huda777 · 1 year
Hello Everyone from all over the world
Shortly, lemme tell you my story!
My name is Huda Sharawi, living in Jordan-Amman. I am the author of ‘Women between Submission & Freedom, which was published by (Brill and Sense publisher since 2017.
My book, women between submission & freedom is a cultural, historical, and spiritual inquiry into the nature of contemporary Eastern and Western Society. My analysis begins by outlining personal stories and everyday instances of misogynistic behavior suffered by myself and those around me. Next, I suggest that the subjugation of women is not the sole result of masculine domination, but also a consequence of the deeply-rooted insecurities of women themselves. 
Unfortunately, Brill’s publisher was dishonest with me with my sales and royalties. Could you imagine that they only sent me that I only sold a few copies over six years? I have so many proofs that Brill’s publisher is being dishonest, disrespectful, and fraud-ed me with my royalties and sales. I would be happy to share it with the whole world by emails that prove how they fraud-ed me whether by Paperback, hardcover, and Pdf.
As an example, the contract mentioned that I have 25% percent for online downloads, and 2% to 3% percent from Paperback, and hardcover. And when I reviewed with them, they say that they don’t give any PDF sales, and I only sold a few copies for six years.
Could you imagine that is my sales and royalties report for five years??!!!!
While I know Amazon alone in the first year that my book sold more than 200 sales all over the world in 2017. I have proofs that prove my book is being sold on Amazon alone (How about other channels?). When I ask them, they say that my book isn’t being sold enough. Even I asked them to edit my book, they mentioned they cannot as they will lose a lot if my book isn’t on the Internet.
Here are my sales on Amazon alone in the first year. Amazon worldwide
Hard cover: 10 =1000$
Paperback :11= 308 = 1208$
Hard cover = 8 = 520 Pound = 698.08$ 
Paperback = 10  = 220 Pound = 295.34$
Amazon France
Hard cover =  3 = 261 EU= 307.42$
 Paperback = 5 =100 EU =117$
Amazon Italy
Hard cover =1=113 Euro= 151.70$  
Paperback = 3 = 75Euro =100.69$
Hard cover = 6= 792 CD= 613.58$
Paperback= 7= 252 CND = 195.23$
Amazon Germany
Hard Cover = 7= 693 = 816.25$
= 296.82$ Paperback =  9 =252
Amazon Australia
Paperback= 3=129 Ausd = 98.76$
Amazon Japan
Hard Cover=6 = 72000 Yen= 653.47$
Paperback= 5 = 16600 Yen= 150 $
Amazon Mexico
Hardcover = 2 = 3668 Peso= 180.25 $
Paperback = 2 = 1126 Peso = 55.33$ 
Amazon India
Hardcover= 5 = 49030 rupee = 733.00 $  
Paperback = 5 = 15555Rupe = 232.44$
If my book isn’t being sold as they mentioned, why wouldn’t they let me to edit it?
Another example is one of them called Michael sent me my downloads in the first three months is being sold more than 100, and when I reviewed it with them, they denied it and say the one who sent me this report is no longer working with them, and he must be mistaken.
Could you imagine all my efforts in my book has been dispersed?
They know I won’t be able to sue them for having limited sources and geographic boundaries as I need arbitration in the Netherlands.
I tried to contact lawyers in the Netherlands to have my right, but unfortunately, they need a lot of money to sue them.
I need this legal aid to sue the publisher as I may not be the first author who got used for having limited sources. I want to share my story with the whole world about how a publisher used an author who is living in Third world country, disrespecting her as they guarantee I won’t be able to afford the arbitration.
I will have three cases in one case, how a Western publisher used an author who is living in the Middle East which made me believe that they are doing this out of racism, not empowering women globally, and not respecting authors with geographic boundaries.
I need to have this legal aid to have arbitration against the publisher in the Netherlands, not only because of me but also to build trust between author and publisher all over the world, empowering women all over the world, ad giving people their rights the matter they come from.
Could you imagine, that I sacrificed a lot for this book ‘Women between submission and freedom’ for three years, and the publisher took all my efforts and rights for six years, and when I ask for my rights, they denied it?
If they truly say that my book isn’t being sold enough, why do they still have it?
I want to sue them for many reasons which harm me physically and psychologically in a way that I cannot describe. I would be happy to share more details about the needed documents (the contract, my story with them from A to Z by email, and my sales). I need to know my rights under Netherlands ' law and to have my right back as an author who stands with my message to the whole world
Thanks to them, they only didn’t kill my dreams, they killed me physically and psychologically, and spiritually wise.
they killed my dream of empowering women as mentally, culturally, and spiritually wise.
When they published my book, I was 25. Now, I am 30 years old. I am stuck because of them, I couldn’t have my right, I couldn’t have any appreciation of my book, and I couldn’t raise my voice to spread awareness and wisdom for their dishonesty for six years.
I sent many emails to the publishers that I am asking to have my right and I will sue them, and they say the same thing that my book isn’t being sold enough as they know I cannot reach them, while I see my book is in many channels and thousands of downloads that the publisher always denied the rights of my book.
I am asking all who want to help me out to have my right back and sue the publisher as they used me for not being able to sue them in the arbitration.
If you help me, you won't help alone, you will help so many authors who are used by the publisher, especially those who are having geographic boundaries.
If you want to help me to have this legal aid, my Paypal is [email protected]
Once I have my right back from the publisher, I won’t only raise my voice to spread awareness, I would help all the authors from all over the world who get used by the publisher. (You have my word)
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