#atlas penn
chessdaze · 2 years
@khoc-week​ : DAY ONE: APPEARANCES
Me back at it again with almost forgetting about KHOC Week, But thankfully I decided to do my heartsmiths this year so I already had some refs laying around that I just needed to finish coloring! Sorry for the repeat art, but it’s been awhile since I’ve posted these too so I thought I’d brush the dust off and repost them!
My main man Atlas, he’s gone through some changes recently! Mostly with his hair, but his entire Knave of Hearts design got a makeover that you can see in THIS COMIC I made awhile back.
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Kei!!! The main and best girl. Her design hasn’t changed much from the beginning, mostly I just changed my style of drawing her, and figured out how I wanted her hair loopys to work. Along with her body ref we have her keyblade ref! I absolutely love drawing her keyblade tbh it might be my favorite one to draw out of all my personally made ones. It fits her personality so well and shows how strong of a member of Ursus she is.
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Quest’s design is probably one of my favorites out of the group. I don’t know where in the hell I came up with this, but I did and it’s just always worked out for him. I can’t picture this outfit on anyone else, it’s just so very Quest. He’s my ‘protagonist’ as it were, my original plan was for him to be the KHUX protag but things ended up changing as I developed him. But he’s still a strong wielder and party leader for Leopardos.
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Wynter is so neglected so I decided to include him in with the kids. He’s the OG heartsmith and known as Father Time, the creator of Time Magic and best friend(?) To the Master of Masters.  I do think his design is the weakest out of the four, but I also haven’t been able to design an outfit in a way i’m 100% content with so the battle continues.
His keyblade is special because he can freeze hearts in time, which he ends up using on Atlas before the keyblade war. He has a bittersweet ending as he ends up reincarnated in the main KH storyline after dying in the age of fariytales.
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For those who don’t know what my concept of a heartsmith is, please read the below! It’s the abridged version so if you have any questions feel free to ask them!
In the age of fairytales, when the foretellers were chosen and given their roles, others rose up to their own calling. With the abundance of keyblade wielders now in Daybreak Town, a local smith decided to take it upon himself to learn how to help these young warriors. With the Master of Master’s permission, Wynter Penn started experimenting on how to repair keyblades that were damaged, and the hearts of their wielders by extension. Because of this he was known as the ‘heartsmith’.
Heartsmiths are those with the ability to repair keyblades and hearts. The former being the focus and the latter actually just a useful side effect. As keyblades are manifestations of the heart, being able to repair one means you’re able to repair the other to some extent. The ‘extent’ varies from smith to smith, it depends on how easily the smith can connect with a heart that is not their own.
It was also their job to upgrade keyblades, making them more powerful and suited to their wielders wants more often than not. Though wielders could do this themselves by other means, the smiths offered a more in depth process. They could also repair the keyblade while upgrading it, making it more durable for a time.
There is pretty much two kinds of damage a keyblade can take. Physical, such as the keyblade actually physically breaking and everyone can see that. These are actually more difficult for the smiths to work on but through their magic and their actual smithing backgrounds they are able to build a keyblade back no problem.
Then there’s what I like to call ‘Aches’ because I can’t think of anything better. Aches are the damage wielders have a harder time seeing. It’s when the wielders mental and emotional states physically start affecting their keyblades. As keyblades are manifestations of their heart, it stands to reason if there is something burdening them, something weighing down on their heart, then their keyblade is affected as well. This is the sort of damage only a heartsmith can fix - but it’s also half on the wielder. The wielder has to talk out their burdens, say why their heart is aching, before it can be 100% healed. Sometimes the smiths simply close it the best they can, because at the very least by this point the wielder is aware of their heart’s ache and can work on healing it in their own time. This can lead to multiple sessions but the smiths do their best to repair it to a point that the wielder isn’t just walking in the next day.
So visiting the smiths is akin to a therapy session. They have to talk to the wielders, gain their trust, realize what is bothering them, and talk them through on how to improve.
Upgrading a keyblade is very similar! While combining the materials to make the keyblade stronger, the smiths will talk with the wielders about their goals, why they want to get stronger - and what that even means to them. The upgrade will always succeed, but depending on the wielder’s state of mind and heart during the process and the answer to the questions the smiths ask, that will determine the new strength of the keyblade.
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myawesomemovielist · 10 months
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my awesome movie list of 2012:
the master (dir. paul thomas anderson)
lincoln (dir. steven spielberg)
this must be the place (dir. paolo sorrentino)
killing them softly (dir. andrew dominik)
les miserables (dir. tom hooper)
django unchained (dir. quentin tarantino)
rust and bone (dir. jacques audiard)
cloud atlas (dir. lana wachowski & tom tykwer & andy wachowski)
moonrise kingdom (dir. wes anderson)
the place beyond the pines (dir. derek cianfrance)
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m-0thmans · 2 years
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im slaying (other people in art fight) :)
characters belong to weegeestar5 (+me), starv0yager (+me again), Snailsandmoths, larksplash, and Perkypipes!
