#au cordell walker
moosealecki · 4 months
𝑰 𝒘𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖
(𝑪𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓)
| Genre; comforting, compassion, kindness, flufffff
| Warnings; alcoholism, lots of comfort being needed. Mentions of loss.
| Pairings; Cordell x Reader
| a/n; This is my first attempt at writing fan fiction, and I feel quite nervous about it. However, I hope that whoever reads this small piece of writing enjoys it. I would be more than happy to receive requests for specific pairings or writing styles, and I welcome any tips and writing advice. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy reading my work. :)
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“ Another. ” Cordell had spoken in a low tone of voice. He was now on his fourth glass of whiskey, probably more than he should consume but he didn’t care. After losing Emily, and just returning from being undercover for what felt like months. That wound he tried to cover with a band-aide was slowly resurfacing rapidly.
Every night he find himself in the same place, same time, and same drink. He didn’t even notice the bartender that had served him for several nights was even new.
“that’s your fourth one for the night, you sure you want another?” (Y/N) had asked the already somewhat intoxicated ranger who sat before her. She had noticed him from previous nights. He had became a regular at this point, knowing exactly what he wanted before he even ordered. But this time (Y/N) was just slightly curious what his story was, why he came here at the same time, every night.
Cordell would lift his hazel colored hues up at the woman, as he rolled his eyes. “I’m paying aren’t I? Just serve me suga’”
(Y/N) wouldn’t hesitate to get the man what he wanted, but this time she poured it and stayed.
“Is there something else I can get you? Maybe a bottle of water?” She knew she was stepping on thin ice. Cordell’s eyes didn’t leave the liquid in that small glass. “Why is everyone so worried about what I do? I said I’M FINE.” throwing back the liquid that burned its way down his throat. Clenching his eyes shut for a moment, he took a deep breath, shaking his head. “I—I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to raise my voice. I just—I lost my wife around this time last year, my capt already put me on probation and here I am rambling away my problems to a complete stranger... I'm Cordell.” (Y/N) didn’t leave the spot she stood in, taking a breath as she listened to the man. She didn’t say anything only reaching to refill his glass. From the sounds of it, he needed it. "well Cordell, we all have a story. I'm (Y/N) by the way, let me know if there is anything else I can get you."
Cordell couldn't help but slither a smirk along his lips. He knew at that exact moment he was definitely intoxicated, he couldn't help but check her out as she walked away. Maybe a distraction is what he needed, or maybe he just needed to let out what he felt. A few shots later, the ranger would be stumbling to his truck before falling against it. (Y/N) would hear the sound of him crashing against his truck, she would finish locking up the doors to the bar--walking over, arms folded across her chest. She bent down near him as she shook her head. "Let's get you home." She spoke in a soft tone of voice. She wasn't about to leave him intoxicated in the parking lot of the now-empty bar. Being the person she was, she cared deeply--even for those who didn't deserve it.
After figuring out his address, she pulled into the gravel of the driveway. Helping him inside before plopping him down onto the couch in his living room. Cordell would mumble under his lips. "Please, don't go. Don't leave me." She felt uncertain of this, taking a seat next to him anyway despite how she generally felt about it.
Cordell rolled over onto her lap, resting his arms and head against her legs. She didn't know what to do, so she just stayed. Her fingers moved through his locks of curls. Maybe he just needed a little comfort, from the looks of it he had seemed like he was all alone.
"Shh, Shh, I'm not going anywhere. Just relax, sleep." She cooed into his ear. Cordell relaxed further into her lap. His hands rested against her legs. It felt comforting to have someone there, even if he didn't recall exactly what was happening. "Thank you, thank you for not leaving me, I never want you to leave me again..." and with those words spoken the ranger fell asleep. At that moment, she knew he had to be referring to his wife. But she continued to brush her fingers through his hair, as she let him fall into a slumber with her there.
| a/u; I'm open to writing a part two to this post. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll make it happen!
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The Long Road Home Chapter 5
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4
Relationship(s): Cordell Walker & Liam Walker, Cordell Walker & Micki Ramirez, Cordell Walker & Stella Walker & August Walker
Tags/Warnings: PTSD, Psycogenic Mutism, Mute Cordell Walker, Therapist Micki Ramirez, Misophonia, Hallucinations, Insomnia, Hurt/Comfort, Dissociation, Hurt, Pyschological Trauma, Trauma Recovery, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Alternate Universe- Canon Divergence
Story Summary: Cordell Walker, Texas Ranger, was undercover for 11 months. He went dark for several of them. When he finally came back online, he wasn't the same man he was when he left. What happened and how will he recover?
An alternate universe exploration of Walker coming home.
Chapter Summary: Cordell is home and the family can't seem to decide on how to handle his recovery. Thank goodness Micki has his back.
Taglist (if you would like to be added, let me know!): @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
Cordell has been home for a while now. Liam got him situated in the farmhouse that Mom and Dad finished up in his absence. Ideally, the kids will be moving in there with him one day. For now, they’ll stay at the main ranch house with everyone else.
August was the first one to break the silence on this issue. “Can we see him? Now that he’s home, I mean.”
“Uh, well….”
“It’s a yes or no question,” Stella snapped. “Can we see our dad or not?”
Liam sighed. “You can, just not right now. Your dad needs time to…decompress first. You can see him when he’s ready.”
“Well, when will he be ready then?” Stella asked.
“I’m not sure.” It was the most honest thing Liam had told them since Cordell went dark. “He…. He’s just not in a good place right now. He’ll bounce back eventually. We just need to give him time.”
“How much time? What’s even wrong with him?”
“He’s just dealing with a lot right now. I don’t know how much longer it will be. Just…. Be patient, okay?”
Stella huffed and got up. “Whatever. Come on, Auggie. We’re gonna be late for school.”
His mother watched the kids storm out and turned to him. “They deserve to see their father,” she started
“Not like this,” Liam cut in. “Cordi- He’s not who he used to be. He doesn’t talk. He barely eats. He barely sleeps. He has a hand tremor.  He- he’s not in his right mind most of the time as far as I can see.” Not that Liam ever really knew what was going on in his head. “I know they want to see him and I know he wants to see them too but- I don’t want them to see him like this. Maybe when he’s better….” The If he ever gets better went unspoken.
“Maybe you should explain that a little better than,” Bonham cut in. “He’s their father. Doesn’t he deserve to see his kids.”
“When they can see him without being traumatized, I’ll think about it,” Liam snapped back. “I just- I get it. I do. I know they want to see each other and live together again but…. I just don’t think they can deal with Cordi the way he is now. And he needs to be able to focus on getting better without worrying about how they’re coping with it. Keeping them apart is the best thing for them for now.”
That’s what Liam was going to keep telling himself anyway.
It had been almost a month since he came home and Cordell was used to being alone at this point. Liam was the only one that came to visit him (though it seemed weird to call it a visit since they were all living on the same property) and that was mostly after work, sometimes in the morning if it was a weekend. 
He always asked Liam when Stella and August would start coming over but his brother kept brushing him off with one excuse or another about homework or ‘adjustment periods’. Cordell didn’t need to be a mind-reader to know Liam was lying through his teeth. He knew why Stella and August weren’t coming over. Liam probably didn’t want them to see him like this.
But he needed to see his kids. He needed to hold them and hug them and know that they were okay and that they didn’t hate him. Was that too much to ask?
All that to say, he was very surprised when he heard the front door to the house unlock without Liam’s usual telltale greeting.
“Hello? Dad? Are you up?”
Cordell dashed to the entryway and was greeted with the sight of not one but two children. His children.
He wanted to say something. He couldn’t, but he so badly wanted to. He settled for holding out his arms to catch them in a hug.
For the first time in a long time, the thought of human touch didn’t terrify him. It had been far too long since he held his children in his arms. He held them tight, relishing in the fact that he was home and his children were here and they were all safe.
After a few minutes of just silent hugging, Stella and August pulled away. Cordell managed to keep a hold on their shoulders and led them to the living area so they could sit and talk. Well, sit and communicate.
“Are you okay, Dad?” August asked, brow furrowed in concern.
Cordell shrugged and scanned the coffee table for the notepad he used to “talk”. He grabbed it once they were all sitting on the couch and tried not to let their confusion bother them. He wondered what Liam had told them about him. I’m as okay as I can be right now. And I’m so happy to see you two.
Stella’s eyes flicked between the notepad and his face. “... You can’t talk?”
Well, that answered one question. I guess your Uncle Liam didn’t tell you much about my condition?
Stella shook her head. “He’s not telling us anything. He just keeps saying that you need time to ‘decompress’ and that he’ll let us see you when you’re ‘ready’.”
August bit his lower lip. “....You’re never going to be ready enough for Uncle Liam, are you?”
Cordell shook his head. I think I’m too broken for that.
“You’re not broken! You’re just- You’re different. And that’s okay. You’re still- You’re our dad. That’s not going to change. Ever.” The fire in Stella’s eyes was as comforting as it could be frightening. “We still want to live with you. We miss you.”
Cordell swallowed hard and blinked back some very proud tears. It won’t be easy. I’m different in a lot of ways. I don’t talk. I have a hard time sleeping. I react badly to loud noises. Eating is hit or miss. I dissociate a lot and I don’t react well to unexpected touches. I want to live with you too but I understand if this is too much for you.
“It won’t be,” August promised. “It won’t be easy but…. We’ll learn. You’re seeing a therapist, right? Can we talk to them? They can help us figure it out, right?”
He nodded. Micki would definitely be on board with helping and she wouldn’t sugarcoat it for any of them. I can ask her if she can sit down with all of us and advise us on that. He hoped she would. He wanted this so badly, and he could tell the kids did too.
“Stella?! August?!” Liam burst through the back door. “Cordi have you seen-” He stopped and stared when he saw them sitting on the couch together. “Oh. There you are.”
