#at least shelias actually gone for good this time
brookiidookiii · 3 months
havent caught up on the bold and the beautiful in a while but hope and thomas are together again?????? areyou kidding me. and finn is siding with his homicidal mother instead of his wife who killed her in self defense i hate these people
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wellthatjusthappend · 3 years
Hi! How are you doing? For the Jason's death day request: Instead of Ethiopia, the events happened in Qurac. The Amazons of Bana-Migdhall save Jason and raise him as one of them.
Jason goes out to find one mom and ends up with 500 ;)
April 27th Requests. Warning: blood and gore. 
Jason’s head was ringing from the repeated blows by the Joker, so he didn’t notice right away when the door to the warehouse burst inwards. 
His first thought was that Batman had indeed made it in time. But Batman didn’t use bows and arrows. Or axes, for that matter. 
“Aw, did Batsy send his Wonder friends to break up our fun. That’s just not playing fair,” said Joker in a sing-song voice, albeit slightly labored. Jason wondered if he had been shot, but he could barely open his eyes, much less turn his head to see. 
“You are mistaken, Mad-one. We are the Amazons of Bana-Migdhall. We follow no man or bat. We are here because of the villages you bombed yesterday, along the nile. You will face your justice now.”
“Aw, are you going to shoot me? That’s so cut- hnnk.” There was a sickening sound followed by a dull thud. 
“Beheadings are actually traditional for this crime.”
Silence. Jason couldn't quite believe it, needed to see-
“Oh, thank goodness you got rid of that monster, I was so scared-” Jason heard his mom start to prattle on. 
“We know who you are, Shelia Heywood,” one of the Amazons said, “we know of your exploitation of the people you were sent here to ‘help’. We know you worked with this monster. We are here for your justice as well.”
“Please, please, it’s not my fault, he made me, you don’t know what it’s like,” Shelia began to beg. 
“Mom…” Jason croaked, still struggling to move.
“Lie still,” someone said, kneeling down next to him, “your broken ribs may cause more harm if you move too much.”
“My mom,” he said a little more urgently.
“Your mother allowed this?” the woman said in horror. 
“He forced me, he forced me,” Shelia continued sob. 
“Did he force you to make yourself comfortable and watch? We saw you when we came in,” said another in disgust. 
Jason had too. She had been lazily smoking a cigarette. 
Shelia sobbed harder. 
“Take her away,” another ordered. 
“Please…” Jason tried again. 
“They won’t kill her just now. She will face a trial in Bana-Migdhall. But the odds are not good considering all that she has done… and what she was willing to do to her own child,” the woman told him, as Shelia was dragged out. 
That was something at least. He didn’t know how he felt about his mom. She was the reason she was bleeding on this floor. The reason he’d been left in that house with Willis Todd. He just wanted...
“...the squire to that Bat-man who haunts that city across the sea.”
“He is a long way from home then,” commented another woman. 
“And the Bat is clearly as negligent as one would expect of a man. Who sends a child into battle against such a mad-man. Alone, no less,” said the one beside him. 
It’s not that Jason hadn’t asked himself the same question before, but- Robin was everything. 
Or had been. He had been fired anyway, and if he ever lived through this, Batman would never have him as a partner again. 
“No hospital of Man is going to be enough to heal this,” murmured the woman holding him, “we will need to bring him back to Bana-Migdhall if he is to live.”
“He is a man,” Jason heard one scoff. 
“A boy. Barely more than a child,” she shot back.
Jason couldn’t even be bothered to be offended. The pain made everything hazy for a moment and he lost track of the conversation. 
“-you’ve gone soft, Artemis.”
“When our queen Antiope bore a son, we rejoiced with her just as if it had been a daughter, because we know that a child’s life is precious no matter what. Is that not still the case with this one?” 
A quiet heated debate. 
“Very well, but he’s your responsibility. If he does not obey our laws, we will not be merciful in our judgment. He is old enough to know better.”
“Of course, now let us bring him to the healers at once, or this will all have been in vain,” Artemis said. 
Jason couldn’t help the soft pained sound he let out as he was picked up. Blearily, he looked up at the muscular redhead woman who carried him. He noted that her face was stern, but not unkind, but he couldn’t process too much more than that. 
“Keep your eyes open as long as you can, child. I will get you to help soon,” she told him, “can you tell me your name?”
He really wasn’t supposed to, but these people were Amazon’s- like Wonder Woman- it was probably fine.
“Jason…” he murmured.
“Hmm, I once knew a Jason. I did not care for how he treated women. We shall teach you to be better, Jason Bana-Migdhall,” she said, nodding to herself. 
“All will become clear soon, child.”
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rosalietodd013 · 4 years
A/N: This is one of the many one-shots I have been thinking about writing lately. I have not felt up to writing in a good minute and writing this made me realize just why I love writing so much and that I miss it. Forgive me if it is a bit rough around the edges; I might rewrite it later.
Summary: No matter what happens, she’ll always be there for him.
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: Major Character Death, Angst
Word Count: 1,412
I couldn’t let him go alone. I just couldn’t.
I knew how much this meant to him and I could only imagine what might happen if he went on his own, and I couldn’t let him.
If I found out that the woman who gave birth to me was out there somewhere, I would do anything to find her as well.
No one could have known it would have gone down the way it did though.
He tried to hide it from me in the beginning, but I knew him well enough to know when something was up.
I waited for him to come to me like he always did when something was bothering him or he found something out that he did want to keep to himself but he wasn’t really ready to share with anyone else. But he never did.
“What’s up, Jay?”
I cornered him in an alley during patrol. Bruce was on the other side of the city dealing with some low lives like Jason and I just had so I knew we had a little bit of time before he became suspicious of our lack of movement.
“What are you talking about?” His reply was nonchalant but I could feel him stiffen slightly at my question.
“I know you are hiding something from me, Jay. I didn’t think we were keeping secrets from one another.”
Jason had been my best friend since Bruce adopted us. First him, then me a few weeks later. Gotham street rats we were and we bonded quickly because of it.
We didn’t trust our ‘good fortune’ in the beginning; ready to bail if things became the least bit sketchy, but they never did. We trusted each other. Over time we opened up more and more to one another and somewhere in the mix feelings were shared and romance blossomed.
Fast forward a few years and we are literally inseparable. I would die for him and I know he would do the same for me in a heartbeat. We have complete confidence in one another and that’s why I know he’ll tell me what’s going on in his mind.
“I found my birth mother.” He said softly. “She’s alive and I plan on going to meet her.”
I’m in shock at first. I didn’t even know Jason was adopted. I don’t even know how he knew. How’d he find out? How’d he find her? Where was she? Did Bruce know? I didn’t voice any of these questions at first.
“I’m going with you.” Is all I said.
From the look on Jason’s face, he wants to protest. Maybe he wants to do this on his own. Maybe he doesn’t want me to get in trouble in case things go sideways or Bruce finds out. Maybe he doesn’t want me there in case she isn’t who she says she is. Honestly, all of this is why I should go with him. He might not realize it, but he’ll need moral support regardless of what happens. And I will be there to give it to him.
“Non-negotiable Jay.” I cut him off before he can get his protest out. “I’m going with you because I know you didn’t tell Bruce or Dick and I am not letting you go alone.”
He looks at me for a good few minutes, truly contemplating what I have said and for a moment I think he is still going to refuse me, but he instead pulls me into the sweetest most passionate kiss we have shared since our first time and I am eager to reciprocate.
“I got your back, my love. Always.” I say as I rest my forehead against his and he wraps his arms tight around my waist.
“What would I do without you?”
“I don’t think you ever want to find out.”
We laugh softly into the chilled Gotham air before our communicators beep and Batman’s voice can be heard.
“Robin, (Y/S/N), meet me on the roof of the GCPD. Commissioner Gordan has new information we need to see.”
“On our way.”
It didn’t even go how I imagined it would.
When Jason told me about this Shelia Haywood, something just felt off. I didn’t know what and I really didn’t want to worry Jason with my unsubstantiated suspicions or ruin this for him, so I kept my mouth shut and God do I wish I’d done more.
It was a set up from the beginning. He told me she knew he was Robin, but he didn’t realize just how much power was in that information.
She sold us out to the Joker of all people. I don’t care why she did it, but it broke my heart not only when we found out, but the look on Jason’s face when the psychopath killed her right in front of him. She might have been a piece of shit but she was still his mother. I just knew he would never recover.
And he never got the chance.
That clown tied us to chairs and made us watch as he beat the two of us back and forth. First Jason, then me.
I was sure each blow would hit just the right spot to end this nightmare, but he obviously knew what he was doing.
By the time he finished with us, neither I nor Jason could barely move or breathe. I could hear his quick shallow breaths and I knew for sure one of his lungs must be collapsed. There was a gash somewhere above his hairline that caused blood to run into his beautiful blue eyes, not that it mattered much seeing as though they were practically swollen shut.
I could hear Joker getting ready to leave and say something cruel and meaningless, but all I could focus on was my Jason.
When the door finally slammed shut and the clown’s laughter was gone, I used all my strength to rip my hands out of the ropes binding them.
Once I was free, I limped over to a barely conscious Jason and undid his bindings as well.
“Come on Jay. We can’t stay here.”
I tried with all my might to pull him up and out of his chair but only succeeded in causing us both to topple to the floor.
I let out a quick cry of pain and I could hear a muffled moan from my boyfriend. From the undistinguished sounds coming from him, it appeared as though he was trying to say something, but I had to get us out of there first.
“Hold on Jay. I’m gonna get us out of here.”
I hobbled to the door, the pain in my legs increasing with every step I took. But I refused to give up.
The door was locked when I got to it but I couldn’t stop now. Jason was counting on me.
I pulled with all my might and after a few unsuccessful attempts, the lock on the door finally gave way and it swung open just a crack.
I let out a cross between a laugh and a cry as I turned back to my companion who was lying on the floor on the other side of the cabin facing away from me.
“I got it open my love. We can go now.” I said as I neared him.
His breathing was no longer noisy but I assumed that was because he was unconscious. No matter. I’ll drag him out of here if I have to.
I laid my hands on his shoulder to turn him over and I could actually feel all the blood in my body turn to ice.
He wasn’t breathing. I could actually feel his skin chilling with the frigid temperatures outside.
Jason. The love of my life. My soulmate. Was gone.
I didn’t realize how much worse he got it than me. How quickly he was deteriorating. And now he was no more.
He’d left me right before we had our freedom. Freedom I didn’t want without him.
I didn’t look at the door as I collapsed in front of him.
I didn’t hear the tick tick ticking not five feet away from us as I laid my forehead against his, wrapping his lifeless arms around me.
I couldn’t hear the faint sound of a motorbike speeding towards the cabin as I spoke my final words.
“I love you, Jason Todd. Forever and always.”
There was nothing but darkness after that.
A/N: I want to apologize to everyone for my lack of presence. It has been far too long. I have suffered writer's block, school has been an issue then work, I had a major death in my family and then COVID-19. I feel like a big ball of excuses tbh. Now I want to take some time to focus on my writing. I plan on continuing Forever, Together, and the Ours series, and I have a few new things I have in the works but everything else is on an indefinite hiatus but definitely not discontinued. Please feel free to message me with questions, comments, concerns, random facts about your day. Anything is welcome. I will be back soon!
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lynyrdwrites · 4 years
In the Bones
Here is some dragon dungeon porn that is super late and written for @thetourguidebarbie. Pretty sure this was supposed to be your birthday gift about two years ago... my bad?  Also for @goldcaught, in the hopes it will give you a few minutes of distraction.
It can be found on AO3 here, if you prefer that.
There was a rumbling beneath the town.
It wasn’t the type that could be heard for miles. In fact, anyone visiting wouldn’t have heard it at all. But those that had grown up in the town? Who had cut their first teeth listening to stories of bygone eras and the monsters that once ruled them?
They could feel the rumbling in their very bones.
The young ones – the stupid ones – they wrote it off as paranoia because their grandmothers were so good at spinning tales. Their parents laughed it off, and then spoke in hushed voices when their children were turned away, gone off to play again.
The elders knew they had to do something about it.
And Caroline Forbes?
Caroline was one of those visitors, the ones that couldn’t sense that rumbling at all.
Shouldn’t sense that rumbling at all.
Yet as she sat in a coffee shop and talked to a woman who had to be at least 80 about the rumors of a cult that had set up shop in the caves beyond the village during the turn of the century… well, she saw something in that old woman’s eyes. She heard the whispers that she couldn’t quite make out.
And something deep, deep in her bones made her shiver.
It was cold.
It was so, so very cold.
It should be warm. The bed in the cute little BnB where she was renting a room had been almost stifling in its warmth. It had been enough to make her a bit light-headed, compounded by the headache that had begun to pound in her temples, seemingly in time to the rumbling she swore she felt, but that no one else seemed to notice.
She tried to curl up, to pull the blanket tighter around her, only to find that there was nothing there. Nothing but cold and hard, damp stone.
Caroline pushed herself up into a sitting position and tried to swallow back the panic that threatened to rise in her throat and choke her. She had taken lessons about this; Shelia made any international journalist on her team take lessons on hostage situations and kidnapping scenarios.
Rule one was always don’t panic.
Easy to say. But Caroline doubted very much that any of those instructors had ever actually found themselves kidnapped – taken hostage? – because if they had, they would have spent more time on explaining exactly how one didn’t panic.
She took deep breaths, and looked around with frantic eyes, trying to calm her racing heart while taking in her surroundings. Her eyes had begun to adjust to the dark, letting her see the outline of cold stone.
Was she in a cave?
She cringed, because she had nothing on her feet. She wasn’t some heathen that slept in socks, although she wished, in that moment, that she was. She shuffled along, until she could grip the stone wall, letting out a yelp when a particularly sharp stone dug into the bottom of her bare foot.
It was followed by a disgusted moan when she realized the stone of the walls was wet.
She hoped it was water. Please, let it just be water.
“What the hell is going on?” she muttered darkly, shuffling slowly along the cave, her hands hovering just over the wall and its wet surface. At least if she shuffled, she shouldn’t step on any more stones. Her foot stung, and she tried hard not to worry about the skin being broken, and what gross diseases she was picking up if it were.
She heard stone grind, a sound that made her wince, and she hesitated. That sound meant there was probably someone else here, but Caroline had also seen enough horror movies to wonder if she wanted to actually meet that someone else.
In the end, desire to get the hell out won over fear of coming face to face with Jason, and she shuffled towards the noise.
At some point, it came to a stop, and after a few more minutes of shuffling, Caroline found herself coming up against more stone.
Stone with a handle that, when she tugged, moved exactly nowhere.
She had a terrible feeling that her only way out was behind that stone, and the fact that someone had apparently locked her behind it brought panic back to the surface. This time, she didn’t bother trying to fight it.
“Let me out!” she shrieked, pounding with her palm. The stone was rough and scraped against her palm, and she hissed when she slapped a sharp edge. She recoiled and clutched her hand, curled into a fist, against her chest. She didn’t need to see it clearly, to know that blood was welling.
And still, there was no response from the other side of the stone wall.
Somewhere behind her, she heard something move. It was faint, and at first Caroline was sure that she was just imagining it. But then she heard it again – a slide over stone. Not the screech of stone on stone that the wall had made, but a fainter noise, one that sent a chill down Caroline’s spine. That rumble she had felt in her bones disappeared, replaced by something more terrifying.
