#baby ruby
youwerenevermine · 2 years
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KIT HARINGTON || @ the The Jaguar Supper Suite for the premiere party of “Baby Ruby”. (September 9, 2022) - part 1
📸 photagonist.ca
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amethystmpress · 1 year
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there's a jonerys au to be found here
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kitharingtonedit · 1 year
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Kit Harington interviewed on The View for Bess Wohl's ‘Baby Ruby’.
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haringtondaily · 1 year
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Kit Harington at the New York Knicks vs Miami Heat game.
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NOÉMIE MERLANT at TIFF 2022 for “Baby Ruby” 📸 Jeff Vespa
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Kit for the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon 3rd Feb 23
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"Baby Ruby"
Abordar enfermedades, trastornos o complicaciones médicas en cualquier género de película puede ser delicado y más si quieren mostrar el lado oscuro del mismo apegándose realmente a cómo se puede sentir y ver, pero creo que en la película que les hablaré hoy hicieron un buen trabajo.
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Es una película estadounidense de suspenso estrenada el año 2022 y que está protagonizada por: Noémie Merlant, Kit Harington, Meredith Hagner,Reed Birney y Jayne Atkinson.
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La vida de una bloguera e influencer exitosa cambia enormemente con la llegada de su hija, y su mundo estrictamente diseñado y aquellos que la rodean empieza a tornarse en su contra
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Jo (Noémie Merlant), es una bloguera exitosa y junto a su esposo Spencer (Kit Harington), están a punto de dar a luz a su primera hija llamada Ruby, ambos se encargaron de preparar todo para el gran momento y cuando este llegó, se hicieron a la idea de que todo saldría perfectamente.
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Luego del parto Jo no quedó muy bien, y empieza a enfrentarse a su nueva vida junto al bebé prácticamente sola ya que su esposo por el trabajo casi no estaba en casa y no tenía ningún familiar a su lado a excepción de su suegra a quién muy poco frecuentaba, y por otro lado tenía que mantener a flote su blog y su trabajo.
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Los días empiezan a tornarse oscuros y la convivencia es un desastre ya que Jo se siente atrapada, histérica, siente que su hija la odia, y que los que están a su alrededor quieren quitársela, por lo que progresivamente va entrando en un estado de alarma. constante y desesperación.
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Lo que me gusta es que tiene un tono realista, y es que aún hay ignorancia en estos tiempos sobre la depresión posparto y cómo puede manifestarse y verse en las madres. Muchos desestiman esta complicación o trastorno luego del embarazo, pero bueno, la ignorancia es selectiva. Pero por otro lado las actuaciones estuvieron muy bien.
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Durante el film el bebé llora y llora y llora y nmms ya estaba perdiendo la paciencia jajaja, pero algo que noté es que ella estaba la cabeza y nadie notaba lo que le estaba pasando, sólo le decían que era normal que el bebé llorara (porque obvio lo es), pero no fue sino hasta la última consulta que el doctor notó este desapego y que ella sintió que realmente su bebé la estaba castigando. .
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Y su esposo hasta lo último porque nunca estaba en casa y esa noche pues ella pasó ante la presión, por lo que ya era bastante notable lo que pasaba. Y sin más nada que agregar puedo decir que sí me gustó la película y que pueden darle una oportunidad 👍
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moviemosaics · 11 months
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Baby Ruby
directed by Bess Wohl, 2022
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24ips · 1 year
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Baby Ruby (2023) dir. Bess Wohl
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itsdarkinsidee25 · 2 years
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Kit Harington en el After Party de la película "Baby Ruby" desde The 2022 Toronto International Film Festival (9 septiembre)
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fearsmagazine · 1 year
BABY RUBY - Review
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SYNOPSIS:  Jo is a successful lifestyle entrepreneur, happily pregnant and awaiting the arrival of her first child. Soon after Jo welcomes baby Ruby home, something starts to feel off-- even though she's assured it's all perfectly normal. Is something wrong with her? Is something wrong with Ruby? Why are seemingly perfect neighborhood moms so desperate to befriend her? As Jo fights to protect herself and her baby, she is plunged into a waking fever dream where everyone is a threat and nothing is what it seems. At last, she must confront the truth of her own darkness and contend with the ultimate human sacrifice: The one mothers make for their children.
REVIEW: Playwright Bess Wohl makes her feature film debut with a psychological horror film about the darkside of becoming a parent and motherhood. As a parent, I can understand and appreciate much of what she presents as the parent of a child whose mother experienced postpartum depression, but as a male I wasn’t aware of the depths of the terror that a woman can experience.
Wohl’s screenplay is as compelling as it is frightening. Like a Hitchcock film, she takes her main character Jo on a downward spiral into madness that begins with subtle, surreal touches. As Jo questions reality she puts the viewer on unsure footing so that we question what we are witnessing. Jo’s interaction with other characters presents conversations where they reveal dark thoughts about their experiences with parenting and Jo comments on how she feels like she is disappearing. These are thoughts and emotions I am positive people experience and often never get an opportunity to discuss and unburden themselves of. Wohl is skilled at mounting terror and dread like an Edgar Allan Poe tale.
Wohl’s location imparts a sense of isolation, yet she is close enough to the town where there is a group of mothers that feels like a homage to “The Stepford Wives.” There is a sequence where the mothers gather for a night out at the local waterhole that becomes this surreal fever dream that feels like a nod to “Rosemary’s Baby.” When Jo and Ruby come home and trying to find their schedule, Wohl builds this sequence where Jo is trying to quiet Ruby where she artistically presents Jo’s stress levels and her fracturing mental state. Pepper throughout the film is this horrifying sound design of Ruby’s cry. At times she presents that cry every parent knows, a nerve straining, gut wrenching, curdling cry that is so painful. Not only was it painful to hear, it ignited old muscle memories within my psyche. Wohl skillfully frames and edits the film to orchestrate the horror and add hairsplitting atmosphere. I think her theatrical vision and her imagination blossoms with the cinematic tools at her disposal.
