#awawa happy :D
ilaiyayaya · 4 months
Finally Another Long Schizo-post, Been Too Long
Fuck I need to stop making everything a draft again and like actually post things, this blog exists for a fucking reason, and that reason is only partially for awawa_happy.mp4. I need to stop fucking reverting back into neet-mode every time I somewhat open up I literally made this to have an outlet to more easily prevent that.
Fuck I effectively went back into isolation again without even realizing it. In the last 6 months I have barely left my house outside of going to work and occasionally buying groceries, and I've even been buying groceries less frequently specifically because I've become afraid to go out in public most days again. Even when I do go somewhere now I more often than not spend like 30 minutes just sitting in my car trying to calm my nerves before going inside and it wasn't until today that I noticed I'd consistently been doing that again recently. Around August my car was broken for nearly 2 months and because of that I wasn't really able to go anywhere non-essential during that time, and I feel like that's probably what's started this downward spiral, before then I'd pretty consistently went somewhere fun every other weekend, and uhhh now I don't do that ever at all. It definitely didn't help that a few weeks ago I was stuck in my house for an entire week due to snow, and that was not a fun week, I think I may have actually been traumatized from being stuck in isolation for years before because within a single day of that week I was breaking. I really need to find the motivation to actually go out and do something more frequently again, it'd probably be a lot healthier than just rotting away at home.
In general I've felt a lot more anxiety-ridden recently, and the last month especially has been like, really bad. For as long as I can remember, usually my mental state fucking plummets around the holidays, but it always rebounds pretty quickly around January, that did not happen this year, very fucked up. I don't even know why exactly I've felt so shit this month, like there have been a few bad things happen but like, nothing more than like the average of most months, and a lot worse things happened in the latter months of last year than this past month. Like, my job's been even more hellish than usual recently, but like, outside of work I can't really pinpoint much, and I've literally been feeling worse on days where I'm off than when I'm at work so like, I don't think it's only that. But yea anyways anxiety bad, I've been a lot more nervous and irritable lately and that's not really fun, and I have a lot of weird, bad habits I do when I'm nervous like running my hands through my hair or biting myself that I've been doing way more recently and like, my hands hurt, I literally have a light bite mark on my wrist right now and I wasn't even conscious I was biting my wrist until I started thinking about writing this.
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Lalala work bad I hate work, work fucking SUCKS right now. There's like double the people there normally are and that's gonna remain the case for the next month at least and it's too fucking loud and people are scary and it's too fucking cold. Actually I think I figured out one of the reasons I feel like shit even on my days off recently, my schedule fucking sucks right now, I'm not even working that many hours but every week I'm alternating between having to wake up at like 6 a.m. and having to be at work at like nearly midnight and it's massively fucked up my sleep schedule and now I've just been eeping in like 2 hour intervals at completely random times throughout the day and I constantly feel eepy and some days I sleep like 1 hour and other days I sleep like 15 and I feel exhausted either way and now that I'm thinking about being eepy I'm getting eepy honk shoo honk shoo hoooonk mimimi that's a lie I'm not eeping I can't eep until I finish writing this otherwise I'll forgor everything I was gonna write zzzzzzz.
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Lalalalalalalalalalala bangs pans together really loudly to scare away the demons of self-consciousness (not to be confused with the angels of self-consciousness which are actually far worse). Dude being a girl is really cool and all but like whoever invented gender dysphoria is really actually not my friend (it was god, god did it, mods invert god's controls until he apologizes). Like I've always kinda hated myself in a lot of ways, and feeling dysphoric about my body especially is not at all a new thing, me being trans isn't even a new thing, but like with each passing month it just feels like it gets worse and this month was a big spike. Also I started slowly coming out to most of my friends like 6 months ago and most of them have been like relatively fine about it, but I've like kinda sorta maybe (?) sorta lost 2 friends and like 2 isn't a big number but it still feels pretty shit to have 2 people you considered friends, even if not super close friends, just stop talking to you completely. Anyways I don't know how to write about this kind of stuff without being too embarrassed or internally dying so no more gender talk BEGONE!!! maybe I'll eventually make a full post about it that I don't just keep as a roughdraft, someday.
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krdc · 3 months
マジカルラブ (magical love) — full version
(lyrics & unofficial translation below)
magical love be with you wow baby
指の隙間でチラ見 (キミの smile)
yubi no sukima de chira mi (kimi no smile)
glancing through the cracks of my fingers (at your smile)
僕にはもったいないって? (ちょっと待って)
boku ni wa mottainai tte (chotto matte)
aren't you wasting it on me? (hang on a second)
今までだったらそれで終わり (チャ チャンス?)
ima made dattara sore de owari (cha-chansu)
if it had been before, this would've been the end (ch-chance?)
一味違うthis love wow
hitoaji chigau this love wow
this love is different, wow
masaka masakano tenkai
there's been a surprising turn of events
kokoro mo karada mo genkai
my mind and body are at their limits
寝癖 ドキり 照れる 素振り
neguse dokiri tereru soburi
your bedhead, your nervousness, the bashful way you act
超 cute ズキュン
chou cute zukyuun
they're super cute, they've struck my heart
瞬間 近づく鼓動
shunkan chikazuku kodou
the moment i got near your heartbeat
聴こえた マジかよ マジカル!?
kikoeta maji ka yo majikaru
i heard them, it's for real, it's magical?!
もう ムリ無理 見て見ぬフリ
mou muri muri mite minu furi
i can't keep pretending i don't see it
夢でも 胸高鳴り
yume demo munadaka nari
even in my dreams, it makes my heart race
運命変えちゃう love
unmei kaechau love
a love that changes destiny
君と 僕が? あわわっ
kimi to boku ga awawa
between you and me? i can't deal!
happi endo no tochu
on the way to our happy ending
焦る i want you (yeah)
aseru i want you (yeah)
i want you right now (yeah)
issho nara koete yukeru
as long as we're together, we can overcome it all
明日は七色 君と甘色 wow yes
asu wa nanairo kimi to amairo wow yes
tomorrow will have a rainbow, with you and the sweet colors, wow, yes
四六時中 夢心地 (キミの voice)
shirokujichu yumegokochi (kimi no voice)
day and night, i keep dreaming (about your voice)
そんなの聞いてないって (もっとキテ)
sonna no kiitenai tte (motto kite)
saying things i've never heard you say (come closer)
想定外 好きが渋滞 chu (che cherry?)
souteigai suki ga jutai chu (che-cherry)
unexpected feelings stuck in a traffic jam (ch-cherry?)
大胆不敵 this love wow
daitan futeki this love wow
this love is fearless, wow
ippo susunde koukai
the first step forward, there's regret
二歩目は あら単純明快
ni home wa ara tanjun meikai
the second step, it's just plain and simple
a b c d x y z
mousou bakari jairarenai
i can't keep staying in my fantasy
敏感 本音と嘘
binkan honne to uso
my sensitive true feelings and my lies
気づいた マジかよ マジカル!?
kizuita maji ka yo majikaru
you noticed them, it's for real, it's magical?!
