capseycartwright · 3 years
“we're friends.” “yeah, friends kiss each other all the time, right?”
if it sparks inspiration <3
and also for @astronautdiaz who sent me this prompt too! some ridiculousness for u both
send me a prompt from this (or this!) list
It started - as most things did with Buck - with a joke that got out of hand. The team - family, friends, co-workers, depending on how much Eddie liked them, in that moment - had been insufferable, in those final few weeks before Buck and Eddie had gotten together, and so when they did finally get together, they decided to take a few weeks to enjoy the honeymoon phase of their relationship, to really figure out what it meant for them to be in a relationship, how it worked for them, and not tell anyone, just yet.
It had been nice, actually, to have that time just for him and Buck, to be wrapped up in this blissful bubble of happiness with his brand new boyfriend (and even weeks in, now, Eddie still wasn’t used to calling Buck his boyfriend), but now, after almost two months, they felt ready to tell people, and share their relationship with the people they shared their lives with.
Except -
Except, well, Chimney had made a stupid joke, and Eddie knew Buck well enough to know that as soon as the words ‘unresolved sexual tension’ had left the older man’s mouth in the middle of a call (which really wasn’t appropriate, if you asked Eddie), Buck was plotting his revenge. His revenge, in the end, had come in the form of not telling the others about their relationship, but hamming up the flirting and the sexual tension tenfold.
Maybe it was childish (it was definitely childish) but it was fun - was, being the operative word. Keeping their relationship a secret was becoming a bit tedious, if you asked Eddie - he was bored, of not getting to walk into work holding Buck’s hand, or getting to kiss him at the end of a long shift, always having to wait to do either of those things until they were out of sight of the station. Eddie wasn’t ashamed, of how he felt about Buck, of how much he loved Buck, and the longer this whole act went on, the more it felt like maybe they were ashamed.
He told Buck as much, and Buck, his beautiful, brilliant boyfriend, had kissed him on the cheek and very decisively said that they’d tell the rest of the team at their next shift, and they could just move on from all the secrets and silliness and be together, properly and publicly, for the first time.
Except - and there was always an except, in their lives at least, Eddie realised - Chimney decided a 7am starting time on shift was a good moment to try and push Eddie’s buttons again, and well, Eddie never pretended he was a saint - and he wanted one final opportunity to wind Chimney up before they handed the older man all the ammunition he needed to tease them constantly on a relationship shaped silver platter.
Look - Eddie knew that it had been frustrating, for their friends and family to watch his and Buck’s relationship slowly evolve, over the years. He knows that their feelings for each other were obvious, long before either of them acknowledged it with words (“The words are the important bit,” Buck had encouraged, hands gentle as they cupped Eddie’s face, close enough that Eddie could finally - maybe - kiss him for the first time. “I need you to tell me the words, Eddie.”) but they had needed the time to heal and process and get to a place where they could be in a relationship - a healthy relationship. Eddie wasn’t going to risk the greatest friendship of his life just to put an end to Chimney’s teasing, however annoying it was.
It had taken time, to get to this point - but they had needed time. Eddie sort of wished their friends understood, that part, understood that they had needed to take things at a glacial place for the sake of their friendship and for the sake of the little boy who considered them both parents.
The point was - Eddie was not going to miss an opportunity to wind Chimney up one last time.
“Kiss me, when we’re upstairs,” Eddie tugged on Buck’s sleeve, the rest of their unit trudging up the stairs to tuck into some homemade breakfast from Bobby. It was the only upside of a 7am shift - Bobby tended to go all out on the breakfast front. “And then play along with what I do.”
Buck raised an eyebrow, but nodded, letting Eddie lead the two of them up to the loft.
“Hey, look - it’s Buck and Eddie, surgically attached to each other as always,” Chimney greeted, his tone teasing.
