#remi replies
thecatboyfriend · 2 years
mumscarian for 2D please
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very happy with this one :33
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blorbo <333 i love vaem @its-towarzysz
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bonkersoverblorbos · 2 years
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Don't lie to urself, none of ur f/os shower /j
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wreckitremy · 23 days
i would like to hear. about ur special interest
Hmm, well currently I'd say selkies are my special interest bc right now I feel like pulling an um actually about them.
Selkies are an irish/scottish mythological creature.
They are seals that can take off their skin/pelts (usually referred to as coats in their mythology) to be a human.
They cannot return to the sea without their coat. If you catch a selkies coat, the mythology says that they will fall in love with you. But if they find their coat, they will leave and never return.
Most of their stories involve teaching people about not controlling people, and letting them be themselves.
My sources of selkie stories are
The Secret of Roan Inish (1994 movie based on the 1957 scottish book Secret of the Ron Mor Skerry)
The Song of the Sea (2014 movie by Cartoon Saloon, an Irish animation studio)
Tales of the seal people: Scottish Folk Tales edited by Duncan Willamson
Basically, there's not a lot of accessible info out there about them. But there has been some things in some modern stories trying to include selkies, that don't quite get the vibes of selkies right.
It's not that they are getting the mythology, wrong necessarily. It's about to equivalent the variety of changes werewolves and vampires have had, just on a much smaller scale. However they bug me so I'm gonna rant about why.
Selkie mermaids
As a hybrid, or a version of a mermaid with a seal tail instead of a fish tail. It's a cool concept, and not really bad on its own.
The problem is when people think that a selkie mermaid IS a selkie. The whole point of a selkie is being able to take off their coat and look human. Having the selkie be both human and seal at the same time changes what their purpose is.
Rules about when they can take off their coat, that are similar to Davy Jones in pirates of the Caribbean
Selkies are like fae in that they are unpredictable, but they do not have rules that strict. Selkies represent humanity's relationship to the sea. They are the tides, the waves, & the currents.
They have patterns, but if you try to rein them in, you will only have yourself to blame.
Also these kinds of stories make land seem more enticing by doing this, which is not really selkie vibes. They are curious about land and people, but about as much as a cat is, bc selkies are autistic coded (i wrote a whole post about that already actually).
Giving selkies with the Soulmate AU treatment
While selkies stories are about relationships, their stories are not about "finding the one".
Most of the stories, selkies are not looking for a relationship at all. Their stories tend to have the message of "if you love them, let them go". They kind of follow the plot of things like the song The Willow Maid (but instead of fading into a flower, they disappear into the sea)
Granted, Song of the Sea, does lean a bit in this direction, but it still has the vibe there, if you know to look for it. There is love there, but love is lost in many different ways due to the need for control. It's giving up that control that allows that love to not disappear into the sea completely.
Anyway that's my opinion on selkies. I've been obsessed with them since before I can remember, and I thought I had run out of things to say about them after my post about them being autistic coded, but omg this got long
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transformativeworks · 10 months
Good afternoon,
I came across your Translation Volunteers announcement and I am interested in applying. However, I will only be 16 by November of this year. Would I still be able to apply now or would I have to wait until next year to officially be 16?
Thank you
Hey Nonnie
I'm so glad you are interested in helping out on the Translation Team, but per the Volunteer FAQ
The OTW can only accept volunteering applications from people aged 16 years and over.
.. so you would have to wait until after your birthday. Once you are 16 you should check out the Volunteer Page to see what teams are currently accepting applications - there is not a Set Schedule on when teams are looking for new people.
(also happy early birthday)
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paintoreos · 10 months
If you see this on your FYP, reblog and tag people that you want to rat their last tatouille
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arcanaaa · 9 months
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elvis-has-been-dug · 4 months
why you gay
because can you imagine how weird it would be if I was straight of all things
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abrushwithdeath · 1 year
Continued from here !
She knew she was being a bit of a bitch. In hindsight, she wouldn't feel great about it- the poor nurse was only trying to do her job. But Rogue was angry. And scared.
If Remy had been under Hank's care, not only would she know he was okay, but he'd be with other mutants like himself and she'd be at his side right now. Instead, he was stuck in a hospital. A normal, every day, hospital. And she didn't trust a damn soul in this place with his care if they knew what he was. Add to that that they weren't letting her in to see him…
Oh, her anxiety was through the damned roof. And that meant her temper was getting there, too.