もう ムリ無理 見て見ぬフリ
mou muri muri mite minu furi
i can't keep pretending i don't see it
夢でも 胸高鳴り
yume demo munadaka nari
even in my dreams, it makes my heart race
運命変えちゃう love
unmei kaechau love
a love that changes destiny
君と 僕が? あわわっ
kimi to boku ga awawa
between you and me? i can't deal!
happi endo no tochu
on the way to our happy ending
焦る i want you (yeah)
aseru i want you (yeah)
i want you right now (yeah)
issho nara koete yukeru
as long as we're together, we can overcome it all
明日は七色 君と甘色 wow yes
asu wa nanairo kimi to amairo wow yes
tomorrow will have a rainbow, with you and the sweet colors, wow, yes
隣にキミの笑顔 (love is the magic)
tonari ni kimi no egao (love is the magic)
with your smile next to me (love is the magic)
yeah (love is the magic) oh
魔法が解けたって 大丈夫さ ふたりなら
mahou ga toketa tte daijoubusa futari nara
even if the magic is undone, we'll be okay as long as we're together
shiawasesugite mo muri
i'm too happy, i can't handle it
mi taiken no munasawagi
the apprehension of something unfamiliar
世界の数だけ love love love wow
sekai no kazu dake love love love wow
for every world out there, there's just as much of our love, love, love, wow
hajimetedarake no sutori
in this story filled with our firsts
dare ni mo jamasasenai
we won't let anyone interfere
特別以上の love
tokubetsu ijou no love
a love that's beyond special
愛しい 嬉しい 気持ち
itoshii ureshii kimochi
and the precious, happy feelings
happi endo no tochu
on the way to our happy ending
もう全部 i want you
mou zenbu i want you
i want you, all of you
issho nara koete yukeru
as long as we're together, we can overcome it all
明日は七色 君と甘色 wow yes
asu wa nanairo kimi to amairo wow yes
tomorrow will have a rainbow, with you and the sweet colors, wow, yes
magical love be with you
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kandidandi · 1 year
Happy B-Day Kandi!
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Sorry if i'm kinda late-
RAAHH! tysm sleepy!! i love awawa we all look so happy :D
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adiposesaleswoman · 9 months
I have been obsessed w fat Sebastian for FOREVER and was so sad that I couldn't find any art on that!! I'm so so happy you started dabbling in Stardew bc I already can't control myself around your art, even if idk the characters you're drawing!! - 🥑 anon (I plan on asking more in the future bc I'm finally brave enough! :D )
Awawa thank you anon!!! I'm so glad there's people out there who are feasting well due to my sudden sebastian brainrot 😭 it's a good feeling to help....I look forward to your future asks!
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yumethefrostypanda · 1 year
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PARDON AS I INVADE UR INBOX CUZ ILYSM YUME, Everytime Ghost pops up on my dash from you, I instantly feel SOOO much better with life, and In general I just wanted to tell you that your work is always wonderful and a blessing' to my world awawa. I will eat the bad ppl who snatch ur work w/ no credit cause you deserve the world for doing this ♡ ME N SIMON SEND OUR LOVE TO YOU! Remember ur loved beb! ♡
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AAaa! You're too kind, too sweet! Thank you so much, Katie (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) And i see your reblogs and sweet tags, i ALWAYS read them <3 It really makes me happy you like my Ghost edits so much 🥺 Keeps me going! :D Looove your pfp btw *-* Please take care ✿🤗 (and give Simon a gentle pat on the head for me :3)
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cervideity · 3 months
Boney M anon here!! Finally saw it! I love your design so much, literally the closest to canon I’ve seen!! I’ve struggled to draw him for so long and now I have a perfect reference aaa thank you!! Over all, I’m just so happy to see more enemy fans in this world!!! Plus another Paul fan yay!! (I love the guy sm, and I really do feel like he’s underrated!) I love all your other art too just to say it again cuz I love giving compliments!!! Have a wonderful day :D
HIII HIIIII OMG HIIII . gonna be honest i only hust started my reread on The Fallen so i had/have no clue how close to canon it is. thats just how i imagined it looking. AND YEAH IM HAPPY THAT THERE ARE OTHER FANS. hard to come by and when u do usually they are inactuve or something. Thank you so much !!!!!!!! im glad you like my art awawa.
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luneevenfall · 11 months
For Akari
AWAWA I'm so happy that this is still happening! I see a lot of yall like Akari <3
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Akari is interesting because she's one of my reworked old OCs; the original Akari, although I have nothing but her name and appearance, seems to have been a sword-wielding assassin type with an eye patch (this eye patch inspired their current "one black eye" design :D
What inspired the actual look of the current Akari was a mix of their old design, and the fact that she is inspired by very current late-2010s early 2020s almost techwear with the big hoodie and sneakers, whereas Seiko is decidedly Y2K inspired!
They were paired together for no particular reason; they just both had weapons so I decided to make them reapers!
When I was designing her, I ended up adding those bandaids and bandages on them and I came up with the idea that they were highly clumsy and incompetent at her job as a reaper, which gets her put together with Seiko for punishment.
Seiko's also being punished in this scenario though Akari has no idea what she did, and she refuses to speak about it.
This is the big strokes of them!
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peachyninjago · 2 years
📁 dreamweaver
hmhm. what fact to spill what fact to share... oh i knowA! here you go!!!
• in the very, veeery early drafts of dw, akita was supposed to be another main character, making the mcs a team of 4!!
there a 3 reasons i scrapped this
• 1; im already pushing myself to write three (actually kinda like four considering Dreamweaver themself is a mc) storylines so. adding another on top of that?? awawa thats a lot :,D
• 2; as much as i love her, i wouldn't know how to correctly implement her into the story. she's not a villain, she's happy in the never realm, and her only motivation for staying in Ninjago would be to help Lloyd.. but if SHE did that then what would the point of morro and rumis redemption be?? actually, if shes not a villain, why would dw even bring her there in the first place? ..yeah just. too little info to work with...
...oh!! and:
• 3; shes a goddess and i shant soil her with my angsty, blood ridden, gore-filled hands. crosses myself. hope ur doing good Queen if you ever come back in the show just know you dont need lloyd because i am RIGHT HERE I AM R I G H T HERE!!!!
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vivid-badsquad · 1 year
Hiiii :D just peaking into your ask box. I got given this so here
‘List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!! <33’
awawa i wont continue the chain but ill zure do it!
my boyfriend , my (ztupid /aff) mutualz , project zekai ig😿 , the zmell of frezhly cut grazz anddddddd... mizumafu :3c
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wonszuart · 3 years
I love all your fanart of "A Calming Bothersome Trip"!! Thank you!!
Awawa, cheers my sweet peep~! ;w; I love that fanfic, had to went out my love for it and it makes me hella happy that it makes other peeps happy too :D
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sackboys-moved · 3 years
Happy existence day! you're a pog and I love your posts and art B]
AWAWA THANK YOUU I’m glad that u like my stuff dude :D
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chiaki-translation · 4 years
SSR Kazunari [Mankai Encore] Backstage Story Translation
Because of Outing event, I was able to get this card. So why not translate it also?
Summer Troupe and their local rerun performance of SHINOBI misadventuring.
It will be this card and I’m pretty happy I can get this card because I did start the game quite late...
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A3! is owned by Liber Entertainment
Translation will be below the cut~
Encore: Kiichi
Translator’s Note: Enjin refers to huddle or circle that they made to cheer before the performance. Teruteru bouzu is a rain doll, it is used in Japan to wish for specific weather.
As I thought, the best thing for local performance will be the onsen~
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Yep yep, looking forward to it!
It seems that there aren’t so many people too.
So you can take your time slowly.
I wonder if there’s any triangle in the onsen~
What kind of triangle will even be there.
The pail might actually be triangular shape!
Yeay! Triangle~!
During the first show, we did a lot for role study huh~
In the ninja mansion, tonosama game~
That was so much fun!
During the time in the ninja mansion, I was so surprised that the lost Tenma-kun and Director-san could reach the goal first.
I didn’t know there’s another route.
I was pretty surprised too.
