#lingard twdg
willemdafinky · 3 months
Do you think Lingard and David touched each other?
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bourbonificould · 4 months
Max is only here because he kinda redeems himself if you take his path.
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adoredmarigold · 4 months
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I'm not letting them beat the gay dad allegations
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terrak0 · 2 months
Even MOAR angst: Clem is the one sick, not AJ >:P (dunno what would happen in that version, like would she steal the meds for herself, get kicked out?)
Why did my brain immediately imagine Clem sending baby AJ out to steal some medicine for her? XD
Clem kneeling down and gripping AJ by the shoulders: AJ, I know you’re only 2 years old and you can’t even talk yet, but i need you to listen to me. You need to sneak into the tent and steal some medicine and a syringe for me without being spotted. Kill anyone who gets in your way.
AJ holding a gun: googoo gaga
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juno-box · 4 months
me: "i hate when gay slenderman take over my thoughts."
gay slenderman: "render david garcia and dr. lingard kissing in blender."
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yellowsugarwords · 6 days
Ok. Angsty request time. Set before Javi and co find Richmond. David, Ava, Lingard and the other new frontier people find out Clementine died after they kicked her out.
OH HOLY SHIT LET'S GOOOO (ima make this a headcanon)
David seldom thought about people once they left Richmond.
Why bother?
But something about the look on Ava's face told David something was wrong.
Seriously wrong.
"I'm gonna need to round up the group," Ava said.
Her voice was low. Almost solemn.
"I have some news to share."
By the time everyone had gathered, David felt deeply unsettled.
Lingard, Clinton, Joan, David, and Ava all huddled together,
Ava's expression was low and hesitant.
"I have some bad news."
David crossed his arms, squeezing,
Hoping it might distract the anxiety rising in his gut.
"Clementine's dead."
Silence lingered overhead.
David was taken aback, head shooting straight up.
"How do you know?" Joan pressed.
Ava sighed, closing her eyes to regain composure.
"One of the new guys that just joined. Said on the way here he passed by a dead girl in the forest to the west."
Lingard's shoulders fell, knowing what was coming.
"I asked what the girl looked like. She was wearing that same damn hat."
Ava hesitated.
"It was her."
"Shit," Clinton whispered under his breath.
They wanted her gone, they hadn't wanted her dead.
"I'm telling you guys because I think it's best if we don't tell any others."
"We don't need an uprising." Joan hushed, lifting a single hand.
It was true.
Maintaining order in a lawless society was not easy.
They needed to keep members of New Richmond at ease.
They needed to be trusted to maintain power.
Lingard wiped a hand over his face, expression pale and lifeless.
"I can't believe it," he muttered under his breath.
"There was nothing we could've done," Clint remarked,
Passive and defensively.
"She didn't wanna play by the rules, she didn't get to stay. She made the choices that left her dead."
David said nothing.
Joan nodded in agreement.
"We offered her a home and she refused it. We did all we could."
Ava raised a brow but dropped it before Joan could notice.
That isn't exactly the way Ava would put it.
Then again, it was classic Joan.
David's arms fell to his sides,
Horrified at the revelation.
"We kicked her out."
"And we had to," Joan furthered.
She needed him to not wallow in self-pity.
There would be many more people killed indirectly by him.
He needed to get used to it.
"God dammit," Clinton turned around,
Running his hands through his hair,
Stressed as hell.
He was putting on an act about how they did all they could do,
That he wasn't to blame for Clementine's death,
But David could see right through him.
It was tearing him up inside knowing he sentenced a teen girl to her death.
"We need to keep going," Joan said,
Placing her hands on her hips matter-of-factly.
"We need to keep working and keep ensuring Richmond's security."
"Understood," Ava said,
Offering a small nod of understanding.
"Good. Then get back to it."
With that, Joan turned and vanished,
Off to do another task.
Lingard turned to David.
"Holding up?" That was all he said.
David finally met someone's gaze, and he frowned.
"This world is fucked up."
"I hear you," he said quietly.
He placed a hand on his shoulder,
Offering silent support,
Then went on his way back to his office.
David stood idle, arms crossed,
Ava passed him a look of pity before leaving to take time for herself.
How could David ever forgive himself for this? Truthfully, he would never be able to.
