#australia 2013 friday
umseb · 5 months
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sebastian vettel in the garage on practice day, australia - march 15, 2013 📷 dpa picture alliance / alamy
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Hello! This is an unofficial tumblr mirror of the Everybody Votes Channel run by @iowadream. The Everybody Votes Channel was a channel for the Nintendo Wii that was operated from February 1, 2007 to June 13, 2013. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday (or Monday, Wednesday, and Friday if you lived east of Europe), users would vote in two-option polls through the channel answering banal questions about their food preferences, talents, views of the future, etc.
This blog utilizes the (at the time of writing this) new poll feature on tumblr to replicate the experience of voting on the Everybody Votes Channel by reposting questions polled during the run of the Nintendo Wii. I also aim to recontextualize these polls by placing them on a separate platform a decade - a decade and a half after the fact, as well as raise questions about how cultural views and outlooks have shifted since then. Some of the polls reflect quaint, but relatively dated societal views on topics like technology and physical health. Some of the polls play into now-obsolete marketing campaigns of Nintendo's that begun and ended with the Wii.
I will post two polls a day. Each poll will be posted on its anniversary (for instance, the two polls on July 3rd, 2023 might be polls from July 3rd, 2008 and July 3rd, 2012) until this is not possible to do anymore. Based on the number of available polls, I estimate that this blog will run for a little over 2.5 years. Each poll will be open for 1 week, and at its conclusion, I will post the results from the poll's original run if I find there is an interesting discrepancy, or if someone requests I do so. Each poll has been accessed and reposted from RiiConnect24's archive of english-language Everybody Votes Channel polls.
The polls per day vary from country to country, but each can be generally cleaved into three regions: the Americas, Europe/Oceania, and Japan. The Americas region includes Canada, the US, and most of Central and South America. The Europe/Oceania region includes most of western Europe, mainland Scandinavia, Greece, Australia, and New Zealand. Each of these regions by and large have the same polls across each country, with some exceptions that will be noted (for instance, on February 27, 2007, a poll about American Idol was polled in the US, while a poll about life on mars was polled elsewhere). There is also a fourth category of poll, Worldwide, which was polled on the 1st and 16th of every month, and featured answers from all regions. Polls from the Americas will be denoted with the 🌎 emoji. Polls from Europe/Oceania will be denoted with the 🌍🌏 emojis and will utilize the Australian date for better daily posting diversity. Worldwide polls will be denoted with the 🌐 emoji. I currently do not plan on reposting the Japanese polls, but I will start if enough interest is expressed in them.
And that's it! Have fun voting!
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likeadevils · 9 months
2012 Lover Diaries Transcripts
Feb 2012
Holy Ground Lyrics
Mar 2, 2012- Perth, Australia
So here we are in Perth. It’s a beach town on the Indian Ocean and it’s beautiful. It’s 85º and sunny and yesterday I went to Cottesloe Beach – I’ve never seen water that crystal blue before. And white sand. There was this art festival going on, so there were all these sculptures set up on the beach. We laid our towels out and got tans and frolicked in the water. After our beach afternoon, we went to this restaurant right on the beach called Indiana. It was built in 1910 and looked like an old fancy hotel. It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve been, with old world arches and moldings, antique tables and big french doors opening out to views of azure blue ocean. We sat there for hours drinking strawberry mojitos and eating calamari until I was so tired, I went back to my fluffy hotel bed and slept. I’ve been thinking a lot about getting older and relevancy and how all my heroes have ended up alone. I wrote a song on the plane ride from Sydney to Perth on the appalachian dulcimer I bought the day of my flight. I bought it because Joni played on most of her blue record. I taught myself to play ‘A Case of You.’ Anyway, I wrote a song on it called “Nothin New” and it’s about being scared of aging and things changing and losing what you have. It says “I’m getting older and less sure of what you like about me anyway.” And in the chorus it says “How can a person know everything at 18, and nothing at 22? And will you still want me … when I’m nothing new.” It’s a really vulnerable song, but I think it’s important to say.
Jun 10, 2012- Los Angeles, CA
I’ve been in the studio non stop. This week I was in with Max Martin and Johan Shellback, the guys I wrote ‘Getting Back Together’ with. The first day, I had to do this corporate performance for an arena full of managers. I played Love Story and Mean, solo acoustic and Justin Timberlake was MCing so he introduced me. Hilarious sense of humor. He was making the whole arena laugh. When I finished there, I got on the plane and this idea came to me “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22.” I wrote the entire chorus on the plane ride to LA. When I landed, I went straight to the studio and played it for Max and Johan. They loved it. I was so excited. I wrote 22 about how much fun I’ve been having this summer and this year in general. It’s so carefree and sounds like a summer anthem. I was floating on a cloud after we wrote it. The next day I brought them a chorus called 'Trouble’ that’s about how I should’ve known what I was getting into. We came back to 'Trouble’ and it turned out to be absolutely amazing. It’s so edgy and unexpected. It’s almost dub step. My friends love that one the most. I love writing so much. It’s the only thing that makes total sense to me. If I missed a day in the studio, I’d be so mad at myself. God I’ve been having such a beautiful life lately. I can’t believe it. It’s like there’s magic in the air. Friday was my day off. I woke up and went hiking. Then went home and showered. painted my nails, daydreamed about our trip for 4th of July. Taylor
Oct 17, 2012- Los Angeles, CA
This Love lyrics
(2003 • 2004 • 2005 • 2006 • 2007 & 2008 • 2009 • 2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014 • 2015 • 2016 & 2017)
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This day in history