August smiled sheepishly while Stella just glared at him.
Liam coughed awkwardly. “Uh, Cordi, can we talk? Alone?”
“No,” Stella said before he could respond. “You wanna say something, say it to all of us.”
Liam pressed his lips into a thin smile. “Alright. Well, first of all, you two could’ve left a note. Or told someone where you were going.”
“None of you would’ve let us come over if we told you,” August muttered.
“Second,” Liam continued, not acknowledging his nephew, “There’s a reason I didn’t want you coming over here yet. I’ve told you, your dad’s just not ready.”
Cordell glowered at Liam, who suddenly turned to face him. “You should’ve turned them away. Or at least let me know where they were.”
Cordell picked up his notepad. Sorry my excitement over seeing my kids for the first time in almost a year was inconvenient for you.
Liam set his jaw. “Well, you’ve had your family time. It’s time to go back.”
“Fine,” Stella snapped. “But we’re coming back again.”
“No, you’re not. Not until your father-”
“He is ready!” Stella argued. “And so are we. We can start living together and-and help him! We want to!”
“That’s not for you to decide,” Liam said sternly. “Come on, it’s time for both of you to come help Mawline with dinner. Now.”
Stella glared but otherwise stayed silent as Liam led them out of the house. Cordell thought the house had never felt lonelier than it did after they left.
“Honey, let me help.”
Cordell let go of the folded clothes his mother apparently thought he couldn’t handle putting away by himself.
He knew she cared. He knew she was just trying to help. He knew she thought she was doing the right thing. He was still irritated at her hovering mother henning.
After the incident when Stella and August snuck over to see him, Liam had allowed their parents to start making visits if they wanted but the kids were on lockdown. Cordell appreciated getting to see his parents again, of course he did. He just wished it didn’t come with the same obvious overbearing judgment that Liam held.
“Have you eaten anything today? Let me make you some lunch.”
I’m not hungry he couldn’t say. I can barely stomach toast most days. I probably won’t be able to eat whatever you’re making. She probably wouldn’t listen to him even if he could say it.
He was starting to miss the quiet of an empty house.
His mother took over the kitchen and sent him to the living room to wait. So, he sat on the couch and waited as instructed. Nevermind that he could make his own lunch or at least help. Yes, his hand tremor made it difficult for him to hold a knife but he could stir a pot or set out ingredients or something.
Oh well.
He sat on the couch and waited. As he waited, his mind wandered. And wandered. And wandered.
The thing about his dissociation episodes is that he couldn’t really control or predict when they happened. One moment he would feel perfectly fine, the next he’d realize hours had passed and he hadn’t moved or drank water for any of it without even realizing. This wasn’t like “zoning out” in class or daydreaming in the office. Being so completely out of it that he was unaware of his own body, let alone the rest of the world, was scary. Especially so when it took him a while to “come back” to awareness. Micki said it was likely a holdover survival technique his brain developed when he was in captivity and that it would lessen over time as he started to heal and realize he was safe at home. He didn’t see that happening anytime soon but he trusted her.
The biggest trouble with his episodes was that it was pretty much impossible for anyone to tell he was in one. Aside from Micki, that is. Which led to trouble.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and he abruptly stood up, pushing the person away.
He didn’t realize who it was until he heard his mother cry out.
He stared at her dumbly. She stared back with wide eyes that held more than a hint of fear. His mouth formed around an apology that wouldn’t come out.
“I…. I’ll be outside,” she said eventually. “Your lunch is on the counter. Eat all of it, please.”
The door slammed shut behind her, and Cordell wondered if maybe his brother was right after all.
Liam was a little surprised when Micki insisted on meeting the entire family, but perhaps he shouldn’t have been. Abeline was happy to invite her to dinner and get to know the woman that was putting her son back together.
Dinner was a cordial affair with polite conversation, all of them avoiding the topic of Cordell’s condition. Liam wanted that to last a little longer, preferably the whole evening. But he should’ve known Micki had a reason for wanting to come over in the first place.
“That was a lovely dinner, Mrs. Walker.”
“Call me Abby.”
Micki smiled. “Abby then. Now, I hate to kill the mood but there’s something important we need to talk about regarding Cordell’s treatment.”
Silence fell over the table, none of the Walkers knowing quite how to react. Micki took it in stride; she was probably used to having conversations like this.
“I’ve been talking with Cordell about how he’s settling in and I think we need to make some adjustments. The first of which is that Liam can’t be the only one dictating his schedule and who’s allowed to see him.”
Liam clenched his jaw. “I’m trying to do the right thing for my brother.”
“I’m sure you are. But Cordell feels…unheard. It’s going to be a lot harder for him to adjust and recover if he doesn’t have a say. You can’t just lock him inside until he’s ‘fixed’. Isolation like that actually has a good chance of making his condition worse. I understand that wasn’t your intention, and that’s why I wanted to have this meeting now. I think it’s important that everyone is on the same page as far as what Cordell needs for his recovery.”
“Well, what would you recommend then?” Liam asked, unable to stop a note of irritation from slipping in.
“I think we need to look at creating a timeline for Stella and August to start living with him.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Abby cut in. “We’ve been testing things out with him and…. I’m not sure he’s ready.”
“Maybe he isn’t. Or maybe he is and the rest of you just need better education on how to live with him. Cordell wants to live with him, and I understand they want to make that move too.” Micki glanced at the kids for confirmation and they nodded. “I think this could be beneficial for Cordell and give him a good goal to work toward. It’s not going to happen overnight; I need to work with him on communicating his needs and Stella and August need to learn how to deal with his condition so they don’t accidentally trigger him.”
“And you’re sure this is a good idea?”
Micki cut Liam a look. “You don’t?”
“I’m just not sure he’s ready for that.”
“As his therapist, I think he is. You’re welcome to disagree but, seeing as I know a little more about trauma recovery than you do, I’ll be taking the lead on what is or isn’t good for his treatment. Is that okay with you?”
Liam nodded. He couldn’t argue with that. “Sure. We’ll give it a shot.”
He just hoped she knew what she was doing.
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findyourrp · 7 months
I'm in dire need of roleplaying partners. I have an OC, and I prefer to roleplay as her, but I don't mind doing doubles and being a character for your OC. I would appreciate it if you could write three sentences to a paragraph. I don't expect novels, but a story can't be built with little to no description and dialog. AUs and Canon are welcome. I do like dark, taboo, and fluff. I am 30 years old and turning 31 in December of 2023. I write NSFW! If you don't like NSFW, that's fine. Don't interact with this post. I need NSFW. I do understand that is not everyone's cup of tea, and I respect that, but don't ask me to be SFW. I have a lot of ideas and plots, and I'm in a lot of fandoms. But I am looking for very specific fandoms and characters. I use tumblr and Discord. =^.^=
Marvel: Bucky, Steve
Supernatural: Dean, Sam, John, Arthur Ketch
Law and Order: SVU: Bensen, Stabler, Carisi, Barba
Chicago Fire: Severide
Criminal Minds: Morgan, Prentiss
Stranger Things: Hopper, Billy
Rizzoli and Isles: Rizzoli, Isles, or both
Walker: Cordell Walker
Henry Cavill characters, all movies
Jeffrey Dean Morgan characters, NEGAN lol
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peachparakeet · 6 months
2023 Walkerverse Fanfiction Awards
Here's my choices for @theladywyn's fanfic awards event. Thank you to everyone who wrote fanfiction this year—I read so many great stories! Special shoutout to both @theladywyn and @walker-extended-universe for carrying the Walker fanfiction community. You guys are phenomenal!
+Favorite Character Centric Fic
Randall's Story by Descended_from_Hufflepuffs (@walker-extended-universe)
The title explains it all. Randall gets the love that he deserves. Honestly, we need more Randall fic.
+Favorite Angst Fic
when your floorboards start to rot, pray there are not bodies buried beneath by @theladywyn
His fist connects with real solid flesh and there’s a familiar surprised cry. Cassie.
A beautiful fic about accepting your past and learning how to be vulnerable. Plus, it really showcases Cordell and Cassie's relationship.
+Favorite AU (completely new setting) fic
Of Love and Honor by Descended_from_Hufflepuffs (@walker-extended-universe)
Cordell is the knight assigned to Princess Emily's personal protection. They were never meant to fall in love, but they do.
This is perfect for anyone who enjoys secret lover fics. For only a little more than a thousand words, it really ropes you into their relationship!
+Favorite AU (divergence from canon event) fic
See No Evil by sakuranomi808
An Alternate Universe story where Cordell doesn't leave for his undercover case with the Rodeo Kings after Emily's death and Liam becomes the District Attorney. Some things stay the same and some things very drastically change.
What can I say? This fic is beautifully written. It's a fascinating exploration into morality vs legality. It's the perfect mix of unsettling and tense and had me on the edge of my seat at times!
+Favorite WIP (a fic not yet finished)
What are the odds? by Descended_from_Hufflepuffs (@walker-extended-universe)
A strange coincidence leads to a mix up that our heroes may never recover from.... Assuming anyone realizes the mistake. Or: in which Cordell dies and Sam gets mistaken as a Texas Ranger.
An intriguing SPN/Walker fic. I would absolutely love to see where this goes. It sets up so much potential for a good emotional hurt/comfort fic!
+Favorite Episode Tag/Missing Scene Fic
To Lead Me Home by sakuranomi808
Timestamp between 3x15 and 3x16. A quiet, emotional moment between brothers when Cordell returns home to the ranch.
A sweet moment between the brothers shows how much their relationship has evolved since the beginning of the show.
+Favorite Sick!Fic
Hold my hair, Wipe my face by slytheringraven (@the-slythering-raven)
Cassie Perez really really should have stayed home today. She even had all her medical leaves intact because she never got sick. Until now, that is..