He would live with this tarnished memory forever.
Until his time comes too.
𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜!! ₊˚⊹ 𝐭𝐢𝐩 𝐣𝐚𝐫   ♡    𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫
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auditoreum · 8 months
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the-delta-42 · 1 year
Between Reunions 2
Between Reunions 2
Christa sighed as she put the revolver she took from Alvin onto a table, the five-year-old glared up at her, trying to look intimidating. She wondered if her daughter would look up at her like this, if she had survived. Christa let out another sigh, she’d given Clementine a fuck-ton of grief, because she inexplicably expected a ten-year-old know how to deliver a child. Christa regretted not going back to give Clem a proper burial, or stop her from reanimating.
“Okay, Alvin,” Sighed Christa, folding her arms across her chest, “why do you have a gun?”
“To protect myself.” Stated AJ.
“Does your mother know you have this?” Frowned Christa, looking at the gun.
“My mom died when I was born.”
“Okay, does your caretaker know you have this?” AJ stayed silent, making Christa sigh, “I’ll need to speak with them at the end of the day.”
AJ turned his gaze to the floor, making Christa crouch down, “Hey, it’s good you want to protect yourself, but constantly carrying a gun isn’t going to do that.”
AJ continued to stare at the ground, “Everything we’ve been through, she keeps getting hurt. She was almost killed by the guys at the last place we went to because she found out they sold their own people.”
Christa placed her hand on AJ’s shoulder, “We’re not going to do that here, you’re both safe.”
“Clementine knows the leaders here,” Said AJ, making Christa freeze, “I got hurt and Clem said we needed to find somewhere safe.”
“H-how long had you two been looking for ‘somewhere safe’?” Asked Christa, getting a frown from AJ.
“Three years.”
Clementine frowned at Sophie, there was something familiar about her, but she couldn’t tell what.
“Are you sure you’re up to this?” Asked Sophie, wringing a scarf in her hands, “You know, with your leg and all.”
“I’m sure I can milk some cows,” Said Clementine, “What’s it gonna do? Bite me?”
“I saw a guy get impaled by a bulls horns.” Shrugged Sophie, “Where’d you come from?”
“It’s a long story, do you want the full story or where we’ve just come from?” Asked Clementine, tipping her hat back to look up at Sophie.
“I’ll hear the full story tonight over a couple of drinks,” Offered Sophie, “I’ll take the immediate history.”
“We got in a car crash, looking for supplies.” Started Clementine, neither her or Sophie noticing Christa watching them from afar, she and Kate were teaching the children about animals. Normally Conrad would be with them, but he had guard duty.
“You still haven’t spoken to her?” Asked Kate, as the children clamoured around a horse.
“No, I can never find the time.” Sighed Christa, getting a sigh from Kate.
“Lingard said her boot’s coming off next week, you could approach her then.” Suggested Kate, before she noticed AJ wandering over to Clementine, “Or you could speak to her now.”
Christa spotted AJ, before walking up to him and Clementine.
“Marlon really tried to say you and AJ were the problem?” Demanded Sophie, “And Brody said nothing, after you saved her life?”
“Pretty much.” Sighed Clementine, leaning back and spotting AJ, “Hey, there, Goofball.”
AJ launched himself at Clementine and wrapped his little arms around Clementine’s neck.
“Whoa, AJ, what’s the matter?” Asked Clementine, placing a hand on AJ’s back.
“I missed you.” Said AJ, his voice muffled by Clementine’s neck.
“I’m okay, Goofball.” Murmured Clementine, gently rubbing AJ’s back.
Christa was taken aback at how old Clementine looked and sounded, despite the girl being no older than seventeen.
“The teacher wants to talk to you.” Mumbled AJ, burying his face into Clementine’s shoulder.
“Why?” Asked Clementine, frowning and looking at the top of AJ’s head.
“I took your gun into school.” Mumbled AJ, making Clementine groan and pinch the bridge of her nose.
“AJ,” Sighed Clementine, moving AJ away from her so she could look him in the eye, “it’s good that you know how to deal with walkers and protect yourself, but we’re safe here. We don’t need to keep carrying guns everywhere we go.”
AJ looked down, “Are, are you angry?”
