nancylou444 · 1 year
I have one more character for prime month. It is Blaine Tuttle (Joshua Jackson's character on Cruel Intentions) , I think he was the first gay character in a movie I came across growing up.
How about that, I didn't realize that I got the queue done for the rest of the month. Yeah me.
Blaine will be today's first bonus character. ♥
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Get to Know Me tag game
Tagged by: @ellena-asg (Thank you so much for the tag!)
3 Ships: McDanno (Hawaii 5-0), Sterek (Teen Wolf), Geraskier (The Witcher) [This was a bit harder because I kept it to non-crossovers and non-oc’s xD)
First Ever Ship: Oh god...I want to ask a billion questions about what qualifies as “first”. But thinking as far back as I can remember maybe Sakura/Syaoran from Sakura Card Captor? Or Sailor Moon/Tuxedo Mask. It’s a toss up but growing up I felt more shippy towards the Magical Girls than whatever was happening in DBZ xD....but first pairing I wrote for??? SasuSaku(Naruto, which also became the gateway into m/m ships and it was then supplanted between NaruSasu or SasuNaru depending on the day xD) 
Last Song: Livin’ on a Prayer by Bon Jovi.
Last Movie: Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
Currently Reading: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett 
Currently Watching: Drawga(online dnd style rpg with artists from Drawfee channel) on my laptop, Downton Abbey on my TV, and King of the Hill on my tablet (....i’m in a weird state of mind where I need background noise yet nothing that demands my non-existent attention span. All of these things I’ve watch more than enough times to always know what’s going on and are a comfort background noise.)
Currently Consuming: It was my turn to cook today! So I made burgers and sliders with home made fries! 
Currently Craving: Red Enchiladas. 
Tagging:  @mcdannoangelwolf @awesomejesakuthings @halevetica @teruel-a-witch @ivycross (no pressure and sorry if you’ve already been tagged. I’ve seen this a few times with most others already tagged but my memory is crap >.> ) 
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sussexualtension · 2 years
Here are mine.
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Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter because I am a weirdo and I love fellow weirdies.
Dusty from twister because wtf is the point of life if you’re not laughing.
Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird because I will show up randomly and go from zero to 100 in terms of dedication and seriousness for whatever I’m passionate about.
Maleficent because fuck around and find out lol jk but seriously 😒😆
I tag @murphyhatesme @awesomejesakuthings @ninjazane @cowandcalf @82tweeder @ariestaurus21 @lucieakacardigan @auntie17 @coffeeandthen @bring-on-the-autumn
No pressure! But I would love to see what characters y’all pick 😍
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five-wow · 4 years
I have a little crisis going on. My friend saw me checking in on tumblr on my phone a week or so ago and asked me what I was looking at. I told her about H 5-0 and McDanno. She likes gay ships and started watching.When she was finished with season one and had watched the conclusion of the season final she asked me why Danny ditched Rachel in favor of Steve. I told her because he loves him – duh! But I guess she just doesn't feel the vibes for that ship. (1/2)
She told me while she got why maybe Steve would fall for Danny she didn’t understood how Danny could develop feelings for Steve, didn’t even get how they’ve become friends with all the arguing. I know I can’t convince her and I don’t want to.But when I was home again, it got me thinking… and to my sheer horror I nearly came up with nothing (okay, he payed for the dolphin swimming and helped finding Meka’s murderer, was there for the memorial service) but otherwise? (2/2)            
Dear god, I don’t know myself why Danny would fall for Steve. I haven’t watched season 1 in a while. Could you please remember me? Sorry for the Long three part ask. (3/3)             
OKAY SO. Tragically, I haven’t watched season 1 in a while either, because I still haven’t gotten around to that rewatch I keep saying I should probably do, BUT. HOWEVER. YET.