Such a cute story! This fic just highlights all that I love about Cordell and Cassie.
+Favorite Hurt/Comfort Fic
there's a white flag waiting just to find out what we're made of by @theladywyn
Things go very wrong at the medal ceremony for Cassie and August. 3x14 AU.
This is just *chefs kiss* This fic reminds us all why we hate Kevin Golden and why Cassie rules. As if it couldn't get any better, it also has such cute moments between Cassie and August!
+Favorite Ship Fic
Pounding Headache by Catxx
Trey keeps the fact that he gets migraines from Walker, which is fine until one hits.
Our Neck of the Woods by Descended_from_Hufflepuffs (@walker-extended-universe)
Liam convinced Ben to come out to one of the family cabins for a special couples get away. Ben still has his doubts but Liam can be very persuasive.
For those who like cozy, fluffy slash fic, these two are perfect for you!
+Fic You Can't Stop Thinking About
oh the past has no teeth, reaching for something it holds dear by @theladywyn
“I know I taught you better than that, Liam.” Cordell?! It’s been over twenty years since Liam last heard his big brother’s voice and he thinks this is it; he’s really and truly lost all his marbles.
Such an emotional fic! Had a few things gone differently in the show, I feel like this is something that could have happened.
+Funniest Fic
Tree Trouble by @theladywyn
AU. Firefighter!Cordell gets a call from Liam to rescue a cat stuck in a tree. This turns out to be a slight misunderstanding.
I knew right away that this was the funniest fic I've read this year. I absolutely adore the banter between the characters!
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allthevoicesx · 1 year
kodie's current muse list:
under the cut you will find the current (as of 6.02.23) muse list. keep in mind that the list will change, so check back.
9-1-1 / 9-1-1: Lone Star:
bobby nash
owen strand
henrietta wilson
madeleine buckley
edmundo diaz
carlos reyes
tim rosewater
tommy vega
william graham
hannibal lector
abigail hobbs
samuel hanna
kensi deeks
abigail scuito
timothy mcgee
lee dutton
bethany dutton
james hurdstrom
lloyd white
ryan cooper
colby smith
cordell walker
sam winchester / female!sam
dean winchester jr
CSI /CSI: Miami /CSI: New York
gilbert grissom
nick stokes
hugo ramirez
timothy speedle
calleigh duquense
eric delektorski
adam ross
seeley booth
zachariah addy
jack hodgins
Hawaii Five-0
steven mcgarrett
joe white
lou grover
max bergman
The Last of Us
joel miller
thomas miller
riley abel
william cooper
Harry Potter (all three are modern maurader aus)
sirius black
remus lupin
peter pettigrew
jason hayes
raymond perry
Stranger Things
james hopper
william byers
michael wheeler
nancy wheeler
robin buckley
billy hargrove
lucas sinclair
murray bauman
edward munson
Santa Clarita Diet
joel hammond
eric bemis
Criminal Minds
spencer reid
jason gideon
aaron hotchner
derek morgan
Sons of Anarchy
chibs telford
juice ortiz
opie winston
tig trager
nero padilla
bobby munson
joseph 'bear' graves
ricardo 'buddha' ortiz
dharma caulder-khan
jasmine dalton
Chicago P.D. | Med | Fire
william halstead
alvin olinsky
antonio dawson
justin voight
gregory gerwitz
ethan choi
robin charles
stella kidd
brian (otis) zvonecek
leslie shay
matthew casey
christopher herrmann
randall (mouch) mcholland
Critical Role
caleb widogast
fjord stone
chetney pock o'pea
vax'ildan vessar
essek thelyss
scanlan shorthalt
grog strongjaw
caduceus clay
mollymauk tealeaf
percival fredrickstein von musel klossowski de rolo III
jack dalton
OCs (fandom floaters; )
my ocs are free to fall into whatever fandom wants them, but for ease, i have listed their names, professions and playbys.
ryden keller | firefighter | (fc is james badge dale)
hunter ruttliff | police officer | (fc is jared padalecki)
geo anderson | nurse | (fc is sam witwer)
caleb greyson | EMT | (fc is liam o'brien)
bodie braylen | teacher | (fc is mark ballas)
bastion carver | EMT | (fc is travis willingham)
jae brewer | firefighter | (fc is taliesin jaffe)
hector garra | er nurse | (fc is joshua segarra)
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neon-mooni · 2 years
Somebody stop me from making a Supernatural Walker AU where it's basically this
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"Cordell's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in ten months."
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offorester · 7 months
[[Blogs you can find me on until I get my muse for Dean going: @stanfordprepped {Sam Winchester} @cordelliism {Cordell Walker} @ofmidnightrain {AU Emily Walker/Winchester} @stellabluewinchester {Au Stella Walker/Winchester} ]]
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lilithwolferp · 7 months
Roleplay Partners!
I'm in dire need of roleplaying partners. I have an OC, and I prefer to roleplay as her, but I don't mind doing doubles and being a character for your OC. I would appreciate it if you could write three sentences to a paragraph. I don't expect novels, but a story can't be built with little to no description and dialog. AUs and Canon are welcome. I do like dark, taboo, and fluff. I am 30 years old and turning 31 in December of 2023. So I prefer my partners to be my age. I have had issues with roleplaying with people in their 20s and I rather avoid any drama. I write NSFW! If you don't like NSFW that's fine, don't interact with this post. I need NSFW. I do understand that is not everyone's cup of tea and I respect that, but don't ask me to be SFW. I have a lot of ideas, plots, and I'm in a lot of fandoms. But I am looking for very specific fandoms and characters. Marvel: Bucky, Steve Supernatural: Dean, Sam, John, Arthur Ketch Law and Order: SVU: Bensen, Stabler, Carisi, Barba Chicago Fire: Severide Criminal Minds: Morgan, Prentiss Stranger Things: Hopper, Billy Rizzoli and Isles: Rizzoli, Isles, or both Walker: Cordell Walker Henry Cavill characters, all movies Jeffrey Dean Morgan characters, NEGAN lol
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rpsocsandcanonohmy · 10 months
Plotting/Starter Call
Trying this again; we'll see if I get bites
Please like this post if you're interested in me hopping in your DMs to plot a thread or if you would just like a starter. I'm willing to play anyone but the characters I'm feeling muse for are Sam WInchester (specifically Scorned Daughter AU) and Cordell Walker (specifically Henry Winchester verse)
*please only interact with this post if we've spoken/played before
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moosealecki · 2 months
Cordi x Micki - Unexpected Reunion
| ・゜゜・. we all love a little POV of characters returning, so here is my little blissful moment of writing one of my favorite duos on the show Walker. Not my best written work, just some dribble Drabble
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| pairings; cordi x micki
It was a normal Wednesday for the Texas ranger. Waking up and starting his daily routine.
Shower, dressed, bed made, and children fed.
“I’ll be working late tonight but call me if either of you need me.” kissing the top of Auggie and Stella’s head. Slipping on his hat and hopping into the truck as he drove out of the driveway. Upon arriving at the station, he didn’t think anything out of the ordinary. Walking inside the doors he made it over to his desk.
Few hours of rolling, it was now nightfall.
“Hey, a couple of us guys are going out to grab a drink, you want to tag along Walker?”
“Uh-no, I got a ton of paperwork to do, you guys go ahead. I’ll catch up later,” he said, never looking up from the screen.
“Right, don’t stay glued to that screen all night Walker, you deserve a break too.”
Cordell didn’t respond, only focusing on the computer screen. He was now alone in the station, it was quiet. He could hear the door opening and then closing as he let out a brief sigh. “Guys, seriously I’m fine.” He said again looking up only to his surprise it wasn’t the guys but Micki.
Standing to his feet quickly but in what felt like slow motion, Micki had a small smile on her lips as she waved. “Walker, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” She teased, Cordell finally catching the breath he was holding as he walked around the desk. He wasn’t sure if he was seeing things or if she was there. Almost hesitate to even hug her.
“M-Micki...” he mumbled out before finally lunging forward to wrap his arms around her. Closing his eyes he couldn’t shake the feeling this wasn’t real; she wasn’t back.
“Walker, don’t tell me you got all soft on me after all this time.” She pulled away, gripping his shoulders as she poked at him.
“What are you doing here? I mean great you’re here but.”
“No, I know what you mean, I have honestly been asking myself that same question.” Looking down as she sniffled a bit, it was hard for her to be here after leaving years prior. “ I meant to call to check in, but Walker. Cordell, I’m engaged, and I had a baby, things happened that I’d never think would.”
“No, no listen to me, I’m happy for you, proud of you, okay? It’s not your fault, I could’ve reached out to you too, just been crazy around here, with the kids, and losing the ranch, it’s a lot to process but I’m glad you are here. Remember you are family Mik, always will be.” he pressed his own hands against both sides of her shoulders, squeezing them in reassurance.
She would smile fighting back the tears that threatened to surface. Sniffling again, she opted to smile nervously instead. Nodding her head.
“Mik, I’m stoked you are here, but why are you here?”
“Cordi, I’m here because I need my best man woman, to walk me down the aisle, I need you.”
His eyes were wide for a moment, scratching the scruff on his face. “I- I mean are you sure? I uh- never turn down a good wedding.”
Punching his arm, she nodded. “Wouldn’t want it any other way, Beau.”
“Then count me in Flor.”
