#ava twdg
spiderstoner · 29 days
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My Favorite Walking Dead Characters (Telltale Edition)
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willemdafinky · 2 months
Behold White Ava
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realmofthewd · 7 days
Realm of The Walking Dead - Chapter 3: Working Matters
The University of Richmond's residents get to know their newest members, all while some of their own mix up with people from other corners, with an interaction to remember.
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bourbonificould · 3 months
Max is only here because he kinda redeems himself if you take his path.
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adoredmarigold · 5 months
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can you guess which season is my fav
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nydevine · 1 month
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April 2024
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plamglam · 4 months
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Inspired by @adoredmarigold's ANF art I decided to try and draw Ava. She's such a cool character, definitely one of my favorite characters from that part of the game. I'm still a bit angry over how Telltale screwed her (classic).
Before someone might ask WHY IS SHE SO RIPPED the answer is because it's in character for her. That's how I see her. In fact, I'd like to use that post to talk a bit about her appearance and overal design. I feel like Telltalte wanted to "push" the boundaries a little and introduce a butch, masculine woman. Which is awesome! But unfortunately, to me it looks like they chickened out last minute and they didn't go all in, that's why her character model is quite feminine and slim rather than jacked and masc, which "balances" it out a bit. Almost as if they wanted to eat the cake and keep the cake, have a masc character and don't go too far on that spectrum on the other hand- which is why if you look at her face, haircut and how she behaves, she's masc, but if you look at the rest of her body, she's really rather fem. But that's not androgyny or something, that's just inconsistent design.
I mean come on, there are so many moments in the game that point to the fact that she should be ripped. Like she's been designed and written that way. She served in the army (duh). Also she knocks out Tripp with one punch, who's like a head taller and probabbly double her weight. Sure, I know she's a skilled fighter, but I don't think she could pull that off really. She'd have to be more ripped. Maybe like Abby from TLOU, that'd be good.
I also gave her a bit of rags here and there and more scars. Because that's cool.
Ava deserved better
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angstyandgore · 6 months
following my streak on the definitive edition of twdg i finally finished s3/ a new frontier and let me tell you i had a blast !!! i will say the controls were not my fave compared to s1 and s2 and i did miss some of the tension of dealing with characters that are virtually strangers yet become family along the way (goodbye kenny luv u), cause this actual family dynamic however interesting becomes a little boring after some playing, like yeah yeah there's the kate romance and the fighting brothers but you know how things are gonna end up cause you KNOW this people from before....but it was interesting interacting with clem from an outer perspective once again and unlike s2 not be essentially a child therapist to a bunch of crazy adults 💀 not so emotional but interesting enough to keep me going
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the-delta-42 · 1 year
Firsts Part 2
Firsts Part 2: Meeting the Parents
Clementine nervously chewed her bottom lip, Gabe had asked her to meet his parents, well, his dad and his dad’s girlfriend. Since the last time she saw his dad was after she and Gabe got into a fight at the start of the year, Clementine wasn’t expecting the night to go well. She raised her hand to knock on the door, when it suddenly swung open. Gabe, holding a garbage bag, stopped and stared at Clementine.
“Clem… you’re early.”
“…I can come back later, if you want.”
“No!” Exclaimed Gabe, dropping the bag, “No, it’s fine. It’s just, my sister…”
Clementine frowned, “Miranda?”
“Mariana.” Corrected Gabe, glancing back in the house, “She’s been harassing everyone, asking what your like, if you actually exist…”
“She thinks you made up a girlfriend?” Clementine raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, but she also thinks you’re the psycho who torched my uncle’s car.” Said Gabe, getting a frown from Clementine.
“What was it?”
Gabe stared at her.
“You, you actually torched someone’s car?” Asked Gabe, dumbfounded.
“I’ve torched, stolen, vandalised and totalled multiple cars.” Stated Clementine, “Walking traumatic experience, remember?”
“Who’s that?” Came a new voice, “Is it your imaginary girlfriend?”
“Yes, now I’m a shared delusion.” Snarked Clementine, as a Cuban girl pushed herself in front of Gabe.
“You’re real?”
“No, I’m just a hallucination.”
“Dad, Gabe’s been doing drugs again!”
“Again?” Asked Clementine, as Gabe’s dad appeared at the door.
“Oh,” David stared down at Clementine, “you’re early.”
“Which is fine.” Gabe said, quickly.
“We were expecting you at five.” Finished David, making Clementine frown.
“But,” Said Clementine slowly, “it is five.”
She held up her watch, “See?”
