#aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi
samkerrworshipper · 2 months
no cause i’m laughing at the australian culture deep dive that happened today
tomorrow it’ll be milo and the significance of afl as a cultural impact
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christiancagesupporter · 10 months
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Baby mark davis
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sneefsnorf · 10 months
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nakedphany20 · 11 months
Mark Davis just return to the ring with his partner Kyle and now they are ROH Tag Team Champions... Dude I feel bad for Lucha Bros but I'm not mad for Aussie Open wins, I'm just shock
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Stray Kids' Bang Chan and Felix Catch Up with Eric Nam | DAEBAK SHOW S2 EP1
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modernday-jay · 2 years
how cursed would a vb au but its set in a British public highschool and Arthur is their mutual homie who is trying to get them to fuck? all whilst they're trying not to fail their tests
does that mean we get the possibility of alfred/allen/arthur chav?? then yes i agree with this idea. however... why have british public school when it can be australian?
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The Lucky Australian
Authors note: I wrote this a while ago. On a chilly April morning, I had never heard this song before and I fucking cried my eyes out when I did, this chapter obviously inspired by ANZAC day, this is a little diversion and I promise happier chapters after this. It has meaning to me, and to every Australian. I would highly recommend you listen to the song.
~~ 43 And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda ~~
And how well I remember that terrible day
How our blood stained the sand and the water
And of how in that hell that they called Suvla Bay
We were butchered like lambs at the slaughter
Johnny Turk, he was waiting, he'd primed himself well
He showered us with bullets and he rained us with shell
And in five minutes flat, he'd blown us all to hell
Nearly blew us right back to Australia
The year had marched on and entered a new one, rolling around to April. Aurora had been so excited to take Henry out more now that she had dubbed him an honorary Australian. First up was the royal easter show, it was massive and so easy to blend in that no one had noticed him, he was able to go through the whole day just enjoying show food, rides, more food, and exhibitions, before stopping at the showbag pavilion before dragging his tired and sunburnt body home.
Here, he lay though, cracking an eye open as an alarm rang out in the dark somewhere. He felt Aurora stir besides him as she rolled over to grab her phone.
“What time is it?” he asked groggily.
“It’s time to get up, this we cant be late for” Aurora made her way towards the bathroom to shower.
Staring at the ceiling he moved his tired body towards the running water, stepping into the bathroom he closed his eyes as the light assaulted his still adjusting vision.
He looked at Aurora in the shower, undressing himself before joining her.
“So, can you tell me what it is we’re doing today?”
Aurora nodded up at him as she began soaping up his body and washing his back, one of his favourite things she did for him.
“Today is a little more sombre. We’re going to a dawn service”
“For what?”
“ANZAC day”
He stood there enjoying her hands rub away the sleep still in his muscles. Aurora must’ve sensed his confusion.
“Have you not heard about it? You guys have Remembrance Day, which we do too, but ANZAC day is remembering the landing of our troops at Gallipoli”
“I know of it, but not all of it, given I’m British” Henry muttered.
“I don’t think you would be considering its more Australian History, but ill tell you…”
Aurora’s soft voice filled the shower as she finished soaping his back, turning him around to soap his chest, He smiled down at her as she finished her task, moving on to grab his shampoo and suds his hair.
“So, that’s why we are going to a dawn service at the ANZAC memorial. I thought it would be something that you would want to be a part of?”
“For sure, you know my family. If I am an honorary aussie, I should know this. What do we do after?”
“Play 2-up at the pub and drink”
Henry chuckled and nodded, stepping out of the shower as Aurora turned the water off, both getting ready for the day.
There he stood, at the Cenotaph holding a candle, Aurora bundled to his side in the April chill. He looked around him at the hundreds of other people that came to pay their respects, the city unnervingly quiet.
“They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We will remember them.”
He heard murmurs around him, Aurora one of them as the crowd responded “We will remember them. Lest we forget”
Their hushed voices fell as the Last post began. The sombre bugle call reverberating in the darkness, commemorating the ANZACs all at their final rest.