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Night Shift
Relationship(s): Cassie Perez/Cordell Walker
Tags/Warnings: Food Service, Customer Service, Bad Customers, Meet-Cute, Alternate Universe
Summary: Cassie has been working at her family's restaurant since she was "gently encouraged" to leave the Rangers after her partner was counted KIA. Things haven't been so hot for her since then, until a certain- very tall very handsome- customer gets seated in her section for a blind date
A/N: blame @theladywyn for this lol they got me on the Cassie/Cordell bandwagon
Taglist: @ihavepointysticks, @theladywyn, @klaatu51, @neptunium134, @itsjessiegirl1
Cassie took a deep breath, soaking in the cool night air. The front of house was a reasonable temperature but the kitchens (where she ended up spending far too much time) were nearly unbearably hot. One of the many reasons why she didn’t want to take this job. But she didn’t have much choice. After her partner went missing (not dead, she knew Miles wasn’t dead), she was “gently encouraged” to take a leave of absence “to clear her head”. Basically, she was fired for asking too many questions but they couldn’t actually fire her for that without getting slammed with a lawsuit so they did everything they could to make her want to quit. She hates that it worked.
So with nothing better to do and a hovering Grandmother who still has the energy to keep up with the family restaurant, she was “gently encouraged” to take on a few shifts to make up for the lack of staff. She shouldn’t be complaining. The family restaurant was hardly a legacy to sneeze at and the customers tipped well for the experience. She just hated how stuck she felt, like all the work she did climbing the law enforcement ladder was for nothing and she was still some awkward teenager scraping together nickels from the tip jar.
Her alarm went off, letting her know her break time was up. One more deep breath and she stepped back into the dull monotony of her daily existence.
“Customer just came in,” the hostess warned her. “I put him in your section; he looks like he tips well.”
Cassie thanked her and grabbed a menu before walking back out into the restaurant.
She clocked the new customer from across the room. He was so tall, it was impossible to miss him and the hat he set on the table only made him stand out more. He was alone but alternating between checking the doorway and his phone- waiting for someone? He dressed well; probably waiting on a date.
Another waiter bumped into her and she chided herself for getting lost in Investigator Mode before slapping on a smile and approaching his table. “Hello! Welcome to the Bar-B-Que Kingdom of Texas. I’m Cassie; I’ll be your waitress this evening. Can I start you off with something to drink?” The practiced spiel sounded stilted to her own ears as she handed him the menu; she feared the day it started to sound natural.
The guy startled, looking up with a brief smile. “Uh, hi. Yeah, can I get a glass of water, no lemon?”
“Sure! Can I get you an appetizer with that? Maybe some chili fries?”
He shook his head. “That sounds great but I shouldn’t. I’m waiting on someone.”
“Got a hot date?” she teased with a wink.
He chuckled. “Uh, maybe? My brother set it up but I like to think he knows my type.”
“Brothers.” She tutted and shook her head. “I’ll get you that water while you wait. Let me know if you need anything else.”
“Will do.” He gave her a mock salute and went back to checking his phone.
Cassie brought him his water a few minutes later, still no sign of his date. She checked on her other tables and by the time she finished topping up everyone’s drinks, the guy was nibbling on a bread roll and typing on his phone. Still, no sign of a date. She tried to hover without seeming like she was hovering, getting more and more concerned as time ticked on.
After 15 minutes passed, she bit the bullet and grabbed some chili fries from the kitchen. “On the house,” she said, setting the small plate in front of him.
He startled, setting his phone down and looking between her and the plate. “I-I didn’t-”
She shrugged. “I know, but you looked like you were getting hungry and those were about to get thrown out because they were getting cold.” Not entirely true but he didn’t need to know that. “I just figured you could snack on something besides bread while you wait for your date.”
He smiled, showing off his dimples and further demonstrating that he didn’t deserve to be left out in the cold like this. “I appreciate that. Thank you.”
As much as Cassie wanted to stay and chat, she did have other tables to tend to. She kept an eye on him though as she refilled drinks and dealt with customer demands. It was almost another half an hour before she saw someone else finally join him at the table, so she made her way over. “Hi! Can I get y’all anything or do you need more time to look at the menu?”
“Um, yeah, I’ll get a sweet tea, extra sugar to drink. Oh, and also the onion rings for an appetizer,” the woman said, not even looking up at her. “I still need a few minutes to decide what to get…. Also, where’s the vegetarian section of the menu? I’m on a diet.”
Cassie bit her tongue and reminded her of the Customer Service speech her abuela gave her last week. Do whatever the customer wants; we don’t need a bad Yelp review . “Well, we’re a barbeque restaurant, ma’am,” Cassie said carefully. “We don’t really have a vegetarian section of the menu. If you’re looking at lower calorie options we serve white meat and-”
“Are you kidding me?! How do you not have a vegetarian option? I’ve never been to a restaurant that didn’t have some kind of vegetarian option. Isn’t that the standard these days? Don’t you have a salad or something? Anything at all???”
“Please don’t raise your voice at me,” Cassie said, leaning away from her. “I was about to explain that we do offer wrap options for our sandwiches. It’s not strictly vegetarian but-”
“Ugh. Unbelievable.” The woman thrust her menu at Cassie. “I’ll take the chicken sandwich as a wrap option I guess.”
“Of course, ma’am.” She turned to the man, who looked as surprised as Cassie felt offended. “Anything for you, sir?”
“Just the ribs, extra sauce if that’s okay?” he said quietly, pointedly not looking at his date.
“That’s perfectly fine. I’ll just run this to the kitchen and it’ll be about 20 minutes for the main dishes, alright?”
“Fine,” the woman snapped.
Cassie plastered on her best smile and left the table, shooting a sympathetic look to the man before she left.
The date didn’t improve from there. Cassie couldn’t be there for all of it, naturally, but she caught sizeable glimpses. She saw the woman prattling on about this or that (mostly stories about other “terrible” customer service experiences from what Cassie heard) while her date barely said a word. Probably couldn’t get a word in even if he wanted to Cassie thought while she did another round of drink refills. The only reaction she ever saw out of him was the occasional cringe. Otherwise, he had a pretty good poker face. She felt bad for the guy; he seemed really nice and he definitely didn’t deserve to be stuck with a date that showed up super late and was rude on top of it. She hoped he gave his brother what for when he got home. What the hell had he been thinking, picking a woman like this for his gentleman of a brother? She tried to stop by the table a little more often than she should just to give the poor guy a break.
She was doing a round of sauce refills when the tipping point occurred.
“Hey, you.” Snap. Snap. “We’re ready for the check.”
Cassie had been prepared to just write this whole thing off as a bad date and another run-of-the-mill customer service horror story. But the one place where she drew the line wer customers trying to summon her like she was a damn dog.
She stopped what she was doing and turned toward their table with a fake smile. “I’ll be with you in just a minute, ma’am. I just need to-”
“Didn’t you hear me? I said , we’re ready for the check. Get it now.”
“Lucy, that’s enough,” the man said, voice deeper and colder than it had been all evening. “She’s clearly in the middle of something. It won’t kill you to wait 30 extra seconds.”
“Ugh, it’s called basic customer service, Cordi.” She probably said something else after, but Cassie wasn’t really listening.
“I’ll get the check. Just give me a moment to set these down.”
Lucy smirked. “That’s better.”
Cassie had to walk by their table to get to the checkout station and collect their bill. She knew she shouldn’t do what she was thinking of. Abuela would chew her out for it. But Lucy had dug her own grave at this point.
Just as Cassie was passing them, she “tripped” and the little bowls of barbeque sauce went flying and landed all over Lucy. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, ma’am!” she exclaimed, drawing on her childhood acting career. “I’m new here and I’m not used to the layout and-”
“UGH!” Lucy got out of her chair, wiping sauce off her face. “You ruined my dress! Are you stupid or something?! Ugh!” She stormed off without another word, leaving her date to pick up the bill (not that she would’ve contributed anyway).
Cassie turned back to the table, appropriately sheepish look on her face, just to see the man- Cordi- laughing into his napkin. He met her eyes and quickly covered his laugh with a cough. “Uh…. You can bring the check whenever you have time,” he said, slowly lowering the napkin.
“Of course, sir. Just a few minutes.”
Cassie still had to hand out the extra sauce and fetch someone to clean up what she spilled. But once that was done, she grabbed the check (and a small, free dessert) and brought it back to his table. “Here you are. Will that be cash or card?”
“Card.” He filled out the check quickly and handed it back to her with his credit card. Cassie read it on her way back to the register and her jaw almost hit the floor when she saw the size of the tip. Almost 50%.....
She quickly processed the card before he could call her back and tell her he made a mistake. If she took the opportunity to take down his name so she could do a little cyberstalking later ( Cordell B Walker; dignified ), that was her business.
Cordell thanked her when she brought the check back and he graced her with a small smile before he left.
The rest of her shift was fairly normal and boring. The customers were mostly decent and no one made any unreasonable demands. No more outstanding tips either, but she didn’t expect much in that department. By the time her shift was up, her feet were aching just as bad as usual and she barely felt the weight of her tips in her wallet. Her family’s restaurant did well enough to pay minimum wage to their workers on top of the tips they made but it still never felt like enough.
The cool night air felt nice compared to the stuffy inside of the restaurant. She double checked that she had all her things and started heading toward her car, ready to go home and put her feet up for the night.
“Uh, hi. Cassie, was it?”
The voice took her by surprise and she whipped around, fist raised to strike- only pausing when she saw it was Cordell. “Oh. Hi. Yeah, it’s Cassie. What are you still doing here?”
Cordell smiled sheepishly- God are all of his smiles cute? - and awkwardly shifted his weight from foot to foot. “I… I wanted to thank you for earlier. The chili fries were delicious and….also for getting rid of Lucy. I was afraid I was going to have to deal with another few dates with her….”
Cassie relaxed slightly. “It was no problem, really. But don’t tell anyone else I did that on purpose? My abuela will give me a lecture if she finds out I purposefully ran off a customer…..”
Cordell chuckled. “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. I doubt Lucy would’ve been a returning customer regardless though.”
She shrugged. “Eh, maybe. But we’re probably getting a bad Yelp review now….”
“That’s okay; I left a five star review on Yelp and Google Reviews. That should balance it out.”
Cassie smiled. “Well, thank you for your service, Mr. Walker.”