"Miss, it's against policy-"
Rogue pointed a gloved finger directly at the nurse, this simple action (coupled with her tone and the expression she wore) enough to get the other woman to stop talking. "I know. It ain't visitin' hours. I ain't his wife. I'm not family. So you won't lemme see 'im. But I'm tellin' ya- that's my man in there. An' I ain't movin' from this spot 'til ya let me in t'see 'im. Ya understand me? So you can take yer policies an'-"
Her eyes snapped towards the door at that sound. Remy had hit the call button and alerted the nurse to his need for something. Rogue's heart raced.
The nurse quickly excused herself then... had to shut the door in Rogue's face because she had followed the nurse closely, as if thinking she could sneak right in behind her. Which, of course, didn't work and left the southerner practically fuming. She was right there on the verge of stomping her foot like an angry child or, worse, kicking in the door. Why the hell couldn't they just let her in? Just for a couple minutes. Just long enough to check on him. To see him. (To... probably then refuse to leave his room, all things considered.)
But she needed to know: Was Remy okay? Were they treating him well? Was the nurse being kind? Or was she the type to be short and bitter with him all because of his eyes? Oh, if that was the case…
Her foot tapped rapidly against the floor, and the sounds of the rest of the hospital still busy at work were starting to grate on her. Too loud. Too much. Too crowded. She felt it in her stomach, in her chest, a pressure at the back of her head that made her feel like she might explode…
She just wanted to see Remy. Even if she had to make a scene. There wasn't a soul who'd be able to keep her from him.
Yet she still took a small step back to let the nurse out of the room when the door opened. Except, the woman didn't shut the door behind herself this time…
Rogue's eyes narrowed at her.
"He said to let you in," The nurse explained, though she didn't seem too happy about it. Maybe she was just frustrated that she'd argued with Rogue all that time for nothing. Or maybe she was just tired of the whole situation. Rogue… hadn't been making it easy on her.
"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Rogue asked. Then, realizing she was being snarky despite getting what she wanted, she felt a bit of shame. Her next words were said more genuinely. "Thank you. I'm just worried 'bout 'im..."
"I know," Was the only answer back before the nurse walked away and Rogue was stepping into Remy's room, shutting the door behind herself.
She breathed a sigh of relief as the door clicked closed, then she raised her gaze to look at Remy. Her Remy. Lying in a hospital bed. Patched up. IV in his arm. Oxygen being fed to him through a cannula. They hadn't told her what was wrong with him, just that he was stable. He was alive.
Her chest tightened as she stared at him, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to start scolding him for his recklessness or if she just wanted to kiss him. 
She couldn't kiss him, unfortunately, so a bit of scolding was in order. (Besides, it was always easier to express herself through anger...)
"Remy Etienne LeBeau, you reckless idiot," There was some fire behind her words, arms crossed, that stern look finally spreading across her face as she approached his bed. Brows furrowed. Lips pursed. Jaw clenched. There were about a thousand things she wanted to say to him, but they were all bouncing around in her head a thousand miles per hour and she was having trouble sorting them out. So the silence that followed that first sentence wasn't because she wanted to be silent, it was because she was struggling with what to say next.
Her eyes moved from him to take in the room, as if searching for anything to be wary of. Any signs of tampering or cruelty. She saw nothing of the sort, but that didn't mean she wasn't still slightly on guard. What she did find was a chair near his bed. One that she dragged even closer, seating herself so near to him that her knees were bumping that hospital bed frame that cradled his mattress. 
Now that she'd had a second to sort her thoughts, she was back to speaking. Whether that was a good thing for Remy or not, she wasn't quite sure yet. "What were you thinkin'? Goin' out there by yerself. Ya coulda been killed!" She quickly raised a finger to stop him from chiming in despite her question- speaking was probably hard for him right now. She would do the speaking, instead. "Ya can't go doin' stupid stuff like that, ya hear me?" And there, finally, was that wavering in her tone that gave away the fear she'd felt. The bit of relief that she was holding onto for the fact that he was alive. "If you'd've died, I woulda brought ya back just t'chew ya out for it." And, she wasn't a religious woman, but god help whoever the hell managed to kill Remy LeBeau, because they'd have to face her.
She reached out towards him, trying to keep her hand steady. Carefully, she placed one hand against his. The other found itself moving up, fingers gingerly brushing through his hair. She just needed to touch him. Even with the fabric of her glove between. She needed to feel him beneath her fingertips. She was quiet again, just for a few seconds, just long enough to watch him, to calm her racing heart.
When she spoke again, her voice was softer. "Ya ain't leavin' me. Not like that. Got it? Ya want outta this relationship, yer gonna have t'do better'n tryin' t'get yerself killed," A joke. A small one, maybe ill timed, but it was an attempt, nonetheless.
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i will pout about it if i want to pout about it -remy :p
Speaking of IRL, this is what I've been dealing with.