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elizabethminkel · 4 months
My latest fandom column for Atlas Obscura is live! This one is on @terrorcamp, a Terror fandom con + polar history conference that truly feels like it straddles both fandom and academia. Many thanks to the brilliant group of people who spoke to me for this piece, especially TC organizer @areyougonnabe, of course!!
There are so many quotes I love, but one of my favorites was from Hester Blum, a Penn State English professor, on how the event reshaped her thinking about current teaching in the humanities:
Watching the presentations from younger fans also made her reassess the way she and her colleagues approach their students; many academics discuss younger generations’ interest in “relatability,” and how it prevents them from engaging with history and literature. “One of the things that this conference made me realize is how fundamentally we have misunderstood what it means to be ‘relatable,’” she says. “And it’s not simply a lack of critical distance or affinity—but the kind of passionate fan response, as something that is deeply critical and deeply thought-through. It was one of those moments that was like, ‘Oh, this can be the future of engagement.’ This was incredible.”
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choicesbookclub · 2 months
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The Elementalists Mini Book Club is running from April 1-8. [More Info Here] While I am not posting chapter by chapter questions and polls, I'll try to throw up some questions and polls throughout the week. I'll keep updating this post with links to any and all questions or polls I am able to get together. Keep checking this post for the most up to date links.
Simply due to time constraints, many questions are not polls. If there seems to be a lot of interest in the polls I do post, I'll consider making more polls. I just want to make sure they aren't being wasted.
As always, please let me know if there are any questions or polls you'd like to see added
Not Chapter Specific:
Will you be participating in the book club? [Vote Here]
Are you sticking with your same LI for this book?
Chapter One:
Did you purchase the new premium outfit? [Vote Here]
How much do you love Aster and Atlas being students?
Who did you choose the premium scene with? [Vote Here]
Did you go on a tour of the school with Aster and Atlas? What was your favorite place? [Vote Here]
What are your thoughts on our mystery man?
Chapter Two:
What are your thoughts on our newest professor?
Did you reshape clouds with Beckett? [Vote Here]
Did you go to Penn Square with Atlas? + What did you get for your familiar? [Vote Here]
MC says they spent their childhood arguing over which Power Ranger was best... which one would your MC say? [Vote Here]
Did you complete the premium scene with Griffin? [Vote Here]
Chapter Three:
Did you keep the familiar for Atlas? [Vote Here]
What did you name the arylu?
Did you keep the letter and/or learn the spell with Zeph? (2 polls in 1?) [Vote Here]
What do you think of the little trinket from Kane?
Chapter Four:
Did you prove Beckett's theory with him? What did you think of his experiments?
Did you help Aster at the shop and who did you help clean up? [Vote Here]
Did you learn the Daze Spell? [Vote Here]
What did you think of Kane's arrival at Penderghast and then the new arrival at the very end?
Chapter Five:
What do you think of Alma?
Did you ask Alma about your mother? [Vote Here]
Did you practice Chariot of Fire with Griffin? [Vote Here]
Who did you celebrate the Thief win with? [Vote Here]
Chapter Six:
Did you ditch class with Beckett? [Vote Here] How does your MC feel about skipping class?
What do you think of the premium nymph outfit? Did you purchase it? What would your Love Interest think of it?
Did you go to the spa with Shreya? [Vote Here]
What do you think about MC and Atlas's magic going out of control?
To Be Updated as mod has time...
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mickimagnum · 6 months
My Top 23 Screenshots From 2023
Thank you so much @changingplumbob and @bloomingkyras for the tag!
Here are my picks, counting down from #23. 🤗🖤
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Summer Miller getting wet 'n wild on her jet ski
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Logan Cassidy & her mom Calico stargazing one night (Save RIP)
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The day Marin Miller brought Suki home
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Marin & Jeb Harris before prom
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THE forehead kiss between Albert Robins & Devin Delaney on Devin's Dude Ranch - A Bachelorette Challenge
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Miley loosing her mind over the bird ball | Logan Cassidy's Save (RIP)
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The day Marin & Greta moved into their rental in Mt. Komorebi for their year abroad
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Houston Bloom reading Devin a poem he wrote for her on Devin's Dude Ranch.
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Bree Abernathy & Michael Bell having a friendly chat on her front porch one evening (Save RIP)
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Photoshoot with Logan & Calico
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A look of worry on Devin D.'s face when she thought Gale might've knocked that barrel over during training.
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That time Devin Haywood (the original incarnation of Devin) had a duet with a fox (Save RIP)
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Bree doing yoga (Save RIP)
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Cheryl & Gale having a mid-day nap, because training is hard.
