#aya documents stuff
hirayaea · 3 months
愛と深空 ★ 池袋 Animate
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love and deepspace
ikkebukuro animate display
pics and video by: me
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thedrotter · 7 days
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as a little treat i am sharing with you little Aya doodles I've done over the last few days to unwind ww just little expressions based on lines in-game because those are always fun to draw. nothing too special just biscuit
it's Aya because upon doing bizarrely throughout playthroughs of the game for still unspecified project purposes I've gained a soft spot for her she's my daughter now my mental tier list on my favorite characters is so confusing right now
#re:kinder#fanart#aya re:kinder#aya hibino#i state shes my daughter NOW because before i didnt pay too big of a mind to her#but honestly in each different playthrough of this game i gain new appreciation for each character#because fun fact ryou was my favorite character at first just because he seemed nice and was a healer and was nice#second playthrough brought in rei and shunsuke in my mind because they ate it up wirh their roles in the story#meanwhile as time passed yuuichi started to grow on me as i realized he was a little too relatable BASICALLY THINGS LIKE THAT#and spoilers for the unspecified project mentioned in the text just because i feel like it#i also did this because having a transcript of every line just spurred me on becquse of how easy it made things#its much more fun to start doing these kind of line based doodles when you dont have to manually go througj hours of gameplay to find stuff#so just being ablr to ctrl f through a document made me very glad HEUEHEHEBEHR#im still working on it it needs proofreading and polishing on some sides but overall it should be here soon i hope#if anyones interested in it do let me know HUEHEHEBRB i will post it regardless but it would be nice to know if anyone is interested#ANYWAY#as to why Aya seems to have a purse when her sprite doesnt its because her equipment mentions her carrying a yellow pouch#its meant to be that!!!#she looks very goofy with it on made me giggle ngl#(as in. amusement)#it adds more interest to her visual design so its nice to have it there im glad its there#OH YEAH SOME COMMENTARY ON ONE OF HER LINES HERE THAT REALLY PIQUED MY INTEREST#if sayaka dies and shes there to see it (thus. you chose to bring her with you) she has this line#where it implies that shes afraid of dying which makes things sad when she's suicidal#she already states i think her desire is more to disappear than to die exactly but even then it's quite sad#like even if she wants to disappear with how gloomy she's feeling and all the things going around with her parents#shes just a little girl who doesn't want to die😭😭#it really adds a sense of realism to how depression is tackled in game at least for me#that when one is depressed and suicidal a lot of the time it's the wish for this state of suffering to end rather than to actually die#SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER ITS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT UPPED MY APPRECIATION FOR HER
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mayhem-moth · 3 months
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Intro page:
Most importantly:
Look at these posts. I do not mind if you don't look at the rest of this introduction, but at least look at these posts.
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Things i'll block people for:
*Anyone who is pro-israel or is pro any genocide.
*Policing people on harmless identities and ways of being. Just let people chill in peace please.
*Discriminatory behavior. DON'T BE RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, TRANSPHOBIC, ANTI-SEMETIC, ISLAMAPHOBIC, APHOBIC, ABLEIST, etc If you don't want me to block you.
*Basically, if someone is just being an ass honestly :/. I prefer communication, but if someone is deliberately hurting others, i will not waste my time.
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Have this instead :p
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Favorite color: blue,green, purple (can you tell?)
Favorite animals: Cats, Moths, Tardigrades, Sea toads(LOOK AT THIS LIL GUY👇)
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They derp. Gongeous.
Hobbies: Art purdy much
FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TOO. Also send me your own I like drawing :D
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Rp blogs:
Other blogs:
Alt accounts:
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strayzband · 5 months
Meet the Strayz Mods!
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hi! im pocket (@illulamati)
i'm the creator of the au. i do character designs, a lot of the general concept, all of the writing, and a pretty damn decent amount of the art.
strayz is my baby and i'm endlessly excited to see what everyone thinks of all the stuff i've got in the works. thanks to my incredible co-mods and followers like you, this au went from a silly idea i was way too obsessed with to a huge project that takes over most of my life in the BEST way possible. thank you <3
also in case anyone was wondering, YES i've been projecting onto noodle this entire time.
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Haya ;)
My name’s Aya (@ayaquami), and I do some of the art and story direction (If I’m feeling generous…) Thanks for keeping up with our project! It’s great fun and we love working on it, and hope you enjoy it too!
Thanks x
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This is bobo (@boiohastmblr), and I'd call myself the co-doer of things for strayz. I draw some of the art, most of the doodles and I help with writing - meaning I'm the head beta reader and Pocket's biggest distractor in google documents.
My proudest achievement as a strayz solider is that I was the first to ever draw and convince Pocket to canonize strayz studoc (you're welcome 2doccers),
bye-bye from bobo!! :3
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s-acrificium · 2 months
A ghoul? [FF7 remake universe! Riku]
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Files of the ‘child’:
Notes: Created in a hidden facility in Wutai. Dr. Hojo insisted on making a back up of the ‘Perfect Soldier’. Riku is the product of an unwilling Turk in training named Aya Brea, and the scientists artificially inseminating her with S DNA...no I do not know how Hojo obtained Sephiroth's sperm, but he obviously has this stuff on supply since he also has Genesis' and wanted to impregnate Aerith with it.
Aya eventually escaped thanks to the help of some unknown force, and the kindness of the few humane doctors in that place. She then traveled to Costa Del Sol where she is currently raising Riku, AND trying to save up money to flee somewhere far from that place.
NOTES: The team was not pleased, nor thought this was a good idea. Complaints were shut down. Could not make a full with the ‘little’ samples of subject S we were given. Have to use female donors for egg implantation. Results shall be documented as tests follow.
Update two:
four failed impregnations. Hojo is breathing down our backs. Limited DNA samples (how did he acquire Sephiroth’s sperm? Another question for another day.) Female subjects died from degradation. Jenova cells at work? Three more viable women left. Will take notes.
We have successfully had a woman take to implantation. Carriers name is Aya Brea, a female criminal Shinra gave us for this experiment. Shall wait and see if child and mother survive.
Subjects have escaped. New President Shinra insists on letting them roam free to observe how the prodigy will fair in the open world instead of in the lab. Colleagues and I are unsure of this choice… but considering the aftermath of subject S… we shall try a different approach. UPDATE 5:
Collogues and I have seen impressive growth. Even while not under Shinra watch, the subject is growing rapidly in intelligence and awareness. Does not show signs of degradation. Very clear the eyes are touched with the mako, possibly less touched since there is no catlike iris.
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cosmic-kiwi · 1 year
imagine taking a joe rogan video and calling it thoughtful LMAO https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33644314/ also the amount of ftm people is equal to mtf people. literally get a life beyond protofacism
What does Rogan have to do with literally anything? You’re not listening to him, you’re listening to the *journalist* that is the one being *interviewed.*
Why, out of everything linked in that post would you even comment on the Rogan interview? Could it be because you didn’t even actually bother to look at the post and only looked at the thumbnail that appeared?
Since you seem to want more ‘serious’ interviews, how about two whistleblowers who themselves used to work at transgender health clinics, one of which, Tavistock, has since been shut down, and one ex-trans-care specialist:
As for the ratio of supposed ftms to mtfs, your study’s not looking at adolescents specifically. There's always been more mtf's historically (and there's reasons for that); if mtf's and ftm's are at equal levels now that means there's been a massive increase in ftm's lately.
This is from my post that I linked that you didn’t read:
[This website (x) has SO MUCH information on all this stuff and goes over all the articles and numbers related to the topic. This page in particular (x) talks about regret rates (section B) and the unexplained rise in the number of girls specifically who believe themselves to be trans:
“The adolescent and young adult (AYA) children described were predominantly female sex at birth (82.8%) with a mean age of 16.4 years. Forty-one percent of the AYAs had expressed a non-heterosexual sexual orientation before identifying as transgender. Many (62.5%) of the AYAs had been diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder or neuro developmental disability prior to the onset of their gender dysphoria (range of the number of pre-existing diagnoses 0–7). In 36.8% of the friendship groups described, the majority of the members became transgender-identified. The most likely outcomes were that AYA mental well-being and parent-child relationships became worse since AYAs “came out”. AYAs expressed a range of behaviors that included: expressing distrust of non-transgender people (22.7%); stopping spending time with non-transgender friends (25.0%); trying to isolate themselves from their families (49.4%), and only trusting information about gender dysphoria from transgender sources (46.6%).”]
Other articles talking about the phenomenon:
“According to a study commissioned by NHS England, 10 years ago there were just under 250 referrals, most of them boys, to the Gender Identity Development Service (Gids), run by the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust in London.
Last year, there were more than 5,000, which was twice the number in the previous year. And the largest group, about two-thirds, now consisted of “birth-registered females first presenting in adolescence with gender-related distress”, the report said.”
“Adolescents assigned female at birth initiate transgender care 2.5 to 7.1 times more frequently than those assigned male at birth, according to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), a 4,000-member organization of medical, legal, academic and other professionals. Several clinics in the United States told Reuters that among their patients, the ratio was nearly 2-to-1, and similar phenomena have been documented in Europe, Canada and Australia.”
“A significant difference by the binomial test, p < .001, showed that the sex ratio in children favored birth-assigned males (M/F, 1.31:1), whereas in adolescents referrals favored birth-assigned females (M/F, 1:2.12), binomial test, p < .001. Interestingly, in both children and adolescents, the average increase rate of referrals was higher for birth-assigned females”
“In the late Sixties, 90% of transsexual adults were male. Fifty years on and the latest published figures from the Tavistock clinic indicate that child referrals are almost 70% female.”
Please. This, right here shows me that I have just done nothing but waste my own time, as it’s clear that you’re not interested, in the slightest, in having an actual conversation. At least spell the word right.
Explain to me how a question about whether a prevailing belief is actually correct or not is fascist in the slightest. I would think that the shutting down of questions and concerns is actually more in line with authoritarianism (and reminiscent of religion) but that’s just me. 
I don’t think a significant amount of people claiming to have tourettes on TikTok actually have tourettes either. Is that also “protofascist”? And, if not, why?
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im 21 yrs old with dark hair (some blond streaks all over). im bisexual! 5’10 (tall i kno). i aspire streaming video games to my friends,,but i also stream myself doing new things, basically experimenting with new hobbies! i also have a thing for cats :D occasionally i also like to write whole documents about my week, write down events that happened n stuff. im not too sure if id describe myself as romantic but i prob am :D when it comes to liking ppl, i LOVE people who wear glasses because once they take them off, its the beauty that shines under the mask that catches my glimmer ehe.
sum extra stuff, i am poetic sorta (hence that last line) and im at times………….h word a lot….. YEAH! HAPPY MATCHING AJAJAJJA
yumpty talks: JIGOROJD- LMAO I hope you like this love!!
I match you with...
I think that Sucrose would be a good match for you, because you seem so extroverted! I think you would definitely help Sucrose come out from her shell, and help her with her shyness! You would definitely introduce her to your friends, and that would definitely help make her less nervous and social situations, and help her become more social! Sometimes you give her your documents to read, and she adores reading them! She isn't very used to physical touch, so your romance would definitely help her warm up to it :D!! The glasses thing also makes the pairing even better lol. But basically, you know the phrase, "opposites attract"? That's your relationship in two words! It's your differences that brought you two together, and overall it's a cute and loving relationship!!