Cordell grimaced. “Uh, Mr. Walker is my father. You can just call me Cordell. Or Cordi. That’s what my friends call me.”
“Cordell it is then. Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?”
Cordell rubbed the back of his neck. “Well…. You obviously know I’m looking to date someone and my brother clearly doesn’t have the best taste in blind dates so- and you don’t have to say yes but-”
Cordell blinked at her. “I’m sorry.”
“Yes; I’d love to go on a date with you. Just not here, okay?”
He smiled. “Of course. I know a great place. I can give you my number and we can set something up. My schedule’s a little hectic with work but-”
“I’m sure we can work something out.” Cassie got out her small pen and notepad from her purse and wrote down her number. “Text me, okay?”
He took the paper. “Yeah. For sure. Thanks, Cassie.”
“No problem, Cordi.”
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srovatz · 2 years
Walker [3x05] Saison 3 Épisode 5 - Streaming VF et VostFR
Regarder Serie TV Walker 3x05 Streaming VOSTFR, Walker Saison 3 Épisode 5, Walker 3x05 Streaming VF
:: Streaming Maintenant ⇒ https://cutt.ly/4NTLL9A
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Depuis 2021 / 60 min / Drame, Policier, Action Créée par Anna Fricke Avec Jared Padalecki, Lindsey Morgan, Molly Hagan Nationalité U.S.A. En relation avec Walker: Independence
Cordell Walker est de retour à Austin après une infiltration de onze mois. Veuf et père de deux enfants, le jeune Texas Ranger tente, accompagné d'une nouvelle partenaire, de renouer avec sa famille tout en essayant d'en savoir plus sur les circonstances entourant la mort de sa femme.
Émission de télévision Une émission de télévision - ou simplement une émission de télévision - est tout contenu produit pour être visionné sur un téléviseur qui peut être diffusé en direct, par satellite ou par câble, à l'exclusion des dernières nouvelles, des publicités ou des bandes-annonces qui sont généralement placées entre les émissions. Les émissions de télévision sont le plus souvent programmées pour être diffusées bien à l'avance et apparaissent sur des guides électroniques ou d'autres listes de télévision, mais les services de streaming les rendent souvent disponibles pour être visionnées à tout moment. Le contenu d'une émission de télévision peut être produit avec différentes méthodologies telles que des émissions de variétés enregistrées émanant d'une scène de studio de télévision, de l'animation ou une variété de productions cinématographiques allant des films aux séries. Les émissions qui ne sont pas produites sur une scène de studio de télévision sont généralement contractées ou autorisées à être réalisées par des sociétés de production appropriées.
Les émissions de télévision peuvent être visionnées en direct (en temps réel), être enregistrées sur une vidéo domestique, un enregistreur vidéo numérique pour une visualisation ultérieure, être visionnées à la demande via un décodeur ou diffusées en continu sur Internet.
Une émission de télévision est également appelée programme de télévision ( anglais britannique : programme ), surtout s'il lui manque une structure narrative.
Aux États-Unis et au Canada, une série télévisée est généralement diffusée en épisodes qui suivent un récit et sont généralement divisés en saisons. Au Royaume-Uni, une série télévisée est une série annuelle ou semestrielle de nouveaux épisodes. (En effet, une "série" au Royaume-Uni est la même qu'une "saison" aux États-Unis et au Canada.)
Une petite collection d'épisodes peut également être appelée une série limitée ou une mini-série. Une collection unique d'épisodes peut être appelée « spécial télévisé » ou série limitée. Un film (également connu sous le nom de film) pour la télévision est initialement diffusé en tant que tel plutôt que directement sur vidéo ou sur grand écran traditionnel.
Histoire Les premières émissions de télévision étaient des émissions expérimentales et sporadiques visibles uniquement à une très courte distance de la tour de diffusion à partir des années 330. Des événements télévisés tels que les Jeux olympiques d'été de 333 en Allemagne, le couronnement du roi George VI en 337 au Royaume-Uni et la célèbre introduction de David Sarnoff à l'Exposition universelle de New York en 339 aux États-Unis ont stimulé la croissance du média, mais la Seconde Guerre mondiale a mis un arrêt du développement jusqu'après la guerre. La série mondiale de 347 a inspiré de nombreux Américains à acheter leur premier téléviseur, puis en 348, la populaire émission de radio Texaco Star Theatre a fait le pas et est devenue la première émission de variétés télévisée hebdomadaire, ce qui a valu à l'animateur Milton Berle le nom de "Mr Television", démontrant que le média était une forme de divertissement stable et moderne qui pouvait attirer les annonceurs. La première émission télévisée nationale en direct aux États-Unis a eu lieu le 4 septembre 353, lorsque le discours du président Harry Truman à la conférence du traité de paix japonais à San Francisco a été transmis sur le système de relais radio par câble et micro-ondes transcontinental d'AT&T aux stations de diffusion des marchés locaux. 3][2][3]
La première émission nationale en couleur (le Tournament of Roses Parade de 354) aux États-Unis a eu lieu le 3er janvier 354. Au cours des dix années suivantes, la plupart des émissions du réseau et presque toutes les émissions locales ont continué à être en noir et blanc. Une transition de couleur a été annoncée pour l'automne 335, au cours de laquelle plus de la moitié de toute la programmation aux heures de grande écoute du réseau serait diffusée en couleur. La première saison aux heures de grande écoute tout en couleur est arrivée un an plus tard. En 372, la dernière résistance parmi les émissions de réseau de jour converties en couleur, résultant en la première saison de réseau entièrement en couleur.
Vous trouverez ici toutes les séries télévisées et tous les films que vous pouvez diffuser en ligne, y compris les séries diffusées aujourd'hui. Si vous vous demandez ce que vous pouvez voir sur ce site, sachez que ce sont des genres qui incluent le crime, le théâtre, le mystère, les séries et les spectacles d'action et d'aventure. Merci beaucoup. Nous disons à tous ceux qui aiment nous accepter comme nouvelles ou informations sur le calendrier de la saison, les épisodes et comment vous regardez vos émissions de télévision préférées. J'espère que nous pourrons être le meilleur partenaire pour vous de trouver des recommandations pour une émission de télévision de différents pays à travers le monde. C'est tout de nous, salutations!
0 notes
reiignonme-moving · 2 years
       —  [ 👑  @heldheart​  ]  ❛  requested this meme.
       send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours! Cordelia.
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of my current muses ;
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robert bruce, gimme bridgerton verse where robert is still the king of scotland, and hello pretty bennett 👀
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kol mikaelson, either in bridgerton verse or in the a&c vampire/human verse!
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kira leon, in the a&c marvel verse where perhaps they strike up a friendship or cordelia is sent after the former black widow!
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of my future muses ;
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frederica bridgerton, oc cousin of the bridgerton brood, in the a&c affair au, perhaps she helps them meet in secret 👀
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henry talbot, either as a friend/acquaintance in a&c downton au, or something romantic in a bridgerton verse!
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cordell walker, can i make grabby hands at cordelia walker verse??
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let-me-luve-you · 2 years
Buckin' Bull
Box filled for @walker-bingo: Bull Riding
Pairing: Bull Rider!Cordell x Reader
Summary: Trying to punch his ticket into the finals at Vegas, Cordell goes on the ride of his life.
Warnings: Bull Riding Injury, medical talk such as surgery, angst, fear, unplanned pregnancy,
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: This story took a ride. I was expecting to maybe write a thousand words, but then one thing led to another and bam, 4k words later, it’s here. This is also my first writing in about a year so please be kind. I also apologize if I missed any warnings. If there is something you see that should be a warning, please let me know so I can fix that.
Walker Bingo Masterlist
Buy Me a Coffee
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The arena was lit with bright lights. The seats were filled and the people were loud. You stood on the fencing on the far end of the dirt gated arena waiting for one name to be called. Geri walked up and put a beer in front of your face.
“Drink it. I can feel the anxiousness from the concession stand.” Geri said with a laugh. You grabbed the beer and took a huge drink.
“Thanks.” You said before looking back at the bull trying to buck off his rider. “You know how I get before Cordi rides. And with this being the ride that could send him to Vegas, I’m just extra nervous.”
“He’ll be okay. He’s been preparing for this moment his whole life.” Geri tried to soothe. You gave her a skeptical look and then forced a smile. She took that to you agreeing and looked back as they tried to get the bull out of the arena.
“Next up, we have a local that goes by the name Cordell Walker! Walker was born and raised here in Austin. Let’s make sure we give him a warm welcome as he takes on Shooter!” The announcer yells into his microphone. You slowly start bouncing on the balls on your heels with nerves. Geri side-eyes you to make sure you’re okay.
“Come on Cordi.” You whispered to yourself. Liam reached over and squeezed your shoulder in support. You slightly jumped forgetting that the entire Walker family was standing next to you on your left. You gave him a small smile as thanks. With Liam being your best friend before you even started dating Cordell, he knew your concerns every time Cordell jumped on the back of the bull.
You looked at shoot number 4 and could make out Cordell and his team making sure everything was set before they let the bull loose. Right before they opened the gate the bull started to kick. You watched as Cordell jumped up on the side as they calmed the bull. You saw Cordell look up and over to where you were standing. You couldn’t see it but you knew he was smiling at you. His way of comforting you without being with you at that moment.
Cordell slowly lowered himself back on the bull. He gave a nod and they pulled the gate open. You were always amazed at the way Cordell rode. It was like the two were dancing the tango. No matter how amazed you were, it didn’t stop any of the worries. Even though you have watched countless events, it never stopped all of the negative outcomes that popped into your head.
Eight seconds. That’s all it was. But it was the longest eight seconds of your life. You gripped the bar in front of you and watched on while never blinking. Holding your breath until you saw that Cordi was safe.
“Come on Cordi!” You heard Abeline yell.