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Greer, my paranoid little cinnamon roll. (Postcard Legacy -Abandoned)
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What actually went on behind the scenes of those pretty screenshots I took of Devin H. and Bran Abernathy's wedding. (Save RIP)
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Devin H. and her mustang, Retana on Black Fox Ranch. (Save RIP)
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Retana having a siesta (Save RIP)
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Milo Penn accidentally knocking Devin D. to the ground during his entrance on Devin's Dude Ranch. (I'm sorry but really makes me laugh for some reason🤣)
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Bree levitating during her meditation (Save RIP)
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Marin not sticking that landing while practicing her cheers and Atlas' obvious concern.
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My favorite portrait from Devin H. and Bran's wedding (Save RIP)
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And of course, my favorite bridal portrait, of my favorite sim. 🖤 (Save RIP)
I tag (and sorry if I tag you and you've already done it):
@helloavocadooo | @invisiblequeen | @bakersimmer | @daedriyth | @eslanes | @harmonia-sims
(If you're seeing this and want to do this, just say I tagged you too!)
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thundercrack · 1 year
ok joining the club... February reading report! I'm mostly just mouthing off... Read at your own risk!
Dune by Frank Herbert
The Friend by Sigrid Nunez
Look, I'm a sucker for a classic. I'd been vaguely meaning to read this since I saw the Timmy Chalemet movie...and I generally have a tolerance for fairly long scifi/fantasy. I enjoyed the first maybe third of this book...and then I got bored (needless to say I will not be reading the next four Dune books although I did finish). Don't get me wrong -- I'm glad I read it. In many ways, Dune still culturally relevant, both within the world of genre fiction, and (especially because of the new film) in debates about orientalism, the Cold War, humanity, etc, etc. I found Herbert's explorations on this future version of Islam and future version of Arabic pretty interesting, but by the end of the book, I was really annoyed by the main character. There's a lot of really interesting discussion and criticism around this book, so I'm glad to be able to understand a little more of those conversations as well. Also, now I retrospectively sort of know what was happening in the movie!
I was too young to read this book. It was good; it was not for me. Revisit in thirty-five years.
Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell
Lincoln In The Bardo by George Saunders
Why did I read this? I've never read any other David Mitchell. This book was an exercise in 1960s musical fantasy, where nothing goes wrong and the truest joy is from celebrity encounters, powered by the author's love for the era, rather than having anything to say. This was a book about a rock band going straight to the top, without any real interrogation into the cultural forces and pitfalls of the 1960s, weak characterization, random tie-ins with his larger universe, and next to no tension. I'll probably still read Cloud Atlas at some point, but this one is a hard pass.
This was one of my old roommates favorite books that I gave another go after DNFing in maybe, 2018? Again, I think this might be a book I'd like more if I were older. I thought the structure and format was well-done (I especially liked the history excerpts, of course); the story itself, I was maybe luke-warm on. I thought the prose was good (especially the dialogue) and the characters were interesting. I'm not entirely sure what's making me luke-warm on it, but I liked it enough to be glad I read it.
Human Acts by Han Kang (trans. Deborah Smith)
This was the best book I read this month, hands down. Maybe this year as well. Kang masterfully weaves together a number of stories around the Gwangju massacre of pro-democracy demonstrators. This book was at times, extremely brutal to read (and I would say I have a fairly high tolerance in text). It was clearly well-researched, well-lived, and well-considered. The topics it tackled were both grains of sand and the meaning of humanity itself. I really, really, enjoyed this book; I highly recommend it, and I definitely look forward to reading The Vegetarian in the future. Bonus reading: Han Kang and the Complexity of Translation
All The President's Men by Woodward and Bernstein
I constantly get this one mixed up with All The Kings Men by Robert Penn Warren (also good). One of my college friends had just read this and sent me a number of random updates throughout their reading, mostly focused on Woodward and Bernstein's....tense relationship. Like most Americans, I've been vaguely aware of Watergate my whole life (I even saw that movie The Post!), and I think this book really did a good job laying out the reveal of the story as well as sort of the in-house tensions that were going on. My copy (from the library) was the original 1974 edition, and I sort of wish that I had a more recent version with a little bit more distance on the events, but it's kind of fun to have been "right in there." I generally do like this style of expanded-reportage book (see Ronan Farrow's books, or in another genre, Jon Krakauer), and Watergate still looms so large in the American political imagination, so I'm glad I read this one too.
Beyond Babylon by Igiaba Scego (trans. Aaron Robertson)
This is a book I would have really liked to enjoy. I didn't. I kept saying to myself -- well, maybe it's just the translation that didn't work for me (the whole book was a bit clunky to read). There are a lot of really interesting themes in this novel (fluid identity, colonization, language, coincidence, politics, choice and nature, etc), interesting characters, play with language, a sweep of history that could have been fascinating. However, in practice, it didn't work for me. The different storylines sometimes were confusing, the plot at times eluding me, seemingly unnecessary tangents taking me nowhere. It was a slow read. There was just a lot here (and maybe it's just through my background that I was missing pieces)...and none of it quite fit together.