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This Thursday (Oct 19), I'm in Charleston, WV to give the 41st annual McCreight Lecture in the Humanities. And on Friday (Oct 20), I'm at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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#20yrsago RIAA streamlines confiscation of customers’ life’s savings https://www.wired.com/2003/10/riaa-croons-a-new-warning-tune/
#20yrsago Google softens AdSense ToS https://memex.craphound.com/2003/10/18/google-softens-adsense-tos/
#20yrsago What’s Radical About the Weblog Form in Journalism? https://web.archive.org/web/20031112231950/https://journalism.nyu.edu/pubzone/weblogs/pressthink/2003/10/16/radical_ten.html
#10yrsago UK government sends 40,000 texts to semi-random foreigners (and some Brits): “You are required to leave the UK!” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2013/oct/18/labour-answers-40000-go-home-texts-immigrants
#10yrsago TSA admits “terrorists in America are not plotting against aviation” https://professional-troublemaker.com/2013/10/17/tsa-admits-in-leaked-doc-no-evidence-of-terrorist-plots-against-aviation-in-us/
#5yrsago A data-driven look at the devastating efficacy of a far-right judge-education program https://elliottash.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Ash-Chen-Naidu-Ideas-Have-Consequences-Impact-Law-Economics-American-Justice.pdf
#5yrsago US veterans operate in Yemen as mercenary assassins for Middle Eastern autocrats https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/aramroston/mercenaries-assassination-us-yemen-uae-spear-golan-dahlan
#5yrsago Slaves – including children – make the bricks for Cambodia’s housing bubble https://static1.squarespace.com/static/596df9f8d1758e3b451e0fb2/t/5bc4d7cdc83025e41e7b10a0/1539627177544/Blood+bricks+high+res+v2.pdf
#5yrsago Deleting Facebook is not enough: without antitrust, the company will be our lives’ “operating system” https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2018/10/25/facebook-autocracy-app/
#5yrsago Nobel-winning economist Joe Stiglitz on how the US economy became a “rigged, inherited plutocracy” and how to fix it https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-american-economy-is-rigged/
#5yrsago City of Seattle’s official tow partner impounded a homeless woman’s stolen car and wanted $21,634 to give it back https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/a-21364-bill-how-a-homeless-woman-fought-her-way-out-of-tow-company-hell/
#5yrsago GDPR: Good for privacy, even better for Google’s dominance https://cliqz.com/en/magazine/study-google-is-the-biggest-beneficiary-of-the-gdpr
#5yrsago Radical expansion of Australia’s national firewall will censor search results and websites https://www2.computerworld.com.au/article/648404/new-anti-piracy-laws-target-search-engines/
#5yrsago Anaheim’s living wage ballot measure pits big corporate donors against union money https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-disney-unions-anaheim-elections-20181018-story.html
#1yrago Being good at your job is praxis: The FTC can mandate Right to Repair without (further) Congressional authorization https://pluralistic.net/2022/10/18/administrative-competence/#i-know-stuff
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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herohimbowhore · 2 months
On This Day in F1: April 5
Present: Japan Day 1
History: 2009 Malaysian Grand Prix
I'm going to be honest, the time zone differences from Australia to China are screwing with my perception of when things are happening (and my sleep schedule). Especially since FP1 happened on Thursday night (before midnight) for me and FP3 will be on Friday night. So I've been all over the place since the Australian GP.
But in Japan on April 5th, 2024, FP1 and FP2 occurred. There wasn't much to talk about in FP1 except for Logan Sargeant crashing toward the latter half of the session and Will Buxton revealing that there were other teams that only had two chassis for the weekend. Alpine has confirmed that they are one of those teams.
(Sidenote: the plural of chassis is chassis but it's pronounced with a "z" at the end. So the singular is pronounced like "CHASS-ee" and the plural is pronounced like "CHASS-eez." The more you know, I guess.)
FP2 had even less to talk about. It was raining and more than half of the drivers didn't set a lap time. Briefly, Yuki Tsunoda was at the top of the timing charts with Daniel Ricciardo in second. But then Oscar Piastri set a faster lap with Lewis Hamilton and Charles Leclerc finishing out the top 3.
2024 marks 10 years since Jules Bianchi crashed during the 2014 Japanese Grand Prix and lost his life due to the injuries from his crash. In honor of Jules, Charles - Jules' godson - has a special helmet in Jules' colors and with his number 17 on it.
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We tend to talk about Jules in relation to his crash, Charles, Daniel, or any other drivers he was friends with. While they are a piece of his story and he is a piece of their stories, we should also remember Jules for himself - for the things he did and loved. He scored his first points in Monaco and that was the first GP he'd attended as a child, he liked dark chocolate, the first meal he cooked wasn't good, his hero was Michael Schumacher because he was winning, etc.
Looking back to another rain-filled day, the 2009 Malaysian Grand Prix took place on April 5th.
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Malaysia was the second race of the historic 2009 season - which does go to show how early we start the season now in comparison to the previous seasons.
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It should have been 56 laps of racing, but due to torrential rain, drivers were only able to complete 31 classified laps. This did not meet the 75% minimum distance completed for full points to be awarded. Therefore, half points were awarded to drivers. The race had been stopped on lap 33 and was not later resumed due to the darkness. Lap 31 was the penultimate full lap and was the one used to determine classifications per sporting regulations.
Half points are very rarely awarded. Malaysia 2009 was the fifth time in F1 history that it had happened (the 4th time had been the 1991 Australian GP). And it didn't happen again until the 2021 Belgian GP.
Jenson Button, driving for Brawn GP, was declared the winner of the Grand Prix as he started the race on pole position and was the race leader for lap 31.
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Nick Heidfeld driving for BMW Sauber finished second and Timo Glock driving for Toyota finished third. Heidfeld was the first driver with a KERS-equipped car to take a podium position.
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Since Jenson had won the 2009 Australian Grand Prix as well, Brawn GP became the first team since Alfa Romeo in 1950 to win the first two World Championship Grands Prix of the season.