RAZOR (shocked?)
okay okay, let me explain. Your social personality and his more introverted personality is the perfect recipe! You often bring him to Mondstadt and try to get him to be more comfortable with human life! Because of your documents, he is a lot more interested in learning to read and write now, and you are helping him learn! You actually got a small notebook for him so he can write down his thoughts and feelings! He cherishes it and makes sure to practice his reading and writing everyday! He loves that you love to try new things, because he does too! You two try new foods, and new activities together all the time! He thinks your love for cats is cute, and has taken an interest in them too! You ae very affectionate with each other, and he loves writing poems with you! He tried to write one for you one time, but it was a little weird not gonna lie-. However overall your relationship is cute and nice, and very helpful too!
Definitely Venti. You two are a recipe for disaster though. You both love going to annoy Diluc at the tavern, and love writing cheesy as fuck friendship poems for each other. Sometimes you two just sit there and stare at each other, and it's really weird. You both love cats, and always go to assault the cats around Mondstadt. Eventually he told you he was Barbatos, and was delighted to know you didn't treat him any differently! Your social personalities are really compatible as friends, and you guys have a stupidly good friendship :D!!
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
ab intra | 1 | ab initio
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pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi / Reader
length: 18,811 words / 6 chapters
summary: When a wave of disturbing crimes sweep the city, underground hero Hitoshi Shinsou is assigned to work the case with you. What’s even more frustrating than his obnoxious personality is the fact no one will tell you why he’s involved. Things only get more suspicious from there.
tags: romance, thriller, misunderstandings, pro hero AU, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut, suicide mentions, brainwashing, consensual mind control, some violence
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ab intra [ ahb in-trah ] — adverb, Latin — from inside; from within.
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The victims couldn’t remember anything. The ones who had been left alive, anyway.
You sighed, tapping a fingertip idly against your desktop as you stared blankly at the notes on your computer screen. The fact that no one could remember who the perpetrator was, what they looked like, or even anything that had happened during that window of time was extremely unhelpful, and gave you almost no leads to go on.
You’d spent the better part of last week combing through CCTV footage surrounding both the museum and the bank, but nothing had proved decisive. There had been crowds of thousands going in and out of the museum, eager to see a new exhibit on historical wedding jewels, and as far as you could tell, everyone who had entered the grounds was accounted for, either dead or alive. It was much the same for the bank.
Footage from inside both buildings had been summarily destroyed, so there was no telling what had happened inside either. All you knew was that at both locations on two different days, it had been business as usual. Then the buildings had been robbed, five people had turned up dead, and scores more had lost upwards of thirty minutes.
The people who had died all appeared to have committed suicide--one leaping out a window from the top of the museum exhibit hall, another choking himself to death with his tie. There were no fingerprints, no weapons, no memories, nothing you could work off of.
It all pointed to a mind-altering quirk.
You’d pulled as many records as you could, spent the entire weekend scurrying around the courts in order to get as many restrictions lifted as possible, and ended up with a list of only twenty people, when you knew there were hundreds more. It was nearly impossible to get access to information on people’s quirks, even more so to get access to files on those who possessed abilities like this, due to the sensitive nature of their powers.
It made sense, given the kind of discrimination that could take place based on that information alone, but it was still infuriating, knowing the culprit could be in any one of those hundreds of files you’d been unable to get ahold of.
You’d done your best to follow up on what you had been able to get, however, researching the background of every person whose documents you'd been allowed access to. You’d been in the middle of one of the few files, nursing a coffee and something like a migraine, when a manila folder slapped you in the back.
“Captain wants you in his office,” your coworker Aya said, chuckling when you startled and spilled coffee onto your keyboard.
You whipped around in your chair to stare at her accusingly. “You did that on purpose.”
She flashed you a cheeky grin. “You’ve been wandering around the precinct like a zombie for days. You need some livening up.”
You honestly just wanted some livening down, for this case to solve itself and for you to be able to sleep for a week. But you didn’t say as much, digging a box of kleenex out of your file cabinet and sopping up the rivers of dark coffee pooling in between your keys.
“Captain was in a mood, so I recommend you pick up the pace,” she said, and you sighed, climbing out of your chair and throwing on your jacket. The captain always kept his office at a temperature only a polar ice cap might find suitable, and you needed to be properly equipped if this turned out to be more than a quick chat.
Aya’s theory was that he kept it so cold in there to dampen the burning hatefire of rage within him. You just thought his alien species preferred an icy freeze like that of space.
You hurried into the stairwell and down a fluorescent hall, stopping just outside a tall oak door with a little carved plaque that read Noriyasu Nagumo, Captain. You tapped twice, and the door opened inward immediately like someone had been waiting for you just on the other side.
Which, you discovered as you stepped inside, they had been.
A man with unruly indigo hair stood just inside the door, looking you over with a somewhat indifferent expression. He was tall, nearly lean, strapped with sleek muscle that was almost imperceptible through the black of his jumpsuit, and he wore a long scarf and dark, mask-like device at his neck. His eyes were an even deeper purple than his hair, giving his appearance an almost fey quality, and they were bright with a keen watchfulness that felt at odds with his disinterested look.
He was very striking, and you might have thought him handsome if it weren’t for the deep shadows beneath his eyes, or the strange sensation that washed over you as you looked at him, a prickle of feeling that told you there was something more to him than was plainly visible.
A sense of foreboding settled in your stomach as you registered his black jumpsuit, boots, and the strangeness of the items around his neck. It all screamed hero costume, and your mood immediately took a nose dive. You'd worked with heroes before, and it was hardly an experience you wanted to repeat.
At the other end of the room, your captain sat behind his heavy desk, a dark eyebrow raised and a stern look on his weathered features.
“You’re late,” he said by way of a greeting.
You glanced between the two men in question. “I came as fast as I could. Am I interrupting a meeting?”
The captain shook his head, gesturing both you and the purple-haired man to the chairs in front of his desk.
You took a seat, scooting imperceptibly farther from the man when he sat down next to you. Something about him raised your hackles, an aura of subtle command that made you feel like a cat whose fur had been brushed backwards. Coupled with his dismissive expression, you could already sense he was bad news.
“This is Hitoshi Shinsou,” the captain said, indicating the purple-haired man. “Shinsou is a hero on loan from the Public Safety Commission.”
You gave him a cursory once over. You’d never heard of him.
“Shinsou, this is Y/N, one of my investigators,” he continued. “She’s working on the museum and bank heist case we discussed earlier.”
This put you on edge. “What does he have to do with my case?” you asked warily. You’d been on at least three investigations with heroes before, and you knew all too well how things went. You didn’t need some asshole to contribute absolutely nothing to the case and swoop in at the last second to grab all the credit.
“Shinsou is being added as a resource to this case,” Captain Nagumo said. “You will operate as if he were co-lead on this investigation.”
Oh hell no. This case was especially complex and the last thing you needed was to slow down and onboard some random hero, just so he could muck about and up his credentials. People's actual lives were at stake here.
Your nails bit into your palms, and Shinsou smirked as if he knew what you were thinking. “Captain, with all due respect, there is nothing that indicates the need for a secondary lead on this assignment.”
The captain fixed you with a disinterested look. “And yet here you have one. Now that I’ve made introductions, please get Shinsou up to speed on your progress.”
"I can work faster on this alone," you argued. "How about we call Shinsou in when I've found something and he can help with the apprehension?"
Captain Nagumo's face went still. "This is not a request. Shinsou will be working this case with you."
You opened your mouth to argue, but the captain’s look shifted into something angrier and your teeth clacked together. There was a reason Aya spoke so openly about his inner hatefire--his temper was the stuff of legend. At least once a day the hallways echoed with the sound of his screaming, and you swore you'd once caught him suspending an officer for looking at him the wrong way. You’d gotten off easy with him so far, buoyed by your excellent track record, but the look he was giving you told you that could quickly change.
Shinsou leaned forward, and your eye darted to him quickly. “Why don’t you bring me to your desk and show me what you were working on?”
His voice was low, smooth, and strangely compelling. You found yourself entirely distracted from the captain's darkening mood, opening your mouth to reply before you could think better of it.
“I--,” you began. There was a small pause, then your temper caught back up with you. You exhaled through your nose. “Fine,” you said, climbing to your feet and heading for the door without a look backwards. “If you don’t want to get left behind, let’s go.”
You heard the scrape of a chair as Shinsou stood to follow you, a murmur as he bade farewell to the captain. Then he exited the office after you and shut the door quietly behind himself. You turned down the hall, walking briskly, like with any luck you could leave him in your dust, but he caught up easily enough, keeping pace with his long legs.
“How much did Captain Nagumo tell you about the case already?” you asked as you led the way up the stairs, taking a calming breath to soothe yourself. Professional, you could be professional. You'd managed it with all the heroes before.
“Not too much,” Shinsou replied in his low drawl. “Just that there had been break ins, multiple suicides, and a lot of missing memories.”
You pushed open the door to your floor and gestured him through, then stalked over to your desk. It had previously been a point of pride for you that your workspace was clean, devoid of the mountains of paperwork that cluttered everyone else’s because you knew how to keep on top of your reports, but in the last week, your desk had slowly started to amass a small tower of files not unlike those on the surrounding desks.
You shoved a bunch of files over and dragged over a chair from the staff conference table. “Sit and let’s chat, then.”
He dropped into the chair, legs stretched out in front of him, and you sat across from him.
“So why did they send you?” you asked.
Those purple eyes flicked over you. “To help.”
You suppressed an eye roll. Very informative. Some huge help this guy was already proving to be. “Obviously, but why you? What interest does the Public Safety Commission have in this case?”
He rolled a shoulder. “Dozens of people show up without their memories, and you think the police force can handle this without help? I'm here to provide support.”
He had a point but that still answered like zero of your questions. “So why you, specifically? What are you bringing to this case?”
A slow smirk made its way across his mouth. “My good looks and big brain.”
Your headache from earlier made a brief showing at your temples, and your small puddle of patience began to dry up. So this was how it was going to be.
“Fascinating. Well that will be a huge help, no doubt. Good thing they sent you.”
Shinsou's smile widened. “You don’t think much of me, do you?”
You eyed him irritably. “Listen, I don't mean to disrespect your profession. Heroes are great and totally needed for patrols and raids. When it comes to investigations, though, you slow things down, and I don't have time for you to hold things up.”
As you spoke, there was a sudden, small tug at the back of your mind, like a thought on the edge of resurfacing. You stopped short, brow furrowing. Had you forgotten something urgent?
Shinsou raised a dark eyebrow, pulling your attention back to him. “Is that so?” he asked.
Something like dry amusement layered in his tone, and the rest of your patience vanished. Was his quirk raising blood to a boil? If so, he wielded it with unparalleled skill and dexterity.
“What’s your background?" you demanded. "And your quirk? I’m assuming they didn't add you to this case for your charm and social grace.”
He smirked again. “I’m afraid that’s above your clearance level.”
Your stared at him in disbelief. Above your clearance level? He had the gall to waltz in here and insert himself into your case, and then refused to give you any basic information like why he was here at all or what your expectations should be for his partnership? Christ, he was even worse than the other heroes you’d worked with. They, at least, had pretended at being friendly when stepping in to work with you. Shinsou was something else completely.