The certainty that she wasn’t alone in that cave.
She gave another useless tug at the wall, and winced when it tugged at her injured hand. She flexed it, and then began to shuffle down the cave again. Heading towards the noise was not an ideal scenario, but the alternative was to stand with her back, literally, to a wall while she hyperventilated and panicked and created the absolute worst scenarios in her mind.
Probably better to just face down the noise and hope it wasn’t a serial killer.
As she moved, her mind began to calm. These had to be the caves she had come to investigate. The cult caves. There were rumors of human sacrifice to Pagan Gods. She was pretty sure it wasn’t a God making that sliding noise that grew louder as she moved towards it. There had to be another corridor in this stupid cave. One that would take her away from that noise. The locals claimed the caves were a maze; one in which visitors often became lost.
At the time, it had seemed like a valid explanation of the odd disappearances – far more logical than Pagan Gods, but not quite logical enough to discard the Cult angle entirely. But these seemed more like a straight line than a maze, and her steps began to falter when the sliding became closer with no other exit in sight.
It sounded like something was moving. Or rather, like multiple things were moving. One thing couldn’t make that much noise.
Not unless it was a very, very large thing.
She stopped walking, her fingers clutching the wall of the cave. She glanced back, and thought about turning around. But she’d already been there, and escape wasn’t to be found. That meant she really just had one final choice.
To be horror movie stupid.
“Hello?” she called out, taking a hesitant step towards the noise. The shifting paused, and Caroline dared to take another step forward. “I need… help.”
It felt so lame, calling out like that, and now that the noise had stopped, everything in the cave seemed so eerie. In the back of her mind, Caroline imagined dramatic horror moving swelling.
If some axe wielding maniac ended up jumping in front of her, she was going to… well, die.
But she’d haunt his murderous ass.
The noise began again, but it was different. Until it was just a shuffle, like the sound of feet on the dirt floor. All her muscles quivered with a tension she couldn’t explain. Was this what a deer felt like? Caroline remembered going on a singular, disastrous hunting trip with her father. She was a good shot, but she hadn’t been willing to shoot freaking Bambi. They hadn’t spoken for months after that; their argument had been angry and explosive.
Now she could feel an empathy for that deer, one that went beyond being unable to shoot at big, brown eyes. Now she understood what it felt like, to feel danger in the air and not know if it was real, or if she was just going crazy. Was she being hunted? Or was it all her imagination?
Ahead of her, something moved in the shadows.
She knew there was nothing behind her, nowhere to hide, yet she ran anyway. Her flight instinct was apparently sharper than her fight one, and all she could think was she needed to get the hell out. She tore at the wall blocking her exit, not caring that she was tearing her nails down to the quick, turning them bloody, as she dug at the wall and pulled until her muscles strained.
The sound of a rock bouncing across the floor sounded like a shot behind her. It seemed louder than it should.
She gave another tug, and then dropped her arms, letting them hand uselessly at her sides. With resignation taking over for panic, she began to become of aware of the sting in her fingers. Her attempts to move the wall and left them raw and painful.
“You’re afraid.”
The voice was male, and accented. Not Welsh, like most of the people who lived in the village. But definitely British of some sort. She didn’t respond, just stared at the wall while tears stung the corners of her eyes.
She wasn’t alone in the world. Her mom would look for her eventually. So would Bonnie and Enzo. But that wouldn’t be right away; Caroline knew she wasn’t the best at maintaining contact when she was on a job. By the time they began to really worry, who knew where her body would be.
She’d probably be found, eventually. Just far, far too late.
There was a sigh behind her, and more steps. Whoever her likely murderer was, he put off a lot of heat. It made Caroline shiver. She hadn’t realized how cold she was thanks to the damp misery of the cave. Now that she was so close to someone so warm, goosebumps rose in response on her arms and legs.
“You’re an interesting gift.” The man was close enough that Caroline could feel the exhale of his breath as he spoke. “Your accent. It’s different.”
“I’m American,” Caroline replied. Her voice broke on the word, and it made her steel her spine. She might die here, but she wouldn’t do it wilting. She would get in at least one good punch.
She spun around, intending to surprise the man by going on the attack. She struck out with her knee, directing it to where the odds said his groin would likely be. It was caught in pale hands that held her still with a steely strength. Caroline cursed and swayed, fighting to stay upright on her free leg.
“You’re spirited,” the man mused, and he held Caroline’s leg a moment longer, before he dropped it. Light flared suddenly, and Caroline winced and closed her eyes. She opened them again slowly when nothing else happened, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the sudden light.
It was fire, she noted after a moment. Warm and orange and engulfing the man’s hand.
“Holy shit,” she muttered, staring at the limb that should be a gross mess of flaking skin and whatever gross fluids would result from it. Instead, there was just untouched skin. The man chuckled, a sound ripe with amusement, and drew Caroline’s gaze to his face.
“Holy shit,” she muttered again, because crazy axe murderers tended to be, like, mutated monsters that probably called their father daddy-uncle. This man didn’t look like he belonged in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, though. He was…
He was hot.
Blonde curls and dimples that cut into his cheeks. He wasn’t much taller than Caroline, and his cheeks looked rough with scruff.
He was also completely stark naked.
“I… okay. Pants, maybe?” she spun around, and looked at the roof of the cave. It looked ominous, with the way the light from the fire caused shadows to form from the dips and crags. “I’d really rather not be killed by a naked murderer.”
“Am I killing you?” The man still sounded amused, and Caroline shot a scowl over her shoulder, quickly remembered he was freaking naked, and turned her head around again. “I wasn’t aware that was my intention.”
“Are you going to put on clothes or not?” Caroline demanded, her voice getting increasingly higher until the final word sounded entirely too freaked out.
But she was. She was really freaked out. Incredibly freaked out. And concentrating on the naked thing distracted her from the hand on fire thing, so she’d freak out over the damn naked thing.
Another sigh behind her, this one more irritated than anything, and okay, maybe irritating the guy that may or may not be a murderer wasn’t the best idea.
Something in the air shifted. Caroline couldn’t quite explain what it was, but the hair on her arms and the nape of her neck went on end, and she kept preternaturally still. It was like that sense of rumbling she’d had in town, only so much closer, and she knew if she turned around, she would never be able to un-see whatever was behind her.
She didn’t feel in control of her own body as she slowly – painfully slowly – turned back towards the man.
And instead came face to face with a beast.
The eyes were still blue, but the scales were black and grey, and horns protruded back from that scaley face – horns that looked almost as though they were made of silver. He was more serpentine than the stories would have her believe, but if the man had been like a space heater, it was nothing compared to this.
Nothing compared to the dragon.
Caroline stared up at him and she wanted to scream. But the sound caught in her throat, and she couldn’t move. Not until he nudged her, his skin hot beneath her touch, but rather than scalding her, it just made her feel warm.
She was crazy. She had to be so fucking crazy.
She stroked the scales between his eyes, surprised that they were softer and smoother than she had expected. There was a rumbling, and at first she thought it was the cave. But when she paused in her stroking, she got an unimpressed huff and another nudge, and the rumbling stopped. It had been the dragon. She started her stroking again.
He was purring.
The stench of fear had faded from her scent.
It left just the fresh, delicious smell of the woman herself. Contentment caused a deep rumble in his chest, and when her fingers stopped their heavenly stroking, he nudged her, a demand that she continue to stroke him.
He wasn’t normally affectionate, and he definitely wasn’t prone to letting strangers stroke him. But Klaus was a creature of instinct, and all his instincts were telling him to keep the woman. To take her to the horde he kept hidden in the heart of the old mountain cave and keep her there.
Humans ate meat, did they not? He was sure they did. Admittedly, he hadn’t bothered to pay attention to one in… well, centuries. But he was positive they did.
“You’re a handsome boy, aren’t you?” the woman asked, her fingers finding a particularly sensitive spot at the base of his horns, one that made his tail sway, hitting the sides of the cave with dangerous force that made him growl in irritation.
This part of the cave was entirely too small.
“What are you doing?” the woman asked, as Klaus cradled her carefully with his his talons against his chest. It took some maneuvering, to get turned around, and to head back to the hidden entrance to his horde. She struggled against his grip, and Klaus growled down at her. He was much larger in his True Form, of course, but not so giant that her struggling didn’t make carrying her difficult.
Didn’t she realize that she could cut herself  if she moved like that. His talons were sharp, meant to tear his prey to shreds.
“Isn’t this just great,” she muttered to herself darkly, and it amused Klaus, to listen to her speak when she clearly thought he couldn’t hear. “Way to go Caroline. Death by imaginary creature… that’s going to be, like, the worst epitaph ever.”
She struggled a bit more, but stopped when Klaus huffed at her again.
Or… he thought that was why she had stopped. But then something sharp and stinging dug into his skin, between two of the scales that usually worked as excellent protection. He let out a pained shriek and released his hold on her – Caroline, he managed to think, even through his anger. She had called herself Caroline – and looked down at his claw, searching for what had caused the pain.
Caroline stumbled down the cave, and Klaus took a moment to roll his eyes. The only exit route was in his hoard, and she would never find that without him. He caught sight of something shiny between his scales, but his claws were too large to pull it out.
He changed back to his human form, and raised a brow when he saw what had caused the pain. He didn’t recognize it, but there was a strand of blonde hair caught on it, making him think it was some sort of hair pin. He didn’t know how she’d managed to make it so sharp so quickly, but he had to appreciate Caroline’s quick mind.
His instincts had chosen well for him. He glanced down the cave, where he could hear Caroline’s footsteps moving further. She would hit the next dead end before long.
He might be in his human form, but the teeth bared by his grin were viciously sharp and not human at all.
If she wanted to play a game, then he would play with her. A game of chase would keep him young, after all.
Thank whatever higher power might exist for cheap bobby pins.
Look, the dragon had been weirdly cute and all… but Caroline wasn’t about to just play possum while she got dragged back to its creepy lair and turned into a midnight snack. And that had to be the plan. It had to be the explanation for all those people that went missing.
The people in the village were clearly dirty lying liars… and, Caroline admitted, probably members of the rumored cult. No wonder no signs of it had been found; the members were the same people being questioned about it’s existence. And she could do exactly zero reporting on any of it, assuming she figured a way out alive.
No one would believe her if she told them about a dragon.
She found herself at another dead end. The cave behind her was entirely too quiet, and she knew the dragon would be on her in, like, ten seconds.
But there had to be a way out. This space was way too small for a giant lizard, and there was no sign of a space for its human form to sleep.
She did, however, find the first sign of sacrifice. Her foot caught on something hard, and she found herself landing hard on her stomach, face to face with a skull. Even in the dark she could recognize it, and it made her scream.
She scrambled backwards, and realized that she had stumbled onto the cave’s graveyard. Not the centuries worth of bones that should probably be there according to the rumors she had been chasing, but probably at least, like, a couple decade’s worth.
Jesus Christ – had the dragon eaten all them?
“Are you ok – oh.” The dragon came to a halt, once more in the form of the very attractive, very naked human male. “I suppose I should have tidied up. But I tend to lose track of when the mortals decide to send another one in here. The centuries, they fade together.”
“Centuries,” Caroline repeated faintly, clutching the wall of the cave. “And… did you seriously just say tidy up? Like you can just toss out bones like garbage and I would be okay with the fact that you eat people!”
The dragon let out a huff, one that didn’t sound quite human. He stepped towards Caroline, who looked around for an escape and when she, of course, came up short, bent down and grabbed what must have at some point been someone’s rib. She mentally asked the owner for forgiveness, but it was the only weapon she had, and she was not going to just become another pile of bones, thank-you very much.
The dragon stopped his forward motion and once more, fire flared around his hand, letting Caroline see the way he raised his brow at her. And illuminating the rest of him, and it was stupid that she found herself distracted by that, but sue her. He was so, so naked.
“I don’t recall the humans being so rude,” the dragon mused as he frowned at her slightly. “There was a lot of screaming, yes… but they never attacked me.”
“Well, gee, sorry for not just letting you eat me!”
“Humans taste terrible, Love. Even a hatchling knows that. If they don’t listen to their elders, they learn their lesson quickly.”
“Yes, because the pile of bones doesn’t tell me you’re a dirty liar!” Caroline snapped in reply. “You and that stupid village deserve each other!”
“I didn’t eat them,” the dragon replied irritated. He scratched his cheek with his index finger, and Caroline realized his nail was still long and black, like his claws in the dragon form. “Truth be told, I usually just slept until they stopped being so loud. It was rather rude of them, to come into my home uninvited” – he turned his gaze to her, his eyes becoming warm and welcoming – “though I find I’m not so disturbed by the interruption this once.”
“Are you flirting with me?” Caroline demanded, nearly lowering the rib, because the whole thing was just so surreal.
The dragon stared at her, and then cocked his head. The movement was once again just so… not human, and it was kind of weird, seeing it being done by someone who looked so human.
“I don’t know what that means,” he said at last. “Let us try this again. I am Klaus. This is the entrance to my horde. Now you say your name.”
“Caroline,” she blurted out, because what else did you say when a dragon was, apparently, giving a lecture about manners? “I’m Caroline. Forbes.”
And probably telling the giant lizard that might not be intent on killing her, but definitely had the ability to burn her alive, her name wasn’t the best idea. But what else was she supposed to do? She’d been raised right, after all.
If someone told you their name, you gave yours in return. It was just polite.
“Caroline Forbes,” Klaus repeated, looking as if he were savoring the feel of the syllables on his tongue. It was… weirdly attractive.
And God, what did it say about her that she found a dragon attractive? She was a human. She should really only be into humans. This was like… some Beauty and the Beast level of crazy, except at least the Beast was a human. Just cursed.
“Ah… you wouldn’t happen to be cursed into the whole dragon thing, would you?” she asked, waving her hand to encompass his everything.
“Cursed?” the word was filled with insulted derision and Klaus sneered at the mere thought. “Please. I haven’t been weak enough to be cursed in centuries.”
She wasn’t sure which part of that to unpack. Her weird attraction to someone who was, truly, not at all human… or that curses were apparently a Thing, even if they weren’t relevant to her situation.
He looked… mostly human. The fire thing was a bit crazy. And the claws. And she was pretty sure his teeth were entirely too sharp. But besides that… mostly human. So it was totally okay.
“Maybe you should go full lizard again,” she said at last. “You know, with the scales, and the horns… and the not having all that just hanging out there.”
Klaus glanced down idly at his naked form. He huffed again… and was that smoke coming out of his nose?
“You are oddly fixated on this form,” he noted at last, his brow furrowed slightly. “And keeping it covered. It irritates me.”
“I kind of don’t care,” Caroline responded, watching as he lifted his flame covered hand towards the cave wall. He ran his claws over it, and then tugged on what looked like any other rock protruding outward. It shifted downward, and the entire cave rumbled. Caroline gave a shriek and almost lost her balance, only for Klaus to catch her with one arm around her waist. He tugged her closer, and her palms rested against his warm shoulders.
Again, she was reminded of how cold she was, and she curled into his body before she could think better of it, reveling in his warmth.
“You’re too cold,” Klaus noted, and Caroline glanced at him to see that he was scowling, and then shrieked again when he suddenly lifted her with one arm.
