thankee-sir · 2 years
rises the moon
All those sleepless nights where Jonathan had thought of nothing more than this seemed worth it. Because at that moment, Jonathan had Patrick.
Jonathan doesn't want to say goodbye.
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jingerhead · 2 years
Hiya honey. If you wanted to drop another fic rec I’d gift you the biggest sloppiest forehead kiss 😘
Omg I want a forehead kiss *grabby hands* I tried a different order here to mix it up a little, I hope you find something in here that you enjoy lovely!!
hands like birds by lolainslackss
slipping by degrees by fueledbyfiction
stupid love by orphan_account
take a sip by Ominous
will you catch me if i fall? by bazerella (tw for fires and near-death experiences)
The case of the fever by Eli_Writes
250% by awoogah123
You're My Teddy Bear by tomat0head
Nightmare on Film by 5a5b5p5
Read My Mind by archiveofourfoxes
trying. by kauket_616
It's okay, I've got you. by andrewsknives
Meet Me Here by paradoxolotl
Let's see what Rabbit can do by Olympyas
Lost Connection by Carryonhowell (MCD)
Manners, and the Lack Thereof by thegirlwiththeprettybrowneyes
Room 308, Thursday Evening by elyteracy (katearron)
revelations by Ominous (kateaaron)
For His Ears Only by ConventionalExy (Conventionals)
Wanting by WhenInDoubtSleep
I'll be with you (from dusk till dawn) by ennui_ephemera
After The Rain by darkbluebox (Spider-Man/Deadpool)
freeze frame by broship_addict, syari
Rough All Over by bri_ghtly (The Outsiders)
i hate every inch of you by neilwrites (10 Things I Hate About You)
A Forgotten Place by JostenlovesMinyard (Peter Pan)
Learning to be Human by coritkyo
can i get a kiss (can you make it last forever) by Talls
i need you (to hate me) by neilwrites (ITS FINALLY FINISHED EVERYONE BETTER READ THIS)
Brother of Mine by Paradoxolotl
You're hot, Neil by neilstriker
The Marks We Make by Fortheloveofexy
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aftgficlibrary · 11 months
Neil getting a haircut please and thank u 🙏🙏
It kissed your scalp and caressed your brain by DawnDragon32 (G | 2,116 | 1/1)
“Your roots are growing in.” Neil’s eyebrows furrowed, and he twitched just slightly in Andrew’s hold. “This is my natural hair color.” Andrew blinked, slower than normal, and Neil knew his comment made Andrew slightly exasperated. (title from Buzzcut Season - Lorde)
Neil’s New Haircut by awoogah123 (Not Rated | 617 | 1/1)
Allison takes Neil to get his haircut, Andrew loves it
Don't Touch My Hair! by Raven1704 (G | 635 | 1/1)
Neil needs a haircut and the only person to cut it right has graduated, so he decides to go to a barbershop. Of course, nothing good can come of this. The first time neil goes to a barbershop and it doesn't end well.
the keys to start again by cave_canem (T | 4,134 | 1/1)
Grouping all of the Foxes together in a beach house for a week might not be the brightest idea they've ever come up with, but Neil is going to have to deal with it. His distractions include: exy (banned), a haircut (Allison's idea), fast cars (Neil was the one who bought it anyways), and Andrew (warm and grumpy).  Great.
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ao3feed-hockey · 2 years
where i wanna be
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/s9iPmzw
by awoogah123
March 11th, 2008. Patrick remembers it perfectly, because as if he could ever forget it.
Words: 3372, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews
Relationships: Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
Additional Tags: 2007-2008 NHL Season, 2008-2009 NHL Season, Chicago Blackhawks, Angst, Oral Sex, Smut
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/s9iPmzw
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grittyreadsfic · 3 years
Tumblr media
haha welcome to my newest rec list, what a run we had tho, a collection of all of my favorite nate bastian/mikey mcleod fics. rip superbuddies, they're not dead, nate's just in fuckin SEATTLE
the only hard part of making this list was not just listing out every fic ao3 user lotts has for the pairing which i did consider doing. so.
all that by lotts
summary: If Mikey gets a soulmate soon, he’ll have to explain the whole Nate situation.