But, the ninja mansion was really an interesting thing.
Eh? By the way where’s Tenma-san?
He’s been here till just now…
Wa… wait, maybe he has been abducted by the ninjas….!?
Awawa, I have to really go and find Tenma-kun before it’s too late…!
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Ah! Maybe he was actually abducted by a ninja organization who lurks in the darkness…
You two calm down.
That kind of thing won’t happen.
Ah! Tenma’s coming from that way!
Oh, you guys, so you’re here!
Ah, Tenma-san!
You managed to run away from those ninjas! I’m glad~
Hah? Ninja?
You disappeared so suddenly, so we thought you’ve been abducted by the ninja…
A, ah… Right, it’s like that.
You’re just lost, aren’t you.
Sh, shut up!
<Short Time Skip>
Ah, that was great!
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The open-air bath was so big!
You’re right.
But, I cannot find the stars~
Well, today has always been cloudy.
But from tomorrow onwards it will be sunny, there’re still other timing to see them!
… Yeah!
Hey, Director-chan, there will be some free time after the performance is over right?
Yeah, is there anywhere you want to go?
Since it’s the ninja village…. It has to be the ninja mansion right!?
Look look, if you walk along the port you’ll look like you’re walking on the water!
He’s bought fast.
The research was fast too.
Ah! It seems that there’ll be fireworks too!
If you look at all the pictures here, they’re all so beautiful!
It’s the number one Instablam-able place this summer!
Amazing! I wonder if there’ll be triangular firework~!
It’s indeed beautiful, but we still have our upcoming performance.
Don’t get too distracted.
Courz! I know!
It’s a rare word coming from our leader.
It’s not that rare!
Then, we can all watch the fireworks after the performance, let’s do our best!
<Shifts to Backstage>
(It’s the day of the rerun performance…
Everything’s perfect, it seems like there would be no problem)
It’s been a while since I wore Kiichi’s costume~!
Let’s pump up the vibe!
You’re right!
By the way, what are we going to do for the huddle?
Ah, I haven’t decided!
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Sounds like a dejavu.
Something ninja like… Summer Troupe doron! Like that?
Sounds like everyone’s going to disappear after that sound…
Right, I’ve decided!
--For whose sake is the world’s sake, we’ll do our part as shinobi…
Kiichi from Iga, reporting! You lose if you stop halfway, let’s go, brothers! Nin-nin!
Summer Troupe:
<End of Part 1>
(The story begins when two people who happened to be delivering love letters to the same castle meet)
A Shinobi…?
Iga clan?
Are you a ninja from Koga clan?
You’re right, but I don’t intend to fight you. I’m just in the middle of a side job, delivering a love letter.
It will be great if I can just LIME this love letter and get it over and done with~
Don’t make such a modern statement!
(As usual, it’s SummerTroupe’s  specialty to add a comical ad-lib…
It seems the audience is enjoying it too)
<Short Time Skip>
Hmm? Eh? Which letter is mine?
Eh!? Umm…
Umm… What – should – I – do –  now – which – one – is – it – let – god – choose. Right, this one!
Eh!? Are you sure you can choose that way, alright then-
It’s alright, it’s alright~
Don’t worry, Kii-chan.
(The two delivered the love letters to the Crane Castle and on the way they were met with a forked path--)
What? There are two paths?
Ah~ I think it’s fine?
It looks like something out of a weekly photo magazine, it looks dangerous!?
It’s true! But don’t spread it out in the net, they will burn immediately!
Well, if it happens then let’s just use a fire extinguisher I guess, even thought I’m actually a ninja.
Well, it’s fine~
(Yoshimari’s colleague –  Santa – appears afterward and he said he is delivering a letter from the Fox Castle to the Tanuki Castle.)
This, is my colleague, San-chan.
I’m Kiichi. Nice to meet you~ Then cheers!
Like I said I’m on an important mission!
Where are you going?
Something’s brewing in the Boar Castle.
Seems like they’re planning to attack the Fox Castle.
Eh!? You for real!? That’s bad!
The Fox Castle is planning to form an alliance with Tanuki Castle. If everything works out, we might be able to avoid war.
I see~ So, San-chan is in the mission to carry that out right now.
You’re right.
That means you can still have a drink.
This is San-chan’s! I’ll show you somewhere good, drink~ drink~ drink~
(The three people had a drink, and the next day they were suddenly attacked by Kiichi’s senior –  Hyuuga)
You’re from Iga, aren’t you, I’ll not let you run away.
Audience A:
Wah! That’s some amazing acrobatics right there!
Audience B:
I’m glad I got to see it~!
(Misumi-kun’s action, always so swift!
Even amateur can see how well it is.)
Kiichi, you fight too.
Don’t forget that you’re also a shinobi.
Death for the traitor--
Is there really no other choice…
Let’s go, Yoshimaru!
What, oi!? Who are you fighting!
(Everyone gets carried by Misumi-kun’s performance. Their movements become sharper and more powerful than before.
With this action scene, the atmosphere has also changed to a more serious one.)
Audience C:
Audience D:
So cool~!
(The audiences are also being drawn in by them!)
<Short Time Skip>
(Now that Santa and Hyuuga are stopped, the two planned to deliver a letter to the Young Lord….)
Young Lord:
… Is this really a letter from the princess?
Of course! Look at the perfectly copied handwriting~
Young Lord:
Perfectly copied?
Idiot, Kii-chan--
--I mean perfectly polished ink!
Young Lord:
You, you were trying to fool me?
Eh, I didn’t say anything!
I’m just saying that it’s a perfect love letter written with perfect polished ink and the perfect handwriting of the princess!
Kii-chan, that’s not a good excuse…!
Young Lord:
So you really were fooling me!?
(The two who got in trouble because of the fake letter asked for help from the Kunoichi - Sae)
So, you want me to deceive the Young Lord of Crane Castle by posing as the princess of Fox Castle and carrying out an alliance.
Please~ Only you can do this.
A month’s worth of Kameyoshi Shop’s dumplings.
Tha, that’s a bit… I thought it would be like 5 gold coins or something!
Ten then.
One year’s worth of Amankai Shop’s sweets.
!? That’s too much, isn’t that the high-class sweet shop out there…!?
Then ten gold coins.
Ugh… fine.
Thanks for your business~
<Short Time Skip>
(They managed to avoid the war, the Young Lord will be married to the princess and the case is settled.
Shadows creeping over the two people who were celebrating their victory with alcohols and drinks.)
You’re going back to the village!
You’re going to be working in the village for a while!
No way~!!
(Kiichi and Yoshimaru were brought back to the village due to Hyuuga and Santa--)
Audience A:
That’s so interesting~!
Audience B:
I really feel drawn in by them!
(The tempo was great, the conversation and ad-lib all sounded natural too.
They really grew a lot since their first performance…)
Summer Troupe:
Thank you so much!
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<Shifts to Road>
Woah… amazing!
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We can see the big seas from here-!
The performance was a big success, so let’s enjoy the day at the lake today!
It seems that there’s an event ongoing over there.
Yoga on top of a water board?
I know a triangle pose! It looks fun~!
Since we’re here already, why don’t we try it!
Hah? Are you serious?
Courz! It seems doable anyway! Let’s go, Kumopi, Tenten~!
I guess there’s no other choice.
<End of Part 2>
That was fun~!
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Yeah, you’re right.
The scenery from there is really beautiful.
Yeah! I’ve never experienced that kind of thing before!
The only things you guys did was making noise!
Tenten was so scared so it was interesting!
SUP Yoga was surprisingly fun.
Yeah, it felt really good when you’re finally able to balance yourself.
