a-d-nox · 6 months
hel, goddess of death (asteroids hel (949) & hela (699))
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Hel was the third child of Loki and the giantess Angrboða and the sister of Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Sleipnir. It most versions, her looks are the emphasis - half of her skin appeared to be pink and plump like a newborn's, while the other half looked decayed and sickly - nearly green or blackish in appearance. Her face was said to have been in a constant state of gloom. When the other gods heard of her and her siblings' existence, they were alarmed due to the parentage - two troubling/"evil" beings had come together to produce three monstrous children... The gods decided to kidnap the children to better assess them in Asgard. Odin was just as sure as he was about the serpent, Jörmungandr, that Hel had to elsewhere. He hurled her into Niflheim - the world beneath the worlds, where the shadows and mist would become her only true companions. As so she made her hall, Eljudnir, which would become the home of the dead when Odin would task her with looking after them, the dead of all the nine worlds who had died of illness or old age, and cursed her to always have to share her food with whoever came her way. Bitterly, her plate was named Hunger, her knife was Famine, her bed was Sick-Bed, and its hangings Glimmering Misfortune. Only when Ragnarok occurred, did Hel see the light of day again. IN MY OPINION Hel/Hela in your chart can represent a) where a part of you decays, b) where your looks make you seem unapproachable/threatening, c) where/how your parents reputation effects how you get treated by others, d) where you are surrounded by darkness, e) what you have to share but lack yourself, and/or f) where you seek opportunities to get even with those who have done you wrong.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of hel/hela along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of hel/hela AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede hel/hela!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: loke (4862), jormungandr (471926), odin (3989), and wodan (2155)!
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a-d-nox · 1 month
can you please make more synastry observations and asteroid ones too pleaseee? i miss you they were soo entertaining to read
working well together in synastry and composite
i'm going to work off of what i already have posted (no asteroids discussed after this post will be included or added after the fact). finally, i would like to state that NO TWO CHARTS ARE THE SAME. what i am about to list out does not mean you will for sure need these exact things (or all of these things) to be shy, nervous, and/or anxious around one another. if you don't understand my thought process, feel free to dm me with questions!
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libra (7°, 19°) or aquarius (11°, 23°) venus/mars and/or 7h libra (7°, 19°) or aquarius (11°, 23°)
these two can be partners in crime and great colleagues; very little gets in the way of them accomplishing a task. they have a sort of dance they do when working together - they don't need to communicate to get the work done.
7h venus
this is great if you guys work together long term - it is like having a co-ownership at a business or partnership at the same firm. venus person loves 7h person and 7h person looks at venus person as if they are their true equal.
11h libra (7°, 19°) or aquarius (11°, 23°)
this is just very easy alliance and partnership. these two cooperate well with one another.
11h venus
these are allies - it is a ride-or-die connection that these two have it is very rare that either person will turn against each other. venus person will treat 11h person as their only friend, while 11h person will be extremely loyal and wishes to help the venus person to be the best version of themselves possible.
11h neptune
this is one of those unlikely alliances that just end up working well together. neptune person sees 11h person's vision and wants to help them come true, while 11h person sees the beauty in idealist and optimistic neptune person.
11h uranus
these people are unstoppable; they will do whatever it takes to make it happen. 11h person see eye to eye with innovative uranus person. uranus person likes that 11h person is great at having the connections it takes to move their projects forward.
armstrong (asteroid 6469) positively aspecting aldrin (asteroid 6470)
these two can go where no one has before - they are willing to do what people have never attempted before. armstrong person relies on aldrin person to be the brains of the operation, while aldrin person relies on the armstrong person to do the heavily lifting. together they are comfortable trying new and improbable things.
donar (2176) / thora (299) positively aspecting loke (4862)
these two will attempt to fool the world around them. donor/thora person is often talked into something silly/foolish by loke person. loke person is the mastermind of the project, while donor/thora person is the muscle power to make it happen.
prometheus (1809) positively aspecting athene (881) / pallas (2)
together these two can create something amazing. prometheus person creates the bare bones of their project, while athene/pallas person breaths life into it and gives it character.
vergilius (asteroid 2798) positively aspecting dante (asteroid 2999)
vergilius person will protect dante person at all costs. vergilius person is a sort of guide, confidant, and sage for dante person. dante person looks up to and greatly appreciates vergilius person. together they can traverse even the most difficult terrains.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
jörmungandr, the world serpent (asteroid 471926)
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Jörmungandr is the son of the god Loki and the giantess Angrboða. Jörmungandr and his siblings, Hel and Fenrir, were living in Jotunheim when a prophecy was brought forth to Odin that one of the children of Loki would cause devastation in the future. With this knowledge Odin ordered that they be removed from the enemy land of the giants while they were young; Jörmungandr was hurled into the sea by Odin, Odin had hoped that the ocean would destroy the serpent. Jörmungandr grew to be an extremely large serpent as he consumed the sea - he was so large that he could encircle the entire world. Jörmungandr is often thought of as the original ouroboros. Jörmungandr is considered the archenemy of Thor. Thor's hatred of the creature stems from a myth in which Thor and company visited the land of the giants - the gods came to the gates of a castle but could not open the gates. The bars were luckily widely spaced in the land of the giants, so they were able to slip in - the king of the castle was put off by their unexpected arrival and said to them if they wanted hospitality, they would have to complete three tasks. Lift the king's cat from the ground - Thor was incapable of completing the task, he was only capable of lifting a paw from the ground. The next task was to drink the entirety of the castle's drinking horn - Thor who normally could handle his drink was not capable of completing this task again. Thor was irate and demanded that he fight one of the king's fiercest warriors as the final task. The king stated he could fight the castle's nurse who was an old woman - he failed this task too. The king confessed to them that he had used magic to trick the gods: the cat was Jörmungandr who Thor nearly pulled from the ocean, the horn was linked to the ocean and Thor nearly drained the ocean, and the old woman was actually the personification of age which no one has ever beaten. Thor was angered by this and went to swing at the king, but the king and his castle disappeared; from then on the king and Jörmungandr were considered enemies of Thor. Some believe this king was Loki in disguise who was attempting to free his son from his confinement. In one myth recounted in Prose Edda, Thor fishes for the serpent and fails to pull him up and kill him. During Ragnarök all three of Loki's children would join the chaos and battle against the gods - Jörmungandr would be killed by Thor at this battle, but Thor is thought to have died from one of Jörmungandr's poisonous bite. IN MY OPINION Jörmungandr in a chart can symbolize a) unknown and unexpected transformation, b) where you are large than most things, c) where people constantly try to end you, d) your connection to the ocean, and/or e) how banishment changes you.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of jörmungandr along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of jörmungandr AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede jörmungandr!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: loke (4862), odin (3989), wodan (2155), donar (2176), thora (299), hela (699), and hel (949).
