#asra alnazar birthday
asra-nicky-miguel-wife · 10 months
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Belated Happy Birthday to Asra! I was supposed to upload this on his birthday but I got too busy and just recently had the time to finish this piece. :')
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mr-ame · 2 years
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Happy birthday to Asra and Faust 💜🥰
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The Arcana HCs: Asra and Faust's Birthday
~ it's June 13, so here's how MC might celebrate Asra and Faust's birthday with them. Enjoy! - brainrot ~
You let them sleep in until they're ready to get up
You, on the other hand, sneak out early to collect supplies. For what, some might ask? Well, he's not the only one good at keeping secrets ~
Faust is happy to accompany you while her master snoozes, especially as you promised her unlimited chin scritches and she is determined to get as much out of that as she can
You want them to enjoy a slow morning, so you leave any plans for the afternoon and work on breakfast while the golden morning sun lights up the kitchen
Faust keeps watch so you can focus, and you know Asra's opening his eyes when you hear her excited little voice shouting Awake! Awake! into your mind
This is your cue to climb back in bed to snuggle with them. Breakfast can wait ...
When he is ready to get up, you'll be able to bring him breakfast. One of your errands involved swinging by Selasi's stall, and the lovely baker has given you samples of all his test recipes because he knows how much Asra adores new and unusual things
Selasi also helped you fashion a mini paper party hat for Faust
Now the three of you are piled on the overstuffed, rumpled bed, eating and giggling and watching Faust pose with her hat
You also have to keep coming up with excuses for why Asra isn't allowed to look around certain parts of the shop - pieces of your surprise are stashed in several different corners
"MC -" they're giggling at the edge of the bed, only pretending to struggle against where you have your hands pressed over their eyes to keep them from getting up or peeking. "Tell me what it is!"
Never tell! Faust is wriggling along his shoulders in her own intimidation game, trying her best not to be dislodged by Asra's happy laughter. Friend surprise!
"A surprise, hm?" They get suspiciously still. "How about this?" And the cushion they swing at you is the start of a pillow fight that turns the whole bedroom into a mess
You're trying to figure out how to keep things hidden while cleaning up at the same time when you hear a knock at the door
Right on cue, Aisha and Salim are standing in your shop with beaming smiles on their faces. You bundle Asra out the door to spend lunch with them and spend the next hour or so tidying and closing up
The next stage of your surprise begins when Muriel arrives at your doorstep to help you carry several things up to the palace. Most of what you bring gets whisked away to the gardens under Nadia's watchful eye, and Portia takes the last few bundles with a wink
You stick around for a few hours, helping to set up the majority of the more magical items and finalizing the evening plans. As it nears tea time, you collect a new bundle from Nadia and set off for Aisha and Salim's house
So far things seem to be progressing even more smoothly than you expected. Asra opens the door for you, confused because their parents told them to wait here for you while they went to "run some errands"
"MC?" He eyes the bundle under your arm curiously, a bemused smile on his face. "Is it time for the next part of your mysterious plan?"
"Not yet." You drag them to the couch and pull them down next to you. "Now we take a nap."
He's not arguing with that. You doze with him, knowing that the coming night is going to be longer than he can guess. You shake him gently awake as the sun begins to set, brewing him a quick cup of tea before you hand him the first bundle
"I can open this now?" They smile teasingly and purposefully fumble with the wrappings
Inside is a lovely new set of clothes, Nadia's gift. They're styled and tailored perfectly enough to be suitable for any party, and yet as durable and practical as the best traveling gear
It's twilight when you walk across the palace bridge hand in hand. You can hear and smell the festivities wafting from the palace gardens, and even better is the thrill of curiosity and excitement in Asra's fingertips when he squeezes your hand
They're prepared to be dazzled by whatever delights you and Nadia have clearly conspired to create, but they don't expect the number of people present when the two of you enter the grounds
All of them people he knows, all of them people he's friends with, but so many he assumed he didn't mean anything to. He was expecting to see under ten people, but this number is easily over thirty
They can't remember a time when they were considered a part of a community. For as long as they can remember, they've been a wanderer who found home with the two people they felt most connected to, with no permanent place or support system
This is different. Seeing all these recognizable Vesuvian faces in one place is the proof that there is a community around him, and that this community has a spot for them in it
The evening is magical. There's all kinds of food laid out with puzzles to solve to unlock different dishes, there's floating magical bubbles which play out different comical scenes in whorls of colorful light when they're popped, and there's a game of riddles that lead him on the silliest scavenger hunt Vesuvia's ever seen
Eventually it becomes late enough that even the night owls are beginning to get tired. Muriel disappears briefly and returns with two traveling packs, which he trades with you wordlessly for the shop key
Asra watches in delighted confusion. "MC, there's more? Where are you taking me?"
