#ava new guy
neon-catarina · 1 year
spoilers for the trailer thing I guess
Guys we got yet another black hollowheaded stickman.👏👏👏
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Join the gang, new guy that we don't know about yet!
This dude's the villain isn't he
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cordeliafuryshows · 1 year
The hollowed head gang + the new guy!
I've had The Dark Lord design since i was writing a fanfic on paper and since the new teaser i drew the new guy and decided to draw the rest of the hollowed heads stickman's. So here they are!
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The Chosen One
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The Dark Lord
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The Second Coming (+ awaking powers)
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The new guy
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I might fix Victim design but i really like the other one's
(fun fact: the suit on the new guy i actually just did the same way as some of the Brookhaven RP entitys like Pilot 666 [my profile] and Cartoon Cat)
I'm exited for this Saturday for the AvA season 2 :D
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negativezerohues · 2 months
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New scientific study shows drawing stick figures makes you better at art
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lovelooksgudonu · 7 months
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w-what are you doing Ava?
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asavt · 1 year
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Purple my son purple
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flareboi · 3 months
what if purple never calls him dad
#what if the word ‘dad’ is something purple doesn’t like.#what if it carries a bad connotation for them and a bitter reminder for mango.#family doesnt always have to look like one thing yknow? i dont think those two would have a traditional dynamic in that way#maybe purple does consider him their parent. they just dont call him ‘dad’ unless its in third person#and theyre fine with that and so is he#king is his father figure yes but he’s also a mom. a big brother. a sister. their dynamic just isnt captured in purple calling him ‘dad’#maybe his name is the best way they can say it. the best way they can appreciate him#because for purple a father is someone who hurts you. someone who leaves you#i think ‘purple calls him dad on accident’ is a cute idea#but honestly it would make more sense if they called him mom on accident instead. or if it happened when they were afraid. not comfortable#(this is presuming orchid is his mother and navy his father based on the pronouns used in the react vids iirc)#because why would purple refer to someone he sees as a parent with the title of the one that presumably did not raise them?#and on mangos end#i think u can kinda tell who in this fandom has never lost a loved one in how they characterize him#guys. grief doesnt leave. it never leaves.#you just learn to live with it!!!#mango is not okay just because he has a new kid to take care of. i would know this my bio mom passed and i have a stepmother!!!#she does not fill that void and i do not expect her to because it cannot be filled. but she brings a lot new to ease the pain and is a#wonderful part of my life#the same thing here#mango will never ever just .. go back to how he was#he will never be the same since gold died. and thats okay#purple will not change that. they will merely add something new#their dynamic can be beautiful and nontraditional and a showing of how grief can change you#it doesnt have to be ‘replacement dad and replacement son’#its so much more#oke. tag rant over#fett rambles#ava#uhh should i tag the chars
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whirld-of-color · 1 year
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new oc dropped. this is some kind of video game protagonist thing i don't make the rules. big rpg energy. i adore it so very much. i will probably never speak of them again, but i love them so
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mimicmew · 1 year
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uhm see you guys later im going back to 2016 to look at minecraft stick figures <33
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ava-ships · 14 days
A kiss for not the strongest but for Satoru Gojo💙
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(Reblogs are encouraged, pr0ship/c0mshippers DNI)
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captainpikeachu · 10 days
The supposedly rumored synopsis for Thunderbolts combined with the almost confirmed info that John has twins with wife Olivia in the movie is really funny to me…
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Because it implies that Val put John on a team with three ladies who will absolutely murder him if he won’t shut up and stop having heart eyes about his wife and kids and tries to show them baby pictures one more time (after the 566th time) 🤣
John: 😃😃😃😃🥰
Yelena, Ava, and Antonia: 😐😐😐🔪
Yelena having to call Olivia because “Liv, your husband is a menace 💀”
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bechloesupercorp · 1 year
She doesn't know what day it is.
It could be weeks upon weeks, or maybe even just one, long, treacherous day. They leave her here, dangling by her wrists in the middle of an empty warehouse. A cruel coincidence really, to be awaiting rescue in the same position she had once had that FBC guy, Matteo, in.
They were coming to rescue her. 
Of course, she chides herself, We took vows to serve and protect our sisters. However, they also took vows to uphold the objectives of the OCS – including leaving one of their own. 
No, she whispers to herself. Ava wouldn't leave her. 
Ava, who glows with warmth, unlike the chill that reaches Bea's bones. It creeps, deeper and deeper, into the crevices of her soul, fighting the occasional hunger pang. The tips of her fingers are numb, and so are her toes, as she swings and shivers helplessly. Stripped of her gear, her undershirt, pants, and the black sack that obscures her vision do nothing against the nighttime chill. It's funny – nights never felt this cold before, when she'd stumble home from the bar with Ava in her arms.