You felt your hand curl into a fist under your desk. “Fine then, let me guess. You're an emitter type -- astounding levels of absolute bullshit.”
He let out a surprised laugh and leaned forward, like you’d suddenly sparked his interest. “You’ve got quite the set of claws for such a little kitten.”
You didn’t know how it was possible to be getting this angry, but it was happening. “Then I suggest you work with me here, if you don’t want to get stuck with them, Shinsou.”
His eyes darkened and he considered you for a long moment. There was that gentle brush in your thoughts again, like you'd forgotten something, and your brow wrinkled. Before you could focus on it, however, the feeling was gone, and Shinsou was slowly leaning back in his chair. “Oh, I’ll work with you, kitten, but you’re not going to like what I have to say.”
“Try me,” you ground out.
“I’m here on behalf of the Commission,” he said firmly, “and my reasons for being here, my background, and my quirk are all information that is well above your security clearance. I work for the Commission, not you or your captain, and I will not be answering to you, operating on your orders, or sharing any information just because you think you deserve to know it.”
You stared at him. You could feel the little half moons your nails were leaving in your own skin but you couldn’t unclench your fist.
"You seem to think that heroes do nothing but stand around until they can grab the credit, which makes me think that you will try to hide elements of this case from me. I'll tell you just this once that you will cooperate with me to the best of your ability, or I will make sure you are taken off this case entirely," he said.
“Great,” you said, gritting your teeth. “Glad that I have a partner who I can know nothing about, can’t ask questions of, and can’t trust to give me the same courtesy I have to give them. I can’t think of any partnership set up for more success than this one.”
A wry smile curled the edge of his mouth. “Good. Glad we’re on the same page, then.”
You glared at him over the top of your files but he just stared back, unaffected.
Eventually you gave up, huffing, and shoved a file at him. “Fucking fine. We’ll start here. I’ll walk you through my theories and then you can read over the case files for the details.”
Shinsou took the folder from you in a slender, long-fingered hand. “Generous of you, kitten.”
You fixed him with a baleful gaze. “Don’t call me that.”
He said nothing, but the look on his face told you that you might as well be speaking to a brick wall for all the good it was going to do. He flipped open the cover of the folder and gave it a cursory inspection.
You rolled your eyes. Fine.
“We think it’s some kind of mind quirk,” you said, pointing to a line in the folder. “Either that or a team including some time-based quirk. The details are light, however, as no one can remember what’s happened to them in the time they’ve lost. The suicides make me think that even if there’s a time freeze quirk involved, there’s somebody else with some amount of mental manipulation in on the operation, since none of the people who died had anything other than self-imposed wounds.”
Shinsou nodded, his eyes skimming the page. “A lot of mind quirks could influence memory in different ways.”
You inclined your head in agreement. “I’ve been trying to track down people with mind-related quirks to see which types could be involved, but the courts are impossible to get around. I only have data on like twenty people who’ve previously been in trouble with the law, and none of them seem related to this case.”
Shinsou hummed low in his throat. “Why don’t you walk me through the details of each of the break ins, and then we can talk about what other avenues we might be able to take.”
You nodded again, and launched into an explanation. Over the next few hours you talked him through both the museum and the bank robberies, meticulously detailing all of the timelines, the victims, key witnesses, and locations. You covered all of the floor plans, the CCTV footage, the documents you’d collected, and the crime scene photos. Shinsou listened attentively and--surprisingly--asked intelligent follow up questions, your conversation taking you deep into the evening until your shift was almost over.
Eventually, Shinsou’s phone vibrated, and the rustle of the other investigators’ jackets brought you out of your bubble.
Shinsou stood, glancing at his phone. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, then, kitten,” he said.
You eyed him sourly, bad mood returning. “If my prayers go unanswered, then yes.”
He chuckled and pocketed his cell, lifting a vague hand at you in farewell. Then he was out the door, leaving you to stare after him in resentment.
Aya popped up at your elbow as soon as he'd gone, letting out a low whistle. “Who was that, Y/N? He was pretty cute.”
You scoffed, turning to your desk to gather up your things to head out to the train. “If you think demons plumbed from the depths of hell are cute, then sure. He's going to be hell to work with.”
Aya laughed, giving you a conspiratorial look. “I don’t know. I’d let him plumb my depths, if he wanted.”
You choked, and Aya chuckled again before waving herself off. “You should think about yours as well,” she called as she disappeared through the doorway. Her cackle echoed down the hall behind her.
You gawked after her, headache finally settling in behind your eyelids.
This was going to be a very, very long case.
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sroloc--elbisivni · 4 years
*sits down* *pours a glass of water* *pours one for scott westerfeld* *sips*
so here’s my pitch for an adaptation of Uglies specifically and the Uglies quartet* more generally. vague spoilers. i can’t figure out how to make the readmore work anymore so hit J or start scrolling fast.
*theoretically it’s a trilogy with a bonus novel, but I fuckin love Extras.
First, it’s a webseries, because Hollywood refuses to  option a series brutally dissecting the culture of cosmetic surgery and brainwashing through a dystopian lens (gee I wonder why).
The first few videos are amateur vlogging, taking us through the first part of Uglies, aka “Tally and Shay fuck around and find out.” it’s their shared dark web youtube channel, maybe it’s uploaded to the Crims’ private server or something and as bonus content sometimes we see videos that Shay made with Zane before the Crims cut out. either way we have to be convinced, as an audiences, that the girls are sure this is secure. The scene with Paris is never in-video, or if it is it’s just audio of Tally recording herself breaking into the party, so we don’t see the Pretties.
anyway. Tally’s hoverboarding saga, the hypothetical makeover side, sneaking out to the ruins, the good shit. it’s a webseries from the PoV of two kids who don’t know too much about making videos so shots are limited and we can really lean into the suggestions of this world instead of trying to build whole sets.
use of CGI, but only for detail work, leaning into the uncanny valley, making the world of Tally’s city very clean and polished, too clean, and putting skeletons in the Rusty Ruins.
the hoverboarding-down-a-roller-coaster has to be in there, preferably filmed on a GoPro equivalent, but if there isn’t enough budget we cut away from a painted shot of the ruins where Tally’s at the top into static bc the camera went too fast and then it’s Tally and Shay losing their minds with the adrenaline comedown and they kiss nope where was i
Shay’s letter--i can’t remember if it being on paper was a plot point in the books but I’m really feeling video message, ideally uploaded to the same channel, and then when Special Circumstances drop the bomb on Tally we as the audience go oh shit. they’ve seen everything.
this is where the mode of the story changes--no more amateur vlogging, now it’s Tally recording reports for SC. They’re not transmitted, so we just get this video diary of Tally’s trip, a little camera running the whole time, and then....I'm not sure whether it’s Tally talking to herself to vent her feelings, or the footage is cut together as a summary and the video is prefaced with a Very Official Special Circumstances report, so it’s like a debriefing.
The Smoke. That whole thing. the very last part is chaos and confusion and found footage. >:)
PART 3, which is Tally’s video diary of the whole next part of the trip with David. This part is more edited, more condensed, than the earlier parts, and the connecting throughline isn’t always clear. some of it is just the two of them talking, some of it is long epic scenery shots, some of it is after everything goes down and they get Shay back and they’re having these Very Serious Discussions, and those are shot like...the camera is being the record. except for where it isn’t.
SPEAKING OF SHAY. if it’s at all possible to pull this off, Shay is cast with two different actors, one for the first two thirds and one for the last third (and most of Pretties). The first Shay is an actual teenager, zits and all, not a beauty by any means. The second Shay is classic Hollywood cast-a-20-something-as-a-teen, rounded out with makeup to be just inside the uncanny valley. surrounded by everyone else, who’s been living in the woods. This should be the most jarring thing.
The last video is a discussion of informed consent, and the making the plan happens largely offscreen so then there’s a long sequence of Tally hoverboarding back to the city (shot by drone) where she’s just narrating, and the leadup to the ‘make me pretty’ penny dropping that oh. This is Tally leaving a message for herself and she’s not sure who she’s going to be when she watches it.
PRETTIES. Less of an outline on this one, but it works from the same framework of three parts, three storytelling styles--the first part is total Instagram Influencer, professional vlogging, glitz and party culture. The camera is floating now so Tally’s always in frame. Same trick pulled with Tally’s actor so you’re looking at actual different people. Tally and Shay are dating but the conflict is them both refusing to talk about whether this is a casual thing or an actual relationship so when the thing with zane happens it’s a mess.
when tally and zane start looking for the pills, that’s when it flips back to a narration style similar to Uglies, where Tally’s carrying the camera and they’re documenting their crazy adventures, thumbing their noses at SC. maybe it’s also intercut with like, news stories, because trying to film the ice rink scene would be bananas. unreliable narration as they try to pretend they’re completely law abiding.
 from the balloon and onwards, it’s all found footage. maybe anthropological stuff of the village, official reports, and then those end with the camera falling to the floor as the anthropologist is like ‘you’re not supposed to be--’ but we do make it all the way to the camp and the Specials showing up, and this is where the CGI comes in again to get just that over the edge of weird badwrong.
Specials is a mix of surveillance footage, recorded reports, and callbacks to the Crims’ channel in Uglies--at least one shot-for-shot remake but way more dangerous. sometimes the camera is just left running on a log in their campsite and no one even notices, and this is the tragedy, they’ve grown so used to their lives being recorded that they don’t even bother to care.
From Tally going down in Deigo until her message at the end, she doesn’t appear on screen, but she does carry the camera in to her saying goodbye to zane.
by this point there’s enough following and enough buildup that you might actually get a movie out of this, especially since it’s tackling things that are less explicitly ‘societally expected body modification is bad.’
it’s also dissecting the meta narrative that’s been set up throughout the webseries--it starts with Aya recording herself talking to Moggle, and then we zoom out, getting Moggle in the shot, and from there it’s just leaning into the wild fucking scope of this book. mag lev train? hell yeah. mountain?? hell yeah. the flaws in a society obsessed with reputation and vlogging which cannot be successfully explored within that medium??? hell YEAH. I FUCKING LOVE EXTRAS.
I personally think it would be very cool and narratively sexy if the entire thing was subtitled in English and the characters spoke in Japanese except where they switch into English, like in the book, but I also get like....familiarity and the danger of exoticizing. but driving home that this is the whole world that lives like this.
footage from the webseries is recut and narrated over into something more professional, and interspersed with the movie to catch up people who haven’t watched the webseries, and also to show how the narrative of history gets cleaned up. but if it’s done right, three things should happen:
We barely see anything of Tally’s Ugly days and the Smoke. There are shots of her chatting with her friends and laughing, way back from the Ugly days or the Pretty ones, but we never hear her voice except for the final letter
Shay and the rest of the Crims get important footing in the narrative but Zane is nowhere to be seen.
everyone in the audience, including people who haven’t read the books or watched the webseries, should LOSE THEIR MINDS when she shows up
There’s a post-credits scene of everyone covered in cake after it exploded.
*pauses to drink water* in conclusion give me licensing rights and a good director.