It might be a bit of a mess, but I’m always ready to ramble about why Danny might fall for Steve. This ended up as nearly 2k words, so I’ll put it under a cut:
I think that a crucial first thing to understand is that when Danny yells, it does not necessarily mean he’s genuinely angry. I definitely get how if you do interpret it that way, the entire show could just kind of look like Danny doesn’t even like Steve very much, let alone loves him. Yelling CAN mean he’s angry, and of course it often DOES mean that, but just as often (or perhaps even more) it overwhelmingly means that he cares. Loudly. Right in your face. (There’s a later episode, 3.15, in which Steve does something heroic but stupid and Danny yells at him afterwards and Steve goes, kind of gleefully, “You were worried about me” and Danny says “Worried? No, no, I was worried about my car” but it’s VERY obvious that he’s lying, like, to the point where that’s the whole joke here. There are probably other instances that prove the yelling-Danny-does-not-mean-a-Danny-who-doesn’t-like-you, but this is my favorite because it’s extremely, blindingly obvious, and the narrative actively wants us to see it that way.)
To jump right in with the deep stuff: Steve offered Danny a job and gave him a family and a place in Hawaii and a purpose and the feeling of being useful, and he did it at a time when Danny was living a pretty miserable existence where even after six months he was still being hazed by the other Detectives for being the haole who wears a tie. Danny tells Tani in one of the very early season 8 episodes that Steve has a way of coming into people’s lives at just the right time, and that he did that for everyone on the team, including Danny. Obviously if you’re watching season 1 you can’t know what’s being said in season 8, but it’s just confirmation of stuff that’s definitely there on screen in season 1, too.
Steve is good at his job. Really, really good, and even if his methods are crazy, he ends up helping people. Danny can be shocked at the means and still appreciate the end at he same time.
Steve’s surprisingly smart, too. A bit of a dork sometimes - Steve with that teacup in 1.10? “I like tea.” NERD. (He’s also absolutely saying that to rile Danny up, and essentially that just means he enjoys arguing with Danny which is SO PERFECT for Danny, who can’t stop it even if he tries. More about that later.)
Steve makes Danny laugh. It may sometimes be a laugh borne out of shock, perhaps even anger, but there’s definitely laughter. (Steve also goes along with Danny’s silly banter and smiles about it - Danny’s “you miss me, don’t you?” when Steve is being a super secret spy on the museum ship in 1.07 and Steve’s “yeah, yeah” and “but you don’t swim” are a wonderful example.)
But then, on top of all of that, Steve is also kind. Of course there’s the hotel room with dolphin swimming he gives Danny as an apology after Danny makes it clear that he thinks he deserves one (which, by the way, still make me scream a little, because everything after that one moment ALWAYS portrays Steve as extremely unwilling to spend a lot of money on anything, even gifts, AND because yes, it’s a way to apologize, but it’s also something that immediately shows Steve gets Danny, because it’s not just for Danny, it’s for Grace! it’s for Danny to have fun with Grace), but he also makes a call to the Governor when Danny has issues with Rachel over visitation rights for Grace, and he does it behind Danny’s back. He comes to Meka’s funeral, not because he needs to grieve, but because Danny is grieving. When Grace and Rachel get car-jacked and Danny has to leave suddenly in the middle of a case, Steve’s immediate response is to tell him to call if he needs anything and then look completely thrown for a moment after Danny leaves. tl;dr: Steve CARES, and Danny, a man who is definitely not stupid, knows this. I mean, it’s not like he has to look far to see it anyway - he experiences it, over and over and over again. (And Steve’s there like this for the whole team, not just Danny, but in season 1 it’s definitely mostly Danny, because after Steve he just has the most problems, poor guy.)
(Side note, that episode I mentioned in which Grace and Rachel get car-jacked and Danny rushes to them? 1.16? Later on, Steve is going full camouflage ninja in the forest on his own and then his phone starts buzzing and he sees it’s Danny and the first thing he does after picking up is ask “are Grace and Rachel okay?” and when Danny then asks about the case he goes “don’t worry about that” to calm Danny down, and they end up having a lengthy conversation about Danny’s problem while Steve is panting trying to hold a log in the air for some very important SEAL reason, but he doesn’t complain a single time or even mention that he’s kind of busy. Danny needs him, so he’s available.)
And I mean, obviously, there’s these: “Maybe you’re not as alone around here as you think, Danno.” “I know you.” “I picked you, didn’t I?”