They were almost the same height, and there couldn’t have been that much of a weight difference, but he made lifting her seem laughably easy. Her feet off the ground, the only halfway natural thing to do was wrap her legs around his waist. Of course, that left her pressed against his very, very naked body, and entirely too aware that even if he wasn’t actually a human, he definitely had all the parts one did.
“You should put me down,” she declared, staring towards the top of the cave. Klaus’ huff was warm against her throat as he began to walk. When they suddenly started to descend, Caroline startled and then realized the rumbling that had startled her was, apparently, the opening of a freaking trick door. “No! Nope. I’m not letting you take me down into the depths of your depraved lair. I’ve seen this movie, before.”
“I don’t know what that means,” Klaus retorted, much as he had after her accusation that he was flirting. He glanced at her once, their eyes meeting and catching for several beats of time, before he turned his gaze back towards the tunnel they were descending down. He adjusted his grip on her for a moment, pressing her tighter to the warmth of his chest.  
Caroline pressed against that chest, and pushed her toes into his legs.  For a moment, his grip just tightened, then he said something in a language she didn't understand.  But the inflection made her pretty sure it was a curse, and she was on the ground again, teetering as her boots hit the edge of a step.  She caught the wall to keep from tumbling down them backwards.  Once she was balanced, she glared at him.
"Look, Nosferatu, you seem to not understand a lot of what I say, so let's make this simple.  I want out.  And if that isn't going to happen, then just end it here.  Dragging it out is just cruel."
Klaus contemplated her, the flames on his hand casting flickering shadows over his face.  It made him look aloof and dangerous, and his eyes looked black.  Or maybe they were black now?
She couldn't really tell, and it's not like she'd made a study of dragons.  This was outside her realm of expertise.  
"I am cruel, Caroline.  You had best learn that now.  It will make everything go far more smoothly."  He stepped around her, and continued down the steps.  They were curved, and Caroline stayed there, until the flames here just a faint flickering around the curve ahead.  She looked back up the steps, and carefully stepped up them.
Once again, her hand came in contact with stone.  The opening had closed off once more.
She swallowed heavily, and leaned her head against the rough stone.  She could feel tears stinging the backs of her eyes, and knew that she was standing on the edge of a complete breakdown.  
She gritted her teeth and pushed away from the stone, turning to carefully make her way down the steps after Klaus. Caroline Forbes wasn't weak.  She didn't just fall apart because the situation was difficult.  She was strong, and she'd figure a way out of this.  
She ran a finger under her eyes, wiping away the tears that had gathered, but not quite fallen, and straightened her spine.  She wasn't going to go down crying.
Klaus halted when he had descended far enough that he knew Caroline would no longer be able to hear him.  But he could hear her.  He heard her climb up the steps, and he heard the faint noise of distress she made, when she realized the stone wall had slid back into place.  He could scent salt water in the air, just faint and short-lived, but for a moment it had been there.
Tears.  Not nearly as strong a scent as her blood had been, and even less appealing. The others had shed tears as well, but they'd had no affect on Klaus, except to cause the briefest moment of curiosity.  He was sure he had cried at least once as a fledgling, but that was so long ago, and he no longer remembered what it had felt like.  So he'd wondered, if it caused them more distress, to know that they were so weak that they couldn't even prevent their own eyes from leaking.  The curiosity had been brief, however, and easily pushed to the back of his mind when he had instead immersed himself in his lair and forgotten them.
But Caroline's distress... he felt a tug in his chest.  Was that where his heart was meant to be?
He was quite certain he didn't like it.  
He stood in the middle of the steps, contemplating how he could make the damn organ he never thought of cease it's misbehavior when a stone skittered down the steps past him.  Caroline had come up behind him, and he'd been so distracted he hadn't realized she was so close.  He glanced back at her, but the salt scent was gone, and her eyes were completely dry as she glared down at him from her place three steps above him.  
"Are we just going to stand here?" she asked stiffly, in a way that didn't at all suit her.  He felt that Caroline was much more inclined towards the spontaneous outbursts that had characterized their interaction to this point.  This was a woman trying to push down emotions and take control of the situation.  It made Klaus grit his teeth and turn away from her, continuing down the steps.  
"Of course not," he replied, already trying to think of ways to return her to her previous behavior.  She was meant to be his, which meant she was meant to behave naturally with him.  That she didn't recognize what his every instinct told him was irritating.  Humans, and their inexplicable urge to ignore what was meant to be.  
It was one thing to be master of one's fate; it was another thing to ignore something that would never be changed.  
"Wait a second. Are you mad at me?" The shocked disbelief in her voice made Klaus smirk.  He had a feeling he should be glad that he had his back to her; this was the response he wanted, and he thought the smirk might have ruined the whole thing.  "You can't be mad at me!  I'm the one who was kidnapped!"
"Ah, yes.  The kidnapping.  You see, Love, since I'm not the one that... kidnapped you, I'm not entirely sure what you thing your anger will gain from me."
"What  my ang - my freedom, you asshole!  Obviously I want to be out of this place.  It's cold, and wet, and I'm still pretty sure that I might lose my foot to whatever gross bacteria call this place home!"
It was on the tip of his tongue to ask what a bacteria was, but he suspected it would just take them down another rabbit hole that would distract them from what really mattered.  That she was his. He knew it in his blood and bones, and he knew that she had to know it, too.  
She was clever, his Caroline.  Even if she might try to deny what her own blood and bones were whispering to her.  Her human nature would demand as much from her. He would simply have to charm her out of listening to that foolish human nature of hers, and awaken the wild instincts he knew must exist within her.  After all, Klaus would never be so drawn to a woman who lacked a monster's darker instincts.  
"Why should I let you go?" he asked after a beat of silence.  He stopped, and Caroline bumped into his back.  She let out a huff of frustration, but Klaus ignored it, spinning quickly to scoop her up in his free arm once more.  She let out another surprised shriek that made him wince, but he continued down the steps, letting out his own annoyed huff when she started to struggle.
"Why do you keep picking me up?!" she demanded shoving at his chest.
"You're the one that mentioned... bacteria," Klaus replied, hesitating over the foreign word.  He might not know what it was, but he wasn't a fool.  Caroline had a clear distaste for it, thought it must be on the floors of the caves.  "I am simply helping you avoid it."
When Caroline stopped struggling, but didn't immediately respond, Klaus glanced down at her.  She was staring back at him, her eyes wide, and it felt like she could see right through to his tattered soul.  The look made him stumble, though he was able to quickly catch his balance against the wall.  His flames flickered out as he did so, however, leaving them in darkness.  It took only a second for Klaus' eyes to adjust to the darkness, however, his sight as good as it had been in the flickering light of his fire.  
He knew she couldn't see him, yet Caroline's gaze somehow remained lock to his, as though she knew exactly where his eyes must be. 
It left him unsettled, and he tore his eyes away, igniting his flames once more.  Caroline winced slightly, and looked away from the sudden brightness as Klaus continued towards his lair once more.  
"I'm not going to stay here," she said at last, breaking their silence.  "I have a home, and a family.  People that care about."
You should care about me, was the thought in Klaus' mind, one that made him want to bare his fangs and snarl in possession.  But Caroline wasn't done, and her next words extinguished that anger.
"But still... thanks.  For keeping me clear of the bacteria and stuff."
It was the bare minimum, really.  Keeping her off the floor until they finally reached what must have been their final destination.  She deserved better, and she knew that.  Maybe it was just her really shitty taste in men rearing its ugly head again - because Lord knew she had made some terrible decisions in that regard - but even though she knew it was, realistically, just the bare minimum... Caroline still found that she softened towards him, just a little bit, because of it.
Klaus had set her down, and moved away.  Within moments, the new room was lit by flames on torches around them, and Caroline realized that her rather comfortable seat was what appeared to be a really, really old chair.  One made out of stone, that was throne-like, because of course Klaus would have a throne.  But underneath her was a super comfortable cushion, and she wondered where he got it.  She didn't quite see Klaus sitting around making a pillow to sit on.  
She looked away from the chair, to look around, and almost lost her breath.  They had to still be in a cave, but it was almost impossible to tell that.  Around them were beautifully carved shelves, and stacked on each were books.
Really old freaking books.  Thousands of them.  Most of them ones Caroline wouldn't even dare to touch, out of fear they'd crumble beneath her fingers.  She had gotten to her feet and wandered towards those shelves and saw that there were some newer ones among them.  With amused surprise, she even picked out a couple of paperbacks, with familiar titles.  Stephen King appeared to be a modern favorite of his.
"You made it seem like you haven't been out of here in centuries," Caroline pointed out, reaching out to tug a copy of Cujo off the shelf and holding it up.  Her dad had loved Stephen King.  Caroline's tastes ventured more towards romance, and the one time she'd tried to read It, she'd had to give up.  Crazy killer clowns weren't really her thing. 
"There are... methods of getting books." Klaus looked around, his expression smug.  "This is my hoard."
"You hoard books?" Caroline internally winced at how incredulous she sounded as Klaus looked at her, looking vaguely insulted.  
"Why do you sound so surprised?  Books hold knowledge, Caroline, and if I'm not to be part of the world, then they are the best way for me to learn of how the times change through the centuries."
It... held a certain sort of sense, she supposed.  But she had read The Hobbit, okay?  She knew what a dragon's hoard was meant to be.
"But what about the gold?" she blurted out, feeling all of her previously held beliefs about dragons slipping through her fingers.  
Klaus sighed heavily, and then he was lifting the stone floor somehow.
A secret doorway.
Caroline peered down into a pit, and Klaus held his hand, engulfed in flame, over it, so the contents were illuminated.
And here was what she had expected.  Precious stones and jewelry - although it seemed to be heavier on the silver, rather than the gold. Yet that didn't surprise Caroline as much as the books had.  Klaus seemed like the type to prefer silver, somehow.  She bent down and reached out, lifting up a necklace made of delicate silver lings, ending in an intricate charm that held a sapphire in its center.  It was in perfect condition, yet that charm appeared old in its design.
"Do you like it?" Klaus asked, and Caroline looked up at him, feeling her cheeks flush.  It was stupid, to be so entranced by something sparkly.  It was something she would have done as a teenager.  Fallen for a pretty necklace and a pretty face that hid someone that was absolutely Not Good for her.  Someone that wasn't even human.
And just the thoughts made her uneasy, and she put the necklace back down and quickly retreated back to the bookshelves, and trying not to think about her teenage self and what her thoughts of comparisons might mean.  Because it meant something really, really stupid that she shouldn't even consider. She stared hard at the spines of the books, not really seeing them as she tried to push any thoughts of emotions other than anger or fear and Klaus out of her mind.
He. Was. A. Dragon.
She wasn't into that.  Really, she wasn't.  Scales and claws weren't her thing.  Even if the purring and the tail wagging had been sort of -
She was so busy mentally berating herself, that she didn't pay any attention to Klaus until something delicate and cool was grazing her skin.
"What the-" she looked down in surprise, and blinked in confusion as she realized the silver necklace was around her neck, the charm not quite reaching the neckline of her tank top.  She felt Klaus' fingers graze against the back of her neck, and then his touch was gone, the necklace settled against her skin. "Klaus..."
"It's yours, Caroline.  The first of many."
She touched the charm gently.  It was beautiful, and she'd be lying if she said she didn't like it.  There was a reason she'd pulled it out of his secondary hoard, after all.  But she had a feeling that this was an attempt to buy her affection - something Caroline was all too familiar with.  How many years did her parents spend, trying to buy her happiness after their divorce, until finally they had given up?
Caroline's relationship with Liz was better, but Caroline and Bill had never managed to fully reconnect before he had died.  And the years where he had tried to replace his love with money hadn't helped, when he had never tried to get to know the woman Caroline was growing into. 
"Is this how you usually work?" she asked his back as he looked at the books, obviously pretending not to be paying her any mind, even though he clearly was.  "Give a girl a pretty sparkly so she forgets that you're kind of holding her hostage?"
"You're not a hostage," Klaus replied, in what was probably meant to be a casual fashion.  But his back had stiffened, and his tone was terse.  Caroline crossed her arms and stared at his back, tapping her bare toes in irritation.
"Really?  So you'll point me to the exit then?"
"Perhaps there isn't an exit.  Perhaps we're both stuck here.  Wouldn't it be best to get along with your fellow prisoner?"
"Yeah huh... except for all these books.  And the cult that sends you sacrifices.  It's a little late to try and play the fellow victim card, Klaus."
His shoulders moved up in a shrug, and Caroline sighed heavily.  She reached behind her neck until her fingers found the clasp.  She removed the necklace and held it carefully in her fingers, stepping up next to her.  His entire expression tightened when she grasped his hand and placed the chain in it.  
"This might surprise you, but my freedom isn't something that can be bought, Klaus.  Maybe it was how humanity worked a billion years ago when you still cared about us, but we've evolved since then.  Maybe you should try and catch up."
"I'm hardly that old, Love."
Caroline let out a soft snort, because apparently he was just going for top marks in the determinedly clueless department.  Because if he was going to try and tell her that he genuinely believed that was what he should be focusing on, out of everything she had said.  
But it wasn't her job to give him a clue, so instead she turned away and contemplated the books around her.  With a slight wince, she reached out towards an old book, and tugged it down.
It landed on its side with a thud.  Of course it did.
So she moved on to the next.
She repeated the process five times, purposely not replacing the books, even though leaving them out of place killed the small part of her that absolutely hated anything being out of place.  But it wasn't her job to keep this lair neat.  It wasn't her lair, after all.
After the fifth book went down, Klaus let out a snarl and then began to replace the books himself.  He caught up as she knocked down the eighth, and spun her to look at him.
"What the bloody hell are you doing?" he demanded, getting into her face.  She probably should have screamed and ran away.  Not that long ago, she would have.  Caroline tried not to think about what it said, that she wasn't frightened by the freaking dragon anymore.  But in the back of her mind, thoughts of the teenage girl began again, an irritating reminder that the more things changed, the more they stayed the same. 
"I'm looking for the way out," Caroline replied, focusing on her actions instead of her thoughts.  Her thoughts would only lead to dumb decisions, like they always did.  "In all the books and movies, there's a book that activates a switch that will open the bookshelf's secret exit.  I figure with you being old and all, it will be in an older book."
"Oh for - there's no secret latch in the books, Love.  There's just a damn doorway."
He pointed to where there was a gap between two bookshelves.  She hadn't noticed it at first, distracted by the books and the throne and the jewelry.  But now it was rather glaringly obvious.  What wasn't obvious was the door way.  Because it really just looked like a gap to her.  She approached it, feeling around for a latch rock, like the one that had led down to the lair.  She could feel Klaus' warmth at her back, yet he didn't stop her, when her fingers finally found the rock that moved, and the wall slid open.  
Another staircase.  She stepped onto the first one, and then paused.  She told herself not to turn back, to keep going.
But Klaus didn't stop her, and she had to ask why.  Because she was stupid and curious and...
God, but why did she still have to have so much of that teenage girl in her?
"You're going to let me go?" she asked, looking back at him.  "After all that you're mine stuff?"
That stuff that she had rather blatantly ignored, but still noticed.  And she'd hated how it made her feel a thrill instead of the distaste it should.  She was a God damn modern woman who had grown to realize that her own strength was internal, not dependent on the man she was dating.  
"For now," Klaus' expression was contemplative as he considered her.  "If I kept you here, with me, would you be happy?"