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a-d-nox · 1 year
baldur, god of purity and joy (asteroid 4059)
this likely my favorite mythological story that i have ever stumbled upon its the story of how mistletoe got it’s meaning and why friday the 13th gets its bad wrap (please dont listen to the tiktok people who say its about sex and love because "friday is freya’s day" - friday is for frigg - plus when have any gods ever needs a rare day of the year in order to have sex lol)
on to the myth of baldur.
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Baldur (sometimes written as Baldr) was the son of Odin and Frigg. He was thought to be beautiful and just and thus was a favorite of the gods. Baldur had a nightmare one day in which he saw his own death - Frigg too had the same dream. When the gods learned of this, they grew worried - Odin rode to Hel to talk with an oracle about the dreams. Upon his arrive, Odin found a dead seer, völva, and Odin using his power of resurrection to bring her back to life - she confirmed that Baldur would die but did not specify how. When Odin returned to Asgard he shared the knowledge that Baldur would die and that the seer didn't say how - immediately Frigg was upset and began to look for a way to save her son. Frigg resolved to approach all living things in existence and have them promise not to harm Bladur. When Loki learned that Baldur could not be harmed by anything, he was outraged and plotted a scheme to cause Baldur's and all the gods' greatest misfortune. Loki transformed into an old woman and asked Frigg if all things had sworn to do no harm to Baldur and Frigg responded that she hadn't asked or demanded mistletoe to do no harm to her son as it was a harmless weed. Frigg knew nothing of the lady's true identity. Loki however immediately located mistletoe and built a weapon (sometimes an arrow, other times a spear). To celebrate Baldur's invulnerability, a dinner of twelve guests was held and Loki (an uninvited thirteenth guest) arrived with the weapon. The gods had made a game out of throwing things that would normally do harm to a god at Baldur - they were having fun apart from Hodr, Baldur's blind brother. Loki approached Hodr and handed him the weapon telling him to throw it like a spear - Hodr did so and mortally wounded Baldur. All the gods surrounded him as he laid dying. Frigg demanded that someone travel to Hel and demand she give Baldur back - Hermod, Baldur's brother did so. For nine days he rode in search of Hel and when he found her, she stated that she would return him to the land of the living so long as everything wept for his return - all but a giantess named Thökk (Loki in disguise) wept for Baldur. Thus Baldur was forced to stay in Hel; his wife (Nanna) died of grief and the gods set their bodies ablaze. As punishment, when Loki, was found out to be the reason for Baldur's permanent death, Loki was bound to the infamous rock with a snake hung over head to drip poison on his brow - the next event to take place was Ragnarok (a misfortunate event - making Baldur's death story in which a thirteen guest was the cause of his death, Frigg's (Friday's) worst nightmare and a day of misfortune - she also swore that mistletoe would always be an object of love and never one of harm from that day on). IN MY OPINION Balder in your chart can represent a) where you are loved by all (except for the sign/planets your loke is in and/or aspects), b) where you have precognitive powers, c) where others would do anything to save you, d) where you shine the brightest for others before a period of darkness, and/or e) how missed you are in death.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of balder along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of balder AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede balder!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: frigga (77), loke (4862), odin (3989), wodan (2155), hel (949), hela (699), hoder (4669), and hermod (2630)!
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a-d-nox · 11 months
heimdal, watchman of the gods (asteroid 3990)
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Heimdall lived at the entry of Asgard as the guard of the Bifrost. Allegedly, his senses were so heightened that he could hear the grass growing. He barely slept and instead was an attentive guard. He would sound the horn, called Gjallarhorn, when enemies drew near - one blast from his horn would alert all Nine Worlds. During Ragnarok, Loki and Heimdall faced off, and the two defeated one another. IN MY OPINION Heimdal in your chart can represent a) how heightened your senses are, b) where you are an ultimate watch guard, c) what keeps you up at night, and/or d) your ability to call attention to those who need warning.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of heimdal along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of heimdal AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede heimdal!
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Can you interpret asteroid Iduna (176)? Thank you.