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frutavel · 3 years
I picked up minecraft more seriously now as I'm sure you've noticed, and I think I posted about it here but I was documenting my newest adventure with the intent of writing about Tari and Sama trying to survive in minecraft
Well I'm not sure if I'm going to write it after all, but I still have all my notes and I think it's got some comedic potential so I'm posting them here, from when I first spawned in the world up until I stopped keeping track of things about three weeks later :D
I started mixing in Tari and Sama's POVs at some point, but everything noted here are things that for real happened to me while I was playing!
Under the cut because it's A Lot ^^
- Spawned by mushroom trees
- White horses everywhere
- Gather a little bit of meat and wool
- Find and kill some chickens
- Dig a hole in the ground
- Barricade the hole
- Fear.png
- Noises
- Survive the night intact
- Go out early to look for resources
- Find island
- B E E S
- Gather wood and resources
- Go back to the hole, begin talk of building on the island
- Go to the island
- B E E S v2
- Make beds
- Start building house on a lil hill
- Foundation layer done
- Creeper blows up half the hill
- Repair
- Go out get more food and wood
- Finish house
- Creeper blows up again but this time with more damage
- Trouble with skeletons, almost die
- Repair
- Find a cave
- Worry about building this close to cave, start talk of moving away
- Go explore cave to see what's up
- Gather coal and iron
- Find enderman stuck in cave, release enderman, almost die to enderman
- Spread lanterns and torches around house and cave
- Monsters seem to have given up
- Mood has been lightened
- Explore neighborhood
- Find pumpkins and more food
- Happyness ensues
- Make boat, go exploring by boat
- Tari doesn't come back until next morning bc he almost died while exploring by boat
- Come back w news of a village nearby and more food
- Make a furnace
- Make farm
- Tari stays home watching furnace
- Sama handles farm
- Things going good
- Decide to expand house
- Go hunting for wood
- Find more mushrooms
- Get home late at night very scared but everything is okay
- Mushroom soup babey
- Things seem good
- Go to bed, wake up next morning and go check on farm
- Creeper blows up the farm, half the house and almost kills Samaela
- Panic.png
- "Lead the way Taran-Zhu" he said "Let the healing begin"
- Samaela stays unconscious for a couple days while Tari does repairs
- Realizes they built right on top of cave system
- Samaela wakes up eventually
- Start talk about moving somewhere else again but for real this time
- Begin gathering resources
- Begin making planks for the building
- Take bed, take boat, begin looking for another place to build
- Go to oak tree forest, survey area
- Find big clearing of sand by trees
- Fear farming there won't work, move on
- Find big clearing on top of hill a little aways away
- Worry about exposure, scout nearby woods
- Very dark woods
- Like, really fucking dark
- Dark as shit but no caves nearby
- Spoke too soon, found a cave
- Woods are very dense, worry about getting lost after dark
- Clearing on top of hill seems like best option, unsure as to whether they should go farther
- Decide to hop on boat and keep going
- Find sea turtles, immediately forget sea turtles
- See desert biome, remember village, wonder if maybe building next to village is a good idea
- It's a desert so no
- Also kinda scared of the villagers
- Wonder about other biomes, keep going
- Find little swampy like area with lillypads and weeping willows
- Interest piqued , explore further via river
- Looks like a new biome but vibes are a little weird, keep going
- Row in between very tall mountains
- Starts getting dark, river gets too shallow to continue, make camp for the night, sleep with no issues
- Wake up feeling okay, dig a little bit around the riverbed to make room for boat
- Get on boat and continue exploring
- Row row row the boat gently down the stream
- Find another village, hang around village for a bit, move on
- Little spot accross the river from village seems nice
- There's sheep and cows and pigs, and it's close to the village if they need help
- And it must be safe if the villagers settled here
- Take a closer look around area
- Find cave
- Cave entrance is chock full of coal and iron
- Mine away babey
- Actually make it all the way down the bottom
- Cave is not that big and there are no monsters inside
- Get all surface level minerals
- Bags filled with coal go back to the surface
- It's night
- Panic
- Make quick camp at mouth of cave
- Sleep and wake up fine
- Decide to explore more of area
- Find another cave nearby
- This one looks big
- Bags are full no space for new things
- Tari wants to be closer to sea, Sama is torn
- Sama likes being close to the village
- They decide to build a temporary house near village
- Temporary becomes permanent
- Start laying the foundation and prepare to transfer things from the old house to the new
- Spend a fuckton of time building new house
- Really a fuckton
- Run out of dark oak wood, take boat and go back to oak tree and giant mushroom forest
- Very far away
- Chop until axe breaks, load up boat with wood, go back home
- Build build build buld
- For story purposes Tari says he's going to try and go farther to see if he can find more resources, Sama stays behind to build
- House almost done
- Starts setting glass for glass roof
- Finished the glass go to finish roof
- Runs out of wood again
- Sama goes to oak trees alone
- Woods spooky
- Gets wood
- Go home with no problem
- Tari came home aya!
- Finish house together
- Enjoy a nice evening on the roof
- Wake up next morning bc noises
- Enderman got inside
- Fuck
- Try to coax it out
- It gets angry, Tari gets badly injured but they manage to kill it
- Tari's turn to be in bedrest
- Sama tucks him in the glass room and goes downstairs
- Sees creeper creeping by the window
- War flashbacks
- Sneaks outside, gets it to blow up without damaging the house
- Goes to inspect the damage, sees pillagers in distance, chooses to not engage and pray they'll go away
- Tense day
- Pillagers keep lurking but don't do anything
- Go to bed
- Pillagers still there next morning
- Go fight them
- Success
- Go back hoping no more show up
- Decide to begin farm
- Farmwork has begun successfully
- Put out some lights, make some bone meal for the next morning and go to bed
- Wake up next morning, skeleton got inside
- Is killed easily but at the cost of Samaela's mental health
- She put in so much work on this house and doesn't wanna have to leave again
- Deep breaths
- Go outside to check the situation
- No more monsters around thankfully
- Bone meal helps get started on wheat which is nice
- Harvest wheat
- Put a little staircase in front of door
- It serves no real purpose but makes things feel a little better
- Plus it looks pretty
- Needs more minerals
- Go to cave
- Instant regret
- Skeleton and zombie climb out but catch fire as soon as they go in the light
- Okay
- Go in
- Cave has a little waterfall in it
- Lotsa iron and coal
- Creeper blows itself up
- Go in a littke deeper
- Growling and moaning everywhere but no sign of monsters
- Light up the place and start mining
- Find bottom of cave, nowhere near as deep as previously thought
- Calm.png
- Mine away like there's no tomorrow
- Growling intensifies
- Take a brief peek at mouth of cave and see that it's night
- Forgot to bring bed
- No sense going outside now when monsters are up
- Continue mining and hope for the best
- Water from waterfall sounds soothing
- Growling doesn't stop
- Wonder if they can hear her mining below
- Minerals no longer appearing
- Go back to mouth of cave and wait for sunrise
- Go outside, see creeper
- Fuck it kill
- It blows up and hurts her but she finds coal in the crater so it's not that bad
- Drags herself back home with tons of coal just as it starts raining
- Passes out
- Wakes up in bed
- Tari bounced back way faster that she did
- Damn troll regeneration
- He takes over for now
- Handles things inside while it rains
- Smelts some iron, crafts some lanterns
- They're out of wood again
- Also running low on food
- He leaves Sama with as many torches and lanterns as she'll take and goes off to the oak forest
- Gathers as many mushrooms as he can
- Chops wood until his axe breaks
- Suns starts going down, mad boat dash back home
- Makes it just a little after dark
- Deep breaths
- Time to plank the wood and make mushroom soup
- Things quiet down
- Spider gets in next morning
- Kill it with fire
- Discover that the reason mobs keep getting inside is because they forgot to put glass in one of the windows
- Fix that asap
- Deep breaths
- Wheat garden going well, decide to expand farm
- Get cows
- Get chickens
- Get sheep
- House is finished, wheat is growing, farm is working, Sama is healing
- They both go on a long long trek into the woods to pick flowers
- Go home with a fuckton of flowers
- Get wool from their sheep
- Make dye with flowers
- Make wool carpets for stargazing room and everywhere else
- Fill house with lanterns
- Things are good things are great
- Explore nearby caves with no issue
- Decide to make a basement
- They have time and resources to kill
- Begin digging
- Find iron and coal while digging the basement which is very fun
- Basement almost finished after a couple days
- Trader shows up
- Nothing to trade
- Trader hangs out until night
- Survives the monsters and keeps hanging around
- Finish basement
- Put beds in basement and make an exit that leads outside the house
- Sama hangs some chains around because why not
- Put chests and furnaces on basement
- Things going good
I did some other stuff after the basement, but I stopped takin notes at this point. Hope it was an entertaining read :D
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lonely-luv · 4 years
ok ok!! heat sink and hard drive for logan and cd drive and sound card for janus -aya (softskiesahead)
aaa ty for the ask @softskiesahead !!! sorry this took me so long to get to!!!!
💿 Heat sink: How does your F/O help you destress and vent? Conversely, how do you help them?
ooo ok with logan, something that helps us both is reading!!! sometimes we just both get a book and lay together and read!!! its rlly relaxing!! and sometimes he’ll read to me and gOsh its the sweetest thing!!!!!!!!
💿 Hard drive: Which one of you is more prone to documenting every event in the relationship? Is it done in a particular way?
dEfinitely logan! he doesnt do it in like a sweet scrapbooking type of way tho. he likes to journal and write down important events that happened every day so he doesnt forget em! and he has a special journal for me and writes down the stuff we do together and its sO cute 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
💿 CD drive: Which one of you gets worked up the fastest? How does the other respond to this behavior?
mmmm i think i do! jan’s usually pretty good at keeping his cool unless hes like at his limit. but when i get worked up and upset he usually lets me vent and cry or he helps distract me!! hes rlly good with that kinda thing!!!
💿 Sound card: What are some songs that remind you of your F/O? What songs would remind them of you?
aNy post modern jukebox song reminds me of janus!!!! and this is rLly cheesy but the first song i thought of for like reminding hik of me is “perfect” by ed sheeran aHh 🥺👉👈
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budugaapologist · 5 years
Cooking Headcanons: How Shit With Food Are Your Faves?
·        Altair: Look, it’s edible. It won’t give you food poisoning but it’s kind of bland, which Malik reminds him of every single time Altair tries to be nice and share his food. It’s the thought that counts, Malik, let him live.
·        Ezio: He only makes Italian food. He refuses to attempt anything else after he tried cooking a very complex rogan josh recipe with Yusuf and they failed miserably. He knows Italian food and doesn’t want to look bad in front of his family and friends with a poor dish, though both Sofia and Leonardo would support him through trying something new.
·        Connor: He loves barbequing and always remembers to make vegan and vegetarian options. Whenever the Kenways are throwing a party they make sure to say Connor cooked the main dish even if he didn’t so the guests always come. He also loves to bake, though he is better behind the grill.
·        Haytham: He hates cooking. He doesn’t think he’s good at it and, to be honest? He’s right. He is one of those dads that makes one dish and only one and doesn’t make anything else because it’s the only thing he knows how to make. His signature dish is grilled cheese with a tomato slice on it. Ziio thinks it’s okay and that’s enough for him.