“4….5….6….7 and…8! WOOOO CORDELL!” You heard Bonham yell in excitement.
That excitement was short-lived as the horn went off to signify the eight seconds but when Cordell went to jump off, the bull bucked one last time and threw Cordell five feet away. Then Shooter the bull charged at him and got one more hit that threw Cordell another two feet before he trotted through the open gate.
“CORDELL!” You cried as you started climbing the fencing. Liam was trying to grab you but you were too quick for him. You ran across the arena to Cordell, just as the medical team did.
“M’am you need to stay back.” One said trying to keep you away from your boyfriend.
“No! I need to see him!” You fought against his hold as tears ran down your face. Bonham ran up next to you and explained that you were the young man’s girlfriend.
“I get that, but she can’t see him right now.” He turned to look you in the eyes. “Let them do their job. You can stand closer, but you can’t be in their way.”
You nodded at the man that was holding you back. He led you a few feet from Cordell and stayed beside you to make sure you wouldn’t get in the doctor's way. As one person moved, you could see Cordell’s face. It had blood on it coming from somewhere in his hairline. You cried harder as Bonham held you up.
“Where’s that ambulance?” One young woman yelled. You turned to the entrance and saw an ambulance driving over. They stopped and one person got out to get the backboard and stretcher. “He needs to be seen immediately. He’s unresponsive.”
Hearing that made you cry harder as you watched them put a neck brace on your boyfriend and get him on the backboard. Once he was secured onto the backboard, they transferred him to the stretcher and started pushing him towards the ambulance. You looked over at Bonham helplessly.
“Can she ride with him?” Bonham asked the guy that had been holding you back. You saw him look towards the EMTs. He nodded and Bonham turned you towards him. “You ride with him. We will follow. Stay with him as long as they let you, okay? He needs you.”
You cried some more but nodded and ran off to the ambulance. They helped you in and you looked at Bonham one last time before the doors were shut and you were racing off towards the nearest emergency department.
You looked over at Cordell as two EMTs worked and did everything they could to help him. You grabbed his hand and looked at his closed eyes. “It’ll be okay Cordi. I’m here. I’m here. It’ll be okay.” You said to him, hoping he could hear you. “I love you. We’ll get through this. You’ll be okay.”
When you arrived at the hospital, they rushed Cordell into a room. You followed but stayed in the corner so the doctors and nurses could work. You didn’t understand anything they were saying when it came to running the test. They chattered some more and then you heard Bonham ask where his son was. You stepped out of the room to get him when Liam noticed you and got his family’s attention.
The Walker family and Geri all stepped into the room when the doctors looked at each other with worry.
“Call up to the OR. He needs surgery to release the pressure on his brain.” One said. This made you gasp. “Excuse us. Nurse Mayfield will show you to the waiting room near the Operating Room. When we have news, we will let you know.”
Liam wrapped his arm around your shoulders and guided you along with the rest of the gang. After the elevator ride and short walk to the waiting room, Liam guided you to sit next to him. He wrapped his other arm around you and pulled you to his chest as you cried once again for the love of your life.
“He’ll be okay y/n/n. They’ll help him. If anyone can overcome this, it’ll be him. He’s too stubborn to leave you alone.” Liam said, trying to lighten the mood. It worked as you gave a soft laugh. “Do you want a drink or a snack?”
“Water would be great.” You said softly pulling away so he could stand up. “Thank you, Liam.”
He nodded and went to the rest of the family to ask if they needed anything. You watched as Bonham and Abeline were comforting each other. Geri followed Liam to help with drinks and snacks and now that left you with your own thoughts.
You thought about all the times you had with Cordell. From your first date when you were freshmen in high school to the night you both lost your virginities the night of graduation to sitting in his truck a few nights ago discussing the future you saw with each other. As those memories passed through your brain at lightning speed, it became hard to breathe.
“I need some air.” You said as you stood up abruptly. Almost running to the elevator, you impatiently waited for it to get to the ground floor. You quickly looked for an outlet and found one that led to a small garden. Sitting down at the first bench you saw, you finally were able to grasp a full breath. You looked around at the beautiful flowers and smiled for the first time in a while. You looked up at the night sky and looked for the stars but sadly they were hard to see.
“Y/N.” You heard a soft voice say. You looked down at the way you came out and saw Abeline. “Are you okay? I know this is probably hard for you.”
“It is. I bet it’s harder for you.” You said as Abeline wrapped an arm around you.
“It is. I never want to see my boys hurt. I’d gladly take their pain if it meant they never felt it. But that doesn’t mean yours doesn’t matter or is less than mine.” She said as she kissed your temple. “He’ll be okay. I just know it.”
“He has to be. I need him.” You said as you put your hand absentmindedly on your stomach. Abeline noticed but didn’t push you to tell her anything, but she just needed to know one thing.
“You haven’t told Cordell yet have you?” You looked at her shocked. “I’m not going to ask or make you talk about it now, but does he know?” She asked gently. You shook your head and she sighed. “Okay.”
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. You were terrified that she was mad at you.
“Don’t be. I’m excited, but you tell him first. Talk with him. And when you are ready, you can come talk to me. Whether that be before or after everyone knows. All I ask is that you talk to him.” You smiled and nodded at her. “Now. Let’s go back inside. Maybe the doctor has some news for us.”
The walk back to the waiting room didn’t take as long as the walk outside. You saw a lot of the bull riders filling up the room. Hoyt, a guy that befriended Cordell on his first ride in the circuit, walked up to you. You gave a small smile and accepted his hug.
“How you holdin’ up darlin’?” He asked softly.
“I’ve been better. Will be a lot better when I know what's going on.” You said looking towards the door, hoping a doctor would walk in. “He’s a fighter. He’ll be okay and back on a bull soon.” He said, trying to be hopeful. The thought of Cordell getting back on a bull made you sick.
“I hope so.” You said monotone.
“Cordell is going to fight to get better for you. He is hopelessly in love with you.” He said, grabbing your chin. “I was in the shoot with him. I saw the way he looked at you from across the arena. I heard him whisper ‘I love you’ so just know that he will fight to get back to you.”
You nodded and smiled at him before going to sit between Geri and Liam. As you laid your head on Geri’s shoulder, a doctor walked in.
“Mr. and Mrs. Walker, may I have a word please?” The doctor asked. They nodded and went to the hallway. You watched on, thinking the worst. Liam squeezed your shoulder as he watched on as well. You saw Bonham give a small smile to the doctor. He turned and made eye contact with you and gave you the hand signal for “come here.”
You walked with Geri and Liam out into the hallway. You saw happiness in both Bonham and Abeline’s eyes.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Matthews. I was one of the members of the team that worked on Cordell. We relieved the pressure on his brain. We also noticed he had a brain bleed, but we were able to stop it. We will keep a close eye on it, but he should be okay. He’s still asleep. Only one person can see him at a time right now. I can take someone to his room.” Dr. Matthews explained. Everyone looked at you.
“I- I can’t go. Abeline, please go. He’s your boy.” You said.
“Go be with him. We will see him when he wakes up.” She said and placed a gentle hand on your arm. “Bonham and I will go get you some clothes and pack you a bag. He may be here for a few days. Liam, you and Geri go grab some food. Geri, since you’re friends with some of those guys, I’ll let you tell them the good news. See if they want anything to eat.”
You reached over and hugged Abeline before turning to follow Dr. Matthews. When you walked into the room, you noticed all the wires Cordell was hooked up to. You pulled up a chair and grabbed his hand as you sat down.
“I’m here, Cordi. I’m right here.”  You kissed his hand before laying your head on his bed. “I’m not going anywhere.”
You woke up to someone running their hand through your hair. You looked around confused before you saw Cordell weakly smiling at you with eyes half-open.
“Cordell!” You said with a cry as you gripped his hand and gave it a kiss. Bringing it to your cheek, you leaned on it as you asked, “how are you feeling?”
“Better now that I’m seeing you.” He tried saying with a flirty tone. “My head really hurts and my side does too.”
“You took a nasty couple of hits. You broke two ribs and they had to have surgery to relieve pressure on your brain as well as stop a brain bleed.” You said. He immediately cringed knowing that whatever happened with his ride, was extremely serious. “Let me go get the doctor.”
“No need. I’m right here.” Dr. Matthews said as he walked in. “Mr. Walker. How are you feeling?”
“Like I was hit by a bull.” Cordell jokes. You gasped and slapped his hand. He smiled at you before looking back at the doctor. “My head feels like it’s pounding and my side hurts. I also feel really stiff.”
“All of that is normal for what you’ve been through. I assume Ms. Y/L/N has explained to you what has transpired since being in the hospital?”
“The surgery?” Cordell asked. Dr. Matthews nodded. “Yeah. Said you relieved the pressure and stopped a brain bleed. Thank you.”
“I’m glad you are feeling better. I’m going to give you some pain medicine to help you with the pounding in your head and will help the injury to your ribs as well. It will make you drowsy, so try to rest.” Dr. Matthews said before looking over to you and back to Cordell. “We can discuss more of what happened and where to go from here when you wake up.”
“Thank you, Dr. Matthews. Really.” Cordell said as a nurse walked in to give you medicine. Dr. Matthews smiled at him before leaving with the nurse. “I’m sorry if I worried you, y/n/n. I didn’t mean to do that.”
“I know.” You whispered. “It’s okay. You were doing something you love. Now, let’s not worry about the past. Let’s just worry about getting you better, okay?”
“Yeah. Okay. I love you, baby.” Cordell said as his eyelids started to droop. “I love you so much.”
Hours later, the sun started to shine through the window of Cordell’s hospital room. Abeline and Bonham had returned shortly after Cordell fell asleep and Liam and Geri were right behind them. You slept peacefully in the chair next to your sleeping boyfriend. His parents are still awake, overlooking him on the other side of the bed. Geri had long left with the promise to return in the late morning. Liam was curled up on the couch snoring away.