idun, goddess of youth (asteroid 176)
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Idun - also written as Idunn and Iduna - is the goddess of spring, youth, and rejuvenation. She is commonly referred to as Bragi's wife. Idun is the keeper of the "apple (similar to the garden of Eden in the Christian Bible - we love the smell of appropriation, no? yes, well we can find her myth (pre-Christianity) in the poem "Haustlöng" from the Prose Edda - modern day we consider Idun's fruit an apple but it may have been another or similarly fruit in general) of immortality” which is thought to keep the gods young (Ambrosia, is that you?) in Norse mythology. She is thought to carry this apple in an ash wood box called an eski. A popular myth in which she plays a bigger role is one in which Odin, Hoeing, and Loki were traveling in the mountains of Asgard. During this trip the gods tried to cook oxen meat on a fire but found that the meat would not heat. An eagle revealed itself to be the source of this issue - it had been using magic to prevent them from eating as it too wanted a meal. When the gods finally allowed the eagle to eat with them, Loki tried to strike it but the eagle grabbed hold of him and took him far away. Loki learned that the eagle was a giant named Thjazi - the giant had a new demand that the goddess that created the gods' youth be brought to him in exchange for Loki's life. Loki quickly agreed and was returned to the group. When the gods returned home, Loki soon lured Idun into the forest where the eagle would be and sure enough Thjazi grabbed her and took her to Jotunheimr (the home of the giants). Immediately, the gods began to age and became upset that they're precious Idun was missing. Since Loki was the last god to be seen with her they threatened him into telling them what had occurred. Loki was quickly released and lent a cloak from Freya then sent off to retrieve the stolen goddess. Loki flew to the land of the giants and when he found her alone in the Thjazi's hall he transformed her into a nut and carried her home. Thjazi soon discovered the goddess missing and saw Loki fleeing towards Asgard - he pursued the trickster. When the gods saw the two approaching they set a large fire around the gates of Asgard - while Loki just made it, Thjazi was not so lucky. Thjazi in his eagle form burned to a crisp at the doorway to Asgards and Idun was welcomed home as she returned youth to the gods. IN MY OPINION Iduna in your chart can represent a) where you can find a more youth version of yourself or revisit your youth, b) where you are wanted for you gifts/talents, c) where you are gullible (especially if iduna aspects mercury or loke), and/or d) where you are always welcomed with open arms.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of iduna along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of iduna AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede iduna!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: loke (4862), brage (4572), odin (3989), and wodan (2155)!
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a-d-nox · 2 years
a-z how they are represented in astrology: fall things edition
ideas found using r.e. bill’s rulership book and from time spent studying astrology. interpretations and reasoning completely hypothetical and based on my experiences with each scenario!
warning: i can be harsh, please don’t take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. plus let’s not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. it’s never just one planet or one asteroid that rule over an outcome or how things effect you. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy. take what resonates and leave what doesn’t!
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why this is useful information: ever hear the expression “apple of my eye”? enough said lol. if you have an apple allergy, you may have moon negatively aspecting your venus.
astrology, the astrologer, & fortune telling
moon / uranus / neptune
why this is useful information: where do your gifts rank? *this is not to say you can’t practice and become an expert - this is about how naturally the arts of interpretation come to you* PULL OUT THE PERSONA CHARTS! take a look at the planets listed above this blurb - now in each of these charts look at mercury, venus, and uranus. mercury is seen as an amateur, venus as the intermediate, and uranus as the expert. the more of these on a southern hemisphere (7-12h) the better! example: my moon persona has a 10h uranus, 8h venus, and a 6h mercury. this is an incredible arc to understanding instincts and intuition when studying astrology.
persephone (399) leaving the northern hemisphere (1-6h) and enters the southern hemisphere (7-12h)
why this is useful information: where are you in the autumn of your life? autumn in itself always signifies a lowering of energy; in terms of fall, it's the responsibilities of harvesting and putting up food - the preparation for the winter. saturn lines in your astrocharts can show you where that autumn vibe is not necessarily all candied apples and sweaters. rather those are the places you’ll be working hard like all the farm hands do this time of the year. the autumn vibes in your chart based on houses may show where you too have to keep up with the changes around you more strenuously than those around you. take a look at your chart - your saturn is likely where you may not have the same level of success as others, where you maintain a lot of responsibility to perform and provide, as well as where you should prep as you head into fall! my saturn is in the 3h, i already had my car inspected the first week of september because i knew that if i didn’t i wouldn’t have time with school. i also know that i have social anxiety so being in school five days a week and then commuting home really wipes me out. so my advice: take a look at your saturn persona chart: take a look at jupiter in your saturn chart; it may just be your saving grace! personally, my jupiter is in my 4h of my saturn persona chart - my house was decorated for fall by august 20th (a few days before i went back), i made sure my fridge and pantry were stocked up, etc. as long as my home is inviting and well prepared for the change of pace and seasonal transitions - imma be okay lol. and honestly, it truly helps to see fake leaves and a gnome on my fireplace at the end of the day. if you have persphone-saturn aspects you may find you change your environment when fall/winter is coming (popular in college students who go home for summer OR people who have summer or winter homes), or that fall for you symbolizes a change in your roles (popular in people who have a summer job OR those who are teachers and have the summer off).
baked goods (cinnamon rolls, muffins, donuts, etc.) & candy treats
taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) / libra (7°, 19°)
ambrosia (193) / tantalus (2102)
why this is useful information: what is your favorite fall treat? fall is definitely the time when all sorts of goodies come out and make a season feel whole. all our favorite fall treats have those warm spices in them: apple cider donuts, pumpkin loaf, cinnamon rolls, etc - if this is your treat of choice you likely have venus aspects to the sun or jupiter (if you like these treats and don't have this aspect, this just means you may have a different treat you LOVE)! favorite candy is where it gets tricky. if you are a chocolate purest (hershey kisses, chocolate flats (like shaped in a ghost or something), etc.), you likely have a taurus or libra venus. fire venus people tend to like the clear, hard candy like lollipops, jolly ranchers, etc. most aries venus people or 2h in a fire sign people i know love sour candy like warheads, sour patch kids, etc. ambrosia positive aspects to venus could mean you like to bake or you love to get your fall treats so you get into the fall vibe. tantalus negative aspects to venus could mean you hold yourself (sometimes unwillingly) back from indulging in sweets due to dieting OR that you have trouble resisting sweets and often find yourself in a binge.
lucubratio (3021)
why this is useful information: where are you like the creature who only flies at night? bats are known to be extremely efficient night creatures - darkness doesn’t inhibit their actions or their goals. this is because they don’t need light to see they have echolocation. pluto in your chart could indicate your night habits or where you work best at night. lucubratio-pluto aspects may indicate that you like bats are super efficient in the dark of night - you may even work the night shift. you may have incredible hearing like a bat's if you have pluto aspecting your mercury or saturn. a bat-like eyesight (meaning it is poor) may be indicated by mercury-pluto aspects.