·        Edward: He used to be pretty trash at it. But during his time at sea he learned how to make Cuban and Jamaican dishes like a pro and thanks to Adewale’s nagging he now makes sure he seasons his food. When Jennifer and Haytham were younger he used to bake cookies with them. To avoid another Haytham, when Connor was old enough, he would cook and bake with him. It certainly stuck with Connor, which makes his grandpa instincts really happy.
·        Adewale: He likes meal planning and makes all of his dinners for the week on Sundays. He uses a lot of wine in his dishes, though it’s mainly so there’s a bottle nearby in case anyone tries to talk to him about their problems while he’s cooking. Listen, he understands everyone has their struggles in life but he never came into your kitchen asking for reparations. He has his own things to worry about, he doesn’t want to hear it.
·        Arno: He always follows a recipe book and measures everything exactly if he is trying to impress somebody (Elise, mainly). Otherwise, if he can’t make it in a microwave, he isn’t gonna make it.
·        Elise: She likes her food burnt. It’s a choice that not a lot of guests like since it makes the house smell bad and the smoke detector goes off nine times out of ten, but so long as you aren’t trying to mooch her food, she’s happy.
·        Shay: He is really into stuff you can eat with a spoon, especially traditional Irish stews, which he makes himself when he has company over or has spare time. He has two shelves just for bowls and two cabinets that just have cereal and soups in them. Just don’t take Lucky Charms anywhere near his property, you will never be allowed back (Jacob and Edward know who they are).
·        Aveline: Her cornbread is to fucking die for. Fights have been started over the last piece. She loves the bloodshed over her food and will purposely make fewer than she needs. Her Thanksgiving dinners never have more than a plate of food left over. In her dining room it isn’t regretting how much you ate; it’s regretting how much you didn’t eat.
·        Jacob: He can’t cook. At all. Do not let him have free will in a kitchen.
·        Evie: She makes fun of Jacob relentlessly but has anyone ever seen her cook before? Like, there is no documentation of her touching a stove in her life. She says she’s too busy to cook most nights and swears she uses her crockpot but if you ask me, she’s afraid her and her brother might share a missing skill.
·        Lydia: To avoid the Frye family curse, she’s made sure she’s practiced since she was young, and it’s definitely paid off. Good on you, girl, finding time to learn basic life skills.
·        Henry: Luckily for the twins, he can actually cook. And he loves to. He makes meals from scratch and has his own vegetable garden. He doesn’t mind cooking for the twins, so long as Evie and Jacob don’t mind setting the table and cleaning up afterwards.
·        Bayek: He loves to bake. Pies, cookies, cakes, muffins, cupcakes, brownies, bread, all of it, he loves it. And he’s great at it, too, making at least one pie a week as a date night with Aya.
·        Aya: She doesn’t measure anything. She just eyeballs it and assumes she’s good. Bayek and Aya’s date nights usually rely on Bayek watching her closely so she adds the correct amount of an ingredient and doesn’t destroy their pie. More often than he likes to admit her eyeballing technique works out.
·        Kassandra: So. No one trusts her to make food. She isn’t bad, she just… enjoys a lot of weird combinations. There’s only so many times a person can refuse hot sauce on watermelon or pickles in peanut butter before they just outright tell her to stop bringing her food over and she’s designated to sulking in the living room with Jacob. She also makes protein shakes constantly for breakfast, eats four meals a day, not including dessert, and only eats healthy foods during weekdays, her cheat days being during the weekend. She also only uses exotic meat and venison.
·        Alexios: Much like Kassandra, he has weird snacks but not to her extent. His are just annoying. He’ll take the pickles Kassandra wants with her peanut butter and put them aside in a Ziploc bag then drink all of the pickle juice. He also eats other people’s leftovers. Not because he wants to piss them off, he just doesn’t read when he’s hungry. He makes up for this bad habit though, he’s great at making dips and is a wrap machine.
·        Chronicles Squad: Shao prefers ordering a pizza or getting carryout, but she can cook, especially after Ezio’s lecturing on “authentic Italian cuisine” and “the importance of homemade meals.” Arbaaz always uses ginger powder and turmeric and judges his son’s food with a critic’s eye, but Henry has yet to let him down, well, as far as cooking goes. Nikolai likes to cook but he doesn’t like help. Like Adewale, stay out of his kitchen when he’s cooking, the food tastes better when he doesn’t spit in your plate for ignoring his one rule.
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ahmeddocuments · 4 years
Day 1, (Cairo/Amman/Paris), 25-9-2019
Written by Ahmed Hassan, edited and corrected by Aya Ashraf
Well, this is finally it. The moment I've always procrastinated to do. I'm finally documenting my biggest trip to Europe to date!
The trip started from September, 2019 from France passing by Italy, Vatican, Austria, Prague and ending in Germany. The trip raised my travel achievements from 5 cities, 4 countries to 15 cities, 8 countries in a total of 13 months, with a total number of 33 traveling days.
When I'm documenting my trip, I'm documenting personal experience, personal observations and opinions. it also might reflect my passion for Architecture, Art and beauty of how I see things, and how it reflects from my perspective. And to be honest, I've thought a lot about ideas of how I can show my trip well, and blogging somehow was a winner. Blogging sounds like a classic idea of how things should be documented, and I'm someone who's always nostalgic and feels classic about the present and the future.
Well, Where do I start. it's 9:00 PM on a Tuesday, On 24th of September 2019. i just had a haircut and heading home after one of the strangest days of my life. it's the day i had an emotional roller coaster; I'm getting ready to travel a the biggest planned trip ever, just a few hours after knowing I've took a hit in my career. Or at least that’s what i thought at the time. but after a few hours of Anxiety, I've decided to let all of such thoughts stop, I'm going to travel! I'm literally a few hours away from doing my most favorite thing in the whole world! I started double checking my belongings; Passport and tickets, Cash money, devices and luggage.
My plane takes off at 6:45 AM. I made sure i had arrived earlier for documentation. I finished everything around 3 hours before the flight and I'm sitting there at the airport bored and bored waiting for the time to pass, still having glimpses of anxiety from time to time.
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The moment has come, I hear the call for my flight. Unlike the past year, that wasn't a direct gate to the plane, but it's a shuttle bus taking us directly to the plane near the runway. It’s my first time on Royal Jordanian airlines, I gotta say the plane looks decently vintage from outside, I liked the color pattern of the fleet because you don’t see darker planes every day. as below, the plane appeared mostly black with mixed colors of blood red and gold yellow.
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i picked royal Jordanian because of two factors; their cheap economy tickets (Cairo/Amman/Paris and Berlin/Amman/Cairo for 6900 L.E), their luggage policy  (two 23 Kg pieces + the carry on). But I gotta say, you get what you pay for. As someone who’s been on Air France's Joon last year, all I could do is compare the seats’ quality, friendliness level of the staff and the quality of food. The three weren’t that bad at all on the RJ planes, but yeah, that was something to mention.
So the plane is prepared to take off, flight attendants are giving us instructions about safety and emergency, then we’re taxiing the runway. When people usually describe their point of life when they feel absolutely free of any restrictions, I always think about the moment when the plane is on the runway accelerating, leaving anything behind -even if temporary- and rising above the clouds, above anything that previously caused any kind of insecurity. It’s me feeling superior and feeling good about myself.
That was my first time passing over Sinai by plane, I’ve seen a lot of beautiful scenery, like the gulf of Suez and the Suez canal and its ships lining up one after the other.
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Also scenes of Sinai mountains, that looks small but great from above as well
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I’m now entering the airspace of Jordan. And I got to see the river of Jordan and glimpses of the dead sea.
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Just a few minutes after capturing the above picture, we were approaching Queen Aliaa International Airport in Amman for my transit. The plane was landing, and that was my first time to set foot in another Arab country. My transit was almost two hours long so it wasn’t that big of a deal, the airport was extremely clean with very fast free WiFi service, I didn’t feel bothered at all by the waiting time cause I kept exploring the airport. I wanted to buy a snack or a small meal but it was weird because of my zero understanding about the Jordanian currency in terms of what's reasonable and what's expensive. Minutes passed fast and I boarded the plane for a longer flight to Paris.
Passing over the occupied lands of Palestine gave me a special scene I won't forget, a glimpse of the dome rock mosque and the Aqsa mosque. It’s that glowing gold item in the middle of the below picture.
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The flight to Paris lasted about 6 hours, passing over the Mediterranean, central Europe and then finally entering the French air field. It was a matter of time before hearing the announcement that we’re reaching Charles de Gaulle Airport, I’m landing again in my favorite city in the world, one year after saying goodbye back in 2018. Took my luggage and stayed in the airport for a few hours till Islem, the Algerian friend I’m staying with, finishes his work at 6 PM, so that left me in the airport for about 4 full hours.
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First things first, I had to top up my French mobile line package so that I can communicate during my trip, then had a McDonalds sandwich at the airport. Also had time for a drink till I received a call from Islem to move to Aulnay-sous-Bois. Meeting Islem became one of Paris’s landmarks for me now, he’s a very nice Algerian, 2 years younger and shows a great hospitality each time I request to stay over. After my arrival at the platform, I found him right there. He guided me to the house, which was like 1 minute walking distance from the station which is a GREAT plus for a tourist. The neighborhood was actually built around the 1940s, and it's all about classic villas and buildings. My building is a great example of how the neighborhood looked.
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I was actually staying on the fifth - and last - floor. Anyway it was almost 7.30 and I put my stuff at Islem’s, we're going to have an outing together. Islem suggested I should have like a metro pass to all the 5 Paris districts, which came in really handy for my whole stay, and it included Versailles and Disney which were planned items.
We decided to go over the downtown and launched that plan from Châtelet, stepped out of the station to Rue de Rivoli, passed by Tour Saint Jaques.
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Then we passed by Paris's official city center, Hôtel de Ville. The place looked amazing as that was my first time to see it at night all lit
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Also had my first look at the seine by crossing Pomt d'Arcole and its beautiful scenery over the river.
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I also wanted to check on Notre Dame, as I was really devastated when the fire took place in April 2019, but it looked better than expected. But still it's a great loss to France and Europe.
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For those who don't know, Notre Dame was my favorite place to visit in Paris, and it was the place that I've seen first in Paris during my first visit in 2018. I will never forget that feeling of seeing this building in person. Now it is in a really bad condition, only hoping for it to restore its previous glory soon.
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I made sure to check the building as much as possible, passed by it from almost all sides. A very important funny part though: it was raining before my arrival and I didn’t notice a small water puddle behind Notre Dame, which resulted my socks and shoes all soaked with water, making me walk like i’m walking on hot rocks for a while till it started to dry out. We later reached Saint Michelle Fountain.
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Had the opportunity to see one of the best seine river scenes in Paris, with Notre Dame looking so fine like it was untouched.
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We Also passed by Pont Neuf, Paris’s oldest bridge with a construction date back to 1578. The term “Pont Neuf” means the new bridge, because of all the modernity that it embodied in the Middle Ages back then. The building, which spans the Seine at Ile de la Cité, was built during the reign of Henry III but was inaugurated in the early 17th century.  At that time, it was the very first stone bridge in Paris and also the first in the capital to have sidewalks to protect pedestrians from the mud projected by horses and carts.