Sumi was able to strike an amazing pose even the teacher was shocked!
It was fun~!
I’m glad everyone seems to be having fun.
So after this will be the firework display.
Yep! I’m so glad it’s sunny today~
Yesterday we made some tetu teru bouzu together!
Then we might be able to see the stars too~
We didn’t get to see it in the onsen.
Hey hey, actually one of the local recommended me about a good spot. Let’s check it out!
You’re chatty as usual.
We’ve arrived~
Hee… This place has a good view.
Not only the fireworks, we can also enjoy the beautiful night view here!
Woah… You’re right!
It would look great on Instablam too!
Hey hey, let’s buy some snacks and juice!
That sounds good~!
I know of a place, let’s go buy some things.
Then, those who lost janken will go and buy stuffs.
Y, yeah!
Then, let’s go~!
Congrats on being the only rock.
Sh, shut up!
But if Tenten go alone, he’ll just become a lost child.
That’s true~!
Ah, then I’ll follow you!
Then, I’ll go too. It seems that we’re going to end up buying a lot anyway.
Yuki-kun let’s go too!
Eh, then there’s no other choice…
The lead and co-lead just rest.
Leave the shopping to us!
I’ll leave it to you~!
Then, for the time being let’s organize our stuffs!
Uwah! What, UFO!?
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Summer Triangle!
Oh, damn, that’s so beautiful!
Yeah, so pretty~
When I think about it, we did watch the stars together during the first performance too right.
Then everyone came over and brought onigiri. I was so happy.
… For that time, thank you.
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You’re welcome~
Because of Sumi and everyone, I was able to have fun and act like this right now.
Me too, I’m happy that I’m able to act with Kazu like this!
Ehehe, I’m so happy~! Let’s do our best for the next performance too!
Yep yep!
<Short Time Skip>
It already started! Everyone, hurry hurry~!
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<Short Time Skip>
Ah, it ended…
Director-san and everyone, I’m glad you made it in time~
It was beautiful…
It was amazing to see the reflection of the fireworks on the lake too!
It comes up consecutively, really brings up the tension to the max!
Things like this isn’t so bad sometimes.
But when you watch them, don’t you feel like doing it yourself!
Well, speaking of which, we bought it.
We feel like doing it too.
If we have to do something, it has to be this isn’t it?
With this, it will feel like Summer never ends!
… Everyone, as expected!!
Then let’s start with the pinwheel fireworks, five of them!
Pinwheel~! GOGO~!
Stop it!
<End of Part 3>
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convxction · 5 years
send me   ‘ mistletoe ’  for my muse’s response to being underneath mistletoe with your muse. specify whether it’s accidental or on purpose. | accepting [selective] || @pieman1112
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Thomas was reading a book when he huffed closing it before tossing it to the side causing Maria, his little sister to jump in surprise. “What’s wrong, big bro?” she asked closing the book she was reading as well. 
“It’s that time of the year, you know? and I have observed father and mother for the past week and to my shock! Oh, what a shocking revelation!” he dramatically waved his arms around.
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“E-eh eh? M-mommy and daddy are in trouble!?” Maria got up and quickly went to hold to her brother, shaking him for a quick answer. “Easy, easy. What I meant that,” Thomas lowered his little sister to sit back so he can explain. “You see, this is the season of thanking, love and yada yada. So! Dear Father and dear mother were so busy that I hardly saw them, gods …HOLDING HANDS! Can you believe it!? No romance? Are you kidding me? They! Like, I would believe father being the dork he is, don’t tell him I said that, he would not try to do anything if mom was busy. BUT mom! Mom is….Mom! she always teased him and made him get out of his comfort zone many times. I declare it! If mom is not flirting with dad then something IS WRONG!”
“Awawa! W-wrong!? B-but mom loves dad! and d-dad loves mom! Don’t say mean things!” she lightly and repeatedly punched him. “O-ow ow, listen, it is just observation! But think about it! It is our job to get them some high-quality time alone, yeah? They both need a break; they have been working day and night and we got barely to see them, right?”
“…..right…I want…mom and dad…..to be happy and play with us more…What can we do?” Maria asked curiously. Thomas grinned pulling something from under the bed. “Tada~ We will get Mister Father and Madame Mother some lovely action with this~ Hope they will realize the lengths I’m going for them, heh~” the object was none other a mistletoe and he flashed a grin. 
“So…what a weed would do to help mom and dad?” she tilted her head not knowing what a mistletoe. 
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“Tut tut, little sister. Let me educate you. This …this…this god’s gift magical plant makes love true. You put this up high and whenever two people step underneath it bam! They have to kiss! They MUST kiss or, as the story goes,” he lowered his voice and whispered, “bad things are going to haaaaappeeennn!”
“EEEK! No!!!! No! Don’t put this on mom and dad! Nooo!” it took a while for Thomas to convince Maria to be his accomplice in his plan. The plan was to hang this somewhere both of them can’t see it and as well in a place, they can have their moment alone without a sudden interruption (like Frederick!)
Thomas decided to hang it right above the garden gate, up high so Chrom and Rebecca could not see it. The next step was to make sure no one passes through this corridor so both of them asked the guards to help them by redirecting anyone who comes through here to another hallway. The guards were more than happy to help the prince and princess and assured them that none shall pass except the King and the Queen. That was covered, now for securing the King and the Queen. 
Chrom was in the courtroom, dealing with matters at hands and Rebecca was continuing her history studies. Maria was tasked to bring Chrom since he would not suspect anything from Maria and Thomas was to bring Rebecca. Since he was similar to Rebecca, he knew how to get her to accompany him without alarming her. The mission was successful! Maria, after making sure Chrom was available, asked him to come with her to the garden because she wanted to know about a flower there. Chrom was happy to oblige because unlike Thomas and Lucina, Maria was still shy around everyone. It made him so happy he quickly asked for a break to see what his daughter wanted. On the other hand, Thomas faked an urgency for Rebecca to get out of her class and walked her to the garden. 
The hallway that leads to the garden had two doors, west, and east. Each kid brought each parent from a different route and made them walk in before pretending to go call for the other. Maria told Chrom to wait for her in the garden and she dashed quickly to reunite with Thomas who told the same thing for Rebecca and bolted off.            
Chrom as he was told, went to the garden when he spotted Rebecca walking by as well. “Oh? Are you done? I believe it is still early for you? Heh, a good student you have been, eh?” he teased her when she fired back that he was supposed to be in court, not playing hooky from work. The two stood there and laughed lightly. Chrom told her that Maria had brought him here to which Rebecca fell silent for a moment then told him Thomas did the same. The two stood there thinking as to why Thomas and Maria did that but decided to walk into the garden and wait for their return, that if they did return.
Once they stepped into the garden, Thomas (with the help of Ricken who was eager to help in this) had made a contraption to make the mistletoe drop in height so the two would see it afterward. Viola, the mistletoe was now in a height Rebecca and Chrom could see it which honestly startled them at first but Rebecca was the first to burst to laughter when she realized what was that. She commented on how crafty Thomas was but Chrom was still confused. He eyed the mistletoe when it hit him. “Oh….Ohh…I see. Well, we were played well, weren’t we? Heh…”
Rebecca glanced at Chrom and back at the mistletoe. Chrom felt his cheeks burning lightly, for naga’s sake…they have been married for years now. “So, it is the moment uh, yeah…Ahem. Well, don’t mind if I do…” he stepped closer to Rebecca, and cupped her face to look into her eyes first. He loved looking at her eyes. So beautiful he could spend days, if not years enchanted by them. “He’s truly a troublemaker…just like his mom.” a chuckle followed up before he leaned to kiss her (not that he needed to push himself up a little bit or for her to lean down. thanks height.)
