans aren't creased in weird places and even his shirt smells good. What was he missing?
The door opens to their room, a head popping inside, "JK, can you come to help me with something?"
He glances to the door and freezes in the middle of feeling up his own pockets again trying to place his missing piece. "Help?"
Jimin is standing there, his body now framed by the door as he brushes his blue hair from his face, "Uh, yeah, unless you're busy."
"He's on his way out," Daniel says.
"I can help!" Jungkook shouts, shooting his roommate a glare before he makes his way for Jimin. He follows Jimin down the hall and halts outside of the RA's door, "Wait, what did you need help with?" Of course, he would only worry about this when he would be alone with the RA in his room instead of out in the open. Why would he worry otherwise?
Jimin slips into his room, "Just come in."
Jungkook is a bit apprehensive as he steps into his RA's room. Would it be a Narnia situation? Is it possible that stepping through that door would end with him on some magical journey to be able to leave the unknown territory? Jimin surely had to have some kind of mystical powers for Jungkook to fall under his spell at every turn. He's in shock when he hears the door shut right behind him but for a completely different reason. "Uhm, that's a lot of glitter."
Jimin sighs, moving to pick up something from the ground for a waterfall of glitter to fall from, "I opened a package meant for Taehyung because he told me it was okay - he's still on the phone if you don't believe me - and this happened."
Jungkook finds Jimin's silver phone easily, Tae's name near the top to indicate the truth. He picks up the phone and tries not to laugh, "Who did you piss off?"
Taehyung has a whine to his voice, "I don't know! I've been so busy with the painting project that I haven't really talked to anyone but you or Jimin. Was it you?"
"Not even," Jungkook watches as Jimin tries to brush the glitter from a shirt he recognizes as Taehyung's.
"How bad is it?"
"It's everywhere," the freshmen frowned at the glittering paradise that was the RAs' room. "I guess it'll have to be a new statement you and Jimin make together."
"I swear it was Julie," Jimin mutters as he moves about his room, shoving clothes from the floor into a trash bag - most likely to contain the glitter. He watches the dance major grumble for a few more moments as he moves around the room before he remembers that Taehyung is on the phone.
"I'll let you go, Tae. I should help Jimin pick up what we can."
"Okay, I'll be back after this class. Tell Ji that I'm sorry."
"Will doo," Jungkook drags the last word as he hangs up the call. He moves to the bed he assumes is Jimin's and starts folding the sheet over itself to keep the glitter in the middle before he shoves it into Jimin's bag, "Tae said he was sorry." He holds the silver phone over to Jimin and grabs for the bag as he looks around the room, "This could take all night. Glitter multiplies as you go."
"That's what I'm afraid of," Jimin whines. "I can't sleep here."
"You would leave Tae to sleep in glitterland by himself?"
Jimin pouts, his eyes survey the glitter that surrounds where they stand. The glitter is everywhere. His bed, Tae's bed, both their desks, the ground, both dirty clothes piles and he's not sure if he wants to know if it reached their closets. It was already bad enough that people called him the classical department's fairy; raining glitter everywhere would not help.
Jungkook frowns at the damage, "You should ask the other students if one of them has a vacuum or you may have to sleep covered in glitter for the rest of the year."
"Yeah," Jimin agrees, leaving the room just as fast as the suggestion comes up.
Jungkook continues stuffing the bag with things he is sure will fit in the washing machines on campus while he sighs. There was just so, so much glitter. Jimin was covered in it more as they worked than when he had come to ask Jungkook for help. He can only imagine what the other residents of the dorm are thinking as he goes around asking if they have a vacuum. He shoves their dirty clothes into the bag, their piles too high anyway if he was being honest; they should have washed them sooner.
He ties the bag off when it cannot fit anymore and looks around. What he can wash is mostly in the bag, the rest he hopes can be vacuumed off or Tae and Jimin really will have to live with being covered in glitter for the rest of the semester. Jimin walks back in, making a bunch of noise as he slams his door open with the heavy-duty-looking vacuum alongside him.
"I ran into a custodial person and they lent it to me."
Jungkook lifts the full bag, "I'll take these to be washed while you vacuum. Or start them. Send Tae to the washing machines when he gets here so he can take over."
Jimin stops him before he can leave the room, "Thanks JK."
"You're welcome," he smiles.
Before Jungkook even enters the building that holds the on-campus cleaners, he grabs one of their buggies. He takes the time to shake out each and every piece inside the bag from Jimin and Tae's room so that when he brings them into the cleaner there won't be as much glitter when he tries to wash them. The student that is on duty watches him for a moment while they flip between pages of the magazine in their hand then ignore him completely. No one seemed to want to help him when it came to the pile of glitter now decorating the lawn of the laundry building.