Gabe gently took the watch from her, before holding it close to his ear, “Clem, this watch’s stopped.”
Clementine went red, “T-that would explain somethings.”
“Okay, you two, get out of the way so she can come in.” Said David, guiding Mariana and Gabe to the side, “The living room in the first door on the left.”
Clementine quickly nodded, before hurrying into the house, pausing on the door matt, “Do you want me to remove my shoes or is it alright?”
“It’s fine.” David waved his hand, “Ava’s doing some work in the back yard, but she’ll be through in a minute.”
Clementine nodded, before walking into the living room. It looked spacious, with a couple of couches and some chairs. She spotted a sideboard and cabinet with some pictures in it, walking up to it, Clementine spotted a car that looked familiar, before spotting a familiar face and freezing.
“That’s Uncle Javí.” Said Gabe, making Clementine jump, “He and Kate recently got in contact recently, trying to patch things up.”
“R-really?” Squeaked Clementine, glancing at Gabe.
“Yeah, he’s the guy who had his car torched a few years ago.” Continued Gabe, as Clementine slowly paled, “It was a nice car too.”
Clementine hummed, hoping Gabe didn’t notice her change in behaviour.
“He and Kate are going to be joining us.” Said Gabe, making Clementine squeak.
“Are you okay?” Asked Gabe, getting a hurried nod from Clementine.
“How do you think Clem’s getting on?” Asked Duck, flicking through a comic book.
“Hopefully, she’s having more fun than we are.” Answered Becca, as Sarah threw up into a bucket.
Duck wrinkled his nose, glancing at the doorway of the living room, “What did you and Gill eat?”
“There was some left-over food in the fridge.” Groaned Sarah, before dry-heaving into the bucket.
“What food?” Questioned Duck, as Sarah stopped heaving.
“There was a tin in the back, had some meatloaf in it.” Sarah gagged, “It was really dry.”
Duck stared at Sarah, “You and Gill ate dog food?”
“Why do you take the labels off dog food?”
“We don’t, it’s home made.” Said Duck, slowly, “We use raw meat and part cook it when the dog eats.”
Sarah stared at Duck, before dry heaving into her bucket. There was a silence, before the doorbell rang. Sighing, Duck put his comic down and headed towards the door, “Hopefully, that’s Gill’s mom with a change of clothes.”
Javí sighed as he pulled into David’s driveway. He and Kate had been avoiding contacting him, since they’d had an affair behind his back and eloped after their dad died.
“You okay?” Asked Kate, making Javí look at her.
“Yeah, just,” Javí paused, “just thinking.”
“About what, that five-year-old you ran over?” Snarked Kate, before gently placing her hand on his, “Javí, that was an accident. Besides, Jesse doesn’t blame you.”
“Really? Because it feels like he does.” Huffed Javí, glancing at Kate, “He’s still not over not finding his sister.”
“That can’t be helped, I asked Joan for help finding her, but she said she needed a bit more than ‘Clemmy’.” Sighed Kate. Jesse was, currently, an eighteen-year-old that Javí stared fostering when the boy was thirteen. Javí hadn’t planned on fostering, not after that cold-gazed pyromaniac that stole, crashed and torched a custom, and expensive, dodge challenger. Jesse had opted to remain at their home, he wasn’t a big fan of family reunions. When he was six, his parents took him and his younger sister out, before depositing them, at different points, on the side of the highway. Jesse spent most of his time looking for his sister, which was difficult as he only remembered a nickname for her, and he couldn’t accurately describe how she looked. Javí the suspicion that child he accidentally hit was Jesse’s sister, but when he checked around for her, he couldn’t find her. He had assumed he’d imagined it, until he saw it on the news.
That hadn’t gone down well with the rest of the family.
“Well,” Sighed Kate, opening the car door, “time to face the music.”
Javí slowly followed her out of the car and started to approach the front door. He swallowed, at the door suddenly swung open and Mariana stared at them.
“You’re early.” Said Mariana, looking at them, “Dad’s almost everything ready and Ava’s talking to Gabe and his girlfriend.”
Javí and Kate shared a small look, before following Mariana inside. Javí froze in the doorway to the living room, his eyes falling on a familiar hat and face that had a mixed look of panic and embarrassment.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Gaped Javí, staring at Clementine.
“How do you think Clem’s getting on?” Asked Duck, getting a groan from everyone.
“Duck, please,” Pleaded Sarah, “you’ve asked us that question seventeen times every hour.”
“I’m sorry, I’m bored.”
“You think we aren’t?!”