If I can just circle back around to something we’ve sort of covered: Danny yells a lot. He has a temper. He gets angry. He doesn’t get along super well with most people, and then along comes Steve, who initially INFURIATES Danny to the point where Danny ends up hitting him after they meet, but instead of getting angry back or holding a grudge, Steve is impressed and takes it in stride and still wants Danny to work with him because he sees Danny’s talents, and he doesn’t let himself be intimidated by the attitude. He lets Danny rant and get angry and he argues back but also calms Danny down when needed, and everything we’re shown indicates that he enjoys that dynamic. Essentially, Steve is the ideal partner for Danny, and Steve is also lonely and he’s loyal to a fault and they have a similar sense of humor and their banter flows ridiculously smoothly right from day one and their personalities just click and Steve keeps inviting Danny over for beer and letting him walk into his kitchen unannounced and dragging him into Steve’s classic car for its first test drive, so what do you know? Steve’s also a really great best friend.
Danny says Steve is terrible with kids and then Steve is actually GREAT with Grace. Like, when Danny gets hit with the sarin gas and Steve picks Grace up from school because he knows she’ll be getting out soon and there will be nobody waiting for her? That’s something that you can bet means the world to Danny, because Grace is his world. ALSO, Steve goes to get Grace and deliver her to the hospital personally, even though it’s a ridiculously busy day with two cases to work at once, one of which might lead them to Wo Fat, the killer of Steve’s father, which is Steve’s Huge Tragic Backstory and the thing he’ll usually drop anything else for. Except Grace! (Obviously, if he knew when Grace would need to be picked up and hadn’t done anything about it, that would have been a huge dick move, so you could say he had no choice, but that still means that 1) he knows when and where to pick Grace up in the first place, which shows he cares enough to pay attention to something that he couldn’t have known would ever be relevant until that moment, and 2) he could have sent Chin or Kono or Jenna or Duke or Kamekona or random HPD officers, and he did not do that. He went there in person. He went to get Grace.)
Which leads us neatly here: Steve, a guy with virtually no family left except for one very estranged sister (and an aunt we don’t know about yet and a mother who’s actually still alive, but those can’t really be counted at the end of season 1), is a HUGE FAMILY MAN. What’s Danny’s whole reason for uprooting his life and being miserable five days a week but still feeling it’s totally worth it for those other two days? LOVE OF FAMILY. Danny definitely, 100% can appreciate that quality in other people, and Steve has it, he just had nowhere to direct it for the longest time.
In the same vein, Danny is a True Dad. He sees Steve, this lonely guy who just lost his dad, and in the fandom it’s generally acknowledged that Steve saw Danny and went “yes, this one, I’m keeping this one”, but for all of Danny’s complaining, he also adopted Steve on the spot.Steve needs a Danny so he doesn’t get himself killed (the very first episode immediately hammers this point home really hard), and there’s no way Danny isn’t aware of that on some level.
Also just. Yes, Steve does a lot of things Danny tells him he shouldn’t do. Yes, Steve is an idiot sometimes. But he also listens to the things Danny yells at him, and when it really matters to Danny, he changes his behavior. There’s that apology hotel room, for one, but there’s also that bit in the episode about Meka, Danny’s former partner, where Steve is not entirely convinced that Meka wasn’t a dirty cop even though Danny keeps insisting he can’t have been because he was a good guy, and Danny gets so mad Steve doesn’t believe him that he walks off (“If my word is not good enough for you, then I don’t know what I’m doing here,” he says), so a while later Steve goes after him and he keeps asking questions until he understands what Danny means - you know your partner, you trust your partner, the way Danny trusts Meka is the way Steve trusts Danny and that’s why Danny’s behavior makes sense - and from that point on, he fully has Danny’s back in this crusade to clear Meka’s name, even though there it’s not like there’s suddenly more hard evidence to support it.
So why would Danny ditch Rachel to go chase after Steve? Well, because he knows at that point, no one else might do it, and at least not the unrelenting way Danny will. Because Steve doesn’t have many people and deserves to have someone stick up for him. Because there is zero doubt Steve would do the same thing for him.Because Danny knows that in that moment, Steve needs him more than Rachel does. Because he has to make a choice and he’s inevitably going to regret not being there for one of these people, but apparently, to Danny, getting to Steve is more urgent. Because he’s putting Steve’s needs before his own. Because they’re partners and they’re family and they’re friends and that really, really means something. Because it’s Steve, and he means something.