"No," Caroline admitted, without a shred of doubt.  Because she might feel drawn to him despite her better judgment, but being locked up wasn't a thing she'd ever be okay with.  
"You are mine, Caroline.  But I can give you time, to come to me yourself.  And until then... perhaps it's time I remembered what humanity is like.  It's been a while."
"You'll need clothes," Caroline pointed out, somewhat amused, but also surprised... because when had she stopped being so abashed by his nakedness?  And now that she was reminded, her eyes drifted -
Nope.  Nopenopenope.
Klaus chuckled, the sound warm and affectionate, and making a shiver go down her spine.  
"I'm sure I can figure something out.  Perhaps you'll help me out.  You habits or foreign to me after all this time."
She knew he was putting on a show for him, but the look he gave her was shockingly effective, an almost boyish grin as he looked at her from under his eyelashes, dimples deep in his cheeks.  
And shit...
She stepped back down, and framed his face in her hands.  When she gave a soft tug, he let her pull him in, to press their lips together.  It was soft.  Exploratory.  The kind of kiss that was really meant to be an ending - because this had been an interesting side trip into a fantastical world, but she fully intended to return to the BnB, get her passport, and the hell out of town before all of them realized their sacrifice had survived.
Then she would forget about it, because what else could she do?
But while she might mean for it to be a good-bye, Klaus clearly didn't agree. 
And neither did her body.
She felt something fall to the ground, rub against her foot, right before Klaus grasped her hips with his hands, his claws digging in just enough to remind her they were there, but not enough to break skin.  He pulled her flush against him and changed the angle of their kiss, taking it over.  And her mind blanked as his tongue grazed against her lips, and instead of pushing him away, her hands clutched his naked shoulders and tried to pull him even closer.
It was as if all her good intentions and responsible thoughts disappeared as soon as their lips touched, and the good-bye became something that could only be called a beginning.
A passionate, heart-pounding hello.
She didn't realize they had moved until her back came in contact with one of the bookshelves. He broke the kiss, and Caroline let out a hiss of anger.  She didn't want the kiss to end, not when he was so damn good at it.
But his lips stayed busy, and he found the sensitive spot on her neck, right where it met her shoulders, with hardly any effort at all.  Her anger turned back into lust, and one of her hands moved from his shoulders, to clutch his hair as she angled her neck to help him as he sucked on that spot, and then nibbled up her neck, until he could nuzzle the soft skin beneath her ear.  Caroline's body moved restlessly against his, and it was difficult to tell if it was his warmth, or her own blood pounding through her veins that made her clothes feel heavy and stifling and entire too much. 
As if Klaus could somehow read her mind, her tank top was shoved up over her head and tossed aside.  He kissed her again, while his hands moved up from her hips to cup her breasts, his thumps grazing her nipples, and drawing circles around them that made them harden and Caroline moan into his mouth. His claws added a thrill to the whole thing, knowing how sharp they were as he grazed them across her skin - never hurting, but always there.
"Hell," he muttered as he pulled his lips from hers and looked around, eyes almost wild.  "I need to taste you."
"Wha-" the word was almost slurred and unfinished, replaced by a surprised gasp when Klaus lifted her and moved, so quickly the world seemed to blur around her, until she was placed back on that throne.  Klaus had tossed the cushion aside, so there was just cold stone. She gasped when her skin came in contact with her, and it was with more surprise that she realized that, somehow, during that blur, he had managed to remove her shorts and underwear as well.
She was left as naked as he was, and his eyes were dark and hungry as he took a moment to look at her.  He had placed her so she was slightly slumped, one of her legs over an arm of the throne, leaving her open to that hungry gaze.  She was beginning to feel a bit embarrassed when he went to his knees before her.  There was a thrill to it, the sight of him, filled with all that inhuman power, kneeling before her.
He grasped her ankles and hooked her knees over his shoulder, and she didn't care about the thrill anymore as he kissed his way up her thigh.  She tugged at his hair, and tried to pull him to her pussy, to where she was wet and needy, but he just chuckled and looked up at her beneath his eye lashes as he continued those slow, wet kisses.
By the time he made his way to finally lick his way up to her clit, she was almost ready to murder him.  But that talented tongue flicked over it, and her head fell back so she stared up at the roof, eyes closed as she let herself fall to the sensation.
A sharp, quick pain had her looking down at him.  There was a prick of blood, where he had nipped her thigh to get her attention.  He licked the blood away, and then licked his lips as she gazed at him.
"Eyes on me, Caroline.  I want no doubt in your mind, as to who is doing this to you."  Keeping his hungry gaze on hers, he went back to her pussy, his tongue working her clit as he began to thrust a finger in and out of her.  She couldn't look away, and it was hard to breathe.  Those teeth... his claws, that he somehow kept from doing any damage, even within her.  The whole thing made her very aware of the danger.
And damn if that didn't make her even more wet.  Because he could tear her throat out in a second.
But he wouldn't.  That certainty she felt right to her bones, in an instinct she had been trying to ignore, even as it had directed so many of her actions towards him.  And there was something beautifully heady, about knowing how much power he held in that body, and also knowing that, in a way he'd hate to admit, she was the one that truly held the power between them.
Her orgasm came, driven by his tongue and her own thoughts, and she clutched the arms of the throne with her hands, her eyelids fluttering.  They wanted to close, but she knew what he wanted, and fought to maintain that eye contact.
"Good girl," he murmured, as her orgasm left her breathless and gasping and still looking down at him.  He kissed along her thigh again, and down her leg as he got to his feet.  In another quick move, he replaced Caroline on the seat of the throne, and instead she was straddling him.  
She had a feeling that he was usually on top.  She wondered if he realized the level of control he was giving her, with this position.  Wondered if, come morning, he might care.  
But he was still looking at her with hunger, and so she kissed him, and rubbed her pussy - still wet with her orgasm and his saliva - against his cock.  It was already hard and impressive, and the head hit her clit just right, so that she moaned into that kiss.  They broke apart, both panting, and they continued to make eye contact as Caroline reached between them, to grasp his cock and stroke it once... twice... and then slowly... slowly... she lowered herself down, until she was settled in his lap, his cock hard and hot inside of her.  She stayed there like that for a moment, savoring the feeling of connection.
She had never felt connected like this to another person before.  And here she was, feeling it with a dragon.
He grasped her hips, lifting her, and then pulling her down again.  It took them a couple attempts, and a bit of rearranging, but soon they found a mutual rhythm, one that had them both groaning and clutching at each other.  This time, she was pretty sure there might be some slices where his claws clutched her.  But she didn't care.  She dug her own nails into his shoulders, sure that she was drawing blood as well.  As they both hit that climax, she couldn't keep her eyes open, not anymore, not with this.  So she let her forehead rest against his, let the connection flow that way, and her eyes drifted shut as she hit that second orgasm, at the same time Klaus his, and he growled fiercely - a terrifying sound.
Caroline had never felt so... right.
She wasn't sure how long they remained there in the aftermath, still connected. both of them breathing hard.
"Still going to leave, Love?" Klaus finally asked, sounding somewhat smug.  Caroline opened one why to glare at him, her head resting against his shoulder.  She should probably leave on principle with him being a smartass... but she felt boneless, and was pretty sure her legs would in now way hold her up.
"Depends," she replied, her voice snarky.  "Do you have a bed in this cave?  Or do we just sleep on the floor."
His huff of amusement brushed against her damp skin.  She was starting to grow a bit cold now that they were no longer... exercising, and she shivered.  Klaus wrapped his arms around her, so she was firmly surrounded by his warmth.
"Sleep, Caroline.  I'll make sure it's comfortable."
"I'm still leaving in the morning," she grumbled into his skin, but she was already beginning to drift off, her whole body feeling heavy.
"Of course, Love.  I told you it was time I learned about humans again," she heard Klaus murmur in reply.
There was so much in those words that Caroline knew she would worry about in the morning.  There was no way a dragon had a passport.  And how would she explain it to Bonnie and Enzo, and even Shelia, when she came back minus a story.  
No where in those thoughts did she really think about leaving him behind.  Not again.
She'd think about that in the morning, too.
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jungle321jungle · 4 years
Sleeping In The Woods: Three
It was never in Virgil’s plan to be a camp counselor, he had never been a fan of kids.
It was never in his plan to learn to enjoy each of the boy’s company, he had never wanted to learn the truths behind their fake smiles.
It was never in his plan to get wrapped up in things he didn’t understand, he had always preferred to keep to himself.
None of it was ever his plan, but he’d do whatever he’d have to save everyone- even if it means risking himself.
A summer camp gone wrong au
Taglist: @hells-missing-a-goat @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17 @chumo-cookie
Ao3 - Masterlist
“Dante if you do not get in your f-” Virgil took a deep breath. “Just go to bed.”
The boy finally did as he was told as he climbed in his bunk, but that didn’t mean the attitude had stopped. “That’s not how to speak to your favorite camper.”
“I don’t have favorites, but if I did it wouldn’t be you.”
Virgil had a clear favorite: Patton.
The kid was so sweet and adorable that he almost made Virgil forget how much he hated kids. Almost.
Virgil looked up from where he had been glancing at his phone to see Patton holding up a painting with a smile. “It’s you dressed as a wizard!”
Virgil gave a chuckle as he nodded, “What the obsession all of you have with making me during art?”
“It annoys you,” Remus called over from his seat.
“No it’s because you’re cool ,” Patton corrected in a matter of fact tone.  
“Oh, um thank you.” With that Patton moved to walk back to his seat but Virgil frowned, “How did you get that much paint on your clothes?”
“More than the paper it looks like,” Logan tossed in.
Virgil gave a sigh, he’d have to leave the rest at the next activity and bring Patton to change.
“Why do you have more stuffed animals then clothes?”
“Because I need them.”
Virgil paused looking at the few shirts the boy had brought, “Okay I guess, laundry is gonna have to be done a lot for you.”
Not only did Patton have a lot of stuffed animals, he seemed to have at least one within his general vicinity at all times save when he went to the bathroom.  
Virgil supposed it was supposed to be a kid thing or whatever, but he most certainly was not a fan of the one which seemed to be Patton’s favorite to drag around.
It was your average stuffed doll, with button eyes, but something about those eyes only unnerved him. Despite not having pupils, emotion, or literally anything they always seemed to be watching him, and the stupid smile she had almost made her look smug.
When Virgil dropped a bunch of stuff? She was watching. When he was being an absolute fool? She was watching. When he was just trying to mind his own damn business?
The doll was fucking watching.
Virgil really hated that thing.
“Virgil can you hold Ginger while I swim if you’re not getting in the water?”
Ginger. So that was the devil’s name.
“Fine,” he nodded, taking the toy. With that Patton hurried off to join Logan who was waiting for him by the lake. It wasn’t fair, Logan finally starts participating and leaving him alone, and now he was stuck with “Ginger”.
Virgil paused looking into those red button eyes before he set the doll beside him. “...I am losing my mind.”
“You say that a lot,” Thomas’ voice commented.
Virgil looked up to the other counselor who was carrying a box of something, before he held up Ginger, “Look at this doll and tell me it’s not trying to murder me.”
Thomas paused considering Ginger before he shrugged, “I can’t read it’s thoughts.”
“Then what good are you?”
“Wow, I was just coming over to tell you that tonight we’re having another unofficial counselor night. But I guess you’re not interested.”
“I deeply apologize,” Virgil told him quickly. A counselor night would do him so good. Just a bunch of the other counselors hanging out and chilling while kids slept. It sounded perfect. “I’ll be there.”
“See you tonight then.”
Virgil had been looking forward to counselor night. A lot. A lot a lot. But of course, like everything else, the boys had other plans for his evening.
“A fight?” Virgil asked in disbelief as he held the two apart. “Are you all stupid?”
Dee didn’t seem bothered at all by the scratch Roman had given him, but Roman was still fuming. “Don’t say that about my brother!”
Remus meanwhile was watching, entertained from his bunk, “I thought it was funny.”
“Fighting’s not nice,” Patton put in grabbing Roman by the hand. “And I’m sure Dee didn’t mean it! But you can’t hit him Ro! And Dee you can’t be mean! Now say sorry.”
The two each gave a reluctant “sorry”, and Virgil silently wished Patton could take his job over for him. But unfortunately, protocols were protocols.
“Alright we’re heading down to the Head’s cabin you two,” Virgil informed them before he held in a curse at the following thought. “Actually all of you need to come for me to keep ratio.”
Logan gave a groan, “I didn’t do anything. Why can’t I stay?”
“If we’re going to talk to the Head Counselor, then I need to look like I’m doing my job properly.”
“We can’t let Virgil get fired for something they did!” Patton encouraged.
Logan didn’t seem convinced but he headed out the cabin with them anyway.
“Look at the stars Logan! Oh and you gotta make a wish!”
“You wish on shooting stars,” Dee corrected, but Patton shook his head.
“Every star is a collection of everyone’s wishes. But to know which wishes to grant first you have to wish on them all again, and again, again. That’s how they know your wish will come true!”
“Stars are just gas in space,” Logan said with an eye roll.
“Like farts in space?” Remus asked him.
“Stars are wishes,” Patton cut in firmly. “That’s what Leanna always tells me. And I believe it.”
“I wish that Dee goes away,” Roman muttered.
“And I wish that you’d eat-”
“I wish that you’d all shut up,” Virgil cut in. “This isn’t a fun-looking-at-the-stars-walk. This is I’m-supposed-to-be-having-fun-right-now-but-I’m-stuck-here one!”
“Are we not fun?” Patton asked him worriedly.
Virgil found himself coming to hate those big eyes. He gave a sigh and looked away from the child’s face as they approached their destination, “Not when you guys get in fights.”
The sound of crying drew Virgil from his bed. He bit his tongue trying not to curse out children for needing him the instant he got comfortable, and headed into the main room.
He was greeted with the sight of Patton crying as he held a stuffed turtle missing a leg. Beside him Remus was tossing the toy’s detached leg against the wall and catching it like a type of game. Too bad it wasn’t Ginger.
“What?” Was all Virgil asked.
“Remus ripped the turtle’s leg off,” Logan answered, moving to try and comfort Patton.
“Accidentally!” Remus corrected. “But it did come off easy.”
Virgil gave a sigh, “Remus, go to bed. Now . Patton I think I have some duct tape. Do you want me to tape it until someone can sew it?”
The boy gave a nod and followed Virgil into his room. Now the issue was if Virgil could remember where he had put the tape. He knew he had some. It had been sitting out since day one of camp since he had used it to tape up the kids’ signs to their beds. He had set it out to finally bring it back because staring at it had annoyed him, so where the hell did it go?
“Does this one have a name?” Virgil asked awkwardly as he bent to look under his bed.
Behind him Patton gave a sniffle, “This is Sheila Shells the second.”
Virgil succeeded in grabbing the stupid roll of tape and climbed back out and sat on the floor. “Second? There’s another Sheila Shells?”
Patton nodded and sat down beside him, “The other Sheila is older so I didn’t want to bring her. I thought she could get ripped...”
Virgil gave an awkward cough as he took the stuffed turtle and laid it in his lap. “How many stuffed animals do you have?”
Patton said nothing until Virgil had ripped off a piece of tape and had begun to tape shut the “wound”.
“Lots. My parents get me one every time they leave for a business trip... I have a whole closet for them.”
“Wow. So are there more than two Sheilas then?”