“You’re just jealous that Hen doesn’t love you that much,” Buck hummed, sliding into his usual seat, helping himself to a heaving portion of eggs - despite the fact he’d already inhaled two cereal bars in the passenger seat of Eddie’s car that morning, creating a god-awful mess Eddie would need to vacuum later. Really, Buck was lucky that Eddie loved him so much.
“Hey Buck? Can you pass the salt?” Eddie asked, glancing at his boyfriend, hoping Buck got the message. Buck, despite his confusion, nodded, passing Eddie the salt that was easily within Eddie’s reach. “Thanks,” he beamed, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to Buck’s lips, the silence that fell over the table making Eddie want to laugh, as he turned back to his own breakfast plate with a serious expression.
Buck, ever the actor, raised an eyebrow at Chimney and Hen’s matching confused looks. “What?”
“Are we - are we not going to talk about the fact that Eddie kissed you?” Hen tried, looking a bit unsure as to whether or not she wanted to open this particular can of worms. If Eddie wasn’t so committed to the bit, he might have laughed.
“We’re friends,” Eddie said, as if that was explanation enough for the fact he’d just kissed Buck in thanks at the station dining table.
“You’re friends?” Hen raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Buck chimed in. “Friends kiss each other all the time. Right?” he feigned confusion, glancing at Eddie. “We’re friends, and we kiss sometimes.”
Eddie was glad that if the army had conditioned anything into him during his years in the service, it was how to keep a straight face. He nodded. “It’s affection - for your friend,” he confirmed, Buck nodding his agreement. “Don’t make it weird.”
“Don’t make it weird?” Chimney’s head looked like it was about to explode. “How is it not weird that you two have apparently progressed to platonic kissing?”
Bobby, to his credit, though he looked like he was having some sort of aneurysm, spoke up, trying to be the level-headed one of the group. “May was telling me about queer platonic relationships, reccently,” he tried, though he did genuinely look as though he was in pain. Eddie admired that about Bobby - he always tried to be the most understanding person in the room. It was what made him a good leader, Eddie figured.
“Oh no,” Buck shook his head. “It’s definitely a thing, Bobby, but that’s not what Eddie and I are. We’re just bros.”
“Bros who - who kiss?” Hen’s confusion was written all over her face, despite her earnest tone. Eddie felt kind of bad, honestly, that Hen was really trying to understand their stupid prank - but it was too funny to stop just now.
“Yeah,” Eddie nodded. “Just - bros who like to kiss sometimes. It’s really normal.”
“And if you guys start dating again - you’ll just keep kissing in a very platonic way?” Hen raised an eyebrow again.
Buck nodded. “Our future partners would have to understand,” he explained. “Platonic kissing is a very important part of Eddie and I’s relationship, I wouldn’t want to give it up - it really strengthens our friendship, you should try it sometime.”
The look on Chimney’s face was damn near comical - if their lives were a cartoon, Eddie realised, this would be the point where Chimney’s head exploded in some hilarious, garishly cartoonish way. “You’re bros…” he mumbled, clearly trying to join the dots. “Who kiss?”
“Yeah!” Buck beamed, enthusiastic as he kissed Eddie again. “See? Nothing but friendship here, Chim - Eddie and I have just evolved to the closest form of friendship that exists. By the way, Bobby - this bread is great. Where did you get it?”
Bobby looked a little shell shocked. “It’s Athena’s mothers recipe, remind me to give it to you later.”
“Are we really just going to move on from that whole display?” Chimney questioned, and Bobby shrugged, in response.
“They’ve explained themselves,” Bobby said, turning his focus to the rest of the table. “Uh - Ravi, did you end up going to Napa on your 48 off?”
The table awkwardly returned to normal conversation, for once, the squad managing to get an entire breakfast in without the alarm going off. It was a rarity - to be able to enjoy one of Bobby’s delicious breakfast spreads without the alarm going off, and even more of a rarity to have time to spare afterwards, the team lounging around the loft before they got started on their chore lists.