beelzebub, demons, & satan
saturn / pluto
lucifer (1930)
why this is useful information: where are you your own demon? saturn and pluto placements in your chart may be the areas of your life in which you give yourself a really difficult time or cause your own setbacks. lucifer aspects to saturn could indicate your ego is causing restrictions in your life; you could be too arrogant OR, alternatively, need to raise your expectations. lucifer-pluto aspects are troubling as they give a lot of satanic vibes - you may find yourself tired of being the good guy, grasping for more power, manipulating others, and/or hungry for revenge.
birds of prey (crows and vultures)
mars / saturn / pluto
odin (3989) / prometheus (1809) / wodan (2155)
why this is useful information: if you have a deity like those asteroids listed above (they all have a connection to predator birds) - look at their persona chart for you. do you see a lot of crows or vultures?? do you have a scorpio or capricorn moon or mercury in their persona chart? maybe aspects from the mercury to mars, saturn, and/or pluto? or mars, saturn, or pluto in the 3h? your recent encounter with a bird of prey may not be by accident then - your deity may be checking on you or trying to get you to speak with them and sending a little messenger your way!
biting, fangs, and teeth
mars (biting) / saturn (teeth)
why this is useful information: for sexual purposes… or to evaluate how sharp your teeth are - mars-saturn people may have prominently sharp teeth or a strong bite sure to leave a mark. i hate to bring up ted bundy again but hi that man had a mars trine saturn… the orthodontia is what got him in his court case. plus that man truly had a sexual urge to bite that victim. have no fear; you aren’t the next ted bundy if you have a mars trine saturn - i’m decently sure his mars (4h) trine pluto (12h) didn’t help what happened… or the fact that he had a mars (5h) trine pluto (12h) in his mars persona…
sun / saturn
hephaistos (2212) - sorry that’s more so a joke about the aphrodite trap lol
why this is useful information: cold much? do you like blankets? you may have sun-neptune and/or saturn-neptune placements! with these placements you likely always have a blanket handy in case you get cold! alternatively, blankets may make you feel suffocated or too hot/uncomfortable if you have hephaistos-sun or hephaistos-saturn aspects.
sagittarius (9°, 21°) / aquarius (11°, 23°)
jupiter / uranus
why this is useful information: this gonna sounds crazy but i feel like sagittarius and jupiter are your own blood - so if they are opposite one another like 2h in sag but 8h jupiter seeing your own blood makes you incredibly uncomfortable or scared - think of phlebotomy - some people love to watch their blood get take they "think it's cool" while others cry or faint at the idea of it. while aquarius and uranus are other people’s blood - you probably would help a person who is bleeding out if you have positive interactions between the two. if you have jupiter-uranus positive aspects you may be extremely good at helping those when blood is involved you may enter fight mode and start putting pressure on wounds, wrapping it up, elevating it, etc.
prometheus (1809)
why this is useful information: this one is pretty straightforward 1h is a physical appearance. but why prometheus, right? recall that prometheus shaped the humans out of clay, and athena breathed life into them. thus, prometheus is the body, and athena is the spirit. so where ever your prometheus is can tell you the thought process in creating your body - 1h prometheus people are super androgynous (ex: hunter schafer), 4h prometheus people are probably really womanly shaped (ex: kim kardashian has a 4h), etc.
capricorn (10°, 22°)
why this is useful information: something weird i noticed - capricorns are constantly getting hurt and breaking bones. mars-saturn aspects no one experience a bunch of bruising as they do, but, alternatively, this aspect experiences broken bones (so watch out for transits where mars is nearing your saturn so you know to avoid bungee jumping or whatever activity you can break bones in).
gemini (3°, 15°, 27°)
why this is useful information: as a book lover, i had to add this in! your gemini house, 3h, and mercury tend to indicate what type of books (aka where in a bookstore you would gravitate towards). 4h geminis may love books with a lot of world-building (crescent city, the odyssey, tales of belkin - fictional) or family dramas (dark artifices’ trilogy, little women, uncle vanya, etc). 3h pisces people may love self-help (how to be a badass, 101 essays that will change the way you think, the life changing magic of tidying up, etc). scorpio mercuries love smut (playing for keeps, darkfever, halfway to the grave, etc.) or something really dark and edgy (empire of the vampire, death of ivan ilyich, game of thrones, etc.) - for them, the more detail - the better.
pisces (12°, 24°)
mercury / saturn
hermes (69230)
why this is useful information: it’s boot season, but do boots love you? people who really rock boots tend to have a pisces rising, pisces mercury, mercury-venus aspects, and/or saturn-venus aspects. hermes may tell you the type of boot you like! ex: hermes placements ruled by or aspecting saturn and/or mercury tend to like boots that are good for all manners of activity (they need to have a heavy tread boot or a utility boot). capricorn and/or saturn ruled hermes people love leather boots. venus ruled or hermes-venus people like a fashion boot and tend to wear boots with heels!
aries (1°, 13°, 25°)
mars / pluto
lucifer (1930)
why this is useful information: the leviathan cross of satanism is also the alchemic symbol for brimstone (aka sulfur). for satanic groups, the leviathan cross (sometimes referred to as the infinity cross) symbolizes protection and equality for all. others believe that brimstone is associated with divine retribution. where aries, mars, pluto, and lucifer are in your chart may show the areas in which you advocate for justice/retribution.
venus / mars
why this is useful information: at weddings, people jump over broomsticks because they are a balance of yonic energy (feminine - the hairs/bristles of a broom) and phallic energy (masculine - the stick). brooms are meant to sweep away negative energy - or balance energy - in your life. venus and mars in your chart may be the areas in which you need to remember to balance your energy or be aware that they need frequent cleansing. a witch's broom is used to travel so a venus/mars placement in the 3h or 9h may indicate swift traveling.