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“We should take a break…tomorrow sounds good? Just the two of us. We should make sure these kids are under tight supervision. Haha…yeah…we’re lucky to have them. …!….Of course…I love you, too.”
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kandidandi · 1 year
What’s it like being autistic?
sorry if this is weird or sounds rude-
I’m just curious ‘^^
this isnt rude at all, tho one autistic person is never the same as another, its a spectrum so everyones experience is different. (i will talk about my experience. bad + half bad half good and good yknow (p.s. i am not an expert on the tism don't quote me))
its good and bad, sometimes i love having autism and sometimes i wish i didnt have it.
i hate having it because i cant go into shopping centres without panicking or breaking down because of all the noises and sensations. i got bullied for literal years in a row for being the weird kid and i didnt know why until i found out i was autistic. i dont like being spoken to in a condescending way like im five years old once someone learns about my autism either hgh
sounds and noises are way louder and lights are brighter. i wear sunglasses and carry earplugs for when its especially bad. when im in a crowded environment like the city i have a hard time calming myself down and sometimes meltdown because of all the sensations going on (not all autistic people hate the city).
bright lights and noises aren't just annoying, they physically hurt aswell (dont ask me how)
i love matching my clothes together! like if i have a blue shirt i'll have blue socks :D but but but if i cant find a combination i like i'll panic because nothing seems right. i really like some textures one day but might hate them the next, for example i really love the feeling of foam beads but sometimes they feel so bad i'll throw up.
im semi-verbal, sometimes i can talk and talk and talk but then sometimes im super quiet and its hard for me to say anything, for this i have hand signals i use with my family and friends to communicate what i want to say! other autistics may also use cards or AAC (Augmentative and alternative communication (basically just speaking with a phone or tablet).
i love having it because i feel things more intensely and see the world differently. i stim almost constantly because it feels nice and makes me happy. i love listening to my favourite music because i connect with it a lot, not because of the lyrics but just cuz makes me extremely happy idk its hard to explain. i love having echolalia, when i pay for soemthing the machine makes a beep and i always always say beep in response awawa and sometimes the cashier will beep aswell!!! i love when im so happy i need to full body stim to regulate myself its great i love it. i love being easily entertained! slap some blocks infront of me and i'll have a blast for hours!! i also really like puzzles and jigsaws because of this awawa (i also really like solitare and minesweeper)i also also love having random sayings i use like "awawawa"! i actually do say these things irl aswell as a vocal stim hehehe
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yukiwrites · 6 years
Clumsiness and Teasing
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @arod7293! I hope you like this new take on the wive’s tale ;D
Summary: Linnea and Shigure are all grown up -- and have a little sister named after their grandmother Arete. With age, Linnea now learns the meaning of romantic love, and, hopefully, she won’t mess it up with Caeldori! Takes place 17 years after “Clumsy Family Time”!
Commission info HERE and HERE!
The land is Valla. Over twenty years have passed after the war had ended, and much of this mystical world was already rebuilt. There are now two generations who never had to experience the grips of battle, peace seeping into the land like the water after a rainshower.
A young woman grumbled under the map she held upside-down after trying to decipher it from every direction. "This can't be right! Father wouldn't give me an outdated map! I must be the one reading this wrong..." She pouted, digging her feet on the ground to stop. "Urgh, here I am in a place too beautiful for words, but I can't tell left for right!"
The red-haired woman dried her sweating forehead with the back of her hand, once again digging her face into the map. "The portal was supposed to take me inside the western garden, right? I know I'm inside something related to plants due to how many there are here," she huffed, looking around the wide variety of flora in every shape and size imaginable. Not to mention the colors! "But this can't be inside a castle, can it? I must have been walking for over 15 minutes and I'm yet to see a single building!"
Sighing, she slumped for a moment before lifting her head up, puffing her chest. "Come on, Caeldori, you can do this! You can't fail on a simple delivery mission!" She pumped herself up, glancing down at the pouch her Father had given her one hour previous.
She didn't know the details, but she knew that her father, Subaki, was supplying Queen Corrin's butler, Jakob, with hoshidan delicacies of a sort. "Maybe for the Queen Regent, Her Majesty Rhajat? From what I've heard, she's hoshidan-born..."
Not realizing she had started walking, Caeldori brought the map to her heart, sighing wishfully. "If that's so, it's sooo romantic! Imagine, being married for over 20 years and still making sure to surprise your wife with things she loves from her homeland? What a dream come true! I only hope I can find a love so strong and beautiful and... and... Siiighs." She looked up with longing eyes, remembering all the wonderful love stories she had read in the past.
Finally being silent for a few seconds, her mind wandered to the lands of romance novels and epic tales of the war against the Silent Dragon. Tales of Queen Corrin and Princess Azura, the Songstress of Fate. They say that whoever hears her holy songs will forever be blessed with good luck and wonder... Oh, how magical! And romantic!
"I wonder if I'll be able to meet Lady Azura someday... I'm sure she's much more than what they make of her, and they make quite a lot!" Caeldori bounced herself up, once again walking without knowing the way. "It would be of an extreme audacity to ask her to sing for me, so maybe if I asked Nina to help me sneak around-- no, wait, what am I thinking? I can't sneak- huh? What was that? A... singing voice?" The young woman gasped, rolling the forgotten map and placing it back on her belt. "C-could it be... Lazy Azura? Am I finally going to be blessed with good luck in love?!" She couldn't contain her smile and did her best to follow the faint voice through her thundering heartbeat.
What the trees do, ♪
not only in lightning storms ♫
or the watery dark of a summer’s night ♪
or under the white nets of winter ♫
but now, and now, and now – whenever ♪
we’re not looking.  ♫
Caeldori blinked at the sight in front of her, inadverdently placing both hands over her mouth in surprise.
Surely you can’t imagine ♫
they don’t dance, from the root up, wishing ♪
to travel a little, not cramped so much as wanting ♫
a better view, or more sun, or just as avidly ♪
more shade! ♫
A young woman, no older than Caeldori herself, happily sang as water danced all around her, watering the plants. "Grow strong and pretty, little ones!" She giggled in the middle of the song, twirling around herself so as to guide the water to nearby plants.
surely you can’t imagine they just ♪
stand there loving every ♫
minute of it, the birds or the emptiness, the dark rings ♪
She had long, light pink hair, a long strand of it painted as well as its ends in a light blue, which followed her as she gleefuly danced, unaware of the pair of eyes watching her. And the young heart beating for her.
She wore simple clothing, but Caeldori could see from her bearing: that was no flower girl. The grace with which she danced, the angelic melody which lifted a lost girl's spirits, the mystical power to control water... That young woman was a princess.
Caeldori had to place one hand over her heart, trying to still it. The young woman danced barefoot over the garden, her feet knowing exactly where to step so as not to hurt any flowers, no matter how small. It was as though she was in sync with the whole forest.
"Does this water taste good? Consider it a snack from your usual well water!" She kissed a flower as tall as her and giggled, once again setting out to water its siblings.
of the years slowly and without a sound ♫
thickening, and nothing different unless the wind, ♪
and then only in its own mood, comes ♫
to visit, surely you can’t imagine ♪
patience, and happiness, like that! ♫
Caeldori forgot to blink, the same way she forgot to breathe. Somehow, she couldn't recall how to speak, either. Too entranced by the spontaneous dance and song in front of her, she simply stood there, being enveloped by a warm atmosphere, much like the one you feel whenever a healing staff is pointed at you.