“Here,” Eddie greeted, passing Buck a steaming mug of coffee. “You didn’t drink any at breakfast,” he said by way of explanation, leaning in to press a brief kiss to the corner of Buck’s mouth. “I thought you’d like a cup.”
“No, I know you said to drop it, Bobby - but are we really all going to sit here and pretend that Buck and Eddie platonically making out is normal?” Chimney looked absolutely incredulous, waving his arms around comically.
“It is normal,” Buck frowned, and god, it took everything Eddie had not to start laughing hysterically.
Chimney was definitely about to scream, teetering on the edge of his breaking point. Good, Eddie decided - it served him right for being so nosy about their relationship. “It is definitely not normal!” he practically shouted. “Someone - anyone - back me up here, it’s not normal.”
Ravi looked positively pained. “Buck and Eddie have always been a little weird,” he pointed out. “No offence, or anything.”
Buck shrugged. “None taken.”
Chimney slumped in his chair. “I cannot believe the amount of bullshit and nonsense the two of you inflict on me every single miserable day of my stupid life,” he sighed, rubbing a hand across his temple. “Just when I thought you couldn’t be worse, you introduce platonic kissing into the already insane mix. I can’t do this anymore - I swear.”
An awkward silence lingered in the air, for a minute or so, and Eddie would be lying if he said he didn’t revel in it - at least a little. “We’re just fucking with you, Chim,” Eddie grinned. “Buck and I have been dating for two months.”
The roar Chimney let out was unnecessarily dramatic - as was the onslaught of pillows he threw at them both - but the whole ridiculous prank was worth it for the way the rest of the 118 were laughing, Hen positively in tears as she rolled around the couch, trying to catch her breath.
Yeah. Payback was quite nice, sometimes, actually.
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oatflatwhite · 3 years
what abt buddie + "kisses that travel from your lover's nose to their lips"
3. kisses that travel from your lover's nose to their lips
"Buck?" Eddie's voice sounds strange from their bedroom and Buck puts down the books he's sorting into their new shelves, picking his way through the boxes littering the hallway.
"Yeah?" he calls back, navigating a particularly precarious set-up of three stacked boxes ominously labelled FRAGILE. He finds Eddie kneeling by an open box, with—Buck's stomach flips a little—a stack of postcards in his hand. The postcards Buck had sent to Maddie, all those years ago—she'd re-gifted them back to him before the wedding, and they definitely cried about it, although Buck's memory of the night is admittedly a little hazy (thank you, prosecco). "You good?"
"I'm," Eddie begins, in that still-strange voice, then stops. He puts the postcards on the ground beside him except the one at the top of the pile, turning it to show Buck, who sees that it's a photograph, though from here he can't make it out. "Were you ever gonna tell me?"
Buck furrows his brow and steps over a pile of bedding to reach Eddie. He leans in to get a closer look at the photo, then—flushes, hot and sudden and probably embarrassingly red.
"I, um, forgot about that."
"What," Eddie says, "the photo," and his eyes are liquid dark and boring into Buck's, "or the nose ring?"
"Um." The photograph is creased down the middle and a little sun-faded, but it's clearly a shot of Buck from the waist-up in a blue hoodie with the sleeves rolled up, laughing at something whoever was holding the camera said. He doesn't remember the photo being taken, and he definitely doesn't remember sending it to Maddie, but he recognises Virginia Beach in the background, and more than that—remembers it as the summer he'd met Beth, who'd taught him to surf, and gave mind-blowingly good head, and pierced his nose in her tattoo studio the night of his twenty-first birthday. The silver ring is clearly visible in the photograph even with his nose wrinkled mid-laugh. "It was a phase?"
Eddie puts down the photo on top of the postcard pile. He tugs at Buck until he's kneeling beside him, grabs his face and tilts it so he can inspect the corner of his nose, like he hasn't spent the better part of three years mapping out Buck by touch alone.