Ava. She'd give everything to see her smile again. Maybe, if she could just utter the words, she would tell her that she loves her, has loved her, since that moment outside Mother Superion's office. 
Sometimes, when she opens her eyes to the black nothingness, she blinks and can see all the moments that she's ever cherished with the halo bearer. At the beginning, it gave her conviction to resist the torture. A metal pipe to the stomach, endless barrage of fists, shallow cuts from her captors' knives. Divine punishment is what they had called it, screaming and yelling at her to give up the halo bearer and her sisters at the OCS. She'd refused, without doubt, even as they'd loosened the chains and given her a moment of reprieve, before tilting her slightly upside down and pouring gallon after gallon over the cloth stuck over her head.
The sack clung to her face, giving her no space to breathe. Her heart rate accelerated, lungs deprived of oxygen. All those morning runs did little to combat the weakness that fell over her as she hacked as much water out of her lungs before the next round. Over and over, until she was just weakly spasming on the concrete, moaning Ava's name and asking for the strength to survive.
Maybe it's been a few days. It would make the most sense, given all that's been done, though that doesn't prevent the shiver that runs up her spine when she realises what that means. She's been abandoned. Like the way she was at the boarding school, alone with barely anything of value. That's it. She's reached full circle. She's taken her vows of poverty and chastity, her vows of endless service and this will be her last service – withering away, alone, in some warehouse in Switzerland for the others to make their escape. 
It's completely silent. The FBC's interrogation tactic of choice – leaving prisoners alone with their thoughts to suffer. Blood still drips down her back, down her sides, slow and steady. It makes her slightly lightheaded, so she lets her head hang, comforted by the thought of an end. Everything is cold, but her heart is warmed by the love she has been given in this life. In the next, she promises, and lets herself let go.
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fuck-off-im-ace · 2 years
No but what if a few days after Ava comes back to life (again) she's hanging out in the communal kitchen of the new ocs quarters with Beatrice and its late at night (they're both still used to bartender hours) and they're alone in there, everything around them is dark and quiet and peaceful and they're just making cookies together and laughing at insignificant things, and the tension between them has been slowly rising the past few days -they kissed before, before it all went to shit and Ava died again, that doesnt mean they will talk about it or aknowledge it in anyway cause what if its not the same when they're not about to die?!- but then Ava forgets about oven mits and burns herself, and suddenly Beatrice is right in her space, holding her hand and scolding her gently while the Halo heals her, and when the mark is completly gone she's still right there and just looking at her and suddenly Ava cant stop herself from kissing her, and oh my god why did they wait days to do that?? But then Beatrice is pushing her against the pantry door and her hands are all over her body and Ava thinks she has never felt more alive, until the fire alarm startle them and they have pull away. They just forgot about the cookies and burnt a batch, is what they say to the bleary-eyed nuns that check on them, woken by the strident sound in the middle of the night.
The perfect circle of the Halo burnt into the pantry door? That will be more difficult to explain. But as Beatrice laugh and pulls Ava into her arms again, she decides that it will be a problem for tomorrow morning.
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rcarx · 1 year
not ava celebrating mid-fight for kicking someone over despite getting punched in the stomach literally a second earlier skdklsld
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angstyandgore · 7 months
following my streak on the definitive edition of twdg i finally finished s3/ a new frontier and let me tell you i had a blast !!! i will say the controls were not my fave compared to s1 and s2 and i did miss some of the tension of dealing with characters that are virtually strangers yet become family along the way (goodbye kenny luv u), cause this actual family dynamic however interesting becomes a little boring after some playing, like yeah yeah there's the kate romance and the fighting brothers but you know how things are gonna end up cause you KNOW this people from before....but it was interesting interacting with clem from an outer perspective once again and unlike s2 not be essentially a child therapist to a bunch of crazy adults 💀 not so emotional but interesting enough to keep me going
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brainyrot · 1 year
ok giving more story to my au because a new chapter dropped for the BaBotqftim fic and i got motivation
As said before, the storyline dosen't change much.
Bendy is still Boris brother, bendy and Boris still go and try to look for the parts for the ink machine, they still befriend alice, holly, cup, mugs and everyone else,
What changes is more of Bendy's feelings, personality and story behind him.
he does not have parents, he used to, but died for a reason unknown. and when his father died, who used to be the previous prince of hell, the devil saw potential in the child and decided to put him in charge.
So basically, a child was put in charge of such big title.
He is supposed to help the devil but as a child who didn't even fully developed yet he can't do much, so he's mainly just watching and getting privileges over others.
to put it short: he got spoiled.
though, for a child, who constantly gets to hear about the surface, it's costumes, and it's people, and sometimes they even get to see it, they get curious.
and bendy, gets very curious, and gets very privileged.