Not– not that there's a real Nate situation, per se, but it’s just– Mikey has Nate, and it’s kind of a thing.
(Or: there very much is a Nate situation. There's also a Mikey situation. Eventually, they realize this.)
why i love it: to me, this is the superbuddies fic-it’s got the perfect pacing from friends to lovers with just the right around of blurred lines between what’s normal for friends and what’s something more, and their characterizations are just *chef’s kiss* it’s also such a great take on soulmates, and it really covers the different ways people can feel about their soulmates/the concept in general
kiss the night air by clementiae
summary: Jersey, Jersey. Whispered into the warmth of their laced fingers like a prayer.
It was a stupid dream. Mikey wanted it to last.
why i love it: never has under 1.3k words made me want to cry as much as this fic has. the way talking about their dream of playing together evolved, the narrative structure that builds? absolutely hits, very good if you want to cry about the expansion draft
sure thing by bitter_leaf
summary: In the history of hockey, there’s no way something like Nate suggested has never happened before and Mikey feels out of control following that thought down the rabbit hole, how he’d be powerless to stop it if it did, and that’s if he’d even want to stop it. The terrifying thing is that even though he can’t see it happening—they’re both straight, this whole fucking thing is just a thought experiment, pretend—now that Nate’s painted the picture for him, he can’t stop thinking about it—whether he’d even notice the signs until it was too late.
Sick of their teammates chirping them, Mikey and Nate pretend to date.
why i love it: i’m SUCH a sucker for fake dating aus, and this one does it so well. It really leans into the messy and complicated feelings part of fake relationships that i don’t think gets explored enough, and it handles it so, so, so well.
you let him wonder but you never let him sink in his teeth by anonymous
summary: Mikey didn’t really pay attention much in biology— didn’t have to, not really— but he vaguely remembers something about doing heat by yourself in a pinch. There were lots of warnings about it.
“You can’t just be alone,” he says and Nate lets out something that sounds like laughing.
Mikey is just trying to be helpful, and Nate is just trying to get through it.
why i love it: i really love omegaverse fics that invert the usual takes on the tropes (and this is one of them!) and it just really is a great look at their dynamic. i really like this take on mikey and nate as a whole, as well
though far away, we’re still the same by rathands
summary: Mikey wishes he wasn’t in love with Nate, because everyone knows that juniors shit—it doesn’t work out. Like Dylan and Mitch.
why i love it: lots of fun bad communication between nate and mikey, and i think this one really handles the emotion of it all so well. absolutely peak idiots to lovers, and i really love that it gives us both of their point of views
so i don’t have to keep imagining by preciousthings
summary: “It was a mistake. That’s— I didn’t mean that, and that’s it.” Mikey says, but he can’t quite meet Nate’s eyes. “That’s where I’m at, I guess.”
“That’s what I thought. So, we’re on the same page.” Nate nods.
(or: lost gold medals, ill-advised snapchats, love confessions, meddling teammates, and a whole lot of miscommunication.)
why i love it: i just think the premise of this works so, so, so well for them-it’s another great idiots to lovers vibe for nate and mikey, and the whole concept of drunkenly telling your crush you love them via snapchap? yes, good, correct
there is a bridge over a river, and some days it is lovely by lotts
summary: “What are you doing here?” Mikey asks, trying and failing not to stare, but Nate’s staring right back, like he’s also not sure what’s going on.
“I figured I’d meet you here,” Nate says. “Put a familiar face on the Binghamton welcoming committee.”
Mikey looks around. “There’s no one else here.”
“Well, it was either a familiar face or no face,” Nate says with an uncertain smile, like he’s not quite sure he’s allowed to make a joke.
why i love it: perhaps i love it because i like to hurt my own feelings, but this is really just a well done fic that really just hits. it’s honest and emotional and you can feel the weight of that throughout it, but it does have a pretty light hearted ending that is good and hopeful. bonus points for being one of my favorite break up make up fics ever and currently my most read fic of 2021
a catch in the curse by aliquis
summary: Mikey McLeod is gifted — or cursed — with the power of psychic persuasion. With the ability to bend people’s ears to his will, Mikey is well aware of how dangerous a power he wields, and the responsibility he bears to not abuse it.