Patton gave a small smile, “No, just them. But there’s a whole family of the Shells. All my stuffed animals have their own little family, and they’re all one big family.”
“You have so many that they have family reunions? Ah, all done.”
Patton took the toy and examined her carefully, “Thank you. And yeah, Mommy and Daddy leave a lot. But Leanna always tells me that each one is a protector they leave behind, so it’s okay. And usually I have Leanna too.”
He had heard that time a bunch of times since camp started, and yet he never knew who it was. “Who’s Leanna?” Virgil asked him.
“She’s my nanny,” Patton replied hugging the turtle. “But this summer her mom is sick so she has to go take care of her instead of me... But it’s okay, family is important.” He held up Shelia with a smile for Virgil to see. “And I’ve got my family right here!”
Virgil forced a smile, pretending he couldn’t see the sadness behind the boy’s eyes. “Well um, maybe let’s keep your family further from Remus, okay?”
Patton nodded gratefully, “Okay. I’m gonna go to bed now. Night Virgil! Oh, and Sheila Shells the second says thank you!”
Virgil nodded as the kid moved to leave the room, “You're welcome...”
Two - Three - Four
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delta-roseblr · 5 years
Hi! i know you have a ton of requests and are writing so many things rn but I had a little request for a delix one shot. I was just wondering if you could write a oneshot surronding jealous dean because we havent really seen that yet. idrc about the exact plot (i trust you) literally anything from some girl in class flirts with felix and touches him or a waistress gives him her number. literally anything i just picture felix being kinda oblivious to his attractiveness
Hi, Anon!
Thanks for your patience! I hope you enjoy this fic and that it was worth the wait.
Just so everyone knows, this is from Dean’s POV and it takes place after Dean and Felix get back together
Dean pulled into the driveway of Felix’s big house and put the car into park. Just being parked there made him nervous because Felix’s dad still didn’t seem to like him now that he knew he and Felix were dating. Dean had no illusions, Leonard not liking him was completely his own fault. Because of that Dean was trying extra hard to be respectful and keep his distance until Leonard was better adjusted to everything. Until then he was just really glad that Felix and his dad were from Vermont because if they had actually been from Tennessee the chance Leonard owned a gun would be much higher.
As he sat listening to the car idle like a smooth pur he wondered where Felix was. Since they had gotten back together and came out to both their families, dating in general had been more challenging. Leonard had a lot of rules and restrictions, and while Dean wasn’t openly banned from the Jackson household his presence certainly didn’t seem to bring Felix’s dad any joy. To avoid some of the awkwardness, he and Felix had just been going out a lot. It wasn’t perfect, but they got to see each other so Dean was trying to focus on the positive. Normally when they had plans Felix was waiting for him at the front door when he pulled up, so the fact that he had to wait at all had him worried.
He told himself it was nothing. It wasn’t like Felix would just blow him off. On a rational level he knew that, but he still felt anxious about everything. That wasn’t how Dean normally was in a relationship, but the break-up had been rough. Even though he and Felix were passed that now and thankfully back together (and in some ways better than ever) some of the emotions from that time seemed to linger leaving Dean feeling like something vaguely bad was looming overhead.
Dean stretched his patience long past its breaking point before giving in and scooping his phone out of his cupholder. He had only just managed to unlock his screen when a text from Felix came in, the alert lighting up the screen.
Felix: My dad is being fucking stupid. You have to come in.
Oh, Dean thought as his stomach sank. Considering the few times Dean had been over after the big reveal as Felix liked to call it Leonard barely looked at Dean, that couldn’t be a good sign. He didn’t want to, but it wasn’t like he could say no. If your boyfriend’s dad wants you to come in before you go out for a date you really don’t have a choice.
Dean took a deep breath to steely his nerves a little. It didn’t work all that well, and for a moment he thought he understood why his dad drank so much. Something to dull the senses a little could have come in handy at that moment to at the very least stop him from vomiting in the driveway. Dean was sure that would have gone over really well.
Shoving down his reluctance, Dean killed the engine and pulled the keys from the ignition before climbing out of the car. He took a minute to push his keys in his back pocket and straighten his t-shirt before starting for the door. It felt more like he was marching toward a battlefront, but there was nothing he could do about that.
He hesitated when he reached the door. There was a time he could pretty much just walk into Felix’s house without knocking because he was just a friend stopping by to hang out. That wasn’t the case now. Dean sort of got it, but it was still a disappointing change. He also really didn’t want to face Leonard, but there was apparently no avoiding that. On top of that, he was pretty sure he could make out the sound of two people bickering on the other side of the door which couldn’t be a good sign.
He wrapped his knuckles against the front door gently a few times as he tried to ignore how his stomach was turning itself in knots. The bickering turned into all-out shouting on the other side of the door, and while Dean still couldn’t make out the actual words, he was sure it was about him. He was starting to wonder if it was too late to run back to his car and hide when the front door came flying open.
There was a split second where Dean actually had hope that it was Felix. He was there to pick Felix up after all so it was reasonable, and even if he had to deal with Felix’s angry dad, seeing his bright eyes and easy smile would have eased Dean’s stress unmeasurably. He didn’t get that lucky.
Mr. Jackson opened the door and made no attempt to hide his distaste as he glared at Dean standing there. He didn’t pull a gun on him (thank gods for that) but Leonard made no attempt to hide just how unhappy he was to see Dean standing there.
Felix always made jokes about how little he and his dad had in common. Personality wise Dean didn’t know Leonard enough to say, but appearance wise, he could actually see the family resemblance. It wasn’t like how Dean was with his own dad where the two looked so similar it was eerie, but it was still there. Still, meeting Felix’s mom had explained a lot because while Leonard was very much a generic looking middle-aged businessman, Shelia was genuinely pretty in a plain sort of way. How that resulted in Felix, who was almost exotic in his appearance, Dean wasn’t sure, but it had.
“Ah, hi Mr. Jackson,” Dean greeted clumsily. Both of his previous girlfriends had marveled at Dean’s ability to charm their parents, and Dean remembered how easy that had felt. He didn’t know where that talent had gone, but it had definitely left him. He still tried even though he was pretty sure there was no use. “How are you?” he asked forcing his best courteous smile.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, Dean didn’t want to assume the worse about Leonard. His sudden dislike of Dean’s very existence could simply be lingering awkwardness over Aunt Naomi breaking up with him. Dean’s dad hadn’t exactly made friends with Leonard either during their first and only meeting. Sure, Leonard had sort of started it, but John really had taken it to a whole different level. The level of clear distain he showed Dean simply couldn’t have been just because Dean and Felix were dating.
“Dean,” Leonard crossed his arms over his chest in what Dean was positive was supposed to be an intimidating gesture. It might have worked if the man wasn’t several inches shorter than Dean.
“Um,” Dean managed. While he didn’t find Leonard physically intimidating, the complete lack of greeting or invitation inside did throw him off more than a little. The open contempt directed at him should have been something he was used to at this point because since Leonard had found out about them that had been a constant, but he just wasn’t. Maybe it was just that he really didn’t want to, but he really had no one to blame but himself for that. He was the one who had kissed Felix in front of everyone after all. There was nothing he could do about that at that point. All he could do was smile and try to deal even if it was unpleasant.
“What are the plans for the evening?” Leonard asked flatly.
“Oh, ah,” Dean stammered. It felt a little like he was being asked what crimes he planned to commit. How was he supposed to answer that? Dean was honestly so flustered he couldn’t remember why he was there. He knew he was supposed to pick Felix up, and they were going on a date but beyond that….it really was fuzzy. “A movie, I guess,” he just barely managed to mutter out sounding confused and uncertain.
It was the wrong thing to say, that was immediately clear. Leonard’s expression hardened noticeably, and Dean was pretty sure the man was about to unhinge his jaws and swallow him whole. “You guess?” he questioned in a way that sounded more like an accusation.
Dean needed to say something. He recognized that immediately, but he couldn’t remember what words were. “Um….” He hummed nervously.
“Oh my fucking god!” Felix’s voice came from somewhere behind his father. Even pissed, Felix sounded like an angel. “Just fucking stop!” Felix shouted as he appeared at Leonard’s back. “We are going to a movie which I’ve already fucking told you,” Felix practically growled at his dad as he pushed past the man on his way out the door. He did it with that whole angsty teen vibe that Dean had never been able to muster, but Felix could pull off like an expert.
Felix looked good too, even in the low lights of the porch. He was dressed in jeans and a basic t-shirt so it wasn’t like he had gotten dolled up, but Dean could smell fresh soap and cologne, and his hair looked touchably soft. Dean desperately wanted to touch him, but he doubted that would go over well with Leonard.
“Now, I’m going,” Felix declared almost dismissively as he stormed onto the porch like a man on a mission. Felix seemed so determined Dean half expected him to storm right past him on the way to Dean’s car.
Felix didn’t, but Dean was pretty sure that had more to do with Leonard talking than anything else. “Straight home after,” Leonard declared. Dean’s stomach dropped at the statement. It wasn’t so much the words because while Dean would have loved to have Felix for the night, he knew that wasn’t going to happen, it was the man’s tone. Leonard made it sound like an order, and Dean knew Felix would not take that sort of thing well from anyone, but especially not Leonard. It got Felix to stop which was something, but Dean didn’t envy Leonard for the look of clear distain Felix turned to give him. “No stops along the way,” he added just as firmly.
“Yeah,” Felix dismissed, and Dean would have sworn he could actually hear Felix roll his eyes as he spoke, “Whatever.”
Leonard clearly had no idea how to handle Felix’s attitude which wasn’t new but was really painful to watch. Felix wasn’t going to give, and Leonard seemed to have decided that he needed to dig in his heels and be the strict parent. That was Dean’s fault because Leonard had never seemed to care before the kiss. If Dean could go back and change things, he would, just so he could have a chance that Felix’s dad might like him. It would have made their lives a lot easier at the very least.
“Yes, sir,” Dean offered unsolicited. Felix was probably going to kick his ass for it later, but Dean was so nervous he couldn’t stop himself. “No stops,” he added seriously with a little nod of assurance.
The look Leonard gave him made it more than clear just how little he thought of Dean and his reassurances. Dean probably shouldn’t have been surprised considering that Leonard had made it pretty clear that he thought Dean was a corrupting influence on Felix, but it was still more than a little disheartening. Leonard didn’t even bother saying a word to Dean before turning his attention back to Felix and stating, “And your curfew is at eleven.”
“My curfew is twelve,” Felix shot back immediately and with clear outrage. Dean watched Felix pull his arms over his chest in a clear show of defiance. “And I’m calling mom about this bullshit,” Felix stated matter-of-factly, “This isn’t how you be supportive.”
Oh, Felix was really going for it, Dean realized which just made him feel more awkward about standing there. Dean and his dad could have their fights, but it was usually about more important shit like the bills, so he just had no idea how to handle watching a more typical parent/teenager argument. In all fairness, Leonard didn’t look like he knew how to handle it either, but that might have been because Felix had shot his ex-wife’s words back in his face.
Dean didn’t know Felix’s mom all that well even though they had met. That meeting had been brief and more focused on Dean trying to prove he wasn’t the bad influence Leonard was insistent he was. Shelia had been nice, and Dean had felt like he had won her over, but that might have just been a sign that she was a little more accepting of the situation in general.
Felix didn’t talk about his mom a lot, so Dean had completely forgotten she was a counselor until he actually met her. Dean had never been to therapy, but Shelia talked like he imagined a therapist would a lot of the time. He was sure some of it was just the general awkwardness of dealing with her ex-husband, but she so often seemed to choose her words so carefully that everything felt like it had a subtext or hidden meaning.
From what Felix had told him there had been a lot of talking after Dean had left that day. Even from the bit he had been there for, it had been clear that supportive was the keyword. Since that day anytime Felix thought his dad was being ridiculously strict (which sometimes he was and sometimes he wasn’t) Felix would pull the word out like a weapon.
Leonard stammered a little as he clearly tried to find his footing in the conversation. He was unaware that he had already lost the fight which really showed how little he actually knew Felix. If he knew his son at all, he would have been able to see that Felix wasn’t going to bend on this.
Dean couldn’t bear the thought of watching Leonard unknowingly dig himself a deeper hole. “I’ll make sure to have him home by twelve,” Dean offered matter-of-factly. It was earlier then he wanted to bring Felix home, but it seemed at least reasonable, and it was definitely better than eleven.
Felix shot him a look, and Dean could practically hear him call him a kiss ass in his mind. Instead of doing so out loud, Felix grabbed him by the arm. “Come on,” he ordered as he started to tug Dean toward the car, “Let’s go.”
Dean let Felix pull him along. He did turn and waved weakly at Felix’s dad. “Bye, Mr. Jackson,” he offered.
“Yeah,” Felix shouted back. He didn’t stop on his way to the car, and he didn’t look back as he spoke, “Bye, dad.” Dean was pretty sure that Felix couldn’t have sounded less enthused if he tried.
It was a relief to get back behind the wheel of his car. It was even better to look over and see Felix sitting in the passenger seat smiling back at him. “Hey,” Dean greeted happily. It was so good to see Felix. With Leonard freaking out about them dating, they really hadn’t gotten to see each other all that much.
The soft smile Felix had been wearing turned into a genuine grin that had Dean’s heart skipping a beat. “Hey yourself,” he returned. Felix started to lean in over the center console with a lustful glint in his eye.
Dean recognized what Felix was doing and completely panicked. He leaned away so far he hit his back on the car door. “Your dad is definitely watching,” he pointed out. He sounded frightened, and he didn’t even care because he was a little. One peek out of the corner of his eye and he saw that he was right. Leonard was still standing in the doorway glaring in the direction of the car.
Felix looked toward the door for a half a second before turning back to Dean with a smirk. “He’ll get over it,” Felix declared before pushing forward and pressing his lips against Dean’s.
Dean was weak. Even if he was afraid of Felix’s dad a little, he couldn’t find the strength to resist kissing Felix back. As long as it had been since they had been able to share anything more than a kiss, things could have easily gotten heated. The fact that Dean knew they had an audience was probably the only thing that stopped that.
Felix pulled away after a few seconds, and Dean actually sighed. He hadn’t completely realized how tense he was until he felt himself relax from Felix’s touch. Felix could tell too, if the cocky expression on his face was any indication. Dean was thankful for the dark because it probably hid how he blushed. It was stupid considering Felix had seen him naked, and they had sex plenty of times, but Felix could still make him blush like an idiot.
He pushed his fingers through his hair before he retrieved his keys and jammed them into the ignition. The car turned over immediately with a gentle purr, and Dean turned back to look at Felix. “Alright, to the movies then?”
Felix settled back in his own seat, and there was still a glint of something sexy and dangerous in his eye. Dean could make it out even in the dark, and he knew it meant nothing but trouble. It gave Dean butterflies and turned him in knots in all the best ways. “We could always skip the movies and go back to your place,” Felix suggested.
It was quite the suggestion, and Felix clearly meant it. Dean so badly wanted to say yes or just start driving and not stop until he was at his house (streetlights and traffic signs be damned). Since he and Felix hadn’t been able to really see each other alone since they had gotten back together…well, except for one serious exception, but that had just sort of happened and had definitely been against the rules… But whatever the case, physical intimacy of any kind had largely been off the table. Their relationship was so much more than just the physical stuff, but that didn’t mean Dean didn’t miss it. God, he really wanted to just take Felix back to his bed.