Previous: Mar. 24 - 2013 Malaysian Grand Prix
Next: Apr. 6 - Japan Day 2
On This Day in F1 Masterlist
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shelleytheodore · 9 months
SHELLEY THEODORE Born in Brisbane, Australia Lives and works in London, Barcelona and France https://shelleytheodore.tumblr.com/ https://www.axisweb.org/p/shelleytheodore/ EDUCATION 2012 MA Visual Art (Fine Art), Camberwell College of Art, University of the Arts, London 1995 Bachelor of Fine Art (Hons), Goldsmiths College, University of London 1992 Dept of Continuing Education, Goldsmiths College, University of London, Certificate in Art 1980 Bachelor of Social Work, University of Queensland, Australia SELECTED EXHIBITIONS AND PUBLICATIONS 2022 Artist Feature Special Issue: Best Artists of 2022 Magazine 43, Hong Kong 2022 Magazine 43 Film Friday featured artist April 2022 https://magazine43.substack.com 2021 Deptford X Festival, Art in the open Supported Application Guide shapeslewisham introducing@shelley_theodore 23 March 2021 Deptford London 2021 Post Analogue Labyrinth IV, virtual exhibition, https://www.artsteps.com/view/ 6092eeaca33cc06fe89a823f 2019 Post Analogue Labyrinth Ill, as part of DEPTFORD X FRINGE, AAJA Deptford 2018 Post Analogue Labyrinth 11, Sister Midnight Records 4 Tanners Hill London Gaze, Axisweb: Contemporary Art UK Network, online exhibition Aesthetica Issue 81, p157, Artists' Directory, Published on Jan 24,2018 2017 Drawing Open, 26 -28 May, No Format Gallery, Arch 29, Rolt Street, Deptford 2016 Prison Drawing Project, Dean Road Prison, Scarborough, UK Artrooms Fair 2016, Melia Whitehouse Hotel, London 2015 Uncertain States Annual, Mile End Art Pavilion, Mile End 2014 Pala, an online digital program of artist's film and video works curated by Laura Mansfield 2013 Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2013, Spike Island, Bristol, and ICA, London 8 STUDIOS FROM HERE, Faircharm Studios, Deptford Postcard From My Studio, Acme Project Space 44 Bonner Road, Bethnal Green, London 2012 Crash OPEN, Charlie Dutton Gallery, 1a Princeton Street, London The Salon Art Prize Exhibition 2012, Matt Roberts Art, 25b Vyner Street, London Jerwood Drawing Prize Exhibition 2012, Jerwood Space, London No Now, Space Station Sixty Five, Kennington Bend over Shirley, Beaconsfield Contemporary Art 2011 CCW Artist Moving Image, HMV Curzon, Wimbledon 'Chain letter' worldwide exhibition 2011, GIBSMIR family, Zurich, Switzerland. Flash in the Pan, curated by Naomi Sidefin and David Crawford, Beaconsfield Contemporary Art The Unsung Heroes of the studio, ASYLUM, The Chapel, Caroline Gardens, Peckham 2010 Peckham Space Open, Peckham Space, Peckham Deptford X Fringe Award, Deptford X Fringe Nunhead Open Art Exhibition, The Surgery, Nunhead 2009 Creekside Open, selected by Mark Wallinger, APT Gallery, Deptford Creekside Open, selected by Jenni Lomax, APT Gallery, Deptford 2008 London Art Fair, Islington, Beverley Knowles Fine Art 2007 London Art Fair, Islington, Beverley Knowles Fine Art RESIDENCIES 2022 Studio Residency, San Quirze Safaja, Barcelona 2021 Photography Workshop with Architect Lisa Harmey and architecture students University of Cardiff, UK 2015 'Backs to the Future' Residency, FIVE YEARS 66 Richmond Studios, 8 Andrews Road, E84QN 2014 2014 LUX Critical forum, London 2012 Gasworks Curatorial Workshop, Gasworks 2011 Urban fabric 2 (UF2) Paradox Conference, Crawford College of Art and Design, Cork, Ireland 'Sculptural Drawing Collaboration', The Woodmill Project Space, Bermondsey
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.26
Battle of Pinhincha Day (Ecuador)
Bob Day
Boulder Day (Republic of Molossia)
Carb Day
Crown Prince’s Day (Denmark)
Drool Day
Dzien Matki (a.k.a. Mother's Day; Poland)
Feast of VooDoo Economics
Go Barefoot Around the House Day
Grey Day
Independent Artist Day
Mother’s Day (Poland)
National Death Busters Day
National EMS Recognition Day
National Grey Day
National Paper Airplane Day
National Poppy Day
National Ranboo Day
National Sorry Day (a.k.a. National Day of Healing; Australia)
National Wig Out Day
National Work From Home Day
Oat Grass Day (French Republic)
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (Hawaii)
Sally Ride Day
Starfleet Remembrance Day (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds)
Windmill Day (Netherlands)
World Dracula Day
World Lindy Hop Day
World Orienteering Day
World Product Day
World Redhead Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
National Cherry Dessert Day
World Sherry Day
4th & Last Friday in May
Ascension Friday (Belgium)
Bermuda Day [Last Friday]
Don't Fry Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
European Neighbours’ Day [Last Friday]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival begins [Last Friday, thru Sunday]
Heat Safety Awareness Day [4th Friday]
National Cooler Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Death Busters Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Heat Awareness Day [Last Friday]
National Polka Festival begins (Ennis, Texas) [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Road Trip Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Wig Out Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
Portland Rose Festival begins (Oregon) Friday in late May; thru June 26]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (Western Australia) [Last Friday]
Trader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Title Track Day [4th Friday]
Independence Days
Erenian Republic (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Georgia (from Russia, 1918)
Guyana (from UK, 1966)
Molossia (f.k.a. the Grand Republic of Vuldstein; Declared; 1977) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Augustine of Canterbury (Anglican Communion and Eastern Orthodox)
August Kopisch (Artology)
Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Doc Owl (Muppetism)
Dorothea Lange (Artology)
Eleuterus, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Valley (Ancient Egypt)
Lambert of Vence (Christian; Saint)
Lemminkainen’s Day (Pagan)
Lenny Bruce Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
St. Monica (Positivist; Saint)
Oduvald (Christian; Saint)
Peter Sanz  (Christian; One of Martyr Saints of China)
Philip Neri (Christian; Saint)
Philippe de Champaigne (Artology)
Quadratus of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Shavuot (Judaism) [6 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Thargelia (Birthday Festival of Apollo & Artemis; Ancient Greece)
Totally Random Day (Pastafarian)
World Hunger Day (Pastafarian)
Zachary, Bishop of Vienne (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Absolutely Free, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
American Pie, by Don McLean (Song; 1971)
Avengers Assemble (Animated TV Series; 2013)
Beatlemania! (Broadway Musical Tribute; 1977)
Big Jake (Film; 1971)