Though he rarely uses his gifts, new developments in his friendship with Nate Bastian may threaten his control. Mikey would do anything to protect his best friend, including finding a way to get rid of his powers for good. Luckily, Newark’s own witch in the woods may be able to help.
why i love it: magic au!!!! i cannot stress how fantastic the world building is in this series (you don’t have to read the tknp fic that’s first to follow what’s happening, but it is worth the read) and mikey’s feelings towards nate and his own struggle is just!!!! honestly i’m just a series of exclamation points about it all
Invisible string by philatoi
summary: Mikey has known he’s liked guys since the first time Nathan Bastian smiled at him. That’s the thing, almost everything about Mikey’s sexuality has involved Nate — which isn’t necessarily bad. In Mikey’s humble opinion, Nate is the perfect person to fall in love with. Highly recommended. Mikey doesn’t regret putting all his eggs in that basket for the last six years.
why i love it: the pining in this, the emotions of it all-just absolutely top notch all the way around, and really just what i wanted out of a superbuddies fic. it really just feels so right for nate and mikey, and i just love it
you are a diamond and i’m just coal by hannah_baker
summary: When Mikey learns his roommate Nate isn't going home for Christmas, he drags Nate back home with him for break.
Or, the one where Mikey thinks all of his feelings for his roommate are platonic, and everyone laughs at him for it.
why i love it: me picking between this and hannah_baker’s other christmas centric superbuddies fic was like picking a favorite child. this is one of my all time favorite takes on mikey in any fic, and i always love a good college roommates au. just such a wonderful fic
turn the lights off, i’m in love by awoogah123
summary: “I can’t go to sleep yet,” Mikey murmured against Nate’s mouth, “I’m not tired.”
Nate knew this couldn’t be true, his and Mikey’s season had just finished and they were both exhausted. Still, Nate knew what Mikey meant when he said he couldn’t go to sleep yet, that he was too wired up, because he felt exactly the same way.
“I think I’ve got a way to make you more relaxed,” Nate said, mouth curving into a smirk as he brushed a hand over Mikey’s cheek. Mikey’s mouth smiled against his own.
Nate and Mikey are there for each other when the Devils don't make the playoffs.
why i love it: do you ever just need some soft comfort to cope? yeah me too! this fic is that and i was very 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 about it when i read it
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aftgficrec · 2 years
Staff Recs Christmas Shorts 1 🎄
Looks like you forgot to check your stocking! It’s filled with short and sweet holiday treats! Look for another post of Christmas short fics soon. - AFTG Fic Rec Fam
Staff Recs December 2021 Christmas/Winter here
Staff Recs December 2021 More Christmas/Winter here
Staff Recs December 2021 Christmas Shorts 2 here
A very Covid Christmas by Lyndis [Rated G, 1602 Words, Complete, 2021]
Andrew never thought he would ever mind having a very good excuse to not see his chosen family over Christmas. But the sad and bitter truth was that he did mind and it sucked.
She Tastes Like Peppermint by paperbackrainbows [Rated G, 2092 Words, Complete, 2021]
A Christmas-themed coffee shop AU featuring barista!Allison and her co-worker Matt, where she falls in love with a certain girl with a certain order.
all i want is what is real by kandr3il [Rated G, 1248 Words, Complete, 2021]
christmas with the foxes, some years later
underneath the tree by awoogah123 [Not Rated, 1128 Words, Complete, 2021]
To say Neil's excited for his and Andrew's first Christmas together in their new apartment is an understatement.
Xmas The Spot series by Fire_Bear [Rated, T/G, Collection, Last Updated Dec 2021]
part 1: O, Christmas Tree [T, 1987 Words]
Nicky asks Neil and Andrew to decorate the Christmas tree - what could go wrong?
part 4: Better Than His Word (G, 1866 Words)
Matt tells Neil about WishList, a programme for a charity that helps grant wishes. It's the perfect thing to spend his money on, but Neil might just find something else to spend it on when he overhears someone's wish in the grocery store...
words in the wind (Tumblr Prompts) by Willow_bird [Rated T/M, Collection, Last Updated Oct 2021]
Chapter 5: christmas morning with the monsters [T, 1980 Words]
Sleepy, cozy mornings were a new thing for Neil.