Murder by the Book by Claire Harman
Totally random book I picked up at the library. It's not really a topic or like...an era (the metropolitan center of Victorian Britain??) that I care about, but I was like, hey, cool cover, I want an easy read this week, etc. I thought it was well written and well researched, and I definitely learned some stuff about the literary scene of the era. It was also amusing how some of the debates around "base literature" are...pretty much the same today as they were in the 1830s.
Beasts of a Little Land by Juhea Kim
Look, you ever read a book and you can just tell it was written by a Harvard/Yale/Princeton grad? Well, this was one. This book was extremely readable. It's got decent characters who are fairly easy to get invested in and a structure that pulls you through the text, all while set across a complex, divided, and rapidly changing backdrop of early 20th-c Korea. However, the narrative itself rung flat, and the book's promised complexity disappeared before I got through the second chapter -- it's almost a completely sanitized view of two very complex worlds: that of high-class courtesans, and that of orphans/gangs who become politically involved. Narratively things go wrong, but it's almost never because the characters make bad decisions -- except perhaps in love -- which collapses the once-promising characters. Also, it jumps from 1945 to 1964 at the end...not very successfully (the opening/closing of the book was extremely trite and not terribly well-done). This book was almost disappointing because it promised more than it could deliver, falling straight into the chasm of mediocre novels by diverse graduates of elite institutions. I didn't do it any favors by reading it so soon after Human Acts either, although they're very different novels.
The Thousand Crimes of Ming by Tsu Tom Lin
The advertising around this book does it poorly (do not go in expecting anything Cormac McCarthy-like LOL). Don't get me wrong, I liked this book -- I do enjoy a modern Western and I think Lin does a great job highlighting the role of Chinese workers on the expansion of the railroad, as well as the curiosities of the era through a fantastical magic troupe. The NPR review of this book highlights how each character plays with genre, which was true and definitely one interesting part of the novel. Thematically, I thought this book was interesting if a bit restrained, and the characters were neat. Unfortunately, though I enjoyed giving this one a read, at the end of the day, it's all a bit forgettable.
Dumb Luck by Vu Trong Phung (trans. Nyuyen Nguyet Cam and Peter Zinoman)
Tumblr bookclub read! Like I said to A and Rhu, I found the introduction "Vu Trong Phung's Dumb Luck and the Nature of Vietnamese Modernism" by Peter Zinoman more interesting than the text itself, but overall, I'm glad I read the book. It's always really interesting to read these sort of big, foundational texts -- even in fairly recent translation. I haven't read a lot of satire and really don't know that much about Vietnam before American involvement, but the thrust of the text was definitely quite interesting (and brutal -- one review described all the characters as antagonists) even if I didn't fully understand all the conversations, it was taking part in.
Heart of Darkness (3rd Norton Critical Edition) by Joseph Conrad (ed. Robert Kimbrough)
Confession: I think I'd read this before and almost entirely forgotten it. I didn't particularly enjoy the book and literarily, I'm not sure that I got what quality elevates it to a "great novel." I especially enjoyed the back-and-forth among several scholars (especially around Achebe) about its relationship to colonialism, inclusion in the canon, and European self-definition against Africa as a "primitive other." I'm glad I read it mostly because I feel like it gives me a better sense of the larger conversation around Leopold in the Congo and the literary/related discourses around the scramble for Africa. So, thematically, glad I read it; literarily, whatever.
The Last King of Scotland by Giles Foden
The end :) maybe I'll do this again someday!
Another confession: I pick a lot of books by wandering around the library and just grabbing one that looked interesting. I did read Heart of Darkness before this for a reason. I quite liked reading this one -- I thought the narration was really interesting and the narrator's complicity in the brutality of Idi Amin's rule was neat. Certain scenes were very brutal (and the book was certainly well-researched). I felt like at times, the time-skips didn't quite work, but the general disconnect between Garrigan, his identity, and what was happening around him was interesting. I think I had to watch the film that was a loose adaptation of the book in class in high school. I think I could probably have some more interesting thematic and political comments on this one if I sat on it a little longer, but I'm kind of getting tired of writing this and also I finished it like, twelve and a half hours ago or something.
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bookgeekgrrl · 9 months
My media this week (20-26 Aug 2023)
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my absolute fave line in all of heartstopper, so glad they left it unaltered
😍 how a resurrection really feels (LiarsandThieves22) - 176K, steddie - post s4 fixit with a timeline merge - just brilliantly executed, lots of great emotional moments as well as even more laugh out loud ones. Big, big rec.