Such a great peace and feeling of belonging... Caeldori closed her eyes and leaned on a nearby trunk to take it all in.
Which would be a great idea were she in a proper hiding place, not in the exact woods the young woman was about to water.
"Hyaaa! C-cold!" Caeldori shrieked as a splash of water hit her face, making her fall on her bottom. "Ow, ow..."
"Awawawa! There was someone there? Oh no, I'm so sorry!" The princess jumped over the bushes towards the voice. "Are- are you okay- oh, wow, you're so pretty and- oh, soaked! I'm so sorry! Please, come here so I can find you some dry clothes!" She quickly grabbed a surprised Caeldori's hand and pulled her towards-- a building! Was Caeldori finally on the right way?
"Um- I'm sorry for starling you, but I'm alright. I just needed to find the castle to-"
"Nuh-uh, no can do! I can't let you walk around all wet like that! I know it's spring and not that cold, but still! A girl as pretty as you shouldn't walk around all wet and dirty like that!" The girl grinned, lifting her index up, matter-of-factly.
Blinking, Caeldori felt her cheeks redden and looked down to realize they were holding hands as the girl guided her inside the castle and through a few corridors. "I offer you my thanks, then, um..."
"Oh!" The girl let go of the handhold and turned around, her clear, sun-colored eyes sincerely surprised and humbled. "How could I just pull you around like that without introducing myself!" She patted her dress and curtsied. "I'm Linnea! Nice to meet you, um..."
"The pleasure is mine, Linnea. I'm Caeldori, Subaki's daughter." She straightened herself the most she could, though her hand already missed Linnea's warmth.
"Nice to meet you, Caeldori! And sorry for the, uh, water thing. I'm a bit clumsy, see. It runs in the family." She giggled, scratching the back of her neck. "But enough of that, let's go get you a change of clothes!" Bouncing up from the moment of shyness due to her clumsiness, Linnea quickly took Caeldori's hand again.
This time, Caeldori welcomed the touch and reciprocated, holding Linnea's hand back. "Thank you for the offer, Linnea. And don't worry about the water. I think it may have been a good thing." She whispered the last part to herself, the thoughts of princes and princesses saving the damsel in distress jumbling around inside her mind. She smiled softly to herself, wondering if she was inside one of the novels she oh so loved.
Quite used to her own clumsiness and how to deal with it, Linnea simply smiled and guided the new girl to her room. Once there, she quickly found a red and white dress (which would suit Caeldori immensely!) and made her change after drying herself.
Caeldori protested for a few minutes, not wanting to impose, but noticed that Linnea could be quite stubborn when she put her mind into it. Sighing in defeat, with a tiny smile to betray her, Caeldori accepted the dress and towel, helping herself out of her garments behind a folding screen.
"Your skin and hair are super pretty, so I immediately thought of this dress for you, heehee! I'm sure it's gonna be a perfect fit, even better than it does on me!"
"R-really? But you're already so pretty, I'm not sure how it COULDN'T be a perfect fit on you..." She replied from behind the screen, too excited with the whole situation to think straight.
A gasp from the other side of the screen. "Heehee, we're just calling each other pretty left and right!"
Caeldori coughed. "W-we are, aren't we?"
"Yep! But I do mean it; I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen! And I'm my Mothers' daughter!"
"Mothers?" Caeldori asked, throwing her hair over her shoulder so as to tie some knots behind her back. "So you really are-"
"Oh, didn't I say? Awawa, there I go again, skipping things. And you even told me you're Sir Subaki's daughter! My Mother's Azura and my Mom's Felicia!" She tiptoed to the folding screen. "You're taking an awful lot of time there- oh, the back knots? Let me help!"
Blushing, Caeldori reflexively covered her front in surprise, though she was already clothed. "D-did you just peep on me?"
It was Linnea's turn to blush, though she simply smirked and took the knoting away from Caeldori's hand. "Mayyybe. It could've been your imagination, though?"
"Hah! Someone call the guards, I've got a pervert!" Caeldori laughed, holding her hair with one hand, covering her mouth with the other.
Linnea let out a fake gasp. "Oh nooo, what shall I do? I'll live in the dungeon and never see my dear and pretty friend Caeldori!"
"E-enough with the compliments, already!" She blushed, raising her shoulders, sinking her face downwards.
"Pretty, prettier, prettiest!" Linnea teased, quickly finishing the job and twirling around so as to escape Caeldori's mock slap.
Gentle breeze through her hair, ♫
she walks elegantly while astonished eyes all stare. ♫
Rosy cheeks cover her face.  ♫
"It is her -- Caeldori!" Linnea ran as a very embarrassed Caeldori pursued her around the room, jumping over chairs, tables, sofas and both beds.
"You're going to embarrass me to death!!"
"What a way to go! Haha!" Linnea jumped over a fainting couch, once again going behind the folding screen, Caeldori breathing down her neck.
"Come back here!"
Laughing, Linnea sang another verse, but her feet caught on something and she tripped. "Catch me- whoops!" She fell headfirst, entangling herself on Caeldori's things.
"Oh, no, I can't stop- wah!" The hoshidan tripped on Linnea's foot, falling right on top of her. "I-I'm sorry! Are you oka-" She gasped.
Close, close, close, close. They were really close!
"Oh, wow, as I thought, you really are beautiful." Linnea smiled softly, brushing her hand on Caeldori's cheek, centimeters away from her face. Their breaths intertwined as the air stilled due to the red hair caging them into a private space of their own.
"I-I told you to stop this..." She bit her lower lip, feeling her throat dry. "The pretty one here is you."
Linnea's heart was thundering on her ears -- having a pretty girl fall on you had that effect, after all, especially one as nice and humble as Caeldori. "Now YOU'RE flattering me." She snorted.
Caeldori pouted. "Humph," she sat down, crossing her arms. "I'm the only one getting all flustered here."
"No way, I'm super happy, see?" Linnea grabbed her friend's hand and placed it over her chest. "Thumping super hard, right?"
"M-my hand is on your chest and that's all you have to say?" Caeldori quickly pulled away, embarrassed.
Blinking, Linnea tilted her head to the side. "I was the one who put it there, right?"
The princess lifted both hands up in defeat. "Heehee, you're just so fun to talk to, Caeldori! I couldn't help it."
"Honestly..." The girl mumbled, looking down at where they both sat. "O-oh no! Father's parcel! I must deliver it!"
"Weh?" Linnea watched as a flustered Caeldori picked up her bag and checked if the contents were intact. "So that's why you showed up around here in Valla? To deliver something for Sir Subaki?"
"Yes, exactly." Sighing in relief after making sure everything was in place, Caeldori had a relaxed smile on her face. "Could I trouble you in guiding me to where the butler Jakob is? It's something for his hands only, as Father told me."
Linnea placed one finger over her lips in thought. "I can do that, but you have to promise me to come back tomorrow! I don't want to say goodbye to a new friend this soon -- not to someone this pretty, anyway!"
"Linnea!" Caeldori got up, pouting. "I promise to come back, but you must stop with all this flattering; it's making me uncomfortable..."
The shade of pink in the girl's face only made Linnea want to praise her more, but she was an obedient princess -- most of the time, anyway. "Okay, deal. I'll refrain from... saying the truth so often, then." She winked as she got up, giving her arm for Caeldori to hold.
Which she did, the blush never leaving her cheeks. "Honestly..." She looked away, letting the princess guide her out of the room towards the pantry.
After delivering the parcel, Linnea once again guided Caeldori to the portal, but now to the central one instead of the western one. "That map you have is and isn't updated -- I only asked to have the western garden for myself two years ago, so there hadn't been many new maps drawn after that."