Fuck off, Steve by P0tatonoah [Rated G, 972 Words, Complete, 2021]
Kevin is wrapping a football, ocean green eyes squinting, tongue sticking out in concentration. “Aaron? Don’t just stand there sighing longingly, help the boys with their wrapping.” Steve says behind me, Damn you Steve. “Go on, no need to blush.” He adds, waving me on. Damn you to hell.
Just Like Magic by history11huh [Not Rated, 1358 Words, Complete, 2021]
Part 2 of Heaven Can't Help Me Now series recced here
Aaron and Kevin's Christmas morning! Honestly, just cute.
Tiffany Blue by vertigo [Rated T, 3987 Words, Complete, AFTG Winter Jam 2020]
"Are you buying him a racquet?" Andrew asks, he looks sleepy, his glasses are askew and half of his face is obscured by King's fluffy tail.
And a Cup of Cocoa by Mystrana [Rated G, 1463 Words, Complete, AFTG Winter Jam 2020]
While Nicky is determined to help his cousins and Neil enjoy the snow, Andrew is busy trying to find the perfect cup of hot chocolate for Neil.
to the moon (and back) by ephemeralsky [Rated T, Collection, Complete, 2020] 
Chapter 3: you, me, and this (toppled) christmas tree (2131 Words)
A quiet winter day where Neil doesn't exactly go for a morning run and the cats act like the menaces that 
Not that he cared. by poly_pr1nce [Rated T, 637 Words, Complete, 2020, Locked]
Prompt: Can you do some wholesome fluff?? Andrei celebrating Christmas??
Darwinism by ruletheroost [Rated T, 1656 Words, Complete, 2020]
The Foxes are at another Christmas banquet and can never seem to catch a break.
tw: bullying, tw: lewd comments, tw: violence
I Always Wanted a Real Home by gluupor [Rated G, 1710 Words, Complete, 2019]
Part 2 of the Tales from a Quirky Small Town series (recced here)
So when, exactly, did Andrew decide that Kevin and Neil were his family?
A story from my Gilmore Girls universe.
Snow Angels by foxyexy [Rated G, 1394 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange Winter 2019]
The Foxes aren’t going to let Neil spend Christmas alone this time.
Where the Love-Light Gleams by priorwalter [Rated G, 2165 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange Winter 2019]
“Come on, we have to make the head of the snowman. It’s the most important part, unless you want her to not have a brain,” Neil says, taking Andrew’s hand and half-dragging him to a patch of fresh snow. 
Little Fish (The Ground-Level Expectations Remix) by Anonymous [Rated G, 1962 Words, Complete, AFTG Remix 2020]
Wherein Aaron realizes his family has never owned a pet before, buys a few gifts, and introspects his way through a holiday shopping mall.
I have you two by EarlGreyjoy [Rated G, 493 Words, Complete, 2019]
"Where have two been? “ Nicky asked the twins hearing them whispering to each other.
All I want for Christmas is a fucking miracle! series by ScriptaManent [Rated G, Complete, 2018]
part 1: Snow Angels (1426 Words)
Jean had never seen snow before, but he had never asked to join Jeremy in Canada for Christmas break. All he could see was white and cold, except for one ray of sunshine walking ahead of him.
part 2: The Three Spirits of Christmas: nightmares, angel, and hope (4219 Words)
Christmas in Canada felt like a dream, it reminded Nicky of Germany and of the wonderful time he had spent with Erik. After all that had happened to the Foxes, after their victory against the Ravens, Nicky had only one wish for that day: to give his cousins a first proper, happy Christmas.
wonderful tonight by exyjunkies [Rated G, 1553 Words, Complete, 2018]
Right after hosting the Foxes Christmas party, Neil and Andrew have a moment to themselves in their living room.
Blanketed by exactly13percent_OLD (hymbeaux) [Rated G, 1460 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange Winter 2018]
A week before Christmas, Neil and Andrew are snowed in.
False Alarm by scepterofstardust [Rated G, 2132 Words, Complete, 2017]
Andrew still has fears, as much as he tries to pretend otherwise. Neil is a bit slow at recognizing them.