🙂 The Wedding Bait (Golden Years #1) (Adele Buck, author & narrator) - novella; cishet romance but MCs in their 50s, which was a nice change
😊 Murder at the Village Fair (Miss Underhay Mysteries #13) (Helena Dixon, author; Karen Cass, narrator) - Matt & Kitty are on a sort-of delayed honeymoon & get involved in murder in Yorkshire while visiting his aunt
😊 here there be dragons (theundiagnosable) - 66K, original hockey fic - epitome of sunshine/grumpy - POV char has extreme anxiety/anxiety-induced paranoia/anger outbursts due to fear etc - he gets better & it does end very happily but first we gotta watch him train wreck everything & suffer (to be clear, I did enjoy reading this! but it's a lot!)
🥰 Lemon Meringue Lies (Nejinee) - 111K, technically stucky modern no-powers AU but honestly such an AU that it's really more of original fic WHICH ISN'T at all bad - best friends to lovers, lots of oblivousness, pining, angst, emotional dumbassery but also a really great external setting & compelling supporting characters (who just all happen to have names/physical traits as MCU characters) [reread]
😍 if I'm gonna get back to you someday (napricot) - 46K, post Endgame fixit with "a clusterfuck of Steves" from different multiverses [reread for stucky bookclub]
😍 Golden Handcuffs (seekwill) - 70K, Good Omens human AU where they're both professors at a small Scottish university - brilliant fic, great characterizations, solid story development, absolutely loved it
💖💖 +246K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
Mandatory Fun (One-EyedBossman (desert000rose), SecretFandomStories) - MCU: stucky, 39K - Part 11 of Differently Okay Local Idiots; Bucky & Steve go suit shopping with Natasha & together navigate another bump in their road
To the Waters and the Wild (rainbow_nerds) - MCU: magical shrunkyclunks, 23K - selkie!Bucky finds Captain America frozen when he's 10 years old, but no one believes him; ~15 years later, Cap finally thaws out
To Kiss the Tender Inward of Thy Hand (circ_bamboo) - Band Sinister (KJ Charles): Ned Caulfield/George Penn, 32K - beautiful backstory of how Ned & George met
Sit (fandomfluffandfuck) - MCU: stucky, 21K, Part 1 of You Can('t) Teach An Old Dog New Tricks - modern, no powers AU - promising start to a series about older/old guard dom Steve & newbie dom Bucky
Game Changer - s2, e1-4; s3, e5-8; s5, e9
Make Some Noise - s2, e6
Um, Actually - s8, e11
Heartstopper - s2, e1-8
Only Murders In The Building - s3, e4
Harley Quinn - s4, e7
What We Do In The Shadows - s5, e8
D20: Mentopolis - "F For Freezer" (s1, e3)
D20: Adventuring Party - "We Are Feeling Machines That Think" (s14, e3)
Much Ado About Nothing (Wyndham Theatre 2011) {Tate/Tennant version}
Re: Dracula - August 20: We Shall To-night Play
Re: Dracula - August 21: Goods are Delivered
Vibe Check - A Special Conversation with Emily King
Ed Zitron's 15 Minutes In Hell - Episode 3 - Taylor Lorenz, The Washington Post
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Embracing Adventure in Fayetteville
⭐ Shedunnit Book Club - Murder-on-Sea
⭐ Switched on Pop - Wonders: "Stacy's Mom" and Adam Schlesinger
⭐ 99% Invisible #550 - Melanie Speaks
Vibe Check - Did AI Write That Song?
Re: Dracula -August 23: Ominous in His Calm
ICYMI - How to Make Millions Playing Dungeons & Dragons
⭐ The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Mysterious Sinkholes of Mt Baldy
Twenty Thousand Hertz+ - The Voice Inside
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Arthurdale
Re: Dracula - August 24: Some Terrible Shock
Strong Songs - "Soul Vaccination" by Tower of Power
Dear Prudence - My Wife Goes Braless Around Our Teenage Sons. Help!
Re: Dracula - August 25: Another Bad Night
What Next: TBD - TikTok's Shady Deal with the U.S.
Into It - Did Taylor Swift Curse Scooter Braun? And Will Fyre Fest Fool Us Twyce?
Endless Thread - PARKS! Pt. 4: Death Sea
⭐ Smart Podcast, Trashy Books - 577. Killing Folks with Deanna Raybourn
Wait Wait… Don't Tell Me! - WWDTM: Mark Ronson
Soft Rock Ballads
'80s Soft Pop
Relaxing '80s Rock
Unreal Unearth [Hozier] {2023}
'80s Training Montage
Tower of Power
Presenting The Doobie Brothers
Presenting Steely Dan
Presenting Electric Light Orchestra
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thatsbutterbaby · 1 year
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Trapping.  Morocco (High Atlas) / Berber / 20th century / Wool
Orange wool with multicolored woven bands (green, yellow, red and white) in tapestry, twined and pile techniques.
Penn Museum
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sunnyshiftyy · 1 year
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Atlas in a moodboard! 🌑
Tags: @theclassycandy
I hope the pictures give you kind of Atlas vibes! I can already see a story behind most of them.