"Where do you think?" You bid everyone your goodbyes together, Aisha and Salim adding their own mysterious "see you soon"s, and then you're taking their hand and walking through the silvery moonlit fields to meet with a familiar beast
A very sleepy Faust curls herself up under Asra's shirt as the two of you take off. His head turns so he can speak in your ear over the rush of the wind
"We're going to Nopal?"
"Nopal first," you murmur back, "and Zadith after. Your parents say they want to show us where they learned alchemy - and where you got your name from. We'll meet them on the coast in a few day's time."
You won't always be able to plan elaborate garden parties or a month away from the shop for Asra's birthday. But for the dimples that keep appearing and the contented love and joy in their eyes? You'll do it as often as you can
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Asra Alnazar (13th June)
The Arcana
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bmkad07art · 1 year
Happy birthday to asra...... not as good as last year but Im trying
Here is the drawing version:
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leoandbeholdclark · 1 year
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I wasn't aware that it was Asra's birthday was in June. I don't usually keep up with info like that, but he's one of my favs and I wanted to make something for him. However, I got embarrassed over my work and didn't share it. I hope you all can enjoy it though.
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kisari-vibes · 2 years
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arcanaeventhub · 1 year
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✨ Let's kick off with a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our favorite magician & snek ✨
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🦊 Our theme of the day is:
In honor of this special day, go wild & have fun in celebrating Asra & Faust's birthday any way you like! 💖💖
Don’t forget to use the event hashtag #asraweek2023 or tag @arcanaeventhub!
Happy Asra & Faust Day~ 🐍💜✨✨
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nabesthetics · 2 years
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To put it lightly.
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vesuvian-sunsets · 2 years
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✨HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASRA!✨ 🥳🥳🥳🎊🎉🪅🎁 Had to give some love to my favorite blorbo of all time 😌💜💛
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herdecisions · 2 years
Okay but i would go insane if someone drew asra dancing wei's cover of tomboy omgggg
Especially asra with a skirt??? Yes please !!!
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motherofqups · 2 years
He Lies Like a Sailor, but He Loves Like a Painter
Chapter 1: Lucio
Happy Birthday, Asra.
CW: d/s relationship, light pet play, light impact play, degradation, implications of group sex/partner swapping/gangbang
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kr120 · 2 years
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A lil quick doodle of him till I finish his fanfic TvT
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Happy Birthday, Asra Alnazar & Faust! 06/13/2023
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We've got a fluffy haired magician to celebrate -
And let's not forget our best girl Faust, who shares her hatch day with them ^.^
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favficbirthdays · 2 years
Happy Birthday
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Asra Alnazar (13th June)
The Arcana
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drustvar · 2 years
The Lion’s Path: 5.3 The Water Fountain
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A retelling of the Arcana Prologue featuring Rosie Springwald, a vindictive hedgewitch searching for herself. The final chapter of the prologue! Thanks so much to @honeyfixations​ for beta reading all of this + going on this writing journey w me :”) WC: 2020 Remembrance and Forgetting are equally as painful. 
Rosie returned to her quarters, dressed in a robe and hair still wet from the bath. A small parcel sat on the desk caught her eye as soon as she had shut the door behind her. On top of it was a note from the Countess, addressed to her, written in beautiful calligraphy:
“A gift for my dear guest. This emerald seemed to call your name. Wear it in good health. And Rosie, you may call me Nadia.”
The chain of the necklace was incredibly fine, and slipped through her fingers like sand. She squinted, studying the jewel. Slowly, she began to recognize its energy.
‘Asra!’ Her eyes widened and she could practically feel his magic radiating into her hands in gentle waves. She clutched the necklace to her chest, her eyes determined. ‘If I could find Julian...I can find Asra.’
At midnight, when the Palace halls were quiet, Rosie stole out of her room, her traveling cloak wrapped tightly around her and with Pippin on her shoulder; bouncing as she sprinted. The emerald hung from her neck, just above her amulet.
‘Asra,’ He filled her thoughts. His face, his laugh. How he would hum while he made them both tea, how he’d sleep curled around her, petting her hair and singing softly any time there was a thunderstorm. He’d only been gone for two days, and yet it felt as though two hundred had passed since she last wrapped her arms around him.