Peppermint Toads by alexjosten [Rated T, 2587 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange Winter 2017]
Andrew discovers a student is hiding a secret that could put Kevin in danger. He stays at Hogwarts over the winter break to resolve it.
Staying by Leahelisabeth (fortheloveofcamelot) [Rated G, 1466 Words, Complete, AFTG Exchange 2017]
A soft sleepy Christmas Eve morning. Nothing but fluff.
tw: anxiety
the foxes by shewhoisntnamed44 [Rated G, Collection, Updated 2017]
Chapter 2 [271 Words]
"what the fuck is this neil?", andrew said as he slowly removed a jumper from the bag neil had given him.
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i’ll make it like your birthday every day
by awoogah123
Danny doesn’t like birthdays.
Words: 1061, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: National Football League RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Danny Amendola, Julian Edelman
Relationships: Julian Edelman/Danny Amendola
Additional Tags: Fluff, Birthday, Morning Kisses, Cute, Cuddling, No Plot, Established Relationship
from AO3 works tagged 'National Football League RPF' https://ift.tt/2ZMKRdZ via IFTTT
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ao3feed-hockey · 2 years
playing with lightning
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9WU1ysZ
by awoogah123
Astraphobia was no joke. It was scary, frustrating, and honestly, a little embarrassing. It certainly wasn’t something Patrick was going to share when he was trying to make his way in the league as a strong, respectable player.
Words: 1686, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews
Relationships: Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
Additional Tags: 2007-2008 NHL Season, Thunder and Lightning, Astraphobia, Roommates, Sharing a Bed, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9WU1ysZ
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ao3feed-hockey · 2 years
rises the moon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6zcPW2s
by awoogah123
All those sleepless nights where Jonathan had thought of nothing more than this seemed worth it. Because at that moment, Jonathan had Patrick. *** Jonathan doesn't want to say goodbye.
Words: 1954, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jonathan Toews, Patrick Kane, OFC
Relationships: Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Colonial America, 17th Century, Implied Physical Abuse, Prostitution, Angst, Kissing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/6zcPW2s
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aftgficlibrary · 2 years
hello, hope you’re having a good day! I was wondering if there were any new jeremy knox angst that you may know of? doesn’t have to be jerejean, ty💖!
maybe. try these -maz
time after time by awoogah123 (T | 7,955 | 1/1)
Five times Jeremy thought he'd lost Kevin and the one time he didn't.
à peu près by nutmegcoffee (M | Incomplete | 3/?)
Jean is a survivor. Jeremy is a fighter. Both are doing their best and barely surviving. or Jean transfers to USC and begins to heal. Jeremy enters his second year as captain and tries to create a team capable of winning the championship. Unfortunately, life seems determined to throw as many hurdles as it can into their paths.
ghost of you by paperbackrainbows (T | 1,484 | 1/1)
Jeremy has nothing but an empty bed, a crumpled shirt, and fragments of a ghost left.
It’s okay. Well, it’s not - far from it - but he’s all too familiar with dancing with a ghost by now.
an AU where Jean dies [outside the fic - it's only referenced]; warning for heavily implied suicide, alcohol, and mentions of blood.
/Major Character Death
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ao3feed-hockey · 2 years
all good things must end
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/YV5wHMa
by awoogah123
Hughes' was one in a hundred restaurants dotted around the city, and yet Trevor had chosen this one. Jack's smile said that meant something. *** For Trevor, travelling has always been a way to escape, a way to cut ties. It worked when he didn't want to face the boring life of a college student, it worked when his best friends betrayed him. But what happens when it doesn't work; when he meets someone he doesn't want to escape, to cut ties with? And what happens when he meets that person a week before he's due to go home?
Words: 2871, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Trevor Zegras, Jack Hughes (b. 2001), Alex Turcotte, Cole Caufield, Quinn Hughes, Luke Hughes, P. K. Subban, Nate Bastian, Michael McLeod, Ty Smith, Dawson Mercer
Relationships: Jack Hughes (b. 2001)/Trevor Zegras, minor Alex Turcotte/Cole Caufield
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Non-Famous, Scotland, Travel, First Meetings, Fluff, Light Angst, Meet-Cute, Developing Relationship
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/YV5wHMa
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