The flower one was my MC Estelle begging her twin to take a picture with them when they passed a flower shop down one of the alleys of Penn Square. Atlas reluctantly complied, only because she ‘looked like shit’ because that would ruin the picture for sure. So she got in front of those beautiful plants and put on her most sarcastic smile, and bam, Estelle snapped a picture :)
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chessdaze · 2 years
@khoc-week​​ Day 4: Determination
I wanted to use this chance to draw fighting poses for the heartsmiths, while technically three of them are wielders, Wynter and Atlas don’t see much combat - but I wanted to talk about their fighting styles anyways. I know this doesn’t entirely fit the prompt but I thought it was close enough, how they fight is determined by their goals, strengths, and of course - determination to better one’s self.
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I’ll talk about them individually below the cut! (Didn’t color this sketch cause I knew it would take more than a few hours to finish and I don’t want to be late again)
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Quest is actually a fencer! He uses his keyblade much like a fencing sword, one handed quick but powerful attacks. He learned fencing from his father at a young age, and it has stuck with him throughout his life. It’s the reason his party is called the Chevaliers, cause his father used to be one who used a similar fighting style.
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Kei is the heaviest hitter out of the four. Her style is all strength based, she’s the tank of the group. Though she suffers in movement speed because of this, she has enough health to back her up as well as enough strength to block or parry most physical attacks. Magic is her weakness (and her savior, as a healer always ends up helping her out).
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Atlas’s fighting style is entirely magic based. While he does inherit the hand of time keyblade from Wynter later on in his story, before that he was simply a magic user. His magic is off the charts and wacky due to his wonderland origins. For example the gravity spell changes his gravity, not that of his opponents. His healing spell has roses and a red glow instead of lilies and a green glow, etc.  He’s mostly the one healing Kei and Quest up after missions.
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HM WYNTER’S STANCE LOOKS FAMILIAR DOESN’T IT? But yes Wynter’s style of fighting is a lot like Riku’s, you could say Wynter was the one to ‘invent’ the fighting style since he came first. Wynter is a rounded fighter but definitely not the strongest. He’s stronger than the average union wielder mostly due to his age and experience, but I wouldn’t say he’s as strong as the foretellers either as he hasn’t had alot of training. His keyblade is mostly used for magic, like Atlas, Wynter is a heavy magic user. His keyblade is also used for it’s special gift of stopping someone’s heart in time. This he uses on Atlas to bestow the Hand of Time onto him and to freeze him in time so he could survive the keyblade war.
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Galaxy changes classification as jet changes direction A team of international astronomers have discovered a galaxy that has changed classification due to unique activity within its core. The galaxy, named PBC J2333.9-2343, was previously classified as a radio galaxy, but the new research has revealed otherwise. The work is published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. PBC J2333.9-2343, located 656 844 372 light years away, has now been classified as a giant radio galaxy that is 4 million light years across and happens to have a blazar in its core; a blazar is an active galactic nucleus (AGN) with a relativistic jet (a jet travelling close to the speed of light) directed towards an observer. Blazars are very high energy objects and are considered to be one of the most powerful phenomena in the Universe. The research has revealed that in PBC J2333.9-2343, the jet changed its direction drastically by an angle of up to 90 degrees, going from being in the plane of the sky, perpendicular to our line of sight, to pointing directly towards us. A blazar jet is made of elemental charged particles like electrons or protons that move at velocities close to the speed of light. These move in circles around a strong magnetic field, causing the emission of radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. In PBC J2333.9-2343, the jet is thought to originate from or close to the supermassive black hole in its centre. With the jet pointing in our direction, the emission is strongly enhanced and can easily exceed that coming from the rest of the galaxy. This in turn drives high-intensity flares stronger than those coming from other radio galaxies, thus changing its categorisation. The orientation of the jets to us determines how a galaxy is classified. When two jets point towards the plane of the sky, they are classified as a radio galaxy, but if one of the jets points towards us, then the AGN of the galaxy is known as a blazar. With jets in the plane of the sky and one directed at us, PBC J2333.9-2343 has been reclassified as a radio galaxy with a blazar at its centre. Changes in the direction of jets have been described in the past, for example with X-shaped radio galaxies. This is the first time that such a phenomenon has been observed where it does not suggest the presence of two different phases of jet activity from its morphology observed at radio frequencies – the direction change appears to have taken place in the same nuclear outburst originating from the AGN. To find out more about this mysterious galaxy, astronomers had to observe it across a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. PBC J2333.9-2343 was observed with radio, optical, infrared, x-ray, ultraviolet and gamma ray telescopes. Data was obtained from the German 100m-Radio Telescope Effelsberg at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, the Yale University 1.3m-SMARTS optical telescope, and the Penn State Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. The team then compared the properties of PBC J2333.9-2343 with large samples of blazars and non-blazar galaxies provided by the ALeRCE (Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events) project in Chile with data from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS). Using the observational data, the team concluded that this galaxy has a bright blazar in the centre, with two lobes in the outer areas of the jet. The lobes that are observed are related to the old jets and are no longer being fed by the emission from the nucleus, so these lobes are relics of past radio activity. The AGN no longer drives the lobes as seen in typical radio galaxies. The team do not yet know what caused the drastic change in direction of the jets. They speculate that it could have been a merging event with another galaxy or any other relatively large object, or a strong burst of activity in the galactic nucleus after a dormant period. Dr Lorena Hernández-García, lead author of the paper and researcher at the Millenium Institute of Astrophysics, says “We started to study this galaxy as it showed peculiar properties. Our hypothesis was that the relativistic jet of its supermassive black hole had changed its direction, and to confirm that idea we had to carry out a lot of observations.” She adds, “The fact that we see the nucleus is not feeding the lobes anymore means that they are very old. They are the relics of past activity, whereas the structures located closer to the nucleus represent younger and active jets.” IMAGE....This artist's concept shows a "feeding," or active, supermassive black hole with a jet streaming outward at nearly the speed of light. Not all black holes have jets, but when they do, the jets can be pointed in any direction. If a jet happens to shine at Earth, the object is called a blazar. CREDIT NASA/JPL-Caltech
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Prometheus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Bringer of Fire, The Doomed Titan by the people of Olympius
Sir Know-it-All by Zeus
Mr. Wise by Ares
Dad by his children
My Boy by Iapetus
Age- 32 (immortal)
Location- The Underworld
Personality- Prometheus is very straight-laced and sophisticated. Because of his ability to see into the future, anticipating impending events makes him exceptionally enigmatic. He's careful and methodical, always thinking before an action. He's particularly sensitive around those he cares about.
As the Titan god of forethought, crafts, and counsel, he has many abilities like summoning and controlling clay (and mud as well), pyrokinesis, stretching his entire body like clay (for healing purposes as well). Although this ability has been weakened, he can terraport (teleporting through earth and clay). He can see into the future though the events are merely possible and not 100% set in stone. He can also project illusions.
Prometheus has been handling his punishment with total humility- being chained to a rock in the Underworld and having his regenerating liver being eaten out by an eagle. He's not particularly ashamed about the events leading up to his punishment unlike his mother Clymene (Titaness of fame & renown). The only thing he can't stand is how his punishment is affecting his kids and wife. He's been grateful for his father Iapetus (Titan god of mortality, pain, & death) who has been supporting him since.
He's also aware of the state of his relationship with his twin brother Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought). Prometheus told him not to get with Pandora. He had always tried being there for his brother, giving him sound practical advice, but he always ended up disregarding it with reckless abandon. Before his punishment Prometheus was still fairly close with his other brothers Atlas (Titan god of strength & endurance) and Menoetius (Titan god of rage, violence, & rash actions). Before his punishment, Prometheus also used to be good friends with Dolos (god of deception & treachery) as well as Ktesios (god of the household), Horkos (god of oaths), Favian (god of philosophy), & Axiótimos (god of honor).
He was mentored by Anchiale (Titaness of fire).
Prometheus loved working with clay- through doing pottery, miniature figurines, and making sculptures. He lived in a behemoth sized brickhouse mansion in Achaea with his wife Pronoia and their daughter Aidos (goddess of shame, modesty, humility, & respect). His oldest, a son Deucalion came from his previous relationship with Celaeno (one of The Pleiades). Prometheus' son would spend the weekends & holidays there. The house had a massive fireplace (used for making popcorn and roasting marshmallows) and a spacious kiln (for his works). He also cooked sometimes, his signature dishes being smoked sausage penne pasta and green bean casserole. After he was sentenced, Pronoia ended up having a mental breakdown and was unable to care for their daughter.
He'd give anything to have a glass of red wine or to smoke a cigar. He always called it "his treats."
One of the last memories he holds fondly before his punishment was when he went to New Olympus with his kids to The Frozen Spoon, where they all shared a huge chocolate fudge brownie sundae with extra chocolate sauce & loads of whipped cream. Another memory he replays in his head often was the last time he & his wife made love.
"The fire within burns the brightest."
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anzacdaygallipoli · 2 years
Mitolojiyle tarihin kesişim noktası: Troya - Lutars Turizm
New Post has been published on https://www.lutarsturizm.com/mitolojiyle-tarihin-kesisim-noktasi-troya.html
Mitolojiyle tarihin kesişim noktası: Troya
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İlk olarak isim konusunu netleştirelim. Troya mı Truva mı? Bölgeye ait en önemli kaynak, Homeros’un ‘İlyada Destanı’. Bu metinde de bölgeye verilen ad; ‘Troia’. Dünyaca bilinen adı bu. Türkçe okunuşu da ‘Troya’. Öyleyse Truva nereden gelmiş? Halk arasında söyleme kolaylığı nedeniyle meydana çıkmış bu kelime. Özetle; bilimsel adı Troya, halk arasındaki adı Truva. Troya Antik Kenti Çanakkale il sınırları içinde.