Rosie vaulted over the edge of the veranda into the lush gardens below. The warm breeze gently rustled her hair as she made her way along the winding garden paths, following the sound of falling water. She came to a stop in a small clearing, where before her lay a fountain with a wide gazing pool; an old willow tree overhanging it. Something moving in the branches above  caught her eye.
“Faust?” As if to wave hello, the serpent descended partially and let her body sway in the wind. Pippin squeaked excitedly, and leapt from Rosie’s shoulder to sit on the branch next to Faust.
“What are you doing here little lady? Didn’t you go with Asra?” Rosie asked, holding her hand out for the serpent to wind up her arm. Faust’s body was  a comforting, if cold weight against her skin.
“Well I’m glad-”
Pippin chittered indignantly.
“We’re glad to see you,” Rosie said as Faust settled around her shoulders. “Were you waitin’ for me?” The snake flicked her tongue out, brushing Rosie’s nose. “You knew I was lookin’ for Asra, didn’t you?”
She settled on the edge of the pool, peering into the reflective, clear surface. Faust bumped her nose against the emerald, her red eyes watching it intently as Rosie slipped it from her neck. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath as she held it out over the water…and dropped it. Light caught on every glittering facet as it sank slowly to the bottom of the pool. For a moment, nothing happened. And then slowly, the water began to change. Colors bloomed and shapes unfolded. The more Rosie concentrated, the more rapidly they changed. Her reflection faded away and was slowly replaced by…
Asra. He was crouched over a pool, cupping water in his hands and drinking deeply. Each drop that escaped his fingers sent ripples through his reflection. Rosie sat awestruck, afraid to speak for fear of breaking the spell. Asra shook out his hair and blinked the water from his eyes, looking right at her.
“Rosie?” His eyes widened in surprise. “Can you hear me?”
“Yes,” She breathed, barely able to believe it herself. “Yes!”
Asra leaned close enough that she could see the droplets that clung to his eyelashes. “Incredible!” He said with a laugh. She could see him better now; he sat cross legged with the strange beast from her dreams laying beside him, resting its head on his knee. “Ah, and Faust is with you. Looks like she found you alright.”
“You sent her?”
Asra nodded. “I wasn’t all that sure about leaving her. But after that reading you gave me…I thought I’d trust my intuition.” Tall palm trees swayed behind him on a backdrop of glittering stars. The starlight shone on his pale hair, seeming to give it a faint glow. Faust hovered over the water, her forked tongue sending a faint ripple over Asra’s reflection. “Faust, you’re looking lively. Being around Rosie does that to you, doesn’t it?”
“I’m glad she’s here, Pippin was getting lonely.” On queue Pippin landed on Rosie’s head, leaning over to pat one of Faust’s coils fondly. Asra looked incredibly pleased with himself. “I’m glad you’re here Asra. I know it's only been a few days, but I've missed you so much.”
Asra’s face flushed, and the beast on his knee gave a rumbling snort. “I’ve missed you too,” He paused, noticing the willow tree behind her. “Are you at the Palace?” Rosie sighed heavily, and began to tell him the events of the days since they’d parted. The more she told, the more his eyes glimmered.
“Unbelievable. The day that I leave was the day you needed me the most…” Rosie nodded, but stopped in surprise at what Asra said next; “And even then, you didn’t really need me at all. I’m glad Faust is with you and Pippin, at least if anything happens to either of you, I’ll know. I can live with that.”
“You look so tired,” Rosie said, wishing she could hold him close and smooth out his hair.  Asra’s expression was sleepy, but content.
“I don’t feel tired. I was just about to get into the water, but you beat me to it.” She rolled her eyes and smiled. Faust slithered from her  shoulders and settled in her lap.
“Faust has really opened up to you.” Asra paused, his eyes suddenly pained and guilty. “It may be time for me to do the same.” Rosie’s breath caught in her throat.
“I-it’s about time!” She all but squeaked, making Asra laugh.
“No, really. It’s true. I want to start being more honest with you.”
“I...I’d like that.”
“So, what’s on your mind? Ask me whatever you like. All that I ask is that you start being more honest with me, too.”
“I’m always honest,” Rosie said in mock offense. ‘But I can’t deny...all these burning questions sear my mind…” “Who is Julian Devorak? What does he mean to you?”
“Julian? Ah yes...he goes by that name, too.” Asra’s expression became stormy. “I knew him by another. He was a friend, once. Then more...and then something else entirely…” Rosie’s thin brows arched in question. “Who is Julian to me...who is he to anyone?”
“Well he-”
“He’s whoever he needs to be, to get what he wants.” Asra said, cutting her off. “To think, he would come for me, after all that...let’s leave it at this: he’s a hack physician with a lot to learn. Until he does, nothing good will come of him.” Asra sighed heavily and shook his head.
