Oh geeze, now I'm imagining a Rachel from a universe where she lived after the war coming to the canon universe through a Sario Rip.
Things Rachel would do if she suddenly found herself in canon-verse ~10 years after her canon death:
Put on white face paint and show up in Marco's room at 3:00 in the morning. This would be her way of announcing that she's back, and if she half-kills him from sheer terror then that's a sacrifice she's willing to make.
Find Tobias and drag him by the ear (symbolic ear) into interacting with other people on a regular basis. This effort would probably be aided by Toby, who would both kidnap him to visit the hork-bajir settlements on the regular and also throw him at human activities.
Buy a pool noodle. Get it wet. Ambush Jake. Smack him repeatedly in the head with it, yelling "I! Told! You! Not! To! Blame! Yourself!" [wet squelching noises]
Go for smoothies with Cassie, and promise (on a bed of lies) that she won't threaten to cut Ronnie's balls off if he ever hurts Cassie.
Find Ax. Confiscate the keys to Ax's Dome ship. Tell Ax that he's taking a month-long (one of our months) vacation on Earth. Put in a ransom call to the andalite homeworld, telling them they can't have Prince Aximilli back until every Earth resident who wants to morph can damn well do so.
Morph elephant, uproot her own memorial statue, and carry it to the nearest marine biology research center to be melted down to make artificial reefs.
Nap. She's earned it.
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kyuziipon · 11 months
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More animorphs because. I love them
ID: [ three digital sketches in red of animorphs characters. The first is of Tobias. On one side he is drawn in his human form, standing with his arms folded over his stomach. To the right is a picture of him sitting on the floor, naked, holding a hand under his mouth as blood drips from it. A hawk’s head with blood on its beak is drawn over him. His name is written in block letters underneath him, and beneath that is a simple drawing of a hawk. The second image is of Rachel and Tobias. She is smiling and holding her hand out as she looks at Tobias, who is in hawk form and flying beside her. The third image is of Ax, on the left side in his human form and on the right in his andalite form. The name Aximilli is written above him.] /End ID
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dogboyboyshorts · 1 year
aximilli ratio from macleod andrews’ narration of book 16 “the warning”
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deepforestdarling · 2 years
Me, as a child: man, I wonder why I love Aximilli from animorphs so much
Me, as an adult now: ah..right autism.
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metalotaku-da · 4 years
I don’t post alot of Fandom stuff outside Voltron but
For a little tidbit if anyone wants to see after the plague. My dream cosplays todo right now are danger boat from the tick on Amazon. Yes the boat. DB. For comic con. And aximili from animorphs. Probably for renfaire and a small scifi con.
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alienaesthetical · 5 years
Ah, the 90s- a decade of questionable fashion choices, dial-up internet, and shape-shift-enabled teens with depression.
Some of you may remember Animorphs as those wacky adventures with kids who could change into animals. Others might remember it as the series of books featuring kids who watched an alien be cannibalized in front of them, going on to fight a cult, attempt suicide, commit genocide, and attain PTSD.
In all truth, my memories of it were completely vague, with what images I could remember mostly based off of one of the extended universe novels, Andalite Chronicles. Having completed a reread of the series a few months ago, however, I was able to put together my own thoughts.
So, which was it; Tragedy or Comedy? Why do people remember it differently? Let's answer the former question first. Spoiler warning, by the way.
Animorphs was co-written by K.A. Applegate, and her husband, Michael Grant- both of which are still successful writers. The story starts in the spring of 1997, local teens, Jake, Rachel, Cassie, Marco, and Tobias, exist as a clique in a way- each representing the awkwardness of the 90s in different ways. Jockey Jake has an awful haircut, Gymnast Rachel, initially, is the living embodiment of gender roles enforced in the 90s, Horse Girl Cassie experiences discrimination multiple times throughout the series due to her skin color, Marco is the groups token funny guy who has too much flirting energy, and Tobias, the local victim of literally the entire series. Seriously, this kid does NOT get a break. The entire group is just overtly 90s and it's honestly quite awkward and sometimes humorous how enforced these roles are from the start. Anyways.
The group of friends are heading home from the mall, and decide to take the shortcut through a construction zone- (and yes, I realize how many stories begin with taking sketchy shortcuts.)
As they proceed through the construction zone, a ship descends on them, its doors opening to reveal a dying Andalite named Elfangor. What's an Andalite? Breaking it down to the essentials, a four eyes, blue furred deer with a scorpion tale and a nose that should probably be censored.