Clementine sat stiffly next to Gabe, while Javí glared at her, and Mariana looked at her like she was her hero.
Ava glanced around the table, David was glaring at Javí, Gabe was looking between Javí and Clementine, and Kate was staring intently at her glass. She awkwardly cleared her throat, “So, Clementine, I take it you and Javí know each other.”
“Yeah, er,” Clementine glanced around the table, “he, er, tried to foster me a few years ago.”
“Biggest mistake I ever made.” Muttered Javí, making Clementine scowl.
“I torched his car after I found out he was trying to use me as a sympathy case.”
Everyone stared at Clementine, “When was that?”
“When I was eleven, I think, so about four, five years ago.” Responded Clementine, getting a growl from David.
“Seriously, you tried to take in a child to look good?” Growled David, glaring at Javí.
“I was trying to keep my job.” Defended Javí, “Things were tough.”
“You mean that gambling thing you did?” Asked Mariana, getting everyone’s attention.
“There were also the drugs.” Offered Gabe, leaning back in his chair.
“You were doing drugs?” Asked Clementine, looking at Javí.
Javí scowled, before getting up, “This was a mistake.” He stormed out of the room, with Kate quickly following him.
They all stared after them.
“Well,” Said Clementine, “That was dramatic.”
Clementine quietly closed the door to Alvin and Rebecca’s house. She sighed, the rest of the evening had been quiet, more or less. She and Gabe had planned on meeting with the others, only to receive a text saying Gill and Sarah had fallen ill, which gave her and Gabe more time with Gabe’s family.
“How was it?” Asked Rebecca, as Clementine walked into the living room.
“I think it went well, even if I met the guy whose car I torched.” Said Clementine, dropping down onto the sofa.
Rebecca frowned, “You ran into him?”
“No, he’s Gabe’s uncle.” Responded Clementine, dropping onto the sofa. The pair satin silence for a moment.
“Where’s Dad and AJ?” Asked Clementine, looking around.
“Alvin said something about a game that AJ wanted to see.” Responded Rebecca, putting her book down, “Clem, someone called here today. They said they wanted to talk to you.”
“Who?” Asked Clementine, frowning.
“They said they were your parents.” Responded Rebecca, making Clementine freeze.
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kittyloops · 2 years
in my brain richmond is happy sunshine land and javi and jesus live laugh love together bisexually forever and ever and never die
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Not me doing one of those spinning wheel picker things for which person I should save in twdg
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bustersw0rd · 2 years
[Please watch on youtube!]
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bizlybebo · 1 month
I AM ASKING YOU ABOUT YOUR ZOMBIE AUS 🤲🤲🤲🤲 I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THEM !!!!!!!!!!!! i looooove a good zombie au
HOORAYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okok so both my riptide and pd one are heavily inspired by two different zombapoc video games,, being telltale's walking dead video games and the last of us. buuut i've put a lot of original thoughts and ideas into them and i. love them so much ^__^
the riptide one is pretty messy but the PD one is the one im prouder of :D (both AUs have heavy spoilers for both campaigns)
-basically, this AU is inspired by the dynamic of Lee and Clementine from the first walking dead game, but it's branched out a lot further than that.
-at the start of the zombie apocalypse, Arlin teamed up w/Drey and Finn under Captain Rose, and they all formed a lil survivor group (rest of the black rose pirate are there too-- minus chip.)
-when the trio's scavenging through a neighborhood, Chip manages to steal from them, and Arlin's the first one to catch him. Chip, being himself, thinks Arlin is insanely cool and basically makes him adopt him.
-essentially the entire AU follows Arlin trying to find Chip's parents, while Rose is moving the group north through the city to reunite with his lover (and external evidence points to Chip's parents potentially being up North too, in one of the big survivor bases).
-all is fine until, yk. zombies attack them. but these are more distorted, creepier zombies, and they work in more of a coordinated spooky hivemind instead of being the typical braindead zombies as is typical of twd/twd-inspired stuff.
-rest of it vaguely follows the plot of the hole in the sea but. zombies.
-essentially, ten or so years later, Chip appears in Featherbrooke, a navy-ran (the navy still exists here don't ask) base that Jay lives in. And then it's like Origins but. zombies.
-Chip convinces Jay to join him on the road while also talking big about how he's out searching for the old Black Rose group, and is also convinced that Finn Tidestrider could create a cure for the zombies.
-gillion fucking Shows Up.
-etcetc. stuff happens.