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thecatboyfriend · 2 years
for scarian suggestions, perhaps cuddles? curled up with each other and resting soundly? :]
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scarian cuddles are my specialty <3 i love them
rbs appreciated <3 icon comms open!!
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apparently-artless · 8 months
omg Art, it’s like they used your colouring style in the Shibuya Arc opening 😆✨ HEHEHEH I legit sat up and was like “JJK FINALLY IN ART’S STYLE?!?!!@;@“ 🤍
lol. when i first saw the OP, i thought to myself, "wow, that's a lot of red" and then instinctively decided not to make gifs for this new OP. 😅😅😅 and then i saw your message. i may not be the best judge of my own coloring but thinking about it, i try to make the reds on my jjk edits stand out. 🤭🤭🤭 so i tried to do one scene with and without my coloring. okay fine, i really love emphasizing the reds. 🤣🤣🤣
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wreckitremy · 22 days
Writing projects, you say? 👁👁
I actually have some now! (Mostly bc I joined a writing club that is adjacent to one of my book clubs) I'm trying to stick to one of them so I can have progress goals to meet. Having external sources to be accountable to is so necessary.
Right now I'm focusing on the newest project, since that one is the most character driven, and not working backwards from the ending.
Very related to my recent special interest ask actually, as it's an urban fantasy story where the main character is a selkie in a city on land, with public transportation built for people of the sea, like them and mermaids.
The story will focus on how the selkie navigates said public transportation as their health deteriorates.
Selkies can be chronically ill in a way on land in their human form, and tend to get worse over time.
This will be different from the majority of the sea people, like the wide variety of mermaids. The goal will be to represent as many kinds of disabilities as possible.
The theme is going to be centered around
Internalized ableism as the selkie comes to terms with needing to rely on these subpar systems
Lateral ableism as they work through jealousy over perceived privileges
And universal design, and its limitations when it comes to conflicting access needs
Right now I'm focusing on explaining the city, bc that's helping me think of new things to explore.
But also bc I am a little stuck at the beginning where more real life transportation will be described.
I've only been on a bus like 3 times. I have never lived somewhere that had real public transportation. What little has existed, has always been less helpful than walking or begging for rides.
So if anyone has recommendations for urban fantasy stories that feature public transportation, I'd love to hear about them.
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arcanaaa · 3 months
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fouralignments · 2 years
Quicksilver as a villian would be hilarious. And not the dark take over the world kind. He would be fully aware that he could do evil shit and no one could stop him.
He would just steal truckload shipments of twinkkies and other of his favorite shit. I mean don't get me wrong he will not hesitate to kill evil bitches like the God damn punisher. Would David be his partner in crime? Meh depends on the day.
Funny you should ask...because that the basic trajection of my story. Because when Peter turns evil watch out. Just think about how much he holds back, seriously if a flick of a finger can make someone crash into the floor unconscious as in the time in a bottle scene:
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He would give Magneto a run for his money on just how terrifying scary he could be. The only things that are keeping him in the chaotic good/natural side his is good hearted and kind nature. One of my headcanons is that what makes Peter slow and what holds him from fully embracing his powers is that he plagued by doubts, fear, anxiety and critical of himself that weigh him down. Peter is ruled by the House of Mercury he curious, communicative, and adaptable, but he is also indecisive, critical, and anxious for not living up to Charles and Erik's expectations of him; through Peter puts more higher, more unattainable expectations , which he thinks are Charles and Erik's he sees himself as a failure, so he pushes himself so hard to make his dads proud.
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No his partner in crime would be the King of Thieves, his beau, Remy Lebeau. But have you seen Remy as the Horseman of Death? Very fucking scary. Remy didn't think things through when he volunteered to be a Horseman for En Sabah Nur....
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Yeah but Remy and Peter would be taking over the world..... of the con game!
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explosionshark · 11 months
2, 3, 14, & 1, for the book asks
2. top 5 books of all time?
okay acknowledging that this question is actually inhumane and impossible to answer
-the haunting of hill house by shirley jackson
-the broken earth series by nk jemisin
-wounds and/or north american lake monsters by nathan ballingrud (depends on the day! i love them both equally)
-the carlisle series by roslyn sinclair
-the vanished birds by simon jimenez
3. what is your favourite genre?
if i can be a little bit of a bastard about this i'd say "speculative fiction" just to cover all my bases.
if i'm barred from bastardry, and if you're twisting my arm, i'd probably say horror. first and truest love, after all.
14. do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?
no, i really try not to beat my books up too bad. not telling anyone else what to do with their books, but i try to keep them in good shape! i usually use some kind of bookmark or else i just remember the page number. i also don't really write in my books that often.
book you’ve reread the most times?
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