Buddy of the Apes (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Caspar (Animated Film; 1995)
Dracula, by Bram Stoker (Novel; 1897)
Flying Home, recorded by Lionel Hampton (Song; 1937)
Games People Play, by Eric Berne (Self-Help Book; 1966)
God’s Men, by Pearl S. Buck (Novel; 1951)
Johnny Mnemonic (Film; 1995)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (Animated Film; 2011)
Mad Love (Film; 1995)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (Film; 2017)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, by The Beatles (Album; 1967)
Sourcery, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1988) [Discworld #5]
The Whole Truth and Nothing But, by Hedda Hopper (Memoir; 1963)
X-Men: The Last Stand (Film; 2006)
Yellow Submarine, recorded by The Beatles (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Alwin, Philipp (Austria)
Anamarija, Filip, Zdenko (Croatia)
Filip (Czech Republic)
Beda (Denmark)
Miina, Minna, Valme, Valmi, Vella, Velli, Vilma, Vilme (Estonia)
Miina, Mimmi, Minna, Minni, Vilhelmiina, Vilma (Finland)
Bérenger (France)
Marianne, Philipp (Germany)
Alfaios, Karpos, Sinesios (Greece)
Evelin, Fülöp (Hungary)
Filippo, Pellegrino (Italy)
Eduards, Edvards, Varis (Latvia)
Algimantas, Eduardas, Milvydė, Vilhelmina (Lithuania)
Annbjørg, Annlaug (Norway)
Beda, Filip, Marianna, Paulina, Więcemił, Wilhelmina (Poland)
Carp (România)
Dušan (Slovakia)
Felipe, Mariana (Spain)
Vilhelmina, Vilma (Sweden)
Felipe, Flip, Phil, Philip, Philippa, Phillip (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2024; 219 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 8 (Jia-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 6 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 25 Bīja; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 13 May 2023
Moon: 42%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 6 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Monica]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 68 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 6 of 32)
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Fiji’s Social Democratic Liberal party (Sodelpa) said on Friday that it would form a coalition with two other parties, a move that will dislodge the current prime minister, Frank Bainimarama, signalling an end to the former military leader’s 16 years in power.
“We believe we have agreed on a way forward that benefits this country,” party leader Viliame Gavoka said in a news conference after an internal party vote.
Fiji, which has a history of military coups, was dominated by sometimes tense race relations between its indigenous majority and a big ethnic Indian group, before constitutional reform in 2013 [by Bainimarama] to remove a race-based voting system that favoured indigenous Fijians.
Bainimarama, who has yet to concede defeat, said on Thursday the military had been called in to assist police maintain law and order because of attacks on the Indian ethnic minority in the wake of a national election last week that showed no party received a clear majority.[...]
Fiji has been pivotal to the strategically located region’s response to increasing competition for influence between China and the United States, and struck an agreement with Australia in October to work more closely with its military.
23 Dec 22
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Business Name: Roof Restoration Wollongong
Street Address: 164 Shearwater Drive
City: Lake Heights
State: New South Wales
Zip Code: 2502
Country: Australia
Business Phone: (02) 4243 8920
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://roofrestorationwollongong.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Roof-Restoration-Wollongong-1097195040324970/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/roofswollongong
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/roofswollongong/
Business Description: We offer personalized and reasonably priced options that can meet the requirements of each client. All roofing contractors are compliant with the OH&S Policies and always implement necessary safety management systems for the safety of the contractors, customers, staff and, the general public.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=16660081467762849312
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 7:30am-5:00pm Tuesday 7:30am-5:00pm Wednesday 7:30am-5:00pm Thursday 7:30am-5:00pm Friday 7:30am-5:00pm Saturday 7:30am-5:00pm
Payment Methods: Cash Check Visa Master Discover Amex
Services: Roof Restorations, Roof Repairs, Rebedding & Pointing, Roof Cleaning, Roof Painting, Gutter & downpipe replacements, Gutter cleaning, Leaf Guard installations, Fascia and gable repairs, Thermal Roof Coatings
Keywords: Roof restoration wollongong, roof contractor, roof repairs, roofer, roof painting
Business/Company Establishment Year: 2013
Number of Employees: 3
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Zac Candler (02) 4243 8920 [email protected]
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Service Areas:
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qnewslgbtiqa · 2 months
Retiring senator Janet Rice wants to marry her partner Anne
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/retiring-senator-janet-rice-wants-to-marry-her-partner-anne/
Retiring senator Janet Rice wants to marry her partner Anne
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Greens Senator Janet Rice has retired from politics, and after years of fighting for marriage equality has said she now hopes to marry her partner Anne.
Senator Rice, who is from Victoria and was first elected in 2013, announced her retirement plans last year.
Today (April 19), Janet formally stepped down and left the Senate for the final time.
“It’s been a huge ten years and it’s been a privilege to work alongside my colleagues, grassroots activists, and the community,” she said on Friday.
“[We’ve] achieved some huge wins, from marriage equality, to ending native forest logging in Victoria and Western Australia, and negotiating for better legislation on climate and housing.
“I’m sad to end this chapter, but also excited for what’s to come.
“I’m planning on having some time off, but not too much. I’ll keep working with people here and worldwide for justice and human rights, a safe climate and protecting our environment.
Janet Rice said her Greens successor, Steph Hodgins May, will be formally sworn in next month.
‘Marriage equality means I can get married’
Janet Rice delivered her valedictory Senate speech a few weeks ago.
She declared her work on the marriage equality campaign and the all-important legislation as one of her crowning achievements.
The bisexual senator hinted that after years of campaigning, a same-sex marriage was on the horizon for her.
“For me now, marriage equality means that my partner Anne and I, who have been together for the past two years, can get married,” she said.