“No, goofball,” Clementine ruffled his hair, “I’m worried about it, but I’m not angry.”
AJ gave a small, hesitant smile.
“What are you doing here, anyway?” Asked Clementine, frowning, “I thought you were supposed to be in school.”
“The brought us here to look at the animals.” Said AJ, as Christa slowly walked up to them.
“I take it AJ didn’t tell you about the gun incident.” Said Christa, making Clementine look up.
“Hey, Clem,” Christa swallowed, “it’s been a while.”
Javí heard Clementine scream. AJ had run up to him and Conrad, saying one of the walls had fallen down and Sophie needed help. When they arrived, they found Clementine and Gabe helping Sophie deal with the Muertos, allowing Javí, and the small group that came to help, to spread out and cut the flow off. Then there were two gunshots and Clementine was screaming as she kicked a Muerto off her, with a chunk of her leg in its mouth. He saw Sophie raise an axe above her head, and swing it down. Once. Twice. The third blow severed the leg with the bite on it. Gabe had Clementine’s head in his lap, a make-shift tourniquet wrapped around Clementine’s leg, just above the knee.
“What happened?” Asked Javí, as Gabe stared down at Clementine’s pale face.
“A, a walker grabbed her,” Said Sophie, breathing heavily, “she fell, I tried to shoot the walker, honestly, I did. Both times I shot, I, I hit Clementine. The,” Sophie swallowed thickly, “that walker bit into her leg.”
“Jesus.” Muttered Mike, moving closer to Clementine, “I’ll take her to Lingard or someone.”
Mike picked Clementine and took off running, leaving the group with a severed leg and a large patch of blood.
“Get guards here,” Said Javí, after a moment, “that hole in a weak spot in our defence.”
Conrad nodded and left, Javí gave everyone an assignment, except Gabe, Sophie and AJ. He looked at them, before sighing, “Go see Eleanor, I’ll go talk to some of the R&D guys and see about getting a leg made for Clementine.”
“Do you think they actually survived?” Asked Tenn, looking at Violet.
“Who?” She responded, staring up at the sky.
“Clem and AJ.” Said Tenn, making Violet freeze.
“I hope so, but it’s unlikely.” Said Violet, after a moment, before looking at Tenn, “Hopefully, if they did die, they prevented themselves from turning.”
“I hate that Marlon and Brody got off easy.”
“Me too.”
Clementine shakily walked across the room she and Eleanor were in. They were testing the new leg that Javí had made for her, she’d managed to make her way around the sides of the room.
“Okay,” Said Eleanor, moving into the centre of the room, “Clem, I want you to walk towards me.”
Clementine felt her foot twinge, and limped towards Eleanor. She got half-way, before her leg gave out on her. She crumpled to the floor, with Eleanor catching her before she could hit her head.
“You did great,” Soothed Eleanor, as Clementine took deep, shaky breaths, “you got closer to me than you did last time.”
“That’s only because I fell.” Gasped Clementine, staring at the leg, “I hate this. I hate this room, I hate this settlement, I hate this fucking leg!”
Clementine’s voice broke, “Why does it still hurt?”
“Phantom limb syndrome.” Answered Eleanor, sitting down next to Clementine, “The brain still thinks it has the leg and is send commands to it.”
“Why didn’t they kill me?” Whimpered Clementine, the cramp in her missing foot growing.
“We wanted to save you.” Said Eleanor, making Clementine snort.
“‘Save me’,” Scoffed Clementine, “I’m fucking useless. I can’t fight, I can’t hunt. I can’t every use the bathroom without someone helping me!”
“It’s all part of the process, Clem,” Sighed Eleanor, “let’s call it a day. Would you like help with your crutches or…”
“I’m fine.” Mumbled Clementine, getting up and hopping towards her crutches.
“Leave the leg on,” Ordered Eleanor, “the more you use it, the easier it’ll be.”
Clementine grunted.
The prosthetic chaffed Clementine’s healing stump. She gritted her teeth and looked around before she limped over to the nearest cow.
“I can handle things if you need to rest.” Offered Sophie, before recoiling at the glare Clementine threw at her.
“I’m. Fine.” Ground Clementine, before sitting down and knocking over the bucket she’d just put down, “For fucks sake.”