burials, catacombs, and cemeteries
scorpio (8°, 20°) / capricorn (10°, 22°)
4h / 8h
saturn / pluto
hatshepsut (2436) / nefertiti (3199)
why this is useful information: wanna be buried somewhere good? get buried on a saturn or pluto line! because both of these planets rule over cemeteries :) this also is my personal reason why those lines are hard to live on or near - it is your character's death to live in those spots - no one leaves how they arrive: they wisen or they change. i personally see the 4h as a personal final resting place while 8h is people you know. the areas in which scorpio and capricorn rule over may be areas in which you feel drain you of life or make you feel more alone (ex: 9h - you could feel alone when at a college, when traveling, and/or during the practice of religion). if you have hatshepsut saturn or pluto aspects, there is a chance that grave robbing and disruption could occur to your resting spot. if you have nefertiti saturn or pluto aspects, you may have a private or secret burial site for your body! also to be a bit controversial saturn (despite ruling over ashes) is a burial and pluto is a cremation.
virgo (6°, 18°)
cheshirecat (6042)
why this is useful information: do you want a familiar? fret not the most common familiar is a cat! check out your solar returns and look for a virgo venus, 6h in virgo, 6h venus, and/or cheshirecat in virgo or the 6h! these can all indicate the adoption of a cat that year! look at the aspects to cheshirecat for the year of the adoption to see its personality - the more positive aspects the more magical your familiar will be and the more similarities you will see to cheshirecat - reclusive, morally grey, loves to play games, etc. the more negative aspects to cheshirecat the more likely the familiar will be less like cheshirecat - partner in crime, loving, cozy, etc. negative aspects between your natal moon and natal venus or cheshirecat could indicate a cat allergy.
sun / jupiter
why this is useful information: where do you need the abundance associated with this spice in your life? check the natal placements! if you want to be a bit more ritualistic, time a cinnamon ritual with the transits of these planets into a different house in your chart. for example, the libra sun will transit from my 7h to my 8h around the 22nd of october - lowkey might go visit my mother’s brother or sister (8h can be maternal aunts and uncles who live at a distance for feminines) and bring them some baked goods. efforts like this promote the spirit of cinnamon sticks! be warm, be kind, and share what you have big or small!
clairvoyants & oracles
pisces (12°, 24°)
8h / 12h
uranus / neptune
cheshirecat (6042) / pythia (432) / frigga (77)
why this is useful information: you may have the gist of pisces placements, 8h, 12h, uranus/neptune dominance gives you a gift for knowing the future but what about these asteroids, right? LET ME TELL YOU! if you feel uncertain take one of these guide’s persona charts information or save it to your astro. pull up the solar return for that year using the saved persona chart to get some advice from your chart’s guides! cheshirecat was meant to guide alice through an unfamiliar place. pythias were used to gain insights about a quest or present situation. and frigg is the original völva. you could leave the other two in the chart to see if your chosen guide says to gain more insight from them in a specific area of interest!
venus / jupiter
why this is useful information: similar to cinnamon, cloves can promote abundance, but they can also promote protection and love. so if you want to promote more of this energy into your life - check transits! venus recently entered my 7h and i left a whole clove with a letter to my future lover on my shelf, i will get rid of it when the transit shifts venus to my 8h.
coats, jackets, external layers, etc.
venus / jupiter
heracles (5143)
why this is useful information: what is your external layer of choice? venus generally rules over clothes but jupiter is the plentifulness - so together the two together create *the extra* of clothes - coats, jackets, and more. depending on the dynamic of the two (location, aspects, etc.), they can tell us a bit about your preferences in layers. negative venus-jupiter aspects probably hate layering things (i feel like they don’t zip their coat if they wear one). 3h and/or 9h venus and/or jupiter people probably wear clothes depending on the weather - they aren't the type to wear shorts in the winter or sweatshirts in the summer. heracles-venus aspects probably love fur. heracles-jupiter aspects likely show a lot of gratitude to clothes and may even wear things that have a story behind them (the jacket you wear may be thrifted or may have been given to you by a relative as something they once wore).
capricorn (10°, 22°)
saturn / pluto
why this is useful information: want to be buried in a coffin? saturn-pluto aspects can indicate you getting your wish! saturn or pluto-venus or saturn or pluto-jupiter aspects can indicate luxury coffins. aquarius and capricorn saturns and/or plutos may prefer a simple/standard coffin. aries saturns or saturn or pluto-mars aspects may prefer a metal coffin.
common cold (everyone is coughing and sneezing *help*)
taurus (2°, 14°, 26°) / capricorn (10°, 22°)
mercury / saturn
why this is useful information: feel a tickle in your throat? it’s likely the beginning of something… sadly, it's that time of the year again. watch your transit charts! my natal mercury squared the transiting saturn and i got sick lol.
conspiracy theories
pisces (12°, 24°)
why this is useful information: conspiracy theorists have a lot of prominent pisces placements, 12h placements, and neptune aspects. controversial opinion - mercury-neptune aspects are the most likely to have a lot of conspiracies and share them with others (this is me saying not all mercury-neptune people are blatant liars in my opinion but rather they have very *different beliefs* from others). they also tend to be a bit paranoid.
cooking & baking
cancer (4°, 16°, 28°)
5h / 6h
moon / mars
why this is useful information: who is ready to bake!? i find that most people who love to cook and bake have prominent cancer placements, 5h and/or 6h placements, and/or a lot of moon and/or mars aspects.