“And newsflash, we probably will. Love you, Anne.”
Anne was watching on from the public gallery as the chamber applauded.
Senator Rice also thanked her late wife Penny Whetton, who was transgender. Penny died in 2019.
“Marriage equality meant I could stay married to my late wife Penny and she could change her birth certificate to say ‘female’ without us having to get divorced,” Janet said.
“Penny was such a star during the campaign for marriage equality.
“As a trans woman, she put herself out of her comfort zone to speak up, to say love was love and that all we wanted was to stay married.
“Being married to a trans woman inspired me to be such a fierce defender of trans and gender-diverse people during the campaign and beyond.
“I feel so grateful for Penny’s love and support and our lives together until her sad, sudden passing four years ago.”
‘If you don’t fight, you lose’
Janet Rice said her advocacy for LGBTQIA+ equality will continue post-politics, as the government negotiates religious discrimination legislation.
“I will continue fighting outside parliament against any bill that acts only as a Trojan horse for hate,” she said.
“There’s still discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people baked into our laws and our society.”
She concluded, “My final words: stay hopeful that things can change and keep working determinedly towards that change.
“Just because we haven’t reached where we need to be yet doesn’t mean we can’t and we won’t.
“We have to keep at it because one thing is certain: if you don’t fight, you lose. So onwards and upwards.”
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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covid and mental health
By Rachel Shannon
Everyone can relate to the fact that covid was a stressful period in our human existence. Some people struggled more than others but no hardship should be weighed or compared to one another's. It was both a tribulation and a learning experience. Before covid, we lived in a very rushed Society. The work day was 9-5 Monday through Friday, we never thought to challenge it. Now post covid, some people don't work on Mondays or have half a day on Fridays, or some people work completely remote which never used to be an option. We now take more time for our emotional health and embrace therapy which for decades previously was considered taboo.  To get to this point, Society had to face some tough adversities which include mental health decline in Victoria Australia, harsh discriminatory challenges for Asian Americans, and radical transitions for college students. These three scenarios are just a few examples of some of the many ways in which covid impacted our mental health. These situations brought awareness to the way we view and treat mental health.
Since covid, intentional self-harm rates skyrocketed in Victoria Australia due to lack of employment opportunities and social isolation. While young people are less susceptible to covid, the pandemic did disproportionately affect their psychosocial development, as social connectedness and social identity are important factors in youth. Suicide attempt hospitalization rates ranged from 77.4 to 97.9 events per 100,000 population between 2012-2013 and 2019-2020. Rates were higher outside of urban areas. It is estimated that the self-harm hospitalization rates in Greater Melbourne was 75.9 per 100,000 population compared to 112.0 per 100,000 population in the rest of Victoria. The Victorian mental health system was extensively evaluated by the Royal Commission on the advice of the Victorian government. The Royal Commission found  that the state's mental health system was unable to respond to the needs of the people suffering from mental illness or psychological distress, unsuitable to meet current and future demands, and an urgent need for reform. 
“Pre-existing individual factors, such as poorer physical health, a history of chronic illness, or pre-existing mental health problems, have been associated with higher rates of anxiety and depression during COVID-19. Other individual factors may be important too, for example introverted individuals are somewhat less likely to have high quality social support systems compared to extraverts. Consistent evidence shows that adults experiencing pre-existing socio-economic disadvantages face increased mental health problems related to COVID-19.” (Westrupp,”et al.”2023)
While Westrupp explains that pre-existing conditions occurred in parents and children in Victoria before covid, these conditions were made worse from government restrictions and shutdowns.
Since covid, the Asian-American population have faced intense racial discrimination which include verbal harassment and physical assault. This is mainly due to media outlets blaming China for the pandemic.  A recent Pew Research Center report found that approximately 31% of Asian American adults reported being the subject of slurs or jokes because of their race or ethnicity, and about 58% of Asian American adults shared that it is more common for people to express racist or racially insensitive views about Asians than it was before the covid-19 outbreak. The increase in racial discrimination against Asian Americans during the covid-19 pandemic has also contributed to covid-19 discrimination fear, which exacerbated mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. 
“Anti-Asian racism has always been present in the US society for over 150 years, though it has been encoded in different vocabulary and language in different periods of time.”(Adachi,2022).
Adachi explains that the “Yellow Peril” which is described as western fears of Asians, especially Chinese, would invade their land and disrupt western values, started as far back as the 1870s. Although these fears already existed, there has been an uptick in racial discriminatory acts since covid due to media outlets and politicians. 
Covid took a strain particularly on college students. College is already a stressful time for young adults then covid added the pressure of social distancing, working remotely and in extreme cases leaving their dorm and finding residence elsewhere. Many may argue that stress among college students is unrelated to covid and that it’s been an ongoing issue for some time. McLafferty writes that a survey was conducted of students who attended college in Northern Ireland in the fall of 2019, then again a year later found that high levels of mental health problems were already present among students commencing college. Although college students were already struggling before the pandemic, it’s important to understand that covid exacerbated pre-existing mental health conditions.
“Students assessed post pandemic reported significantly more symptoms of anxiety and depression than students assessed pre pandemic, and these two cohorts are reporting more symptoms in many areas than a cohort of students assessed 25 years earlier.”(Nails,2023). 
In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic made the Victorian government aware of the urgent need for better mental health care for their people, brought to light the racial injustice of Asian-Americans, and showed the massive strain covid had on college students. These three situations highlight the severity in which covid affected our mental health. After the pandemic, it was realized that mental health care was at the bottom of the list of priorities. This awareness led to changes such as flexible working conditions and more need for therapy. Therapy also became more available remotely. Not only should we spread awareness on the issue of mental health but we should also take combative steps to help such as make therapy more affordable and hire more mental health providers. Unfortunately it took this catastrophic event to make us open our eyes. With this better awareness and understanding, we as a society can tackle mental health issues head on. 