Bonnie wandered over from her post and picked the bucket up, before nervously looking at Clementine.
“Sophie, why don’t you take Clem to Eleanor or Paul?” Suggested Bonnie, getting a nod from Sophie.
“I don’t need to see them, I’m fine.” Protested Clementine, as Sophie pulled her up.
“You’re getting all het up about your bucket falling over,” Said Bonnie, looking at her, “you need more rest.”
“I don’t need to rest,” Clementine bit out, jerking out of Sophie’s grip, “I need to get this FUCKING JOB DONE WITHOUT KNOCKING SHIT OVER!”
Clementine’s yell made the cow jump and start to move away.
“FOR FUCKS SAKE!” Clementine pinched the bridge of her nose and tried to control her breathing.
Sophie quietly moved towards Clementine.
“I’m fine,” Stuttered Clementine, her voice breaking, “I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine…”
Clementine started to break down, her breaths coming out in short gasps. Bonnie wrapped an arm around Clementine’s shoulders, before looking up at Sophie, “Go get Eleanor.”
Sophie nodded and ran off towards the hospital.
Gabe silently looked down at the top of Clementine’s head, Eleanor had given her some sleeping pills and a couple of pain killers. Clementine’s leg had kept her awake for almost three days, before she finally collapsed out of exhaustion on top of Gabe. He winced as a small leg kicked his side, as AJ flopped out into a starfish as he slept. Gabe glanced up when someone knocked and opened the door.
“How is she?” Asked Kate, followed by Javí and Eleanor.
“She passed out about an hour ago,” Answered Gabe, shifting carefully, trying not to wake Clementine, “her leg’s been hurting her.”
“Phantom limb syndrome,” Said Eleanor, carefully walking around the sofa, “the brain still thinks the leg’s there, so it keeps sending signals for it to move.”
“That’s great.” Said Clementine, her voice muffled by Gabe’s chest.
“Clem,” Said Kate, surprised, “Sorry, we thought you were asleep.”
“The knock woke me.” Clementine pushed herself up and frowning at Javí, “What’s that?”
Gabe looked at the object in Javí’s arms.
“It’s a mirror.” Said Javí, “Eleanor found something that might help.”
“What, like looking at my reflection?” Snarked Clementine, throwing a glare at Javí, “I already know I look horrible.”
“Actually, the mirror’s for your leg.” Said Javí, “You’re going to need to roll over.”
Clementine huffed, but did as Javí said. He placed the mirror between her legs and positioned it so the reflection of her remaining leg was in line with the thigh of her amputated leg.
“Okay, Clem,” Said Eleanor, “I need to you to tense your leg up.”
“Just do it.”
“Ugh, fine.” Clementine tensed the leg, curling her toes to speed it up.
“Starting to cramp yet?” Asked Eleanor, getting a grunt from Clementine, “Okay, look at the mirror and release.”
Clementine did as she was told, looking at the mirror before releasing the tension she’d made in her leg.
“Oh my god.” Gasped Clementine, as the cramping feeling in her absent foot vanished, “What the fuck was that?”
“Mirror therapy, it helps with phantom limb syndrome.” Answered Eleanor, getting a sleepy nod from Clementine.
“Okay.” Was all Clementine could say before she fell asleep.
“Well,” Said Kate, after a moment, “that was quick.”
Clementine limped into the paddock holding one of the cows. AJ had suggested wrapping her stump in something so it wouldn’t chafe against the prosthetic. Eleanor had taken one look at it and, along with Lingard, given her some Vaseline and showed her how to roll the fabric of the liner and suspension sleeve onto her stump, instead of pulling it on. Gabe had also made a strap to help keep the prosthetic on.
“Clementine?” Asked Sophie, poking her head out, “You’re back?”
“Yeah, how long was I out?” Asked Clementine, limping toward the red-head.
“It’s been three days since we last saw you.” Answered Sophie, getting a wince from Clementine.
“I was asleep for three days?”
“Two-and-a-half.” Corrected Gabe, bringing a bucket into the paddock, “You’re supposed to be resting.”
“Eleanor and Lingard said I could work, so I am.” Retorted Clementine, giving him a short scowl.
Her face softened, before she stood on her toes and gave Gabe a kiss, “I’ll be fine. Sophie’s with me.”