"It's grown over," Buck laughs. "I took it out when I started working construction and it was a hassle to keep up." Eddie releases him. Buck works out a crick in his neck. "I don't think it suited me, anyway," he laughs, but stops when Eddie's hand finds purchase high on the inside of his thigh.
"It suited you," he says, and—his eyes are dark, pupils a little blown, and the sight delights Buck, because everything about Eddie delights Buck, but also—
"Are you turned on right now? By a nose ring?"
"By your nose ring," Eddie corrects, and then he's shifting forward, bringing their faces together, only their lips don't touch. Eddie presses his forehead into Buck's and breathes. "I'm sorry. This is just—a lot to process."
"I didn't know bad boys turned you on," Buck teases, but the words come out all breathy and entirely too sincere. Eddie's face softens out into a smile.
"They don't." And he kisses the tip of Buck's nose. "You do."
Buck clutches at Eddie's elbows. They're dry, and need moisturising. He makes a mental note for that evening that he promptly forgets, because Eddie's lips find purchase between Buck's eyebrows, at the crooked bridge of his nose, down the length and against the tip again, pressed into the corner of his nostril where the ring sparkled in the photograph.
"This is really doing it for you, huh," Buck manages, when Eddie kisses that spot again, and again, followed by the dimple in Buck's cheek, the hinge of his jaw, the smallest cupid bow above his lips.
When Eddie finally kisses him for real, Buck almost can't stop smiling.
("In the interest of full disclosure," Buck gasps ten minutes later, head pillowed on the bedsheets that were so carefully folded, Eddie bearing down on top of him and sucking a hickey way too high on his neck to be covered by the collar of his button-up, thanks for that, "my, uh, nose wasn't the only piercing."
They don't get around to the rest of the boxes till at least mid-afternoon.)
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extasiswings · 3 years
rain + the beach ?
Steam curls up from the mug next to Buck’s elbow as he leans against the railing of the balcony at the back of the vacation home. The chill in the morning air is somewhat expected—it’s the off-season at Cape Cod, the weather creeping towards winter, although not fully committed yet, and the grey clouds in the sky threaten rain. The ocean seems to sense it too from the way the waves crash against the beach that is almost equal parts rocks and sand.
Buck thinks absently that if the weather improves, he and Eddie should pick up some of those rocks themselves and take them home.
Christopher would love that.
As he stands there watching, breathing in the salt air, his coffee grows colder and the clouds darken ominously. But he finds he doesn’t mind the thought of being stuck inside for the day, listening to a storm rage outside while he spends his time wrapped in safety and warmth and—
Arms come around Buck’s waist from behind and he sighs and tips his head back—Eddie’s lips press a greeting into the revealed strip of skin above the collar of his sweater, and when Buck shivers it has nothing to do with the way the breeze picks up.
“It’s going to rain,” Eddie murmurs, his voice still rough from sleep. “Remind me why we didn’t just pick a beach in California?”
Buck laughs quietly and brings up one of his hands to cover Eddie’s. When he does their rings click together.
“Because our sisters banded together to insist that we take a real honeymoon and in their minds that meant we had to go somewhere more than a couple hours from home?”
“Ah, that’s right.” As they stand there, the first few drops begin to fall, darkening the sand for an instant before the water is absorbed into the earth. Eddie’s chest is warm at Buck’s back, and he wants to sink into it, to sink into him and be carried away like the tide—he turns his head and catches Eddie’s mouth, kisses him until they’re both breathless and Buck feels like the storm is inside of him rather than in the air around them.
Eddie hums as he rests his forehead against Buck’s, his fingers curling in the soft wool of Buck’s sweater.
“Come back to bed,” he says as he tugs gently on the fabric. And Buck follows his husband back into the house.
Outside, the rain falls.