Dean was painfully aware of Leonard still standing in the doorway watching them. Considering just how much Leonard didn’t seem to trust them, Dean really wouldn’t put it past him to follow them to the theater just to make sure that was where they were actually going. He was already pretty sure Leonard would never really like him, but he still had a little hope that they could get to the point where he didn’t completely hate him. He was pretty sure he would officially kill any chance of that if Leonard caught him taking Felix back to his house when it had been explicitly stated that wasn’t allowed.
“Please don’t tempt me,” he pleaded with a sigh before pushing the car into reverse and backing out of Felix’s driveway.
Luckily Felix didn’t push Dean’s resolve on that because Dean wasn’t sure just how strongly he could protest. It was impressive how quickly they managed to fall into comfortable conversation as Dean drove through town with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on Felix’s thigh.
The ride was a bit longer than necessary because Dean made an executive decision and took them to a theater that was further away from town. He wanted to be able to be close to Felix without having to worry about someone from school seeing them. At least with Felix in the passenger seat, it didn’t feel like a particularly long ride.
For once he might have actually driven slower than the posted speed limit because he was really in no rush to get there and have to share Felix’s presence with anyone else. Once they reached the theater, they both seemed reluctant to get out of the car but managed after dragging their feet a little and sharing a few quick kisses.
It wasn’t until they were actually inside staring up at the movie showtimes that Dean realized he had no idea what they were actually planning to see. He remembered them talking about seeing a movie, but he couldn’t remember if they even talked about what movie they wanted to see. He had heard that he was actually going to get to see Felix without having to sneak into his house (which Dean was never doing again because that had ended so badly) and must not have paid attention to anything after that.
“What are we seeing again?” he questioned as he turned to Felix.
“We never decided,” Felix informed. “I had to get off the phone because of my dad,” he reminded with annoyance.
“Right,” Dean nodded.
Now that he heard that he had a memory of a late-night phone conversation that was interrupted by a less than civil back and forth between Felix and his dad before the call was forced to end. Considering they had been talking close to twice as long as they were supposed to be Dean really couldn’t blame Leonard, but it was clear that Felix had a very different feeling on the matter. Dean realized Felix’s dad finding out about them was completely his fault, but Felix really was making it difficult for the man to just adjust to it and maybe ease up on them. It wasn’t really a surprise considering the fact that Felix didn’t think much of his dad to begin with, but it really wasn’t helping their situation anyway.
He let out a sigh because he knew this wasn’t going to go over well, but he had to at least try. “So maybe we should try to be at least a little…” Dean had to stop and find the least offensive word he could think of before continuing, and he wasn’t sure he was completely successful, “Patient with your dad.”
“He’s being fucking ridiculous so why would I want to do that?” Felix questioned sounding just as dismissive of the idea as Dean had been anticipating.
“Because if we are, maybe he will be more likely to say yes to things like the camping trip,” Dean offered hopefully.
He had been trying to get Will to agree to go camping again since they were thirteen, and he had finally managed. It was going to be like their last hurra before they were both off to college, and the trip had the potential to be way better then Dean could have ever imagined. Will had actually been the one that suggested inviting Felix along, and it wasn’t just a way for him to get away with inviting Nico either (although Nico was coming as well). If they could get Leonard to say yes it was going to be a week of camping with Felix, Will, and Nico.
“Oh, he already said no to that, twice actually,” Felix informed casually, and Dean’s heart actually dropped from the disappointment. It must have read on his face because Felix gave his shoulder a playful little shove. “Don’t worry, I’m going to make it happen,” he assured. There was a certainty in the way Felix spoke that made Dean believe him. Felix looked back up at the list of movies and showtimes. “I say we see the new Jurassic Park movie,” he stated.
Dean looked up and saw the movie had a showtime in the next twenty minutes. Dean didn’t have a particular reason to be surprised but he was. Maybe it just didn’t seem like the first choice he would have expected from Felix. “Um, why?” he questioned.
“There is the most time to the next showing,” Felix pointed out, “We might even get the theater to ourselves for a little bit.” Felix turned to face Dean with a smirk as he added, “Plus, I already watched a screener so I will be able to answer any of my dad’s questions when I get home, so I don’t actually have to pay attention to it.”
Dean couldn’t help but smile, and he definitely approved of Felix’s thought process. “So we aren’t going to be watching the movie?” he questioned playfully although he was pretty sure he already knew the answer.
“We are going to be sitting together in a dark space,” Felix pointed out with a corked eyebrow, “I can think of better ways to spend that time.”
“Alright,” Dean nodded. He was smiling like an idiot, and his face felt like it was on fire he was blushing so hard. What made it worse was Felix was clearly proud of the mess he had turned Dean into. Dean just wanted to kiss the cocky smirk off his gorgeous face.
Dean pushed a strand of hair behind his ear and cleared his throat as he tried to regain some of his composure. He could feel himself blushing and just had to try to ignore it as he spoke. “I’ll go buy the tickets if you hit up the concession stand,” he suggested because the sooner they got into the theater the more time they would have all to themselves.
“Sure,” Felix agreed before turning to start toward the concession stand before calling back, “But I’m getting extra butter.”
“Fair enough,” Dean called after him with a smile.
Dean wasn’t a health nut by any stretch of the imagination. If he could live off only one food for the rest of his life, he was pretty sure it would have been apple pie. Still, for the most part, he tended to eat relatively healthy day to day. He also ran pretty regularly and not just when he had to for soccer. Felix was a completely different animal. He was built like a tri-athlete but he ate like a fat kid. If something could be dosed in gravy, cheese sauce, or extra butter he was all about it. His hot ass never worked out unless it was for soccer practice which would have made Dean jealous if he didn’t just feel immensely lucky that Felix was his boyfriend.
They had definitely had more than a few playful arguments about their different food preferences over the last year. Before they had started dating those arguments ended with some playful shoving and maybe someone being told to fuck off. After they started dating, those arguments usually ended with someone being pinned to the bed and threats of dripping delicious (unhealthy) sauces on certain body parts. Those threats never came to fruition, not that Dean was opposed. Still, the memory made Dean smile.
His mind was still mostly on Felix as he went through the motions of buying their tickets. He was probably rude to the girl at the counter because she tried to strike up a friendly conversation a few times in the process, and Dean didn’t give her much. His brain so lost in thoughts of Felix, he was lucky he was able to make words.
Tickets in hand, Dean walked over to the concession stand. He spotted Felix almost immediately looking perfect as always as he stood off to one side of the counter. It took him a minute before he was able to peal his eyes off Felix to notice the girl that was behind the counter. She and Felix appeared to be chatting which would have been fine if she wasn’t leaning on the counter in a way that appeared almost suggestive. In the few seconds that it took for Dean to close the distance he didn’t see anything that made him dislike the situation any less. The girl was smiling with a glint in her eye as she looked at Felix. She was also clearly doing that thing that girls did where they laughed as an excuse to touch his arm lightly. All the while it looked like Felix was politely humoring the girl.
As much as he didn’t like it, he couldn’t blame the girl. Felix was fucking gorgeous, Dean knew that. Hell, anyone with eyes and two brain cells to rub together could see that. There was absolutely no reason to be jealous because it wasn’t like Felix was flirting back. That would just be stupid, or at least that was what the rational part of his brain tried to tell him.
Dean wasn’t even the jealous type. He never had been but seeing someone flirt with Felix definitely made him irrationally jealous. Maybe it was just some hangover effects from their little break that Dean hadn’t been aware of until he was faced with it. It wasn’t like their break had been about either of them wanting to be with other people, so if that was the cause, he was just being needlessly stupid.
Or maybe it wasn’t anything so deep, and it was just the fact that the girl currently flirting with his boyfriend was cute. She was petite with chocolate brown curly hair, fair skin, and bouncy energy that Dean could see from a mile away. She looked like she could be really fun to be around, and she and Felix could look really cute together.
Stop, he told himself, thinking like that was just torture for no reason, and it was stupid.
He walked up to where Felix was standing as the center of counter girl’s attention (and boy did she have a lot of attention). “Hey?” he greeted/questioned with a pointed look at Felix in hopes that he would know what Dean was asking.
“Hey,” Felix replied as he immediately looked in Dean’s direction and gave him a little-lopsided smile that washed away any insecurities Dean might have had. “She is making more popcorn,” he explained with a casual point in the direction of the flirty girl behind the counter.
There was something about the way Felix spoke- his tone, the expression on his face, his posture, and his general demeanor. Dean started to suspect that Felix didn’t know that the girl was flirting with him (blatantly). Felix couldn’t really be that oblivious, could he? He was too fucking attractive to not be aware of someone flirting with him.
“Oh?” Dean questioned with a look in hopes of communicating more then he could in words in front of Flirty Girl.
He wasn’t sure if Felix picked up on his hidden message because Flirty Girl immediately jumped in. “Yeah, I’m so sorry about that again,” She declared. Dean’s stomach immediately turned because while he could tell she was being flirty from afar it was worse up close. Her attention was focused solely on Felix like he was the only thing that existed as she smiled and leaned across the counter slightly. “It should be done in just another minute,” she promised brightly.
“No problem,” Felix dismissed with a casual shrug, “We have time until our movie starts.”
Dean was struggling to hold back a smile because it was now completely clear that Felix was oblivious to what was going on. He probably shouldn’t have been completely surprised because Dean had been unknowingly flirting with him for months before they had started dating, and Felix had worked himself in knots thinking Dean wasn’t into him. But the girl was being so over-the-top obvious about it. It was crazy that he was so blind to it. Dean honestly didn’t know what to say.
One of the big machines behind the counter made a noise, and the girl managed to pry her eyes off Felix to look around before turning back and smiling brightly at Felix. “I’ll going check how the popcorn is coming,” she offered with clear reluctance before walking away.
As soon as Dean was sure flirty girl was out of earshot Dean gave Felix a look as he commented, “She’s friendly.”
“I guess,” Felix shrugged with a slightly confused look. It was funny because without straight up pointing it out Dean was making it pretty clear, and Felix still didn’t get it. Felix was also really cute when he was confused so there was that.
The look didn’t last long before Felix seemed to remember something. He reached into his back pocket and produced a box of candy and tossed it at Dean which Dean easily caught. “I got you a box of sour patch kids because we had to wait,” he explained.
“You know me so well,” Dean declared as he popped open the box and pulled out a few sugar-coated sour gummy bears. Sour Patch Kids were his absolute favorite candy, but Felix absolutely hated them. Dean had learned that not long after he met Felix, and it had led to a playful argument that easily lasted over an hour and ended with them throwing Sour Patch Kids at each other.
Yeah, Dean really should have realized he was into Felix a lot sooner than he had.
The cutest little, almost bashful, smile spread across Felix’s face as he replied, “I better.”
God, Dean just wanted to kiss him. He was just so cute. They were pretty far from town so the chances that they would be seen by someone who knew them seemed small, and he wondered if he should just risk it.
Before he could make up his mind the flirty theater employee was back with a bucket of popcorn in hand. “Here you go,” she declared as she set the popcorn in front of Felix. “Hope you and your girlfriends enjoy the movie,” she offered. Dean guessed he was included in that statement, but the girl still seemed fully focused on Felix with her bright eyes and friendly smile.
Felix immediately looked toward him briefly before smirking back at the girl. “No girlfriends, just us,” he explained as Dean watched him gesture between the two of them.
“Oh,” The girl declared sounding surprised and absolutely elated. Felix had just made her day if the excited twinkle in her eyes was any indication. “Well then maybe I’ll see you after your movie,” she offered, and she had officially past her tone being simply flirty to being openly suggestive, “I’ll probably be getting off my shift around then.”
Jesus, Dean thought completely shocked by her boldness, why didn’t she just offer to blow him while she was at it.
If he wasn’t so annoyed with the girl for trying to hit on his boyfriend, he would have felt bad for her because Felix still didn’t get it. “Okay,” Felix replied with confusion. He picked the bucket of popcorn off the counter and held it up as he offered her a quick thanks. Since the girl had made no effort to acknowledge Dean’s existence, he didn’t feel bad following Felix without saying a word to her.
Even with the popcorn related delay, the theater was still completely empty when they walked in. Without even talking about it they both headed to the very back of the room and took a seat that was tucked in a corner. It was the closest thing they could get to private, and Dean was sure once the lights were turned down, they could go relatively unnoticed if no one sat too close to them. It wasn’t the same as curling up together on Dean’s couch watching bad TV, but it wasn’t so bad considering their current limitations.
Once they were settled in their seats, Dean turned so he could admire Felix. Some part of his brain was thinking about the flirty girl. As much as he kept telling himself it didn’t matter, he couldn’t stop himself from bringing it up. “So…The girl at the concession stand…”
“What about her?” Felix questioned. If he had any suspicion that the girl had been flirting with him, he didn’t let it show.
“She was hitting on you,” Dean stated getting to the heart of the matter. He still had a hard time believing Felix didn’t notice at all. It wasn’t like Dean would have been upset if Felix had because it wasn’t like he flirted back.
Felix just shrugged as he started picking at the bucket of popcorn resting in his lap. “She was just looking for a tip,” he dismissed with a level of certainty that he just shouldn’t have had.
Dean found himself just staring at Felix picking at the popcorn completely dumbfounded. He knew Felix had a tendency to underestimate himself. When they had first met, Felix had told him he was a decent soccer player when in reality he was a complete badass. Felix had offered to fix Dean’s computer once saying he knew a thing or two about them when it was more like he was a freaking prodigy with anything electronic. Felix was the modest type, but he couldn’t seriously be so oblivious. He had access to mirrors, and it wasn’t like Dean was shy about pointing out how fucking hot Felix was. He didn’t think pointing out Felix was probably the most stunning person Dean had ever seen was going to get Felix to see what had just happened with the concession stand girl with any sort of clarity.  
He was probably grinning like an idiot too because it was just so fucking ridiculous that Felix couldn’t see it. Dean ultimately pointed to the one thing he thought Felix would really hear. “Hadn’t you already paid?” he questioned.
“Oh yeah,” Felix admitted. He stopped picking at the popcorn and looked up at Dean. His eyes looked more green in the low light of the theater. Dean didn’t think the expression that started to bloom across Felix’s face was one of understanding but maybe something close to it. “I guess,” he stated sounding sort of uncertain.
“Yeah, so she was flirting with you,” Dean declared triumphantly as he settled back in his plush seat a little more. “She wasn’t even being subtle about it,” he added. The seat really was well padded, so it had no right to be so uncomfortable all of a sudden. Thinking back, Dean really had to marvel at the girl’s boldness because she had openly eyed Felix like a starving animal eying a piece of juicy steak.
“If you say so,” Felix shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. He wasn’t wrong, it really wasn’t, so Dean was just going to let it go. If Felix didn’t care about it there was no reason he should, or at least that was what he was telling himself before he caught Felix watching him with a glint in his eyes. It was a critical look like Felix was searching for something hidden in Dean’s features. Before the intensity of it literally made Dean squirm out of his seat and explode, Felix finally spoke. “Does that bother you?” he questioned too seriously for a guy with a giant bucket of popcorn sitting on his lap.