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After crossing Pont Neuf to the other bank of the seine, we’re right in front of the back side of the Louvre museum. Islem thankfully made me enter the Louvre from the back entrance, allowing me to see the famous modern pyramid centering the 18th century old Château from a new angle.
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And now with the main stream angle, which I really love by the way because there’s no enough of how beautiful this place looks! I was actually surprised to see that much of people still hanging out there, later i realized the place is open till 9:45 PM on Wednesdays, and it was just 9:15 PM the moment I took the picture.
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We were really starving afterwards, and we couldn’t pick a place to have our dinner. So we decided to eat in the first affordable thing we see in our way. We walked down Avenue de l'Opéra heading to the Palais Garnier (Paris’s grand opera house). and as much as it always looked fantastic with its golden statues, it never looked as beautiful as I saw it that night.
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We were right in front of the opera when Islem suggested we go for pizza hut since it’s just around the corner, there was no space for me to say no as the last meal I had was almost 8-9 hours earlier. We went inside and we picked a chicken pizza that we shared with a drink and appetizers. and I gotta say there was no much of a difference comparing to the pizza hut we have in Egypt, only cleaner place and more expensive lol.
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We were finally full and we decided that I should welcome Paris in the best cliché way possible: watching the Eiffel tower at night. We moved via metro from  Opéra to Trocadéro. For those of you who don’t know, Trocadéro is the best place in Paris where you can actually view the landmark and remain absolutely speechless till you realize you spent a lot of time there and should leave.
It was the most crowded place I visited that night. Needless to say how worthy it was, I’ll just let the below pictures speak for themselves.
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After spending some time there, we decided to go home and rest, as Islem is working the next day, and I have to visit Chateau Versailles which I’m really excited about. Using both Metro and RER, we reached home and I was getting ready to sleep before it started raining outside.
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I was sleeping right under a roof window which allowed me to see the sky and the rain hitting that window and I instantly started thinking about how lucky I am that:
- It started raining right after I’m back home and right before I arrived, I really felt welcomed :)
- I’m visiting the city I love the most twice in one year! Spending so much time there while having a very good trip planned ahead.
To the next day tomorrow, I’m visiting Chateau Versailles ,La Defance and Arc de Triumph. can’t wait to start going into details about that.
Bonne nuit!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No, my girlfriend is super laidback and in fact she’s always the one encouraging me to go out and try new stuff with other people.
Have you ever written a love letter to someone as a joke? No but that doesn’t sound like a very nice thing to do either.
How many true heartbreaks have you had in your lifetime? In a romantic sense, once. I’ve had my heart crushed in other ways as well, like when a loved one dies.
Who last grabbed your ass? It’s definitely Gab but I don’t remember when that was. It’s been a while.
Have you ever cut yourself? Yeah man, I was big on that from 2016-2017. If I remember correctly I had a short lapse last year too, which is disappointing.
Do you get a 'Good Morning' text from someone every day? Not everyday but often enough. I like them; I do feel like I need greetings like those more so these days since I haven’t gotten to see anyone other than my family for two months now.
Do you have any gay family members? I honestly think I do but my family is so secretive about everything, from family drama to who has a terminal illness to sexual orientation. I will probably be the first one to publicly come out, if everything goes right in the new few months.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? I got it from one of the independent clothing stores in Feliz. They sold all these really cute tiny halter tops for only ₱80 each ($1.60)?!?!?! which was wild so I went ahead and got like four, and one of them is what I’m wearing at the moment. I’m so desperate to be outside, or at least, feel like I’m outside, so I’ve taken to wearing the clothes I’d wear in public right at home loooool.
Do any of your friends dislike each other? Yes lmao it’s hilarious. Andrew (who’s part of the newer wave of members in our org) has never been able to win over my OG org friends – Jo, Kate, Aya – so it gets super awkward when both ~generations~ get together in org parties. Since I’m everyone’s friend I always have to divide my time between groups or tables so that I get to spend time with everyone :(
Who is your last missed call from? It was from Angela’s mom, who called on the morning of my birthday to greet me. I feel bad about missing the call but you have to know that I hate getting calls from anyone other than Gabie, so when I woke up to my phone ringing I just rolled over to the other side and let the call pass. I did thank her profusely once I was properly up though.
Do you feel like everything is falling apart around you? This was me last night. As a journalism major, I felt very helpless seeing ABS-CBN get off the air at 7:47 PM and even more helpless when I saw so many people rejoicing over their shutdown, with absolutely no regard for the 11,000 employees who have just lost their jobs. Times have been hard enough in the country because of the government’s poor response to the virus, and now one of our biggest sources of news and information has also been silenced. It was enough to make me shut down last night and I just couldn’t do anything, couldn’t think properly, couldn’t even talk to my girlfriend.
Was your first kiss romantic? I’ve always thought it had been more awkward, but when we got to talking about it in the past my girlfriend apparently found it very romantic and sweet.
Do you miss any of your ex's right now? No ex.
Have you ever overdosed on anything? I have not.
What would you say if you found out your last ex was in a relationship? Look two questions above.
Who was the last person to text you before you went to bed? No one texted me before bed but I did get a text upon waking up this morning; it was Andrew. I’m guessing they saw that I deactivated all my social media last night because they texted their concern for me and told me they were gonna be there for me if I needed anyone to talk to.
How many chances do you tend to give people before enough is enough? One.
Do you know anybody whose last name is a color? Answered this in a survey but yeah, Maroon and Black.
What are you most likely to go to jail for? Ooh I dunno, I’m honestly such a goody two shoes skskksks. Does answering back to the police count? That’s the legit worst thing I imagine myself doing.
Where was your last kiss? Near my car. I was leaving Gabie’s place and she walked me to my car, and I gave her a kiss before I left.
Who was your date to Prom? My cousin. I didn’t give a shit about prom during my junior year since I was super infatuated with Gabie then, I was already seeing her, and I still had no guy friends, but because prom in my school was mandatory attendance I just pulled my favorite cousin to be with me that night.
Do you still talk to your first love? Yeah, I’m still with her to this day.
Whose wedding did you go to first? I honestly don’t remember since I was gotten as flower girl so many times as a toddler. I do have photos of being a flower girl when I was 3 and at least, that’s the oldest-documented wedding I was in. I don’t know whose it was, but it must have been a very distant relative since I only went with my paternal grandparents and absolutely no one else from my family, not even my parents lol.
When is the last time you went to the beach? Nasugbu, August 2019.
Do you ever feel like life is going by too fast? For sure. April was a fucking blur.
Are you ashamed of anyone you've dated in the past? No but my friends have always made me feel like not dating Mike was a bullet dodged. I dunno what to think of it though as I barely knew/know him.
What about anyone you've been friends with? Mostly no, since former friends were important to me at some point and to be ashamed of them is to throw away the good times we did have, but I do prefer to dissociate myself from Athenna. Her behavior has turned so rotten in college and she badmouthed Angela and made her miserable for a very long time; it’s like I have no clue who she is now. Apparently people in her school also think she’s a fucking weirdo, so that has just made me all the more confused about what’s happened to her through the years.
Have you ever made out with someone in a pool? In the sea, yes. Not in a pool since there’s always kids around.
What are you doing this weekend? Same thing I’ve been doing the last 51 days I guess: have late breakfast, take several surveys, maybe take a nap, continue my Spanish lessons, play with my dog, take more surveys, maybe meet some progress on my thesis if I feel mentally capable to work on it.
Who’s the last person that slept over your house? I think it was Gabie. I’m really the only family member that brings over someone at our place for the night haha, and it’s usually Gabie.
Do you still talk to the last person you kissed? Yes.
Have you ever kissed someone with a tongue ring? No but this did remind me of when I used to have a big crush on CM Punk, who used to have a lip ring hahahahahaha.
Is it hard for you to get over a lover? As a demi, I imagine it would be very hard as it would also be losing a best friend.
Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex? I wouldn’t say that. I have a couple of close friends though.
Was your mom ever a stripper? No.
Do you regret any of the relationships you were in? A little bit. I wish my first relationship with Gabie ended months sooner than it actually did. The last few months of it were just us beating around the bush and physically avoiding it each other in school; it was a huge waste of time.
Have you ever tried making someone jealous? Yes, that’s what I did when we ^ finally broke up. By the time we broke up I had long accepted that the relationship wasn’t working and I was already doing a little fine, and I was well enough to do stuff to make her see that she was missing out. It’s high school pettiness so I’ve forgiven myself for it lol.
Would you ever get a boob job? I’ve definitely thought about it but idk. I’ll have to be rich enough to want to allot money for plastic surgery because it’s not very essential for me.
Did your last relationship end because of you or the other person? Because of her.
Who is the last person you flirted with? Just my girlfriend.
Whos the most racist person you know? Probably my mom. She has said some eyeroll-worthy stuff about the Chinese throughout the lockdown and I remember she initially had a negative reaction to my cousin Joelle when she introduced us to her black fiancé. I do know she’s a bit scared of me because I wouldn’t hesitate to call her out on her racism, so thankfully her statements have lessened over the years.
Do people ever compliment your eyes? Not really. It’s not a strong suit.
Have you ever lied to your boyfriend/girlfriend? Eh, just about small stuff like lying about not being hungry.
When is the last time you saw one of your ex's? Gabie was my ex at one point I guess? I last saw her March 7th.
Who was the last person you hung out with? Also Gabie. She was the last non-family member I saw before the whole world fell apart, basically lol.
Which one of your ex's do you hate the most?
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No. I never understood why it’s a big deal for a lot of couples and I’d genuinely like to hear a good reason why. We don’t watch porn together but Gab and I would definitely watch some on our own time and it hasn’t affected our relationship or sex life at all.
Out of everyone you kissed, give me the initials of the best kisser? I’ve only kissed one person and she kisses amazingly, so GAD.
Do you regret a lot of things you did in the past? No. Just some small stuff here and there.
How many people have you kissed this year? One.
How many people has your best friend had sex with? One.
How long have you known the last person you kissed? I have technically known her since 2002, but we didn’t know each other and become friends until 2011.
Do you think one of your friends is a slut? No. One of my former acquaintances was and I’m so not saying that in a judgy way lmao she can fuck whoever she wants whenever she wants, but I don’t really talk to her anymore + she’s no longer single.
When is your birthday? April 21st.
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hchufflepuffteam · 5 years
Beta Be Proof
So you have a piece written for the competition. Now it’s time to have it proofread. You can also ask to have it beta read.
Let’s start there, because most people will use those two terms interchangeably. A proofreading (or a proof) is just checking for technical problems. It’s also called a “basic red line” reading. Proofing just checks spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. Other things that are involved in a basic proof are checking for clarity, tightening the prose, and checking perspective & tense.
A beta read on the other hand will include suggestions on characterization, action, plot, pacing, and flow. Basically, a beta helps with the story aspects as well as the writing aspects, but a proof just deals with the writing aspects. Some people are better with one part over the other, both in their writing and in checking others, and some might be more receptive to one over the other.
This is why the spreadsheet roster has the Beta Preferences section.
Now onto the good stuff: how Hufflepuff handles this.
Since the Houses Competition judges spelling, grammar, and punctuation (SG&P), it is always a good idea to have a second set of eyes look over your piece. It’s not required by the rules of the competition, but it is a good strategy.