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Bu kadar tanınır olmasının nedeni elbette barındırdığı kabul edilen derin tarih ama destanlara konu olan hikâyesi, filmleri ve çalınan hazineleri de şöhretinin sebepleri arasında. Troya, şu an olduğu gibi antikçağda da çok önemli bir yere sahipmiş. Nedeniyse Çanakkale Boğazı. O zamanlarda da ticaret yolu olarak kullanılan bu güzergâh sayesinde kentin çok zengin ve popüler olduğu düşünülüyor. Zenginliği sadece ticaret yolu olmasına da bağlı değil. Kaz Dağları ve altındaki altın madenleri de bu zenginliğin kaynaklarındanmış. Troya’dan çıkarılan hazinelerden de bugünkü maden yataklarından da anlaşılacağı üzere bölgede çok miktarda altın olduğu düşünülüyor. Günümüzden 5 bin 600 yıl öncesine dayanan Troya’yı aslında en popüler yapan şey, mitolojideki Troyalı Paris’in, Sparta Kralı Menelaos’un karısı Helen’i kaçırması ve ardından başlayan Troya Savaşı. Savaş 10 yıl sürmüş ve ‘İlyada Destanı’nda bu savaşın sadece son 51 günü anlatılmış. Bu savaşı, bu kadar popüler yapan şey de içine savaşçıların saklandığı tahta at.
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Bu atla Troya ele geçirilmiş ve şehir yerle bir olmuş. Peki, şehirden kaçmayı başaran Prens Aeneas’ın buradan Roma’ya ulaştığını ve burada Roma İmparatorluğu’nu kurduğunu biliyor muydunuz? Yani günümüz İtalya’sını oluşturanlar da Troyalı. Buradan bile bir tahta ata sığdırılamayacak öneme sahip olduğunu gördüğümüz Troya’nın maalesef ilk yıllarda kıymetini bilememişiz. 1868-1873 yılları arasında Heinrich Schliemann tarafından yapılan kazılar sonucunda bulunan Troya hazinesi yurtdışına, Yunanistan’a kaçırılmış. Olay duyulunca Osmanlı devleti geri almaya çalışmış ancak maalesef hazine Schliemann tarafından saklanarak Louvre Müzesi’ne taşınmış. Heinrich Schliemann burada da durmamış ve önce İngiltere, ardından da Berlin Müzesi’ne bağışlamış hazineyi. Berlin’deki hazine son olarak 2. Dünya Savaşı ganimeti olarak Ruslar tarafından alınmış. Halen Rusya’da tutulan hazineler için istekte bulunduk ve lobi çalışmaları devam ediyor. Ancak bu tür girişimlerden sonuç almak uzun yıllar sürebiliyor. Bu esnada 2012 yılında Troya hazinesinin çok küçük bir kısmı, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki Pensilvanya Üniversitesi Arkeoloji ve Antropoloji Müzesi’nde (Penn) bulunmuş ve bu 24 parça altın takı aynı yıl ülkemize getirilmiş.
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Erken tunç çağına tarihlenen altın takılar Troya Müzesi’nde görülebilir. Troya Müzesi demişken, ülkemize çok yakışan çok güzel bir müze var kazı alanında. 2019’da açıldı; üç katının her birinde Troya’ya ve çevrede yapılan kazılara ait birçok tarihi eseri görebilirsiniz. Her yaşa hitap eden bu çağdaş müze ve antik kent için Müze Kart geçerli. Gitmişken sadece bu iki yeri değil de bölgedeki diğer önemli ören yerlerini de görmenizi tavsiye ediyorum. Özellikle Roma döneminin Alexandria Troas’ını, Athena Tapınağı’nı, Akhilleus’un, Patraklos’un ve Ajax’ın mezarlarını listenize ekleyin derim.
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choicesbookclub · 2 months
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[The Elementalists 2 Mini Book Club]
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we-eternal-rp · 2 years
Mw male Fcs that are 23-35yo? And mayb some mw for masc deities? Tvm
☄ —  anon !
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MALE FCS: evan mock (25), thomas doherty (27), rahul kohli (36), robert sheehan (34), lakeith stanfield (30), penn badgley (35), dev patel (32), alex fitzalan (26), chance perdomo (25), luka sabbat (24), archie renaux (24), elliot fletcher (26)
MASC DEITIES: deimos, phobos, hypnos, poseidon, helios, perses, atlas, daedalus, icarus, prometheus, heracles, jason, eros, pothos, pan, more river gods, narcissus, bellerophon. 
    — as always !! members, feel free to add onto this below. 
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