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fcntasmas-archive · 3 years
"hi i just finished the episode and just in case anyone is holding their breath for eddie: he’s not showing up besties i’m so sorry" okay but what if it's different when i watch
you know you're so right it could be it's why i'm still watching live maybe this time he will show up and it'll all be ok
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queerpanikkar · 3 years
next years halloween ep the 118 throws a costume party and ravi dresses as buck. carries around a clipboard and just yells all night. does the deep voice and everything
ravi brings out the chainsaw. it is not a prop. buck understands true fear now. bobby is resigned
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hottielindholm · 2 years
i think about gay eddie all the time
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doeeyeseddie · 3 years
💖💘 for the ask game
💖 A drabble that made you want 100K more words
so many!! would definitely read more about tour guide buck by @homerforsure or like, this thing that @evcndiaz wrote in @fruitydiaz' inbox that made me cry actual tears
💘 A fic you couldn’t stop reading once you started
so many too, for example no kingdom to come by @waywardrenegades
fic recs (ask meme)
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kinardbuckleys · 3 years
ooh what about buddie + travel ?
eddie is the most unchill traveller. when it was just him packing up for the army that was fine, but when he’s travelling with christopher he always worries he’s forgotten something, and he’s such a dad - they get to the airport at least 4 hours before their flight.
eddie totally walks around the house at least ten times to check they didn’t forget anything, meanwhile christopher is already in the car and buck has to go back into the house and drag eddie out.
buck is way more relaxed about travelling, always trying to reassure eddie that they can just buy anything they forget. “it’ll be fine, babe, relax” because he’s dealt with travelling light plenty during his younger years.
that doesn’t mean he isn’t going to be super extra and bring all his skincare products though (“it’s not optional, eds. i know you love my face and it takes work to look this pretty all the time”)
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
for the wip game: eyes, hands, grab ?
thank you, austin!! <3 i don't have grab actually?? which is surprising but here are the other two!
He takes a step closer, watches the way Eddie holds himself impossibly still when he raises a hand and closes his eyes with a harsh breath when Buck’s fingers touch the bruise on his cheek.
And Buck is helpless against him, especially with Eddie’s hands still on him and Eddie watching him so, so carefully.
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in.
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buttercupbuck · 3 years
me seeing the girl dad post vs me seeing the spoiler tag. the absolute whiplash i just experienced
GOD IS REAL (confirmed)
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capseycartwright · 3 years
weeping over this prompt: "you brought me flowers on a random Saturday three years ago, and now every Saturday a new bouquet of flowers makes its way into our kitchen"
Saturdays – specifically non-working Saturdays – were a sacred day in the Buckley-Diaz household. They’d been that way for a long time (“Saturdays are for the boys,” Buck grinned, earning himself a stern grin from Eddie. “You’re not a frat boy, Buck, and neither are Chris or me,” Eddie had said, but he’d been trying to hide a grin as he spoke.) and Saturdays, the Saturdays they weren’t scheduled on shift at least, were for grocery shopping.
Grocery shopping was a serious business. There was always a list – which made a change from when Buck would shop for himself, and himself alone, aimlessly browsing the aisles of Trader Joe’s and buying whatever he fancied. No, shopping for a family was different – there was a list, and a meal plan (and listen – Buck wasn’t ashamed to admit it, meal planning for his little family with Eddie distracting him every Friday night was the highlight of his week) and a process. Buck lived for those mornings when they’d all bundle into the car, and head for the grocery store, Eddie happily humming along to whatever was on the radio as Buck drove them to wherever they needed to go.
But their shifts didn’t always match up – and as much as Buck preferred working with Eddie, it did mean he got to have Saturday mornings like this. He’d slept through the usual morning ruckus of Eddie and Christopher getting ready and heading out to the grocery store, only waking up on the return. He didn’t mind missing the trips – it was good, for Eddie and Christopher to spend time together, just the two of them, and Saturday morning grocery runs, and the pitstop at their favourite bakery for fresh pastries and coffee were as good a time as any for some ‘how are you really doing’ chatter with their almost teenager.
It also meant that Buck got to have moments like this.