Vacher, C., Ho, N., Skinner, A., Robinson, J., Freebairn, L., Lee, G. Y., Iorfino, F., Prodan, A., Song, Y. J. C., Jo-An Occhipinti, & Hickie, I. B. (2022). Optimizing Strategies for Improving Mental Health in Victoria, Australia during the COVID-19 Era: A System Dynamics Modelling Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), 6470. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19116470
Westrupp, Bennett, Berkowitz, Youssef, Toumbourou, Tucker, Andrews, Evans, Teague, Karantzas, Melvin, Olsson, Macdonald, Greenwood, Mikocka-Walus, Hutchinson, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Stokes, Olive, Wood, Feb2023, child, parent, and family mental health and functioning in Australia during COVID-19: comparison to pre-pandemic data
Huang, C. J., & Huang, C. Y. (2023, December 21). The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies on Asian American Parents’ Discrimination Experiences and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Advance online publication. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/ort0000714
Adachi, Nobuko, 2022, Yellow Peril Redux: Vitalizing Pre-Existing Racial Conditions with a New Symbol
Nails, Julianna. “A Crisis in College Student Mental Health? Self-Ratings of Psychopathology Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic.” American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, 11 Nov. 2023, psycnet.apa.org/record/2023-78779-001
McLafferty, Ward, Walsh, O’Neill, Bjourson, McHugh, Brown, McBride, Brady, Murray, Nov 2023, College Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Prior to and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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wikiuntamed · 6 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Friday, 1st December
Welcome, willkommen, vitajte, benvenuto 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 1st December through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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1st December 2022 🗓️ : Death - Gaylord Perry Gaylord Perry, American baseball player and coach (b. 1938) "Gaylord Jackson Perry (September 15, 1938 – December 1, 2022) was an American right-handed pitcher in Major League Baseball (MLB) who played for eight teams from 1962 to 1983, becoming one of the most durable and successful pitchers in history. A five-time All-Star, Perry was the first pitcher to..."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
1st December 2018 🗓️ : Event - Oulu child sexual exploitation scandal The Oulu Police informed the public about the first offence of the much larger child sexual exploitation in Oulu, Finland. "In December 2018, it transpired that adult men, all of whom had arrived in Finland as asylum seekers or refugees, were grooming, and raping and otherwise sexually abusing, girls under 15 years of age in Oulu, Finland. One victim ended up committing suicide. The Oulu Police Department warned young..."
1st December 2013 🗓️ : Death - Martin Sharp Martin Sharp, Australian cartoonist and songwriter (b. 1942) "Martin Ritchie Sharp (21 January 1942 – 1 December 2013) was an Australian artist, cartoonist, songwriter and film-maker. ..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Sardaka (talk) 07:09, 21 November 2014 (UTC)
1st December 1973 🗓️ : Event - Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea gains self-government from Australia. "Papua New Guinea (abbreviated PNG; , also US: ) is a country in Oceania that comprises the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and its offshore islands in Melanesia (a region of the southwestern Pacific Ocean north of Australia). Officially the Independent State of Papua New Guinea (Tok Pisin:..."
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Image by User:Nightstallion
1st December 1923 🗓️ : Event - Gleno Dam The Gleno Dam in the Italian province of Bergamo failed due to poor workmanship, flooding the downstream valley and killing at least 356 people. "The Gleno Dam was a multiple arch buttress dam on the Gleno Creek in the Valle di Scalve, northern Province of Bergamo, Italy. The dam was built between 1916 and 1923 with the purpose of producing hydroelectric power. The middle section of the dam collapsed on 1 December 1923, forty days after the..."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
1st December 1822 🗓️ : Event - Pedro I of Brazil Pedro I was crowned the first emperor of Brazil, seven weeks after his reign began on his 24th birthday. "Dom Pedro I (12 October 1798 – 24 September 1834) was the founder and first ruler of the Empire of Brazil, where he was known as "the Liberator". As King Dom Pedro IV, he reigned briefly over Portugal, where he also became known as "the Liberator" as well as "the Soldier King". Born in Lisbon, Pedro..."
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Image by Simplício Rodrigues de Sá
1st December 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Castritian "Castritian (Latin: Castritianus, Italian: Castriziano) was Bishop of Milan in mid 3rd-century. He is honoured as a Saint in the Catholic Church and his feast day is on December 1...."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by A ntv
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brookston · 7 months
Holidays 11.25
Blasé Day
Carers Rights Day (UK)
CNSO Day (India)
Day Against Domestic Violence (EU)
Don’t Utter a Word Day
Evacuation Day (NYC)
Family Day (Palau)
Global Family Business Day
Hari Guru (a.k.a. Teacher's Day; Indonesia)
Homeland Security Day
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (UN)
International Hat Day
Mangé Yam (Yam Festival; Haiti)
Meh Day
Monkey Buffet Festival (Thailand)
Moquegua City Foundation Day (Peru)
Mousetrap Day
National Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Lap Dance Day
National Natural Fibers Day
National Play with Dad
National Rugby Day
National Shopping Reminder Day
Pig Day (French Republic)
SAK Meatless Day
Shopping Reminder Day [1 Month 'till Xmas]
Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence begins [ends 12.10]
Vajiravudh Memorial Day (Thailand)
White Ribbon Day (Australia, UK)
Women's Merrymaking Day
World Safari Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Egg Fried Rice Day (China)
National “Eat with a Friend” Day
National Parfait Day
4th & Last Saturday in November
Canadian Craft Beer Day [Last Saturday]
ClauWau begins (a.k.a. Santa Claus World Championships; Switzerland) [Last Saturday]
Holodomor Remembrance Day (Ukraine) [4th Saturday]
International Aura Awareness Day [4th Saturday]
Minnesota Pint Day (a.k.a. MN Pint Day; Minnesota) [Saturday after Black Friday]
Saturday after Thanksgiving (US) [4th Saturday] (a.k.a. ... 