"That garden belongs to you?" Caeldori asked, by the portal.
"Yep, but if I tell you the whole story now, we won't have much to talk about tomorrow, right? And I want to spend the whole day with you, so come early, you hear?"
Caeldori's heart skipped a beat. "W-what a demanding princess!"
Linnea winked. "It's a royal decree."
"Then I must abide to it, huh?" The girl let out a mock sigh, smiling right after. "Thank you for the dress -- I'll make sure to bring it back properly washed."
"You can keep it, though -- it suits you much more than it did me. Actually, please keep it! It'll be my present to you as your new friend."
"First of all: unfair! I never had the opportunity to give you something. Second of all: you're embarrassing me again!" She said with a blush.
Linnea laughed. "Then start thinking about my present? Homework! And take as long as you need, since that'll give you an excuse to keep visiting me!"
"Demanding princess..." Caeldori grumbled under a poorly-hidden smile, turning to the portal. "See you tomorrow, Linnea."
Linnea wriggled goodbye with her fingers, a confident smile on her lips. "See you!"
The moment Caeldori stepped into the portal and disappeared, Linnea's feet gave out. "What... what was that? By the gods, what- who- I'm-" She almost shrieked, her heart beating so fast she almost passed out. "Shigure! Shiguree!" She got up with a pop, quickly running back to the study wing. "Shigure!" She called again, banging open the door to the art room.
Unsurprised by his sister's arrival, Shigure simply kept on painting whatever he was focused on. "Did our visitor leave already, sister?"
Linnea dragged her hands over her face, dramatically falling on floor. "She was just- SO PRETTY! Shigure, I never saw someone so pretty and smooth and funny and- all of her reactions were so cute! She kept on blushing and stuttering and pouting and- so, sooo pretty!" She squealed, kicking her feet in the air. "And I'm gonna see her tomorrow again! I don't think my heart's ready for that? She's too cute! I don't think I trust myself to be near her- What're you so focused on, anyway? I'm having a mental breakdown here and you're not even looking at me!"
Chuckling, the prince gestured with his chin for his twin sister to get up. "I don't suppose she looked like this?" He pointed to the accurate portrait of Caeldori that he was just finishing up.
"NO WAY! YOU CAPTURED HER PERFECTLY! What the- Even her pink and adorable aura and the butterflies in my stomach I felt when I saw her- oh, waiit a minute."
Shigure patted Linnea on the back. "Of course I saw her through our bond. Or rather, you shoved her in my face the whole day so I had to draw her out lest I became enamored with her as you were."
"You felt even the butterflies?" Entranced by the painting, Linnea didn't hear the last bit, touching one of the countless wings that clustered the background.
"It's a wonder you didn't pass out. You were so excited I was having difficulty to breathe!"
"Well, so was I, honestly. Did you see her? I mean, I know you painted her and all -- and although I recognize your art skills, she's so much more than this! So, so much more..."
"..." Smiling, Shigure crossed his arms, knowing what his sister was going to ask.
"Though, can I still have it? I wanna look at it every day." She almost hugged the canvas, but knew better than to touch a drying painting.
"Hah!" The prince sneered, then laughed. "Of course you can, but will you hang it in your room? Won't she see it the next time she visits?"
Linnea placed one hand over her chin in thought. "Yeah, and I don't want her to think I'm creepy. Sooo, will you keep it in your room? It's much closer to mine than this art room-"
"Absolutely not! I don't want any misunderstandings to occur by having a random girl's portrait in my room!"
"Aw, you're no fun."
Back in Hoshido, a flustered Caeldori crossed the portal as her mind swirled. "What was THAT about? I- I couldn't have been inside a novel- nothing that happened was ever written!"
"A what? Novel? Girl, are you daydreaming again?" A familiar voice startled the red-haired girl out of her skin.
"N-Nina! Don't scare me like that!" She placed one hand over her thumping heart.
"What? I'm standing right in front of you. You were gonna bump right into me, you know? What blinded you? C'mon, you know you can tell your friend Nina, here."
Caeldori's shoulders slumped, as though reality came crashing down on her. No way that she had been living a dream of being found by a princess. "Oh, nothing..."
Yet, somehow, saying that Linnea was 'nothing' made her tongue burn. She wondered why.
"Caeldoriiii...?" Nina hoovered around her friend, bumping their foreheads together. "If you don't tell me what happened, I'm just gonna open my stalk- uh, my OBSERVATION notebook and tell you about how Shiro gained muscle mass again today. And where."
"Oh, no, please not again! I don't want to hear about Shiro's glutes for twelve hours straight ever again!" Caeldori hid her face under her hands.
Nina closed her notebook, smirking. "Then, dish."
"Oh, alright." She gave up, feeling her face tickle with an upcoming blush. "I just... met someone there."
"OHOOO?" Nina widened one eye, crossing her arms and leaning on her friend.
"N-not in that way, you-!"
"I didn't say anything? Go on..." She hummed, accompanying her friend as she walked aimlessly.
"She's Linnea, Lady Azura's daughter and she- she was nothing like her mother! Apart from, uh, being very pretty and singing so good it felt like I was in heaven and-"
Nina simply observed, her smirk growing as Caeldori complimented Linnea more and more. Seems like someone's got A CRUSH! She thought with wide eyes, making a mental note to stalk- uh, observe her friend the next time she went to visit her new special friend.
"And she gave you this awesome dress? Go on..."
As she had promised, Caeldori went to visit the next morning. This time, she crossed through the central portal, already knowing the way towards the western garden.
"I thought I could walk you arm-in-arm again, boo!" Linnea commented as she showed Caeldori around the garden.
"You can take my arm now- uh..." Caeldori blurted out, immediately blushing right after.
Linnea choked, her face bright red. "R-really? Then, don't mind if I do!" She quickly linked their arms, wondering if her friend could hear how loud her heart was beating. Unaware that the exact same thoughts crossed the hoshidan's mind.
They walked around the wonderfully strange vallite garden, Linnea happily supplying Caeldori with information regarding each and every plant and flower around.
The princess told her friend that she had that patch of wilderness in the middle of the castle because she was way too in touch with nature, and that had made her get into trouble more than once outside the castle. Tripping on snakes thinking they were roots, falling into ditches and having to be rescued by her twin brother, having branches break under her and having to stay in bed for weeks due to sprained ankles or broken arms... It was a wonder Linnea was this cheerful while still being so clumsy.
She also said that her brother was just like her, and the day Caeldori met Shigure, she couldn't quite believe Linnea since he looked so... composed. Especially compared to his sister. Years later and Caeldori would still think that Linnea was exaggerating that day.
Back to the present, Linnea told Caeldori that she had a connection with the flora as her brother had with the fauna. Whenever they both sang, the forest would appear to bloom greener and the the animals would hop all around them. It was a sight to behold, honestly, and Caeldori couldn't help but imagine it all as something straight out of a fantasy book.
She felt herself inside one, by meeting Linnea. The princess was so very charming and cheerful and pretty and well-mannered and mischievous... Every minute in her company was a sight to behold! Caeldori was always in for a surprise in Linnea's company.
Unaware of the magical thoughts inside her friend's mind, Linnea also felt high strung by being in Caeldori's presence -- the girl had memorized the path after being in it for ten minutes! She was also a great cook and knew so much about so many subjects -- the night Linnea asked Caeldori to stay over, the hoshidan marveled Valla's astrology as she imparted her knowledge about hoshidan and nohrian astrology both, as well as how physically STRONG she was! She single-handedly helped Linnea reallocate a fallen tree trunk one time and Linnea had been dreaming about Caeldori's muscles ever since.