-basically, the dynamics here are heavily inspired by the TWDG series, but grew and branched out etc. Chip and Arlin are kind of inspired by Clementine and Lee,, Chip and Ollie are kind of like Clementine and AJ,, etc.
-also. Drey is immune. He gets bit the last time that Chip ever sees him which is why Chip thinks that he's dead, but. nope ^__^ this is also why he's kept in prison by the navy, but also kept largely a secret.
-The Ferins in general in this au are all entirely fucked up and have weird connections to immunity/resistance against. becoming zombies.
^^^- Jay got sent out with Chip as a spy because he kept talking about Finn and finding a cure (+ Jayson also has the knowledge of Drey, etc.) and basically, Jayson thinks that finding a cure could help cure Ava, who died to a zombie bite around 5 years ago.
I ACTUALLY HAVE A LONGFIC OF THIS ONE IN THE WORKS. BUT IT'S TAKING ME A SECOND. it's inspired by TLOU but my TLOU knowledge is actually pretty lackluster </3
-basically, the barebones of this AU is that it's TLOU. Mark is like Joel, Dakota is like Ellie, and Ashe is like Sarah.
-Instead of straight up zombies, it's demons.
-Superpowers and superheroes still exist in this AU, but they are definitely pretty different.
-The apocalypse started when Ashe summoned the trickster, killing their mother etc., but wasn't able to push the trickster back. The chaos zone opened which caused the world to fall to ruin.
-People live in safe zones put together by WATCH, and are all heavily discouraged from leaving due to the. yknow. posessions.
-William is "dead" at the modern day of the AU. He and Ashe were friends before the end of the world, but William was killed by Ashe/The Trickster.
-The closer parallel to Riley is Katori/"rooftop girl",, this part of Dakota's backstory is still pretty similar.
-The AU actually starts when Mark is tasked by Overlord to smuggle "cargo" across Prime, said cargo being Dakota.
- The Overlord is doing all that weird human experimentation shit like in canon, but this time is trying to combine human and demon DNA for the purpose of finding a "cure"/ a way for people to resist being posessed.
-Here's my favorite part of this AU. Dakota is immune to being possessed by demons cause he literally just fucking eats them. This is only possible because of fucking Fartbo i hate it here
-Anyways, William suddenly wakes up alive after being dead for 20 years at the start of the AU. He sees a wisp guiding him and follows it.
-Around the same time, Vyncent still got isekai'd. As one does. Cantrip robbed him on his first day in Prime because I think that's funny.
-Tide is a hero in the Rockfall safe zone, who adopts and mentors Vyncent and William when they first show up.
^^ okok i have. more of the AU planned out from here but since i plan on turning it into a fic pretty soon i dont want to talk more about it past this point cause. i have a really cool plot idea that i dont wanna spoil ^__^
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hexisssssssss · 2 months
Favorite twdg characters?
Gonna sort this by season!
Season 1:
Obviously Love Clem and Lee, truly amazing characters. Lee was probably one of my favorite protagonists to play as besides s4 Clem.
Also Loved Kenny! And the three other characters who stood out to me the most were Lilly, Carley, and Omid
Season 2:
Clem ofc 🫶
Honestly i loved both Jane and Kenny equally. I feel Jane gets so much unfair hate. Like she did some crazy fucked up things but so did Kenny. And i think they both could have been great role models and family to Clem if they had more time.
Season 3:
Javi was a fun protagonist, and clem was also great in this game like in every one 🫶
For other characters I honestly did not have many stand out to me as huge favorites but i thought ava was cool and gabe does not deserve all the hate ive seen him get
Season 4:
LOVED playing as clem in this game. The option to have a romance was fun and felt deserved for clem after everything she went through. I love AJ too, even if he is way too unrealistically smart for a kid his age lol
Honestly almost every character in this game is memorable to me and had amazing moments but my top 3 (besides the protagonists) are Lilly, Violet, and Louis. I will die on my Lilly supporter hill she is my wife and she can do no wrong!!!!!! But in all seriousness she is one of the most fascinating characters, and i could not have ever come up with a better antagonist. Seeing all those moments where both clem and her are confronted with their own past because of eachother are always some of the most impactful scenes to me. I could go on such a long rant about her and my analysis of her character but i will save that rant for another post 🫶
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bourbonificould · 1 month
Family Is What You Make It: Chapter 7 - Richmond
Lol, this fic is back.
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adoredmarigold · 4 months
Maybe I’m just too fucking gay but I cannot fathom how there are people that think David and Ava had sexual tension or something romantic going on but not think there wasn’t anything homo going on between Paul and David
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