Gabe put the bucket down and wrapped an arm around Clementine’s waist, “I know. I just can’t get the image of you all pale after… y’know…”
Clementine gave him another kiss, “Babe, trust me. I’ll be fine.”
Gabe sighed, before give Clementine a peck, “I’ll see you later.”
“Back at you.” Responded Clementine, as Gabe walked away, “What?” she asked when she noticed the disgusted look on Sophie’s face.
“That was so cute, I think I’m gonna be sick.”
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twdg-textposts · 2 years
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TWDG + Textposts (678/?)
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empty-rivers · 2 years
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Drawing fanart of a game that's been dead for a couple years? Check ✅
Drew these two because they're my favorites and I also wanted to compare style progress as well with my older works.
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[this week’s T5F was requested by anon]
Top 5 Worst Choices That Didn’t Matter
“This game series adapts to the choices you make. The story is tailored by how you play.”
......Yeah okay, Telltale. 
There are a lot of important choices to make over the course of the twdg series, but as we all know, not every single choice matters. One of the biggest things people tend to complain about Telltale games is the illusion of choice and “my choices don’t matter! We all get the same ending anyway!” which is fair, I get it. 
I personally try to look at the choices in a more positive light. Like, yeah it doesn’t matter if you cut Lee’s arm off or not. No matter what, you can’t save him and he’s going to die at the end of S1. Except that choice does matter, just not in the way we wanted it to. It matters because it shapes the story we the player want to tell. 
Who is your Lee? Is he willing to do anything to rescue Clementine? Including cutting his own arm off if it means giving him just enough time to get to her, even though it’s going to hurt like hell and could possibly leave him worse off? 
Or is your Lee someone who won’t risk that, even if there is the smallest hope that they cut it off in time and he could live? He’s willing to let the infection spread and kill him because he needs both arms and all the energy he has left to get to Clementine?
Sure, it doesn’t matter in the end-- Lee still dies, but two armed Lee isn’t the same man as one armed Lee, and that’s important to your story. Plus, that choice is memorable as hell. 
But these kinds of choices that are impactful to your story in various ways? Yeah, we’re not talking about those today. Nope. Today we’re talking about choices that meant absolutely nothing. They never came back, they didn’t impacted the story in a meaningful way, they’re forgetful, and they’re just the worst. I don’t like ‘em.
Before we get started, just wanna shoutout @pi-creates​ for helping me bounce all these choices around and reminding me of so many things I forgot.
5.  Telling Clementine to bring AJ back to Richmond
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One of the last choices you’ll make as Javier Garcia happens during a conversation with Clementine. The two are talking about AJ and Clementine’s wondering if she was a good mom [which still don’t love the direction they went there for okay ANF] and Javi has the choice to tell her to bring AJ back to Richmond, or to leave him at the ranch. 
And funny enough.... this means nothing. It does nothing. It’s said and nothing is remembered. Clementine never brings AJ back, she never mentions Javi telling her to bring him or leave him... all we get is a single line in TFS during the ranch flashback where Clementine says that they can’t go back because it’s a warzone that way.... but she says that no matter what. 
It also doesn’t help that this come at the very end of the season but isn’t a huge choice the affects the endings. I dunno if they were trying to plant ideas that “Ooohh this choice could decide whether Clem sees the Garcia’s ever again! Clementine’s story isn’t over y’all! The Garcia’s could come back and we could see Richmond again!”
But then TFS happened and they were like “Ha, that’s stupid, no one likes the Garcia’s.” and they are never mentioned by name again. 
4. Helping Sarah in the green house
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Ugh, okay.
So, there’s this point in S2 where you’re trapped in Howe’s and put to work in the green house with Sarah and Reggie. Y’see, Sarah isn’t doing so good at this. Carver got pissed at her for talking earlier and forced Carlos to slap her... which he did, and it knocked her on her ass, and now she’s in shock. 
Then ya got Reggie who keeps talking about how he’s on thin ice with Carver but also he’s this close to being let out of the holding area, so behave and all will be chill. He gives you a task to trip and pick berries or whatever, when you notice that Sarah is just kinda standing there.
So you got a choice: Do you focus on your own work, or do you help Sarah out?