While this is an excellent ensemble cast, actress Noémie Merlant is the lynchpin of the film. She provides a vast palette for the viewer to hang their emotions on. Likewise, she crafts a character that allows the viewer to never be secure about the reality of her situation.  I felt her French accent added an additional aspect to the character in terms of her being a stranger and isolated. Kit Harington, John Snow of “Game of Thrones” fame, does a solid job as Spencer, Jo’s husband, creating this rounded performance with moments that leave the viewer questioning his intentions. Likewise, actress Jayne Atkinson delivers this compelling and chilling performance as Spencer’s mother. She needs to take it to some dark places as the subject of Jo’s delusions.
Bess Wohl’s BABY RUBY is an outstanding feature directorial debut. It is a deeply disturbing film that is a complex character study brought to life with excellent performances and artistic production choices, including a terrifying sound design. Given what is up on the screen, the screenplay is worthy of a few writing awards and would probably make for an outstanding novelization. Wohl makes fascinating choices as she weaves an intense, shocking, emotional tale. It is sure to dredge up old emotions of parents, send expecting parents screaming up the aisle, and frighten young couples from becoming ones. At least it will spurn some interesting conversations. A couple of times in the film Wohl brings up the mother consuming her placenta. For me, that was the icing on the cake. I can remember some woman from the old country telling my pregnant wife at the time to make sure she got her placenta so she could consume it. Yes, it’s a thing! I wonder if it goes well with fava beans and chianti?
CAST: Noémie Merlant, Kit Harington, Meredith Hagner, Camila Canó-Flaviá, and Jayne Atkinson. CREW: Director/Screenplay - Bess Wohl; Producers - Brett Beveridge, Lauren Beveridge, Jeffrey Penman & Alex Saks; Cinematographer - Juan Pablo Ramírez; Score - Erik Friedlander; Editors - JC Bond, Arielle Sherman & Jin Lee; Production Designer - Dahlia Galler; Costume Designer - Tilly Grimes; Prosthetic Makeup Designer - Ben Bornstein; Visual Effects Artist - Chris Wells. OFFICIAL: www.magnetreleasing.com/babyruby/ FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/babyrubymovie TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/b34goCcuKdk RELEASE DATE: In theaters and on demand February 3, 2023
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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youwerenevermine · 2 years
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KIT HARINGTON || photographed for The Wrap @ TIFF2022. (September 10, 2022)
📸 by Jeff Vespa
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libradoodle1 · 1 year
Baby Ruby, starring Kit Harington’s arms
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Erika: Libra are you gonna watch ‘Baby Ruby’?
Me: No, doesn’t seem like my kind of movie.
After watching the link she sends me 👀😳🫦
Me: Yeah, I’ll be there 🍿
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kitharingtonedit · 1 year
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Kit Harington as Spencer in ‘Baby Ruby’.
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haringtondaily · 1 year
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Kit Harington outside 'The View' in New York City.
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sloshed-cinema · 10 months
Baby Ruby (2023)
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Gurl, one blogger to another, you’re at least as successful as me.  Sometimes I get likes in the tens!  The TENS!
I love a movie that wants to have its cake and eat it too, but then proceeds to put no effort into realizing any aspect of its goals.  Is this a paranoiac psychological thriller?  A cult in the woods Satanic Panic piece?  A Rosemary’s Baby pastiche?  Who the fuck even knows.  You can’t have elements of uncertainty if you immediately go from naturalistic scenes to kaleidoscopic hallucination 20 minutes in and throw one-off psychotronic elements in with no sense of overarching vocabulary.  You can’t build a slow mistrust of certain characters our protagonist encounters if she and they collectively already seem unmoored from reality.  You can’t open with the premise of a social media influencer’s life coming unmoored only to never again build the oppressive grind culture of blogging into the plot in any meaningful sense.  You can’t crib at random imagery from Hereditary only to drop that premise entirely only a scene later but then kinda maybe pick it up again oh wait never mind.  Are we experiencing Jo’s perception of reality, fractured though it may or may not be?  Perhaps, though the camera language is never consistent or subjective enough to clue the viewer in adequately that this is the case.  In this absence of perspective, every flight of fancy becomes increasingly boring because once things start to get weird it’s clear that this will simply be a thing that Jo wakes up from in a start.  Sure, at points questions linger: why does Jo wake up in her car after a night of intimacy with her gal pals (which basically becomes French-sploitation, let’s be real).  But the formula is wrong, and the net result just makes the bouillabaisse taste off, placenta secret ingredient or no.  
Honestly it’s frustrating that Noémie Merlant had so little to work with here.  She’s a great performer and you can see in every scene her desire to realize the role with the greatest degree of effort: she’s frazzled and desperate.  Kit Harington, well.  He’s in some scenes for sure.  At least his accent work is marginally better than that of Benedict Cumberbatch in most of his American roles.  Me?  I’d just be happy to slip in a cameo as the person who asks Jo if she’s postpartum pooped yet.
Someone says ‘Ruby’ or ‘placenta’.
Covered bassinets or strollers in a scene.
Ruby starts crying.
A French song starts to play because Noémie Merlant.
Jo makes a blog post.
Kit Harington’s accent slips.
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