Shit, Dean hissed inwardly as he took a sudden interest in his shoes. “I don’t know,” he answered. He tried to shrug like the whole thing was no big deal, but he could feel how wrong and awkward it was. It was just so fucking stupid, and Dean hated it. “Maybe a little,” he admitted under his breath. The theater was still very empty and having spoken quietly wasn’t enough to stop his voice from carrying. It might have just been in his head, but he would have sworn he could hear his words reverberating off the walls.
It wasn’t until Dean heard Felix shift in his own seat that he was able to force himself to look up. Felix was sitting back up, the bucket of popcorn was gone from his lap, and he was smirking at Dean like the devil with a shiny new deal to offer. If Felix was a devil, Dean would understand why people sold their souls. “If I told you she wasn’t my type, would that make you feel better?” he asked with a playful edge in his voice.
God, Dean could feel himself blushing, and whenever Felix complimented him, he got this weird (but definitely not bad) feeling low in his stomach, so he knew it was only going to get worse. The theater was poorly lit, but not so much so that Dean could have any illusions that Felix wouldn’t be able to see. He only barely managed another awkward shrug and hated that he wasn’t even a little smoother.
Why had Felix gotten back together with him?
“What about this?” Felix questioned, and before Dean could ask what he met Felix pushed the theater chair’s arm up and out of the way and pushed forward. His lips caught Dean’s, and any anxiety or self-consciousness he was carrying washed away. Dean had barely gotten past the initial surprise when Felix pulled away. When his eyes fluttered open, he found Felix smiling at him still, but the wickedness was gone from it, leaving only something sincere and warm. “Does that make you feel better?”
“Maybe a little,” Dean admitted, underplaying by a mile. He couldn’t really fight the smile that spread across his own face, and he didn’t really try. “It might help if you did it again,” he suggested, not trying to hide how hopeful he was that Felix would take him up on that.
“Oh, is that so?” Felix exclaimed, “I guess we should test that theory.”
Their lips met again, and this time the kiss was anything but short. Their lips moved against each other with familiarity and growing heat. They had really only been back together a couple of weeks, and since they had reconciled most of their time together had been little more than stolen moments. A movie theater, even an empty movie theater, was far from private, but it felt like more privacy then they had had in a long time.
Dean no longer could ignore how much he had been missing the feeling of Felix’s hard body pressed against his, the smell of Felix’s shampoo intermixed with his undefinable musky man scent, the feel of his lips, and the tingle of Felix’s fingers running through his hair. All of it hit him like a tidal wave that Dean didn’t even try to resist being swept away by.
It was like zero to sixty, and in no time, they were genuinely making out without Dean really realizing how they got there. They were both half in their own seat and half in each other’s. Felix had a leg wrapped over one of Dean’s. Felix had the fingers of one hand tangled in Dean’s hair occasionally tugging just rough enough to send arousal coursing through Dean���s veins like electric shocks while his other hand was gripping at Dean’s t-shirt. Dean wasn’t acting much better with his hands wrapped around Felix’s waist, so they rested on the small of his back. The only thing that was stopping him from grabbing Felix’s ass was their stupid seats.
The little sound that escaped Dean wasn’t a moan, but it was close enough to be shameful considering the setting, and Dean didn’t care. They were both definitely acting like the horny teenage boys they were, and neither of them seemed like they were close to putting the brakes on things.
Dean would like to think he wouldn’t let things get too out of hand, but luckily that belief was never tested. They were probably too wrapped up in each other to have heard the sound of the theater door open, but there was no way to miss the sounds of laughter and chattering as people walked in.
They broke apart and moved back to their seats before anyone came into view. It wasn’t like the group of five or six teenagers that entered the theater paid them any attention, but if they had Dean could imagine what they would have seen. Both he and Felix were disheveled and breathing heavy. It probably looked like he and Felix had been either making out or fighting.
“Worst fucking timing ever,” Dean heard Felix grumble under his breath. When he looked in Felix’s direction, he could see him glaring fire at the new arrivals.
Dean understood the feeling, but he thought he had a better solution to the problem then trying to glare strangers to death. “Um, is skipping the movie and going back to my place still an option?” he asked. It was against Felix’s dad’s rules, but Leonard already thought he was a bad influence so what was the point following them in the first place?
Felix was on his feet so fast, it was genuinely impressive. On his feet, Felix held out a hand for Dean to take as he declared, “Let’s go.”
As always, I hope you enjoyed!
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alj4890 · 5 years
Sappy Prompt
I’m better when I’m with you prompt for (Thomas x Amanda) Requested by @krsnlove
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(Thomas x Amanda) A Choices: Red Carpet Diaries/ The Royal Romance Fan Fiction. Taken from the And Then I Met You storyline
@walkerinfolkvangr @alleksa16 @penguininapinktuxedo @blackcoffee85 @stopforamoment @cocomaxley @darley1101 @hopefulmoonobject   @krsnlove   @annekebbphotography @gibbles82   @bella-ca  @hopelessromantic1352 . @pixieferry
The Interview
"It is past time you were interviewed by Cordonia's hottest new daytime gossip host." Maxwell explained as he stole another doughnut and popped it into his mouth
"I thought the whole point of our behaving in public was to avoid being a part of that type of media coverage." Amanda slapped his hand as he tried to take another pastry from the tray that she was carefully preparing.
"Shelia Williams is different. You've been in Hollywood too long and have missed out on how it has become a sort of rite of passage for the nobles to be interviewed by her." He pulled out his cell phone and showed her a video of himself and Nadia being interviewed by the outrageous host.
"I don't know about this...did she just ask Nadia if she uses edible body paint on you during sex?!" Amanda pushed his phone away with disgust. "There is no way I am subjecting my husband or myself to that kind of ridiculous, invasive questioning." She picked up the tray and asked him to grab the other with the drinks.
"Even Olivia has gone on there." He persisted as he followed her into the dining room.
"Even Olivia went where?" The red head asked as she sipped her coffee.
"Shelia's show." Maxwell answered while he passed out the glasses of juice and plates to their friends. Thomas quirked an eyebrow at Amanda and she rolled her eyes in response.
"I saw that!" Maxwell exclaimed as he pointed an accusatory finger at her.
"I am not going on that stupid show." Amanda muttered as she sat down. She poured a cup of tea and raised it to her lips, sighing as the soothing steam wafted about her.
"Actually, I set up an interview for both of you?" Liam said a bit sheepishly.
Amanda and Thomas looked at him in shock.
"You did what?" Thomas asked.
"It is all for charity." He quickly explained the new children's clinics he was building throughout the kingdom. "The people wish to be a part of it and these interviews help generate money and interest."
Amanda's tea cup rattled as she dropped it on its saucer. "Liam!"
Thomas shook his head. "Can we not write a check instead?"
Liam straightened into his kingly demeanor. "No."
Amanda and Thomas shared a resigned look. "When is it?"
"Tomorrow morning at four am." He replied with a smile and calmly ate as the couple cried out at the evilness he possessed.
The next morning...
Amanda rested her head on Thomas' shoulder as they waited to be called for the interview. His arm was wrapped around her and he had his eyes closed. They were sitting on a loveseat in a small, nondescript room off from the main stage "How much longer do you think they are going to keep us waiting?" He asked.
Amanda turned somewhat and tucked her legs under her. She slipped her arms around his waist and sighed. "I don't know." She reached over and picked up the list of questions they were supposed to be prepared to answer.
He rested his cheek on her head and settled more comfortably. "Ask away." He mumbled as a yawn escaped.
"What was the first thought to pop into your mind when you first saw each other?" She asked.
"First thought was that you were nice." He promptly answered.
Amanda grinned. "Nice?"
"Ummhmm. Very nice. Then you smiled and all I could think was how beautiful you were. What did you think when you saw me?" His hand moved slowly up and down her arm.
"I thought the pictures I had seen of you hardly did you justice." She smiled as his eyes opened with her answer.
"I knew it. You've only loved me for my body." His lips lifted when she laughed. He took the paper from her and scanned the questions. His eyebrow quirked at some. "Who wrote these?"
She shrugged. "I suppose we should be grateful that it isn't more invasive."
He snorted. "Which movie characters do you role play during sex?"
"What?! I didn't see that one?" Her eyes widened as she read it. She then read the next one. "Who is really in the director's chair when you are feeling extra naughty?"
"Extra naughty?" His eyes narrowed on the paper. "Who wrote these asinine questions?" He flipped it over and saw even more. He read through them quickly. "At least these aren't full of...what are those letters people use when one discovers too much about another?"
Amanda fought a smile, "TMI."
"Yes, that." He muttered. He looked down at Amanda silently shaking with laughter. "How can you find this funny?"
She was nearly crying as the laughs escaped her lips. She pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek. "Because! You are the only man I can imagine sitting here getting flustered at these highly specific questions. And I love you for it." She let out a contented sigh when he passionately kissed her and told her he loved her. Amanda turned her attention back to the paper. "Some people love hearing the private, kinky details." She snorted and laughed harder when his eyes widened at the word, kinky, passing her lips.
"We don't have any of that. And if we did, it would remain private." Thomas sounded a bit prudish as he stared at the questions. "Do you write love scenes for each other to get o--" he set the list down and blushed.
Amanda snatched it up and read the rest of it. "Hmm."
He stared at her in surprise. "Hmm? Hmm! How can you calmly ready that?"
"I'm not reading that! I was looking at this question." She pointed at one further down the paper and he read it. His frown smoothed out as he looked into her eyes.
"Well?" Her eyes remained on his.
"That might be the easiest question to answer." His deep voice caused the butterflies to spring to life in her stomach. His hand smoothed the lock of hair that persisted in trying to cover her right eye. "How has marriage changed me?"
He took her hand where her wedding rings resided. He looked at the diamond ring sparkling and a soft smile appeared. "Everything is better. From waking up in the morning at an ungodly hour to be interviewed with ridiculously invasive questions to simply feeling your hand in mine, each aspect of my life has changed for the good. I am better when I am with you, because of you and your love."
"Thomas." She said softly. She cupped his cheek and kissed him. His hand slid into her hair while his other tightened around her waist. "You and your love make everything right in my life. I love being in love with you." She said with a smile. Their lips met again in a slow, deep kiss.
There was a knock at their door and Shelia stuck her head inside, causing them to break apart. "That's it! Thanks for coming by!"
Amanda and Thomas stared at her. "But...we haven't been interviewed."
She smiled at them. "You interviewed each other." She pointed at a picture on the wall. "We recorded everything!"
"What?!" Thomas growled. "Without our knowledge?!"
"Lord Beaumont suggested that you might do better with the True Loveseat Interview. And was that man right! You two were something else with this. Our viewers are going to eat you and this intimate glimpse into your relationship up with a spoon." She left them with a big smile on her face.
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dracoandluna · 7 years
Prompt: Based off of Taylor Swift's song and music video, "You Belong With Me". Modern AU. (This takes place in America so don't hate me that they don't use British slang!)
Draco heaved a great sigh before collapsing onto his bed. He lay there for a few moments, just letting the stress of the day melt off of him and into the depths of his mattress.
He hadn’t heard back from Hogwarts yet, his dream school, he was pretty sure he had just bombed that AP Calc test (it made no difference to Lucius that Draco was in BC, not AB), his team had lost their last football game, nearly disqualifying them from the regional championship, and his girlfriend (emphasis on girl, vague connotation on friend) was being a complete bitch (though he supposed that was nothing new, he just wasn’t used to it being directed at him).
After lying down for a few moments did nothing to relax him, Draco grudgingly got up and ran a hand through his hair, thoroughly messing it up. On almost instinct, Draco glanced over to the left and saw that Luna was in her bedroom too, lying on her stomach on her bed, writing or drawing in a tattered journal.
Draco had lived in entire life in this house, and Luna, his neighbor, had also lived her entire life in the house right next to his. His childhood was filled with memories of playing outside with her in the summer, and being holed up together inside during the winter. As a boy, he had seen Luna something akin to a sister, though even at the age of seven Draco had easily concluded that she was far too barmy to share any blood with him.
He couldn’t help but smile as he recalled the time he and Luna had entered the local soap box derby at age nine and had won against a bunch of teenagers because Luna had brought along a fire extinguisher as an extra boost of speed. Luna was weird, but she was undeniably a genius.
He must have been staring at her the entire time while he was reminiscing, because she looked up at him and waved, before quickly scribbling something in her journal.
Holding the book up, Draco read the message she had written to him.
Congratulations on your game yesterday
Draco scowled at her, and she kept smiling her dreamy smile at him. Had it been anyone else who had said that it would have been a slight, but after knowing Luna for 18 years, he knew she somehow meant it.
Grabbing a notebook from his desk, he hastily wrote:
What are you going on about? We LOST
She had the decency to look surprised, at least.
How is that a bad thing? Failures always impart valuable lessons, wins don’t
Rolling his eyes, he simply waved her off before sliding his curtains close.
“I feel so bad for you, Draco,” Pansy laughed, staring at something over his shoulder.
Frowning, Draco looked behind him to see what she was talking about. There sat Luna, alone, wearing the ugliest pair of sunglasses he had ever seen, while calmly looking around the bustling cafeteria.
“I have no idea how you put up living right next to her,” Pansy continued. “You should have gotten your father to evict the Lovegood’s years ago.”
“Then who would he go to when you’re not around?” Blaise said smugly, looking at Draco challengingly.
“You’re disgusting,” Draco said to Blaise, unsure if he was mad that Pansy was making fun of Luna (didn’t he do that all the time?) or at what Blaise had insinuated. He didn’t know how he had found out about his friendship with Luna, since he went to great lengths to keep it hidden, but Blaise never passed up the opportunity to bring it up against him.
Pansy, who had gone red from chagrin, clutched at his forearm with what he guessed was supposed to be a romantic gesture, but was frankly kinda painful.
“That’s not true, right, Draco?” she asked, her voice starting to take on that shrill octave.
Vincent and Greg looked at him expectantly, as if waiting to see if they could make fun of Luna or not.
“Of course it’s not true,” Draco answered coolly.  
Draco lost his appetite, and listened on silently as Greg and Vincent began to harp on Luna. When Pansy rested her head on his shoulder, Draco stared at the table and wondered what lesson was to be learned from this failure.
This was the last party Draco would attend until the semester was over; he wanted to end the grading quarter strong, and reasoned that homecoming was just two weeks away, he could last two weekends without beer and sex.
Some shithead (he couldn’t even remember who’s house this was) decided to play French dubstep instead of regular fucking dubstep, and the beer was grossly warm.
Pansy and Daphne were passed out on each other on a couch, and Draco felt a flash of irritation since it looked as if he wasn’t getting a lay tonight- from either girl.
“Who spat in your cup?” Blaise shouted to him over the sound of the God-awful music.
“Your mom,” Draco replied, not sober enough to feel ashamed at how lame that comeback was, but too drunk to come up with a better one.
“My mom is dead!” Theodore yelled, his eyes glassy but a large smile on his face. Theo always became weirdly emotional drunk.
“Whatever, Greg got some weed, are you gonna spark up?” Blaise asked, swaying unevenly to the beat as Theo leaned heavily onto him.
Suddenly the entire atmosphere of the party seemed disgusting to Draco, and he wanted nothing more than to leave. The feeling of being alone while surrounded by people was disconcerting, to say the least.
So that’s what he did. Ignoring Blaise and Theo’s confused shouts, Draco stumbled out of the house, and realized too late that Vincent had been his ride (Lucius had taken away his car for bombing that calc test).