This is especially true if this is your first term with the team. Hufflepuff is blessed with a large amount of seasoned players with a few that have even been with the team since Term 1. This term also sees a former judge joining the team. With experience comes knowledge, some of it hard won. We urge all our players to take advantage of having a team supporting you.
We use Google Docs (G-Docs) to share documents. The reason for this is two-fold. One, you will need the word count of your story (just the story part) and the official count is done through G-Docs. Two, it allows for more than just the corrections. It also allows for explanations of why the corrections were suggested as well as comments about parts that can be improved.
You are not required to write your story in G-Docs, if you do not want to. G-Docs accepts uploads of multiple kinds files, even if it is most compatible with Word (.doc/.docx) and OpenOffice (.odt). G-Docs does handle very similar to Word, except it is not stored on your computer and finding it free is a lot easier (Microsoft tends have a lot of hoops to get to the free Office apps).
If you have a gmail or Youtube account (because that runs off a Google account, too), you have access to G-Docs, and it’s as easy as logging into your Google account!
How to upload your document:
When in G-Docs’ main page, you will see several options, but what we want for uploading is the folder icon found under the template ribbon. It looks like this:
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Clicking the folder icon will open a dialogue box over your browser. On the top edge of this dialogue box are several options for where to find a file to open. (Picture included)
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You want “Upload”. Clicking that will change the window to this:
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At this point, it’s exactly like using a flash drive.
Your file will automatically open once it has been uploaded.
How to get a sharing link:
When your file opens, in the top right corner will be a blue button that says “Share”. After clicking it, a dialogue box will open that looks like this:
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The easiest way to share with the team is to get a shareable link. Restricting to only certain emails interferes with our method of “whoever has a moment” for assigning to proofing/beta-reading.
When you have clicked the link button, your dialogue box will shift to this:
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Note that the default setting for the link is “can view”. This means that someone accessing your document with that link will be able to see it but cannot make suggestions on the document and cannot edit at all. What we need is for it to be set to “can comment”. You change this setting by clicking the “can view” section and selecting the “can comment” option. The “can comment” setting means that someone can make suggestions for changes but they cannot outright change your document.
Why is that important? Sometimes you may not agree with a suggested change or you may agree that it should be changed but decide to change it in a different way. Also, speaking from the perspective of a professional writing coach, if you see the corrections, you can learn better & faster.
Important!: You will need to make a fresh copy of the link by clicking “copy link”. It is a different URL from the one which was automatically copied.
Next is sharing the URL with the team. You can do this by making a link on the appropriate section of the spreadsheet and putting the status as “ready for beta” or “ready for proof”, but if you’re in our Discord server, you have another option.
You can just drop the link into the Beta & Proofing channel (located in the General Writing Stuff category). Please label the link in some way. I personally favor things like “Round 2 Drabble” or “PRC 05 (Aya)”. This is also the opportunity to mention any specific concerns you have such as “I really don’t think I was clear in this section” or “I don’t know if the prompt is present enough” so that whoever checks you can address them, even if it’s just to reassure you.
Important!: Once someone has looked over your piece, you will need resolve all comments. You can do this by accepting or rejecting the suggested correction and by clicking “resolve”.
Downloading your file:
After you have been proofed, it is time to get your file back on your computer. To do this, you go to “File” and then “Download File As”. You then choose your file type of choice, and it will save it in whatever way you have set up on your computer.
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It is important to note that your file should be compatible with Fanfiction.net’s coding. The top three choices are a guarantee of that, with the top two as your best bet for preserving formatting.
Congratulations! You survived!
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vampucci · 6 years
i wanted a list that put ALL OF THEM together in one post - ship tags and individual character tags for people who might have difficulty finding the most effective ones - so i decided i’d do it myself since i have the free time. lemme know if i missed anything important (especially difficult to find f/f ships and the like)
Important Notes:
i mostly included stuff that had anything dedicated to it but some are very sparse. maybe they’ll garner more content over time!
japanese ship names traditionally denote a seme/uke dynamic. the more dominant partner comes first in the tag, so if you search jotaro/kakyoin you’ll probably get a lot of dommy jotaro and subby kakyoin and if you search kakyoin/jotaro you’ll get a lot of the opposite. heterosexual ships almost always list the man’s name first.
many of these searches produce nsfw results!!! please browse responsibly, especially when it comes to child characters, incest, or other upsetting subjects. just because it’s listed it doesn’t mean i like it personally - this is for exhaustive documentation. you may also consider many tags as here for the purpose of omitting them from searches by putting them after a “-”.
i’ve put ジョジョ (jojo) in with a couple vague names (like danny or kars) to make sure they come up with their intended results but if anything else seems too broad just copy/paste that in with your search.
read below pls
most of these were found via the official tag list or on my own after much frustration but many were written down and translated by saltynovember!
EDIT: hey it’s so good that the links i bothered to embed into all of these tags aren’t showing up. here’s an actual text link to a doc where you can just click on all of them if you want that: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CWvaoMJLqkJx2q_FcaeZKuGDVMeayFxmxAdqxD23deM/edit?usp=sharing
JOJO; ジョジョ (Jojo); ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
x部 (Replace x with desired part number, e.g. 4部 = DIU)
荒木荘 (All villains, usually domestic AU)
混部 (All Jojo parts, part crossovers)
JOJO【百合】(F/F content)
JOJO【腐】(M/M content)
ジョジョNL (Het content)
ジョースター家 (The Joestars)
195cm組 (195cm tall Joestar boys, i.e. Jonathan, Joseph and Jotaro)
DIOの息子 (Dio's children)
無駄家族 (Dio and his children, as well as Jonathan)
チーム食物連鎖 (”Team Food Chain;” Diavolo, Dio, and Kars)
無駄親子 (Dio and Giorno; “Mudad”)
僕親子 (Jonathan and Giorno; “Bokudad”)
オラ親子 (Jotaro and Jolyne; “Oradad”)
イカサマ親子 (Joseph and Josuke; “Swindler Dad”)
波紋組 (Jonathan and Joseph; “Team Hamon”)
隠し子組 (Josuke and Giorno; “Team Illegitimate Child”)
ジョセジョナ (Joseph/Jonathan)
承ジョナ (Jotaro/Jonathan)
ジョナジョル (Jonathan/Giorno)
仗承 (Josuke/Jotaro)
仗ジョル (Josuke/Giorno)
仗徐 (Josuke/Jolyne)
ジョル仗 (Giorno/Josuke)
ジョル徐 (Giorno/Jolyne)
カーズDIO (Kars/Dio)
DIOジョル (Dio/Giorno)
ジョルDIO (Giorno/Dio)
吉良ボス (Kira/Diavolo)
DIO徐 (Dio/Jolyne)
DIOディエ (Dio/Diego)
承承 (Jotaro/Jotaro)
DIOディオ (Dio/Dio)
ジョナサン・ジョースター (Jonathan Joestar)
DIO or ディオ or ディオ・ブランドー (Dio Brando)
エリナ・ペンドルトン or エリナ・ジョースター (Erina Pendleton/Joestar)
スピードワゴン or ロバート・E・O・スピードワゴン (Speedwagon)
ウィル・A・ツェペリ (Will A. Zeppeli)