Well, it doesn’t matter what you pick. 
It.... it literally doesn’t matter. Sure, you could argue that it helps Sarah out and adds friendship points with her.... except no, not really. It’s never brought up again. She doesn’t even guilt you if you don’t help her, which is something you’d expect from these games. 
Oh, and Reggie dies no matter what. Yeah, Carver comes in and thinks a couple of berry bushes is the perfect reason to throw this man off of a rooftop... but then he doesn’t do anything to Clementine or Sarah either way. He doesn’t get mad if you help, he doesn’t go after Sarah if you don’t.... and it’s never mentioned again. Reggie’s death is, but your specific choice isn’t.
3.  Stealing from Arvo 
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Oooooh boy, gotta love the Arvo choice. 
So, you and Jane are trying to find a safe place for Rebecca to have her baby when you see this kid walk up carrying a bag. He’s pretty harmless, and he’s more scared of you than you are of him. Jane gets the jump on him, and you check out the bag he’s carrying. 
Turns out, he’s got a shit ton of medicine.... medicine that your group could really use. Arvo panics and begs you not to steal from him, claiming it’s for his sick sister. You gotta decide if you want to rob him or not.
And it doesn’t matter. 
The best I can do to defend this is by kinda comparing it to when you steal from the Stranger’s car in S1. It’s more of a moral choice to shape Clementine, y’know? Except it doesn’t really do anything..... Clementine isn’t branded a thief after this, she doesn’t go around just stealing shit [though she can steal Pete’s watch but that’s another story]. But if you do want to keep stretching, then the next entry on this list could be seen as a continuation of Clementine’s thieving ways if you so choose.... but that choice is here, too, soooo take that for what you will. 
If you steal the medicine, you have this pill bottle that you can give to Rebecca but that barely matters, too. They don’t help or harm her when she’s giving birth, they do nothing for AJ, and no matter what you do.... Arvo’s squad ambushes you.
And it means nothing.
Arvo will always claim you stole from him, even if you didn’t. Rebecca will always die and someone will always shoot her, causing a shootout to happen where no one in your group dies.
Yeah, no one but Arvo’s squad dies. Mike gets shot, and so does Luke but that’s it. 
Oh, and stealing from him is never brought up again after that.... because it doesn’t matter. 
Even if they did something where if you stole from him, then one of your group members dies because of some bullshit reason, then it would mean something but as it is now? Nothin’.
2. Injecting AJ with medicine 
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Oh hello, ANF, you’re back. 
This flashback is annoying on so many levels... Alright, AJ is sick and everyone has told Clementine that there’s nothing anyone can do to help him, but she gets her hands on the name of a medicine she thinks will help. So she sneaks around and finds the medicine, but of course, she can only give it to him as an injection. 
Instead of doing the smart thing and taking the medicine and moving away from the group to give to AJ in a safe location where she won’t get caught, she sticks around for Lingard to wake up, and he’s high outta his mind so that’s fun. 
He tells her that it’s not going to help him and to just put it back. She knows what they do to thieves around here but he won’t tell anyone. It’s up to you, do you put it back or inject AJ?
Well, guess what? 
Clementine gets caught either way and the drugs are either in AJ or smashed on the floor, David becomes a flipflop with his “We shoulda abandoned AJ long ago to die >:O but also you can’t take him because he’ll die out there!” and they kick Clementine out for being a dingus. 
And here’s the kicker.... AJ is alive no matter what. He gets through whatever sickness he had and went to the ranch. You injecting him or not did nothing... no side affects, nothing. I’m sure they didn’t want to go super dark by killing AJ off [except they kinda did since there’s a lot of scrapped concepts with a dead AJ] depending on if you injected him or not..... but at least it would’ve been something. Hell, maybe no kill him since we need him for TFS, but maybe it would affect if he went to the ranch or not to begin with. Maybe if he got worse, they sent him somewhere else and that would affect where Clementine went to get him back for the flashbacks in TFS.
Again, you could look at this as what Clementine would be willing to do for AJ........ but it doesn’t enhance the story in any meaningful way.  It affects what Clementine you get in the end, but that’s just some text on the screen. 
I dunno, this choice could’ve done something... that’s all I’m saying. 