“I see.” Rosie said, her lips pursed. Asra smiled up at her, trying to lighten the mood.
“Is there, perhaps, something else on your mind?” He asked, his eyes twinkling.
“Well…who am I to you?” Asra’s eyes went wide and his lips parted. For a moment he looked confused and almost hurt. He sighed and  leaned forward, looking right into Rosie’s hazel eyes.
“Who are you to me?”
“I hope you’re ready to know. I’m glad you asked, it’s been so hard to keep from you. You’re not a student to me. You never have been…”
“I’m not?” Her heart began to race.
“No. You’ve helped me grow. I’ve learned just as much from you as you from me.”
“But is that all?” She asked, feeling her heart begin to sink. ‘This whole time, I thought…’
Asra peered up at her through his curls. “Nowhere close. Do you want it all?”
“More than anythin’. ”
Asra hesitated and closed his eyes. Rosie leaned back, startled as the water in the pool began to churn, glowing brighter. She gasped as Asra’s glittering form suddenly emerged from the water. He shivered and gleamed, more like a bubble than a solid being. She reached out, wanting desperately to touch him, but stopped herself, instinctively knowing if she did, the magic would burst and scatter away.
“We’re no closer than before, but it’s better this way. You wanted to know it all, so I’ll tell you properly,” Asra said. “How deeply, how completely I have come to care for you. I...I didn’t think I could feel this way. I even tried to deny it. But...how could I deny it, when my chest is so light, when I can do anything if I’m with you? Every day, my love for you grows; brighter and brighter until it consumes me.”
Rosie bit her lip, her eyes began to well with tears. ‘But if that’s so…’
“Sometimes, I’m afraid you can see it, and I have to escape, to hide from you. I don’t want to hide anymore. I don’t want to keep secrets from you. I want you to remember,” Asra said, his shimmering hands so close to her face, so desperate to cradle her. Rosie leaned back and shook her head. A dormant geyser of emotions finally burst in her chest.
“I don’t understand!”
“If you loved someone…if you loved me so much, why would you keep running away?! That doesn’t make sense!”
“I kept running to protect you-”
Emotions clashed violently, colorfully in her heart. Hurt, confusion, anger, elation. ‘He loves me! Asra loves me! But...but..’
“Protect me from what?! I dunnae need to be protected! I’m not some helpless idiot who cannae look after ‘erself!” Rosie snapped as tears raced down her cheeks. She stood, and then stumbled, her chest suddenly painfully tight. Her hands clutched her temples, her head feeling impossibly heavy. Asra’s eyes flashed with concern, his intangible hands futilely trying to catch her.
“Asra, I-” All her strength had seemingly left her body, and she fell to her knees, shaking uncontrollably.
“Rosie! No, no, no…”
Her vision began to stutter, the stones beneath her distorting. ‘No, even if I’m upset. I want to, I need to tell him that...’
“Please, please look at me. Rosie. Rosie?” She struggled to lift her head. Her eyes wouldn’t focus; trying to look at Asra made them begin to roll back into her head. She groaned as white-hot pain tried to crush her, her heart roaring in her ears. Her nails dug helplessly at the stone.
“Okay, don’t look at me. Breathe! Just breathe, Rosie, I’m so sorry. I was reckless, I shouldn’t have tried. Rosie, I need you to forget.” ‘Forget? How can I? I…”
“Forget, Rosie.” ‘No, no....I want to remember! I want to remember that Asra said he loves me, because I…’
She felt, as if it was the whisper of a memory, Asra’s lips pressed against her forehead; and her eyes fluttered shut into surrender.
The pain inside her burst. But instead of burning, it washed over her like a cool mist, drifting through her veins. Soft, rolling smoke filled her mind and washed away questions. Washed away thoughts. Ever so slowly, Rosie returned to herself. Fine droplets had settled onto her skin. Her breathing was ragged and shallow, but she was breathing. Pippin sat, curled next to her head, watching over her protectively. She groaned, and sat up slowly. Faust watched her from where she sat coiled on the edge of the fountain.
“I-I did reach Asra, didn’t I?”
The familiars exchanged a worried look, and then nodded.
‘I know I did. But what else? Did we get to talk? What did we say? ’
Rosie shook her head, trying to clear the fog from her mind. “I guess I overdid it...Oh well,” she shakily got to her feet and motioned for the animals to follow. “C’mon you two. Let’s get to bed.” She murmured, looking back at the fountain; eyes full of longing A longing she did not understand.
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