ジョージ・ジョースター (George Joestar I)
ストライツォ (Straizo)
ダイアー ジョジョ (Dire)
ダニー ジョジョ (Danny)
ワンチェン (Wang Chan)
ダリオ・ブランドー (Dario Brando)
トンペティ (Tonpetty)
ジョナエリ (Jonathan/Erina)
ディオジョナ or  DIOジョナ (Dio/Jonathan)
ジョナディオ or ジョナDIO (Jonathan/Dio)
ジョナスピ (Jonathan/Speedwagon)
スピジョナ (Speedwagon/Jonathan)
ツェぺジョナ (Zeppeli/Jonathan)
ジョナツェぺ (Jonathan/Zeppeli)
ディオスピ (Dio/Speedwagon)
Other part 1 tags:
ファントムブラッド (Phantom Blood)
ジョナサン受け (Uke Jonathan, various partners)
ジョセフ・ジョースター (Joseph Joestar)
シーザー・A・ツェペリ (Caesar Zeppeli)
リサリサ (Lisa Lisa)
エリナ・ペンドルトン or エリナ・ジョースター (Erina Pendleton/Joestar)
スピードワゴン or ロバート・E・O・スピードワゴン (Speedwagon)
シュトロハイム (Rudol Von Stroheim)
メッシーナ (Messina; Loggins had like no results)
スージーQ (Suzi Q)
カーズ ジョジョ (Kars)
ワムウ (Wamuu)
エシディシ (Esidisi)
サンタナ ジョジョ (Santana)
ジョセQ (Joseph/Suzi Q)
シーリサ (Caesar/Lisa Lisa)
カーリサ (Kars/Lisa Lisa)
シージョセ (Caesar/Joseph)
ジョセシー (Joseph/Caesar)
ジョセスピ (Joseph/Speedwagon)
シュトジョセ (Stroheim/Joseph)
エシカー (Esidisi/Kars)
カズエシ (Kars/Esidisi)
ワムジョセ (Wamuu/Joseph)
ジョセワム (Joseph/Wamuu)
カージョセ (Kars/Joseph)
ジョセカー (Joseph/Kars)
カーワム (Kars/Wamuu)
ワムカー (Wamuu/Kars)
サンシュト (Santana/Stroheim)
シュトサン (Stroheim/Santana)
Other part 2 tags:
戦闘潮流 (Battle Tendency)
波紋戦士 (Hamon warriors; general hamon users)
空条 承太郎 (Jotaro Kujo)
ジョセフ・ジョースター (Joseph Joestar)
ポルナレフ (Jean Pierre Polnareff)
ポルナレフ 妹 (Polnareff’s sister)
花京院 典明 (Noriaki Kakyoin)
モハメド・アヴドゥル (Muhammad Avdol)
イギー ジョジョ (Iggy)
空条ホリィ (Holly Kujo)
スージーQ (Suzi Q)
DIO or ディオ or ディオ・ブランドー (Dio Brando)
エンヤ婆 (Enya Geil)
ヴァニラ・アイス (Vanilla Ice)
ホル・ホース (Hol Horse)
ヌケサク (Nukesaku)
ダニエル・J・ダービー (Daniel J. D’arby)
テレンス・T・ダービー (Telence J. D’arby)
ペット・ショップ (Pet Shop)
ンドゥール (N’Doul)
マライア (Mariah)
アレッシー (Alessi)
オインゴ (Oingo)
ボインゴ (Boingo)
アヌビス神 ジョジョ (Anubis)
偽キャプテン・テニール (Impostor Captain Tennille)
呪いのデーボ (Devo)
ラバーソール (Rubber Soul)
J・ガイル ジョジョ (J. Geil)
ネナ ジョジョ (Nena)
鋼入りのダン (Steely Dan)
マニッシュ・ボーイ (Mannish Boy)
ミドラー ジョジョ (Midler)
チャカ(ジョジョの奇妙な冒険) (Chaka)
花ホリ (Kakyoin/Holly)
承花 (Jotaro/Kakyoin)
花承 (Kakyoin/Jotaro)
花ポル (Kakyoin/Polnareff)
ポル花 (Polnareff/Kakyoin)
承ポル (Jotaro/Polnareff)
ポル承 (Polnareff/Jotaro)
アヴポル (Avdol/Polnareff)
ポルアヴ (Polnareff/Avdol)
承ジョセ  (Jotaro/Joseph)
ジョセ承 (Joseph/Jotaro)
スタ承 (Star Platinum/Jotaro)
承スタ (Jotaro/Star Platinum)
スタハイ (Star Platinum/Hierophant Green)
花ジョセ (Kakyoin/Joseph)
承DIO (Jotaro/Dio)
DIO承 (Dio/Jotaro)
DIO花 (Dio/Kakyoin)
テレ花 (Telence/Kakyoin)
テレダニ (Telence/Daniel)
ダニテレ (Daniel/Telence)
ミドマラ (Midler/Mariah)
花DIO (Kakyoin/Dio)
DIOジョセ (Dio/Joseph)
ヴァニテレ (Vanilla/Telence)
テレヴァニ (Telence/Vanilla)
DIOヴァニ (Dio/Vanilla)
ヴァニDIO (Vanilla/Dio)
ホルポル (Hol/Polnareff)
ンドゥ承 (N’Doul/Jotaro)
承ンドゥ (Jotaro/N’Doul)
テレンドゥ (Telence/N’Doul)
DIOンドゥ (Dio/N’Doul)
DIOホル (Dio/Hol)
ホルDIO (Hol/Dio)
ボイホル (Boingo/Hol)
ホルボイ (Hol/Boingo)
ホルネナ (Hol/Nena)
ワーDIO (The World/Dio)
DIOワー (Dio/The World)
Other part 3 tags:
スターダストクルセイダース (Stardust Crusaders)
アレッシーモード (Alessi Mode; refers to characters changed into children by/as if by Sethan)
アレッシー化 (Alessification; same as the above)
承太郎受け (Uke Jotaro, various partners)
DIO受け or ディオ受け (Uke Dio, various partners)
東方 仗助 (Josuke Higashikata)
虹村 億泰 (Okuyasu Nijimura)
広瀬 康一 (Koichi Hirose)
岸辺 露伴 (Rohan Kishibe)
吉良 吉影 (Yoshikage Kira)
空条 承太郎 4部 (Part 4 Jotaro Kujo)
川尻 早人 (Hayato Kawajiri)
杉本 鈴美 (Reimi Sugimoto)
重ちー (Shigekiyo Yangu)
音石 明 (Akira Otoishi)
ジョセフ・ジョースター (Joseph Joestar)
未起隆 (Hazekura Mikitaka)
山岸 由花子 (Yukako Yamagishi)
噴上 裕也 (Yuya Fungami)
小林 玉美 (Tamami Kobayashi)
間田 敏和 (Toshikazu Hazamada)
トニオ・トラサルディー (Tonio Trussardi)
静・ジョースター (Shizuka Joestar)
辻 彩 (Aya Tsuji)
アーノルド ジョジョ (Arnold)
東方 朋子 (Tomoko Higashikata)
東方 良平 ジョジョ (Ryohei Higashikata)
吉良 吉廣 (Yoshihiro Kira)
虹村 形兆 (Keicho Nijimura)
片桐 安十郎 or アンジェロ ジョジョ (Anjuro Katagiri)
大柳 賢 or ジャンケン小僧 (Ken Oyanagi)
鋼田一 豊大 (Toyohiro Kanedaichi)
宮本 輝之輔 (Terunosuke Miyamoto)
虹村 父 (Okuyasu’s dad)
乙 雅三 (Masazo Kinoto)
川尻 しのぶ (Shinobu Kawajiri)
猫草 (Plant Cat/Catgrass)
露鈴 (Rohan/Reimi)
吉良しの (Kira/Shinobu)
康由 (Koichi/Yukako)
仗露 (Josuke/Rohan)
仗承 or 叔父甥 (Josuke/Jotaro; Uncle/Nephew)
承仗 or 甥叔父 (Jotaro/Josuke; Nephew/Uncle)
露仗 (Rohan/Josuke)
仗億 (Josuke/Okuyasu)
億仗 (Okuyasu/Josuke)
噴仗 (Fungami/Josuke)
露康 (Rohan/Koichi)
康露 (Koichi/Rohan)
承露 (Jotaro/Rohan)
露承 (Rohan/Jotaro)
トニ億 (Tonio/Okuyasu)
露億 (Rohan/Okuyasu)
サー仗 (Surface/Josuke)
形億 (Keicho/Okuyasu)
音形 (Akira/Keicho)
川吉良 (Kosaku/Kira)
吉良川 (Kira/Kosaku)
吉良仗 (Kira/Josuke)
仗吉良 (Josuke/Kira)
承吉良 (Jotaro/Kira)
Other part 4 tags:
ダイヤモンドは砕けない (Diamond is Unbreakable)
杜王町 (The town of Morioh)
ジョルノ・ジョバァーナ (Giorno Giovanna)
ブチャラティ (Bruno Buccellati)
アバッキオ (Leone Abbacchio)
ミスタ ジョジョ (Guido Mista)
ナランチャ (Narancia Ghirga)
フーゴ ジョジョ (Pannacotta Fugo)
トリッシュ (Trish Una)
ポルナレフ 5部 or 5部ナレフ (Part 5 Jean Pierre Polnareff)
ココ・ジャンボ (Coco Jumbo)
ペリーコロ (Pericolo)
ディアボロ (Diavolo)
ドッピオ (Doppio Vinegar)
スクアーロ ジョジョ (Squalo)
ティッツァーノ (Tiziano)
カルネ ジョジョ (Carne)
チョコラータ (Cioccolata)
セッコ (Secco)
ポルポ (Polpo)
リゾット (Risotto Nero)
ホルマジオ (Formaggio)
イルーゾォ (Illuso)
プロシュート (Prosciutto)
ペッシ ジョジョ (Pesci)
メローネ (Melone)
ギアッチョ (Ghiaccio)
スコリッピ (Scolippi)
ブチャトリ (Buccellati/Trish)
ミストリ ジョジョ (Mista/Trish)
ジョルトリ (Giorno/Trish)
ジョルミス (Giorno/Mista)
ミスジョル (Mista/Giorno)
アバブチャ (Abbacchio/Buccellati)
ブチャアバ (Buccellati/Abbacchio)
ジョルフー (Giorno/Fugo)
フーナラ (Fugo/Narancia)
ナラフー (Narancia/Fugo)
ジョルポル (Giorno/Polnareff)
ブチャジョル (Buccellati/Giorno)
ジョルブ (Giorno/Buccellati)
ブチャナラ (Buccellati/Narancia)
ブチャフー (Buccellati/Fugo)
ジョル承 (Giorno/Jotaro)
リゾプロ (Risotto/Prosciutto)
プリゾ (Prosciutto/Risotto)
メロギア (Melone/Ghiaccio)
ギアメロ (Ghiaccio/Melone)
ホルイル (Formaggio/Illuso)
ソルジェラ (Sorbet/Gelato)
プロペシ (Prosciutto/Pesci)
ギアリゾ (Ghiaccio/Risotto)
スクティツ (Squalo/Tiziano)
フーイル (Fugo/Illuso)
Other part 5 tags:
黄金の風 (Golden Wind/Vento Aureo)
護衛チーム (Assassination Team)
空条 徐倫 (Jolyne Cujoh)
エルメェス (Hermes Costello)
エンポリオ ジョジョ (Emporio Alniño)
空条承太郎 6部 (Part 6 Jotaro Kujo)
フー・ファイターズ (Foo Fighters)
アナスイ (Narciso Anasui)
ウェザー ジョジョ (Weather Report)
グェス ジョジョ (Guess)
アイリン ジョジョ (Irene)
アナキス ジョジョ (Anakiss)
プッチ ジョジョ or プッチ神父 (Enrico Pucci)
ペルラ ジョジョ or ペルラ プッチ (Perla Pucci)
ドナテロ・ヴェルサス (Donatello Versus)
リキエル (Rikiel)
ウンガロ (Ungalo)
緑色の赤ちゃん (Green Baby)
スポーツ・マックス (Sports Maxx)
ジョンガリ・A (Johngalli A)
ミューミュー (Miuccia Miuller)
ミラション (Miraschon)
ケンゾー ジョジョ (Kenzou)
ラング・ラングラー (Lang Rangler)
サンダー・マックイイーン (Thunder McQueen)
DアンG (D and G)
ロッコバロッコ (Loccobarocco)
F徐 (Foo/Jolyne)
徐エル (Jolyne/Hermes)
プチDIO (Pucci/Dio)
DIOプチ (Dio/Pucci)
ウェザアナ (Weather/Anasui)
アナ徐 (Anasui/Jolyne)
空条夫妻 (Jotaro/his wife)
ウェザ徐 (Weather/Jolyne)
ウェザエル (Weather/Hermes)
ウェザF (Weather/Foo)
スポエル (Sports Maxx/Hermes)
Other part 6 tags:
ストーンオーシャン (Stone Ocean)
ジョニィ・ジョースター (Johnny Joestar)
ジャイロ・ツェペリ (Gyro Zeppeli)
ルーシー・スティール  (Lucy Steel)
スティーブン・スティール (Steven Steel)
ホット・パンツ (Hot Pants)
マウンテン・ティム (Mountain Tim)
ディエゴ・ブランドー or ディエゴ ジョジョ (Diego Brando)
ウェカピポ ジョジョ (Wekapipo)
ポコロコ (Pocoloco)
ファニー・ヴァレン (Funny Valentine)
ブラックモア ジョジョ (Blackmore)
マイク・O (Mike O.)
リンゴォ・ロードアゲイン (Ringo Roadagain)
アクセル・RO (Axl RO)
マジェント・マジェント (Magent Magent)
フェルディナンド博士 (Dr. Ferdinand)
ディ・ス・コ (D-I-S-C-O)
ポーク・パイ・ハット(僧 (Pork Pie Hat Kid)
サンドマン (Sandman)
ミセス・ロビンスン (Mrs. Robinson)
オエコモバ (Oyecomova)
シュガー・マウンテン (Sugar Mountain)
スカーレット・ヴァレンタイン (Scarlet Valentine)
グレゴリオ・ツェペリ (Gregorio Zeppeli)
ニコラス・ジョースター (Nicholas Joestar)
ディエパン (Diego/Hot Pants)
ジョニ理那 (Johnny/Rina Higashikata)
ジョニパン (Johnny/Hot Pants)
ジャイジョニ (Gyro/Johnny)
ジョニジャイ (Johnny/Gyro)
ディエジョニ (Diego/Johnny)
ジョニディエ (Johnny/Diego)
ファニディエ (Funny/Diego)
ジャイディエ (Gyro/Diego)
くる毛 (Magent Magent/D-I-S-C-O) (i think there’s some literature on why this says “come hair” but i’m tired and i cannot read)
Other part 7 tags:
スティール・ボール・ラン (Steel Ball Run)
if i missed anything let me know! if you’re looking for a stand you can find their name on the wiki and add ジョジョ to pare down the search. if i there’s tag you think should be on here, or there’s an error/a broken link/a better tag for anything in particular, send me an ask. i had to redo this like twice after all the japanese characters got corrupted so no doubt there’s mistakes
hope this helps someone find an artist they love. remember to be respectful and show your appreciation however you can. happy browsing!
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