1. Teaching Sarah to shoot
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Once again, Sarah finds herself on my dumb lists... and not in a good way. Sigh. 
Alright, you wanna talk about the worst choice that meant absolutely nothing? Nothing at all? 
You get back to the cabin in S2 after leaving either Nick or Pete, and Carlos asks you to watch Sarah while they go out to look for the rest. You find Sarah, you can take some pictures, and then she asks where her dad is. 
She gets anxious and sits on the floor....but then she does something interesting. She pulls out a gun she found. It’s not loaded or anything, but she asks Clementine if she can teach her how to use it.
And you’re probably thinking, “Oh, that’s a good idea. She should know how to use a gun, but her dad is too over protective. This could help us in the future.” or “Oof, no, Sarah isn’t ready for a gun. What if that comes back and bites me in the ass? What if she shoots someone I don’t want her to shoot?”
Well, don’t worry your pretty little head because nothing comes of this.
You teach her to shoot, and it does nothing. She never picks up another gun ever again, she never does anything with what you taught her, and nothing happens. 
Just.... wow. 
At the very least... with the other picks on this list, you could stretch and make some sort of excuse for it having an impact on the story.... but this doesn’t do anything to further your relationship with Sarah, Carlos never finds out about it, there’s never a point where Sarah admits she found the gun, she doesn’t use it, she doesn’t give it to Clementine or anyone else to you, and it does nothing.
This scene could be completely removed and it wouldn’t change anything... which honestly, is something I can’t say for the rest of these dumb choices. 
That’s what makes this the ultimate pointless choice. 
Dishonorable Mentions
-Asking to go with Mike at the end of S2. Arvo will shoot Clementine no matter what and it’s dumb. -Keeping quiet about Mari when David asks you to. It doesn’t affect anything other than David being upset for two seconds, but you get thrown out and it doesn’t matter. -Trying to help Christa in S2 ep1. Either way, she gets shot at and you never see her again and it just doesn’t matter. -Honestly 400 Days.... just all of it. The only thing you get is pointless cameos if you get everyone to go with Tavia.  -Being nice to Larry. He still treats you like shit and accuses you of being a bitch to him anyway soooo.... yeah.  -Fixing the swing in S1 ep2. If you don’t do it, then Andy will.
It’s pretty telling that this T5F is just S2 and ANF choices.... sigh. Like sure, there are a lot of choices that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things in S1 and TFS but most of those I can justify as being there to shape your story and are impactful in different ways..... but boy, there’s just something about S2 and ANF and their choices, isn’t there? 
Anyway, what do you guys think? Do you agree with my choices or nah? Do you have a choice you don’t like and think is meaningless that wasn’t on the list? Lemme know, I’d love to hear it! 
Have any suggestions for future T5F’s? Feel free to send ‘em in! :D
Next week’s T5F Top 5 Reasons Javier Garcia’s Pretty Great
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Making fun of Lingard’s accent is fun until you realize that you, also a Virginian, have an almost identical accent and no leg to stand on. 
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bourbonificould · 3 months
twdg characters favourite colours.
Which color has the best group and which has the worst?
Red: Mark, Christa, Rebecca, Walter, Conrad, Aasim
Blue: Lee Everett, Omid, Ben Paul, Javier Garcia, Violet
Yellow: Katjaa, Doug, Carver, Arvo, Tennessee, Minerva
Green: Kenny, Larry, Carlos, Jesus, Mike, Kate Garcia, Willy, Alvin Junior
Purple: Clementine, Carley, Dr. Lingard, Ava, Eleanor, Ruby
Black: Lilly, Alvin, Nick, Mitch, Omar
Orange: Duck, Luke, Bonnie, Uncle Pete, David Garcia, Louis
Pink: Sarah, Mariana, Joan (secretly, says she likes green instead), Molly (secretly, she says she doesn't have one), James
Doesn't have one/Will say I don't know: Chuck, Jane, Max, Tripp
Grey: Marlon, because he wants to be different
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adoredmarigold · 4 months
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wanted to draw the new frontier leaders for practice but gave up halfway lmao
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juno-box · 2 months
Clem stealing meds for AJ and everything's the same but Dr Lingard keeps singing Taking What's Not Yours by TV Girl in the background during the whole entire fight
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