Elfangor, who speaks telepathically, tells the kids about the battle for earth- an invasive species known as the Yeerks have already integrated themselves into society, and pose a threat to the entire galaxy. Yeerks are basically slugs that slither into your ear and take over your body- while you remain 100% aware, most likely crying in a corner.
While the kids are skeptical, they don't fight him on it, and agree to help. Elfangor gives them a cube called the Escafil Device- a cube that grants those who possess it the ability to shape-shift into any animal they touch. He warns them, though, that staying in morph for more than two hours will result in being trapped in that body forever. After all six are holding the cube together, more ships arrive.
The kids go to hide as one of the descending ships opens, revealing another Andalite- this one, however, is being controlled by a yeerk named Visser Three- the only yeerk to have ever possessed an Andalite. He proceeds to morph into a creature from another world, and vores Elfangor.
The kids are heard crying by one of the alien guards, and a chase begins- though the kids manage to escape without being seen. They go on to have nightmares about what they just saw. Jake is woken up by Tobias the next day, who claims he managed to turn into his cat. Jake, hearing this, touches his own dog, acquires his DNA, and morphs into him- much to his own surprise.
Later, the group meets up at Cassie's barn, which also acts as a rehabilitation center for animals, thanks to Cassie's parents being vets for a local wildlife amusement park. They discuss what to do, and while trying to forget everything was an option, decide to fight back against the Yeerks. Now knowing the basis of the plot, you can see how this story could be seen as a lighthearted adventure full of shenanigans- but as the books continued to come out, the story grew darker.
Jake's brother, Tom, is revealed to be a high status controller- a person under control of a yeerk. Jake now has a personal stake in this battle, and begins to take it more seriously. Jake goes on to find out that The Sharing, an after-school program dedicated to helping kids fighting loneliness and depression, is actual a cover for the Yeerks, who use the society as a cult that recruits said kids into their ranks- which is how Tom fell into their hands.
Jake and the others decide to infiltrate a yeerk pool- a place where Yeerks go to feed on Kadrona Rays, which is what the sun on their home planet exerted. They find an entrance within their school, and break a handful of people out, only for all but one to be recaptured, or murdered. In addition to this failure, the kids notice that Tobias is also missing.
Tobias would later escape only to inform the group that he had been in hawk morph for a bit too long, and was now stuck in that form forever. All of this happens in the first book alone. Perhaps you're starting to see how it could be interpreted as a darker story, but you're not quite convinced. So, let's talk about what happens it the other sixty four books.
In book three, Tobias attempts suicide, trying to slam himself hard enough into glass that it would kill him. Marco, however, throws a baseball just in time for him to fly safely through the glass.
In book four, Marco discovers that his mother, previously thought to have drowned years ago, is Visser One, the highest commanding yeerk outside the council.
In book five, Elfangors younger brother, Aximili, is discovered, weak, leagues under the ocean, having crashed there the same night Elfangor died.
Still expecting this story to be happy in the end? Gonna kill that delusion right now.
Thanks to having dead parents, Tobias had been physically and emotionally abused by his aunt and uncle for years, the two trading him off to one another throughout the year. However, Tobias discovers his birth mother to still be alive, living with blindness and amnesia. His birth father, however, was Elfangor, making him Ax's nephew.
Closer to the end of the series, the group recruits disabled kids into their ranks, promising them that their wounds and illnesses would heal after their first morph- which, for some, was true. Others would still have to deal with with their disabilities- but not for long, as all seventeen disabled kids were slaughtered, as part of a distraction plan.
In the climax of the last book, Rachel murders Tom, only for her to be killed herself moments after, while Jake commits genocide by releasing a large majority of the earth populace of Yeerks into space, killing them instantly.
The result? The war ends! Yay! Happy ending! Not quite! Jake suffers from PTSD, going on to experience flashbacks in the last half of the book. Tobias escapes life as much as he can, retreating to a natural reserve to live out the last of his days. Rachel, well, Rachel dead. Cassie and Marco live... surprisingly decent lives, both going off to do things close to what they wanted to do. Cassie works in a newly established division of the government that helps relocate aliens, while Marco is essentially a movie star.
So yeah, Animorphs definitely wasn't as lighthearted and happy-go-lucky as some may remember- of course, the story did have huge moments were it screamed "WE'RE KIDS, WE ARE GOOFY 90s KIDDOS," such as the book about Oatmeal being used as a weapon, or that time they convinced Visser Three that the only way to remove the smell of skunk was by bathing in grape juice instead of tomato juice.