So, at the age of 18, where people told him he could do whatever he wanted because he was old enough to do so (meaning also working as the actual prince of hell) what did he do?
Went to the surface.
Yes, he shouldn't have a problem with it, his job does ask him to be on the surface,
But it certainly doesn't ask him to turn himself in the cute version of himself, make his first deal with a puppy and be his brother both by contract and legally, and SAVE THE WORLD.
yes, it's true he's trying really bad to keep his reputation low and so giving all the credit to everyone else on the team, but everything keeps going downhill,
It's embarrassing to have to work for a puppy and be his brother (while also looking really small and cute.), And then demon puberty (luckily that part is partially saved by his mentor black hat, hates to admit it but he's thankful for the demon's help.) And then he gets the habit of "thank you" and "please" (hurts his pride but has to set an example for the small puppy.) And THEN he befriends an angel AND develops a crush on HER. (which, he honestly dosen't care if she was a demon, a human, an angel, or whatever, it's the fact that he fell in love so EASILY. he's not too fond of romance, he's disgusted by his own feelings he can't suppress.)
And.. he's saving the world?? From this ink illness?? (Yes it is true that he himself is mainly working only for himself, he has the illness and he is his priority, but still...if the demons down there hears it..or worse yet, the DEVIL..)
oh and let's not forget a few details!
he lives most of his time on the surface, and while yes he still goes to hell, he's basically being raised on the surface for how much he stays there.
he has taken a liking to those people in the house with him, he considers them "friends" (weird concept still, especially because they don't ask anything in return, and he stopped asking in return either, but feels nice. Which is WEIRD.)
And all the weirdness of the surface dwellers and surface itself.
but most of all, he is changing.
At first he just didn't care. At all.
Literally, he only cared about himself, he didn't care about demons, he didn't care about ANYONE but himself,
But when he has met that little pup, he has taken someone else in the "i care about that" list.
Then it just grew more and more, until he just stopped being the merciless and spiteful demon he once was?
On some degrees he's still not a good person but man! These people are good at the "i can change him" Game.
it's starting to get him way too much for his own liking and the demons liking.
LUCKILY FOR HIM, for the few of them who knows about this (black hat, raide, ava ect.) He managed to convice them it was just an act. (he's trying to convince himself it is, and that his crush for Alice does not exist.)
For the others he just needs to keep it secret until he can't anymore.
but why does he hide it? Because he's the prince of hell, do you know the scandal if the demon race would find out that he, bendy, the ink demon, the prince of hell, has gotten soft? it would make a chaos.
if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't have cared. But he has to blame his own mindset too, that gets in the way of him accepting his own changes.
We don't talk about how in his head he keeps calling mr.felix "dad"
Little facts:
- bendy is older than he originally is in the fic, he turned 18 when he found Boris, he's in his 20s in the current time (which is still very young for a demon.)
- this means that when he found Boris, not only he had to change his looks, he had to lie about his own age (because his contract was to be the kid's brother not to adopt him, and I'm his head he thought he had to be the kid's playmate.), So now, he's here, being in his 20s in hell, and 18 on the surface.
- he genuinely does not care if Alice is an angel, or better yet, an archangel, it's that he has a CRUSH. In his eyes having a crush and feeling so "funny" about someone makes him feel WEAK and he is disgusted and dissapointed in himself because of it. (And the whole scene where he admits his feelings to Alice does not happen. He rather make a scandal on the surface and go on a date with a guy. (Why do they care so much anyway?))
- at least he knows about own culture, but this time he's completely clueless about the surface, but he does have some informations since he has been with Boris (even though not constantly) for years.
- he knows the basics of course, but it's when he started being on the surface constantly that he noticed he didn't know as much as he thought he did.
He used to practice his thank you and please, and now it's an habit (kinda hates it.), And he even had to study a few words to understand people (why do they say the name of a fruit? Why berries?)
But he's currently way better than before.
- during the cup brothers confession, he also had to say his part, it was way too embarrassing for him to admit, but the puppy said it for him. (He can't believe he had to admit he is here because he said yes to being a kid's brother!)
- Alice and everyone else in the house truly believe bendy can change, and do notice and are happy for the changes that he had. (they don't know he is not as nice as he makes himself be during his time in the surface though.)
Deep down he knows he's only doing all of this out of spite because he thinks it's funny. (Especially when he sees people reactions.)
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watsonthewall · 1 year
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In honor of a new year and making sure we are all drinking more water, I have made a couple Warrior Nun designs for water bottles! You can find these in my spring store, Enjoy!
Happy New Year Everybody!
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