corn & feilds
capricorn (10°, 22°)
sun / mercury / saturn
why this is useful information: “it’s corn” ;)
capricorn (10°, 22°)
abundantia (193) / amalthea (113)
why this is useful information: ‘tis the time to gather the things you have and share them! capricorn element people likely give despite feeling that they don’t have a lot. abundantia and/or amalthea aspecting jupiter people may find they received when in need and thus dedicate a life to giving back. BEWARE of negative jupiter aspects it may signal that you give to the point of draining yourself completely or you may frequently be taken advantage of. this may even be a great thing to take a look at in synastry or composite charts. for example: abundantia squares a person’s jupiter (in the 3h for example) - jupiter is an acquirer so this person may take up a lot of the abundantia’s person’s energy but the abundantia person can’t help but give this person both their time and energy! or for a composite where there is an amalthea opposite jupiter (in the 11h for example) could be a set of people who mutually take each other's energy as companions in a way in which there is very little life-relationship balance.
corpses, mummies, & vampires
scorpio (8°, 20°)
saturn / pluto
why this is useful information: wanna know if you could come back from the dead? i’m kidding that’s not something we can see in astrology (hypothetically, yes - but realistically, no). if you have a lot of these placements you may have the looks of the dead (don’t be offended i’m a scorpio AND pluto dominant person with an 8h stellium). this can mean that you have a look that is quite out of time - you could look victorian, royal, or have a sickly complexion (lighter toned sick compared to family, under eye bruises, sharp/prevalent bone structure, etc.). it’s a haunting look!
venus / jupiter
achilles (588) / donar (2176) / hatshepsut (2436) / loke (4862) / odysseus (1143) / thora (299) / ulysses (5242)
why this is useful information: check your solar return charts for hints at what you should be for halloween! venus and jupiter aspects indicate dress up. venus dominant charts or venus-jupiter aspects in solar return chart people may dress as a cat, scorpio venus or jupiter aspecting saturn or pluto could indicate dressing as the dead, venus-saturn or venus-pluto people could dress as the devil, etc. venus or jupiter aspecting any of these asteroids could indicate dressing as the opposite gender from which you normally do (lexi dressing as bob ross in the HBO series euphoria type vibes).
cancer (4°, 16°, 28°)
ceres (1) / persphone (399)
why this is useful information: if you have a garden, this is a great thing to look at for your solar return! 4h placements, moon dominance, and cancer placements are great indications of a wonderful gardening year. and that goes for these two goddesses, who have a hand in the harvest season! we definitely don’t want saturn or pluto aspects to ceres, persephone, or the moon - this indicates dead crops! the plus is if you see this in your solar return before you start growing things you can proactively try to avoid dead plants - set alarms, mark calendars, etc.
crystal balls
why this is useful information: glimpses into your own crystal ball by looking at your neptune in your solar return chart OR your neptune persona chart (this can be for the natal chart or for the solar return chart. solar return neptune persona chart requires you to save the solar return chart to your astro first).
dark colors (brown, black, etc.)
scorpio (8°, 20°) / capricorn (10°, 22°)
why this is useful information: did you look good in warm autumnal colors? you may have aspects from your venus to your saturn or a capricorn or scorpio venus (yes, degrees count too)!
uranus (especially retrograde) / pluto
why this is useful information: it’s alive, IT’S ALIVE! uranus and pluto can tell you where you may find yourself shocked or brought back to life.
enchantment, illusions, & potions
circe (34) / medea (212)
why this is useful information: are you gifted in magic? perhaps the next hermione granger? if you have a lot of neptunian energy you may be rather gifted in your use and practice of magic. two very popular and strong mages of greek myth are medea and circe - if these characters are prominent (they aspect your personal planets) in your chart you may be just as magical as them. medea-neptune aspects may be incredibly like medea herself she was clever - she knew how to manipulate others and how to enchant objects. these abilities made her extremely powerful. circe-neptune aspect can indicate doing a lot of defensive magic.
E. T. (extra terrestrials) & aliens
sagittarius (9°, 21°)
uranus / neptune
why this is useful information: this one is a bit different from what you’d expect - everyone is probably like “where’s aquarius???” i have no clue you’ll have to ask r.e. bills. i guess it makes a bit of sense though - sag is the traveler, 9h is long distances, uranus is shocking differences, and neptune is mystifying. but here we go - why do we care? anywhere these things are or if you have a lot of 9h placements - this could indicate you feeling different from the majority of those around you. an 11h neptune person may feel as though they can’t connect to others socially as easily as everyone else does. 9h stelliums may feel like they can’t be properly understood by others.
why this is useful information: uranus may indicate where you need to be awakened by another who knows you haven’t been quite yourself.
asclepius (4581) / eureka (5261) / hephaistos (2212) / prometheus (1809)
why this is useful information: are you the next dr. frankenstein? a prominent uranus could indicate such BUT what type of discoveries and experiments are you conducting? asclepius-uranus people may experiment in the health field! eureka-uranus people will likely discover something completely new and unbelievable (like galileo discovering that the sun is the center of our universe). hephaistos-uranus people may invent something brand new. prometheus-uranus people may create something that changes the way we look - maybe trendsetting, makeup looks, etc.
frigga (77) / pandora (55)
why this is useful information: both frigg (who was the fate weaver) and pandora (who shifted the direction of the world with curiosity) can tell you how you can change your fate with their persona charts!
flesh & skin
heracles (5143)
why this is useful information: venus is very famously known as the skin. heracles-venus people may appear very tone or muscular. if venus or heracles aspects mars this could indicate burns (me: *wonders what freddie krugers chart would look like briefly*). venus when negatively aspecting pluto could have very sensitive or easily inflamed skin - this is because pluto can represent debris, pollution, etc.
pisces (12°, 24°)
why this is useful information: nothing is better than the fog rolling into the field during autumn mornings. where neptune and pisces are located (or ruling) shows where you may not be seeing things clearly. ex: pisces moons tend to not see other’s emotions as clearly as their own or vice versa.
football (athletics, in general)
why this is useful information: lol i don’t like football sooooo no comment? maybe the dislike is the heavy mars i got with that 25° or my saturn trine mars - both saturn and mars are hatred so lol :/!