The early afternoon sun was streaming through the windows of their kitchen, bathing Eddie in soft golden light, his husband humming softly to himself as he carefully organised their grocery haul. It was the same cheesy pop song that had been stuck in Buck’s own head, all that week, Christopher having played it on a loop for weeks now. Right away, Buck could spot that Eddie had snuck some extras into their cart, a package of his favourite crisps and two sneaky bottles of a new IPA they both loved hiding behind the usual mound of fresh fruits and veggies.
But it was what was on the table that caught Buck’s attention the most. There was a beautiful bunch of flowers on the table, soft pink and white, greenery fluffing out the bouquet so that they stood tall in the glass vase that always sat at the centre of their kitchen table. Buck thinks that Carla gave it to them as a wedding present.
Buck remembered the first time Eddie did this. Buck had just moved in, and as much as they had all wanted to make it official and have Buck live with them full time, it was an adjustment – a strange moment of uncertainty as Buck handed back the keys to his loft and made his home with the Diazes, forever. Eddie had gone to the grocery store with Chris, giving Buck some time to unpack and settle in, and when they’d come back, Eddie had wordlessly handed Buck a bunch of bright white daisies, pressing a kiss to his cheek and carrying on unpacking their groceries as though he hadn’t rocked Buck’s world to its core all over again.
Every Saturday (or Tuesdays, sometimes, which tended to be their backup grocery day) a new bunch of flowers would appear on their kitchen table. Sometimes, Eddie would plop them in the cart Buck was pushing with a bright grin, sometimes he’d produce them from behind his back when Buck opened the door to let him back inside, and sometimes, like this, they’d be waiting on the kitchen table, ready for Buck to admire.
(“Honeysuckle,” Maddie had commented once, gentle fingers tracing the soft petals of the flowers. “They symbolise love, you know.”)
Sometimes the flowers had a meaning. Love – constancy, beauty, happiness. Sometimes they didn’t mean anything at all, just the brightest flowers Eddie could find at the grocery store, all bright yellows and oranges and pinks, the focal point of their simple white kitchen.
(Buck always googled the flower, or asked Maddie, just to be sure – just to be sure he didn’t miss a secret message from his wonderful husband.)
They never did talk about it, though.
“Morning,” Buck greeted, his voice hoarse as he used it for the first time in a while, heavy with sleep, still.
“Morning,” Eddie twisted, his smile wide as he realised Buck was up. “Did you sleep okay?”
Buck nodded, taking a second to brush his fingers against the pink flowers before he headed for Eddie, wrapping his arms around his husband’s waist, pressing his face between Eddie’s shoulder blades. “Long shift,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to Eddie’s clothed back. “Missed you.”
Eddie ran a gentle hand over Buck’s hands, giving his wrist a squeeze. “I missed you too,” he said. “You got in late.”
“Did I wake you?”
Eddie shook his head. “No,” he twisted in Buck’s grip slightly, shifting them so that they could look at each other, a little, at least. Buck was tired, and feeling particularly cheesy, but he couldn’t help but press a brief kiss to the corner of Eddie’s mouth before his husband could speak. “Cheeky,” Eddie hummed, running his thumb along the seam of Buck’s mouth. “I just always know when you’re not there – and when you are.”
Buck knew you couldn’t actually die, from being loved so much, but sometimes it did feel like his heart was going to explode, when Eddie said things like that. The way Eddie loved him was so easy, and so much more than Buck had ever thought he would get for himself, and Buck would happily drown in it.
“Thank you,” Buck hummed, pressing his cheek to Eddie’s. “For the flowers.”
Eddie’s cheek felt warm, against his own, as he shrugged. “It’s tradition.”
“Yeah,” Buck confirmed, making a mental note to subtle snip a petal or three from the bunch later, to add to the pile he’d been pressing inside of a book for the last three years. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with all the dried flowers yet, but he’d figure it out. One day, he figured, he’d need to remind Eddie that he noticed every single tiny thing Eddie did to make him feel loved – and tell him how appreciated it all was. “It is.”
send me an intimacy in a relationship prompt
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tripleaxeldiaz · 3 years
sleepover time ! can you rank the 911 seasons ?