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cowandcalf · 5 years
How about lone wolf Junior, coming to Hawaii because he wants to be part of the 5-0 pack. He heard all abot how the A/O couple is the most strong, powerful, loyal, fierce, loving and accepting in the whole US.
Thank you so much for this awesome ask! Wow! I see Junior as the lone wolf desperate for a pack and Steve wants to adopt him immediately and Danny looks at his mate and he knows he’s a goner. Because Steve loves to fix broken toys and he adopts any stray because he’s such a great person and his heart’s full of love. And besides, Danny’s knows that a lone wolf can’t survive without a pack for long. And Junior is devoted and submissive and he’s a great beta.
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So, of course, Danny says yes and takes Junior in and makes him part of the ohana and their pack.
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murphyhatesme · 3 years
Getting a new car leads to some life changing realisations .. After a talk with Chin Danny finally decides to take a chance on Steve.
Danny closes his eyes and presses his lips together before he answers Jack, from ballistics, “Yeah okay, I’ll get back to you with a budget okay?”
“Sure thing Danny, I’ve already given them an estimate on the parts so that should help.”
“Yes it should, thanks Jack. Hopefully we’ll talk soon.”
Just as he puts his phone down Steve walks into his office, “what was the verdict?”
“It’s totalled. Couldn’t be saved. I’m going to have to speak with the governor about a budget.”
“ Ah .”
Danny looks up at that, “What did you do?”
Steve takes a step back, pointing at himself “Me? Nothing?”
“ Steven. ”
Steve sighs, “Now, I need you to promise me you won’t get mad.”
“Tell me!”
“A ah, promise me first.”
“Steven I swear to god ..”
“Fine! I was going to tell you at dinner tonight. I may have talked to Sam already and he agreed with my choice.”
“Your choice? Explain how this is your choice when it’s my car?”
“Danny, I always drive our car.”
“Excuse you, there is nothing ‘ our’ about the car. It’s mine!”
Steve waves his protests away and walks around the desk coming to stop besides Danny. He leans over and pulls the keyboard towards himself. Danny refuses to move aside and Steve is signing, letting him know he’s annoyed by Danny’s unwillingness to move aside. He knows he’s being petty but he’ll be damned if he lets Steve take over his office as well as his life.
“Will you just ..” Steve snaps before shoving the keyboard back “Ugh, fine! Have it your way you big baby.” he steps back and Danny smirks only to lose it when his chair is jerked back and he’s bodily lifted out of his seat. 
Danny can feel his eyes widen as he’s sat down on Steve’s lap. “Excuse you?” Squirming he tries to stand up but Steve tuts at him and rolls the chair back up to the desk. Pulling the keyboard closer he logs out of Danny’s mail and into his own. “Steve, I’m sorry okay, can you let ..” He’s distracted by the beautiful, sleek black Camaro that appeared on screen. He bends forward and takes over the keyboard, he immediately opens google. He types in the dealer’s website, looking up the specs on the car Steve just showed him.  “Did you really? And Sam agreed? You really ordered this one?”
Steve chuckles behind him, “Yes Danny, really. So I take it, you're fine with me picking our car?”
Danny nods and sits back, Steve’s hands wrap around his waist to keep him from sliding down and he’s suddenly aware of just where he’s sitting. His breath hitches and his stomach muscles quiver when a warm thumb caresses his hip bone, oh fuck. He bolts up and steps away from his desk, clearing his throat, “Right, so uh when is it arriving?”
Steve’s eyes are glittering with amusement when he answers “We can pick it up tomorrow.”
“Okay, so first thing in the morning?”
“Uhu, we have an appointment at nine.”
“Great! Now go, I have things to do.”
Steve smirks, “sure, things ..”
Danny can feel his face flush and he narrows his eyes, “What’s with the tone? Huh? You don’t believe I have things to do?”
“Oh no, I do believe that, but I wonder if you are ever going to own up to those things .” 
Danny freezes, his first thought is that Steve knows! Followed by he knows and wants Danny to do something about it. He files it away and shoos Steve out of his office. More than a little freaked out he picks up his wallet and drags Chin out for an early lunch. Chin is a good soundboard and he’ll be honest.