aries (1°, 13°, 25°)
why this is useful information: do you like garlic? i know i do - mars at 25° plus an aries 2h - i was begging to love garlic! but, yes, check out your aries/mars influences to see how much you enjoy garlic! bonus if you have an aries moon! if you don’t enjoy garlic you may have a lot of libra energy or a sensitive palate like virgo moons/mars do. but garlic on the halloween level… aries and mars are likely located in the areas you tend to need to repel energetic vampires :))!
why this is useful information: mars may indicate where you hack a lot of things out of your life. example: if you have a 7h mars, you may find yourself kicking a partner (romantic or business) to the curb thus hacking them out of your life/cutting them off.
saturn / pluto
why this is useful information: ooooo the horror!!! you may love all things scary if you have a passion planet (venus and/or mars) aspecting saturn or pluto.
sagittarius (the hunter - 9°, 21°) / capricorn (the cloven foot animal - 10°, 22°)
venus (deer)
artemis (105) / diana (78)
why this is useful information: if you have a lot of sagittarius energy you may be a hunter by nature - especially, if you have a sag artemis or diana. a person with a lot of capricorn energy may be the prey in most situations - this is much the same for venus dominant people. having a mix of the two - like a sag venus - may indicate that you are appreciative of life around you and may not want to waste moments on silly things or waste any opportunities you have. 6h is the act of going hunting so having a sag 6h and/or artemis or diana in your 6h can indicate you participating in hunting season.
magicians, witches, witchcraft, & wizards
scorpio (8°, 20°)
neptune / uranus (wizards) / pluto
circe (32) / medea (212) / loke (4862)
why this is useful information: the more prominence and/or dominance you have of these, the more magical you are. especially, if you have combos like 12h uranus, scorpio circe, medea 12h aspecting neptune, etc.
why this is useful information: we love a spice here - am i right?? nutmeg symbolizes sensuality so if you want to know what is most sensual about you - check out your jupiter placement. example: jupiter 3h people have very pleasing voices.
pisces (12°, 24°)
8h / 12h
neptune / uranus
why this is useful information: are you part of the occult? the occult ensnares all things claiming to know/use supernatural powers to understand things most do not. these are things like astrology, tarot, charms, crystals, etc. having these dominant planets, houses, and/or signs can indicate more power in the occult studies - it could even indicate which area.
moon (4°, 16°, 28°)
why this is useful information: this one is a bit controversial, i believe moon dominant people and asc-moon people look more like owls. some people just talk about a round face and i am here like - y'all look like owls. they may have a prominent forehead or cheekbone area (snowy owl type deal) that draws attention to their eyes. their eyes may be big or seem very perceptive. their noses look slightly downturned or sharp to me.
moon / neptune
why this is useful information: have you seen a ghost? do you see dead people like the kid from that m. night shyamalan movie? well if you have strong moon-neptune aspects, i wouldn’t doubt it if you said you have or do see ghosts.
protective circles
why this is useful information: the sun’s location is likely where you have a lot of spiritual protection, while pluto (being the furthest from the sun) may show you where you need extra protection.
cancer (4°, 16°, 28°)
why this is useful information: no comment. because idk what you’d do with this information? if you can think of something, please comment, i am dying here lol.
saturn / uranus
why this is useful information: this hay man’s smell is what allegedly keeps the birds away from the crops. his presence is what farmers believe to be the secret to the health of their crops. how effective is the scarecrow in your chart? saturn and uranus can represent the scarecrow while mars and pluto are the crows - examples: positive aspects between these planets like a mars trine saturn may mean that your defensiveness doesn't do enough to scare away people who are trying to tear apart your hard work. uranus square pluto can indicate that you are defensive enough and people know not to mess with you.
why this is useful information: do you like scarves? your neck is ruled by taurus, 2h, and venus - hatred are mars and saturn so if you have taurus ruling these planets, planets in the 2h, or these planets negatively aspecting venus you may absolutely hate scarves or anything around your neck!
aries (1°, 13°, 25°)
why this is useful information: yes, your skull is strong like ares the model of aries placements because it must protect you - you are nothing without your brain. aries in your chart may indicate how you protect your softer self - for example: aries 4h people likely use their acquired knowledge about life to fend off people who may hurt them. the same goes for the other two 1h pisces people likely feign disinterest to throw people off that they actually care or that their feelings are hurt. saturn 3h people may use their words to say something hurtful to make other people who they view as a threat disappear or leave them alone.
why this is useful information: do you like soup? what kind do you like? do you ever just get a random craving for it?? whelp that’s because of the moon :) the transiting moon may be aspecting your mercury, entering your 6h, and/or be in cancer/virgo! i feel like the people who love soup have sun and/or mercury aspects to their moon. you may especially enjoy soups as a cancer, virgo, scorpio, or capricorn moon - gotta love the warm comforts of soup! people with moon in the 2h (or people in which the 2h ruler aspects the moon) may enjoy stews or meaty stews. chicken noodle soup lovers are often those with 6h moons (or the 6h ruler aspects the moon). and a final random observation about soup - people who like bisques and chowders (like cream of potato, clam chowder, etc.) often have 4h moon placements (or the 4h ruler aspects the moon)!
asmodeus (2174) / loke (4862) / sigyn (3631)
why this is useful information: got a fear of spiders? is saturn in your 12h or aspecting your 12h ruler? or perhaps saturn aspects your neptune? you were simply born to fear them then lol - no seriously phobias are psychological responses to promote survival. some people are born in environments where spiders are dangerous and they grow up knowing that. when they are exposed to a spider they simply freak out. people who set spiders free may have jupiter and/or venus aspecting saturn. if you have a deity like those asteroids listed above (they all have a connection to spiders) - look at their persona chart for you. do you see a lot of spiders or spider webs?? do you have a capricorn moon or mercury in their persona chart? maybe aspects from the mercury to saturn? or saturn in the 3h? your recent encounter with a spider may not be by accident then - your deity may be checking on you or trying to get you to speak with them and sending a little messenger your way!