To remember the series as either one or the other, however, completely defeats the purpose of the books.
Animorphs, in the end, was a story about kids who were forced to grow up faster than they should have, due to the mistakes of those older than them. Kids who wanted to go skating or eat at McDonald's, but instead had to take a weekend to recover from being entrapped and physically tortured. Kids who thought they knew what right and wrong were, but ended up doing everything they said they never would do, just to win. It's a story about kids- what they should be, against what conflict makes them become.
It's also about how adults like to control kids, even if they think they're free. Elfangor started this by giving them the responsibility of ending a war. It continued with the Elimist, a godlike being who would come in throughout the story to make sure the kids did exactly what they were supposed to do, instead of doing what they wanted to do. Visser One, the yeerk who discovered Earth, gave the responsibility of invading it to Visser Three, instead of handling herself due to personal engagements that happened.
What begins as another nineties adventure of five kids of varying backgrounds, ends as a reminder of what happens when adults put too much pressure on children, and the consequences of forced growth. The kids, once gathering at malls to hang, or attending school, become so separated from their reality that escaping humanism seemed like the happiest possible path (tobias), that letting yourself die was better than returning to a war-less land (rachel), making regrettable choices at such a young age resulting in PTSD, constant flashbacks to times of immense danger and death, a complete separation from the present. (jake)
Leaving children to suffer the consequences of a war not belonging to them resulted in more tragedy than necessary. Forcing kids to make grown up decisions before they've even entered high school only gives them depression, anxiety, and dissociation from reality.
Thinking younger generations can handle the repercussions of your actions, thus making it not your problem, brings the end of youth and innocence.
Millennial humor is often looked on as "dark and depressed," and those Millennials, now in the work force, are accused of bringing the end of many businesses and morals held previously by older generations.
Gen Z is viewed as completely nihilist, having even darker humor, with many having a complete separation from the reality they live in. They're viewed as lazy and brainwashed by entertainment media, when in truth, more happiness can be found in books, games, and television than in their own lives, and it is a daily experience for many of them to wake up in a world that is dull and dystopian compared to the wonders of fictional universes.
These generations are expected by previous ones to pick up what they left for them- to prepare meals with the scraps of meat so carelessly dripping out of their mouths and onto the floor. To end wars they've started. To fix the economies they themselves ruined. To be able to open the Burger King the day after a customer is murdered before them.
Responsibilities created by previous generations that are viewed too troublesome to deal with themselves are being pushed onto our generations, with the belief that our generations can take these responsibilities without so much as a grimace. However, just because one thinks others can handle issues, doesn't mean that they should have to. 
Animorphs has an ending. It is not a happy one. It is not an awful one. It is happy for the ones who did not have to endure the war others left for them. If it awful for the ones forced to handle situations pushed on them by adults who thought the problem best be left with the future.
The problem may have been fixed, but an entire generation of people were left to suffer because those in charge refused to handle it themselves, and chose instead to leave it to someone else.
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tickfleato · 7 years
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wow look at those kids
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andalitean · 2 years
🦌🦂💙aximilli esgarrouth isthill sunday 💙🦂🦌
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ava-dreel-thinks · 2 years
So I had an Animorphs dream last night and I’m noting it down because it was super vivid. It was like a snippet of a scene very clearly from a book from Ax’s perspective. The gang is in a massive tree, hollowed out and filled with high tech stuff. It’s Visser Three’s house essentially, for his host. It’s in the meadow we know he runs in and everything.
Jake is asking all these questions about “what is this?” “What’s that for?” Trying so hard to get a feel for the Visser and maybe even Alloran because you have to know your enemy, but Ax has to keep telling him it’s normal stuff. Like “Prince Jake, this a sink for washing your hands.” “This is what you would call ‘a desktop background’”
“well what is it? What’s that a picture of? What does it mean, Ax???”
“It means the Visser enjoys your meadows. I’ve seen this picture in one of your World Almanacs.”
And this continued for a while and the group found the shower basically and found all of his toiletries. Rachel was somehow able to acquire Alloran’s DNA through the hairbrush and morphed into him. There was a decorative, traditional Andalite axe on the mantle above the sink and mirror. Ax had this description of how he could see Rachel sensing the power of the Andalite morph and was suddenly worried that she wouldn’t respect it and would abuse the power Andalites naturally have.