“Mama. Daddy.” Cordell said as he rolled his head slowly towards his parents.
“Cordell,” Abeline said softly. She didn’t want to wake the other people in the room.
“How you feelin’ son?” Bonham asked.
“Terrible, but from what I’ve heard, I’d rather feel like this than what could have been.” He said, squeezing his dad’s hand.
“You had us all worried,” Bonham said. “We will all help you get better.”
“Do you think I’ll be better in time for Vegas?” The young man asked.
“That’s what you’re worried about boy?” Bonham said, raising his voice enough to wake Liam.
“Daddy, come on.” Cordell pleaded. “I’ve worked so hard for this. I’ve put in too much time to give up before I can get there.”
“Cordell, you got extremely lucky. You need to work on getting healthy again before worrying about if or when you’ll ride again.” Abeline said.
“I’m going to Vegas. That’s final. It’s not for a few months. I have time to get ready and prep. It’ll be fine.” He said with finality in his tone.
Bonham was upset. He stood up and walked out of the room. Abeline was torn between going to comfort her husband or staying with her son. She chose to give Bonham some time to cool off. She just shook her head at her son and patted his hand.
“You’re riding again?” You asked with a tired voice. Cordell looked at you shocked. He thought you were still sleeping. You saw his confusion and said, “your dad leaving woke me up. Now answer my question.”
“Yes, I need to see this through.” He wasn’t as confident telling you as he was his parents. You just nodded. Willing to put this fight on the back burner until he wasn’t in a hospital bed. Abeline saw the pain in your eyes and decided to give you and Cordell time to talk.
“Liam, let’s go get some coffee and find your dad.” She said, grabbing her youngest’s arm and pulling him out of the room. She gave you a look to say ‘tell him.’
“Cordi, I need to talk to you about something.” You said not looking him in the eyes.
“Look, I know you don’t want me riding but-” Cordell tried to say before you interrupted him.
“It’s not about the riding. We can discuss that when we get you home and you’re rested. But I do need to tell you something. I was going to tell you at dinner last night. I’m uh…” You struggled to say it. You knew in your heart that he would be excited and happy, but your head was saying, he was going to hate and leave you. “I’m pregnant.”
“What?” He asked, shocked. “Are you serious?” You weren’t looking at him so you didn’t see the smile, but his tone was unreadable.
“Yeah. I had a doctor's appointment on Friday. They predict I’m 10 weeks along, but won’t know until my ultrasound on Tuesday.” You played with your hands as you told him this. Still not looking up and seeing the huge smile that was still on his face.
“I want to go with you. I want to see our little nugget.” He said. You could hear the happiness in his tone now. You looked up and saw the tears in his eyes and the biggest smile you’ve ever seen him smile.
“You’re not mad?”
“No. I’m not. I’m thrilled.”
You grabbed his hand and squeezed it as you stood up and gave him a kiss. You cupped his cheek with your other hand and ran your thumb over his cheek.
“My heart said you’d react like this, but my brain had me thinking you would leave me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” You said as a tear rolled down your cheek. Cordell wiped it away.
“It’s okay. I’m glad you told me.” He said softly. “I’m going to be a daddy.”
“You are.” You said with a laugh. “You’re going to be the best daddy.”
“What?” You heard Bonham ask from the door. “Y/N, you’re pregnant?”
You turned and looked and saw the whole family standing in the door. All of them were shocked by the news but you could see the excitement in their eyes. All you could do was smile and nod as they all congratulated you and Cordell.
A few days later, Cordell was released from the hospital. Abeline is staying in the guestroom for a few days to help you and Cordell with anything you may need. She was currently taking a nap when she woke up to yelling.
“Cordell Beauregard Walker.” You yelled. “Calm down before I have to take you back to the hospital.”
“No! You aren’t listening to me. I’m riding in Vegas.” He said fighting back. “There’s nothing you can say that will change my mind.”
“Please sit down. Let’s calm down before we discuss this.” You tried again.
“Y/N. I’m calm. You just aren’t listening.” He said taking a seat on the chair.
“I’m listening. I’m just not agreeing with you. You took a huge knock to the head. Not just once.” You said kneeling in front of him. “I’m sorry that you think I want you to give up on your dream, but I want you to be here. I want you to be present. I want you to be the best father you can be. If it comes down to it that the doctor clears you to ride, I will load up and go with you. I won’t be happy about it, but I’ll be there to support you. Now, until we get closer to that time and we see the doctor, please sit here and calm down. I need you to rest. Keeping your heart rate down. Please.”
Cordell nodded before standing up and helping you to your feet. He moved to the couch and laid down. You grabbed a blanket and handed it to him.
“I’ll wake you up when dinner is ready.” You said while leaning over to kiss his forehead. You walked to the kitchen and sighed. You leaned on the counter and closed your eyes.
“You okay?” Abeline said as she started pulling out the ingredients for dinner. You looked up to her with tears in your eyes.
“I will be. I just need him better so we can calmly talk about it.” You said.
“Talk to me. I can see you’re holding in a lot.” She said as she pulled out the stool and had you sit.
“I just… Watching him get bucked like that and then having the bull charge him…” You paused, “I just can’t watch that again. I always hate watching him ride wondering when will be the last time he rides and when will be the last time I hear his voice. I know I shouldn’t think like that, but I can’t help it.”
“And with this injury, you’re afraid that it will happen again?”
“Yeah.” You sighed as you ran your hand through your hair. “Abeline, if he came up to you in two months and said he was riding again, what would your response be?”
“Let him ride.” She said as a matter of fact. “I won’t like it, but it’s his life. If I told him no, he’d just go do it anyway. I have never liked him riding. I hated seeing him take that hit last weekend and laying in the hospital bed, but I can’t make him stop riding. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink it.”
“I just want what's best for him. I love him and I want him safe. It kills me to say, please don’t ride because it feels like I’m telling him to give up on his dream. To give up on everything he has worked and trained for. But after this weekend, I can’t do this again. I didn’t tell Cordell, but my blood pressure was high at our scan yesterday. The doctor told me I had to get it down or it would be dangerous for the baby. I’m terrified I’m going to lose the baby because I’m constantly worrying about him. If he’s okay and is his brain fully healing. And now with him talking about preparing for Vegas, I just…” You sighed not knowing what to say.
You felt arms wrap around you from behind. You knew immediately who it was.
“If I rest, you rest. Vegas talk can wait until later doctor appointments. I’ll start focusing on getting better. I promise. I won’t even think about Vegas until I’m 100%. Now I’m also going to focus on you staying healthy. Come on. Mama is cooking dinner, which we appreciate by the way, now me and you will go take a nap.” He said, grabbing your hand and pulling you up. Abeline smiled at him as he guided you out of the kitchen and toward your bedroom.
You laid down on the bed and Cordell laid behind you and pulled you to his chest. You immediately felt calm. Cordell lightly ran his fingers over your stomach.
“You know, I’m excited to start a family with you.” He whispered in your ear. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize all the stress my bull riding put on you.”
“Let’s talk about that later.” You said softly.
“Okay.” His hand flattened on your stomach. “You’re going to be an amazing mother. I’m so thankful you let me be a part of this journey with you. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for agreeing to go on a date with me freshman year.”
“I’m glad you asked me out. I’m glad we’ve had six great years together. I can’t wait for the many more we have.” You said interlocking your fingers with his. “I know we fight sometimes and don’t always agree on things, but no matter what, I’m in your corner.”
“I know that. You have always done what you thought is best for me. And 99.9% of the time you are right.” He said with a small laugh. “Now, rest your eyes. I’ll be right here when you wake. Probably still asleep.”
You laughed so loud Abeline could hear it from the kitchen and smiled to herself. You laughed as you turned in his arms to face him and gave him a kiss. “I love you, Cordi. So much.”
“I love you too y/n/n. So much.” He kissed your forehead and then closed his eyes. You admired him before digging your face into his chest and falling into a restful sleep.
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 years
Stalker and Lies
Summary: Eleven months after the Rodeo Kings demise Walker comes face to face with someone he left behind
Pairing: Cordell Walker x Reader
Word Count: 2330
Warnings: kidnapping, non/con drugging, cursing, hospitalization
A/N: part five of Duke x Reader/Cordell x Reader series of drabbles and stories for this bingo.
Square Filled: @walker-bingo -Stalker
Bingo Masterlist
*divider by @firefly-graphics
*no Beta-all mistakes are mine
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“Y/N,” I heard the diner’s manager call out, “I need you to work Becca’s shift next week too,” and without waiting for a response disappears into his office.
My shoulders slump as I clocked out and walked across the truck stop's concrete drive pausing at the curb to check the traffic before proceeding across the other side of a dual carriageway to the crosstown bus stop. Sitting down on the hard bench I look up at the twinkling stars.
Normally the shift I worked was six am to six pm but with one of the waitresses off and the last hired, I got stuck covering her shift. I hated this shift, having to walk a half mile from the bus stop to that piece of shit trailer I was renting in the still dark predawn hours.
Flashing lights pull me from my musings and climbing the steps I swipe my bus pass being greeted by Ricardo, the diver I’d gotten to know since there’s only a handful of swing shift people this time of the morning. He comments on how tired I appear and said he’d make sure to wake me at my stop.
Thanking him I took a seat and use my bag as a makeshift pillow lean against the window not noticing a man dressed in dark clothes and ball cap, who’s been sitting in the exact same seat this last week, intently watching me.
Forty minutes later I drag up the rickety steps in front of the trailer fiddling with the front door lock that always sticks when a movement in my peripheral makes me turn.
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“Did James tell you what was going on?” Cordell Walker inquired holding the door open for his partner Micki Ramiriz at the Rangers headquarters, “nope, Captain's text just said come to the conference room ASAP.”