 After ordering he folds his hands and takes a deep breath, “So Steve ..” he pauses, not sure how to begin. 
Chin sighs deeply, “So he finally told you huh?”
Danny sits up and he eyes Chin suspiciously, “What exactly do you think he told me?”
Chin rolls his eyes, “Danny, he feels the same way about you as you feel about him. He’s been waiting for you to act on it.”
“Well if he knew then he could have been the one to act on it.”
Chin raises his brow, “No, because you would have hidden behind a wall of insecurities and excuses.”
“And those still stand!”
“Then why are we here?”
“Because .. I rea .. No, I just ..” He sighs, “Maybe I freaked out a little bit.” Chin nods his head in sympathy and Danny bristles “Not because of the reasons you think! He’s my boss and I actually like him. If I act on it and it goes south then I ..”
Chin interrupts him, “You forget that he’s in the same boat, also are you really scared that things won’t work out? Because you and Steve are basically married already.”
“We are not!” 
Chin holds up his hand “Couples counselling Danny.” he ticks off a finger, “You share a car.” He puts another finger down, “You live together and last but not least,” he ticks off another finger, “You have a date night every other week.”
Danny shakes his head, “No, nope. It’s my car. I stay in the guest room because I have mold. And we watch a game!”
Chin however is not impressed, “You two cuddle, Danny.”
“Ugh! Fine. it’s only because it’s easy with him okay!”
“Danny, why is it easy?”
 “We’re best friends. I trust him.”
“I’m your best friend.”
“That’s different.”
“Brah ..” Chin lets out a long suffering sigh. 
“Let’s talk about something else.”
“Danny .. Stop running, he loves you just as you are. He isn’t Rachel.”
Closing his eyes, Danny breathes out. “I know, okay. I know.”
Chin smiles at him, “Good talk. Should we take back lunch for Steve and Kono?”
“Fine, what does Kono normally like?”
“She likes spicy tuna.” 
Danny orders a spicy tuna sandwich and a meat lover's one for Steve. When he gets back to the table Chin is smirking, “What?”
“You notice how you didn’t even think about what to get for Steve?”
“That logic is flawed because you knew what Kono liked.”
“Only because I take our lunch orders at least twice a week, what’s your excuse?”
Danny decides to ignore the knowing grin and focuses on the counter, waiting for their order to be called. 
 The next morning Danny is up early, he tries to enjoy his morning coffee but he’s too excited, or nervous. He’s getting a new car. He ignores the other reason for his nerves. Despite him waiting for it he still startles when the front door opens and Steve swans in. “Ready?”
“Good morning to you too.”
Steve rolls his eyes, “Come on, traffic is going to be a bitch.”
“Well, you should have thought about that before you made an appointment on Saturday at nine.” But he still follows Steve out to the truck. He manages to slap the back of his partner's head when he hears Steve mutter ‘ bitch bitch bitch ’.
Steve is in the office with the dealer, taking care of the paperwork and Danny is standing in front of his car. The powerful, sleek, black muscle car is exactly what he’d have chosen for himself. Which also means  that despite what he says Steve knows Danny through and through. He slowly walks around the car, fingers lightly tracing the shiny new paint. He slides into the driver's seat, lovingly caressing the steering wheel and smiling as he takes in the new car smell. 
Steve comes out of the office, and the manager waves over one of the sales guys. Steve smiles when their eyes meet and Danny smiles back as he holds up his thumb. Steve gestures for him to get out before turning and shaking the manager’s hand. Danny gets out and Steve steps in close as the salesman, Gary, who followed Steve comes over to shake his hand. “You made the right decision with this car.”
“Yes, I believe we did. Do I have to sign anything?”
“No Sir, your husband took care of everything.” Danny opens his mouth to correct the assumption but Gary is talking again, “So here are the keys.” He hands the keys to Steve, “Congratulations on your buy.” 
Danny plucks the keys out of Steve’s hand, “Thanks Gary.” He leaves Steve standing there as he slides back into the driver's seat. When Steve pulls the seatbelt over his chest Danny starts the car, “What about your truck?”
“Nahele is picking it up with Jerry later, driving lessons.”
Danny nods and turns smoothly onto the motorway, “I love my new car.”
“ Our car Danny.”