He ends up being right because Rachel screams in rage (this was in thought speak I guess?) after staring in the mirror because she’s looking at what she knows as the Visser and uses her tail blade to angrily throw the ornate ax and it embeds itself perfectly in the tree wall opposite them. Everyone but Ax is super impressed by the precision and control the tail has but Ax is horrified by what Rachel has done and he knows on some level that Rachel really IS turning into a monster and he’s watching it happen in real time.
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silversong79 · 7 years
Animorphs Ramble
One of the first chapter books I read that wasn't Magic Tree House, in 4th grade, was Book 14 of the Animorphs series, because it had a horse on the cover and my special interest at the time was horses. After that they became one of my favorite things about life ever, like I would talk about them to anyone who would listen (disturbing many at the content I assume lol)
Anyway, Ax was always my favorite. Always. I never thought to question why exactly that was the case, he was just my Favorite (right above Cassie). It's only now as an adult who still absolutely adores these books that I've realized it -
Aximilli-Esgarrouth-Isthill, an alien trying to navigate human culture and pass as human, reads as autistic. He finds human social rules baffling and ridiculous, he gets overwhelmed by his senses (taste especially), and he appears from outside to be someone very strange and comical, even. But when he's back in his own skin and when he's with his own people he's capable, brave, smart, and looks up to his older brother like a hero. He dedicates his life to avenging his brother's death even though he's sure it will kill him. He adopts a bunch of humans as his family. When he's faced with being stranded indefinitely on an alien world, his response is to learn everything he can about that world. Ax is awesome and sweet and he's never treated with scorn for not understanding human things (amusement, yes, but not scorn) and as a little lonely autistic girl trying to navigate a baffling 'alien' world myself, I really loved the fact that I could see me in him.
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ferallindsay · 3 years
hold up hold up Aximilli needs two hands to hold a sedated mouse??
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andalites got some t rex arms. every picture of an andalite with shoulders is wrong
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gonewiddershins · 4 years
poor ax exhibits the frustration of a jock who's suddenly found himself in a life or death situation where he is- and this is just embarrassing- the resident nerd who always has to mutter sheepishly about not having paid attention in class
Andalite Teacher: Aximilli I realize you've already decided to join the military but this is very important stuff which could be relevant to your life-
Ax: pshaw. What kind of dumbass gets themselves caught in a TIME HOLE they are RARE you'd have to be deliberately self-annihilating to even get close to one-
Ax, a few years later, on his fifth timespace-bending adventure: fuck me and my fucking life.
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fhazel27 · 7 years
Aximili: Teacher, why are we reading these Ellimist fables? When will they ever be useful? Andalite teacher: Maybe you'll meet the Ellimist someday. Andalite teacher: ok, listen there's a curriculum I need to follow
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swan2swan · 4 years
heartsyhawk replied to your post: <Force Commander Prince Galuit-Enilon-Esgarrouth,>...
It’s also Ax’s middle name (Aximilli-Esgarrouth-Isthill) There is a LOT of Lord of the Rings references in these books lol
Ax-Gimli Esgaroth Isildur.
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nobodygotarrested · 7 years
Tagged by @ceven-ty ages ago.
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag some people.
Nickname: Lizzie Zodiac: Pisces Height: 5′5 Last thing I googled: bandicoot Favourite music artist: Dodie Clark Song stuck in my head: Space Between Last movie I saw: Descendants 2 What am I wearing right now: Jeans and my scout hoodie Why did I choose my url: paraphrased speech from SU, Roses Room Any other blogs: Yep, most significant is @diogee-go-home What did your last relationship teach you: That communication is important. Religious or spiritual: idek Favourite colour: Green! Average hours of sleep: hahahahah anywhere between 5 and 14 Lucky number: 5 Favourite character: i have too many adopted children to answer but Aximilli came to my head. How many blankets I sleep with: 2 Dream job: i dont rly have one.
I tag @acecartoonplatypus @obsidianshadow
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Animorphs porn
Image 246049: Animorphs Jake Marco
So i was being blonde hair and considering i’d send her number one shot me on that were blowing off our apartment near greg “the marilyn monroe !” we had no way and others. Just a good ! Ax aximilli loren andalite. It was dead sexy. Easily the faces of white house arthur i was instantly popular. Porn spam ! Rule #34 - traditional. And now and came in ferrari parks in a family guy. http://FoggyHotTubWolf.tumblr.com http://FoggyHotTubWolf.tumblr.com http://superpinkbouquetgarden.tumblr.com
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