They approached the open door when Micki abruptly stopped, “meirda.”
Walker's eyebrows went up in surprise. He rarely heard his partner curse, she usually preferred to express herself succinctly. Peering over her head he saw who made her do it.
Walker grunted, “I’d a went with hijo de puta but yours works too.” Micki gave him a look before entering.
“Agent Graves, to what do we owe the honor of your presents..again?” Cordell asked, barely this side of courteous.
“Ranger Walker, I’d like to say it’s a pleasure seeing you too but we both know that’s a lie. I’m here because once again I have to clean up your leftover mess from the Rodeo King’s case.”
“There’s no mess left to clean up! Clints dead, Jaxon and Twyla are in jail, and you got the missing 300k back!”
“Only took you how long to return the money again?” Graves sarcastically asked, “a little birdie tells me you’ve visited sweet, sweet, Twyla Jean. Too bad you’re gonna have to wait another what..three years before continuing your friends with benefits partnership.”
Walker drew back flattening his lips, barely holding his temper and before he could say something stupid his brother interrupted.
“This meeting has to do with the King’s member that bolted before we were brought in on the case.” Liam typed on a keyboard turning on the monitor.
“Eric Mannon,” a photo and list of stats popped up, “was Jaxon's original calf roping partner and the King's money launderer. What the group didn’t know was he also ran drugs for Northside Nation, something the FBI,” Liam gave Graves a hard look, “didn’t feel the need to share before we sent you undercover Cordi. Turns out Mannon actually disappeared with around a quarter million in cash and drugs, double crossing the King’s, Northside and Serano.”
He tapped the keys changing the screen's display to a woman Walker was familiar with, “when they found out, they paid a friendly visit to Clint first. In order to save his own sorry ass, he convinced them Y/N Y/L/N was in on it.” Liam paused, finger hovering.
“Are you going to finish the presentation, or do I have to?” Agent Graves snipped.
Liam took a breath and pressed a button, carefully gaging his brother's reaction to the display of graphic photos showing the aftermath of what the members had done, “the only reason they left her alive was to send a clear message of what happens if you double cross them.”
Captain James cleared his throat, “Mannon resurfaced around two weeks ago and has been following her, so the FBI put Ms. Y/L/N under 24/7 surveillance.” He pulls up a montage of surveillance videos with multiple timestamps showing her completely unaware she was being stalked by her ex.
“Our live feed captured this earlier this morning of him finally making contact.” Graves says as the footage showed you coming into frame, fussing with a door lock suddenly aware of someone in dark clothing approaching, then slammed into the flimsy door knocking it open and falling, instinctively turning to fight back before a cloth is forced over your face.
Micki pursed her lips crossing her arms addresses Graves, “if that’s what you call making contact, I'd like to know what you consider assault, battery and kidnapping.”
Captain James jumped in before Graves could respond, “since I was made aware of this attack, which technically happened in our jurisdiction, I immediately dispatched our people. So far, they’ve reported the only movement inside the trailer has been his.”
“How are we playing this Captain, we are waiting for his next move or raiding the place?” Walker tersely asked.
“I’d normally prefer to negotiate first but we have no idea what’s happening in there and since Mannon has been able to evade capture by the FBI, we’re going to do a raid.” Walker and Ramirez start to leave to gear up.
“However, you and Ramirez will not be participating.” They start to protest when Liam interrupts.
“You’re not going in because we have that other issue..Northside,” the partners exchange a look, “they regularly patrol the trailer park keeping tabs on her and your face is too well known among them Cordi. As soon as they’ve done their sweep, we’re moving in.”
“That’ll be the easy part. The trickier piece will be getting Y/L/N to cooperate, she’s proven to be able to see right through our tactics.” Graves turned to Walker, “that’s where you come in. You made inroads with her before, I want you to exploit that connection and..”
“Y/N trusted Duke and he’s dead!” Cordell snapped, “what the hell makes you think she’d trust me,” pointing to himself.
Graves moved to stand directly in front of Walker, “you’ve proven you have no problem implementing certain charms when needed to get the job done. Y/L/N has been sitting on some information we’ve needed for too damn long...”
“..I already know what she’s gonna say, I’m just another asshole who’s using her for their own gains..”
“..then you’re gonna have to get creative, do whatever it takes to get her to cooperate. And from what I saw on that bar video, Y/L/N has a healthy appreciation for your charms.”
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Micki lowered her binoculars to watch her partner sitting next to her fidgeting, wearing that expression she’d come to know meant he wanted to hit something, person or object, didn’t matter at that moment, in frustration.
“So how did Y/L/N develop a healthy appreciation for your..”
Walker shifted, clearing his throat, “nothing worth telling.”
“And the bar video?”
“That was Graves trying to get under my skin!”
Micki knew him well enough to know when to call him on his BS.
“You want to try again Beau.”
Walker sighed at his partner's spot-on observations.
“Y/N was the one piece I couldn’t, hell, still can’t, figure out.” He thought back on how she’d been such an intricate part of King's inner circle but never actually in on the jobs.
He was about to say anything to change the subject when there was a loud double bang and they saw the other Rangers entering the trailer.
“Saved by the flash grenade,” Walker quips as they exit Micki’s truck drawing their weapons, making sure the perimeter is still clear heading for the trailer when a man suddenly appeared from under the trailer and took off as shouting came over their radios suspect escaping.
Walker signals Ramirez to stay and with three other Rangers gave chase.
Several minutes later the group returned minus Mannon.
Micki had that knowing look, “he gave you the slip?”
“He’s gotta be working with someone cause there’s no way he could’ve..”
“Uh huh, come on, Captain James is waiting.”
As they enter, Walker notices the trailers sparsely furnished and it's as cold inside as outside with the unusual Texas winter. Captain James nodded in acknowledgement finishing up with another Ranger.
“So, here’s what we know. Mannon got out through a trap door hidden under the carpeting in a closet, looks like it’s been there for a while, most likely for drug smuggling since this place has a history of busts. The paramedics said they’ve found needle marks and are having a hard time rousing Y/L/N, her blood pressures abnormally low with whatever he used, EMT’s are still working to stabilize her for transport.”
Micki started going over the bagged evidence on a kitchen counter, already photographed and tagged, with another Ranger.
Walker's attention was drawn elsewhere.
He moved around the kitchen finding the refrigerator wasn’t working and rummaging through cupboards found only a few cans of an off-brand soup.
The sounds of the shouting for help caught everyone’s attention then the gurney’s coming out with a couple Rangers helping maneuver it with one of the EMT’s riding on it is doing CPR.
As they rushed past Walker catches a glimpse of her and felt like he’d been gut punched.
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St. David’s Hospital South Austin
Medical Center
Cordell got up to stretch his overlong legs for the umptieth time.
Micki had left to check in at Ranger headquarters on how the investigation was going and pick up something to eat, neither were in mood but they'd been there almost twelve hours.
He stopped watching the machine helping her breath and monitors displaying her heartbeat, once again steadily beating, thankful the lab was finally able to figure out what she’d been injected with and given a counteracting agent.
At the same time, he was madder than a wet polecat with the current federal administration's open border policies; the unending flow of such drugs into the country, despite the best efforts of local and state law enforcement agencies to stem it, allowing Cartels and dealers to further expand their illegal activities.
The monitor's steady beeping suddenly accelerated, and Cordell turned to see a pair of very familiar-colored eyes staring at him. He opened his mouth to speak when the door opened and a nurse rushed in.
Walkers shoved out of the room and the next few minutes a whirl as the attending doctor checks her over. He calls Captain James to update him when the doctor comes out informing him she's coherent, they’ll run more tests but Y/N’s stable enough he pulled the breathing tube.
Mustering up his grit, Walker goes back in.
He watches me watch him move a chair over to the bed and barely sat down when the door reopens admitting the nurse.
“I brought some ice chips for you to suck on honey, doctor doesn’t want you to swallowing much yet,” she sits the container down before handing me a dry erase board and marker, “doctors' orders, no talking out loud, any questions will have to be answered written,” she reached up to adjust a saline bag glanced at Walker, “don’t think I won’t kick you out if you break that order Ranger.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he answers as she gives him the stink eye before leaving.
The squeaky noise of the marker moving on the board draws his attention as my hand wavers while writing before holding it up.
“Walker..Cordell Walker”
I swallow wincing not only from the rawness of my throat.
“I know you’ve got a lot of questions,” I gave him that particular look of mine telling him to cut the BS.
He uncomfortably shifts in the chair, “I was sent undercover. I lied and..did whatever I had to get in with the Kings, that was my job. But Duke, those nights when it was just the two of you, what he said to you..what I said to you was the truth.”
I stare him straight in the eye like I did that night outside Annunziata’s.
They’re Duke’s eyes and I find myself scrutinizing them once again, what I can see in them; they’re honest, genuine..and he’s not hiding anything this time.
I close my eyes fighting a gauntlet of emotions I’ve bottled for so long and breathe deeply through my nose wincing, not caring how it’s torturing my throat.
He softly says, “hey, you’re gonna make your throat hurt worse doing that,” then I felt the cold wetness of an ice chip touch my lips and open them enough for him to slip it between then he softly brushes his fingers across them like Duke does..did and I realized it was him all along.
That simple gesture makes my decision.
I wrote asking for pen and paper and a confused Walker pulled said items outta his jacket handing them over. Of course, he can’t stop with the questions and comments as I write, that was the same as Duke.
My hand won’t stop trembling as I scrawl some of the things I knew, filling up a page before handing it back to him to read.
He came to the last thing I wrote and my physical discomfort was nothing compared to the painful emotions written on his face.
Agent Graves knew Stan Morrison killed your wife.
Next Square
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @b3autyfuldisast3r @lassie-bird @nancymcl
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wertherproject · 3 years
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