Buy Nothing Day (UK)
Small Business Saturday
Swine Time Festival (Climax, Georgia)
Turkey Leftovers Day
World Day of Giving ‘Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Duaktoserija (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Ongal (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Statehood Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Suriname (a.k.a. Srefidensi; from the Netherlands, 1975)
Feast Days
Bitterness Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Catherine Labouré (Christian; Saint)
Catherine of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Elizabeth of Reute (Christian; Saint)
Erasmus (a.k.a. Elme; Christian; Saint)
Gazpacho Soup Day (Pastafarian)
Isaac Watts (Lutheran Church and Church of England)
James Otis Sargent Huntington (Episcopal Church)
Lucy the Australopithecine Discovery Day (Pastafarian)
Maurice Denis (Artology)
Media Autumnus IV (Pagan)
Persephone (a.k.a. Kore; celebration for the Goddess of Vegetation; Ancient Greece)
Richelieu (Positivist; Saint)
Tom Turkey (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Aladdin (Animated Disney Film; 1992)
Anticipation, by Carly Simon (Song; 1971)
The Artist (Film; 2011)
The Beatles: Get Back (Documentary Series; 2021)
The Bodyguard (Film; 1992)
Brooklyn (Film; 2015)
A Bug’s Life (Animated Pixar Film; 1998)
Caveman Inki (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Creed (Film; 2015)
The Croods: A New Age (Animated Film; 2020)
Ferdinand the Bull (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Frozen: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Album; 2013)
Gentlemen Jim (Film; 1942)
Geri’s Game (Pixar Cartoon; 1998)
Giantland (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Good Dinosaur (Animated Film; 2015)
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (TV Special; 2022)
Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne (Novel; 1864)
The Last Waltz (Concert Film; 1976)
Lego Scooby-Doo! Knight Time Terror (WB Animated Film; 2015)
Let It Go, by Idina Menzel (Song; 2013)
New Wave Hookers (Adult Film; 1985)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Film; 1987)
The Princess and the Frog (Animated Disney Film; 2009)
The Saint Steps In, by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1943) [Saint #25]
Sevens, by Garth Brooks (Album; 1997)
Slide, Donald, Slide (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
Spotlight (Film; 2015)
Three Men and a Baby (Film; 1987)
Tintin in Tibet, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1960) [Tintin #20]
Walter Woolfe, or the Doom of the Drinker, by Thomas Dunn English (Novel; 1842)
You Always Hurt the One You Love, by The Mills Brothers (Song; 1944)
Today’s Name Days
Katharina, Kathrin, Katja (Austria)
Kliment, Klimentina (Bulgaria)
Erazmo, Katarina (Croatia)
Kateřina (Czech Republic)
Catharina (Denmark)
Kaarin, Kadi, Kadri, Kadrin, Karin, Katariina, Kati, Katre, Katri, Katrin, Triin, Triina, Triinu (Estonia)
Kaarina, Kaija, Kaisa, Kaisu, Katariina, Kati, Katja, Katri, Katriina, Riina (Finland)
Catherine (France)
Katharina, Kathrin, Katja, Jasmin (Germany)
Aikaterine, Aikaterini, Katerina, Merkourios (Greece)
Katalin (Hungary)
Caterina (Italy)
Kate, Katrīna, Trīne (Latvia)
Germilė, Kotryna, Santautas (Lithuania)
Kari, Katarina, Katrine (Norway)
Erazm, Jozafat, Katarzyna, Tęgomir (Poland)
Ecaterina (Romania)
Katarína (Slovakia)
Catalina (Spain)
Katarina, Katja (Sweden)
Caitlin, Caitlyn, Carina, Caryn, Catherine, Cathleen, Cathy Kaitlin, Kaitlynn, Kara, Karen, Kari, Karina, Kate, Katelyn, Katelynn, Katharine, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathryn, Kathy, Katie, Katrina, Treena, Trina, Trinity (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 329 of 2024; 36 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 47 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 13 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 12 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 29 Mir; Eightday [29 of 30]
Julian: 12 November 2023
Moon: 97%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Frederic (12th Month) [Richelieu]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 63 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 4 of 30)
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webnewsify1 · 1 year
Why is June celebrated as Pride month: All you need to now about 
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June is recognized as Pride Month, paying homage to the individuals who participated in the gay liberation protests known as the Stonewall Riots back in 1969. Pride Day is commemorated on the 28th of June annually. History of Pride month In 1969, the Stonewall Inn gay bar in Manhattan's Greenwich Village was raided by police, resulting in riots and sparking a lengthy fight for the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals in American society as well as ensuring their rights. The pride month's origins can be traced back to this event. The modern American gay rights movement was initiated by the happenings during the end of June and start of July in 1969 in New York. A series of confrontations between Stonewall Inn customers and police officers, who frequently conducted raids on the bar and detained homosexuals under the morality legislation of that time, led to a week of brutal conflicts on Christopher Street which became known as the Stonewall riots. In 2015, the US Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriages throughout all 50 states of America. In India, recognition as a "third gender" was granted to transgender individuals in 2014 and in 2017, the right to privacy was acknowledged as protecting one's sexual orientation by the Supreme Court. The decriminalization of homosexuality was achieved by the landmark ruling in 2018 which invalidated a colonial-era law. In 2022, the highest court upheld that same-sex couples or unmarried partners are eligible to receive welfare benefits. Legal same-sex marriages are permitted in the following countries: New Zealand (2013), Uruguay (2013), Denmark (2012), Argentina (2010), Portugal (2010), Iceland (2010), Sweden (2009), Norway (2008), South Africa (2006), Spain (2005), Canada (2005), Belgium (2003), and The Netherlands (2000) Costa Rica (2020), Northern Ireland (2019), Ecuador (2019), Taiwan (2019), Austria (2019), Australia (2017), Malta (2017), Germany (2017), Colombia (2016), United States (2015), Greenland (2015), Ireland (2015), Finland (2015), Luxembourg (2014), Scotland (2014), England and Wales (2013), Brazil (2013), France (2013). Besides the US, nations such as India, UK, Canada, Brazil, Austria, Ireland, and New Zealand also observe the month of June as pride month. Also Read: Good Friday 2023: All You Need To Know About Read the full article
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slenderframe71 · 1 year
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One of Australia’s biggest music stars has revealed the reason he felt “lucky” as the pandemic forced the country’s entertainment industry to almost shut down entirely.