I SURE CAN AUSTIN also i am 1000% right about this and will take no criticism
1.) season 3 - for the tsunami and eddie begins
2.) season 2 - for ocean’s 9-1-1 and the maddie/doug arc
3.) season 4 - this is only so low because it was short and i know why it was short but i didn’t like it ))):
4.) season 1 - duh
sleepover weekend with drunk lauren 💃🏻
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icarusbuck · 3 years
h, o, m, (o)
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H - Hometown?
eugene, oregon
O - One wish?
to never worry about money again lmao i wanna live a comfortable life!!!
M - Milkshake flavour?
send me a letter
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fcntasmas-archive · 2 years
gonna put "got vague posted for gay eddie talk" on my resume <3 gay eddie my beloved
honestly looks great on a resume?? "had an opinion. was villainized for it. continued to have it" gay eddie my beloved <3
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catdadeddie · 3 years
eddie + 10 and 13
10. What makes them melt romantically?
In the simplest way of putting it, praise. Like we talk about Buck and praise a lot but Eddie being reminded that he's doing great and he's a good dad and a good partner, its what he needs. I think he'd also respond well to acts of service like 2x04, but I think he's better with it if it's a working together through a task. Like I've mentioned in the past that I love the headcanon that Eddie cleans the dishes while Buck dries them and I think that teamwork and domestic cohesiveness is what would make Eddie melt.
13. How do they like to provide for others?
In all honesty, financially. Its not where he feels money is equal to affection though. Its the way he's wired to believe he's doing his job if the people important to him are secure and that he can provide whatever they could want or need.
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hottielindholm · 3 years
alexalexalexalex im gay please write a forehead touch
1. forehead touch (400 words) (post eddie begins)
send me a prompt
It’s been a long night, and Eddie is still cold. The hospital is quiet around him, the only sounds the dull hum of the heating vents and the steady beep of the heart monitor by his head. He’s been alone here since they dropped him off, the doctors rushing to pump him with warm fluids and settle him into a bed.
He rolls his head, finds a digital alarm clock with red numbers reading 11:13 pm. He sighs, tipping his head back to stare unseeingly at the ceiling once more. The lights are too bright, and his head aches. He closes his eyes.
When he wakes next, it’s to the door at the front of his room creaking. He doesn’t bother opening his eyes, assuming it’s a nurse checking his vitals, and waits for the fingers that will poke and prod him into full consciousness so they can check that he’s not dying.
It’s not long before he feels the nurse step up next to his bed, but they don’t say anything. He waits, keeps his breathing steady and even in the hopes they’ll decide he’s fine and leave him alone. They don’t.
A hand reaches out and lands on his head, far from where Eddie expected them to start. Long fingers card through his hair, and Eddie breathes deeply and blinks his eyes open.
It’s not scrubs obscuring his vision, but jeans. He lifts his eyes up, over the Henley he thinks might be his, and up to Buck’s face. He’s a little pink, his hair damp, like he rushed through showering and dressing so he could get back to Eddie’s side. Buck stares down at him, his eyes blue in the fluorescent lighting of the hospital, a strike of color in a monochrome environment, and Eddie feels nothing but relief at seeing him.
Buck lets his hand travel down Eddie’s head to rest on his neck, his skin burning into Eddie’s. Eddie swallows, can’t take his eyes off Buck’s face.
“I’m okay,” he whispers, and Buck all but collapses onto the bed, his strings cut. Eddie shifts a little, lifts a hand up to cups Buck’s neck so the mirror each other, and drags Buck’s face to press against his. “I’m okay.”
Buck makes a small noise, almost like a whimper, and makes a valiant attempt to get closer, his forehead digging into Eddie’s. His hand still grips tight to Eddie’s neck. “Don’t ever do that again.”
Eddie huffs. “No promises.”
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