“Just because Gary back there thinks we are married doesn’t make it true.”
“So I feel like this car is a Goliath?” Steve says and Danny chokes.
“Excuse me?”
“No? Atlas then?”
“We are not naming this car Atlas.” Danny snaps
Steve grins. “It has a lot of horsepower, so maybe black beauty, BB for short?” 
“No, this car has no name. It doesn’t need one. If we name it then we become attached and in our line of work that is not a good thing Steven.”
“So Zeus is out?”
“Oh my god. Stop it. Please for the sake of my sanity.” 
Steve suddenly seems to notice they are driving out of town instead of home. “Huh? Where are we going?”
Danny grins but doesn’t say anything. He takes a right turn and smiles when he hears the quiet ah as Steve figures out where they are going. 
When he parks the car, they get out and walk to the edge of the lookout. Danny takes Steve’s hand and presses the keys into his palm. “What are we doing here Danny?”
“I figured something out yesterday, and as you know this is where I go to start life changing decisions.”
“Life changing?” Steve’s tone is both hopeful and disbelieving and Danny suddenly knows he won’t regret what he’s about to confess. Instead of visions of failure he sees himself old and wrinkled on the beach behind their house, bickering about stupid things. For once he can see a happy future because he loves this man and he’s pretty sure Steve loves him in return.
He takes a deep breath, finally ready to say it and mean it. “Okay, I’m going to come out and just say it then. I love you.”
Steve tilts his head, “I love you too?”
“No, Steve, I’m in love with you.”
“Oh. Yes, I knew that.” Steve tells him before pulling him in and kissing him soundly on the lips. 
Danny splutters, and pushes Steve away, “Don’t you have anything to say to that?”
“I’ve been saying it for ages Danny, I’m glad you finally caught up.” Steve states matter of factly and slowly leans back in, Danny shudders as their lips connect once again. Danny deepens it almost immediately and Steve groans as their tongues brush together for the first time. He loses himself in the kisses as the sun steadily rises and the traffic rushes past behind them. 
When they break apart, both breathless Danny sweeps his thumb over Steve’s kiss swollen bottom lip, “How about we go home and find some things to do?”
Steve grins, “Yes please.” He gives Danny a quick, hard kiss before dragging him to the car. 
Danny is laughing as he slides into the passenger's seat, “So eager.”
“Well if I had known that picking out a new car for us would have this result ..”
“A new car for me .” Danny feels the need to point out. 
Steve scoffs, “We both know I’ll be the one to drive it five days out of the week.”
“I ..” and just like that it doesn’t matter, so he sighs and gives in. “Fair enough.”
Steve’s grin lights up his face and Danny knows he’ll spend the rest of life trying to keep that smile in place. 
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stripperlecki · 5 years
awesomejesakuthings replied to your post: 15x03 pt2 Not like this!
@stripperlecki​ This show turned from: You could count the not so gr8 episodes of a season on one hand to: you can count the good episodes a season on two arms
yup, they’ve been around wayyy too long for this foolishness
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sussexualtension · 2 years
“Get To Know Me” Tag Game!
Tagged by the awesome @chaosrising451 ! Thanks :D!!
Fave Ships: McGarrett/Danno from H50 (McDanno), Bucky/Steve from Marvel (Stucky), Kirk/Spock from Star Trek (Spirk), Chuck/Raleigh from Pacific Rim (Chaleigh), and Bruce/Arthur from DC (Aquabat).
First ship: Brian/Dom from Fast and the Furious OR Legolas/Aragorn from LotR
Last song: Bastille’s “World Gone Mad”
Last movie: Disney Pixar’s Monsters University
Currently reading: boring ass books about plot structure, though the “wheel of time” series is sitting on my shelf, waiting to be started. I’m not big on fantasy! My friend wrote a sci-fi series, and I will probably start in on book 2.
Currently Watching: Yellowstone 🤠 and a h50 rewatch!