"Linnea? Are you listening?" Caeldori waved in front of her friend whose eyes were plastered on her bare arms.
"Uh, weh?" Drying the drool, Linnea looked up to Caeldori's eyes, immediately losing her breath. "I was, uh, listening, yep. Totally."
Caeldori narrowed her eyes. "Really? Then what was I talking about?"
"Um..." Linnea looked around, as though an excuse could pop up from the ground beneath them. "... Stuff."
"Sister..." Shigure face-palmed from behind a bush. For the past few days, he couldn't help but follow his sister and her crush around. He told himself because Linnea's reactions to anything Caeldori did disrupted their bond to the point of making him lose concentration, but honestly, it was just because it was interesting.
"Oh gods, she's worse than Caeldori." Nina blurted out from behind a nearby bush.
The two of them, Nina and Shigure, had gotten acquainted during these stalki- observing sessions of theirs, and respected each other's spaces enough to never really speak to each other.
"I wish I could say otherwise, but really, I can't." Shigure whispered under his hand, not wanting to feel second-handed embarrassment any longer.
"You two are terrible stalkers if you keep talking like that." Arete mumbled from behind a tree. "You're missing out the good part!"
"Hey, you're supposed to keep watch!" Nina pointed to the younger girl, speaking in nothing but a whisper.
"But keeping watch is boring!" Arete protested, puffing her cheeks.
"It's a little sister's duty to protect her big sister's date, c'mon, shoo!" Nina made a dismissive gesture with her hand, trying to scat the young princess away.
"Wait, I think someone else's here," Shigure shushed the both of them, daring to take his head out of his hiding spot.
"Oh, no!" Arete slapped both hands over her mouth.
"It's because you didn't keep watch, little sister!" Nina hissed.
Unaware of the situation behind them, Linnea and Caeldori had gone from a discussion about whatever it was that Caeldori was saying to Linnea teasing her friend once again about her beauty to the hoshidan trying to playfully push the princess away to them laughing and realizing how close their faces were.
And yet, this time... it felt natural.
"I really like this sight," Linnea whispered, placing a tuft of hair behind Caeldori's ear. The hoshidan did the same with Linnea's blue strand of hair.
"This blue bit... did you dye it?" Caeldori couldn't really see anything but Linnea, her breathing so loud she could barely hear her melodious voice.
Linnea felt a force pulling her to Caeldori, her smile growing. "No...? It's natural. From both my mothers, see." She opened her mouth, feeling it being called by Caeldori's.
Blushing, the hoshidan closed her eyes, entranced. "It's so wonderfully beautiful." She whispered, feeling the itch of Linnea's lips on her.
"There! I found her, Kana!" A little girl pointed to Linnea's back, jumping from behind a bush.
"Auntie Linnea!" An equally little boy followed suit, smiling. "We wanted to ask if you have a flower we can take to our Mam- Auntie?"
"Are you okay?" The little girl, Kana's twin sister Kamyu, tilted her head to the side.
Linnea had fallen face-first into the dirt as Caeldori jumped up in record speed. "I'm... I'm fine..." She raised her hand, but clenched it instead. "C-Caeldori, I'm-!" She lifted her head, but the hoshidan quickly turned around and left.
"I-I'm sorry, I- I left the laundry hanging!" She said, running back to the portal.
From behind a bush, three youths face-palmed so deeply, they lied down on the ground. "I can't believe it! They were this close; THIS close...!" Nina complained.
Shigure hid his face with both hands, blushing deeply. Linnea's emotions were a mess and they were bleeding into him. "Just an inch more and..."
"I-I'm sorry, it's all my fault... I didn't keep watch!" Arete panicked, looking from her sister to her brother, then to the royal twins, oblivious to what had happened.
"Ugh," Nina was compelled to agree, but chose not to. The girl was just a kid. "It's fine, I'm sure they would've found a way to ruin it themselves. They're a disaster."
"I'm forced to agree." Shigure nodded under his hands, trying to calm himself down. "I suppose we must take matters into our own hands."
"Now you're talking! Let's hear it!"
"P-please let me make up for my mistake!" Arete crouched beside her brother, her eyes eager to help.
"Very well. Listen..."
Still feeling terrible for what almost was, Linnea really didn't feel like running this sudden errand for her brother. And yet, maybe that was what she needed to take her mind away from... worldly thoughts.
"I could even feel them! I was THIS close, ugh..." She groaned, then slumped as she walked. "Still, maybe I should apologize. I think I made my intentions clear from the start, but maybe she doesn't like me that way... Oh, gods, that'd be embarrassing..."
Dragging her feet, the princess crossed the portal to a special DeepRealm for their family. She had heard from her mothers that more than few of their memories occurred in that timeless place. Happy, sad, angry memories... if there was one place in the whole world that had seen every single side of them, was that special place.
Linnea felt jealous of it, now that she thought about it. "I wanted to make my garden into my special place with Caeldori, but I guess that didn't go as planned..." She grumbled, kicking some dirt as she looked down. Shigure had asked her to pick a special flower that only bloomed there for a new kind of paint he was developing. Linnea knew which flower it was since she, too, came to that place since infancy.
She knew that her brother was looking out for her, by taking her away from her own garden so as to take her mind away from... stuff, but still.
"I'd much rather be in Caeldori's arms right about now. That sounds good. Maybe kissing her- I wonder how do her lips taste..." She licked her own, crouching down to take some of the flowers, not noticing how there was someone in the clearing right ahead.
"Um... maybe you can find out." A very familiar and loving voice sounded from above Linnea.
The flower fell from the princess' hand.
Her heart thundered in her ears, her eyes looking up and up and up until they met the wonderful color of Caeldori's eyes. "I'm- uh, am I still dreaming or-"
"Please just kiss the girl, KISS HER!" Nina cheered from a faraway branch. She had asked Caeldori to pick the same flower from that DR just a few hours ago.
Arete had her eyes glued on the romantic (if it could be called that) scene playing in front of her. Shigure silently cheered, almost jumping in to shove their faces on each other.
"I-I'm sorry I ran away earlier, I was- um, embarrassed because there were kids and-"
Linnea jumped on her feet, holding Caeldori's shoulders. "Did you really mean what you said? I can taste them now?" She asked, bearing desperation.
Reflexively, Caeldori licked her lips, looking at Linnea's. "Um, yes. But if you don't do it quick, I'll have to-mmph!" She almost ordered, but Linnea wasn't going to wait for a royal invitation.
"YESSS!" Nina cheers loudly, losing her balance and falling on top of Shigure and Arete both.
Caeldori and Linnea could have stopped the kiss out of surprise, but, honestly, who cares if they were being watched? To taste one another, they wouldn't mind being stalked by a sibling or friend, or two.
But once that kiss ended, they might plot for a murder or two, as well.
"For now... can I have seconds?" Linnea licked Caeldori's lips, losing herself in their intertwined breathing.
"Oh, please do."
Can You Imagine? By Mary Oliver
What She Is To Me © Darren C Swartland
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saeran-imagines · 3 years
Hey, I am the anon who asked for those ace!reader headcanons. They were absolutely amazing and made my day! I keep reading them, your blog is one of those special places where everything is right. Thank you so much, really. Sending you a hug through your screen. <3
Thank you so much !!! 🥺❤ I'm so so glad that my blog has such a nice effect on people, I almost can't believe it :'0 ❤ Your comment made MY day, thank you for being so sweet! I'm sending you a hug right back 🥰
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