He drags the buggy full of glittery clothes to the first machine he can find and starts loading the items inside. Jungkook pours in a scoop of the school's off-brand detergent and starts that machine before he moves to the next one and puts in another load. For being a Friday night, the laundry building has no one in it. He starts that machine and stares down at what's left. Two sets of bedding. He moves down one more machine and puts the two bed coverings inside, soap, and starts the machine.
< Beautiful > JK: How is cleaning the room going? Beautiful: Not too bad Beautiful: It's just eve-ry-whe-re JK: yeah JK: it took three machines for the laundry JK: you really should do laundry more often Beautiful: Tae and I rotate duties Beautiful: it's his turn to do laundry Beautiful: he just hates doing it JK: laundry is fun though JK: I like smelling good Beautiful: you do smell good JK: ... Beautiful: nothing JK: lol ok Beautiful: I just sent Tae your way Beautiful: you can just leave when he gets there Beautiful: don't let him talk you into doing all the work JK: Okay :)
Jungkook is leaning against the middle machine with his arms crossed over his chest when Taehyung barrels into the laundry building. He looks out of breath like he had run from his class to the dorm and then the dorm to the laundry building. He raises a brow at his RA, "So, did you find out who it was?"
Tae heaves a breath as he leans on his arm supported by its position on his waist, "No, I still have no clue."
JK nods, walking towards his RA, "Well, good luck. It might be safe to put the machines through a few rounds. There's three, by the way, so make sure you check everything before you leave."
"You're leaving?"
Jungkook sighs, "I was in the middle of something when I stopped to help Jimin."
"I'm sorry," Tae frowns as he walks to the machines that are still running. "Did Jimin say anything?"
"Who's Julie?"
Taehyung's thick eyebrows pinch over the bridge of his nose, "Julie?"
"Yeah, Jimin mentioned Julie when I was helping him put all of your clothes and stuff into a bag so they could be brought here to be washed."
"Oh," the RA looks down at the washing machine he is standing next to, "She's just an ex."
Jungkook nods a few times before he pats his thighs, "Well, I'll see you later. I'm late."
"Thanks, JK," he hums.
He's not sure why he was so determined to leave Taehyung at the laundry area as Jimin had told him to do. At this point in his day, he couldn't even remember why he was leaving his room in the first place. Whatever it was probably had originally been important, but he couldn't remember what it was. He leans against the wall outside the door where Taehyung and Jimin's names are bubble letters on the door and knocks on the 'm' in Jimin's name.
"Come in."
Jungkook opens the door to find Jimin sitting on his naked mattress as he stares around the room; hope dying in his eyes. There are miscellaneous glitters stuck to the sides of his thighs and calves, there's even some on his fingers and cheeks as he looks up to see Jungkook standing at the doorway of his room.
"Oh, hey JK, I thought you had something to do."
"I did," he agrees as he moves into the room and takes a spot next to Jimin on his bed. The room looks cleaner than it did when he had hauled their clothes to be washed. "It's looking a lot better."
His RA frowns at the room, "From now on, Taehyung has to open his mail outside of our room. I'm not going through this again."
Jungkook laughs, leaning back on his hands as he takes in the room. On Tae's side, there are paintings on the wall. Some photo prints of scenic areas, maybe from a photographer he admires, and lots of colors. His desk has a bunch of art books along with a drawing he had probably been working on before he went to his class. There's even a small bucket with art supplies in it sitting next to his desk.
Where he sits, Jimin's side of the room is chic-er. His bed frame is matte black metal with what looks like gold stickers used as accents that Jimin did himself. On the wall in one line are of a ballerina in a gold frame. His desk is also black to match his bed with a sleek laptop on the top of it with a gold lamp. That all bleeds into his closet with a similar chromatic scale. Jimin seemed to like a very chic look - which begged the question, why had he dyed his hair blue?
"You're staring," Jimin comments as his eyes find Jungkook's.
"I was curious about your blue hair."
The RA reaches up to scrunch the blue strands between his fingers, "This?"
He nods.
"Does it look bad?"
Jungkook reaches up and touches his blue hair, the silky strands feel cool against his fingertips. He shakes his head as a smile comes to his lips. JK wasn't sure that Jimin could ever look bad, silly maybe, but never bad. "You look beautiful."
"Am I interrupting?"
Jungkook pulls completely away from Jimin to find Taehyung standing in the doorway. He's got what looks like a borrowed IKEA bag full of their clean laundry where he stands in the doorway. Where JK figured the conversation would be directed at him, the RA's eyes are on his roommate with a stern set to his jaw and the look confuses the freshmen. He stands and runs his hands down his jean-clad thighs and coughs, "I'll go."
He's just outside of their room when Tae calls out to him, "Did you make it to your thing?" So he turns and shakes his head, pressing his hands into his pants, "No, I'll try again tomorrow."
"Sorry again," Tae yells before closing himself away in his room.
Jungkook frowns, "Yeah, sorry."
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©️Deijiyong, 2023.
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