Currently Consuming: avocado sandwich and cucumber salad (okay, for real, it’s the fucking best: mix mini cucumber slices with sesame oil, soy sauce, and toasted sesame seeds)
Currently Craving: garlic butter cauliflower steaks with homemade chimichurri sauce. I’m not a vegetarian, but when I see a damn tik tok of a cow or a chicken acting like a pet dog, it makes it really difficult to eat meat 🤢
Currently Working On: My sequel, A Hidden Pride, which is book II of my ABO m/m series the Teal Habor Saga on Amazon. It had to go on hold this week because I’m assisting an aging parent who just had a knee replacement! Back to writing tomorrow when another family member can take over!
I tag: @awesomejesakuthings, @murphyhatesme, @ariestaurus21, @ninjazane, @sgtbarnes107, @82tweeder, @bgharison, @cowandcalf, and whoever else wants to participate! No pressure y’all! :)
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nancylou444 · 2 years
I think what they really should do is a SPN AU in which Sam and Dean are a couple but everybody thinks they are brothers
Now that would definitely get ratings.
And maybe other ships would never come into being. 😉
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nancylou444 · 2 years
Hey, I don't know if you already have him in your collection, but Jim Parrack, the guy who played the sirene in season 4 is another example for how Supernatural can "ruin" ones carrer like Musha wants to claim. He kept auditioning and is now in the 3 season of the ansemble cast Show 911 lone Star.
That's awesome.
Wow, looking at his wikipedia page and being on SPN hasn't hurt his career one tiny bit.
Guess it's NOT the show.
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nancylou444 · 3 years
How about Ian and Micky from Shameless for your Pride thing?
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Look for them on the 17th. 😘
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nancylou444 · 4 years
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awesomejesakuthings replied to your post: ��
yeah… sometimes I’m wondering if the world has gone nuts. I’ve never seen that movie but I can’t imagine the poor slaves dancing happily around Scarlett. So, why can’t they show it? Are they trying to erase that slavery is/was a real thing?
I also have never seen the movie, but it’s a classic, for god’s sake. What the hell can they do to change it?  Reboot it with an all black cast? 
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nancylou444 · 4 years
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awesomejesakuthings replied to your post “waywardkansasflower replied to your video “justcatposts: My cat...”
she is in that phase where she thinks nobody understands how she feels while the adults around her are trying not kill her.
Yes, teenagers refuse to get that adults were once teenagers and we know what they are going through. 
We see here how the teens go looking for notes so that they can be POPULAR at least in their own minds. To some being POPULAR is a big deal. Myself, I was always a loner and I liked it that way. 
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nancylou444 · 4 years
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reddieandwaiting87 replied to your post: It’s been almost three years, now my period...
Oh god I hope everything is Ok
Yeah, you and me both. 
My Mom also started bleeding way after she went thru menopause and the doctor ended up taking out everything because she had uterine cancer. 
Now I’m just sitting here trying not to think the worst. 
@awesomejesakuthings  didn't know that, sorry
It’s okay, I needed the laugh. 💖
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nancylou444 · 4 years
Are you kidding me? Now they just can go to hell and the empty that easylie? Thank god this is the last Season or in Season 16 it would be like: Dean: Ah, we Need to go to the empty. Sam: Ok, I'll call an uber
LMAO, look how easy it suddenly was to get to Purgatory between Season 6 and Taxi Driver in season 8.
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nancylou444 · 4 years
Just watched the latest ep… and urgh… wtf? Now they are even retconing retcon. I mean there is no way for Jo and Ruby to ever met.
Yes, even IF they knew each other back then, Sister Jo should have had a different vessel than the current one. 
Nevermind that Ruby2 was terrified of angels. 
Are you there God, It’s Me, Dean Winchester: (4.02)
SAM walks over to RUBYSAM: Ruby.RUBY: So, is it true?SAM: Is what true?RUBY: Did an angel rescue Dean?SAM: You heard.RUBY: Who hasn't?SAM: We're not 100% sure, but I think so.RUBY: Okay. Bye, Sam.
RUBY starts walking away. SAM grabs her arm and turns her back to face him.SAM: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What's going on?RUBY: Sam, they're angels. I'm a demon. They're not gonna care if I'm being helpful. They smite first, and then they ask questions later.SAM: What do you know about them?RUBY: Not much. I've never met one, and I don't really want to. All I know is that they scare the holy hell out of me. Watch yourself, Sam.SAM: I'm not scared of angels.
RUBY walks away, leaving SAM alone.
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