Too stubborn to go inside and find that undoubtedly drunk moron, Draco pulled up the collar of his jacket and began to make his slow trek home.
The weather was frighteningly cold, and Draco soon began to lose feeling in his fingers- his toes had long gone.
He glanced up at a street sign and realized with a sinking feeling that he didn’t even know where he was, much less how to get back to his home- or even the house he had just been at.
Pulling out his phone from the pocket of his jeans he cursed through chattering teeth when he found that it was dead.
Did all my karma have to accumulate into one night? Draco thought viciously as he nearly tripped over a section of uneven pavement.
Beep beep!
Startled, Draco looked over to the street to see a car had pulled up. A yellow Volkswagen Bug to be exact. Luna’s car to be even more exact.
Hesitantly making his way towards the car, Draco nearly cried in relief when the window rolled down to reveal Luna’s honey blonde head.
“Hello Draco!” she greeted cheerfully. “Are you also out looking for the shelia bird?”
“Luna,” he slurred. “Can you get me home?”
Her large eyes widened in understanding and she nodded her head yes.
The warmth of her car felt like a kiss from an angel on his nearly frostbitten skin, and he had never been more comfortable in his life, though her car was so small that his long legs were folded uncomfortably to fit them.
She seemed to sense his need for silence, because she said nothing to him, and only hummed quietly to herself.
Draco had nearly fallen asleep in his seat when suddenly he had to ask her a pressing question.
“Would you date Theodore Nott?” he asked, looking as carefully as he could into her face.
They were at a red light, and her face was bathed in the red color when she turned to look at him, the lighting making her look older than she actually was.
“If I loved him, why wouldn’t I?” Luna asked curiously, tilting her head to the side.
Draco suddenly felt very very foolish.
“Is just…his mom is dead too,” he said, trying and failing to show the reasoning behind his inquiry.
“I know,” was all she said. “We were once in group therapy together, he’s rather nice.”
Draco didn’t know this, and suddenly and irrationally, he was angry. Why didn’t she tell him she was in therapy? Why didn’t he ever even realize she needed therapy?
“I’m nice!” he exclaimed, waving his hands wildly.
“Are you?” she asked in a voice that didn’t imply that she didn’t agree, but in one that called for actual self-evaluation
He ducked his head like a reprimanded child.
“Sometimes I say things so I can keep looking cool,” he admitted.
“But I don’t think you’re a loon!” he said desperately, reaching over to grab her one hand that rested on top of the transmission. He wished he was more sober so he could appreciate how her hand felt under his. “I just want Pansy off my back! I want you to be my friend!”
He hadn’t even realized they had pulled into his driveway until she turned off her car.
She looked at him sadly.
“I am your friend, Draco,” Luna said softly. “But maybe you should question why you’re with someone who you don’t want to be with.”
Draco had no response.
For the next two weeks, Draco ignored Luna almost religiously. He had wanted to die of mortification when he had woken up the next day after his emotional outburst. He also fought with Pansy nearly every day, and every time they made up and made out, Draco wondered if a pair of tits in his hands were worth the emotional baggage that came with them.
He spoke with Theo more, and learned that Theodore was a really good listener. He wondered if that was what made Luna think of him so highly.
Nah, Theo was a scrawny wimp who had nothing better to say, which was why he just shut upped and listened, Draco concluded, thus making him much nicer to be around.
It was a gray Wednesday afternoon when he and his team congregated in the locker room, with Coach Hooch outside waiting for them.
He was pulling on his jersey when Harry said, “Guess who I’m going to homecoming with?”
“Ginny?” Draco guessed, sending a haughty look at Ron.
“Uh, no,” Harry said awkwardly.
“Damn right…” Ron grumbled which made Draco grin even more.
“No, I’m going with Luna!” Harry said, earning an eye roll from Ron.
Draco stopped grinning.
It was Thursday night, the night before Homecoming, and Draco was in his room, trying and failing to finish his AP gov essay on congressional hearings. His curtains were drawn completely.
After staring at the same sentence he had been stuck on for half an hour, he ripped open his curtains to find Luna also at her desk, diligently working away. Tapping his window with a knuckle, the sound managed to grab Luna’s attention, who looked up and gave him a smile, as if he hadn’t been avoiding her for weeks.
Deciding not to waste any more time, he whipped open a notebook and scribbled:
Why are you going with Harry?
Luna on her part showed no reaction to his question, to which Draco was almost grateful for; the entire prospect was humiliating enough.
Because he’s my friend
Draco sank back into his chair at her reply, his chest suddenly feeling lighter. But it seemed that Luna was not done, because she held up another page.
Why are you going with Pansy?
Truthfully, he hadn’t even asked Pansy to homecoming, it had just been assumed. Suddenly, he didn’t even know if he wanted to go with her.
But Draco was stubborn and prideful, and he was done looking foolish in front of Luna, so he wrote back:
Because I love her.
He didn’t give any time for Luna to respond before he almost violently drew his curtains.
He stared at the piece of paper for an hour, before crossing out her, and adding you. This time, his actions were completely violent when he crumpled the paper and threw it across his room.
For the briefest of moments, Draco thought he had died.
He had been mercilessly tackled onto the ground, and the very air from his lungs had been completely expelled, leaving them unable to refill themselves.
As his body struggled to get his lungs inflated once more, he was dimly aware of a thundering roar of cheers: someone had scored a touchdown.
When he could finally breathe again, he weakly pushed himself up, only to see Longbottom and Pansy in the middle of the field, passionately kissing.
“Draco, I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal about this,” Pansy complained. “I’m cheer captain, it just makes sense that I congratulate the guy who scored the winning touchdown!”
“You’re right, I am making a big deal,” Draco said agreeably. “So let’s just break up.”
Pansy’s expression then shifted, and for a moment, under the glittering lights and colored shadows, she looked truly evil
“You can’t break up with me!” she seethed, nostrils flaring like a bull.
“I just did,” Draco said, rolling his eyes.
“You listen here-“
“I don’t care!” Draco shouted, finally reaching the end of patience. This seemed to silence Pansy; he had never raised his voice at her before, it wasn’t how he was raised to treat ladies. But Pansy wasn’t a lady, she was shallow and mean spirited. She made him shallow and mean spirited. He didn’t want to be like that anymore. He wanted to go back to when he was younger and he didn’t care what his friends and father thought, he just lived.
Turning away from her and briskly walking away, he passed Blaise who was grinding his date, Theo who seemed to have found a voice and was chatting up a redhead that holy shit  was Ron’s sister!  Not wanting to be in the same vicinity of an angry Ron, Draco went over to Neville and his date Hannah.
Neville looked apologetic immediately upon seeing him.
“Hey man, I’m really sorry about that thing with Pansy, I swear she wouldn’t get off of me!” Neville apologized profusely looking between him and a ticked off Hannah pleadingly.
“It’s fine,” Draco dismissed. “Do you know where Harry is?”
“Poor guy is by the drinks,” Neville told him sadly.
“Poor guy?” Draco repeated.
“Luna ditched him,” Hannah said, looking as if she didn’t quite believe what she said herself.
Not bothering to say goodbye, Draco quickly went over to where Harry was, needing to hear the confirmation of this rumor from the source.
“Hey,” Draco greeted his dark-haired friend, who looked quite lonely by the drinks.
“I messed up, Draco,” Harry wailed, clutching his forehead with his hand.
“What happened?” Draco demanded, his pulse quickening with dread.
“I love Ginny!” Harry exclaimed. “How could I have let her slip from my fingers?”
Draco stared at him incredulously.
Harry noticed this after a few moments. “What?” he asked self-consciously.
“Where the hell is your date, Luna?” Draco snarled, inches away from strangling him.
“Oh, Luna left to get something, said she’d be right back,” Harry answered distractedly, watching Theo and Ginny with mournful eyes, with a seething Ron in the background.
Something in his gut told him to look to his left, which he did. There standing at the entryway was Miss. Know it All Granger and Luna.
Draco’s mouth fell open at the sight of Luna. She looked…breathtakingly gorgeous. In her silver gown and necklace, she looked like a celestial deity. Granger said something to her and patted her arm encouragingly when Luna caught his eye and waved, before walking (though it looked more like floating) towards him.
Without telling them to, his legs carried him over to where she stood, the loud noises of the dance melting away, and the heat of multiple bodies in a small space turning into the heat of a rapidly beating heart.
“Hello Draco,” she greeted once he finally reached her.
“Luna,” he said, throat dry as he shamelessly drank in the sight of her, undoubtedly she was the prettiest girl in attendance, but truthfully, this was not the most beautiful he had ever seen her. No, that was when they had stargazed all night, or had a flour fight when baking, or building a snow fort: all these years, Luna had shown to him over and over again, that her beauty shone both inside and out, and he wanted to kick himself for only realizing that now.
“Why aren’t you with Pansy?” Luna asked, tilting her head.
Swallowing hard, Draco pulled out the incredibly crumpled and partially torn piece of paper from his jacket pocket.
Because I love her you
Luna smiled, and revealed that she held a folded piece of paper in her palm as well. Unfolding it, she held it up to him.
I love you
He was vaguely aware of Blaise cat calling in the background when he kissed her.
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lynyrdwrites · 5 years
padmcdala replied to your post “Let’s play a game… I’m procrastinating on other writing things that I...”
the caos!kc au
Okay, I had to give two snippets for this one - one about how I imagine Caroline/Enzo interactions being, and how I imagine Klaroline would first meet.  When I eventually write this, these scenes may be very different, but the general idea will hopefully remain...
Caroline sat cross legged on her bed and stared at the cat.
             The cat stared back.
             They continued like that, in complete silence, until the cat finally gave an almost pitiful meow, and Caroline felt her lips curve into a bit of a pout.
             “You spoke to me before.  Are you seriously telling me that now all you can do is meow? That’s…” underwhelming.  Lame. Stupid. “disappointing.”
             The cat meowed again, and Caroline sighed and picked him up, letting him curl against her shoulder.  At least he was soft, and his purring was almost soothing.  Satan knows she needed soothing these days, what with the big decision ahead of her.
             “So,” she said after a moment, turning her head so she could look at the cat.  Enzo. She knew that was his name with the kind of certainty she rarely felt.  “Enzo. What do you think – should I promise away my free will and everything that makes me unique in order to gain power and the Dark Lord’s good will?”
             Enzo meowed and Caroline narrowed her eyes at him. She felt judged.
             “Are you kidding me?” she demanded.  “I said everything that makes me unique.  Witches are hardly unique, are they?  Look at the Weird Sisters and their stupid curses.”
             She was still dealing with the after effects of that, even though her mom had cast a counter spell.  It was annoying.  They were annoying.  
             “Well, apparently you can understand me perfectly well without my speaking.  What were you complaining so much about?”
             Caroline had been walking for the door, Enzo hanging over her shoulder, when the voice spoke.  The same voice as earlier.
             Enzo’s voice.
             “You can talk!” She pulled the cat back and held him in front of her so she could glare at him. “What the hell, Enzo?”
             “Well, if you’re going to be like this then I’ll stop.” The cat’s mouth didn’t move, but Caroline heard the words clear as day.  The cat stared at her, golden eyes unmoving, and then, as if just to annoy her, his tiny tongue poked out for a moment before… “Meow.”
             “Oh, great.” Caroline scowled at the cat, and she had the sense that it was laughing at her.  “I got myself a clever familiar.  I should have chosen the stupid mouse out of the stupid book.”
             Silas and Shelia had gone down into the basement together, and Caroline felt awkward, surrounded by so many witches that, if given half a chance, would probably like, eat her or something.
             Literally.  There was a history of cannibalism in the Church of Night.  It was creepy, and one of the reasons that Caroline wasn’t so gung ho about signing her entire life away.
             She was beginning to fidget, when the pair came back out.  Silas glared at her, as though she were personally responsible for all the ills in the world.  Shelia waited behind him for a moment, as though expecting him to speak.  When he just continued his glaring, she sighed and looked at Caroline.
             “He would like to speak to you himself.  Before the final decision is declared for all to hear.”
             “What?” her mother demanded, and for the first time since all of this had started, Liz actually touched Caroline, gripping her hand tightly, as though to protect her.  “Why?”
             “It is not our place, Elizabeth,” Silas said, his voice dangerous, “to question the Dark Lord.  He will see you now, Caroline.  See that you behave yourself.”
             It was the most nerve-wracking minute of Caroline’s life, walking down those steps alone.  She half expected the doors to slam shut behind her, trapping her in hell forever.  But she reached the bottom of the steps and found herself in what appeared to be an office of some sort, a man sitting behind a desk.
             This man didn’t look like the Satan of her visions during the ceremony.  There was no goat’s head or blood or anything, and she found herself wondering if this was only the secretary’s desk or something.
             “A secretary, Sweetheart?” the man asked, his voice rife with amusement.  He looked up, his gaze catching hers.  His eyes were blue.
             He had dimples.
             Oh no, he’s hot, she found herself thinking.  Followed by, oh no, he has an accent.
             Her obsession with the BBC had taught her ages ago that she kind of had a thing for accents.  
             “You are interesting, aren’t you?” the man mused, resting his chin on his fist.  “I knew you must be; it’s not just anyone that would dare bring me of all people to court, after all.  And with Shelia Bennet of all people as your lawyer. Surely you had to know that would draw my attention? The question is, why did you want that attention so badly?”
             “I didn’t,” Caroline blurted, shocked and alarmed that this man was apparently freaking Satan. He wasn’t exactly what she had expected.  “Honestly, I don’t.  I really just want my freedom.  I like it. It’s nice.  It means I can do, you know, whatever I want.”
             “Ah, Love… no one in this world can do whatever they want. If you haven’t learned that, you’ll learn it soon enough.”  The man – Satan – stood from behind the desk and prowled towards her.  And she had to call it a prowl; it was the only word that described the way he moved.
             It made her feel hunted, and she tried to back away from him.
             He was at her back, far quicker than should be possible, his hand cradling her throat almost gently.
             “I prefer Klaus,” he murmured against her ear, and Caroline felt her breath catch.  “You keep thinking of me as Satan, or the man… but I much prefer Klaus.  Say it for me, Caroline.”
             The way he said her name sounded almost filthy, like he caressed the syllables of it, and by doing so caressed her.
             She couldn’t see him, but she practically felt his smirk, and that made her grit her teeth.
             “Klaus,” she spat out.
             “Well, that’s not quite how I hoped you’d say it… but we’ll consider it a work in progress.” He released his grip on her, and the tension that made a ball form low in her stomach dissipated.  He was suddenly all business, as he sat behind the desk once more.  “You will attend Silas’ school.  For now, you can keep your name out of the book, but you will learn exactly what you’ll be giving up should you deny me.  That is my offer.”
             It was… a surprisingly generous offer.  And Caroline felt herself nod, before she fully contemplated the whole situation.  When Klaus began to write, Caroline figured she was dismissed, and turned back for the steps.
             “Oh, Caroline?”
             She paused, glanced over her shoulder to see his eyes focused on her, and once more that tension was there, making her shiver.
             “Do continue to deny me, won’t you?  It will make when you finally give in all that more exciting.”
             She wanted to say something scathing and cold, but Klaus raised a brow, as though daring her to excite him further.  
             Gross old man, she thought determinedly, and his laughter followed her out of the office.
             They both knew she hadn’t meant it at all.
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