Matt Corby will release his first new album in five years on Friday, with a sneak preview track to be released on Wednesday.
Speaking to NCA NewsWire, the Byron-based singer said the Covid-19 lockdowns came just as he had finished a whirlwind tour, and he spent the time plucking away on personal projects while he was unable to work as usual.
“For me, I was at the end of the cycle – I was quite lucky because I’d come off a lot of touring,” he said.
“I was probably one of the lucky ones – I needed a break – so for me, it was good.
“It gave me a chance to build (the studio). It used to be the garage of the house, and that was a great project to undertake during that period.”
Corby, who founded RVR – Rainbow Valley Records – said he spent a lot of his lengthy hiatus producing lots of new music for other artists.
“Last year I made maybe five records, covers, EPs and a few singles for people while I was hard at work as a producer,” he said.
However, not everyone enjoyed the down time as much, with Corby explaining his friends in the industry were hit hard by the turbulence.
“The only thing that was hard was seeing a lot of my friends in the industry quite down, not being able to make money,” he said.
“Most of my friends exist in roles in the music industry – they’re audio engineers, they’re stage techs, they run festivals. Most of them have taken up a second trade, definitely not having a good time. I was on the phone a lot to everyone.”
The former Australian Idol runner-up’s comments come as new research reveals just how hard the pandemic rocked the entertainment industry across Australia, with the majority of performers still trying to adjust to post-Covid performing.
Research conducted by Wild Turkey found 85 per cent of aspiring musicians around the country are struggling to recover from the disruption of the past few years, with 9 in 10 agreeing it is now harder to catch a break in the industry.
The survey also found 17 per cent of artists are struggling to find support to build their careers, with Corby now teaming up with Wild Turkey to help one artist achieve their dream.
Up-and-comers have been encouraged to apply for Music 101, a bespoke mentoring program that will provide one artist with a recording studio on wheels, and private mentorship from the Brother hitmaker.
“It means a lot to me actually,” Corby said.
“It’s the sort of a role I’m already taking on somewhat through the little label that I run and through the production work that I do.”
The program will allow the chosen artist to travel around on a national tour with Corby, as well as other well-known artists.
“I love the idea of the mentorship program,” Corby said. “I love the idea of kicking around Australia and providing another platform for aspiring musicians to get a go.”
Alongside Wild Turkey, Corby has crafted a “first of it’s kind” mobile music home equipped with a recording studio, bar and live stage.
Fans who attend the national tour can sip on Wild Turkey bourbon from the bar while artists play from the stage or record a demo in the back.
Anyone who would like to apply for the mentoring spot can do so here.
Corby, who was runner up on Australian Idol in 2007, won the hearts of millions with his top hits “Brother” and “Resolution” in 2011 and 2013 respectively.
His new album “Everything’s Fine” is out on Friday, but Corby said there’s no real theme to his newest release.
“It’s just an interesting collection of songs,” he said.
“I think there’s no real strong theme through the whole thing. Every time I stumbled across a vibe in the studio that felt good, we just put it down and it’s kind of nice just to make a record like that.
“I think each song does just stand alone as its own little piece, and it was very tricky putting it in sequential order.
“Apparently there’s over a million combinations.”
One song in particular, set to be released a day before the full album drops, is “very emotional” for Corby, even making him shed a tear.
“It‘s a bit of a slow jam, very emotional,” he said.
“We shot a very good live clip, which even made me shed a tear, which is rare for me. I’m not a big crier. I watched it back and I was like, ‘This is amazing.’”
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brookstonalmanac · 21 days
Events 5.23 (after 1950)
1951 – Tibetans sign the Seventeen Point Agreement with China. 1960 – A tsunami caused by an earthquake in Chile the previous day kills 61 people in Hilo, Hawaii. 1971 – Seventy-eight people are killed when Aviogenex Flight 130 crashes on approach to Rijeka Airport in present-day Rijeka, Croatia (then the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia). 1971 – The Intercontinental Hotel in Bucharest opens, becoming the second-tallest building in the city. 1992 – Italy's most prominent anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone, his wife and three body guards are killed by the Corleonesi clan with a half-ton bomb near Capaci, Sicily. His friend and colleague Paolo Borsellino will be assassinated less than two months later, making 1992 a turning point in the history of Italian Mafia prosecutions. 1995 – The first version of the Java programming language is released. 1998 – The Good Friday Agreement is accepted in a referendum in Northern Ireland with roughly 75% voting yes. 2002 – The "55 parties" clause of the Kyoto Protocol is reached after its ratification by Iceland. 2006 – Alaskan stratovolcano Mount Cleveland erupts. 2008 – The International Court of Justice (ICJ) awards Middle Rocks to Malaysia and Pedra Branca (Pulau Batu Puteh) to Singapore, ending a 29-year territorial dispute between the two countries. 2013 – A freeway bridge carrying Interstate 5 over the Skagit River collapses in Mount Vernon, Washington. 2014 – Seven people, including the perpetrator, are killed and another 14 injured in a killing spree near the campus of University of California, Santa Barbara. 2015 – At least 30 people are killed as a result of floods and tornadoes in Texas, Oklahoma, and northern Mexico. 2016 – Two suicide bombings, conducted by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, kill at least 45 potential army recruits in Aden, Yemen. 2016 – Eight bombings are carried out by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in Jableh and Tartus, coastline cities in Syria. One hundred eighty-four people are killed and at least 200 people injured. 2017 – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte declares martial law in Mindanao, following the Maute's attack in Marawi. 2021 – A cable car falls from a mountain near Lake Maggiore in northern Italy, killing 14 people. 2021 – Ryanair Flight 4978 is forced to land by Belarusian authorities to detain dissident journalist Roman Protasevich. 2022 – Anthony Albanese of the Australian Labor Party is sworn in as the 31st Prime Minister of Australia after winning the 2022 Australian federal election, ending 9 years of conservative rule.
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