The sadness rippled through the crowd, its hard to describe the feeling of loss for someone you’ve never met, trying to imagine these young men and women who were called upon for their country. Who left their lives to go fight the war of old men. Not all war is necessary and when you look at the loss of life, of good lives, of everyday people there doesn’t seem to be much of an excuse for a few bratty people in positions of power constantly trying to assert that dominance. Lives were and are ruined, displaced, and ended. All for what? Power, land greed?
It’s unfair. Even now, soldiers don’t come back unharmed. The physical stuff is easy to see, the mental stuff far more insidious and harder to break through. No one should see war or endure it, whether its fighting or fleeing.
Henry felt the pang of utter sadness, he knew all too well the worry of having family in the armed forces, hoping to never get that phone call or telegram or letter they’ve died in battle. His heart heavy in chest at the utter despair and fear those who served would’ve felt as they landed at Gallipoli, they were lambs to a slaughter, too little prepared and still the pushed on, their comrades falling in front, beside and behind them. All for their loved ones, all for their country.
He looked towards Aurora, her head hung as she reached to wipe away a stray tear, he squeezed her a little tighter and rested his head on hers, he looked up to see the blood red of the dawn reaching out as if to bless the bronze statues standing at either end, the granite glittering with dew as the night made its leave.
The gathered crowd remained unbroken in their silence, in their respect, no one moved until the bugle sounded again, heads lifting to the sound as the service ended.
“Lest we forget” the MC finished.
Henry stayed with Aurora as they made their way to the memorial, laying down flowers among the many already at the feet of the ANZAC memorial. They both stood and stared at the space before them, lost in their own thoughts before Aurora gently tugged on his arm to move him away. They walked arm in arm in silence, Aurora leading him.
“Where to now?” His voice was small and fragile, as if almost afraid to speak. The emotion of the service still weighing on him.
“Lets find some food before the parade, we’re gonna need full bellies to drink on at the pub, then two up after 12”
“Why after 12?”
“Its illegal on any other day…” Aurora’s explanation began.
Aurora pulled him into a little café, the city slowly starting to move around them. After breakfast, she pulled them both along to the parade, both of them standing back to watch the old fella’s and the ladies march, young servicemen and women following behind them. The gold of their medals glittering in the weak morning sun contrasted against the khaki of their uniforms. Their sacrifices and continuing sacrifices not lost on those who stood aside watching them go, their silent thanks and support for all they did evident on their faces.
The parade ending, they dispersed, Henry in desperate need of a beer to lift his somber mood. Aurora smiled gently at him as she navigated the streets of Sydney. She nudged him as they walked and his arm wrapped around her, pulling her to his side. She held onto him, a silent pillar of comfort as they both processed the emotions of the day.
“Thank you for showing me that” Henry whispered. Aurora nodded
Soon enough, loud voices could be heard as they rounded a corner and they made their way to one of the many pubs that dotted the city.
“After all that, its time for a beer and to have some fun AZNAC style” Aurora said as she opened the door to the pub and stepped through, the decibels rising as he stepped in behind her. Here was the Australian spirit he had grown to love, on and off the battlefield.
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skaluli · 1 year
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based on thomas of ska's newest video and his version of australia
without the bg:
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this is satire dont kill me please i see the fire,, oh wait that might just be the bush fires .. . oH FUCK SHIT WAIT
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fazcinatingblog · 2 years
When Mason marked the ball 20 metres from goal and was lining up, everyone's chanting USA and then there's me going AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE
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richarlisonny · 10 months
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boysbeloving · 11 months
Ken (Perth) speaking English in his Aussie accent bless him
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steveharrington · 1 year
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mexifurfoof · 5 months
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another oc mallory
can u guess where she's from.. thats right!!!! antarctica!!
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nakedphany20 · 11 months
can I call Mark Davis, Marki Boo? he looks like a big bear and I wanna hug him so bad😭💕
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rennarita · 9 months
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adambudgebaybay · 8 months
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Feel like shit I just want him back
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