why this is useful information: everyone loves a good sweater! are you a sweater person though? you may get overheated if you have jupiter negatively aspecting mars! you may have specific needs regarding the fabric if your 2h ruler or venus is aspecting your jupiter (aka a dislike of wool).
madhatter (6735)
why this is useful information: tea is a popular drink in the cool and cold seasons - especially as more people get sick. but are you a tea person? if you have negative saturn and/or uranus aspects to neptune, tea may seem disappointing to you. but if you have neptune, saturn, and/or uranus aspects to madhatter you likely are addicted to tea - you may be someone who has a drawer or cabinet of different teas! if you are a loose leave tea person and wonder if you could read your tea leaves, you may be adept at it if you have mercury-neptune aspects or neptune in your 3h.
hermes (69230) / loke (4862)
why this is useful information: trick or treat? you may be quite clever or talented when it comes to tricks if you have a prominent mercury, hermes, or loki.
why this is useful information: while pilgrims likely ate some other fowl when the first thanksgiving took place. turkeys symbolize abundance. where your jupiter is in your chart is where you may want to give extra thanks during the thanksgiving season (your welcome i just gave you something to work with when you are asked at the table what you are thankful for this year lol).
warm tone colors (red, orange, yellow, etc.)
aries (1°, 13°, 25°) / sagittarius (9°, 21°)
mars / jupiter
why this is useful information: did you look good in warm autumnal colors? you may have opposition, squares, and other negative aspects from your venus to your mars and/or jupiter! if you have positive aspects, you may look better in brighter reds, oranges, and yellows.
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please let me know if you all enjoyed this - i could do another some other time with a new theme!
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Hi, I'm new at learning about asteroids and I stumbled across this one : Frigg (77).
I heard it's related to how your partner treats you or loves you, relationship related things.
Mine's in Libra in the twelfth house sextile Mercury, any idea what it could mean?
frigg, goddess of fertility and motherhood (asteroid 77)
frigg and freya are often confused between one another (i believe it was proto-germanic language that cause the distinction between the two to be so confusing and caused the two to merge in myth) people tend to argue one has dominance over the domains of love, fertility, friday, etc. to keep it straight, I PERSONALLY, will state that on my page frigg will be the mother (her husband, odin, is the all father), friday, and dedication (wifely and sexually conservative) meanwhile freya will be beauty, love (often more sexually indulgent), and war. and both will be representations of fertility and divination. i believe you are describing more so freya (76) than frigg (77). let me know in the comments if you still feel interested in understanding your placement after reading frigg's myth and my interpretation. if you are interested in a freya post please use my "ask me anything" button and request her!
on to the myth of frigg.
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Frigg is Odin's wife and the queen of the Aesir. There are very few primary sources that define her characteristics or her status beyond her relationship to her husband and children. The worship of Frigg was namely fertility, marriage, home, wisdom, and most things wife-related (again, i would like to blame christianity for rewriting myths because Frigg likely was much more than just a wife and homemaker but there is such little to go off of now aside from someone who has grown up in the culture (which i am not that someone)). The few sources she appears in present her as a pacifist and gentle woman. In "Lokasenna", Loki says terrible things about Frigg and Freya tells Loki to stop because Frigg has the ability to use seidr on him. Seidr is the power to work with fate in the universe and change it. In the Norse tradition, this is a facet of magic associated with a völva - a partially closed practice of witchcraft (you need to be devoted and trained by another pre-existing völva). Frigg's gifts are seen as powerful: shape changing, fate spinning (she is even referred to as The Spinner), prophecy, rune casting, etc. and she never appears to use them to cause harm. Her power is most prevalently seen in Prose Edda in which she does everything in her power to protect Baldur. She made fire, water, earth, trees, sickness, animals, venom, metal, etc. swear to not harm Baldur. Of course, Loki found a loophole in all this. Upon his death, Frigg convinces Hermod to travel to Hel and bring Baldur back - sadly, Hel did not allow it. IN MY OPINION Frigga in your chart represents a) your relationship with your family unit and who you would do anything for, b) where you use your powers in a caring manner, c) where you can change your fate, and d) where you have the power to make others respect your wishes and fulfill their promises.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of frigga along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of frigga AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede frigga!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: loke (4862), odin (3989), wodan (2155), baldur (4059), freia (76), hel (949), hela (699), and hermod (2630)!
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Now that you spoke about Loki... what about his wife Sigyn? :)
sigyn, friend of victory (asteroid 3631)
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While her parentage is rather unknown, Sigyn is the wife of the trickster god Loki. The Old Norse word “sigr” translates to something akin to victory. Sadly, due to fragmented primary sources regarding Norse mythology (thank you, Christianity, for ruining literally every culture), it is difficult to obtain solid stories of her tale outside of the tale of Loki's punishment for the death of Baldur. When Loki was tied to the boulders using Narfi's (Sigyn and Loki's son - Narfi was killed by their other son, Vali (the absolute horror of all that is just :(( this poor lady)) entrails. A snake was placed by Skadi above Loki’s head so that its venom dripped onto his face. This was agonizing for the god Loki. Sigyn, being the incredible wife that she was, sat at his side day and night catching the drips of venom so that her husband would not be in pain. Every so often she'd have to pour out the bowl and in that time, venom would touch Loki's forehead and he would scream in pain so loudly that the earth itself would tremor as if it too were in pain - eventually, Loki breaks free and Ragnarok unfolds. Sigyn is often not worshiped or praised for her devotion - it is very rarely thought that she even spoke. All this being said, IN MY OPINION, Sigyn in a chart represents a) where you may do what is expected of you without complaint, b) where and to whom you are devoted, c) where you endure the punishment for another's crimes, d) where you lose a lot but are forced to keep moving, and/or e) where you tend to feel trapped by your obligations.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of sigyn along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of sigyn AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede sigyn!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: loke (4862) and balder (4059)!
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